Zenina Masters [Shifting Crossroads 26] Half a Dose of Fury [eXtasy] (pdf)

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Saving shifters has been her life, but locking eyes with a fey
in a crowded room wakes her beast in all the best ways.

Yval has been living to save other shifters from the clutches
of the fey. She has had her body modified to make her job
easier, but the magic used cut her off from her beast.

Fatigued and frustrated, she is ordered to take two

months off, and it is suggested that she take the time at the

Drorik is a fey with a mission to save the future of his

people and family by taking a shifter bride. The woman he
meets is full of attitude and is bristling with defensiveness,
but there is something inside her that calls to him, and her
curves are sending their own message.

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Half a Dose of Fury

Copyright © 2015 Zenina Masters

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0256-3

Cover art by Carmen Waters

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Half a Dose of Fury

Shifting Crossroads Book 26


Zenina Masters

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Chapter One

val crept silently through the compound; her dark fur
kept her from standing out in the shadows as she moved

into position.

The orgy inside the main building was putting scents in

the air that she was going to have to flush out of her nose.
The fey that had joined her team were producing a barrier
around the party room. Yval wasn’t sure how she felt about
hunting fey with elves watching her back.

When the barrier was set, she got a signal and the shifters

moved in with the fey at their sides.

Yval crept into the room and watched shifters in collars

flinching away from the attentions of their fey lovers. She
did her party trick and kept her body shifted while her head
went human.

“Enough! All shifters move to one side, and all fey put

your hands in the air.”

The master of the party was reclining with a woman who

rolled to the side as rapidly as she could. He scowled at her.
“Who are you, what are you and why are you at this party?
You were definitely not invited, all fur.”

“Nice. This isn’t even the ninth time I have heard that. Get

up, Stealik. Do not make me tell you again.”

He moved suddenly, and Yval was ready for it. She ran

her clawed hand up his naked abdomen, shifted her head
into her half-form and put her teeth around his throat. He
froze in her grip as her teeth dug in; she leaned forward and
took him to the ground.


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“Hunter Maddox, you can let him go. I believe he has

learned his lesson.” Fey Hunter Arrowheart put his hand on
her shoulder.

She snarled and released her target, shifting to human

and spitting out the fey blood. “I hope so. Next time, I go
into the gut and I make a wish.”

The ancient noble looked into her eyes, and she smiled. It

was not a nice smile.

Stealik held his hand to his bleeding throat. “I surrender

to my people and their laws.”

Arrowheart flipped him over to his stomach and cuffed

him with wide silver bands. “That is too bad. The Shifter
Guild has jurisdiction over this. By the treaty signed at the
Crossroads, you are under arrest for the unlawful
confinement and restriction of shifters for sexual or
entertainment purposes.”

Yval looked down at him and his shocked expression.


Arrowheart hauled him to his feet and pushed him

toward the door where the six other fey were lining up.

Yval went to the shifters and unclasped their cuffs and

collars. She found them fabric to drape around their
nakedness, and they left the building before the fey were
allowed to move.

Yval half shifted and guarded the prisoners as the

survivors were escorted to a medical facility for treatment
and assessment.

Stealik’s bleeding had gotten sluggish, and if he didn’t get

proper healing, he would bear those marks until he died.
She felt her lips curve in a pleased snarl as she imagined
how he would feel about that.

It had been painful to have magic bonded into her bite,

and it had also cut her off from her beast. She could wear her

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devil on the outside of her skin, but the bitchy little critter
wasn’t speaking to her; the magic had ticked her off.

When she had gotten the magic embedded in her body, it

had been a decision made in fury and loss. Her cousin Nara
had been one of the victims of the lion shifters using other
shifters as fuel for spell supplies. She had not been thinking
of a future when she had gone to the purveyor of dark
magic. She had wanted the power to leave her mark, and he
gave it to her. The loss of full use of her beast was the price.

Three years later and she was still getting used to it.
Outside, the transporters were plying their trade, and

when the final victim was safe, the fey were herded outside
for their movement to the guildhall for processing.

“Hunter Maddox, are you ready to leave?”
Arrowheart was as graceful as the rest of his species and

very handsome. If she was something else, or someone else,
she would definitely make a play for him. As it was, he was
a co-worker, an elf who had her back. It was a strange-
enough idea, but she was getting used to it.

She shifted to human again, her vest covered what it

needed to, and the tight fit of her leggings meant that only
the pale shapes of her feet were visible.

“I need to do a complete search of the compound. There

might be others that were not at the party. A transporter
always stays until we leave.”

Arrowheart nodded. “Very well; I will go where you


“Good. If I signal, follow my lead.” She was at the edge of

her transformation limit. She shifted back into her more
bitey form and went hunting.

She lifted her nose to the night and inhaled, seeking the

scent of other shifters. She beckoned Arrowheart to follow
her as she ran through the compound, looking for anyone
left behind.

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The cages where the shifters had been kept were clean,

and there were ten of them. The flat panel on the floor was
the first place that Yval looked. She hauled it up with her
claws and yowled and snarled into the hole.

Yips, chirps and growls greeted her. She drew her head

back at the scent of all the shifters kept below. She looked to
Arrowheart and flexed her hands twice before pointing at
the door.

“Right. Tell them that we have twenty more victims. I will

be right back.” He turned and left the room while she
lowered herself into the hole. Her vest had the icon of the
Shifter Guild on it, and she kept her half-form in place while
she went to the healthy ones and set them loose so they
could transform and heal.

Soothing noises did not come naturally to her, so she

made small chirps and growls that tried to be relaxing and

A few of the shifters changed to human when she freed

them, and they soothed the others.

Footsteps above made everyone freeze. Those who could

put themselves between those still trapped and the entrance
did so. Yval waved them back with short growls, and she
went to the steps, waiting at the bottom.

Arrowheart came down, and the survivors cried out. Yval

let out a sharp bark and reached up, tapping the Shifter
Guild icon on Arrowheart’s shoulder.

Other hunters came down, and together, they worked to

get those that could walk up the stairs, and those that had to
be carried were held as gently as possible and taken to the
healers who were still waiting above.

She made her way to the darkest corners of the cells,

confirming that they were clear. There were three other
buildings to check, and Yval hoped that they were empty.

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Arrowheart followed her, and when she found three more

shifters in the last structure, he helped her get them safe.

The hunters were elated and depressed at the same time.

With the looks that the fey were giving each other, they
thought that the treaty had ended the trade in shifters. It was
an adorably naïve way to think. It ignored the urge to collect
that many of the older fey had fostered during their
lifetimes. They had focused on the next acquisition to get
them through the ages.

When the last of the victims had been transported, Yval

threw her head back and let out a warbling yowl. The tone
was deeper and louder than her beast voice could have
managed, and it had the desired effect. The sound echoed
through the compound, into every nook and cranny. She
called out again and waited.

Yval’s shoulders slumped in relief as her call went

unanswered. The magic was specific. She could call shifters,
and they would respond, no matter their condition. If they
were gagged, she would hear them clawing. If there was no
sound at all, they had all been found.

She let out two short, sharp barks and headed for the

transport space. Arrowheart and the other members of their
team formed up around her.

The hunters were heading home.
As the light grew and the chant droned on, Yval returned

to her human form for the debriefing. A flash of brightness
and they were on the group transport pad in the basement of
the guildhall.

She stretched her jaw a few times.
Arrowheart muttered, “You still have blood on your jaw

and cheeks.”

“In that case, I had better get to the ladies room. Please

excuse me. I will rejoin you for the debriefing.”

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She made her way down the hall and to the ladies room

to wash her face. Her jaw, neck and cheeks were streaked
with blood. Yval opened her vest and grimaced at the blood
in her cleavage.

Wet paper towels took care of the worst of it, but the rest

would have to wait for a proper shower. The half-form gave
her an inability to clean herself properly, and it was really
annoying. Her mouth didn’t produce enough saliva to have
it cling to her fur and it made grooming impossible.

When she was presentable, Yval headed to the debriefing

room where her team was already working through their
impressions of the evening’s events.

Yval sat back with a cup of coffee and listened to the

description of her attack on Stealik.

The recorder looked up from her notes. “Hunter Yval, do

you have any new information to add to this?”

“Yes, I could have gutted him completely; he got off

lucky. I let him keep all his body parts.” She sipped at her
coffee and smiled brightly.

The group of hunters chuckled and the recorder kept

working. When Yval got to her portion of the events, she
explained scenting the hidden folk and working to sooth
them. Assessment of the situation and those that couldn’t be
moved was described and duly recorded.

“Hunter Yval, was there a reason for your remaining in a

form that made communicating with your team difficult?”
Hunter Veeran raised one eyebrow.

“Yes, I ran out of shifts. I had been flicking back and forth

frequently, and I could feel that I only had one shift left. I
had to save it for this meeting and final communication.
Until I was sure that the site was clear, I could not be in a
position where I was unable to defend myself or those in my

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“Hunter Yval, please meet with me after this debriefing.”

Hunter Veeran smiled.

They continued through until all details had been

recorded for the archives. The fey witness to the debriefing
nodded in agreement to the printed statement.

It was all over and Yval wanted a shower, but first, her


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Chapter Two

val, the fey observer here today wasn’t just here to sign
off on the joint taskforce.”

Yval yawned and burrowed back into her coffee cup. The

cartoon Tasmanian devil on the side marked it as
unmistakably hers. “Do tell.”

“First, I need to tell you that you have been working

yourself to the fine edge of control. On two different
operations, you got wedged into your own body and could
not shift to defend yourself or others.”

Yval nodded. “I know, but I did manage to get a weapon

and defend myself and those with me.”

“Understood, but we feel that you have been burning the

candle at both ends. You need to take some time off, and the
fey have an offer for you.”

She was so taken aback by the first part of his sentence

that she nearly missed the second. “Wait...what?”

“You are on leave, and the fey would like you to take that

leave at the Crossroads.” He looked a little uncomfortable.

Confusion took over and she blurted, “Why?”
“They have seers working to find matches for available

fey, and they pull them up by animal. They had to ask
several of us when they described your devil, but it is the
only beast that matched.”

Yval grimaced. “They are probably mistaking me for

some kind of weasel.”


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“You are some kind of weasel, but they were very specific

about the sound that you make. Apparently, it is described
as a ravenous zombie feasting.” Veeran looked sheepish.

She was going to refute it, but it was a pretty accurate

assessment of the noises her beast used to make.

“Do they know that I am no longer an active


Veeran nodded. “They know and do not care. You are the

one that was seen; you are the one that is a likely candidate.
From what I have heard, personal energy has to match, and
the seers are using every trick they can to get a good match
on their selections. Come on, Yval, what can it hurt? They
are picking up the tab, and all you have to do is go there
with an open mind. Simple. Eat, drink, enjoy yourself and
then get your butt back to work.”

Yval ran her hand over her hair. “I need to think about


“Of course. Take this number and call it when you have

made a decision. Either way, I don’t want to see you back
here for two months.”

She gasped. “What?”
“You heard me.” He leaned forward. “You need to get in

touch with your beast. Do whatever it takes, but get her back
on your side.”

“She isn’t speaking to me.”
“Then, find a way to get her attention. Looking for a mate

might just be the thing that gets her back on your side.” He
gave her an innocent look and waved the card at her.

She snatched it, and her growl warbled out of her. With as

much dignity as she could muster in her exhausted state, she
left her team leader and stalked toward the change rooms.
She needed her normal clothing, and then, she needed a

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Two hours later, she stared at the card and thought about

the Crossroads. She sipped at her drink, and the milkshake
improved her mood.

Her teenaged nephew looked at the card. “So, Auntie.

You have a choice in front of you. Fries and gravy or

“That is not the big type of choice I am contemplating.”
“Yeah, I know, but since you still have to mull that one

over, you might as well do it with food.”

Yval slurped at her strawberry milkshake and tapped the

poutine on the menu. Jesser summoned the waitress, flirted
a bit and ordered some poutine for his poor auntie who was
having a rough day.

Yval glared at him but didn’t say a word. He was scoring

points with the classmate who was taking their order, and
so, Yval exaggerated her tired look.

The young woman, whose name badge identified her as

Erin, quickly jotted down the order and smiled shyly at

When the waitress was out of earshot, Yval chuckled.

“Well, you are definitely scoring points taking care of your
poor auntie. Shall I develop a limp or bring a cane in the
next time?”

He gave her an unrepentant grin. “Perhaps wear a sling

next time, and I can help you eat.”

“You are such a jerk.”
“My mother raised me right.”
Yval sighed. “Your father did pitch in, you know. Your

mother is just a bossy boots.”

“You are just on his side because he is your brother.”
She smiled and sipped at her milkshake. “It could be.”
Jesser sat back. “What’s up, Auntie?”
“I have a decision to make, and you are the smartest

person I know, so I came to you for advice.”

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“And fries.”
“That too.”
She drummed her fingers on the table before blurting out,

“I have been forced to take two months off.”

“Wow. Why?”
Yval looked around and leaned forward. “I have been

running a little close to exhaustion, and they finally

“Ouch. Did you get stuck again?”
“No. Nearly.” She ran a hand through her hair.
“It is not great for you but not horrible. What else? You

look like I did the day I learned that going to school meant

“I have been offered a sort of paid vacation.”
“Sort of?”
“It will be paid for by that group I have been working

with. The Crossroads.”

Jesser whistled softly and their food arrived.
When Erin, the waitress, left them, Yval stabbed her fries,

gravy and cheese with a fork. “So, what do you think I
should do?”

“What do you think of the new group?”
She frowned and munched. “They are okay. I mean, I

have never considered a merger with one of their kind
before. It is a pretty big deal. How would you feel about an
uncle from the other side of the tracks?”

“He would be gay?”
She slapped her free hand over her eyes while he


“Auntie, I know what you mean. I wouldn’t mind as long

as you were happy. There would be some period of
adjustment, I am sure, but if he makes you happy, it would
all be worth it.”

She smiled slightly and kept working on her meal.

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“So, when would you leave?” Jesser tried to look casual.
“I don’t know. I have to contact a transporter to get

myself there.” Yval blinked. “You really want me to go?”

“I think you have been alone long enough. I don’t need

you to be there for me twenty-four seven anymore. I
appreciate that you were there when Mom and Dad were
going through their issues, but we are all stable now. You
don’t have to put your life on hold for us.”

“It wasn’t a problem. I enjoyed being able to be there for


“I know you say that, but I also know that you would

have felt better if you had been able to look for your cousin
Nara right away.” His normally cheerful face was sober.

She reached out and tapped the back of his wrist. “I could

not have found her, could not have helped her. We started
looking right away, and based on what the team found, she
had not survived more than a day. It had nothing to do with
what was going on at your house or with you or your
parents. It didn’t even have anything to do with me, and it
has taken me a while to admit that.”

“We don’t do well in captivity, do we?”
She shook her head. “No, we don’t. It is bad enough that

we start eating prey at an unfortunate angle.”

He grinned. “It does take getting used to, doesn’t it?”
“It really does.”
Jesser gave her a serious look. “Make the call now. You

have your phone, and I know you have the number with
you. I will still be here when you are done.”

She twisted her lips. “Bossy.”
“I have to learn. I am going to lead our family one day. I

need the practice.” He winked.

She pulled out her phone and the business card. The

phone rang twice before a laughing woman picked it up.

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“Hello. Is this Pansy?”
“It is.”
“My name is Yval Maddox, and I was given your card.”
“Excellent! Is there somewhere I can meet you? I can be

there in half an hour.”

Yval looked at her nephew and rattled off his address. “I

will be there in ten minutes.”

Jesser reached for his wallet and paid the bill.
She smiled, and Pansy agreed to meet her.
Erin got a tip, Jesser got her number and Yval got to drive

him home as he admired his prize.

Her brother was just arriving home from work; his suit

and tie were immaculate, as always.

“Hey, sis. Why have you taken custody of my eldest?”
She twisted her lips in a grimace. “Well, bro...dang that

sounds wrong. Ron, I needed to work some stuff out, and
Jesser is better than you are at this stuff.”

“Does Linnea know you are coming?”
Jesser nodded. “I texted her from the restaurant.”
Ron’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “Thank goodness. Come

on in.”

Yval grinned. “We haven’t bitten each other in ages.”
“Yeah, but the magic still sets her hackles on edge.”
“I know. I wish there was something I could do about it,

but it is fused to me now.” Yval hugged him and slung her
arm around her nephew while they headed into Linnea’s
territory. It was dangerous, but Yval was more than willing
to sacrifice the menfolk while she made a getaway.

“Hello, Linny.” Yval smiled.
Linnea took a deep breath, braced herself and came in for

a hug. Yval could smell her beast, but all Linnea could smell
was magic. She sighed and stepped back.

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“Yvy. It is good to see you. You look tired.” Linnea


“That brings me to why I am here. I am moving in.”
Everyone in the room froze, and Yval counted to five

before she burst out laughing. “Joke. It is a joke. I am looking
into travelling to the Crossroads.”

The relief that filled the room made her giggle all over


Linnea smiled hesitantly. “Are you being serious now?”
“I am. The transporter is meeting me here in a few

minutes for a consultation.”

“Do you have money for that?”
Yval winced. “That is where it gets a little weird. The fey

want me to go. I have appeared in some seer’s visions
somewhere, and it makes me a likely candidate for one of
their species. The fey are picking up the tab.”

Linnea scowled. “More magic?”
“If I blend with a member of the fey, magic would be part

of it, but having worked next to them, it is like breathing in
cool mint.”

Her sister-in-law looked sceptical, but a rush of magic in

the back yard warned of the arrival of the transporter.

Yval excused herself and headed toward the glow that

contained the woman with the energy of a shifter mixed
with the magic of the fey.

The woman fluffed out her hair and smiled. “Hello. You

are Yval?”

“I am.”
“I am Pansy. Part-time porcupine, part-time transporter.”

The woman extended her hand.

Yval shook the hand and blinked at the crackle of energy

that ran through her skin. “That isn’t precisely fey magic.”

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“Perceptive. I am dosed with wild magic. It appears fey at

a glance, but when you get into it, there is quite a

“Like a blue duck.”
Pansy’s eyes widened. “Exactly!”
Linnea called out, “Would you two like to come inside? I

have made some snacks.”

Pansy smiled. “I love snacks.”
Yval waved her ahead and asked herself if she was really

going to go ahead with this. She was terrified when her beast
rose and said yes; it was the first thing her devil had said in
three years.

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Chapter Three

he discussion was quick and involved her family;
everyone agreed that it was time for her to move on,

including her beast.

Pansy had smiled and taken her to the aligned spot,

transporting her to the Crossroads in under an hour after the
decision was made.

Yval staggered a little as she arrived, but when a dark-

haired man came toward her, she extended her handful of
paperwork. “Tony, I presume?”

He grinned. “One of Pansy’s transports, I presume?”
“Yup, magic contaminated, so I needed to come in

through the back entrance.” She stepped forward. Her legs
were still wobbly.

“Teal is taking a new arrival on a tour, so I will process

you if you don’t mind.”

“Go ahead. I am still getting my sea legs.”
He put his hand under her elbow and supported her over

to a seating area with a desk and two chairs.

“No bags?”
“I am here on the fey vacation plan. They are picking up

the tab.”

He blinked and checked her paperwork. “Oh. Great.

There it is.”

It was a little obvious that his partner probably did most

of the paperwork; either that, or he was thrown by her
personal energy. Whatever the issue was, Tony worked


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through it, and soon, he put a small charm on a leather
thong and attached it to her wrist.

A small gem glinted as she examined the charm. “What is

the stone for?”

“It lets the fey see you and you see them. You can look for

a mate among any of the guests here, but the fey are
restricted to working within those women who have agreed
to consider them.”

“How many of the fey are here?”
“About eight right now.”
“How many agreeable women?”
“Three, including you.”
“Ah. Well, that does narrow it down.”
“If it makes you feel better, there are three more coming

in the next two days.”

“Men or women?”
Tony’s colour got high. “Um, men?”
“So it will be eleven to three.”
“It will be less if there is a match made. I do apologise.

They have been sending anyone remotely suitable for a
mating here, just to make sure that the ladies feel they have
been given a reasonable selection.”

Yval pinched her nose and felt the fatigue in her bones.

“Well, I will just have to deal with my options. The charm
will work to purchase anything here, food or services?”

“Indeed. We have a new spa that you may enjoy?”
She smiled. “Tempting, but for now, I just need to relax. I

haven’t quite recovered from my all-nighter.”

“Well, when Teal gets back, I will take you on your tour.”
She chuckled. “Forget the tour; just show me where I am


“Fair enough. So, you work for the Guild?”

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Yval blinked. “Yes. I am a hunter and retriever. I

specialise in dealing with the fey who persist in keeping our
folk in their collections.”

“I see. So, you don’t like fey, but you are willing to take

one as a mate?”

“I work with them. I have no objection to them as a

species. The collectors are aberrations, not the rule.”

Tony had an expression of relief in his expression. “Good.

Great. Ah, here is Teal. I will just catch her up, and we can
be on our way.”

Yval watched the obvious couple reunite for a moment,

and Teal smiled and waved them along.

“I am sure I will see you around. The fey are fairly

accurate at their targeting, but I think you need sleep more
than an evening of dancing and flirting.”

Yval shrugged. “I think you are right, but first, I need

some shopping.”

Teal looked at Tony and back to Yval. “Would you mind

if I took over for my mate? He tends to fidget while

“Sure. I don’t care. I just need something to sleep in and a

change of clothing for tomorrow. I am here with the clothing
on my back.”

“We can get that.”
“Thanks for the help, Tony. You are off the hook.” Yval

smiled at Teal, and they headed into the reddening light of
the Crossroads.

An hour later, laden with bags and exhausted, Yval

stumbled into the lobby of the Open Heart Bed and
Breakfast. Teal left her in the custody of the hostess and
returned to the Meditation Centre. The blue woman came
forward and introduced herself.

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“Yval Maddox? I am Teebie, and I will send those bags up

to your room.”

The bags disappeared and Yval stumbled. “Sorry. I am a

little tired.”

Teebie helped her stand. “Did you want to rest, or did

you want something to eat?”

Yval groaned. “I am too tired to head back to the café.”
Teebie smiled. “I can arrange something simple for you.”
“Ham sandwich?”
“Done. It will meet you in your room. Come with me, and

I will show you to your home away from home.”

“It sounds delightful. Lead the way.”
The trip up the stairs and down a long hall was a little

disorientating. When Teebie opened the door, Yval felt she
was looking at the afterlife. The bedding was black, white
and looked exceedingly comfortable.

“Your sandwich is on the table under the dome. Feel free

to take your time or eat it when you wake up. Would you
like me to book you some spa time tomorrow?”

“I will take my chances tomorrow. I can’t think today.”
“Fair enough. Get some rest, and I will see you for

breakfast.” Teebie nodded and retreated.

As the door closed, Yval was already stripping and

looking into her bags for the nightshirt she had picked up.
Dressed, tucked in and safe, she slept. Tomorrow was time
enough to worry about elves and courtships.

Breakfast called her the moment she opened her door. The

sandwich had been consumed in the wee hours, and she was
now ravenous for more.

When she entered the dining room, ten pairs of eyes

turned toward her; she couldn’t help it, she shifted into her

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Her enhanced gaze took in the reactions of the eight fey

males and the two women. Three of the males looked mildly
amused, while the other five looked appalled. The women
looked vaguely disgusted.

Embarrassed, she shifted back to human. “Apologies. I

am not at my best today.”

Teebie came in from the back. “Everyone, this is Yval. She

is the newest arrival.”

The djinn set down a platter of muffins and went to get

Yval a cup of coffee.

Yval took a seat and started to reach for her breakfast;

muffins, bacon, pancakes and fresh fruit all found their way
to her plate.

When Teebie set the coffee down, Yval grabbed it with

both hands, “Oh, where have you been all my life?”

The coffee didn’t respond, but it didn’t need to. She knew

how it felt; it told her with every dark sip.

The fey male across from her chuckled. “Not a morning


“It has been a weird couple of days. I am a little short on

sleep.” She kept her focus on the food and kept going until
she was full and the coffee cup was woefully empty.

The folks surrounding her peeled off and disappeared,

but she only watched them out of the periphery of her
vision. The food had her full attention until it, too, was gone.

Finally, it was just Yval, a pot of coffee and three fey

looking at her with calculation in their eyes.

One of them stood, came around behind her and poured a

cup of coffee for her. She added points to his score.

“Thank you.”
“It is an honour to serve a lady in desperate need, as you

seem to be.” He winked.

She took one of the points away. “Right. Well, you know

my name, what is yours?”

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Lansing, Argo and Renaud introduced themselves in

turn. While they were all interested in her, she didn’t
reciprocate. Her beast was silent on the matter.

Yval stood and put her napkin down, lifting her plate. She

took her plate and coffee cup back to the kitchen, startling

“I was going to clear.”
Yval whispered, “I needed to get away from them. I was a

little uneasy about how they would take it if I told them to
bugger off.”

“They are remarkably resilient. If they can’t have you,

they will wait for the next one. They have exceptional life
spans; they are used to waiting.”

Yval wrinkled her nose. “Fair enough. Is it too late to go

in search of a spa day?”

Teebie lifted a hand and a phone appeared. “I will call

and see.”

Yval nodded, and she returned to the dining room. The

elves were talking quietly.

“Gentlemen, I have consulted with my beast, and she isn’t

interested.” Blaming the beast was always a safe bet.

They paused and Renaud asked, “May we try to change

your mind?”

She blinked. “Uh, I don’t see why not, and I am really

trying to come up with a reason.”

They grinned. It was disconcerting. The fey were stunning

as a species. Each individual as different and lovely as a
snowflake. Working with them, she could focus on the
uniforms that they wore so that she didn’t mistake them for
the predators she was hunting. Staring at the faces of men
who wanted to make eye contact would have brought her
beast roaring to the surface if she and her devil were on
speaking terms.

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Teebie came out of the kitchen, and she waved away the

dishes and remains of breakfast. “Yval, if you head there
right now, they can take you in for a top-to-toe workup.”

She couldn’t agree fast enough. “Definitely. Where am I


Renaud grinned. “I can take you to the spa.”
Teebie sighed and put her hands on Yval’s shoulders. A

moment later, Yval was looking at the front of an
establishment that was both discrete and promised a full
range of services.

She entered and was relieved at the scent of mint and

lemon. “Hello?”

A woman came forward with a smile. “Welcome. I am

Emmy, and my brother Stephan is around here somewhere.
You are Yval?”

“I am.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to not think for as long as possible.”
A man with an amused smile came out of a back room.

“We can do that. Come this way.”

Yval went against her normal habits and surrendered

herself to someone else’s control. The worst that could
happen was that she would shift halfway through a
treatment. She hadn’t accidentally clawed anyone open in a
year or more. She was willing to take that chance.

Six hours later, Yval watched the glow of light

announcing one of the fey arriving.

“Well, we have done all we can. You are on your own

now.” Emmy smiled. “Oh, and the nail polish will shift with

“Good tip. Thanks.”
“No, thank you. You look amazing.”

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Yval chuckled and looked down. “If I had known that the

makeover included personal shopping, I would have been
here last night.”

Emmy laughed. “All part of the service.”
The new shoes were a surprisingly good fit and terribly

comfortable for heels.

“I suppose I should get going.”
Emmy gave her a sympathetic look. “I suppose you

should. Feel free to come back for another massage. Stephan
is still getting the feeling back into his hands. You gave him
quite the workout.”

Yval smirked. “It had been a while. I was tense. I am

much better now. Thanks again.”

“Go and see what the fates have in store for you. I

promise it will be interesting if nothing else.”

With that ringing endorsement, Yval left the spa and

headed for the bar that was two doors down and take a right.

She saw two shadows in the Meditation Centre speaking

with Tony and Teal. One of the shadows looked familiar, but
she ignored the sense of recognition for the sultry music
playing in the bar and the couples swaying slowly to the

Yval leaned against the bar, and she smiled politely at the

serpent shifter in front of her. “Chuck!”

He blinked and laughed in surprise, coming around the

counter to give her a hug. “Evil! How good to see you!”

She laughed and kicked her feet until he put her down.

“Where is your mate?”

He smiled. “At home working on our manuscript.”
“I love the new books you have been putting out. There is

a lot more entertainment, less unrequited love.”

“All Ivy’s influence. She has an amazing effect on my

mood.” He winked and returned to his spot behind the bar.
“What can I get you?”

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“Lemon soda with a splash of grenadine?”
“Coming up.”
When he presented it to her, there was an orange slice on

the side and a cherry making its way to the bottom.

“Thanks, Chuck.”
“So, Evil, what brings you here?”
“A transporter. Ha ha. No, I have been ordered to rest for

two months, and they asked me to take the time off here.”
She waved her hand around her as she sipped at her festive

“Ah, how are you dealing with...things?”
She looked at him and blinked. “Oh, right. You haven’t

heard. I bonded wild magic to my skin using a human mage,
so now, I can call my half-form whenever I want and my
beast isn’t talking to me. How is the family?”

“Good. Blooming actually. My brother married a woman

with a head for finances, so now, the family is suddenly very
sanguine about their future funds. We have more than we

He paused. “How long have you been in a fight with your


She sipped again. “Three years now.”
“Since they found her.”
“You said it. Well, on to a more cheerful topic. Here, I

have seen three candidates and none of them have gotten a
rise from her. I was hoping the thought of mating might get
her up and interested.”

“It would definitely do it for me, but those were in the

days before my Ivy.”

Yval smiled. It was good to see Chuck happy. She had

met him and his family when hers had camped near his
family home when she was young. They had become friends

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across species lines, and the hugs were the only interaction
they had ever gotten into. Snakes and Tasmanian devils
didn’t mix well outside human forms.

“I hope I can meet her while I am here.”
“I hope so, too. I will ask her to come in tomorrow.”
Yval drained her drink, ate the orange and got a face full

of ice when she went after the cherry.

Chuck had another one waiting when she finished

picking chunks of ice out of her cleavage.

“Thanks, Chuck.”
“No problem. Now, tell me about life as a hunter.”
She smiled, sipped her drink and kicked her feet in the air

while perched on the barstool. Yval told him stories about
hunting for those who thought that they would never be
caught and certainly never be punished.

“How many of the fey have you killed?”
“Killed?” She twisted her lips. “None. Marked for life?

About seven. That was part of the bargain with the mage. I
wanted to be able to mark the guilty.”

Chuck was doing some housekeeping behind the bar. “So,

you work with fey or just hunt them?”

“I work with four fey on my team with six shifters. We

get out there, they keep the fey from escaping and in we go.”

“So, there are hunters that are fey?”
He nodded in relief. “Good, because two walked into the

bar, and they appear to be hunting for you.

She turned in surprise and coughed wildly. It was

Arrowheart and what looked to be a broader, meaner
version of the same genetics. Her beast perked up and came
to stare out of her eyes.

The two men came toward her, their wrists tagged with

the same leather bands that the shifters wore.

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“Hunter Maddox, I am delighted to see you looking

so...different out of uniform.”

Arrowheart smiled and bowed low, taking her hand and

pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles.

“It is nice to know that you can speak in full sentences. I

had my doubts, Arrowheart.”

He straightened slowly. “Call me Tovin, please. May I

introduce my brother?”

“I can introduce myself. Drorik Bindingheart, guardian of

the fey gateways. It is an honour to meet you, mistress.” He
bowed low and took her hand, warming it in his before he
brushed his lips against her knuckles.

Her devil was clawing inside her screaming, Him, it is

him, I want him!

She took a deep breath and inhaled his scent. It was wild

and filled with the crackle of magic. Under that initial fey
scent, there was something unmistakably male and that was
the scent her beast wanted to get next to.

Yval could feel her heartbeat pounding in her neck, and

she smiled weakly. “Nice to meet you as well, Drorik

Tovin looked from one to the other. “Damn. I really

thought there was a chance.”

She looked at him. “What?”
“Hunter Maddox, I hope you enjoy my brother.” He

leaned in and kissed her cheek.

She blinked as he turned and walked to the dance floor,

chatting with his target as he cut in and left the other elf
standing with a surprised expression on his face.

Drorik was looking down at her. “Would you care to


She blinked again. “Didn’t you just get in?”
“I did, but there is no reason to waste time in a polite

dance that leads to the inevitable conclusion.”

“So instead of a polite dance, you want an actual dance?”

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He grinned, and it turned him from physically imposing

to aggressively sexy. “It is a start.”

She looked down, and he was still holding her hand.

“Let’s try.”

Yval sighed when she stood and only came eye to

shoulders. “Why are you elves so damned tall?”

“It makes us look mysterious and graceful when we are

compared to humans. To shifters, we just look like
scratching posts that heal quickly.” He escorted her to the
dance floor, and she settled against him as the music moved
them in a slow sway.

Yval held herself stiffly for a few minutes until his

warmth called to her and her beast shoved her forward. A
moment later, restraint was gone and she was pressed flat to
him with only fabric between them.

His erection was obvious where it pressed against her

abdomen, but he didn’t grind it on her, so she just enjoyed
the heat coming away from his groin. Her beast was a fan of
examining the soft parts first. Live or dead, it was a
vulnerable area.

Drorik was staring down at her when she looked up. “Is

there a problem?”

His smile was slow. “No, I was just wondering if you

could possibly be the warrior that my brother has described
to me over and over.”

She blushed. “I didn’t realise that I came up in


“You are the first shifter that he has ever dealt with on a

daily basis. You definitely made an impression.”

His hand was on the centre of her back, warming her skin

and keeping her against him. Up close, he was a lot larger
than he initially appeared. His shoulders were easily twice
the width of hers, and staring up at him was giving her a
crick in her neck.

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She opted for looking at his neck and watching the pulse

under his skin. Her beast wanted to nibble on it, and Yval
was surprised that she was still so close to the surface. The
inner devil had remained quiet, but the second that Yval’s
own interest rose, her beast was right in there next to her.

“So, what does being a guardian of the fey gateways

entail? I mean, you are pretty familiar with my job.”

“When I am on my rotation, I monitor those using fey

enchantments for transportation of anything other than their
own bodies.”

She blinked. “Really? That sounds like you are a customs


He grinned. “Traffic warden. It is a familial responsibility.

It is part of our truce with the shifters. We are watching for
the supernatural transport of your folk.”

She swayed with him and scowled. “Do your people

know you do this?”

“No, it is a family occupation only. The High King is the

only one currently in the know about my position. We have
a briefing every few weeks.”

“And yet, you just came out and told me about it.”
Drorik’s dark brows furrowed. “Yes, I have no idea why I

did that.”

“Perhaps you sensed that I have no patience for men of


He smiled. “That could have been it. It also could have

been Tovin’s warning that you could smell deception and
react violently. If you were even one-third the warrior I was
warned of, it might have made for some exciting

She narrowed her eyes and looked up at him. “Was that a

short joke?”

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He snorted delicately through the clearly chiselled nose

that set off his elegantly rough features. “I have been around
women smaller than you, though not by much.”

Yval swallowed all the sarcastic comments about where

he buried the bodies after he crushed them. Swallowing her
own wit made her vaguely ill. She had just met him; why
was she sparing his feelings? Did he even have feelings?
Should she grab his ass and check for feelings? It was all too
much to contemplate.

She bit her lip and looked down as her beast ran around

the edges of her mind trying to sniff him.

Before she had met the fey on duty, she had imagined all

elves in their ancient formalwear. When she had seen them
in black cargo pants and tank tops, she had drooled a bit.
Now, here she was dancing with a man in comfortably worn
jeans, a brushed black cotton shirt that felt like butter under
her hands and the edge of a tattoo peeking out of the open

His hair was tied in a tight ponytail that cascaded down

his back. His ears had high peaks, and there was a bright
golden topaz winking at her from a hoop through the upper

His skin was darker than Tovin’s. Where his brother was

lithe, Drorik was solid. They resembled each other side by
side, but on their own, she would never have pegged them
as relations.

“Are you having fun with your examination? All I can see

is your head and shoulders.”

“There are bonuses to being small. It gives you a

perspective that most folks don’t think of. Not all predators
can tackle you; some can rip your legs apart and bring you

“This conversation got dark really quickly.”

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She laughed. “Nocturnal predator here. I get dark as soon

as the sun goes down.”

“Is the sun going down?”
“It is in my mind and that is all it takes.” She looked up at


“I don’t mind things getting dark.” He lowered his head

and kissed her as they swayed to music that had increased in

His lips were warm, firm and smooth. She took in the

texture as the direct skin-on-skin contact sent tingles of
energy across her lips. It was a crackle of static that sent
energy through her erogenous zones with the speed of
lightning and the subtlety of thunder.

She leaned back when the sparks went from pleasurable

to frustrated pain. “I think I am going to get some dinner.
You are welcome to join me.”

“Is that an invitation?”
She stepped out of his embrace. “The only one you are

going to get. I don’t repeat myself.”

Yval walked out of the bar without looking back. When

she heard the footfalls behind her, a slow smile crept over
her lips. A shifter exiting the café stopped, looked at her and
ran off. Yeah, it was either a good smile or Drorik was right
behind her. She was pleased with either option.

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Chapter Four

inner in a well-lit café was quite a different situation
than a dance floor. She faced off against him and was

stuck either staring at his chin or into his gold and blue eyes.

“So, you spend your days on duty?” She mumbled it

around a mouthful of hamburger.

“No. I am constantly monitoring the situation. Even here,

I am in touch with my duties.”

Sexy. She did love a man who could multitask.
“Why are you on leave?”
She ran her fries through ketchup and stuffed them into

her mouth. She closed her eyes at the starchy, sweet, salty,
greasy seduction, and she swallowed. When she opened her
mouth again, she said, “My control started to slip. I have
been working too hard for too long, and the magic that let
me do what I do is very hard on my body.”

“Have you always done work as a hunter?”
She twisted her lips. “No. I used to work security

escorting folks around the guildhall.”

“What changed?”
“My cousin was taken to be harvested for use in human


“I heard that there were a number of survivors.”
“She was not one of them. They harvested her to death.”

She sipped her lemonade.

“I am so sorry.”


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She inclined her head. “Thank you. That was when I went

from occasional hunter and full-time security, to full-time

“You were looking for revenge.”
Yval tightened her lips. “I was looking to help people out

of enslavement before their lives were endangered. I have
never been able to save them all, but I can help those that we

Drorik cocked his head. “You don’t blame all fey for the

situation they created?”

“Of course not; it is no more all fey, than all shifters in

collections. Individuals make their choices. They can either
work against those around them or for them. We make these
choices every day, and the fey who want to collect shifters
are definitely making the wrong choice. It is my job to
inform them about their poor decision and to make sure they
understand the seriousness of the consequences.”

“But, you changed your basic body. You have the crackle

of magic around you, and it is not shifter magic.”

“So, you actually can see it. Arrowheart said that the fey

could and the others agreed, but I didn’t think it was true.”

“You are swirling with two energies, and your shifter self

is encased in the other power. What effect does that have?”
His steak and fries were long gone.

“I half shift. I take on the exterior of my beast but human


“I imagine it would be a boon in a fight.”
She smiled again, showing teeth. “It does that. I am also

enchanted to leave permanent damage in fey flesh. When I
claw and bite, it leaves a mark.”

His face underwent a dramatic transformation. His

cheekbones exaggerated, his eyes brightened and she
watched him lick his lips. “I would enjoy seeing what kind
of damage you could inflict.”

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In an effort to warn him off, she shifted and growled low

in her throat. Dishes clattered behind the kitchen counter;
she shifted back to human and finished her fries.

His lids opened and closed slowly, but the aroused

expression didn’t disappear.

Yval was both appalled and intrigued. The black fur and

pointed muzzle hadn’t spooked him. At this range, it was a
definite first.

“Interesting. I thought there would be more animal

instinct behind your eyes. You were completely clear.”

“My beast isn’t speaking to me.”
Drorik blinked. “What?”
“It is exactly like it sounds. When I was younger, we

shared the body and she hunted with me. For the last three
years, the only time she has come forward was...never
mind.” She blushed and sipped at her lemonade.

“That sounds like an intriguing admission. I will not press

you on that matter.” He smirked.

She tried to distract him. “So, how old are you?”
He pulled his head back. “I don’t think...I am less than a


“You aren’t sure?”
“We were warned against telling our prospective mates

about our ages. It might be considered a turn off.”

“What? That you are older than my grandmother? How

could that be possible?”

He sighed heavily.
She giggled.
With dinner finished, they sat in silence as the plates were


“Would you care to go dancing again?” Drorik asked


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“No. I think I would like a nice walk in the darkness. It

will be good for me to not be constantly on guard.” Yval
smiled. “You are welcome to join me if you like.”

“Will you take a four-footed run through the grass?”
Her smile faded. “No. Like I said. She isn’t talking to me. I

haven’t done a full shift in three years.”

He sobered and got to his feet, holding his hand out for

her to take. The snapping and crackling began between their
palms, but it was a slow prickle that she didn’t mind.

He swiped his charm over the pay plate, and they left the


“I must say, you look far more groomed than I expected

you to. Tovin described you as a bit of a wild woman.”

“I normally am. I spent the day at the spa trying not to

think, and this was the result.”

“It is a good look for you.”
“Don’t get used to it. My image is next to the word scruffy

in the dictionary.” She smiled.

They walked down the street and toward the meadow.
Yval lifted her head and scented the night air. This was

the time she wanted to hunt. She wanted to seek out prey,
bring it to the ground and tear it apart.

“Your expression is intriguing. What are you thinking


She felt the sharp fangs of her change and said carefully,

“I am thinking about the fun I used to have with my beast.”

“I am guessing it was a bloodthirsty pursuit.”
She shrugged and continued walking; the scent of grass,

trees and the hint of water in the air got her beast stirring.

“Why have our people remained apart for so long?”
He turned her hand and stroked her palm with his


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Yval smiled. “Because we have incompatible magic or, at

least, magic that fights contact. Basically, two stubborn
energies that will not back down.”

“Why did you agree to come here?”
She chuckled. “I needed the vacation, and my nephew

wanted me to restart my life.”

“You have a nephew?”
“And a brother. We have different fathers, but we are

close, nonetheless.”

“Why different fathers?”
“Ron’s father died of cancer when he was ten and Mom

remarried. I became an auntie on my tenth birthday.”

“You and your nephew share a birthday?”
“We do.” She chuckled. “My sister-in-law is not a fan of

mine right now, but I don’t foresee that getting any better
over time.”

“What is the issue there?”
He seemed fascinated by her family dynamic.
“Many shifters are magic sensitive. Linny’s hackles go up

every time I am in the room, and if I surprise her, she goes
on the attack. It is hard enough to have two of us in the same
room under normal conditions, but when you throw in wild
magic, nothing is predictable.”

“Two of you?”
“Female Tasmanian devils. The males get irritated around

other males, and the females get cranky around other
females. Our beasts want to be solitary, but our human sides
want to be social. The small family is the best we can do.”

“What will your nephew do when he and his father can’t

be in the same space any longer?”

She chuckled. “Move in with me, I suppose.”
Drorik nodded, considering that.
Yval looked up at him, “Why did you come into the bar

without stopping at the Open Heart?”

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“I was pulled to you if that makes any sense. There was a

line of energy that led out of one of the nearby buildings and
into the bar. Tovin came along and recognised you a
moment later.”

Yval looked around and took a seat on a nearby rock. “I

saw the beam of light as you transported in. I thought it was
usual, but now, I am not so sure. Why did you agree to come
to the Crossroads?”

“I want a wife. I want a family, and I want that family to

have a future.”

“You can’t find an elf to wed?”
He made a face. “Not one that has an interest in the world

around her. My people are notoriously insular and that is
what has caused our collapse. My parents told us about the
slow reduction in family size that has taken over during the
last four centuries. We have been in negative population
growth, and no one noticed until forty years ago.”

“Which is when the human half elves began to surface.”

She chuckled. “Why didn’t the human interbreeding

“The magic fades in normal humans, and the mages do

not encourage their people to wed outside their species.
They keep their magic together.”

“And they are growing stronger, and even with a few

marriages with normal humans, the magic breeds true.”
Yval knew that one. She had friends who were mages, and
several of the transporters enjoyed going for coffee after a

“How do you feel about seeking a mate in the shifter

community? I know that many of your people consider us
more beast than thinking beings.”

“That is not a concern. My family will welcome any bride

my brother or I bring home and dote on any child that we

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produce. My mother is a metal artisan who has her work
displayed in museums all over the world; my father works
with local communities to increase cottage industry. We
involve ourselves with the community and the people
around us. The guardian position is just an inherited post
because our magic works along the lines of power that move
between worlds and carry people on the paths.”

“Are your grandparents still alive?”
He smiled. “They are. They consult with small businesses

and arrange financing. We have always been more in touch
with the human world than the fey, but it has come with a
cost. If it were not for our position as guardians, we would
not be admitted to court. We are far too common.”

Her heart was thudding happily. It was the best news she

could have gotten. Money came and went, but a community
was something that lasted.

Drorik caressed her arm with a slow trailing of his

fingertips. The sparks lit the air around them.

She shivered and lifted her head, meeting his gaze. “I was

told that all the fey that were authorised for this mission had
an animal form.”

“I do.”
“What is it?”
“I can transform into an eagle.”
Yval clapped her hand over her eyes. “You are kidding.”
He was concerned. “I am serious.”
“Why would you be the natural enemy of my beast?”
He chuckled. “Possibly because that was the only way to

pin you down.”

Her devil was watching him warily through her parted

fingers, but the idea of being pinned down appealed to her.

“If you are not communicating with your beast, why are

you so concerned about her natural enemies?”

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Yval stared at him again, dropping her hand. “She isn’t

talking to me, but we are still part of each other. I thought
that the idea of taking a mate would appeal to her. I was
going to sacrifice some hapless male in an effort to get into
her good graces.”

He grinned. “I am volunteering to be hapless.”
He leaned in and kissed her, threading his fingers in her

hair and cupping her head. He didn’t feel hapless; he felt
like he knew exactly what he was doing.

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Chapter Five

val held his wrist as he kissed her. The sparks went off
inside their mouths and ran through her bloodstream.

Having the fey magic working through her skin from the
inside out was incredible.

She shifted her legs; heat and moisture slicked the inside

of her thighs. Drorik moved one hand to the outside of her
thigh, and he simply kept it there. As she flexed her legs, he
registered every motion.

Her nipples tingled, her belly tightened and Yval moaned

against his lips. It had been three years since she had tried to
take a lover. She was apparently overdue.

Yval clutched at his wrist and shoulder, anchoring herself

as their kiss got feral. She could hear her moans turning to
growls in her distinctive tone.

It was the noise that seemed to bring Drorik to his senses.

He relaxed and slowly pulled away from her.

Yval blushed. She could smell her own heat. She wanted

to do a number of things. She wanted to hide, she wanted to
apologise and, at the same time, she wanted to tackle him
back to the grass and straddle him.

She shifted away from him and wrapped her arms around

her chest to hide the nipples pressing at the front of her

“I think we should adjourn for the evening.” Drorik held

out his hands.


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She ignored him and got to her feet, pulling her dress

down, though it hadn’t been ruffled. “Right.”

He sighed and got to his feet. “So the moment has


Yval wrinkled her nose. “I am quieting a riot.”
He raised his brows in surprise and gestured for her to

precede him.

Her shoulders were stiff, her body was throbbing and she

wanted to wrap herself in his scent by clinging to his chest
with nothing between them.

It was a bit much for a man she had known for two hours.

She hiked back across the meadow, down the lane and into
the Open Heart.

“Teebie, this is Drorik. Drorik Bindingheart, this is our

hostess, Teebie.” She made the introductions and slipped
away to the front room, availing herself of the tea on the

She went through the steps of bringing herself back to her

normal tense and aggressive attitude. Being aroused made
her vulnerable, and it was a feeling she wasn’t used to and
didn’t like. She took her cup of tea on a trip around the
room, looking at the portraits of a woman with violently
green eyes and another with brilliant golden ones.

“Dira’s sister. She was a gryphon, and she married a

djinn. It was a strange mating, but it paved the road that you
are on today. It proved that the power continues to run in
our veins.”

“She looks strong.”
“She defended an entire city before they managed to kill

her. Dira took her children to raise, and they eventually
rejoined their father’s people, finding mates and having
families of their own.”

“And you don’t feel weird about having a shifter in your


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Teebie smiled. “It is my blood. I am proud of her. Proud

of my aunt for crafting this place and finally organizing
things instead of launching random shifters into this
dimension to figure things out for themselves. Her initial
experiments were successful but stressful for the subjects.”

Yval turned toward her and blinked. “Experiments?”
“You don’t think that this all bloomed into working order

in one smooth move, did you? She had been chucking folks
into this bubble for centuries before she realised that she
needed help. It was a work in process that eventually ended
in what we have here today. We have locals that are
embedded here and structures as well as a supply line. We
have what we need to survive and carry out our purpose.”

Yval got the feeling there was a deeper meaning here.

“What are you saying?”

“I am saying, you may have something in mind, but the

way you have always done things in the past is not the only
way it can be done. You might need help to make it to your
ideal situation, and you need to accept that. You are going
from single to double and that is something that requires
adjustment. Let yourself adjust. It might mean giving up
some of your normal control, but the result might be worth

“Yeah, but I wanted to crawl all over him and we just


“It is a good match. You don’t have to kiss a lot of frogs

first; the one you want has just been dropped in front of you.
Let your instincts take you down your path.” Teebie smiled.

“My instincts would have me up in his bedroom.”
“Top of the stairs, down the hall, third door on the left.

You can’t fight fate; she will kick your ass every time. All
you will do is delay her and that irritates fate and punishes
both you and Drorik.”

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She set her teacup down with a firm click. “Fine. I can

take a hint.”

Teebie chuckled. “I am not hinting, I am stating it

outright. You are a good match here; get your experience of
each other out in the real world.”

“What about the energy clash?”
“That will be dealt with at your bonding ceremony.

Didn’t Pansy tell you?”

“Nope. It was left out. What about it?”
“Because of the conflict of energy, you don’t just sign the

documents, you also get equalized. He gets half of your
energy; you get half of his. It evens out your lifespans.”

“Oh. Wait, so the fey are cutting their lifespans in half or

more, just for the chance at a mate?”

“Yes. They know the risks they face, and they are willing

to face them. Their species has reached a tipping point.
Either they pull back from the edge of extinction, or they
fade into history. It is their choice. Drorik and his brother
have made theirs.”

Yval nodded. “And I agreed to get a new life. I suppose I

should be a woman of my word.”

Teebie wrinkled her nose. “I will see you at breakfast.”
Yval straightened her shoulders and stalked toward the

stairs, hallway and third door on the left.

She knocked and waited, fidgeting from foot to foot.
Drorik opened the door, and she swallowed as she took in

the expanse of chest exposed through the unbuttoned shirt.

“May I come in?”
He stepped back and gestured for her to enter. “Please,

come in.”

She eased into his space and let out a shuddering breath,

unaware until then that she had been holding it.

He held out a chair at the small table for her.
“What brings you here, Yval?”

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“I have some questions to ask you. I need some actual


He sat next to her and inclined his head. “Ready when

you are.”

“Why did you agree to come here?” It was blunt, but she

wanted to know why.

He rubbed the back of his neck. “I want a family. I have

been alone for nearly a century, and if there is a chance that I
can begin a life with a mate and the possibility of
children...If I had married a fey woman, there would only be
a five percent chance of having a child. I want children.”

She inhaled sharply. It was honest and that was what she

had wanted.

“Did you know about your life being cut short?”
“Yes. I was briefed on it, but the seers who saw my

family, saw me watch my children grow and have children
of their own. That is enough. I will be happy and see the
future. It is enough.”

Yval bit her lip. “How many children did they see?”
“Three. All with dark hair and bright blue eyes.”
She didn’t ask about how many boys and how many girls.

It didn’t matter.

He was waiting for her next question with a slight smile

on his face.

“Why do you think that it is me?”
“The moment I saw you, I felt a surge of energy that made

me hard and pushed me toward you. I do not frequently act
on instinct but that was not something I have ever
experienced in my life. If it wasn’t a direct connection, a true
link would probably kill me.” He twisted his lips in a smile.

“How will you explain me to your community?”
He cocked his head with a slow, triumphant smile. “I will

say that we met when I travelled for business.”

“And my occupation?”

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“You have worked in security. That is all they need to


She bit her lip. “Shifters are not yet out in the public eye.

What will you do if you slip up or someone spots me and
threatens to tell?”

“Hypnosis is taught to us as children. We can wipe the

mind of any human. Any other questions?”

She thought about it. “Can I ask more questions as we


He laughed. “Yes. May I ask a few questions?”
“Um, sure.”
“Are you willing to take etiquette instruction from my

mother or a lady of the court?”

She twisted her lips. “I will gripe, but yes.”
“Fair enough. Will you allow us time to get to know one


“I suppose. How much time?”
He chuckled. “We should be used to each other by the

second child.”

She didn’t tell him that multiple births were common in

her family. For all she knew, the three children would be one

“What was your first impression of me?” He was

watching her with his freaky eyes.

“Frankly, I thought that you were large enough to fight

off other males who might try to approach me when I was in
heat. That was my first thought.”

He raised his brows. “Is that an issue?”
“We pull our own animal, so as long as there isn’t a

family of Tasmanian devil shifters nearby, we should be

“What about fidelity on your part?”
She chuckled. “The bonding ceremony will take care of

that. I get half your energy; you get half mine. I will no

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longer be a viable devil and you will be my only choice. The
issue of fidelity will be self-solving.”

“Fair enough. Do you currently have a lover?” He leaned

forward intently.

“Before arriving yesterday? No, but I believe I am

currently in negotiations.” She smiled slowly.

He grinned. “How many children do you want?”
“As many as my lifestyle will allow me.”
“Would you continue working for the shifter’s Guild?”
“Would you be willing to participate in events in my


“Will you marry me in a public ceremony in that


“Can I bring my family?”
“Of course.”
“Then, yes.” She smiled. “Is that a proposal?”
“Shouldn’t you be on your knees?”
He chuckled and lowered himself to his knees in front of

her, making them nearly face to face. “I was saving it for
foreplay, but whatever the lady wants. Will you marry me?”

“I will.”
He moved until his lips were an inch from hers. “Will you

wear an annoyingly long gown?”

“I will.” She went a little cross-eyed.
He kissed her and pressed her back into the chair before

lifting his head. “There, all the details are hashed out.”

“Wait? What did you think of me when you first saw


“I thought that for a woman so small, your legs looked

like they went on for days, and I wanted to see them under
my hands. Your breasts are surprisingly large and your hair

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is so dark stars could get lost in the strands. And then, there
were the eyes that were wounded, defensive and aggressive
all at the same time. When the defensiveness faded to lust, I
was hooked.”

Yval glanced down at her chest. “They are only a little out

of proportion to the rest of me.”

He grinned. “I would like to confirm that personally.”
She leaned forward, reached back and unzipped her

dress, pulling it down her arms and sitting with her upper
body wearing only her bra. “Please offer your expert
opinion. I can hardly wait.”

He didn’t wait for her to repeat the offer.

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Chapter Six

rorik reached behind her with one hand and managed
to release the clasp of her bra. With care, he eased the

straps down her arms until the bra came free and he tossed
it to one side.

His hands cupped the mounds carefully, measuring and

weighing as his lids drooped to half-mast.

Yval’s eyes teared up as she realised he was handling her

with the delicate touch of a man afraid she would break. It
was so cute. She put her hands on the arms of the chair and
remained passive as he stroked and caressed her.

When he leaned forward, he heated her nipple with his

breath before enveloping it in his mouth. He licked at the
nub and drew on it with his lips.

She shivered and heard the wood of the chair creak as she

fought to keep from grabbing Drorik’s head and putting his
mouth where she wanted it. He switched to the other breast
and latched on the same way. Her skin pulsed with energy,
and her body recalled the heat from earlier. When he slid his
hands behind her, pressing her toward his mouth, she
gripped the chair so hard that the arms came off in her
hands with a snap and the tearing of wood.

Drorik paused and looked at the carved pieces clutched in

her hands. “I believe we should move this to a safer place.”

“That might be a good idea.”


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He lifted her and carried her to the bed, removing her

shoes before easing the dress over her hips after setting her
down, taking the scrap of her panties with it.

“Huh, you really weren’t intending to seduce a man

tonight.” He smiled.

“How can you tell?”
“Your underwear doesn’t match.”
She laughed. “You really do pay attention. No. I was not

planning this tonight.”

She was soon in nothing but her skin, but as a shifter, it

was how she liked to spend most of her time. Nudity was
her comfort zone.

She twisted from front to back on the bed, getting a feel

for the amount of space she had to work with and enjoying
the feel of the sheets under her.

She paused, and Drorik was watching, his shirt slowly

descending his shoulders, hands on his belt.

“Are you playing statue or are you going to join me?” She


The shirt hit the floor, and the belt hissed out of the loops

of his jeans. She watched him skim out of the rest of his
clothing until he was as naked as she was and just as eager.

The belt hung from his hand, and she eyed it suspiciously.

“What are you planning to do with that?”

“While I do enjoy being marked by my lovers on

occasion, I believe that in your current state, you can do
more damage than you intended to. Would you object if I
bind your wrists?”

She smiled slowly. “No, I would not mind.”
She extended her wrists and flexed her hands once the

tight leather pulled them together. She had just enough
reach to slice through the belt with her thumb claw if she
had to.

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He wrapped an arm around her and moved her along to

the headboard, looping the belt through a carving in the
wood and attaching the belt into a comfortable position.

Yval lay with her hands over her head, her body exposed

to his gaze and hands. Drorik stared at her and he smiled.

“Yup. Getting a little cold though.”
He chuckled and stroked a hand over her hip. “I am sure

that I will be able to warm you with a little effort on my

The shadows in the room alternately lit and concealed the

tattoos on his skin.

She stared at one side of his chest, and words were

flickering and forming on his skin before fading. “What is
going on there?”

“Carrying all the information of the fey transports in my

mind could cause an issue, so I wear the information on my
body. It comes and goes in waves, but I can read it as it
prints.” He was completely dismissive of the magic tacked
onto his skin.

She wanted to touch the scrolling information, and she

leaned forward before her bound wrists halted her progress.
She lay back as he ran one hand over her waist, hip and

His laugh, and the amused heat in his eyes got her


“Are you laughing at me?”
“I am delighting in my good fortune.” He leaned in and

softly kissed her lips while trailing his fingers up her inner

She growled and nipped carefully at his lower lip. Drorik

carefully moved out of reach of her teeth and pressed the
flats of his fingers against her sex, flexing them and
spreading the slick moisture that encouraged his touch.

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Yval parted her thighs and titled her hips, but he took his

time, circling his fingers in a slow caress that dipped the tips
of his digits into her for a moment before sliding out again.

She squirmed against the slow torment, and he bent his

head to her breast, nibbling and sucking at her nipples in
turn while his fingers continued the torturous movements.

She tried to get his fingers to glide over her clit, but only

the lightest of grazes ever touched it. Yval fought the
tightening sense of anticipation in her body. Sweat covered
her, and Drorik seemed to have no inclination to either
speed up or cease his slow caress.

The sparks that flowed between them became a crackling

glow where they were pressed together.

When she felt the first twinges of her impending orgasm,

she whimpered, and the sound shocked her. He ignored her
and continued to play her body like an instrument he was
interested in mastering.

She whimpered again, and her thighs tensed against the

pressure of his hand. She clamped her knees together and
shook violently as her orgasm caught her in its jaws. Yval
inhaled and exhaled through gritted teeth as he continued to
move his hand slowly on her, drawing out every shiver and
twitch of her release.

When she slumped flat to the sheets, she looked at him

through narrowed eyes. Her voice was husky when she said,
“I thought that sex was a joint effort, not just a spectator

He kissed her softly, “I am not in a hurry. We have all

night, all day, as long as we need.”

The shiver that went through her had nothing to do with

her body cooling off and everything to do with the promise
in his tone and the slow motion of his hand between her

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She wanted to straddle him and grab his cock, sliding that

hard length into her and ride him until he was as lost in the
moment as she had been, but all she could do was twist as
he started to arouse her all over again.

Yval tried to focus on the fun aspect of being vulnerable.

She never knew where he was going to touch her, and it
added to her excitement.

The sparks between them grew when he parted her thighs

with his and slid two fingers into her with slow movements
until her hips took up gyrating against his hand.

Yval bit her lip when he finally shifted to put himself

between her thighs. As he slid into her, she bucked. It was
like fucking with pop rocks inside her. Her body rocked and
twitched as he began to thrust, each deep contact sent sparks
through her from the inside out.

He leaned over her, braced on his forearms as he pulsed

into her with small movements of his hips. She gasped and
locked her legs around him, pulling him to her and trying to
take him deeper.

He groaned and muttered something in a language she

didn’t understand. He thrust deeper, faster, pounding into
her until the light coming from their bodies was flickering
with the demented look of a disco dance floor.

Yval pulled at her wrists, and her breasts grazed his chest.

She tuned out her own voice and its breathless moans,
focusing on the rush of energy under her skin.

She looked into his eyes, and Drorik’s irises swirled with

the same sparking that must be marking hers. Fire began to
run along her skin, and the waves cascaded from her flesh to
his and back again.

When they both blazed bright, Yval shifted her hands, cut

the leather and wrapped her arms around his back, carefully
clutching him and pulling him into her as hard as she could.
Three hard slams and she screamed in relief. He shouted

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and held himself inside her as their bodies fought the
opposing charges of their magic.

Bursts of power clashed and balls of energy flew from

them to ricochet around the room. Yval held still and closed
her eyes as her channel clasped him and her body gripped
him tight.

He rolled to the side and onto his back, holding her with

an arm around her hips.

She listened to the thudding of his heartbeat as it slowed

to a normal pattern. It took a while and she enjoyed every
moment that she spent with her mate.

After twenty minutes of cuddling, she felt a familiar

rippling of her spine, and she moved off him quickly,
heading for the open space in the centre of the room.

“Oh dear.” She looked at him helplessly as her body

shifted, shrank and turned into her beast without any
additional warning.

Her beast looked around her and sniffed its way through

the room, examining his jeans intently, learning the more
intimate scents that her human was a little shy of
memorizing. Her devil had no false shyness. It wanted to
know its mate at all times, and it was a very reliable scent.

“Yval, are you all right?”
She growled, squawked and snuffled, giving him only a

cursory glance. She waddled toward the french doors,
looking out over the empty meadow. Her claws tapped
against the glass, and Drorik came toward her carefully,
opening the door for her.

She moved to the edge of the balcony and judged the

distance to the ground.

“Wait there, Yval. I will get you to the ground.”

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There was a surge of energy, and Yval squawked in

surprise as talons picked her up by her arms, and she was
soon soaring through the air.

She clawed frantically as panic overtook her, but as soon

as she worked up a good yowl, he had put her down and her
claws were finally in the grass.

Running wasn’t her best move, but the freedom to sprint

along at low level and enjoy the scents of grass, clover, the
sweet tang of berries pushed aside her awkwardness and
turned it into pure joy.

The scent of meat came to her, and she growled, looking

from left to right to find her target.

A tumble of red came from the sky and dropped down

with an eagle on top. She crouched and snarled at him, but
he leaned down, tore off a strip and tossed it to her.

She eased forward and ate the strip, enjoying the raw

taste for the first time in years. When she had swallowed,
she crept forward and he threw her another strip while
enjoying his own meal. Piece by piece, she eased toward him
until they were both eating from the roast at the same time.

She tugged the meat apart with her teeth, and he picked

up the pieces she left for him. Their joint feeding did for
Yval’s devil that the sex had done for Yval. She was used to
his touch now, and he was more useful as a bringer of food
than he was as an enemy.

With her belly round and her body exhausted, she

waddled away from the shreds of meat left behind, and she
collapsed happily on the grass.

Yval was back in her human form in seconds with the

taste of raw meat in her mouth. Drorik’s eagle hopped over
to her and rubbed his head against the hand she extended to
him. “It figures. She has no manners. She shifts into a four-
footed form, tries to jump off a balcony and then stuffs me

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full of food before letting me take over again. I suppose I got
off easy.”

She had tears running down her face, and she was


Drorik shifted to his normal shape, and he rubbed his

thumb across her cheek. “Happy?”

“She’s back. I am very happy.” She jumped him and

threw her arms around his neck.

He was surprised for a moment before he stroked her

back. “If you are happy, so I am.”

In her mind, her beast curled up and enjoyed the scent of

its mate.

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Chapter Seven

val stood next to Drorik after the ceremony. Her hands
were still clenching and unclenching as her body fought

the roiling energy inside her.

“So, do you want to take a few days to get used to the

new power?”

Drorik put his arm around her waist, and he smiled at

Teal. “No, we are able to practice at my home. The locals are
used to shapeshifting and magic, so there won’t be too much
of an issue if we slip up.”

Yval smiled up at him. “I promise to work on his snarling

at men. He will get used to it soon. It is an unfortunate side
effect of the new beast soul that he is carrying. Apologise to
Tony for me.”

Tovin was standing nearby. “Welcome to the family,


Drorik’s body was suddenly pressed to hers, and she

could feel him vibrating with tension.

“Thanks, Tovin. Are you staying here?”
“With my commander on leave, I don’t see me needed to

be on duty any time soon. You still have over seven weeks to
bang out, so to speak.” He smiled innocently and ruined it
by cackling.

“You know, I used to think that the fey were all graceful

and polite. I guess you defy all the rules.” She narrowed her
eyes at him and smirked.


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He sighed and looked to his brother. “She is really the

one? You are going to have to put up with that mouth for the
rest of your life.”

Drorik cuddled her against him. “She is definitely the one.

She is my match in all ways. I wish you luck in finding your

Yval stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry at Tovin.

He stared at her for a moment before bursting into laughter.

She couldn’t help but smile herself. Just one day with

Drorik had lightened her soul. Her beast was talking to her
again, and she could still half shift. Add the weird fey
energy running through her body and it was a pretty good

Tovin sobered and muttered, “I still can’t believe you

wore your battle gear.”

She tapped her vest and smiled. “It seemed appropriate.

This is what I do. It won’t change just because I have
married your brother, or mated with, rather. The wedding
will have to wait until it can be arranged.”

Tovin chuckled. “With our mother, it can probably be

arranged in a matter of hours.”

“We will delay it until you return, brother. Hopefully,

with your own mate.” Drorik smiled.

“Delay Mother? Good luck with that.” Tovin laughed and

looked at the Meditation Centre. “Ah, I think there is a new

Teal looked and blinked. “You can see that?”
“Of course. There is a golden beam striking through the

sky, and here is the occupant. You had better get to work,
guardian.” Tovin smiled and whistled as he wandered away
from the reception toward the centre.

“I think I am catching on now. Yval, did you see anything

the day that Drorik arrived?” Teal was curious.

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Yval smiled. “A beam of light hitting the middle of the


“Wow. Okay. This is good to know. If your match is

coming in, you can literally see it. That is going to make my
job a lot easier.”

“You didn’t know?”
“I haven’t had a large enough sample of incoming fey and

receptive shifters. Now that I am sure you can see your own
mate come in, I will just have to confirm it with the woman
who just arrived. Shit! Tovin is going to beat me to her!”

Teal turned and ran while Yval leaned back against

Drorik. “So, how are you feeling now?”

“Less aggressive. Do you feel like this all the time?”
She chuckled. “Pretty much. You find ways to burn off

the tension.”

He pressed his groin against her hip. “Any suggestions?”
“Oh, I have many. Many, many, many. I suppose we will

just have to determine what you can handle and what is too
much for your delicate sensibilities.”

The noise he made was a low, growling rumble, and his

arms clamped around her waist. She turned and kissed him,
distracting him with a gentle and slow caress of her lips. He
changed his grip and cupped her hips, pulling them against
him as he leaned forward to increase their lip-to-lip contact.

Teebie spoke behind them. “Get a room. Seriously, I have

created a new honeymoon cottage, and it is fully supplied
and soundproofed.”

Yval leaned back and turned her head. “I appreciate the

offer, but we are going to try to manage this in the normal
world. The sooner I get used to it, the better.”

Teebie grinned. “Fair enough. There is another couple

getting balanced this afternoon. I might be able to lure them
into my clutches. I am really looking for feedback on that

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Dira and Mak were nearby, and they came over as Yval

pried herself out of Drorik’s grip.

“So, you are returning to your lives after one night

together?” Dira raised her eyebrows.

Yval smiled. “I am used to self-control, so this is a little

awkward but not deadly. I can keep him under control until
he gets a grip on the predatory and possessive attitude.”

“I am right here, you know.” Drorik growled.
She patted his hand and smiled. “I know, punkin.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist, lifted her and

walked toward the Meditation Centre without a backward
look. Laughter followed them.

She crossed her arms and scowled, waiting for him to set

her back on her feet.

Teal and Tony merely smiled and set their bags at their


Tony grinned. “It was nice meeting you.”
“You too. I am sure that Drorik was in a much better

mood when he was single.”

Her captor sighed. “You are just going to keep pushing it,

aren’t you?”

“Yup. This is now one of my favourite means of

entertainment.” She craned her neck and grinned up at him.

He sighed and shook his head. “I am not sure that I am

going to get used to your new cheerful attitude.”

“Tough.” She smiled brightly.
Teal and Tony laughed, and a moment later, the world

dissolved in a flash of light.

“Welcome to my home.” Drorik smiled.
He set her on her feet.
They had agreed it was going to be his home first, because

she was adapting more easily to being part elf than he was to
being part shifter.

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It had all the charm of a Tudor farmhouse. “Is that a

thatched roof?”

“It is. I replace it every five years or so. Not because it

needs it, I just enjoy the practice.” He chuckled and picked
up their bags, walking her toward the picturesque home
with a smile.

“Where do your parents live?”
“Down the lane. Did you want to meet them today?” He

raised his eyebrows.

She blinked and bit her lip. “I think I might want to skip

the immediate introductions. I already know you and Tovin.
That is traumatic enough.”

He bustled her into his house, and she noted the modern

kitchen and living room in stark contrast to the exterior. She
didn’t have a chance to look around; he coaxed her up the
stairs, into his bedroom and he began working at her vest.

She busied her own hands, removing the belt that held his

tunic together and dropping it out of his reach. She pushed
his tunic up while he wrestled with her belt and cargo pants.

His hands shook when he exposed the hot red silk to his


She pushed him back and kicked out of her black

sneakers. She normally didn’t wear shoes with her uniform,
but it had been a formal occasion, so what the hell.

Yval shimmied out of her cargo pants, and she put her

hands on the base of her tank top, whipping it off over her
head, exposing the matching red silk bra.

He swallowed, and she stood with her hands on her hips.

Her smile was evil. “This time, I did mean to have sex; now,
did you want to get undressed or did you want me to do it
for you?”

She held up her hand and formed her claws.
He quivered, and his entire body tensed. She could see his

erection prodding the fabric of his tunic and his trousers.

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Zenina Masters


He stepped out of her reach, and he whipped his tunic off

over his head before toeing off his boots and levering his
trousers down over his erect cock.

She smiled at the pearly drops that were swelling and

clinging to the wide head of his erection. She moved toward
him without hesitation and took the thick stalk in her hand,
stroking him slowly, covering his shaft with the precum.

He stood stock still with his eyes watching her. She stood

to one side so that his view of her hand was completely
clear. Drorik clenched his fists, and she noted the change in
his breathing as he got close to release.

She released her grip and stepped back, removing her bra

with a quick move and sliding her thumbs down her hips to
remove the scarlet silk that were her panties.

She was wet, she was ready and she whispered, “Pick me

up and fuck me.”

His arms snapped out and pulled her to him, lifting her

into the air and pressing his cock into her, lowering her onto
him with a groan.

There was no subtlety to this union; Yval gripped his

shoulders and held on as he lifted and dropped her with
wet-sounding thuds until she gasped and dug her nails into
him while he snarled and jetted inside her.

It was a reflex to lean forward and bite him, and to her

shock, he returned the favour. The bright pain caused a flare
of aftershocks to run through her, and her channel gripped
him tightly, bringing him to another spasm of his own.

When she released him and pressed her head to his chest,

a perfect bite mark glowed with magic on his skin. Oddly, it
was an animal bite, and she didn’t think she had shifted.

He released her a moment later, and he slowly lapped at

her skin.

She unlocked her legs, and the only things holding her up

were his hands on her hips.

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Half a Dose of Fury


He turned, took three steps and dropped to the bed with

her on top of him.

She smiled. “So, that was fast.”
His heart was slow and steady under her, but his erection

was swelling once again.

“I intend to know all the sounds that you make before we

leave this place for the outside world.” He slid his hands up
her torso and cupped her breasts.

She rose and fell on him with deliberate focus. “That is a

lot of sounds. It could take a while.”

“I am willing to put in the time. When do you go into


Yval laughed. “Why do you want to know?”
“I might need to lay in some supplies. I don’t want to

miss one minute of it.”

She leaned forward and kissed him when he sat up so she

could reach his lips. He remained sitting up, and she
continued to rock on him until she moaned into his mouth.

It was a pretty good start, but there were so many other

sounds he needed to hear. Fortunately, Yval was a dedicated
professional. She was willing to put in the time.

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Zenina Masters



rorik was sitting at her side with his head pressed to
her shoulder. She could feel the tears on her skin. “Stop

crying, you big wuss. I was the one who had to do all the

The midwife was standing next to her, her arms

overloaded with the bundles of joy. Three babies had indeed
chosen to arrive all at once, and Drorik was now severely

Yval Bindingheart shifted until she was sitting up in the

bed, and she held out her arms. The little girls were handed
to her one by one.

“Heads up, Drorik. I need another set of arms. The family

is about to come in.” She smiled as he lifted his head and
wiped his tears away before extending his hands out to take
the last of the triplets.

“You knew that this was a possibility.” He wasn’t

accusing, he was wondering at the small pink girl in his
arms. Her tiny pointed ears were obvious, and her skin had
a golden tint.

“I did. Multiple births run in my family. My mother was

the odd one out, but she was one of three as well.”

The bedding had been changed, Yval was relatively

comfortable for someone who had just produced three
people, and the crowd came in.


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Half a Dose of Fury


First, it was Ron, Linny and Jesser. The presents were put

on the table at the foot of the bed, and they came around to
greet the new devils in their presence.

Tovin came in asking, “So where is the new family


Yval grinned when her family moved aside and Tovin

saw the collection of little girls in their arms. Tovin’s wife
just laughed for a moment before she had to prop Tovin up.

Yval chuckled, “Drorik was the same. Let in the


Drorik sighed. “I have recovered.”
Yval’s mother smiled brightly when she saw the

collection of tiny people, but she quickly had to move to
support the fey who were not expecting three
granddaughters in one shot.

Drorik’s mother leaned forward, and her hands shook as

she checked the babies. “They are all fey.”

“And all shifter. I can smell it.” Drorik grinned. “Start

planning the party, Mother.”

“Party? For this, I will call out a national holiday, at least

a local fair.” She smiled and hesitated. “Can I hold one?”

Yval laughed. “You can hold as many as you can carry.”
The babies were immediately distributed throughout the

room, and the family welcomed the next generation with
open hearts.

Tovin came to the side of the bed. “When do you think

you will return to work?”

“I need three weeks to bond with them and to stop

lactating. I would love to breast feed, but with three, it isn’t

Drorik sighed. “Perhaps you could go back on a part-time

basis? Maybe even start training folks?”

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Zenina Masters


She made a face. “Fine. I was just teasing. No, Tovin. I am

not heading back to work. I have three new shifters to guard
and that takes priority.”

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Author’s Note

I could have done so much more with these two... so I will
have them appear in the next installment.

In the next Shifting Crossroads, Tovin will get his mate,

and she will be there to support him when he falters, and he
will help her unleash the warrior within.

Thanks for reading,

Zenina Masters


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About the Author

Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-
fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep
writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories
because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what
keeps her writing.

An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls

you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is
all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to
those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the
cheap laugh.

Document Outline


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