Layla Cole Taken by the Alpha

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Taken by the Alpha

By Layla Cole


Copyright 2012 Layla Cole

All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is

entirely coincidental.

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My stomach is in knots as I knock on the front door of the mansion. I'm lost somewhere in the

middle of nowhere and this creepy looking place seems to be my only option. At least the lights are on,
so someone's probably home. Maybe I'm just creeped out because it's dark and foggy, but this house
sure is something else. The way it's hidden behind the trees and all reminds me of a haunted house or
something. Curse my overactive imagination.

Of course, if I weren't lost and my car hadn't broken down in the middle of nowhere, I wouldn't

be here, wondering if I'm about to come face to face with a serial killer. That's just the type of day I've
had. I flip my cell phone open again while I wait for a response. Still no signal, damn it. I'd rather call
friends for a ride than knock on some stranger's door. "Stupid piece of shit," I mutter. I should be at Ian
and Drew's place relaxing and maybe having a beer, but no. I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere,
waiting in front of a random house, freezing, and I bet the owner's creepy as fuck and--I lose my train
of thought when the door opens.

Holy shit. All I can do is stand there with my mouth hanging open while I stare at the gorgeous

man before me. I take back whatever I was thinking a minute ago. This guy is--just as far as you can
get from the creep I was imagining. Damn. He's standing there with his eyebrows raised, dressed in
nothing but sweats...his body's amazing, he's got the most handsome face, and as far as I can tell he's
seriously packing. My mouth goes dry when I realize he's basically everything I want in a man--
physically, anyway.

"What's going on?" Oh shit, I realize I've been standing here staring for at least a minute and

now he sounds irritated. Did I wake him up?

"Um..." Great start, genius. I shake my head and clear my throat, hoping to find my voice. "My

name's Nathaniel...My car broke down and I was hoping I could use your phone? My cell doesn't get
reception out here..." Fuck. I sound like a babbling idiot.

He leans against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, and just looks at me like he's

figuring out what to do. Under his stare, I feel like prey and I shift from side to side, uncomfortable.
It's then that my wolf sits up and takes notice at the same time I catch his scent--werewolf. I've been
too distracted by his good looks to notice before now, but not only is he a wolf, but a strong one. He
practically radiates power.

Acting on instinct, I bare my throat to him. I don't know who he is or exactly how powerful he

is, but I know that I'm not as strong. Not even close. "I'm friends with Ian and Drew--do you know

He nods and steps away from the door. "They're part of my pack. I'm Chris, the Alpha." He

cocks his head and studies me, eyes glittering. "Now that I think about it, they've mentioned you once
or twice. You went to college with them or something? What pack are you with now?"

"Um...Chapel Hill? And yeah. College." Good grief. I've never felt this intimidated around my


"Well, you're a guest of our pack as long as you don't cause any trouble."
"Thanks." I stick my hands in my pockets and walk into the house. At least it's warm and dry. It

rained while I was trying to look at the car and my clothes are still a little damp, so the heat is
definitely nice. Right now, it's all I can do not to shiver. I should've expected it to be colder up here, I

Chris leads the way through the enormous entryway to one of the nicest kitchens I've seen.

Granite countertops, hardwood floors, table for fifty...I am so out of my depth here. I wonder if he uses
this house for meetings or if he lives here alone?

A sudden chill works its way up my spine and I shiver. "Hey, do you have a towel?" I need to

dry off, if not get a change of clothes. Then, too, there's the way my pants are clinging to my cock. I'm
pretty sure that my growing hard-on is on full display, but Chris doesn't seem to notice. Or wait--
maybe he does. He's staring at me with a sort of half-smile, his eyes heavy-lidded like he's sizing me

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maybe he does. He's staring at me with a sort of half-smile, his eyes heavy-lidded like he's sizing me

He hands me his cell phone, but his fingers linger on mine a second more than they need to

before I snatch my hand away. I'm really not sure what to make of this. Of him and the way he makes
me feel. "I'm going to get you a towel and something dry to wear," he says, nodding at my damp
clothes. "My stuff might be a little big for you though." He sweeps his gaze downward, landing on my
crotch, before looking up at me again. Now I'm sure he knows--and maybe, if I'm lucky, he wants me
just as badly as I want him. As he walks away from me, I enjoy the view for a moment before calling

Ian answers on the first ring. "Hey, Chris."
I pace back and forth, making my way to the relative privacy of the entryway as I talk.

"Actually, it's Nathaniel. My car broke down and I ended up at Chris's place..."

"Shit, what happened? I knew your car was a piece of crap."
I sigh. "I don't have a clue what happened to it. You know how much I know about cars, right?"
"Nothing?" He chuckles, and for a moment I'm a little jealous. He sounds so happy and relaxed

since he's hooked up with Drew... "So, you have to tell me how you ended up with Chris."

"Got so lucky," I say, then realize how that sounded when Ian laughs at me. "Not like that, I

swear. It's just that his house was the first one I saw." I lower my voice and cup my hands over my
mouth, hoping Chris won't hear what I'm about to say. "You didn't tell me that your Alpha's built like a
Greek god," I say. "That would have been nice to know."

"Hey, now. If you've got a thing for Chris, you're playing with fire, buddy. He's--well, he's

really intense, you know? Kinda overwhelming. And you're just his type."

Shit. The room's big enough and empty enough that everything echoes. I retreat to the doorway

and lean against the wall. "Keep going," I say. God, if I really have a chance with him, I might take it.
Then again, maybe Ian's right and he'd be too much for me to handle.

"Not too tall, fit, kinda fit the bill perfectly." My face heats. Can't a day go by

without someone calling me pretty? "You'd be in way over your head, though. I wouldn't try anything
if I were you." My mind wanders for a second as I wonder what he means by that, but when I come
back to reality I realize I've missed something crucial. "--anyway, that's why I can't get you tonight."

"Wait, what?" My heart pounds. Stay here? With the man who's so tempting and yet so bad for

me? Could be dangerous.

"I said it's going to freeze. Doesn't happen often here and my car can't handle it, so it's better if

you stay there overnight at least." He laughs when I start sputtering, rendered temporarily speechless
by what he's told me. "Hey, just stay out of his bed and it'll be fine. Or don't. I hear he knows how to
show a guy a good time. Have fun and tell me all about it, okay?" I picture Ian winking in that way he
has and I growl, but he's hung up already. Damn him. He never says goodbye.

Staring at the phone, I curse, then turn around when I hear Chris moving behind me. "Sounds

like an interesting conversation," he drawls. "Talking about me?" Not only is he behind me, he's
leaning against the wall not more than a foot away, a towel draped casually over his shoulder. How
does he do that? Every move, everything he does is so effortlessly sexy. "He's right, you know."

My mouth is dry. "About?"
"You being my type." He hands me the towel and pushes off from the wall, moving towards

me--stalking me, more like--until he's close enough to kiss. "He's also right about one other thing."
Leaning in close, he whispers in my ear and I shiver as his breath skates across my skin. "You can't
handle me."

All of a sudden, my temper flares. "What the hell is it that everyone thinks I can't handle?"

Shit. As Chris pins me against the wall, I have to wonder whether asking was such a great idea...

"You really want to know what I want to do to you?" I can't help groaning as he grinds against

me. God, that feels so good. He feels so good, all hot and hard against me, making me ache until I can

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me. God, that feels so good. He feels so good, all hot and hard against me, making me ache until I can
hardly think. "I'd like to tie you up," he says, "make you submit to me, beg me to fuck you until both
of us are too tired to move." That shouldn't sound so hot--should it? I open my eyes to stare at him, but
the look he gives me is almost too much to handle. It's like he wants to eat me up...I shiver, but he's not
done yet.

"I like bondage. Toys. Even a little pain, sometimes." He bites my neck, and I moan because it

feels so damn good and I don't want him to stop. Right now, I'd do anything for him. Anything. But
then he pulls away from me right when I'm about to say, 'yes, take me,' like some sort of idiot. Thank
God. "You're too naive, too innocent," he says, running a hand through his hair as if exasperated.

"I'm not innocent," I say. Of all the things I could have said, really? Chris says nothing, just

shakes his head slowly.

"You're not ready." I want to protest, but he doesn't give me a chance. "Not now--not when

you're too keyed up to think clearly. Look, I heard you need a place to stay, so you can stay. I got you
some clothes," he says, picking up a bundle from the floor, "so you'll have something dry. But I'm not
taking advantage of you right now."

"But what if I want more?" My voice is so hoarse right now it feels like I've swallowed

sandpaper, but I have to say it. I'm a little freaked out, to tell you the truth, but everything he's said is
so fascinating I almost want to dive right in.

"My room's next to yours." I follow him, mute, to the guest room he's picked out for me, then

stumble to bed. For a long moment, Chris watches me. "If you want me, you know where to find me,"
he says finally.

An hour later, I'm tossing and turning in bed, haunted by what Chris told me. Do I really want

him to fuck me? Dominate me, tie me up? The images that run through my head are disturbing, but at
the same time so hot that I can't sleep. Sometimes, with other men, I've felt like I was missing
something. Could that be it? Do I need to submit to someone? My balls are drawn up tight against my
body, and my dick...when the hell was the last time I got this hard? Have I ever?

I try stroking myself, but it's a half-hearted effort that only makes the ache worse. I need Chris

and right now I don't care how intense he is or whether I'm in over my head or not. I just want him.

It seems like I'm standing at his door with my hand raised before I can figure out how I got out

of bed, but there I am. For a long moment I stand there, debating the wisdom of what I'm about to do,
but then I remember that I'm only here for a few days. If I never see him again, then it won't matter if I
look like an idiot.

I knock, but the door opens before I finish and Chris is there in front of me, naked, waiting. Oh

God, but he's beautiful. He licks his lips and gives me the once-over while he smiles this really slow,
sexy smiles that goes right through me. It's like he's fucking me with his eyes. I'm not wearing
anything, so it seems ridiculous to say that his expression makes me feel naked but I feel more exposed
than I've ever been in my life.

"You said to come in if I wanted you." It takes forever to say the words, like I have to force

them out of a throat that just doesn't want to work.

"So I did," he says. I love the way he owns his nakedness like it doesn't even matter and shit,

maybe to him it doesn't. "You remember what else I said?" He's hard, too, and getting more turned on
by the second. I can't help staring, even as I think about everything he said to me.

It's the 'what else' that has me here right now, so I force myself to speak up. "Something about--

being dominated. Tied up?" I swallow, hard. "I don't have a clue about any of that, really. I just know
that I want you to fuck me any way you want."

"Let me enlighten you, then. If you come in, I'll own you for the rest of the night. Clear?"
"Crystal." I run a hand through my hair, waiting. I've made my decision, but that doesn't mean

I'm calm about it. That doesn't change when I follow Chris into the dimly-lit bedroom, especially when
I notice that half of the room--which is huge, by the way--is filled with stuff that looks like it belongs

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I notice that half of the room--which is huge, by the way--is filled with stuff that looks like it belongs
in a dungeon somewhere. Hell, his four-poster bed has rings on it that look like they're meant for
restraining someone. I clear my throat. "So you weren't kidding about the bondage stuff?"

"No." He turns and looks back at me with this feral, calculating look, his eyes practically

glowing with lust. "Regrets?"

"No, I just--I've never done this so I don't know what to expect." I rub my arms and try to focus

only on the man in front of me.

"Hey." Unexpectedly, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. "You're thinking

too much," he breathes, just before he lowers his mouth to mine. I'm expecting a fierce, savage kiss,
but instead it's slow, gentle, over far too quickly. "Do you trust me?" I look up at him and consider the

"Sort of," I reply. "I don't think you'll hurt me, but--"
He cuts me off. "You need to trust me completely," he says. "None of this works without your

trust." For a moment he's quiet, as if thinking. "Here. If we go too far, too fast, just say 'red.' Easy to
remember, right?" He says this with the same intensity with which he does everything else and I can't
help but believe him. There's something else in his favor, too. My wolf seems happy with this
arrangement, for some reason. I can't pretend to understand it, so I just give in.

"Red," I murmur. "Got it." I'll remember, but I don't plan on using it. I sit on the bed and watch

as Chris pulls out an assortment of objects from a chest in the corner. Cuffs, a blindfold, what looks
like a butt plug, and something else that looks like it's meant to hurt. A flogger, he tells me when I raise
an eyebrow. I'm so fucking turned on right now, but looking at everything he's got out just makes it
seem so real that I can't stop the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. He returns and lays
everything on the bed beside me, then pulls out lube from a drawer.

He's so prepared that I feel an unexpected stab of jealously. Just how many men has he had in

here? I have to remind myself that he's not mine, we're nothing--there is no we--and this is just a one-
night thing. Right. I tell myself this as he pulls me to a standing position, but it's not very convincing.

"Hands behind your back." I obey without really thinking about it and I wonder, again, just

how he can make even the softest words into a command. He fastens the padded cuffs around my
wrists, then locks them together. Fuck. This is really happening. I can't help but feel a bit of panic at
being restrained like this and I force myself to breathe evenly. Only Chris's hands on my shoulders
keep me calm.

Chris steps around me so I can see him lubing up the plug. It looks so much bigger now that it's

about to go in my ass at any minute. He looks at me, as if sensing my nervousness, and smiles. "Spread
your legs," he says. This is it...I do as ordered while he wraps an arm around me, holding me steady.
There isn't much warning before he shoves the plug in my ass and I can't help the groan that escapes
me. I'm no virgin, but this stretches me far more than I'm used to. Jesus, it burns. I hiss through my
teeth and push back against him, then sigh in relief when the plug is all the way in. I feel full now--
almost too full--but the burning has eased.

Chris pushes down on my shoulders and, following his lead, I sink awkwardly down to my

knees. It's no surprise when he stands in front of me, his erect, beautiful cock just in front of my
mouth. I know exactly what he wants, so I open my mouth and take him in.

Taking him in my mouth like this is strangely calming. I forget about my bound hands and set

about exploring every inch of his dick, trying to figure out what he likes best. He groans loudly when I
lap at the sensitive spot beneath the head, so I do it again, reveling in the way he bucks against me.

And then I freeze. The plug in my ass is vibrating--what the hell? I look up at Chris, confused.

He's holding a remote in his hand and damn if he doesn't look pleased. "Don't come," he says, his
voice husky.

Oh God, the vibrations feel so damn good. I moan around the cock in my mouth and try to

ignore how much my own is aching. Focusing on Chris helps a little, but all the same, I'm getting

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ignore how much my own is aching. Focusing on Chris helps a little, but all the same, I'm getting
close. Writhing on the floor, I meet Chris's eyes with a wordless plea, but he shakes his head. It's a
race--who will come first? I grow more desperate by the second as I let his dick slide down my throat.
He tangles one hand in my hair and holds me still while he fucks my mouth. It seems like forever, but
it's probably only a few seconds before he fills my mouth with the salty taste of his come. I swallow it
all down until finally he slides out from between my lips. When he pats me on the head and looks
down at me with something like approval in his eyes, I realize the vibrations have stopped. Somehow,
I've succeeded. Knowing he's pleased with me is somehow satisfying, but I still burn with the need to

I want to touch him so badly, but my hands are still bound, so for now I just lean against his

thigh as he strokes my hair. Eventually, he pulls me to my feet. "We're not done yet," he murmurs into
my ear. I nod. Of course--I'd have been surprised and more than a little disappointed if we stopped

I try to stand still as he unhooks my cuffs but I get nervous all over again when he attaches

them to a chain above my head. "Do this often?" I'm suddenly jealous as I realize again that this whole
room is built for sex--just the way he likes it. He chuckles, as if he knows why I asked, but he doesn't

By the time he's done, my hands are stretched over my head, just high enough so that I can't

rest comfortably on my feet, but instead balance precariously on my toes. With some trepidation, I eye
the flogger on the bed. That must be what he wants to do next. As I hang from the chains, I wonder if
it'll hurt and if so, how much. Will I like it? I don't know, but I want to make him happy. I need to.
God, I hope Chris knows what he's doing.

The room disappears as Chris slips the blindfold over my eyes. Shit. Restraints I can handle,

but this? It drives me over the edge. I thrash--or try--but end up swaying unsteadily rather than doing
anything effective. Panicked, I snarl and snap at the air, which a part of me realizes is ridiculous, but
my wolf embraces.

Then he's at my back, his heat enveloping me. "Easy." He lays a hand on my shoulder and I

feel instantly calmer. Still, I have to explain myself.

"I don't like the dark," I whisper. It's crazy for a wolf, but there it is.
"Red, yellow, or green?" It takes a second before I realize what he's asking. Red, yellow,

green...then I remember. Red. I can say it if I need things to stop. I take a deep, steadying breath and
think about it. I trust him. He'll push, but not too far. How I know this about a man I've just met, I can't
say. I just do. The knowledge calms me, pushes the panic aside.

He's still there, waiting, so I give him my answer. "Green." I force myself to relax as he walks

away. He hasn't gone far. I can still feel his heat, smell his scent and it calms the raging beast inside
me. The room is silent for a moment, rife with anticipation. I can't help it; I tense up, waiting for the
first blow.

Unexpectedly--but then, has anything been what I expected tonight?--it's more of a caress. The

soft leather straps slide down the skin of my back. Blindfolded, at Chris's mercy, all I can do is feel. I
am hypersensitive to every touch, every sensation. And then, I grunt as the flogger lifts from my skin
and descends with a hard thwack that breaks the silence. It stings but the hurt fades quickly and I sag in
relief. If that's all--but no. I jump as the flogger comes down again, harder than before. It hits my ass
this time and I jerk at the impact. "Son of a bitch," I curse, but it dies on my lips when Chris runs the
flogger down my back again.

Another blow hits my shoulders, then another. Light, then hard, then nothing at all...I can't

figure out any sort of pattern. All I know is that the sting is turning into a warmth that spreads
throughout my body. Strangely, I feel...euphoric. Every so often, Chris trails a hand down my back,
soothing me.

"You mark up so easily," he says at one point, his breath warming my ear. I try to imagine what

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"You mark up so easily," he says at one point, his breath warming my ear. I try to imagine what

I must look like from his point of view. In my mind's eye, I see myself, nude, dangling from the chains
above my head, the skin of my back warm, pink, sweaty. Does he like what he sees?

"Is that a good thing?" I murmur, twisting around to try and steal a kiss. I brush his lips, barely,

before he steps away.

"Yes," he says with a low laugh. "I like it very much." I relax completely and give in to the

sensations. I can hardly believe it, but the flogger no longer stings at all. It's almost pleasant actually,
in the same way a deep massage is. Without conscious thought, I find myself begging for more, harder
strokes, faster, now. My cock is leaking and I have to wonder if I could come from this. I float,
absorbing the blows, leaning into them even. Time passes, but it might have been a few minutes or an

Every time my muscles clench around the plug in my ass, I want to beg him to just fuck me

already. Then something catches my attention--the sound of something hitting the floor, I realize--and I
grow hopeful. Chris's arms surround me. "I can't wait anymore," he murmurs into my neck. "Are you

I moan, trying to find the words to tell him just how ready I am. "Please" is all I can manage.

He slides one hand down to my ass while circling my engorged dick with the other. "Oh God." That
feels unbelievably good.

"You ready to come?" As he works his hand up and down my shaft in smooth, easy strokes, I

groan helplessly. With his other hand, he pulls at the plug into it, too, falls to the floor.

"Fuck, yes." I feel empty now. I'm so ready for him I could scream, but he won't give me what I

need, not even when I buck desperately into his hand.

"Soon." His hand leaves me and I whimper at the absence of sensation, of his warmth

surrounding me. Steading me with a firm grip on my heaps, Chris moves into position. I can almost
feel the weight of his gaze as he spreads me open. A moment later, slick fingers push their way inside
me and I tremble. Again, he moves slowly, torturing me, making me wait. Growling in frustration, I
beg him to hurry.

When his cock finally--finally!--nudges at the entrance of my ass, I sigh in relief. He thrusts

home without much warning, making me cry out into the stillness of the room. He's big but oh God it
feels so amazing. I've been waiting for this all night and I tell him so, repeatedly, as he pulls away
from me. All I can do is take his cock as he thrusts into me over and over, so slowly and patiently that
I'm kept on the edge of orgasm for what feels like forever. How can any man have that much self-

The blindfold only heightens the feeling of his hard, muscular body pressed against mine, the

way his prick feels as it glides in and out. So much pleasure. God, I can hardly process it. I lean against
him, let him take me as I listen to the sounds we make together. His grunts, the slap of flesh as he
thrusts into me, the way I moan and beg for him to take me harder.

He starts to take me the way I've wanted him to all night. I shouldn't be able to handle this but I

want more more more. Hands digging into my hips, he thrusts deep again. And again. It's what I need.
I'm losing control, flying over the edge.

"I'm coming," I groan as my balls tighten up and my orgasm works its way outward. It's like an

explosion, starting in my balls then roaring up through my cock until I'm covering my stomach, the
floor, my thighs with the sticky warmth of my come.

My spasms set Chris off. He pounds me harder, then jerks against me, in me, as his come fills

my body with warmth. From a faraway place, I hear him roaring as he rides it out. Then it's over and I
lay my head back on his shoulder, exhausted. Chris squeezes me hard once again, then lets go. I
murmur a sleepy protest when he moves away from me, but he's not gone for long. Holding me steady,
he releases my hands and I fall against him. All of a sudden, I'm aware of my muscles protesting.
They'll be sore tomorrow, I know.

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The blindfold falls and I blink at the light that beats against my eyes. Even the dim glow that

fills the room is too much. Looking down at the floor to escape the light, I flush when I see the mess
I've made on the dark wood. When Chris grabs my arm and leads me away, I stumble and burrow my
face into his chest. I can't get enough of him now that I'm free to touch as much as I want.

"Your floor," I protest.
"Let me take care of you first," he says, and guides me to the bathroom. I'm too

euphoric/sleepy/sated to say anything else, so I just relax and lean into him.

The rest of the night is a blur. Chris helps me to the shower and cleans me up so gently, so at

odds with how I expected him to be that my heart melts. When I react to his caresses, my cock
hardening up again, he takes me in his mouth until I come so hard my eyes roll back in my head.
Somehow I end up back in bed, lying face down while he massages my shoulders. We talk, the
rambling sort of conversation people have when they're basking in the afterglow. Then the
conversation dies and, sleepy as hell, I curl up next to him and fall asleep.


It seems like only a few minutes later when I come back to consciousness, but the sunlight

beating at my eyelids tells me it's morning, and late morning at that. The bed shifts and I smell the
warm scent of fresh coffee, with an earthy layer underneath that is all Chris.

"Morning, sunshine." He presses a gentle kiss to my temple, then pulls away when my eyes

flutter open. As the last traces of sleep fade away, I meet Chris's eyes and those them in for a moment.
Grey. So beautiful, so...not mine, I remind myself. "Brought you a cup of coffee," he says. His voice is
so...normal. I'm not sure I want normal after everything we shared last night.

"Thanks." I sit up and lean against the headboard, wincing a little. My back and shoulders are

still tender; I'd almost forgotten. Still, it's not a bad kind of pain. More like the delicious soreness you
get after you've been fucked nine ways to Sunday. Which isn't far off. Closing my eyes as I drink the
coffee, I try to imagine what it would feel like to wake up like this every day.

Chris brings me out of my daydream when he stands up, leaving me alone in the bed. He puts

his hands in his pockets and stares at the hardwood floor. "Drew called. He's on his way," he says
gruffly, then turns to leave. A few seconds later, he pops back in and my heart leaps up to my throat.
Did he forget something, or is he going to tell me...what? I don't know what I want him to say. "The
clothes from last night--they're in your room," he says. "I, um--I took the liberty of calling a tow for
your car, too. I've got a good mechanic working on it. Should be fixed up in no time." I'm touched, but
I don't know what to say, so I mumble something that vaguely resembles 'thank you' and he leaves.

In less than half an hour, I'm dressed and in Drew's car. I've said my thanks--again--but

still...there's something missing. Twisting my head around to catch a last glimpse of the house before
we pull out, I notice Chris watching us. He's leaning against the door in much the same way as he was
when I first saw him, his expression unreadable. All too soon, I can't see him anymore.

"So...what happened with Chris? I can smell him all over you." Drew breaks into my reverie

and all I can do is sigh. I'm not sure what happened myself.

"That bad, huh?" He's smiling ever so slightly.
"No, it was good. Too good, maybe." Damn it, I feel so hollow right now.
"Look," Drew says after a minute, "I've never thanked you for pushing me to talk to Ian, but--

thanks. It's..." He frowns as if searching for the right words. "I guess I'd say that it changed my life." I
flush, since I'm hardly the go-to-guy for romantic advice.

"You'd have come around eventually," I mutter. Drew laughs.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway--" his phone rings and I take a peek at the caller ID, then show it

to him. Chris. "Answer it for me, will you?"

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So I do. I say hello and then wait through the most awkward silence of my life, until finally

Chris sighs. "Nathaniel." The way he says my name is like a verbal caress, like he's right there in the
car with me...God, I miss him already.

"Chris." My throat is tight. Why is he calling?
"So. I--last night..." he falls silent again, and I picture him frowning, struggling to say whatever

it is he's thinking. "I'm not sure I want that to be a one-time thing." I swear my mouth is gaping open
and my heart is beating so fast it's like it'll burst out of my chest.

"I'm not here for much longer," I say a little weakly. Somehow it comes out sounding like a 'no'

but I don't mean it that way, not quite.

"I know. That's why...that's why I want you here. Please?" I say something about Drew and Ian

and how I can't leave them in the lurch, when I notice Drew trying to get my attention. Go for it, he
mouths. Damn wolf hearing. That's what--twice in less than 24 hours that wolf senses have gotten me
in trouble?

I take a deep breath. "Okay." He hangs up, just like that.
"So we're turning around?" Drew looks at me and winks.
"Yeah. We're going back--I'm going back." To the man I could fall in love with, I could say, but

don't. My wolf howls with joy inside me and somehow, I get that feeling that Chris will be part of my
life for a long time.


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About the Author

Layla Cole is a student by day and an erotica author by night. She lives with her boyfriend of

four years and a few nutty roommates. She enjoys reading fiction of all kinds and hopes to share her

sensual fantasies with her readers. Please don't hesitate to share any comments or criticisms by

contacting Layla online.




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More From Layla Cole:

Grace Fucks a Ghost

Serving Vampires

Howling With Pleasure

Alpha Seduction

Shared by Vampires

Howls of Desire


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