L2 035 Reading

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wg STANAG 6001

Język: angielski

Poziom: 2

Sprawność: CZYTANIE

Czas trwania: 70 min.

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P O Z I O M 2



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Read the text and circle T for True or F for False.

Some people are dogged by bad luck. Others are incredibly lucky. I sometimes wonder whether

we are architects of our fortunes, or if our fate is determined
you prove how little power we have over what happens to us.

Some years ago, I heard of a Mercedes

beam which had fallen from a construction crane. The driver wasn’t hurt because the beam pierced the
car’s roof and hit the unoccupied passenger seat. Another memorable story was that of a driver going
to work on I-270 while a truck on the 495 made a dangerous maneuver and spilled its cargo of wood,
killing the driver below. One second earlier or one second later and the guy might

However, no story has struck me as

misfortunes would have broken even the most patient. Together with her husband, Nick,
planning a visit to England for a long time as she
finally booked a transatlantic flight and off they went. The flight from Washington, D.C. had its usual
delays connected with increased security, which my friends took calmly. However, by the time they
found themselves on board the plane, they were really tired.

At first, the flight was smooth and, after unfastening their belts, they relaxed and waited for

their meal. It turned out to be quite tasty and they eagerly ate everything on their plates. Howeve
either because of turbulence or something in the food, Sarah felt sick and rushed to the bathroom.
Once there, she fainted and fell. When she regained consciousness, she realized that her leg was badly
hurt. But she had to do without treatment until tou

In the meantime, her relatives started to worry because the plane had arrived but there was no

sign of the couple in the arrivals lounge. Finally, after some inquiries, they found out what had
happened and went straight to the hospital. Sarah had an operation during which her broken bones
were put together with screws. After her leg was put in plaster, the doctors told her that her stay in
hospital wouldn’t take less than ten days. The bright spot, ho
same hospital. So their long-awaited meeting finally took place, albeit in rather unfortunate

After ten days in hospital, Sarah and Nick returned to the US. However, another unpleasant

surprise awaited them at the airport. It turned out Sarah could not go through customs control without
having her plaster taken off. The officers wanted to make sure that it contained no terrorist threat. So
they cut the plaster open and, after inspection, incompetentl
hospital was necessary after Sarah and Nick landed in the US.

Well, as you can see, no one is the master of their own fate.


A passenger of a Mercedes Benz was killed by a steel beam.


Another driver was killed by cargo falling from a truck above.


The delays at the airport upset the couple.


Sarah fainted on her way to the bathroom.


Instead of going to the airport the couple’s family went to the hospital.


Sarah’s brother came to the


Customs officers suspected the woman of bad intentions.


Read the text and circle T for True or F for False.

Misfortunes Never Come Singly

Some people are dogged by bad luck. Others are incredibly lucky. I sometimes wonder whether

es, or if our fate is determined by chance. The stories that I want to tell

wer we have over what happens to us.

Some years ago, I heard of a Mercedes-Benz that had been pinned to the asphalt by a steel

beam which had fallen from a construction crane. The driver wasn’t hurt because the beam pierced the

cupied passenger seat. Another memorable story was that of a driver going

270 while a truck on the 495 made a dangerous maneuver and spilled its cargo of wood,

killing the driver below. One second earlier or one second later and the guy might

However, no story has struck me as much as the one of my neighbour, Sarah

ven the most patient. Together with her husband, Nick,

England for a long time as she wanted to see her ill brother who lived there. They

finally booked a transatlantic flight and off they went. The flight from Washington, D.C. had its usual
delays connected with increased security, which my friends took calmly. However, by the time they

ound themselves on board the plane, they were really tired.

At first, the flight was smooth and, after unfastening their belts, they relaxed and waited for

It turned out to be quite tasty and they eagerly ate everything on their plates. Howeve

either because of turbulence or something in the food, Sarah felt sick and rushed to the bathroom.
Once there, she fainted and fell. When she regained consciousness, she realized that her leg was badly

he had to do without treatment until touch-down. Right after landing she was taken to

In the meantime, her relatives started to worry because the plane had arrived but there was no

sign of the couple in the arrivals lounge. Finally, after some inquiries, they found out what had

ed and went straight to the hospital. Sarah had an operation during which her broken bones

were put together with screws. After her leg was put in plaster, the doctors told her that her stay in
hospital wouldn’t take less than ten days. The bright spot, however, was that her ill brother was in the

awaited meeting finally took place, albeit in rather unfortunate

After ten days in hospital, Sarah and Nick returned to the US. However, another unpleasant

ted them at the airport. It turned out Sarah could not go through customs control without

having her plaster taken off. The officers wanted to make sure that it contained no terrorist threat. So
they cut the plaster open and, after inspection, incompetently put it back in place. Another visit to
hospital was necessary after Sarah and Nick landed in the US.

Well, as you can see, no one is the master of their own fate.

A passenger of a Mercedes Benz was killed by a steel beam.

killed by cargo falling from a truck above.

The delays at the airport upset the couple.

Sarah fainted on her way to the bathroom.

Instead of going to the airport the couple’s family went to the hospital.

the hospital to visit her.

Customs officers suspected the woman of bad intentions.

Some people are dogged by bad luck. Others are incredibly lucky. I sometimes wonder whether

by chance. The stories that I want to tell

Benz that had been pinned to the asphalt by a steel

beam which had fallen from a construction crane. The driver wasn’t hurt because the beam pierced the

cupied passenger seat. Another memorable story was that of a driver going

270 while a truck on the 495 made a dangerous maneuver and spilled its cargo of wood,

killing the driver below. One second earlier or one second later and the guy might have survived.

much as the one of my neighbour, Sarah, whose string of

ven the most patient. Together with her husband, Nick, she had been

wanted to see her ill brother who lived there. They

finally booked a transatlantic flight and off they went. The flight from Washington, D.C. had its usual
delays connected with increased security, which my friends took calmly. However, by the time they

At first, the flight was smooth and, after unfastening their belts, they relaxed and waited for

It turned out to be quite tasty and they eagerly ate everything on their plates. However,

either because of turbulence or something in the food, Sarah felt sick and rushed to the bathroom.
Once there, she fainted and fell. When she regained consciousness, she realized that her leg was badly

down. Right after landing she was taken to

In the meantime, her relatives started to worry because the plane had arrived but there was no

sign of the couple in the arrivals lounge. Finally, after some inquiries, they found out what had

ed and went straight to the hospital. Sarah had an operation during which her broken bones

were put together with screws. After her leg was put in plaster, the doctors told her that her stay in

wever, was that her ill brother was in the

awaited meeting finally took place, albeit in rather unfortunate

After ten days in hospital, Sarah and Nick returned to the US. However, another unpleasant

ted them at the airport. It turned out Sarah could not go through customs control without

having her plaster taken off. The officers wanted to make sure that it contained no terrorist threat. So

y put it back in place. Another visit to















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Read the text and choose the best answer A, B or C.

To Cheat or Not to Cheat

Cheating in schools has a long history, but these days it is being described as a real epidemic.

There are various reasons why students cheat. Some of them want to obtain the best results. Some
cheat because their schedules are full and they cannot keep the pace. And in Poland and Hungary, for
example, students cheat because they are forced to absorb tonnes of worthless information.

Moreover, both in Poland and in Hungary, the examples coming from the job market are not

very encouraging. It’s commonly believed that success is usually achieved through connections rather
than hard work. No matter how much teachers promote honesty in the classroom, students cheat, as
they feel de-motivated. Even the most hard-working students feel discouraged. If the job market is
corrupt, why should they bother?

Another country where cheating is widespread is Sudan. Surprisingly, students cheat even

though the penalties are severe. If you get caught there, all your other exam results are deleted and
you are expelled from school with no chance of re-sitting. However, students cheat anyway, because
classrooms designed for 30, contain 70 people. All this puts teachers under a lot of stress. For one
thing, it is difficult to control huge groups of students. For another, teachers turn a blind eye as they
realize they are in a position to destroy a person’s life in a moment.

In Britain, the consequences of cheating can also be serious. One teacher said that when he was

doing his ‘A' levels, one boy was caught cheating in an exam. He wasn't allowed to complete the paper.
And for all the other exams he had to sit alone on a platform in full view of everyone. It was so
humiliating that he just broke down in tears. It only goes to show how cheating is perceived in Britain.
The system ensures that dishonesty is punished severely. To the British, following the rules has
nothing to do with cruelty.

Nevertheless, students’ attitudes have been changing in recent years. According to a survey

conducted in the USA, the majority of learners cheated at some point in their careers. In the past, most
cheats were low-performing students, but now the brightest people who need to get high grades are
on top of the list. There is no question that colleges put a lot of pressure on students, since they accept
only the best candidates. But the truth is a lot of cheating results from laziness or imitation of peers’
behaviour. A wide range of electronic devices that are now at students’ disposal only add to the
problem. Mobile phones are so popular that students often forget that using them on tests or exams is

Another form of cheating, which has become a worldwide problem, is plagiarism via the

Internet. Students download essays from various websites. The reason is that in many educational
systems, written tasks are assigned regularly and play an important role in a student’s assessment, so
it's worth handing in excellent work. Unfortunately, a lot of students find it difficult to complete their
tasks on time. They usually wait till the very last moment, then feel lost and the only solution left for
them is to browse the Internet. Some commonly-known search engines or the so-called "paper mills"
offer hundreds of essays for downloading, at a modest price. Interestingly, the web addresses
themselves can be provocative, as the popular www.schoolsucks.com.

As the problem grows, universities are trying to deal with it. They have turned for help to

specially-designed web search engines. The most sophisticated ones, such as www.turnitin.com, not
only seek for the same chains of words, but also analyze small fragments of text by means of
algorithms. In other words, detection tool servers hold a number of works in their database and
compare them with a given essay, which helps to identify the copied papers. However, the universities
stop being enthusiastic when it comes to the price: the above tools cost thousands. In effect, very few
academics use this software. Some professors, when asked about it, responded that they use such
detectors, but they refused to give any details.

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In Polish and Hungarian schools students cheat because …


their teachers approve of it


they don’t work hard enough


they follow real life examples


During examinations in Sudan …


teachers prefer to ignore cheating


students are too scared to cheat


cheating is easy to notice


The teacher tells the story of a student to show …


how cruel his teachers were


a weakness in the British system


how shameful cheating in Britain is


The US study shows that …


most students have cheated before


weak students cheat most often


best students hardly ever cheat


Students copy from the Internet mainly because …


their essays needn’t be of top quality


they are provoked by the websites


they have to meet the deadline


“Paper mills” offer essays …


for a small fee


free of charge


at a high price


Universities do not use the detection software as it is …


very complicated


too expensive



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In this task six phrases have been removed from the text and placed at the bottom. An extra phrase has
been included. You must decide which phrase goes into which gap and write the letter in the box below
the sentences.


Defence Secretary Robert Gates took action immediately after he learned that the military pays

up to $440 an hour for … (1) … . However, the experts’ excessive pay isn’t the only factor that causes

controversy. Another worry is the fact that they work for defence companies which get contracts from

DoD (Department of Defence). Of course, this situation could not be tolerated. To solve the problem,

Robert Gates introduced …(2)… those senior advisors and ordered them to make their business

connections public. He also demanded the advisors who earn more than $119,554 a year should reveal

such information.

However, three months after Robert Gates ordered greater openness in the military-business

relations, Deputy Defence Secretary William Lynn announced a different policy. He said that retired

military advisors should … (3) … only about their private finances. The Pentagon explains that this

surprising change in the government policy is based on advice by the Office of Government Ethics. This

may be true, but the new policy is against the best interests of the American taxpayer who has the

right to know where the money is going.

Senior military advisors who receive money from defence corporations should not keep their

business deals and Pentagon financial arrangements secret. It is because ... (4) ... between businesses

and the military have a bad effect on public trust. This is essential to continued support for defence

programmes and operations.

Indeed, it may be necessary to … (5) … , but it should be done only through publicly known

agreements. The Pentagon could, for example, extend their active-duty service or create civilian

positions for them. That way their ‘business’ activities could be under stricter control.

It is a bad practice to allow retired military staff to collect their pensions, work for defence firms and

receive money from Pentagon. That is why, lawmakers are trying to … (6) … which will force DoD

senior advisors to inform the public about their finances and deals. They should do that as quickly as


… A … use the knowledge of generals and admirals

… B … advice from retired generals and admirals

… C … stop using the services of military officials

… D… introduce a new law

… E … a limitation on salaries paid to

… F … such unclear relations

… G … inform the general public








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