Zachary Drew Peter's Day Off

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Peter's Day Off

By Drew Zachary

The crowds were exactly what Brent expected for Canada Day -- happy,

excited, a little loud. He was glad to see that so many tourists had brought red and
white t-shirts with them to the resort.

The day was proving to be perfect for their celebrations, sunny and warm

without being muggy and hot. There were games on the front lawn, a band out in
the back playing all kinds of great music, and the restaurant was open all day,
serving snacks, meals and a variety of treats to young and old.

The guests moved in and out and came to the patio in waves, the children

being much louder than the adults. Brent waited tables and herded folks around,
making sure to keep smiling, even as the day wore on and his feet started to hurt.
There was one guy, though, off to the side, who was sitting with files and laptop,
clearly not taking advantage of the day.

"More coffee, sir?" Brent asked as he went past the table. "Or iced tea?"
The guy frowned, and then looked up from his laptop. "Is it going to get

quieter soon? If it is, I'll have another coffee."

"No, sir. It's the nation's birthday, so you can pretty much count on it getting

noisier and noisier, right up to the fireworks." Seriously, this guy must be from a
whole other continent.

"Huh? Oh right, Canada Day. I'll probably go back to my room then." The

guy started packing up his laptop, putting his files into his briefcase. Brent was
surprised he was actually wearing shorts and a t-shirt and not a suit complete with

"Your boss must be really hardcore. No one in the country is working today

-- well, except for food service, I guess." Brent laughed. "Today is all about fun,

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though. You should get out there and enjoy it. You're at a resort, after all."

"I'm on vacation, actually." The guy looked at his briefcase and shrugged.

"I'm not really a lie in the sun kind of guy, I guess."

Brent blinked. "You take work on vacation? You should take a novel on

vacation. Music. A camera. You don't need to lie in the sun and do nothing to be on
vacation -- especially here. There's plenty of non-work things to do. That's why you
picked this place, right?" He encouraged the man with a smile. "You like the lake.
Or the trails?"

"Uh..." The guy actually blushed a little, blue eyes standing out in his face.

"My secretary booked it for me."

"Your secretary needs a raise." Brent glanced at his watch. "Okay, here's

what we'll do. Are you here alone or with your wife? Girlfriend? Partner?"

One of the studly guest's eyebrows went up. "I don't have any of the above;

I'm here on my own."

"Okay, that makes it easier! Fewer people to check in with." Brent grabbed

his order pad and wrote down his name and cell number. "I'm off in two hours,
and I'd like to give you a tour of the grounds, show off what we have for you to
enjoy. We can take a picnic with us, even, on me. You shouldn't be cooped up in
your room working today." He handed the paper over. "Up to you, no pressure."

"I don't know... Brent. There's this client I'm chasing..."
"That client is drinking beer and having hamburgers today, and tonight he's

going to the fireworks. So should you."

The guy opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. Instead, he gave Brent a

long once-over. "All right."

Oh, well, then. Like that, was it? Brent smiled. He could do that. "Call or text

me in two hours. What's your name?"

"Peter Gibson." Peter held out his hand.
Brent shook it. "Brent Skete. Nice to meet you, Peter."
"You, too. I'll see you in a couple hours, I guess. You can pump me full of

patriotic spirit."

"Or something that comes close." Brent grinned at him. "I have a table

yelling for me. See you in a while."

Peter gave him a little salute and stood, grabbing his briefcase. "See you."

Brent watched him go, deeply amused. Some people flat-out needed

vacations. Maybe he could at least make Peter enjoy most of a day off. He went to
his table, the one with the yellers, and started taking orders for burgers. Two more
hours and he'd see what he could do about Peter's patriotic spirit.


Brent raided the kitchen, pulling together supper. It was a good picnic -- easy

to carry in his backpack, and nothing that needed to stay cold or go bad. If Peter

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was a no show, he could eat it all himself, farther down the lake. He had a few
beers, some water, a flashlight and a blanket in his pack too. No matter what, it was
going to be a nice Canada Day for him.

He'd just finished packing everything up when his phone buzzed, letting him

know he'd gotten a text message.

It was Peter. Or rather P. Gibson.
*this is me texting you*
Brent snorted and sent back, *this is me replying. I have food. Are you ready

for this?* He figured that was a totally wide open question.

*just tell me where*
Brent shouldered the pack, made sure he had bug stuff in his pocket and put

on his sunglasses. *Outside main lobby door, on the left* From there they could
walk through the gardens on their way to the trails and Brent could point out a lot
of lovely resort details.

*c u there*
Brent shook his head, grinning. The man seemed like the kind who was

always in a rush, too busy to type out all the letters. He was going to make Peter
take the time for something.

He went through the back hallways and came out into the lobby through the

bar. He waved to the girls at the front desk and went outside, moving to the left like
he'd told Peter and narrowly avoiding an ice cream cone to the groin at the hands of
a very cute three year old. "That looks yummy," he told her, and got a wide-eyed
nod in reply.

"It looks messy." Peter came up from his right, giving him a nod.
"That's most of the fun of ice cream when you're her age." Brent laughed and

gestured toward the garden. "Shall we?" He was glad Peter didn't have his computer
with him.

"Sure." Peter pointed at his backpack. "Should I have brought stuff?"
"Nope, I have everything covered." He winked at Peter and started strolling.

"It's your vacation; take the day off from worries."

Peter chuckled. "I'll try. I'm very good at concentrating on work, though."
"I can understand that." Brent nodded and gestured around them as they

walked. "The garden is usually quiet, great for taking photos if you like that. Right
now there's a treasure hunt all over the grounds immediately surrounding the hotel,
so there's more activity. What kind of things do you enjoy at home? Do any hiking
or biking?"

"There's a gym on the roof of my office building."
"Do you get a good view at least?"
Peter chuckled. "Yes, it has a great view of the city. I'm usually focussed on

work, though. It's my priority, you know?"

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"How come?" Brent steered them toward the trails through the woods. They

could go pretty much all the way around the lake if they wanted to, using the trails.
"There's so much more life to have outside the office."

"I like what I do. I like having the money it brings in. I mean, no offence,

but you can't exactly be making a ton working as a waiter."

"I don't need much -- I pay the rent, make my car payment, feed myself.

What else is there?" Brent grinned and pointed to the lake. "And I get to spend all
summer on that. And then in the winter I get to play hockey on it. It's a great life."

"Don't you worry about your future? Or what happens if there's an economic


"Hey, I have a perfectly usable degree. Two, actually. But I'm needed at

home right now, and this is what's available. That said, it's fantastic and I'll
probably stick around in the long term. Life here is easy and quiet. I like that."

Peter was quiet for a moment and when he looked back, he saw the guy

looking at the trees and the sky. "I suppose it has its appeal. I know I've got the
time and the skills and the energy now, though, to make a lot of money, so that's
what I'm doing. I'll be able to retire early."

"That's a bonus, for sure." Brent nodded and they headed down his favorite

path, the one that followed the creek with its foot bridges. "But if you don't have
actual vacations you could work yourself to death. This is an afternoon off -- I'm
saving your life."

Peter laughed. "I don't know. I might get a heart attack from shocking my

body by not working."

"Try not to do that. CPR I'm not so good at. Now, mouth to mouth..." Brent


"I could get behind that."
Brent's laugh grew. "Oh, could you? There's some nice side trails along here,

no little kids with ice cream cones."

"A little privacy never hurt anyone." He swore he could feel Peter's gaze on

his ass.

Brent wiggled it a little. "There are some really, really nice little coves, all

through here. Invisible to anyone but locals, and I know which ones are part of
cottage property and which are just there. Good picnic spots, too."

"Cool. I could... eat."
Good lord. Brent was starting to feel kind of warm. Peter had clearly been in

need of some recreation for a while. "Gotcha." Brent gave the man a good look, up
and down. "I have just the spot in mind. Grass, view, private."

"I think the view's going to be good no matter where we settle." Peter sure

knew how to turn it on when he wanted to.

"Keep talking like that and I'll get stars in my eyes." Brent shifted his

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backpack and took off his sunglasses as the trees grew thicker.

"I'm not sure we'll be able to see the stars through the trees."
Brent grinned. "We'll figure something out. I got enough food and drinks

and stuff for the rest of the afternoon and the whole evening -- we can swim, if you

"Sure, sounds like fun. Aside from the part where I didn't bring my

swimming trunks..."

"Now, why would you need those?" Brent wiggled his butt again and moved

faster. "Come on."

Peter's laughter was sexy. "I'm coming. Or at least I'm guessing I will be."
"Yeah, I'm kind of a sure thing." Brent led the way down a side trail,

following the edge of the lake. "All in the name of making you take an afternoon
off," he added, teasing.

"The staff here really does go above and beyond the call of duty."
They stopped at a clearing of grass that was still pretty secluded and had an

amazing view of the lake. Peter came and stood right next to him, in his space
really, not that he was complaining.

"Thank you, Brent. I do believe this is going to be the best holiday I've had

in a long time."

Brent turned to him, laughing. "That would make my head swell if I didn't

suspect it's been your only holiday in a long time. So, I'm going to make the goal
into 'best ever', then." He didn't even have to move to touch Peter, just reach a few
inches to pull Peter's head close enough to kiss.

"It might already be there." The words were murmured against his lips, and

then Peter closed the miniscule distance. His lips were soft and warm and pliable.
Just right.

Brent kissed him for a moment, taking it easy and getting the lay of the land.

Peter seemed willing to take his time, which was nice, so Brent tangled his fingers
in Peter's hair and stayed right there, enjoying the flavor. Peter's tongue played with
his and one hand landed on his hip, fingers curling warmly.

The birds were having their own party and Brent could hear the water

lapping at the shore, but his attention was focused on Peter and on each kiss, each
change in pressure of Peter's hand. Finally he broke away, licking his lips. "Nice.
Come here, let me take off the backpack and get out the blanket. No sense in
standing if we can sit. Or prop up against a tree." He grinned and shrugged the
backpack off.

"I thought we were going naked swimming." It seemed that Peter's focus had

truly changed from work to him.

"We are." Brent hurried up. "Let me get the blanket out, at least. You can

start getting naked, though." He leered at Peter as he rummaged in the bag.

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"Oh, I can help with the unpacking." Peter grabbed the other end of the

blanket once he'd pulled it out and helped him spread it out. The towels were
placed near the shoreline and Peter poked through his backpack. "The food isn't
going to attract bears, is it?"

Brent shook his head. "This area is too populated for there to be bears. They

have easier pickings away from civilization, this time of year." He pulled off his t-
shirt and toed off his sneakers.

"Oh, good." Peter gave him a half grin. "I'm a city boy through and through,

and am really not interested in tangling it up with a bear today. Or any day, really."
With that, Peter started stripping, too, pulling off his shirt.

Brent stripped and watched at the same time, tossing his own clothes into a

heap as each item came off. Shoes, shirt, shorts, boxers, watch. He knew he was
kind of pale, since work kept him from being outside a lot of the daylight hours,
but Peter was paler, almost milky smooth. Peter looked fresh and delicious.

The man also folded his clothes, setting them in a neat pile on the corner of

the blanket, his shoes next to them on the ground. When Peter bent to put the
folded clothes down, Brent got a good look at his pale ass.

Not seeing any reason to resist, Brent moved to Peter and cupped one firm

cheek. "You said your office have a gym in the building?" he asked, squeezing

Peter gasped softly, then pushed back into his touch. "Uh-huh."
"And you use it on your lunch hour?" Brent used both hands, feeling Peter's

ass as thoroughly as he could, squeezing and petting and ever-so-slightly pulling his
cheeks apart.

"Evenings. After work." Peter's words were interspersed with moans. "Fuck.


Brent nodded. "Swimming." He made himself let go, but let his rapidly

filling cock rub along one ass cheek as he moved away. "Cold water would be good
about now."

Peter grunted what sounded like an agreement and turned toward the water,

prick thick, hard, darker than the surrounding pale skin.

"Nice." Brent followed, his eyes on the shore as they made their way into the

water. "I can't wait to get a hold of that." Brent wanted to touch so bad his palms
were itchy.

"A hold of what?" Peter was looking around, a slight frown pulling his

eyebrows together.

"Your dick." Brent rolled his eyes. "My hand, my mouth, whatever. I want


"Oh!" Peter stopped just short of the water and looked at him, grinned. "I'm

pretty sure my dick's down with that plan. Your hand, your mouth, your whatever."

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Brent grinned. "Cool. Swim first -- watch the rocks if you feel any

underfoot. They're slippery." Brent waded out, gasping when the water reached his

Peter gasped when his feet hit the water. "Shit! It's cold!"
"Nah, it's not too bad," Brent lied. "It's refreshing after the first couple of

minutes." His hard on was rapidly fading -- but it would be back.

"Not too bad..." Peter slowly inched his way in, making noises the entire

way. Peter's cock looked like it and his balls were trying to crawl back into his

Brent grinned and made himself get into the water, diving in and coming

back up only a few feet from where he'd started. "There! That's better." He blinked
water off his lashes and started doing a lazy breast stroke. "I'll warm you up later,

"I'm going to hold you to that, because I haven't been this cold in... maybe

ever. It's like the middle of winter here and we're out in it naked!" Peter gamely
continued moving in, though, soon up to his waist. The sun on the water reflected
back up, dancing over his skin.

Brent laughed and rolled to his back to float. "Trust me, the middle of winter

out here is something else again. Careful you don't get a sunburn." That would
suck. Sunburns were never fun, but a hot cock was very bad indeed.

"Oh, that never even occurred to me." Peter ducked down so he was in up to

his neck. "Fuck! You swear this gets better?"

"Uh-huh." Brent turned a circle on his back. "It does. It'll feel great in a

couple of minutes. Just swim around, feel the water, the sunshine. This is what
summer is all about."

"Freezing your nuts off and hoping not to burn important bits... not sure it's

the best selling point." Peter was paddling about now, though, splashing a little.

Brent grinned at the sky. "Feel the water everywhere? That's a selling point.

Cooling down after a hike is a selling point. Lying out all naked to get dry after is a
selling point, too." Brent loved summer.

"I do like the feeling of the water now that it doesn't feel like it's eating me."
"Nothing will eat you aside from a few mosquitoes -- and me, probably."

Brent flipped again and swam toward Peter. "See? Water good."

Peter met him halfway, their legs brushing as they tread water. "You're good,

anyway. I'll take the water as a part of that."

"Flatterer." Brent fluttered his eyelashes outrageously. "Know what would be

cool? Watching the fireworks from here later."

"From the water?"
"Sure, like this. We could probably see right from the edge of the water,

though. Too many trees where we left the blanket."

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"I'm not sure this water's going to be bearable once the sun goes down."

Peter laughed and grabbed his arm. "Speaking of that blanket..."

"All refreshed?" Brent grabbed back and kissed Peter, feeling cool skin.
Peter didn't answer; instead he opened his lips, inviting Brent in to the heat

of his mouth. Brent took the offer, plunging his tongue in deep. Brent made sure he
could touch the bottom of the lake, the sand and silt silky smooth on his feet, and
dipped one hand into the water to gather Peter's balls into his palm. They were cold
and drawn up tight against Peter's body, but they felt neat in his hand and it made
Peter groan.

Brent rolled them slowly, kissing and rubbing. Eventually they'd get out of

the water and things would warm up, but the sheer novelty of messing around in
the water was fun, and Brent was loving the way Peter moved for him and the
sounds he made.

Peter got a hold of his prick, holding it loosely in a hand that was just a bit

warmer than the water. Brent shivered happily. That was good. He moved, wiggling
in the water and shifting in Peter's grip, and that was even better. He gave Peter's
balls a little squeeze as a reward.

Peter groaned again, the sound passing between them. "I think we should get

out and see just how hard the ground is."

"Not anywhere as hard as I'm going to be." Brent backed up and let go.

"Come on. Blanket's waiting."

Peter laughed, splashing in his hurry to get back to the shore. Brent hurried

along and picked his way to the blanket, trying not to step on sticks or sharp rocks.
The sun was streaming through the trees, mottling the blanket with sun and shade,
and by the time they reached it Brent was laughing, too. He rolled onto the blanket,
still dripping, and reached for Peter.

"We had towels, man!" Peter didn't grab one, though, he just dropped to the

blanket, leaning over Brent.

"I don't care. The sun works." Brent grinned up at him and reached for

Peter's balls again. Peter laid himself on top of Brent and came in for another kiss.

Cold from the lake, it took a moment for their bodies to heat with the kisses.

Brent's hand was pressed between the two of them, but that was all right -- he could
rub and grab both of them, and that was never a bad thing. He pressed two fingers
behind Peter's balls and one finger slid along his own.

Peter made little noises as he touched, soft and quiet groans, noisy

exhalations. Brent moved up against him, rolling them slightly to the side so he had
more room to move. He slid one leg on top of Peter's, freeing his hand to grasp and
stroke more freely. Peter slid a hand between them, too, rubbing his nipples.

"Yeah, more," Brent said, his chest thrusting out instinctively. He stroked

Peter's cock again, giving it a nice tug.

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"Guh. You too." Peter touched a little more firmly, hips rocking the growing

cock into his hand.

"Fuck my hand," Brent ordered. "Show me how you like it."
"Oh, God." Peter sped up, cock hard now, and so hot as it pushed against his


"That's it." Brent was almost purring. Peter was hot and into it, and his prick

was a gorgeous thing. Brent shoved him a little, moving so he could see.

Peter grunted and pinched his nipple.
"I'll suck you off, if you want," Brent offered, his gaze riveted to Peter's


"If I want." Peter laughed, the sound a lot husky. "Like I wouldn't. Let's both

do it."

"Yeah." Brent nodded and let go, his own cock standing up a little more.

"Yeah, good. Real good." Nothing like a great sixty-nine to celebrate the nation's

Peter sat up and turned around, moving so his cock was right there at Brent's

mouth, Brent's prick nudging at Peter's lips. Peter didn't hold back or play coy or
anything, he just opened up and took Brent in.

Brent gasped and pushed in, taking a moment to just feel the warmth

surrounding him, then he licked along Peter's shaft, teased the head once, and
opened wide. Peter's cock was heavy and thick, filling his mouth and making him
moan. Peter moaned, too, the sound feeling so good on his cock that Brent bucked.

Then they both settled in to sucking, to trying to outdo each other. Brent

tried to keep his hips still while he worked on Peter, rubbing under the head with
his tongue and taking Peter into his throat and swallowing around the head. It was
hard to concentrate, though, when all he really wanted to do was thrust and grind to
relieve his aching balls. There wasn't much finesse to what Peter was doing to him,
but the strong suction felt just right.

Brent braced his feet and let his knees fall apart. The next time he swallowed

Peter down, he brushed his fingers over Peter's hole, hoping to spur the man on,
hoping to get a big reaction. Peter jerked and shouted around his cock.

That was big. Brent hummed and did it again, pressing his fingers this time.

Peter started sucking on him like his life depended on it, pulling him deep into
Peter's throat. Brent groaned. He thrust, fucking Peter's mouth and matching the
rhythm with his own mouth, his hands holding Peter open so he could tease Peter's
ass every time he remembered to.

Peter's hips started moving, pushing into his mouth almost desperately.
With what little will he could muster, Brent stopped moving again so he

could wait, and he pushed one finger slowly into Peter's ass, sucking hard as he
did. Tight, dry, and the thought of fucking Peter later almost made Brent come right

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Maybe that same thought was on Peter's mind, or maybe it just felt good.

Either way, Peter shouted, his cock slipping from the warmth of Peter's mouth as
spunk shot into his mouth.

Brent groaned and swallowed, not letting Peter go. He licked, sucked, and

fingered a little until Peter was spent, then let him go, nice and slow. He was
panting, his chest almost aching as he tried to get air. "I brought lube and rubbers
and we're so going to fuck."

Peter laughed. "You wanna? I mean I could finish sucking you, but I'm

kinda useless here, right this minute."

Brent rolled over, looking for the backpack. "You just lie there and be

useless. I'm going to find stuff." He could use the couple minutes that would take to
calm himself down enough to last longer than two strokes.

Peter rolled onto his stomach, head on his hands, watching. "I didn't mean to

bilk you on the blow job. That was just... yeah."

Laughing, Brent finally unzipped the right pocket and got what he needed.

"Oh, trust me. This is just fine. And we have hours -- you can suck me later."

"I will; I'll make you see fireworks."
Brent grinned and got himself between Peter's knees. "I just bet you will." He

showed off the lube and the rubber. "You're sure?"

Peter looked back over his shoulder at him and nodded. "It's been awhile,


"Good." Brent tore open the packet and blinked. "I mean, got it." Whoops.
That had Peter laughing. "Just go easy on my ass, man."
"Nary a sting, I promise." Brent bent down and kissed Peter's spine.
Peter's answer was a soft gasp and a gentle undulation back in his direction.
"Nice." Brent licked the spot while he rolled the condom on. Peter's skin

tasted of lake water and sunshine, just a hint of salt. "I'll be nice." Lube open, he
slicked his fingers and started teasing at Peter's hole, going slow as promised.

"I'm banking on better than nice." Peter's voice was already a little husky, his

body moving into the touches, asking for more.

"There'll be all kinds of fireworks for you today," Brent said with a laugh.

He opened Peter carefully, his fingers stroking in and out in shallow thrusts that
grew deeper each time.

Peter muttered something that sounded an awful lot like a curse word, his

ass pushing back onto Brent's fingers. Brent chuckled and went with it, fingering
Peter with a bit more force, changing the angle slightly each time to find the very
best places to touch. He knew he'd found the spot when Peter cried out, his hole
body tightening down on Brent's fingers.

"There we go," Brent said softly. He stroked again and made sure to keep the

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angle, his fingertips rubbing slightly. His own erection lifted each time Peter made
one of those desperate sounds.

"Uh-huh. Don't stop." Peter's arms flexed as he moved into the stretching.
"Not going to. Don't come, though. Not until I'm in you."
"Oh, God." Peter nodded and made another of those sounds that Brent

wanted to hear a lot more of.

Brent fucked Peter a little more, working lube in. When his cock grew

insistent though, he stopped and carefully pulled free. "Ready? Be ready, okay? I'm
going to lose it if you're not ready for me."

"Jesus, I am so ready that if you don't do me, I'm the one who's going to lose


Brent nodded and lined up, one hand on Peter's hip and the other setting the

head of his cock at the slick entrance. "Now," he said, slowly pushing. He looked
down, watching as he slowly sank into Peter's body, his breath coming faster and

Peter squeezed down hard right at the start, then Brent saw him take a big

breath, back expanding, and things eased a little. "Slowly."

"This is slow," Brent said through gritted teeth. All he wanted to do was

push in deep and catch his breath before fucking Peter's tight ass as hard as he
could. He wouldn't, not unless Peter pretty much begged, but he wanted to.

Peter nodded, taking long, deep breaths.
Brent waited where he was, his legs shaking ever so slightly until Peter

relaxed a bit more. He pushed in another inch and stifled a groan, then waited
again. Peter relaxed again and he pushed in some more. They did that until he was
all the way in.

"Oh, God," Peter whispered.
"Uh-huh." Brent had his eyes closed, all his attention focused on waiting for

Peter to be ready. "You say when."

"I'm good. Let's do this."
"Oh, thank you," Brent said in a rush, already pulling out for a long slow

glide back in. "You have no idea how good this feels."

"Um... right here -- trust me, I have an idea."
Brent tried to laugh, but it came out choked and he thrust back in. "Say if I

hurt you," he managed, finding a rhythm that was slower than the pounding he
wanted to give, but definitely right for getting off.

"Not hurting. 'S good." Peter began to rock back, which had to mean he

could go faster.

Brent had his hands tight on Peter's hips, so he braced himself and started

moving faster, rocking his hips up and pulling Peter down onto him each time. His
balls were tight, aching, and he hoped he'd last long enough to get Peter off again.

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"Oh, fuck!" Peter moaned, one hand going to his cock, the sound of him

pulling himself off clear.

Brent couldn't even speak. He fucked Peter faster, unable not to, and it felt

even better than he'd thought it would. He slammed in, getting as deep as he could
before grinding his balls on Peter's ass.

"Brent!" Peter shouted his name and the heat around his cock bore down

hard, squeezing him tight.

"Oh, fuck." Brent froze as Peter came, his chest tight. He could feel his

orgasm uncurling in his spine, and even before Peter was done he had to rock
forward. The last little bit of friction did it and Brent shot hard, letting go in long

Peter half collapsed beneath him, panting hard.
"Easy." Brent was breathing just as hard. He petted Peter's thigh absently as

he held onto the rubber with the other hand, easing out. "God damn. That was
amazing. Totally."

"Yes. Very." Peter nodded, shifting onto his back on the blanket and smiling

up at him. "You made it great."

Brent cleaned up really fast and sprawled next to Peter on the blanket. "Oh, I

think that was a two-person greatness. When we can breathe again we can have
some food. Maybe swim some more. If you want, we can just stay here the rest of
the day and mess around some more." Brent grinned at the sky. "You can fuck me
later, if you want."

"During the fireworks?"
"Sure." Brent nodded. That would be awesome. "Absolutely."
"I almost thought they went off early for a moment there." Peter gave Brent a

smile, color high on his cheeks, though that could still have been from exertion.

"Damn close to it." Brent leaned over and kissed him, pleased. "So, how's

this whole day off thing working for you?"

"Pretty damn well, thanks to you."
"You're welcome." Brent laughed. "Totally not a service the resort offers,

trust me. I just couldn't resist you, is all."

"I'm glad to hear that! Although I am thinking I need to take all my vacations

with you. Just to make sure I don't relapse or anything."

"There's a lot of private places around here I can show you -- and it's

gorgeous in the fall. I think you should take a long weekend in October, for sure."

"I'll have to check with my secretary, but I definitely think I need to revisit

this whole vacation thing again soon." Peter smiled and put a hand on his belly. "I
do have two more days left here, too."

"I'm off tomorrow, all day." Brent rolled closer to Peter. "Imagine that. I can

probably trade the shift after that. Tell me, have you ever fucked in a canoe?"

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Peter's Day Off
Copyright © 2011 by Drew Zachary
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any

manner whatsoever without written permission except in case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / June 2011
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