Sleeping Beauty

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Chapter 1

EPOV (1994)

Looking down at the girl in the bed it was hard to believe she wasn’t just asleep. Her dark hair
fanned out around her pale heart shaped face, her delicate features relaxed as her chest rose
and fell. I knew her eyes were a deep brown colour from when I had to lift her lips and check
her pupil reaction, beautiful eyes I thought. In my head I called her sleeping beauty, she
seemed to fit the description perfectly to me.

Over the couple of months she had been here I watched her father come almost every day, at
first he talked awkwardly to her, obviously he had been told that it was thought some coma
patients could hear what was going on around them. He was less self-conscious now he talked
about his job, from what I had managed to over hear he was a police chief in a small town.

Her mother sometimes came, I knew she lived in Arizona somewhere; she would sit and cry
over her ‘baby’ telling her that she knew she would wake up soon. Occasionally two of her
friends would come and sit with her, a tall blond cheerleader type and a short dark haired girl,
the dark haired girl was headed for college and would be leaving soon, she had told the girl
how much she would miss her.

From asking around I had gathered that there had been a graduation party, it had moved to the
beach and somehow this girl, Isabella had fallen from a cliff, plunging into the water and
hitting her head on some rocks. Luckily for her a boy had been walking along the beach and
had seen her fall and managed to pull her from the water.

Although brain function seemed normal she had yet to wake up, she lay here like a modern
day version of a fairytale, beautiful, still and untouched.

I was coming to the end of my internship at this Seattle hospital, my father had been offered a
prestigious job in New York so we were moving, I had managed to transfer my residency to a
hospital in New York so I could stay close to my family.

On the nights when I worked I often found myself here, talking to Isabella, telling her about
my day, stupid stuff really. She probably couldn’t hear me and who knew what was going to
happen to her.

‘Goodbye Isabella Dwyer’ I said brushing my fingers along her forehead.

Signing I turned and headed off down the corridor away from the ICU.

‘We’re going to miss you around here Edward’ one of the nurses called.

‘Thanks’ I smiled and went to collect my stuff from my locker.

‘Edward are you ok?’ my mom asked as we headed for the airport to catch the plane that was
taking me towards my new life.

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‘I’m fine mom honest’

Despite working ridiculous hours Isabella was never far from my mind. I told myself I was
been stupid I hadn’t even known her. After a month I could hold off no longer I rang the
hospital in Seattle just to see if there had been any progress, only to be told that she was gone.

Placing the phone down I had felt numb; I guess life wasn’t much like a fairytale after all.

BPOV (10 years later)

Drawing a deep breath into my body I woke with a start. What the hell was happening? I tried
to get my eyes to focus but it was difficult, very thing looked hazy and dream like. Eventually
I managed to look around me, from what I could see I was in the hospital.

I must have had an accident at the graduation party, god that was so typical of me.

The wires attached to my body were itchy and uncomfortable I wanted to yank them out.
Where was everyone? I tried to push myself up but my body was unresponsive, I felt like
instead of bones my body was made of Jell-O nothing seemed to work the way it was
supposed to.

While I was struggling to move I must have pulled out one of the wires because suddenly the
room was filled with a high pitched piercing sound. A nurse came rushing through the door
stopping dead when she saw me.

‘Oh my god I don’t believe it’ she ran back out the door calling ‘she’s awake, she’s awake’
Jesus anyone would think I had just risen form the dead the way she was acting.

A doctor came in a few seconds later ‘I can’t believe it’ he exclaimed as he checked my vitals.

He then proceeded to move my limbs about, they felt stiff as if I had run a long way and they
had seized up. I wondered just how long I’d been here.

‘Isabella do you know what year it is?’ obviously I had hit my head, this wasn’t the first time
I had had this type of injury, to say I was accident-prone would be an understatement.

‘Of course it’s 1994’ I answered promptly. I had just graduated high school and now I looking
forward to starting at Dartmouth after the summer. My life was just beginning, I was kind of
excited to be starting college after spending the last few years in Forks it was going to be a big

I watched the doctor and nurse exchanged glances, something was going on but I couldn’t for
the life of me work out what.

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Erm this is hard’ the doctor said ‘Isabella you have spent the last ten years in a coma it’s now

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Was he joking? I looked at his face was any sign that he was having me on but he looked
deadly serious.

‘Your father had you transferred back to Forks hospital after a few months of you being in a
coma. He has refused to give up hope that one day you would wake up’ the doctor began to
look excited ‘I’ve read about these things but to actually witness it, it’s just incredible’

Lying back in the hospital bed I felt sick. Ten years of my life had just been taken from me. I
didn’t listen to the doctor as he continued to drone on, this was unbelievable.

The last thing I remembered was dancing to All I Wanna do by Sheryl Crow in the school
gym where the graduation party was been held.

‘I need to see my dad’ I turned my head towards the doctor.

‘We’ve already called him and he’s on his way’ he patted my shoulder before leaving the

Ten years, ten god damned years, I felt like screaming but I didn’t I lay there and waited for
my father to arrive.

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Chapter 2


My father walked in the room and I felt tears pooling in my eyes, he looked older, not as
imposing as I remember him being. His dark, wavy hair was shot with grey now as was the
bushy moustache he used to use to tickle me with when I was small.

‘Daddy’ the word left my throat like a sob.

‘Oh Bells baby I knew you would wake up’ he enveloped me in a hug and his familiar smell
surrounded me.

Dad turned to the doctor ‘Is she ok I mean has there been any damage?’

‘I don’t know Mr Swan we will have to run more tests’ the doctor answered ‘I’ll give you a
few minutes alone’

‘When will mom be here?’ My mom and dad had divorced when I was two, she moved back
to Phoenix taking me with her. I saw dad during the school holidays up until I was fifteen
when my mom remarried. I had liked Phil but he was a minor league baseball player and I
knew my mom hated staying at home with me when Phil had to travel. So I decided that going
to live with my dad might not be the worst thing in the world.

Moving to Forks had been a massive change for me, going from the hot dry heat of Arizona to
a small town in Washington that was bathed in near constant rain certainly took some getting
used to.

During my first few weeks here I felt like an exhibit in a zoo, lots of staring and whispering.
Then I had met Alice, she was tiny, a little under five foot with long dark hair and big black
eyes, there was something almost otherworldly about her. Alice had her life all mapped out
and was fiercely determined to make it happen. Alice was going to get into college to study
fashion and design and seeing as her family weren’t exactly wealthy she had to rely on
scholarships. We had spent countless hours in the library together studying; she was the one
who pushed me to apply to Dartmouth convinced I would get in.

Through Alice I met Rosalie, tall, blond, gorgeous Rosalie, head cheerleader face of a
supermodel, mouth of a sailor. Many people underestimated Rose but she was more than just
a beautiful face, she was a first class mechanic and was looking to study engineering at
college, she was certainly smart enough. All through high school Rose had an on again off
again relationship with Emmett McCarty, the schools star quarter back. Rose couldn’t stand
the fact that Emmett wouldn’t even try at school, instead relying on his talent on the football
field to see him into college. She also had a major problem with his liking to get high with
Tyler Crowley behind the school gym most nights and the constant practical jokes he liked to

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Emmett was like giant naughty teddy bear with his enormous build and liking of getting into
mischief, his dark curly hair and dimples made him look boyish and cheeky. I liked him a lot
except when he insisted on calling me jelly belly; still when he did I just called him Emmy
bear. Rose and his relationship was volatile at best and I wondered how they had fared when
they headed off to college.

Bringing myself out of my memories I focussed on my father once more, his face was now
pale and he was chewing on his bottom lip in worry, a habit I had picked up from him.

‘Dad where’s mom?’ I asked again, dread clawed at my stomach as my father’s face paled
even more.

‘Oh god Bella Renee passed away a few years ago, car accident. I’m so sorry baby but she
never lost hope that one you would come back’

It felt like I couldn’t catch my breath, mom was gone. I thought back to when I had last seen
her. She and Phil were at my graduation; she had looked so happy and alive. She had hugged
me and told me how proud she was of me. Tears fell down my face; it seemed like yesterday
to me but in reality that was ten years ago.

‘What about Phil’ I managed to say

‘Well he was real broken up, moved to Jacksonville to coach baseball. He still calls
sometimes to check on you’ I held on to my dad as the storm of grief shook my body, it was
more than the loss of my mom, it was the loss of everything I had known.

It was some time before I could get control of myself; my dad stroked my back and comforted
me till I calmed down.

‘How have you managed to afford to keep me here?’ I asked quietly

‘Bella don’t even think about that, there was never any question of letting you go as long as
there was hope’ he stoked his thumb along my nose and pinched it, something he had done to
cheer me up as a child, a weak smile crossed my face.

‘What about you dad, anything I should know?’ ten years, such a long time anything could
have happened.

‘Erm’ he shifted uncomfortably ‘Sue and I got married last year’

‘Sue Clearwater? What happened to Harry?’ Harry Clearwater had been one of my fathers
best friend’s, he, Harry and Billy Black loved to go fishing most weekends together and had
known each other for many years.

‘About a year after your accident Harry had a heart attack’ dad explained ‘I used to go and see
Sue, check how she was holding up, she invited me round for meals that sort of thing. I guess
over the years we grew close and well you know’ A small smile tugged my lips, still the same
Charlie, he always found it hard to express his feelings verbally.

‘That’s great dad, I’m happy for you’

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He left shortly after and I was alone once again. I looked down at my body; it still looked
much the same although now it was twenty-eight years old instead of eighteen. I tried to look
at my face in a shiny basin by the bed but the reflection was distorted and blurred. Had I
changed much in the ten years I had spent asleep?


Eight weeks later I was allowed to leave the hospital, I think I must have been prodded and
poked by every brain specialist in the country. Walking had been a little difficult at first,
while I was in the coma; someone had come in to manipulate my muscles so they didn’t waste
away but I still needed some physio to help me. The really strange thing was that my
clumsiness seemed to be gone, who knew that ten years in a coma could help with co
ordination, still I don’t think as a cure it will catch on.

Apparently although it was rare I wasn’t the first person this had happened to, that didn’t
make accepting what had happened any easier. I had to see a counsellor to talk over what had
happened but what could I say that I wanted the last ten years back.

As I waited for my father to come and collect me I looked at myself in the small mirror by the
bed. My dark hair, which had always been shoulder length, was now down to my waist. Faint
lines fanned out from my brown eyes, my skin was still very pale, all in all I still looked much
the same, just a little older.

‘You ready Bella?’ my father’s face appeared at the door.

‘Very ready’ I exclaimed as I hopped down from the bed.

Climbing into the police cruiser I was reminded of the last time I had ridden in Charlie’s car.
The evening of the graduation party, Alice and Rose had thought it would be fun to arrive in
the cruiser. We had got ready at my house and dad had driven us to the gym, we thought we
were so much cooler than those people arriving in limos and fancy cars.

Many times over the last few weeks people asked me what I remembered from that night but I
didn’t recall anything other then dancing in the school gym, I didn’t even remember going to
La Push afterwards for the beach party.

‘Bella there are some people dying to meet you when we get back’ I looked at my father
warily, I still felt a little apprehensive about meeting people I had once known.

As soon as we got back to the house that Charlie now shared with Sue I found myself under
siege from two women.

‘Rose’ I cried as the tall blond practically lifted me off my feet.

‘Fucking hell Bella I never thought I would see you again’ she stood back and looked me over
‘Well damn it look at you, it seems been in a coma keeps the wrinkles at bay’ she laughed.

Still the same Rose it seemed. She hadn’t changed that much, she was slightly rounder but she
was still beautiful dressed in jeans and a shirt, she was never one for dressing up.

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Next Alice came and hugged me tightly, her once long dark hair was now cropped short
which only emphasised her elfin features. Her huge liquid black eyes looked into mine ‘Bella
I can’t believe it, I missed you so much’ Alice was dressed impeccably as usual in tailored
trousers and a dark green blouse that made the most of her small curves.

We all went into the house; I felt more than a little overwhelmed by everything, my two best
friends were here with me, their lives would have moved on but mine had been suspended.

Alice looked down at what I was wearing, Charlie had brought me some clothes from home,
clothes I had last worn ten years ago.

‘I can’t believe how we used to dress’ she laughed taking in my stripy tights, black skirt, doc
martens and pearl jam t-shirt.

‘Hey’ I protested, I thought this outfit was cool.

‘Grunge went out with the arc Bella’ Rose said smiling a little.

‘Cut me some slack I have been in a coma for ten years’ and just like that it was as if we had
never been apart we stood in my living room laughing at how ridiculous my statement was.

‘I’m going to enjoy taking you shopping’ Alice exclaimed once we managed to calm down.

Rolling my eyes I sat down on the couch. ‘Come on then tell me what’s been happening with
you two’ I said as we sat there with some drinks Charlie had brought.

‘I went off to college and studied fashion like I always wanted. Now I work in New York for
a big fashion house as one of their main designers’ Alice stated proudly.

‘Yeah as if life would dare deviate from Alice’s plan’ Rose quipped

‘Wow that sounds so exciting’ I couldn’t help the melancholy that washed over me I had
missed so much.

‘What about you Rose?’

‘I never went to college, it just so happens that the night of the graduation party I got

‘What?’ I was astonished

‘That’s right Emmett knocked me up, we got married and now have two kids, Harvey who’s
nearly ten and Jack who’s six’ looking at Rose’s face which was impassive I wondered how
she had coped with been pregnant at such a young age, I couldn’t imagine her parents had
been too happy. I suppose life hadn’t exactly turned out the way she planned either.

‘And Emmett, is he a big football star?’

She laughed ‘No he works for his dad at the car dealership in town, he got injured his first
year at college so he had to drop out’

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‘So you still live in Forks?’ I asked

‘Yes and the closest I get to looking at a super car is my son’s toy Porsche’ I could hear the
slight bitterness in Rose’s voice as she spoke.

‘Have you two kept in touch?’ I looked between the pair of them; we had always claimed that
we would be friends forever no matter what.

‘The last time I saw Alice was about three years ago’ Rose looked accusingly at Alice

‘Listen Rose it’s not my fault you never got out of this town, it hard to be around such a bitter
harpy sometimes’

‘Why you little bitch, how’s the love life Alice? Or are you still driving away with ruthless
determination to succeed?’

I watched in horror as my two best friends turned on each other.

‘God will you two quit it, I’ve missed out on the last ten years of my life, wake up and find I
have lost my mother for Christ’s sake. So no matter what’s going on in your lives I find it
hard to believe it could be worse than that’ They looked at me guiltily.

‘God I’m sorry Bella’ they said at the same time.

‘It’s ok’ I sighed.

‘So what about the other people we were at high school with?’ I wasn’t sure I really wanted to
know but I needed to distract them.

‘Well you remember Mike Newton well he and Jessica Stanley got married’ Rose told me ‘
they have a daughter the same age as my youngest and let me tell you spawn of Satan I swear
to god’

‘Mike and Jessica really?’ Mike used to follow me around everywhere and was kind of creepy
but I had never had the heart to tell him to leave me alone. Jessica and her friend Lauren had
never liked me and were pretty horrible whenever they got the chance, although never in front
of Rose who would have kicked their arse.

‘Tyler Crowley went on make a shit load of money out of the dot com boom’ Alice continued.

‘I have no idea what you’re talking about but that’s great’ I said laughing.

They went through several other classmates and what had happened to them.

‘What about Victoria and James?’ Victoria had been a shy quiet girl with the most amazing
hair, it was like living flame, she had sometimes hung around with us, she had a twin brother
who I hadn’t liked so much, they was something about James that had been a little unsettling.

‘Oh Jesus you mean no one told you?’ Alice looked horrified

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‘What do you mean?’ I was confused what hadn’t I been told?

‘Bella James died’ Rose told me gently

‘Oh my god really, when?’

‘The night of the party, the same night you had your accident. No one really knows what
happened, his parents noticed he was missing the next morning and a few days after his body
washed up on the beach’

‘Some people think he may have seen you fall and gone in after you’ Alice was holding my
hand now and trying to offer me comfort.

‘I can’t believe this, someone died because of me?’ I felt like I had been punched in the gut,
why had no one mentioned this to me?

‘We don’t know that Bella’ Rose said shooting Alice a dirty look ‘he could have had an
accident too, no one really knows what happened’

‘Rose is right Bella we don’t know what happened. I don’t suppose you remember anything?’
Alice was watching me carefully.

I shook my head ‘I remember you dancing with Tyler Crowley’

‘Ew don’t even remind me’ Alice screwed up his little face.

‘I remember Rose and Emmett fighting’

‘What else was new’ Rose said huffing ‘the make up sex later is how I ended up with this life’

‘Then nothing, I don’t remember going to the beach or anything’

For a moment I debated whether I should tell them about the dreams. Every night was the
same, I was standing on the cliff at La Push, there was someone with me but it was a shadowy
figure that I couldn’t quite make out. I felt frightened I knew that but the memory probably
wasn’t real it could just be my subconscious trying to fill in the blanks in my memory. The
dream would change then and I could hear a voice, a beautiful one if voices could be
described as that. It was so rich, deep and mellow it made me feel safe as I listened, I could
never quite make out what he was saying though, I guess it was probably my imagination
running wild.

‘Well it doesn’t matter now that’s all the in past. You’ve come back to us and now you have
to start living your life’ Rose told me.

That was easier said than done. I mean I didn’t know what to do now; I could hardly still head
off to Dartmouth now.

I supposed I had to work out what I wanted and start making things happen.


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‘Hey Jasper’ I greeted my best friend as he came into the bar.

‘How does it feel to be single again?’ Jasper asked as he slid onto the stool next to me.

‘Not good’ I admitted

‘You can’t seriously tell me you regret divorcing Tanya, I mean I know she totally screwed
you over financially but you have to be glad to be rid of her’

‘Believe me I don’t regret that, in fact I would have paid ten times that to be rid of her, it’s
just I hate failing at anything and she was one monumental mistake’

I had married Tanya five years ago, she was beautiful, sweet, she seemed the perfect woman.
My grandfather had recently passed away leaving me a rather large legacy, I was at kind of a
low point in my life. Looking to settle down, Tanya had seemed the perfect candidate. Little
did I know what a scheming witch she was, she only had her eyes on my money.

Anyway five years and countless liaisons with the pool boy later and she was gone, taking a
sizable amount of my money with her.

‘Plenty more fish in the sea’ Jasper encouraged.

I had met Jasper when I first moved to New York from Seattle. He had come into the hospital
after getting hit in a rather delicate area by an ex girlfriend. We just clicked and had been
friends ever since.

He was now a professor at NYU teaching English, unlike me no woman had ever managed to
pin him down, Jasper was single and he had every intention of staying that way. He certainly
never lacked for female company, with his shaggy blond hair and lean muscular build as well
as his handsome face and killer accent women fell at his feet. Jasper always liked to pull out
the southern drawl that women seemed to love, it amused me no end how easily it worked.

‘You know what I think I’d just rather not at the moment, you know once bitten and all that’

‘You’re such a woman sometimes. I didn’t say you had to get married again, let lose have a
little fun Edward’ he said smacking my shoulder.

‘Look Jasper I have desire to become a manwhore like yourself’ I teased.

‘Hey I prefer the term playa’ he said jokingly

‘Whatever Jasper, I think it’s best I spend some time on my own’

‘Ok, ok man but you know how the girls love the whole doctor thing though’ actually I didn’t
think they did, they might like the idea but they didn’t like the reality, been called away in the
middle of dinner, sometimes working really long hours, it soon lost it’s appeal.

Before Tanya I had had two girlfriends both of who never stuck around for too long but for all
their faults they were saints compared to Tanya.

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‘You know one day Jasper some woman is going to get to you and I hope I’m there to see it’
he gave me a mock hurt look.

‘I can’t believe you would wish that on me Edward’

I left Jasper a few hours later; I was feeling slightly happy from the amount of beer I had

Fumbling with the key I finally managed to get the door to my house open. The light on the
answering machine was blinking so I pressed play.

‘Hi darling, just checking that you’re still coming for dinner on Saturday. Give me a call
when you can’

I would have to ring my mother in the morning and tell her I was still coming even though I
knew what would be waiting for me. I knew she just wanted me to be happy but the constant
stream of women she threw at me was getting a little tiresome.

My mom had never cared for Tanya; she never said anything but I could tell she wasn’t overly
keen. I now wished I had taken more noticed, maybe it would have spared me a whole lot of

Part of me had kind of hoped that by this time I would have a family but now I was glad
Tanya hadn’t been keen on starting a family, I would have hated to put kids through our
messy divorce. So now I was thirty-two on my own once again, a little bruised but hopeful
that some day I would someone special.

For a second my mind went back all those years to the girl, sleeping beauty. For some reason
I had never been able to get her out of my head. I had faced a lot of upsetting things in my
years as a doctor but no one had ever quite touched me like her. Still she was long gone now,
taken away before her life had even really started.

Walking in the bathroom I looked in the mirror, the fluorescent lights made my skin seem
even paler than it was. I looked faintly haggard from the late nights I had been working
recently. My hair was its usual unruly mess, no matter how much I tried I could never quite
tame it, as a teenager I had hated my coppery coloured hair but as I got older I realised that
the women seemed to actually like it. I suppose I could be considered a handsome man but I
didn’t tend to think about it.

I was fit and healthy and now I had managed to rid myself of Tanya I had the rest of life
ahead of me.

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Chapter 3


‘Hey jelly belly’ Emmett came barrelling towards me, he looked just like he did in high
school, big, solid with the same dimples when he grinned as he was doing now.

‘Hi Emmy bear’ he enveloped me in one of his bone crushing hugs, lifting my off my feet and
swinging me up into the air.

‘God Bella it’s so good to see you again’ his eyes twinkled into mine as he lowered me to the

I slapped his arm playfully ‘Thanks Em, it’s good to see you too, although to me it feels like
hardly any time has passed since I last saw you’

‘I can’t imagine what that must be like for you but at least you can rely on me I never change’
he grinned and walked off to start the barbecue.

Emmett and Rose were having a small get together and even though I found it hard I had
agreed to come, after all I couldn’t keep myself locked away for ever.

Alice and Rose came towards me ‘he’s still a giant teddy bear’ I said gesturing over to
Emmett and Rose rolled her eyes.

‘Can he still burp the alphabet?’ I asked and the two of them both burst out laughing

‘I don’t know Bella but for god’s sake don’t ask him’ Rose said laughing as she walked over
to her husband and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

‘How you holding up Bella?’ Alice was looking at me with concern.

‘It’s taking some getting used to, dvds, ipods, I have no idea about so many things, I didn’t
even know what Charlie’s laptop was, took me forever to work out’

‘Oh Bella you’ll get used to it, it will just take a little time’ she patted my arms ‘oh god
Mike’s coming over’

Looking up I saw a pudgy man making his way towards us, I could tell it was Mike even if he
had put a little weight on, he had the same slicked back pale blond hair and he didn’t really
look that different.

‘Bella I can’t believe it, it’s like a miracle or something’ he grabbed my hand and brought it to
his lips, a small shudder passed through my body, I really didn’t like the way he was looking
at me at all.

‘Hey Mike, I heard you and Jessica got married, congratulations’ he eyed me thoughtfully

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‘Yes well thanks, you look amazing you know’ he had lowered his voice and was making me
extremely uncomfortable.

‘Mike it was great to see you but I must show Bella something’ Alice took my arms and led
me away into the house.

‘Thanks Alice, I don’t remember him been that creepy’

‘That’s because you were always too nice’ Alice laughed and led me over to sit down.

‘Bella have you thought anymore about what you’re going to do now?’

‘Not really Alice, I mean dad has only just got me back I feel like it wouldn’t be right to leave
him’ I loved my dad but after a month of living with him and Sue where the high point of my
day was a trip to the market I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

‘You know no one would blame you if you wanted to live a little, I’m sure Charlie would
understand that’ Alice said gently

‘I guess’ I sighed not really knowing what to say.

‘Bella you always wanted to be a writer, that could still happen’ Alice was looking at me
intently ‘I have an idea and you don’t have to if you don’t want but you could move to New
York for a little while and live with me. I have a huge apartment and you wouldn’t have to
pay me rent, you could even take some night classes if you wanted’ she was looking at me
eagerly and I had to admit the idea sounded unbelievably appealing.

‘Alice I would have to pay you something I couldn’t just live off you’

‘Well then get a part time job, Bella I would love to have you with me, I can’t tell you how
much I have missed you over the years. Rose is great but I always felt you understood me
more. So what do you think?’

‘I’ll have to think about it and talk to Charlie but I love the idea’ we hugged each other

Later Rose took me to meet her boy’s who were adorable with their blond hair and dimples.

‘So you were like asleep for years?’ asked the youngest one asked incredulously ‘you must
have been real tired’ he added solemnly

‘So you’re kind of like that story sleeping beauty?’ Harvey the older one said

‘I suppose except she slept for a hundred years so I guess I got off lightly’

‘Well you’re certainly beautiful’ oh he definitely had his father’s charm.

‘Rose they are great, you’ve done such a wonderful job’ I told her when we had a minute

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‘Thanks Bella, now they are both at school I would really like to get a job but I can’t see there
been anything around here that I would be good at’ Rose looked a little glum.

‘I’m sure something will turn up’

‘You always were the eternal optimist Bella. I used to come and see you and tell you all my
problems you know, you always knew how to cheer me and somehow just telling you even
though you probably never even knew I was there used to make me feel better’

I felt the tears well up as we hugged and I thought about all Rose had been through without

People kept coming up to me all day and I had to answer the same questions over and over as
well as having to listen to details of everyone’s life in the last ten years, it got a little wearing
after a while.

Finally I made my escape, entering the house I stopped short, in front of me was an incredibly
tall dark skinned man, his jet-black hair was cropped short and his handsome face was
grinning at me.

‘Oh my god Seth just look at you, you were a gangly boy the last time I saw you’

‘Hi Bella I wanted to come and see how you were doing and of course have some of mom’s
cooking’ he wrapped his long arms around me and gave me a warm hug.

‘I’m good and it’s great to see you’ I looked awkwardly at the floor ‘I was sorry to hear about
your dad’

‘Thanks Bella it was kind of sudden but mom’s happy now and that’s all I could wish for. I’m
sorry about your mom too’

‘So Seth what’s been happening with you?’ I said wanting to change the subject quickly.

‘I run a body shop specialising in vintage and high end cars with Jacob Black’ he said

‘Wow that sounds good, I bet your mom is proud. How’s Leah?’ Sue hadn’t really mentioned
a lot about her daughter and I didn’t like to ask.

‘She moved to California after her and Sam split, I don’t hear a real lot from her’ he sounded
sad and I felt for him. I remembered Leah and Sam they had always seemed so in love so it
was a shock to hear they had split up.

‘Hey you know Jake asked if it was ok for him to come round tomorrow’ Jacob Black was
one of the first people I met when I came to Forks, he was a couple of years younger than me
but we had always got on really well. His father was Billy Black one of my dad’s best friends,
we spent time together when our father’s were off fishing, I remember sat watching him fix
cars in the old garage behind their house on the rez.

‘Of course I would love to see to Jake’

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‘I’ll tell him to drop by’ he smiled at me ‘I better be going I got a date’ he was grinning from
ear to ear, he was still the same sweet boy he had always been it seemed.

‘Hope it goes well’ Seth hugged me again before he left.

‘You’re just as lovely as I remember’ he said ‘don’t ever change Bella’

Waving good byre I watched him climb into his car and drive away.

There was a note on the refrigerator telling me dad and Sue had gone to visit some friends. I
sat down on the couch and that lost feeling came over me once again. Sometimes I would find
myself in tears and not really knowing why. I needed to get out of here I knew that but I
didn’t want to hurt my father.

Heading to bed I again dreamt about the cliff and again heard the voice that seemed to sooth
all my fears; I wish I knew if it was real or just a figment of my imagination but to be honest
it just sounded to beautiful to be real.

Jake came round the next morning, he too had gotten so tall, I wondered what they put in the
water at La Push to make them all so big.

‘It’s like seeing a ghost or something’ he said as he kissed my cheek and sat with me in the
kitchen. Jake had always been attractive and he had grown into a good-looking man, his black
hair was cut short now and it suited him. He had the most amazing skin, a beautiful russet
colour, so flawless and smooth you just wanted to touch it.

‘I’m real I assure you’ I said laughingly

‘;Seth told me about your business, how’s that going?’

‘Really well in fact we are looking into employing another mechanic as business is booming’

Thinking back I remembered one time Rosalie had come with me to see Jake and had helped
out with the old rabbit he was restoring, that’s when I had the idea there was no harm in
asking after all.

‘You know Rose told me she wants to get a job now both her boy’s are at school, would you
consider her?’ Jake’s face lit up and he nodded enthusiastically.

‘Sure I mean I remember her helping me, she’s really good, ask her to come round and see

‘Thanks so much Jake’ I leapt forward and hugged him, his eyes seemed to darken slightly as
I flung my body against him and suddenly I felt warm all over. I slowly straightened up.

‘I’m sorry I got a little carried away’ I sounded so flustered.

‘It’s ok Bella. I had better be going, tell Rose to pop round sometime soon’ he gave me
another peck on the cheek and left.

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Fanning myself with my hand I realised I had felt a jolt of attraction for Jacob, the first time I
had felt anything like that since I woke up. I suppose it was to be expected my hormones had
been on stand by for ten years, it was a wonder they weren’t running riot.

Before the accident I had never found anyone I wanted to ‘that’ with so in reality I was a
twenty eight year old virgin. It all sounded pretty pathetic when you put it like that

The phone rang and I automatically answered it.

‘Is that Isabella Dwyer? We would really like to interview you…’

I slammed the phone done, another reporter. It was bad enough that the whole of Forks knew
about me I didn’t want the whole world knowing too.

Every one round here knew every thing about me and I was beginning to hate it. Tonight I
would talk to Charlie about Alice’s idea I needed to start again, somewhere new, somewhere
nobody knew about me and my past.


‘Hi mom looking gorgeous as usual’ maybe a little charm would butter her up and she
wouldn’t start questioning me on my love life.

‘Edward you know that doesn’t work on me’ she laughed and she gave me a hug.

‘I’m glad you could come your father wants to know if you’ve thought anymore about coming
to work with him’

Oh god not this again, my father now ran his own private practice but it really wasn’t my sort
of thing, being at the beck and call of all those rich clients give me the ER any day.

‘Mom I’ve already told him I’m happy as I am’

‘I know dear but he would love to have you working with him’ I rolled my eyes and entered
the house.

My father was sat sipping a scotch in the family room talking to a woman who had her back
to me.

Turning back to my mother I saw her trying to look all innocent at staging yet another set up.

‘Edward good to see you son’ me father boomed when he saw me.

Been the son of Carlisle Cullen hadn’t always been easy, it was a lot to live up to, but I
respected and loved my father even if he could be a little controlling at times.

‘Hey dad, how’s the practice going?’

‘Really well and you know we could always use someone of your talent’ not going to happen

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‘I’m happy where I am for now thanks’ I replied dryly

‘Edward all those long hours surely you would like to start working to a more regular
schedule, any woman you start to see would appreciate it I can tell you’ he winked at me and
turned to the woman he had been talking to.

‘I’m sorry so rude of me, Edward this is Irina, Irina this is my son Edward’ I held my hand
out politely to Irina, she was certainly gorgeous, tall and blond with very striking features but
I really didn’t feel anything.

‘Nice to meet you Irina’

‘Likewise Edward’ she had a slight accent that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

‘Oh good you’ve met Irina’ my mother came bustling back in to the room. ‘Irina’s mother
works with me at the foundation’ to be honest I wasn’t quite sure what the foundation was,
my mom had so many charities that she liked to help out and I had kind of lost track of them

‘Oh’ great Edward, very articulate.

I sat next Irina through dinner, she was articulate, funny but I wasn’t interested and I think she
could tell from my answers that I wasn’t exactly overjoyed with her company. I felt like an
arse, it wasn’t her fault all of this I resolved that I would have to be having words with my
mother later.

Irina left shortly after we had finished our meal, my mom insisted I show her out but she
declined politely and shot out of the door faster than seemed humanly possible.

‘She’s lovely isn’t she?’ my mother said turning to me, seemingly oblivious to the fact that
Irina had just ran from here, from me.

‘Yes she is but mom I have to tell you if you set me up again then I’m afraid I won’t be
coming to dinner anymore’ she looked at little shocked at my outburst.

‘Edward I’m sorry it’s just I want you to be happy and I know you, if you don’t have a
woman you’ll just turn into a workaholic and push everything else to the side’ she looked
upset and although I felt guilty I had to stop this interfering.

‘Look mom when I’m ready I’ll find someone but thrusting these women at me isn’t fair on
them or me’

‘You’re right Edward, I’m sorry’

Giving her a hug I said ‘It’s ok I know you want what’s best for me’

Returning home I slumped down on the sofa and poured myself a drink. There was a message
from Jasper on my phone wanting to meet for dinner next Friday, I quickly texted him to say I
would be there.

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Suddenly I felt lonely, I guess I was getting kind of pathetic, no wonder my mom worried
about me. All I did was eat, sleep and work if it wasn’t for Jasper I probably wouldn’t go out
at all.

I mean Jesus I had never been mr party animal but how the hell had it come to this?

Maybe it would be nice to meet someone, it didn’t have to be serious after all, maybe some
fun was exactly what I needed.

Going out with Jasper would be a good thing and this time I was planning on not ‘acting like I
had a stick up my arse’ as my friend frequently accused me of.

Ok Edward Cullen was on the loose so ladies beware. Oh my god if that wasn’t the most
embarrassing thought in history I don’t know what was.

Pathetic didn’t even begin to cover it.

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Chapter 4


‘Um dad?’ I was in the kitchen with my father he was busy looking through the sports section
in the paper; he lifted his face to look at me, his deep brown eyes warm and loving.


‘Er never mind dad it wasn’t important’ I started to walk out of the room but he called me

‘Bella I know something is bothering you just spit it out’ he was looking at me expectantly,
ok now or never I guess.

‘Alice has asked if I wanted to go stay with her in New York, you know maybe take some
classes or something’ I paused gauging my father’s reaction carefully, he looked calm enough
‘I thought maybe I could try it for a bit but I hate leaving you after I’ve been away for so

‘Bella I never expected you to stay around here, you had so many big plans when you were
younger. I think it’s a great idea if you go stay with Alice at least you won’t be alone in an
unfamiliar city. You have a second chance at life and I want you to make the most of it’
Charlie got up from the table and hugged me fiercely to his chest. ‘Just promise you won’t
forget about your old dad’ he chuckled

‘Never’ I promised ‘I’m going to make you proud I swear’ he smiled and gently pushed my
hair behind my ears.

‘You already do baby’ placing a kiss on my forehead he went back to peruse the paper.

‘When do you think you’ll be going?’ he asked

‘Well Alice has some business in Seattle in a few days and she thought that maybe I could fly
back with her’

My father nodded ‘Ok well let me know how much you’re going to need and I’ll make sure
you have it’

‘Alice is paying for my ticket, she wouldn’t take no for an answer and I’m going to get a job
as soon as possible I don’t want to be taking money from you’ He had already done so much
for me now I needed to support myself.

‘You always were such a stubborn little thing, ok well it sounds like you have every thing
planned. I’m gonna miss you so much Bells’

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‘I’ll miss you too daddy’ I came to stand behind his car and hugged him from behind. Sighing
I hoped I was making the right decision.

A few days later I found myself flying in the first class section to New York with Alice.
Luckily I had only just renewed my passport before the accident it was still valid, just.

‘Wow Alice you sure know how to travel’ she smirked and patted my knee.

‘Only the best for Mary Alice Brandon and Bella Swan’ After the divorce my mom had
changed both her and my name back to Dwyer but now that I was starting my life over I had
decided I wanted to be Bella Swan, it felt right and Charlie was overjoyed with my decision.

We clicked our champagne glasses together and giggled.

Alice napped during the flight, travel was nothing new to her she did a lot of it in her job but I
felt like a kid again. Watching the people around me. I felt kind of out of place, most people
were like Alice dressed in sharp business suits, immaculately coiffed whereas I wore jeans
and a blue shirt that Alice had bought when she took me shopping, the jeans were very slim
fitting, ‘skinny’ Alice called them and the shirt apparently suited my curves. Ten years in a
coma hadn’t changed me much; unfortunately for Alice I still wasn’t really interested in

I spent most of the flight taking advantage of every facet of the first class facilities, reclining
my seat and watching movies.

While we waited for our bags, I didn’t have much my dad had given me some money to go
shopping and Alice had made me buy a few new things but I had kept it to a minimum, when
I found a job I would buy myself some more clothes.

‘You ready Bella?’ Alice called, she hailed a cab and climbed in, it was dark and the lights of
the city were dazzling, I whipped my head from side to side trying to take everything in.

‘There’ll be plenty of time for sightseeing’ Alice said with great amusement and I eventually
sat back and relaxed.

The cab drew up outside an elegant apartment building and the driver got our bags out of the
boot. While Alice thanked and paid the driver I looked around me, the area was right near
central park and really nice. Alice certainly had done well for herself and I couldn’t help but
be proud of her, she hadn’t had the easiest of upbringings and yet she now had all this.

‘Wow Alice just wow’ she grinned at my astounded face.

‘Just wait till you see inside, it’s fantastic’

Entering the building there was a man at the desk who greeted Alice formally with a ‘Good
evening Miss Brandon’ I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my mouth and Alice elbowed
me while she said ‘Hello Felix, this is Bella Swan, she’ll be staying with me for a bit’

Felix smiled at me and said ‘Hello Miss Swan’ he was darkly handsome with a great physique
and I blushed red.

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‘Erm just call me Bella’ I managed to stutter out before following Alice to the elevator.

‘He’s gorgeous right?’ Alice said sending me a sly look as she punched the number for the top

‘My god yes’ I breathed dramatically and we both collapsed with laughter again.

‘It’s like we are eighteen all over again’ Alice was right it was, I felt giddy, carefree and ready
to take on anything.

‘I know, I suppose I had better start acting my age’

‘Don’t you dare Bella I love it this feeling I have when I’m with you. Over the years I have
spent so much time getting to where I am I guess I missed out on acting like this when I had
the chance’

We chatted a bit as I settled into Alice’s sumptuous penthouse it really was amazing. Alice
brought some wine and after a few glasses I was pleasantly tipsy.

‘So Alice what about you and men and sex?’ I laughed a little and her eyes widened.

‘Bella are you drunk?’

‘Nope but I am curious, come on you can tell me’

‘Well I have had a few boyfriends, they never really lasted long claimed I was too career
focused and as for the sex, do yourself a favour Bella and buy a vibrator much more
satisfying’ I looked at Alice for a second and then we both burst out laughing again.

‘It’s been ages Bella and I don’t even have the excuse of a ten year coma’ Alice sighed and
looked a little sad for a moment.

‘I’m sure the right man will come along’ I patted her shoulder reassuringly

‘I suppose, anyway I’m heading to bed, early start in the morning’ she got up and I followed
her to my room.

I sat on the bed; I could hardly believe I was here, looking out of the window at the city that
never sleeps. Picking up a pillow I hugged it to my chest, I was going to make the most of
every opportunity that came my way from this moment on I thought to myself.

After showering I put on my pyjamas and stared unblinkingly up at the ceiling my thoughts
reeling. There was so much I had to do, arrange to take the admissions exam and then
hopefully I could start taking evening classes at NYU in august. Get a job, which was easier
said then done. I wanted to explore the city with any free time I had, I’d never been here
before and there was so much I wanted to see.

Finally I managed to drop off. My dreams were the usual muddle of figures I couldn’t quite
make out and a voice that could only belong to an angel.

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‘Hi’ Jasper had just walked in the door, already his eyes were scanning the area for any
potential, I chuckled as he came towards me and grinned.

‘How’s things with you Dr Edward?’ he planted himself down beside me and cocked his

‘Good, my mom’s set up was the usual disaster, I’ve realised that I have no life and need a
little fun’

At my words Jasper perked up a little ‘So Eddie boy is finally ready to unleash the beast

‘Really Jasper? The beast?’ he merely smirked and ordered a drink.

We were soon chatting with a couple of women, Jasper had his arm around a tall blond who
was practically kissing his neck and mine was telling me all about her job as an elementary
school teacher. I watched her as she talked, she was pretty, small and dark haired, her bright
blue eyes were alive with fun and humour but I wasn’t feeling it. What the hell was wrong
with me?

‘Are you sure you aren’t gay?’ Jasper asked as we made our way to another bar.

‘Pretty certain, I don’t know Jasper I guess I just want that spark you know’

‘Kill me now, we don’t fucking live in a fairytale Edward, real life isn’t like that’ Jasper
rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm dragging me into some club.

As the night wore on I tried to loosen up and let go but it was difficult even with the copious
amounts of beer I managed to drink.

Eventually while Jasper was wrapped around some small dark haired girl called Maria I
decided to call it a night.

‘I’m off’ I called and Jasper gave me a nod before turning to tell Maria I was gay and in

Well so much for my plan of breaking out and showing the world a new Edward Cullen. I
hailed a cab and collapsed into bed only bothering to take my shoes off.

I don’t know whether it was Jasper’s mention of fairytales that did it but for the first time in a
long time I dreamed about the girl, Isabella. When I had first moved to New York I had
dreamt of her often, her deep brown eyes gazing into mine as she awoke from her coma, her
sweet voice telling me that she had heard me, flinging her small, curvy body into my arms and
us living happily ever after.

God maybe Jasper was right maybe I was gay.

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My life followed a similar pattern over the next few weeks; work, going out with Jasper who
hooked up with endless amounts of women while I sat there like a complete and utter plank.

I found if I drank enough I would end up kissing some women but I could never take it that
bit further, my right hand was my only friend in that department.

The heat of the city was unbearable as August began, I headed to my favourite coffee place
before work; I had the evening shift tonight.

As I opened the door a small brunette was coming out, she was rummaging in her bag for
something and hadn’t seen me.

She lightly bumped me as she went through the door ‘I’m so sorry’ her soft voice exclaimed
although she didn’t lift her head from her bag at first, she was intent on finding something.

‘It’s fine’ I said before I strode into the shop.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her head snap up and she glanced back towards me before
shaking her head and hurrying off.

Kind of weird I thought but put it to the back of mind as I ingested the glorious caffeine I had
been craving.

I was meeting Jasper again on Friday and I cringed slightly, although he was good fun and I
had a good time it wasn’t exactly doing wonders for my confidence.

Jasper was teaching some evening classes over the summer so we would be meeting about

I was seriously going to have man up or start looking in the man seeking man adverts in the

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Chapter 5


Poor Alice over the last month I had dragged her to every landmark in the city. She had to
endure my raving over the empire state building, trips to the natural history museum, endless
art galleries visits and several picnics in the park. Alice never complained if anything she told
me my enthusiasm made her enjoy the city more, after been here for so long she claimed you
kind of didn’t notice the great thing around you.

Finding a job that I could actually do wasn’t easy but Alice had a friend who ran a coffee shop
and although at first I was left speechless from the array of beverages that were on offer I
soon picked it up. To me a coffee was a coffee but apparently no one else agreed with me.

Mostly I worked, occasionally I managed to persuade Alice to come out with me but she said
if I made her go to one more art gallery where the paintings looked like something a one
armed monkey had done she wouldn’t speak to me again. Alice had taken me to a few bars
but the men never really appealed to me, they seemed more interested in their blackberries
then making conversation with me.

One thing of note that had happened last week still made the hairs on my arms stand on end. I
had just finished my shift at the coffee shop and was desperately looking for my bus ticket as
I walked out of the door. I bumped someone as I wasn’t paying attention to where I was
going, apologising he had said ‘it’s fine’. His voice washed over me, so like the one that
haunted my dreams that I had to look, glancing behind me I saw his broad back and messy
copper coloured hair, for a second I wanted to go over to him but I shook myself, I was
seriously going crazy. I had never seen him since, it was stupid but I hoped I would.

I passed the admissions exam and tonight was my first evening class; I had decided to take a
creative writing course and was eagerly looking forward to it.

Alice had lent me her car seeing as she didn’t need it this evening, driving a bright yellow
Porsche was a little over the top for me, I kind of ducked and rolled out of the car hoping no
one noticed me.

The class was great, a lot of people my age, some looking for a change of career others just
interested in learning new things, they were a friendly bunch and I certainly hadn’t felt too out
of place. I didn’t want people knowing about my past so when they asked I just said that I had
decided to come back to education and was hoping it would lead to something new.

Waving goodbye to the other people in my class I made my way over to the Porsche, silently

‘She’s a beauty’ I jumped about ten feet in the air when I heard the soft drawl behind me.
Turning I saw a tall blond me leaning against a post admiring the car.

‘Thanks it’s not mine though I’m borrowing it from a friend’ I stammered.

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The man came closer and I got a better look at him, tall and lean he had an extremely
handsome face with sparkling blue eyes.

‘Well it certainly is gorgeous’ the way he was looking at me made with blush bright red.

‘Are you taking one of the evening classes?’ he cocked his head to the side as he asked the

I nodded ‘Yes creative writing. Are you taking a class?’

‘Teaching one actually’ he stuck out his hand then ‘I’m Jasper Whitlock by the way’

I took his hand, it was so much larger than mine, and shook it.

‘Bella Swan’ Wow he really was handsome.

‘Nice to meet you Miss Swan’ his voice had a distinct southern twang to it that was delicious.

‘This may seem a little forward but I was wondering if you would join me for a drink on
Friday night?’ I lowered my head and nibbled on my lower lip nervously, I wanted to but I
didn’t know him from Adam.

‘Would it be ok if I brought a friend?’

‘Of course, in fact that’s great because I was meeting up with a friend anyway’

We arranged to meet at a bar I had never heard of at nine and I prayed to god that Alice was
free to go with me. I took his number just in case I couldn’t make it and climbed in the car
suddenly feeling very happy to be driving the canary yellow beast.

Getting back to the apartment I told Alice about the meeting.

‘Sounds an arse if you ask me’ she was in a bit of a funk at the moment and meeting men
wasn’t high on her priority list.

‘Oh come on Alice it will be fun, will you come?’

‘Fine Bella I will come but I’m just warning you he’s probably a sleaze’ her black eyes
looked into mine and she huffed ‘I’m pretty convinced there are no decent men in this city’

‘Well if worst comes to worst we always have each other’ I giggled, earning me a smile from
Alice at last.

‘Help me find something to wear?’ she finally perked up completely and followed me into my
room to pick an outfit, not that I had much to choose from.

Friday came round quickly and I was just putting the finishing touches to my make up when
Alice came into the bathroom looking amazing in tight jeans and a strappy silver top.

‘Alice you look amazing, he isn’t going to look at me with you around’

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Alice shook her head ‘Bella you look great’ glancing in the mirror I supposed I would do. I
also wore tight jeans but I had teamed mine with a black halter-top. My hair was still really
long and I had used some stuff on it that made it look really shiny and soft. I kept makeup to a
minimum, just some smoky eye shadow and lip-gloss.

‘Come on let’s go knock some socks off’ Alice said as we left the apartment and headed into
the city.


‘Jasper I aren’t going to be able to meet you tonight, the hospital has rung and I have to go in’
He had arranged to meet some women he had met at the university. He had been raving all
week about this gorgeous brunette called Bella. Jasper claimed there was something about her
that she had this untouched air about her, which didn’t sound his normal type at all.

‘It’s ok man I’m perfectly capable of entertaining two women’ he chuckled darkly.

‘I’m sure’ I said rolling my eyes ‘anyway I’ll catch you tomorrow and you can tell me how
things went’

‘Ok Eddie see you tomorrow’ I put the phone down and drove to the hospital.

Finishing my shift at two in the morning I made my way home, when I got back to my house I
saw the light on and was baffled.

Entering the house cautiously I found Jasper drinking my scotch in the living room.

‘What the hell are you doing Jasper?’

‘What? I needed a drink’

‘How’d the date with the beautiful Bella go?’ I set about getting myself a sandwich waiting
for him to answer.

When he didn’t I turned around and saw him grimacing.

‘Wasn’t she as great as you remembered?’

‘Bella was lovely but her friend, man I felt like chopping my dick off and wapping it on the
table just to shut her up’ I laughed quietly at his expression.

‘So the Whitlock charm didn’t work on her then?’

‘No’ he pouted ‘She had my number from the start and when I started using the accent she
actually called me on it’ he looked like a sulky child that had been told off.

‘Wow tell me her name she sounds great’ I teased.

‘Alice’ he spat the word at me and pulled the face again.

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‘So what’s this Alice like?’ I wanted to hear more about the woman that had put Jasper in his

‘She’s tiny with short black hair and these weird black eyes, honestly not dark brown but
black, killer body and a tongue sharp enough to cut glass’

‘I take it that you won’t be trying to see Bella again?’

He looked at me confused as if he hadn’t even thought about it.

‘Erm no I don’t think so’

‘What’s really bothering you Jasper?’ I could tell he was hiding something.

‘I swear I think I fucking love her’ what the hell was he talking about?


‘No Alice, even though she was a complete bitch and half the time I wanted to throttle her the
other half of the time I just wanted to get down on my knees and beg her to take me’ I wanted
to laugh but seeing the expression on his face stopped me, he looked so lost and forlorn.

‘I don’t know what to say’

‘This is your fault, you wished this on me and now it’s happened, you said you wanted some
woman to get to me and now look’ he gestured down at himself with a disgusted look.

‘Hey it’s not my fault, that was a joke’ I protested throwing my hands in the air.

‘Whatever I need to get out of here, sort myself out’ he staggered towards the door but I
stopped him.

‘Sleep on the couch you can’t go anywhere like this’ I pushed him down and he slumped over
kicking his shoes off.

‘Fine’ he mumbled and before too long his snores were ringing out.

Looked like I missed a hell of an evening, maybe it was just the drink talking but Jasper
seemed to be seriously smitten with this woman.

I wondered idly what had happened to Bella while Alice and Jasper were fighting, it couldn’t
have been very nice for her. Briefly I felt a little guilty about having to bale and work still it
couldn’t be helped.

I climbed into bed and thought about my friend downstairs, it looked as if he might have
found someone who was more than a match for him.

Sighing I turned over and closed my eyes willing sleep to come but behind my lids all I could
see was my lonely life spreading out in front of me, endless and desolate.

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‘I’m sorry Alice’ I said as we walked through the door of the apartment.

‘You don’t have to apologise for him’ she huffed storming into her bedroom.

The night had been a disaster; Alice had taken one look at Jasper and pegged him for a
womanising arsehole. Everything he said she mocked and sneered at. Personally I thought she
might have gone a little far. I watched as he desperately tried to control his temper while she
attacked him at every opportunity. At one point they were lent over the table towards each
other, glaring and snarling while I wished I were anywhere but there.

Alice appeared a minute later clad in some short pyjamas. She sat next to me on the couch and
hung her head.

‘I guess it’s not the end of the world, just another one to write off’ I said cheerfully.

Alice looked up at me and something in her eyes gave her away.

‘You liked him didn’t you?’

‘What? Don’t be ridiculous’ she exclaimed before throwing her hands up in the air.

‘Oh my god Bella what’s wrong with me even though everything he said riled me up I just
wanted to leap across that table and .. Shit lick him all over’

She looked at me hopelessly and shook her head.

‘Well there’s nothing wrong with that’ I said seriously

Alice stared at me as if I had lost my mind and then she grinned.

‘You’re right, it’s just lust all I have to do is have him and the madness will end’ As if a
weight had been lifted off her shoulders Alice stood up and headed back to her bedroom.

‘That wasn’t exactly what I meant’ I mumbled but she wasn’t paying attention.

‘Jasper Whitlock is going to mine’ Alice declared and I felt a little sorry for him because once
Alice set her mind on something that was it.

Climbing into bed I decided that sex and relationship might always remain a mystery to me
because the way I was headed it didn’t seem that it was going to happen for me.

I banged my pillow and was looking forward to sleep after all in my dreams I had the perfect
man, well the perfect voice anyway and that seemed as close as I was going to get.

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Chapter 6


I was coming to the end of my shift at the coffee shop when the manager came over and asked
me if I could cover the next one, I had no classes today and the extra money would come in
handy so I agreed.

The damn machine started playing up and I was fiddling about with it as Hannah served, the
thing spat hot water that hit my arm and seared my skin and I let out a huge yelp.

‘Shit’ I muttered as I ran my arm under the cold water in the bathroom. The burn looked red
and angry and hurt like the devil. I wrapped a bandage around it and wished to god I hadn’t
agreed to work tonight.

‘You ok Bella?’ Hannah asked as I came back through to the shop, she was a college student,
pretty with bobbed golden brown hair. I liked her and we got on well.

‘Fine’ I huffed as I went to the counter to serve the next customer.

My breath stopped when I saw the head of unruly coppery brown hair, could he be the man
whose voice I had heard last week?

‘Cappuccino black’ He was looking at something on his phone and not at me, sure he had a
nice voice but it was hard to tell if it was the voice from my dreams. I filled the order and
went to hand him the cup when he suddenly looked up. His face went white and I wondered if
he was going to collapse.

‘Are you ok?’ I asked timidly as he continued to stare at me as if he had seen a ghost.

‘Oh um I’m fine you just look like someone I used to know’ he croaked out still looking a
little white.

He paid for the coffee and went to sit down at one of the tables in the corner; every time I
looked over towards him he was staring at me, which caused warmth to invade my body.

Looking at him out of the corner of my eye he was undeniably handsome with that gorgeous
mop of hair and green eyes, he had broad shoulders that tapered down to narrow hips, he was
lean but not lanky. I supposed if I could have brought the voice to life than this man would be
the embodiment of it, he was good looking but with a hint of something more. His eyes
caught mine and I quickly looked away.

We were suddenly busy and the next time I glanced across to the table he was gone, my
shoulders slumped slightly when I saw this. The rest of the shift passed slowly and my feet
were really beginning to hurt as I trudged into the cloakroom to dump my apron before
heading home.

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The night air was humid as I stepped outside, the breeze almost nonexistent. It was only a few
blocks back to Alice’s apartment and I walked slowly, damp tendrils of hair sticking to my

I was exhausted as I greeted Alice and had a quick bite to eat before heading to my room to
get some sleep.

My dreams that night weren’t just about a voice, now it had become flesh with sexy,
dishevelled coppery hair and deep green eyes.

Figures surrounded me and I was been forced nearer and nearer the cliff edge, I felt my feet
slip on the soft ground and just before I would have fallen he was there, grabbing my hands
and pulling me to safety, away from the shadowy menace and into his arms.

Waking up was a disappointment after my dream, looking at the clock I realised I would have
to hurry to get to work on time.

After a quick shower and slice of toast I was out the door and looking forward to another day
of serving coffee and hopefully not getting burnt.

‘Morning Bella’ Marcus called; he was the owner and knew Alice through his wife who loved
her clothing designs.

‘Hey Marcus’ he had long white hair and must be in his seventies although his wife was years
younger, Alice said she was a serious gold digger which made me cringe slightly. He was nice
enough and had been willing to give me a chance when no one else would.

Putting on my apron I went towards the counter and started taking orders.

‘Cappuccino’ it was him, I didn’t need to look up to know that.

‘Coming right up’ smiling my eyes locked with his and it was like a jolt of electricity to my
system, my heart stuttered before racing in my chest as I looked at him.

Handing the cup over he grazed his fingers with mine and my whole hand tingled pleasurably.

‘Is your arm ok?’ he gestured to the bandage that covered the burn from yesterday.

‘It’s fine’ my voice was high and squeaky so I cleared my throat ‘stupid machine just burnt

‘Do you want me to take a look?’ when I raised my eyebrow he chuckled

‘I’m a doctor’ he explained.

‘Oh right, no happens all the time I’m good’ Jesus Bella let the man touch you for crying out
loud why would you turn down the chance to have his fingers on your skin?

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‘Well thanks for the coffee’ he glanced down at my chest and I gaped at him until I realised
he was looking at my name badge. ‘Bella’ he didn’t just say my name it was more like a
caress on his lips. Seriously it was a wonder I wasn’t a puddle on the floor right now.

He sat at the corner table again and again my eyes were constantly drawn to him. Could I just
ask him out? It wasn’t something I would normally do but I wanted to get to know him,
something about him drew me like a moth to a flame.

Seeing he had finished his coffee I hurried over to collect the cup before he disappeared again.


God she was gorgeous, Bella was walking towards me her lower lip caught between her teeth
as she came slowly up to my table, her gaze flicked between my face and the floor. Her long
dark brown hair nearly reached her waist and curled enticingly down her back, I wanted to
touch it to see if it felt as silky as it looked. Bella’s eyes were a deep brown, full of life and
yet somehow so innocent looking at the same time.

It was so strange she had this air about her that was hard to define, it was as if everything was
new and exciting to her, how you feel when you are young and the possibilities in life are
endless. She had to be in her mid twenties but it was hard to tell and I supposed she could be
younger. Looking at her I suddenly felt so old and disillusioned in comparison.

‘Hi have you finished with that’ she gestured to my cup shyly.

‘Erm yeah thanks’

‘Can I get you another?’ again she was biting her plump bottom lip nervously, the sight was
strangely arousing and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

I sighed I really should be going I had only come here to see if I could catch another glimpse
of Bella, which I knew was stalkerish behaviour but I couldn’t stop myself.

Shaking my head I said ‘I had better be on my way’ Bella hesitated before squaring her
shoulders, a determined look crossing her face.

‘Um would you go out with me sometime?’ I watched in amusement as pink colour bloomed
in her cheeks when she said this ‘I mean you don’t have to but …um god this is really hard’
she muttered under her breath ‘we could go for a drink or something’ she was looking more
and more flustered by the minute, she started to turn away and head back to the counter with
my cup before I could say something.

‘Hey you didn’t wait for my answer’ I called.

Bella turned back, she was bright pink in the face and somehow it just made her more damn

‘I would love to have a drink with you, are you free Friday?’ I tried to sound calm even
though my imides were churning and I had the urge to jump up and pump my fist in the air.

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‘Sure, I have class till eight thirty so I could meet you after that’ her skin was slowly returning
to its normal pale translucence, which seemed such a striking contrast to her dark hair and
eyes. I remembered years ago seeing a picture of Divinci’s Angel and it was so like Bella.

‘Ok how about I pick you up at nine, where would you like to meet?’

‘Here?’ she was nibbling her lip again and I wished it was my mouth she was nibbling on.

‘Sounds good and by the way my name is Edward’ she blushed again when she realised she
hadn’t asked my name.

‘And I’m Bella’

‘I know’ I said pointing to her name badge, she giggled and rolled her eyes at herself.

I wrote my number on a napkin and she gave me hers. I swear I practically skipped out of
there as I left.

Work was hard but nothing could faze me today, I had a date and not just any date but a date
with Bella.

When I got home that evening I thought again of the first time I laid eyes on Bella, her
resemblance to the girl in the hospital all those years ago was uncanny, even the names were
similar but obviously all that was just coincidence because Isabella had died, her life cut
prematurely short. As soon as I had looked at Bella I had felt a strange tug in my chest as if
my heart had been trying to take flight, it was a reaction I had certainly never had before to
anybody not even my wife.

Although I tried to tell myself I was been fanciful and things might not even turn out well I
couldn’t help the spark of optimism that flared in me.


‘What’s with you?’ Alice was sat with her laptop on her knee and a glass of wine on the table

‘Nothing, why?’ I looked at her innocently

‘Bella if that grin was any wider it would split your face’ she pulled a stupid face at me and

‘Well I kind of asked someone out’ I ducked my head as she choked on the sip of wine she
had just taken.

‘Wow oh wow Seriously?’ I nodded and felt my smile get impossibly wider.

‘This is great Bella, what’s he like?’ I told her everything about Edward, even down to the
sexy stubble that only seemed to emphasis his masculine jaw.

‘He does sound amazing. By the way I’m going to need Jasper’s number from you’ I handed
her my phone as she quickly programmed the number into hers.

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‘So you’re set on this?’ I grabbed myself a glass of wine and sat next to her.

‘Oh yeah I guarantee Jasper won’t know what hit him’ Alice looked flushed and excited, his
eyes glowing like polished onyx as she thought about the task ahead. I was starting to feel
slightly sorry for Jasper.

‘So what’s the plan?’ Did I really want to know? I mean if something went wrong and they
ended up killing each other I could deny all knowledge.

‘I’m going to invite him out, pull out all the stops and when he opens his mouth and annoys
me I plan to shut him up with mine. Simple.’ A devilish grin came across her face.

‘I’m also thinking that when I get him back here I’ll gag him’ Now it was my turn to choke.

‘I’ll ride that cowboy and then the madness will end and I won’t wake in the night sweating
and gasping his name anymore’ I made a mental note to buy some ear plugs, I was pretty sure
that wasn’t something I wanted to hear.

‘Too much’ I laughed placing my hands over my ears.

The phone rang and I picked it up still giggling slightly ‘hello’

‘Do you remember’ a voice hissed on the other end.

‘I’m sorry?’ what the hell was this about?

‘Do you remember what happened?’ again the voice was a hiss, hard to tell if it was a man or
a woman.

‘I think you have the wrong number’ the phone call was starting to freak me out.

‘Oh I don’t think so Isabella’ then the line went dead.

I placed the phone back on the table and numbly stared at it.

‘What’s wrong?’ Alice asked with concern, I wasn’t sure what my face showed but I felt
nauseous and shaky.

‘Wrong number’ I don’t know why I held back on telling Alice, mostly I didn’t want to worry
her but there was something else, something nagging at the back of my mind.

My dreams were uneasier that night, the figures were becoming more defined, the hissing
voice was in evidence as well, it was taunting me as they forced me towards the edge of the
cliff. I remembered looking down and seeing the rocks and waves below me and thinking that
this was it before I fell down and down, but instead of crashing into the cold, dark water I
woke gasping for breath. Was any of that real or was all this the result of the disturbing phone

The luminous lights on the clock by the bed told me it was two thirty in the morning. I rolled
over and tried to calm my racing heart. My mom had always told me after a nightmare that I

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should think of happy things and that’s what I would dream about. So I pictured Edward,
Edward holding me in his strong arms and placing his lips on mine. My eyes soon grew heavy
again and I fell into sleep once more. Although these dreams were much sweeter and more
welcome I still found myself waking the next morning gasping for breath but for completely
different reasons.

Whoa who knew I had such a dirty mind! Personally I blamed Alice and her talk of gags.

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Chapter 7


‘What’s with the shit eating grin?’ Jasper waltzed into my house and threw himself on the

‘Hello to you too Jasper and have you ever heard of knocking?’ I was seriously going to have
to start locking my door from now on, but my words didn’t seem to affect Jasper he merely
waved his hand about in a ‘come on spill the beans gesture’

‘I have a date on Friday’ they was no point in holding off telling him, in fact I was like a
sappy teenage girl and I could hardly wait to share my good news, the only thing missing was
me squealing and jumping up and down.

‘With a woman?’ Jasper asked dryly, I really was starting to question why he was my best

‘Yes with a woman you arse. A woman named Bella, I met here at that coffee place I like to
go to’

Jasper frowned for a moment ‘Long dark hair and brown eyes, medium height?’

‘That could describe just about anyone but yes she does have dark hair and eyes’

‘Likes to nibble her lower lip?’ What the fuck? I glared at him now

I nodded slowly and he barked out a laugh.

‘That’s my Bella; you know the one I had a date with when I met Alice. I remember her
saying she worked at a coffee shop’

I thought back only now remembering that Jasper’s date was called Bella and how I had been
supposed to go with him and meet them the previous week. I didn’t miss the fact that he
called her ‘his Bella’ either, which pissed me off big time.

‘This is perfect you can get Bella to ask Alice along and we can go on a double date’ he
clapped his hands together and jumped up from the couch, the most animated I think I had
ever seen him.

‘I don’t think so Jasper I plan on having Bella to myself, the last thing I want is you there
bickering in the background with the woman you claim to love’ He held a hand to his chest
and looked wounded.

‘Come on I’d do it for you’

‘No you bloody wouldn’t now sod off’

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‘Dammit Edward I need to see that tiny witch again and you are my best chance’

‘No Jasper and that look won’t work with me’ he was looking at me all pleading and pouting,
did that really work on women? ‘For god’s sake stop it’ it was freaking me out now.

‘Aww shit’ he huffed

‘Fine well you enjoy your date with my Bella’ A growl was building in my chest, if he said
that one more time I wasn’t sure I could stop myself tearing his head off.

‘Don’t call her that’ I snapped

‘Oooo’ Jasper pretended to hold up a handbag and wave it about ‘Is Eddie getting mad?’

‘I hope Alice rips your balls off and has them for breakfast’ I muttered and his face dropped a

‘I need to see her again, it’s killing me’ I rolled my eyes at Jasper’s dramatics and he slumped
down onto the couch.

‘Just call her’ I told him as I fetched some beers from the fridge and handed him one.

‘I would if I had her number genius’ at that moment his phone started buzzing and he looked
down at it.

‘Unknown number’ he murmured before flipping it open and purring hello into the

Walking back into the kitchen not wanting to intrude on his phone call I pondered on the
coincidence of my Bella and Jasper’s been one in the same. It kind of annoyed me that he had
been out with her first, she had obviously liked him and agreed to a date although she had
brought her friend along with her, something she hadn’t suggested for our date which
marginally appeased me.

Jasper came into the kitchen a few moments later looking on top of the world.

‘Ha fuck you Cullen, that was Alice I have my own date for Friday night with no help from
you’ he danced around my kitchen then jumped in front of me and poked me in the stomach,
and he accused me of being gay.

‘Congratulations, Alice obviously has more balls then you’ I was not going to mention that it
was actually Bella that asked me out, nope that was a secret that was staying with me till I die.

‘Whatever she must like me too’ he gazed off into the distance all dopey for a moment before
claiming he had something to do and heading out the door.

Jesus he really needed help.

Friday couldn’t come quick enough as far as I was concerned, I actually found myself
deliberating over what to wear. Finally I decided to wear dark grey pants and a blue button

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down with a matching jacket, I thought I looked pretty good we’d agreed on a drink and I
looked smart but still sort of casual.

I arrived at the coffee shop ridiculously early even though I knew she wouldn’t be finished
with class yet. My stomach was in nervous knots as I sat and waited for Bella to arrive.


‘Ok I’m off to class, have a good time with Jasper tonight’ I called as I headed out the door. I
was starting to wish I had told Edward I would meet him a little later so I would have time to
change after class but the thought of putting him off even an hour was intolerable. So I wore a
pretty shift dress in black to class and put heels in my bag that I would swap for my sandals

Alice came running out the bathroom she was even more hyped than usual, on her face was a
green mask, she had been busy primping herself for hours. She hugged me tightly before
pulling back.

‘You haf a good im wit Edwood’ she mumbled through the hardening gunk on her face and I
laughed and nodded.

‘Oh I intend to and um don’t hurt Jasper’ although she couldn’t move her face her eyes
twinkled with excitement and I shook my head, she really was a deviant.

Class seem extra long and as soon as it was finished I rushed to the bathrooms to apply some
make up, eyeliner and some eye shadow emphasised my eyes, a little lip gloss and I was done,
I didn’t need blusher as my cheeks were already rosy at the thought of seeing Edward.

Reaching the coffee shop I stopped and tried to calm my clambering heart, it seemed too loud
and I looked around surprised everyone couldn’t hear it.

Deep breathe Bella.

Glancing around inside I spotted him immediately, he stood up from his seat and a smile
tugged my lips as I caught his eye.

‘Hi’ I suddenly felt silly and shy as I walked up to him, my teeth tugged at my lower lip and I
could see that he had zeroed in on my nervous habit.

He swallowed ‘Bella’ how could just the sound of my name cause all my nerve endings to go

‘Shall we go?’ he held out his elbow and I grasped it gratefully. He looked unbelievably
handsome in a dark grey suit and blue shirt. I was glad to see he still had the slight stubble on
his chin, I really liked the slightly rugged edge it gave him and part of me wanted to feel those
bristles on my body. My eyes widened and I looked away quickly hoping that my lustful
thoughts weren’t evident on my face.

‘Yes let’s go’ He led me out into the street and over to his car that was parked against the

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He drove a Volvo, which made sense I supposed, it was after all the safest car you could buy.
It was shiny, silver and possibly the cleanest car I had ever been in I noticed as he opened the
door for me.

I turned and murmured ‘Thanks’ not realising how close he was, my mouth was mere
centimetres away from his and as he exhaled his breath caressed my face. I only had to lean
forward a little bit and I would feel those perfect lips on mine and the urge was almost
overwhelming. I looked up and saw he was watching me closely, his pupils huge and dark,
my tongue flicked out involuntarily and they became even darker and a little sound escaped
his mouth before he suddenly turned and hurried round to his door.

My cheeks flamed as I climbed into the seat, god what must he think of me? I mean I had
wanted to kiss the life out of the man and if he hadn’t pulled back I was pretty certain I
wouldn’t have been able to stop myself.

All was quiet in the car as he drove along, I didn’t really pay attention to where we were
headed I was too busy berating myself and praying for a little self control during the night

We stopped and Edward came round and opened the door for me, I was careful to keep my
distance this time but he took my arm and led me up the street to a bar and grill type place, it
was done out in dark wood and looked relatively low key which I was grateful for.

Leading me over to the bar that was busy but with warm and friendly atmosphere he turned to

‘What would you like to drink?’

‘White wine please’ I had to drag my eyes away from him, there was something hypnotic
about his green ones when they looked at me that made me lose all my faculties and want to
just stare at him, absorbing every line and crease on his beautiful face.

He ordered our drinks and carried them over to a free wooden booth, I expected him to sit
across from me but he didn’t he slid in beside me and my pulse went rocketing through the
roof. I took a huge gulp of wine to calm myself down.

‘So Bella tell me a little about you’ damn that was one question I was hoping to avoid at least
for a little while.

‘You know what, I have led an extremely quiet, boring life why don’t we talk about you?’

Edward cleared his throat ‘I’m sure that’s not true. Ok well I moved here from Seattle nearly
ten years ago with my family. I’m an only child, my dad runs a private practice for the uber
rich which he is constantly trying to get me to join but I much prefer the ER. My mom is
wonderful and tries to set my up with every available woman under fifty’ I laughed a little but
could tell from his expression he was only half joking.

‘My job is pretty hectic but I love it’ he glanced up at me ‘Um I’m divorced, no children, my
wife preferred the attentions of the pool boy to me and didn’t appreciate the long hours I had
to work’ He grinned at me wryly and I suddenly wished I could be more honest but how could

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you blurt out that you had spent the past ten years in a coma and woke up thinking you were
still eighteen and that Bill Clinton was president?


A multitude of emotions seemed to pass across Bella’s face I hoped she wasn’t put off by me
telling her I was divorced but I thought it was best to get it out there straight away.

‘Ok now it’s your turn’ she shifted about on her seat next to me and I felt her leg lightly brush
mine, it was terrible that the slightest touch made my whole body tingle with awareness and
my eyes immediately went to that tempting mouth of hers as she brought her drink to her lips.
I felt the tenting of my pants as her tongue slowly flicked out to gather a drop of liquid up,
and now I was the one shifting uncomfortably.

‘Well I’m an only child too, although now I have a stepbrother and sister I suppose. My father
got remarried again recently’ she explained ‘my parents split when I was little and I grew up
in Arizona seeing my father Charlie during the holidays. My mom remarried when I was
fifteen and I went to live with my father in Washington where I stayed till recently’ she
nervously glanced at me and I could tell she was worried I would question her further.

I nodded my head ‘so what brings you to New York?

‘Alice, one of my best friends offered to let me stay with her and I kind of jumped at the
chance. I want to be a writer and decided to take some classes while I was here’

‘Writer huh?’ she nodded and her eyes lit up, she really was beautiful, she was so warm, so
alive and I wanted to bask in her.

I ordered more drinks and we sat and talked over our childhoods, she seemed to be interested
in everything I had to say concentrating on my every word. Her laughter was pure magic and I
loved to hear it, especially when I was the one that made her lips curve and that delicious
dimple appear in her cheek.

‘I believe you are acquainted with my best friend?’ she frowned a little and looked at me

‘Jasper’ I supplied and watched her eyes widen before she chuckled.

‘You were the friend who got called anyway to work?’

I nodded and she smiled ‘You know he has a date with Alice tonight?’ and again I nodded.
We eyed each other for a moment, neither of us asking the question we were dying to know.

‘Do you think he likes her?’ Bella asked slyly cracking first.

‘I don’t know if I should say’ I said demurely

She raised her eyebrows at me and then lent forward ‘I’ll tell if you do’ she whispered

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‘I think he more then likes here’ I loved her been so close to me and the way her body was
angled into mine.

She grinned at me conspiratorially ‘Well let’s just say if Alice has her way tonight Jasper will
be a very happy man’ she giggled and tipped her head up slightly to look at me, her hair
framed her face enchantingly and her cheeks were slightly flushed, whether from the alcohol
or something else I wasn’t sure but I knew my self control was reaching it’s limit as her big
brown eyes bored into mine.

My hand seemed to work independently from the rest of my body as it reached up and
caressed her soft, pink cheek. I watched her eyes flutter and heard the sharp breath she took.
My head lowered, if she had pulled back I liked to have think I could have stopped but she
didn’t she moved the remaining distance bringing her face to mine. Her lips were so soft and
sweet as they barely touched mine, she hesitated and started to move away, I couldn’t let that
happen so I pressed my lips more firmly to hers, moving slowly and gently resisting the
primal urge to ravish her that gripped my body. I felt her relax into me and her mouth become
more feverish and demanding; I flicked my tongue against her lips and her mouth opened
eagerly to allow it entry. For a few moments it felt like the world had literally stopped turning,
that Bella and I were the only things in motion as I felt her tongue sweep my mouth. The taste
of her was pure heaven and I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to get enough. I didn’t want it
to stop but my aching lungs told me that I needed air.

Reluctantly I pulled back sweeping much needed oxygen into me and I saw Bella do the
same. She gasped in air and looked a little dazed, her lips were slightly swollen and all I could
think about was how much I wanted to kiss her again. The kiss had been full of passion and
want yet also innocence, it encapsulated everything that was Bella.

Midnight was approaching and I knew we would have to leave soon. As strange as it seemed I
felt like the last few hours had changed my life immeasurably, I had never experienced
anything like tonight, never felt so complete, so content.

I took Bella’s small hand in mine and headed to my car, I tucked her close to my side even
though the evening air was balmy.

Opening her door she once again turned her face to thank me but unlike last time I didn’t
resist the call of her lips and lightly kissed the corner of her mouth, the one she tended to
nibble on.

‘You’re welcome’ I murmured

The drive back to her apartment was spent in companionable silence but then I started to
wonder whether she would invite me in and how I should respond.

Parking the car outside the building I stepped out and we entered, taking the elevator to the
top floor I held her hand in mine, neither of us looked at the other I could feel the tension
begin to mount as we approached her floor.

Bella fumbled with her keys and I reached over and plucked them from her hands, hoping that
I could do a better job even though I didn’t fell all that steady myself. I managed to get the
door open and she turned towards me, looking at me from beneath her lashes shyly.

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‘Would you like to come in for a coffee?’ Bella’s eyes watched me; she looked both nervous
and hopeful at the same time.

Tonight had been one of the best nights of my life and I didn’t want to ruin it, it took every
ounce of willpower I possessed to turn that invitation down but I knew if I entered her
apartment I wouldn’t want to leave.

‘Not tonight’ immediately she looked disappointment ‘I was wondering if you were free on
Sunday, I was thinking I could take you to lunch and we could spend the day together?’ now
it was my turn to wait for an answer, my stomach in knots.

‘I’d love to Edward’ her voice was low and I stepped forward needing one more kiss before I
made my way home.

‘I’ll pick you up at eleven if that’s ok’ our faces were moving closer and closer and she
hummed her consent against my mouth. This kiss was brief but no less affecting. It was like a
brand on my soul every time Bella touched me. She murmured my name as we drew apart and
I could see how flushed and aroused she looked. I needed to go now.

‘Goodbye Bella’

‘I’ll see you on Sunday’ she lingered at the door and just as I was about to change my mind
she finally disappeared inside, for a moment I considered banging on the door and begging for
entry but instead I turned and left.

That night I had the longest, coldest shower in history and still it did nothing to dull the
craving in my body.

I tossed and turned all night and when I did sleep Bella haunted my dreams but I didn’t care.
It was as if my life had been a moonless night but then Bella had shot across my sky like a
meteor and suddenly everything was on fire, there was brilliancy and beauty where before
there was darkness and how could that ever be a bad thing?

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Chapter 8


Closing the door I leaned back and waited to hear Edwards footsteps, for one long minute
there was silence and then came the echo of his retreating steps, which was good because I
was seriously considering opening the door again and pulling him inside.

I wandered around the apartment randomly picking things up and putting them down again.
My mind was a mass of conflicting emotions; I had just had the best night of my life yet I
hadn’t told Edward about my past. I knew I should have said something but I had wanted to
be a normal girl for a few hours and not have to face the inevitable bombardment of
questions. I knew that if I were going to have any kind of relationship with Edward I would
have to tell him. My stomach churned with apprehension when I thought about having to

Walking into the bathroom I contemplated having a shower but decided against it, silly as it
seemed I wasn’t ready to wash Edward from my body yet. Every little touch had seared my
skin and his scent lingered around me.

Laying down on my bed still wearing my clothes I closed my eyes and thought about him, his
strong fingers gripping my arms, his warm velvet mouth against mine, suddenly I was feeling
very hot indeed and a yearning was bubbling up within me.

Sighing I knew sleep wouldn’t come any time soon so I sent to email to Rosalie realising it
had been a while since I spoke to her. I asked about her job with Jake and the kids, told her I
had had a date and a little about Alice before turning off the computer.

Around four in the morning I heard my door creak open, lifting my head I could make out
Alice’s tiny form standing in the door way.

‘I’m not asleep’ I called

‘Good’ she came further into the room twirling slightly. I flicked on the bedside lamp and
looked at Alice in horror.

‘Jesus what happened?’ Her yellow dress was torn and bloody; Alice’s hair was rumpled and
stuck up all around her head. I don’t think I had ever seen her look anything less thing perfect,
which made the vision before me even more startling.

‘Is that your blood?’ my eyes widened even further when she shook her head, it was a wonder
they didn’t fall out of my head.

‘Alice am I going to have to help you dispose of a body?’ she laughed lightly at that, hey I
wasn’t joking by the look of things somebody got hurt tonight.

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‘Oh Bella I had the most wonderful night’ she sighed sitting on the bed next to me. Obviously
whatever happened had caused her to become delusional, I inched toward my phone and
thought about calling the men in white coats.

‘What about the blood?’ I demanded

‘I just broke Jasper’s nose no big deal’ she waved her hand dismissively.

Alice saw the look of bewilderment on my face and laughed once again ‘Not on purpose silly
it was an accident. We were getting into a cab to come home, I opened the door just as Jasper
bent to pick something up and well you know wham’ she smack her hands together and she
giggled. I felt I had just stepped into bizarre land.

‘That sounds awful Alice’

She nodded ‘We had to go to the emergency room, it was full of drunks and weirdo’s’ she
wrinkled her nose ion distaste.

‘And just how exactly then has this been a wonderful night?’

‘Well it wasn’t at first I mean we were in this restaurant both on our best behaviour, it was
awkward I was trying to be nice but all I really wanted to do was ridicule the ridiculous string
tie thing he was wearing. He was being all polite too obviously trying not to upset me.
anyway after the cab thing he turned to me and called me a ‘crazy midget’ so I jumped on his
back and started pounding him’ I brought my hands up to my face trying to imagine the scene,
Alice riding Jasper like a bronco and him just having received a broken nose, my mind

‘Then we just sort of collapsed on the pavement together laughing and he turned to me and
said ‘I don’t think I’ll ever want another woman’ it was so romantic’ I snorted a little at that
which earned me a killer glare.

‘So we hobbled off to the hospital where he had to wear this weird mask thing, all the time we
were there we argued but Jesus Bella if it wasn’t the greatest foreplay in the world.
Unfortunately Jasper had to have some strong painkillers so when we got back to his place he
just kind of flaked out but not before I told him I felt the same. Everything in my life has
always been so controlled but with Jasper I feel wild and free, he makes me so mad but at the
same time I’ve never felt so alive’ I smiled at Alice, I suppose all relationships weren’t the
same and this seemed to work for her.

‘I’m happy for you’ she hugged me close and grinned.

‘What happened with Edward?’

‘Very tame compared to your evening’ I laughed ‘it was amazing, Edward is amazing’

‘Oh Really?’ Alice smirked and lifted a delicate eyebrow.

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‘Mind out of the gutter lady, we kissed nothing more. Although from the way my body
reacted to just a kiss I’m a little worried about what will happen if we go further, seriously
Alice I could implode’

We both sat there giggling like crazy ‘I didn’t even get to kiss Jasper you know what with the
blood and swollen face’ she pouted slightly and I chuckled.

‘I’m sure there will be plenty of time for all that’

‘Yeah I am too because he said we would have a hell of a story to tell our grandkids regarding
our first date’ once again Alice sighed and was away in her own little Jasper world.

‘When are you seeing Edward again?’ she asked as she stood up to leave.

‘We are spending the day together Sunday. You?’

‘I told Jasper I would check on him tomorrow, or today’ she said glancing at her watch.

‘Get some sleep’ I called

‘Ok night you shameless hussy’ I rolled my eyes and laid back down this time actually
managing to drop off.


It was eleven on Saturday morning and I decided to drop in on Jasper. When I buzzed his
apartment there was no answer so I climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Eventually I heard shuffling and the door was flung open.

‘Oh. My. God’ I breathed when I saw Jasper’s swollen face, his nose was about twice it’s
usual size and if I wasn’t mistaken he was going to have two lovely black eyes.

‘Were you attacked last night?’ I asked going into his apartment and getting some ice from
the freezer.

‘Nope and please come in Edward’

‘Jasper you barge in my place all the damn time’ I said handing him a bag of ice ‘This will
help with the swelling’

He took the bag from me and went into the kitchen ‘So are you going to tell me what

‘Alice’ he said it like it was obvious.

‘Alice beat you up? What the hell did you say to her?’

‘She didn’t beat me up, well not really. She opened a car door into my face, it was an accident
but I have to say I’m glad it happened’

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I shook my head not understanding a word maybe he was concussed.

‘Care to explain?’

‘I took her to this fancy restaurant and we were there tiptoeing around each other, god it was
infuriating. She was picking at her food and I just wanted to pick up and do her on the table
but of course I was been the perfect gentleman. I could tell she wanted to say something about
the stupid tie I was wearing, in fact I wore it on purpose to get a rise but no she kept biting her
cheek and been all nice. Anyway after the car incident I snapped and called her a name then
she launches herself on me, actually beating me while I’m injured and you know what
Edward? That’s why I love her, she’s crazy and passionate and she’s perfect’ he shrugged ‘I
don’t want a nice girl I want someone with fire and who tells me I’m an arse and that’s Alice

Nodding my head in understanding ‘You need a strong woman’

‘Yep and I love the fighting it just so hot’ his expression became dazed and I shifted

‘Just before we left the hospital she asked a nurse to recommend a good disinfectant and when
I asked her why she said there was no way she was going near my dick till it had been
thoroughly cleaned’ I barked out a laugh and Jasper smiled ‘she’s definitely one of a kind’

‘So what about Bella, did you enjoy your date?’ he was holding the bag up to his face and
watching me.

‘Very much, like you said about Alice Bella is perfect for me’

‘Congratulations my man maybe now your dick can actually get some use’ he snorted at his
own joke and then winced at the pain, served him right.

The door buzzing interrupted us and I got up to answer it.

‘Hi’ I tiny woman with black hair breezed into the room, she stopped and looked back at me,
her black eyes were unnerving as she looked me up and down.

‘You must be Edward’ she said coming towards me holding out her tiny hand.

‘I am and you must be Alice’ she nodded and beamed as we shook hands. So far she seemed
perfectly normal I found it hard to imagine her jumping on Jasper and beating him.

‘Alice’ Jasper called from the living room ‘Can you come in here and make me feel better

We both made our way to where Jasper sat. Alice rolled her yes at him and said ‘Do I look
like Florence Nightingale to you?’

‘Come on Alice you did do this to me’

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‘No I didn’t, if you weren’t such a tight arse and hadn’t bend down to pick that penny up this
would never have happened’ she shot back.

This carried on for a while, them trading insults back and forth, my neck was getting whiplash
from it. Slowly I noticed that Alice was getting nearer and nearer to Jasper, finally she
reached him and perched on his lap.

‘You still look cute even with all your face banged up’ she whispered

Jasper smirked ‘But if you don’t wipe that look off your face I might have to rearrange it a
little more’ she taunted.

His smirk fell and he mutter ‘Crazy bitch’ under his breath. Alice laughed throatily and began
to lick his neck.

Ugh I was so out of here.

‘Bye I yelled as I made my way to the door.

‘Bye Edward’ Alice called ‘oh and by the way where are you taking Bella tomorrow?’

‘The zoo’

‘The fucking zoo Edward, what’s wrong with you?’ Jasper scoffed

‘Shut it asshat’ Alice smacked Jasper lightly on the shoulder ‘I think it’s a great idea Edward,
Bella will love it’ she waved her hand and then went back to feeling Jasper up.

Wow they were one strange pair.

Heading out into the street I hummed to myself as I walked.

I thought about Bella and our date tomorrow, I had a few things I needed to pick up to make
things perfect and I very much wanted them to be just that.

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Chapter 9


‘Alice I’m kind of nervous, I have no idea what to wear for our date’ I was stood in the living
room at eight in the morning panicking.

‘Bella it’s fine’ she put her hands up to her head and closed her eyes in concentration ‘I’m
seeing that he is taking you somewhere casual, um that white and red flowered skirt will be
perfect and your red tank top, also flat shoes I’m predicting you will be doing a lot of
walking’ she opened her eyes and grinned at me.

‘So Edward told you where we are going?’ her faux psychic rubbish didn’t fool me for a

‘Damn it Bella for once you could have let me pretend that I was omniscient’ she huffed

‘Stop buying word of the day toilet paper’ I called as I headed to my room just in time to
avoid the cushion that came flying my way.

Ok, I looked good I thought as I gazed in the mirror, the skirt ended just below my knee and
was made of light cotton so would be perfect for the hot weather, the red tank top was simple
but hugged my curves in all the right places and the colour really suited me to my surprise.
That was one thing you could rely on Alice for, she never steered you wrong in the clothes
department. Glancing at the clock I saw it was nearly eleven, I put on some light make up and
brushed my hair till it rippled down my back in soft waves.

‘How do I look?’ I asked as I stepped from my room.

‘Pretty damn good I’d say’ Jasper was sat on the couch grinning at me, his face was a mass of
varying shades of purple and his nose now seemed ever so slightly crooked. Alice emerged
from the kitchen with some drinks.

‘Bella if I say so myself I am a genius and Jasper stop cracking on to my friend’ she smiled
sweetly at him and he nervously lowered his eyes.

I sat with them and waited for Edward to arrive, it was exhausting listening to them argue
over every thing imaginable, at one point they were even arguing over who was hotter out of
the two of them.

‘Jasper I may be small but I’m perfectly formed’ Alice ran her hand down her body and
Jasper reached out his hand to do the same.

‘No touching’ she slapped his hand away and his eye’s flamed.

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‘Not fair Alice’ the more they argued the more they seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was
actually surprised the place hadn’t gone up in flames from the way their eyes scorched with
heat at one another.

Edward where are you? Please get me out of here.

Finally the buzzer went and I ran gratefully to open the door.

Edward stood before, my salvation, dressed in khaki shorts and a white cotton short sleeved
shirt. His legs were tanned and muscular, sometimes men can look great but have spindly,
spaghetti legs and I thanked heaven that Edward wasn’t one of them.

‘Get me out of here’ I mouthed to him laughingly.

He looked over my shoulder and saw Alice and Jasper engaged in some thumb wrestling.

‘Have fun you two’ Alice called

‘And don’t do anything we wouldn’t do’ Jasper added for good measure.

‘Ok, um Edward how do you feel about being gagged?’ I questioned thoughtfully.

Alice shrieked and Jasper looked at her in amusement ‘You want to gag me darling?’

She smirked and Edward and I ran, those two really had no moral compass so it was best to

When we reached the lift and Edward took me in his arms ‘Good morning Bella and can I say
how ravishing you look today’

‘Thank you Edward, you look pretty fine yourself’ we laughed and he gave me a peck on the

‘Do I get to hear where you’re taking me?’ we had reached the car and again he was next to
me opening the door.

‘Such a gentleman’ I complemented as he held open the door for me to climb in.

‘Thank my mother’ he laughed.

‘I’m taking you to the zoo’ Edward looked a little apprehensive as he told me his plan but I
loved it, I don’t think I had been to a zoo since I was a little girl.

‘Sounds great’ I enthused and he grinned back at me, his smile was slightly crooked and the
most endearing thing I had ever witnessed. My heart fluttered rampantly in my chest as I
looked at him, if I had lived in Victorian times I was pretty sure I would be swooning right

We headed to the Bronx Zoo and Edward told me about his encounter with Jasper and Alice
the day before.

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I giggled ‘It’s kind of scary how perfect they are for each other’

‘I just find them kind of scary’ Edward laughed.

Edward parked the car and paid for our tickets as we headed inside. I loved animals and was
enthralled by them all.

‘Oh my god how cute are those pygmy hippo’s’ I said pointing them out to Edward.

‘Hippo’s are actually very dangerous’ he said seriously ‘more people die from hippo attacks
than say lions’

Watching them play about in the water looking adorable I turned to Edward ‘Ok well you had
better stay behind me just in case this becomes an episode of when hippo’s attack’ I teased.

His mouth flickered up at the corner and we stood there grinning like loons at each other.

‘You are quite a cheeky little thing aren’t you Bella’ he said putting his arm around me, his
body felt warm and solid next to mine as we strolled along chatting about the different
animals we saw.

An African lion caught my eye; his mane was very like the colour of Edward’s hair and
looked just as unruly.

‘Reminds me of you’ I said pointing to the handsome beast, the lion not Edward.

Edward grinned ‘Why thank you Bella’ he was practically preening and I had to laugh.

‘So Edward which animal do I remind you of?’ He thought for a second.

‘A lamb’ I looked at him incredulously

‘A lamb? So I compare you to the king of the jungle and you compare me to a farm animal. I
have to say not the greatest complement in the world’

‘Bella lambs are cute and springy’ he looked a little desperate ‘and I find them incredibly

‘Edward I wouldn’t go around admitting that, you might get in trouble’ I whispered before
smiling, he found me sexy I think I could live with that.

‘You are such a little minx’ he said tapping my nose and looking deeply into my eyes.

‘Can I kiss you?’ Edward voice had become husky as he lowered his head to mine.

‘You never have to ask’ I replied in a breathy tone. He brushed those sweet, tantalising lips
against mine and I clung onto his shoulders, not sure I could support myself properly when he
was so close.

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Edward’s clean, spicy scent washed over me and when he was about to draw back I pushed
myself closer, needing more. I tentatively swept my tongue over his bottom lip and thrilled at
the groan that came from his mouth.

‘Get a room’ some kids shouted laughing as they went by. My face immediately filled with
colour as Edward chuckled next to my ear ‘We were just making out like a couple of

He smirked at me and we carried on, linking hands and just enjoying each other.


The day at the zoo went better than I could of hoped, we ate hotdogs and everything was
comfortable and easy.

It was around four when we left ‘Do you have to get back or would you like to come back to
my house and I can show off my culinary skills?’

‘I don’t have to get back’ she shrugged delicately and her eyes twinkled at me ‘I think I’d like
to see those skills’ I knew her words were innocent enough but suddenly I felt very hot
indeed, my forehead broke out with sweat and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm
myself. My hormones were acting up worse than some horny adolescent.

‘Are you sure you can handle my skills?’ the words slipped from my mouth unbidden and I
saw her face redden once more which did nothing to dampen my libido.

‘Um I think so’ her eyes avoided mine when she answered, she looked so innocent and
flustered, she could not be more appealing to me if she tried.

I was hoping that Bella would agree to come back to my place, I had stocked up on food just
in case and when we arrived I showed her round.

‘It’s beautiful Edward, very you’ she grinned

‘My mom did the decorating’

‘She’s very talented’ Bella went over to the piano and ran her fingers over the smooth wood.

‘My mom played the piano’ she said sadly and I saw her eyes fill a little as she looked at me. I
knew her mom had died a few years ago and my heart broke for her, she looked so lost and
vulnerable for a moment.

‘What was your mom’s favourite piece of music?’ I asked going over to the instrument.

‘She loved Clair de Lune’ I sat and began to play the Debussy piece. I felt her sit beside me
and close her eyes, concentrating on the music that flowed around us. She lent slightly into
me and she smelled sweet, a little like strawberry. When I had finished playing she opened
her eyes and put her arms round my neck. The kiss was soft as she pressed herself against me.
I felt her fingers weave into my hair and her tongue probed my mouth, fire raged in my veins

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and we both became more demanding. She pulled back and looked at me wide-eyed and

‘Sorry’ her breathing was ragged, I didn’t let her continue merely pulled her back to me.

For an immeasurable amount of time we kissed, I almost felt like I was been burned alive,
reborn when Bella was in my arms.

‘Maybe I should get on with dinner’ I couldn’t keep this up without wanting more.

‘Let me help’ Bella followed me into the kitchen and we prepared a simple pasta dish

Sat at the kitchen counter drinking wine I looked at Bella, she was twirling the pasta round
her fork and bringing it to her lips, holy hell how can I be turned on just by watching her eat?

‘I really enjoyed today Edward’ she said suddenly looking up at me

‘I bet no other date has ever taken you to the zoo before?’ I meant the comment to be light but
she immediately tensed up and looked away.

‘Bella are you ok?’ she nodded but kept her face averted, after a few moments she sighed.

‘Edward there’s something I have to tell you, it’s not easy’ she bit her lip and looked down at
her tightly clenched hands.

‘Bella you can tell me anything’ I said softly watching her troubled face.

‘The truth is Edward I have never had a date before this’ my eyes widened in my head trying
to make sense of her words.

‘Are your family very religious?’

She shook her head ‘the only thing my dad is religious about is Monday night football. I
aren’t making a very good job of this. Ok I had an accident when I was eighteen; I hit my
head in a fall and well I was in a coma ..’ she stopped now and was frantically biting her lip
‘for ten years’ she said so low I wasn’t sure I had heard properly.

‘You were in a coma for ten years?’ my mind was reeling; I knew things like this could
happen but it was rare, almost unheard of in fact. Suddenly something in my brain clicked.

‘Isabella’ I whispered and she looked up at me.

‘Only my mom and dad ever really called me that’ she said in surprise.

‘Oh my god you are my Isabella’ I didn’t care how crazy I sounded I knew it was her, every
thing about her tugged at my memory but I had thought she was dead so had dismissed the

‘Have we met before Edward?’ she was looking at me with confusion.

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‘Yes, I mean no um sort of’ I shook my head to clear it ‘I was working in Seattle as an intern
when they flew you in after the accident but I thought your name was Isabella Dwyer?’ now it
was my turn to be confused.

‘It was, I changed it after I woke up; Swan is my dad’s surname. Journalists were ringing up
all the time and I just wanted a fresh start without having to explain all about my past. I
moved to New York with Alice and hoped that I could try to have a normal life’ I could see
how much she was hating this and I wanted to tell her it didn’t matter. I felt as if fate had
granted me a second chance at happiness and I was going to grab it with both hands.

‘Edward this may sound strange but were you ever you know like in my room, did you ever
have to check on me as part of your job?’

‘That doesn’t sound strange and no it wasn’t my job to check on you, but I used to visit you
and talk to you sometimes, you looked so peaceful and beautiful, I called you sleeping beauty’
I dropped my head, not wanting to see her look at me like some crazed stalker. ‘When I
moved to New York I rang the hospital and they told me you had gone and I assumed they
meant you had passed away. I don’t think I had ever felt so sad in my life as I did at that
moment’ I lifted my head and Bella had tears in her eyes.

‘You’re the voice’ she whispered ‘when I have nightmares I hear your voice, it sooths and
comforts me and I thought it was a figment of my imagination but it’s you Edward’ she flung
herself into my arms sobbing and gasping for breath.

It all seemed so unreal that after ten years I had found her again and that she had heard my
voice while in a coma. I held her tightly to my chest, stroking her soft hair and murmuring
nonsense words to comfort her.

Finally Bella looked up at me her deep brown eyes soft and inviting ‘Edward this is all so
unbelievable’ I nodded my head in complete understanding.

‘But being with you makes me feel, it’s so hard to describe but whole I think is the best way’
again I nodded knowing exactly what she meant.

After the events of today Bella was beginning to look exhausted and I suggested taking her
home but she shook her head and tightened her grip around my waist and I was glad, I didn’t
want her to go, already she felt so precious to me.

A few minutes went by and when I next looked down her eyes were closed and her breathing
had become deep and even, she was asleep. I had to smile as I watched her, still so beautiful. I
didn’t want to move her so I pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and spread it over us
and I settled down and soon began to feel sleepy.

I wanted to learn more about what happened to her and how she was coping with all this but
that could wait. For now I was content to hold her and cherish her the way I had always
wanted to.

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Chapter 10


My nose was pressed against something warm and hard, in my half awake state I wondered
vaguely what it was. The next thing I noticed was the divine smell, I sniffed loudly taking in
huge gulps of that wonderful scent until what I had my nose pressed into started to rumble
with laughter.

‘Do I smell Bella?’ Edward rich deep voice asked and my head shot up as last night suddenly
flooded back to me.

‘Oh my god’ Last night I had told Edward about what happened to me, I had even told him
about hearing his voice. Even more strange was he had seen me just after the accident and
remembered me, this really was like some warped fairytale.

He was still looking at me, amusement lurking in the depths of his green eyes and oh lord I
had just been inhaling him like some drug or something.

‘You actually smell really nice’ I managed to stutter out, the heat blooming in my cheeks.

‘You smell pretty delicious too Bella’ Edward licked his lips and my eyes widened.

I glanced around me registering the fact that we were still on Edward’s couch, he had slept
with me the whole night and I knew it couldn't have been comfortable for him in such a
confined space.

‘Edward you should have just left me here not stayed and probably given yourself a bad back’

‘It was one of the best nights sleep of my life’ his lips formed the lopsided grin that cause my
heart to pound mercilessly against my ribs, considering how close our bodies were he could
probably feel it.

Edward lent down and pecked my cheek, I guess I was going to have to get used to been
bright red around him because the damned blush wasn’t letting up.

‘Good morning my sleeping beauty’ he whispered and I let out an honest to god snort.

‘I’m sorry’ I was probably actually purple by now ‘but I can only imagine what I look like,
my hair feels like a haystack and I’m pretty sure I may have drooled on you’

‘I think you look adorable and I kind of like haystacks’ he grinned once more.

‘Is this like your lamb fetish?’ I teased.

‘Yes lambs and haystacks what can I say I have problems’ we both laughed and I began to
feel more at ease.

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Picking up his wrist I glanced at the time, it was barely seven and I didn’t have work today,
although maybe I should call Alice she might be worried sick.

Edward quirked an eyebrow at me ‘I was wondering if I should call Alice, you know and let
her know I’m fine’

‘Ok’ but neither of us moved, it was too comfortable been nestled against Edward with his
arms wrapped loosely round my back.

‘Bella what was it like waking after ten years, did you even realise how much time had

Shaking my head I looked up into his curious eyes ‘I thought that I’d been out only a few
hours, to me it felt like graduation had just happened and that in a few short months I would
be heading to college’

‘That must have been horrible to learn you had lost all those years?’ I nodded slowly

‘The worst thing was finding out about my mom, I remember her coming to see me graduate
and being so proud and then to hear my dad tell me she died years ago without me even been
aware of it was horrifying. I can’t really describe it, the loss wasn’t new to them but to me it
was, I felt I couldn’t really grieve because they were all past it but I felt like I had just lost
her’ I stopped not wanting to burden Edward more with my problems.

‘What about the world around you, did you find it hard to adjust?’ he changed the subject and
I gratefully accepted it.

‘At first yes, I mean computers were great hulking things from my memory, technology was a
little baffling but Alice and Rose helped me a lot. It was good to have them around I really
don’t know what I would have done without them to be honest’ he smiled a little and pulled
me closer into his chest.

‘I just can’t get my head around one day been eighteen and then waking up and finding
yourself twenty eight, I mean all the experiences you have missed like drinking games at
college and hooking up with random people’ I nudged him gently.

‘Is that what you were like?’ Edward looked a little startled by my question.

‘Not really no’ he admitted

‘Well then I doubt I would have been; besides my mom always said I was born middle aged
and only got older as I grew up. I mean yes there are some things that I have missed out on
but it’s only made me more determined to make the most of everything, not to waste the
second chance I’ve been given’ Edward suddenly leaned forward and kissed me passionately.

‘You amaze me, I feel kind of humbled by you. You’ve been through so much yet here you
are smiling and happy and embracing life’ His words gave me a kind of glow inside, it was
nice to hear that he thought so much of me.

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‘Thanks for listening Edward and been so understanding it means a lot to me’ I whispered
placing a small kiss on his throat. I loved been so close to him but I really had no idea what I
was doing so I backed away a little.

‘I should call Alice’ He shifted slightly and stood up, he was still fully clothed and now they
were all wrinkled, his hair was even more unruly then usual and stuck up in all directions and
I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.

‘I know and you think you have bad morning hair’ he smiled ruefully passing me my bag so I
could find my phone and call Alice.

Sitting up I opened the cell and dialled the number, after only one ring it was picked up with
an excited squeal.

‘Bella? I’m so glad you called, how are you? I hope you had a god night’ she giggled then
continued ‘Are you still with Edward? You have to tell me all about it’ Just when I was
wondering when I would be able to get a word in I heard an almighty thwack followed by a
muffled yelp.

‘Sorry about that but Jasper was being a naughty boy’ I turned to Edward and looked
bemused as I tried to imagine what the hell was going on in that apartment.

‘I will answer all your questions when I get home I just wanted to let you know I was fine’

‘Ok well see you soon Bella’ there was another groan and I quickly hung up.

‘Is everything ok?’ Edward asked as he brought me a coffee

‘Erm I think so’ I muttered not wanting to go into detail for fear I would turn scarlet yet again.

‘Was Jasper there do you know?’

‘Yes’ I choked out and Edward laughed a little ‘I see’

He made some delicious pancakes for breakfast, which I attacked with gusto ending up with
syrup all over my chin.

I noticed the whole heap of cds Edward had and asked him about the music he liked. It turned
out he had really varied tastes and even had a few albums I remembered.

Picking up a copy of Pearl Jam's Ten, an album I used to listen to that all the time I laughed a
little. ‘I really have no clue about current music’ Edward came and sat next to me picking out
a few things and handing them to me.

‘These are a few things I think you’ll like, take them and have a listen and let me know what
you think’ I smiled at him and thanked him putting the cds in my bag, I would borrow Alice’s
portable thing and listen to them when I got home.


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Bella was sat on the floor next to me pouring over my music collection, every so often she
would pick up something she recognized and a smile would come over her face.

I would have to take her home soon because I had a shift at the hospital soon. I think at this
moment I would have given anything to get out of it and just stay here and spend some more
time with this extraordinary woman.

Waking up with her in my arms this morning was wonderful and although nothing had
happened it still felt lovely and special.

‘I have to work this afternoon’ a resigned sigh left my mouth and Bella looked up at me with
those beautiful, trusting brown eyes.

‘Do you want me to get a cab, I don’t want to make you late’ I shook my head ‘No I have
plenty of time to take you home even though I would much rather keep you locked up here as
my hostage’ she giggled at my words even though I was only half joking.

‘Bella can I see you tomorrow night?’ rosy colour appeared in her cheeks and she nodded

‘I have to work till seven but I have no classes tomorrow’ everything about her was so
beautiful and I knew I would never get tried of looking at her for as long as I lived.

‘Ok how about we go see a movie together?’

‘I would love to’ she beamed at me and I felt myself return it. I knew if my mother could see
me now she would hardly recognise me, I wasn’t exactly known for my sunny disposition but
Bella made me smile more than I think I ever had.

When we arrived back at Alice’s apartment I went with her wanting to spend as much time
with her as possible.

Entering we saw Alice on the couch reading a magazine, she waved at us and grinned.

‘Well looky here’ Jasper said coming into the room wearing a ridiculous frilly pink apron

‘What the hell?’ I said gesturing down at his outfit.

He merely smirked at me ‘Alice likes it’

Bella leaned into me and whispered ‘I’m kind of glad I wasn’t here last night’ I laughed and
hugged her to me.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ she reached up onto her tiptoes and kissed me. It took just about every
bit of will power I had to back away and head out the door when I wanted nothing more than
to scoop her up into my arms and take her into her room.

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We hadn’t really talked about it but she said she hadn’t dated anyone so I was guessing that
she was probably still a virgin. I didn’t want to rush Bella into anything but it didn’t stop my
whole body craving her.

Work was busy and occupied my attention, I ended up working way over the end of shift
because of a bus crash and I eventually returned home exhausted.

Glancing at my phone I saw I had a message from Bella, a smile immediately lit my face as I
opened it.

Thanks for the music I love the Coldplay album.

I missed you tonight and am looking forward to tomorrow

Bella x

My heart picked up pace and the goofy grin didn’t leave my face as I drifted off to sleep. Only
to be woken a little while later by my phone buzzing next to the bed. I reached over and
groggily answered it.


Alice had interrogated like me a pro for most of the day until she knew every little detail of
my date with Edward.

‘So do you think that’s he’s the one?’ she asked excitedly

‘We have had like two dates Alice’ I protested

‘Doesn’t matter’ she was looking at me and grinning widely and I couldn’t help the blush that
rose in my face.

‘He’s great and unbelievably sweet and god Alice he is so sexy. He makes me feel complete
when I’m with him. Obviously I’m not saying I’m in love with him but I don’t think it would
take a lot for me to fall for him’

Her grin widened and she reminded me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.
‘Honey you’re doomed’ she hugged me and I let out a little laugh because I knew she was

‘What about you and Jasper? I think you can spare me the gory details though’ I teased.

We haven’t had sex Bella’ I looked at her a little disbelievingly and she just laughed.

‘We have just had a little fun together; we like to push each other’s buttons. To be honest
though if I don’t have that man soon I can’t tell you what will happen but the anticipation it’s
just so ..’ she shivered lightly and rolled her eyes.

‘Is Jasper the one?’

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‘Undoubtedly, he doesn’t complete me he more undoes me, makes me crazy and I have to
admit I love every second of it’ Alice literally glowed as she talked about Jasper, her tiny
body vibrated with energy as she jumped from my bed.

‘We are going out for a drink soon do you want to come?’ I shook my head.

‘I think I’m going to listen to some music Edward gave me’

‘Ok well have fun’ she called as she went to find Jasper who was still wearing the pink apron
as he watched tv, from somewhere he had found a feather duster and was twirling it around in
his hand.

‘Well look at you accessorizing and all’ Alice said jumping in his lap and kissing him

‘You approve?’ he said grinning lazily.

‘Why yes I do Jasper, I may have to get you a French maids outfit’

‘Whatever you want darling. And don’t forget it’s your turn to be gagged tonight’ I closed the
door at that point and turn on the stereo blocking out their craziness.

I listened to the Coldplay albums Edward had given me and loved every one of them, I sent
him a text telling him so, fiddling about with the buttons took some time but eventually I
managed to say what I wanted to and sent it, hopefully right I really wasn’t sure.

Looking at the clock I saw it getting on for eleven and decided to call it a night. Just as I was
switching off the lights in the living the phone rang.


'Isabella’ I backed up against the wall when I heard the ugly hissing voice again, my hand
trembled as I brought it to my mouth.

‘It’s all your fault you know. You killed him. Haven’t you remembered that you’re a
murdering bitch yet?’

My body slid to the floor and I was gasping for breath. I was back on top of the cliff, this time
I could see James he was hurting me. His hand was wrapped around my wrist, bruising the
flesh as he tried to force me to go with him. I dug my heels in and tried to cry for help but the
wind just carried my voice away. Someone was there though I could sense them and I tried to
look back to see who it was but saw nothing.

Fed up with trying to drag me along James pushed me to the ground and started ripping at my
clothes; somehow I twisted away and kicked out. We were so close to the edge and he slipped
over, clawing at the ground to save himself but the only thing he managed to get hold of was
my leg.

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I remembered the vicious triumph on his face as he dragged me over the edge with him. His
head hit a rock that was jutting out on the way down and I felt glad to see the blodd spilling
from him i remebered that. Then there was pain and the icy water closed over my head.

Reality slowly slipped back into focus, I was shivering and my face was wet with tears I
hadn’t known I had shed.

The last thing I saw before I hit the water was something red at the top of the cliff, I could
have been imagining it but I didn’t think so.

So that’s what had happened, James had tried to attack me and I had defended myself. I
refused to feel guilty about what I had done. I had never liked James but I would not of
thought him capable of rape but his intentions couldn’t have been clearer.

Tomorrow I would contact my father and tell him what I had remembered and about the
disturbing phone calls I had been receiving.

My head hurt and I took some pills before climbing into bed. I didn't want to fall asleep, the
fear I had tried to hold back was gripping me and I reached for my phone. I supposed I could
have called Alice but there was only one person I wanted with me.

He answered the phone after only a few rings 'Edward' i gasped 'I need you' a sob tore from
my throat as he promised he would be right there.

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Chapter 11


As soon as I heard Bella’s panicked voice on the phone I was jumping out of bed and heading
downstairs. I grabbed my car keys from the side table in the hall and thrust my bare feet into
some trainers before jogging out to the car; I gunned the engine and set off at speed to reach

Whatever it was that had her so upset I hoped I could help. I arrived at her apartment in record
time, parking the car haphazardly and running towards the elevator. When I reached Bella’s
door I buzzed, she didn’t say anything when she picked up the phone so I quickly said ‘It’s
Edward’ and she let me in.

I found her curled up on the couch, Bella’s eyes were huge and dark, her face chalky white,
she didn’t say anything merely held out her arms to me and I scooped her up sitting down
with her in my lap.

‘What happened love?’ the term of endearment slipped effortlessly from my tongue, it just felt
right somehow.

She told me about the phone call and her memories from the night of the accident, although
now it looked like what happened was more sinister then just her taking a walk and falling.
Some guy called James had hurt her sending them both hurtling over the edge of the cliff, her
memories were still hazy but she was sure there was someone else there, maybe more than
one person.

‘You shouldn’t feel guilty about what happened, none of this was your fault’ I stroked her
back trying to sooth the tremors that wracked her body.

‘I know’ she whispered into my chest ‘I wish I could know why he did it, he was always
strange towards me but I never thought him capable of violence. I should never have gone
walking on that cliff all alone’ she sobbed again and I pulled her tighter to me.

Soon her breathing became even, an odd hiccup would escape as she eventually calmed down.

‘Thank you for coming’ she murmured turning her face towards me, tears had left trails down
her cheeks, so looked so fragile and beautiful, I wanted to find whoever was tormenting her
and hurt them. She didn’t deserve this she had being through enough as it was.

‘Whenever you need me I’ll always come’ I gently ran my fingers through her hair, teasing it
away from her face, the ends were slightly damp and tangled in my fingertips.

Bella lifted her hand, touching my cheek gently ‘Edward would you come lay with me, you
know in bed’

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‘Of course’ I carried her through to the bedroom, she was already dressed for bed in an
oversized t-shirt so I placed her under the covers and climbed in beside her.

We lay there silently for a moment, one of her small warm hands was on my chest over my
heart and I wondered if she could feel the way it thudded slightly faster than normal because I
was near her.

I expected her to sleep but she didn’t and it came as a bit of a shock when I felt her lips graze
my earlobe.

‘Bella?’ my voice had grown hoarse, her hand my creeping up my body until it threaded
through my hair.

‘Edward I feel so close to you’ her voice coming out of the darkness was soft and sweet. Bella
tugged on my hair until I brought my face to hers. Our lips met and fire raged through my
veins. She was so warm and yielding against me, her lips moulding to mine. I felt her tongue
hesitantly flick mine and I pressed her into me even closer as the kiss became more

‘We shouldn’t’ I managed to say but she shook her head and once again pressed her mouth to

‘I can’t imagine meeting anyone else who can make me feel like this’ her fervent words only
inflamed my passion more.

‘Bella you’ve had a shock’ again she cut me off, placing her hand over my mouth.

‘Edward I don’t want to wait, tonight made me realise how much I already trust you, you
were the only person I wanted with me, you’re kind and I feel like I’ve been waiting for you
forever’ her hands had worked their way under my vest top gliding over my chest, every
touch of her fingers made my skin tingle with electricity.

‘Are you sure?’ part of me knew this wasn’t right but I wanted this so much, wanted her in
my arms, to be part of me.

Bella was tugging at my shirt and I lifted my arms so she could remove it, she brought her
face to my chest and I could feel the warmth in her cheeks and knew she was probably

Her tongue touched my nipple and I jumped the feeling was so intense.

I felt Bella lift her head ‘I’m sorry’

‘Don’t be sorry it felt amazing’ I pulled her up quickly removing her nightgown. My hands
ran over her narrow shoulders and down her collarbone, she shivered against me bringing her
hands up to grip my shoulders.

My hands came into contact with her breasts, the tips were puckered and I brought my mouth
to them hearing her moan lightly as I ran my tongue over them. Bella’s breathing began to

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pick up and I smoothed my hands over her soft, supple body, I traced the curve of her hips
and down along her thighs enjoying her soft moans and gasps.

Her fingers dug into my shoulders when my hand came close to her centre and a soft sigh
escaped her lips.

She was so innocent and tonight she had been through so much. I had to stop this even though
I wanted her with every fibre of my being. I wanted to do this right and now wasn’t the time I
didn’t want there to be any regrets when I made love to her so I slowly pulled back to look at

‘Bella we have all the time in the world for this’ I said gently ‘I want our first time to be
special not in reaction to anything. Tonight just let me hold you, be close to you’ she nodded
in understanding. Her hands slid down my arms and wrapped around my waist, I knew she
could probably feel my erection pressing against her thigh but she didn’t say anything just
held me tightly.


Edward was right I was been irrational but my emotions were all over the place and he was
my anchor, my point of sanity. I can’t really explain what came over me I just wanted to show
him how much he meant to me.

We both still had our underwear on but his naked chest was pressed into mine. I noticed how
coordinated our heartbeats were, totally in sync, almost like they were beating as one.

After everything that had happened I had never wished more than now that my life was
normal and uncomplicated so that I could just be with Edward and not have anything hanging
over my head.

Edward’s hands continued the soothing strokes along my back and I gradually felt myself
relax and my eyes close, his breathing lulling me to sleep.

Waking the next morning once again wrapped around Edward I lay still trying to control my
breathing so he wouldn’t know I was awake, but somehow he did, his gentle fingers lifted up
my face so his eyes could meet mine.

‘Morning love’ I smiled hugely loving that he called me that.

‘Morning Edward and thank you so much for last night’

‘You don’t have to thank me Bella’ he smiled.

‘How about I make some breakfast?’ I started to draw away from him feeling the cool air
against my naked body. Edward’s eyes darkened as he looked down at me and my breath
hitched in my throat.

I watched Edward’s hand in fascination as it touched the skin at the base of my throat and run
lightly down over my chest ‘So beautiful’ he murmured transfixed.

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He looked up into my eyes and they were blazing with a multitude of emotions, most of
which I couldn’t fathom but they made me feel hot all over and a yearning began in my

‘Edward’ I breathed and then his mouth was on mine, fierce and fulfilling. I pushed myself
against him loving the feel of his skin against mine.

‘Bella I’ve never felt this way about anyone before’ my heart thrilled at his words. Edward
reached down and grabbed my t-shirt from the floor helping me to put it on. I felt a tiny bit
disappointed but knew we were doing the right thing.

I made breakfast and Edward drove me to work, I promised him I would ring my father and
let him know all that had been happening.

When I finished my shift and got home I picked up the phone and dialled my father’s work

‘Dad it’s me’

‘Hi Bella how are things?’

I told him about the phone calls and about my memories from the night of the accident.

‘I never liked that kid’ my dad muttered ‘I’ll contact the local police maybe they can trace the
calls you’ve been getting also I’m going to see if I can find out what happened to James’s

‘Ok dad I’ll come and see you soon ok?’

‘Make sure you do baby’ I could hear the worry in his voice and I hated that I was the reason
for that; my dad had already suffered a lot because of me.

Alice came home looking so much chirpier than I had ever seen her. She took one look at my
face and knew something was wrong.

When I had finished telling her everything she sighed and sat back ‘If I ever find out who’s
doing this I will rip them apart with my bare hands’ she looked so fierce that I almost believed
she would.

‘Fucking James he was always a creep and he seemed to have some fixation with you, do
your remember how he used to stare at you all the time?’

I thought back and sure I remembered but I never thought anything of it at the time, his sister
Victoria was nice and she never really mentioned her brother to us much, he was a loner but
there was an edge to him so no one ever messed with him.

‘I’m finding it hard to get my head around it Alice, why would he try to hurt me and who the
hell is doing this? I was defending myself for god’s sake how could anyone think I was a

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‘I don’t know Bella there are some twisted people in this world. Try not to dwell on it, I know
that’s easy to say but you can’t let them ruin your life that’s what they want’ I nodded
understanding what she was saying.

‘You should have called me you must have been so scared’ Alice was looking at me

‘I called Edward’

‘Humph well I suppose that’s ok then’

‘Dare I ask how last night went’ I wanted to change the subject and talk about happier things.

‘Honestly Bella we aren’t that bad’ her eyes twinkled as she thought about Jasper ‘we just
played a few games’

‘I’m guessing not trivial pursuit though right?’

‘Maybe more like naked twister’ I pulled a face and she laughed.

‘Edward should be here soon we are going to see a movie’

‘Good you should go have some fun and don’t worry I’m sure the Chief will sort everything
out’ Alice sometimes referred to my dad as the Chief, somehow making it sound kinky.

‘Alice you are so bad’

‘That’s what Jasper said last night’

‘Enough’ I held up my hands and exited the room quickly.

Edward was waiting for me in the living room when I had finished getting ready. He had a
rather bemused expression on his face from whatever Alice was telling him.

He jumped up eagerly when he saw me ‘You ready?’ I nodded and we headed out.

‘Alice and Jasper are so made for other’ he muttered as we got in the elevator.

I glanced at him questioningly ‘They are both seriously disturbing’ I laughed and said ‘I

Edward took me to see I, Robot, a strange choice of film but I really enjoyed it. I was a
popcorn hog but Edward didn’t seem to mind one bit.

We arrived back at my apartment and he took me to the door.

‘I’m working the late shift tomorrow but I’m free on Thursday’ he said placing small kisses
along my jaw.

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‘Class finishes at eight thirty, I can meet you after that’ my voice was slightly garbled from
the attentions of Edward’s mouth, I could barely think straight.

‘Ok well I’ll pick you up after class and we can do something’ His mouth had now made its
way to my lips and I sighed as they caught mine in a passion filled kiss.

Letting myself into the apartment I said goodnight to Alice and headed to bed.

My dreams that night were only of Edward, at first it was about us together kissing and
exploring each other but then they became darker. I was holding Edward in my lap, blood
gushed from a wound on his head. I woke up more scared then I had ever been before.

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Chapter 12


Over the last five weeks Bella and I had seen each other almost every day, sometimes we
went out other times we snuggled together and watched movies.

She was going to be visiting her father in a few days because it would be her birthday and I
was going to miss her like crazy.

‘Edward how would you feel about coming with me?’ we were sat together at my place and
her question took me a little by surprise.

‘I mean I know I should have asked sooner and you might not be able to get time off’ she was
talking hurriedly giving me an out if I wanted one.

‘I’m sure I could get a few days off and I would love to come with you’ I smiled, stroking the
soft skin of her cheek.

‘That’s great’ she looked so relieved that I couldn’t help but reach over and kiss her. We did a
lot of kissing and touching and on the nights when I was alone I tended to spend a lot of time
in the shower releasing the pent up tension. Jasper found much amusement in my situation
and said it was lucky I hadn’t strained my hand.

‘It’s good you’re not a surgeon, I certainly wouldn’t want you operating on me’ smug bastard
was lucky I didn’t smack him.

‘I’ll ring my father and tell him you’re coming’

‘Erm yes about that, will I be safe? I mean your dad is bound to be protective of you so will I
need a bullet proof vest?’ I knew her father was chief of police and after what had happened
to Bella I was pretty certain he probably wasn’t going to be too keen to meet the man in her

‘You’ll be fine Edward’ she giggled ‘if I’m happy Charlie will be happy’ I hoped she was
right, I had images of myself been chased off the property by a large man with a shotgun.

‘Ok well I’ll sort out the time off and hopefully I should be able to book myself on the same
flight as you’

‘Lets hope so and I’m sure my dad will love you’

I sorted out a few days off and my flights while Bella was working the next day. I needed to
get Bella something special for her birthday but I was at a bit of a loss. I hated to do but I had
no choice, I called Alice.

‘Well hello Edward to what do I owe this pleasure’

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‘I need help Alice, I want to get something special for Bella’

‘You could always put a big bow on your naked self, I’m sure she would love that’

‘Yes and I’m sure her father would love to see that gift for her’ Alice giggled on the other end
of the phone.

‘Meet in fifteen minutes and we’ll go shopping’ she told me where she would be then
abruptly ended the call.

‘Bella is a difficult one I’ll admit, she certainly won’t appreciate you spending a lot on her
she’s strange like that’ Alice told me as we walked from store to store.

I picked up a few cds I thought she would like and then I found it, the perfect gift for my

Alice followed my gaze and crowed with delight ‘its perfect Edward’ I grinned going into the
store and making the purchase.

‘Ok well I got to dash, Jasper wants to show me some civil war stuff that he collects’ I
quirked my eyebrow at her.

‘What! I can fake interest with the best of them’

‘I think it’s cute you would make the effort. Should I tell Jasper how you fake it or is it our
little secret?’ I teased and she punched my arm with surprising force for someone so tiny.

‘Shut it Eddie boy or I’ll twist your balls off’ she said with a sweet smile before waving
goodbye and hailing a cab.

Feeling very pleased with myself I headed back to my house. Bella’s gift was a beautiful
small glass globe with a miniature depiction of sleeping beauty in the centre; leaning over her
was her handsome prince. I knew she would love the gift; it wasn’t expensive but held a lot of
meaning for both of us. Whether she knew it or not I wanted to be Bella’s prince, awaken her,
being her joy and pleasure and most of all live happily ever after.

I’m what Jasper affectionately terms a sap.

Carefully wrapping the gift I stored it away in my luggage wrapped up in a lot of underwear
so it wouldn’t break. I sincerely hoped my bag wasn’t searched at the airport because that
could be embarrassing.

Looking at my watch I saw it would soon be time to pick Bella up from work. I drove to the
coffee place and waited outside for her to finish. She came out looking radiant as usual,
hopping in the car before I could get out and open the door.

‘Ha ha I beat you’ she grinned at me

‘Do you object to my chivalrous gestures Bella?’ I asked raising an eyebrow.

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‘Nope I like them although sometimes I wouldn’t mind you being a little less chivalrous’ the
wicked smile she shot me had a direct affect on my groin area and I shifted uncomfortably.

‘Would you like to go out for some food?’ my voice was slightly squeaky like an adolescent
teenager, damn the affect she had on me.

‘Could we just go back to yours and order in do you think?’

‘Of course’ I drove home and soon we were curled up together eating pizza watching CSI.

Bella absentmindedly played with my hair, her fingers curling round the strands causing a
delicious pulling sensation.

‘Mmm’ I couldn’t help the sound of pleasure that escaped my throat, her fingers just seemed
to work magic.


Ok I couldn’t take anymore, I wanted Edward desperately and I didn’t care how that sounded.
He was gorgeous and his kisses were electric yet it never went much further than that.
Whenever I was near him there was a constant ache in my boy, a thrumming pulse that was
driving me crazy.

Then he made that sexy noise in his throat and I didn’t care if I had to pin him down to get my
way. Alice claimed I was suffering from major sexual frustration well this girl was not going
to frustrated one moment longer. For god’s sake I would be twenty-nine soon and Edward
was the most sinfully handsome man I had ever seen, my poor body could not cope any
longer with been denied.

Jumping into his lap I worked the buttons on his shirt, considering my extreme lack of
patience it was a wonder I managed it. I really had basically no clue what to do but I let my
instincts guide me. I brought my mouth to Edward’s hard, muscular chest, running my tongue
along his stomach muscles and loving the way he shivered in response.

Glancing up at his face, his eyes were the darkest green I think I had ever seen them,
reminding me of a forest at night, his jaw was hanging slightly open with the tip of his tongue
peaking out. I moistened my lips and his eyes became pitch black.

Edward’s mouth descended towards mine and I could feel everything he had been holding
back, with every thrust of his tongue my body became hotter and much to my embarrassment

His fingers toyed with the hem of my shirt and I let out a little growl, which seemed to shock
him and arouse him because it was then lifted up and disposed of quickly. His lips moved
down to my throat and I felt a slight nip, oh god that felt good.

My breasts felt fuller and the feel of his mouth gliding over them was like nothing I could
have imagined. When he took the tip of one into his mouth and tugged gently my fingers dug
into his upper arms to stop myself from keeling over.

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‘Bella’ his cool breath blowing over my sensitive skin was indescribable and I writhed about
on his lap.

‘Edward this is right, you and me are right’ I told him looking deeply into his eyes letting him
see my sincerity.

‘I know’ my breath caught when those words left his mouth, words I had been longing to

His hands were at the waistband of my trousers and I lifted my hips so he could pull them
from me. His fingers ran along my outer thigh, the gentle pressure causing my nerve endings
to ignite. Reaching down I struggled with Edward’s belt until finally I wrestled it loose. He
lifted slightly and I pushed his pants to the floor. I gasped in shock as his erection sprung free,
turns out Edward shuns underwear. I think I may have just had a mini orgasm but having no
experience it was a little hard to tell.

I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him, so long and thick I knew I shouldn’t stare but it really
was beautiful. I traced my fingers along the shaft; the skin was unbelievably smooth and yet
so hard. Edward’s hands were gripping the couch either side of him and his jaw was clenched
he almost looked in pain and I was just about to snatch my hand away when he let a groan of
pure pleasure.

He frantically pulled my panties down and his fingers traced along my centre ‘Edward’ my
voice was a plea but for what I wasn’t sure, but he seemed to know what I wanted. One finger
slowly entered me, the moisture there making progress smooth, his thumb rubbed against me
and darts of incredibly sensation shot through my body.

Edward’s fingers thrusting into me and whatever his thumb was doing was just blowing my
mind, it had me pulling on his hair frantically, pressure was building in my tummy, a
desperate need for something just barely out of reach.

‘Come for me Bella’ the soft velvet of his voice next to my ear caused my muscles to clench
and a feeling unlike any other flooded my body leaving me panting and dazed.

‘My god that was just .. ‘ I couldn’t even describe it.

‘It gets better’ I had never seen Edward so confident and it made me want him all the more.
He lifted me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and carried me through to the
bedroom, laying me down on the bed as if I were the most precious thing in the world.

Edward started kissing my belly and suddenly I was right back where I had been before, in
desperate need for him.

He brought his face back to mine and his lips hovered just inches out of reach. I lifted my
head up to capture his sweet mouth.

‘I’ll never want anyone else’ he breathed against my mouth, I felt exactly the same as if all
my life had led to this moment, I didn’t care what had gone before if it meant that I now had

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He fumbled about in the beside table draw for a moment and then he was at my entrance,
probing gently. I looked up and could see the question in his eyes.

‘I want this more than anything, I want you’ He went slowly and carefully, there was a short
stab of pain but it was soon gone. Edward stayed still for a moment while my body adjusted. I
smiled up into his green eyes and he pulled back before surging forward. A moan left my
throat and I tightened my hands on his shoulders. He felt so good inside me, claiming me, my
body began to move in sync with his and fire consumed me.

Edward kept muttering words like ‘so good’ and ‘amazing’ my body was building up to that
feeling again and I started to move faster wanting him to bring me that pleasure once more.
He seemed to take the hint and picked up speed as I wrapped my legs around his back.

Bending his head Edward nipped my earlobe and that was it, I was flung into oblivion as
wave after wave of pure bliss racked my body. Edward tensed as I spasmed around him and
he let out a shout of ‘mine’ as he shuddered into me.

At first he didn’t move only held me tightly to his chest but then he rolled to the side taking
me with him.

‘Bella you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me’

‘I never want to be without you’ I replied. I couldn’t say the words yet but I knew I was
deeply and irrevocably in love with Edward Cullen.

‘Goodnight my angel’ he sighed.

‘Goodnight sweet prince’ I giggled

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Chapter 13


I had to admit at my age I felt a little weird about been so nervous meeting a woman’s parents
but that was exactly the position I found myself in. During the flight I couldn’t stop fidgeting
and shifting about. Bella had asked what was wrong so I told her I was a nervous flyer. The
thing was I wanted to make a good impression more than anything, hopefully this man would
one day be my father in law and I really didn’t want to blow this first meeting.

As we got closer to the small town my palms became sweaty and lord I had to get a grip.

When we got to the house, a big, burly man with a moustache came out to greet us. He
hugged Bella tightly and swung her up into his arms, his colouring was similar to Bella’s but
he was a tough, rugged looking man. Plus I couldn’t keep my eyes away from the holster at
his side.

‘It’s great to have you back Bells’ He stood back to look at her closely ‘you look different
baby but I can’t put my finger on it’ Shit what if he can tell I deflowered his daughter?

‘Dad this is Edward’ she turned towards me with a beaming smile and her father cast a steely
eye over me ‘Well it’s nice to meet you Edward, I hope you’ve been taking good care of my
girl’ he shook my hand with some force.

‘Erm yes very good care Mr Swan’ I stammered out

‘Actually it’s Chief Swan’ Bella gave him a reproofing look ‘but you can call me Charlie son’

We walked into the house, which was small but very neat. Bella introduced me to Sue who
was in the kitchen; she was a small, intense looking woman with short dark hair and russet
skin. She greeted me warmly and I managed to relax a little.

Over dinner that evening I was grilled by Charlie, I’m sure if he could have he would have
wired me up to a lie detector. He asked about my job, I was glad I had a respectable
profession but the way he said ‘Doctor huh?’ made me feel like I’d just confessed to being a

Several times Bella would try to intercede but Charlie kept going, I noticed that Sue seemed
to find the whole thing amusing.

‘Charlie come on, leave the poor man alone’ She placed a hand on his elbow and Charlie gave
her a wry smile.

‘I’m sorry Edward; it’s just that Bella is my little girl and I was without her for so long. I may
to a tad over protective’ Bella snorted a little and I nodded in understanding.

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‘I was thinking we could all go fishing tomorrow’ Charlie looked round the table and Sue
laughed saying ‘I’ll pass’

‘What about you Edward?’

‘Sure sounds good’ I had never been fishing in my life but I wanted to get into Charlie’s good

‘Bells you in?’

‘Sure dad’

We all watched tv together for a little while until it was time to turn in.

‘You ok on the couch?’ Charlie asked handing me a quilt and some pillows.

‘I’ll be fine sir’ before heading upstairs Bella gave me a small kiss ‘He’s a little old
fashioned’ she said apologetically.

‘It really is ok Bella’ I gave her bottom a small pat ‘now go on before he comes back’ she
giggled slightly and then was gone.

Mentally I wiped my brow that was some encounter; although I had come through it I didn’t
feel completely unscathed.

That night I dreamt of fishing hooks getting caught in my mouth and Charlie slinging me over
board and motoring away as I flailed in the water. I must have been thrashing about because
suddenly I felt small, warm hands caressing my brow and telling me everything was all right.
Soft lips touched mine and for a moment I gave myself up to the wonderful sensation before I
realised what was going on.

‘Bella no, what if your dad catches us’ she giggled gently against my ear ‘Can’t you hear that
noise, he’s snoring like a freight train’ Bella’s small body snuggled next to mine and I loved
the way we fit together.

‘I couldn’t sleep and then I heard you moaning’ she whispered brushing her mouth along my

‘Bella’ I groaned, almost in agony.

‘Sorry but I just can’t help myself’ she sighed and moved back slightly. ‘Just one more day’
she seemed to be talking more to herself than me.

We lay together for a bit longer, I couldn’t stop myself from kissing and touching her though
and soon things were getting hot and heavy.

‘Ugh you had better get back bed’ I was desperately trying to calm myself down and not
doing a good job.

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‘Ok’ she murmured but didn’t move, her quiet pants made my pulse throb erratically.
Eventually she stirred, kissing my forehead and whispering ‘goodnight’


The morning light was muted and I knew without looking that fog would still be lingering

I hadn’t slept much; ridiculously I found it hard to do that with Edward so close and yet so
far. A smile tugged the corner of my lips as I remembered creeping downstairs to find him
tangled up in his quilt, all I had wanted to do was jump on him and ease what ever demons
were bothering him.

‘Come on Bella we have to be off soon’ my father’s voice boomed upstairs to me. I sighed
and got out of bed, quickly donning my jeans and sweater before hauling my hair into a
ponytail and running down the stairs.

Edward sat at the kitchen table looking a little bleary eyed, When I walked into the room a
huge smile came across his face which I returned with equal magnitude.

‘Jacob and Billy are coming with us’ my dad informed us as I quickly downed some cereal
and a coffee.

‘Billy is dad’s best friend and Jake is his son’ I explained to Edward. There was a honking
outside and we all climbed into the jeep that Jake was driving; we were heading out to La
Push because the river levels were a bit low at the moment.

‘Hi Bella’ Jake called giving me a wide grin and Edward a calculating look.

‘Hey Jake, this Edward’ I turned to look at him not sure what I should say, we hadn’t exactly
discussed things and I didn’t want to appear too forward.

Edward lent forward and said ‘Hi I’m Bella’s boyfriend’ he took my hand in his as we sat
together for the ride, rubbing his thumb along my wrist, probably feeling my wildly beating
pulse there.

When we got to the boat I saw Edward give it a dubious look before climbing above. Billy
started the engine and we zoomed off. The morning air was still a little chilly and cuddled into
Edward for some warmth.

Billy had brought several rods and handed one to Edward, I had to hide a smile, as it was
pretty obvious he had no clue what to do. My father took pity on him and showed him how to
bait the hook and cast off.

For a while there was silence on the boat, I had never really cared for fishing and was not very
good, it had always been a way of spending time with my dad so I would make an effort.

‘How’s New York treating you’ Jake asked.

‘Good I’m really enjoying it’ I cast a smile at Edward.

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‘Well we sure miss you round here’ Jake continued and I saw Edward’s mouth tighten

‘I’m here now’

Jake laughed a little reaching into his pack he pulled out a parcel handing it to me ‘I wanted to
give you this, happy birthday. Dad helped me with it’

‘Should I open it now’ I asked and Jake shrugged

I pulled back the paper to reveal a small carved wooden wolf, the wood was polished and
gleaming, it was incredibly detailed and beautiful.

‘Jake this is wonderful, thank you’ I said showing the wolf to Edward who nodded and agreed
it was good.

Jake looked smug as he turned his attention back to the water. I wasn’t blind I knew Jake had
had a little crush on me when we were younger but I assumed that was all in the past. But
throughout the morning I couldn’t help but notice the way he kept mentioning our past and
how each time he did Edward looked a little more annoyed, it was starting to annoy me as
well because it was obvious he was trying to stake some nonexistent claim.

There wasn’t much biting and thankfully we headed back after a few hours, Edward was tense
next to me on the drive to Forks.

As we went inside I grabbed his hand and hauled him up to my room knowing that Billy and
Charlie would still be talking outside.

‘What’s wrong?’ I sat on the bed next to him.

‘Nothing Bella, I’m just not too fond of your little friend’ I had to laugh at Edward calling
Jake little.

‘Edward I don’t know what’s going on with Jake but I have never seen him as anything other
than a friend’ I cupped his cheek with palm, my fingers running along his stubble covered

‘I’m sorry Bella I’m been an idiot’ he sighed and looked down at the floor.

‘Yes you are, but you’re my idiot’ I said softly

‘I have something for you’ he ran quickly downstairs and returned with a beautifully wrapped
silver package.

I grinned ‘ I hope you haven’t spent too much’

‘No Alice told me about your little quirk’ he said with a smile.

Inside the paper was a little glass globe with a beautifully craved sleeping beauty, leaning
down to kiss her was her handsome prince, I loved it and told him so hugging him tightly.

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‘I want us to have a fairytale ending’ he whispered against my lips before claiming them in a
gentle kiss.

‘You are already my dream come true’ I replied and it was true Edward was everything I
could ever want in a man.

There was a loud throat clearing and I saw my dad standing in the doorway. I raised my
eyebrows and he said ‘Sue’s made brunch are you coming?’

We followed my father downstairs and as much as I loved him I was certainly glad that the
day after tomorrow we were heading back to New York. I slipped my hand in Edward’s
giving it a gentle squeeze, which he returned.

As I lay awake holding Edward’s present to my chest that night I heard the creaking of a
floorboard outside my room, I quickly sat up and saw Edward slip quietly through the door.

‘Bella I just wanted to tell you something’ Edward approached my bed and knelt on the floor,
his face close to mine. ‘I love you’ I felt his lips curve against mine as he said the words. My
breath caught for a second and then I moved my mouth to his ear ‘I love you too’ I breathed.
A shudder ran through his body and his arms wrapped around me tightly.

‘I couldn’t wait any longer to tell you’ we lay on my small childhood bed together, pressed
closely together and I knew that we just belonged, that we were meant for each other.

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Chapter 14


The next day we visited Rose and Emmett, I kept in regular contact with her but I still missed
her like crazy.

She hugged me tightly when I arrived she looked as beautiful as ever. I introduced them to
Edward, he and Emmett seemed to hit it off straight away.

While Emmett and Edward set up the barbeque we sat on the lawn and chatted.

‘So he’s your Prince fucking Charming eh?’

‘Rose you kiss you kids with that mouth?’

‘Hey I don’t say stuff like that in front of them besides Emmett likes my dirty mouth’ she
quirked her brows at me and I giggled.

‘Ew too much info’

‘What can I say the big guy is rubbing off on me’ I laughed and glanced towards where
Edward and Emmett were fiddling about with charcoal and a lighter.

‘By the way I hope you weren’t too attached to Edward’s eyebrows because Emmett usually
gets a bit carried away’ as if to prove Rose’s point there was a sudden whoosh and flames
shot up in the air. Rose and I fell about laughing at the shell-shocked look on both their faces.

‘I can’t thank you enough you know for recommending me to Jake, he’s a fantastic boss and
things are working out great’ she smiled hugely and looked happily at her girls playing on the
swings, she looked so content with her life and I was glad, she deserved it.

‘How’s Alice?’ I told her all about Jasper and their slightly strange relationship, Rose found
the whole thing hugely funny.

‘She’s always been so straight laced, I just can’t imagine it’ she laughed

‘Well Jasper kind of brings out this whole other side in her’ I shrugged trying not to think
about what was probably going on in our apartment at this moment.

‘I have to say Bella Edward is delicious, where the hell did you find him?’

I told her how we met and the strange coincidence of him working at the hospital when I first
had the accident.

‘Wow do you think that you were kind of meant to be?’ I smiled I had never thought of Rose
as a romantic but it seemed she was just as sappy as the rest of us.

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‘I do feel this unbelievable connection with him’

‘Mmm and I’m thinking that you’re not so innocent anymore’ she again made a suggestive
face and I blushed scarlet.

Quickly changing the subject I told her about what I now remembered from the night of the
so-called accident.

‘That sick fucker James, I should have known’ Rose looked so angry ‘I should have known,
he was so weird over you. You think someone else was there? Jesus I wonder who that could
have been’

‘I don’t know, my dad is looking into tracing the family but it looks like they moved out of
the country’

‘He never really hung out with anyone, I mean ever his sister didn’t really have a lot to do
with him’ I shivered lightly thinking about that awful night. I needed to purge those thoughts
from my mind so I went over to push the girls on the swing.

They giggled and told me to push them really high. Edward came over and we had a
competition to see who could push the highest. The girls squealed with glee and I smiled at
Edward, he looked to be enjoying himself nearly as much as the children.

Soon the food was ready and we sat around the outdoor picnic table eating burgers and
hotdogs, it was nice and relaxed.

While Emmett and Edward sat about talking sports I helped Rosalie clear away.

‘Bella he is really great’ Rosalie said watching her husband and Edward chase the girls
around the garden.

‘Ro you don’t need to tell me that believe me, if I could I would be president of his fan club’
we both laughed.

‘We’re thinking about trying for another baby’ we were sat in the kitchen drinking tea; she
looked up at me and smiled shyly.

‘That’s great’ I hugged her close.

‘Well I know how much Emmett would like a boy’

‘Mini Emmett, kind of frightening’ I giggled and Rose slapped me on the arm.

‘Stop it, do you think you’d like kids someday?’

‘I think so, I haven’t thought a great deal about it’ this was actually a bit of a fib, sometimes I
would find myself daydreaming about my future with Edward and there were always some
beautiful bronze haired children in the picture.

Rose had been watching my face and lent over ‘liar’ she said softly.

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I had really enjoyed meeting Rose and Emmett and their beautiful girls, they were such a
happy family, they had everything I wanted to have with Bella.

As we drove along they was a sudden pop and the steering began to go crazy. I managed to
pull the car to the side of the road, hopping out. Bella looked a little concerned and was
gripping the seat tightly after what happened.

‘Blow out’ I informed Bella

‘I’ll call my dad’ she pulled out her phone and smiled at me and that’s the last thing I
remember till waking up now.

The side of my head ached like crazy; I gently probed with my fingers and felt the sticky
wetness there.

Someone obviously hit me with some force; it could even possibly be fractured.

I couldn’t see my car, opening my eyes I knew I was in the woods, dizziness and nausea vied
for dominance and nausea eventually won, I lent over to the side emptying my stomach.

What the hell happened?

Padding my jeans revealed that my cell phone was missing. Panic began to rise in my chest, I
needed to get out of here, I needed to find Bella

Despite the protests of my body I managed to stagger to my feet. I must have been out some
time because the woods had become quite dark twilight was definitely here.

I remember Bella telling how vast the woods were and how people had become lost in them
and it had taken days to find them.

For just one moment I let the despair in and then I quickly quenched it. Bella was out there,
probably in danger, she needs me and I have to find her.

The wound on my head was still bleeding I could feel the hot trickle down my face as I
moved slowly along.

Her father must have realised we were missing by now; I clung to the hope that he was out
there searching.

I wracked my memory for any small bit of information I could recall from the very brief
survival-training course I had once taken. Moss grew on the north side of trees I seemed to
recall, Christ I didn’t even know where I was so I was doubtful that piece of information
would help, plus here moss seemed to grow all round the trees.

I was really going to have to stem the blood coming from my head wound so I ripped the
bottom off my t shirt, made a kind of bandana out of it and tied it tightly round my head. I felt
weak and dizzy as I carried on trudging through the forest.

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I concentrated all my efforts on forward momentum trying not to think about what might have
happened to Bella. I didn’t know I was crying until I felt the salty wetness hit my lips.

Before Bella my life was shit, for want of a better word, then she came into it and filled it
with happiness, the like I had never known.

I love her with every fibre of my being and she loves me. My life would be nothing without
her but I couldn’t think like that.

Why the hell did this have to happen, surely we deserved some happiness god knows Bella
certainly did.

In the darkest of the forest I kept catching my foot on tree roots and undergrowth, I was
desperate to stay upright because I knew if I fell there was a good chance I wasn’t getting up.

In the distance I could detect some faint noise and I hoped against hope that it was traffic that
I could hear. I followed the sounds, stumbling and feeling woozier by the second. The night
was so dark now that I didn’t see the incline that led down to the road, one minute I walking
the next I was falling, hitting just about every part of my body.

Reaching the bottom I groaned, they were headlights coming towards me and with the last bit
of my strength I pulled myself up to wave wildly. There was a screeching of tyres and the car
stopped a few feet away from me.

‘Are you ok? Do you need help?’ a young man exited the car looking extremely worried.

‘I need to find Bella’ I knew I wasn’t making sense but my consciousness was fading rapidly
‘Call Chief Swan’ I fell forwards, my knees hitting the asphalt painfully.

I could vaguely make out the man talking frantically into his phone.

God Bella please be ok, please, please let her be ok.

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Chapter 15

Charlie’s POV

‘Excuse me Chief Swan?’ I was working at my desk looking forward to getting home soon, I
loved having Bella around, no matter what she thought she would always be my little girl.

The man she had brought with her, Edward Cullen, seemed nice enough as much as it galled
me to admit it. Every time they looked at each other I could see the love shining forth between
them, it was never easy to be replaced as the number one guy in your daughter’s life but if I
had to be then I guess Edward was a good candidate.

I looked up from the paper work before me to see a slim red haired woman, she looked
vaguely familiar but I couldn’t quite place her.

‘What can I do for you miss?’

‘I’m Victoria Blake, I think you’ve been looking for me’ so this was James’s sister, she was a
beautiful woman. She looked around nervously before bringing her gaze back to mine.

‘Thanks for coming in, I could have phoned you, you didn’t have to come all this way’ she
gave me a little smile.

‘It’s fine I was attending a conference near here and I haven’t been back here in years’ she
shrugged ‘I felt like a trip down memory lane’

I asked her to take a seat, it wasn’t easy but I explained to her about what happened between
Bella and James the night he died. She sat through my explanation her face impassive, her
fingers knotted in her lap.

‘Chief Swan I really am sorry for what happened to Bella, she was so nice to me at school
when a lot of people weren’t. If I’m honest this isn’t a total surprise to me, I told my parents
that James’s behaviour wasn’t normal but they wouldn’t listen. He used to disappear for hours
and come back covered in blood, he liked to hurt animals and it always worried me how
obsessed he seemed with Bella’ the weight of the world seemed to have fallen on her
shoulders as she slumped in the chair.

‘None of this is your fault but Bella thinks someone else was there that night, can you think of
anyone James hung around with?’

She looked up at me with her big blue eyes ‘James didn’t have friends’ she stated flatly. ‘But
hang on not long before graduation he did have someone round to the house, claimed they
were working on a science project together which I thought was weird because I was pretty
certain they weren’t even in the same class’

‘Can you remember who this person was?’ this could be what I had been looking for, she sat
for a moment furrowing her brow trying to conjure up a name.

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‘I remember now, it was Mike Newton’ my eyes widened a little, the Newton kid was never
my favourite person but he just didn’t seem capable of this.

‘Well thanks Victoria’ I stood up and shook her hand.

‘I’d love to see Bella again would you pass on my number, I know she might not want to talk
to me’ I felt very sorry for this young woman, she had had a lot to cope with in her life.

‘I will and I’m sure Bella will want to talk to you’

One of my deputies burst through the door then.

‘Chief, there been an accident, some guy was found on the road just south of here, he’s pretty
banged up, looks like someone tried to shoot him in the head but the bullet grazed the side of
his face instead’

‘Ok let’s go check it out’ I ushered Victoria out and she left me a number to pass onto Bella.

‘Have you identified the victim?’ I asked as we got in the cruiser.

‘Not yet but he asked for you by name before losing consciousness’ that got my attention ‘we
also found a silver Volvo abandoned in the road about three miles away’ Edward drove a
silver Volvo, suddenly I was very scared indeed.


One minute Edward was bent over examining the wheel the next there was a bang and he
went down, I looked around desperately trying to work out what had happened.

A familiar figure emerged from the forest, he was grinning at me widely, almost wolfishly.

‘Mm mike?’ I stammered, I knew I was in danger, something was very wrong.

‘Hello Bella, I’m glad you’ve come back’ he swung a gun loosely at his side ‘Bella, Bella
Bella’ he chuckled softly ‘I’ve waited so long for you but not anymore’ he lifted the gun
bringing the butt sharply down on my head before I could defend myself.

I came back round slowly, my head throbbed dully and I couldn’t see a thing. Wherever I was
it smelt earthy and damp, I shifted a little trying to see if I could feel anything around me with
my foot, my hands searched the ground, it felt like I was lying on dirt.

Lifting myself up on my elbows, I tried to look about me, my eyes adjusted to the darkness
gradually. From what I could see I was in some sort of cabin, I quickly leapt to my feet and
ran for the door tugging ineffectually at it trying to wrench it open. Next I tried the windows
but from the little light the moonlight provided I could see they were nailed shut.

God I needed to get out of here, I didn’t care what happened to me but I needed to know
Edward was all right, with horror I remembered him falling to the floor.

Please god I have never asked for much but please let Edward be ok.

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There was a noise outside and I searched around for a weapon but the place was empty so I
retreated to a corner and sat curled in on myself, trying to make myself as small as possible.

‘I’m back’ Mike’s cheerful voice grated on my nerves, what the hell was wrong with him?

A flashlight shone in my face and he clucked slightly ‘I’m so sorry about the bump Bella but I
didn’t think you would come willingly’

‘Why are you doing this?’ a lamp flared to life and I could make out Mike’s face, he looked
more than slightly deranged in the flicking glow.

‘James and I had a pact, he was going to bring you to me the night of the graduation party and
we were going to make you realise how much you wanted us’ he stroked my cheek and I
flinched back revolted ‘He was crazy over you and I knew I couldn’t do it on my own so I
recruited him but then he went and fucked it all up, trying to force you on the cliff. He was
supposed to bring you back here then I would have got rid of him and you would have been
all mine’ he licked his lips ‘Oh Bella the pleasure I will bring you’ my stomach knotted in
disgust and I gagged before swallowing back the bile that filled my mouth.

‘I wanted you from the moment I set eyes on you and I know secretly you want me too. At
school you would tease and tempt me but I know those friends of yours stopped us from
getting together. So many times I thought about getting rid of those bitches but I didn’t. Will
you forgive me for not waiting for you?’

‘You’re crazy’ I muttered, I watched Mike’s eyes harden and he drew his hand back and give
me a stinging slap.

‘I didn’t want to do that Bella but you gave me no choice’ he tutted like I was a naughty child.

I decided to try another tack ‘What about your family, your wife and child?’

‘They mean nothing to me; it was always you I wanted, you I thought about. I couldn’t
believe how James screwed it up, I thought you were going to die but now you’re back and I
have another chance’ he walked slowly towards me, smiling like we were the best of friends
and I here by choice.

‘Where’s Edward?’

‘I’m afraid you won’t be seeing him again and I don’t appreciate you flaunting him in front of
me. I know it was wrong to marry Jessica but you didn’t have to try to make me jealous’ I
could see the craziness that he had kept so well hidden over the years as he spoke to me.

‘Why the phone calls?’ he laughed manically

‘I was hoping to scare you into coming home. Now I think I’ve waited long enough’ he
dragged me forwards and pushed his mouth against mine, I struggled and kicked out at him
frantically. His tongue was inside my mouth and I bit it between my teeth tasting his foul

He climbed on me, pinning me to the floor. ‘Mike you don’t want to do this please’

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‘But I do Bella and you’ll learn to love it’ he tore at my clothes, exposing my skin to his
mouth, I bucked and jerked beneath him but I couldn’t move him. Curling my hands I clawed
at Mike’s face but he didn’t even seemed to feel the welts I inflicted on his skin. His eyes
burned with an unholy light and I knew all the struggling in the world wasn’t going to stop

I let my body fall limp as I tried to think what I could do. Mike’s hands were on my jeans
tugging at them and his hands lowered to my feet; he cast my shoes to the side and one landed
near my hand. I had worn shoes with a two-inch heels and I grabbed one before I could think.

I prayed for forgiveness then I brought the shoe up and jammed it down hard on Mike’s head.

He howled as blood gushed from the wound, I brought my hand up again this time smashing
it in his face, the point sunk into his eye and I cringed as I leapt up and ran towards the door.
It wasn’t locked thankfully and I ran out into the night, not daring to look behind me.

The blackness of the forest surrounded me and I ran for all I was worth, I fell many times but
I was just desperate to get help.

I needed to know Edward was all right. I heard a noise and crouched in the undergrowth
waiting to see who it was.

A shout came ‘Bella?’ I recognized my father’s voice and jumped up from my hiding place
and launched myself gratefully into his arms.

‘Oh baby thank god, thank god’ he chanted as he held me close.

‘Dad is Edward ok? Please tell me you’ve found him’ my voice broke pitifully

‘We found him Bella; he’s in a bad way. I’ll take you to the hospital and you can see him. Are
you ok baby girl?’ I nodded; he looked down at my ripped clothing, placing his jacket over

‘Did he..’ my father swallowed and I shook my head getting his meaning straight away.

‘It was Mike Newton, I hit him I don’t know if he’s alive, he’s in some cabin back there’ I
gestured to the way I had come from.

‘The others can find him, I’m getting you out of here’ He walked me back to the cruiser. I
heard him say over the radio that he had found me and that Mike was still at large and then we
were off.

Resting my head against the cool glass I hoped with all my heart that Edward would pull
through. I loved him and, he was my everything and I could not imagine been without him

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Chapter 16


My father sped through Forks, cruiser lights flashing as I sat in the passenger seat praying
with all my might.

We soon reached the small hospital in town and I was out the door before Charlie had even
stopped the car completely. Racing into the hospital I paused at the reception desk.

‘I need to see Edward’ the woman looked up at me confused, I turned back towards my father
who explained that we were here to see Edward Cullen, the victim of a gun shot wound who
had been brought in earlier.

The receptionist buzzed someone and a doctor came out ‘Are you his family?’ he asked
gently, I nodded, tears gathering in my eyes.

‘He’s still in surgery at the moment, if you want to wait in here’ he showed us to a stark white
waiting room ‘we’ll let you know something as soon as we can’

Not able to sit still I paced relentlessly up and the down the room.

‘Bella can you tell me what happened?’ my father’s voice penetrated my consciousness and I
glanced towards him.

I sat besides him and relayed what had happened on the way back from Rose and Emmett’s,
right up to where I hit Mike and ran into the forest.

‘It looks like he thought Edward was dead or dying, he dumped him in the forest, the doctors
said it was amazing he managed to walk so far with that head wound’ I swallowed painfully,
he had probably been trying to get help for me. If Edward died because of me I didn’t think I
could live with myself, I couldn’t live in a world where he didn’t exist.

Charlie stepped outside for a minute to talk on the radio, numbness had invaded my body, I
felt cold, lost and empty.

‘We found Mike, he’s still alive and they are bringing him here’ I shrugged, I didn’t care what
the hell they did with him as long as Edward was alright, and if he wasn’t I would kill that
bastard no matter what happened to me.

It was hours of agonising waiting till a doctor returned ‘He’s come through surgery; we’ve
moved him to the ICU. You can see him for a moment, he hasn’t regained consciousness yet’
I followed the doctor along the corridor, through the doors to see Edward lying so still, so
pale. Tubes protruded from all over his body and tears ran down my face. Going over to his
bedside I gripped his hand in mine, it was so cold.

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‘Edward if you can hear me please come back to me, I love you so much don’t leave me’ A
sob tore my thought and I felt the comforting hands of my father on my shoulders.

‘Edward is strong Bella, he’ll come through this’ I just prayed he was right.

As we were leaving the room I saw Mike Newton being wheeled in, his face was bandaged
heavily around one eye, he looked right at me and I wanted to run over and finish the job I
hadn’t managed to do earlier.

‘Bella’ he croaked, my father gripped my arm and dragged me back into the waiting room.

Sue arrived at the hospital with some clothes for me, my other clothes were carefully bagged
and I had to go through a thorough examination, samples were taken from under my nails but
I didn’t even register the intrusion, all my thoughts were on Edward.

I curled up on the hard chairs, my head in Sue’s lap, she twirled my hair soothingly as I lay
there, I was glad she was here, she was the strong maternal type and her presence was
comforting to me.

Morning light filtered through the windows, no one really spoke. I thought of how when I was
a child and had nightmares, morning was always the time when they were chased away, the
coming dawn signalled the end of bad things, maybe that would be true today.

Of all the ways to meet the parents of the man you love this had to be the worst. While I was
still sat with my head on Sue’s lap there was some commotion outside and two incredibly
beautiful people entered the room.

The man was tall and blond, with an imperious air about him; he glanced at us all before
taking a seat in the corner. The woman was agitated, her beautiful caramel hair looked
disordered and her green eyes flicked about nervously.

My father stood up ‘I’m police Chief Swan, are you Edward’s parents?’ the woman nodded
‘I’m Esme Cullen and that’s my husband Carlisle. Is it true he was attacked, I can’t believe it,
why would anyone want to hurt Edward’ I cringed knowing that it was all my fault Edward
had been attacked.

My father explained the circumstances that led to Edward been hurt and his mother turned
towards me ‘I’m so sorry my dear, you must have been terrified’ Esme sat next to me and
hugged me tightly ‘I knew Edward had found someone, when I last spoke to him he had never
sounded so happy’ I smiled at her weakly thinking that she was one of the nicest women I had
ever met, I couldn’t believe that she didn’t blame me for what happened.

Looking towards Edward’s father I saw he was still sat stonily. He looked towards us ‘Did he
mention how I wanted him to join me in practice?’ I nodded ‘I don’t care about that anymore
I just want my boy back’ he lowered his head and I could see the worry and sadness in every
line of his face. Esme went over and put her arms round her husband, comforting him,
murmuring words I couldn’t make out.

The door opened and the doctor from before entered ‘He’s awake, you can see him but not for
very long, he’s still weak and needs his rest.

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As we entered the room Edward’s eyes flicked towards us ‘Bella’ his voice was low and

‘Oh thank god you’re alright’ I had to restrain myself from hugging him as tightly as I could,
my fingers threaded through his and I smiled lovingly down at him.

His lips flicked up, looking over my shoulder he saw his parents.

‘Edward darling I’m so glad you’re ok’ his mother stood beside me and touched his face

‘Son I thought I’d lost you, never put me through that again’ his father said gruffly and
Edward nodded weakly.

‘Mom, dad I want you to meet Bella, the woman I’m going to marry. Not quite the way I
planned on doing this but I couldn’t wait another second’ he said bringing his gaze back to

Tears filled my eyes as Esme and Carlisle smiled at me and welcomed me to their family.

We were soon shooed out, Esme kept her arms around me and I realised now that happy
endings were possible.

Charlie’s POV

Having to go see Jessica Newton was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in all my
years on the force.

I will never forget the bewildered shock on her face as I explained we needed to search the
house and what had happened to bring this about.

Jessica became near hysterical, insisting there was some mistake, her mother came and took
her and her daughter away. Her life had been destroyed, pulled apart and would never be the
same again. I would never understand what led one man to do such terrible things.

At first the house seemed normal, on the surface we found nothing peculiar, Mike Newton
appeared to be a devoted family man. Photos of a happy family lined the walls and I found it
hard to look.

It was only when we went into the attic that a whole different side of Mike Newton emerged.
There were images of Bella everywhere; ones from school, one taken when she was in the
hospital still in a coma those chilled my blood. More recent ones even manipulated wedding
photos where instead of Jessica he had placed Bella’s face on them.

We found correspondence between James and Mike, the plan they had for graduation night.
They had planned to kidnap her and take her to the old cabin in the woods. James wanted to
cut her and hurt her, he had been a very sick individual but Mike was even more dangerous,
able to hide his madness from the world.

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There were journals full of Mike’s love and obsession. He was convinced that Bella loved
him and that they would be together, there was even hints that he sometimes went out of town
to find girls that looked like her, raping and in his words ‘they weren’t her so I got rid of
them’. I made a mental note to check for disappearances of girls who matched Bella’s

This was all so difficult to get my mind around; I wanted to tear that man apart with my bare

Why my Bella? I would probably never know the answer to that.

Everything was tagged and taken to the station. Looking back over the years I tried to look for
some clue to indicate how unhinged Mike Newton was but I couldn’t find one.

All I wanted was for my daughter to be happy and healthy, after all she had been through I
hoped this would be the end of this business and she could finally move on with her life.

Although this was bound to leave its mark on her, I knew my brave girl would come through

Getting back to the hospital I saw her at Edward’s bedside curled into his side, she was
running her fingers through his hair, a smile of total love on her face.

I turned to give them some alone time.

I knew that soon I would have to be digging my old tux out from the back of the closet and
handing the responsibility for my little girl over to someone else.

Although it hurt just a little, no one deserved her more than Edward Cullen.

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Chapter 17


I was mightily sick of been in hospital, it was true doctors did make the worst patients.

Bella spent most of her waking hours with me, even though I insisted she didn’t have to, she
claimed it was a fiancées duty which always made me smile, she knew how much I loved
hearing those words.

At first she wouldn’t talk about what happened with Mike but eventually it all poured out.
Unbelievably she felt guilty about the whole thing, like it was somehow her fault that some
crazy bastard decided to become fixated with her. She also hated the fact that I was injured
because of her, she didn’t seem to realise that that was a small price to pay to be with her.

Today I was getting out of here and I knew Bella was keen to get away from here. She
dreaded seeing Mike’s family, the devastation it had caused to his loved ones, especially his
wife and child. I had learned from Charlie that the wife Jessica refused to believe it was true;
despite the insurmountable evidence she was shown she had retreated into a state of denial.

Jasper and Alice had arrived a few days ago and were staying with Alice’s mom. Apparently
Alice’s mom was resistant to his charms and they weren’t exactly getting along.

‘She’s hates me’ Jasper moaned, Alice had put a hand on his arm ‘I’m afraid since dad ran out
mom hates man in general’

‘But mom’s usually love me’ he protested

‘Edward’s already feeling bad let’s not make him vomit as well’ Alice said rolling her eyes.

Bella and her father came into the room as I was been discharged, Bella wanted to push the
wheelchair but the hard faced nurse refused.

‘You’re going to have ride in the back’ Bella giggled as we stopped by the police cruiser.

I saw Charlie’s mouth flick up at the corner as I reluctantly climbed in.

Mom and dad were waiting outside Charlie’s house when we arrived. Instead of running to
me my mom went to Bella first, kissing her cheek. I watched them together; my mom already
seemed to adore her.

My dad came over laughing ‘Looks like you’ve been usurped’ he patted my back as we
followed everyone into the house.

I watched Bella smiling as mom chatted away; she was so beautiful and had brought so much
into my life.

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‘So have you thought about what kind of wedding you want?’ I heard my mom ask her,
colour filled her cheeks and I couldn’t help but smile.

‘Mom’ I protested

‘Something small’ Bella said quietly, I wondered what she was thinking about as she sat there

She looked up at me and my heart jumped, love shone in those dark orbs and again I had to
thank my lucky stars or whatever deity had brought her into my life.

Later that night I sat with her on the porch swing, I thought back over all she had been
through ‘Bella do you ever feel sad about all you’ve missed out on?’

‘It’s hurts about my mom’ she admitted ‘but no not really, I did at first but now I don’t care’
she turned to face me ‘after all it brought me to you’

‘Maybe we would have met anyway’

‘Maybe’ she agreed ‘but now just feels right, we could have met earlier and it might not have
worked’ I clasped my fingers round hers; she really was the most remarkable person.

‘You didn’t agree to marry me just because I was in hospital hurt did you?’ she laughed and
put her arms round me.

‘No I agreed to marry you because I love you more than anything in the world’


I was glad to be returning to New York after all that had happened. Charlie was very involved
in tracing several women who had disappeared over the last few years; he was convinced that
in the end it would lead back to Mike Newton. I knew I would have to face him when the trial
came up but I vowed not to think about it till then.

Alice and Jasper joined us on the flight home. I half listened to their constant bickering.

‘Jasper what’s the hell’s the matter with you, at least have the courtesy to response to my
antagonism’ she snapped.

‘I’m tired darlin, maybe tomorrow’ I heard the huff and then some dubious noises so I tuned

Snuggling down in to Edward, his fingers toyed softly with my hair, his eyes were closed and
he was humming quietly to himself.

‘Sounds interesting’ he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

‘Hmm? It’s something I’m working on’ he closed his eyes again and continued to hum the
sweet, delicate melody under his breath.

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The sound lulled me into sleep.

Jasper and Edward escorted Alice and I back to the apartment. Alice and Jasper quickly
excused themselves and disappeared into her room.

‘Why don’t you stay here tonight?’ I asked shyly.

‘The sooner I move you into my place the better’ he eyed my small bed, well small compared
to the enormous bed he possessed.

‘You sound pretty sure of yourself Cullen’ I teased

‘I am, you have agreed to become my wife after all’ he chuckled throwing off his clothes
before I could even blink.

‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ he had suffered a nasty head wound not long ago.

‘Bella I assure you I am more than ok’ he lay down on the bed and patted the spot next to
him, when I didn’t move fast enough he got up and scooped me into his arms and lay back on
the bed.

‘You are wearing far too many clothes’ he commented, quickly divesting me of them.

‘You’re very bossy tonight Edward, getting all dictatorial already and we aren’t even married

‘I’ll show you dictatorial’ he rolled me beneath him and I couldn’t help but giggle as his
hands tickled my sides.

‘Damn Bella I’m trying to be all me Tarzan you Jane and you start laughing, not good for my

‘Sorry it tickled’

All laughter soon flew out of my head as his lips grazed mine and his tongue did amazing
things to my ear lobe.

‘Ung’ was all I could manage as his extremely talented lips worked their magic on my neck,
his sharp, perfect teeth nipped my sensitive skin and I was good and lost.

My hands traced down his back and I dug my nails into his buttocks, he jumped slightly, I
shrugged when he drew back to look at me, what could I say - he really had the perfect ass.

Our lovemaking was playful and sweet, by the time Edward had finished teasing me
thoroughly I was all but pleading him to take me.

‘Still questioning if I’m up to it’ I shook my head and again dug my fingers into his behind,
this seemed to spurn him on and he drove into me. A gasp of pure fulfilment left my mouth as
I felt him move within me.

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All my life I never felt like I truly belonged anywhere but now, here with Edward, nothing
had ever felt so right.

My orgasm took me quickly, thrumming through my body till I lay spent and shaky in
Edward’s arms. His nose was at my collarbone, he breathed me in deeply ‘You smell
delicious’ his voice was as shaky as I felt.

‘Mmm I think I may have told you the same’

‘Yes I remember the morning I woke up to find you trying to inhale me’

I pushed him half-heartedly ‘Stop embarrassing me’

He smiled ‘So my mom kind of loves you, she actually told me she was surprised at my good
taste, I think after Tanya she despaired a little’

‘You mom is wonderful and Tanya’s loss is my gain’ I didn’t like to think about his ex wife
too much, how she could have thrown away a man such as Edward baffled me.

‘I love you Edward’ I pulled myself up till we were face to face, his emerald eyes looking
straight into mine ‘Things haven’t been easy for us’ I sighed.

‘I don’t care how difficult it has been, you are worth anything and Bella I love you too’

‘Anything?’ I tapped my chin ponderously

‘How about getting me something to eat, I’m a bit famished after that ravishing’ he chuckled
deeply and raised his eyebrow at me.

‘Ravishing?’ I blushed not wanting to admit I had reading some dirty historical romance
while he was in the hospital.

‘Chop, chop Edward’ I said swatting his ass as he climbed out of bed.

He came back a few moments later carrying some fruit, crackers and cheese. He looked a
little pale as he placed the items down on the table by the bed.

‘Are you ok?’ he shook his head a little

‘What happened?’

‘I just saw Jasper wearing’ he shuddered slightly ‘Bella it was awful’ I could see his shoulders
shaking as he looked up trying to suppress his laughter.

‘Tell me’ I pleaded

‘He was wearing’ this time he cracked up completely and I tired to wait patiently for him to
reveal exactly what Jasper was wearing.

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Finally he wiped his eyes and said ‘he had on the tightest, smallest pair of zebra printed
knickers I have ever seen’

I frowned and then I shouted ‘Alice you owe me some new underwear dammit’

Edward choked on the grape he was eating ‘Their yours?’

‘Not anymore, I think I’ll let Jasper keep them’

Later that night I lay in Edward arms ‘everything going to be alright isn’t it?’

‘I hope so’ he whispered back

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Chapter 18


Looking in the mirror at myself, the beautiful white dress I was wearing made me feel like a
princess. It was strapless moulding over my breasts and waist like a second skin, the skirt
flared out slightly from my hips, but wasn’t too full so I looked like a big meringue.

I turned to look at Alice who was fiddling with my hair so it fell in beautiful waves down my

‘I can’t do this’ I said quietly

‘Oh my god Bella are you shitting me?’ honestly if her voice was any higher only dogs would
hear her.

‘Yes’ I grinned and high fived Rosalie who was also there.

Alice looked murderously between us and I suddenly felt scared ‘She put me up to it’ I said
pointing at Rosalie who rolled her eyes.

‘If it wouldn’t ruin the way you two look I would slap the pair of you’

‘Yeah I heard you like doing stuff like that’ Rosalie quipped; again Alice gave me a menacing

‘Ok are we all set?’ she was back to being all sweetness and light as she handed Rosalie and
me our flowers.

‘I’m ready’ I said taking a deep breath.

Alice and Rose both looked beautiful in their lavender blue dresses. Considering Rose had not
long ago given birth to a beautiful baby boy she looked amazing with cleavage so impressive
I felt a little under endowed next to her.

Charlie came and she ‘ready?’ I nodded smiling as he led me down the short aisle and towards
the grinning, beautiful man at the end.

It had been nearly eighteen months since Edward proposed to me in a hospital room. I wanted
to wait till everything was behind us before I actually became his wife.

Mike’s trail was now over; although his defence claimed he was a sociopath the insanity plea
was thrown out and he currently resides in prison for life. I hated every aspect of having to
give evidence against him, it was awful to see his wife and family there watching me but it
wasn’t just me he had hurt, there were many others, probably more than anyone would ever

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It was hard for me to believe that I had missed out on ten years of my life now. With Edward
it was like that never happened, he made my life seem so full and complete.

My father passed my hand to Edward; he looked amazing in a light grey suit, his green eyes
were almost too bright to look at, they blazed into mine with such love and warmth that I felt
my knees wobble slightly.

I stood beside him repeating my vows with strength and conviction as Edward did the same.
Jasper produced the rings, flashing me a roguish grin as he handed them to Edward. I hoped
he had his own pants on today.

We exchanged rings and then Edward’s lips were on mine in a sweetly tender kiss, we were

I turned to face the small congregation, my father, Sue, Seth and Jake along with Edward’s
mom and dad. Emmett was also there holding a gurgling Daniel, his two daughters stood with
their mom acting as flower girls.

All the people I loved in the world were here to see marry the man of my dreams. I really did
have the fairytale ending.


‘So when do you think you’ll tie the knot?’ I asked Jasper, Bella was busy talking to Sue. My
mom had loved the idea of holding the reception at their house. Alice had done an amazing
job of decorating the place.

‘I don’t know Alice says she doesn’t mind, she kind of likes living in sin’ he smiled wickedly
looking over at her, she was dancing with Seth and the differences in their sizes was comical.

‘We know we are made for each other, that’s all that matters’ he hugged me and wandered off
to claim his crazy ass girlfriend.

As we sat down to enjoy a fabulous meal Charlie said a few words that brought a tear to
everyone’s eye.

‘I always believed my daughter would come back to me and I know how hard it was for her
when she did. She’s an amazing girl and I’m so proud of her, she wasn’t bitter about what was
taken from her instead she wanted to make the most of her life. I couldn’t be happier about
her marrying Edward; I couldn’t give her up to a lesser man. All I’ve ever wanted was for her
to be happy and Edward certainly makes her that’

Everyone clapped and I saw Bella wipe her eyes, she smiled at me and I wondered if my heart
would always jump when she looked at me like that.

Jasper’s speech was short and funny, including profuse thanks for his meeting Alice.

‘Edward was, for want of a better word lost before Bella came into his life, hell I thought he
might be gay for a while’ a few people sniggered. ‘But he found Bella and it was like seeing a

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jigsaw puzzle becoming complete, everything about them fit and I know they will have a life
of happiness together’

Wow who knew he had it in him, although the gay thing was hardly necessary.

As I waltzed round the floor with my beautiful wife I knew life did not get better than this.

We had been through a lot together but right now all that faded into insignificance.

‘Mrs Cullen?’ I whispered in her ear.

‘Yes Mr Cullen?’ she arched her eyebrow saucily as she spoke.

‘I was thinking we could get out of here soon’ she grinned and nodded.

We were having a short honeymoon in Italy, somewhere Bella longed to visit. Our flights left
in the morning so tonight we were headed back to our house.

Bella had moved into my place nearly a year ago, my hours at the hospital were still hectic but
having Bella to come home to at the end of the day made it all worthwhile.

Bella had written a children’s book, which was enjoying quite a bit of success. She would
always be my sleeping beauty, although right now as she took off her dress and climbed into
bed beside me sleep was far from my mind.

She smiled softly at me, crushing her lips to mine. Our fingers tangled together as we made
love slowly, I knew it was impossible to love anyone more.

‘Goodnight wife’ I whispered as she lay in my arms, her beautiful face turned towards me, her
eyes closed.

‘Mmm goodnight daddy’ what the hell?


‘Yep I found out yesterday, I’m having a baby’ her eyes opened and she squealed a little as I
held her tightly to me.

‘Oh my god’ I breathed, overwhelmed for a minute.

‘Are you happy?’ she asked shyly

‘Happy?’ I am god damned over the moon’ she chuckled softly as I peppered kisses over her
face and down over her still flat tummy.

My life couldn’t be more perfect; Bella snuggled into my side ‘Goodnight sweet prince’ she
often called me this and it always made me smile.

Who knew that happily ever afters existed?

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Chapter 19


‘Edward stop growling’ he looked over at me still tense.

‘I can’t help it Bella she’s my little girl and he is too much like his father’ He turned back to
watch his daughter been chased by a tall, lanky blond haired boy.

Kris was gorgeous with her long dark hair and piercing green eyes, she was tall with curves in
just the right places. She was laughing now as the boy caught her and tickled her mercilessly,
her whole face lit up as she turned towards the boy who returned her huge smile.

The low rumbling came again ‘You sound like a lion’ I laughed and poked Edward playfully.

‘Do you remember when you compared me to one’ Edward gave me a small grin and I
nodded my head. ‘Sure if I remember correctly you said I reminded you of a lamb’

‘A sexy lamb’ he corrected.

‘Jeez do you two never stop’ our oldest daughter Beth came over, at eighteen she was very
beautiful but in a different way to her sister, her hair was very like Edward’s, only slightly
darker, she wore it long and untamed down her back, in fact that kind of summed her up she
was very much a free spirit. Her eyes were dark brown like mine; and there was always a hint
of mischief in those eyes. Beth was small like me and slender but she had none of my
clumsiness and a confidence in herself that I wished I had possessed at her age.

‘Listen I’m going over to see Dan, I’ll be back around nine’ Edward’s growling now reached
epic proportions.

‘Edward you are going to have to stop it’ my father came over and patted him on the back ‘I
know how you feel son’ he said with a sympathetic glance.

I had loved living in New York but after the kids were born we made the decision to move to
Forks. My father had had a minor heart attack and I wanted to be near him. Edward had got a
job at the local hospital and I continued to write with some success, so life had turned out
pretty good.

My father thankfully had recovered and now never stops extolling the virtues of a healthy
lifestyle. I look over at Charlie, for his age he looked fit and strong, Sue certainly made sure
she kept an eye on him.

Rosalie and I became very close and of course so did our children. Dan was a strapping man
of nineteen now, the image of his father. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on with him
and Beth, I knew that he adored her and I just hoped she didn’t break his heart. They were
both heading to Dartmouth after the summer and I suppose I had to hope for the best.

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‘Bella’ Alice waved me over; she was lounging in a pool chair sipping a cocktail. Alice
looked amazing, she could seriously pass for someone half her age, her body was still great
and her face was as alluring as ever.

‘Look’ she pointed and I glanced towards where she indicated.

Oh god Edward was having words with Jasper and I knew what this was about.

Rob was Jasper and Alice’s son; he was just like Jasper, tall, blond and lean with an effortless
charm that had the girls flocking to him. Although he looked a lot like Jasper, Rob had Alice’s
black eyes, this only added to his appeal giving him a soulful look.

Unfortunately one of the girls that flocked to him was Kris, our youngest daughter was
sixteen, a year younger than Rob and oh boy was she smitten.

Alice and Jasper usually came to spend a few weeks with us every summer; they had never
married content to just be together without the other stuff. They also still had their crazy
moments; only last year I happened to witness something I wished I hadn’t. I winced as I
remembered seeing Jasper wearing just leather chaps while Alice sat on his back with a riding
crop. I mean seriously you’d think they could keep it under wraps while staying in someone
else’s house.

Jasper was shaking his head and laughing as Edward continued his tirade.

‘Calm down big daddy. Listen I’ve talked to Rob and he’s told me that Kris means the world
to him and that one day he wants to marry her’

‘Over my dead body’ Edward stormed.

‘Just hang on a minute are you saying my boy isn’t good enough?’ Jasper was starting to look
angry now.

‘Kris is sweet and innocent, I don’t want him corrupting her’ Edward looked so hot as he
stood there with his hands on his slim hips, he still had the greatest body and his hair,
although a little grey, was still messily sexy. I sighed age had only improved Edward.

‘Corrupting her?’ Let me tell you it’s not him that’s been sneaking into her room on a night’
Jasper said triumphantly.

Oh shit I ran over and grabbed Edward before he could implode or something.


Damn Jasper and his good-looking boy, I was ready to punch something. Although I was
protective of Beth I knew she could take care of herself, Kris was another matter, she was so
much like Bella, sweet and shy.

Jasper looked over at our kids as they chased each other round the garden, they both looked so
happy and carefree. I watched carefully as Rob took Kris in his arms and smoothed her hair

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back. Ok I couldn’t deny it, the look in his eyes was adoration and she was looking back at
him with the same love.

‘God damn’ I turned to look at my beautiful wife who had wrapped her arms around me.

I didn’t care what she said; as I looked at her gorgeous face I didn’t think she looked much
different from the day we met, maybe a few more lines but that only made her more beautiful
to me.

‘I know’ she whispered ‘but we have to let them live their lives’

‘I suppose’ I muttered

Bella took my hand and led me over to the house ‘Edward all that growling kind of made me
a little hot and bothered’ she quirked her eyebrow and I couldn’t help but laugh.


‘Mmm hm’ we were in the house now and heading towards our bedroom.

‘Bella’ she always knew how to distract me.

Her lips met mine and everything flew out of my head but her warm body pressed against me.

A little while later we made our way downstairs again. Alice and Jasper were in the kitchen
arguing about who was better at chopping the tomatoes.

‘Hey’ Alice grinned ‘Indulging in some stress relief?’

Jasper snickered beside her, he looked impossibly young and I was pretty sure he must dye his

Kris and Rob were in the living room watching a movie, their hands were entwined and I

‘Looks like we may be related one day’ Jasper had come up to stand behind me. He put his
arm around me ‘Come on there are worse things then having me as an in law’ he grinned at
me and I rolled my eyes.

‘Ah Edward I remember telling you once that we didn’t live in a fairytale but now I think that
maybe we live in a daytime melodrama so this will all end well’

‘God where do you come up with these things?’

He pointed at Alice and I laughed.

‘I never thought I would find some one I could love so much’ his eyes looked misty for a

‘I know exactly what you mean’

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‘Quick let’s get a beer before we completely lose our masculinity’

I grinned and followed him back into the kitchen.

Bella smiled at me and I smiled back, she was my rock, my beauty, my everything.

What more could I ask for?


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