Nage Archer Luna 01 Luna Rising

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Luna Rising

Copyrightã2005 Master Nage

Cover art and design by Martine Jardin

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Published by eXtasy Books, a division of Zumaya Publications, 2005

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For Jaynie, the button pusher

Earth, June 2147

Time Police Headquarters

New Warsaw, Europa

I wasn’t surprised to find the walls of my quarters bare. I had long ago set the motif of my compartment
to reflect my mood; at the moment it reflected the emptiness within. An emptiness that would soon give
way to despair, at which point the walls would darken. It would not be an improvement.

Twice I had been mind-raped by the dermagen shape shifter, and both times had failed to strand him in
time. He’d not only beaten me—he’d humiliated me. He’d outthought me every step of the way. I had no
idea what price humanity would pay for my weakness, but I was sure it would be steep. Perhaps it would
even spell mankind’s end.

With that realization, I knew I had no choice but to tell what had happened, even though I would be put
to death for having lied in the first place. It didn’t matter. My life was insignificant when weighed against
the survival of my species.

Yet I couldn’t tell Jondhru. I just couldn’t. He terrified me, particularly because he’d yet to summon me
to his office for disciplinary action. That could only mean one thing. I was going to be court-martialed and
most likely executed for failure. No less than I deserved. But if I died without doing what I could to

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defend my people, my entire life would be a waste.

The walls of my room turned from dull gray to dull blue, hardly progress, but what did I expect. I was
awaiting a dishonorable death, still not certain I could betray the creature that had used me so badly. I
thought about him and sank to my knees. He couldn’t control me to that degree, he just couldn’t.

Still naked, I fled my quarters and ran down the corridor, not caring who saw me. I made it down to
control in record time, not at all surprised to find Jax on duty. I could confess to him. At least he wouldn’t
judge me.

“Hello, Jax.”

“Luna, what are you doing here? You are not scheduled for a mission.”

“I just wanted to talk. Do you have a moment?”

“Of course, Luna. What can I do for you?”

I studied him. He was so like Jerico—blond-haired, blue-eyed, and physically perfect—I shuddered,
but I was in too much pain to become aroused. It wouldn’t have mattered. His lifeless eyes and voice did
nothing for me.

“I need to tell you something important...”

I opened my mouth to reveal the traitor for what he was. I tried to force the words out, but pain engulfed
me. I fell to my knees then to the floor, clutching my stomach. I felt as if someone had jabbed a flaming
spear into my small intestine.

“Luna, are you all right?”

I tried again, but the pain intensified until I wanted to die.

I won’t say anything. Please. Stop. Your secret is safe with me.

Almost at once the pain subsided, leaving me panting and gasping on the metal control room floor. There
were no flux walls in the control room; there was no need for them. Only hard, cold metal, as hard as the
fear beginning to form in my heart. I could not betray the dermagen even if it meant the end of existence
as I knew it.

“Yes, I’m fine. I think two missions so close together have caused higher stress levels than I would have
normally experienced. I just need to rest.”

I had never been a good liar, but this time I pulled it off and hated myself for it. I thought about trying to
get the words out and a pang went through me, reminding me of the torture I’d just experienced. The
dermagen had done his job well. There was no way I could reveal that he’d taken over Jerico, giving him
an advantage that I was certain would haunt me for the rest of my life—what little was left of it.

“Are you certain you’re okay?”

“Yes, Jax, I’m sure. Thanks.”

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Without another word, I left the control room and returned to my quarters. As soon as I entered, the
walls turned solid black and stayed that way.

* * * *

For more than an hour I stared at the computer terminal. There had to be a way to communicate with
someone—anyone—about what had happened. I had already tried recording a message for a friend, and
the pain threatened to return before I could get the words out. It wouldn’t let me contact anyone.

Then the idea struck me. What if I recorded a log? My own personal log. No one would see that but
me. Later, I could find a way to share it with the world. It was possible they would go through it after my
trial, when I no longer had the right to privacy. I was not looking forward to being court-martialed, but
that might be humanity’s only hope. It doesn’t get more ironic. Of course, I didn’t know whether or not
the dermagen would allow me to leave a log.

Which brought another question to mind. If the dermagen was still in the past, how could he be
controlling me? It didn’t seem possible. Then I remembered the tendrils he’d sent out. I could almost
picture them, intertwined in my mind, reaching down into my very soul. The thought sent a shudder
through my body.

I could delay no longer.

“Computer, record personal log entry, time and date stamp.”

“Recording, Agent Luna.”

“I am just back from the end of the twentieth century, my second mission in as many days. I am tired
and in pain from my ordeal, but I will heal. I wish I could say the same for…hu…man…kind.”

The pain arose as soon as I tried to mention the threat. I clutched my stomach and doubled over, but
forced myself to keep talking.

“Derm…gen…shifter…betrayed…android… replaced…aaaarrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh!”

The pain was too great and wasn’t subsiding. If it continued, I would certainly die. Writhing on the floor,
sweat pouring from my forehead, I could barely think. My body started to spasm and I knew the end
was near.

“Com…puter…cancel log.”

“Log canceled.”

At once the pain withdrew. I remained on the cold floor for a long time, too exhausted to even cry.

* * * *

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That night, as I lay in bed, the first wave of withdrawal hit me. I had expected it but hadn’t been
prepared for anything quite so horrible after only a single dose of the dermagen’s poison. Sweat poured
from my aching body, the air felt so thick I choked on it, and I couldn’t do anything to stop the pounding
in my skull. I wanted to die so badly I almost took my life, but couldn’t if there was even a single chance
I could find a way to communicate what I knew to my superiors.

When the hallucinations began, I wasn’t at all surprised that they were sexual in nature. My body started
to vibrate, as if someone had run a current through it. My breasts tingled and I touched them. They ached
to be sucked. I felt a presence and turned my head.

He was a large man, green eyed, dark haired, and he’d been dead for a couple of hundred years.
Benjamin Weller couldn’t be here, but my mind was no longer my own. Between the dermagen’s poison
and his mind-rape, I wasn’t sure I was even sane.

When he reached for me, I tried to squirm away. His course laughter filled the room. Around me, the
walls lit up with random acts of sex. Everywhere I looked, I was being taken by a different man, in a
different position. I whimpered and focused on the intruder, who had already forced my legs apart. I tried
to close them, but he was too strong. Then he lowered his head and his tongue emerged.

Again I whimpered then moaned. My hands went to his hair and tried to pull him in deeper. His tongue
parted my lips, flicked at my clit, circled slowly. His hands stroked my body until I was aflame. My juices
flowed like a river, and I cried out in lust and fear. I’d never been more turned on or terrified in my entire
life. He licked and licked, taking me higher and higher, robbing me of even the illusion of control.

His finger tickled my ass and slid inside, raping me slowly, matching the rhythm of his tongue. When he
lifted his head, I cried out, first because he’d stopped, then because Benjamin Weller was no longer

He pulled me to my feet, and I fought to associate a name with the bald head and blue eyes. Cassin. It
was Cassin. Already I was on my knees before him. His cock, impossibly large, impossibly hard, was in
my hand and I stroked hard, trying to coax the cum from his balls. The cum I needed to taste so bad. I
squeezed, rolled it between my hands, then put my mouth around it and started to suck.

I closed my eyes and sucked with all my strength. Please...please...I need to taste it. My lips pressed
along the shaft, my tongue circled it, my entire being strained for the merest taste of his hot, creamy cum.
Yet no matter how hard I sucked and pleaded, not a single drop emerged.

In anger, I pulled away and looked up. Cassin too was gone and Jerico was there, the android, the
dermagen—at the same time my worst enemy and greatest desire. I was too filled with lust to resist
anything, so when he grabbed my hair and jerked me to my feet, I went with it, waiting only to see what
he would require of my body.

He turned me around and bent me over the bed. His cock teased the entrance to my cunt. The head
entered, then withdrew and slid down to touch my clit. Then he moved it back up and drove into me.

This couldn’t be happening, but I felt it, every single movement. I felt the length and thickness of his shaft
stroking my cunt walls and his hands clutching my waist. I heard his breathing grow faster, harder, until he
was moaning almost as loud as me. I wanted to cum so bad I was in tears.

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“Please...I need to cum.”




“Don’t tease me. Take me. Rip my cum from me. Make me yours. Please. I beg you.”

“Luna, are you there? Can you hear me?”

I opened my eyes. I was alone in the room. The walls were again barren. My entire body was bathed in
sweat. I was panting.

“Luna, I know you’re there. And if you’re not down in my office in five minutes there’ll be hell to pay.”

Shit…Jondhru. I couldn’t see him like this, I just couldn’t. But he’d given me an order and there was
nothing to do but follow it. I stopped only to dry the juices that still flowed from my cunt, then put on a
long skirt and blouse and set them to opaque. It was bad enough I felt like a slut, I didn’t need to

* * * *

The walk down the flux corridor to Jondhru’s office never seemed as long. Unlike the last time, the door
opened as soon as I arrived. I had wanted a moment to prepare myself before entering, but that wasn’t
allowed me. Drawing a breath, I entered. I had never been more frightened.

He watched me but said nothing. His face displayed no inkling of his intentions, which did nothing to
ease my discomfort. A trickle of sweat slid down the side of my face.

“Why, Luna...are you afraid?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He walked around the desk until he stood only inches away. I backed up until I felt the wall behind me.
He stopped moving. I didn’t understand why. I tried to edge away, but something had grasped my wrists
and ankles. I looked down. Several pale hands jutted from the wall, holding me in place. I struggled but
wasn’t strong enough to break their grip. More hands emerged. They held my arms and legs perfectly
still. There was no escape.

Jondhru closed the distance between us. He removed a laser knife and started to cut my clothes. I
gasped when my shirt fell open, revealing my breasts. He’d seen me naked before, but this was very

“Sir…what are you doing?”

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“You’re a very attractive woman, Luna.”

This couldn’t be happening. I tried to keep calm.

“You never found me so before, Sir.”

“It is my opinion, Agent Luna, that never is a woman more beautiful than when she is terrified. Wouldn’t
you agree?”

He cut the skirt from my waist, and just like that I was completely naked. I sobbed. He laughed.

“Please. It wasn’t my fault.”

Whatwasn’t your fault, Agent Luna?”

I wanted to tell him but knew I couldn’t. I remembered too clearly the pain.

“I didn’t betray the agency.”

“But you did, Luna. You allowed that thing to touch you. Allowed it to enter your mind. And you failed
to strand it. Do you know what happens now?”

“No, Sir.”

He slid a hand down my naked body. I tried to cringe, but it wasn’t allowed. I could only attempt to
struggle, while he stroked my body gently, repeatedly.

“Please, don’t...”

I was already so horny I wanted to die, yet I couldn’t let him have me—not Jondhru. He continued to
stroke my body, drove me mad with wanting in spite of myself. I’d like to think I fought, but at that point
I was his for the taking. There was nothing I could do. My own juices betrayed me. I could feel the
wetness leaking down my thighs. Jondhru had to be as aware of it as I.

“Please, don’t do this to me.”

“Why Luna? Why shouldn’t I do this? You’ve failed. Now you will pay.”

I sobbed again then moaned, thrusting my cunt toward him as best I could. He laughed.

“Is Luna a horny girl?”

“No, please!”

“What’s the matter, Luna? You can tell me.”

“Please stop. I’m so hot.”

“Oh, I know you are. I’m counting on it. It will make your taking so much more satisfying. I’m going to
give you one chance to survive, Luna, and one chance only. I’m going to release you and then I’m going

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to fuck you. The moment you cum, you die. If you can resist, I’ll spare your life.”

“Oh God.”

At his thought, the hands released me and dissolved back into the wall. I sagged and he caught me. I
tried to struggle, but he dragged me to the desk.

“You’ve failed, Luna. You’ve betrayed not only the agency but all humanity. And you will pay.”

I wanted to argue but knew he was right. Whatever happened to me I deserved. Still, he’d given me a
chance to survive, yet it was a double-edged sword. The very act of resisting orgasm turned me on
fiercely. That I couldn’t cum was the biggest turn on of all. And Jondhru was doing his utmost to take
advantage of my weakness.

Already he had my nipples in his fingers and he rolled them back and forth. Then he lowered his mouth,
still pinching one, while his lips attacked the other. He sucked, and I squirmed and moaned, hoping he
would never stop, knowing if he kept going I would pay with my life. I almost couldn’t bring myself to

His hand slid from my breast and started down my body, slowly, as if he had all the time in the world.
He grabbed my nipple with his teeth and pulled, gently at first then harder. I felt the cum build inside me
and started to cry, for I knew it was only a matter of time. That Jondhru knew it too humiliated me.

By the time his fingers found my wetness, I could barely breathe. I moaned and panted and writhed on
his fingers. He pulled away from me to watch my face.

“That’s it, Luna. That’s a good girl. Sign your own death warrant. You know you can’t help it.”

“Oh God. I need to cum so bad.”

“I know that, Luna.”

He thrust his fingers hard inside, and I screamed with the pleasure of it. My juices leaked over his hand.
I’d never been more turned on in my life. I felt my orgasm build and tried to hold back, but the more I
tried, the hotter I got. Soon, I wouldn’t be able to control it.

He laughed and lowered his head.

“Please, Jondhru. Don’t...don’t do this to me.”

“Don’t you want me to lick it?”

“Yes, yes, but please don’t. I’ll cum if you do.”

“I’m counting on that, Luna. You’re going to cum so hard for me. And then you’re going to die so

“Oh my God !”

In a matter of seconds it would be over. I needed release so bad, there was no price too high to pay.
Not even my life. I tried to fight for a moment longer before I felt it start. Jondhru’s laughter made it that

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much hotter.

I screamed with the force of my orgasm and my cum gushed like a waterfall. At that moment, I didn’t
care that I was about to die. Only the sensation, the waves of pleasure meant anything.

Jondhru laughed. “That’s a good girl. Cum so good for me. Cum so hard. Cum for the last time in your
miserable life.”

I kept cumming until I thought I would pass out. I wanted to die then, to fade away, to escape this
humiliation, but it wasn’t allowed. I was still panting when the office door opened.

“Jerico!” I shouted.

He was no longer an android, yet I was the only one who knew it. In his right hand he held a blaster
leveled at Jondhru. The head of the Time Police removed his fingers from me and turned to face his

“So, she has betrayed me in more ways than one,” said Jondhru.

“No more than you have betrayed her.”

I tried to catch my breath. I had no idea what they were talking about. Jondhru had threatened to kill
me, but he wasn’t a danger to humanity. The dermagen was, but there was nothing I could do. He owned
my mind—or did he?

That I couldn’t reveal his identity bespoke specific instructions. He hadn’t been directly controlling my
mind, for he had remained in the past. As he couldn’t have predicted this situation, he couldn’t have
programmed me to respond to it. He’d have to resort to direct mind control. Perhaps with Jondhru there
he’d have less influence on me. It was the only chance I had.

“It’s over, Jondhru,” said the dermagen.


I knew Jondhru had access to defenses he could control mentally and couldn’t figure out why he didn’t
use them. Could it be the great Jondhru didn’t want to die? He’d advised me to do as much for the safety
of the human race. Then I knew how I could redeem myself.

With a single fluid movement, I kicked out, striking the dermagen in the wrist. The blaster flew across the
room. It clattered against the far wall. Fortunately, it didn’t discharge. We all moved for it, but I was a
hair faster. I snatched it, whirled and pointed it right at the dermagen.

“Excellent work, Agent Luna. Now shoot it.”

If I killed the creature, I would be free. Perhaps Jondhru would even spare my life.

“She can’t, Jondhru.”

“Try me,” I said.

Jerico held up a placating hand, as if that would stop me from blowing him all over the place.

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“There is something you need to know, Luna. Jondhru hasn’t been direct with you.”

“Shoot him now, Luna. Before he exerts his mind control.”

I raised the gun and pointed it to the dermagen’s head.

“Luna, wait. Think. If I were so important, why did he only send you and an android to track me

“I have no idea.”

I put my finger to the trigger. One squeeze and I’d be redeemed.

“He couldn’t use any other operatives. He didn’t want this known.”

“Of course I didn’t,” said Jondhru. “Top level security clearance is required.”

The dermagen would not be dissuaded.

“Luna, do you know what I did to deserve Jondhru’s wrath?”


“Of course not. So how would having more agents involved affect security? No one else would know
either. And why you? Are you the best the Agency has to offer? Why send an android when it had never
been done before? I’ll tell you why. You can reprogram an android’s memory very easily. No one keeps
personal records on androids. And you, with your record of, shall we say, creative espionage, it would
be easy to order your execution. Who would question it?”

“You’re not going to talk your way out of this,” said Jondhru.

“Are you sure? Perhaps I don’t need to. Think Luna. What are you defending? Who’s hurt you more,
me or Jondhru? Who are you more afraid of?”

The answer to that question was easy, but I didn’t understand its relevance.

“If you don’t start making sense, I’m going to pull this trigger.”

“Do it, Luna! Now. Before he takes control of your body!”

I pointed the blaster at Jondhru.

“Shut up. I think I want to hear this.”

Jondhru’s dark eyes bulged with anger, but he didn’t respond. I turned my attention back to the shape

“So tell me, why should I trust an alien over my own kind?”

“Because, Luna, I’m not an alien.”

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“You’re a dermagen.”

“Ever wonder where the name came from? Derma is a word for skin and gen is short for generation.
Dermagen isn’t the name of an alien race. It’s the name of a company. It’s actually more complex than
that, but Dermagen makes nano-machines. Microscopic machines that reside in the bloodstream in order
to help a Time Cop assume the identity of another person before he goes back in time. I’m from the
Agency, Luna, just like you. I’m from your future.”

“No. It’s not possible.”

“Of course it is. I do what you do but without the external machinery, that’s all. I’m just as human as

“If you’re human, how did you mind-rape me?”

“By my year, humans have developed all sorts of psionic powers. What you call mind-rape isn’t even
the most impressive.”

“So why are you here? What’s your mission?”

“To track down Jondhru. He’s an alien shape shifter, Luna. He’s here to change the past. He has placed
himself in the perfect position to threaten the existence of humanity.”

“But you can’t change the past. That’s been proven.”

“Wrong. It’s not easy to change the past, because the past tries desperately to repeat itself, but enough
small changes or a giant change will tip the scales, constantly increasing the odds of a time probability
shift. That’s what Jondhru has been using the Agency for. A time probability shift would destroy
humanity’s future and allow his people to take over the empty Earth and all its resources.”

“Why did you hide in the past, then?”

I studied Jondhru, trying to assimilate this new information. Was it possible?

“Jondhru is like me…he’s from the future. He has ways of detecting the occurrence of time travel, so I
couldn’t come directly to this year without revealing my presence. The only way to fool him is the way I
did it. By taking over an agent, I could travel to this year without worrying about Jondhru detecting my
arrival. He would simply assume the agent was returning to the present. He would, of course, suspect the
agent had been replaced, but suspecting and knowing are two different things. In any event, he couldn’t
possibly know I could replicate an android. That technology hadn’t been developed until after he’d left
for the past.”

I looked at Jondhru. He smiled.

“It’s a great story, Luna, with only one problem.”

“Which is?”

“It’s a lie. There is only one alien in this room. Have you ever seen me display super-human powers?”

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“Why do you suppose that is?”

I looked from one of them to the other and back again. Then I raised the blaster so it was pointed at
Jondhru’s face.

“Luna, you’re making a mistake.”

“I don’t think so.”

Jerico walked up to me.

“What made you decide?”

“He could have used the flux walls to attack you as soon as you entered. He chose to save his skin,
rather than do what was right for humanity. If he were who he pretended to be, he’d have sacrificed his

“You’re right, of course.”

“But why doesn’t he use them now?”

“Because he doesn’t know if he’s stronger than me, and if he’s not, I can take that control away from
him. Turn his weapons again him. He’s a coward, Luna. He doesn’t want to die.”

When I was done with him, death would be the least of his problems.

“You raped me,” I said. There was no other way to put it.

“You didn’t seem to mind at the time, Luna. You were begging for it.”

“I’m going to make you suffer as you’ve never suffered before.”

“Don’t shoot him,” said the dermagen.


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“You don’t know what he did to me. He needs to pay. I need to make him pay.”

“There’s a better way, Luna. Watch.”

The dermagen approached. Jondhru backed away.

“Don’t touch me!”

Jerico laughed. He moved so fast I almost couldn’t follow it. He grabbed Jondhru’s face.


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I had never before seen such pain on a human face—even if it wasn’t human. Jondhru’s features twisted
as if they were made of rubber. He screamed, but no one would come running. Screams had too often
been heard from this office. I watched as he melted—as Jerico consumed him. Yet as horrible as it was,
what came next was worse.

Jondhru’s skin started to mottle. It turned blue-green and scaly. His face elongated into something
vaguely reptilian, down to the sharp, lizard-like teeth in that nonhuman maw. I was looking at Jondhru’s
true form. He really was an alien. I thought about how he’d touched me and I shuddered. Thank God
Jerico had come along when he did.

The transformation took slightly under ten minutes, during which I stood transfixed. When it was done, a
new Jondhru stood before me. There was no trace of the original at all.

“He changed form. Why do you still look like the human Jondhru?” I asked, surprised I could get the
words out. What I’d witnessed shook me to the core of my being.

Jerico-Jondhru studied me. His eyes were so much like the original’s I could barely meet his gaze, but I
was sure the comfortable expression he wore had never graced Jondhru’s face.

“Every one of his victims, and there were many before the original Jondhru, was stored in his brain. I
could have accessed any of them, but Jondhru made the most sense.”

“Isn’t this office monitored? Won’t there be questions?”

“Of course not. Jondhru couldn’t afford the scrutiny. What happened here today remains between us.
No one else will ever know. Well, no one except my superiors.”

“What now?”

“Now we have to fix what Jondhru started to break. It’s going to take a long time and a lot of hard
work, Luna. Are you up for it?”

I thought about what was being offered. Only minutes ago, I was going to be executed for failure. Now I
was being asked to help a time cop from the future redirect history to save it from the actions of a hostile
alien time traveler. If it weren’t so tragic I’d have laughed at the irony. Part of me wondered if Jerico (I
couldn’t bring myself to think of him as Jondhru) could be trusted, but it was too small a part to call a
suspicion. Which left me with a problem. What if I were still under the influence of Jerico’s mind control?
What if I’d just betrayed humanity? When I looked at him again my emotions flared, and I realized I’d
developed feelings for him. Not the most stable thing to base a decision like this on, but I had nothing
else. I could only proceed and hope time would validate my actions.

“I don’t see where I have much of a choice. Hey, let me ask you something. If you really are human,
why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Because Jondhru had ways to get into your mind just as I did. He didn’t use them because it would
have given him away, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have in a pinch. The only way to fool him was
the way I did it, chancy as it was.”

“I understand. And the drugs in my system? How do you explain those?”

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“The drug is harmless, Luna. It feels bad at first but the worst of the withdrawal is already over. You’ll
be back to normal in no time. I had to find a way to keep you under my thumb without hurting you.”

“But you had my mind.”

“More so after the second mind-rape than the first. The drug helped me there. I couldn’t risk you getting
the upper hand on me. Not with what was at stake.”

The new Jondhru smiled and for the first time, I found myself attracted to him. I smiled back.

“You know,” he said, “you saved my life.”

“I’m glad.”

“Is there any way I can repay you?”

A thousand tempting thoughts crossed my mind. Jerico grinned.

“I can think of a thing or two.”

“I’ll bet you can.”

He walked to me and enfolded me in his arms. The image of the original Jondhru sent a shiver down my
spine, but the shape shifter’s touch in no way resembled what I’d only recently endured. I melted into him
and he held me.


“Yes, Luna?”

“What’s it like in the future?”

He lifted my chin, met my gaze and smiled fondly.

“I’m sorry, Luna, but you’re going to have to wait to find out...just like everyone else.”

“And here I was thinking I was special.”

We both laughed and he kissed me. I returned the favor.

As he lowered me to the floor, I felt free for the first time in my life.

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About the Author

Master Nage is a real life D/s Master, living in Hobart, Tasmania with his slave (and wife) dana. He's
practiced BDSM since 1992, both online and in real life. Master Nage, unlike many Dominants, is into
psychological domination and sexual combat. Many of the situations from his books are taken from real
life BDSM scenes.

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