Techniques to extract bioactive compounds from food by products of plant origin

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Techniques to extract bioactive compounds from food by-products of plant origin

Hilde Wijngaard, Mohammad B. Hossain

, Dilip K. Rai, Nigel Brunton

Teagasc Food Research Centre Ashtown, Ashtown, Dublin 15, Ireland

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
Received 17 April 2011
Accepted 27 September 2011

Pressurised liquid extraction
Supercritical CO



Pulsed electric


By-products of plant origin represent an abundant source of bioactive compounds. However, to exploit these
resources commercially relevant strategies for their extraction must be developed. This review focuses on the
extraction of bioactive compounds from food by-products of plant origin by a number of novel methods, in-
cluding pressurised liquid extraction and supercritical CO


extraction. In general supercritical CO



is most effective for apolar compounds such as carotenoids, while pressurised liquid extraction can be used to
extract more polar compounds such as polyphenols. Both techniques are sustainable and green techniques. In
addition, pre-treatment of plant by-products by novel non-thermal processing techniques in order to en-
hance extraction will be highlighted. In general the selection of an appropriate extraction strategy is depen-
dent on the type of compound to be extracted as well as the potential up scaling of the technique.

© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Processing of foods of plant origin generates vast quantities of by-

products. Disposal of these by-products represents both a cost to the
food processor and a potential negative impact on the environment. Re-
search over the past 20 years has revealed that many of these by-
products could serve as a source of potentially valuable bio-active com-
pounds. Despite this the vast majority of by-products are currently not
exploited as sources of these compounds. This is in part due to the lack
of appropriate techniques for extraction of these compounds. In recent
times a number of novel extraction techniques have been used to opti-
mise extraction of bioactive compounds from by-products. In fact con-
siderable advances in this area have been made recently and
while some reviews exist (

Herrero, Cifuentes, & Ibañez, 2006; Schieber,

Stintzing, & Carle, 2001

) no update has been made of the research carried

out in the last 5 years despite the considerable advances in extraction
techniques. Pressurised liquid extraction (PLE) and supercritical CO



traction (SC-CO


) are extraction techniques that are gaining popularity

due to their ability to increase target molecule speci

ficity and reduce

waste solvent production. Therefore the primary focus of the present re-
view will be critically evaluating the use of PLE and SC-CO


on the recov-

ery of carotenoids and polyphenols in food by-products of plant origin.
Both PLE and SC-CO


usually employ heat in combination with other

parameters to enhance extractions of target molecules. A number of
other non-thermal approaches are now available such as pulsed electric
field (PEF) extraction and ultrasound, which may be particularly effec-
tive for thermally-labile compounds. Therefore a secondary focus will
be on the use of non-thermal techniques to enhance extraction of
these compounds. The use of microwave assisted extraction (MAE) to
enhance the extraction of bio-active compounds of plant origin is also
reviewed and critically evaluated. For all extraction techniques a princi-
ple objective of the present review is to put forward a consensus on op-
timal conditions required to gain maximum recovery of target
compounds such that reader can bene

fit from research already carried


2. Pressurised solvents

Traditionally, the nature and amounts of target compounds in nat-

ural products are determined after exhaustive extraction of the sam-
ple using solid

–liquid extraction techniques. Pressurised solvents use

elevated pressures and sometimes temperatures which drastically
improve the speed of the extraction process. In ideal solid

–liquid ex-

tractions, the desired compound should have high solubility in the
solvent employed while other compounds from the solid matrix
should not be solubilised during extraction (

Pronyk & Mazza, 2009


In reality however, this is rarely achieved, and therefore much re-
search has been carried out on optimising conditions, such as
solvent-to-feed ratio, particle size, modi

fier concentration extraction

temperature, pressure and time and

flow rate, to enhance the recov-

ery of bioactive compounds from food by-products of plant origin

Kaur, Wani, Oberoi, & Sogi, 2008; Ku & Mun, 2008; Spigno, Tramelli,

& De Faveri, 2007; Wijngaard & Brunton, 2010

). However,

Food Research International 46 (2012) 505


Abbreviations: GAE, Gallic Acid Equivalent; MAE, Microwave Assisted Extraction;

PEF, Pulsed Electric Field; PLE, Pressurised Liquid Extraction; RSM, Response Surface
Methodology; SC-CO


, Supercritical CO


Extraction; SLE, Solid Liquid Extraction; SWE,

Subcritical Water Extraction; UAE, Ultrasound Assisted Extraction.

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +353 1 805 9500; fax: +353 1 805 9550.

E-mail address:

(M.B. Hossain).


– see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / f o o d r e s

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conventional solid

–liquid extraction techniques such as Soxhlet ex-

traction and maceration are time consuming and use high amounts
of solvents (

Wang & Weller, 2006

) emphasising the need for more

sustainable techniques, including techniques based on pressurised

The use of pressurised solvent techniques also offers the advantage

of enhanced target molecule speci

ficity and speed due to physicochem-

ical properties of the solvent, including density, diffusivity, viscosity and
dielectric constant, which can be controlled by varying pressure and
temperature of the extraction system.

Two pressurised

fluid extraction methods are very popular:

a. Supercritical

fluid extraction (SFE); called supercritical CO





) when CO


is used.

b. Pressurised liquid extraction (PLE); where 100% water is used, this

technique is frequently called subcritical water extraction (SWE)

Pronyk & Mazza, 2009


3. Supercritical

fluid extraction

Supercritical extraction technologies have been used extensively

in the past to extract target compounds from a variety of matrices
at laboratory and commercial scale. In some cases laboratory scale
studies have been carried out with view to recovering 100% of the tar-
get analyte for quanti

fication purposes. Whilst in other cases the ob-

jective is to provide optimal conditions for recovery of bio-active
compounds with a view to up-scaling to commercial extraction.
There are a number of examples where SFE has been up-scaled per-
haps the most well-known examples are the decaffeination of coffee
beans (

Zosel, 1981

) and the extraction of

α-acids from hops to pro-

duce hop resins (

Bath, Ennis, Laws, & Wheldon, 1980

). For reasons

outlined below carbon dioxide is the main solvent used in this tech-
nique especially when the target molecule is apolar. However, super-
critical water systems have also been used to extract polar
compounds (

Henry & Yonker, 2006

). The critical point of water is

very high (374 °C, 22.064 MPa) therefore superheated water cannot
be used to extract thermally-labile compounds (

Lang & Wai, 2001




on the other hand, has a relatively low critical temperature of

31.1 °C and a low critical pressure of 7.4 MPa (

CRC, 2008

). In addition

to its physical characteristics, CO


is safe, foodgrade and widely avail-

able at a relatively low cost and high purity (

Diaz-Reinoso, Moure,

Dominguez, & Parajo, 2006

). Solvents other than CO


are not neces-

sarily required and the expense of removing organic solvents can be
eliminated (

Reverchon & De Marco, 2006

). SC-CO


makes use of the

supercritical region of CO


, which is above its critical temperature

and above its critical pressure. In the critical region, there is only one
phase, which possesses properties of both a gas and a liquid (



). Solvation power is high due to a high, liquid-like, density. In ad-

dition, mass transfer rates are increased because of high, more gas-like,
diffusion coef

ficients and low viscosity values (

Diaz-Reinoso et al.,

2006; Herrero et al., 2006

). Surface tensions of supercritical

fluids are

relatively low, which means more delicate compounds remain intact

Henry & Yonker, 2006

). A disadvantage of using CO


as a solvent is

that it is relatively apolar thus for polar analytes a co-solvent such as
ethanol is often added to CO



Diaz-Reinoso et al., 2006

). The main pa-

rameters that can be changed in SC-CO


are solvent-to-feed ratio, particle

size, modi

fier concentration extraction temperature, pressure and time


flow rate (

Reverchon & De Marco, 2006

). In by-products from food

processing, SC-CO


has been mainly used for the recovery of apolar bio-

active compounds and a selection of these are outlined below.

3.1. Carotenoids

Rising consumer awareness of the health bene

fits of carotenoid con-

sumption has served to fuel global markets for these compounds with
the result that in 2010 the market was an estimated $1.07 billion and is

projected to top $1.2 billion by 2015 (

Global Industry Analysts, 2010


Tomatoes are a rich source of carotenoids particularly lycopene

Fig. 1

a) and are an important crop worldwide. Tomatoes are often pro-

cessed into other forms before use which generates signi

ficant amounts

of waste. It is not surprising therefore given the known advantages of SC-


for hydrophobic compounds such as carotenoids that the majority of

studies have concentrated on tomato waste as a source of carotenoids

Table 1

). A number of other rest raw materials also represent promising

targets for the recovery of carotenoids particularly


Apricot pomace is for example a promising source of

β-carotene (


Bayraktar, Mehmetoglu, & Çalimli, 2005

). Similarly carrot pulp, the resi-

due from carrot juice production, contains signi

ficant amounts of this

compound (

Vega, Balaban, Sims, O'Keefe, & Cornell, 1996

). In gener-

al only two compounds have been targeted lycopene (

Fig. 1

a) and

β-carotene (

Fig. 1


Table 1

details extraction conditions used to

extract carotenoids from various sources. A number of parameters can
be manipulated in a typical SC-CO


system to enhance extraction in-

cluding extraction temperature, pressure and time, CO


flow rate and


fier percentage. Most studies compare the effectiveness of SC-



with conventional solid liquid extraction. In most cases ef


of SC-CO


extractions are equal to or exceed those for conventional


–liquid extraction. In some cases the authors have examined SC-



as a tool for analytical extraction of carotenoids, however in most

cases the objective is recovery of potentially valuable components
from rest raw material. As outlined earlier in general by-products of to-
mato processing (skins, seeds and tomato paste waste) are targeted as
sources of carotenoids but other sources such as apricot by-products
and carrot press cakes have also been examined (

Table 1

). Extraction

temperature is a critical factor affecting extraction ef

ficiency of SC-CO


systems. Whilst high temperatures may favour the extraction of some
carotenoids, this can be offset by thermal degradation of the com-
pounds during extraction. Fresh tomatoes contain a mixture of cis and
trans-lycopene isomers however the all-trans form predominates as
this is the most thermodynamically stable isomer (

Schierle et al.,


), and so this isomer is more suitable to manipulate and incorpo-

rate in functional foods and nutraceuticals than the cis form. Most au-
thors recommend extraction temperature of up to 80 °C for this form.
On the other hand, some studies attribute to the cis isomer a higher bio-
availability (

Schieber & Carle, 2005

). However, a lower temperature of

60 °C gives the highest yields for trans-lycopene (

Kassama, Shi, & Mittal,

2008; Nobre, Palavra, Pessoa, & Mendes, 2009

) which the authors pos-

tulate is due to promotion of isomerisation into the cis form at temper-
atures above 80 °C (

Wang & Chen, 2006

). Temperatures below 70 °C

seem to favour the extraction of

β-carotene with most authors report-

ing that temperatures between 55 and 59 °C are optimal (


Güvenç, Salgin, Mehmetoglu, & Çalimli, 2004; Vega et al., 1996

). Extrac-

tion pressure can also be manipulated to increase extraction yields of
carotenoids. Most authors recommend extraction pressures between
30 and 40 MPa for best recoveries of both lycopene and

β-carotene. Ma-

nipulation of extraction pressure will bring about changes in the solvent
density this in turn affects the solvating power of SC-CO


. As the pres-

sure is raised at a constant temperature, the CO


density also increases,

thereby decreasing the intermolecular space between the CO



Carotene (b)

Lycopene (a)

Fig. 1. Structures of common carotenoids extracted from food by-products.


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molecules, and hence increasing the interactions between the target
compound and CO


molecules (

Topal, Sasaki, Goto, & Hayakawa,


). Therefore, solubility increases with pressure, especially at pres-

sures from 10 to 20 MPa as there is a sharp increase in the density of


in this range (

Shi, Khatri, et al., 2009

). At pressures above

20 MPa only small increases in solvent density occur and since most au-
thors investigate pressures from 20 to 40 MPa pressure has less of an in-
fluence on extraction efficiency than temperature in this range.

After temperature and pressure, modi

fier percentage appears to be

the most critical factor affecting carotenoid yields in SC-CO



Ethanol is the most widely used modi

fier solvent in SC-CO


and most au-

thors recommend relatively low amounts (10

–15%) of ethanol be added

to enhance SC-CO


extraction of carotenoids. In general carotenoids are

polyene hydrocarbon chains which sometimes undergo ring closure at
one or both ends meaning they are largely hydrophobic in nature. It is

therefore surprising that the addition of a polar aprotic solvent such as
ethanol (dielectric constant 33) enhances the extraction of carotenoids.
However it is clear that in all cases the use of modi

fier increases extrac-

tion yields over and above pure CO


. The reason for this in not entirely

clear, however some authors have postulated that the addition of a mod-

fier enhances extraction by distorting the analyte–matrix bonds, allow-

ing the supercritical

fluid better access to the analyte (

Shi, Yi, et al.,


). Ethanol is of course an attractive solvent for SC-CO



because of its food friendly nature. The use of vegetable and other oils
as modi

fiers has many advantages over ethanol since they are food

friendly and deliver all the bene

fits of the use of modifiers in general

but are also cheap and more hydrophobic thus enhancing extraction
yields. This has been clearly illustrated in the study of

Shi, Yi, et al.


where the use of olive oil as modi

fier gave better recoveries of ly-

copene than ethanol or water from tomato skins at 75 °C.

Table 1

ficiency of and conditions used to extract bioactive compounds from by-products of plant origin using supercritical fluid extraction.



Extraction conditions



Tomato paste waste


30 MPa, 5% ethanol

Lycopene (54%)

Baysal, Ersus, and Starmans (2000)

β-Carotene (50%)

Tomato paste waste


80 °C, 30 MPa, 5% ethanol, solvent
flow rate (0.792 kg/h)

Lycopene (88%)

Sabio et al. (2003)

β-Carotene (80%)

Tomato seeds


34.5 MPa, 88 °C


Rozzi, Singh, Vierling, and Watkins

Tomato skins and seeds


30 MPa, 60 °C, solvent


of 0.59 g/min, particle size of 0.36 mm
and feed moisture content of 4.6


Nobre, Palavra, Pessoa, and Mendes

Tomato seeds and skins


46 MPa, 80 °C

Lycopene (90%)

Vági et al. (2007)

Tomato skins


62 °C, 45 MPa (450 bar), and 14%


Kassama, Shi, and Mittal (2008)


Tomato skins


40 MPa, 100 °C, and 2.5 mL of CO




Topal, Sasaki, Goto, and Hayakawa


Tomato skins


35 MPa, 75 °C, ethanol (10%) and
olive oil (10%)


Shi, Yi, et al. (2009)


Apricot by-products


40 MPa, 50 °C, 2,2-dimethoxypropane,
moisture content 10%

β-Carotene (60%)

Sanal, Güvenç, Salgin, Mehmetoglu
and Çalimli (2004)

Apricot by-products


31 MPa, 59 °C, 27% ethanol

β-Carotene (60%)

Sanal et al. (2005)

Carrot press cake


34.5 MPa, 55 °C, 10% ethanol

β-Carotene (99.5%)

Vega, Balaban, Sims, O'Keefe, and
Cornell (1996)

Apple and peach pomaces


30% ethanol and 40 min

Total phenols (25%)

Adil et al. (2007)

Citrus peel


9.5 MPa, 60 °C, 15% ethanol


Giannuzzo, Boggetti, Nazareno, and
Mishima (2003)

(14.4 mg/100 g DW)

Grape by-products

(seed, stem, skin and pomace)


40 MPa, 35 °C, using 5% v/v ethanol


Casas et al. (2010)

(19.2 mg/100 g DW)

Grape skin


40 °C, 11 MPa, 7.5% ethanol,
extraction time 15 min


Pascual-Martí et al. (2001)


Grape skins



–46 °C temperature, 1.56–1.6 MPa

pressure and 6

–7% ethanol

12.3%, total phenols (2.156 mg
GAE/100 mL), antioxidants
(1.628 mg/mL) and total anthocyanins
(1.176 mg/mL).

Ghafoor, Park and Choi (2010)

Orange pomace


30 MPa, 40 °C, 2% co-solvent

Phenolic compounds

Benelli, Riehl, Smânia, Smânia and
Ferreira (2010)

(36 ± 2 mg GAE/g)

Tea seed cake


20 MPa, 80 °C, and 60% aqueous
ethanol, extraction time 150 min

Two kaempferol glycosides

Li et al. (2010)

(11.4 ± 0.4 mg/g)

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) seeds Polyphenols

10 MPa at 60 °C, ethanol (10%)

Total phenolic content (153 mg
GAE/100 g DW)

Castro-Vargas, et al. (2010)

Pistachio (Pistachia vera) hull


45 °C, 355 bar, 15 min, 15% methanol

Total phenolic content (7810 mg
GAE/100 g DW)

Goli, Barzegar and Sahari (2005)

Olive leaves


33 MPa, 100 °C (CO


density 0.70 g/mL),

flow rate 2 mL/min, 140 min, 10%

Total phenolic content (45%)

Le Floch, Tena, Rios, and Valcárcel

Liquid grape seed extract



–40 °C; 10–13 MPa, pH

Total anthocyanins

Bleve et al. (2008)


–4; 25–30% ethyl alcohol;


flow rate 25–50 mL/min

Distilled white grape pomace


50 °C, 90 min, 8% ethanol,
solvent-to-solid ratio 1:1

Gallic acid, catechin and epicatechin

Pinelo et al. (2007)

White grape seeds


55 °C, 20 min, 20% methanol

Gallic acid, catechin and epicatechin

Palma and Taylor (1999)

Grape seeds


30 MPa, 15% methanol

Low molecular weight polyphenols


Murga, Ruiz, Beltran, and Cabezas


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There are con

flicting reports on the effect of source material mois-

ture content on the recovery of carotenoids from by-products. For ex-

Nobre et al. (2009)

reported that the extraction yield of trans-

lycopene rose when the moisture content of the sample increased
from 4.6% to 22.8%, possibly due to the modi

fications in the skin struc-

ture mentioned before, implying less available compounds in tomato
waste with lower moisture content. However, for higher moisture
contents the yield decreased, in this case, probably due to the water
preventing contact between CO


and tomato particles. In contrast,

Sanal et al. (2004)

reported that extraction yields of


from apricot pomace increased markedly when the moisture content
was decreased from 30 to 10%. The reason for the con

flicting reports is

unclear. However it should be noted that all carotenoids are susceptible
to degradation in the presence of light and heat. Therefore a drying
method such as freeze drying is preferable as this will preserve caroten-
oids in the starting by-product material (

Sanal et al., 2004


It is clear that a variety of extraction conditions can in

fluence extrac-

tion ef

ficiencies of carotenoids from plant by-products. This can make it


ficult to pinpoint optimal conditions using conventional statistical ap-

proaches. However, many authors have utilised response surface meth-
odology (RSM) to minimise the number of experiments required to
identify optimal extraction. For example

Sanal et al. (2004. 2005)


RSM to increase extraction yields of

β-carotene from apricot pomace

by 10% over a previous experiment which utilised a conventional statis-
tical approach. In summary SC-CO


represents a promising technique for

recovery of carotenoids from plant by-products which uses smaller
amounts of solvent than conventional approaches and therefore could
be used to valorise carotenoid rich plant based by-products. A number
of promising sources of carotenoids in plant by-products have been iden-

fied and optimal extraction conditions are broadly in agreement.

3.2. Polyphenols

The world market for polyphenols is signi

ficant. For example,

Leatherhead Food Research (2009)

estimates the current market is

worth approximately $200 million. The majority of polyphenols
extracted for sale as nutraceuticals or for use in functional foods come
from either grapes, apples, olives or green tea and this is re

flected in

the studies that have been performed on optimising SC-CO


for their ex-


Table 1

lists optimal conditions for the extraction of polyphe-

nols from various by-products using SC-CO


. A variety of potentially

valuable polyphenolic compounds have been targeted in SC-CO



tion studies including resveratrol (

Fig. 2

d), naringin (

Fig. 3

d) and

kaempferol glycosides, however in many cases the ef

ficiency of

extraction is measured not by the levels of speci

fic compounds but as

total phenolic content. Unlike carotenoids polyphenols are moderately
polar compounds and when extracted by SC-CO


a modi

fier usually eth-

anol is added to create a more polar environment. Addition of ethanol
increases the critical temperature of SC-CO


and if temperatures and

pressure are not increased to compensate, the mixture remains at or
near its critical point instead of the supercritical point. For extraction
of polyphenols the addition of a moderately polar modi

fier is critical

with most authors reporting zero yields when no ethanol is added

Casas et al., 2010; Palma & Taylor, 1999

). Similar to carotenoids ethanol

is usually added at relatively low levels (10

–20%) although extraction

using up to 60% ethanol has been reported (

Li et al., 2010

). In addition

to the bene

fits listed above for addition of a modifier for carotenoid ex-

traction, the addition of a polar modi

fier for polyphenol extraction will

also increase the solubility of the target compounds in the supercritical
solvent. As a result very high yields for modi

fier assisted SC-CO



tion of polyphenols from by-products have been reported. For example

Casas et al. (2010)

reported that resveratrol, a well known bioactive

phenolic compound in grape by-products (seed, stem, skin and pom-
ace) was ef

ficiently extracted using SC-CO


at high pressure (400 bar)

and low temperature (35 °C) using 5% v/v ethanol as a co-solvent. In
fact using these conditions, the extraction yields were 14.67 and 21.33
times higher than those of a conventional extraction method. Contrary
to most studies,

Goli, Barzegar and Sahari (2005)

reported a signi


lower extraction yield of phenolic compounds in SC-CO



(45 °C, 355 bar, 15 min) from pistachio (Pistachia vera) hull even after
using 15% methanol as modi

fier in comparison to solid/liquid water ex-

traction. The presence of highly polar compounds in pistachio might
have been the determinant factor in this study.

A wide variety of extraction temperatures have been reported as op-

timal for polyphenol extraction (

Table 1

, 35

–100 °C) from by-products

of plant origin. However in general most authors report that tempera-
tures between 40 and 60 °C are best. This is slightly lower than the op-
timal conditions for carotenoid extraction and would appear to imply
that polyphenols are less heat stable than carotenoids. Similar to carot-
enoids extraction pressures between 20 and 30 MPa are optimal for ex-
traction of polyphenols. As outlined above the enhanced solubility of
polyphenols at higher pressures is related to an increase in solvent den-
sity at higher pressures.

The type of pomace from which polyphenols are recovered can in-

fluence extraction yields. For example for apple and peach pomaces

Adil, Çetin, Yener and Bayindirli (2007)

reported that yields were

quite low with about 25% of phenols in comparison to 100% using an
ethanolic solid liquid extraction (SLE) (

Adil et al., 2007

). In contrast





Ferulic acid


Caffeic acid





Gallic acid














Chlorogenic acid







Fig. 2. Structures of the major phenolic acids and their derivatives extracted from food by-products.


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Giannuzzo, Boggetti, Nazareno and Mishima (2003)

reported that when

naringin was recovered from fresh citrus peel a higher yield was
obtained when SC-CO


was used than with SLE and a similar level to

that obtained by Soxhlet extraction. Polyphenols are structurally di-
verse class of plant metabolites which usually go through various mo-
lecular modi

fications predominantly by hydroxylation, glycosylation

and polymerisation. For example

Pinelo et al. (2007)

reported that mo-

nomeric polyphenol levels, such as catechins and phenolic acids were
increased, while polymeric polyphenols were not that well extracted
in SC-CO



Murga, Ruiz, Beltran and Cabezas (2000)

also reported that

low molecular weight polyphenols were best extracted by SC-CO



15% of added methanol. Even at these conditions high molecular weight
tannins were not extracted. Using methanol makes the application unu-
sable for food ingredient production. As noted earlier CO


is a non-polar

solvent and some authors have utilised SC-CO


as a pre-treatment to re-

move non-polar components prior to extraction of polyphenols from
plant by-products. For example

Vatai, Skerget and Knez (2009)


oped a 2 step process for extraction of phenolic compounds from
grape pomace involving pre-treatment with SC-CO


to remove non-

polar compounds followed by solvent extraction of the residue. This
technique gave better recoveries of phenolic compounds than single
step solvent extraction. In summary, it is possible to extract certain
polyphenols from by-products, but the use of modi

fier seems unavoid-

able. Therefore for the recovery of polyphenols other techniques, such
as PLE, may be more interesting.

4. Pressurised liquid extraction (PLE)

During PLE, pressure is applied, allowing the use of temperatures

above the boiling point of solvents (

Mendiola, Herrero, Cifuentes, &

Ibanez, 2007

). Extracting at elevated temperatures can be advanta-

geous due to changes in mass transfer and surface equilibria. Higher
extraction temperatures will increase the mass transfer rate and ex-
traction rates, because higher temperatures generally imply: i) an in-
crease in capacity of solvents to solubilise solutes, ii) an increase in
diffusion rates, iii) better disruption of solute

–matrix bonds, iv) a de-

crease in viscosity of the solvent and v) decrease in surface tension

Ramos, Kristenson, & Brinkman, 2002; Richter et al., 1996

). The ap-

plied high pressure, usually ranging from 4 to 20 MPa, ensures the
solvent maintains in the liquid state at the applied temperature

Ramos et al., 2002

). This is the main reason for the use of pressure,

although pressure has also been reported to help driving the solvent
into the pores of the matrix and enhance analyte solubility (


& Turner, 2011; Ramos et al., 2002

). The extra pressure effects seem

negligible though (

Mustafa & Turner, 2011

) and therefore researchers

usually apply one constant pressure in PLE experiments.

PLE is also known as pressurised solvent extraction, subcritical sol-

vent extraction or accelerated solvent extraction. When 100% water is
used as a solvent, PLE is generally called superheated water extraction,
subcritical water extraction, pressurised low polarity water extraction
or pressurised hot water extraction (

Pronyk & Mazza, 2009


Anthocyanin (a)

Procyanidin (b)









































Hesperidin (c)


















Naringin (d)

Fig. 3. Structures of

flavonoids and their derivatives commonly found in food by-products.


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PLE has mainly been used to optimise analytical extractions


Alonso-Salces et al., 2001; Luthria, 2008

), although a few commercial

applications exist in the

field of extraction of flavourings from natural

products as an alternative to steam distillation (

Cravotto & Cintas,


). PLE generally requires less time and a lower consumption of

organic solvents than conventional techniques (

Mendiola et al.,


). This is the reason why PLE may have commercial interest as al-

ternative extraction method to obtain bioactive compounds from by-

King and Grabiel (2007)

for example patented the potential

of the use of PLE in order to extract polyphenols from fruit and vege-
table by-products.

In order to recover bioactive compounds from food by-products,

food grade solvents such as aqueous ethanol or water can be used. At-
tempts to recover bioactive compounds from by-products have been
published, focusing mainly on polyphenolic compounds as is discussed

4.1. Polyphenols

As mentioned before, the world market for polyphenols is signi


cant, which generates interest in non-conventional extraction tech-
niques. PLE is one of the techniques that can be used in order to
extract polyphenols from by-products and has thus been studied by
various researchers. An overview is shown in

Table 2

. The main pa-

rameters that are important in PLE, are temperature, pressure,


rate and extraction time (

Cravotto & Cintas, 2007

). It should be

noted that optimal conditions depend on applied reference methods
and analytical procedures. Therefore yields higher than 100% have
been reported, since apparently, the conventional standard extraction
procedures were not extracting all of the polyphenols present. Keep-
ing this in mind, general trends of the in

fluence of various processing

parameters on extraction ef

ficiency can be noted.

Firstly the extracting ef

ficiency depends on the type of compound

to be extracted. As shown in

Table 2

, optimal conditions for anthocy-

anins (

Fig. 3

a), procyanidins (

Fig. 3

b) and

flavonols differ. This is to be

expected as with any compound, the solubility of polyphenols de-
pends on various parameters, such as polarity, size and the character-
istics of the extraction medium. The characteristics of the solvent can
be changed by adjusting the concentration of solvents used, for exam-
ple the temperature. The solvent used is also of great importance to
extraction yield. As shown in

Table 2

aqueous ethanol and water are

the major liquids used in PLE of polyphenols from by-products. By
using water only, rules and regulations for using organic solvents as
means of extraction can be avoided. In addition, using 100% water is
eliminating the cost of ethanol itself and the process cost of evaporat-
ing off organic solvents.

The temperature range that can be used for SWE ranges from the

boiling point (100 °C) of water to its critical point (374 °C). The critical
pressure of water is 218 bar. The pressure required to maintain water in
the condensed form depends on the temperature applied: for 200 °C a

minimum pressure of 1.5 MPa is required, while extraction at 300 °C re-
quires a minimum pressure of 8.5 MPa (

Smith, 2002

). The thermo-

dynamical properties of water change dramatically when the tempera-
ture is increased, especially the dielectric constant. Dielectric constants
that are similar to organic solvents such as methanol can be achieved at
200 °C (

Mendiola et al., 2007


Hydroethanolic mixtures are the other liquid often used in PLE of

bioactives (

Table 2

). By using solvent mixtures, advantages of both

can be utilised. For example one solvent can improve the solubility of
the solute (ethanol), while the other solvent can assist in desorption
of the solute from the matrix (water) (

Mustafa & Turner, 2011

). The

use of ethanol reduces the boiling point and affects the polarity of the
solvent. The ethanol concentration has therefore a large effect on the
extraction yield of polyphenols (

Wijngaard & Brunton, 2009


The temperature also affects extraction yield. As explained in the in-

troduction paragraph on PLE, mass transfer rates and extraction rates can
be enhanced by using an elevated temperature.

Table 2

shows that opti-

mal PLE temperatures ranged between 100 and 180 °C, with one excep-
tion at 40 °C. A required high temperature for ef

ficient extraction was


firmed by

Monrad, Howard, King, Srinivas and Mauromoustakos


, who reported that a temperature higher than 80 °C at a pres-

sure of 6.8 MPa was required to enable an ef

ficient procyanidin extrac-

tion from red grape pomace when using PLE.


Rivas-Gonzalo, Ibáñez and García-Moreno (2006)

found that the sum

of individual polyphenols of winery by-products also increased at elevat-
ed temperatures. In addition, the solubility of phenolic acids such as gal-
lic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic and coumaric acids (

Fig. 2

) increased with

enhanced temperatures, but at temperatures higher than 180 °C, the
phenolic acids were degraded (

Singh & Saldaña, 2011

). This showed

that increased temperatures can also have disadvantages and this should
be taken into consideration when optimising the process. It is especially
of importance for thermo-labile bioactive compounds, such as anthocya-
nins, which can be degraded at relatively low temperatures.


et al. (2010b)

reported degradation of anthocyanins in hydroethanolic

solutions at temperatures higher than 120 °C, while

Ju and Howard


mentioned degradation of anthocyanins at temperatures higher

than 100 °C. They did not use the same solvents (

Table 2

), which may ex-

plain the difference in results. In any case, at atmospheric pressure con-
ditions, anthocyanins were already degraded at temperatures higher
than 50 °C (

Ju & Howard, 2005

), which shows one of the advantages of

using PLE.

Another consequence of using high temperatures (around 140

150 °C) is that certain compounds, such as Maillard reaction products
and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF) can be produced de novo when
using PLE (

Monrad et al., 2010b; Wijngaard & Brunton, 2009

). These

compounds may not be desired. This should be taken into account
when designing an optimal process.

Flow rate is another parameter that can be adjusted. Although

most researchers do not optimise

flow rate, the important role it

may play when extracting polyphenols was emphasised by


Table 2

ficiency of and conditions used to extract polyphenols from by-products of plant origin using pressurised liquid extraction.


Target compounds

Extraction conditions



Red grape pomace


6.8 MPa, 140 °C, 50% ethanol

Total procyanidins (115%)

Monrad et al. (2010a)

Red grape pomace


6.8 MPa, 100 °C, 50% ethanol

Total anthocyanins (112%)

Monrad et al. (2010b)

Red grape pomace


10 MPa, 100 °C, 5 min, 0.1% HCl in water

Total anthocyanins (100%)

Ju and Howard (2003)

Apple pomace


10.3 MPa, 102 °C, 5 min, 60% ethanol


flavonols (130%)

Wijngaard and Brunton (2009)

Dried grape skin


110 °C, 40 s, 100% water

Total anthocyanins (100%)

Ju and Howard (2005)

110 °C, 40 s, sulfured water


Winery by-products



–7 MPa, 150 °C, 100% water

Procyanidins + catechins (38%)

García-Marino et al. (2006)

Onion waste


5 MPa, 120 °C, 15 min, 100% water + enzyme hydrolysis

Quercetin (106%)

Turner et al. (2006)

Potato peel

Phenolic acids

6 MPa, 180 °C, 60 min, 100% water

Phenolic acids (177%)

Singh and Saldaña (2011)

Pomegranate peel


10.2 MPa, 40 °C, 5 min, 100% water

Total phenolic content (100%)

Çam and HisIl (2010)

Onion skin



–13.1 MPa, 160 °C, 15 min, 100% water

Quercetin (92%)

Ko et al. (2011)


Sulfured water contained 1400

μg/mL Na








H. Wijngaard et al. / Food Research International 46 (2012) 505


background image

King, Howard and Monrad (2011)

. They discovered that optimisation

of the

flow rate is of major importance in order to effectively dissolve

a solute such as quercetin in SWE.

In addition sulphured water (water with an added 1400








), can enhance extraction of certain polyphenols, such as an-

thocyanins (

Table 2

). The mechanism is poorly understood, but it is

thought that the solubility is increased due to improved diffusion
through cell walls (

Gao & Mazza, 1996

), and/or the dielectric constant

of the solvent reduced. The reaction products of anthocyanins with
sulphites are more soluble in aqueous solvents than their parent an-
thocyanins (

Jackson, 2008

) resulting in higher extraction yields.

Sequential procedures can also be used to enhance extraction yields.

For example SWE at 100 °C, followed by an extraction at 150 °C was
found to be optimal to extract

flavonols and gallic acid (

Fig. 2

a) (


Marino, et al., 2006

). In summary, mainly temperature and type of solute

and extraction medium were reported to be of high importance when
extracting polyphenols from by-products.

5. Novel non-thermal and microwave assisted extraction

In addition to pressurised liquid extraction techniques discussed

above, other techniques exist that may assist in the extraction of bio-
active compounds, such as pulsed electric

fields (PEF), ultrasound

waves and microwaves. These techniques could for example be ap-
plied as a preliminary step in the extraction of bioactive compounds.

In PEF, material located between two electrodes is exposed to a

strong electrical

field. If the stress caused by the electrical field on the

membrane is large enough pore formation occurs. The pore formation
can be reversible or irreversible, and depends on the conditions of PEF
treatment, such as electric

field strength, pulse duration and the num-

ber of pulses. Pore formation enhances cell permeability (


Heinz, & Knorr, 2000

). PEF has been extensively investigated as a non-

thermal preservation technique. On the other hand, the use of PEF in
the recovery of bioactive compounds from by-products is not well stud-
ied up to now. The technique has been mainly used to extract polyphe-
nols from grape by-products. In red grape by-product the level of
anthocyanins was 60% increased when PEF was applied as a pre-
treatment of 1 min at 25 °C in combination with a conventional thermal
extraction at 70 °C for 1 h (

Corrales et al., 2008

). When white grape

skins were treated with PEF at a temperature of 20 °C, 10% more poly-
phenols than non-treated samples were extracted (

Boussetta et al.,


). PEF seems a potential technique to use as pre-treatment in the

extraction of polyphenols from by-products, although industrial scale
equipment is still under development and the technique does not
apply to solid products (

Han, 2007


Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) can also be used in the food in-

dustry to perform extractions. The technique uses high frequency sound
waves (higher than 20 kHz). When the ultrasound waves are strong
enough, bubbles are formed in the liquid. Eventually the formed bub-
bles cannot absorb the energy any longer and will collapse:


takes place. This collapse causes a change in temperature and pressure
within the bubble and hence energy for chemical reactions is generated.

Extremely high temperatures of 5000 °C and pressures of 1000 bar have
been measured. The process is affected by mechanical forces surround-
ing the bubble when a solid matrix is present (

Luque-García & Luque de

Castro, 2003

). Due to the cavitation process plant cell walls can be pen-

etrated, which provides an easier cell access. In addition, ultrasound can
result in swelling of the plant material, which in turn can enhance ex-
traction (

Vinatoru, 2001


Various studies have tested ultrasound and its effect on the extrac-

tion of polyphenols. Ultrasound has been shown to enhance the ex-
traction of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols from different
plant by-products in several studies (

Khan, Abert-Vian, Fabiano-Tixier,

Dangles, & Chemat, 2010; Vilkhu, Mawson, Simons, & Bates, 2008;
Virot, Tomao, Le Bourvellec, Renard, & Chemat, 2010

). Orange peels

were treated with ultrasound to extract the

flavanones hesperidin


Fig. 3

c) and naringin (

Fig. 3

d). Temperature, ethanol:water ratio and

sonication power were optimised using RSM. A temperature of 40 °C,
a 4:1 (v/v) ethanol:water ratio and a sonication power of 150 W were
determined as optimal. These conditions resulted in an enhanced ex-
traction of 38% for naringin and 41% for hesperidin when compared to
non-sonicated samples (

Khan et al., 2010


When ultrasound was applied to apple pomace, a by-product of the

apple cider industry, catechins were 20% better extracted than when a
conventional extraction was used. In addition, a scale up test was per-
formed with an ultrasonic bath of a volume of 30 L. (

Virot, Tomao, Le

Bourvellec, Renard, & Chemat, 2010

). Ultrasound has also been success-

fully applied to enhance the extraction of carotenoids from different by-
products of plant origin.

Sun, Liu, Chen, Ye and Yu (2011)


the effect of variety of factors (particle size, solvent type, solid:solvent
ratio, temperature, extraction time, acoustic intensity, height of liquid
and duty cycle of ultrasound exposure) on the ultrasound assisted ex-
traction yield of all-trans-

β-carotene from citrus peel. All tested UAE

conditions yielded higher all-trans-

β-carotene than that of conven-

tional solid/liquid extraction, with a maximum of ca. 11

μg all-


β-carotene/g DW at an extraction time of 120 min. The height

of the liquid present in the sample beaker showed an inverse rela-
tionship with extraction yield in UAE. The authors reported that
this may be explained by the fact that the cavitation intensity de-
creases with increasing height due to the attenuation of the waves
caused by absorption and scattering.

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves, which are usually operat-

ed at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. Microwaves can access biological ma-
trices and interact with polar molecules, such as water, and
generate heat. The temperature will rise, which generally leads to en-
hanced extraction ef

ficiency (

Wang & Weller, 2006

). An overview of

results of MAE of polyphenols from by-products is shown in

Table 3


By using MAE the extraction time can be reduced in comparison to
conventional extraction methods (

Ballard, Mallikarjunan, Zhou, &

O'Keefe, 2010; Liazid, Guerrero, Cantos, Palma, & Barroso, 2011;
Pérez-Serradilla & Luque de Castro, 2011

). MAE extraction ef


principally depends on microwave energy, treatment time and tem-
perature used. It should be noted that in general temperature in-
crease enhances extraction rates of solutes due to the same reasons

Table 3

ficiency of and conditions used to extract polyphenols from by-products of plant origin using microwave assisted extraction.


Target compounds

Extraction conditions



Longan peel


95% ethanol, 80 °C, 500 W, 30 min, 2.45 GHz

Total phenolic content (115%)

Pan et al. (2008)

Grape seed


66 °C, 200 s, 30 W

Total phenolic content (13.5%)

Hong et al. (2001)

Satsuma peels


70% ethanol, 140 °C, 7 min, 1000 W, 2.45 GHz

Narirutin (93%)

Inoue et al. (2010)

Hesperidin (91%)

Peanut skins


30% ethanol, 30 s, 855 W

Total phenolic content (122%)

Ballard et al. (2010)

Grape skins


40% methanol, 100 °C, 5 min, 500 W

Total anthocyanins (118%)

Liazid et al. (2011)

Wine lees


75% ethanol, 200 W, 17 min

Total phenolic content

Pérez-Serradilla and
Luque de Castro (2011)

Mandarin pomace

Phenolic acids

Dry, 125 W, 5 min, 2.45 GHz

Total phenolic acids (99%)

Hayat, Zhang, Chen, et al. (2010),
Hayat, Zhang, Farooq, et al. (2010)


H. Wijngaard et al. / Food Research International 46 (2012) 505


background image

as mentioned with PLE. But as with PLE very high extraction temper-
atures can generate unwanted compounds. For example,


Sakamoto and Azuma (2010)

reported that the proportion of poly-

phenol in the extract of tea residue increased from 25.3% to 74.4%
when the temperature was increased from 110 °C to 230 °C using
MAE. However, 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural, a potentially harmful
compound was also formed at 230 °C. Therefore, caution should be
taken while increasing the temperature in MAE.

The effect of microwave energy and treatment time on the extrac-

tion of phenolic compounds from citrus mandarin peel and pomace
has been described in the studies of

Hayat, Zhang, Chen, et al. (2010)


Hayat, Zhang, Farooq, et al.(2010)

. The results showed that an in-

crease of microwave energy and time signi

ficantly increased the con-

tent of free phenolics in the extracts while decreasing the bound
phenolic content. This indicated that microwave treatments had
cleaved and liberated some of the bound phenolics from the tissue ma-
trix, thus allowing them to be available in free form in the extracts.
However, higher microwave energy and longer treatment time resulted
in degradation of some

flavonol compounds. The greatest advantage of

MAE over conventional maceration and/or solid/liquid extraction is ex-
treme reduction of extraction time while obtaining similar or higher ex-
traction ef

ficiency. More research needs to be carried out on this topic

though, especially on the effect of microwave technology and the ex-
traction of individual polyphenols and other bioactive compounds.

6. Conclusions

Selection of the most sustainable extraction technique for plant

by-products depends on the source and the bioactive compound to
be extracted. SC-CO


is the best technique used for apolar compounds

such as carotenoids, while PLE is more suited for more polar compounds,
such as polyphenols. PLE is less studied and still requires further research
before application, especially on possibilities of up-scaling. To our knowl-
edge PLE is not currently used at all on an industrial scale. Analytical sys-
tems are readily available and some laboratories have made their own
pilot scale version (

Pronyk & Mazza, 2009

). SC-CO


is an older technique

and is already used on industrial scale. In addition to batch systems, the
present industrial scale SC-CO


extractors can consist of continuous or

semi-continuous systems. In addition, it has to be noted that bioactive
compounds are usually a minor part of the by-product. In particular
plant by-products mainly consist of carbohydrates which may also
have a commercial application. Therefore at an industrial scale sustain-
able solutions should make use of all usable streams present. For exam-

Schieber et al. (2003)

extracted polyphenols from apple pomace with

resins after which the remaining pomace was used for pectin extraction.

Some researchers have proposed the use of multiple pressurised

fluid steps to separate various compounds in a sustainable way. These
steps would involve standard SC-CO


, subcritical water extraction, su-


fluid chromatography and supercritical membrane separa-

tion (

King & Srinivas, 2009

). In addition, the use of technologies such

as PEF, ultrasound, microwave assisted extraction, in combination
with pressurised

fluid extraction techniques mentioned above could

further enhance extraction ef

ficiencies. These could be applied either

as a pre-treatment step or simultaneous with the extraction methodol-
ogy applied. For example from a practical point of view, it is possible to
use a combination of PEF and PLE. There are many ways of combining
steps and it would be very interesting for science and industry to opti-
mise the extraction of bioactive compounds on a larger scale. The
scale up and combination of potential techniques are therefore priori-
ties for further research as they could provide sustainable solutions for
an increasing waste problem.


The authors would like to acknowledge the Food Institutional Re-

search Measure (FIRM) 2006programme from the Irish Department

of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the funding of this literature


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