D J Manly Diamond in the Shade (pdf)(1)

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Diamond in the Shade

DJ Manly

(c) 2009

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Diamond in the Shade

DJ Manly

Published 2009

ISBN 978-1-59578-570-1

Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509

Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2009, DJ Manly. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the author.

Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books





Lynne Anderson

Cover Artist

Amanda Kelsey

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of

the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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Diamond has never known anything but death and destruction. An abandoned baby

left to die, he was raised in a monastery and trained to kill. When his trainer pays him an
unexpected visit in his native Hungary, Diamond is surprised to learn that he is needed in
North America, where a curious and seemingly unstoppable force is at work.

Sebastian Shade also fights vampires, but with a difference. He is one. Reformed by

love experienced and lost some years before, Sebastian was urged out of his self-imposed
hibernation and secretly recruited to help the Order of Destroyers fight evil. Now in
present-day New York, he continues his work, along with his team of mortals.

Diamond arrives in New York and goes straight to work, not knowing that Sebastian

Shade is hunting the same villain as he. When they meet, it’s fireworks, and in more
ways than one, when they finally come to the realization that if they are going to defeat
this evil, they’ll have to do it together.

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Chapter One

Diamond lay motionless on the stone slab as he listened to the footsteps. They were

getting closer and closer. He’d know those footsteps anywhere. They moved a little
slower now, but it was the same heavy, sure-footed style of walking, the left footfall just
a little less heavy than the right. If this had been ten years ago, he would have tensed,
prepared himself to fight or die.

“Still sleeping on that, I see?” Vanguard commented, speaking in English.
Diamond opened his eyes. He stretched his sleek, muscular form like a cat, and sat

up slowly. There was no expression on his face as he looked at his former master, his
mentor, his tormentor. “You’ve aged,” he said in German, swinging his long legs over the
side of the slab.”

“I’m slowing down. Szia Hogy van?” Vanguard asked him in his native Hungarian.
“Én finom.”
“I am glad to hear it. It’s been a long time. I’ve been occupied in the West.”

Vanguard began to pace around the room, glancing at him from time to time.

Diamond watched him.
“You’ve really changed, grown from boy into man, a handsome man, I may add, and


Diamond narrowed his eyes, waiting.
“You’d think you’d want to leave this place.” Vanguard rubbed his white beard,

examining the cement walls and high gothic ceiling. “It’s damp and dank in here, smells
musty. Are you all alone?”

“The monks are still here,” Diamond said without expression. English was his

preferred language. He spoke it fluently with only a hint of an accent.

“I’ve kept track of you. I kept in touch with your overseer off and on, and of course I

get news from the head office. You’ve been very busy. Congratulations on wiping out the
Denostra clan. They were nothing but bloodthirsty killers.”

“It took me longer than usual. They were hard to track, very clever at moving their


“And the competition, this makes three years in a row you’ve won it?”
“Four, actually.”
Vanguard nodded. “I knew right from the beginning that you were the one.” He

stopped, met Diamond’s gaze.

“Yes. You told me that before you left.”
“I don’t expect you to have any affection for me, Diamond. After all, I made sure

that emotions didn’t interfere with your duties.”

“You did a good job. You have no worries on that account.”
Vanguard looked down at his hands. He took a breath. “I sometimes think I did my

job a little too well when it came to you. I worry about your future.”

“You needn’t. You did your duty.”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately, a lot about the past. You see, I’m dying.”
Diamond looked at him, but he didn’t say anything.
Vanguard cleared his throat. “The Order considers you my greatest achievement, but

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sometimes when I think about my methods, I regret so much.”

“There is no need for regret, Vanguard. You taught me that. What’s done is done.

What did you come here for? If it’s about the competition, I know it’s special this year, in
light of the anniversary of the Order.”

“Three thousand years. But I didn’t come about the competition. I’ve come to tell

you that you’ve been reassigned. You are no longer needed here in Budapest.”

“I see.” He stiffened.
“They sent me to tell you personally since, well, you were like a son to me,

Diamond.” When that got no response, he continued. “I need you to train others. I am no
longer able to, and since you are the best…” He trailed off.

“I’m no trainer. I’m a destroyer.”
“You will need to be both, I’m afraid. There has been a new surge of activity in the


“I see.”
“I realize that you will have to leave your homeland for the first time and—”
“I have no sentiment for Hungary. I will go where I am needed.”
Vanguard nodded. “We have set up a new office in New York City. The Order will

find a suitable place for you to live. We leave tomorrow.”

* * * *

“I know nothing about babies,” Shade groaned, throwing up his hands in despair.

“Do we have any idea where these babies belong?” He looked at the other three. His
question was met with silence. “Well, Debbie, you take them to the authorities. Perhaps
they can find the parents.”

“Shade,” Debbie whined, “how am I going to take six babies to the authorities?” She

adjusted her glasses on her narrow nose clumsily and poked out her chin. “Just because
I’m a woman it doesn’t mean I know anything about babies! That’s very sexist of you,”
she accused. “Why not ask Josh, or Pete?”

Shade plopped down behind his desk with a sigh. “Debbie, don’t start this stuff

again. Give me a break. You know what these modern times do to my brain?” He put his
head in his hands a minute. “I never asked for this.”

“Well, technically,” Josh pointed out, “you did ask for it.”
Shade glanced up at him.
Josh looked down at his hands, and fidgeted with his keys.
“Go away,” Shade said suddenly. “Go, and take those screaming babies with you!

They need to be fed, and changed, and…”

“I did that,” Debbie said. “Babies cry, you know. And what exactly am I going to say

to the authorities about these babies? Isn’t it going to look a tad odd?”

“Okay, you’re right,” Shade said. “The screaming is interrupting the blood to my
brain. I can’t hear myself think. Take them somewhere and leave them; just make

sure you have someone come right away to tend to them. Josh will help you.”

She sighed. “Okay. But you owe me.” She left the room. Josh followed her out.
Pete stood over in the corner, silent.
Shade looked at him suddenly. “What?”
“You did good. We did good.”
“There are more of them out there,” he said, “and they are snatching babies right out

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of their cribs at night. How are they getting into people’s houses without being invited?”

“I can’t read anything from the one we got chained up in the other room. He’s of


“He might be, but their leader isn’t. Go help Debbie and Josh get those babies to the

authorities. I need to think.”

Pete nodded, and left the room.
Shade got up out of his chair and crossed the room.
For two centuries he’d lived in isolation, before finally going underground,

determined to perish there. He didn’t perish, but the loneliness had almost killed him.
When he was first turned in the early nineteenth century, he’d developed a taste for
killing. It fascinated him. The bloodlust was almost as strong in him as his lust for flesh.
He moved all over the world, making it his mission to kill off vampire destroyers one by
one. Until he fell in love with a destroyer. Tanus. Tanus had been extraordinary. He was
the only vampire killer who’d almost killed him as he slept. The attraction between them
was instantaneous, their lust for each other unsurpassed. And for years, they’d carried on
a scorching love affair.

Tanus had taught him a lot; maybe he’d even reformed him. Somewhere along the

way, Shade had lost the lust for killing, and began to cherish humanity.

But Tanus was aging. Shade was losing him. Shade offered to turn him but Tanus

wouldn’t allow it. Tanus had spent his life fighting vampires; his nightmare would have
been to become one.

When Tanus died, Shade, then known as Sebastian Shade, died with him. He went

into hibernation, only emerging from time to time, emaciated. He fed on animals until he
felt revitalized then returned to his underground tomb to begin the process all over again.

It was on one of his breaks from hibernating that Sebastian met a man called Seth.

He was genteel, cultured, dressed in an expensive silk suit. He’d been waiting for
Sebastian to emerge.

“You’re ravished,” were his first words to him. It had been a cold night in London,

the wind off the North Sea brutally frigid, and yet this man stood there as if he didn’t feel
it at all.

“Stay your distance,” Sebastian had growled, “if you know what’s good for you.”
“You’re a fellow Irishman. I detect a Dublin accent.”
“I am nothing and no one. Now, begone, old man.” He tried to walk away but the

man followed him, swinging his walking stick.

“Do you know what year it is?” he called out.
“No, nor do I care. Begone, I tell you.”
“I have need of you. I know what you are.”
Sebastian had turned around, his long dark hair whipping about his face. “What do

you know of me?”

“You drink blood to survive but yet each time you emerge, you don’t drink from

humans. You have been touched by love. It has restored your humanity.”

Sebastian swallowed. He stood still, listening.
“We live in a world of evil. You were once a big contributor to that evil. I know your

history. You choose to live in lonely solitude, hoping to die. That won’t brink Tanus back
to you, my friend.”

“Tanus,” he whispered.

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“I need a weapon. I have just lost my greatest destroyer. It takes years to train them.

You, I don’t need to train. You have powers, instincts. I can give you a purpose, a reason
to go on, Sebastian. Help me. Help us.”

It was 1922. Sebastian had come up from the underground, learned to live among

humans, and for years, he had been a secret member of the Order, fighting his own kind,
protecting humanity. No one except Seth knew of his existence. Many of his kills were
attributed to the Order of Destroyers, or went undiscovered. Seth had warned him that the
Order wouldn’t have approved of having a vampire as a destroyer. Seth had called them
“stuffy and prejudiced.” He died in 1944, Sebastian’s only friend. Sebastian had stood at
his graveside deep into the night, tears running down his face.

After Seth died, he kept on fighting evil, patrolling London for vampires. It was his

reason for existing. He was out there alone, the unsung hero, but it didn’t matter. He
didn’t do it for reward. He did it for Seth. He did it for Tanus.

Now, known simply as Shade, he’d moved to New York City in the nineties. There

he’d met Josh, a member of a notorious street gang, who tried to jump him one night
when he was on patrol. Shade had recruited him, and Josh had been with him ever since.
Pete was a powerful psychic who had picked up on what Shade was the moment he saw
him sitting in a downtown bar one night. Pete had waited for him later, and Shade
demanded to know who he was, and the rest was history. Pete knew about the vampires;
he could sense them. He’d become an invaluable part of his team. Deb was Pete’s sister.
She’d always been somewhat of a geek, but she was a brilliant geek, and served as their

The office was in the basement of an expensive Manhattan high-rise, one that Shade

bought when he moved to New York. He equipped it so that he could work in the office
even at midday. His ability to go out in the daytime was limited but with the right clothes,
good sunglasses and a hat, he could tolerate the sun for short periods of time. This gave
him an advantage over his prey.

The baby snatching that had been going on in the last few months bothered him.

Even the most bloodlusting vampires didn’t bother with infants. There wasn’t enough
blood, too much bother, and it created a great deal of publicity, something vampires shied
away from. The cretin in the other room was of no use to them. He was no more than an
animal, a mortal transformed carelessly then abandoned by the sire. Someone out there
was being careless, or just didn’t care, period. Shade sighed, and walked down the
hallway. It was time for him to have a go at that vampire.

* * * *

Diamond was dreaming. He could feel his body tremble. “I’m afraid,” he called out.

“Please, Vanguard, don’t leave me here alone in the dark.”

“You must face your fears, Diamond.”
“But I’m scared, I’m so scared.” His eyes opened slowly. He looked at the sleeping

man sitting beside him. “I’m not scared anymore,” he said aloud.

Vanguard’s eyes opened. “What?”
“Nothing,” Diamond said, turning to look out the window.
“Did I doze off?”
“This is your first time on a plane, isn’t it?”

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“It is.”
“What do you think?”
“It’s practical, given the circumstances.”
“Yes, but do you like it?”
“Does it matter? Liking something has no utility.”
“My God,” Vanguard whispered, “do you know nothing of pleasure at all?”
Diamond glanced at him. “Pleasure? You’ve forgotten who I am, what you took me

from that orphanage for.”

“Did I ever say why I’d chosen you?”
“Yes. You said it was because I survived abandonment.”
“You were meant to die.”
“I suppose.”
“You were left on the doorstep of that orphanage late at night. It was winter, bitter

cold. They only found you in the morning. They said there was frost on your eyebrows

“Yes, the snow glittered like diamonds.”
“You were special. The Order knew that.”
Diamond didn’t reply.
“You are the best in the world, Diamond. Your work is of immeasurable importance,

but I worry about your future, when you get too old for this work. I don’t want you to be

“Perhaps the Order should take us old destroyers out and shoot us. You were a

trainer, but now you are even too old for that. It’s fortunate for you that you are dying.”

Vanguard sucked in some air. “That’s particularly harsh, don’t you think?”
“It’s the truth, and as you told me, sometimes the truth is harsh. You must have the

character to accept it.”

“What about heart, Diamond? Is yours as hard as your name?”
“I didn’t ask for this name. I didn’t ask for this job either. They were given to me. I

have no choice but to accept them. I will do my duty according to what the Order

“And when you can no longer serve them?” Vanguard probed.
Diamond lifted an eyebrow. “Maybe by that time the Order will have a humane way

to put me down. Anyhow, most of us don’t live to be old, do we?”

“No,” Vanguard said.
Diamond looked out the window now as the city of New York came into view. “I

will need an advisor, a quick study of the city and the customs.”

“That has already been arranged.”
He leaned his head back against the seat again, and closed his eyes.

* * * *

Shade emerged from the back room shaking his head.
Josh leaned against the desk, muscular forearms crossed over his chest. “Any luck?”
“No.” He rubbed the back of his knuckles. “I just about broke my hand on his face.

Bastard tried to take a hunk out of me.”

“So, he doesn’t even realize that you’re a…?”
“No,” Shade said, pulling his disarrayed black hair out of the tie at the nape of his

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neck. “Get rid of it. I’m going back to that place we found the babies, see if I can follow a
trail from there.”

Josh nodded. “Give me a minute to take care of this, and I’ll come with you.”
“Where are the babies?”
Josh grinned. “We took care of them, left them on the doorstep of the hospital. When

we left, they were all taken inside.”

“Good job. I’ll get Pete on the phone in the meantime. I want him to come along

with us. Maybe he can pick up something I can’t.”

Josh headed to the back room.

* * * *

Richard Charmin’s eyes widened a little when he saw Diamond walk into the room,

accompanied by Vanguard. He knew all about Diamond by reputation, of course. Who
didn’t? He was the champion, the crème de la crème of destroyers. He just didn’t expect
him to look like that.

Diamond was about five-eleven, lithe and muscular, his hair a medium ash blond,

with light brown eyes which illuminated a face of almost delicate beauty. His chin was
determined, his mouth generous but without expression. He wasn’t smiling. In fact, his
face was an unreadable mask of stoicism.

“Richard,” Vanguard announced, “come and meet our Diamond.”
Richard reached his hand forward. Diamond looked at him then dismissed him.
“Diamond is used to being alone,” Vanguard muttered. “Diamond, Richard will be

your assistant here in New York. He will stay with you around the clock, fill you in on
what you need to know.”

Diamond looked at him. “I will not be needing you after this week.”
“I … my duties are to…” Richard began.
“Is this my room?” Diamond asked, pointing to the open door.
“Yes,” Vanguard said.
“I will need an experienced fighter, one I can train with.”
“That would be me,” Richard said, nodding.
“You are a trainer?” Diamond asked him.
“No,” he said, “but I know the trainers’ handbook by heart. I can aid you in your

offensive drills.”

Diamond looked at Vanguard. “Get me an experienced trainer.”
Richard watched as he walked into the adjoining room and closed the door. “I don’t

think he wants me here.”

“He’s a bit of a loner,” Vanguard said.
“He’s a bit of an asshole,” he replied under his breath.
“He will be grateful for the information you give him, Richard. Give him time to

adjust. I will be here to help you for the first few days.”

Richard nodded.
“Any news on when the competition rules will be out?”
“Any day now,” Richard said.
“And recent activity?”
“Some mysterious activities around infants. Sources report that several babies were

delivered to the hospital today. Apparently they had been kidnapped from their beds all in

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the same neighborhood.”

“And they were returned?” Vanguard lifted an eyebrow.
“Returned by whom?” a voice demanded.
Richard turned to see Diamond standing there.
“I’m working on that.”
“Vampires wouldn’t do that usually, steal babies, especially out of homes where they

haven’t been invited,” Diamond said.

“Vampires usually aren’t into drinking from babies,” Richard said, “but hunting in a

territory the size of this one is common for vampires.”

“Was the territory near a graveyard?” Diamond asked.
“Yes, actually,” Richard replied.
“Show me.”
“No time like the present to get to know this city,” Diamond said and headed for the


Vanguard nodded. “Go with him.”
Richard sighed and raced after him.

* * * *

Shade coughed a little, waving his hand in front of his nose. “I guess these vamps

weren’t the homemaker types.”

Josh chuckled. Pete forged on ahead, picking up this and that.
“Are you getting anything?” Shade asked, stepping over pieces of rubble.
“Just a lot of dead vamps,” Pete told him, flashing his flashlight. “How many did you

guys wipe out down here anyway?”

“I counted ten,” Josh said.
Shade raised an eyebrow. “Try six.”
He shrugged. “Felt like ten.”
Shade crouched down and dipped his finger in some blood. He brought it to his nose.

“It’s human,” he announced.

“Human?” Pete came over to join him. “There were no humans down here except for

the babies. I thought you said the babies weren’t touched?”

“They weren’t,” Josh said. “Vamps didn’t have time. That’s what I don’t understand.

Why didn’t they just drain them one by one? Why bring them all here?”

“They were all taken on the same night too,” Pete said.
Shade stood. “Some sort of a ritual maybe. We’ll get Deb on it.”
“I’ll call her,” Pete said.
“No. It’s too late tonight. It can wait until morning. Let’s go.” He walked through the

debris and back out into the underground tunnel. Suddenly, he stopped, putting up a hand.
He glanced at his two companions. “We’re not alone.”

“Vamps?” Josh mouthed.
“No,” Shade replied, “humans, two of them. And they’re coming this way.”
“What in hell would humans be doing down here?” Pete whispered.
“There was human blood back there. Maybe our vamp friends have a human

associate,” Shade suggested, raising a dark eyebrow. He drew the sword he carried and
urged them back against the wall.

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* * * *

Diamond looked at Richard. “Are you sure this is where the babies were found?”
“According to my sources, yes,” Richard replied, nodding.
“If you don’t know who took them out of here, how do you know this is the place?”
“Some of our people arrived after. There were dead vampires … five of them.”
“Sloppy,” Diamond said.
“Yes, but we are shorthanded. There are only five of you, and the one we did have

here is … well, he’s dead.”

Diamond looked at him. “One of the destroyers is dead? Why did no one tell me?”
“It happened a few days ago.”
“Which one?”
Diamond sighed. “He was my greatest competitor last year. He’s a big loss. Is that

why I’ve been brought here?”

Diamond rounded the corner. He tensed. He raised his head just in time to see the

figure lunge out at him from the air. “Vampire!” he called out, shoving Richard out of
harm’s way. Strong hands grabbed him around the throat and threw him into the cement
wall. His fist tightened around the wooden stake he had tucked into his pocket, and he
kicked out hard, driving the attacker back off of him. He pulled the wooden stake out of
his pants and dived headfirst into his opponent, slamming his forehead against his. He
grabbed hold of an arm and yanked, bringing it down hard over his knee. He grunted in
satisfaction as he heard the crack, then struggled to position the stake over the heart as his
opponent attempted to regain his composure. As he did, sharp fangs flashed close to his
face, and bloodred eyes glowed into his. Diamond struggled like a wild man as an iron
fist covered his own and wrenched the wooden stake out of his hold. Diamond’s startled
gaze met the vampire’s. He should have been dead by now. Why in the hell wasn’t that
vampire dead?

Diamond heard his stake clatter to the floor. He was being pushed back again,

winced as he hit the wall. For a second, he was sure he would die. He slumped to the
floor, momentarily dazed. When his head cleared, he jumped to his feet, all senses
poised. He looked around for any sign of movement. He saw Richard struggling to stand
up a few feet away. “Diamond,” he breathed, “are you all right?”

“What in hell was that?” Diamond muttered.
“A vampire with his two familiars,” Richard said. “I thought he was going to kill


Diamond narrowed his eyes. “The question is, why didn’t he?”
Diamond began walking. Richard scrambled after him. He entered the little room at

the end of the tunnel. “This is where the babies were?”

“Yes, and dead vamps, five of them when our people got here.”
“They didn’t decompose?”
“Yes. We found their clothes. The lab determined they were vamps from the ashes.”
Diamond nodded, poking through the rubble. “We need to find out who dropped

those babies off to the authorities.”

“You’re hurt,” Richard said, noticing that he was limping.
“No. I’m not all right. That was no ordinary vampire. I need to train.”

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* * * *

“Poor baby.” Debbie fussed over Shade. “Maybe that arm should be in a cast.”
“It’ll mend.”
“But it’s broken,” she pointed out.
“Yes, but unlike humans, if I keep it immobile for a few hours, it will be all right.”
“Who was it?” Josh inquired, perching on the edge of the desk.
“Diamond,” Pete volunteered.
“Diamond, the destroyer?” Shade echoed, looking at Pete in surprise. “I thought he

was in Hungary.”

“He was,” Pete said. “The Order brought him to New York to replace Karl.”
“Karl was missed,” Shade mused. “Diamond will take some of the pressure off of


Pete gave him one of his looks.
“What?” Shade lifted an eyebrow.
“Didn’t he almost stake you a little while ago?” Pete returned.
“Naw.” Shade grinned. “He just broke my arm. Don’t worry. I can handle


“Diamond is trained to kill anything that remotely resembles a vampire, and he

doesn’t take defeat easily.”

“How do you know so much about Diamond?” Deb asked.
“I’ve studied all the destroyers,” Pete told his sister. “I once spent a few hours in a

room with a member of the Order. I picked his brain … well … telepathically anyway.
Diamond was trained to be a killer, only a killer, and by some pretty questionable

“Meaning?” Debbie asked.
“He was trained under methods that would be considered child abuse today. He

might well be a psychopath. You don’t reason with Diamond, you run from him. He’s
never lost a battle with a vampire; until tonight, that is. He won’t rest now, Shade, until
he kills you.”

“Well,” Shade said, standing up, “I guess I’ll have to go to him before he comes to


“What will you do if you come face-to-face with him, Shade?” Deb asked. “You

may have to kill him.”

“Hopefully it won’t come to that. We’re both on the same side.”
“Yes, but he doesn’t know that,” Pete objected, “and like the Order, he believes that

the only good vampire is a dead one. Diamond won’t cut you any slack. I’ve seen
shadows of things to come,” Pete muttered, “and it doesn’t look easy.”

“Is it ever easy?” Shade flashed him a smile.

* * * *

“Why didn’t you tell me Karl was dead?” Diamond demanded the moment he

walked through the door.

“I was waiting for the right time,” Vanguard replied.
“It’s the reason I was brought to New York, isn’t it?”
“That, and because of this surge of new activity.”

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“How did he die?” Diamond’s jaw was set.
“The vampires drained him.”
“More than one?”
“We assume so,” Vanguard said. “What happened to you? You look a little


“I met a vampire tonight,” Diamond said, “and he walked away.”
Vanguard’s eyes widened.
“I’ve never lost a battle before. The next time I meet this demon, he won’t walk

away again.”

“Why aren’t you dead?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he enjoyed our little battle, and he wants a second round.

Anyway, that was his error. He should have killed me when he had the opportunity.”

Vanguard was about to say something else when Richard came out of the other

room, holding up an old photograph.

“What have you got there?” Vanguard asked, moving in to take a closer look.

Diamond came to stand beside him. He narrowed his eyes as he studied the photograph.
Dark hair, dark eyes, looked to be in his late twenties, handsome in a wicked kind of way.

“Sebastian Shade,” Richard announced, “the greatest killer of destroyers that ever


Diamond grabbed the photograph. “That’s the vampire I fought tonight.”
“That’s impossible,” Vanguard scoffed. “Shade hasn’t been active in centuries. He

was crossed off the list a long time ago.”

“That was him, I tell you,” Diamond countered. He looked at Vanguard. “Why

would the Order cross him off the list? Was he recorded as destroyed?”

Vanguard shook his head. “No. There was never any record of his destruction.

However, there was a rumor that he destroyed himself.”

“I guess the rumor isn’t true,” Richard muttered.
Diamond studied Vanguard. “You know more than what you’re telling me. If I’m

going to fight him, you have to tell me everything.”

“He fell in love with a destroyer.”
Diamond’s eyes widened. “I thought he killed them?”
“Yes, and at one time, for sport. He moved around, hunting them, one by one, in the

nineteenth century. The Order attributed the death of over thirty destroyers to Sebastian
Shade. Then, he met Tanus. Tanus was a champion of his time. He made it his personal
vendetta to find Shade and make him pay for his crimes.”

“Tanus died of natural causes,” Richard pointed out. “I’ve read about him. He was


“Apparently not so much,” Diamond scoffed. “Shade is still walking around.”
“They fell in love,” Vanguard said. “And it is said that love transformed Shade,

touched him in a way that made him connect with his lost humanity. And when Tanus
died, he just allowed himself to waste away.”

“Monstrous,” Diamond sneered. “A vampire and a destroyer in love; it’s insane.

Either that vampire bewitched him somehow, or this Tanus had lost his mind.”

“Nevertheless,” Richard said, “Shade is back. He’s dangerous. And from the looks of

it, he’s involved in what’s happening to this city right now. We need to take him down.”

Diamond nodded. “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

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Chapter Two

“Promise me, Sebastian. Promise me that you won’t ever kill a destroyer again, that

you won’t drink from humans, that you won’t revert to your old self after I go.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” he’d whispered, lying beside Tanus on the bed, and

pressing his cheek against his.

“My heart is weak,” Tanus whispered. “The doctors say…”
“I don’t care what they say.” Sebastian moved his lips against Tanus’s wrinkled

cheek. “I can’t go on without you. Please,” he pleaded, blood tears running down his
cheeks, “please stay with me.”

“You want to keep me here with you forever?”
“Yes,” he sighed. “Forever.”
“You don’t know what kind of monster I could be.” Tanus squeezed his hand.
“You could never be a monster.”
“Don’t cry, Sebastian. I love you so much. I don’t regret one moment of my life with

you, only the moments before I met you, the time I spent hating you. You gave me so
much joy.”

“You had the right to hate me.”
“I didn’t know you. I didn’t know the joy I would find in your arms.”
“Tanus … Tanus…”

Shade opened his eyes. Tanus was gone. But it had felt as if he’d been here with him

in this room. “I promise, baby,” he said aloud, “I won’t kill humans. I won’t kill
destroyers either.” He sat up, and ran a hand through his shoulder-length black hair. “So,
what do you suggest I do about Diamond?”

When he came out of his chambers and into the other room, he saw Debbie hard at

work at the computer. Pete was dozing a few feet away on the sofa. “Coffee?” He looked

Pete peered at him. “We just drank the last of it. It’s your turn to make it, actually.”
“Should I grumble?” Shade smirked, walking over and grabbing the coffee carafe.

Although he really didn’t need to eat and drink, he had developed a taste for coffee, and
for some reason, it didn’t have any adverse effects.

“You can, but it won’t do you any good,” Debbie said, swishing back her long braid.

“I think I found something interesting.”

“Good,” Shade said, filling the carafe with water. “Any more of that flavored


“It’s on the list,” Pete said.
“Aren’t you psychic?” Shade threw at him. “You should anticipate when we run


“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Pete said. “I have all I can do to anticipate what you’ll do next.

Besides, I’m preoccupied with images of Diamond.”

“Um.” Shade scooped coffee into the filter. “What kind of images?”
“He’s training, hard, with you on his mind.”
“Ah, that figures. Whatcha got, Deb?” he asked, flicking the switch on the

coffeemaker. He came over and stood at her shoulder.

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“Yep.” She turned and looked at him.
“They were vampires,” Pete called out. “I know because I helped to kill them.”
“Vampires who were witches,” she said.
Pete came over and joined them at the computer now. He looked at Shade.
“The Drearies?” Shade studied the screen. “They were supposedly killed during the

Salem witch trails, but there were sightings of them a few years after that. We need to
find out more details about their deaths.”

“The Drearies used the blood of babies to reinforce their powers. They require ritual

sacrifice at the full moon. If they don’t complete the ceremony, their power is
weakened,” Deb said. “It says here the Drearies conjured up a master vampire who’d
been sent to the lowest pits of hell as punishment for his bloodlust, but I don’t know
when. He rewarded the Drearies for resurrecting him with immortality.”

“He made them vampires,” Pete said.
“Yes,” Deb confirmed. “I’ve cross-referenced various incidences of infant

disappearances and kidnappings over time with the reported sightings of the Drearies.
They correspond.”

“There were originally three,” Shade said, crossing well-muscled arms across his

chest. “They were all female. They may have been sisters. But all those vampires we
killed underground were male.”

“Then they’re recruiting,” Pete pointed out.
“Yes, and possibly turning their victims, making an army. It would explain a lot, for

example, how they manage to get into homes and steal babies,” Shade said. “Either their
sorcery can counteract their vampire’s weaknesses, or they’ve…”

“…recruited witches who aren’t vampires to do their bidding.” Deb finished Shade’s

sentence for him.

“If that’s the case,” Pete said, frowning, “we have our work cut out for us.”
“Deb,” Shade said, “keep on it. We need to know everything we can about the

Drearies. And contact the Wicca organisations in the area, see if they’ve heard anything
about a coven practising the black arts. Get Josh,” Shade said to Pete, “we’re going to
visit a few of the lowlifes and find out what they know.”

Pete was already halfway to the door.

* * * *

Diamond placed his head against the wall. His body was slick with perspiration.

Richard stood a few feet away, bent at the waist, breathing hard. “This is far too
dangerous for you,” Diamond said without expression as he propelled himself off the

“I can handle it,” Richard told him. “You pack a mean punch. That last one almost

went right through the barrier.”

“My kicks need work.”
“They looked fine from where I was standing.”
“That’s why I need a professional trainer,” Diamond said, walking across the room.

He stripped off his clothes in the bathroom and stepped into the shower. He stood under
the pounding spray, letting the water rinse away the sweat.

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A destroyer falling in love with a vampire was an abomination, even if the fiend was

as beautiful as Sebastian Shade. How could someone as formidable as Tanus have thrown
away everything on the very monster he was called to annihilate? It made no sense to
him. He’d read about the exploits of Tanus. The destroyer had been everything Diamond
wished to be, completely undefeated, the slayer of vampires by the dozens. Up until he
met Sebastian Shade. He wondered what manner of magic Shade had. Diamond pushed a
hand through his long, wet hair. He had to be careful this time. This Shade was a very
crafty bloodsucker. Not only was he strong, but he had managed to survive all this time,
even seduce his own executioner. Diamond actually smiled as he turned off the water.
Sebastian Shade was a challenge, not like those mindless vampires he’d killed off one by
one in Hungary. Shade made his blood heat up, renewed his taste for the hunt, the kill.

He shook out his hair, rubbed a towel over his hard chest and knotted muscles. He

pulled on a pair of black leather pants, white tank top, and high black boots. He prepared
his equipment, slipping various things into the inside pockets of his short black coat. He
was ready. When Diamond emerged from the bathroom, Richard was sitting across the
table from Vanguard. He looked up expectantly.

“I’m going hunting,” he announced, “hunting for Sebastian Shade.”
Richard jumped up. “I’m coming with you.”
“Think you can keep up?” He eyed him.
“I’ll try,” he said.
“Diamond,” Vanguard said, touching his arm, “be careful. I’m not sure what we’re

dealing with here yet.”

“Well then, I guess we should find out,” Diamond said and headed for the door.

* * * *

“I haven’t done anything wrong,” Cove protested, sliding up against the wall on the

other side of the bar. “You just can’t come in here and harass me whenever you feel like.
There are rules.”

“Yes,” Shade said, coming around to the other side of the bar, “you’re right.” He

grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor. “And I make them.”

“Okay, okay, macho fiend, I don’t know anything about witches,” he muttered,

struggling. “If you’re going to drain me, I hope my blood makes you sick.”

Shade pulled him closer to his face. “Now, tell me again how you know nothing.” He

revealed his two sharp teeth. “I have a taste for demon scum tonight. I’ll take my chances
on the side effects.”

“I heard some stuff … maybe,” he muttered.
“What stuff?” Shade urged, pressing him against the wall.
“I heard that they need babies’ blood … and moons … something about full moons. I

don’t know. I … just don’t know.”

Shade dropped him on the floor and looked around. Josh and Pete were talking to

some of the others. He sensed something in the room, something evil.

“They have manners, at least,” Cove was saying. “Unlike you.” He stood up,

yammering on. He brushed at his shirt. “This is brand-new,” he complained. “I think you
ripped it.”

Shade glared at him, the chatter getting on his nerves. “I’ll rip out your heart if you

don’t tell me what you know about the babies’ blood. And don’t say you read about it in

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the newspaper.”

“Okay, okay, calm yourself,” he said. “It’s not good to get all vamped out.”
Shade took a menacing step closer.
“’K, ’k … I’m getting there.” He took a breath. “The new kid on the block to watch

is the one they call Desire. She’s a vamp, but with a little something extra, if you know
what I mean.”

“From way back.”
“You’ve seen her?”
He nodded. “And if she knew I was talking, especially to you, she wouldn’t be very

happy about it.”

“She knows me?”
“She knows who you are. And she doesn’t like you killing off some of her most

valuable recruits.”

“Where do I find her?”
“I … ah, think”—Cove took a sudden step back—“that she’s just found you.”
Shade whirled around on his heel, his gaze suddenly consumed by the figure

standing a few feet away. She was tall, beautiful, with long black hair, wearing a tight,
sequined dress with a low cut bodice.

“Sebastian.” She said his name like a caress. “We finally meet. I am an admirer.”
“Really?” He glanced at Pete and Josh. They stood perfectly still to the left of her,

ready to go into action at his prompt. The few patrons who were in the bar hurried out the
door. “I assume you are Desire.”

“I am Desire,” she whispered, running her hands over herself, licking her red lips.

“And you are very beautiful, Sebastian.”

He didn’t flinch.
She looked at Cove.
“I didn’t tell him anything, Mistress.” Cove cowered in the corner. “Only stuff he

already knew and…” He looked at Shade. “You’re in for it now.”

Shade ignored him.
Desire laughed. It was a tinkling sound that vibrated around the room. No one in the

underground bar moved a muscle. “So hard to inspire loyalty in these modern times,
wouldn’t you say, Sebastian?” She walked across the room, her high stiletto heels
echoing on the terrazzo floor.

“Please,” Cove whimpered, on his knees now behind the bar.
Desire peered at him, shook her head, then looked directly at Shade. Her eyes were

dark, seemingly empty. “You might as well join us, Sebastian. You can’t defeat us.”

Shade seemed to consider that for a moment. Then he shrugged. “Well, I’ve always

liked a challenge. I think I might like to try.”

Desire reached over the bar so fast, Shade had no time to react. She grabbed Cove’s

head, pulled him up onto the bar, and turned his head completely around.

Josh and Pete took a step. Shade cautioned them with his eyes to stay put.
“Demons,” she said, appearing to shudder, “a slimy bunch, aren’t they?” She gave

Shade the most sinister smile. “I almost don’t want to kill you. I know your history. I
could use you to kill Karl’s replacement.”

“You’ve got the wrong vampire.”

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“You have no love for destroyers, do you, Sebastian?” She reached over and ran her

long painted fingernails over the stubble on his jaw. “Ah yes,” she said, rearing back, “I
forgot, you used to fuck one. Yum”—she ran her gaze over him—“thinking about that
almost makes me want to be one.”

Shade narrowed his eyes.
“Now you’re angry, and for no reason. You used to fuck one of them.”
Shade reached out a hand for her throat. He yanked her close and squeezed. Those

haunting eyes glowed back at him. She smiled, then began to laugh. He released her.
“You can’t kill me, Sebastian. I’m stronger than you. I have all of your strengths and
none of your weaknesses. This world will belong to us. The day will come when you will
join us, or I’ll have you on your knees … and oh,” she licked her lips, “the things I will
do to you then, Sebastian.”

* * * *

“What manner of place is this?” Diamond asked Richard as they walked down the

stairs into a sub-basement. “It’s feels as if I’m descending into hell itself.”

“Just about,” Richard said. “It’s an underground club for demons.”
“There are vampires here?”
“Among other things. I figure you should get acquainted with the locals. Some of

these creatures make good snitches. The bartender for example is a green, scaly creature

Diamond lifted a hand. “Stop talking.” He could hear voices. He moved slowly to the

door and looked through the opening. There was that vampire, Shade, standing behind the
bar; and a dead something or other spewed across it, head turned around on his shoulders.
There was a female languishing a few feet away in the middle of the floor, dressed to kill.
Was she to be Shade’s next victim? Diamond slowly drew his sword.

“What’s going on?” Richard whispered.
Diamond saw the vampire pause, his head cocked. He’d heard Richard speaking.

Diamond frowned, put his finger to his lips. Damn it. The element of surprise was gone.

Suddenly the female turned around. “Ah,” she announced, “it’s Karl’s replacement.

Please, come in,” she invited.

“Go home, Richard,” Diamond said. “I’ll meet you there later.”
Richard nodded reluctantly and headed back down the stairs.
Diamond walked slowly into the room, puzzled, his muscles tensed, his senses

primed for any eventuality. “How do you know me?” He fixed his gaze on the woman.

“I know many things,” she replied, practically purring like a cat.
“You’re not human. What are you?”
She smiled. “I can be anything you want me to be.” She studied Diamond, clapped

her hands. “This is delightful! And he’s sweet, isn’t he, Sebastian? Are we to have a
repeat of history?”

Diamond practically snarled at her, which caused that vampire to utter a short laugh.
“It looks as if there’s to be a party,” the woman said.
Diamond ignored her, his gaze moving to Sebastian Shade. “I’ve been looking for

you, vampire. We have some unfinished business.”

“So I guessed,” Shade responded. “Just some friendly advice. I would stay right

where you are for the moment, if I were you.”

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“Afraid?” Diamond taunted.
“It’s not really fear. It’s more like a case of really bad timing.”
“No time like the present, I say,” Diamond replied, a pulse jumping in his jaw.
Josh took a step. Diamond whirled around, the pointed edge of his sword poised

precisely at Josh’s windpipe. Pete froze. “Make a move”—he glanced at Pete—“and I’ll
slice his throat open.”

“He means it,” Shade cautioned, his voice sharp. “Do as he says.”
“Well”—Desire smiled at Shade—“looks like you have your hands full. Why don’t I

just leave you to it? It’s obvious that one of you isn’t walking out of here tonight.” She
gazed at Shade. “This will make my life so much easier. And, Shade, the winner is

Diamond watched Shade move his hand down behind the bar.
The woman blew him a kiss and disappeared, leaving only a puff of smoke in the

place where she’d stood.

“Fuck,” Shade breathed, lowering his hand. He pounded his fist on the bar.
“What was that?” Diamond demanded, glancing over his shoulder at Shade.
“More trouble than you can even imagine,” he replied. “Your timing sucks.”
“Well, I’d say you have more pressing problems than where your next meal is

coming from. Here’s a question for you: shall I kill both mortals now, or do you tell your
familiars to leave us to fight this battle alone? It’s your call.” He applied a little more
pressure on his sword, nicking Josh’s skin. Blood slid down the column of Josh’s throat.

“They’re not my familiars,” Shade told him. “But they needn’t be put in the middle.

Guys, leave us.”

Diamond lowered his sword, watched as Pete and Josh hesitantly moved to the door.

They cast one last look at Shade. Shade nodded, and they left the room.

Diamond turned around to study the vampire standing a few feet away from him. He

was very tall, around six-four, broad shoulders, solidly built, with admirable muscle tone.
He had a beautiful face, in a brutish kind of way.

“They’re my friends,” Shade said, bringing Diamond back to the situation at hand.
“Vampires don’t have friends,” Diamond scoffed. “Why didn’t you kill me last

night, when you had the chance?”

“That’s between me and my conscience.”
He raised the sword. “You have no conscience. You know, this doesn’t feel right.”

His gaze went to the bar. “You have no weapon.”

Shade reached down behind the bar and lifted the razor-sharp scythe. “But you know

that’s not true. You don’t miss a trick.”

Diamond smiled.
“Oh, don’t worry about me,” Shade said, leaping up in the air and landing hard on

the bar. “I’ll be just fine. Let’s get started, shall we? And ah … in spite of the fact that
you’re such an anal fuck, Diamond, I think you have a beautiful face too.”

Diamond charged him, grabbing for his ankles but Shade flew out of the way,

hovering behind him. Diamond turned around, whipped the sword through the air. “You
read my mind. Nasty.”

“It’s this bad habit I have.” Shade laughed and ducked to avoid the assault of

Diamond’s sword.

“Fight,” Diamond demanded angrily, lunging for him again. “Don’t just fend me off.

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Fight me!”

“Do you really want to die that badly?” Shade somersaulted in the air over

Diamond’s head, landing back on top of the bar.

“I want a real fight. Are you that much of a coward?” Diamond managed to get hold

of Shade’s coat. He pulled. Shade shrugged out of it, and let it drop to the floor. Shade
fled again to the other side, leaving the ground. “Stand still. I don’t want to chase you all
night. Fight!”

“I won’t kill you, destroyer. I’ll wear you out. But I won’t kill you.”
Diamond growled in frustration. He swung his sword frantically but Shade was too

high for him to reach. “How did you dissuade that destroyer?”

“What destroyer?” Shade asked, moving his leg just in time to avoid the point of

Diamond’s sword.

“The one you corrupted, seduced, led off his righteous path?” He grunted, hacking

with his sword from side to side.

“You’re wearing yourself out for nothing.”
Diamond pointed his sword to the floor, leaning on it. “I can’t do this. If you won’t

fight me, I’ll have to wait for a more opportune time.”

Shade watched him silently for a moment. “Or you could listen to what I have to tell

you. We could join forces.”

“Join forces?” Diamond looked up at him. “You try to do to me what you did to him

a century ago? How did you do it? Please enlighten me. Magic?”

“If you’re speaking of Tanus, there was no magic. Unless you consider love to be


“Love? Ah, yes, I’ve heard that one.” He sneered. “A romantic rumor made up by

bored archivists.”

“I don’t care what you believe about Tanus. That’s not important. I need to make you

understand what we’re facing. It’s something so evil, it’s difficult even to imagine. If we
are to defeat it, we’ll have to work together.” Shade floated down to the floor. “We don’t
have to like it.”

Diamond narrowed his eyes. He nodded. “Yes, all right. Tell me about this evil.” He

moved closer.

Shade regarded him suspiciously.
“Or,” he raised his sword, “I could be looking at this evil right now.” He swung hard.

The sword sliced into Shade’s shoulder blade.

Shade gasped then staggered a bit as Diamond pulled it back out, prepared to strike


Shade clutched the scythe in his hand. He spiraled out of the way and hurled the

weapon with such force that it drove Diamond back against the wall. Both sides of the
scythe burrowed deep into the wall, the blade pressed within a precision centimeter of
cutting Diamond’s throat.

Diamond didn’t move a muscle; only his eyes tried to evaluate the distance between

the sharp blade and his windpipe.

“I wouldn’t even swallow if I were you,” Shade said softly, standing in front of him.

“I didn’t want to do that. But at least it got your attention. I made a vow not to kill
destroyers, not to take human life. And you won’t make me break it. I’ve been fighting
the evil in this city for a long time, Europe before that. It’s always been under control.

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But this…” He threw up his hand. “This is something different. You can’t do this alone,
Diamond. Karl died trying. These are no ordinary vampires. They are former witches
who summoned a master vampire from the pits of hell to turn them. Do you know what
that means?” Shade grabbed the scythe on both sides and pulled it another centimetre out
from the wall so that Shade could speak.

Diamond took a breath. “Do you expect me to answer?”
“Yes,” Shade said, studying him for a moment. A single drop of perspiration running

down the left side of his face was the only indication he was feeling any pressure.

“I assume it means that I can’t fight these demons in the traditional way. The only

vampire I know how to kill right now is you.”

“Yes, but unfortunately, I can’t release you until I know I can trust you.”
“So, you will leave me here, pinned to the wall?”
Shade shook his dark head. “There is no expression on your face. It’s a shame

because I wonder what could put warmth in those cold eyes of yours.”

“Is that another question?”
“If you like.”
“I don’t like.”
Shade moved closer. “You’re quite beautiful for a cold-blooded killer. Do you feel

anything at all, Diamond?”

“At the moment?”
“Hunger,” he said. “Satisfaction. Frustration. Now, either release me so that we can

resume the fight, or kill me. You won’t take me alive.”

“I need you, Diamond. I need your help, so…” He turned to look at Pete and Josh,

who had just reentered the room. “I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me. Now, at the
risk of sounding clichéd, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”

Diamond gave him a mocking smile. “Let’s do it the hard way.”
“How did I know you were going to say that? Very well.” Shade bowed his head. “I

know this must seem like a terrible defeat for you, but…”

“I’m not defeated yet, vampire,” he sneered. “My only defeat would be to join forces

with you.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” Shade said. He turned and looked at Pete. “Do it.”

* * * *

Diamond tried to propel himself out of the fog. Vanguard. I’m lost. I can’t find my

way. Hungry. I’m so hungry. Why did you leave me here out in the wood? There are
noises and wild animals. Please come and take me home, Vanguard. I don’t want to learn
this lesson. I don’t want to … I’ll be good. I’ll be the best.

His eyes opened. He was lying on something unfamiliar, soft and spongy. He tried to

move his body but it felt heavy. His hands were manacled in front of him, steel cuffs
attached by a heavy six-inch chain. His feet were shackled as well. He cried out in
frustration. This wasn’t happening. It was a nightmare. He forced himself up into a sitting
position and looked around him. There were no windows. He studied the heavy door a
few feet away. He already knew that it was locked. He looked up suddenly as it opened,
adrenaline surging, ready for whatever came through it. One of the vampire familiars
stood there; it was the one he hadn’t held at sword point.

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“I’m not Shade’s familiar,” he said.
“I didn’t say that.”
“No. You didn’t have to.”
“You can read minds? You’re not a vampire.”
“No, I’m not a vampire. I’m an empath, some say psychic.”
“You have no idea what you’re doing,” Diamond accused. “You don’t really want to

be a vampire.”

“No. I don’t.”
“Then help me, and I’ll get you out of here, away from him.”
The man laughed. “You’re way off base, Diamond. You really don’t understand.

Shade is not the enemy. He’s been fighting this war a lot longer than you. He wants you
to join us, but personally, I’d prefer it if you didn’t. I don’t like you very much.”

Diamond shrugged. “Don’t worry. He’ll have to kill me before I join ranks with


“But that presents a problem. He won’t kill you.”
“Although,” a voice said, “right now I might enjoy bruising you a little. My shoulder

hurts like hell.”

Diamond stiffened as the vampire appeared behind the mortal. “Bring it on,” he

invited, pushing himself to his feet despite the shackles. “Don’t think I can’t fight you
like this,” he growled. “Let’s finish this.”

Shade walked into the room. “Let’s not. Deb is getting fed up of nursing my wounds,

first the broken arm, now the shoulder.”

Diamond’s frustration was beyond measure. He moved forward, his shackles

clanging together. “Fucking stop this, vampire,” he shouted, “be a man and fight me. Just
fight, God damn it. Fight!” He lifted his bound wrists, trying to swing the chain at Shade.

Shade stepped out of his way and laughed.
Shade folded his arms across his chest. “It doesn’t look like you’re ready to listen to

reason. I have no time for tantrums, Diamond. We have an evil in our midst of whose
proportions I’ve never seen before. I am not anywhere near figuring out how we are
going to fight it. So, either you’re with me, or against me.”

Shade was looking at him so intensely that Diamond felt as if fire were suddenly

licking his flesh. Suddenly Shade’s hand settled on his chest and he was being propelled
back against the wall. Shade’s face was close to his, those eyes looking directly into his.
Diamond tried to look away but he couldn’t. “You won’t hypnotize me, fiend,” he

“I’m not hypnotizing you, Diamond. I want you to join me freely, embracing it with

your heart, if you have one, and your mind. Allow us to have a truce for twenty-four
hours. Let us tell you what we know about this evil, and after, if you still don’t think you
should join us, I’ll release you, on one condition.”

“Which is?”
“That you don’t attempt to interfere with me or my team until this is over, one way

or another. After that, the gloves are off.”

“I thought you said you wouldn’t kill me.”
“I won’t…” he paused, “unless I’m forced to.” He took a step back.
Diamond let out some air.

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“But if you challenge me to the death, Diamond”—Sebastian Shade pointed at him—

“you won’t be the one walking away. Now, do we have a truce, or not?”

He nodded. “I’ll listen to what you have to say. You have my word.”
“The word of a destroyer is all I need.” Shade looked at his man. “Pete, take those

off and being him into the other room.”

Pete looked skeptical. “Are you sure?”
Shade nodded and walked out.

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Chapter Three

Diamond walked into the room with Pete, cautiously looking at his surroundings.

There was a conference table with some chairs strewn around. A mountain of books piled
haphazardly on bookshelves spanned half the room.

“I don’t trust his ass,” the one called Josh announced, eyeing Diamond suspiciously.
“The opinion of some vampire-loving mortal doesn’t really bother me,” Diamond


“That’s because you don’t have any God-damned emotions,” Josh sneered.
“Why don’t you fuck yourself?” Diamond met his gaze.
Josh made a move to get out of his chair.
Pete held up a hand. “Easy, boys, we’re supposed to play nice, boss’s orders. Where

is he, by the way?”

Suddenly a young woman came out of the other room with a steaming mug of

coffee. She glanced at Josh. “He’s checking something on the computer. He’ll be right

“Mr. Antitechnology is using the computer?” Josh laughed.
“He’s getting pretty good at it too,” she said with a grin, “calls it a necessary evil.”

She glanced at Diamond suddenly, holding up her cup. “I’m Debbie, by the way.

“I don’t drink coffee,” he replied, folding his arms across his chest.
“You must be hungry,” she pointed out. “Have you eaten?”
“I don’t wish to partake of your hospitality. I will endure.”
Debbie made a face.
Shade entered the room suddenly. He placed a hand on Debbie’s shoulder. “Don’t

worry about Diamond,” he lowered his voice intentionally, “he’s a big, tough man. He
doesn’t need to eat and drink.”

“He doesn’t need to feel either,” Josh added. “Shit just bounced right off of him.”
Pete laughed.
“That’s not true,” Diamond said. “Unfortunately, I do need to eat and drink, but I can

go without for extended periods of time when the circumstances call for it.”

“But, the question is, why would you?” Josh scoffed. “And notice he didn’t even

attempt the feeling thing.”

“It goes with the training,” Diamond told him. Personally, he didn’t care what these

people thought about him. He had a job to do, and as soon as he saw his way free to
doing it, it would be done. Diamond glanced at Shade. “May I sit down?”

“Go ahead,” Shade said, indicating the chair. He looked at the others. “Let’s get

started. When we were interrupted last night, I was in the middle of a conversation with
Desire. She was once a witch during the Salem witch trials, and part of a coven of three,
all sisters. They were notorious for seducing men and creating vengeance spells. They
summoned a master vampire. We know who the vampire was, and when he was

“Is he still around?” Josh asked.
“I don’t know,” Shade said, “but we need to find out. The Drearies, as they were

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known, were condemned to death during the Salem witch trials. It’s said they summoned
the vampire to them before their executions.”

“But that wouldn’t have saved them,” Diamond said, matter-of-factly. “I’ve

destroyed plenty of vampire nests with fire.”

“And so have we,” Shade said. “The sisters weren’t burnt at the stake. Somehow

they escaped. One version said they drained three female victims almost to the point of
death, and it was these women who were burned. It was supposed that they had fainted
from fear.”

“Brilliant.” Pete shook his head.
“Deb managed to trace some mysterious activities which could well be connected

with these women, including infant kidnappings and high crib death incidences.”

“But why now, here?” Josh asked.
“That,” Deb sighed, “we don’t know.”
“For a long time, they’ve kept a relatively low profile,” Shade said. “Suddenly, they

seem extremely bold, and this is the first time we know of that they’ve been recruiting

“Any theories?” Pete raised an eyebrow.
“A few,” Shade said, “but nothing I care to share right now.”
Diamond had sat relatively quiet, listening to all this. This experience of sitting

within a few feet of a vampire without putting it out of its misery was completely
unsettling. He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. He needed to talk to Vanguard. But he
was a prisoner. Even though he was sitting in this room, unrestrained, there was no
question in his mind of his bondage. Since he had grudgingly committed to a temporary
truce, he would keep his word, but at the first available opportunity he would do his duty.

“How do you plan to do it?”
Diamond blinked and looked up into Sebastian Shade’s dark eyes.
“I feel the hatred emanating from you, Diamond,” Shade said. “You must be eaten

up inside.”

“What was your question?”
“How do you plan on killing me, in my sleep? The last destroyer who tried that

decided to kiss me instead.”

“That was his error,” Diamond said. “You distracted him from his—”
“Yes.” Shade waved that away. “Have you heard a word I’ve said?”
“Every word.” He stood up. “Let’s go find this vampire witch of yours, bloodsucker.

Let’s find out what her goals are.”

“You think it’s that easy?” Shade inquired.
“Isn’t it? Afraid?”
Sebastian laughed. “No. But I’m not stupid either. First of all, we have no idea where

she is.”

“Can’t you track? Can’t you smell the stench of your own kind?”
Josh leaped forward. Diamond extended his arm behind him, palm out, without

turning around. He had Josh’s chin in an iron grip, his head tilted backward. One jerk and
he could easily break his neck.

“Release him,” Sebastian demanded. “Release him now, Diamond, or I’ll do some

serious damage. You have my word.”

Diamond smirked at him. He released Josh, giving him a shove backward.

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Pete grabbed onto him and they left the room.
Diamond watched the woman as she stood up. She took a few steps toward him.
“Be careful,” Shade cautioned.
She shook her head. “He won’t hurt me.” She studied him for a moment then said,

“You are so full of pain. Your entire life has been constructed around killing. You know
nothing else.”

Diamond took a breath. He held her gaze for a moment then looked away.
“You need to trust someone. No one will hurt you here, Diamond.” She placed a

hand on his biceps.

Diamond allowed the touch for a moment then recoiled.
Debbie shook her head and walked out of the room.
Sebastian Shade perched on the edge of the table, his arms folded over his chest. “So

much for the truce,” he said.

“Your boy was going to attack me,” Diamond pointed out.
“So, you were going to break his neck? And for the record, he’s not my boy.
“He’s lucky he’s still breathing.”
Shade shook his dark head. “If it’s any consolation, we both know Josh is no match

for you.” He stood up. “But I am. So watch your step. Like or not, we need each other.
Help me. Help me fight this thing.”

“What I don’t get is why you fight it at all. You’re a vampire. It’s like fighting your

own nature.”

“I do that too,” he replied, “every day.” He paused, as if contemplating the words he

planned to say next. “I know it’s hard for you to understand, Diamond; you were weaned
on hatred for vampires, taught to destroy every vampire you came across. But things are
different here in this part of the world. There are rules among my kind. Rogues are not

“Vampires with rules,” he scoffed. “That’s preposterous.”
“Maybe so, but at least we’re not stuck in the past.” He shot him a meaningful look.
“I am not stuck in the past.” That was highly insulting.
“Really?” Shade lifted an eyebrow. “You’ve been living in some stuffy monastery

most of your life, fighting old-world vampires who still sleep in coffins. I wouldn’t be
surprised if you slept on a bed of nails.”

“You really think you’re funny.” Diamond frowned.
“I can be.”
“Let me know when I’m supposed to be laughing.”
“Are you capable of laughing? I think it pains you to crack a smile.”
“This conversation is boring. I don’t get you. I don’t want to get you.”
“That’s fine with me. Just know this; I promised someone I loved that I would

continue to fight on the right side. That side just happens to be the one you’re on, but I
won’t allow you or anyone to stand in the way of that promise.”

“The destroyer you…”
“Loved,” he said passionately.
“If there is even a grain of truth to that, I will honor the temporary truce in his

memory. What do you want me to do?”

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Shade stood. “We need to do a sweep of the demon havens, find out if that vampire

the Drearies raised is still around. He is their sire. That means he has some knowledge of
their actions. We need to arm ourselves with as much information as we can.”

“If it means getting rid of some demons on the way,” Diamond said, nodding, “count

me in.”

“No killing anyone or anything.” Shade pointed his finger at him. “Unless I give the

go-ahead. Understand?”

“Does that include you?”
Shade eyed him. “Especially me.”
Diamond gave him a little salute and then followed him out the door.

* * * *

Shade was quiet in the car. Pete had given him a hard time at the door, demanding to

know how he could even consider collaborating with Diamond after what he’d done to
Josh. Josh was fine, but his ego was bruised. It didn’t make for a good working
relationship. He glanced over at Diamond, who sat quite stiffly in the front seat of
Shade’s PT Cruiser convertible, his ash blond hair blowing softly around his face.
Damaged goods. Diamond reminded him so much of Tanus, in so many ways. Tanus had
that delicate kind of beauty with a tough outer shell. Even now when he thought about it,
Sebastian wondered how he had been able to talk Tanus out of killing him that day he’d
found his sanctuary. They’d been playing cat and mouse so long. One single purpose. He
knew what that was like because he, at one time too, existed only to feed. The thrill of the
hunt, the conquest, sometimes sexually violating the victim as he drank… satiation …
there was never satiation. Neither he nor Tanus had ever known true satiation until they
found it in each other’s arms. Total peace. He knew as he looked over at his companion
that Diamond had never known that peace.

He tightened his hands on the steering wheel as he considered what lay before them.

He’d faced demons before, and psycho vampires looking for that peace they couldn’t
find, but this was different. And he knew it.

“Did you know Karl?”
Diamond’s voice jolted him out of his thoughts. “We knew of each other but our

paths never crossed. We respected each other’s territories, did our jobs.”

“He was my only true competitor.”
“I can see how torn up you are about his death.”
“You’re being smart again.”
“You don’t understand how uninspiring a competition can be without a true


“Don’t compete.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I have to compete.”
“I assure you that the world would not fall if you didn’t.”
“One does not consider the consequences of not doing something you are obligated

to do. One just does it.”

Shade shrugged. “Then I guess you’ll have to go through the motions. Just consider

it a vacation from rigorous competition.”

“How extraordinarily dull.”

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Shade smirked. This guy was something else. He turned onto a side street and got out

of the car. Diamond got out as well, looking around. “Where are we? Looks deserted.”

“Yes. The underground gathering places are hidden from mortal view. The only way

you can enter is with an escort.”

“A vampire.”
“Unfortunately, yes. And don’t bother trying to memorize your surroundings. You

will never find this place again on your own.”

Diamond glanced at him. “Is there some kind of a whistle I can’t hear, like with


“I know you want to piss me off, Diamond, but I’m not going to let you do that.”
“You take all the fun out of it, Shade. So, how are they going to react to a mortal

among them? I assume I’ll be considered the buffet.”

“Oh.” Shade smiled. “That’s what I forgot to tell you … you have to pretend to be

my pet.” His smile broadened.

“Your what?”
“Pet. If you don’t, they’ll eat you alive.”
“You are really enjoying yourself now, aren’t you?”
“A little bit, yes.”
“And you decided to mention this now?”
“The only mortals allowed are those claimed by a vampire as their…”
“Yes, pet,” Diamond said sharply. “I don’t think we need to repeat it. And this

charade involves?”

“Well, first, I believe you have to pretend to like me.” He folded his arms across his

chest and waited. The look on Diamond’s face was priceless. Shade had to really hold
himself back from laughing.

“I have to pretend to like you how much?”
“A whole big bunch.” He grinned.
“I see.” His lips tightened. “This doesn’t involve any … bodily contact, does it?”
“A little bit.”
“How little bit, Shade?”
“Ah.” He smiled at him again. “Well, the rules state that a mortal pet has to be, first

of all, willing. The relationship is usually one of a physical nature.”

“Sexual?” Diamond’s voice sounded strained.
“Yes, that’s what I mean.”
“That’s out of the question.”
“Diamond, I’m not asking you to sleep with me. Actually, I think I’d find more

pleasure in sleeping with a cold fish.”

Diamond glared at him.
“However, can you pretend?”
“Do we have to kiss?”
“Diamond,” Shade snapped, on the brink of feeling deeply insulted, “just play along,


He nodded, looking around uncomfortably. “Tell me more about this practice. These

mortals actually ask vampires to feed off of them?”

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“That’s insane,” he said.
“To you. You live in the past.”
“I do not live in the past. I resent that.”
“I don’t care.”
“Do you have a … one of these mortal pets?”
“I do now.” He grinned.
“Do you want me to…” Diamond threatened, lifting his fist.
Shade laughed. “The answer to your question is no, I don’t have a mortal pet.”
“Why not? I mean, as vampires go, you’re not the ugliest I’ve seen.”
“Gee thanks, Diamond, I think.” He started walking. Diamond followed.
“Wasn’t Tanus one of those?”
“No. Tanus was my lover.”
“But you fed off of him.”
Shade stopped and looked at him a moment. “Are you asking me?”
Diamond considered that for a moment then nodded. “I suppose I am.”
“I did, when he wanted it.”
“Why in the hell would you want someone to bite you?”
“You wouldn’t understand. It has to do with connecting, passion.”
“And you think I’ve never known passion?”
“I don’t think, I know.”
“Fuck you.”
“Whoa, it’s a sore spot, your chastity. I don’t blame you; personally, I’d be pissed.”
“Okay, enough on that subject,” Diamond snapped. “So, after these mortals become

pets, the vamps turn them?”

“No. They’re not turned. The council forbids it. The mortals are told that from the

onset. They won’t gain immortality by taking a vampire as a lover.”

“Then why do it?”
“They fall in love I suppose, like anyone else. The council approves of mortal mates

because of controlled feeding and yada, yada, yada.”

“And what is yada?”
“Forget it. Let’s do this. And, remember, no killing anyone, including me; this is a

sanctuary, not a battleground. Later, we’ll hit the mixed demon bars.”

Diamond eyed him. “This New York City is a very strange place.”
“You think? You’ve never been to LA. Welcome”—he reached out and pulled

Diamond forward—“to the twenty-first century.”

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Chapter Four

Diamond felt himself plunge through a transparent porthole. He landed on his feet on

the other side of it, right in the middle of what only could be described as vamp heaven.
Sebastian Shade led him by the hand around several couples dancing … at least they
looked like they were dancing. Diamond stumbled along behind, gawking at them. When
they reached a spot where they could stand without being bumped into, Shade stopped.

Diamond glanced down at their joined hands, realizing that Shade still had hold of it.

“I’d like my hand back now.” His teeth were clenched.

Shade met his gaze. “Sorry,” he said, and released his hand.
Diamond looked around. There was a huge bar along one side of the room, and some

scattered tables and chairs. A lonely singer sitting atop a piano sang some love song with
the word blood featured often. Off to the left was a dark corridor. He could see figures
moving up and down the hall.

“Feeding rooms,” Shade offered, following Diamond’s gaze.
Diamond’s looked at a couple nearby. He could have sworn the man was feeding off

the woman sitting next to him.

“He is. It’s not an obligation to use the rooms for feeding. Some people like privacy,

others group activity.”

Diamond raised an eyebrow. “You can stop reading my mind anytime, vampire.”
“You certainly seem to know a lot about his place, Shade. Come here often?”

Diamond sneered.

“I’ve been here a few times. I never professed to be a saint.”
“That you’re not. There are singles here, I assume, or is every mortal paired with a


“You can be invited as a guest if you’re looking, but you must be accompanied by a


“Um. Then any of these vamps could sponsor me.”
“Yes, but you are not under their protection. You’re fair game, unless you’re paired.”
“And now I’m protected by you because I’m your pet?”
“Yes, and I suggest you start playing your part right about now.” Shade threw an arm

around Diamond’s waist. Diamond was just about to shove it off when a voice suddenly
interrupted them. “Sebastian Shade, well, I’ll be damned.”

Diamond looked up sharply. He studied the figure carefully, trying to discern if it

was human or not. He was fair-haired, slightly built, not exactly handsome but attractive
enough. His skin looked pale. Probably vamp.

“You are damned,” Shade said, “Cole, meet, Diamond. Diamond, this is Cole, the

current president of the VC.”

Vampire Council. Diamond nodded.
“Pleased to meet you, Diamond.” Cole smiled faintly at him. “We know who you


“Looks like I have a reputation for getting rid of undesirables,” Diamond replied.
Shade shot him a look of caution, which told him that this was an extremely delicate

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Cole ignored Diamond. He was looking at Shade. “You never attend these functions,

Sebastian, yet you come here tonight with a vampire slayer on your arm.”

“We’re in love,” Shade said, hugging Diamond closer. “You know I have a thing for

destroyers.” He gave Diamond a self-satisfied smile. Damn it, the son of a bitch was
enjoying this. Shade had to know Diamond was seething inside. As a vampire, he would
be able to feel his anger.

“First you kill them,” Cole commented, “then you fuck them. You’re an unusual

fellow, Shade.”

“So they tell me.”
Diamond wriggled a little bit. You’re too close and your fingers are digging into my


Shade loosened his hold a little.
“The members may have some concerns,” Cole persisted, eyeing Diamond.
“Concerns about what exactly?” Shade asked tersely.
“We’ll let you know,” he murmured, and walked off.
Diamond started to say something but Shade grabbed his arm and pressed him back

against the wall. With his face close to his, he growled, “Kiss me.”

“What the fuck? Kiss you?”
“Do it, God damn it, if you want to make it out of here alive tonight.”
Shade clamped down hard with both hands on Diamond’s shoulders, his leg

positioned between Diamond’s thighs. Diamond felt Shade’s groin grind against his. He
squished up his lips when Shade’s mouth came down hard on his, his neck straining.
Shade’s hand left his shoulder and cupped his face, steering his mouth in the right
direction and holding it there.

At first, Shade’s mouth was hard and determined. It captured his with such force, it

felt like a ten-ton brick against his mouth. Diamond relaxed his body because he couldn’t
breathe. In response, Sebastian Shade’s lips softened against his, moving some, his
tongue sliding over Diamond’s sealed lips. Diamond felt that straight through to his core.

His mouth opened, more to breathe than anything, and the tip of Shade’s tongue

touched his. It didn’t stab at it; it coiled around the tip of his tongue and then moved
smoothly up the side, Shade’s mouth widening to capture more of his mouth. Diamond
felt his body relax against the wall. Shade caressed his neck as his other hand moved to
his waist. Diamond’s cock stiffened. He groaned, more from disgust at his body’s
betrayal than from anything else. Obviously Shade took this as a sign of encouragement
because the hand at his waist moved down over his ass, massaging one of his cheeks. At
the same time, Shade’s mouth headed to his throat. He deposited tiny kisses along his ear
and down his neck. “Bite me, vampire, and the truce is over,” Diamond grunted. “And
you can take your hand off my … ahem … hands,” he corrected, because now Shade had
decided to take his other cheek in hand as well and pull him forward, crushing their
groins together.

Shade actually laughed. He gave Diamond’s ass one last squeeze and released him,

his gaze searing. “I think you liked it. I know I did.”

“You have illusions of grandeur.”
“Your cock liked it,” Shade said, his gaze moving down over him and stopping at

Diamond’s groin.

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Diamond flushed. His arousal was quite evident.
Shade laughed.
Diamond cleared his throat. “Think they bought it,” Diamond said, dying to change

the subject.

“If I did, so did they. You have a nice ass.” Shade grinned, wiping his mouth on the

back of his hand.

“You’re a pig,” Diamond accused, looking anywhere but at the vamp. Before Shade

could say anything, Diamond muttered, “Can we please try and find that vampire now?”

“Let’s explore. We’ll see what we can find out, but don’t get all freaked out by what

you see.”

“Nothing could freak me out more than what just happened,” Diamond retorted,

scowling at him.

Sebastian Shade flashed him a smile. Diamond suddenly tasted Shade’s kiss on his

mouth. Damn that bastard. He could see now how Tanus had lost his way. “Tanus should
have staked you when he had the chance,” Diamond grumbled as he followed behind

Shade glanced at him over his shoulder. The bastard heard everything.
“That’s what I kept telling him.” He grinned. “I’m sure the only thing that kept me

alive was my talent in bed. Luckily, by the time I met Tanus, I’d picked up a lot of tricks
over the years. But if I’d had a tiny little cock and no idea of how to use it, we wouldn’t
be having this conversation right now.”

Diamond rolled his eyes. “Oh my God, for a dead guy, you are so arrogant.”
Shade apparently found that funny because he laughed again. “Technically, I’m not

really dead.”

“You don’t have a heartbeat. That’s dead.”
“My heart feels like its beating when I’m near you.” He fluttered his eyes.
“Don’t you take anything seriously?”
“When I have to, I do. Come on, Father Diamond. Let’s get this over with and then

we can get you back to the monastery.”

“Very funny.”
They entered the corridor, Diamond taking stock of his weapons.
“We won’t need these here,” Shade said. “Even think of using them and they’ll tear

you apart.”

“Just being … oh my God.” Diamond caught his breath as they walked into a room

where several vampires stood around. “Are we supposed to…?” A young mortal man lay
naked on a table. His legs and arms were spread and tied down. Diamond’s first instinct
was to recoil in disgust but instead he focussed on the scene, moving forward a little with
Shade, who appeared immune.

“I’ve seen it before,” Shade told him.
“They’re feeding off of him.”
“Yes. It’s a special request.”
“I bet.”
Shade laughed deep in his throat.
“Do you see him?”
“I might, but since I really don’t know what he looks like—”
A vampire in a hooded cape glided over to the table. The young man moaned, his

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hips lifting in invitation. The vampire lowered the hood and let the cape slip to the floor.
He stood there naked as he trailed a finger down the center of the bound man’s chest. The
man moaned again, louder.

Diamond unconsciously licked his lips, reaching down and adjusting his pants.

Damn, if that wasn’t the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. The muscles strained in the
mortal’s body as he tried to urge the vampire closer, his erect cock moving seductively as
he pushed his hips up into the air.

“Patience, beauty,” the vampire said.
Several other vampires moved closer; they all began to touch the man, press their

mouths against his flesh. A shiver ran up Diamond’s spine. The mortal moaned louder,
then panted as the vampires worked his body up into a sexual frenzy. Then they bit into
his flesh, his nipples, his cock, his throat. At the same time, one vampire slid up between
his spread thighs as his ankles were untied. Holding the man’s legs up over his shoulders,
he began fucking him ferociously.

Diamond’s eyes closed. He couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like to be

that man lying there, helpless, exposed.

“Want to try it?” someone said.
Diamond’s eyes snapped open. “What?”
It was Shade, his expression amused. “You want to try it?”
“Ah, no.”
“You were wondering what it would be like.”
“Stop reading my mind or I’ll…”
“Strap me to a table and bite me?”
“Funny. Look, if we can’t find that—”
“I see someone who might be able to help us. He’s kind of … ah, there he comes.”
Diamond’s eyes widened as the vampire who had first approached the mortal on the

table suddenly stood in front of them. His brilliant blue eyes settled on Sebastian Shade
as he did up his shirt. “Hello, Sebastian.”

He said his name like a caress. Obviously, they knew each other, Diamond thought.
“I’ve missed you. I didn’t believe it when someone told me you’d taken another

destroyer for a lover.”

Diamond cleared his throat. He hadn’t quite gotten used to that one yet.
“Matthew, just the one I wanted to see. Got a minute?” Shade asked him, taking his


Matthew didn’t bother greeting Diamond. He gave him a dismissive look and let

Shade lead him a few feet away. There was definitely some history there. Shade certainly
got around.

A few vampires were looking at him as he stood there, their expressions not exactly


Matthew was laughing when they came back to join Diamond. “I have to say,” the

blond said, “you certainly have balls.”

“Thank you, Matt, I owe you,” Shade said.
“Yes,” he drawled, “and I know exactly how I want my payment.”
Diamond shifted uncomfortably.
Shade winked at him. “Come on,” he said to Diamond, “we’re done here.”
Diamond gave him a curious look. They left the corridor and walked back through

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the outer room.

The vampire Cole stepped in front of them just as they reached the place they had

come in. “Found what you were looking for?” Cole inquired with his gaze fixed on

“You need to be careful, Cole,” Shade said, “there’s a new kid in town, Desire, and

she’s making vampires. If you have any information, share.”

“Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
“Because you pulled the whole mistrust scene on me when I walked in with


“So, you’re not lovers?”
“Does it matter?” Shade asked.
“It does here.”
“He’s on our side.”
“For how long?” Cole growled, his eyes turning red.
Diamond fingered his sword, his mouth tightening.
“We have a bigger threat right now, witches who are vampires. Not only are they

violating the codes and putting us all at risk, they could potentially make us their slaves.
Is that what you want?”

“We know there are a few rogues that need discipline.”
“It’s a whole lot bigger than that,” Shade said. “Are you going to help me, or not?”
“You’re looking for Wik. He’s not welcome here.”
“So, he is walking around.”
“Yes. He hangs out at the underground bars, leather, hard-core.”
“Oh great,” Diamond muttered.
Cole issued him a hostile look. “I don’t trust you, you bastard. The first chance you’d

have, you’d kill us all.”

Diamond glared at him. “And of course, you wouldn’t do the same.”
Cole smiled coldly. “You bet your ass I would.”
“Oh shit,” Shade cried out as several vampires suddenly crowded in around them,

“Diamond, you would have to go and—” Shade never got to finish his sentence as one of
them attacked. Diamond drew his sword and several angry vampires flashed their fangs
in response. Diamond swung his sword and took off a head. It rolled right onto one of
Shade’s black boots. Shade responded by drawing his own sword and managed to fend
off two of them. Fighting his way clear, he reached out at the first available moment and
pulled Diamond backward and through the porthole.

“Damn it all,” Diamond accused, yanking his arm away, “I was doing well in there.

Why did you have to—”

“I said no killing unless I said so. Oh, here they come. Run!”
“Why should I run when I was doing so well?” Diamond stood there on the

pavement. He saw one suddenly appear, then two, then six come through the porthole. He
didn’t wait to count anymore. “Okay,” he said, nodding, “I see what you mean.” He
chased after Shade, who was already in the vehicle with the engine running. As soon as
Diamond dived into the car, Shade hit the gas and headed for traffic. The vampires tried
to give chase but gave up as soon as Shade merged with other vehicles.

“Do you know the shit you’ve gotten me into with the VC, destroyer?”
Diamond rubbed his neck lazily. “They’re a temperamental lot.”

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Shade glared at him. “I violated their trust. You can fucking well forget about their


“I don’t want their support anyway. I kill vampires for a living, remember?”
“The problem with you is you can’t discriminate. We need all the allies we can get.

Wik is not welcome by the VC. He’s a rogue so he has no support.”

“Looks like you don’t either.”
“Thanks to you.”
“Look, they attacked us first.”
“Only after you had to act all macho.”
“And what’s with that blond bloodsucker?”
“Could you possibly refrain from calling us bloodsuckers?”
“Well, you suck blood, don’t you?”
“Oh, everything is just so damn simple with you. Black and white.”
“Yeah, that’s right. So, what’s his story?”
“Matt is okay.”
“He’s nuts about you.”
“He would have been a good source of information but now he won’t be allowed to

associate with me. I’m positive Cole will excommunicate me.”

“He likes you. He’ll find a way. What did Tanus think about him?”
“Leave Tanus out of this. I met Matt after Tanus died.”
“Did he fill the spot?”
Shade glanced at him. “You are coming dangerously close to getting your ass


“Ha. You think you can do it?”
“Try me.”
“Bring it on, vampire.” He motioned with his hands, a little surprised when Shade

pulled off the highway onto the first service road. He got out of the car and slammed the
door, standing there with his hands on his hips. Shade’s eyes glowed in the moonlight
and for the first time, Diamond clearly saw his fangs emerge. “Now you show your true
colors.” Diamond got out of the car too. “What about the truce?”

“Fuck the truce.”
“What about you vow to Tanus?”
“Are you afraid, Diamond?” he cooed. “Are you trying to talk me out of it, or is it

that you find you like me just a little?”

“There goes that arrogance again. I don’t like you even a little, Shade.”
“I can do this alone.”
“Ha. Now you sound like me. And don’t forget, you have no vamp friends. Poor

little vampire, all alone in the playground.”

Shade made a lunge for him, swinging through the air. It was completely

unexpected. The move knocked Diamond to the ground. Shade hovered above him,
pinning him to the asphalt, glaring down at him with bloodred eyes. “I could kill you
right now.”

Diamond narrowed his eyes, his hand struggling to grab hold of his sword. “Why

don’t you? You’ve had your opportunity before. You’re a bleeding heart, not vampire
enough to do it. Tanus made you soft.”

Shade growled. His jaw opened as he lowered his mouth to Diamond’s throat.

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Diamond grabbed his sword under his coat. He thrust it up through the material of his
coat, aiming it at Shade’s side. He felt the sharp edges of Shade’s teeth scrape the tender
flesh of his throat, right at his jugular. Shade’s body pressed down now on his.
Diamond’s hold loosened on his sword; his breathing deepened. He felt almost dizzy,
intoxicated by the feel of his hard body against his. “Sebastian,” he whispered, feeling

The teeth scraped his flesh again, then Slade’s tongue gently swiped over the skin.

Shade seemed to drag his scent into his nostrils as he lifted his head, his eyes that warm
shade of brown again. “You’re right,” he said, “I can’t. Tanus didn’t make me soft,
Diamond, he made me human. His love, his touch, it was magic. I would never betray his
memory, even if…” He got up off of him, and offered Diamond his hand. “Even if you
do drive me nuts.”

Diamond ignored his hand and got to his feet.
“And Diamond, you have to hit the heart and it has to be made out of wood.” He

moved his gaze to the sword under Diamond’s coat.

“I know that, stupid,” Diamond threw out, “but I can’t very well take off your head

when … the intention was not to kill you, just to stop you from biting me.”

“Ah, so you do like me a little bit?” He walked around to the driver’s seat and got in.
Diamond opened the door on the passenger’s side and slid in beside him. “No,” He

shook his head. “Not really.”

Shade was laughing as he drove back onto the highway.
“And the licking, that’s got to stop.”
Shade smiled. “You’ll thank me in the morning. I healed your wound.”
“Wound? You didn’t bite me.”
“No, but I drew a bit of blood. Tasted pretty good.” He smacked his lips in an

exaggerated manner.

Diamond glared at him. “Fiend. And where are we going now?”
“To find that vampire the witches raised. We need to know just how joined at the hip

he and Desire are. Let’s hope he doesn’t give a shit about ruling the world.”

“Don’t be dramatic. Do I have to kiss you again?”
“Do you want to kiss me again?”
“The answer to that is no.”
Shade smiled.
Diamond turned away and looked out the window. “This doesn’t mean there is a

truce. Right now, you’re a necessary evil, but if you cross me…” Diamond turned and
glared at him.

Shade laughed.

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Chapter Five

They didn’t find the vampire Wik. And by the time they were back inside Shade’s

building, the sun was almost up. “Almost got fried there, Shade,” Diamond commented,
flinging himself into one of the chairs at the table and lifting his leg up onto the table.

Shade pushed his foot down off the table.
“Are you going to tie me up now?”
Shade paused to look at him. Diamond was really beginning to grate on him. He was

fed up. All he wanted was peace and quiet. They must have haunted every damn leather
bar in the gay village. In all fairness, Diamond had had a hard night. All this was new to
him, and he seemed both embarrassed and drawn to the many sights he’d been subjected
to. Sebastian felt some pity for him. He knew what Tanus’s life had been like, the
training and isolation. He too had been chaste when they’d met. As tough as Tanus was,
what he’d longed for was release, a chance to relinquish control, give over the reins. He
loved to be dominated sexually by Sebastian—once he got over the trust thing, that is.

Diamond was beautiful; beautiful, deadly, and damaged. Hell, just the sort of bad

boy that seemed to turn him on. Shade had to admit that he would have liked to strip
away that hard coat of veneer he wore. Tonight, he was sure he’d chipped away at it
some. He’d felt the destroyer respond when he’d kissed him, noted the way he was held
spellbound when they’d watched that mortal strapped to the table being sexually
dominated by the vampires. But they had more pressing matters at hand. He couldn’t risk
scaring Diamond away, especially since Diamond had effectively stripped him of his
allies tonight. And technically, Diamond hadn’t agreed to any partnership. That, he’d
have to work on.

Diamond put his foot back up on the table. He had his eyes closed, muscular arms

crossed over his chest.

“Go to bed,” Shade said.
Diamond opened his eyes. “In that room?”
“Where would you like to sleep, Di?” His voice sounded seductive.
Diamond flushed. “Well, not … not with you.”
Shade laughed out loud.
“Shackled again?”
“No. Come on. And get your feet off my conference table.”
Diamond lowered his legs. “You know, if you’d let me go out alone, Mother, maybe

I could…”

“No way, not after that stunt you pulled tonight.” Shade opened the door to the room.
Diamond walked into the room. “I should tell my trainer where I am.”
“You can call later today. Tonight, we hit the demon bars.”
“More transparent entrances?”
“No, they’re clandestine bars, but accessible to mortals.”
“Vanguard and Richard could be some help in this if you’d—”
“They’re members of the Order. They have no use for me.”
“And with good reason, but—”
“I don’t wish to go into this now, Diamond.” Shade’s words were clipped. “Good

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“Can I ask you something?”
“If you make it quick.”
“When do you intend on letting me go?”
“When I’m sure I can trust you not to kill anything.”


Diamond heard the lock rumble over the door. He didn’t feel like a prisoner today

but he was. He lay down on the bed, his eyes fluttering closed, too tired to remove his
clothes. He fell into a restless sleep a few minutes later. Suddenly he felt himself caught,
his hands and feet spread and tied. He was naked, lying on a table in an empty room, his
cock so hard it ached. He struggled, looking around. Then he saw him, a hooded figure
moving closer. Diamond arched his back, aching. “Touch me,” he pleaded. “Please.” He
swallowed, hot tears spilling down his face. The figure murmured words he couldn’t
make out. He lifted his hands and lowered the hood. Sebastian.

Yes, it’s me. I can give you what you want, take the ache away. Trust me.
Diamond was so vulnerable, completely at his mercy, and it felt as if he were free,

free for the first time.

Sebastian lowered his mouth close to his. Do you want me, Diamond? Say it.
I want you. Take me.
A hand moved down over his body; a mouth smothered his. That kiss. He knew that


Diamond moaned deeply, eyes opening in the obscurity of the windowless room. His

hand cradled his erection, squeezing. His face felt stiff. He raised his hand to discover the
tears drying on his cheeks. He turned his face into the pillow, sobbing. He’d never
experienced such a feeling of weakness before. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d
shed tears. What in hell was wrong with him? He sniffed, then chastised himself for
being such an idiot. He brought himself into an upright position. “God damn you,
vampire,” he muttered, going into the bathroom and making a lame attempt to clean
himself up. That’s what you got for being friendly with these bloodsuckers. You couldn’t
trust them. This is exactly what that fiend had done to Tanus, some kind of mind control
which had lasted his entire life. All this talk of witches, and Shade was one himself. Fuck
this shit. He was going to do this on his own.

* * * *

“He’s dangerous, Sebastian. Don’t trust him.”
Sebastian glanced around the room. It was Tanus. It sounded as if he were here in the

room with him. That hadn’t happened in awhile. After Tanus died, he heard him all the
time, whispering in his ear, even thought he saw him standing in the corner, smiling at
him. Eventually, when the grief subsided, Sebastian came to understand that it really
wasn’t Tanus. It was his own inner voice that somehow had come to sound like Tanus. It
was his way of keeping Tanus near, at least that’s what Pete had told him. Sometimes,
although it sounded bizarre, it comforted Sebastian to talk to Tanus in his head.

“He’s a hurt little boy inside, that’s all.”
“You shouldn’t have kissed him.”
“I know. I had no choice.”
“There are always choices. He’s tasted you now, he wants more, but he doesn’t want

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to need you. He can’t allow himself to feel weakness. He won’t accept that it’s him. He
thinks you’ve bewitched him.”

“Okay, Shade,” he grumbled aloud, “enough self talk.” He’d dreamed of Diamond

last night, dreamed that Diamond was lying on a table, naked, tied up, calling out to him.
He’d woken up with a raging thirst this morning. He was already on his second pint of
blood when Pete knocked at his door.

“Come,” he growled.
“Get up on the wrong side of the coffin this morning?” Pete smirked.
It was a joke. Shade hadn’t slept in a coffin for a long time. “Something like that.”
“How’d it go last night?”
“Vampire’s name is Wik.”
“That’s it?” Pete laughed. “We know that.”
“Give me a break.” Shade downed the last of the blood.
Pete eyed the two empty blood bags lying on the nightstand. “Thirsty boy this


Shade ignored him. “Did you feed Diamond?”
“Deb did. She’s mothering him.”
“Oh, he must love that.”
“He doesn’t appear to be in the best of moods either, but with him, it’s hard to tell.

He did make nice with Josh, however, and told us the vampire’s name. Deb has some
stuff for you.”

“Good,” Shade muttered, buttoning up his black shirt, “we need all the help we can

get. We’re hitting the demon bars tonight.”

“Do we come with?”
“If you want. Maybe you can keep that mad killer under control.”
Pete blinked. “Who did he kill?”
“Well, let’s just say I am no longer a favorite son of the VC.”
“Sebastian, you were never the favorite son of the VC.”
“Never mind that; anyway, we had to fight our way out of there.”
Pete came over and perched on the edge of Shade’s bed as he sat down to put on his

boots. “Tanus here today?”

Pete had gotten to the point where he too referred to Shade’s inner voice as Tanus.

For some reason, it irritated him this time, and his response sounded angry. “Tanus is

“Whoa.” Pete studied him. “A little tense.” He reached out and touched his shoulder.
Shade gave him a faint smile. “I’m sorry. Yes, Tanus was here. Damn, it was like he

was right in the room.”

Pete moved down beside him, took his hand. “What did he say?”
Shade always felt a little uncomfortable when Pete was that close to him. Pete had

told him two years ago that he was in love with him, but Shade wasn’t ready to take on
another mortal lover. And Pete felt almost like a brother to him. No. It was far less hard
on the heart to take vampire lovers. They didn’t die on you and he had never felt the need
to go and fall for one.

Shade stood abruptly, releasing Pete’s hand. “He told me not to trust Diamond.”
“Well,” Pete said, standing up as well, “that’s a given.”
“We need him.”

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“So you say.”
“Pete”—Shade sensed his disappointment when he’d moved away—“I’m sorry.

We’ve had this discussion before and I…”

Pete put up a hand. “I know. Forget it. But I see the way you look at Diamond. And

I’d just like to point out, that although you’d never know it, he’s mortal too.”

Before Shade could respond, Pete left the room.
When Shade emerged, Diamond was sitting at the conference table with Debbie.

They had their hands cupped around steaming coffee mugs and seemed deeply engrossed
in conversation. Deb’s head came up when she saw Shade and she grinned. “There he is.

He shook his head. He was filled with blood. It made him feel kind of high. He

glanced at Diamond. “Here,” he said, tossing him the cell, “call your people. Tell them
what’s up and…” he paused, looking at Pete who stood by the door, “ask them for their

“Help?” Pete echoed. “You’re asking for help from them?”
“We have no choice. We need to work together,” Shade replied briskly.
“This is dangerous,” Pete protested, “they could turn their attention to you, hunt you

down and—”

Diamond spoke for the first time. “I won’t let them do that.”
Shade looked at him in surprise. “Why, Diamond,” he sneered, “you suddenly

develop the ability to see the color gray?”

“I want Wik.”
“Debbie has told us some interesting things about this vampire. I think he may be

even more of a monster than you are, Shade.” Diamond punched in some numbers on the
phone and stood up.

Shade pointed at him. “You make the call where I can hear you.”
“I thought you could hear me anywhere.” He issued Shade a caustic smile.
Monster. Is that what he was? He swallowed hard, turned his back. “Just make the

call.” That stung, and it shouldn’t have. Damn. He had a thicker skin than that. He
couldn’t let Diamond get to him.


Diamond watched Shade out of the corner of his eye as he waited for the phone to

pick up. It was Richard who answered. “Diamond? Thank God. Where in the hell are

“It’s a long story. Look, is Vanguard there?”
“He’s at the hospital.”
“No. I was on my way to pick him up right now. They want to keep him there but

you know Vanguard.”

“Yes. I know him.”
“Did you destroy Shade?”
“No. Look, there’s more going on here than meets the eye. Shade is the least of our

worries for now. You need to find me anything the Order has on the Drearies, a trio of
witches that were tried during the Salem witch trails, and a vampire named Wik.”

“Did you say Wik?”

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“I’ve had reports of some murders, definitely vampire, but really messy. Sounds like

a very thirsty rogue. There was an initial carved in the chest, it was a W. I—”

“Where were these bodies found?” Diamond motioned to Deb for a pen and a piece

of paper. She hurried over with them.

Shade was looking at him intensely.
Richard rattled off the names of the places the bodies were found.
“Okay.” He looked at Shade. “Central Park, near Eighty-Fifth Street and the

Reservoir, you know it?”

Shade nodded.
“How many?” Diamond barked into the phone.
“Seven at least,” Richard said.
“What do you know about this vampire?”
“Not much except that his name has been bandied about in the demon bars. He likes

rough trade apparently, his victims all male, all sexually assaulted before they were

“Okay, I’ll be in touch.” Diamond disconnected before Richard could ask him any


“You didn’t tell him you were working with us?” Shade took the phone out of his


“What was the use? My trainer is dying. I don’t want to stress him. And I’m not sure

Richard is equipped to deal with too much at a time.” Diamond met Shade’s gaze coolly.

“What did he say exactly? And how come we don’t know about this, Deb?” Shade


“I was busy finding out stuff about Wik all day. I haven’t contacted our sources at

the police.”

“I’m sure they’re keeping this to themselves,” Shade said. “How many?”
“Richard said seven, but that’s the ones they found. There are probably more. He

carves a W in their chest, rapes them first, then drains them.”

Debbie wrinkled her nose. “That’s consistent with Wik. He was sent to hell for his

savagery. It was said that he was given to the devil by a group of vampires, probably the
precursors to the present-day VC.”

“Which would explain why he’s not cuddling with the vamps,” Shade muttered.
“He’s out to punish vampires, maybe even expose their existence,” Pete pointed out.
Shade nodded.
“Let’s get him,” Diamond said.
“Wait,” Shade cautioned, shaking his dark head, “we need to be careful. An out of

control vampire is lethal. He’ll kill first, ask questions later. We need him. We need to
find out what he knows about the Drearies. I say we take him alive.”

Diamond narrowed his eyes. “That’s insane. We should kill him when we have the


“Look,” Shade snapped, “Wik is one kind of evil. He’s dangerous but he’s not the

biggest threat. If we destroy him, we’ll never find out what he knows about Desire. We
do this my way, Diamond.”

“So you’re the boss.” He plunked down into the chair. “Not sure I want to take

orders from a vampire.”

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“Fine. You’re free to go.” Shade turned his back and walked out of the room.
Diamond stood up.
“Don’t,” Debbie said. “We need to work together. This is—”
“He doesn’t want to work with me, he wants to control me.”
“You’re an idiot,” Pete said.
Diamond glared at him. “Why? Because I don’t follow him around like a puppy, like

you do?”

Pete left the room.
“You know, Diamond,” Debbie said with a sigh, “you don’t make it easy to like


“I’m not here to be liked.”
“He’s right about Wik. Wik is no ordinary vampire. He might not be as easy to kill

as you believe. Sebastian knows that.”

“Just let me take care of that. And speaking of Sebastian, where in hell did he go? He

just can’t walk out on me like this.” Diamond left the room and searched the hallway.

He found the vampire in his bedroom. He was shrugging into a long black leather

coat, arranging his weapons in the inside pockets. Josh was beside him. Both looked at
Diamond briefly. “Is it Shade or Sebastian?” Shade demanded curtly.

“We’re not finished discussing this,” Diamond said, pointing at him. “And how did


“I can read your thoughts … sometimes. And yes, we are finished discussing it.”
Diamond sighed. “I want to make one thing clear. You won’t control me like you did


Shade paused, looked up at him. “What are you talking about?”
Josh issued Diamond a dirty look. “I’m out of here. If you change your mind, you

know where to find me.” He brushed Diamond’s shoulder hard on the way out.

Diamond ignored that, his attention on Shade. “That dream you gave me last

night”—he raised his chin—“very clever. Is that how you seduced Tanus?” Diamond
took a few more steps into the room.

“What dream? I didn’t give you any dream. How in the hell could I do that?”
“You have a way with destroyers, don’t you? First you killed us all off, then you

decided to use more insidious ways to control us.” Diamond lifted his hand to his hair
and pushed it off his forehead. He was shaking.

Sebastian Shade shook his head. He came closer. “You are so out of touch with what

you need, you can’t accept that you might have unconscious desires. You are a man.”

“Don’t give me that crap.” Diamond backed away. “And don’t come any closer.”
Shade held up a hand and stood still.
“Don’t send me any more dreams.”
“Care to tell me about it?”
“You already know.”
“No, I don’t know…” He paused, then smiled. “Did you enjoy it?”
Diamond felt warm all of a sudden. He cleared his throat. It was time to change the

subject. “Are you going after Wik alone?”

Diamond pursed his lips thoughtfully. “Josh didn’t seem very happy about that.”

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“Well, as in your case, Josh isn’t the boss. I am. Look, while we stand here arguing

about nothing, Wik is out there killing men, and Desire is one more step ahead of us.
Either help me, or get the hell out of my way.”

“Debbie alluded to some special powers.”
“Yes. We may not be able to destroy Wik in the traditional way. We’ll have to put

him down and bring him back here. Perhaps we can get him to talk, and in the meantime,
give us time to figure out how we can destroy him.”

“I’d rather have you as an ally than an enemy, Diamond, but it’s your choice.”
“Okay, we’ll play it your way for now. But if your plan backfires and you don’t get

rid of that vampire, I’ll do it myself.”

“Fair enough. Let’s go.”
On the way out, Diamond saw Pete place a hand on Shade’s arm. “Be careful,” he

said. “I don’t understand why you changed your mind about us coming with you. We’re a

Shade squeezed his hand. “Wik is a lot more dangerous than I thought. Let Diamond

and me check it out first.”

Josh walked into the room suddenly. “Yeah, you and Diamond do that, boss, just

watch that Mr. Personality doesn’t stake you in the back.”

“It would have to be the front, actually,” Diamond corrected.
“Fuck you,” Josh muttered, making a move.
“Enough,” Shade said, putting up his hand. He looked at Pete. “You’re right. I know

you guys can handle yourself. It’s just that I’m not sure yet what we’ll dealing with
and…” He stopped. “Okay, you and Pete start checking out the demon bars. Find out all
you can about what Wik has been up to. If you meet up with him, don’t do anything. Just
keep him under surveillance. When Diamond and I are finished in Central Park, I’ll call
you. We’ll meet up.”

“That’s more like it,” Josh said, heading out. “Come on, Pete, get your gear. Move


Diamond looked at Shade. “You shouldn’t coddle them.”
“I am not coddling them. They’re my friends. I don’t want to get them killed. This is

no ordinary vampire.”

They walked outside to the garage where Shade’s car was parked. “What’s his story


“Whose story?” Shade got into his car and put up the top.
“The rough one called Josh.”
“He was in a street gang, tried to rob me one night.” Shade laughed, and started the


“Guess he picked the wrong guy.”
“And the psychic, Pete? You were … involved?” He tasted that in his mouth,

suddenly wondering why in the hell he would even bother asking him that.

“Involved? You mean sexually?”
“Yeah, like that.”
“Why in hell would you think that?”
“He’s in love with you.”

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“Why, Diamond,” Shade said, glancing at him as he backed up and turned onto the

road, “I didn’t think you pondered such things.”

“I can read the signs. I’ve read books about such things.”
Shade’s eyes widened then he started to laugh.
“What’s so funny about that?”
“It’s not funny. It’s rather sad actually.”
Diamond fell silent.

* * * *

The moon was full. Shade glanced around cautiously, his senses alert for any sign of

kindred. Diamond walked quietly beside him, much like a sleek jungle cat on the prowl.
Shade braved a look at him. He was hauntingly beautiful in the moonlight, his jaw set, his
eyes scanning the horizon.

He was thinking about the dream he’d had, about Diamond lying naked on that table,

craving his touch. He licked his lips. Damn it, Shade, no more destroyers. Especially not
this one. He’s more fucked up than Tanus had ever been.
He wondered if Diamond had
had the same dream, the one he’d accused him of planting in his brain; as if that was
possible! If he hadn’t been so perplexed, he would have been amused.

As they neared the reservoir, a strong scent invaded his nostrils. He walked faster.

Diamond struggled to keep up. “What is it?”

They both stood now at the reservoir. Diamond crouched to dip his hand in the

water. Shade’s eyes widened, suddenly noticing something Diamond couldn’t possibly
see. He went down on his haunches beside Diamond, the scent making him feel weak.

“What?” Diamond glanced at him.
“The water … it’s mixed with blood.”
Diamond shook the liquid from his hand and rose. “It doesn’t have the consistency of


“It’s blood. I know blood,” Shade told him. “The reservoir is red. You can’t see it in

the dark. The blood is diluted with water but the blood content is over seventy percent,
enough to bring every vampire in the city here.”

“Wik’s victims?”
“No. It’s most likely magic. It would take hundreds to fill this reservoir.”
“It seems the authorities would have noticed the blood.”
“Not if it only happens after dark.”
“But why?” Diamond asked, staring down at the reservoir. “Why would someone

turn the reservoir red?”

Shade looked around him. “Let’s go.” A brisk breeze blew up.
“What’s the hurry?”
“It’s a meeting place. It’s how Desire is recruiting vampires. She’s feeding them.”
“What about Wik? Isn’t this where he took his victims?”
“Get in the car,” Shade instructed, tearing open the passenger door.
Diamond got in and peered out the window. “You sense something.”
“I sense a whole lot of something, none of it good.” He started the engine and drove

away from the curb.

“Can you let me in on it, or is it a vampiry thing?”

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“I felt it, pure evil, and it was headed right for that reservoir.”
“No. Desire. She’s laughing at us right now. She led us here on purpose.”
“An ambush?”
“Perhaps, but she’s not only setting us up, she’s setting Wik up as well. He’s not on

her side. She wants us to get rid of him. He could be an ally.”

“Another damn bloodsucking ally.”
“At this point, we need all the allies we can get, mortal or immortal.”
“Where is all the blood coming from? Are you sure it’s magic?”
“It’s probably an illusion, conjured somehow, maybe from all the victims over time.

I have no idea. It’s definitely not the work of a vampire. No vampire could do that. Reach
behind my seat and take out my cell phone. Press the pound key for Pete. Find out where
he and Josh are. Tell them we’re on our way.” He kept his eyes on the road as Diamond
played with the phone in frustration. “Haven’t you ever used a cell before?”

“Hell, Diamond, you’d swear you were the vampire! Give it to me then.” Shade

pressed the key and waited. “Shit, he’s not picking up.”

“Think they’re in trouble?”
“Maybe there’s no signal where they are. Could be an underground place; most of

them are. We’ll hit the clubs. I’ll keep trying to get them on the phone.” Shade turned
into a parking lot. He paused, took a ticket, and found a parking space.

They walked together down a side street, two dark, daunting figures. Passersby left

them a wide berth. Shade pulled open an unmarked steel door and entered a dark
corridor. He took the stairs two at a time, Diamond on his heels. “Are they going to frisk
us for weapons?” he asked.

“In here? Are you kidding?” Shade laughed, glancing back at him over his shoulder.

“Now, remember, don’t kill anyone.”


Don’t kill anyone? P … lee … ase. Shade didn’t seem to think he had any control at

all. He was about to say as much but Shade was way ahead. Diamond glanced around
him as he walked by the huge doorman. The guy looked a little pale; could be a vampire.
Inside some strange-looking characters danced frantically to some manic techno tune. He
could have sworn that a few of them had tails. Shade was leaning over the bar talking in
some guy’s ear when Diamond caught up to him. The scaly-looking bartender with tiny
horns sticking out on his forehead looked jumpy. Diamond was trying to remember the
name of that particular species when the guy pointed to the back of the room.

“He’s outside,” Shade said suddenly, pushing off the bar and walking in the direction

the demon bartender had indicated. When he got to the back door, he looked at Diamond.
“Let me handle this.”

Diamond shrugged. “Since you think I’m some sort of an out of control killing

machine, go ahead.”

“You are an out of control killing machine. And don’t say anything about being a

destroyer. In fact, don’t say anything at all.”

Diamond raised his hands as he followed Shade out into the alley. The slurping and

sucking sounds coming from the dark corner by the garbage bins were barely discernible.
Diamond placed a hand on his sword, which was hidden under his coat. Shade put up a

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hand. Diamond had to admit that he was impressed when Sebastian Shade walked right
up to the vampire who was in the middle of his dinner. “Hello, Wik,” he said, stepping
back as a limp male body fell to the ground.

When that vampire turned around, the sight was not pretty. In fact, Wik was not

exactly what you’d call attractive. Usually these vamps were prettier after they were
turned so he must have been one homely son of a bitch when he was alive. His dark eyes
glowed. His reddish blond hair and beard were matted and dirty. With a mouth rimmed
with blood, he revealed his teeth. “You dare disturb my supper!” Wik hissed at them.

Shade actually laughed, then hissed back, fangs flashing. “I can do that too.” He

relaxed. “We need to talk.”

“Who in hell are you?” His gaze flitted to Diamond and then back to Shade. “I

already told the VC to go fuck themselves.”

“I’m not the VC. In fact, I’m not their favorite son at the moment.”
“What do you want? If you’re here to put a leash on me, pretty boy, you’re wasting

your time.”

“Some information, that’s all.”
Wik came closer to Shade. He looked him up and down, circled him a few times.

Diamond clutched his sword, waited. “Who’s the other one?”

“My sidekick,” Shade offered.
“Is he a top or a bottom?”
“I have no idea.”
Diamond tightened his jaw.
“You’re definitely a top.”
“You think?”
“You require a strong man to tame you.”
Diamond shook his head, sighing impatiently.
“And you think you might be that man?” Shade laughed.
“I’d sure as hell would like to try.”
“What about my information?” Shade folded his arms across his chest.
“I’ll tell you anything you want, on one condition.” He looked into Shade’s face.
“Naked. You naked.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sakes,” Diamond muttered under his breath.
Shade shot Diamond a warning look then returned his attention to the vampire. “I’m

not into public exhibitionism.”

“Too bad, you got the looks for it. Where we going?”
“My place?” Shade suggested.
“What about the mortal boy, do we get to share him later on?”
“I’ll give you … share,” Diamond muttered, withdrawing his sword and taking a step

toward Wik.

Shade reached out and placed a strong hand on Diamond’s chest, pushing him back.

“You know what I said. We agreed. Now put that sword back.”

“The mortal boy seems to think it’s his cock or something,” Wik sniggered.
Diamond glared at him.
Shade gave him a slight push in the direction of the street. “Let’s go. Ignore him.”
“Someone ought to teach you the difference, boy.” Wik followed along behind them

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as they walked quietly through the alley.

“I’m not a boy.” Diamond narrowed his eyes.
“You are until you learn how to use your cock like you use that sword,” Wik


Diamond went to turn around and Shade placed a hand on the back of his neck.

“Keep walking. Ignore him.”

Diamond took a breath. Wik was playing them. He had no intention of coming along

this easily. If Shade was aware of it, he made no indication. Diamond turned and looked
at Shade. Shade avoided his gaze and kept walking, Wik at his side.

Suddenly Wik stopped. He leaned up against the wall, arms akimbo. “You really

think I’m that gullible?”

“I don’t know, Wik? Are you?” Shade tilted his head and met his gaze.
“What’s your game, my friend? I’m not telling you nothing. I have nothing to say,

and unless you have something more valuable to offer than your dick, all bets are off.”

“I don’t know,” Shade said softly, “my dick is pretty valuable to me.” A hand shot

out so fast Diamond didn’t even see it coming. Shade had Wik by the throat, lifted off the
concrete. He slammed his head into the wall a few times, flew around and tossed him
through the air. Wik hit the other building on the opposite side with a thud and then
crashed to the ground.

Wik shook himself, stood up. “I’m tougher than I look.”
“Oh yeah? So am I.” Shade took a few steps and reached for Wik again. Wik

grabbed Shade by the throat and together they struggled in midair.

Diamond watched with fascination. He’d never seen two vampires go at it like that.
Wik was heavier than Shade but Shade was faster. He moved like lightning,

suddenly reaching into his pocket with his hand and fastening his hand over Wik’s nose.
Wik dropped like a cement block, with Shade landing on his feet near his head.

“What did you do?” Diamond asked, looking down at the unconscious vampire.
“My secret,” Shade answered, smiling. He handed Diamond his car keys. “Bring the

car around. We have to get him out of here.”

Diamond nodded and ran off down the alley.

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Chapter Six

Diamond lifted his head from the table. The incessant pounding roused him out a

sound sleep. He peered up to see Debbie sitting at the other end of the table seriously
perusing some encyclopedia-sized book. He moaned a little, his limbs stiff given the
awkward way he’d been positioned all night. “Think I can take a shower?”

Debbie looked over the book at him. “Sure.” She pointed. “Through there. Come on

back and I’ll feed ya.”

He nodded and stood up. He could eat. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d done

that. Hanging out with a vampire didn’t really pave the way to regular eating habits, not
that he’d ever had those. He peered at the clock on the wall. “Has he been banging all
night like that?”

“I guess,” she replied, shrugging. “Our fiend Wik is hungry. He smells food.” She


Diamond lifted his eyebrow. “This job must be getting to you. So,” he said, walking

over to her, “what’s that, some leisure reading?”

“Ah, no. It’s a complete directory of witchcraft. I’m trying to find more examples of

witch vampires throughout time.”

He nodded. “So. Why do you do it? Are you in love with him too?”
Debbie laid the book down on the table. She glanced up at him. “In love with Shade?

It would be pretty easy, but then I’d be wasting my time, wouldn’t I?”

“Because he’s a vampire.”
“No, because he prefers men in his bed. I’m more like the little sister he never had.

Or if he did have one, it was a hell of a long time ago. He doesn’t talk much about
himself as a mortal.”

Diamond looked toward the doorway, sensing someone approach. “The others get

back all right?”

“Ah, don’t tell me you actually care?” Josh said suddenly, coming into the room.
“Not really, but Shade does apparently.” Diamond glanced in the direction of the


“Yeah, well, at least he doesn’t have to worry that we’ll ambush him.”
“Or kiss him,” Pete added, appearing suddenly with a steaming mug of something in

his hand.

“Kiss him?” Diamond scoffed. “You mean you, don’t you? Both of you in fact,” he

accused, looking at Josh as well, “so under his spell, you don’t know if you’re coming or
going. Haven’t you ever read about a vampire’s hypnotic trances? Dracula was well-
known for his abilities to seduce his victims.”

“No one is under anyone’s trance, Diamond.” Pete grinned, sipping his brew. “At

least not in strict sense of the word.”

“How do you explain Tanus?”
“That was love,” Debbie looked up suddenly, smiling. “Quite beautiful, actually.”
Diamond rolled his eyes. “Spare me.” He looked toward the door in the back. “Is the

vampire secure?”

“Extremely, no worries,” Pete said.

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“I’m going to take that shower.”
“Oh, damn, I forgot to tell you. Someone named Richard called for you,” Debbie

said suddenly, putting down the book.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll call him back after the shower.”
“Down the hall to the right,” Pete volunteered.
Diamond could hear the water running as he got closer to the end of the hallway. He

paused, listening. Silence. He walked into the room, looked around. It was empty aside
from a large four-poster bed, unmade. The room was pitch dark. Without any windows, it
was like nighttime in there.

He heard a sound and turned around, hand on his sword.
Shade laughed softly. He stood there, naked, wet, nothing on except for a scanty

towel wrapped around a slim waist. “Relax, Di. There’s no danger here.”

Diamond averted his eyes. “I … ah … Debbie told me I could take a shower.” He

stole another glance at Shade again. Jesus.

“Go ahead. Leave your clothes. I’ll have them washed.”
Diamond rubbed his jaw. “I should shave.” Sebastian Shade drew closer. Diamond

took a breath. He suddenly found himself looking into those dark eyes. For a moment, he
felt completely at peace, almost lost.

Shade reached out and ran his fingers lightly over the stubble. “Shouldn’t take long

to get rid of this.”

He smiled at him, and removed his hand. Diamond’s pulse raced; his heart sounded

unnaturally loud in his chest.

Shade put some distance between them. He opened a drawer in his bureau and

removed some clothing. “There are towels in the bathroom,” he said without looking at
him, “and some shaving stuff, disposable razors. I’ve never gotten used to the electric
ones. To me, these plastic jobs seem modern.” He laughed.

Diamond found the air suffocating in that room suddenly. “I need to call Richard. He

might have some information for us. Anything from Wik? I kind of passed out on the
table after we got him back here.”

“Not unless you call cursing something. Wik was out until just recently. Now he’s

hungry and pissed, not a good combo for a vampire. I’ll go and have a chat with him

“Be, ah … careful,” Diamond muttered, looking down at the floor. When he raised

his head again, Shade was grinning at him.

“Why, Diamond, be careful; somebody might get the impression that you actually

gave a damn.”

Diamond cleared his throat. “I’m going to take that shower now.”
He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. There was no lock. This gave him

pause for some reason, then he realized that he was being ridiculous. Shade wouldn’t
come into the bathroom when he was … would he? No. Diamond rested his head against
the wall for a second, closed his eyes. He willed his heartbeat back to normal. What in
hell was wrong with him? So, the guy … guy? Let’s try vampire, was standing there half-
naked. So, he had a body that would stop traffic, all smooth bronzed flesh and muscle,
sleek like a cat and all man. Man? He wasn’t a man. He might have been once. Then he
was turned and he spent his time killing his predecessors.

Diamond had to remind himself of that. This working together was temporary. He’s

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conning you, Diamond. He has you under his spell. You’re going to become another

Diamond glanced around him. That voice. Damn it. It spoke in his head as if it were

real. He reached over suddenly and snatched back the shower curtain, practically tearing
it off the pole. He swallowed. No one. “Who are you?” he asked aloud. Nothing. He
shook his head and began to undress. You want him. You’re untouched and
inexperienced, a virgin. A beautiful innocent lamb to the slaughter. And when Sebastian
is ready, he’ll take you. And once you taste him, there’s no going back. Touch yourself,
close your eyes, Diamond, and think about his eyes.

Anger. Diamond stepped over his clothes which lay on the floor and picked up his

sword. The voice sounded so close by, as if whoever it was, was right there in the
bathroom with him. “Who in the hell are you? He won’t take me. I won’t be his pawn.
Show yourself, coward, and let us do battle.”

Diamond didn’t even realize that the door had opened and that he was being watched

until Shade’s deep voice asked, “Diamond, what in the world are you doing?”

Diamond clutched the hilt of the weapon and whirled around. He glared at Shade,

who stood there with one hand on the door frame. “You’re trying to seduce me, trick me
into some unholy alliance where I’ll forget what you are. But I won’t be another Tanus.”

Shade’s eyes widened. “Unholy alliance? Sometimes, Diamond, I swear you’ve

walked right out of Camelot.”

Diamond blinked, and then he felt his face flush. Shade’s gaze had traveled the

length of his naked body and settled back on his face again. There was a twinkle of
amusement in his eyes. Diamond reached down and grabbed his pants. He held them
awkwardly in front of him. “What … what are you doing in the bathroom? Don’t
vampires believe in privacy?”

“Well, I don’t know about vampires as a species and their views on privacy, but I do.

However, the line about ‘show yourself and we’ll do battle’ piqued my curiosity. What in
hell is going on?”

“I heard someone. Someone was talking to me. And it wasn’t myself.”
“Okay. And this someone … what did they say?”
Diamond opened his mouth then closed it. “I … it’s of no importance.”
“It was important enough for you to challenge them to a duel.” He lowered his hand

and held it out to him. “Come on, Diamond, if you don’t tell me, I can’t help you.”

“It said something about me being a lamb and that you were leading me to a


Shade laughed faintly. “If I’d wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already, Diamond. I

think we already talked about this.”

“Not that kind of … never mind.” He focused on some point on the wall.
“It’s Desire.”
“What?” He blinked.
“It’s Desire you’re hearing.”
“You are one arrogant son of a bitch,” Diamond accused. “I don’t desire you.”
Shade laughed. “Maybe not, but I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Desire,

our witch vampiress.”

“Oh,” he said, embarrassed.
“What kind of desire were you talking about there, Diamond?” He raised an

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“Never mind. And why would Desire talk to me in my head?”
“Because you’re the weakest link.”
“I think I resent that.”
He shrugged. “You still don’t trust me. And she senses that. Together, we represent a

force she’d rather not face, a real threat. Alone, well…” He shrugged his broad shoulders
again. “A simple game of divide and conquer. And your mind is easier to penetrate than
mine since you’re a mortal. It’s not an insult, Di, it’s a fact. A mortal is more vulnerable
to a vampire’s suggestion than another vampire. It doesn’t work the same way.”

“Then you admit it.” He pointed a finger.
“I think you missed the point there, Diamond. Admit what?”
“You could seduce me with your thoughts if you wanted.”
“I could but it’s not my style.”
“Maybe you already have.”
“Diamond, anything you’re feeling, I assure you, is coming entirely from you. And

Desire, if she is trying to get to you, she’s feeding from your emotions.”

“Yeah, you know, those sensations you feel? You must have them once in awhile.”
“Very clever.”
“You need to be honest with me, Diamond. I want to know when she speaks to you

and what she says.”

He nodded halfheartedly, not entirely convinced. “Now, can you please ah …

remove yourself from…?”

“Sure.” Shade grinned and, with a tap of his hand on the door frame, disappeared

from sight.

* * * *

Desire stroked the vampire’s head absently. He whimpered softly, snuggling down

into her lap. She laughed. “He wants him.”

“Yes, Mistress.”
“All those years spent in that impotent monastery, afraid to even touch himself.

Diamond is a ticking time bomb, a flower on the edge of bloom.”

“Yes, Mistress.”
Desire sat up abruptly on the bed. She pushed the vampire aside and stood up.

Sometimes she regretted killing Carmen and Danella. If only they hadn’t been so old-
fashioned, content to live in the shadows when there was so much more out there. She
walked naked through the old house, glancing at the two victims she’d chained up for her
snack later. They were both unconscious. Mortals were pathetic, so easy to manipulate.
She dug her bloodred nails into her hand, picturing Sebastian Shade. If only he wasn’t so
stubborn. Having an extraordinary vampire at her side like Shade would make everything
oh so much more tasty. And she would have him, all in good time, with or without his
consent. But she wasn’t about to underestimate him. She had felt his strength back there
in that club, a strength that was as much threatening as it was sexually intoxicating. She
had to keep her wits around this one.

But Diamond. Um, he was a mystery, always in complete control, born and bred to

be a killer. She giggled. But everyone had his weakness. By forcing Diamond to suppress

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his deepest emotions and desires, his trainers had unwittingly equipped him with a crack
in the apparently flawless seam of his being. Eventually, emotions bubbled to the surface.
Mortals were mortals. No matter how tough they appeared on the outside, there was
always something festering inside. Diamond’s total lack of sexual experience made him a
ticking time bomb awaiting the flame that would set it off. Desire knew Sebastian Shade
was that flame. She didn’t need to make Diamond aware of it. He was more than aware.
Every time Shade came close to him, he felt it. All she had to do was play on Diamond’s
arrogance, make him believe that he, himself, could never be that weak, that Shade was
manipulating him. Rather than admit he wanted Shade’s body, he would gratefully
gravitate toward the opinion that Shade was trying to manipulate him. Ingenious.

She sighed, eyed her snake. Her minions were waking up now. She had to plan her

next move. Shade had Wik, but she wasn’t worried about that. Wik had no alliance to
anyone, except for Wik. “Good luck, Shade,” she whispered in the dark, “good luck, my
soon to be beautiful lover; we’ll meet again soon.”

* * * *

Wik pulled against his constraints as Shade walked into the room and closed the door

behind him. He shook his dark head and clicked his tongue. “It’s a real shame to see a
vampire when they are emaciated. You look like shit, Wik.”

“Fuck you, you son of a bitch.”
“Not nice.” Shade wagged a finger at him, perching on the edge of the chair in front

of where Wik was chained against the wall.

Wik continued to curse and struggle.
“Don’t waste your strength. Considering the fact that you might not be fed for some

time, I’d…”

“Come on, Shade, old buddy,” Wik said, making a sad attempt to smile, “we can

work this all out.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”
“What do you want?”
Shade stood up and headed to the door.
“Wait!” Wik uttered a fake laugh. “Wait. Don’t be hasty there, pretty boy. Did you

say Desire?”

Shade hovered at the door. He didn’t turn around.
“Ah, well, you know she got me out of a fix.”
Shade turned and looked at him. “Go on.”
“I gave her and her sisters a … gift.”
“You made them immortal. And where in hell have you been since then?”
“Be more specific.”
He sighed. “We hung out for awhile, Desire and her sisters, until she grew bored

with them and with me.”

“You had a thing for Desire?”
He shrugged. “We had a strange bond. I made her, after all, but she didn’t seem to

appreciate that fact.”

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“Why turn up here at the same time as Desire?”
“She owes me.”
“She got you out of hell; I’d say you’re even.”
“She had me do the deed.”
“Get rid of her sisters?”
“You’re pretty smart.”
“Thank you, Wik.” He placed his hand on the doorknob.
“Hey, are you going to feed me or not?”
“We’re not finished talking yet. I’ll leave you to think about if there’s anything else

you need to tell me, like her habits, where I can find her, those little things. Since I know
you have a direct mind link to her.” He opened the door and left the room, locking it
behind him.

Pete and Josh were sitting at the conference table when he emerged. “Anything we

can use?” Josh asked.

Shade rubbed his eyes. “Maybe. The sisters are history. Wik destroyed them on

Desire’s orders a long time ago. Desire wants total power. She’s not willing to share, with
her sisters, or with Wik.”

“That’s why Wik has gone his own way,” Pete said. “How come he’s here though?”
“He claims Desire owes him. But there are things he’s not telling me.”
“You want me to try and read him?” Pete asked.
Shade shook his head. “No. He’s closed. I tried. He knows her plans. He wants to be

there if she succeeds. He doesn’t want to be shut out.”

“Will he fess up?” Josh looked at him.
“He will, if he wants to eat. Where’s Diamond?”
Debbie appeared from the kitchen. “Diamond got a phone call from that Richard

guy. His trainer is dying. He’s gone to the hospital.”

Shade nodded. “I’ll swing by there to pick him up. In the meantime, you and Pete

work on Wik.”

* * * *

Diamond sat beside Vanguard’s bed, listening to his raspy breathing. Richard had

gone for coffee. A stir of emotions made it hard to concentrate. There was fear and
hatred, resentment and love … yes, love, for the only parent he’d ever had, a man whose
single purpose had been to prepare him for what would become his only reason for living.

“You mustn’t touch yourself, Diamond. Your body must remain pure. You must

guard yourself from any distractions. You are stronger than your human frailties.”

He had glanced up at Vanguard’s face then. For the first time, he’d felt a rush of

desire. For the first time, he’d realized that Vanguard was a handsome man, fit, almost
charming. There was deep shame. “Vanguard. I feel such peace when I touch myself,
inner serenity when I release it. I’ve never known such bliss.”

“You must fight it. If I have to tie your hands behind your back at night, you will not

desecrate your body.”

And now as Vanguard lay there dying, he wanted to ask him if he ever did succumb

to that bliss. Had he passed his entire life without knowing another’s intimate touch?

Vanguard was looking at him now, through milky eyes. He lifted his hand feebly

then let it drop again. “Diamond.”

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Diamond moved closer. He attempted a smile but found it hurt to make that

expression appear on his face. He swallowed hard. “Try to rest, Vanguard.”

“I will rest soon enough,” he replied. “If I haven’t said I was sorry, I…”
“Shush. No regrets.”
“Ah, but it can’t be helped. When I see you so strong, I … the tears come to my eyes

but that strength carries such a bitter price.”

Diamond patted his hand. “Lay still, old man.”
“Get out, Diamond. Leave. Try to find a life other than this. You’ve paid enough.”
“There is no other life for me. You know that. I’m ruined for anything else.”
“When you close your eyes, what do you see, my boy?”
Diamond licked his lips. “Nothing. I don’t see anything.”
“My wish for you is that you find someone to care for you, that you find love.”
Something painful gripped his chest. He caught his breath. “Love.” The word

sounded foreign to him. “Did you ever … find that?”

Vanguard shook his head. “All I’ve ever known is death and hate and killing.”
Diamond felt Vanguard’s fingers touch his hair. A single tear rolled down his

wrinkled cheek. Diamond glanced at him curiously.

“The only one I’ve ever loved is you, my boy. You are the closest thing to a son I’ve

ever had. I…” He paused, drew a labored breath. “Please forgive me. I thought I was
preparing you, protecting you, but I…”

“Vanguard, it’s all right,” Diamond said. “I forgive you.”
Vanguard’s eyes closed. He mumbled something, a smile appearing on his lips. Then

he lay still. Diamond lowered his head on Vanguard’s chest. “I forgive you, father,” he
whispered, his tears dropping onto the dead man’s chest.

He knew now that for the first time in his life, he was truly alone.


Shade stood quietly at the door. When Diamond lowered his head onto the old man’s

chest, he slowly backed away and walked down the hallway. He could feel Diamond’s
sadness. It reminded him of his own. He couldn’t help thinking about Tanus and how
fragile and precious human life was. When he heard footsteps behind him, he knew it was
Diamond before he turned around to look at him.

“What are you doing here?”
Shade turned around now. Diamond’s face was again a mask which revealed

nothing. “I…” He stopped. He had no explanation to give him except maybe one that
would sound quite stupid like, I thought you might need me.

“You didn’t trust me to come back? Am I still a prisoner?” He walked alongside

Shade without looking at him.

“No. Maybe I just need your help.”
Diamond paused, looked at him. “We need to find Richard first. He doesn’t know

Vanguard is gone. I will have to stay awhile, deal with this.”

“I understand. I’m sorry for your loss.”
“He was nothing to me.”
“That’s a lie. He was something. He was everything.” Shade met his gaze boldly.
Diamond said nothing. “Give me an hour. I’ll come and meet you.”
“It’s all right. I’ll go on my own.”
“You’re going to the bloody reservoir.”

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Shade nodded.
“It’s too dangerous.”
“I’ll be okay. Where there are a lot of them, they won’t sense me. You, they’ll sense.

It’s better I go alone. Here’s my cell phone. Press seven and you’ll get Josh. You can go
and join them where they are. They’ll be combing the bars for answers. I would feel
better with you backing them.”

“Did you get anything more from Wik?”
“Not a hell of a lot, but he’ll be hungry enough to spill some more by the time I get

back. I did find out that Desire got rid of her two sisters.”

“Absolute power?”
“You got it.”
A mortal appeared in front of them. Someone Shade hadn’t seen before. He assumed

it was Richard. He took a wary look at Shade and moved closer to Diamond.

“Richard, this is Sebastian Shade,” Diamond said.
“Ah, yeah, I recognized you from your file,” the man said.
“File? I have a file?” Shade laughed a little.
“You have quite a … reputation.” Richard cleared his throat.
“Richard,” Diamond said, “Vanguard is dead. I need you to help me do the


“All right, and then I’ll notify the council.”
Shade raised a hand. “I’ll see you later.” He nodded and walked off toward the


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Chapter Seven

Shade settled his head back against the headrest in the driver’s seat and let it fall to

the side. “Hello, Desire,” he said. “Why don’t you get in, make yourself comfortable?”

“Thank you,” she purred, “don’t mind if I do. How are you, Sebastian?”
“Fine, and you?”
She smiled at him. “You look beautiful in the moonlight.”
“Ah. So, when are you going to get over complimenting me and get down to killing


“I don’t want to kill you, Sebastian … or do you prefer Shade?”
“One or the other.”
She raked her long fingernails over the dashboard. “I’m like Diamond, completely in

your spell.”

Shade lifted his head, cocked an eyebrow.
“You are refreshingly unaware of your charms, Shade. Charms strong enough to

seduce a destroyer, two of them now.”

“Diamond is far from seduced, believe me.”
“He hasn’t tried to kill you yet, has he?”
“A few times, actually.”
“Foreplay,” she mouthed.
“Um, dangerous foreplay.”
“The best kind.” She looked into his eyes. “I want you.”
“Because you don’t fear me. And because you’re drop-dead gorgeous.”
When Shade didn’t react, she said, “You arouse me, intrigue me, turn me on. Where

were you going when I spotted you?”

“For a moonlight drive.”
She laughed, looking back at the hospital. “I don’t believe you. Who died?”
“None of your business.” He sat up straight. “Now, if you don’t mind, I think this

date is over.”

“Not until you try and get to first base with me in the car, handsome,” she mocked.
He started the engine. “You can joke with me all you want,” he said, looking at her

now, “but I’ll never join you. And I will find out what you’re up to, and stop you.”

“You’ll have to kill me.” Her expression hardened.
She opened the door and got out, her stiletto heels hitting the pavement hard. And

like that, she was gone.

Shade swore under his breath. She’d just appeared. He never even sensed her

coming. He had to be more aware. He’d been deep in thought, thinking about Diamond’s
pain, or lack of pain. He shook himself and drove away from the hospital.

He stopped into the first gas station he came to, less than a block from the hospital,

and filled up the tank. He spotted the phone and dialed Pete. Pete picked up on the second
ring. “Hey,” Shade said. “Where are you?”

“The Goth Bar on Tabith. Music sucks.”

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“Sounds like it. Expect a call from Diamond. You may need to swing by the hospital

and pick him up.”

“Okay. Did his trainer die?”
“Where are you headed?”
“To the reservoir. I’ll tell you later. Try and see if you can get any info on some

world domination ritual, mind control, anything like that. Have you seen Rabine?”

“The shop was closed. We can go to his place if you want.”
“Yeah. Do it. Wik was secure before you left?”
“Yeah. We vampire-proofed the door, so beware when you go in.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
Pete chuckled. “The witch queen?”
“Paid me a visit tonight. She’s got some idea that I’m going to be Ken to her


“Forget it. Link up with Diamond and I’ll call you later.”
“How do we reach you?”
“I’ll call you,” he said and hung up.

* * * *

Diamond narrowed his eyes as he saw the tall, statuesque woman approach him.
He placed his hand on his sword. “You have good instincts,” she said, although her

mouth didn’t seem to move. “Too bad your instincts aren’t that good when it comes to
your cock.”

“What do you want?”
“That’s between me and Shade,” she said softly, her voice a caress.
“What does Shade have to do with it?”
“Plenty. I’ve convinced him to join me. He is a vampire, remember? Have you ever

trusted a vampire before, Diamond?”

Diamond withdrew the sword. “You’re a liar.”
“Ah, his magic is working on you then. Just another Tanus.”
Diamond stiffened, his gaze never leaving her.
“You want him. I don’t blame you. He likes to play hard to get but I hear he’s oh so

worth the wait. How long are you prepared to wait, Diamond?”

Suddenly she flew up into the air and several vampires took her place.
“You need to either kill him or fuck him, Diamond, but make a choice!” Her laughter

was haunting, distracting even, and Diamond swung to fend off the first attack. He
counted four, but there could have been ten. Then suddenly, as one fell after another, he
realized that they would just keep coming.

Diamond had no opportunity to pause. He wielded his sword and sliced off the head

of one only to have to weave the sword back over his head to halt the progress of another.
His limbs were aching, sweat burned his eyes, and he knew that it was only a matter of
time. When he felt the sharp fangs bite down into his shoulder, he grunted, striking out
with his sword, practically cutting the beasts in two. Another grabbed him from behind
and made an attempt to clamp his jaw down on his throat. They smelled the blood now. It
was fueling them.

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He felt his arms caught and the sword clattered to the pavement. He didn’t think

about death; strangely enough, he saw Shade’s eyes burning into his and he flew
backward, his head hitting the pavement.


Shade had been about to get back into his car after paying for his gas when his

sensitive ears picked up the sounds of the fighting. He squinted his eyes and looked in the
direction of the hospital, scanning the parking lot. He didn’t even look around to see if
anyone was watching. He left his vehicle there and lifted off the ground, hurling toward
the scene. Diamond. He knew the destroyer was in trouble. He spotted the vampires
surrounding their kill, saw the glint of Diamond’s sword on the ground and barreled
headlong into the entourage, sending them scattering. He grabbed two of them and
smashed their heads together so hard the contents of their brains spattered. He picked up
Diamond’s sword and sliced off two heads. The bodies went tumbling to the ground. The
others backed away slowly, probably deciding that this was a fight they weren’t going to

* * * *

Diamond sat up. He watched Shade with wide eyes, wanting to help him, but the

dizziness wouldn’t let him get off his ass.

They were alone.
Shade walked over to where he sat and extended his hand. “Can you walk?”
“We’ll see,” he said, taking Shade’s hand and letting him help him to his feet.
Shade ripped down his jacket and studied his shoulder, then he roughly moved his

jaw aside and studied his throat. “Shit.”

“What?” Diamond demanded, feeling his neck. “Those bloodsuckers do me?”
Shade met his gaze. “I need to draw out the poison.”
“Or you’ll die. Come on, we need to get you home.”
“Home?” Diamond said, leaning heavily on Shade. “I don’t have a home.”
“Consider my home yours temporarily. I think I should get the car. I don’t think you

can walk all that way.”

“Where is it?”
“Over there.” Shade pointed.
“Over where?”
“You can’t see it.”
“Did you ah … fly here?”
“Something like that.”
“How did you know?”
“I heard the commotion.”
“Damn handy that kind of hearing.”
“It was for you.”
“Thanks, by the way.”
Shade met his eyes. “Bet it took a lot for you to say that.”
“Damn right.”
Shade laughed.
“And I’ll deny it.”

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“I figured you would. I don’t really want to leave you alone here, but…”
“I’ll be fine. Do what you need to do.”
“Give me ten minutes.” Shade lifted off the ground and disappeared into the night


“Holy shit.” Diamond shook his head. His stomach churned. He didn’t want to throw

up but he sure as hell felt like it.

Less than ten minutes later, Shade roared up in front of him. He got out and helped

Diamond into the driver’s seat. “I called Josh and Pete, told them what happened. I need
to get you home now.”

“This getting the poison out … if you don’t, I’ll turn?”
“No. You need to drink the sire’s blood for that. You’ll just die. The chemicals in the

saliva are not compatible with mortals’ cells. It does something funky to the system. I
have to draw it out.”

“May I ask how you do that?”
“You won’t like it.”
“Probably not but tell me anyway.”
Shade glanced at him. “I have to take it out much the same way as it got in there. I

have to suck it out, take it into me.”

“No way.”
“Diamond, if there was another way, I’d tell you. I won’t hurt you.”
“How do I know you won’t try and drink my blood?”
“Well, the news is, I don’t have to try, I will inadvertently drink your blood anyway.

It’s not the point.” Shade kept his eyes on the road.

“How do you … how do you know when you have it all?”
“I’ll be able to taste the difference in your blood.”
“I’ve never heard of this.”
“Usually a vampire will kill his victim, finish the job, or turn him. It’s rare a mortal

will survive a vampire attack; when they do, they usually weaken and die if the poison is
not removed, much like a snakebite.” Shade sped up to beat the light.

“You better slow down,” Diamond told him. “We don’t want to be stopped.”
“Time is precious, Diamond. I need to look at that shoulder. There’s a lot of blood.

What happened?”

“Desire. She met me in the parking lot. Then she took off and left her buddies

behind. Usually, I can handle it. They just kept on coming and…”

“She wanted you dead.”
“Yes, and she wants you, period.”
“Yes, she told me. Lucky me.”
“You saw her too.”
“Just before you.” Shade snaked into the underground parking lot of his building.
“She told me you’d joined her ranks.”
“And you believed that?”
“Come on, I have to get you upstairs.”
“You’re not intending on carrying me, are you, Shade?” Diamond grunted.
Shade supported Diamond around the waist and led him to the door. “Not unless

that’s some secret fantasy of yours you got going there, Di.”

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Diamond made an attempt to laugh. “Don’t say that again or I’ll have to hurt you.”


Shade grinned, trying to quell the fear that gnawed at his gut deep down. Diamond

was weakening by the minute. As he neared the bedroom, he lifted him off the floor and
heaved him up into his arms. He didn’t really have much of a choice. Diamond’s legs no
longer supported him.

Shade whisked him onto the bed, holding him up long enough to get his jacket and

shirt off. He couldn’t let the man drift off. “Wake up, Diamond, open those beautiful eyes
of yours. Come on. You don’t trust me, remember? If you’re unconscious, I could…”
Shade paused as he studied the bloody wound on his shoulder. Shit. That bastard had
taken a sizable chunk out of him and left an oozing mess behind. He had to clean it. Even
he didn’t want to taste that. “Diamond,” he said again, slapping his face gently, “look at

Diamond’s eyes opened. “Shade,” he groaned. “Make it stop.”
“I will,” he replied, nodding. He raced off to the bathroom and came back with a wet

cloth and the wastepaper basket. As gently as he could, he washed the wound on his
shoulder and then the one on his neck. His gaze strayed over Diamond’s sculptured chest,
his rock-hard stomach and then down to the belt on his pants. When he reached that
point, he tried to focus on something else. His gaze traced the jagged scar which ran
across Diamond’s rib cage. He suddenly felt a strong compulsion to run his lips down the
length of it. Diamond’s stomach moved in and out, his chest heaving. Shade pushed away
the desire. The smell of his blood, his utterly vulnerable state, damn, he couldn’t help but
have a moment’s thought about the possibilities.

“Sebastian?” Diamond said, bringing him back to reality.
“Yes?” He met his gaze.
“For what its worth, I trust you, but…”
“But what?”
“But you’re a vampire and once you start sucking … I mean…”
“Diamond, I lived with Tanus for almost forty years and I never sucked him dry.


“You’ve done this before.”
“Yes.” Sebastian lay the cloth aside and lowered his mouth to Diamond’s shoulder.

He fitted his mouth over the jagged wound, first licking, soothing the pain, then sucking
hard. He tasted the bitterness in his mouth, lifted up his head, and spat into the
wastepaper basket.

“Is it dangerous to swallow that?” Diamond lifted his head.
“No, it just tastes bad, that’s all. Lay back.” Sebastian ran his tongue lightly over the

wound again, not too long because he didn’t want to heal it over before he got all that
crap out. He sucked again, the blood less bitter this time. Again, he spat it into the
wastebasket. Diamond seemed to grow a little stronger each time and Sebastian took that
as a good sign. He lowered his lips again. This time there was no bitterness. The blood
was warm and luscious, quite addictive really. Sebastian let the taste settle in his mouth
then pulled back. “How do you feel?”

“Better,” he said.
“Good.” Sebastian reached out and smoothed back some of Diamond’s fair hair.

“Now the neck.”

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Diamond wiggled a bit. “Maybe we don’t need to…”
“Yes, we do,” Sebastian said. “You were bit. There was saliva on that vampire’s


Diamond met his gaze. “Ah, okay,” he said softly. He moved his head to one side.

He seemed to stiffen.

Sebastian let his gaze wash over Diamond’s throat. Gripped by desire, he knew he

had to take a step back, compose himself.

Diamond turned his head back, looked at him. “Go ahead. What’s wrong?”
Sebastian turned away. The arousal in him was strong. He knew his eyes were

glowing. His teeth had elongated. It wasn’t hunger. It was sexual arousal. It’s all right,
my love. You’re allowed.
Sebastian closed his eyes. No, it’s not you, Tanus. I can’t. He
doesn’t want me. And I can’t afford to alienate this one. If I’m going to defeat Desire, I
need him.

Tanus’s voice echoed in his mind. You may eventually defeat Desire, the monster,

but human desire you will never master. I know you, Sebastian.

“Shade? Can we get on with…?”
Sebastian turned around. He knew that his eyes had returned to normal. “I’m sorry.

I…” He licked his lips and walked over to the bed. With one hand, he turned his head and
lowered his mouth to Diamond’s throat. He sucked deeply, positioning his mouth over
the indentations the vampire had made. The poison was faint, innocuous. Diamond was
going to survive this.

Diamond moaned; a hand reached up to cover Sebastian’s. Sebastian trembled from

the touch. He wouldn’t take it as encouragement. It was a natural reaction for a mortal to
swoon a little when a vampire made this kind of contact.

Sebastian felt the blood flow into his mouth. He licked at the wound, wanting to

close it before the taste of Diamond’s blood again aroused him. His mouth moved off the
man’s throat and up his jaw where he stopped.

Diamond released his hand, his chest heaving again. This time, it wasn’t from pain.
Sebastian moved his mouth off his jaw, glanced down at his chest and noticed the

definite bulge in Diamond’s pants. He looked back at Diamond; their eyes met, held.
Sebastian wasn’t sure what in hell he saw in Diamond’s eyes. It looked like fear but,
more than that, there was open desire there, naked, raw, demanding. It was a look he sure
as hell couldn’t ignore. He grabbed Diamond’s wrists and pressed them upward, out to
the side; he lifted Diamond’s leg over his hips, straddling his body, and brought his
mouth down on his, hard. Diamond’s head went back, deeper into the pillow, his mouth
opened, and for someone who probably had never been kissed like this, he met
Sebastian’s tongue with a powerful enthusiasm, his hips bucking upward with unabashed
abandon. One of Diamond’s hands struggled loose and he reached up and grabbed onto
Sebastian’s hair. The other hand, also free now, reached up and struggled to unbutton
Sebastian’s shirt. Sebastian broke away from his mouth and finished undoing the shirt,
taking it off and throwing it aside. His mouth gravitated right back to his.

Diamond wound his arms around Sebastian’s waist and pulled him down on top of

him, hands moving down over his ass.

Sebastian paused, stopped kissing him. He studied Diamond’s face, flushed, intense.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m not sure,” he said, both hands coming up to frame Sebastian’s face. “What are

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you doing?”

“I think I’m getting ready to make love to you.” He could feel Diamond tremble.

“Are you afraid?”

He nodded. “More than with any foe I’ve ever faced. I don’t scare easy, but damn it,

Sebastian, you scare me. You could take me to my knees.”

It was the first time he’d ever showed him any vulnerability. “Would it help if I told

you that you scare me a little too?”

He smiled, a real smile. Sebastian felt that smile go right through him. “This is new

to me. Teach me,” he pleaded.

Sebastian lowered his mouth to his again. “My pleasure,” he murmured against his

lips, taking Diamond’s bottom lip gently between his teeth. He reached down at the same
time and started to undo Diamond’s belt.


It was as if someone had suddenly snapped the taut chain which kept his emotions in

check. Here he was, reduced to a helpless child, completely at the mercy of Sebastian’s
touch. In the state he was in, the vampire could have utterly destroyed him … and still
might before this night was over.

Slowly Sebastian lowered the zip on Diamond’s pants and tugged his pants and

underwear down around his ankles. At the bottom of the bed, Sebastian pulled off his
boots then pushed the clothes onto the floor. Diamond watched him move back up over
his own now naked body, his head bent as soft lips trailed a path up his leg to his inner

Diamond’s cock was hard, balls so tight up against his body, it hurt. Sebastian

paused, raised his head, all that dark hair moving around his shoulders. He was
breathtakingly beautiful. Diamond had tried to deny it but it was always there, that
beauty, those eyes, the potential of everything Sebastian could give him.

Diamond moaned. He reached for that hair, fingered its silkiness. Sebastian’s eyes

blazed into his. “I want to give you everything, but I think we should take this slow.”

“No”—Diamond shook his head—“not slow. Forget it’s my first time. Make love to

me like you mean it.”

“I do mean it,” he whispered. “Diamond, if you only knew how much I want you

right now—”

“Show me. I’m not afraid.” He could see the evidence of restraint in Sebastian’s

body. It was in the way his muscles moved under his bronze skin, and also evident by the
tent in his pants that Diamond suddenly longed to trace through the material with his

Sebastian’s mouth pressed against his erect cock now and it felt as if his flesh was

being seared with a branding iron. He gasped and raised his hips high. He was prepared
to beg if he had to. “Take it in your mouth,” he grunted.

Sebastian glanced at him and smiled softly, then lowered his head again. His long

hair brushed over Diamond’s thigh, sending shivers up his spine. Diamond’s fingers
curled in Sebastian’s hair as his cock disappeared inside Sebastian’s mouth. It felt like a
velvet glove had molded to it, the pressure exquisite, creating this dynamic tension inside
his gut that both teased and captivated him at the same time.

Sebastian settled down between Diamond’s thighs. One hand positioned itself around

the base of his cock as Sebastian took more of his shaft into his throat, doing stupendous

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things with his tongue and his lips. Suddenly he reached his hand up blindly for his.
Diamond swallowed hard as he caught Sebastian’s hand. Tears threatened, which made
no sense as he felt the cum pulse up his shaft and spurt into Sebastian’s open mouth.
Diamond reared up on the bed with a shout. He might have said something in his native
Hungarian. He squeezed the shit out of Sebastian’s hand, then fell back against the
pillows. He fisted the blankets as Sebastian licked around the head of his cock, slow,
gentle sweeps with his tongue now as he worked his way up over his stomach to his
chest. He laved and nibbled one nipple than the other, causing Diamond to laugh. “That
tickles,” he muttered. Diamond took hold of Sebastian’s face and dragged his mouth
down to his own for a slow, sexy kiss then reached down to seek out Sebastian’s erection.

Sebastian grunted at the contact.
Diamond pushed him down on his back and moved down to unzip his pants.

Sebastian grabbed Diamond’s hand. “Are you sure?”

Diamond took a breath. “No, but there’s no turning back now. I want to touch you. I

might even need to touch you and that need feels good.”

Sebastian released his hand, watching as Diamond undid his pants and hastily took

them off. Diamond allowed himself to feast his gaze on Sebastian’s erection, thick, hard,
somewhat larger than his own. He ran his finger in wonder down over the large vein in
the center, and steered it around the perfectly shaped head.

Sebastian’s hips moved enticingly in front of his eyes. “Yes,” he whispered, “touch


Diamond glanced at him. Sebastian’s face was beautifully serene, his tongue

moistening his lips. He took the cock into his hand, massaged it, felt it, alive and pulsing.
He lowered his mouth to taste it, only to feel Sebastian’s hand push his head closer.
“Take it. Suck it. God, Diamond, I want you so badly. Go on, it’s okay.”

Diamond captured the head with his mouth, then he slid his lips down the length of

Sebastian’s shaft, up and down. He was overcome by the taste of it, the experience of
having a cock in his mouth. And suddenly he wanted to be the one to prompt the changes
in that cock, to cause it to erupt. He doubled his efforts despite wondering if he’d gag but
he didn’t. The experience filled him, entranced him, made him feel powerful.

Suddenly Sebastian pushed him back. He sprang up to a sitting position as his body

shuddered violently. Diamond watched him come, streams of it, smooth and almost
endless. Sebastian’s chest heaved. Diamond muttered, “You’re beautiful. Oh God,
Sebastian, you’re so beautiful.” He crawled down beside Sebastian, his hands eager to
touch his body. Sebastian’s flesh was surprisingly cool to touch, his chest delightfully
muscled, smooth, nipples hard and irresistible to his mouth. Diamond’s tongue enjoyed
the sensation of tracing the peaks. He couldn’t get enough of his body. They rolled
together across the bed, their hands roaming everywhere, lips, tongues exploring
erogenous zones he didn’t know he had. Then Sebastian moved a hand over his ass and
inserted his finger between his ass cheeks.

Diamond froze. “What are you doing?” He jumped off the bed.
“I’m sorry.” Sebastian blinked. “You said not to go slow. I thought you wanted me


“But that … well…” He swallowed. After a few seconds, he laughed, embarrassed.

“I didn’t mean to act like a stupid little virgin.” He let his gaze move over Sebastian’s
naked body and stifled a moan. He was hard again and wanted more. He wanted to touch

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him again. He licked his lips.

Sebastian shrugged. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”
Diamond crawled back onto the bed. “I’m hard again.”
“I know, baby.” He opened his arms. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Baby? I like you calling me that.”
Sebastian chuckled and pulled him closer.
“You’re hard too,” Diamond pointed out. “It’s because you want to fuck me.”
“Don’t worry about it. It will go down.”
Diamond laid his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. “What’s it feel like?”
“It depends with who.”
“Ever done it just for … with anyone?”
“And with Tanus? Was it different with him?”
Sebastian didn’t answer.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that.”
“It’s okay. I loved Tanus, so yes, it was different.”
“With Tanus, each time was like a precious gift he gave me. I loved him so much.”

Sebastian sat up.

“I’ve made you sad. I didn’t mean to.” He reached out and stroked his shoulder.
“I never thought I’d ever feel this much again.” Sebastian turned and looked at him.
Diamond couldn’t look away.
Sebastian grabbed his face abruptly and kissed him deeply. Then he released him just

as suddenly.

Diamond slowly turned over onto his stomach. “Do it,” he urged. “I want to give you

that gift too.”

“Diamond, no,” he said. “It wasn’t just a gift to me. It was a gift from me, because he

wanted me. It’s not supposed to be a sacrifice.”

“Don’t talk. Just do it. Even if I hate it, at least I’ll know. I have to feel it, just once,

that connection with another person. I want it to be you.”

Sebastian looked hesitant. Even when he took the lubricant out of the dresser drawer,

he looked unsure. He reached around under Diamond and fondled his cock, his balls. He
pulled him up on all fours and slowly circled his anus with a lubed finger.

“It’s cold.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s always like that. Give it a minute. Diamond, I’d like to look at

you when…”

“No. Not this time.” He couldn’t stand the thought of Sebastian looking at him, not

when he was in this position. He couldn’t help feel diminished, humiliated even, at being
positioned like this. He knew Sebastian didn’t see it like that but he carried a lot of
baggage. It wouldn’t be easy to just let it go. Suddenly Vanguard was whispering in his
ear … Diamond … how could you let yourself be dominated in this way … and by a
vampire? Didn’t I teach you anything? He’s using your body and the first chance he gets,
he’ll drain you dry … once a bloodsucker, always a … be a man … be a man…

He wasn’t sure when it was that the reaction of his body began to overtake his

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labored psyche. All he knew was one minute, Vanguard was screaming at him for
allowing such a thing, and the next, he was all consumed by the expert stimulation of
Sebastian’s finger pushing in and around his anus. It was doing phenomenal things to his
senses. He began to whimper softly, his head burrowed in the pillow as Sebastian opened
him wider, taking him to a place he’d never been before, a place which both frightened
and exhilarated him. Vanguard’s voice had disappeared.


Sebastian ran one of his hands over Diamond’s perfect hard ass while the other

busied itself stroking his anus with the lube. He was carefully monitoring Diamond’s
reaction as he inserted his finger deep inside of him. He had a feeling that Diamond was
holding back; although the muffled sounds coming from him resembled that of pleasure,
with Diamond he couldn’t be sure. Sebastian wanted to be inside of him, but he was more
than a little apprehensive about that. Diamond was a virgin and he was also Diamond, a
man taught to swallow his emotions, a tough guy, trained to kill. Sebastian had been here
before with Tanus. Tanus had hid his emotions deep inside of him as well. He’d found it
hard to submit to pleasure, to acknowledge his needs.

Sebastian withdrew his finger. “Are you ready?”
“Um, go.”
Sebastian took a breath and pushed the head of his cock into Diamond. He waited.

Then he pushed again.

Diamond grunted.
Sebastian pushed deeper. He had no idea if he was hurting him or not. It was

inevitable that there would be some pain, but Diamond would never tell him.

Sebastian kissed his back, stroked Diamond’s cock to keep him hard. Then suddenly

he let go. He couldn’t hold on anymore. Being inside of him was carrying him away. He
grabbed Diamond’s hair in his fist. The control was gone. Then he realized that it was
Diamond who had taken that control. Diamond was moving and Sebastian was forced to
move with him, to Diamond’s rhythm. Diamond had taken Sebastian’s cock captive and
taught it to dance, and Sebastian was more than willing to be his slave.


Diamond reached around and grabbed Sebastian’s hand. He pulled it to his cock,

needing Sebastian to stroke it. This was heaven, ambrosia. He heard himself let out a
crazy scream, half laugh, half cry as Sebastian’s hand brought him to orgasm. As he
lowered himself flat on the mattress, Sebastian’s juices flowed into him, soothing his
newly awakened glands. He lay there, regaining his breath, thinking that this had winded
him far more than any fight with a vampire. He rolled over, a smile on his face. He
glanced at Sebastian, who lay on his back, his eyes closed. Diamond had never connected
like that with anyone, and of all the unlikely characters. A vampire! He turned on his
side, watched him for a few minutes, regarding him with wonder and a little bit of awe.

“What’s it like to live forever?”
“Lonely,” Sebastian replied, without moving.
“Do you even want it to end?”
“Sometimes. After Tanus died, I did. But the thirst for life is strong.”
“Like the thirst for blood?”
Sebastian opened his eyes. He turned his head, looked at him. “Like the thirst for

blood, yes, except that the thirst can be quieted temporarily. I don’t think the will to live

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is like that. It’s always there on the surface, ready to rise whenever it’s threatened.”

Diamond looked at the ceiling. Everything that had been exchanged between them

played in his mind now. He had allowed himself to be seduced. He could condemn Tanus
no more for his weakness.

“You are searching for a way to regret this, aren’t you?”
Diamond narrowed his eyes, sat up. “What?”
“You heard me. Furthermore, you understand what I said.”
“Did Tanus look for a way to regret it?”
“Many times.” Sebastian got off the bed.
“It hurt you.”
“Yes.” He turned away from him. “I need to speak with Wik before the sun rises. By

tomorrow he’ll be comatose if we don’t feed him.”

“Do you think I’m weak now, that you can dismiss me, laugh at me?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think.” Sebastian closed his eyes a second then pulled on

his pants. “It matters much more what you think.”

Diamond almost reached out his hand to him but changed his mind.
Sebastian put on his shirt and reached down to the floor for his shoes.
“I don’t know what possessed me. Maybe it was Vanguard’s death,” Diamond

muttered, more to himself than to anyone. Maybe it was Sebastian, some spell he’d put
on him.

Sebastian paused at the door. He lowered his head, not looking at him. “Or maybe

you’re a man, not a machine, Diamond, with the normal desires of a man. Maybe that’s
all it is.”

Diamond opened his mouth to respond but Sebastian left the room.

* * * *

Sebastian paused in front of the locked door. There was a string of garlic hung over

the top and a huge wooden cross. He reached out, grabbed the cross and tore it off the
door. He felt a slight sting but nothing major. He dropped it on the floor. The garlic,
however, made him nauseated. He retched as he pulled it off the door ledge and threw it

It was almost dawn. He opened the door and walked in. Wik was still chained against

the wall. He didn’t look so good any more, emaciated, his skin drawn back across the
bones. He was weak. If he didn’t talk now, he wouldn’t be talking at all. “Hello, Wik,” he
said, coming to stand in front of him. He folded his hands together behind his back.

Wik lifted his head weakly. “I need blood.”
“I know. And I need answers.”
“You have the stink of that vampire killer all over you. You’re fooling yourself if

you think he could ever love you.”

Sebastian came closer and slugged him in the gut.
Wik grunted, then laughed at him.
“Never mind that. What is Desire waiting for? Why is she filling that reservoir with

blood? How do I stop her?”

“You won’t stop her.”
“Yes, I will. There’s a reason you’re sticking close to her. What’s in it for you?”
“Nothing. She has forgotten her debt to me, turned her back on her sire.”

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“And yet you wait for something, Wik.”
“Whatever it is, I’m afraid you won’t get it. By tomorrow, the lack of blood will

render you comatose. You’ll be aware but paralyzed. I’m thinking about where I’ll bury

For the first time, trepidation appeared on his face. “Shade.”
“Please, don’t.”
“Then give me what I want. Tell me her plans. Do something honorable for once,

Wik, so you won’t be dragged down to hell again. Or maybe you liked it there?”

“No!” he exclaimed, wildly shaking his head.
Sebastian smiled. He had pressed the right trigger. “I know some demons who—”
“To hell with demons.”
“Very well; I guess I’ll just have to leave you again. I wonder what will be left when

I return. It’s always been a curiosity of mine to find out what happens to us when we
slowly waste away. Maybe you’ll just be dust, or bones?” He shook his head. “I’ll soon
know.” He walked toward the door.

“Wait,” Wik called out.
Sebastian hesitated but he didn’t turn around.
“I don’t know anything.”
“Well, we won’t consider your demise a waste then.” He placed a hand on the door.
“She’s waiting…” he blurted.
“Waiting for what?” He turned and looked at Wik.
“She’s waiting for the day of her mortal death, or at least when she would have been

executed if I hadn’t saved her.”

“Killed her, you mean, and that date was?”
“July twelfth.”
That was six weeks from now. “Go on.”
He sighed. “You’ll let me go if I tell you?”
“Maybe. But at this point, your odds are better if you do.”
“She will enact a ritual on that date. I’m not sure of the particulars except she needs

the blood of several vampires and mortals … innocents.”

He nodded.
“What is this ritual? What is its purpose?”
“The ritual will enact the blessing of an ancient vampire god, a god unknown,

predating even that of Isis in three thousand BC. She will transfer the powers of this
dormant vampire god into herself. It will make all vampires her willing slaves.”

“And then she will have the world at her feet.” The weight of that washed over him.

“You want this power for yourself. You don’t want to be her slave; that’s why you’re

“Would you want to be Desire’s slave?”
“No.” He came closer. “Help me to defeat her.”
Wik shook his head. “I don’t trust you. I don’t trust anyone. Who’s to say you

wouldn’t take this power for yourself?”

“No one. But now I don’t have a reason to keep you alive. So…” He shrugged.

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“I know what the reservoir is for. I know where the blood comes from.”
“So do I. It’s an illusion. Only vampires can smell or taste it. It’s her final seduction.

It’s how she will draw us all to her in the end, on our knees. You’ll have to do better.”

“If she favors you, she will reward you. Does she favor you, Shade?” Wik’s voice

was silky smooth suddenly, seductive.

Sebastian didn’t answer. He walked out of the room and locked the door. He looked

up to see Josh and Pete standing there. “Is Diamond all right?” Pete asked.

“Yes. I got the poison out.”
“Too bad,” Josh muttered.
Sebastian ignored Josh and continued into the other room. “Desire is planning a

ritual which will invoke an ancient blood god. It will make all vampires her slaves. She’ll
turn anyone in her path.”

“Holy shit,” Josh said. “Did you get that out of Wik?”
Sebastian nodded and sat down at the table.
Debbie appeared suddenly, half-asleep. She yawned and wrapped her housecoat

around her. “I couldn’t sleep. I had a bad dream. Everything okay?”

“What do we know about blood gods before Isis?” Sebastian asked.
“Before Isis? Not much. Why?”
Sebastian looked at Josh and Pete. “We’ve got to hit her soldiers, the ones she’s

already managed to get on her side. And like it or not, I need to appeal to the vampire

“Are you saying there is going to be a vampire war?” Pete met his gaze.
Sebastian stood up. “Looks like it. I have to sleep. Deb, see what you can find out

about vampires predating Isis. Tonight”—he looked at the guys—“you take Diamond and
go vampire hunting. I need to speak to Cole and Matthew.”

“Ah,” Pete said, “I seem to remember that you and Diamond aren’t exactly welcome

at the VC anymore.”

“Precisely, that’s why I’m going alone.”
“It’s too dangerous,” Pete said.
“Yeah, thanks to hothead here,” Josh accused.
Sebastian glanced up to see Diamond standing there suddenly.
“What’s too dangerous?” Diamond asked, looking at Sebastian.
“There’s been some developments. I have to sleep. Josh and Pete will fill you in. Oh,

and give Wik some blood.” Sebastian brushed past Diamond and left the room.


Diamond’s gaze followed him. He wanted to go after him. They needed to talk.
Pete reached out and put a hand on his forearm. “Leave him alone. You’ve already

done enough.”

Diamond met Pete’s eyes. He yanked his arm away. “He doesn’t belong to you.” He

was surprised at the words that came out of his mouth. It didn’t even sound like him.

“Ho ho,” Josh sneered. “What’s this?”
“Nothing.” Diamond glared at him. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave it


Pete put up a hand as Josh went to say something else. “We have to put this aside for

now. There are more pressing issues.” He looked at Diamond. “Shade managed to get
some answers from Wik. We now know what Desire is up to.”

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Diamond listened carefully to all Pete had to say. “I need to talk to Richard, bring

him in on this. Maybe he can help us with the research end.”

“We don’t need you tonight,” Josh muttered.
“Yes, we do,” Pete countered. “We’re going to do what Shade asked us to do, put

aside our differences and fight this, together.”

Debbie, who had remained silent all this time, finally said, “Give me a minute,

Diamond; I’ll drive you to this Richard guy’s place. I think that maybe Richard and I
should put our heads together on this one.”

Diamond thought about that for a moment then agreed. “Very well,” he said. “I’ll

wait for you outside.”

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Chapter Eight

Sebastian went down in the basement to sleep, something he hadn’t done since Seth

had convinced him to come above ground in the 1920s. He knew himself. He was
wallowing. Only love could do that to him. And he wanted none of it. As he lay down in
the earth to sleep, he saw Tanus looking at him, shaking his head. “What?” Sebastian
demanded. “You’ve come to torment me now, have you?”

“No. You do a good job of that on your own, my love. You don’t need any help. But

sleeping in the cellar? Sebastian! You hate the dank and musty. There’re worms and—”

“Okay, enough already.” He sat up. “I won’t sleep down here then.”
“Sleep where you want. I’m beside you.”
“You’re not really. If you were, things would be so simple.”
“No, they wouldn’t. You’d be in love with two destroyers instead of one.”
“I am not in love with Diamond. Just because I shagged him doesn’t mean I’m ready

to settle down with him.”

“That wasn’t a shag, love, it was—”
“I don’t care to discuss what it was. I just want to forget about it. And Diamond

would be well to do the same. Now, go away and let me rest.” He laid his head down and
closed his eyes.

Tanus had fought his feelings for him for a long time before he was able to admit his

need. It had been agonizing. Sebastian didn’t want to live through that again. Diamond’s
body told him one thing, but his words said something else. Believing that he had
somehow bewitched him was far easier for Diamond than admitting he had any real
feelings of love or desire for a vampire, a creature he’d been reared to destroy.

Sebastian regretted losing control. He should have retracted the poison and left it at

that. He moaned a little; the taste of Diamond was now on his tongue. He wanted more of
him. Fuck.

* * * *

Diamond gave her the address and settled into the passenger seat beside Debbie,

watching her as she started the engine of her small economy car. “I know where that is,”
she said, signaling as she turned left on a road which would take them to the highway.

“Why do you do this?” he asked.
She glanced at him. “Do what? Work for Sebastian Shade?”
“Pete began working for him first and then I met him and I don’t know … he has

honor, passion. I admire that. I think the work he does is important, and he doesn’t do it
for any kind of compensation.”

“You don’t receive compensation either, do you?”
“I have a place to sleep and eat. I freelance for various societies, archival work

mostly. Pete makes some money at the university in the parapsychology department. And
Josh, well, Josh is a jobber.”

“A what?”

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“A guy who works here and there.”
“And Sebastian, I suppose, he’s independently wealthy?”
“He has some investments, I believe. Foundations have been known to give him

grants periodically. Shade doesn’t say much about that stuff. We’re a family, Diamond.
We trust each other. I know that we can all depend on one another, no matter what

“Do you really believe he’s reformed?”
“If you believe that humans can redeem themselves, why not vampires? They have

several lifetimes where we only have one.”

“Don’t you ever think that nothing is real, you know, like Sebastian is charming you


She laughed, taking the exit to the highway. “You’ve been watching too many old

Dracula movies, Diamond. I admit that Shade is charming but I don’t believe he has us
all under some sort of a trance, if that’s what you mean. We’re all free to leave if we want

Diamond fell quiet.
“Are you falling in love with him?”
Diamond stiffened. “No, of course not. Why would you … of course not.”
She nodded, fell quiet.
Diamond only spoke again once they’d pulled up outside of Richard’s. “It’s here,” he

said. He got out, waiting for Debbie to take her laptop and briefcase out of the backseat.
They walked together up the staircase. “Richard,” Diamond called out. “Where are you?”

Richard walked into the entrance to greet them. “Diamond. Is everything all right?”

He eyed Debbie.

“Yes. This is Debbie. She works for Sebastian Shade. She’s a researcher. I thought

maybe the two of you could work together. We have some new information.”

“Of course. Nice to meet you, Debbie,” Richard said. He met Diamond’s gaze.

Diamond knew that he had many questions.

“And you, Richard.” She nodded.
“We need to find evidence of vampire gods existing pre-Isis. Any idea?”
Richard narrowed his eyes. “Maybe. Why that early?”
“Desire is trying to do a ritual which will transfer the powers of this early god into

her,” Debbie said, setting her things on the table. “It will require the blood of innocents,

“Which explains the babies,” Richard said.
“Precisely.” Debbie nodded. “We should look for vampires who devoured children, I

would think.”

“If she goes through with this,” Diamond continued, “she will control vampires,

which mean they will be her slaves.”

Richard nodded. “I’ll make some coffee,” he told Debbie. “We’ll get to work. I have

an idea where to begin.”

“Very well. I’ll set up here,” she said, opening her computer.
“I need to take a shower and change,” Diamond said, “then I have to join Shade’s

men on a vampire hunt.”

Richard followed Diamond into his room. “Can we trust Shade?”
Diamond glanced at him as he took off his shirt. “We’re going to have to.”

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Richard’s eyes widened. “What happened to your shoulder?”
“I was attacked by some of Desire’s army. Shade had to suck the poison out of me.”

He paused, looked at Richard. “He saved my life.”

Richard said nothing.
“Look, I need you,” Diamond said, meeting his gaze. “I’m all alone here. My

alliance with Shade is shaky at best. We are not friends; rather, we are uneasy allies.”

“I understand. And after, if you succeed? What then?”
“We’ll go our separate ways. If he stays on the straight and narrow, I’ll avoid him. If

he shows his true nature, well…” He shrugged and shed the rest of his clothes. He walked
into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The water felt good. He made it as hot as he
could stand and closed his eyes, leaning back against the tile. He was tired. He needed to
sleep. Maybe he’d grab a few hours before heading back to Sebastian’s. His hand
naturally gravitated in the direction of his cock. He squeezed it. Pleasure. “Sebastian.”
His eyes opened. He was surprised that he’d spoken his name aloud.

Why surprised? He has you under his spell, destroyer.
“Get out of my head, you witch! You almost killed me last night. You won’t get a

second chance.” He looked above him at nothing.

Join us then. I’ll make you immortal. You can lie in Shade’s arms for eternity.
“We’re coming for you, Desire. Enjoy yourself while you have the chance.”

Diamond turned off the water and got out of the shower. He towelled off, went into the
bedroom and closed the door and lay down on the bed. He sucked in some breath as he
felt his kiss gently on his mouth. He opened his eyes. “Sebastian?” He was alone. “Damn
you, Sebastian! Now you decide to haunt me. You’re nothing to me. My mind and my
will are my own. I am the destroyer! I am the fucking destroyer!”

The door flew open. Richard stood there, Debbie behind him.
Diamond blinked. He suddenly realized that he was lying in the middle of the bed,

completely naked, shouting. He hastily reached down and grabbed the towel. “I’m, ah,

“Are you all right?” Richard asked.
Debbie averted her eyes.
“Yeah,” he averred, nodding. “I … had a dream. Nightmare. I’m fine. Go back to

work. I’ll go to sleep.”

Richard nodded. Debbie smiled at him. “’Night,” she said.
The door closed. Diamond sank down on the bed. He sighed. Was he losing it? He

had to stay focused. “Vanguard,” he said aloud. “I wish you were here. You’d put me
straight.” He settled onto the pillow and closed his eyes again. He took a deep breath and
tried to sleep. When sleep wouldn’t come, he climbed down onto the floor with a blanket.
He curled up into a little ball and darkness finally clouded his mind.

* * * *

Sebastian brushed himself off. “God damn it,” he mumbled in disgust. “What in hell

possessed me to sleep in this shit?”

When he arrived upstairs, Josh was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. He looked

at him and made a face. “You’re all dirty.”

“Yeah. I slept in the basement.”

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“Why? I thought you didn’t do that stuff anymore. Part of your more civilized,

mortal phase.”

Sebastian frowned. “I regressed.”
“Guess so.”
“Where’s Pete?”
“At the university. I expect him back in an hour or so. Are you heading out to the VC


“I need to get cleaned up first. Coffee?”
“I didn’t make any.”
“I’ll make some,” Sebastian said, walking into the kitchen.
Josh came and stood behind him suddenly. “Are you involved with that destroyer?”
Sebastian looked at him, almost dropping the coffeepot. He didn’t answer. He filled

it with water.

“Of course, it’s none of my business.”
“You’re right, it’s not.” He didn’t turn around.
“Ever consider falling for men whose mandate it is not to destroy you?”
Sebastian laughed a little, scooping in the coffee. “Hadn’t occurred to me.”
“He’ll break your heart if you have one.”
Sebastian looked at him. “I’m sorry, Josh. We’ve already had this discussion about

you and me. And you know that…”

“You don’t want me.” He met Sebastian’s gaze then looked away. He shrugged.

“I’ve accepted that.”

“Have you?”
“Yes. Pete too.”
Sebastian sucked in some breath. “You’re like my family. I love you all.”
“Just not the kind of love I want from you.”
“Josh, I’m…” He reached out for him but Josh pushed away from the door frame and

left the kitchen.

Sebastian sighed. This was not what he needed right now. He had to concentrate. He

couldn’t worry about Josh’s feelings, or Diamond’s, for that matter. So, he and Diamond
had fucked. So, it had been Diamond’s first fuck and … oh shit.

No matter how he tried to rationalize everything, put everything into neat little boxes

and file it away, it didn’t quite work. He folded his well-muscled arms across his chest
and listened to the coffee pouring into the carafe, inhaling the scent.

When Pete said his name a few minutes later, Sebastian almost jumped out of his

skin. “Wow,” Pete said, coming to stand beside him, “you’re jumpy.”

“Sorry, what?”
“I said, Debbie went with Diamond to work with that Richard guy. What planet were

you on?”

“Mars,” Sebastian said with a grin. “I’ve just landed back on Earth now. I heard you.

That’s good.”

“I’m just sharpening up the weapons for tonight. Are you sure you don’t want

someone to go with you to the VC?”

“No.” Sebastian poured them both a cup of coffee. “I need to do this by myself.”
“The prodigal son seeking forgiveness?” Pete laughed.
“Something like that.”

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* * * *

An hour later, Sebastian had showered and changed his clothes. He looked

cautiously around him as he climbed into his car and headed off in the night.

He wasn’t sure of what kind of reception he was going to get, or if he was even

going to be allowed to enter. He was almost surprised when he slipped through the
transparent entrance without delay.

The party was in full swing. Vampires danced with their mortal familiars, cheek to

cheek and some blood orgies were taking place in various rooms. Gazes followed him as
he searched for Cole. It was Matthew, however, who found him, a half-dazed mortal
twink on his arm. “Well, well, if it isn’t Sebastian, crawling back for benediction?”

“Right,” he said with a tight smile. “I need to talk to Cole.”
“He’s in that room there, his private quarters. I think he may be busy.” Matthew

reached out and fingered the collar of Sebastian’s leather jacket. He licked his lips. “How
about we hook up later?”

Sebastian moved closer, his cheek almost grazing Matthew’s. “How about we

don’t?” he said and walked in the direction of Cole’s private quarters.

Matthew didn’t have to speak aloud. His thoughts were still screaming out

obscenities at him when he reached Cole’s door. He didn’t knock. He turned the handle
and walked in.

He tried not to show his amusement at the setup. The room was right out of some

harem flick of the 1920s. Valentino would have been right at home. The candle flames
flickered as he walked across the wood floor and stepped onto a white bearskin carpet.
He pulled back the gauzelike curtain and looked down at Cole, who lay with two naked,
drowsy mortals who’d obviously just finished making a blood donation. Cole’s lips were
lined with blood. The scent of it made Sebastian feel quite weak all of a sudden. He
hadn’t dined yet.

Cole sat up, caressing the hair of the half-asleep male by his side and poking the

female. “Get up, my beauties. This creature sees fit to interrupt our privacy. I need to take
him to task.” Cole’s gaze slid over Sebastian slowly.

The two mortals roused themselves. The male placed his hands on Sebastian’s leg

and looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Take me,” he whispered. “You’re beautiful.”

Sebastian took a step back. “Get rid of your pets,” he told Cole. “We need to talk.”
Cole reached for his robe and began to put it on. The two mortals got to their feet and

staggered over to the bed. “They can’t go much further at the moment,” he said, standing
up. “Come with me into my study.”

Sebastian followed Cole as the two mortals fell on the bed, clutching each other.
Cole wrapped the tie around his waist and poured himself a drink. “Brandy?” He

looked at Sebastian.

Sebastian shook his head.
“You need to feed. You’re welcome to dine here.”
“I’m surprised. I half expected to be barred.”
“I considered it.” He took a sip of his brandy. “And then you barge in here, into my

private quarters as if you own the place and I remembered why I forgive you.”

“Why’s that?”
Cole looked into his glass. “You have balls. You have more of them than any

vampire I’ve ever met. I admire that.”

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Sebastian acknowledged him with a nod.
“Plus, you didn’t bring that cretin with you. Is the love affair over with?”
Sebastian shrugged. “Was a passing dalliance. We have more pressing problems

right now than the destroyer.”

“I’m listening.”
“Desire has found a ritual which, once enacted, will make all of us her slaves.”
Cole laughed. “You can’t be serious. No one will ever enslave me.”
“She will take her powers from an ancient, one more ancient that Isis herself. She

will use the blood of innocents and vampires as sacrifices. She has already created a
reservoir of blood to draw us to her. Only our kind can see or smell it. She is recruiting an
army. I have already encountered them.”

“And you want the council to do what?”
“Cole, we have six weeks before the ritual. She is making more and more of us as we


“Are you suggesting a war between our own kind?”
“There is no other way. The naive are already her slaves. She promises them blood

running in the streets. I’m warning you. We must destroy as many of the new ones as we
can, before we are overrun. Meanwhile, I have to find a way to get to her, stop the ritual.”

Suddenly Matthew appeared. “I tried to stop him, Cole, but he…” He seemed out of


Cole held up a hand.
“Took you long enough to get here,” Sebastian commented dryly. “Had to finish

with your twink first?”

Matthew scowled at him. “I say we kill him.” He glared at Sebastian.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Cole laughed. “Who would we get to do it, Matt, you?”
Matthew fell silent.
Cole turned his attention back to Sebastian. “I say we find her then and destroy her.

What about Wik?”

“I have Wik. He gave me what I needed. He was waiting, planning to take the power


“It’s tempting, isn’t it?” Cole cooed, moving his finger around the top of his glass.
“Not to me,” Sebastian muttered. “I have no interest in controlling the world, no

interest in slaughtering mortals, and you don’t either, Cole. If you did, you wouldn’t be
running the VC.”

Cole nodded. He stood up. “I’ll call together the members, inform them. You have

our support, Shade, on one condition.”

“Which is?”
“You distance yourself from Diamond.”
“I can’t do that. I need him. And unfortunately, so do you.”
“He has killed our kind, and yet you expect this council to sit back and—”
“We have a truce, a common interest this time, Cole. If he steps out of line, you may

hold me completely responsible. I give you my solid oath.”

Cole considered this.
“You’re not going to let him get away with that, are you, Cole?” Matthew protested.
Sebastian glanced at him. “You know, Matthew,” he said, walking past him, “if I’d

have known you were such a whiny little turd that night when I fucked your ass, I would

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have made you my lapdog.”

Matthew reached out for him but Sebastian skirted him, laughing. “I’m leaving now,

Cole.” He glanced back at him. “I am assuming we have an alliance.”

“We do,” he said. “Take care, Shade. And don’t turn your back on that that slayer.

You may regret it.”

Sebastian nodded and left the room. He paused when he passed the bed. He could

smell the blood in that room, resurrect images of sexual abandon in his mind, literally
hear the sounds of drinking in his ears. He felt compelled to take a step in the direction of
the bed. He licked his lips. He could taste the nectar on his lips.

“Don’t,” Cole said from behind him suddenly. “They are already low. Come with

me.” He motioned with his long fingers.

Sebastian followed him down the hallway like a drunk follows the scent of whiskey.

Cole led him into an empty room.

“Lay down,” he invited, pointing to the bed. “Wait.”
Wait? He wasn’t sure how long he could wait. He groaned deep in his chest. He

knew what his eyes looked like; he ran his tongue over his sharp teeth, slicing the flesh.
He swished his tongue around his mouth and the gaps healed over.

“It’s a gift,” Cole said suddenly.
Sebastian sat up, his eyes widening. “No.”
“It’s not really him,” Cole whispered, laughing. “It’s just an illusion because your

thirst is strong. Drink. He wants you.”

Cole was gone. In his place stood a young man, completely naked, erect, his arms

outstretched. “Take me,” he whispered. “Drink.”

Sebastian got off the bed. He ran his fingers over his face, dragged his mouth to his,

kissed him with feverish lust. “Diamond,” he growled.

“If you wish,” he moaned. “Touch me. Rape me. Sink your teeth into my cock. The

blood is sweet there.”

“I can’t.” Sebastian nuzzled his neck. “I can’t, Diamond.” He clutched his firm ass in

his hands.

You will, because you can’t help yourself.
He felt as if he’d fallen into a dream. Everything around him seemed surreal as he

sunk his teeth into the soft flesh. The blood flowed into him. He swooned, clutching the
naked body tighter. His bloodlust was suddenly matched for his lust for sex. He
frantically undid his own pants, lifted the figure in his arms and slammed him down on
the bed with him. He yanked the man’s legs up over his shoulders as his sex went into
him, pumping hard. His mouth returned to the open wound on his throat. He was lost in
the feel of being inside of him, in the taste of the sweet, precious blood filling his mouth.
He hardly noticed that the heartbeat had slowed until suddenly, it stopped. He shouted.
“No!” He dragged himself away, and went sprawling onto the floor. One of his hands
brushed across his lips, and caught the drops of blood still clinging to them. He licked
them, then stood up. He narrowed his eyes. There was Diamond, his head lolling to the
side. Sebastian crawled over to him on his knees. He lifted his wrist. No pulse. He
lowered his head. “No, oh no.”

A hand settled on his shoulder suddenly. “It’s what he wanted. Turn him.”
“I can’t.” Sebastian sobbed into his hands. “I can’t. What have I done?”
“Sebastian, look at him.”

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Sebastian raised his head. It wasn’t Diamond. This man was far older. Sebastian

wiped his eyes, glanced up at Cole. “Who was he? Why did you make me do this?”

“He wanted it. He was dying. He asked that we find him a beautiful vampire to drain

him dry. I only made him look like Diamond to attract you.”

Cole was laughing and his laughter was grating.
Sebastian stood up, did up his pants. “How dare you use me like that?”
“I did it for a reason.” Cole sobered. “I did it to show you what can happen when you

fall in love with a mortal.”

“I loved Tanus. You know that. I never hurt him.”
“You hurt yourself. You watched him die.”
“It was my choice,” Sebastian choked, “but you made me kill this man. You…”
“No. You killed him yourself. It is our nature to kill, Shade. Don’t ever forget that.

The VC has civilized the rules, allows our kind to exist side by side with mortals, but we
are not mortals. We are vampires. We can feed without taking life if we feed regularly.
But if we are starving, we won’t stop until we are satisfied. We may feel remorse but we
can’t always control our own nature. Loving mortals only weakens us, brings us pain. I
don’t want to see you do that again with Diamond.”

“You are not my sire. You are not my father either. I will love who I choose.”

Sebastian backed Cole up against the wall. “If you ever manipulate me again like that, I’ll
kill you.”

* * * *

“The vampire Lilith is very multilayered,” Debbie said. “Her roots are in Babylonian

demonology. Ancient Hebrew culture places her as the first wife of Adam.”

“Yes,” Richard said enthusiastically, “and it says here in this book that according to

Talmudic myth, she was cast aside and condemned to roam the earth as a demon because
she disobeyed her husband.”

“She would hunt in the form of an owl, and listen to this,” Debbie added, “she was

particularly drawn to children and pregnant mothers. She would suck the blood and the
life out of them.”

“Um, and just as a side note, she was also known for planting erotic dreams in men.”
Debbie looked at Richard. “We have to be careful, though. What about the others we

talked about, ah … Lamashtu and Lilitu?”

“Mesopotamian, right?”
“Yes,” Debbie said, “known to have wings, sometimes lion heads.”
“But no connection to children, right? Attracted to adults?”
Debbie nodded. “I think Lilith is our girl.”
Diamond had sat silently listening to all that. He took a breath. “Lilith may already

have been resurrected, or at least, Desire has made use of some of her powers.”

Debbie and Richard both looked at him.
Diamond stood up. “If you’re ready, Debbie, I should get back. I’m expected to

patrol with Josh and Pete.”

“Why did you say that?” Richard asked.
Debbie appeared to be equally intrigued.
“The thing about erotic dreams, manipulation of the psyche. It’s possible that some

experiences I’ve had recently are simply illusions, meant to distract me.” He stopped. If

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they were waiting for more of an explanation, he wasn’t about to give one.

Debbie followed him to the door. “Keep working on that, Richard. If you come

across anything more you believe can help us, call me.”

“You need a cell phone,” Richard complained.
Debbie grinned, glancing at Richard. “Call mine. I’ll give him a message.”
Diamond got into the car beside Debbie. He looked up at the night sky. “It must be

after ten. Call your friends and tell them I’m on my way. They may have already left.”

Debbie dialed her brother. He picked up on the second ring. “Hi Deb.”
“You home?”
“We’re on our way to the Greenlaid Cemetery. Where’s Diamond?”
“With me. I’ll bring him there.”
“Fine. Did you hear from Shade?”
“Not yet. I did manage to find some interesting stuff, with Richard’s help.”
“Good. We know what we’re dealing with then?”
“We think so. Will tell you later.” Debbie sped toward the cemetery.
Diamond closed his eyes. He could picture Sebastian undoing the zipper on his

pants, feel his kisses on his skin. Maybe it wasn’t real. Maybe it had never happened. “Is
it possible that Desire is resurrecting Lilith gradually, absorbing her powers, little by

Debbie nodded. “Perhaps there are many rituals leading up to the grand finale. I

think Pete needs to consult one of his warlock friends, demon freaks, you know.”

“Demon freaks now?”
Debbie laughed. “Yeah, that’s what I call people who are into that stuff.”
“The new world is an odd one. I don’t think I’ll get used to it soon.”
“Hey, in your country, don’t people still cut off the heads of corpses and stick garlic

into their mouths?”

Diamond nodded.
“Does that make a lot of sense?”
“It does to the old people. They have old beliefs. And sometimes that works because

the vampires believe it to.”

“Well, I think if I had no head, I’d get the message.”
Diamond smiled faintly.
“Anyway, Diamond, try and turn it around. People there have old ways, and here, we

have new ways.”

“Yes, coupled with drug taking, it makes for an interesting culture.”
Debbie burst out laughing. “Has anyone ever told you that you can be quite funny?”
“No. No one.”
“Mind if I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.”
“Is Diamond your real name? What’s the rest of it?”
“That’s all there is, just Diamond.”
“What does it say on your birth certificate?”
“I don’t have one.”
She glanced at him.
“I’m not supposed to exist. I don’t need all those things because I have only one

purpose, to destroy evil.”

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“Then you’re a persona non grata.”
“In Latin, that means an unwelcome person. I may well be that for many, but I am

probably more nonexistent than unwelcome.”

“Cogito ergo sum.”
“I think, therefore I am,” Diamond murmured automatically. “Descartes was a

prolific thinker. Thank you. I didn’t know you spoke Latin.”

“I don’t. Not really.” She laughed faintly. “I can’t help but find it sad, however.

Without an identity, you can never truly be a part of the real world, Diamond.”

“What about later, when you get older and…?”
“Vanguard asked me the same thing before he died. I don’t expect to live to be old.

We don’t usually. Did you know that Tanus was the oldest living destroyer ever?”

“He had Shade to protect him. They fought side by side. Shade would have given his

life for Tanus.”

Diamond nodded. “Does he talk about him?”
“He has. I know he talks to him.”
“He talks to the dead?”
Debbie grinned. “Don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Okay. It’s not so far-fetched. Shade is dead.”
“Shade is more alive than many mortals I have known.”
“How did he get turned? There’s nothing in the literature.”
“He’s never said. I know it was back in Ireland. I believe he was part of some rebel

group, something about farmers getting kicked off their lands after the French were
conquered. I think he told me he was sent to prison, or was supposed to be. It’s a jumble
in my head right now.”

“In the early eighteen hundreds,” Diamond said, “Irish landlords were prospering.

The prices in agriculture were high due to the Napoleonic wars but dropped dramatically
after the French were defeated at Waterloo. They quickly discovered that turning their
farms into grazing lands was more profitable and so they evicted all the farmers who
were their tenants, even if they’d paid their rent. They burned down their huts so that they
couldn’t return. The people were starving, roaming the roads.”

“That’s horrible.”
“Yes. During this time, several rebel factions appeared, secret societies who

organized midnight raids. The British retaliated and arrested these people, shipping them
off to Australian prisons. Often a petty crime would draw a life sentence.”

“How do you know all this stuff?” Debbie gasped.
“When you grow up in a monastery with a massive library, you have a lot of time to

read. I was educated by monks. They’re big on the reading.”

She laughed slightly, pulling up to the curb beside the cemetery. “Do you think

Shade was part of these rebels?”

He nodded with a slight grin. “Yes, and he’s still one, wouldn’t you say?”
Debbie agreed.
Diamond got out of the car.
“Well, here’s where I leave you; hunting these things is not my cup of tea. I’ll see

you soon.”

Diamond raised a hand and watched her drive away. Quickly he walked down the

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path to the iron gate. He stretched his neck, felt his sword which was planted securely
under his coat, and smiled. It had been a while since he’d been hunting vamps in a
graveyard. He was looking forward to it.

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Chapter Nine

Sebastian let his head fall back as Diamond’s hand ran over his chest and down to

his cock. Soft lips moved against his throat. “I think I’m in love.”

Sebastian moaned. He couldn’t think rationally. His flesh was on fire, the heat so

intense he felt as if he’d succumb. He felt so sleepy, his body heavy, his mind unclear.
“Make love to me, Diamond,” he whispered, the lips moving down his throat to his chest,
a soft tongue licking him with long, luscious strokes. Fingers glided over his cock,
teasing, leaving him yearning. Hungry. He was hungry. He tried to reach out and touch
him but he couldn’t. He couldn’t move his arms. He raised his head and looked into
Diamond’s eyes, mesmerized by his beauty. “I don’t want to be your lover,” he
whispered to him. “I don’t want to love again like before.”

“But you can’t help yourself,” Diamond whispered back. “It’s in your nature to

finish what you start, Sebastian. You killed me.”

“Yes,” another voice said in his head, “you killed him. You killed your lover.” It

sounded muffled, distorted. Suddenly, the voice took on an Irish brogue. “Alloo me fine
lad, oíche mhaith.” There was laughter. “Wake up now, Sebastian. Wake up and face all
the horror you are responsible for.”

Suddenly Sebastian found himself walking through a dark place. Around him were

bodies, their throats torn out, faces he couldn’t recall.

“Your victims, lad.”
He heard crying. He swallowed, raising a hand to his forehead. “No. Ta athis fearg.”
“Yes, but sorry too late. And now you are also hungry.”
“Cailleach!” he accused.
“Yes, I am a witch, and I am also like you. Drink, my love. Drink without regret.”
Sebastian looked up suddenly to see Diamond walking toward him, blood congealing

at his throat. “This isn’t real. None of it is real.”

Suddenly the dead began to rise all around him. He heard several languages all

speaking at the same time. They said his name. They said, “murderer.” They moved
toward him, arms outstretched. Sebastian moved away, cowering.

“Sebastian,” a voice said to him suddenly, a voice he knew.
The blood tears rolled down his face. He looked up. And there was Tanus standing

before him. “You. Oh no, not you.” He shook his head.

“Sebastian, fight her. Fight her now. Keep walking. I’m beside you. You’re not the

same anymore. You’re not a monster. You’re the one I love even now as I lie in this
ground. Fight her or all is lost. Tá grá agam duit!

“I love you too,” he whispered. He’d taught Tanus how to say that. “It’s really you.”
“Yes. Go.”
Sebastian pushed through the images. They seemed to vanish as he walked. He heard

laughter, high-pitched, almost shrieking. He shook himself, then gasped, looking around
him. He was sitting in his car outside the entrance to the VC haven. All of it had been an
illusion. He let out a roar of anger. “How dare you play with my head, Desire? I’m going
to rip you limb from limb.”

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“Oh, Shade, you give me shivers.” Her voice echoed on the quiet night. She stood

there now right in front of him, fixing him with her bright gaze. “How’s my Irish?”

“I know what you’re up to.”
“Good. Then you know how much power I will have.”
“You already have some of that power, don’t you?”
“The old girl is not so easy to part with it. She is a greedy one.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Shade,” she said, “and did I mention that I kind of like that name? Anyway, I

thought it was time to tell you that I’m not impressed with your self-righteous bullshit. I
have a feeling that you think you can put your past behind you just like that.” She
snapped her fingers.

“Unlike you who carries the past with you.”
“My past serves me, as it should you, Shade. My beautiful vampire. You have great

stamina. I imagine that stamina carries over into the bedroom?”

“It’s a shame you shall never find out.”
“Nasty, nasty.” She wagged her finger. “But I will find out, Shade, because when

this is over, all of you will be my slaves. And you, well, I have special plans for you.
First, I’ll fuck you, then I’ll bleed you.”

“Can’t wait,” he muttered. “So, why don’t you leave now? I’m growing bored with

your company.”

Her expression darkened. “You are not endearing yourself to me, vampire.” With

that she was gone.

Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. He picked up his cell phone and dialed. There

was no answer. Pete had turned his phone off. They were probably at the cemetery. He
started his engine and headed in that direction.

* * * *

Diamond was a little agitated. He was used to hunting alone and having Josh and

Pete along was distracting.

“You don’t need to worry about protecting me, macho man.” Josh stuck his face next

to his as they hunkered down behind one of the large headstones, lying in wait for a
couple of vampires they’d spotted. Pete had struck out on his own a few minutes before,
to check out the other side of a suspicious crypt.

“I’m not worried about protecting you,” Diamond muttered. “I couldn’t care less

what happens to you.”

“Just look after your own hide, then, and I’ll look after mine.”
“Suits me. So stop fucking huddling behind my back.”
Pete appeared suddenly, crouching down. “You know, if you two would spend less

time bickering, we’d have more success. I don’t know—”

Suddenly Diamond sprang up off his heels and attacked. He froze suddenly as one

hand came up and grabbed his wrist quick as lightning. His eyes widened as Sebastian
stood there, scowling at him. “Good evening, Diamond.”

“God damn it, Shade,” he muttered, “I almost took your head off.”
“Yes.” He grinned. “But you didn’t.”
Diamond sighed, relaxing a little.
“Any luck?”

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Pete stood up, Josh with him. “We got about five, all of whom confessed they were

with Desire before we staked them,” Josh said.

“We would have had more,” Pete announced, “if these two would work together

instead of trying to kill one another.”

Diamond marched off. He was disappointed in his performance. He’d missed a lot

tonight because he wasn’t used to working in a team, and to top it off, he’d attacked
Sebastian. He threw down his sword and paced up and down a few times.

“Well, if we were trying to attract vampires,” Sebastian said suddenly from behind

him, “I’m sure that would have scared them away.”

“I’m in no mood for your smart mouth.”
“Well, to tell you the truth, I’m in no mood for your tantrums.”
“I’m not having a tantrum.” Diamond turned and glared at him. “I’m mourning my


“Oh. Is that what you’re doing?”
“Josh is impossible.”
“You’re no gift to humankind.”
“He knows.”
“He knows what, Diamond?”
Diamond looked at him. “About what happened.”
“Did anything happen?”
“Can we forget this fucking truce so I can just kick your ass and get it over with?

You are infuriating.”

Sebastian shrugged. “Didn’t know we had a truce. Desire ambushed me tonight. She

took over my mind, made me believe that I’d killed you, drank your blood.”

Diamond blinked, couldn’t move. Sebastian was shaking.
“All of my victims, the carnage, the bloodlust, all of it, she made me face it. If it

hadn’t been for Tanus, I—”

“He saved me, snapped me back to reality, gave me the strength to fight her spell.

We have to be careful. We have to … even now, I’m not sure if this is real.”

Diamond closed the distance between them. He placed a hand on Sebastian’s

shoulder. “It’s real. Are you all right?”

He took a breath. “I think so.”
Diamond almost moved closer, pressed his mouth to his. “I so want to…” He


“You want to what?” Sebastian met his gaze.
“Nothing. Debbie says that Pete needs to confront some demon expert.”
“Yes. Come on, we’ll go there now. Let’s get out of this fucking cemetery.”

* * * *

Sebastian followed Pete’s car to a run-down tenement house in the inner city. He’d

seen this guy a few times when he’d gone there with Pete. The guy was really strange,
but of course it made sense somehow that he would be. Strange or not, he usually was
able to give them answers.

He still felt as if he were in some kind of a dream. He was having a hard time

shaking off the feelings of sadness and remorse. It helped that Diamond was sitting

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beside him. At least he could look over at him and remind himself that he hadn’t drained
him. He looked up at the night sky. He couldn’t help wondering about the VC. Had
Desire managed to seduce everyone over there, including Cole? No, it didn’t make sense
that she had done that much damage in so little time. But she’d admitted that already
she’d captured some of the ancient one’s power. Damn. She’d conjured up the faces of
his victims, taken control of his mind, altered his reality. Why not the VC? He wondered
if he should attempt to even go back there, or maybe that was her way of blocking his
path so that he didn’t get to Cole.

When he pulled up in front of the building behind Pete’s vehicle, he turned off the


Diamond was looking up at the building. “This wizard lives in this dump?”
They both got out of the car and shut the doors. Pete was already on the sidewalk

with Josh.

Sebastian shrugged. “No accounting for taste.”
“You’d think the demons would spring for a nicer loft,” Josh joked.
Sebastian slapped him on the back and laughed. “You’d think.”
His name was Ivan Sulket, a man with thick glasses and a bald head. He slid the

chain lock off the door when Pete knocked and opened it a crack. “Is that vampire with

His voice made Sebastian think of a squeaky little mouse.
“Yes, and he’s already eaten.”
That wasn’t exactly true, but Ivan always asked that.
“Afraid of vampires, are you?” Sebastian laughed, pushing the door open impatiently

and walking in. “You’ve seen me twice now, Ivan; if I wanted to suck on your scrawny
neck, don’t you think I would have done so by now?”

Ivan backed away.
“No need to scare him too much.” Pete grinned at Sebastian. “Beast.”
Sebastian laughed. He folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall.
“Who’s that?” Ivan looked at Diamond.
“A destroyer,” Josh scoffed.
“A real-life one?” He came closer, reaching out to touch Diamond’s coat.
Diamond swatted his hand away. “Don’t touch me, cretin.”
Ivan backed off. “I know all about destroyers,” he said, beaming.
“Yeah, he collects the superhero trading cards,” Josh said. “You’re right up there

with Cap’n Crunch, Diamond.”

Diamond issued him an ironic stare.
“Enough of this shit,” Sebastian said, “we need to know all you can tell us about

Desire. And we need a spell which will shield her ability to fuck with our heads.”

Ivan looked at Sebastian. “Oh, you are an interesting one. A vampire, in love with a

slayer. Desire wants you because she fears you.”

“How do you know all that?” Sebastian demanded.
“I know much.”
“Well, then spill it,” Diamond told him.
“What’s in it for me?”
“How much?” Sebastian asked.

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“Yeah, depends on if you tell us stuff that’s useful,” Josh piped in.
Pete came close to him. “Sit down, Ivan.” He looked at the others. “Don’t crowd


The others moved back a little.
Ivan sat at the table. Pete took a seat opposite him. “This is big. This could

potentially mean the death of thousands, even millions. You have to tell me all you

Ivan looked at Pete. “She won’t stop. She’s already absorbed Lilith’s power through

blood sacrifice.”

“How much?” Sebastian demanded.
“She knows what buttons to push. She is able to read your soul. She can distort your

reality, cloak a person or persons so that no one can reach them.”

“The VC,” Sebastian insisted. “What has she done to them?”
“I don’t know. I can’t see that.”
“How many vampires has she gathered?”
Sebastian closed his eyes.
“We need a way to fight off her mind control, Ivan,” Pete said. “If she distorts and

confuses us, we can’t fight her.”

“I can try, but her power grows all the time.” Ivan looked at Sebastian. “She

considers you her greatest challenge. She wants to … how do I say this … consume you.”

Diamond looked at him for a minute then away.
“She has made you her personal project. And she considers you her greatest


Sebastian nodded. “Do the spell.”
“I will, except I have no idea if it will work on vampires. I know this spell only for

mortal beings.”

“Great,” Sebastian sneered.
Ivan stood up. He walked over to Sebastian, reached out and touched his cheek.
Sebastian looked at him oddly.
“You have great strength and a guardian angel.”
“An angel?”
“Tanus,” he said softly. “He is always with you.”
Sebastian swallowed.
“Form a circle,” Ivan instructed. “I need to prepare.”


Diamond stood in the circle, skeptical of all this hocus-pocus. Sebastian stood on the

opposite side, looking pensive. Had Tanus’s spirit really emerged to save Sebastian? It
looked like both Sebastian and this Ivan character believed that. Diamond wasn’t sure
how he felt about that. On one hand, he was intrigued. Did the spirits of destroyers carry
on after death? Was love eternal? Was Tanus’s love so strong for this vampire that he
couldn’t let go? There was something beautiful and tragic about Sebastian’s dead lover
arising to save him. But where in the hell did that leave him? And did he want to be left
at all? They’d had one night. It didn’t mean anything, really. It was just sex. Sure, it had
been his first time. It’d been nice. No, God damn it, it hadn’t just been nice, it’d been
fucking amazing. And he’d discovered that every time he looked at Sebastian, he was

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reliving it. God damn you, Tanus. Diamond laughed a little aloud. Ridiculous that he
thought he had to compete with a dead man when he didn’t want to compete at all.

Sebastian was looking at him strangely, probably wondering what he was muttering

to himself about. Diamond looked down at the floor. Leave it alone, Sebastian.

I will if you will.
Damn. Diamond looked up sharply. He’d read his mind. How much of his mind had

he read?

Enough to know that you want me. And that’s all right, Diamond. There’s no shame

in it. Acknowledge your humanity. It seems a hell of a lot more difficult for you than it
does for me, and that’s ironic when you think about it, isn’t it?

Those words washed over him like a wave. That Ivan guy started doing some sort of

chant and Diamond exploded with anger. “Fuck this shit,” he announced and walked
through the circle and out the door.

“I can’t redo the spell for him,” Diamond heard the guy cry out as he tore down the

hall and into the stairwell.

He walked furiously without direction, only slowing when he heard Sebastian call

out to him. He stopped, turned around. “You don’t understand,” he told him before
Sebastian could say anything. “Don’t judge me.”

“I’m not judging you.”
“Why did you leave? Now you too are without protection from Desire’s games.”
“It probably wouldn’t have worked on me anyway.”
“If you knew the way I’ve lived.” Tears stung his eyes.
“I think I have an idea.”
“Love is not part of it. I can’t do my job if I have distractions.”
Sebastian waited for him to continue.
“Who in the hell am I if I’m not the destroyer? I have lost my identity. I’ve lost who

I am, cavorting with a vampire, wanting you.” The last two words came out like a plea.

Sebastian was standing close to him now. “Maybe you had no identity before this,

Diamond. Maybe you just existed.”

“I knew the reason I rose each day. Now, I’m not so sure.”
“I understand that. Before Tanus, I had no reason, no purpose. He gave me that.

Love gave me that. It was the place I ran to. The place I could be myself, admit my
weaknesses, heal. You’ve never had that, Diamond. I can give you that; I can make you

Diamond’s mouth fell open at little. They stood there in the dark silence of the night,

saying nothing, yet everything was revealed in that moment. “How do I compete with a
dead man?” Diamond hadn’t even realized he’d spoken those words until Sebastian gave
him his answer.

“You don’t. I need, Diamond. Every time I look at you, it reminds me of how much I

want you. Don’t tear me apart like Tanus did. He gave me his body but it took a long
time before he could offer me his heart. I want all of you, or none of you.” He took a step
back. “If you can’t love me, don’t expect me to take away the ache. I won’t.”

Diamond nodded.
“Now, let’s go,” Sebastian said. “The sun will be up soon and I have to get back.”
Diamond fell into step beside him, their footsteps echoing in unison on the

pavement. There was nothing else to say. He would have fallen into his arms tonight with

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the least bit of an invitation, but it didn’t look as if he was being extended one.

When they arrived back at the house, Diamond reached over and touched Sebastian’s

arm. “I don’t know if I have what you want to give. But, know this, I do want you. You
brought me to life the other night, made me feel something that I couldn’t have even
imagined. You have my gratitude for that.”

“It’s not your gratitude I want.”
Diamond swallowed. “Would you consider…” He flushed, looked away a minute;

this was tough for him to ask. “Would you consider letting me lay beside you?”

“Is that what you need?”
“I need you. I need you to touch me.” He met Sebastian’s gaze. “Please.” He looked

away again, waves of humiliation moving over him. What had he been reduced to?

“Elevated to,” Sebastian corrected. “And the answer is yes. Just because I know what

it took for you to ask.”

Diamond nodded.

* * * *

Sebastian sat at the table with Debbie and Josh, waiting for Pete to return to his

solitude. He was trying to meditate, see if he could pick up anything more that could be
of use to them.

Diamond had excused himself and walked off down the hall. Sebastian knew that he

was waiting for him in that bedroom and he glanced in that direction now and again. It
was all he could do to sit still, to wait. Part of him wanted to run down that hall and throw
himself into his arms, but still another part of him resisted. Diamond had the potential to
tear his heart to shreds. He was making no mistake about that. That was his rational side
talking. His gut male, sexually alive libido, however, was telling him to go for it and to
hell with sentiment. And he knew as the minutes ticked by which side was winning.

He had lost track of the conversation and his cock was hard. He stood up. “I think

Pete is going to be awhile. I need to sleep. Fill me in later.”

They both said their good nights, and Sebastian headed to his room. The anticipation

was there on his tongue. His entire body was tingling. I want you so much.

He wasn’t sure if those were his thoughts or Diamond’s. He walked into the room

and closed the door. And there he was, lying on top of the bed, pillows propped under his
head. He was totally naked.

Sebastian crossed the room.
“Stop,” Diamond said with a faint smile. “Take off those clothes. Okay?”
“Okay,” he replied, pulling the blue T-shirt over his head, fidgeting with the snap

and zipper on his jeans. He leaned down to remove his boots, his socks. Stepped out of
the pile of jeans and underwear on the floor, and gave him a grin.

“Now come here,” Diamond whispered, “and do to me what you did the last time,

only I’m not a virgin anymore. You took care of that for me.”

“Barely,” Sebastian teased. He sat down on the edge of the bed, traced that scar over

his rib cage with his finger. “Where did you get it?”

“In a creepy cemetery in Budapest. Some Draclike bloodsucker, badly in need of a

manicure, grabbed me and threw me into a wall.”

Sebastian lowered his lips to the scar and kissed it. Diamond’s hand went to his hair.

Sebastian moved his mouth to his stomach, kissing across and stopping at the base of his

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scrotum. He looked up at him. Diamond’s eyes were closed, his hips lifting a little off the
bed, both hands now clawing at the blankets. Diamond whimpered softly when Sebastian
licked down the middle of his cock. Sebastian took his cock into his hand and stroked it.
“Oh God,” Diamond murmured.

Sebastian crawled between his open thighs and licked the circumference of his

cockhead, gradually sucking his cock between his lips and into his mouth. Sebastian
closed his eyes, making a humming sound in his throat as he took his cock deeper. He
swallowed, opening his throat, massaging his shaft, putting pressure in all the right places
with his tongue. He knew how to do this, how to drive a man wild with his mouth. He’d
had plenty of time to perfect the technique. He opened wider, managing to encapsulate
Diamond’s balls as well. He heard him cry out something and then release.

Sebastian swallowed his essence, licking him gently as he let go of his cock. He

towered over him, smiling down into his eyes. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. He
kissed his mouth gently. Diamond’s hands came up and moved over his back, clutched
his ass. In one smooth movement, Diamond turned him over, slammed him down on his
back. His eyes stared into his. “The lube?” he demanded.

Sebastian pointed to the nightstand.
Diamond reached over him for the lube.
Sebastian trailed his hand down his hard, muscled body, fondling his cock again.
Diamond sucked in some breath. He settled down on top of Sebastian’s thighs. He

spread some lube on his hand, reached behind him.

“Let me,” Sebastian suggested. He held out his hand.
Diamond smiled shyly, and squirted it on his palm. Sebastian reached under him,

making sure to touch his balls as he did.

Diamond grunted as Sebastian’s hand moved in between his ass cheeks. Sebastian

began to fuck him lightly with his lubed fingers. Diamond moaned, bobbing up and down
a little, his head falling back, delicious chest puffed out. He was driving Sebastian half-
mad. Sebastian kept finger fucking with his lubed hand, reaching up with his other to
tweak Diamond’s hard nipples. He raised his forearm as he withdrew his fingers each
time so that he brushed Diamond’s cock and balls at the same time. He knew that if he
didn’t stop soon, Diamond was going to explode right there, but that was all right. He
knew he could get him hot again.

“I want…” Diamond gasped. “Oh God, Sebastian … I want you. I want you.” He

grabbed Sebastian’s cock and sprang to his knees. Moving up, he positioned himself over
it. “I want to see your face this time. Look at me. Fuck me and look at me.”

Sebastian grunted as Diamond took his cock up inside of himself. He bore down on

him with all his weight, his gaze melding into his. He seized hold of Sebastian’s hands to
help balance him and began to fervently exploit his cock, not that he minded much. He
lay his head back, marveling at his enthusiasm. Diamond was so beautiful, face strained
in an expression of pure concentration, fair hair plastered to his head, sweat moving
tantalizingly over the muscles of his exquisite chest, and those hips moving up and down
on his rod … Holy! He was his willing slave.

Sebastian struggled to hang on for as long as Diamond needed his cock to stay hard.

When Diamond finally threw back his head and let out a shout, his juices pumping out of
his shaft, Sebastian allowed himself release. He groaned in satisfaction, pulling Diamond
down into his arms and holding him close.

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Diamond seemed content to be held for a moment, but then struggled out of his

embrace, putting distance between them. Sebastian watched as he wiped the sweat off his
forehead. “That was good.”

Sebastian studied him. He was already moving away because he’d felt too much this

time. He wouldn’t want to face him next time they fucked, if there was a next time.

Diamond got off the bed. “I think I need a shower and you need to sleep. The sun’s


Sebastian knew. He felt it, even though the room was as dark as night. He also felt

sadness. At this moment, he wanted to hold Diamond, lie there with him in the dark, talk
about nothing, fall asleep. It wasn’t going to happen. The closer he got, the further
Diamond would move away.


Diamond closed the door of the bathroom and leaned against the wall. He told

himself not to think, not to revisit what had just happened. He curled his hands into fists.
He looked at the closed door. He wanted to go right back out there, hold him, kiss that
mouth, move his hands over his beautiful body. “Sebastian.” He shook his head. He’d
completely lost control, rode his cock in wild abandon, took exactly what his body
craved. But when Sebastian had taken him in his arms, he realized he’d made a fool of
himself, showed his weakness. But he was in control in bed, not Sebastian. He hadn’t
been submissive to him. He’d taken. That’s it. If Sebastian wanted him, it would have to
be on his terms.

“Is that right?”
The door opened and Sebastian stood there looking at him.
“Is what right?”
“You’ll call the shots in bed.”
“I need to…” Diamond backed up against the wall.
“You need to what? Run away?” Sebastian came into the bathroom. “Well, I need

you, right now.” He reached for his hands and pushed them up over his head. Diamond
tried to move them but Sebastian held them in an ironclad hold. Then he stepped back
and Diamond found that although nothing was holding his wrists, he couldn’t move them.

“Sebastian, what are you doing? Stop this.” He squirmed.
“Do you feel vulnerable, completely naked, held against your will, and hard? You

are hard again, Diamond. What’s that all about?”

Sebastian kissed his neck, his nipples. His hand slid down his chest to his cock. He

took it in his hand, fondled it roughly. “Your body will always betray you. It’s nothing to
be ashamed of. You took what you wanted but I let you have it. I gave it to you because I
want to please you. Now, you’ll please me. And in pleasing me, you’ll find the way to
please yourself.”

Sebastian lifted his legs and placed them around his hips.
Diamond again struggled to move his arms.
Sebastian’s cock rammed up inside of him, deaf to Diamond’s protest. When

Sebastian pulled him away from the wall, he didn’t even notice. His protests turned to
pleading, then to cries of pleasure. Sebastian took him down on the tile floor, Diamond’s
legs raised on his hips as he continued to fuck him. Diamond’s head went back; he let out
some air. “Yes, yes … oh God … Sebastian, yes … yes.” He was shouting obscenities,
his fingers gripping the pedestal of the sink. He looked up once to see the passion on

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Sebastian’s face, his eyes glowing red around the edges and Diamond moaned out his
consent, his supreme satisfaction. When he’d caught his breath, Sebastian had fallen back
on the floor, his chest heaving. With tears staining his cheeks, Diamond crawled to him
and pulled his body up against his. “I love you,” he moaned. “God help me, Sebastian, I
love you.”

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Chapter Ten

Diamond lay awake watching Sebastian sleep. It fascinated him how deeply he slept.

It also touched him that Sebastian trusted him to be beside him while he slept. He knew
enough about vampires to know that where they slept was sacred. It was their sanctuary.
He also knew that Sebastian would wake if he sensed any threat. He wondered if that was
what happened when Tanus had tried to kill him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Tanus
anymore. At first, he was the destroyer who has betrayed his calling by falling for the
very monster he was supposed to kill. Now, as he looked at Sebastian, he envied Tanus,
was even jealous of the time he’d had with Sebastian, of the times he lay in his strong
arms, making love to him.

He sighed and settled down on his back, his fingers moving over to touch Sebastian’s

still hand. It was so cold. His temperature seemed to go way down in the daytime. He
covered his hand anyway, closing his eyes. He’d told Sebastian he loved him. It was odd
really; he’d never really loved anyone or anything before. He didn’t know love and yet he
recognized it. He looked over at Sebastian again. He was looking at love now. It didn’t
look at all like he would have imagined. He lowered his head onto Sebastian Shade’s
shoulder. A vampire. That’s what Sebastian was, although it was sometimes easy to
forget that. Diamond was falling into that pleasurable valley of sleep now, wanting to
stay beside Sebastian for the rest of his life. If they survived this.

* * * *

Sebastian woke before the sun set, not his usual time. He was almost surprised to see

Diamond there sleeping beside him. He hadn’t woken up beside another being for a very
long time, not since Tanus. He watched him sleeping for a moment, realizing that
Diamond must be tired. He hadn’t gotten much sleep recently. Sebastian smiled. It was a
peaceful sleep, deep, contented. He looked like a young boy. No one would take him for
a fierce vampire killer if they saw him now.

He stood up and stretched. He needed to find out what Pete knew, if anything, then

hunt down Desire’s resting place. He had a few ideas. He could tolerate a few hours of
daylight, enough to give them the edge they needed but he’d have to get started right

He cleaned up and pulled on some clothes, careful not to wake Diamond, but he

couldn’t resist planting a soft kiss on his mouth before he left the room.

Debbie was typing away on her laptop when Sebastian appeared. He ruffled her hair.

“Hey, kid.”

“Kid?” She eyed him. “Oh yeah, to you, I am an infant, aren’t I? And speaking of

infants, another baby disappeared from the maternity ward last night.”

“Damn. Do the cops have any leads?”
“Our contact says they have zippo, nothing.”
“Um. What did Pete manage to find out last night, anything?”
“Not that much really, but he did say something about Lilith appearing to him.”
“Oh yeah? What was that about?”

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“Not sure, but she may not be so eager to hand over her powers. She seems to have

upped the price.”

Sebastian folded his arms across his chest, narrowing his eyes.
“I need you to locate blueprints of the Saint Luke’s Cathedral. I believe there are

many underground tunnels there.”

“You think that’s where she might have her lair?” Debbie immediately began to type

in keywords.

He shrugged. “It’s a hunch.”
“Why a church?”
“Desire has a queer sense of irony, for one thing. And the infrastructure of the church

underground suits her needs right now. Have you contacted any more covens in the

“Yes, but no luck. Either Desire considers them amateurs compared to her powers, or

they’re protecting her.”

“Or both,” Pete said suddenly as he walked in. “Hey boss. You’re up a little early,

aren’t you?”

“Good rest?”
“Yeah.” Pete was looking for more information. Sebastian went to the fridge and

took out some blood. He put the bottle in the microwave to warm up. “Get ready, Pete. I
need you to come with me, scout out some places I think Desire might rest.”

“Don’t forget the sunscreen and the glasses,” Debbie warned. “You know what

happened last time you sunbathed too long.”

Yeah, he’d just about melted, literally. Sebastian laughed. “Okay, Captain.” He lifted

the blood to his lips and drank deeply. It wouldn’t do for him to be hungry.

“You haven’t been feeding regularly,” Pete mentioned, coming closer. “Is that on


Sebastian put the blood down, licked his lips. “I need to be ready when I meet Desire

for the last time.”

“By starving yourself?”
“Just taking the edge off the hunger makes me ferocious, stronger. It reinforces my

instinct to kill. It’s hard to explain. It’s all in the cocktail.”

“We still have Wik in that room. What should we do with him?”
“Keep feeding him. I don’t feel comfortable letting him loose until Desire is under

control. I don’t want to destroy him yet. He’s low priority right now. Ready?”

Pete nodded. “What about Diamond?”
“He’s sleeping. Let him rest. He’s exhausted. We’ll come back for him tonight when

we go on vamp patrol. Deb,” Sebastian said on the way out, picking up his sunglasses
and car keys, “let Josh know we can use him later.”

“Will do. He’s working somewhere this afternoon, I think. I’ll hunt him down. Here

are the blueprints of that cathedral you wanted.” She handed him a printout.

“How in hell do you do that?” He looked at her.
“Magic,” she threw back.
Sebastian kissed her on the forehead, and left.

* * * *

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“Sebastian,” Diamond moaned as his eyes blinked open. He sat up and looked

around. The room was pitch black. “Sebastian?” He lowered his feet onto the floor then
froze as he saw a shadow move toward him.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Sebastian,” Diamond said softly, “come here, baby. Kiss me.”
“I’ll kiss you, my love. I’ll give you my immortal kiss.” When the face loomed

closer, Diamond let out a shout. Sebastian’s fangs were visible, his eyes rimmed with
blood, his face chalk white and sinister. “I’m hungry,” he growled deep in his chest.

“Sebastian, it’s me. What in hell is wrong with you?” Diamond scrambled off the

bed away from him.

“This is me, really me, my beauty. I’m hungry. I’m going to drink you dry.”
Sebastian took hold of him. Diamond began to struggle. “No, no. Please, Sebastian,

if you’re half-asleep, wake up.”

Sharp teeth clamped down on his throat. Diamond fought him, kicking out. He

managed to knock him backward. He reached out on the floor for his coat, knowing his
stake was in the side pocket. Tears ran down his face. How could he kill him? God,
please, please don’t make me do this
. “Sebastian, I love you,” he croaked as Sebastian
came for him again, fangs dripping. Diamond closed his eyes, positioned the stake and
Sebastian fell on it, rolling over onto the floor on his back.

“No, no,” Diamond hollered, choking back tears. He hovered over him while the

light went out of Sebastian’s eyes and he faded from his sight. Diamond lowered his head
to the floor and sobbed. Only dust remained.

He didn’t hear the door open, didn’t see Josh and Debbie standing there. “What in

hell is going on?” Josh demanded, switching on the lamp. A wooden stake was standing
straight up, stuck in between the floorboards.

Debbie got a blanket and put it around Diamond’s shaking, naked form. “What is

it?” she probed, sounding frantic. “What’s wrong?”

“I killed him.” Diamond’s chest heaved. “He tried to attack me. He bit me and…”

Diamond raised his hand to his neck.

“Let me see,” Josh none too gently wrenched back Diamond’s head. “No one’s bitten

you, you idiot. What in hell is wrong with you? You haven’t been bitten at all.”

“Diamond,” Debbie said gently, “Shade is fine. He just left here about a half hour

ago with Pete.”

Diamond groaned. “Oh my God, it was so real. Debbie,” he looked up at her, “I was

sure I’d killed him.”

Debbie helped him to his feet. “It’s okay. It must have been Desire, manipulating

your mind.”

“You should have fucking well stayed in the circle last night,” Josh chastised.
“Josh, leave us alone, okay?” Debbie said. “Go and feed Wik.”
Josh grumbled something and stormed out of the room.
Debbie sat down beside Diamond on the side of the bed. She reached over and wiped

his tears with her hand. “Are you okay, honey?”

He wasn’t used to this. He’d never had a mother, couldn’t remember anyone ever

touching him like that. He smiled and nodded a little uncomfortably. “I feel stupid.”

“It’s not your fault.”
“Where is he? He shouldn’t be out now, it’s probably still light.”

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“He can tolerate the light some. He’ll be fine. He’s gone to find Desire’s resting


“He won’t meet her alone. I’ll be there with him. Why in hell didn’t he wait for me?”

He jumped up off the bed.

Debbie smiled. “You love him, don’t you?”
He pulled on his pants then paused. He swallowed hard and nodded. “Oh Debbie,

I…” He shook his head. There were no words for how he felt.

“I believe he might feel the same.”
“He better feel the same.”
Debbie grinned, standing up now too. “If he knows what’s good for him.”

* * * *

Sebastian studied the map Deb had given him as he and Pete navigated the

underground tunnels. Sebastian led the way, listening for every sound. “That little room
there”—Sebastian tapped his finger on the map—“it’s right down here.”

Pete stopped, put out his hand. “I am getting something.”
“I don’t know. It’s not a comfortable something.”
Sebastian patted his shoulder. “Is it ever?”
“Not usually if I’m with you.”
“We’re getting closer. Behind that wall maybe?” The tunnels were old and cracked.

It stank bad. The cement walls ran with sewer water. Rats hung out in the sludge, and
Sebastian suspected there were other things too, based on sounds he was hearing, things
he didn’t want to even know about at the moment.

Pete placed his hands on the wall. He stood there silently for a few seconds, doing

his thing, as Sebastian called it. “It’s strong.” He turned to him. “She’s in there. If not
her, then some undead thing.”

“How in the hell are we going to get in there? This is not the entrance. Don’t tell me

we have to go all around the other way.”

“Unless it’s a porthole, an entrance that only she can use, magic.”
“Damn. Well, we’ll just have to get Ivan down here.”
“That’s going to cost you. The guy is afraid of his own shadow.”
“Can he do it?”
“If anyone can, it’s him.”
“Get him. We got an hour before sundown.”
“That’s cutting it close.”
“Call Josh, have him swing round and pick him up. If he leaves now, they’ll be here

in a half hour.”

Pete was already on the phone.

* * * *

“What? Where are you going?” Diamond demanded when Josh hung up the phone.
“He didn’t say to bring you along.”
“I’m going anyway. What’s going on, Josh?”
“I’m to pick up that worm, Ivan, bring him down to the tunnels beneath the

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cathedral. Pete says they’ve found Desire’s lair. We need Ivan to get us in there. The
entrance has been sealed.”

“Then let’s go.”
“There’s not enough time,” Debbie protested. “The sun will be down soon.”
Josh went to get his weapons.
Diamond was already out the door. When Josh got downstairs, Diamond pointed to

the driver’s seat. “Come on.”

“Who died and made you boss?”
“No one, but if you delay us and anything happens to Sebastian, I’ll kill you,


Josh started the engine. “Cool down, hothead.” The phone rang again. Diamond

grabbed it this time, searching for the right button. Finally he heard a voice. “Josh?”

“No, it’s Diamond. We’re on our way to get Ivan.”
“Well, hurry up, because there are babies in there with her.”
“Fuck. Okay. We’re coming. Where is Shade?”
“Right here beside me.”
“Take care of him for me.”
There was a pause, then Pete said, “Yeah, right. I think it might be the other way


Diamond closed the connection. A few minutes later, Josh had pulled the car up in

front of the dump where Ivan lived. Josh told Diamond to stay in the car. Diamond
waited, looking up only when he saw Josh dragging Ivan toward the car, the smaller man
struggling and yelping like a wounded dog. Diamond sighed with impatience; he got out
and kicked the door closed with his boot. He stalked over, took Ivan by the scruff of the
neck and literally tossed him into the backseat. “Shut up,” he said, pointing at him, “or
I’ll kick your ass.”

Josh got back in behind the passenger seat. He glanced at Diamond. “Shit. You don’t

fool around, do you?”

Diamond looked straight ahead, and said, “Drive.”

* * * *

Sebastian was banging on the wall in frustration. His ears could pick up the sounds

of those babies crying. They were hungry. They needed to be fed. “Damn it, will you call
Josh again? Where in the hell are they?”

Pete opened his phone.
“Never mind.” Sebastian held up his hand. “They’re coming. I hear them.”
“Damn,” Pete said, “I wish I could do that.”
Diamond was out in front. He had Ivan by the shirt collar, practically lifted off the

ground. Ivan was frantically trying to scramble after him, breathing hard. Josh brought up
the rear, weapons drawn, looking like he usually did, like a commando in the military.

Sebastian hid a smile. “Okay, Diamond,” he said, “don’t kill the guy, okay? We need


Diamond gave Ivan a push. Ivan stumbled forward, crashing into Sebastian’s hard

chest. Sebastian reached out and braced him, then pushed him away. “Hello, Ivan.” He
gave him a cool smile.

“I don’t like it here. I don’t like you. You’re not going to eat me, are you, vampire?”

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“Not yet. Now, see this entrance? It’s sealed. Unseal it.”
“First, tell me what’s behind it.”
“Just let me worry about that. Open it.”
Ivan placed his hands on the wall. “Should be easy enough, unless the portusot spell

was used.” He looked at Sebastian. “Whatcha paying me?”

“I may let you walk out of this tunnel breathing, without drinking every last drop of

your blood. What do you say?”

“Ah, okay, sounds fair.”
“You’re so bad,” Josh said, smirking, while Diamond shook his head.
“It’s a simple spell,” Ivan announced. “Any moron can do it.”
“Never mind,” Sebastian growled. “Go on.”
Ivan closed his eyes. “Homora!”
Ivan looked at Sebastian and laughed. “Oh, this is going to cost you, vamp. I need

blood. She used the portusot and—”

Sebastian stepped forward and forced open a gash in his arm. “Here, take mine. Do

it, do it now.” He knew the sun was setting.

Ivan shrugged, dipped his finger in Sebastian’s blood and smeared it on the door.

“Homora. Homora!”

Suddenly it sounded like a great earthquake as the walls around them began to

rumble. “Stand back!” Sebastian shouted as chunks of concrete flew at them in every

Ivan took his opportunity to cut and run. Sebastian seemed to suddenly realize that

Josh was not standing. “Where’s Josh?”

“He’s here,” Pete called out.
Diamond was already removing the blocks of concrete. Sebastian pulled Diamond

back and went down to his knees by the body. He lifted Josh’s head. “It’s not good. His
heartbeat is faint. Pete, take him out of here. Get him to a hospital. Go.”

Pete nodded, picked Josh up in his arms, and headed back through the tunnel.
“Sebastian,” Diamond said, “I hear something. What is that?”
“Babies,” he said. “She has more than one in there. They’re hungry.”
“Let’s do this.” Diamond nodded.
Sebastian reached out and grabbed his arm. “Be careful.” He met his gaze. “She’s

waking up.”

Diamond yanked Sebastian closer to him and kissed his mouth hotly. “Watch your

back,” he murmured.

Sebastian licked his lips, and smiled at him. “You got it, lover.”


Diamond followed close on Sebastian’s heels as he stepped over the rubble and

slowly walked through to the other side. As they moved deeper into the hidden room, the
sounds of the babies’ cries grew louder.

“We can’t do anything about the babies now until we find Desire,” Sebastian said.
Diamond noticed the lethal-looking curved knife in Sebastian’s hand, about eight

inches long. He meant business. Diamond removed his sword and went to the left as
Sebastian turned to the right. “Keep your back against the wall,” Sebastian cautioned,
“she could be anywhere.”

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Sebastian had one definite advantage over him; he could see in the dark. Diamond

searched the inside pocket of his coat and flashed a flashlight. He took a few steps and
came to a junction. In the distance he could make out a coffin and several babies lying on
concrete. “Shade,” he whispered. He knew Sebastian could hear him even if he was
several feet away.

Sebastian was at his side instantly. Diamond looked at him.
“Desire is not in there with the babies.” He pressed Diamond back against the wall.

“Stay still.”

Diamond could hardly breathe. In part because of the danger in the air, but it was

also because Sebastian was standing so close to him.

Yes, Diamond. He’s hot, isn’t he? He just oozes sexuality. And you want him. You’d

like to take him now, wouldn’t you, tie him up, naked, have your way with him? I can help
you do that. Will you share?”

“Where in hell are you?” Diamond shouted, moving away from the wall.
Sebastian grabbed his arm. “Don’t listen to her. Listen only to me. We can’t fight her

if she corrupts our minds. She’s trying to distract you. Don’t let her.”

Diamond nodded. He squeezed Sebastian’s hand.
“Oh, how sweet.” The vampire’s voice cooed to them from the darkness. “The

vampire and his killer, so much in love. Here together. I could cry.” She laughed.

“I don’t intend on giving you the opportunity,” Sebastian called out.
Diamond tensed as he watched Sebastian fly up into the air. He hovered there.

“Come to me, baby. Come to Daddy.”

She laughed again.
Suddenly, Diamond saw a streak fly through the air directly at Sebastian. Diamond

leaped up and swung his sword, narrowly missing what he thought was her leg. Sebastian
was struggling with something in midair. Diamond heard the hissing and growling. The
babies’ incessant crying was distracting.

“Diamond,” Sebastian called out suddenly, “get the babies out of here.” He grunted.

It sounded like pain. “Now!”

Diamond sprinted around the corner. There were three of them, hungry, soiled.

Diamond scooped two babies up into his arms. He spied a basket in the corner and
deposited the two babies there, rushing over to grab the third. He made a face. What a
smell. I can’t leave you, Sebastian. I can’t go.

Go, I can’t hold her much longer. Go on; without the babies, she can’t do the ritual.

Go now, Diamond!

Diamond rushed the babies back through the tunnel the way they’d come. He could

hear Desire all around him, shrieking with protest as he went, but she didn’t come after
him. Sebastian held her back. When Diamond finally entered the church above with the
crying trio, he leaned his back against the wall for a moment and took a breath, looking at
the beautiful stained glass images. The wailing infants alerted the priest, who started
down the aisle in Diamond’s direction.

Diamond placed the other baby carefully on the carpet beside the two in the basket.

“Take care of them,” he called out. “Call the police.” He didn’t have time to explain it all

Before the priest could reach him, Diamond was back at the entrance which led

underground again. He descended the crumbling steps and ran with all his speed back to

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the place where he’d left Sebastian struggling with Desire. When he rounded the corner,
he began to hyperventilate. He let out a cry of frustration. The doorway was sealed again,
as if it had never been a doorway at all.

“God damn it! God damn it!” Diamond shouted, banging his fists on the concrete

until the skin scraped off and his hands were bloodied. “Open this door and face me, you
witch. Give me Sebastian, take me in his place. Open this fucking door!”

* * * *

“He’s out there crying for you,” Desire said, running her long painted nails over

Sebastian’s chest. She had torn his shirt to shreds, not that he’d been overly attached to it.
She had fastened a huge collar around his neck with a long chain attached, and connected
it to the wall. Sebastian pulled against it, which caused the chain around his neck to

“You’ll do damage to yourself that way.” She took his face in her hand and brought

it close to hers. “I’d destroy you right now if you weren’t so pretty.”

Sebastian tried to reach out to her, but his hands wouldn’t move. Even though she

hadn’t restrained them, she’d paralyzed them somehow. “You might as well finish me.”
He fixed her with his eyes. “I’ll never join you.”

“You would join me if I threatened to kill your precious slayer.”
Sebastian swallowed. “No. Leave him alone. It’s me you want, and you have me.”
“So noble,” she cooed. “But you’d have to agree to do everything I want. I can fuck

you if I want to, and you’ll beg for more.”

He turned his face away when she tried to kiss him.
She made a frustrated sound in her throat. “If you don’t cooperate, Shade, I’ll kill

your boyfriend, and still carry on with my plans. Now kiss me.”

He accepted her wet kiss grudgingly, straining against the chain again. He felt it give

just a little. These walls were not solid. He couldn’t use his hands. All he had was his
neck and he had to be careful not to slice his head off. He didn’t breathe like mortals so
there was little danger of strangulation but he could decapitate himself if he wasn’t
careful. He had to do it gradually, a little bit at a time.

Suddenly, Desire dug her sharp nails into the top of his chest and raked them all the

way down to his waist. Sebastian winced with the pain and sucked in some breath as he
looked down the see the trail of blood she’d left. “Pain,” she whispered, “so very close to
pleasure.” She snaked her fingers around the waistband of his jeans and licked her lips,
carefully undoing the snap, then easing down the zipper. She paused for a moment,
smiling at him. “You’re mine now, Sebastian Shade. And I plan to enjoy it.”

* * * *

Diamond raced back through the tunnels, searching his pockets for American

change. He pushed into the first phone booth he could find and called Richard. It was the
only number he had put to memory. Richard picked up on the third ring.

“Richard, Richard,” he said, gripping the phone, “you must come pick me up, take

me to Ivan. It’s Sebastian and—”

“Slow down,” Richard said. “Where are you?”
Diamond poked his head out of the phone booth. He rattled off the street names.

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“I’m near the big church. Can you do spells to open doors?”

“Spells, maybe, I—”
“There’s no time. I need to get to Shade. Call Debbie.” He pressed his face against

the wall of the phone booth, letting the phone drop out of his hand. He’d never felt so
desperate, so helpless.

* * * *

As Desire’s fingernails scratched over his scrotum, Sebastian tried to isolate the pain

and concentrate. He pulled again against the chain collar, jerking his head back and forth
a few times.

Desire took a break from her sadistic game at one time and looked at him. “You like

it,” she said, smiling, interpreting his movements as an indication that he was enjoying
the pain she was inflicting.

“Yes,” he breathed. “Keep it up. Don’t hold back.” The more concentrated she was

on his cock, the more he could try to loosen the hook his collar was attached to. He just
hoped he could tolerate the pain long enough to get loose. Even though the walls were
weak, the hook she had him tethered to was buried deep in the concrete. At this rate, it
could take hours.

* * * *

When Diamond saw Richard, he ran over to the vehicle and jumped in. “You must

take me to Ivan. Did you call Debbie?”

“Yes. She told me that Pete is with Josh at the hospital.”
“Will he be all right?” Diamond pointed straight ahead. “Go there and turn right at

the next light, I think.”

“It looks like it. What happened?”
“Desire had taken some babies. We rescued them. I left them with the priest at the

church. Sebastian held Desire back long enough to—turn right, there,” he said, suddenly
remembering. “Anyway, she has him. She’s got Sebastian. And the door was sealed but
this Ivan person opened it, now it’s sealed again. He has to open it. I must get in there,
get to Sebastian.”

Richard accelerated onto the highway. “Shade is not our concern. It is not in your

mandate to—”

“I love him.”
Richard’s eyes widened. He almost rammed into another car.
“Be careful.”
“You what?”
“You heard me. And I’m not ashamed. I love him. There’s no logic to it. I just do.

And I won’t leave him there. If she destroys him, I…” He shook his head.

“Where is the VC? Won’t they help him?”
“Next exit. Is Pete coming?”
“He said he’d meet you at the tunnel as soon as he could.”
“The VC is … I don’t know. I have the feeling that Desire did something to them.

She has a reservoir of blood to attract the bloodsuckers. We have taken the babies away.
She’ll be on the hunt for more. After we get Ivan, I want you to alert the authorities to be

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extra vigilant, especially around hospitals or children’s homes.”

“Okay. Now where?” Richard asked.
“This street, I think. Damn, why can’t I remember? Yes, here. Stop.” Diamond

jumped out. “Wait here.”

* * * *

Sebastian’s head fell back as Desire kneeled in front of him and licked the blood off

of his bleeding cock. The pain was searing. He clamped his teeth together, knowing that
right now, his eyes were glowing and his fangs were dripping saliva. His strength was
going. She intended to drain him bit by bit, make his hunger into his weakness, make him
her slave.

He saw Diamond’s face in his mind. Beautiful. I will come for you. I won’t abandon

you. I love you.

My love, my love. If I die here, I will die with your image in my mind. Diamond.

* * * *

“He’s not fucking there,” Diamond growled, coming back to the car. “He’s hiding

the little bastard and when I find him…”

Richard was holding his phone. “I know someone else who might help us to open the


“Is it far?”
“Go then.”
Richard drove away from the curb. “Debbie called me. Pete is on his way. He told

her to tell you that he had a vision at the hospital about the VC. They’re cloaked under a
spell. Desire has rendered them impotent. Debbie will call her source at the police and
warn them about the potential for baby stealing tonight.”

“They’ll be helpless against Desire’s army. They need to be equipped with crosses

and stakes. Bullets won’t stop them.”

Richard nodded.
“We need help. Doesn’t the council equip you with any men?”
“Yes. You.”
Diamond sighed, putting his face in his hands. Hold on, Sebastian. Hold on. I’m


* * * *

Desire opened her portal to allow her followers to enter. Sebastian gave up the count

after fifty. She rose up off the concrete floor and lifted her hands in the air like some cult
leader. “We need babies. Lots of babies. Go out, my children, and find them, bring them
to me. And bring me the destroyer.” She laughed, looking over at Sebastian. “He is
missing his lover.”

There was some cackling.
“Yes, go ahead,” Sebastian called out weakly. “He’ll rip out your throats. Is it worth

it? In the end, you’ll be nothing but her slaves.”

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Desire marched over to him and slapped him hard in the face. “Shut up.”
He laughed at her. “The truth hurts, doesn’t it, woman?”
“Only you, lover.” She hissed at him, revealing her fangs. “Only you,” she growled,

moving closer and sinking her teeth into his throat.

She drank deeply as he struggled, then backed away, her lips coated with his blood.

She licked them slowly. “Oh your blood is divine, almost as divine as your cock.” She
dug one nail into the vein running down the center of it. “Um. The blood there tastes
especially divine. She lowered her mouth to his cock and drank again while her followers
looked on. Sebastian hissed. He felt himself grow weaker still. He gave one more thrust
with his head. Pieces of concrete crumbled, falling to the floor.

She was too engrossed in her task to notice. She released his cock from her sharp

teeth and straightened up, smiling at him. “Don’t forget that you have no power here.”
She turned around. “Go! Go and do what I ask, and later you will drink from the reservoir
of plenty.”

The vampires shuffled out. The porthole sealed. Sebastian swooned, the dizziness

consuming him. He fought to stay conscious. Desire tilted her head at him. “Want to see
some real magic, my ravishing, bloodthirsty friend? Watch.”

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Chapter Eleven

There was no way in hell the person Richard had tracked down wanted to be

involved with opening the portal, especially since he seemed to know what was behind it.
Richard had to hold Diamond back as he tried to grab the guy. He took Diamond aside.
“Look, we’re not getting anywhere this way, my friend. How about if you promise to
protect him? Maybe he’ll go for that?”

Diamond tried to calm down. He took a breath. The young man was shaking when

Diamond approached him with a forced smile.

“You … stay away.” He held up his hand. “I do have magic. I’ll render you …

you…” His frantic gaze darted around the room.

“Look,” Diamond said as calmly as he could manage, “I won’t hurt you. I promise.

And I won’t allow anyone to hurt you either. I just need you to open the door. Please.
You’ll be a hero. You’ll save a lot of people. What’s your name?”

“Okay, Denis. Please.” Diamond held out his hand. “I promise to protect you, on my

life. I really need your help.”

Denis nodded slowly. “O … okay.”
“See, wasn’t that better?” Richard asked him as they hurried back outside with Denis

in tow.

Diamond looked at him. “If you say so. If he hadn’t of agreed, I was planning to…”
“Ah, never mind. I get the picture,” Richard said, getting back into the car. He

picked up his phone. “I have a message,” he said. “It’s Pete. He’s waiting for us at the
church. He sounds—” Richard looked at Diamond. “Something is wrong.”

“Go!” Diamond said.

* * * *

The space was suddenly filled with a haze of smoke so thick Sebastian could no

longer see anything. He heard Desire speak the words over and over, louder and louder,
reaching a crescendo. Sebastian had no idea what the words meant but coming from her,
he knew it couldn’t be good. He used the opportunity to pull against his chain again. The
collar cut deeply into his flesh. It burned like hell, with more of his precious blood
flowing out of his veins. He pulled again, ignoring the weakness in his limbs. He felt the
spike in the wall move, loosen, more cement falling away.

“Levo quatro povito!” Desire shouted again.
The smoke started to lift now. Sebastian desperately yanked again as he heard a

sound which resembled thunder. He gritted his teeth; another sharp pull, the muscles in
his neck straining. He heard the spike move, scraping against the cement. A final pull and
he was loose. The air was clearing as he peered at the scene in front of him. He moved
his hands freely now, the paralysis gone.

Desire was lying in a heap on the floor, not moving. The figure which floated toward

him, however was larger than life, beautiful and deadly. She looked him over curiously;
then, in a language he couldn’t remember but somehow understood, she said, “Ah, so this

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is what my children look like now.” She reached out and dipped her finger over the blood
which dripped onto his chest. She slowly licked her finger clean, her gaze never leaving
him. “I am Lilith. What shall I call you?”

Sebastian’s eyes widened. Holy Jesus.

* * * *

Diamond was running through the tunnel, Richard behind him, pulling Denis with

him. The first person Diamond saw was Pete. He was standing in front of what was the
opening, trembling like a leaf.

Diamond seized his shoulders. “What is it? Where’s Sebastian? Is he still in there

with Desire?”

“Desire is gone.”
Pete could hardly get the words out. Diamond blinked. “That’s good, then. Sebastian

killed her? Is he all right?”

“Sebastian didn’t kill her. Lilith killed her.”
“Lilith?” Richard said, out of breath now. He and Denis were now a few feet away.

“What’s this I hear about…?”

“Shush,” Pete said. “She’ll hear you.”
“She’s in there, with Sebastian?” Diamond demanded.
Pete nodded.
“Will she kill him?”
“I don’t know,” Pete said. “I just don’t … how did she get here without the blood


Richard shook his head. “It’s impossible.”
“Who is that?” Pete asked, looking at Denis.
“Someone who can open this door,” Diamond replied. “Go to it,” he told Denis.
“No,” Pete said, putting up a hand. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“I have to get to Sebastian,” Diamond insisted.
“He’s all right. I’ll tell you when it’s time,” Pete said. “She’s powerful. If we barge

in, she could kill him, kill us all. Let’s wait. Sebastian is still there. I can hear his voice.”

“What’s he saying?” Richard asked. “This is incredible.”
Pete shook his head and they fell silent, Diamond anxiously watching Pete’s face for

any sign that Sebastian was in danger.

* * * *

Sebastian watched Lilith carefully as she floated around the small space, her feet

never actually touching the cement. She hovered over Desire for a moment then turned
back to him. She gave him something which resembled a smile. “My husband did this to
me. He made me a monster because I was disobedient.”

“Today your disobedience would be applauded, most likely.”
“He tried to beat me.”
“No husband has the right to beat his wife.”
“In my time, it was encouraged.”
“You were ahead of your time, Lilith.”

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“What do you want here, then?”
“Desire awoke me.” She glanced at him, her glowing eyes reflecting Sebastian’s

image. “She wanted to enslave my children, bring the world to its knees.”

“And you disapproved.”
“She was irreverent. Her blood sacrifices are a mockery of my majesty.”
Sebastian bowed his head. He had no intention of disagreeing with her at the


“And you, my beautiful child, what is it that you want?”
“To love. To be loved.”
“By a mortal.” She laughed. “I know all. And if I could give you that mortal for

eternity, would you worship me?”

“He wouldn’t want that. He’d have to be like me.”
“And then you’d cease to love him.”
Sebastian narrowed his eyes.
“You love him because of his mortality.”
“It’s more than that.”
She floated closer. “You,” she said, tipping up his chin with her finger, “you worship

no one. You should have been my husband.”

“I would have been honored.”
“But today you would be dust. He thought he punished me and yet I go on.”
“You sleep.”
“Yes.” She moved back to Desire. “Give her peace,” she said and was gone.
Sebastian stood stock-still. He took a breath, shivered.

* * * *

“It’s gone,” Pete said, looking at Diamond. “She’s gone.”
“Sebastian,” Diamond cried out. “Sebastian, where are you? Open this door.”

Diamond reached out for the man called Denis and pulled him forth. He went to say
something when suddenly the door disappeared. What was left was a gaping hole.
Diamond didn’t wait. He crawled through the opening, calling out to Sebastian. Pete and
Richard followed, while Denis hovered nervously outside.

Diamond spotted Desire first on the floor, then his gaze flew to the body lying a few

feet away. He let out a cry. “Sebastian!” He went to his knees and picked him up in his
arms. His chest and neck were bloody and the front of his pants was saturated with blood.
There was a leather collar around his neck with a broken chain attached to it. Diamond
pulled off the collar and threw it aside, pulling Sebastian’s body up in his arms.
“Sebastian,” he whispered. “Talk to me, damn it. Sebastian.”

Pete and Richard rushed in now. Pete went down beside them on the floor. “Let me

see. My God,” he moaned, “she almost bled him dry. We have to get him home. He needs

Tears fell out of Diamond’s eyes onto his Sebastian. He clutched him tight in his

arms, rocking him as if he were a small boy.

“Diamond,” Pete insisted, “we need to get him home.”
Diamond nodded, shaking. “I’ll carry him,” he said. He glanced over at Desire. “You

need to stake her and cut off her head.”

“I know what to do,” Pete said. “Take Sebastian to the car and I’ll be right behind

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you.” He opened the small bag he had with him.

“Wait,” Diamond said, “I’ll take care of it.” He transferred Sebastian to Pete’s arms.

He stood up, withdrew his sword and took off Desire’s head with one clean swipe. He
came back to Pete and held out his arms for Sebastian. “Hit the heart. And hurry.”

* * * *

Diamond sat beside the bed holding Sebastian’s hand as Pete tried again to get

Sebastian to drink the fresh blood. Debbie placed a hand on Diamond’s shoulder as she
handed him a fresh cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. “He’ll heal fast,” she said.
“He’s not like us.”

Diamond lifted the blanket discreetly and gently patted the cotton pad along

Sebastian’s scrotum. “What a bitch. How could she do this?”

Pete wet Sebastian’s lips with the blood. His tongue moved over his lips suddenly,

tasting it.

“That’s a good sign, isn’t it?” Diamond looked up at Pete for reassurance.
Debbie squeezed his shoulder.
Pete nodded with a slight smile. “Come on, Shade,” he urged, dripping the blood off

his finger onto his lips.

Sebastian’s eyes opened. Diamond released his hand, jumped back a little. They

looked filmy, almost white.

“It’s all right,” Pete said. “He’s not quite himself. He’s too weak to hurt anyone.”

Pete took that opportunity to lift Sebastian’s head to get him to drink from the cup. The
blood seeped through Sebastian’s parted lips and he made a rumbling sound in his chest.
“That’s a boy,” Pete urged.

“Has this happened to him before?” Diamond asked, looking at Debbie.
“Never this bad. If Lilith hadn’t made an appearance when she did, we would have

lost him.”

Diamond handed her the bloodied cotton. She threw it away.
“Look,” Debbie said, “already the wounds on his chest are healing. The worst part of

it for him is the blood loss.”

Sebastian was drinking heartily now. Pete actually pulled back at one point.

“Enough,” he said, pressing Sebastian’s shoulders to the mattress, “too much and you’ll
be sick.”

Sebastian’s eyes opened now. They looked normal, beautiful. He turned his head and

looked at Diamond. “Are you all right?” he asked.

Diamond laughed, a laugh mixed with a cry.
Debbie looked at Pete. “Let’s go,” she said. “He’s going to be fine.”
“If he wants blood, give him a little at a time,” Pete told Diamond.
Diamond nodded, his gaze never leaving Sebastian’s. When they’d gone and the

door was closed, Diamond lowered his head onto Sebastian’s shoulder and closed his
eyes. “I thought I’d lost you.”

“And that distressed you?”
Diamond looked up at him. He was smiling.
“Don’t even joke about that.”
“Okay,” he said softly. “Does this mean you’re going to stay?”
Diamond looked into his eyes. “Do you want me to stay?”

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Sebastian nodded.
Diamond sat up. “On one condition.”
“Oh, conditions, eh?”
“You tell me that you love me, and that you’ll love me forever.”
Sebastian’s fingers curled over Diamond’s hand. “You know, when I was chained up

to that wall, I saw your face. And I knew I had to go on. I knew that I had to get back to
you somehow.”

Diamond fought tears. “You know you’ve made me into a mess.”
Sebastian chuckled. “You were a mess when we first met.”
Diamond laughed. “Watch it. If you weren’t an invalid, I’d have to beat the crap out

of you for that remark.”

“Yeah? You and what army?”
Diamond smiled. “You’re feeling better.”
“Give me some more of that feel better stuff and I’ll show you.”
Diamond reached over for the cup and brought it to his lips. Sebastian drank and

then pushed it away. Diamond put it back on the nightstand as suddenly the blanket
lifted. “Get in here.”

“But Sebastian, you’re…” His eyes widened as he looked down to see that

Sebastian’s cock had completely healed and the scars on his chest were already fading.

“I heal fast. That’s all I needed,” he said, glancing at the goblet. “Well”—he

paused—“maybe not all I need. You wouldn’t deny medicine to a sick man, would you?”

Diamond sighed. He stripped off his clothes and crawled in beside him. “No, I

couldn’t be that cruel.”

Sebastian pulled him into his arms.
“You haven’t said ‘I love you’ yet.” Diamond caressed his hair.
“I love you. I’ll love you forever. You see, this body may heal fast, but my heart

doesn’t. I can’t go on without you, Diamond. I want you beside me, to help me fight
whatever comes around that corner, to make the world safe for all the lovers out there.”

Diamond ground his mouth against his. “Yes,” he whispered, “oh God, yes.”

* * * *

Two months later

Sebastian kissed down the length of Diamond’s chest and across his stomach. He

lifted his sex in his hand and squeezed it gently, smiling up at him. “What would you like
me to do with it?”

Diamond grunted.
“Come again?” Sebastian grinned.
“If you weren’t immortal, I’d kill you,” Diamond groaned. “You’re such a damn


Sebastian licked around the head of his cock. “You taste really good. What have you

been eating?”

“You mostly. And that reminds me, I’m starved.”
Sebastian sat up. “Guess you should eat then.”
Diamond sat up and grabbed his head. He dragged him down to his chest. They

wrestled a bit, laughing. Sebastian made him so happy. Loving him, fighting at his side,

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just watching him excited him. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed the top of his
head while Sebastian rubbed his cock quite pleasurably with his hand.

When the door burst open, Diamond scrambled to pull a blanket over both of them. It

was Wik. He had the damn habit of bursting in on them whenever the whim took him.
“Boss,” he said, “we got news of a vampire lair over on Belleview street. Do we get the

“Wik? Don’t you ever knock?” Sebastian accused. “I know I should have left you to

starve in the basement.”

“You’d have missed me, boss. And you’re too much of a softy for that.”
Diamond was laughing. He lay back on the pillows, covered his stomach with his

arm, and howled.

“Shut up, you.” Sebastian elbowed him. He sat up, all that dark hair falling over his

shoulders. He looked dangerous but gorgeous.

Diamond stopped laughing. “Get out, Wik. Go get yourself some vamps. Take Josh.

He likes that kind of stuff.” His gaze settled on Sebastian. He wanted him bad, and he
wanted him right now.

Sebastian was quick. He understood the message. “Yeah, it’s okay, Wik. If you and

Josh have any problem, give us—”

“Leave us a message,” Diamond finished.
“Just routine,” Wik grunted. And left, shutting the door firmly behind him.
Sebastian crawled on top of Diamond and looked down into his face. “You giving

the orders now, eh?”

He grinned. “Well, someone’s got to be in control. You’ve gone soft, vampire.”
Sebastian took Diamond’s hand and placed it on his erection. “Oh really?” He lifted

Diamond’s legs over his shoulders and positioned his cock at Diamond’s opening. He
went into him hard and fast.

Diamond moaned out his need. “Oh yeah,” he grunted, grabbing onto some of

Sebastian’s dark hair.

“Gone soft, eh, tell me about it, destroyer!”

The End

About the Author:

D.J. Manly is first and foremost a writer, but is also a college professor, a small

business operator, and a sociologist who works as a consultant on research projects. D.J.
is a proud Canadian who lives in French Canada, and is fluent in both English and
French. Human rights are a great concern, and D.J. longs for a peaceful world free of
sexism, racism, and homophobia.

D.J. writes for the pure love of writing, and always with the reader in mind. If D.J.

doesn't enjoy reading it, it won't be written. Great characters, great sex, and a great love
are the elements you'll find in D.J's work.

There is nothing quite as exciting as beautiful men falling in love. Come taste D.J's

work, but be careful—you may become as addicted to reading it as D.J. is to writing it.
One reviewer wrote that reading D.J. can give you "third degree burns in an air

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conditioned room." That says it all.

E-mail D.J. any time with questions or comments. Visit D.J. online at


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