Marteeka Karland [Love From A to Z B is for Backseat 01] Zero G Spot [MF] (pdf)

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Zero G-Spot


Marteeka Karland

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Zero G-Spot Copyright© 2011 Marteeka Karland

Cover Artist: Shara Azod

Editor: Stephanie Parent

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places,
people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are
used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered
trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of
their respective owners and are used herein for identification
purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing
or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.


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Chapter One

Nothing about Prince Abbas was ordinary. The moment Zoe laid eyes on him,

she knew he was definitely as fierce as the lion of his namesake. Even if it didn’t mean

the same on his world, he looked like a lion and she’d defend that analogy to the death.

He was arrogant, noble, demanding, bullheaded, stubborn, and just way too damned

royal for her liking. Well, he was all those things to everyone except her. He was never

anything but polite and considerate the few interactions they’d had over the years.

Combine his charm with a tousle of dark blond hair and muscles on top of muscles and

he was enough to make her sigh dreamily.

Unfortunately, dreaming was all she could ever do. He was a prince. She was the

gardener. Totally not happening, even if she was interested. Which she wasn’t.

Didn’t mean she couldn’t admire him from afar—like now.

He liked to spend the evening in her garden. Well, his garden, but everything in

it was lovingly cared for by her. He seemed to spend the most time in the area she’d

devoted to daisies. Such a simple flower, yet elegant in its beauty, she loved daisies.

Since the wild flower flourished within its confinement, Prince Abbas seemed to enjoy

them as well. To Zoe, that said something about the man.

The Prince came here most evenings and Zoe was instructed to make herself

scarce, which she did. But, since her home was nestled in one little corner of the garden,

she opted to keep an eye on him—Only to make sure he didn’t destroy all her hard

work, of course.

Well, that, and, the good prince loved to wear black leather, and he looked

damned fine in it. Like now. He stopped at the bench he’d had placed in front of the

daisy garden. Instead of sitting, he had one leg propped up, resting an arm on his knee.

He seemed to be contemplating something, probably the affairs of state. Zoe didn’t

have an in with the political workings of the royal family, but she’d heard enough

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gossip to know the king was pressuring his only son to marry. Soon. Word was, he was

to marry the eldest daughter of the president of Earth. At least, that’s what the king

wanted, if rumors were to be believed. Judging from his face, if that’s what was

weighing heavily on Prince Abbas’s mind, he wasn’t too happy about it.

As if he sensed her looking at him through her window, Abbas’s gazed snapped

straight to her. Reflex caused her to step back, but he couldn’t see inside even if she


The outside panels of the house were mirrored to allow for her privacy, as well

as to preserve the beauty of the vast garden. From the outside, one saw a reflection of

the garden. Inside, it looked as if she had no walls at all. The plush carpet from Earth

her employer had generously bought her was all that marked the boundaries of her

dwelling. Only a password spoken by either her or the king’s administrator opened the

door from the outside.

No-given the upcoming nuptials, the prince didn’t look pleased at all. In fact, he

looked downright furious.

Zoe watched as he tapped a couple of buttons on his wrist comm and spoke to

someone. Obviously, she wasn’t privy to the communication, but when he marched

with determined steps in her direction, an eerie thrill crept up Zoe’s spine and settled in

the pit of her stomach. Unbidden, her nipples tightened. Prince Abbas was a

dangerously handsome man, especially when he was looking all pissed and


As he stomped down the narrow garden path, the muscles in his abdomen

rippled beneath taut, tanned skin. His long dark hair fanned out in dark waves in the

slight breeze generated by the climate control systems. Had he not been every inch the

spoiled, Alpha male son-of-a-king he was, she would have longed to run her fingers

through the silky looking locks.

Unfortunately, looks were all that the Prince had going for him; well, looks and

cunning. Otherwise, he was a total ass hole. The man needed a serious can of whoop-

ass opened on him.

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When he reached her dwelling, he just stood there for a few moments. Zoe stood

in front of him, waiting to see what he’d do. It was pretty cool to stand there, knowing

he couldn’t see her. She made a face just because she could.

“Three-two-six-three-eight-two-seven.” The deep, sexy rasp of the prince’s voice

speaking her pass code made her jaw drop and her pussy clench. That man simply

oozed sex! Everything about him screamed silk sheets and hot sweaty fucking. And,

Lord, could she ever fuck him! She’d fuck him six ways from Sunday given the chance.

She might be a notch in his bedpost, but he’d be one in hers too.

The door simply vanished and he stepped into her home and all up in her

personal space like he owned the place. Okay, so technically, he probably did, but that

was splitting hairs.

“I did not give you permission to come in. How did you get that code anyway?”

Zoe, refusing to be intimidated by his tall, powerful frame, put her hands on her hips

and planted her feet apart, ready for a battle.

“You will come with me, Zoe.”

“I will do no such… OH!”

Prince Abbas scooped her up, threw her over his shoulder, and stomped back

down the path, with Zoe screeching all the way.

“Put me down, you ape!”

He responded by swatting her ass, and not gently either.

Deciding this wasn’t a battle she was going to win–and because her clit seemed

to be sucking every ounce of blood from her brain and throbbed madly–Zoe contented

herself with watching his backside as he strode quickly out of the garden to a waiting

shuttle. She’d seen the small spacecraft lift off with the prince or his father inside many

times. The reality of the luxury it afforded was more than she’d imagined, but it was

hard to focus on it.

Now, Zoe wasn’t too keen on the whole kidnapping bit, but she had to admit, his

Alpha, take charge antics had her more turned on than any man had ever accomplished

in her entire life. She knew the prince wouldn’t hurt her, but his motivations seemed a

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tad sinister. Acutely aware the privacy window separating the cockpit and the back

passenger’s area was shut and tinted black instead of open as most personal crafts were,

Zoe actually groaned at the visual images that popped into her head. To cover her need

to jump him right there and have her wicked way with him, she acted all indignant.

“What the fuck are you doing? Let me out of here!” That sounded pretty


“Strap yourself in unless you’re more accustomed to space flight than I suspect,

given the fact you haven’t left this station since my father hired you five years ago.” He

didn’t look at her, only fastened his own harness and pressed a button on his wrist

comm. “Let’s go before my father realizes we’re gone.”

The harness was crafted cunningly into the plush seat. Unless one knew it was

there, it was almost impossible to see. She fumbled with it, remembering how Prince

Abbas adjusted his until she had it securely fastened.

A moment later, the ship lifted gently of the ground, swung around, then

lurched off into the sky. Zoe gasped as her harness pulled tight around her shoulders,

holding her in her seat as G-Forces pressed on her body, making her limbs feel like lead

and her stomach feel like it was pressing on her back bone. It was hard to breath, so she

concentrated on simply moving air through her lungs.

It took only minutes before they were in space and the pressure on her body

lessened until she was weightless. What a fucking rush!

“Wow!” She gasped.

The prince regarded her intently. “You act as if you’ve never flown in space


“It’s not something I do every day,” she managed to get out. “It’s like riding the

ultimate roller coaster magnified by about fifty.”

“Is that good?” He merely raised an eyebrow.

“A roller coaster is a thrill ride. I suppose you could say I like the idea of living

dangerously, but am too chicken to actually do it.”

“Ah, a thrill seeker. That I understand.”

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“I didn’t say I actually lived dangerously, I said I liked the idea of it. I like my

garden. I like being safe in my garden.”

He said nothing after that, merely sat and studied her. Zoe refused to be

intimidated by him, even as she struggled with the lack of gravity and had to

concentrate on not to gripping her harness like a lifeline… or throwing up. Zero gravity

did awful things to the stomach. At least, that’s what she blamed it on. She was all

swirling butterflies and nervousness. It had to be the lack of gravity.

The prince merely crossed his legs, looking totally comfortable, and gave her a

knowing smile. “Do you want to know what I think?”

“Not particularly, but I’m sure you’ll tell me anyway.”

“Of course. It’s one of the perks of being a prince.” Zoe got the idea he was

laughing at her, but she refused to acknowledge it. “I think you’re excited. I think you

like being helpless.”

“Who says I’m helpless?” Her face had to be flaming. The flush creeping up her

neck was a dead giveaway.

“I do.” Prince Abbas unfastened his harness and pushed off gracefully to float in

front of her, steadying himself with a bar built into the ceiling of the craft, obviously for

ease of movement in zero gravity.

There was just something dangerous about the man up close. He wore those

maddeningly tight leather pants that molded his… err… everything, and a leather vest

that hung open to give her a mouthwatering view of his heavily muscled chest and

abdomen. She had to stop herself from letting her tongue hang out. Lord! She’d love to

run her tongue over every ridge and dip of his body.

When he didn’t touch her, Zoe looked up to meet his eyes. He was smirking

knowingly at her. “You ape!” She kicked out, but he stepped aside easily, chuckling as

he did so.

“You called me that before, but I bet you enjoyed my brute strength as much as

you’re enjoying the view of my body now.”

“How did you…”

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“Zoe, love. You’re looking at me like you’re starving and I’m a full spread at a


She blinked up at him, then crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine—I like what I

see. You’re a sexy man, I’m not denying it. Why did you kidnap me?”

“Hum. Why indeed,” he mumbled. “You know I’m being pressured to marry the

daughter of Earth’s president, yes?”

“It’s all over the palace. I understand your parents are pretty insistent about it.”

“What if I told you I wasn’t interested in marrying, at least, not the woman my

parents thing I should.”

Zoe narrowed her eyes. She wasn’t liking where this was going. “I’d say sucks to

be you. Now take me back.”

“All I have to do to change their minds is find another woman.”

“Great. Then take me back and go find one.” She was starting to panic now. The

last thing she wanted to do was make her employer angry, and screwing up a royal

wedding–no matter what her involvement–wasn’t the best way to keep a low profile.

Prince Abbas reached for her harness. Zoe batted his hands away once, but he

captured them in his and her whole body went up in flames. It was such a simple

contact, non-sexual in its intent, but the touch of his skin on hers seemed to ignite

something deep inside her. When she gasped, Prince Abbas grunted as he quickly

undid her harness. Once free, he pulled her to him and fused his mouth to hers.

Zoe was floating, in more ways than one. Her head spun and the only thing she could

do was grasp the leather vest he wore and hang on for dear life. His lips were

demanding, conquering, and Zoe was hard pressed to deny him. Had she not just

thought she’d take him any way she could get him? This was her chance. She could

have the man of her dreams, but at what price?

It was harder than she imagined, pushing him away and, looking into those

piercing blue eyes. God, she wanted him!

“Look,” she was breathing hard, “I’m not going to be the cause of an interstellar

incident. You’re promised to another woman. This is not a good idea.”

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“My father promised—I didn’t.” He fisted his hand in her hair and tilted her

head back to receive him again. “There’s only one woman I want. Since my father didn’t

give me time to figure out how to claim you for my own, I’ll just bloody well take you

any way I can.”

This time, when he kissed her, Zoe knew he was staking his claim on her. He had

no intension of letting her go any more than she really wanted him to. But, man oh

man, was the shit going to hit the fan later! She wasn’t really kidding herself. He might

think he wanted her, but she was a passing fancy and that was fine with her. She’d

enjoy him as long as it lasted and just hoped she didn’t lose her job.

The lack of gravity threw a few kinks into their making-out. More than once, Zoe

hit her head before the Prince pried her fingers from his vest and raised them over her

head so she could brace herself on the bar overhead. Once her hands were out of the

way, Prince Abbas proceeded to undress her.

He didn’t take his time either. His nostrils flared as he pulled off her pants and

unbuttoned her shirt. By the time he got to her underwear, he was practically growling

and snarling. His hands weren’t gentle on her flesh, but he didn’t hurt her. In fact, the

rough handling made her that much hungrier for him.

Once she was naked, he lifted her hips and dove straight for her cunt with his

mouth. The first lap of his tongue made her scream. Then he latched on to her clit and

sucked. As the first wave of her orgasm overtook Zoe, she had a moment to realize

she’d never be the same after this. She wasn’t sure how affected she’d be, or how it

would change her life, but she just knew Prince Abbas would be a man who would

haunt her dreams for the rest of her life.

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Chapter Two

The woman in front of him writhed in pleasure. Good, she was more responsive

than he’d hoped. It was a good thing because Abbas wasn’t certain he could wait much

longer. He needed Zoe like he needed to breathe!

For five years, he’d watched the dark skinned beauty. At first, she was a passing

fancy he resisted because he was a prince and heir to the throne. He was expected to

marry someone befitting his station in life. Until he’d met Zoe, actually spoken to her,

he would have been happy to fulfill that obligation. Marriages of convenience were a

common thing. Neither party had to be faithful, just careful.

But he’s stumbled into Zoe’s daisy garden and she’d told him to watch where he

stepped and he’d immediately fallen in love. She’d known who he was and still

wouldn’t let him step on her precious daises. And from what he’d researched, the

flower wasn’t rare or even hard to grow! Most places on Earth considered them weeds.

Yet, his Zoe had halted his progress in his own garden because she liked the simple


Now, she was flush with the force of her pleasure and begging him for more. Her

scent and taste surrounded him, making him itch to take her hard and fast. He’d hoped

to figure out a way to break it to his father he was marrying their gardener, but he’d

waited too long. Now, the only way to handle this was to present Zoe to him well and

truly mated—hopefully, with child.

“Enough!” Zoe surprised him when she caught his chest with her foot and

shoved. He floated into the bulkhead behind him. Abbas didn’t miss a beat. He

removed his clothing as quickly as he could and by the time he’d floated back to Zoe, he

was naked.

“Indeed,” he rasped out, reaching for her and pulling her to him.

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To her credit, Zoe didn’t let go of the bar she gripped for stability. Abbas gripped

the same bar with one hand and pulled Zoe to him with the other. Thankfully, his cock

seemed to know exactly where it was going. Zoe wrapped her legs around his waist

and his cock just slid inside.

They both gasped. It took some doing, but eventually, Abbas managed to guide

Zoe into riding him. He stabilized them while she fucked him. It was the best feeling in

the universe!

Never had he been inside a woman without protection. Yes, the chance of disease

was practically nonexistent and the chance of unwanted pregnancy even less, but it had

seemed only proper. He would only give his seed to his mate, the woman he intended

to make his wife. He would only give his entire being to that woman. This woman. Zoe.

It still wasn’t enough, he needed more—wanted everything she had to give as he

gave to her. With a hard shove, he moved them to the bulkhead. Still holding to the bar

above them, Abbas thrust into Zoe over and over. He took her mouth in a searing kiss,

needing her surrender. Hell, he just needed her to give in to him before she realized

he’d already surrendered his heart.

With each stroke of his body inside hers, he gave a little bit more of himself to

her. Her skin, so soft against his, tempted him and compelled him to keep her close so

he could always touch her, smell her. Everything about her called to his baser self. She

was his passion and always would be. Abbas knew it as surely as he knew he needed to

breathe to live.

“Abbas,” Zoe gasped. “I need…”

“I know, love. Let it go. Make me come with you.”

And she did. Zoe screamed as her cunt gripped and milked him of his seed.

Abbas couldn’t hold back, didn’t want to hold back. He wanted to give Zoe everything

he had. With a roar to do any lion proud, Abbas came deep inside her, holding her hips

as close to his as he could. He didn’t want to leave the haven of her body for any reason.

He needed the contact. Needed it.

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Letting go of the bar, Abbas wrapped both arms around her tightly. Zoe didn’t

unwrap her legs from his waist. She clung to him as hard as he clung to her.

“I don’t want this to end,” her whimper was so not like the Zoe he knew. She

sounded vulnerable and scared. Much like he felt.

“It won’t. Ever.”

“But your father…”

“Will either understand or he won’t.” Abbas cupped her face in his hand. “I’m a

grown man, Zoe. The throne doesn’t mean nearly as much to me as you do.”

She snorted and tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her. “You say that now.”

“I say that forever.” His words were harsh, but he didn’t raise his voice. “I’ve

waited too damned long to give you up now that I have you.”

“Even for your father? For the throne?”

He smiled then. “Even if it meant I’d live the rest of my life in squalor. I’d find a

way to provide for you. I will not give you up just because someone says I must. Only

you have that power but I don’t intend to let you leave unless you prove to me you

don’t me just as much as I want you. You’re mine, Zoe.”

“I don’t know, Abbas,” Zoe shook her head, her dark braids brushing her face as

she moved. “This isn’t just about power or riches. It’s about your responsibility to your

people. Will you look back at this moment as the day you let everyone down, including


Abbas threaded his hand through her hair and gripped it at the base of her skull,

tilting her head back until she gasped and met his eyes. “Let’s get one thing straight,

Zoe. No one tells me what I can or cannot do. I respect my father, but he’s always

taught me I have to make my own decisions. This isn’t any different.”

She struggled to get free, prying his fingers from her hair. She tried to push away

from him, but Abbas absolutely would not let her. No way was she pulling away and

tucking herself away in a shell. That wasn’t the woman who’d warned him to step clear

of her daisies, it was a woman uncomfortable with how fast things were moving.

Tough! He wasn’t letting up.

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Finally she stopped her half-hearted struggles and met his gaze with a hard

stare. “I’m not refined. I’m not elegant. And I’m damned sure not politically correct.”

Abbas chuckled, hugging her closer. “No one asked you to be.”

Again she struggled. “I’m serious!”

“I am too,” Abbas captured her lips in a kiss, nibbling her lips. He swept his

tongue inside her mouth tenderly, capturing her protests. Moments later, she relaxed

against him. Her body was pliant and yielding. She allowed him to mold her curves

with his hands as he played in the haven of her mouth. “I’ve never been more serious in

my life.”

Finally, he felt her surrender. Abbas didn’t give her a moment to change her

mind, but claimed her body yet again. She clung to him, whimpering when he brushed

a nipple with his thumb.

They floated gently in the passenger section of the ship and Abbas mentally

calculated the time until his father would expect an answer from him. He had several

hours yet and he planned on making use of every single second of it. When they left

this craft, both Zoe and his father would know she was his choice, had always been his



Somehow, Abbas had managed to make love to her until she’d fallen into a

pleasantly exhausted sleep. She’d come so many times, she’d lost count, not to mention

that she’d never received so much pleasure in her life. Parting with Prince Abbas would

be hard, but there was absolutely no way she could let him throw away the throne.

She’d seen him over the years and the man was a natural to be king. Everyone loved

him, plus he was a master negotiator. He had the knack for making everyone leave the

table happy. There was no way his father’s empire could be deprived of such an asset.

When she woke, she sat up–or tried, the prince had effectively pinned her with

his arm across her chest–immediately realizing they were no longer in space. Blessed

gravity! She’d never been so sick of anything in her life! Zero gravity might seem like a

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fun thing where sex was concerned, but she had numerous bumps on her head to prove

it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

Prince Abbas stretched and pulled her close, nudging her hip with his semi-hard

cock. “Just where do you think you’re going?”

“I want to go back to my garden, Abbas. I don’t belong in your world.”

“Now, don’t start that again,” he murmured as he nuzzled her neck, nipping her

ear lobe gently. “Besides, my father is waiting for us. Come on. Get dressed and…”

“What? Abbas, I’m going to kill you!”

“Now, that’s the Zoe I know and love. Keep that attitude and you’ve got nothing

to worry about.”

He didn’t give her long to think about it, but simply threw her clothes at her as

he dressed. When she lagged behind, Abbas helped her dress, laughing at her as she

tried to stall. Finally, Zoe just dressed, and stomped out of the small craft.

The king was indeed waiting for them, and he looked mighty disapproving. That

didn’t seem to bother Abbas though; he pulled her against him, his arm securely

around her, and made the introductions as if she were the most important person in the

world. There was no defiance, no sense Abbas thought his father would do anything

other than welcome her with open arms. That meant something to Zoe and it warmed

her more thoroughly than anyone or anything had in her entire life.

“And she is your choice?” The king’s voice, much like his son’s, was rich and

full. It was the voice of a man of power. Just like his son.

“Without question.” Abbas smiled proudly before adding, “My only regret is

that it took you forcing the issue before I decided to claim her. We’ve mated already

and, since there is the possibility of a child, I expect there will be no argument.”

The king looked at Zoe then, his eyes measuring, though Zoe got the feeling he

wasn’t judging her so much as he wanted to see how she judged his son. She knew her

face flamed at his bold statement, but she couldn’t really be mad at him. She truly did

love him. That realization alone was enough to soften any embarrassment.

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“I wouldn’t blame you if you slapped my son. Abbas is an arrogant fool

sometimes. The fact that he let you work the gardens for five years before deciding to

give up his freedom should make you more than a little angry.”

Zoe blinked several times while trying to process what was being said. “Wait a

minute. You’re good with this?”

He snorted. It should have been a very un-royal-like sound, but it sounded like

that of a father enjoying the predicament of a particularly wayward child. “Of course,

child. I’ve known you were right for Abbas since the day I hired you. I only made you

an employee because he refused to listen to his heart. I have no doubt the boy has been

in love with you from the start.”

“Lord…” Zoe turned to walk away. Insane! The whole bunch was totally insane.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Abbas scooped her up. When she struggled, he maneuvered

her so she, once again, lay draped over his shoulder, his hand on her backside.

“Put me down! I will not be manhandled like a sack of flour!”

“Not until we get to a proper bed. We can plan the wedding later.” Abbas didn’t

even grunt as she pounded his back with her fists. She did enjoy the way his ass moved

with her struggles though. Perhaps being slung over his shoulder wasn’t so bad after


“Aren’t you even going to respond to your father? It sounds like he played you.”

Zoe couldn’t help the jab. After all, he deserved it. She wasn’t quite sure why, he

deserved it, but she was sure he did.

“Nope, because he’s right, I have been in love with you from the moment I first

saw you.”

“When I get down from here, I’m going to kill you.” Zoe gave up her struggles

and simply rolled her eyes when she heard the king laughing.

“She reminds me so much of your mother, Abbas. You’ve definitely got your

hands full.”

“Just tell mother. The quicker she knows I’ve already mated Zoe, the quicker the

wedding will happen.”

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Abbas headed, not to the palace, but to Zoe’s secret home in the garden. Once

inside and safe from prying eyes, Abbas set her down and looked straight into her eyes.

“I love you, Zoe. I’ve loved you from afar, now I want to love you in the place

where I fell in love with you. Your beautiful garden.”

Zoe smiled before stretching up on her tip toes to wrap her arms around his

neck. “As long as there’s gravity, I’m all for it.”


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