(10) How to Slow Down (The Meditation)

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Meditation for Today

“Surround Yourself with a Climate of Joy”

Today’s meditation supports this quality Osho mentioned of “Living in the
moment for the sheer joy of living it.” If this method suits you, then practice it
for a few minutes each night over a period of three weeks, also carrying it
loosely with you during the day. Later on you can drop the nightly practice and
by and by the method will dissolve as its learnings become integrated into your


The Method

For the first week:
Lying down or sitting on your bed, switch the light off and be in
Remember any beautiful moment that you have experienced in the past
– just choose your favorite. It may be very ordinary, because sometimes

extraordinary things happen in very ordinary situations.
Sitting still, doing nothing, the rain falling on the roof…the smell, the
sound…you are surrounded – and something clicks: you are in a sacred
moment. Or one day walking along the road, suddenly the sunlight falls
on you from behind the trees…and click: something opens; for a
moment you are transported into another world.
Close your eyes and relive that moment. Go into the details – the

sounds…the smells…the very texture of the moment…a bird is singing, a
dog is barking…the wind is blowing, the sounds. Go into all the

experiences, from all the sides; multidimensional, from all the senses.
Once you have chosen your beautiful moment, continue the meditation
for seven nights.
You will find that every night you are moving into deeper details –
things that you may even have missed in the real moment but that your
mind has recorded. You may feel subtle nuances which you were not

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OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation, www.osho.com/trademarks

aware you had experienced.

You may come to recognize that they were there but you had missed
them in that moment. The mind records it all; it is a very reliable
servant, tremendously capable.
By the seventh day you will be able to see your beautiful moment so
clearly, you will feel you have never seen any moment as clearly as this.

For the second week:
Continue as before, and add one more thing: Feel the space of that

moment around you…feel the climate is surrounding you from all sides –
up to three feet around you. Feel an aura of that moment surrounding
you. By the fourteenth day you may be able to be in a totally different
world; although you are conscious that beyond those three feet, a
different time and a different dimension are present.

For the third week:

Add one more thing: Live the moment, be surrounded by it, and now
create an imaginary anti-space. For example you are feeling very good;
for three feet you are surrounded by that goodness, that joyful space.
Now think of a situation, for instance:
Somebody insults you – but the insult comes only up to the limit; there

is a fence, and the insult cannot enter you. It comes like an arrow…and
falls there. Or remember some sad moment…you are hurt – but that
hurt comes up to the glass wall that is surrounding you, and falls there.
It never reaches you.
If the first two weeks have gone right, by the third week you will be

able to see that everything comes up to that three-foot limit and nothing
penetrates you.

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OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation, www.osho.com/trademarks

And from the fourth week onward:

Now continue to keep that aura with you; going to the marketplace,
talking to people, continuously have it in mind. And you will be thrilled;
you will move in the world having your own world, a private world,

continuously with you that will make you capable of living in the present
– calm, quiet, centered.

Carry that aura for a few days, a few months. When you see that now it
is no longer needed, you can drop it. Once you know how to be
herenow, once you have enjoyed the beauty of it, the tremendous bliss
of it, you can drop the aura of it.


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