d20 The Core Specialist Wizard The Enchanter

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Steven Trustrum


Shawn Richter,

Steven Trustrum

Product Identity

Product Identity

The following items are here-

by identifi ed as Product Identity,
as defi ned in the Open Gaming
License version 1.0a, Section 1(e),
and are not Open Content. All trademarks, registered trade-
marks, proper names (characters, deities, artifacts, places,
etc.), artwork and trade dress, with the exception of clip art
used under permission or license.

Declaration of Open Game Content

Declaration of Open Game Content

All text pertaining to game mechanics and statistics, along

with the class names, are declared Open Game Content. All
items subject to the defi nition of Product Identity (see previ-
ous) are the property of Misfi t Studios™ and cannot be used
without written permission, with the exception of clip art
used under permission or license.

Copyright 2005, Misfi t Studios. All rights reserved. Some

artwork is Copyright JUPITERIMAGES 2005. All rights re-
served. Some images © 2003 V Shane.

Some artwork from

Fantasy Filler Art copyright Rick Hershey, All rights re-
served. Some artwork copyright Octavirate Entertainment,
used with permission.

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s

Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the
v.3.5 revision.

The enchanter specialist wizard has been transformed

into its own 20-level base class. The standard wizard found
in the PHB remains the typical, universal wizard base class.

Specialists and Multi-Classing

Specialists and Multi-Classing

Specialists cannot multi-class with other specialist wizard

classes of schools prohibited by any current specialist wiz-
ard classes. Furthermore, if the character later multi-classes
into any other spellcasting classes, be they divine or arcane
in nature, spells from prohibited schools remain beyond the
character’s ability to learn.

New Skill Uses

New Skill Uses

Mundane Hypnosis

Mundane Hypnosis

Profession (hypnotist)

Profession (hypnotist)

Although largely based in entertainment, hypnosis can

easily serve functions outside the realm of performance
although it is unlikely that most fantasy settings will have
heard of anything remotely resembling “pscyhology” or
“hypnotherapy,” let alone put them into practice. Instead, as
a practical tool, hypnosis is likely to be used in aid of inter-
rogation, to break someone else’s hold on the subject’s mind,
and so on.


To initiate a hypnotic state, the subject must have

a calm mind—if their mind is agitated or fully aware and/
or unwilling, hypnosis simply will not work without fi rst
artifi cially calming it through drugs, sleep depravation or
the like. Someone not in such a calm state, regardless of how
it is achieved, automatically causes a Profession (hypnotist)
check made to initiate a hypnotic state to fail. If the calm
state exists for the entire stretch of time needed to induce the
hypnotic state, the hypnotist makes a Profession (hypnotist)
check, the result of which acts as the DC for the subject’s
Will save. Failing the save means the subject is in a hypnotic
state while success means no effect is incurred.

Hypnotism does not work on a subject of animal

Intelligence or worse, nor does it work on creatures unaf-
fected by mind-affecting abilities. Subjects add any special
save bonuses against mind-affecting abilities to their Will
saves against hypnotism.

Using a rhythmic object (e.g., a swaying pendulum) as a

focus to aid in the process grants a +1 circumstance bonus to
initiate a hypnotic state. Doing so requires the subject retain
eye contact with this focus at all times. This bonus is not ap-
plied to subsequent checks to illicit a desired result from the

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Once a hypnotic state is achieved, additional Profession

(hypnotist) checks are needed with each additional result
you wish to garner from the subject. The possible results

Acquire Information

: Asking the subject to reveal informa-

tion consciously or unconsciously held within his memo-
ry. Examples include the truth of a specifi c matter, a pass
phrase, lock combination or location of a desired item.


: Hypnosis for the sake of entertainment involves

inducing hallucinations and/or delusions, such as making
the subject believe they are a chicken or existing within a
false situation.

A minor delusion requires very little in the way of con-

vincing the subject. The delusion likely has a great deal of
basis in reality, but merely alters how the subject perceives
and interacts with that false existence the hypnotist creates
for him. Making the subject believe he is talking with some-
one he knows, regardless of that false person’s behavior,
would be an example of a minor delusion.

A major delusion involves grand changes to the subject’s

perception of their common reality. Making a peasant be-
lieve he was talking with a great and powerful dragon (a
creature he’s highly unlikely to encounter in his life) or that
he is breathing underwater while visiting a merman king
would both be examples of major delusions.

The affect of a delusion depends on any number of cir-

cumstances and should be left to the GM to determine. The
hypnotist can spend a standard action to end the delusion
whenever he wants, otherwise it can last as long as the sub-
ject remains hypnotized.

Instill Bonus

: Hypnotism can be used to instill a confi -

dence and clarity of mind that temporarily enhances one’s
capacity to perform. The hypnotist can choose to provide
either a temporary +2 circumstance bonus to the subject’s
Will save or a +2 circumstance bonus to a skill of the hyp-
notist’s choosing (the subject must have at least one rank in
the skill.) This bonus does not come into affect until after the
subject is released from the hypnotic state and lasts 1 round
following release, plus one additional round per point the
skill check to induce the result succeeds by.

Separate checks may be made to instill both the skill (or

multiple skills) and save bonus into the subject to be in effect

Return Spent Spell

: Although a spell’s magic is erased

from memory once cast, even the power contained within
the lowest level magic is too great to touch a mind without
leaving some manner of impression. Through hypnotism, it
is possible to seek out these “footprints” and revive them
into active memory, thus allowing the spellcaster to regain
use of that spell for the day as though it had not been cast.

Failure is not without its risks, however. If the check fails,

the subject must make a DC (10 + amount the check failed
by + spell’s level) Will saving throw. Failure causes arcane
feedback that dazes the subject for 1d4 rounds per spell level

(1 round for 0-level spells) and infl icts 1d4 hit point damage
per spell level (1 point for 0-level spells.)

This may only be used on spells that require memoriza-

tion, such as those of the wizard class.


: The subject may be infl uenced in much the

same way as the suggestion spell, although the heightened
state of malleability that hypnotism brings about usually
makes the desired result more likely to occur. Resisting the
suggestion requires a DC (10 + amount the Profession check
succeeded by) Will save.

It is also possible to install a post-hypnotic suggestion that

will occur once the hypnotic state ends, although it may be
resisted in the same fashion as a normal hypnotic sugges-
tion. A post-hypnotic suggestion can be activated at a given
time or under specifi c circumstances (such as with a code
word, specifi c condition or place, etc.), and will normally
end once activated; programming the subject so the post-
hypnotic suggestion will occur for more than one instance
increases the Profession (hypnotist) DC to achieve the de-
sired result. The post-hypnotic suggestion will disappear on
its own if not activated within as many weeks as the hypno-
tist has Profession (hypnotist) ranks.

Suppress Session

: A subject normally remembers every-

thing that happened during a hypnotic state once brought
back to full awareness. The hypnotist may, however, choose
to suppress part or all of the session. The longer and more
diffi cult the subject’s hypnotic state, however, and the more
memories from the session that are to be suppressed the
more diffi cult it will be for the hypnotist to succeed.

Uncover Suppressed Memory

: A memory that has been lost

or suppressed may be recovered by probing the mind for a
way through or around whatever is preventing recall. When
the block is artifi cially caused by spell, psionic or other abil-
ity it is typically more diffi cult to release the memory. If a
memory is large or complex, the GM may wish to break it
down into components, each of which requires a separate
successful check with failure leaving holes in the memory.

Undo Mind-Affecting Ability

: Be the effect caused by a spell,

psionic power or something else entirely, hypnosis can be
used to remove a mind-affecting effect currently working
upon the subject. For instance, a hypnotist may attempt to
remove the effects of a charm person spell currently affecting
the hypnotized subject.

A cumulative +1 bonus is applied to all Profession (hyp-

notist) check for every previous instance of the subject hav-
ing been hypnotized in the past week because their will is
more receptive and malleable.

A hypnotized subject can be brought back to a normal

state of awareness by the hypnotist at any time as a stan-
dard action. Any condition that requires a spellcaster make
a Concentration check also requires the subject make a Will
save against that same DC or else he will be brought out
of the hypnotic state. The subject may also attempt to bring
himself out of the hypnotic state by making another Will
save against the initial Profession (hypnotist) result from the
check that put him into the state to begin with. However, be-

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cause his hypnotized mind is more easily manipulated, this
saving throw suffers a –4 penalty. The subject is also entirely
aware of what’s going on while hypnotized and will remem-
ber everything unless directed otherwise with the suppress


Hypnotists can try to eek out a living, as with any other

Profession skill, in serious endeavors or he may use it in per-
formances. In the latter case, income is determined as per
the Perform skill rather than Profession.

Table 1: Hypnosis Result DCs

Table 1: Hypnosis Result DCs

Desired Result


Acquire information

d20 + subject’s Will save
modifi er

Instill bonus


Major delusion

5 + subject’s Will save mod-
ifi er

Minor delusion

Subject’s Will save modi-
fi er

Recover spent spell

15 + triple spell’s level


5 + subject’s Will save mod-
ifi er

Suggestion, post-hypnotic

15 + subject’s Will save
modifi er + 2 per instance it
will occur beyond the fi rst

Suppress session

15 + 1 per every hypnotic
result a empted (success-
ful or not) during the ses-
sion + 1 per every result to
be suppressed

Uncover suppressed memo-

15 (or 5 + ability save DC
if suppressed by a spell or
similar eff ect)

Undo mind-aff ecting ability

5 + mind-aff ecting ability’s
original save DC

Subject’s Inclination

Towards Result

DC Modifi er


−1 to −4 (1d4)


+1 or +2 (1d2)


+3 to +6 (1d4+2)


The time needed to hypnotize someone is 1d8+2

rounds for subjects with a total Will save bonus of +5 or less
against mind-affecting abilities, 1d2 minutes for a save bo-
nus of +6 to +12, 1d4+2 minutes for a save bonus of +13 to
+25, and an additional 1d4 minutes per range of +10 beyond

The acquire information result takes as long as is needed to

both ask and answer the question―typically one full-round

The delusion result typically takes a full-round to build,

although some minor versions are only a standard action
while more complex delusions will take longer.

The instill bonus result takes (1d10 x subject’s existing

ranks in skill) rounds to bring about in the case of the skill
bonus or (1d4 x subject’s base Will save bonus) rounds for
the save bonus.

The return spent spell result takes 1d2 rounds per level of

the spell (1 round for 0-level spells.)

The suggestion result takes one full-round if it is to occur

while the subject is in the hypnotic state. A post-hypnotic sug-

requires 1d8+2 minutes to prepare.

The suppress session result takes one standard action per

result/memory to be suppressed.

The uncover suppressed memory session takes 1d4 minutes

per memory.

The undo mind-affecting ability result takes 1 round + 1 ad-

ditional round per point of the mind-affecting ability’s save
DC above 15.

Try Again:

Any attempt to induce a hypnotic state upon

a subject may be retried, although a cumulative −2 penalty is
suffered per every failed attempt in the past 24 hours, wheth-
er that failure was by the current hypnotist or someone else.
Retrying a failed attempt to bring about a desired result on
a hypnotized subject may also be retried, with a cumulative
+2 increase to the DC per previous failure at that result dur-
ing the current session. Attempts to use the skill to earn an
income (typically as a performer) may not be retried.


If you have the Mesmerist feat, you may per-

form hypnotism-related tasks in a reduced amount of time.

Special Weakness:

Having recently undergone hypnosis

weakens the subject’s mind to external infl uence. A subject
that has undergone hypnosis within the past 24 hours suf-
fers a −4 penalty to Will saves against mind-affecting effects.
This penalty is reduced to −2 if hypnosis has occurred in the
past three days.

New Feats

New Feats

Along with the new feats to be found in this section, also

introduced is an entirely new category of feats. Specialist
feats are only available to specialist wizards, and most only
to a specifi c type of specialist.

Charmer (Specialist)

Charmer (Specialist)

You may use your natural charm to determine the

strength of your enchantments.


5 levels of enchanter, Sense Motive 8


Benefi ts:

While casting a mind-affecting spell, you can

double the normal casting time in order to use a Charisma
check plus the spell’s level to set the spell’s saving throw
DC. You gain a +1 bonus to this check for every 5 ranks of
Sense Motive you possess, and you must maintain eye con-
tact with your subject at all times. So, if a character has 16
Charisma (+3 bonus) and 12 ranks of Sense Motive (+2 bo-
nus), a d20 roll of 12 would result in a save DC of 20 for a

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level 3 mind-affecting spell. Should the roll result in a DC
lower than it would be if the spell had been cast normally,
the rolled DC stands.

Forbidden Lore (Specialist)

Forbidden Lore (Specialist)

You know a spell that you, as a specialist, should not.


1 level of any specialist wizard class, Int


Benefi ts:

You can learn one spell of your prohibited mag-

ic school, to a maximum spell level equal to your Intelligence

Master of Minds (Type) (General)

Master of Minds (Type) (General)

You excel at a particular aspect of hypnotism.


Skill Focus (Profession [hypnotism]),

Profession (hypnotism) 4 ranks

Benefi t:

Choose a particular type of result from the

Profession (hypnotism) skill, such as major delusion or in-
still bonus. When trying to bring about that result, you gain
a +4 competence bonus to your Profession (hypnotism)
check. You may also take this feat and apply it to initiating
the hypnotic state.


You may take this feat more than once, each

time applying it to an additional result. Doing so increases
the required amount of Profession (hypnotism) ranks by 2
per additional result beyond the fi rst.

Mental Wall (Type) (General)

Mental Wall (Type) (General)

You are better able to resist mind-affecting effects.


Iron Will

Benefi ts:

You gain a +4 competence bonus against either

Charm or Compulsion effects, as selected when this feat is
fi rst chosen


This feat may be selected more than once, allow-

ing you to select the option (Charm or Compulsion) that was
not selected the fi rst time.

Mesmerist (General)

Mesmerist (General)

You are an effective hypnotist.


Profession (hypnotist) 4

ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks

Benefi ts:

Inducing a hypnotic state and at-

tempting a hypnosis result requires half the
usual amount of time, to a minimum of one
standard action.

Specialist Familiar (Specialist)

Specialist Familiar (Specialist)

Your familiar is altered into a creature more

suited to your specialty.


4 levels of any single special-

ist wizard class, Charisma 14+

Benefi ts:

Your familiar gains the follow-

ing abilities, as befi tting your specialty wizard

Enchanter: Cast charm person 1/day, using its HD plus

its master’s Cha modifi er as its caster level.

Strengthen Charm (Specialist)

Strengthen Charm (Specialist)

Your smooth talking may increase a charmed person’s

willingness to do what you want.


1 level of enchanter, Negotiator

Benefi ts:

As a full-round action, you may make a

Diplomacy check as a standard action in order to increase
a charmed subject’s willingness to do something they
wouldn’t normally do. Use the Diplomacy check’s result
as the DC for the subject’s Will saving throw. If the saving
throw succeeds, you gain no additional benefi t but if it fails
you gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma check to infl uence
the charmed subject’s actions. Increase this bonus by an ad-
ditional +1 for every 2 points the subject’s save against your
Diplomacy check failed by.

Ties that Bind (Specialist)

Ties that Bind (Specialist)

You are better able to infl uence people you’ve previously




4 levels of enchanter, Iron Will

Benefi ts:

If you have succeeded at casting a Charm upon

the subject within as many days as your Charisma score, all
successive Charms against that same subject increase their
saving throw DC by +2.

Unflappable (General)

Unflappable (General)

You are not easily infl uenced or moved to emotion.


Iron Will, Concentration 8 ranks, Wis 14

Benefi ts:

You gain a +4 competence bonus to any roll op-

posing a Charisma check or Charisma-based skill, such as
Diplomacy or Intimidate.

Table 2: New Feats

Table 2: New Feats



Charmer *

5 levels of enchanter, Sense Motive 8 ranks

Forbidden Lore *

1 level of any specialist wizard class, Int 12

Master of Minds

Skill Focus (Profession [hypnotism]), Profession
(hypnotism) 4 ranks

Mental Wall (Type)

Iron Will


Profession (hypnotist) 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4

Specialist Familiar *

4 levels of any single specialist wizard class,
Charisma 14+

Strengthen Charm

1 level of enchanter, Negotiator

Ties that Bind

4 levels of enchanter, Iron Will

Unfl appable

Iron Will, Concentration 8 ranks, Wis 14

* This is a Specialist feat

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The Enchanter Core Class

The Enchanter Core Class

Life becomes a quirky thing if one masters magics in-

tended to twist, bend and break the will of others. It should
go without saying that enchanters are accustomed to getting
their way and do not always hold the wishes of others in
the highest regard, especially when in contention with the
enchanter’s own designs and desires.


Enchanters must often prepare their spells with a general

idea of what they will be facing because so many of their
spells affect creatures of specifi ed types and/or HD thresh-
olds. They are especially effective against weak-willed op-
ponents, but rely upon others to protect them against those
with imposing minds or against constructs and most of the
undead. An enchanter is only as good as the weak wills of
those who oppose them, making him a willing team player
in preparation for those instances when his mind is not the
strongest upon the fi eld.


An enchanter need not only know the strengths and

weaknesses of their spells, but also those of his spells’ sub-
jects. A certain degree of cunning is also required to make
the most use of however the enchanter chooses to twist his
subject’s thoughts and behavior. Merely succeeding at the
casting is not enough―the enchanter must be able to think

on his feet to use his spells’ effects in a creative manner that
gains a benefi t beyond the direct results of the spell itself. An
enchanter who lacks this creative wit will extremely limit his


Most enchanters tend towards law over chaos due to

their love of ordered, controlled thought, but neutrality
stands above evil over good because it can rarely be said
that twisting someone’s mind to one’s command is a mat-
ter of upstanding behavior although it need not necessarily
stretch into the realms of foul darkness.


One’s faith is not often an issue for an enchanter, except

in the case of gods that favor free will, choice and fate. In
such instances, an enchanter’s tampering with the will of
others directly contrasts with such religions and are unlikely
to be selected.


Enchanters tend not to get along with each other because

they know how susceptible the mind is to tampering. As
such, they become paranoid around others of their ilk, full
knowing that their peers are equally aware of this suscepti-
bility. Even other wizards and specialists are avoided more
so than most other people because even such dabblers in en-
chantment are capable of infl icting their will upon others,
even if only to a far more limited degree.

Table 3: The Enchanter

Table 3: The Enchanter












——–——————— Spells per Day —–———————
















Summon familiar,
strength of character








Force of will +1








Bonus spell









Charming +1









Bonus feat










Force of will +2










Bonus spell











Charming +2











Bonus spell












Bonus feat
























Charming +3













Force of will +3














Bonus spell




























Charming +4















Bonus feat
















Force of will +4
















Bonus spell
















Charming +5











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Elves are renowned for their powerful enchanters who

take advantage of their race’s mystique and reputation for
being aloof to infl uence others. Enchanters are also some-
what common amongst halfl ings because this race enjoys
employing guile and trickery over force of arms. There are
few enchanters amongst dwarves, half-orcs and other races
that prefer a more “hands on” approach to magic rather
than employing the typically subtle infl uences used by en-

Other Classes

Enchanters recognize the benefi t (if not necessity) of

working with other classes. They realize their spell arsenal
tends to be neither directly offensive nor defensive in na-
ture, requiring fi ghters and other brutes to fi ll that role for
them. They also appreciate the subtleties of the bard who―
perhaps more so than any class other than the enchanter it-
self―understands what it means to bend someone’s will to
one’s own. Paladins and most clerics of good, on the other
hand, are most likely unhappy with the way enchanters act
as puppeteers, so there is usually friction between these


More than anything else, enchant-

ers are good at giving their compan-
ions breathing room by distracting
or removing foes from the immedi-
ate situation. They are also incred-
ibly useful for convincing unwilling
captives to give up information, help the
group infi ltrate a location, or perform a
similar act of subterfuge.

Game Rule Information

Game Rule Information

Enchanters have the following game statistics.


Unlike wizards, Charisma determines the

strength of an enchanter’s spells, how many he can cast, and
how diffi cult it is to resist those spells’ effects. This is be-
cause the character’s will projects the spellcaster’s charisma
through the magic as the spells try to infl uence the subject’s
mind and perceptions.



Hit Die:


Class Skills

Class Skills

The Enchanter’s class skills (and the key ability for

each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Perform
(Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft

Skill Points at 1st Level:

(2 + Int modifi er) x4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level:

2 + Int modifi er.

Class Features

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the enchanter.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Enchanters are profi cient with the dagger, darts, sling,

and shortspear, but not with any type of armor or shield.
Armor of any type interferes with an enchanter’s move-
ments, which can cause his spells with somatic components
to fail.

Enchantment Specialization

Enchantment Specialization

An enchanter gains a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to

learn Enchantment spells. At this time, he must also give
up two other schools of magic, which become his prohibited

An enchanter can never give up divination to fulfi ll this


Spells of the prohibited schools are not available to the

enchanter, and he can’t even cast such spells from scrolls or
fi re them from wands. He may not change his prohibited

schools later.



An enchanter casts arcane spells

which are drawn from the sorcerer/

wizard spell list. An enchanter must
choose and prepare his spells ahead

of time (see below.)

To learn, prepare, or cast a spell,

the enchanter must have a Charisma

score equal to at least 10 + the spell level.

The Diffi culty Class for a saving throw against

an enchanter’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the

enchanter’s Charisma modifi er.

Like other spellcasters, an enchanter can cast only a

certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base
daily spell allotment is given on Table 3: The Enchanter. In
addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high
Intelligence score, as does a wizard.

Unlike a bard or sorcerer, an enchanter may know any

number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells
ahead of time by getting a good night’s sleep and spending 1
hour studying his spellbook. While studying, the enchanter
decides which spells to prepare.

Bonus Languages

Bonus Languages

An enchanter may substitute Draconic for one of the bo-

nus languages available to the character because of his race.

Summon Familiar

Summon Familiar

An enchanter can obtain a familiar in exactly the same

manner as a sorcerer can. See the sorcerer description and
the information on Familiars in the PHB for details.

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Strength of Character

Strength of Character

An enchanter adds his Charisma bonus to Will saving

throws against mind-affecting spells and effects. A Charisma
penalty is not applied.

Force of Will

Force of Will

At level 2, choose a creature type (abomination, fey,

monstrous humanoid, etc.) against which the enchanter
increases the save DC of any mind-affecting spell he casts
by +1. Obviously, the creature type must be susceptible to
mind-affecting spells and abilities for it to be selected.

At levels 6, 13 and 18, the character can either choose an-

other creature type to apply yet another +1 bonus against or
they can increase an existing bonus by another +1.



At level 4, Charisma-based skills and ability rolls gain a

+1 bonus. This does not affect special abilities such as turn
or rebuke undead

but does act as a bonus to the character’s

Leadership score if the character also has the Leadership
feat. Increase this bonus by an additional +1 at levels 8, 12,
16 and 20.

Bonus Spell

Bonus Spell

At levels 3, 7, 9, 14, and 19 the

character selects an Enchantment
spell level that he is able to cast
and he gains an additional spell
per day of that level. This abil-

ity can

be applied to spell levels that have previously
benefi ted from instance of Bonus Spell. The spell
level selection can vary with each new memoriza-
tion of spells.

Bonus Feats

Bonus Feats

At the 5th, 10th and 17th levels, an en-

chanter gains a bonus feat. At each such op-
portunity, he can choose a metamagic feat,
an item creation feat, a specialist feat, or
Leadership, Negotiator, Persuasive, Spell
Focus (enchantment) or Spell Mastery. The en-
chanter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat,
including caster level minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a charac-

ter of any class gets from advancing levels. The enchanter is
not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metamag-
ic feats, or Spell Mastery when choosing these feats.

Spellbo oks

Spellbo oks

An enchanter must study his spellbook each day to pre-

pare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded
in his spellbook, except for daze and read magic, which all
enchanters can prepare from memory.

An enchanter begins play with a spellbook containing

all 0-level wizard spells (except those from his prohibited
school or schools) plus three 1st-level spells of your choice.
For each point of Charisma bonus the enchanter has, the

spellbook holds one additional 1st-level spell of your choice.
At each new enchanter level, he gains two new spells of any
spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new en-
chanter level) for his spellbook. At any time, an enchanter
can also add spells found in other wizard’s spellbooks to
his own.

Alpha Warden PrC

Alpha Warden PrC

Although most enchanters tend to develop their powers

towards the goal of infl uencing sentient creatures, some of
a more rustic nature instead choose to exert their will over
the more pliable mind of the beast. An alpha warden learns
to exert both force of character and strength of mind during
their control and infl uence over animals, impressing upon
the beast that the alpha warden is as much a creature of the
wilds as they. This does not come without a cost, however:
in order to become more attuned with animals, the alpha
warden must give up part of his civilized demeanor and ca-

Hit Die:



To qualify to become an alpha

warden, a character must fulfi ll all

the following criteria.


Handle Animal 8 ranks,

Survival 6 ranks


Animal Affi nity, Iron Will


Charm animal, hypnotism

Special Abilities:

Animal compan-

ion, charming +1

Class Skills

The alpha warden’s class

skills (and the key ability for

each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb

(Str), Concentration (Con), Handle
Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex),

Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge

(geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int),

Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move

Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int),
and Survival (Wis.)

Skill Points at Each Level:

4 + Int modifi er.

Class Features

Class Features

All the following are class features of the alpha warden

prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

An alpha warden is not profi cient with any weapons,

shields or armor.

background image


Beast Control (Su)

Beast Control (Su)

You may control beasts (once + Charisma modifi er) per

day, to a minimum of 1/day. This ability functions in much
the same fashion as the dominate animal spell, except the sav-
ing throw DC is (10 + alpha warden level + Charisma modi-
fi er), the caster level is equal to the character’s alpha war-
den level for all aspects not otherwise covered here, and the
character may simultaneously target double (alpha warden
level + Charisma modifi er) HD worth of animals instead of
just one animal (minimum of 1 HD worth.) Duration is 2
rounds per alpha warden level.

This is a mind-affecting ability.

Animal Companion

Animal Companion

An alpha warden adds his class levels to those previous

levels of whichever class granted him an animal companion
for the sake the latter’s abilities and continuing improve-

Weakened Will

Weakened Will

Because alpha wardens are so attuned to working their

will upon animals, when using mind-affecting powers,
spells or spell-like abilities against any creatures other than
animals, magical beasts or vermin, the saving throw DC of
that ability is reduced by 2. Bluff and Diplomacy also suf-
fer –2 penalties against non-animal, magical beast or vermin

Bonus Feat

Bonus Feat

At levels 2, 5 and 8, alpha warden gets a bonus feat in ad-

dition to the feat that characters receive by attaining certain
levels. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following
list, and the character must still meet all prerequisites for
a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus

Any specialist feat, Alertness, Athletic, Dodge,

Endurance, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Leadership,
Natural Spell, Negotiator, Persuasive, Run, Self-Suffi cient,
Stealthy, Toughness, or Track.

Alpha (Ex)

Alpha (Ex)

Select a particular type of animal (canines, felines, hors-

es, etc.) with which the character will share a special bond;
only ordinary animals (those with Intelligence scores of 1 or
2) can be affected by this ability. (This is typically the same
sort of animal as the character’s animal companion, but it
need not necessarily be so.) Against such beasts, as a stan-
dard action and with a Handle Animal check, you may exert
an infl uence that can cause one of two effects with a Will
saving throw negating. The DC of this Will save is equal to
the alpha warden’s Handle Animal check result. The animal
must be within 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 alpha warden levels for the
infl uence to work and a separate action and skill check is
needed for each animal.

First, the character can opt to calm the animal, resulting

in the animal remaining where it is so that it will not attack
or fl ee, although it is not helpless and will defend itself nor-
mally if attacked. Any threat breaks the infl uence over the
threatened creature, otherwise the infl uence lasts until the
beast is aggravated or for 1 minute per alpha warden level.

Second, the alpha warden can attempt to charm the ani-

mal into regarding the character as a trusted friend and ally
(treat the targeted beast’s attitude as friendly.) If the animal
is currently being threatened or attacked by the character
or his allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving
throw. This does not enable the alpha warden to control the
animal, but it perceives his words and actions in the most
favorable way. He can try to give it orders, but he must win
an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything
it wouldn’t ordinarily do, and that is also considering the
alpha warden’s meaning is clear to the animal considering
it won’t literally understand the character’s words. Retries
are not allowed. An affected animal never obeys suicidal or
obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that
something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by the
alpha warden or his apparent allies that threatens the animal
breaks the effect. The character must also have some means
of suffi ciently communicating his intent to the animal for it
to understand your desires.

Table 4: The Alpha Warden

Table 4: The Alpha Warden


Base Attack


Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save


Spells Per Day






Beast control 1/day, animal companion,
weakened will






Bonus feat

+1 level of existing class






Beast control 2/day







+1 level of existing class






Bonus feat






Beast control 3/day

+1 level of existing class






Greater Animal Companion






Bonus feat

+1 level of existing class






Beast control 4/day






Greater Alpha

+1 level of existing class

background image


Either use of the ability may be attempted as many times

as the character is willing to spend actions, although the
Gamemaster may rule that circumstances may render an at-
tempt impossible or heavily penalized.

This is a mind-affecting ability.

Greater Animal Companion (Ex)

Greater Animal Companion (Ex)

A 7th-level alpha warden’s animal companion increases

its Intelligence score by 1 (without imposing the normal –4
penalty to wild empathy for magical beasts of high intellect),
and for each of its saving throws the animal companion uses
its own base save bonus or the alpha warden’s, whichev-
er is higher. The animal companion applies its own ability
modifi ers to saves, and it doesn’t share any other bonuses
on saves that the character might have (such as from magic
items or feats.)

Greater Alpha (Ex)

Greater Alpha (Ex)

At 10th-level, the alpha warden is

now able to simultaneously use
his alpha ability on (2 + Charisma
bonus) animals (minimum of
2 animals.) Doing so still only
counts as a standard action with
the results of the single Handle
Animal check applying to each

This is a mind-affecting abil-


Spells per Day

Spells per Day

When the specifi ed new alpha

warden level is gained, the character
acquires new spells per day as if he had
also gained a level in a spellcasting class
he belonged to before adding the prestige
class. He does not, however, gain any other
benefi t a character of that class would have
gained, except for an increased effective level
of spellcasting. If a character had more than
one spellcasting class before becoming an

alpha warden, he must decide to which class he adds the
new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

The Enticer PrC

The Enticer PrC

Some enchanters become so skilled at enforcing their will

over other creatures that they are able to push their abilities
to reach an entirely new level of capability. An enticer is able
to internalize what even the best of other enchanters must
still rely upon spells for, allowing these master seducers and
manipulators to perform the same (if not much improved)
feats of the mind as a matter of course. Even the powers that
continue to require spells are enhanced over the common

Hit Die:



To qualify to become an enticer, a character must fulfi ll

all the following criteria.


Charisma 15+


Profession (hypnotist) 10 ranks, Sense

Motive 8 ranks


Mesmerist, Persuasive


Charm person

Special Abilities:

Charming +1

Class Skills

The enticer’s class skills (and the key ability for

each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),

Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information

(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills,

taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform
(Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive

(Wis), and Spellcraft (Int.)

Skill Points at Each Level:

4 + Int modifi er.

Class Features

Class Features

All the following are class features of the enticer prestige

Table 5: The Enticer

Table 5: The Enticer


Base Attack


Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save


Spells Per Day







+1 level of existing class






+1 level of existing class






Hypnotic focus

+1 level of existing class






+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class






Voice of Command

+1 level of existing class






+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class






+1 level of existing class






Hypnotic Gaze

+1 level of existing class

background image



Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

An enticer is not profi cient with any weapons, shields or


Entice (Sp)

Entice (Sp)

If an enticer manages to alter the attitude of a NPC that

fi nds the character sexually attractive from hostile, unfriend-
ly or indifferent to friendly or helpful, that NPC becomes
affected as though by a charm person spell. This effect lasts
(enticer levels + Charisma bonus) minutes.

Hypnotic Focus (Ex)

Hypnotic Focus (Ex)

When using an amulet, gem or similar object worth at

least 200 gp that may be used to focus a subject’s attention
(if only momentarily), a 3rd-level enticer increases the sav-
ing throw DC of all mind-affecting spells by +1. The spell’s
target must be within 30 feet and have line of site to the ob-
ject at all times during the casting. Drawing their attention
requires fi rst making a successful Bluff check against the

Command (Su)

Command (Su)

A 5th-level enticer may use command as a standard action

without casting the spell. This only works upon subjects the
character has already affected a Charm upon (including via
the entice ability.) To command a charmed subject, the enticer
makes a Diplomacy check, the result of which is used as the
subject’s Will save DC.

Voice of Command (Sp)

Voice of Command (Sp)

Double (1 + Cha bonus) times per day (minimum of 1/

day), a 6th-level enticer may make a Bluff or Diplomacy roll
(as the GM deems appropriate to the situation) as a stan-
dard action to command a subject within 30 feet, the result
of which is used as the subject’s Will save DC. If the save
fails, the subject is affected as though by the command spell.
Multiple subject’s may be affected simultaneously by sacri-
fi cing an additional daily use of this power per day, allow-
ing a single Bluff of Diplomacy check to determine the save
DC of all subjects.

Charismatic (Ex)

Charismatic (Ex)

An 8th-level enticer gains a +2 competence bonus on

Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Profession (hyp-
notist) checks.

Hypnotic Gaze (Su)

Hypnotic Gaze (Su)

A 10th-level enticer may attempt to hypnotize someone

as a standard action by making eye contact and then mak-
ing a Profession (hypnotism) check with a −2 penalty; eye
contact can be avoided by making a Refl ex save using the
Profession (hypnotism) roll’s result as the DC. Otherwise
treat use of this ability as though employing the Profession
(hypnotism) skill normally, although only the standard ac-
tion is needed to induce a hypnotic state. This effect lasts for
as long as eye contact is maintained, plus (1d4 + Cha bonus)
rounds afterward.

You cannot use a hypnotic focus with this ability because

the subject’s eyes must be directly drawn to the enticer’s

Spells per Day

Spells per Day

When a new enticer level is gained, the character ac-

quires new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a
spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige
class. He does not, however, gain any other benefi t a charac-
ter of that class would have gained, except for an increased
effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than
one spellcasting class before becoming an enticer, he must
decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of
determining spells per day.

Magic Items

Magic Items

Lover’s Arrow (Weapon)

Lover’s Arrow (Weapon)

These enchanted arrows +1 are almost always found sin-

gly and are easily recognized by their broad, heart-shaped
arrowhead. When a creature is struck by such an arrow, it
must make a DC (10 + damage suffered) Will save or be-
come affected as though by a charm monster spell with re-
gards to the person who fi red the arrow. (No actual damage
is suffered from the arrow’s attack as it is merely used to
determine the saving throw DC.) Instead of the charm caus-
ing a friendly disposition, however, the charm results in a
romantic attachment regardless of the target’s actual sexual

Once the arrow has been fi red, hit or miss, its magic is


Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and

Armor, charm monster; Price 8,797 gp; Cost 4,399 gp +352

Bewitching Stone (Wondrous Item)

Bewitching Stone (Wondrous Item)

Anyone within 100 feet of the stone who looks up on it

must make a DC 13 Will save or become fascinated. Subject’s
gain a +2 bonus if engaged in combat or similar activity, al-
though sightless creatures are not affected. Anyone who fails
their saving throw is held in place, fascinated and unable to
take their eyes away from the stone; treat such victim’s as
bound and unable to act in anyway (even for the sake of
self-preservation, although any attack or similarly aggres-
sive or abrupt action against them allows them an immedi-
ate additional Will save) other than to follow the stone with
their eyes. Every round allows an additional saving throw,
with a +2 bonus gained if the stone moves more than 10 feet
since the last round’s previous position. Hiding or covering
the stone ends the affect, allowing all previously fascinated
victim’s to act as normal in the round to follow.

If someone is somehow able to anticipate the bewitching

stone’s revealing, they are allowed a DC 13 Refl ex save to
avoid looking upon it.

Faint enchantment; CL 4; Craft Wondrous Item, hypnotic


; Price 64,000 gp; Cost 32,000 gp +2,560 XP

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Globe of Trances (Wondrous Item)

Globe of Trances (Wondrous Item)

By spending 1d4 minutes focusing on the globe’s pulsing

light, the observer is allowed a DC 15 Concentration check.
Success means the person enters a deep, meditative trance.
While in this trance, the character gains the benefi ts of sleep
or rest at twice the normal rate. This means naturally heal-
ing 1 hit point of damage after only 4 hours in a trance, spell
preparation only takes 1/2-hour, and so on.

Anything that would cause a spellcaster to make a

Concentration check also applies to anyone entranced by the
globe. Failure means the trance is ended with any processes
not yet fulfi lled left with out benefi t.

Faint enchantment; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item,

Profession (hypnotism) 12 ranks, hypnotism; Price 12,000 gp
per pair; Cost 6,000 gp per pair + 480 XP, Weight 1/2 lbs.

Thrall Collar (Wondrous Item)

Thrall Collar (Wondrous Item)

This item comes in two parts: a metal collar etched with

arcane symbols and a similarly marked ring. When placed
around a subject’s throat, this metal collar acts upon the
wearer as though affected by a domi-
nate monster

spell, requiring a DC 23

Will save to resist. The collar’s hold
on the wearer gets stronger the lon-
ger it’s been worn, though, increas-
ing the save DC by +1 per 4 months

the collar has been on without being removed. Removing
the collar, if only for a moment, resets this duration to nil. A
new saving throw is allowed every time the wearer is com-
manded to do something that goes against their nature and
normal interests or desires. The ring’s master is able to send
commands to the thrall up to 25 feet away per point of the
master’s Charisma.

Forcing the collar open requires a DC 30 Strength check

while picking the collar’s lock requires a DC 40 Open Lock
check. Failing to force the collar or pick the lock causes 1 hit
point of damage to the collar’s wearer per point the check
fails by. The collar has hardness 15 and 40 hit points if some-
one tries destroying it, but attacking the collar causes twice
the same amount of damage to the wearer, including any
damage soaked up by the collar’s hardness. Inserting the
master’s ring in the collar’s lock is the only legitimate and
safe way to remove the collar.

Each collar comes in a specifi c size (small, medium, co-

lossal, etc.) but it can fi t on a creature one size level higher or
lower with discomfort. Because such collars are not an ideal
fi t, however, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus to all

saving throws to resist its infl uence.

Moderate enchantment; CL 6;

Craft Wondrous Item, dominate mon-

; Price 54,000 gp; Cost 27,000 gp

+ 2,160 XP; Weight collar 5 lbs.

background image




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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the

Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based
on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Assassin’s Handbook

, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors

David Cook and Wolfgang Baur.

The Book of Fiends

, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors

Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J Schwalb.

Corwyl: The Village of the Wood Elves

, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin

Publishing; Authors Christina Stiles and Patrick Sweeney.

Dezzavold: The Fortress of the Drow

, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin

Publishing., LLC; Authors Christina Stiles and Steven Trustrum.

Freeport: The City of Adventure

, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing;

Authors Chris Pramas and Matt Forbeck.

Plot & Poison: A Guidebook to the Drow

, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin

Publishing; Author Matthew Sernett.

Unearthed Arcana

, Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;

Author Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, and Rich


The Conjurer: The Core Specialist Wizard

, Copyright

2005, Misfi t Studios; Author Steven Trustrum.

The Diviner: The Core Specialist Wizard

, Copyright

2005, Misfi t Studios; Author Steven Trustrum.

The Abjurer: The Core Specialist Wizard

, Copyright

2005, Misfi t Studios; Author Steven Trustrum.

The Illusionist: The Core Specialist Wizard

, Copyright

2005, Misfi t Studios; Author Steven Trustrum.

The Enchanter: The Core Specialist Wizard

, Copyright

2005, Misfi t Studios; Author Steven Trustrum.

Document Outline


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