Diana Sheridan Finding Mr Wright

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Finding Mr. Wright

Unable to come out of the closet in small-town Idaho or continue
living a lie there, Seth Danninger moves to a progressive South

Carolina town, where he meets and falls in love with Evan Wright.
The relationship progresses until Seth wants to marry Evan in New

York, where gay marriage is legal. Seth, however, is not out to his
family, and Evan does not want to be hidden in a closet. Evan

gives Seth an ultimatum: introduce Evan to Seth’s family or lose

Seth’s dad is a raging homophobe. Seth knows only too well what
will happen if he comes out to his father, let alone introduces Evan
as his fiancé! Seth’s mother, while not the antigay extremist that

Seth’s dad is, is unenlightened and in no way progressive. Seth is
caught in a bind. If he fails to face up to his family, he cannot

marry the man he loves and risks losing him altogether. Yet if he
does come out to his family, he risks losing their love. Will Seth

face up to his family and endure the consequences…or will he lose
the love of Evan?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 21,593 words

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Diana Sheridan



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Diana Sheridan
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-079-4

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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To my good friend and fellow author, Cassandra Pierce, who

encouraged me to write this book, and who writes some damn hot
books herself.

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Copyright © 2011


All eyes—including Seth’s—were on the couple in the center of

the dance floor. They moved with fluid grace and an undisguised
sensuousness that was blatant foreplay. There was no doubt what
they’d be doing as soon as they got home, if not sooner. As Seth
watched the torrid dancers, his mind formed an image of the couple in
their steaming, after-dance union. The man, naked and eager, stroked
his thickened, rigid shaft in eager anticipation of the relief to follow.
A single pearl of viscous pre-cum formed at the tip of his cock and
oozed down the taut skin of his glans.

Seth’s mind clearly conjured up the swollen organ and the hefty,

lightly haired ball sac that swung heavily beneath it. His now-
unfocused eyes semiattentively took in the hypnotic sight of the
seductively moving couple before him. As they did though, his
imagination was fully focused on the man’s precoital condition as he
could picture it being later on. Seth’s mental image of the woman, by
contrast, was fuzzy and tenuous, at best. She lay, naked and wanting,
ready and eager, on the drawn-back sheets, but all Seth’s attention
was for the stud who made ready to prong her. He was, in Seth’s
picturings, even more virile and raunchy looking than in the reality on
the dance floor. His gleaming black hair matched the color of his Van
Dyke beard, which in turn matched the coarse curlies of his pubic

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thicket. His ball sac, large and wrinkled, bounced as the man strode
purposefully toward the waiting woman.

When the man mounted his partner, Seth’s mental eye zoomed in

for a close-up of the vein-ringed cylinder. Seth was totally caught up
as the cock vanished into the woman’s depths and reappeared,
swollen to the max, potent-looking as the man himself.

As Seth continued to watch the pair of heated lovers, envisioning

them getting nasty atop the sheets, his own cock swelled in his chinos.
Picturing the man’s thickened rod plunging demandingly in and out of
the woman, he felt the ache of need surge through his loins, and his
lust intensify immeasurably.

As he imagined the pair in the heat of their indisputable, future

coupling, however, an uncomfortable truth took hold of him. Seth
realized, not for the first time, that the focal point of his attention was
not the ripe folds of the woman’s swollen pussy. Rather, his mind was
fixed on the surging shaft that penetrated so deeply, boring its
insistent way in and out, in and out, in and out. It was hypnotically
lulling his mind into a daze even as it sent a clear directive to his own
rumbling balls and ever-thickening dick.

He felt himself leaning forward, inclining perceptibly toward the

erotic couple on the dance floor. He felt his eyes grow wider even as
they hazed over with the effects of unbridled passion. And once again,
he felt himself in the grip of a desire that had held him against his will
for as long as he had known that a dick was for more than peeing.

Once again, he snapped himself out of it disgustedly. Once again

he grew angry at himself. And once again, he realized he had to get
out of the small town in Idaho where he had grown up, and still lived.
Even if he managed to keep himself from acting on these dreams,
these urges, these wants, he could not sustain his life in this place
where minds were as small as the town itself.

If his parents ever had an inkling of the thoughts that pervaded his

head, they’d disown him and kick him out anyhow. At twenty-one,
Seth ought to be out on his own. He would leave. He would get as far

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Diana Sheridan

from Idaho as he could without crossing an ocean or a national
border. Maybe starting over somewhere else would give him a new
start and a new outlook. Maybe he would find the women of some
other town more attractive to his tastes. If not, at least he wouldn’t
sully himself and his reputation in his hometown.

His mind was made up. He was leaving. Seth Danninger was

getting out of town and heading…where? Where would he go?

Then he remembered the latest e-mail he’d gotten from his former

college buddy, Barry. As always, Barry had urged him to leave the
“wilds” of Idaho—Barry’s words, not Seth’s—and relocate to
someplace more alive, more forward-thinking.

“You’d like it here in Surfspray,” Barry had coaxed him. “I never

thought of South Carolina as a ‘happening’ state till I moved here, but
Surfspray has everything I want…including the freedom to be me.”

By now, Seth had gleaned the fact that, for Barry, “being me”

very definitely included the swinging lifestyle, changing partners
frequently, often several times in a night. Barry claimed that
Surfspray had a lively sexual underground, which was not that far
underground, either. Various forms of alternative lifestyles were
practiced by a sizable chunk of the population and, if not engaged in,
at least tolerated by many of the rest.

The siren call of Surfspray, South Carolina now became almost an

audible refrain to Seth. Yes! He would do it! He would move to
Surfspray! He would take Barry up on his offer to crash with him till
Seth found a job and a place of his own to live in. He would get out of
this hellhole he grudgingly called home, where nothing satisfying
seemed possible, and move to a place where anything seemed
possible. Anything—even thinking the unthinkable and not cringing
or calling himself names for such thoughts. Maybe even doing the

Maybe in a new town, a town like Surfspray, Seth could face his

demons head-on.

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Maybe he would even find that, after all, they weren’t the awful

demons he’d long thought they were.

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Diana Sheridan

Chapter 1

There wasn’t that much stuff for Seth to take with him. It would

easily all fit in a U-Haul trailer. His mother had refused to let him take
any of the furniture from his room. “How will the room look with the
furniture gone?” she’d asked. Seth thought that was typical of his
mom. Irene Danninger had always concerned herself with how things
looked and what people would think.

“Besides,” she’d added, “be practical. Suppose things don’t work

out for you in Seaside.”

“Surfspray,” Seth corrected her.
“When you come back home, you’ll have to move all that stuff


“I’m not coming back, Mom,” Seth said wearily.
“We’ll see,” Irene Danninger said with her mouth curving

downward and her lips closing tightly together.

As a matter of practicality, Seth also left behind such memorabilia

as his high-school yearbook and other mementoes. If he wanted them
later, he could ask his folks to ship them to him. For now, since he
was moving to Barry’s apartment for the short term, and since he
knew he’d be moving again once he found a place of his own, it was
easier to leave such possessions behind. The less he had to move, the
better. Besides, why would he want to be reminded of the years he’d
grown up always feeling like a misfit, even when he didn’t know
why? No. No mementoes.

So he packed his clothes, his books, and a few personal effects

that he valued, as well as his computer and all its peripherals and
appurtenances, his stereo and CDs, his camera—the things that really

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mattered. It all fit nicely in the trailer, with room to spare. He hitched
up the trailer to his vintage Pontiac Firebird, remembering how his
dad had helped him restore the car. It was one of the few times he and
his dad had done something together pleasurably. Seth had no interest
in the pursuits that captured Jack Danninger’s attention, and Jack had
nothing but contempt for a son who wouldn’t take part in any type of
ballgame, a son who didn’t even enjoy watching baseball, basketball,
or football on TV.

The only sport that interested Seth was wrestling, but Jack

Danninger didn’t have much respect for that and refused to even
acknowledge it as a sport. “It’s fake! It’s fixed! It’s fuckin’
choreographed!” he spat out. Seth, however, enjoyed watching the
sweaty, muscular bodies grappling on the mat. He even had tried out
for the wrestling teams in both high school and college but had failed
to make the team in either school. Once in a while, however, he had
succeeded in getting a friend or classmate to wrestle with him “just
for the hell of it.” The cup he wore for protection did a pretty good
job of concealing the hard-on he inevitably sprang as he tussled with
his opponent. And his rationalization of how it felt “manly” to wrestle
did a pretty good job of concealing, from himself, the true reason he
was turned on as he struggled, torso to torso, on the mat.

* * * *

As he headed east on the highway, Seth looked in his rearview

mirror only once. The sight of his hometown receding in the
background filled him with a huge sense of relief. Ahead of him lay
the unknown, but he was eagerly sure that, whatever life in Surfspray,
South Carolina held for him, it was bound to be better. Was this how
prisoners felt on the day they were freed from behind bars? Seth
suspected it was.

The sense of good days ahead stayed with him as he drove across

country on what proved to be an uneventful, albeit excitement-filled,

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Diana Sheridan

journey. Despite his father’s misgivings about the car’s ability to
withstand the trip, the Firebird handled the cross-country jaunt
admirably and delivered Seth, MapQuest directions in hand, right to
Barry’s front door without a hitch.

That was where Seth encountered his first problem. Barry wasn’t


Seth had given Barry a heads-up from his cell phone when he

crossed into South Carolina, but apparently either Barry had
misjudged how long the drive would take Seth from there, or he’d
been detained at work. Seth called Barry’s cell again but got his voice
mail. Stymied, he decided to detach the trailer and scout around for a
watering hole. He wouldn’t have minded a beer or two, and waiting in
a bar while chugging a brew sure beat sitting in his car in front of
Barry’s apartment building.

Driving down what appeared to be the main drag of Surfspray,

Seth spotted what certainly looked, to judge by the window signs, like
a bar. It had the unusual name of Questions. Well, Barry had told him
that Surfspray was home to quite a few different unusual types of
people, from leftover hippies to a cadre of artsy types to the sexually
adventurous underground that Barry apparently belonged to. In a
town like that, an oddly named bar hardly seemed surprising. Seth
spotted a parking lot to the side of the bar and guided the Firebird into
a vacant space.

There were a few empty seats at the bar, and the new arrival in

town parked his butt on one of them. Ordering a beer, he glanced
around and tried not to let his surprise register. His initial impression
was that there was at least one of every possible interest group
imaginable in the crowded confines of the establishment. They ranged
from a woman in the archetypal little black dress, with pearls, whose
escort looked like he would be right at home on a yacht, to an obvious
drag queen in a wig that screamed its inauthenticity. They also
included a pair of women cozied up in such a way that it was obvious
they were not just friends, and a thirty-something workingman in

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coveralls to which sawdust still clung, who was shooting pool with a
silver-haired fellow on the shady side of seventy. Clearly the message
was, “Everybody’s welcome here.” Seth was grateful he had found
the place. It was a good introduction to Surfspray.

The nondescript woman occupying the seat next to his, paid her

bill and got up, and almost immediately a twentysomething fellow
took her place. He had shaggy, curly brown hair, a pug nose, dancing
green eyes, an open smile, and a small scattering of freckles.

“Hey, Ben,” he called to the bartender.
“Hey yourownself, Evan. The usual?”
“Yep. Thanks.”
The bartender returned shortly with a mug of something that

didn’t match Seth’s beer in color. Evan took a healthy swig, then
turned to Seth and affably extended his hand. “Evan,” he said. “New
in town?”

“Yes. Seth. I just got in.”
“No, I’m here to stay…I hope. I’ll be staying with an old college

buddy till I find a place of my own.”

“Where you from?”
“Idaho. A small town you’ve never heard of—or would want to.”
Evan laughed appreciatively. “Know what you mean. I’m from a

small town in western New Jersey myself. So…what’s your

“Bud,” Seth answered, jabbing a thumb toward his mug. “And

what’s that you’re drinking?”

Evan chuckled. “That’s not what I meant. You are new in town.

As for this”—he hoisted his own mug and took another swig for good
measure—“it’s ale. I developed an appreciation for it a couple of
years back.”

Evan introduced himself: “Evan Wright.” They talked amiably

about beer and then traded stories about the most shit-faced each of
them had ever gotten, and fell into an easy and wide-ranging

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Diana Sheridan

conversation. Evan said, “We have a beach volleyball league here in
town. Coming from Idaho, you’ve never played beach volleyball, I’ll

“Never played any kind of volleyball,” Seth admitted. “Aside

from the mandatory sports in school—and volleyball wasn’t one of
them—the only sport I’ve played—the only one I’m really into—is

At that, Evan’s eyes lit up. “I’m a wrestling fan, too,” he said.

“I’ve got a mat back at my place. Care to go a few rounds?”

“Let me just call my friend. I don’t think he’s home yet—I

haven’t heard my cell ring—but let me leave him a message.” Seth
dialed Barry’s number and, sure enough, got his voicemail again. He
left a message that he’d made a new friend already and was going
over to the guy’s house for a while but would call Barry later and
make sure he’d gotten home before coming back over. Then he
downed the rest of his beer in three, long draws, left money on the
bar, and eagerly got up to follow Evan out the door.

“I guess you don’t know your way around town?” Evan surmised.
“Not at all. I do have a map from MapQuest, but….”
“Follow me. I won’t lose you. I’m the blue Camaro.” Evan

pointed toward the far corner of the parking lot.

“’K, buddy,” Seth said, high-fiving Evan and striding eagerly

toward his own car.

A buzz of excitement went through Seth as he followed Evan’s

Camaro along twisting, narrow, residential streets until Evan pulled
into the driveway of a small, but well-kept, home with a maple tree in
the front yard. Parking on the street, Seth got out, stretched his legs,
and in response to Evan’s beckoning wave, headed for the side door.

“The mat’s in what used to be the guest bedroom,” Evan said.

“You want a beer? It’s not Bud, but….”

“Naah. Thanks, but I’m good. Let’s get to it.”
“We can wrestle in our skivvies. I’ve got a spare cup you can


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Seth followed Evan to the designated wrestling room. From a

closet, Evan withdrew a cup and tossed it to Seth, who stripped down
to his Jockeys, then drew them down so he could get the cup on. He
tried not to stare when Evan did the same, but he couldn’t help
noticing the mottled color and intact foreskin that distinguished
Evan’s meat. A thrill raced through him, and he began to throw a rod.
Hastily he snugged the cup in place.

“Three falls to the finish?” asked Evan.
“Okay,” agreed Seth.
Soon they were on the mat, fighting for physical dominance over

each other. Evan was clearly more experienced, not to mention bigger
and stronger. The first time he pinned Seth, Seth managed to get free,
but the excitement raging through Seth’s body kept him unfocused
and didn’t help his performance. The more he felt Evan’s corded
muscles pressing against him, the more he felt the strength in Evan’s
hands, the more he smelled the sweat pouring off Evan’s body, the
more disoriented he felt. Evan pinned him for the count easily on his
next try. Seth reveled in the feel of Evan’s taut muscularity pressing
against his own body and nearly gave up struggling.

Evan pinned Seth a second time in quick succession, and then

Seth managed to get Evan down and hold his shoulders to the mat for
a fair fall. As Seth’s face hovered above Evan’s, Seth’s gaze was
fixed on Evan’s lips, parted as the curly-haired wrestler fought to
draw air.

Fighting again, each tried to gain the advantage over the other.

Evan got one hand on Seth’s shoulder and the other on his upper
thigh, lifted him in the air, and slammed him down to the mat. The
hand on Seth’s thigh was so near to his cup-shielded cock that Seth
totally lost his concentration, and Evan had an easy job of pinning
Seth for the third fall. “I give!” Seth conceded. “Fair fight. You win.”

“What do I get for winning?” Evan’s eyes were sparkling. He

released his grip on Seth’s shoulders and instead gripped the eager
young man’s upper thighs. Spreading them, he yanked Seth’s Jockeys

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Diana Sheridan

down and pulled the cup off, tossing it aside and quickly divesting
himself of his own underwear and cup. “I’m clean. I just got tested
recently. What about you?”

Did he mean what Seth thought he did? “I–I’m clean,” the young

virgin squeaked. “Absolutely.” Then suddenly Evan’s mouth was on
Seth’s cock, and Seth very nearly lost his load at the first feel of those
lips sliding down his already fully engorged cockmeat. Evan palmed
Seth’s sac and lightly squeezed as his mouth worked up and down his
straining shaft.

Remembering how he sometimes tweaked and tugged at his own

nipples when he jerked off, Seth was inspired to reach up and pinch
both of Evan’s nipples. He pulled them outward, twisted them
sideward, squeezed them inward, and then rapidly thumbed them
across their stiffened tips. Evan groaned, the sound vibrating Seth’s
cock and adding to the sensations that were flooding through his
body. He strained upward, arching his body and driving his cock
farther down Evan’s gulping gullet.

Evan began employing his tongue against the underside of Seth’s

rampaging cock. He dragged the raspy surface across the flat
underside, tantalizing every nerve that lived there—and Seth had
never realized just how many nerves that was. Seth fought with every
bit of strength he possessed to hold back from jetting a gusher of
sperm into Evan’s mouth too quickly. Finally freed from the
uncertainty of who and what he was, finally liberated from the
restrictions that had held him back from exploring his true nature, he
grabbed the curly hairs that clung sweatily to Evan’s head.
Unabashedly, Seth guided Evan’s head up and down as Evan’s
marauding mouth laid claim to Seth’s cherry and treated him to his
first man-to-man experience. In fact, it was his first-ever sexual
experience of any sort, unless you counted self-pleasure.

Seemingly taking his cue from Seth’s tit-tweaking hands, Evan

now returned the favor. While his right hand rhythmically squeezed
Seth’s ball bag, his left hand beelined to Seth’s right nipple and

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twisted and pulled and tugged at it. It was the last straw—Seth could
hold back no longer. With a groan that could have set off an
earthquake, Seth unloaded a volley of steaming semen into the
gulping, welcoming mouth of his initiator.

Evan made mmming noises of satisfaction as his gullet gulped to

keep up with Seth’s outpouring, and he pressed Seth’s nut sac against
Seth’s torso as if to squeeze out the last few reluctant drops. Then,
sitting up on his knees, he looked at the totally wrung-out Seth and
said, “Okay. My turn. Ready? I’m clean, but I’ll wear a sheath
anyhow. You don’t know me. You don’t know you can trust me. You
put it on me.”

Getting up, he rummaged through the closet again and returned

with a foil packet, which he tossed to Seth. Seth, former virgin and
total novice, had no idea how to apply the latex to Evan’s shaft.
Tearing at the foil with his teeth, he removed the rubber…and was
stymied. He unrolled the latex first before tugging at it and trying to
pull it onto Evan’s shaft.

“Hey, man…what’s the story? Too much beer?” Evan hazarded a

reasonable but misguided guess at the reason for Seth’s ineptitude.
Seth’s cheeks flooded with color. Evan stared at him. “Don’t tell me,”
he finally said. “First-timer? Noooo!”

Seth, his cheeks still rosy with embarrassment, said nothing to

dispute Evan’s conclusion.

“Really?” Evan asked, the truth coming home to roost now. “I got

me a real live cherry boy? Hot diggity! You ready to lose the rest of
that cherry? I already got some down my throat. You up for losing the
rest, tight ass?”

“Yeah, man!” Seth growled with all the bravado he could muster.

Though he didn’t like being found out as a novice, he was as ready as
a firecracker with a lit fuse. He was going to see this thing through.
He liked this guy, Evan—really liked him. He was happy that Evan
was the one to take his cherry—and not only his man-to-man cherry
but his total virginity. Seth had never fucked a girl either. They’d

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really never appealed to him—though he’d been loath to admit it to
even himself, let alone his friends or family. Admitting girls didn’t
appeal to him was tantamount to admitting he was gay, a confession
he hadn’t been ready to make before. But now? This experience? He
was Ready with a capital “R.” He was more than willing. He was

Evan hurried over to the closet again, discarding the unrolled

rubber in a wastebasket along the way. Unrolling the new rubber
down his dickshaft himself, he positioned himself once again between
Seth’s still-spread legs and pushed them apart emphatically.

“Hoist ’em,” he ordered, pushing up on Seth’s thighs to make him

raise his legs. He was palming a tube of lube, too, and he greased up
both his latexed cockhead and Seth’s tight and quivering sphincter.

As Evan’s questing finger slipped within the confines of Seth’s

rectum, Seth very nearly blew another load. Though he’d manhandled
his own nipples, he’d never played with his bunghole, and a whole
new world of sensations suddenly opened up to him. He held on to his
thighs with his hands, the better to pull them back, as Evan positioned
his dick at the virgin entrance to Seth’s anus.

The uninitiated sphincter muscle guarding Seth’s cherry asshole

resisted Evan’s initial attempt to penetrate. Seth winced as Evan
pressed against the resisting muscle. Finally the virgin sphincter
relaxed enough to allow the very tip of Evan’s cock to spread it a little
and push a little way inside. Seth emitted a groan of pain as Evan
pushed deeper, then deeper still, and suddenly he was in up to the
crown of his dick.

At that point he ceased pressing inward and stopped to give Seth a

chance to relax. Reaching up Seth’s body, Evan grasped his nipples
and began to pinch and twist them. “Feel good?” he asked.

“Mm-hmm,” Seth purred. “Thank you for being patient with me.”
Evan’s answer was to lean down between Seth’s spread legs and

nuzzle his neck. While his fingers continued to torment Seth’s nips,
his lips kissed Seth’s throat and the sweaty side of his neck. Seth

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arched upward eagerly, responding to Evan’s multi-faceted attack.
Evan took the opportunity to suddenly thrust inward, and now fully a
third of his dickshaft was lodged within the confines of the no-longer-
virginal ass.

“Ohmigod!” was Seth’s verbal response to the sudden move. But

there was no groan of pain.

“Are you okay?” Evan asked tenderly.
“Just give me a minute to get used to it.” Then, “Okay—give me


Evan responded by ramming more cockmeat up Seth’s ass.
“Is that all of it?” Seth asked, breathing hard in an effort to

conquer the pain.

“No,” Evan chuckled, and he stuffed Seth’s ass to the max with

the rest of it. “Now you’ve got it all. How do you feel?”

Still panting, Seth answered, “It hurts—but it feels good at the

same time. Does that make any sense to you?”

“Yes it does.”
“Fuck me.”
“Gladly.” Evan pulled back slowly, until only his the knob of his

dick was lodged in Evan’s asshole, then thrust back in rapidly until he
was once again buried to the hilt.

“Oof!” Seth exhaled as the full force of Evan’s thrust hit him.

Evan resumed toying with Seth’s nipples as he instituted a slow but
steady in-and-out motion that rocked Seth’s body with each thrust.

Seth’s dick had swollen again, and Evan let go of one of Seth’s

nipples so that he could palm the engorged meat. He fisted it, as he
fucked Seth’s ass, while continuing to pinch and twist one nipple. The
two men rocked to the rhythms of lust as Evan plunged his dick in
and out of Seth’s steamy depths.

“Gonna give it to you, man!” Evan huffed as he battered Seth’s

welcoming asshole.

“Come. Come for me,” Seth responded.

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Evan exploded into the rubber, deep in Seth’s bowels. Then, as his

hard-on began to deflate, Evan pulled out, holding on to the rubber.

At that, Seth exploded, too. His dick geysered over Evan’s jacking

hand, and when the last drop had splashed onto Evan’s skin, he
brought his hand to his mouth and licked the leavings clean. Then he
lowered himself onto Seth’s torso as Seth let his legs down, and the
two of them enjoyed the heat and closeness of each other’s body
without saying a word.

Finally Evan spoke, “So…how was your first time?”
“Awesome, man. Awesome.”
“You okay?”
“A little sore. It was worth it!” Seth looked into Evan’s sparkling

green eyes and saw tenderness there. He wondered if it was possible
to fall in love with someone after just one sexual encounter and no
proper “date” at all.

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Chapter 2

Three days had passed since Seth’s arrival in Surfspray. He was

finding that living as a roommate with Barry was less fun than he’d
thought. Barry had changed—but then, so had he. The biggest change,
of course, was that Seth now admitted he was gay. At least, that is, he
admitted it to himself. He wasn’t yet out to Barry. Despite Barry’s
comfort level at living in a town such as Surfspray, he’d made a few
comments about gays that left Seth wondering if Barry was less than
fully accepting of them. As a result, he kept his orientation to himself.

That made it a little awkward when he wanted to meet up with

Evan—and he wanted to do that every chance he got. They had gotten
together two of the three nights since that first night. One night, Evan
had taken Seth to a local college wrestling match, which both of them
had watched with pleasure. They had gone back to Evan’s house
afterward, done a little wrestling themselves, and that in turn had led
to another type of hot and sweaty grappling, right there on the
wrestling mat. The night after that, Evan said he wasn’t available, and
Seth found he missed him very much. He even wondered if Evan was
on a date with another guy. The night after that, however, Evan
suggested they go back to Questions, have a few drinks, and shoot
some pool. Seth wasn’t much of a pool player, but he did his best and
turned in a respectable, if not winning, performance. They ended the
evening at Evan’s house, this time not on the wrestling mat but in the

Seth was falling for Evan, big time. When they weren’t together,

Evan still occupied Seth’s thoughts. Seth was sure that Evan Wright
was not just “Mr. Wright” but his “Mr. Right.” Seth was job hunting,

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but when he was offered an evening job, he turned it down. Evan
worked conventional hours, and Seth was not about to take a job that
would leave him able to be with Evan only on weekends.

He’d graduated college with a liberal arts degree, which wasn’t

worth that much on the job market. Short of applying at the local 7-
Eleven, he tried to get most anything semisuitable that he could find
advertised either in the local paper or on craigslist. Finally, he lucked
into a position at a locally based, ambitious Internet radio station.
He’d be on the air two hours a day, writing promotional copy part of
the time and out selling advertising the rest of the time.

“Sounds like they have you doing everything but mopping floors,”

Evan commented.

“That may be next. Hell, it’s a job. I’m not crazy for the sales

aspect, and the pay sucks, but the rest of it’s okay. I’m gonna need to
start kicking in toward my room and board—and saving up toward
getting a place of my own.”

A place of his own seemed more and more to be a necessity. First

of all, he and Barry were getting on each other’s nerves. Second, he
wanted to be able to have Evan over to his place, which wasn’t
possible while he was living with Barry. He still wasn’t even out to
Barry, who kept trying to introduce him to this or the other “hot

Things came to a head the night Barry wandered into Questions

while Seth and Evan were there having a few drinks. They were
seated at a table, and Seth invited Barry to sit down with them. What
he didn’t know was that Barry and Evan already knew each other, and
there was animosity between them. It dated back to a deal that had
gone sour, when Evan was selling a big-screen TV, which Barry
bought, only to have it conk out the first night he was using it. Barry
wanted his money back, claiming Evan had knowingly sold him a
lemon. Evan insisted the set had worked fine up until then, and Barry
must have damaged it while moving it.

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Barry went so far as to haul Evan into small-claims court, where

he lost the case. There had been hard feelings between them ever

Seth had known nothing of this. Though Evan knew Seth was

staying with Barry, he had said nothing to Seth about the incident. As
for Barry, of course he didn’t know of the growing relationship
between Seth and Evan, until he saw them together in the bar. “Is that
who you’re hanging out with?” Barry sneered. Seth, of course, didn’t
inform him that they were doing more than merely “hanging out”
together. “I advise you to find a new drinking buddy,” Barry went on.

At that point, Seth stood up, about to defend Evan, but Evan put a

calming hand on Seth’s shoulder and pushed him back down to his
seat. “Drop it. It isn’t worth it,” he advised. Barry wheeled around and
headed for another part of the bar. Evan filled Seth in on the back
story about the TV set and the lawsuit. But it was painfully obvious
that Seth needed to find a new place to live, and quickly.

He endured Barry’s repeated barbs in the several days that

followed, until he got his first paycheck that Friday. Then he went
apartment hunting. Although he had brought some money with him
from Idaho, he was guarding his savings carefully and didn’t want to
spend his last cent on the rent. Evan advised him on what
neighborhoods might be best to look in and which ones to avoid. He
was driving back to Barry’s place when he passed a “For Rent: 1 BR”
sign outside a cute and well-maintained house on a tree-studded lot.
The house looked to be larger than one bedroom. Surmising that
maybe the rental was a mother-in-law unit, he stopped and rang the

Even better than a mother-in-law unit, the rental turned out to be a

semi-furnished guest house in the rear. The kitchen was minuscule,
but the living room and bedroom were generous, the basic necessities
of furniture were provided, and the guest house offered much more
privacy than a standard apartment. “I’ll take it!” Seth said
impulsively—before he even asked the rent or the terms. Fortunately,

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they were reasonable, and the apartment was available immediately,
contingent on his references checking out—which they did. The radio
station verified his employment, and Evan gave him a personal
reference. Seth left Barry out of it.

Early on Saturday morning he signed the lease, paid cash to

Wynona Williams, his new landlady, and with great relief, moved out
of Barry’s apartment and into his new quarters. He thanked Barry
gratefully for putting him up. Regardless of how the friendship had
deteriorated, Barry had done him a favor, and he was appreciative.

“I’ll make dinner for us tonight,” he told Evan on the phone as he

drove the first load of his stuff over to his new apartment. Rather than
rent another trailer, he had decided to simply make several trips by
car. There was, after all, no furniture involved.

So after he got the last of his things out of Barry’s house and into

the guest house that was now his home, he stopped at the
supermarket. There he picked up some baby back ribs and some pork
chops. He also purchased a bottled sauce for the ribs, and some oil,
orange juice, herbs, and Worcestershire sauce in which to marinate
the pork chops. He hadn’t yet asked Evan about Sunday night dinner,
but he hoped Evan would be agreeable. Some other basic foodstuffs
completed his purchases, and he went back home to unpack and start
preparing the ribs, which he meant to cook long and slowly in the

Slowly. That didn’t describe only how the ribs were going to

cook. It also described the way Seth’s feelings for Evan were
growing: slowly but surely. Seth had gradually become aware that he
had fallen in love with Evan. No, he realized, it wasn’t just sex. No, it
wasn’t just gratitude for Evan’s having introduced him to gay sex.
And no, it wasn’t just a passing fancy. Seth was well and truly in love
with Evan. Though he’d never been in love before, there was no
mistaking the feeling. It was love—plain and simple, it was love.
Now, as he prepared the ribs, he reflected on his good fortune in
having found Evan.

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The ribs weren’t all that got seared that night. When Evan arrived,

Seth kissed him as he let him in, then said, “We have some research
to do.”

“Research?” Evan asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes.” There was a twinkle in Seth’s eye. “We need to make sure

my new bed is nice and sturdy.”

“Before dinner or after?”
“How about both?”
But Seth got involved in the kitchen, so they postponed their

pleasure until after dinner. Meanwhile, for now, they talked over
libations in between Seth’s trips to the kitchen to tend to the dinner.
He’d purchased ale for Evan as well as an ample supply of beer for
himself, and they each had several drinks while they talked. Evan
asked Seth about his new job.

“Pretty much what I expected. I hate the sales aspect and really

love the rest.”

“I caught your show yesterday. Pretty good. You sound like a

seasoned radio personality,” Evan said approvingly. He got up to
dispose of an empty in the kitchen and snag a fresh ale out of the
fridge, ruffling Seth’s hair and clapping his shoulder as he passed his

Seth leaned his head momentarily against Evan’s arm. “You know

how to make a guy feel good—and I don’t just mean in bed.”

“But that, too, I hope?”
“That, too—definitely.”
Seth undercooked the potatoes and glopped too much dressing on

the salad, but the ribs, at least, came out perfect. “So you aren’t Little
Susie Homemaker—you have other talents,” Evan quipped.

“Really?” asked Seth, eager for this praise from the man he was

rapidly falling in love with.

“You’re a fast learner—and you’re eager to please and easy to get

along with.”

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Seth showed just how fast a learner he was when they tried out the

new bed after dinner. No longer a novice, he had topped Evan once as
well as bottoming for him, though he found he preferred it when Evan
was the top, which was Evan’s distinct preference also. Seth had
quickly become proficient as a cocksucker, as well. “Are you sure you
were a cherry when I met you?” Evan had teased him.

Leaving the dinner dishes in the sink, they headed into the

bathroom for a quick shower first, taking turns washing each other.
Seth lovingly soaped Evan’s dick, getting it semi-hard in the process.
Reluctant to drop it, yet at the same time eager to get finished and get
into the bedroom, he soaped up Evan’s ball sac next, hefting the
wrinkled nuts and feeling their weight. When he ran his soapy hand
across Evan’s more mundane parts, even those areas excited him.
Evan’s muscular arms spoke of power and strength. His legs, too,
were strong and sturdy and impressive. In fact, Seth realized, there
wasn’t a single part of Evan that didn’t turn him on, a single part that
he didn’t love.

After Evan took his turn at soaping up Seth, both guys got under

the shower spray and rinsed off, then hastily dried themselves and
hurried into the bedroom. “Ready to christen the bed?” Evan asked
with a wink.

“Lie down,” Seth growled.
Evan stretched out on his back accommodatingly, and Seth spread

Evan’s legs, got between them, and lovingly began to lave his ball
sac. As his tongue lapped across the wrinkled, lightly haired surface,
Evan’s ass wriggled and danced on the bed. To intensify the
sensations, Seth slipped a spit-lubed finger up within the confines of
Evan’s sphincter and began to finger-fuck his asshole. In and out he
drove his finger then added another and then a third, thrusting the
three in and out as he continued to lap assiduously at Evan’s sac.

“Oh, that feels good,” Evan groaned, and the expression of

pleasure from the man he loved, drove Seth to again take Evan’s ball

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sac into his mouth and suck on it gently, probing with his tongue as he

“I wanna fuck you now,” Evan growled, and Seth clambered to a

crouched position above him. They had forgone using rubbers
anymore. With Evan having recently tested negative, Seth a virgin
until he met Evan, and neither of them involved sexually with anyone
else, there was no need. Evan’s uncircumcised dick was oozing pre-
cum, and those glimmering droplets alone would be enough to pave
the way for entry. In just a short time, Seth’s ass had become
accustomed to taking Evan’s dick up into it.

Slowly he lowered himself until the tip of the rigid shaft was

knocking at the portal of his chamber. Evan’s hand held it in place
and helped ease it into Seth’s ass. With a quick pop, Evan entered
Seth, and as Seth crouched just above Evan’s body, Evan fucked up
and down, in and out of Seth’s welcoming ass.

As he fucked Seth, Evan wrapped his strong hand around Seth’s

meaty shaft. Jacking his cock while he fucked him, he brought Seth’s
passions to a quick simmer, then slowed his jacking hand to prevent
getting Seth off prematurely. Seth’s jaw tightened as his lust
threatened to boil over. He focused on going over the edge. His balls
were boiling, and he was eager to spill his seed.

He wanted to feel Evan spray the inner walls of his ass with

semen, however, so he tweaked Evan’s nipples as he rode his
marauding cock. As he incited Evan to spurt, he groaned out the
pleasure he felt from the anal invasion. He was on the brink now, and
at any moment he was about to give Evan a faceful. “Open your
mouth,” he warned, and Evan complied. Seth leaned forward just as
he shot off a load of sticky seed, some of which actually did land on
Evan’s tongue. Evan gulped noisily, and Seth saw his throat ripple as
he swallowed what he’d caught of Seth’s cum load. Then he shot off
his own steaming load in Seth’s ass.

Only after Evan’s dick had shriveled its way out of Seth’s butt did

Seth collapse alongside Evan. “Thanks, babe,” Evan said to him.

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“I love you,” was Seth’s reply.
“I love you, too, babe,” Evan said. It was the first time Evan had

said it. The thrill that coursed through Seth had nothing to do with the
tingling he still felt in his ass.

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Chapter 3

Two months had elapsed—months of pure bliss as far as Seth was

concerned. Matters outside the relationship were also going well for
him. He was now on the air for two additional hours at the radio
station, which had the side benefit of cutting back the amount of time
he had to spend on selling airtime for commercials. The rented guest
house was really beginning to feel like home and to look more homey,
too. The best thing of all, though, was how well things were going
between him and Evan.

They had yet to have their first serious disagreement. Evan said, “I

love you,” often enough that Seth felt secure in the relationship.
They’d encountered Barry at Questions one evening, when Evan had
his arm around Seth. There was no question that they were more than
just friends. While Barry had given Seth a surprised and disapproving
look, he’d let it pass without making an issue. In fact, while Evan was
shooting pool and Seth was simply watching, Barry had even offered
to buy Seth a drink.

Yes, things were going well. Seth and Evan were together more

nights that not, and Seth was amazed at just how compatible they
were. One evening, they were at Seth’s place, watching a movie on
TV. Evan was slouched on the couch while Seth lay with his head on
Evan’s lap. Evan’s hand rested familiarly on Seth’s arm. Seth felt
very content.

The movie was set in New York. “Ever been to New York, babe?”

Evan asked Seth.

“Nope. I’ve been to L.A. but never New York.”
“Wanna go?”

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“Sure! But when?”
“Can you take a personal day off, a Monday? We’ll fly up on a

Friday night, make a three-day weekend out of it. Take in a couple of
shows, eat in some interesting restaurants, go to the zoo. The one in
the Bronx, not Central Park—it’s supposed to be seriously cool. We’ll
go sightseeing, go up to the top of the Empire State Building, walk in
Central Park. Maybe just explore the different neighborhoods. I mean,
I wanna see Times Square and Chinatown and all that, but I’d like to
see where people live, too.”

“Can we do all that in three days?”
“We’ll do as much of it as we can.”
“I’ve read they have helicopter tours.”
“And a boat that goes around Manhattan…the Circle Line.”
“We’re gonna need to stay a week!”
“I can’t get away from work that long. And besides, it would be

too pricey. The Big Apple isn’t cheap. Not the hotels and not the
attractions. Although I don’t intend to go to the high-priced
restaurants. There are plenty of interesting restaurants that don’t cost a
fortune—even if they aren’t what you’d call cheap.”

“You’ve been to New York before, then?” Seth asked enviously.
“With whom?” Twinges of jealousy nipped at him.
“Once with my family, once with a group of college buddies.”
Seth was glad to hear that Evan hadn’t been there with another

romantic partner.

Three weeks later, Evan having made all the necessary

reservations, they caught an early evening flight up to New York.
After checking in to their hotel, they caught a cab up to the Upper
West Side and found a very reasonably priced Cuban restaurant,
where Evan had shrimp in green sauce and Seth had lechón asado, a
roast pork dish. Evan had plátanos verdes, green plantains, while Seth
had plátanos maduros, ripe plantains so sweet he thought they tasted
like a dessert. Evan had red beans and yellow rice. Seth had black

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beans and plain white rice. They were both so full that they shared
one dessert, a small portion of flan, a type of custard, and still had
trouble finishing it.

Despite the lateness of the hour, the streets were alive with people,

and the couple walked around, gawking at the lively atmosphere, until
Seth started yawning uncontrollably. “Better get you back to the
hotel. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow,” Evan suggested.

They walked down Broadway until they came to a subway station.

The #1 train took them to within three blocks of their hotel. Evan had
gone online two weeks earlier and printed out a New York City
subway map, which he’d brought with them, though he’d committed a
lot of the information to memory.

As tired as Seth was, sex was not in the cards for that night. The

hotel room contained a king-size bed, and Seth was eager to put it to
good use, but the only use he had in mind for that first night was
sleeping. He stripped, took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and fell
into bed. Evan got in bed right behind him, and Seth had barely laid
his head down on Evan’s shoulder when he was fast asleep. They
might as well have been sleeping in their respective accustomed
double beds, so close did they stay together all night. Seth snuggled
up to Evan, who kept an arm around him all through the night. They
may not have made love, but they were certainly loving.

In the morning, they were both too eager to get going. After all,

much as they wanted to make love, they could do that at home, too.
But exploring the Big Apple? That wasn’t something they could do
back home in Surfspray! Evan, considerate of the still-sleeping Seth,
had tried to ease out of the bed gently when he needed to use the
bathroom, but Seth woke up and immediately bounded out of bed,

They decided to skip breakfast and get right to their sightseeing.

The zoo wasn’t open yet, so they headed in the opposite direction to
take the famed Staten Island ferry, which proved to be a big yawner
but was the only letdown of the entire weekend. That is, unless you

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want to count their disappointment at not finding time to get out to
Coney Island, the world-famous amusement park in the borough of
Brooklyn. They’d heard so much about it, seen pictures of it, but they
couldn’t fit it into their crowded itinerary.

Saturday saw them on a second boat, one that was much more

satisfying than the ferry had been—the Circle Line boat tour that went
around Manhattan, after which they took a helicopter tour. In between
the two, they had lunch in a small and budget-friendly Greek
restaurant. “We’ll get to the zoo tomorrow,” Evan promised.

They had an early dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant before

taking in a Broadway show and, once again, were too worn out to
make love. Seth was disappointed, but this time it was Evan who was
all but out cold before they ever walked in the door of their hotel

They slept a bit later on Sunday and then once again descended to

the subway, this time to ride up to the Bronx and do the zoo. The zoo
was so large, and there was so much to see there, that they could have
stayed all day and still not seen it all. It was with great regret that they
tore themselves away so they could visit the observatory atop the
Empire State Building. After that, it was time for another restaurant—
Turkish, this time—and then another show.

Though they were both tired when they got back to the hotel, Seth

was even hornier than he was tired, and he would not be put off any
longer—nor did Evan want to wait either. They stripped, showered,
and dived onto the king-sized bed with salacious intent.

Seth paused a moment to once again drink in the sight of Evan’s

strong body. Seth’s lover sported firm muscles, not a hint of fat—and
a huge cock. It was not only tall but so thick around that Seth always
questioned whether he’d be able to close his hand around it. It jutted
out from his nest of brown curlies, which appeared soft and downy.
The cock itself, though, was anything but soft. It was tall, fierce, hard,
and strong-looking. It angled upward, nearly thumping against Evan’s
belly now, fully ready for whatever use Seth wished to make of it.

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Suck it? Impale himself on it? It had a slight curve to it, which
brought the mushroom-shaped cap even nearer to Evan’s hairless

Evan began the fuckfest by grabbing some of Seth’s body hairs in

his teeth and tugging at them, which made Seth’s body prickle. He
continued nipping at Seth, now going right to the skin above his
sternum and grazing that with his teeth. As he did, Evan reached for
Seth’s cock and began to jack it.

Seth stretched out on the bed and watched as Evan’s gleaming

white teeth nibbled across the lightly hair-speckled planes of his
chest. But Seth’s attention kept being drawn away from Evan’s teeth
and down to where Evan’s monster cock, its hood retracted, was
drooling its thick, syrupy stuff all across Seth’s legs. In all the months
they’d been together, Seth had never seen Evan’s meat attain such
impressive proportions.

Seth’s own cock was leaking, too, and bobbing wildly in

anticipation of the fuck Evan was going to give him, but Evan’s cock
was putting out far more syrup than Seth’s. Seth couldn’t wait to feel
the cum explode out and warm his ass.

Once again, Evan grabbed Seth’s cock and began to jack it. His

warm hand was firm as it grasped Seth and insistently tugged at his
meat. “Did you remember to pack lube?” Seth asked, “Or shall we use
the hotel’s hand cream? You’re way too big tonight to fit in me
without a little help.”

“I thought your hole was hungry,” Evan teased him, sliding one

hand under Seth’s butt and finding his way to Seth’s ass-crack. His
finger teased up and down his crevice, sliding back and forth across
his butt-pucker and making Seth quiver with each pass across his
hole. “I guess it is big tonight, babe. You know you turn me on. You
think you can take it?” He let go of Seth’s cock and grabbed his own,
shaking it at Seth. “You think you can take all this—even with lube?”

Seth watched another bubble of pre-fuck syrup ooze up from the

piss-hole. “Y–yes,” he answered, a bit hesitantly.

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“Or die trying, huh?” Evan teased.
“I’d die happy!” Seth answered, reaching for Evan’s inordinately

engorged tool and wrapping his hand around it. He began to jack
Evan’s monster while Evan once again stroked Seth’s meat.

“Chickening out? Gonna get me off with a hand-job, babe?” Evan

teased him.

“Shit, no!” Seth replied, pulling his hand away as if he’d touched

a burning coal.

“Then get your legs up in the air. I want to bury this somewhere

now,” Evan said. He accompanied his words with action, lifting one
of Seth’s legs up into the air. Seth bent his knees and pulled them as
close to his shoulders as he could get them, exposing his puckerhole
to his lover’s view…and his penile attack.

Reaching over to the night table, Evan opened a drawer and

snagged the tube of lube he had secreted there. He smeared some
liberally on his overgrown rod head. “Now!” Seth demanded. “Don’t
tease me!” Evan complied, positioning his cockhead at the entrance to
Seth’s chute. A shiver ran through Seth in anticipation of his lover’s
tool plunging up through his tight sphincter and burrowing its way up
his tunnel.

A minute later, what he was imagining became reality. Evan gave

a sudden lunge and thrust inside him. Despite Evan’s remarkable
engorgement, Seth took it eagerly and yelled for Evan to stuff him.
Evan’s fat cylinder of meat slid easily up Seth’s tunnel and lodged
deep up in his bowels. He began to rock his hips, swallowing even
more of his catch.

Seth knew he had all of Evan when he felt his brown curlies

grinding against the wrinkles of his stretched sphincter. The couple
worked in unison now, rocking back and forth, Evan stuffing his
thick, long rod up Seth’s clenching tunnel. Seth felt it expand, felt it
pulsate, and knew Evan was going to get off pretty quickly. The
thought of Evan’s exploding in him seared Seth’s brain as hotly as
Evan’s meat was searing Seth’s rectum.

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Seth grabbed his cock, eager to jack himself off so the pair could

come in unison. Evan wanted to take care of that himself, however,
and shoved Seth’s hand away, replacing it with his. Seth’s pre-cum
was oozing so fast it was practically streaming down his cock, and
Evan lubricated his hand with it as he jacked Seth’s stiffy. “Give it to
me,” Evan urged.

“You, too. Give it to me. Give me your cream. Come. Come with


“Just a minute.” Evan huffed, breathless with the speed at which

he was fucking Seth, and with the exertion of trying to come. “I want
to come with you. Gonna give it to you in a minute. Just another
minute more, babe.”

He was ratcheting his hips, his sweat-wet, cobbled chest slapping

messily against Seth’s skin with sharp slaps as he drove his body
relentlessly in his urgent quest for climax.

“Give it to me,” Seth urged him again, a little breathless himself

now. “Come! Come! Come!”

That big, thick, monster cock was tearing up his guts, stuffing him

so full that Seth actually wondered if there was such a thing as too
much, wondering if it could possibly harm him—but, oh, it felt so
good. He reveled in the feel of his guts being spread so wide, as that
huger-than-ever cock plowed up him so far that he imagined he felt it
in his throat. He was sweaty all over, and his body was shaking. He
was on the sheer edge of orgasm and about to pop his cork any

“Now! Now!” he yelled, as he felt his hot jizz explode up from his

balls. “Giving it to you now!” His hot, white stuff powered up out of
the tip of his cock. It jetted up and then fell back, a creamy fountain,
onto Evan’s jacking hand.

That was when Seth felt Evan’s cock swell impossibly larger,

deep in his guts, and buck as it spurted its steaming sauce into Seth’s
quivering ass. Seth felt the warmth spread through his bowels.

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The monster was still big when Evan pulled it out of Seth’s

rectum. He felt the walls of his guts collapsing as the big thing

“Happy, babe?” Evan asked, as Seth stretched out next to him.
“Yes,” Seth purred.
Evan sat up, bent down, and licked Seth’s rapidly deflating cock

till it was devoid of any trace of the cream that had coated it. Evan’s
own cock was still half hard. “What got into you?” Seth asked in

“I don’t know, but I bet you know what got into you,” Evan jibed.
“I’ve never seen you so huge,” Seth agreed, still stunned at the

proportions Evan had attained.

They curled up in spoons position, Seth backed up to Evan.

Evan’s cock, almost limp now but still sticky, twitched occasionally
against Seth’s cool butt cheek. Evan draped one arm around Seth.
Sleepily Evan murmured, “Love you, babe,” and Seth wriggled with
delight and sleepily answered, “I love you, too.” Drained by their wild
fuck and tired out from the busy day, they soon both drifted off.

In the morning, they both took another much-needed shower

before setting off to see how much more of New York they could
experience. They had an early evening flight home and would have to
leave midtown in mid-afternoon. Hotel checkout time was 11:00 a.m.,
but the desk clerk agreed to stow their bags for them till around 3:00

Focusing primarily on seeing the different neighborhoods, they

wandered from Harlem to the Barrio, from Chinatown to Little Italy,
from SoHo to TriBeCa, stopping for lunch in an authentic Chinese
restaurant in Chinatown. Both of them agreed that the food there was
nothing like that at Sun Luck, the local Chinese restaurant back home
in Surfspray. Reluctantly, at 2:30 p.m. they headed back uptown,
retrieved their bags from the hotel, and cabbed it out to LaGuardia,
from where they would catch their flight back.

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Dinner was a mediocre pizza, purchased at a jacked-up price from

an airport fast-food place. “I guess the weekend’s over,” Seth
admitted disconsolately on tasting it. To add insult to injury, he’d
dripped tomato sauce onto his T-shirt.

“Yeah, but we had fun, babe, didn’t we?” Evan said, taking hold

of one of Seth’s hands, which was resting on the table.

“We need to do it again,” Seth said. “Soon.” As he said it, he had

another thought. Maybe the next time they came to New York, they
could get married!
Gay marriage was legal in New York, now—
unlike their benighted home state of South Carolina. But he kept that
thought to himself and said aloud only, “We’re good traveling
companions, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, we are,” Evan concurred. “That’s a good thing. It’s nice to

know.” Then he stood up, leaned across, and kissed Seth right on the

None of the people around them gave them a second glance.
It was a fitting, and lovely, end to their brief stay in the “city that

never sleeps.”

If New York never sleeps, however, Seth and Evan certainly did.

Seth slept well that night, even though he’d gone home to his own
place and Evan had gone to his. Seth missed Evan’s warmth alongside
his own body, but he had his memories of the weekend in New York.
They were all wonderful—and not just the sex, when Evan had
attained a gargantuan size such as Seth had not seen before.

Seth had enjoyed virtually every minute of the visit—even the

time they’d gotten on the wrong subway train, the “F” instead of the
“E,” and wound up in Queens when they’d been heading for
Greenwich Village. He was determined, however, that the next time
they went to New York together, it would be to get married.

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Chapter 4

“But how can you be sure you really love me? You’ve never been

with anyone else!”

It wasn’t the first time Evan had spoken those words, but it was

the first time he had spoken them with an agenda, an agenda that soon
was made manifest to Seth.

The few times before, when he had said it, he seemed to mean it

sincerely, with no hidden motive. Seth and Evan had exchanged “I
love you”s often enough, and Seth didn’t question Evan’s love, but
love was one thing, marriage was another. Seth wanted the entire
package—wedding rings and all. And Evan had expressed two
problems with that.

First of all, he questioned whether Seth would feel the same way

if he had had sex with other men. After all, Evan was Seth’s first and
only. “Your first lover is always special, babe,” he’d said. “Gay,
straight—it doesn’t matter. Lots of people fall in love with their first.
But it doesn’t last. They have sex with someone else, and suddenly
their first love fades.”

“But it won’t. I know how I feel about you. Besides, I don’t intend

to have sex with anyone else.”

Evan, however, apparently did, and that was the agenda behind his

reasoning now. Though Seth hadn’t questioned the sincerity of Evan’s
motives previously, it seemed that now he was hankering for a
threesome. “It’ll give you a chance to experience another man,” Evan

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“But I don’t want another man. I’m perfectly content with only

you. And even allowing for using rubbers with a third person,
monogamy is certainly safer.”

“When we get married—if we get married—we can certainly

pledge monogamy. But until then, I don’t intend to close off all my
options. And as long as I’m sharing the experience with you, I don’t
see what the problem is.”

“The problem is that I don’t want to share you with anyone else,

and I don’t want to mess around with anyone else myself, either.”

“We can be monogamous after we get married—if we do.”
“Then let’s get married.”
“Not till I know you’ve experienced other guys and still feel the

same about me.”

It was a circular argument. Evan wouldn’t pledge monogamy until

he got married, but he wouldn’t get married without trying to include
others in their relationship first. And Seth wasn’t at all happy about it.

What was worse, the whole issue of Seth’s lack of experience

wasn’t the only objection Evan had to the marriage. He also wanted to
be introduced to Seth’s family—and not just as a friend. Evan was
totally out of the closet. Out and proud, he hid his sexuality from no
one. Seth, on the other hand, while cautiously out to the people of
Surfspray, had not revealed his newfound gayness to any of the
people from his past—and most especially not his family.

Seth kept in touch with a few college buddies, but of them, only

Barry knew he was gay. Since Seth didn’t think that Barry was
friendly with any of his other old college friends, there seemed little
likelihood that word had spread back. As far as Seth’s friends from
Idaho were concerned, let alone his family, there seemed no chance
that anyone knew, which was fine with Seth. Knowing how his family
felt about gays, Seth had no intention of telling them—but Evan was
adamant that he would not let any marriage be kept in the closet.

So they were at a stalemate. Seth was sure of his feelings, but it

seemed the only way he could prove them to Evan was to fuck with

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someone else. What a predicament! And even then, Evan wouldn’t be
content until Seth came out to his parents, an act he was totally
unprepared for.

For a while, things went on as before. Evan and Seth saw each

other four or five nights a week, sometimes going out and sometimes
just staying home, sometimes staying at Evan’s house and sometimes
at Seth’s. They spoke of their love for each other, though Evan
continued to balk at marriage, and intermittently Evan would express
a desire to engage in a threesome, “for fun and to give you a chance to
experience another man.” Seth was always the one to object to that,
and that was where matters stood.

He continued to enjoy his job at the Internet radio station, and

when staffer, Jonah, who’d shared some of the engineering work with
another staffer, left town and quit his job, Seth was promoted. Still on
the air four hours a day and still writing scripts and promotional
materials, he now had engineering work added to his duties and was
relieved of the hated sales work altogether.

His parents were beginning to bug him about coming “home” for

a visit. To Seth, Surfspray was now home, but though he could argue
the nomenclature, he couldn’t argue the fact that he owed his folks a
visit. Truth to tell, he did miss them, but still he dreaded the visit, the
more so since Evan wanted to accompany him and meet Seth’s folks.

Seth wasn’t ready for that! He was sure his parents weren’t ready

for it, either.

One night when they were hanging out at Questions, a burly

fellow named Earl challenged Evan to a game of pool. Extraordinarily
good at it, he beat Evan three games out of three, to Seth’s vast
disappointment. In fact, Seth seemed more bugged by the loss than
Evan was.

After the third game and third loss, Evan suggested he ought to

buy Earl a drink. They hadn’t been playing for money, but Evan said
that some sort of forfeit was in order. So the three of them sat at an

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unoccupied table, and Evan had his usual ale, Seth his usual beer, and
Earl ordered a straight bourbon, with water back.

“Say, where does a fellow go to get some action around here?” he

inquired over his glass, looking levelly at the two men.

“Depends on what kind of action you’re looking for,” Evan

answered guardedly.

“Man to man,” the burly pool champ stated forthrightly. “Or

maybe man to man to man?” He raised an inquiring eyebrow.

Evan cast a quick look in Seth’s direction and said, “I think we

can help you out.”

Seth’s heart sank. “Can I talk to you a minute?” he asked Evan.
Out of Earl’s earshot, Seth asked Evan, “Are you sure you want to

do this?”

Evan didn’t respond with, “Are you sure you don’t?” He merely

put his hand on Seth’s shoulder and said, “Remember what we talked
about previously?”

Was Evan really going to make having a threesome a pre-

condition to any possible marriage between them? Seth emitted a
huge sigh and turned wordlessly back to Earl. He sized him up: Not
bad-looking. Not unappetizing in any specific way. He just—well, he
just wasn’t Evan. But it seemed there was no getting around it. A
threesome in bed with Earl seemed to be a part of Seth’s immediate
future. Well, if that was the price of marriage….

Earl and Evan finished their drinks quickly, though Seth

prolonged his as long as he could. When Seth could delay things no
longer, Earl, on his Harley, followed Evan’s car, and the trio wound
up back at Evan’s place in no time. Earl surprised Seth by agreeing to
bottom for Evan, and Evan suggested that Seth could suck Earl off at
the same time. Seth dropped to his knees and began to worship Earl’s
cock, rubbing the impressive-sized mound through the burly man’s
straining denim. Then Seth grasped the slider of Earl’s zipper in his
teeth and snicked the zipper open.

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Earl’s cock was so engorged that it wouldn’t budge out the

opening of his fly. Seth tugged and tugged to no avail, but the spongy
shaft stayed put in its denim confines until Seth unbuttoned the top
button and freed the raging captive. Impatiently yanking Earl’s jeans
to his ankles, he grasped the monster that now faced him. The
cockhead was drooling thick, stringy pre-cum at a prodigious rate,
and Evan tossed Earl a condom, which Earl slicked onto himself.
Then Seth voraciously took in as much as he could of the raging
meat—but two-thirds of the way down the shaft he stopped, gagging,
and could go no farther.

Palming Earl’s balls, he began squeezing the cum-laden sac with

his hand when suddenly he was aware of Evan’s tongue wriggling
into the confines of his welcoming sphincter. He pushed his ass
backward, attempting to capture more of that eager oral snake. Evan
grasped Seth’s butt-cheeks, his nails digging into the flesh mounds, as
he got as firm a hold as he could on them. Then he pulled Seth back
and forth while continuing his oral assault on Seth’s asshole.

Evan introduced as much spit into Seth’s asshole as he could,

thrusting his tongue up into Seth’s rectum. Meanwhile, Seth
continued to suck as much as he could of Earl’s giant dick into his
voraciously feeding mouth. He ran his tongue up and down the
underside of that giant shaft as he sucked, and he dug his fingers into
Earl’s ass-cheeks to pull him back and forth in concert with Seth’s
sucking motion.

Only when Earl stopped him did he finally let up his relentless

suctioning. “Hey—I wanna make sure I have some cum left in my
balls for later. I’m not always good for a second time around,” the
biker said. “Besides, you two still have your clothes on.” For that
matter, Earl still had his shirt, shoes, and socks on, too. He wore no
underwear, but his jeans were still puddled around his ankles. So the
three of them stripped, dropping their clothes on the floor, and Evan
produced a stash of additional rubbers and pulled lube out of the
night-table drawer.

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Earl positioned himself up on his knees, facing the head of the bed

and the wall behind it, and leaning against the headboard. He left
enough space between his body and the headboard for Seth to wriggle
his head in and face Earl’s condom-covered cock with his cautiously
open mouth. He didn’t want Earl to make any sudden moves and ram
more of that meat down his throat than he could take. Meanwhile,
Evan got behind Earl, his cock also condom-clad for the occasion, and
began working lube onto and into Earl’s asshole.

“Mm, got a tight one, there, haven’t you?” Evan commented. “If

I’m having this much trouble working my finger in, how’s my dick
gonna fit?”

“It’ll fit,” grunted the burly biker. “I’ve done this before. Plenty of

times. That’s why I leave my wife home on these trips.”

So Earl’s married. Who’d’ve guessed?
Seth was cautious as he once again slipped his lips around the

head of the slim, but lengthy dick. As he tried seeing how much more
of Earl’s length he could get into his throat than before, though, he
began to get into it. Earl’s meat was noticeably thinner than Evan’s.
There was no way he’d mistakenly think, if he were blindfolded, that
he was sucking off Evan. Seth reached up to Earl’s fur-covered chest
and ran his fingers through the carpet of hair, tugging at it as he did.

In the otherwise-silent room, the sounds of the other two men

grunting and the sound of Evan’s body slapping against Earl’s sweat-
wet body carried loudly to Seth’s ears, over the sounds of his own
slurping mouth. This sexual symphony incited his balls to riot and
caused them to rumble despite the fact that nobody had thus far laid a
hand on his cock.

With his eyes wide open, Seth could see part of Evan’s body in

position behind Earl, as Evan furiously pounded home his raging
shaft. It was obvious that Evan was showing Earl no mercy as he
rammed his thrusting cock up Earl’s asshole and pummeled Earl’s
butt with his pelvis. It was equally evident to Seth that Earl was really
getting off on being abused like this. His cock rampaged down Seth’s

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throat in wild thrusts that sought to bury itself far, far down Seth’s

But that eager tool was just too long to fit in its entirety. Seth had

been practicing deep-throating Evan for months now and was hardly a
novice cocksucker anymore, but there was no way he could
accommodate all of Earl’s lengthy piece down his throat. He tried. He
tried mightily. But there was simply too much stiff flesh there for him
to handle. That hard-on would not go all the way down Seth’s throat
no matter how hard he tried relaxing his throat muscles and fighting
his rising gorge.

Earl’s guttural groans turned to alternate urgings to the two men.

“Yeah! Suck it! Ooof! Uh! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Harder! Ram it
in good! Deeper! Deeper!” Seth didn’t know if the pleas for “Deeper!
Deeper!” were addressed to him or Evan, but he knew he was taking
Earl as deep as he could.

Squeezing the biker’s hair-sprinkled sac as hard as he dared, Seth

urged their guest to give up his load to his gulping mouth, and soon
enough he got his wish. With a sudden forward lunge that rammed
Earl’s cock impossibly far down Seth’s throat and totally cut off his
air supply, Earl spewed his seed into the latex. Seth could feel the
warmth of it deep in his throat. Then Earl pulled out of Seth’s mouth,
removed the rubber, and laid it on the night table.

His orgasm must have set off ripples in his anal tract that agitated

Evan’s plundering cock, because Evan uttered a wordless howl and
flung his body so mightily against Earl’s that he knocked the
weakened Earl off balance and sent him tumbling to the bed on top of
Seth. Seth’s cock, blood-enlarged and climax-eager, was exposed,
however, and Earl now wrapped a hammy hand around that massive
organ and began to jack it eagerly. Seth thrust his ass upward as hard
as he could with Earl pinning him down, and with jackrabbit thrusts
he strained toward climax.

Between the stimulus of having had that incredibly long cock

slithering down his throat and the sounds of his lover getting off in

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Earl’s ass, and the burly man’s hand now jacking his dick, Seth
wasted no time in reaching his much-needed climax. With a loud
yowl he thrust upward and spewed a fountaining geyser of creamy
cum all over Earl’s jacking hand, creaming the man’s fat fingers. Earl
shifted position and thrust his hand in front of Seth’s face, and Seth
lewdly licked his own, spent cum off Earl’s hand.

Everyone declared himself satisfied, and Earl, thanking the pair

for giving him much pleasure, put on his clothes again and took off
into the night on his bike. Seth and Evan shared a shower, but Seth
lingered longer under the water than Evan did. In the wake of the
threesome, and despite the pleasure he had enjoyed at the time, he felt
an after disgust and a huge letdown.

Sex was fun, sex felt good, no doubt about it…but for Seth, sex

was mainly about pleasuring his lover and having his lover pleasure
him. He loved Evan. That made it something more than just a hot
romp between the sheets. This encounter with Earl, good as it had felt
physically at the time, left a bad taste in his mouth afterward. It hadn’t
been about love. It hadn’t been about pleasuring his loved one. It had
been purely animalistic.

He hadn’t liked sharing Evan, either.
Though he tried and tried to soap away the unclean feeling, it was

in his soul and not on his skin, and he finally gave up trying to sluice
away the disgust and disappointment under the shower spray.
Resigned, he toweled off and fell into bed. It had grown late, and
tomorrow was a workday. Evan was three-quarters asleep already, but
he welcomed Seth into the bed and spooned up to his butt. “Thanks,
babe,” he murmured sleepily. A minute later he was snoring.

Seth, however, tired as he was, lay there for a long time before

finally drifting off into what was, at best, a troubled sleep.

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Chapter 5

As if he didn’t have enough on his mind, after the evening spent

sharing his beloved Evan with Earl, there were more problems in
store for Seth. The Internet radio station wasn’t doing well. The new
sales rep wasn’t signing up many new advertisers, and old ones were
taking their commercials elsewhere. At first, the owner of the station
tried to stanch the loss of money by laying off one engineer, firing the
new sales rep, and demoting Seth back to his old position in sales.
Seth was miserable.

He was almost relieved—even while, at the same time, profoundly

upset—when the other shoe fell. Between rough economic times and
a general belief among the Surfspray community merchants that the
station wasn’t worth advertising on, didn’t bring results, Seth wasn’t
able to pull in much advertising either. Reluctantly, the station let him

Though disappointed at losing the income, and his previous job

that combined writing with being on the air, he was grateful not to
have to do sales anymore. Seth looked around dispiritedly for another
job, but times were tough, money was tight, and jobs were scarcer
than icebergs at the equator.

After three weeks of looking for a job to no avail, and at the same

time fending off Evan’s suggestions that they look for another man to
join them in a threesome since “Earl was so much fun” (Not! thought
Seth, bitterly), Seth began to question everything—his relationship
with Evan, whether he belonged in Surfspray. He was so depressed, at
one point he even questioned whether he was really gay. If he was

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this miserable, maybe Evan was the wrong man for him—or possibly
even the wrong gender. In his depression, confusion reigned.

He hadn’t seen his parents in many months anyhow, and his

mother kept calling and e-mailing, asking him to at least come home
for a visit if not to move back. She knew he’d lost his job and pointed
out to him every semisuitable position available in the vicinity of his
hometown. He decided to at least return for a visit.

Evan, who certainly was aware that Seth was upset and confused,

refrained from pushing the point and asking to go to Idaho with
Seth—for which Seth was grateful. He was in no state of mind to
endure the confrontation that seemed likely to ensue. Evan merely
said, “I’ll keep the bed warm for you, babe. Don’t stay away too

Evan drove him to the airport, where they kissed good-bye

passionately at the security checkpoint, raising more than a couple of
eyebrows. Seth almost hoped he would be stopped by the officials and
prevented for some reason from getting onboard, but he sailed
through the scan and found himself at the gate, where he waited for
his flight to be announced and then boarded with a heavy heart.

If he wasn’t sure he belonged in Surfspray, he soon was reminded

of just how much he did not fit in in small-town Idaho, either. His
mother greeted him effusively—too effusively—throwing her arms
around him, hugging him tightly, and sniffling over his return. She
immediately began waging a campaign to persuade him to stay in
Idaho with his family, “where he belonged.”

His father, on the other hand, got off on the wrong foot with Seth

almost from the moment Seth set foot in the door. The evening news
was on, and there was an item about the fight for the right for gays to
marry. “Fuckin’ faggots,” Jack Danninger snarled. “If they want to
have the same rights as normal people, they should act like normal
people. Goddamn perverts.” The news anchor—it was the local
newscast, not the national—phrased the lead-in to the story in such a
way that it was evident his views were along the same lines.

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Seth squirmed. Clearly, whether or not he belonged in Surfspray,

he didn’t belong in Idaho either. He nearly asked to be driven right
back to the airport, but that wouldn’t be fair to his mom. Heavy-
heartedly, he resigned himself to staying at least a week. Maybe then
he would cut his visit short. He had a return ticket for two weeks
hence, and he might think of leaving after just one week, but he felt
he had to stay at least that long.

On the third day of Seth’s visit, his father got a phone call. Jack’s

buddy Ross was calling to make a golf date, but in the course of the
conversation, Ross mentioned that his daughter, the same age as Seth,
was supposed to be going to the country club dance, but her date had
cancelled on her.

“I have a solution!” Jack boomed. “Our son is in town, visiting.

I’m sure he’d love to take Cathy to the dance. He’s still single, and
your Cathy is such a lovely girl. I’m sure Seth would be delighted.”

Seth shook his head violently at his dad, trying to stop him from

committing Seth. He vehemently did not want to escort his dad’s
buddy’s daughter to the dance. Jack either didn’t see Seth or
pretended not to, however. Just at that juncture, Seth’s cell phone
rang, and a quick look at the caller ID showed him it was Evan.
They’d talked every day since Seth had left Surfspray. The first night
Seth was back in Idaho, he’d been the one to make the call, at a time
when he had privacy to talk, and the second day, though Evan had
called him, the timing had been good, and Seth had been able to talk
in privacy.

This time he wasn’t so lucky.
Rather than take the call in front of his parents, he strode out of

the family room and headed up to his old room, where he was staying,
even as he answered the phone with, “Hi. Hang on a minute. Let me
get some privacy.”

Bounding up the stairs, he rushed to his room and closed the door

behind him. “Miss you, baby,” he said softly into the phone as soon as
the door was closed.

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“I miss you, too, babe,” Evan replied in his sex-is-just-around-the-

corner voice. Hearing the huskiness of Evan’s voice, Seth surmised
that Evan was naked with dick in hand. He knew his lover so well!
“What did I catch you in the middle of?” Evan asked him.

“An awkward situation,” Seth answered and briefly told him what

had just transpired.

“Unpleasant, but not the end of the world. Go, make the best of it,

plead a headache, and take her home early. Girls have been faking
headaches for years. Turn the tables. You’ll survive. Now let’s talk
about something more pleasant. Are you alone?” His voice dropped to
a purr.

“That’s all I am to you…a sex machine,” Seth teased.
“No, but you turn me on. I love you, babe. You know that. But it’s

only natural that someone gets horny for the guy he loves. Now take
out your dick and start thinking about me. It’s been three days. You
must have a nice big load built up.”

Not that Seth hadn’t jacked off in his room countless times in the

past, but somehow, doing it now was different. His parents weren’t
asleep in their room, he had a man at the other end of the phone, and
he was talking his way through the act, not merely groaning in his bed
and muffling those sounds in his pillow.

“Babe? You there?” Evan asked.
“You ready?”
“Aren’t you horny?”
“It’s kinda awkward. But…yeah.”
“Well, whip your dick out, if it isn’t already.”
Seth got up and locked the door to his room. He didn’t think either

of his parents would walk in on him, but no use taking chances! Then
he snicked down his zipper and fished his still-limp dick out.
“Ready,” he breathed.

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“Tell me what you’d do to me if you were here,” Evan prompted


“I’d like to lie down under you and let you thigh-fuck me for a


“Tell me. What are you seeing in your mind? What am I doing to


“I’m lying on my back, and you’re face-to-face with me. You’re

kissing me. Your tongue is probing into my mouth, playing across my
teeth and dueling with my tongue. Your body is pressing on mine, and
we’re moving together in rhythm. Fuck rhythm, baby. Our bodies are
fucking. You’re on top of me, and your body is fucking me.

“Your dick is real hard. It’s trapped between our two bodies. I can

feel it, rigid as all fucking hell, throbbing against my belly. It’s
leaking lube, and your pre-fuck juices are oozing onto my belly. My
dick is hard and wants attention, but right now I wanna give attention
to your dick.”

“Yeah?” breathed Evan hotly. “What do y’wanna do to it?”
“It’s not what I wanna do to it. It’s what you wanna do,” Seth

answered. “You wanna stick your dick between my thighs and fuck in
and out. I’m clutching my thighs together to make a tight grip for
your dick. I’m holding it like a captive between my legs, and I’m
fucking up and down under you while you drive your dick in and out
between my legs. I’m holding my legs together real tightly so your
dick feels the tight warmth all around it. You’re on top of me, fucking
me real fast and furious. I’m also clenching and unclenching my thigh
muscles so they vibrate around your dick, and quiver.”

“Now tell me what you’re really doing now while you’re telling

me this.”

“I’m sitting on the edge of the bed and holding my dick in my

hand. I’ve spit into my hand to lube it, and I’m jacking my dick and
thinking about you. I’m picturing the scene I’ve been describing to
you, while I jack my dick real fast. And I’m trying not to groan out
loud. On account of my folks, you know. My other hand is squeezing

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my nut sac while I jack my dick as fast as I can go and think about
your dick. Your dick always gets me hot.”

“My dick is almost ready to explode. I wish you were here. I wish

you had it in your mouth.”

“I wish I were there, too. I can feel it in my mouth. It’s sliding

back and forth across my tongue, and I’m rasping my tongue against
the underside while I undulate my throat muscles so they rub and
pulse against your cocktip as is pushes down into my throat. You’re
really battering my throat. You’re mouth-fucking me so fast… You’re
fucking my gullet as deep as you can get. I can feel your cock
swelling in my throat. It’s lodged deep, and it’s gonna explode any
minute…any second… Give it to me, baby. Give me your load. Give
me a nice, big, juicy wad, but not down my throat. Spew it in my
mouth, on my tongue, so I can taste it. I love to taste your nice, thick,
salty cum. Give it to me now, baby. Now! Now!

Seth’s voice choked off as he himself came, his climax induced by

his own words. He came all over his hand, and his steaming semen
sprayed to the floor, too, thickly dripping as his balls exploded pulse
after pulse of cream. He groaned loudly, heedless of the fact that
someone might hear him.

Then, at the other end of the phone, he heard Evan’s audible

orgasm as he, too, exploded.

“I love you, baby. I miss you,” Seth crooned into the phone.
“I miss you, too, babe, and I love you, too. Very much. And not

just for the sex.”

“I’d better hang up now,” Seth said regretfully. “I’d better get

back downstairs before someone comes looking for me. I kinda left
the room abruptly. I don’t wanna hafta answer any questions about
who I was talking to that I needed privacy. My parents think I’m still
a little kid. Or at least, that’s how they treat me.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you. G’night,” Evan murmured.

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“Love you, too. G’night,” Seth answered, closing the phone and

returning it to his pocket. Then he licked his hand clean, tucked his
cock back in his pants, and returned downstairs.

* * * *

Saturday night was a disaster. Cathy was pretty, companionable,

and eager. She was very forward. She kept hinting that they leave the
dance and go someplace where they could get away from the crowd
and be by themselves, just the two of them, and “get to know each
other better.” Seth knew what that meant. She was horny. She wanted
to get fucked. And he had no interest in having sex with a girl.

She practically threw herself at him. Finally getting him to agree

to leave the dance with her—she’d all but insisted and left him no
choice—she pouted when he actually drove her home. “This isn’t the
best place. My folks could come home any minute. Why don’t we
take a drive down by the lake?” she suggested, laying her head on his

“It’s late. It’s nearly eleven, and my body is still on East Coast

time. It feels even later to me. Thanks for a lovely evening,” he
finished his apology, lamely attempting to get her out of the car.

She turned on him then. “What are you…gay or something?” she


Yes, he thought. Yes, I am.
If the visit to his old home had taught him nothing else, it had

affirmed his true nature to him. He was gay. There was no getting
away from it. There might be aspects of his relationship with Evan
that were troublesome, problematic, but there was no question in his
mind that he loved him, and no question in his mind that he wanted no
part of sex with women.

He decided right then that he would cut short his visit and return

to Surfspray. Finding a job might be difficult. Working out the

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problems in his relationship with Evan might be difficult, too. But it
was what he had to do.

Evan wanted him to come out to his parents, and that now seemed

more unlikely than ever. How could he bring Evan home and tell
these people, “This is who I love”? His father would never accept
having a gay son!

As Cathy flounced out of the car and up the walkway to her home,

disappointed and angry, Seth put the car in reverse and backed down
the driveway to head home.

He was sure she would say something to her dad. He was sure her

dad would say something to his dad. But he didn’t intend to be around
when his dad heard about it and wanted to talk to him. He would
leave before that. He would go back to his folks’ place and call the
airline now. He would book the first available flight back home.
Yes—home. Surfspray was home. Wherever Evan was, was home. He
was sure of that now.

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Chapter 6

The reunion was memorable. It started on a high note even before

they got home to Seth’s place. Evan, picking him up at the airport and
kissing him passionately, told Seth he had got wind of a job opening.
Seth had gotten home just in time to apply. But first, Evan told him,
he wanted to give him a proper welcome.

They put Seth’s suitcases down just inside the front door and

hurried into the bedroom. Evan was wearing cut-offs, and when he
unfastened the button and zipper, and dropped trou, Seth marveled at
the dimensions of the ferocious stiffy that Evan had grown in
anticipation of this reunion. Raging under the denim was not just his
usual, more-than-respectable length and girth, but an oversized hard-
on that was already tearing opalescent pre-cum.

Dropping to his knees, Seth looked it in the eye and then began to

jack it while he licked across Evan’s wrinkled, lightly furred nut sac.
Evan groaned and swayed then put a hand on Seth’s head to steady
himself. Once his hand was in place, he used it to guide Seth as he
enveloped one of Evan’s balls in his mouth and sucked tenderly on
the delicate orb.

“Take both at once,” Evan husked.
Seth did his best, sucking in as much as he could of Evan’s ball

sac and probing with his tongue at the squishy contents while he
continued jacking his lover’s thick dick.

Evan’s crotch was redolent of healthy sweat from being confined

in those shorts. It was a hot day, he’d sweated heavily, and his whole
pubic hair forest spoke of, both that outpouring, and the pheromones
that he’d emitted in anticipation of the evening. All day long he’d

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looked forward to Seth’s return and the lovemaking that was bound to

Inhaling the delicious aroma deeply, Seth continued sucking

Evan’s nuts and, too horny to leave his own dick alone, began to jack
his formidable stiffy through his pants. The material had his dick
trapped, and he didn’t want to take the time to strip off right then, but
he grasped his cock through his pants and moved his hand back and
forth, inciting it into even greater need than it felt already.

“Hey—stop a minute—let’s get you undressed and get onto the

bed,” Evan said hoarsely. So Seth hurried out of his clothes, dropping
them quickly onto the floor, while Evan fell to the bed. “My turn,”
Evan said, easing his lips down Seth’s engorged throbber.

As his compressing lips slid their tight, insistent way down and

down and down Seth’s stiff shaft, shivers took possession of Seth’s
body, and one series after another raced through his frame. When at
last Evan had his entire stiffy throbbing inside his warm, suctioning
mouth, he hefted Seth’s nut sac in his cupped palm and slowly
tightened his grip around Seth’s jewels.

They were aching with their heavy load, and Seth quivered as

Evan rhythmically began to squeeze his balls while continuing to
suck. He swiveled his head around as he descended Seth’s column
and retreated back up it, which added extra sensation and extra
pleasure for Seth. Evan’s lips rubbed Seth’s stalk even more heavily
than usual as he used this little trick. After over a week of nothing but
self-induced hand-jobs, being back with his lover had Seth on edge
quickly. This extra stimulation, on top of that, had his balls soon
threatening an imminent eruption. He didn’t want to get off yet,

“How ’bout if I fuck you?” Seth gasped. Most of the time, Evan

topped Seth, but both of them were versatile, and Evan was agreeable

“Go for it, dude,” the hunk offered, jerking a thumb toward the

lube he had lying at the ready on the night table. Evan got on his back

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with his legs up in the air. In that position, he exposed his winking
puckerhole to Seth’s gaze. Seth could see that Evan’s anal lips were
blossoming, puffy and wanting, waiting for Seth to breach them and
invade him.

Seth worked the lube into him first. His middle finger, with a

large bead of lube on the tip, touched down at his sphincter and began
to rub the grease into his wrinkled opening. Seth saw goose bumps
rise on Evan’s arms and legs.

Crooking his finger, Seth slipped the first joint inside and spread

the lube around the inner rim then probed deeper into Evan’s anal
canal while he was in there and then fingered him some more just for
the sheer pleasure of it.

“Uhhh--uhh—uhhh,” Evan was grunting. Then he begged, “Do it,

babe. Fuck me. I’m ready! I need it.”

Quickly smearing another dab of the lube over the tip of his dick,

Seth positioned his mushroom dickhead at the entryway to Evan’s ass
and gave one fierce lunge forward. He broke through Evan’s barriers
without much resistance and plunged upward into the grasping
reaches of his humid, dank anus.

“Yessssssss!” Evan hissed. “Oh, do it!”
Seth did it. Plunging in and out, he stuffed Evan’s tunnel full of

his rampaging sausage, burrowing deep with every inward thrust and
pulling out each time until Evan’s tight-gripping sphincters caught
around Seth’s flange. At that point, Seth’s bulbous meathead was all
that remained lodged in Evan’s nether passage, but a second later Seth
was jamming the full length of his meat back into Evan again.

Evan had never been a dead fuck, but he was particularly involved

and active tonight. Rolling his hips up and down on the bed, he
ratcheted his way to glory. Each lunge helped capture Seth’s plunging
dickmeat and propel it ever deeper up his guts. But Seth upped the
ante anyhow, grasping one of his hard little pleasure nubbins between
his thumb and the side of his forefinger, squeezing that tit until Evan
moaned with need.

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“Oh, yeaaaaaah!” he groaned his approval. And still, Seth went on

recklessly plunging in and out of his tight-gripping hole. Now Evan
returned the favor, reaching up to Seth’s tits and grabbing one nipple.
Instead of squeezing it as Seth was doing to his, though, he skittered
his thumb rapidly back and forth across the flat top. Shivers cascaded
down Seth’s body.

Suddenly the big explosion in Seth’s balls that had seemed

imminent back when Evan was sucking him was threatening to erupt
again—and this time Seth knew it was a threat that would be carried
out. “Gonna give it to you, baby,” he seethed between clenched teeth.
“Get ready.”

Then Seth began ram-fucking Evan with short, sharp strokes that

didn’t carry Seth in all the way but pounded Evan’s ass mercilessly as
Seth banged in and out.

“Me, too!” Evan warned in return.
Evan actually got off first. Seth figured he must have clipped

Evan’s prostate a couple of times on the in-stroke, but whatever the
reason, suddenly Evan stiffened, arched, quivered, and then he was
shooting wads of thick dick-cream out the tip of his shaft. The thick
cum flew everywhere, splatting onto Seth’s belly, his chest, his chin,
and Evan’s own neck.

As Seth felt the warm, thick outpouring trickling down his body,

his own balls lurched, and he spewed a hearty dose of his cream.

Evan pulled Seth to him in a manly hug. “Welcome home, babe.

I’ve missed you—and not just for that, either.”

“I missed you, too, baby,” Seth answered. “I missed you, too.”
“You’re right,” Evan said. “We need to get married.”
Seth’s heart jumped for joy at those words…until he heard the

next ones.

“Just as soon as I meet your family. Did you tell them about us?”
“I didn’t even come out to them,” admitted Seth, his hopes now

falling as rapidly as they had risen. “My dad was spewing his usual
anti-gay garbage. Or should I say ‘anti-faggot?’ That’s his word for

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us. It was pure venom. That was one of the reasons I cut my visit

“You mean, it wasn’t just because you missed me?” Evan stuck

his lower lip out in a mock pout, but Seth could tell that behind the
teasing, some truly hurt feelings lurked.

“Of course I missed you,” Seth hastened to reassure the man he

loved so much. “But that wasn’t the only reason.” He had to be

“Why didn’t you just tell them and get it over with? Do you like

living a lie?” Evan rolled away from Seth, breaking the embrace.

“No, but…they’re my parents. It’s tough!” His voice rose

defensively. “It’s different with you and your parents. They accept
who and what you are.”

“So will your parents eventually. But you have to tell them, first.

They love you. Don’t they? They’ll come around.”

“I’m not so sure. My mom, yes. But my dad? You don’t know my


“That’s exactly the problem. That’s why I won’t marry you.

Because I don’t know your dad. Because you’re hiding me from him.
Try this scenario on for size—We get married without your telling
them. At that point, of course, we’re living together. They come to
visit you. What am I supposed to do? Move out and go stay with a
friend while they’re in town? Pretend we’re just roommates? Do we
get a two-bedroom place just to fool them into believing that? Get
real! If I’m going to get married, I want a partner who will be out and
proud—like me. Not someone who will hide me in the closet with his
whole identity.

“Maybe you’re not the right man for me at all,” he continued.
“I’m going home for the night. I’d intended to spend the night

here with you, but maybe that’s not a good plan after all.” With that,
Evan got up and got dressed, and left without even kissing Seth good-
bye. He left Seth in the bed, crying. It was the prelude to a sleepless
and miserable night.

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Chapter 7

The job lead Evan had tipped Seth to panned out. Once again he

was gainfully employed. His joy over that, however, was
overshadowed by the fact that he had not seen Evan in a week.

Seth had called Evan with the news of his new job, and Evan had

been guardedly happy. “That’s great news!” he had said but with less
than his usual enthusiasm and without once calling him “Babe” or
even suggesting that they get together.

Seth was torn between wanting to go to Questions in hopes of

running into Evan there and avoiding going to Questions out of
concern over running into Evan there. He went to work, came home,
watched old movies on DVD, and turned in early, though his nights
were often sleepless and, when he did sleep, his sleep was troubled.

The new job was good. It was a copywriter position at a local ad

agency. Armed with a portfolio of the work he’d done at the Internet
radio station, he had easily won over the creative director at the
agency. Fortunately he’d had the foresight to keep copies of scripts
and web copy that he’d written, and promotions that he’d dreamed up,
as well as ads he’d crafted for various advertisers. Impressed, the
creative director had offered him the position the very next day—and
at a considerable bump in salary from that of his previous

He should have been thrilled, but it was hard to be happy when he

was unsure whether he’d ever again see the man he loved.

Finally, the following Saturday evening, he decided that he

couldn’t remain a hermit forever, staying home every evening and
going nowhere but to work and on such necessary errands as the

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grocery store. He decided to take the chance and go to Questions.
Maybe he would find someone companionable to pass the evening
with. Not a date. Not a new love interest. Not even a one-night
quickie. Just a friend with whom to talk over a few beers. How long
did he plan to hide in his house, he asked himself, licking his wounds
and replaying in his mind the last time he’d seen Evan?

He opened the door of Questions hesitantly, checking to see if

Evan was there while asking himself what he planned to do about it if
he was. Would he turn and leave? Head for another part of the bar and
ignore him? Go over and say “Hi” and see what Evan said? Might it
possibly lead to a grand reunion? On the other hand, it might also lead
to an unpleasant scene. Then there was this to consider—What if
Evan was there with someone else?

As it turned out, however, Evan wasn’t there at all. Immediately

Seth began wondering whether Evan was out with someone new—or
stretched out on his bed atop some new interest, plunging his cock
into a new asshole. Feeling sick at the thought, Seth nearly turned
around, then and there. He steeled himself, however, and let the door
close behind him. Once inside, he took a seat at the bar and ordered a
Bud on tap.

A few minutes later, the door opened again. Seth’s head whipped

around, half hoping and half fearing it would be Evan. Instead, Barry
entered. His interactions with Barry had been minimal, but at least
cordial, since Barry’s anger toward Evan had calmed. When Barry
saw Seth, he walked over behind him and said, “Hey, buddy—how’s
it going?”

“Okay—I guess,” Seth answered with as much enthusiasm as he

could muster…which wasn’t much.

There was only one other empty seat at the bar, and it was half the

bar’s length away from where Seth was seated. “Wanna grab a table?”
Barry offered. Picking up his drink, Seth followed Barry, who was
striding to the only empty table, which had just been vacated, eager to
grab it before someone else did.

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When they’d settled at the table, Barry said, without preamble, “I


Seth didn’t have to ask him what he’d heard. He knew Barry

wasn’t talking about the new job. Seth sighed, looked Barry in the
eyes, and waited for him to go on.

“You know the expression ‘crying in his beer’? Well, Evan was in

here moaning in his ale. Same thing. I asked him what had happened.
He spilled the whole story.”

Seth took note. Though Barry and Evan had buried the hatchet,

they certainly hadn’t become great buddies. If Evan had told Barry
everything, he really must be upset by the fight and the fact that they
had been apart since then.

Barry confirmed that a minute later. “He’s miserable, man. Why

don’t you call him?”

“I called him to tell him about my new job. That was an

opening—if he wanted one. Anyhow, I wasn’t the one to break it off
in the first place.”

“I know but—you could be the one to put it back together.”
“The whole problem is that I won’t tell my parents about us—or

that I’m gay at all. And I still don’t feel ready to do that. At least, I
don’t think so.” He was beginning to wonder if losing Evan was too
high a price to pay for keeping peace in the family.

Maybe it was time to come out of the closet and let the chips fall

where they may. But could he do it? Could he really handle it if his
family cut him off altogether? He was tempted. Sorely tempted. Did
he have to choose, however, between life without Evan and life
without his family? On the other hand, if he caved and kept them in
the dark, would this issue come up again in the future anyhow,
perhaps with some other man?

Barry was staring levelly at him. “Do you love the guy?”
“Do you like living without him?”
“No.” He was fighting back a serious sniffle.

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“Are your parents gonna be around forever?”
“No, but….”
“No. No ‘but.’ There are no ‘buts.’ Call the guy.”
“Now? Here?”
“Either that, or go home and call him. But call him.”
Seth made the call. Stepping out the back door into the quiet of

the evening in the rear parking lot, he dialed Evan’s number on his
cell, his fingers misdialing twice before he finally got it right and
pushed send.

He knew Evan would see on his ID that it was Seth calling.

Would he let it go into voicemail rather than talk to him?

“Babe?” Evan answered.
“I’m at Questions. I miss you. I love you. I can’t stand being

without you. Come over here and have a drink with me.”

“Screw that. Get your fucking butt over here. Now. I miss you,

too. I’m miserable without you. I love you, too, you fucking son of a

“I’ll gulp down the rest of my drink and be right there.”
“Screw the fucking drink. Get your ass over here right now!”
He went back in long enough to pay the bar tab, leave a tip, and

tell Barry, “Sorry—gotta go.” He smiled.

“Good!” Barry said.
Taking one last fast gulp of the beer, Seth raced out the front door

toward the side parking lot, where he’d left his Firebird. He was
seriously breaking the speed laws as he raced through the evening
toward Evan’s place. Evan was waiting at the door for him and
hugged him so tightly that he actually bruised him. Seth returned the
hug unabashedly eagerly, and they kissed, lips locked and tongues
probing. It was several minutes before they could bring themselves to
break the embrace and walk inside.

They didn’t hurry right to the bedroom. Evan was drinking an ale

and offered Barry a beer, which he accepted and swigged thirstily. “I
don’t know—I don’t know how to tell my parents,” he began

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falteringly. “I don’t honestly know if I can tell my parents. I don’t
want to be here under false pretenses. I don’t want to lose you
again—ever—and I still want to marry you, but I’m still not sure I can
come out to my family. I’ve been giving it some serious thought. I’d
like to try. I’m still not sure I’m brave enough.”

“And I’m still not willing to marry you till you do…but I’m also

not willing to be without you. Maybe we just go on the way we were,
seeing each other more nights than not, while I hope that one day you
get up the courage, and then we’ll go to New York and make it legal.
I don’t promise not to pressure you again. But I do know I need you
in my life. Being apart like that isn’t the answer. The last two weeks
were hell.”

“I have to find the courage,” Seth said. “I have to find a way to

tell them.”

“I hope you will,” Evan said. “And I hope it’s soon. But

meanwhile….” At that, he got up from the couch, pulling Seth by the
hand, and led him into the bedroom.

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Chapter 8

Their lovemaking was ferocious, not tender. A lot of jumbled

feelings spilled out of the pair as they coupled on Evan’s bed. This
time, Seth topped Evan. Evan’s eyes bugged a little when Seth pushed
him down on the bed, and they went even wider when he saw the
swollen size of Seth’s tool. “Yeah, it’s gonna hurt a little going up
your asshole,” Seth said. “Meat as big as mine is tonight, it can’t help
but hurt you a little, so be prepared to scream. Now get over on your
belly. Now!”

Evan complied and rolled over, though he looked back over his

shoulder at Seth, wondering what had gotten into him, while Seth got
out the lube and began greasing Evan’s asshole good. Seth squirted a
dollop of gel on Evan’s tight sphincter and worked his finger into that
clenching ring. It gripped Seth’s finger, and he wondered if he could
get his dick up that tight hole—but as his finger slithered up Evan’s
rectum and touched nerves that set Evan’s body to jumping, Evan’s
asshole began to relax.

Reaching underneath him, Seth felt Evan’s nut sac and his

massively swollen tool. That monster had enlarged to epic proportions
and was leaking lube like an oil drum with a major puncture. Seth
chuckled, thinking how he was going to turn the tables tonight.

He ran his free hand up and down the backs of Evan’s thighs.

They were strong, muscular thighs, and right now they were quivering
with tension. His whole body was stretched tighter than an overtuned
guitar string, so much so that his body was even quivering slightly.
Seth knew he was about to make it quiver more.

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Crooking his finger, Seth pulled it out of Evan’s rectum, catching

on the inside of his sphincter as he exited, then straightened out and
thrust back in. He did this several times then pressed his middle finger
tight to his index finger and drove both of them together into his

“Unnggh!” his impaled lover grunted as Seth stretched Evan’s

seldom-plundered asshole with that second finger. Seth quickly added
a third. “Ow!” Evan yelped. Seth drove them in and out rapidly,
fucking his ass with his three fingers. “Mmmmm,” Evan began to
purr, as pain turned to pleasure and his fuck nerves hummed with

Seth slipped a hand under Evan’s chest and pinched his nearer

nipple. “That feels good,” Evan said lustfully

“Are you going to shut up and let me make you feel good, or are

you going to talk all the way?” Seth growled, feeling particularly
macho this evening. “We’re doing all right so far, aren’t we?” Then
Seth thumbed Evan’s stiffened nipple while finger-fucking him faster
than ever. Evan emitted a groan from somewhere in his depths as the
undeniable pleasure flooded through him.

“Now get ready. I’m going to fuck you good and hard—so hard

that it’s going to hurt as if you were still a virgin back there.” Seth got
in position behind Evan. In a minute, Seth had his dicktip poised at
the entrance to Evan’s chute. Seth had smeared an extra-huge glob of
lube across the head, but he knew it was going to be uncomfortable
for Evan, no matter what he did. In his uber-macho, aggressive mode,
he decided not to ease in but to punch through his opening and then
pause, giving Evan a chance to get acclimated before he went in any

With one fast jab, one sharp lunge, Seth buried his bulbous

dickhead inside the seldom-breached sphincter. A yowl of protest
issued from Evan’s mouth, and he dove flat onto the bed. Seth
followed him right down, skewering deeper up his guts as he sank
down on top of him.

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He felt super-tight around Seth’s bloated meat. His silky gut

embraced Seth’s rod and squeezed it tight, his sphincter wringing out
Seth’s meat as he worked his way deeper inside him. Evan felt the
unaccustomed fullness and let Seth know it, groaning.

Seth lurched backward, pulling Evan with him, so that Evan was

up on his knees once again. Then Seth drove in and out of him in six
or seven fast, sharp lunges. Seth knew from Evan’s yelps that those
strokes burned as they stretched Evan’s tight hole wider, but Seth also
knew that those strokes were touching all those wonderful nerves
inside Evan’s rectum and making the fuck heat blaze high within him.

Seth reached around for his nipple again and resumed tweaking

and rubbing it. Evan groaned as Seth’s fingers toyed with his nip, and
his body began to hunch back and forth in rhythm with Seth’s strokes.
It was evident that Evan was starting to feel damned good. And
damned hot.

Seth drew back almost all the way, until his dick’s flange was

caught on the tight ring of muscles at the rim of Evan’s ass. Then Seth
surged forward full speed, burying his bone to the hilt. Pulling out
slowly again until only his knob remained in the clenches of Evan’s
guts, he plunged in once again, again burying himself totally in
Evan’s tunnel. Then he leaned down, bit his neck like a dog would a
bitch, and squeezed his nipple hard.

The long, drawn-out groan that came from Evan’s mouth had

nothing to do with pain. He was clearly on a trip of pure pleasure. He
began pumping hard and fast beneath Seth. Seth was tempted to reach
around and grab Evan’s dick, but he didn’t want to rush Evan’s
orgasm. He wanted to prolong the pleasure for as long as the two of
them could last.

Toward that end, he even slowed his strokes, wanting to make the

hot sex last longer. Evan didn’t seem to be interested in that, though.
While Seth was trying to go slow, easing in and out of Evan’s channel
with measured, if deep, strokes, Evan began humping more and more
rapidly. Seth plowed him deep, strongly, with a corkscrew twist at the

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end of each thrust, and Evan reciprocated by humping back against
him with rapid, demanding strokes. It seemed as if he wanted to
swallow Seth’s balls in his greedy asshole.

When it became evident that Evan couldn’t last much longer

anyhow, Seth let go of his nipple and reached for his thumping club
of a dick. Wrapping his hand around it, Seth jacked him rapidly,
tugging at the tight skin and urging him to spill his load. He began
grunting animalistically until his final surge brought him lunging
straight down to the bed, spewing his goo as he fell down flat. His
warm, thick, spray of cum soaked the sheet and Seth’s hand.

That final lunge sent him down to the bed so fast and hard that he

slipped away from Seth’s dick, which popped wetly out of Evan’s
rectum and snapped up against Seth’s belly. He was so close to
coming. Giving his dick a few strokes, he felt the cum surge up from
his balls, pulse in his cum tube, and then erupt from his gaping slit.
Splat! Splat! Splat! It landed in thick, small pools on his beloved’s

Evan pushed Seth aside so he could roll over, face-up, and

embrace him. Seth, now back on top of Evan, hugged back the man
he loved, the man he had missed so badly for the last couple of weeks.
Could he ever give this up again? Could he ever find anyone else he
would love as he loved this man?

But he wanted more than just to love him, to make love with him,

to engage in frequent wrestling matches with him, to stay at his side.
He wanted to tell the world that he loved Evan, that Evan was his
beloved—and his lawfully wedded spouse. That, though, would mean
telling his parents.

Well, then—he was just going to have to do it—and to do it as

soon as possible. If it was going to be a scene, let him get it over with
and get it behind him.

He had just started his new job. He realized he couldn’t ask for

time off already. He would have to wait for a holiday weekend, make
the most of a long weekend for a quick trip back to Idaho. At least if it

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was awkward and unpleasant, a long weekend would not be as tough
to endure as a whole week would be.

Thanksgiving was the next holiday coming up—a four-day

weekend and a logical time to visit his parents. “I’ll come home for
the Thanksgiving holiday,” he told his mom by phone, choking on the
word “home.” Idaho was not home to him in any sense of the word
anymore. “And I’m bringing a friend,” he added quickly, before he
could get cold feet.

“Oh, how lovely!” said Irene Danninger. “What’s her name? Is it

serious? It must be, if you’re bringing her home to meet us.”

“Mom…it’s not a girlfriend. It’s….” he started to say “a buddy”

but realized that would be chickening out again and lamely finished
the sentence with simply “a guy.”

“Oh.” His mother sounded deflated. “Well, I’m sure he’s

welcome. We’d love to get to know your new friends. He can sleep in
the guest room. You’ll be in your own room, of course.”

“My old room.” He couldn’t help but correct her. It wasn’t his

room anymore. As for the separate bedrooms, he’d have to let that
arrangement stand for now, unless he wanted to come out to his mom
over the phone!

* * * *

The flight was late, but finally the plane touched down, and Seth

and Evan, who’d brought only carry-on bags for the short visit, went
straight to the car-rental agency. In short order they were on the road.
“Why are you driving so slowly?” asked Evan. “You’re doing almost
10 under the limit.” Seth realized he was postponing the inevitable
and pressed down on the accelerator.

Irene threw her arms around Seth at the front door, and Jack

Danninger gave him a manly clap on the back. Then Irene warmly
hugged Evan. “Welcome to our home,” she said. “I’m sure you’re
both exhausted after your trip. Jack will show you to your room,

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Evan. I have to get back into the kitchen. I’ve been holding off dinner
for as long as I could. It’s something simple. I’m putting all my
energy into tomorrow night’s big feast.”

It was Wednesday evening, the day before Thanksgiving. Seth

remembered all too well the extravaganzas his mother put together for
the holiday every year, even though it was usually just the three of
them. They had no relatives in the area. He hoped tonight’s dinner
really was something simple—he’d be putting on five pounds from
tomorrow night’s dinner for sure, and eating enough that he could
hibernate through the winter.

Dinner was pleasant enough. Seth made no great revelations, and

Irene and Jack accepted Evan as a good friend of Seth’s, nothing
more. Since he was polite, appreciative, and a good conversationalist,
and since he helped clear the table and load the dishwasher, Evan
made a further good impression on Irene, and she commented on what
a nice friend Seth had.

Evan looked pointedly at Seth. Seth got the message. Tell them

I’m more than just a friend. But he held his tongue and kept silent.
Evan looked disappointed.

They kept the after-dinner conversation in the living room brief. It

was already late, their flight having been delayed, and for Seth and
Evan, whose body clocks were still on East Coast time, it was even
later. When Irene said that she and Jack would understand if the boys
wanted to go to bed, the pair accepted the suggestion with relief.

After they’d retired to their separate rooms, Seth stole down the

hall to Evan’s room. At his discreet knock, Evan let him in. He was
not there to make love—he wouldn’t dare, in his parents’ house. But
he wanted to at least hug Evan good night.

“You are going to tell them?” Evan asked with some alarm,

thinking of the earlier missed opportunity.

“Yes—yes. I just didn’t think that was the time,” Seth said.
“Then when?” asked Evan.
This was getting dangerously close to an Unpleasantness.

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Diana Sheridan

“Soon. Soon. I promise.”
Evan embraced Seth, and they kissed. Then Seth swatted Evan on

his rump and headed back to his room. Sleep eluded him for much of
the night, and when he did sleep, many of his dreams were

The three men watched the Macy’s parade on TV the next day

while Irene spent most of her time in the kitchen. Apparently thinking
ahead to the TV fare that would follow the parade, Jack asked Evan,
“What’s your favorite college team?”

“I don’t follow football,” Evan said, almost apologetically.
“Every red-blooded man watches football!” Jack declared

aggressively in his usual opinionated manner. “Only fairies don’t care
about football.”

Seth shot Evan a look. It said, Now you see why I’ve had trouble

telling them.

Evan shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
Just then, Irene bustled in from the kitchen, saying, “I have twenty

minutes before I have to be back in the kitchen. Have I missed Santa

Thank you, Mom.
Dinner, when Irene served it, was her usual extravaganza. There

were both mashed potatoes and a sweet potato casserole, both string
beans and a tossed salad, crescent rolls, stuffing, clear gravy, and of
course, the turkey itself, which was roasted to perfection and huge
enough to feed an army. “We’ll be eating that all weekend,” Jack
commented, quickly adding, “That’s not a complaint!” The whole
family loved turkey.

So did Evan, but he nearly choked on a mouthful of it when Irene

turned to Seth and asked, “Well, dear, tell us…have you found a
girlfriend yet? We were hoping you’d bring someone special home
for the holiday. Maybe for Christmas?”

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Finding Mr. Wright


It was now-or-never time. He was about to ruin this wonderful

dinner, but his mother had handed him the perfect opening. He seized

“Actually I did bring someone special home for the holiday. Evan

is my ‘someone special,’ Mom. You might as well know it…”
Comprehension and shock registered in Irene’s face even before Seth
finished the sentence with, “I’m gay. And it’s time I came out to you.
I don’t like living a lie.”

Jack pushed back his chair, his reddened face a mixture of anger

and disgust, and he stood up abruptly. “No son of mine is a faggot!
What do you want to say that shit for and ruin your mother’s meal
that she worked all day on?”

“But I am gay, Dad. I know you don’t like it, but a fact is a fact.”
“Go to hell!” were Jack Danninger’s last words as he stomped out

of the room.

When Seth turned back to his mother, he saw that as she sat there,

she was crying.

So much for Thanksgiving dinner.

* * * *

With Jack shut in his room and Irene sobbing in the living room,

neither Seth nor Evan felt much like eating, either. They cleared the
table, covering all the half-eaten platefuls with plastic wrap and
sticking them in the fridge, putting the foods from the serving bowls
and platters in containers and baggies, and then refrigerating them as
well. There was no room for the turkey in the fridge, but Evan, a
skillful carver, removed the remaining meat, consigning it to the

Finally only the carcass was left. Evan was skeptical about

throwing it out—“Your mom might want to make stock out of it”—so
he broke it down into pieces, put them into a large baggie, and
squeezed even that into the fridge. There was absolutely no fridge

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space left for the two pies, but Evan covered them and left them on
the counter.

Irene came in, observed what the boys had done, and listened to

Seth’s explanation of Evan’s disposition of the carcass. “That was
very thoughtful of you,” she said with a wan smile at Evan. As small
as the smile was, it eased Seth’s heart a little. It was a beginning.

Irene put a hesitant arm around Evan. “I apologize for my

husband’s manners,” she said. “This was quite a shock to both of us.
Neither of us had any idea.”

“I guess my timing was bad,” Seth ventured.
“I really think there was no good time,” Irene said, slipping her

other arm around her son’s shoulders. “There would have been an
uproar no matter when you said it. You know your father.”

“Yes. That’s why I was afraid to tell the two of you before this.”
“You’re sure? You’re certain you’re gay?”
“Yes, of course,” Seth said with a hint of exasperation.
“I’m sorry,” Irene said, verbally backing off. “I guess that was a

silly question.”

“An understandable one,” Evan offered.
“Well, you know I love you.” Irene squeezed her son’s shoulders.

“For that matter, your father loves you, too. I’m sure he’ll come
around eventually…but I’m also sure it’ll take a while. You’d better
not count on coming home for Christmas.”

“I wasn’t,” Seth said.
“Do your parents know?” she asked Evan.
“They haven’t met Seth yet, but they know all about him, and

they’ve known for years that I’m gay.”

“How did they take it when you told them?”
“Quite well, actually,” he answered with a wry smile. “I had

hoped it would be the same with you.”

Seth couldn’t resist saying, “I told you.” Then he added, “Let’s

see what we can do about changing our plane reservations. It would

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Finding Mr. Wright


be best if we could get a flight out tonight. We can spend the rest of
the weekend at home.”

“I have a better plan,” Evan interjected. Seth raised a questioning

eyebrow. “Let’s see if we can book a flight to New York,” Evan went
on. “I told you I would marry you if you would just come out to your
parents and introduce me to them. You’ve held up your part of the
bargain. It’s time for me to hold up mine.”

“Oh, baby, do you mean it?” Seth asked.
“With all my heart!” Evan answered. “We may have to stay over

till Monday to get married, and we may have to hunt around to find a
hotel room in New York, this being a big holiday weekend, but by all
means, let’s return home to Surfspray as a married couple. We can
both call work and tell them there was a problem with our flight and
we won’t be in till Tuesday. Say we got bumped off our flight or
something. It’s not that much of a stretch.”

“Congratulations!” Irene said.
“Thanks…Mom,” said Evan.
“I love you, baby,” said Seth.
“I love you, too, babe,” Evan answered.
“I love you, too,” Irene told her son, “and I’m sure I’m going to

love you, too, in time,” she added to Evan.

Evan turned to Seth and said, “Now hurry upstairs and get both of

us packed up while I work the phone and see what I can do about
changing our reservations.”

Irene had the last word. “Get someone to take pictures—your cell

phone has a camera—and send the pictures to me. I always did love



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No stranger to male/male stories, Diana Sheridan edited gay male

sexzines for the better part of two decades under the nom de plume of
“Dan Maxwell.” Though “Diana Sheridan” isn’t her true name either,
it does reflect her true gender. In her own name, she has had
numerous books published both in print and as e-books, is an
accomplished editor of both books and magazines, and is comfortable
switching gears to go from serious nonfiction to romantica in her
work. Diana lives with her Significant Other, who is fully aware of
and supportive of the many facets of her career.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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