2011 04 20 test oxford angielski podstawowa 4

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Oxford Educational Sp. z o.o.

Konkurs Jêzykowy


dla uczniów po 4. roku nauki szkoły podstawowej

strona 1

Każde pytanie daje Ci szansę uzyskania 4 punktów. Maksymalna liczba punktów z całego testu wynosi 100.

Z podanych trzech (a,b lub c) odpowiedzi tylko jedna jest prawidłowa. Testy są przygotowane w ten sposób, aby

uczeń bez pośpiechu mógł odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania w ciągu 45 minut. Test powinien zakończyć się

o godzinie 11


. Istotne jest, aby wpisać na karcie również nazwisko osoby siedzącej obok. W ten sposób spraw-

dzamy stopień podobieństwa odpowiedzi uczniów sąsiadujących ze sobą dla uwiarygodnienia wyników.

Uwaga: W czasie testu nie wolno używać słowników ani innych pomocy naukowych.

Powodzenia! Good luck!

1. ................ French invented the guillotine.

a) A

b) Any

c) The

2. Yesterday Martyna and Sebastian ................ us a visit.

a) gave

b) paid

c) took

3. My cousin runs a marathon every year. He’s really ................ and healthy.

a) fit

b) sports

c) good

4. Judy ................ any help. She can do it herself.

a) does not need

b) needs

c) don’t need

5. This year me and my brother ................ two foreign languages, English and French.

a) learns

b) are learning

c) doesn’t learn

6. Anne and her mother travelled ................ to Italy last year.

a) on bus

b) by coach

c) in plane

7. Wendy likes pizza, ................?

a) isn’t she

b) does she

c) doesn’t she

8. ................ this book ................ to you?

a) Has/belong

b) Do/belong

c) Does/belong

9. Two years ago Marta ................ 13 and Anna 12.

a) were

b) is

c) was

10. Brenda ................ her homework and she can’t talk to you now.

a) does

b) is doing

c) did

11. Peter ................ here since 1998.

a) works

b) worked

c) has worked

20 kwietnia 2011


dla uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych po 1. i 2. roku nauki języka angielskiego

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strona 2

12. ”Titanic” is one of the ................ films ever.

a) most popular

b) more popular

c) popularest

13. A: Do you have your ................? B:Yes, I do.

a) pasport

b) passport

c) pashport

14. Our postman usually ................ the letters at 8 a.m. but today he ................ late.

a) deliver/run

b) delivers/is running

c) is delivering/is running

15. A: What did you do during your last holiday? B: I ................ it in Norway.

a) have spent

b) spended

c) spent

16. Would you mind ................ this passage aloud Mark?

a) to read

b) read

c) reading

17. Sarah ................ a doctor about this rash.

a) see

b) should see

c) can see

18. A: ................ the new film with Julia Roberts? B: No, not yet.

a) Do you see

b) Have you seen

c) Did you see

19. Chocolate chip cookies are ................ than vanilla ones.

a) best

b) good

c) better

20. ............... your sister ................ a good time in Rome last week?

a) Does/have

b) Did/had

c) Did/have

21. A: I don’t really like action films. B: ................ .

a) So do I

b) Either do I

c) Neither do I

22. Recently I ................ an interesting film but unfortunately I don’t remember the title.

a) see

b) have seen

c) saw

23. Next month we ................ to the opera. Today our mother bought the tickets.

a) go

b) are going

c) would go

24. Easter this year is ................ April.

a) on

b) by

c) in

25. John Smith was a very ................ man but he still wasn’t happy.

a) well

b) wealthy

c) willful


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