The Clanking of Crystal by americnxidiot

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The Clanking of Crystal by americnxidiot

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Edward had long admired Bella from afar. But take New Year's Eve, add some conversation and a
little champagne, and anything can happen. E/B All Human one shot. Fluffy smut for the Holidays.

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December 31, 2008, 1:15pm

There she was again.

Her brown hair tumbled down her back, gently falling to just below her shoulder blades. The loose
curls were unevenly distributed around her head, some strands approaching ringlets, some nearly
straight. The shorter pieces by her face were lighter, almost a red from the sun. Her sweater was
just tight enough that I could make out her trim waist, the soft curve of her spine. The v-neck front
revealed the velvety white skin of her décolletage. It was low enough to tempt, but not enough to

show anything.

And of course, her face. Even in profile, especially in profile, I could admire her soft features. Her
nose was straight and petite, a sprinkling of freckles garnishing the skin along her cheek. Her lips
were round, pink, and deliciously out of proportion. They were naturally plump, and looked best
when she smiled. Long eyelashes extended from her lovely brown orbs. They captured my
attention with every blink. And I could go on for hours about her eyes, wide and receptive. I felt as
if I could learn everything about her just by peering into those chocolate depths. Or I could if I

wasn‟t too nervous to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds.

Bella Swan was breathtaking.

She walked into the record store where I worked, unintentionally captivating me with every
movement. Her steps were small and unsure. If I ever really talked to her I would figure out why
she felt so insecure. Not for the first time, I couldn‟t take my eyes off her. Her fingers ran through
her brown locks, trying to unknot the tangles the wind had caused. Her cheeks were red from the

weather, which only enhanced her pale complexion. Goddamn she was breathtaking.

Finally, Bella noticed my blatant staring, and held up her hand in a small wave. “Hey Edward.” I
tried to do something, anything to start a conversation. Maybe give a toothy smile, or wave back,
or return her solicitations. But no, I just blushed and my lips rose into a tight grin. Bella‟s smile

faltered slightly and she headed down the first row of albums.

Bella had been coming here several times a week for months now. I was always depressed and
surprised when she didn‟t show up during my shift. We had very few customers these days. Not
many people saw the appeal of a small record store when they could drive the extra twenty miles
to Best Buy. But not Bella. She was our most dependable customer, and every time was the same.
She entered the store, browsed for about thirty minutes, and purchased a single album. And then

she went home, and I went back to staring at the floor.

Most people my age, sophomores at the university, only worked to earn money– dissatisfying and
pointless jobs that led to a sub par paycheck. But I loved my job here. Music was the only thing
meaningful in my life. I had come to college as a pre-med, as excited as I could be about four
years of core science classes. There were a few classes the college required, and I chose a music
history class because it looked less boring then the others. I went to the first class and that was it
for me. I switched my major before second semester, and spent that winter break getting lectured
by my father about fiscal responsibility. I almost pitied him. He didn‟t have that zeal for anything in

his life.

Music was my passion. Music and Bella Swan.

We‟d held a few brief conversations over the last few months, but nothing revealing. All I really
learned was that she was funny and had a beautiful speaking voice. And she liked music enough to
a few albums a week. It‟s like she was handcrafted for me, and I hated that I was too shy to do

anything about it. Not that she would go for someone like me anyway.

Bella approached the register, a single disc in her hand, just like every time. Her hips swayed
slightly as she walked, her legs looking incredible in her dark blue jeans. She wore a green pair of

converses, and that made me smile.

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“So what do we have today, Bella?” I managed to say a sentence without stuttering, and wanted to
pat myself on the back. A striking blush flooded her cheeks and she set her choice on the counter,

pushing it toward me. My eyebrow lifted as I noted her selection.

“Electric Light Orchestra?” She giggled and I almost melted into a puddle on the floor. “Not your

usual type.”

Bella‟s brow furrowed, “you notice what I buy?”

“You‟re here so often, how could I not?” I prayed that my face wouldn‟t turn red as she frowned at
me. Somehow I managed to ruin a potential talk with Bella in only three sentences. A new personal

I typed the serial numbers into the computer. We couldn‟t even afford a barcode system here. The
tapping of my fingers on the keyboard broke the uncomfortable silence better than I ever could. I

was too embarrassed as it was. But Bella, like the angel she was, surprised me.

“So any big plans for tonight?”

I messed up the serial number, so I deleted the digits and started again. “Nope. Why, what‟s
tonight?” It was so nice of her to feign interest like this. She didn‟t know how much she intimidated

me, and I once again cursed my timidity.

“Seriously, Edward?” I looked up to her eyes, taking a moment to read them. She was surprised
and a little sad? “It‟s New Years Eve, did you really not know?”

“Huh.” I remembered a voicemail a few days ago from my sister about a party, but I had ignored
it. Alice always tried to get me to join her and her friends, but I never went. “That‟s right, it is. I

think I was invited to something but I don‟t think I‟m going to go.”

Bella frowned, “Why not?”

I answered before I could read too far into her expression, “I don‟t know. I prefer to be alone, I
guess.” My eyes shifted back to the ELO album, because I knew if I kept looking at her honest

face, I would say something stupid. It was impossible for me to be suave while talking to her.

“Well that‟s stupid,” she stated, bringing my attention back to her eyes. “You can‟t be alone on
New Years Eve.” Her eyes scanned my face, something I usually did when I admired her from afar.
“You…” Bella stopped talking mid sentence and glanced down at the counter. Her trademark blush

lit up her cheeks, and she fidgeted with her hands.

“What were you going to say?”

She stuttered when she spoke, “No-nothing important. Don‟t worry about it.”

“Bella you can tell me.” My hand reached forward without my permission and landed on the ends of
her moving fingers. She inhaled sharply and looked up to meet my eyes. Hers revealed a new

sense of determination, pulling confidence from somewhere within.

“I was going to say you should come hang out with me.” My jaw dropped and Bella began rushing
over her words. “It‟s nothing big. A few of my friends and I are just going to my apartment and
we‟re ringing in the New Year together. I totally understand if you don‟t want to go. I mean–” I

placed my finger over her lips. Bella seemed really nervous, and I had no idea why.

“I‟d love to go.”

“Really?” She asked, her lips moving against my finger. I quickly withdrew it when I remembered I
was probably making her uncomfortable. Her hand touched her lip where I had just been and she

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peered into my eyes. This was the greatest moment of my life. Even better than my first kiss, or
when my dad gave me a car on my sixteenth birthday.


She smiled widely at me, which made her lips positively delectable, and she looked so happy. I
automatically smiled back, and we stood at the counter grinning like idiots until the sound of the
printing receipt broke us out of our moment. I just had a moment with Bella. I bagged her CD and

handed it to her, our fingers brushing as she grabbed it. She smiled shyly and walked to the exit.

“Wait, Bella?” She turned around, forehead wrinkled in confusion, and looking so adorable that I
nearly forgot my question. Oh, right. “Can I have your address? I don‟t know where you live.”


I was standing outside of Bella Swan‟s apartment.

Bella Swan‟s number was saved in my phone.

Bella Swan invited me to spend New Year‟s Eve with her friends.

And I was so nervous, that I thought I might throw up.

The evening would go one of two ways. Either Bella would be unimpressive, and I could finally take
her off the pedestal I‟d held her on for so long. Or… all of my wildest dreams could come true. I
could see Bella in her element, and we could finally get to know each other. I wouldn‟t let myself

hope for any more than that.

I paced outside her apartment building for several minutes, trying to find the courage to call her
and let her know I was here. I had never been this tripped up over a girl. I mean, I was a man. I
could appreciate a beautiful woman as much as the next guy. But that‟s where it ended. And I
didn‟t know what made Bella so different. Obviously she was an exquisite physical specimen, so
soft and curvy. But I didn‟t just fantasize about being with her. At night, I dreamt of running my
fingers through her shiny hair while she relaxed in my arms. I dreamt of listening to all the CD‟s
she‟d purchased from me, and maybe even combining our collections. I wanted to play piano for


“Edward?” the voice from my dreams broke through my reverie. Bella stood outside her building,
leaning against the wall with an amused grin. Her skin looked radiant under a navy dress that

cinched below her breasts. Beautiful.

“Good evening, Bella. How did you know I was here?”

Her lips rose into a heartbreaking smile. “My friend Jessica said she saw a guy with reddish hair
walking in circles in front of our complex. I figured it was you.” I shrugged my shoulders, hoping

the dim lighting hid my embarrassed blush. “Can I ask why you were out here?”

“Would you believe me if I said I was nervous?” Bella giggled quietly and nodded.

She glanced at me quickly from head to toe. Was she checking me out? My ego soared at the idea.

“I certainly know the feeling.”

Bella lead the way into the apartment building, and I finally noticed she was wearing a high pair of
black heels. They lengthened her already long legs, and put her closer to my height. She looked
absolutely ravishing tonight. But she didn‟t look comfortable. Bella took very small steps, her hands

carefully held at her sides as if she was afraid she‟d fall at any moment.

She must have noticed my appraisal of her legs. “I know, I look ridiculous, but my friend made me

wear them.”

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I shook my head fervently. “No, certainly not ridiculous,” I glanced up to her face. A light layer of
makeup amplified her beauty, with eyelashes so long they fluttered when she blinked, and red
lipstick that made it impossible to not kiss her. Tonight was going to be difficult. I stared into her
eyes and took a deep breath, needing her to realize how beautiful she was. “You are absolutely

stunning, Bella.”

Her face flushed bright red and she muttered a thank you before opening the door to her
apartment. Like she had promised, it was a small gathering with about eight other people

including… my sister?

“Edward Masen!” Yep, my sister. “Why the hell didn‟t you call me back? And what are you doing

here?” I glanced down at Bella who looked entirely confused, and then at Alice, who looked furious.

“Uh, hi Alice. I‟m here with Bella?”

Bella piped in, “Edward Masen? As in Alice‟s brother?” I nodded, still not really understanding what

was going on.

Alice cleared it up for me, “Oh my god,” her hand shot over her mouth to stifle her laugh, “the
record store guy you‟ve been rambling on about is my brother?” Bella shot Alice an angry look
while blushing furiously, but that just made Alice laugh more. I was too shocked to focus on that.

Bella told people about me? If that wasn‟t a sign, I don‟t know what is.

For the first time, all of my fantasies were within my grasp. Bella spoke to her friend about me.
She „rambled on‟ about me. My heart soared and I had to fight to keep in my cheer. Meanwhile,
Bella stood still by my side, clearly mortified by the situation. I nudged her on the shoulder, hoping

to ease her discomfort.

“If Alice was the one who forced you into the heels, which I‟m sure she was,” I glared at my sister
while I spoke, “then take them off. You look beautiful either way.” The last part came out in a
whisper, only meant for Bella‟s ears. I was overcome with relief when she smiled. She looked
directly at Alice as she pulled her heels off, sticking her tongue out. I grinned proudly. It takes a lot

to stand up to Alice.

Alice just looked impressed, “Well Bella, I don‟t know if you realize how big of a deal this is. I
should buy you something for getting Edward out of his apartment.” It was my turn to be
embarrassed… at least until I felt Bella‟ hand rub my arm in comfort. Then I could only focus on the

tingling sensation that filled me at her touch.


“Come on, Edward, you have to tell me.”

“No, Bella, please don‟t make me.”

She tickled my side gently and I squirmed, competing urges telling me to escape the annoying
sensation and to get closer to her. We sat together on the couch against the far wall of her
apartment. Bella looked up at me with those big brown eyes, her cheeks a little flushed from the
two glasses of champagne. Neither of us was anywhere near drunk, but we‟d had enough to ease

our nerves. Turns out Bella was just as anxious as I was.

“Please, please, please tell me.” It was impossible to say deny her when she was looking at me like


I took the last sip of champagne from my crystal flute. “Fine, the first time I noticed you was the
very first time you came into the store while I was working.” Her jaw dropped as if she didn‟t
believe me. “I‟m serious, you were wearing this zip up sweatshirt, and a Bright Eyes t-shirt, and
those adorable green converses,” I was barely in control of the words coming out. Something
about her made me want to open up, “and then you pulled your hood down and I thought „wow,

that girl has the most beautiful hair I‟ve ever seen.‟”

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Bella looked a little shocked, but not at all unpleased. “The best part of my job is getting to watch
you a few times a week, even if only from afar.”

“Edward,” Bella set down her own flute, the glass clanking as it hit the table, and hesitantly placed
her tiny palm on the back of my hand. I instantly flipped the hand over, entwining our fingers. I
took a moment to marvel at the sight. I was touching Bella Swan. And she was letting me. “Do you

really think I need that many CDs?”

I blinked in confusion, so Bella chuckled and scooted closer to me. My heart stuttered.

“I saw you the first time I came in too, and I can‟t believe you remember what I was wearing”
Bella mumbled mostly to herself. “I went back so often because I wanted to see you. I always
hoped you would talk to me since I was way too intimidated to talk to you. I bought an album
every time so you wouldn‟t think I was a crazy person,” she laughed lightly, “I guess I should

thank you. I‟ve greatly expanded my music collection.”

I only cared about one answer, “Why were you intimidated?”

Bella blushed, but squeezed my hand nonetheless. “Have you seen yourself?” I frowned, so she
explained further, “You‟re the most gorgeous person I‟ve ever seen in my life. And I‟m like this,”

she picked up our hands and gestured to herself.

I didn‟t know what to say. I didn‟t know what I could say to make her understand how ridiculous
she was. So I let go of her hand and instead grabbed her wrist, guiding it so that her palm was flat
against my chest, where she could feel my heart pounding. I placed my hand over hers, holding it

to me. “Bella, this is what happens every time I see you.”

She moved even closer to me. Bella picked up my other hand and pressed it against the smooth
curve of her neck. Her skin was so soft. And her heart beat as erratically as mine. “I don‟t
understand, Edward. You barely spoke to me. I mean when I finally got the courage to introduce
myself, you just muttered your name and rang me up. I saw you for months without knowing you

were my good friend‟s brother, for God‟s sake.”

My eyes flickered to Alice briefly, who was staring at us with a huge smile while tugging on her
boyfriend Jasper‟s arm excitedly to draw his attention in our direction. I wanted to throw
something at her. But there was no way I was moving my palm from Bella‟s exquisite neck. I felt

Bella‟s hand flicker against my chest, and there was no one else in the room.


“You‟re an angel, Bella. That‟s why I was afraid to talk to you. I was terrified that I would scare you
away, and then I wouldn‟t see you at all.” I let myself indulge in one of my favorite fantasies,
removing my hand from atop hers on my chest and gliding it slowly through her mahogany locks. I
watched in awe as my fingers separated the strands that felt like silk against my skin. After a long
moment, I reached the end of her hair and sadly brought my hand back to my side. When I looked

back to Bella, she was staring at my lips. My breath caught in my throat.

“I really want to kiss you,” she whispered as she ran her heavenly fingers through my own hair. I

looked at the clock quickly.

“It‟s 11:40,” I sighed. Her face was much closer than before. I could feel her hot breath on my

chin. “Can you wait until midnight?”

I saw determination in her eyes again, right before she twisted her fingers into the hair on the back
of my head. Bella pulled me down until I was a whisper from the lips I‟d been dreaming of for
months. She locked her eyes onto mine and murmured, in the sexiest voice I‟d ever heard, “Can

No, I could not. Our lips connected in the faintest of kisses, and the rush of passion and happiness
that consumed me was earth shattering. My hand shifted from her neck around to the back of her

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hair, letting the brown strands fill my palms as I pulled her face closer to mine. Bella reacted
similarly, titling her head and opening her mouth slightly to prepare for a deeper kiss. This was the
best moment of my life, leaving the first kiss and the car and Bella inviting me here all far behind.
Our lips moved as if they‟d been doing this forever, and soon I felt her tongue probing at my
bottom lip. I was gone. My mouth opened instantly and our tongues touched, wrestling for
domination, exploring each other. She tasted like champagne and something entirely Bella.


My hands slid down Bella‟s back to her waist, tightening my grip when she moved from her spot
beside me, placing one leg on either side of my lap. Our heads shifted and our lips opened further.
I traced her molars and the roof of her mouth, wanting to memorize every detail of the way she
felt against me. Thighs straddling my lap, her tongue dueling with mine, her fingers gripping the

back of my neck. This had to be heaven.

A series of catcalls caused us to break apart. Her face and neck were flushed with excitement, and

her voluptuous lips were even more swollen from my kisses. My kisses.

Somewhere in the moment, I had forgotten we were in a room full of people. Before I could be too
embarrassed, Bella stood from my lap and grabbed my hand. I followed behind her as she pulled
me from the living room and down a hallway. The one I recognized as Emmett yelled, “Get some,
Bella!” as we made our quick exit. Bella was on a mission, yanking me willingly along until she
reached a room, shoving the door open and pulling us inside. She clicked the lock and then turned

back to me.


I took a second to look around the room, smiling widely at the bookshelf full of CDs against one
wall. Bella grabbed my face and pulled it back to hers. I was focused again instantly. Our lips
crashed together as I pushed Bella against the door, a moan escaping her when she pressed her

body into mine. That was my new favorite sound.

We kissed languidly for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of our mouths moving in unison, but it
soon became more heated. Our breaths mingled harshly as our lips met over and over, and Bella
reached for the buttons on my shirt. I pulled back to look her in the eye, making sure this was
what she wanted. I saw lust and excitement. I saw awe. I saw love, and that was all I really
needed. Her fingers undid the last button and I shrugged the shirt onto the floor. My undershirt

quickly joined the pile.

The feel of Bella‟s hands on my bare skin was mind blowing. She ran her dainty fingers along the
muscles of my back, the ridges of my torso, the waistband of my pants. The last one caused me to
groan loudly which only made her kiss me harder. The fabric of her dress bunched in my fingers as
I hiked it up. I silently asked her permission, and she nodded. I pulled the jersey dress over her

head and dropped it on top of my shirt.

Bella Swan stood before me in a black lace bra and boyshorts, and the sight was better than
anything I could have ever imagined. She was a vision. I quickly unbuttoned my jeans and let
them fall before grabbing Bella by the waist, walking her toward the center of the room until we fell
on her bed.

I stretched my body along hers and placed a kiss below her ear. “Isabella, words cannot describe
how amazing you look right now, but I‟m going to try.” By the time I was done, Bella would never
have problems with her confidence again. I would make sure of it. I kissed my way down her body,

skipping over the dangerous areas, until I reached her feet.

“Your legs are to die for,” I whispered, trailing my lips across her porcelain skin, “I‟ve had dreams
about them, and trust me, you don‟t need heels to make them look better.” Bella writhed above
me on the bed, her tiny fists clenching the bed sheets. I made my way up her body, kissing and
lapping every inch of skin that I crossed. At her underwear I paused again, placing a single kiss on
the side of her hipbone. She twitched slightly. “I‟ve dreamt about running my hands along the
curve of your hip. Not to mention you have a fantastic ass.” Bella giggled, twining her hands into
my hair. I placed open mouth kisses on her stomach, caressing the soft skin of her side. “Your

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waist is absolutely perfect, curved and gentle, like it was made for my hand to rest on while we
walked down the street, or while we just sat in bed.” I moved up a little further. “And your
breasts,” my hands slid around her back slowly and reached for the clasp, giving her plenty of time
to stop me. But she didn‟t. I unhooked her bra, and she pulled if off before I‟d even moved my

hands. “Holy shit Bella, your breasts are incredible.”

My breath was shallow when I took her right nipple into my mouth. Bella moaned loudly and
yanked on the top of my head, placing her open mouth on mine. She distracted me long enough to

push me onto my back, and straddled my waist.

A muffled voice yelled, “Five minutes!” through the door. We explored each other‟s bodies with
fervor, mouths never disconnecting, our tongues fought in a passionate fury. Bella‟s toe hooked
into my boxer briefs, and pulled them down slowly, kicking them to the floor. My hands stalled on

the hem of her boyshorts, and I finally broke away from her lips, rolling her onto her back.

“Bella, are you sure?” She brushed the hair out of my face and smiled.

“Yeah. I‟ve never felt this way about anyone, Edward.”

I dragged her underwear down her legs, and she lifted her hips to help me. “Me neither, Bella. Me
neither.” I threw the fabric onto the floor, and Bella reached into her nightstand. I slipped the

condom on and kissed her again, lining up with her entrance.

A shrieking whistle of noisemakers and cheers erupted in the living room, and Bella wrapped her
legs around my back. And finally, after months of admiring her, and apparently after months of her
returning my affections, I entered Bella with a loud groan. “Edward,” she moaned, “make love to
me.” She latched her lips back onto mine. I linked my fingers into hers and held her arms above
her head, pushing into her with slow, even thrusts. Incoherent noises emerged from both of our
throats. The urge to just pound into her was so strong, but I couldn‟t do that if I wanted this to
last. Our movements were purposeful and intimate. She freed one of her hands and pushed on my

shoulder, keeping her legs tight around my waist as I rolled over.

Bella increased our speed. I had never seen anything more amazing than Bella Swan, bouncing up
and down on my lap, sighing my name. Her beautiful hair fell like a curtain around us. It smelled
like strawberries. I palmed her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly and eliciting a moan from her.

“Faster. Harder, Edward. Please!” How could I possibly deny that?

I flipped Bella back on the bed in one quick push. “Jesus Christ, Bella, you‟re perfect.” I pulled her
knees up so her feet were flat on the bed, and pushed into her with more force. She responded
with enthusiasm, yanking my face down to hers and kissing me forcefully. Our tongues twirled in
time with my thrusts, which were becoming harder and more frequent. I wasn‟t in control


“Fuck,” Bella swore and she had never sounded sexier, “I‟m so close, baby.” My hand blindly found
it‟s way to her clitoris, and I pressed circles into the sensitive area. That was all she needed. Bella
trembled wildly underneath me, and I felt her orgasm rip through her as she clenched around me.
Her mouth was agape in ecstasy, eyes shut tightly. Her face and neck were flushed and sweaty,
her hair fell around her in a tangle of curls. It was too much, and my own orgasm hit me harder
than it ever had before. Her name came out a strangled cry and my arms gave out. I collapsed on
top of her a shaking mess. Bella ran her fingers through my sweaty hair and I rolled onto the bed
beside her, gasping for breath.

Someone, it sounded like Emmett, knocked loudly on her bedroom door. “See Eddie, you should
have hung out with us a long time ago,” his uproarious laughter echoing in the hall. “Did you hear

them?” he asked someone else outside the door.

“Fuck off, Emmett! No need to be jealous, just cause Rosalie doesn‟t scream like that!” Bella yelled
back. I laughed loudly at her comeback and hugged her close to my chest.

“Happy New Years, Bella.”

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She smiled and kissed me quickly. “Happy New Years, Edward.”

I was so wrong before.

This was the greatest moment of my life. Bella wrapped tightly in my arms, our legs wound
together to get as close as possible. I sighed in contentment when Bella kissed the underside of my

chin, and fell into the easiest sleep I'd ever had.


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