Uncle Setnakt Sez Perform a Ritual Toasting

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Uncle Setnakt Sez - Perform a Ritual Toasting
Don Webb

The spring is upon us. Uncle Setnakt's yard is yellow with daffodils and fragrant
with hyacinths. Uncles Setnakt is in a generous mood and has decided to give
you a seven-step ritual (in honor of the seven heads of the first beast), which
must be performed exactly at midnight on the Wednesday /Thursday cusp or -- of
course anytime you feel like it. I'll round out my column with a couple of remarks
about the rite (in honour of the two eyebrows -- ahem horns of the Second
Beast). This rite may be done alone or by a group. If by a group, each participant
must take part in each round of toasts -- NO PASSING!

1. Prepare your chamber. The preparation of a sacred space sets up all the
moods and expectations you want for Self-exploration and Magic. If you reuse a
chamber often, the mere entering of it can put you in a state of communication
with yourSelf and -- perhaps -- the Unknown that lies beyond. For communication
with the Prince of Darkness, the creator of isolate intelligence, the chamber
should be dark, display His Pentagram (the Kaliyuga Productions Pentagram will
do excellently if like Uncle Setnakt you can't paint your own), and those ritual
tools you deem necessary. You'll also need a quantity of sweet liquid (Uncle
Setnakt recommends water with a little honey -- this mixture may touch off some
dim ancestral memories indeed considering that the roots of the words
"mead"and "soma" both mean honeyed water). The chamber should be quiet and
out of the way, so you can relax, calmly listen to yourSelf.

2. Prepare yourself. Read through this article and be sure you've found the
internal and external facts you'll need. Dress for the occasion, whether it is ritual
robes or just a black tasteful suit, you are going to honor the highest part of
yourSelf! Your attitude and demeanor should be one of solemn joy! Don't
approach this rite until you are both prideful and joyful. When you enter the
chamber, remain in darkness and silence for a while, until your mind is working
smoothly and the rite can flow out of you freely.

3. Begin in your standard manner. Ritual openings improve with time and use,
you don't have to cut new channels to the Unknown every time you work. For
those of you who are trying to reinvent the wheel, I recommend the ringing of a
bell nine times and an invocation to the Prince of Darkness.

An invocation in which your Will joins with His to Work a change in the world -- to
break the fetters which bind us to the natural order and increase the development
of mankind's evolution and consciousness as well as your personal joy and
power. An invocation is not a prayer -- it is the causing of that noble part of
yourSelf to rise to the surface and seek out alliances with those of its own kind.
None of this "Grant me this" or "please send me so-and-so."

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4. Drink in a principle or god you'll need for step 6. This continues the
principle of invocation. If you wish to effect a Work in the world that requires --
let's say the use of words -- you may wish to say something like, "I raise my
drinking horn to Wodenhaz, who through sacrifice of Self brought us the runes by
which we may change the wyrd of the world through our writing." Drink deeply
and Become Wodenhaz. If you prefer not to use the stimulation of mythology you
might simply invoke a principle -- as in, "I drink to Communication through which I
cast my Will upon other men and by which I establish a link with the other secret
side of the Universe."

5. Drink to a human you wish to honor. This continues the principle of
invocation as well as forging links between the living and the dead (if you've
chosen a dead hero to honor) or between the Work you are doing and a living
force in the objective universe. This reminds us that "Man is God" and keeps us
from becoming hopeless cynics. The Hero chosen for this honor should be
picked by the most personal of standards. It could be your father, or an Egyptian
pharaoh of the XXth dynasty. If it's someone you don't know personally, research
your guy (or gal). This will acquaint you with the possibilities in the human psyche
as well as the combination of method and persistence needed to achieve

Here's an example, "I drink to Howard Phillips Lovecraft, who remained true to
the weird vision he created, and brought it forth in his own work and others that it
might work upon the collective unconsciousness of mankind forever."

6. Drink to your own accomplishment. Now you are beginning to weave
yourSelf into this strand. This accomplishes three things. First it helps you
become prideful of real accomplishments. In our society, we are taught not to
take any pride in what we do -- the "Aw shucks" attitude. This fetters us to a state
of unworthiness as well as preventing us from expecting to achieve greatness.
Pride is the breaker of that fetter. Second it makes us aware of the force of our
Becoming, this is an important step in the LHP -- seeing yourSelf first as a tiny
stream cutting your way through the world, but growing into a vast river that
reshapes the land. We discover that our life has purpose and meaning and that
Self doesn't flair up in random incidents, but is an unbroken continuum. Third to
prepare for this toast you must examine you own life looking for objective
achievements. This leads to Self knowledge, one of the principle roots of
personal immortality. An example would be, "I drink to Setnakt, who cast the
Runes into BRIMSTONE so that others may use them for the brilliance and glory
of their desire and to His eternal glory."

7. Drink a pledge to yourSelf of a deed to be done. Herein lies the magic of
this rite, through the great exaltation/invocation which you have just done, you've
reached a state of changing that which is coming into being. By stating the deed
you intend to accomplish, you are bringing to bear the very force you have
invoked against the resistance of the world in the direction of your goal. This goal
should be a real measurable goal that furthers your Being. This isn't praying to

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Somebody somewhere to send you something somehow -- this is you directing
the forces that are within and beyond you to further your own Self. This is an
extension and magnification of YOU!

An example would be, "I Setnakt do raise this horn in troth to the Great Setnakt
swearing that I will have finished my novel before I next sit in this hall! I swear
that this work will reveal the strength, beauty, and terror of my art!" After this
fearsome pledge, you must meditate on past failures and triumphs slowly letting
this meditation take you to an Understanding of the nature of isolate intelligence.
When this is achieved, you may close in the standard manner. For those of you
operating outside of the Temple of Set, I would recommend crying out, "Hail Set!
Hail Loki!" and ringing the bell nine times.

8. To be effective this rite must be done many times. Sometimes you will
have to come to the chamber with an Understanding that you've failed in your
goal. This will teach about resistance, you may have to recast your oath or
redouble your efforts. By meditating on this you will have learned about yourSelf
and the Universe. Sometimes you will come to boast on accomplishments. You
will begin to sense your Becoming -- to make real contact will your godhood. This
will enable you to become mightier in your magic and achievement. If practiced
regularly -- say one a month at chosen midnights -- not only will you throw off
muddy subjectivity but you learn the path whereby that which is within your black
heart may be brought forth into the world.

9. This rite has been done countless times. This is a very simplified form of a
rite of Germanic warriors called the sumble. This combination of toasts and oaths
is scattered throughout Northern European literature -- its last form being found
in the myths of King Arthur and the Round Table. It has been revised in a darker
form by a Warrior-Priest within a knightly Order of the Temple of Set. More than
this I cannot say, but here lies a Great Secret for ritual construction. Take a ritual
that was Worked and when you ReWork it according to the principles of your true
Self -- it will Work again.

Uncle Setnakt hopes you have a pleasant day.


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