Griffin Toni My Christmas Present

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Published by Silver Publishing

Publisher of Erotic Romance

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Published by Silver Publishing

Publisher of Erotic Romance

My Christmas


Toni Griffin

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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Jason Huffman

My Christmas Present © 2011 Toni Griffin

ISBN # 9781920502669

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For my daughter: Thank you for understanding that

sometimes mummy has to write.

I love you.

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The author acknowledges the trademarked status and

trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned

in this work of fiction:

Akubra: Akubra Hats Pty Ltd

Panadol: SmithKline Beecham Limited

Wranglers: Wrangler Apparel Corp

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Lucas knew just where to find his father. The end of

the work week had arrived and Friday night meant

Benjamin Winters would be down at the local pub with his

best friend, just as he had been for so many years Lucas

had lost count. It was a tradition that had started when he

was younger, Lucas thought it was maybe because his dad

was lonely, but he couldn't be sure. Ted's Place was nothing

special, but they did serve the best steak in town.

Lucas couldn't wait to see his father again, but more

than that he couldn't wait to see his dad's best friend,

Mitchell Morgan. His dad and Mitchell had grown up

together, living on neighbouring stations in far north

Western Australia. His father, Ben, hadn't wanted to work

on a station and so his grandparents had sold up when they

wanted to retire. Ben had become a police officer and loved

his job.

Mitchell had been a constant in his father's life since

grade school. He had been there the day Lucas came into

this world, his mum and dad only being seventeen. Lucas

was the result of one too many drinks and a lack of

protection that didn't seem all that important at the time.

Boy, were they wrong.

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Lucas had been lucky though, he could have been

given up for adoption or even aborted but his parents had

wanted to keep him. Instead he grew up knowing he was

loved. Three years after Lucas was born Mitchell was the

best man at his dad's wedding, and not even five years later,

Mitchell helped his dad keep it together after his mum had

passed away from breast cancer.

He had also been there for all the important parts of

Lucas's life. The most difficult being when he came out to

his father at age sixteen. Lucas'd had a crush on Mitchell

since he was fourteen and started to suspect he might be

gay. He didn't know what it was about the older man but

there was something that just flat out did it for him.

Mitchell had black, wavy hair that always looked

like he had just gotten out of bed, when he wasn't wearing

his Akubra. He had a strong chiselled jaw, which seemed to

Lucas like it had a permanent five o'clock shadow, and the

most amazing silver/grey eyes Lucas had ever seen.

The man looked drop dead gorgeous in a pair of

Wranglers with his boots and cowboy hat. He had thick

muscular legs and arms that Lucas wanted to be wrapped

up in more than anything. Lucas had been jacking off to

fantasies about Mitchell for the last nine years of his life.

He had, however, never gotten up the courage to do

anything about his fantasies. Lucas saw the way Mitchell

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would look at him occasionally when he didn't think

anyone would notice. He was sure Mitchell would never act

on whatever feelings he might have towards him though

because of his father.

Lucas had thought about this constantly and decided

he needed to know once and for all if the love he had for

Mitchell was reciprocated. And yes, Lucas meant love. His

feelings had started out the same way any teenage crush

had, but soon grew into something more. Lucas felt

constantly aware of Mitchell when they were close and

often wondered what he was doing or if he was happy

when they were apart.

Being anywhere near the man would have Lucas

sporting wood within seconds of Mitchell's scent hitting

him. Even after a full day of work out in the sun riding

horses and herding cattle. Mitchell's scent was wild and

masculine and entirely his own. Lucas had never smelled

anything as good and thought if he were able to bottle it, he

would make a fortune.

Pulling into the parking lot, Lucas prepared himself

to turn his car off, and with it, the semi-working air

conditioner. He couldn't wait to get inside and cool down.

Shutting off the engine, Lucas resigned himself to the wet

heat as he quickly got out and locked the doors. He raced to

the entrance of Ted's as fast as he could, wanting cool air to

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once again surround his body.

He sighed with relief when he stepped inside the

pub. Lucas enjoyed the feeling of being hit upside the head

with a blast of cold air. His hot body started to relax as it

slowly cooled. Looking around, he noticed all the

Christmas decorations and the giant tree in the corner with

presents underneath for all the kids in the area. Finally he

spotted his dad and Mitchell sitting at their regular table, a

couple of beers in front of them.

Lucas stood there and stared at the man who had

meant everything to him for so long. After being gone for

most of the last four years at university, Lucas couldn't get

enough of looking at the man.

Working the land and raising cattle seemed to be in

Lucas's blood, unlike his father, so he'd worked on

Mitchell's station, the 'Double M', during the school

holidays every year since he'd turned sixteen, even after he

went off to uni. His love for the land had directly affected

what he studied at uni and, as such, he had walked away

with a Bachelor of Animal Science from Murdoch

University in Perth. The one thing he hadn't counted on

when leaving for uni had been how much he would miss

that man.

He thought about Mitchell when he was alone in his

bed at night. Lucas had hated being away at college. Yes,

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he had experimented with other boys his age, but it was

always Mitchell's face he saw when he was with anyone

else. Being away from Mitchell for so long had only

increased his feelings towards the older man.

Still standing just inside the door, Lucas looked his

fill. Mitchell was pushing forty these days, but Lucas

thought the man had never looked better. He was startled

when right in the middle of the conversation he was having

with Lucas's dad, Mitchell stopped talking and his eyes

sought out Lucas.

He saw surprise and what he hoped looked like

longing flit across the stunning silver eyes, but couldn't be

sure from this distance. Lucas's father, having noticed

Mitchell's distraction, turned and stared at his son for a

second before his face broke into a wide grin and he stood

from the table.

Lucas made his way through the tables and other

people until he stood in front of his dad.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, yourself," his dad replied before he was

pulled into a rough hug, large hands pounding into his

back. Stepping away, his father held him at arm's length

while he seemed to look him over.

"What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you

until a couple of days before Christmas," his father asked.

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"I know, I finished my last exam and suddenly all I

wanted was to come home," Lucas said quietly, glancing

sideways at Mitchell, who was also standing. "So I packed

my stuff, threw everything in the car, and here I am."

His dad grunted and let him go; everyone knew how

much Lucas had missed home when he had been away.

Lucas smiled innocently and turned to Mitchell. "Don't I

get a welcome back hug?"

"I'll go get you a beer," his dad announced and left

the table

"Of course you do." Mitchell answered him in his

deep, velvety voice. Lucas felt his cock twitch in his jeans,

then took the two steps required before he was engulfed in

the strong arms of the man he had wanted for nearly a


Lucas brought his arms up and wrapped them tight

around Mitchell's back, his head coming to rest in the

juncture between neck and shoulder. Lucas breathed in the

scent of sweat, horse, and man all mixed in together and

was happy to be home. His cock, also in agreement with

him grew and lengthened within its tight confines.

The feel of Mitchell's nose buried in his hair and the

small exhale of breath down the back of his neck sent a

shiver of want through his body. Mitchell seemed to tighten

his hold on him, pulling their bodies into close, physical

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contact before he let go and retook his seat at the table.

Mitchell wouldn't look Lucas in the eyes but before Lucas

could say anything his father returned with his beer and set

the bottle on the table, then grabbed an extra chair from one

of the other tables and turned it for Lucas to sit on.

Their discussion was light and easy, Lucas catching

his dad up on everything that had happened in the last six

months, which he didn't already know about, and his father

doing the same. They ordered dinner and another round of

drinks, and throughout the entire conversation Mitchell still

hadn't looked at him.

Turning to the stubborn, sexy older man, he thought

the direct approach might work. "Do I still have a job at the

Double M, or do I need to look elsewhere?" he asked with a

raised eyebrow.

Mitchell finally looked at him at the mention of

working at the station before he looked away again. He

seemed to hesitate before he answered. "You still have a

job if you want it. Come out on Monday and talk to Craig,

he'll put you to work." Craig Jamieson was Mitchell's

foreman. The man had worked his way up from hand to

foreman and had been at the station for as long as Mitchell

had been running it.

"Thank you, I might pop out over the weekend to

say hello to the horses, it's been a while." Before anyone

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could respond, their meal arrived and all conversation

ceased while they ate. Not long after they had finished

eating Mitchell nodded like he had made up his mind and

pushed away from the table and stood.

"If you'll excuse me, I have things back home I need

to take care of. Ben, I'll talk to you later. Lucas—" He

seemed to pause for a second and his eyes grew softer

before hardening again. Lucas decided he wanted to get lost

in their stormy depths. Mitchell picked his hat up of the

table, turned, and walked away.

"Well, that was certainly interesting," his dad said.

Lucas turned from watching the hasty retreat of the man he

longed for, only to find his father watching him closely.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing. Come on, let's get you home and settled

back in." Lucas nodded and stood, his mind still focused on

the stunning image of Mitchell's tight ass encased in faded

denim as he walked away. Lucas followed his father as he

paid for the meal and walked out into the car park.

The humidity this time of year was a real killer and

the wet season seemed to be in full swing as Lucas looked

up to see the dark clouds rolling in. He followed his father

as they drove through the small town, until they pulled into

the driveway of the house his father had bought when his

parents sold their station.

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The house wasn't anything special, just a typical

three bedroom, one bathroom house common to the region,

but his dad had made it into their home. He smiled as he

got out of his car and saw the flowers lining the path to the

front door. His dad had a real green thumb and could grow

just about anything. He spent a lot of time in his garden

when he wasn't working or out at Mitchell's.

"Dad, we've got to find you a lady." He said as his

dad walked over to help him with his suitcases and boxes

of books.

"Your mother was the love of my life, Lucas. I'm

not sure there's anyone else out there for me."

Lucas sighed. Even thought it had been fifteen years

since his mom had passed, he knew his dad still missed her.

"Anyway, we need to concentrate on getting you

someone, not me." His dad stated matter-of-factly. He

seemed to be watching him for a reaction.

Lucas laughed, but even he could tell it was

strained. "Dad, I highly doubt there are a lot of prospects

for me out here." Lucas already knew who he wanted and

he doubted he'd ever get the chance.

"We'll see, son. You never know just what's around

the corner." With that, his dad grabbed his two suitcases

and walked away, leaving Lucas staring after his father

with his mouth hanging open. Just how much did his old

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man know about his feelings for his best friend?

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Mitchell had been hard since Friday night.

Considering it was now Sunday afternoon, that was a long

time to be aching. Not even jerking himself to completion

four times seemed to have any effect on his painful hard-

on. Anyone would think he was a randy teenager with the

way his dick was acting, not a thirty-nine year old man with

what he used to think of as exceptional control. Now,

however, his body seemed to be rebelling against him.

Seeing Lucas walk into the pub on Friday night had

felt like he'd been hit over the head with a two-by-four.

Mitchell had started to notice Lucas soon after his

eighteenth birthday. The kid he had known and loved had

grown into a sexy young man. With dirty blond hair,

piercing blue eyes, and a chiselled jaw line, Lucas was, in

his opinion, every young gay man's wet dream. His most

stunning feature, Mitchell thought, though were his lips.

They were perfect, not too full and not too thin, and when

he smiled, really smiled, his face lit up.

Mitchell had been dreaming about those same lips

on his body for the last five years. Wondering if they were

really as soft as he thought they were. What they would feel

like as they kissed, and Lucas worked his way down

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Mitchell's body, and especially what they would feel like

wrapped around his rock hard cock. He would never act on

his wants though, as Lucas was strictly off limits. After

everything Ben had been though, he couldn't do that to his

best friend.

Denying his true feelings for the young man had

been easy for the last few years, as Lucas had been away at

university, only coming home during school holidays. Now

though, with school complete, Lucas was home to stay and

wanting to work with Mitchell. He knew this was a

mistake, but there was no way he could deny Lucas

anything, and if the young man wanted to work on his

station with horses and cattle then he would let him.

The chocolate brown gelding stirred beneath him,

flicking his head. Pulled from his thoughts, Mitchell

reached down to gently rub King's neck, apologising for his

wandering mind. He pulled his hat off and wiped the sweat

from his brow before replacing it. Turning back towards

home, Mitchell kicked his heels gently and set off. There

was nothing he could do about Lucas; he would just have to

get used to seeing the object of his affections on a regular


Twenty minutes later, he crested the slight hill that

overlooked his homestead and pulled King to a stop.

Walking across the yard between his house and the barn

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was Lucas.

Almost as if Lucas could feel his gaze, he stopped

in his tracks and turned to face Mitchell. He was too far

away to see the expression on Lucas's face. As much as he

wanted to, he couldn't stay there and stare at the man all

day, so Mitchell spurred King forward and before he was

ready, he was down the hill and pulling to a stop outside

the barn.

Lucas had stood still and watched him ride in before

walking towards him as he dismounted King.

"Afternoon," Lucas's voice swept over him, sending

a shaft of need right to his balls. "Heya, boy, long time no

see," Lucas continued, not waiting for a response from him.

He walked in front of King and rubbed his muzzle before

stroking down the gelding's neck. Mitchell's thoughts went

immediately to the things he would like Lucas to stroke.

Shaking his head to try to get rid of his thoughts, he

grabbed King's lead and headed into the barn. He could feel

Lucas following behind him and tried his best to ignore the

other man as he unsaddled King and rubbed him down. The

heads of his other quarter horses and Australian stockhorses

poked out over the doors to their stalls, looking at who was

coming and going in the barn.

Once King was secured in his own paddock,

Mitchell made sure to top up his water and feed before

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leaving. Closing the stall door, he turned and found his path

blocked by Lucas.

Mitchell ran his eyes over the man in front of him.

He wore brown boots and jeans that looked tight enough to

be painted on; he obviously wasn't planning on riding today

as they were no good for anything but showing off how

delicious Lucas's ass looked in them. He also wore a black

t-shirt with the slogan 'sexy thing in training'. Mitchell's

lips twitched at the saying. Lucas didn't need any training

as far as he was concerned. The man was already far too

sexy for his own good.

Lucas took a step towards him and Mitchell, not

trusting himself to not grab the man and pull him into his

arms, took one back. Unfortunately, this put his back

against the stall door. Lucas took another step forward and

reached out, placing his palms against Mitchell's chest.

"What are you doing?" He was happy when his

voice came out deep and even, although his heart was

beating a mile a minute. He hoped Lucas couldn't feel this

through his clothes.

"What I've wanted to do for so long now." Lucas

took another step, bringing their bodies into contact. He

sucked in a breath at the feel of the hard length pressing

into his thigh. Mitchell reached up and grabbed Lucas's

wrists, not sure if he wanted to force the man away or pull

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him closer—so he did nothing, waiting to see what Lucas

would do next.

"This can't happen, Lucas. Please don't force the

issue." Lucas was so close. His ocean deep blue eyes were

swirling with all his emotions, and his lips were mere

inches from his own. Mitchell watched, entranced as a pink

tongue darted out to run across the perfect lips, leaving a

glistening sheen behind.

"Why can't it happen, Mitchell? I've wanted you for

so long; please tell me you feel the same." Lucas's hands

formed fists where they still rested against his chest.

"I can't," he said, shaking his head. "Your father is

my best friend." With those words Mitchell remembered

why he couldn't have what he wanted and attempted to

push Lucas away. Lucas anticipated his move, however,

and launched himself at Mitchell before he knew what was


The feel of soft, wet lips against his, and a tongue

gently demanding entrance to his mouth was too much for

Mitchell to comprehend at that moment. Releasing one

wrist, he reached around Lucas and pulled the man tight

against his chest, crushing their hands between their bodies.

Mitchell opened his lips and thrust his tongue into Lucas's

mouth, wanting to explore the other man.

Mitchell had no idea who was making the little

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whimpering noises and didn't care. All he cared about was

how good Lucas felt in his arms and how wonderful the

young man tasted, like sunshine and stormy nights all

rolled into one.

"Hey, boss, who's car's that?" Mitchell felt like he

had been doused in a bucket of cold water. He broke the

kiss and quickly removed Lucas from in front of him before

turning and walking away. He wasn't fast enough not to see

the flash of hurt in Lucas's eyes at being rejected though.

"Mitchell, wait, please." Mitchell shook his head

and kept walking. He was nearly to the entrance when

Craig and two of his station hands walked into the barn.

Craig was about to ask him a question when he looked over

Mitchell's shoulder and noticed Lucas.

"Well, hello there, young fella. Finally come to join

the real men in some hard work?" Craig's face broke into a

broad grin as he walked towards Lucas to give the man a


Lucas had been working on the station for years,

every opportunity he had. Craig had been giving him shit

about living the 'city life' while he was away at uni and

saying it was going to turn him soft. Lucas had told him he

was full of shit and he could still ride rings around the man,

no matter how long it had been since he had been in the

saddle. Mitchell believed he was probably correct. Lucas

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on a horse was a thing of beauty. The pair had the same

argument every time Lucas came back from school.

Mitchell didn't stick around to see their reunion; he

knew how it would go. And after what had just happened,

the last thing he wanted to witness was Lucas in another

man's arms, even if they were only friends.

Lucas sighed as he watched Mitchell retreat out of

the barn. He knew it had been a long shot, but standing out

in the yard and watching Mitchell ride in on King had felt

damn near like a religious experience. Mitchell's face had

been shaded by the black Akubra on his head, so Lucas had

concentrated on watching the muscles in his arm and legs

flex as he held King's reins in one hand and rode the

gelding towards home. Lucas knew exactly what he wanted

for Christmas this year.

He was broken from his memory when he was

picked up and spun around. Laughing, he hugged the older

man close before they let go and stood back.

"Boss man still giving you a hard time, I see."

Lucas was taken aback by this. He didn't realise any of the

men knew about his feelings for Mitchell. His shock must

have shown on his face as Craig broke out in laughter


"Didn't think we knew, did ya?" Craig swept his

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arm behind him, including James and Harry, two of the

station hands, in his discussion. "The way the two of you

stand around and make calf eyes at each other when you

think no one is watching is funny as hell. Hell, we even

have a bet going between all the hands as to how long it's

going to take once you're home for good for Mitchell to

finally give in."

"Well, shit. I didn't think anyone knew how I felt.

You guys honestly don't have a problem with your boss

being gay?" Lucas knew times were changing—this was

the twenty first century and people were more accepting

than they used to be. But running a large cattle station in

rural Australia was not the place he expected to find

acceptance for his alternative lifestyle.

Craig shook his weathered head, his once dark hair

now shot with grey, and his face covered in a couple of

day's growth. His hazel green eyes were alight with

sincerity and happiness. "Lucas, you've been coming here

for as long as I can remember. Mitchell made sure to get rid

of any homophobic workers he may have had a long time

ago as he didn't want anyone to upset you."

Lucas was shocked by that. He had no idea Mitchell

had done that for him. Coming out while he was still in

high school had been hard, and he used to come to the

Double M to get away and escape for a while, even if only

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for a couple of hours. To say he was touched by Mitchell's

actions was an understatement.

"Plus, if the boss is happy, then that gets him off my

back, and I might be able to get my work done for a change

without him constantly interfering." Craig grinned at him.

"He been bad, has he?"

"You have no idea. He's gotten worse lately. I think

because he knew you were coming home for Christmas,

and it would be for good this time. He's been riding our

asses from sun up to sunset. I'm just glad we've got a

reduced staff at the moment for the holidays, otherwise I'd

have a lot of angry men and women on my hands."

"Help a brother out, will ya, Luc, and take his mind

off the station for a while. We sure would appreciate it."

Harry called out from down the passage where he was

filling feed troughs.

Lucas laughed. "I'll see what I can do. I can't

promise anything though, that is one stubborn man." He

smiled at the thought of what he could do to take Mitchell's

mind off the Double M. Snapping out of his thoughts, he

looked at the man standing in front of him. "Hey, what are

you guys doing here on a Sunday?"

"You should know by now horses don't care what

day of the week it is, they still need to be fed and watered,

just thought we'd check on them. So you starting work

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tomorrow or what?" Craig asked him.

"If you have room for me, I'd love to get back to it."

Craig clapped him on the arm as they walked out of the


"Luc, there will always be room for you; the boss

wouldn't have it any other way. See you bright and early

tomorrow morning," Craig said as he headed towards the

bunk house, where all the permanent hands lived. The

number of men and women working swelled considerably

around April of each year as it came time for mustering.

Right now, however, they were down to just a few.

Lucas looked at the house as he walked towards his

car and saw the curtain in the living room close quickly. He

chuckled quietly to himself, as he got in his car and headed

for home. Christmas was only a week and a half away and

a guy never knew what Santa would bring if he was a very

good boy.

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Mitchell had tried his hardest to avoid Lucas after

their scorching kiss in the barn but his luck seemed to have

run out. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and, as tradition,

Ben and Lucas were spending the next three nights at the

Double M, so they were all together on Christmas and

Boxing Day. There were a half dozen single hands that

didn't have family around these parts, so Mitchell always

did a huge Christmas lunch for any of his workers who had

nowhere else to go.

The morning, however, was reserved for family,

this meaning Ben and Lucas. Mitchell was not looking

forward to Christmas this year. He found it hard enough to

resist the younger man when they were working on the

same station; even though Mitchell made sure they worked

at opposite sides of the large property. He didn't know if he

was strong enough to resist Lucas if he was staying under

the same roof.

Ben. He just had to concentrate on his friend. What

would Ben do if he found out Mitchell was waking from

dreams, involving his son, covered in cum? He would

probably deck him, that's what he'd do. Mitchell hadn't had

a wet dream since he was fifteen, now he'd had a half a

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dozen of the damn things in the last week and a half. He

was tired and grumpy and sick to death of washing his


Mitchell sat in his deep leather couch and stared at

the lights blinking on the Christmas tree. He lifted the glass

in his hand that had far more scotch than it should and

drank deeply. Maybe if he drank enough tonight the dreams

wouldn't come. He could hear the rumble of thunderclouds

in the background. This time of year the storms were

almost a nightly occurrence. The horses were all bedded

down for the night. There was nothing left for him to do but

finish the bottle.

That seemed like an awfully good plan to him.

His phone ringing woke him with a start. His head

throbbed and his back ached. Opening his eyes took a

minute as they felt like they were filled with sand. Blinking

rapidly, he got some moisture back in them. His mouth on

the other hand felt like the Great Sandy Desert had taken up


Throwing his arm out to try to grab the phone, he

swore when he encountered the hard edge to the coffee

table he had sitting in the middle of the living room. He

guessed that meant he never made it up to bed last night.

His phone stopped making the god-awful racket just then,

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and he couldn't have been happier. Between the throbbing

in his head and the pain in his hand , he needed some coffee

and some Panadol.

Before he had even managed to haul his sorry ass

off the couch, his phone started ringing again. Picking it up

from where he'd left it on the coffee table, he looked at the

caller ID. Seeing as it was Ben calling, he answered.

"Hello." Mitchell cleared his throat and tried again.

This time with a little more success. "Hello."

"Well, good morning to you too, sunshine. Why do

I get the feeling I just woke you up, when you've usually

been up for hours by this time?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he

staggered to the kitchen. He stopped when he noticed a full

carafe of coffee waiting for him with a note attached.

"Mitch, it's nearly eleven am." Ben's laugh caused

shooting pain in his head. He felt like someone was trying

to stab out his eyes. Then what Ben said reached some part

of his brain that was actually functioning, and he looked

down at his watch.

After two attempts to focus he realised his friend

was correct. "Shit, I have to go."

"No worries, we still on for tonight?"

"Yeah, see you then," Mitchell hung up the phone

and picked up the folded piece of paper sitting in front of

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the machine.

It looked like you could use this.



P.S. I hope it wasn't anything I did.

Yes, it was something he had done, but Mitchell

wasn't about to tell the man that. Instead he grabbed his

mug and poured himself a large cup of coffee. He took his

first sip and nearly moaned as the hot liquid slid down his

dry throat. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out the

Panadol. After popping a couple in his mouth, he took

another mouthful of coffee to ease the pills down.

Refilling his cup, he walked through his house to

the bedroom where he stripped and headed for the shower.

Once he was clean, he almost felt human again. He finished

his coffee as he dressed. Placing the mug back in the

kitchen, he grabbed his hat and sunglasses and headed out

to see what was happening.

"Big night last night, hey boss?" Craig called out to

him from on top of Molly, one of the Australian stock

mares they had.

"Get back to work," he yelled back. Craig laughed

and took off, heading out, no doubt, to check on the cattle

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grazing closest to them.

Mitchell walked around checking on everything

close at hand, about half of the horses they had were out at

the moment, the others were all in the barn. Mitchell

walked around rubbing heads as they popped over the

doors, feeding carrots here and there.

Happy with everything outside, he thought he might

as well try to tackle the books while he had a couple of

hours to spare. Heading back inside, he grabbed another

cup of coffee and made himself a quick sandwich before

making his way down the passageway to his office.

Mitchell was startled by the screen door banging.

Looking around, he noticed the shadows in the office

seemed longer and looked at his watch. Surprised to find

the time had gotten away from him, he cursed when he saw

it was nearing six in the evening. Mitchell stood and


"Mitch?" The call came from down the passage.

"In here," he yelled back. His back popping as he let

his body move after being confined to the desk for hours.

Ben walked into the office with a grin on his face.

"Hard at it again, I see."

"You know me. Work, work, work."

"Come on, my man; let's go see what you've got in

this place for dinner."

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Saving his work, Mitchell shut his computer down

and followed his friend out of his office. "So how's the life

of crime fighting treating you?" He asked as he swung his

arm around Ben's shoulders.

"Good, same crap, different day—DUI's, B and E's,

domestic disputes, same old, same old." Mitchell knew Ben

loved his job, no matter what he said. He really enjoyed

helping people. Mitchell stopped as they entered the

kitchen and stared. He knew exactly what he wanted for


Lucas was bent over, head in the fridge, looking for

god knows what, singing to himself and shaking his hips

like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Lucas—" Ben said sharply.

Lucas jumped and only narrowly avoided clocking

his head on one of the shelves. Extricating himself from the

fridge, he turned to look at them with a shy smile. Mitchell

had a feeling he hadn't planned on being caught. Oh well, it

was certainly a sight Mitchell would remember always.

"Sorry, I was a little peckish; I have this really hard-

ass boss who works me to the bone every day," Lucas said.

The even tone of his voice was completely ruined by the

huge grin he had on his face.

Mitchell walked forward and swatted him on the

behind. "Smart ass," he said teasingly. Lucas seemed to

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pause at the contact between hand and bottom and his

cheeks looked slightly flushed. Mitchell opened the fridge,

berating himself for his lack of control around Lucas. He

could feel his cock wanting to harden at the small touch

between them.

Mitchell pulled out three beers and the steaks he

had set out to defrost the previous day. He handed out the

beer and went back to the fridge for the sweet corn.

"Ben, do us a favour and go light the barby?"

"No worries, mate." Mitchell watched as Ben left to

do as asked. Knowing he was now alone with Lucas, he

thought it best to concentrate on preparing dinner. Mitchell

grabbed the foil and the butter, along with the salt and

pepper grinders, and set about wrapping the sweet corn and


Mitchell stilled at the feeling of a hard body

pressing against his back. He could feel the hard length of

Lucas's cock pressing into the cleft of his ass. Lucas

wrapped his arms around Mitchell's waist and licked up the

side of his neck until he reached his ear where he

whispered, "If you wanted to spank me, all you had to do

was ask."

He felt a current of desire race through his body to

pool in his groin. "Lucas…" was all he managed to get out.

Mitchell didn't even know if he meant—Lucas please don't

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or Lucas let's go to bed. His heart was screaming out one

thing and his brain was screaming just as loudly in the

opposite direction.

Before he could say anything else, the heat at his

back was gone and Mitchell felt strangely bereft. The back

door closed and he heard Ben make his way inside. He

looked around and found Lucas sitting at the table drinking

his beer, as casual as you please.

Mitchell picked up his beer and drained nearly the

entire bottle by the time Ben walked into the room.

He finished preparing the vegetables and walked

out to put them on the barby and let them cook for a while

before he added the steaks.

Mitchell grabbed another beer and the headed into

the living room to relax and watch some television while

dinner was cooking. He made sure to sit as far away from

Lucas as he could. Although after about five minutes, he

decided maybe that wasn't the wisest of choices as he now

had a clear view of the young man.

The Christmas tree lights sparkled in the corner

making him smile. He had always loved this time of year,

even with the humid weather. The storms always seemed to

sooth something deep inside him. They all sat and watched

repeat episodes of cops pulling people over for random

breath tests. Ben broke in every now and again and related

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funny experiences he'd had while doing the same thing.

Mitchell finished cooking dinner and they all sat

down to eat. They discussed tomorrow and what still

needed to be done to prepare all the food. Once dinner was

over, Mitchell cleaned the few dishes they'd used and

everyone settled back in front of the telly with another beer


When nine o'clock came, Mitchell stood and told

Ben and Lucas he would be back soon as he had to go

check on the horses and make sure everything was locked

up for the night.

He shoved his feet in his boots and headed outside

and across the yard to the barn. He spent a good twenty

minutes going through and making sure all the horses were

bedded down for the night. He filled feed and water trays,

knowing no one would get out to complete the task first

thing tomorrow morning. He was surprised to hear a car

engine start and the sounds of a vehicle driving away.

Finishing everything up, Mitchell turned off the

lights and locked the door. Looking across the yard, he

noticed Ben's car was missing. He hoped he hadn't been

called in to work.

Mitchell made his way back to the house, took off

his boots as soon as he entered, and placed them by the

shoe rack. The living room was empty, the television still

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playing. "Lucas, Ben?" he called out, wondering who had

left and where the other one was.

The answer came at the same time as he heard a

shuffling noise coming from the kitchen. "In here." So Ben

had been called away by the looks of it and Mitchell was

left in his house alone with Lucas.

He swallowed hard, then walked through the entry

to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks and burst out

laughing. "What the hell?" he asked.

Lucas was sitting in one of the kitchen chairs with

his hands tied behind his back and his ankles tied to the

chair legs. He had a giant red bow stuck to his chest. Lucas

didn't look happy and was struggling to get out of his


"Fucking Dad called me in here to help him look for

something and the bastard cuffed me to the damn chair

before I realised what the hell he was doing. A little help

would be appreciated." Lucas bit out. Mitchell couldn't help

himself, he laughed some more. Although the idea of Lucas

bound to other things seemed infinitely more appealing to


Just then an envelope on the table with his name on

it caught his attention.

He walked over and picked up the envelope. "Sit

tight, beautiful," he said to Lucas as he opened the sealed

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envelope. Inside was a folded piece of paper and what he

assumed where the keys to the cuffs.

He removed both. After unfolding the paper, he

nearly had a heart attack as he read.


I've watched for years as you and

Lucas have danced around each other,

neither of you brave enough to admit to the

other how you feel. Take it from me, love

him while you can, you never know when

they'll be taken from you.

You have my blessing; I wish nothing

but a lifetime of happiness for you both.

Look after my son. I know you love him as

much as he loves you.


P.S I'll be back in the morning.

Enjoy your Christmas present.

Holy Shit! Mitchell had to read the note three times

to allow the words to completely sink in. Tearing his eyes

away from the paper in front of him, he turned to look at

the man currently handcuffed to a chair in his kitchen.

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Could he really do this? Yes, he loved Lucas, had

known now for years that he loved the young man. Looking

into the face of the man that had haunted his dreams for so

long, he let everything go. Let go of the need to always

keep himself in check, let go of the worry he had over the

age difference, and let go of the fact that this man was the

son of his best friend. At the moment, none of it mattered.

All that mattered was the man in front of him was the love

of his life.

Mitchell stepped forward and cupped Lucas's

cheeks in his larger hands. He tilted Lucas's head up; he

could see the uncertainty and the love fighting in his eyes.

Mitchell let it all go and kissed the man he wanted to spend

the rest of his life with.

Lucas moaned under his onslaught, meeting the kiss

with as much fever and want as Mitchell was showing him.

He started to struggle when he was unable to move his

arms. Mitchell broke the kiss and stepped back, chuckling

"Wow, what the hell was in the letter?" Lucas

asked, his eyes still dazed from their kiss.

"I'll tell you later, babe. How about we get you out

of those cuffs?"

"Yes, please, I want to touch you."

"And I want you touching me." Mitchell replied, his

voice deepening to a growl. He knelt on the floor and

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untied the rope that had bound Lucas's legs to the chair

before standing again. Mitchell reached around behind

Lucas and unlocked the cuffs. He slowly brought Lucas's

arms around in front, so as not to hurt him and gently

massaged his wrists where the cuffs had been.

Stepping back, he held his hand out to Lucas to help

him from the chair. Instead Lucas seemed to launch himself

at Mitchell, who staggered slightly but remained on his feet

and found himself with an armful of young, horny male.

Lucas wrapped his legs around Mitchell's waist and his

arms around Mitchell's neck before pulling the older man's

head in for another scorching hot kiss.

Gripping Lucas's ass cheeks, Mitchell pulled his

body in close until their hard lengths were rubbing against

each other. Lucas moaned into the kiss and started to thrust

his hips.

Mitchell wanted to get them some place a great deal

more comfortable where he could spread Lucas out and eat

every inch of the young man. Unable and unwilling to

break the kiss, Mitchell made his way to his bedroom on

autopilot. They bumped into walls, doors, and cabinets the

entire way there. Mitchell didn't care if his entire body was

covered in bruises the following day as long as they made

it, eventually, to their destination.

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Lucas couldn't believe the turnaround in Mitchell.

He wasn't going to complain though. He had thought

Mitchell was going to take a lot longer to finally give in to

what was happening between them. Whatever his dad had

written in that note had done the trick, and as angry as he

was at his dad for cuffing him to the damn chair, he also

wanted to kiss him and say thank you.

Mitchell finally pulled away, breaking their kiss.

Breathing deeply, trying to get air back into his lungs, he

looked at the face of the man he loved. His stormy silver

eyes were alight with passion and want, and Lucas thought

they had never looked sexier.

Mitchell laid him down on the bed then laughed.

"Let's get rid of this so I can unwrap my present." He said

as he reached down and pulled the giant red bow from

Lucas's chest. Lucas laughed; he had completely forgotten

his dad had put it there.

His laughter soon died though when Mitchell made

good on his promise and started to undress him. Soon

Lucas lay in the middle of Mitchell's huge bed completely

naked, his cock hard and leaking while Mitchell stood at

the foot of the bed still fully clothed.

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Lucas reached down and wrapped his fist around his

cock, giving it slow, even tugs, he watched as Mitchell's

eyes followed his hand movements, never once looking

away. "You know this usually only works when both

parties are naked…" he said with a grin.

Mitchell seemed to snap out of it then and

undressed in record speed, then crawled up the bed and

settled his hard body on top of Lucas's. This was the first

time they had ever been skin to skin and Lucas didn't think

he had ever felt anything more erotic in his life. Mitchell

kissed him hard and deep before pulling away. "God, I

want to eat you all up."

"Okay—" Lucas replied somewhat breathless from

the kiss.

The grin he got from Mitchell could only be

described as wicked. Mitchell thrust his hips down, rubbing

their hard cocks together and took his lips in another soul

tingling kiss. Pulling away slightly, Mitchell kissed down

his jaw, making his way to his earlobe, which he licked

then took between his teeth, gently biting as he tugged. All

the sensations caused a groan to escape from his lips.

Mitchell let go of his prize, then started nipping and

sucking at his neck, biting down when he felt it was

needed. Lucas felt like the man was marking him as his

own for all to see. Lucas whimpered and his cock throbbed

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at a particularly hard bite. He reached up to the back of

Mitchell's head and pushed him harder against his neck, not

wanting the sensations to end.

Mitchell complied, biting down harder before

pulling way and giving his neck one final nip. He looked

down at his handy work and seemed satisfied with what he

had done. He then started the exploration of Lucas's body

again and made his way down to his chest.

Lucas was panting hard as Mitchell flicked his

tongue out and lapped at the tight pink disks. He could feel

himself on the edge of orgasm, much more and Lucas didn't

think he could hold back.

Mitchell looked up at him as he rose slightly to

move over to the other side of his chest. Their eyes met,

and the pure lust he saw etched on Mitchell's face and the

cocky grin as the man leant down to take his untouched nub

into his mouth had his balls drawing up tight.

Lucas felt the telltale tingle in base of his spine as

Mitchell brought his other hand up to pinch and tug at his

already abused nub. He screamed when Mitchell

simultaneously bit down and pinched at his nipples at the

same time. Lucas's orgasm exploded from his body, the wet

heat of his cum covering his stomach. His nipples throbbed

as Mitchell pulled back.

His still hard cock twitched when Mitchell scooted

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further down the bed and began to lap at his rapidly cooling

spunk. "Mmm, yumm." Lucas laughed when Mitchell

smacked his lips, then darted his tongue out to make sure

he got every last drop.

"Fuck, you're sexy," Lucas said.

"Ditto, babe," Mitchell murmured before he tilted

his head back down and lapped at the dripping slit of his

cock. Lucas thrust his hips forward wanting to get more of

his cock into the wet warmth of Mitchell's mouth. Mitchell

didn't disappoint and wrapped his lips tightly around

Lucas's length, swallowing him to the base.

Lucas cried out when Mitchell pulled off, he

watched as Mitchell crawled up the bed and pulled open the

bedside drawer. He was surprised the damn thing didn't end

up on the floor with the force he used. Mitchell rummaged

for a minute before he let out a sound of victory and

scooted back into position on the bed. Lucas could see the

condom and the bottle of lube clasped in his hand.

Mitchell bit one edge of the condom wrapper in his

teeth and ripped it open, before reaching down and rolling

the latex over his impressive length. Lucas hadn't had a

chance to have a good look at Mitchell before, but he was

really looking forward to being filled and stretched by the

monster between his legs.

The snick of the lube opening brought his gaze

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away from the hard length between Mitchell's legs and to

the fingers Mitchell was currently slicking with gel.

"Please—" Lucas wasn't too proud to beg, he had

wanted this moment for so long and now that it was finally

upon him, he could barely wait.

"Patience, my love, I'll take care of you." Mitchell

whispered as a finger circled Lucas's rear entrance.

Lucas could do nothing more than nod, his throat

constricted with emotion at hearing Mitchell calling him


Mitchell sucked Lucas's cock back into his mouth

as he breached the muscles at Lucas's entrance with his

slicked finger. Lucas moaned and writhed as he fisted his

hands in the sheets while Mitchell continued to assault his

body with multiple sensations.

The suction tightened as a second finger was added,

then a third. Pulling off with a plop, Mitchell's fingers slid

from within his body Lucas could feel his hole clenching at

the empty feeling. He watched as Mitchell grabbed the lube

and quickly smothered his cock, before positioning his

body, lifting Lucas's legs, and wrapping them around his


"God, I can't believe you're finally mine." Lucas

said as he felt the head of Mitchell's cock press against his


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"All yours," Mitchell said through gritted teeth as

he applied more pressure. His guardian muscle was

stretched to capacity, the burn intense, and Lucas loved

every second. Mitchell kept up a steady pressure until

Lucas could finally feel his balls resting against his cheeks.

"Jesus, so tight." Lucas panted at the feeling of being so

full and willed his body to relax. He didn't realise his hands

were gripping into Mitchell's biceps until the man moved.

"You okay, love?"

Lucas felt his body relaxing around the steel length

he was currently impaled on and nodded. "Yes, move,

please move."

"Your wish is my command." Mitchell winked and

slowly withdrew. Lucas's laugh was cut short when

Mitchell thrust back into him. Mitchell lowered his body

down until he was able to take Lucas's lips in a heated kiss

as he set a gentle rhythm, pegging his gland repeatedly.

"I'm not going to last long, you feel too good wrapped

around my cock."

"It's okay, neither am I, fuck me, please." Mitchell

nodded and raised up on his arms until he was looking

down at Lucas, their eyes never leaving each other.

Mitchell increased his thrusts until it felt like he was

pounding into Lucas, the head of his cock rubbing against

his gland with every thrust. Not even a dozen thrusts later

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Lucas cried out as his orgasm burst from his body covering

their stomachs with his sticky cum. He could feel his

muscles rippling around Mitchell's cock with every pulse of

his orgasm.

Mitchell hardened his thrusts again and cried out as

he slammed home one last time. Lucas could feel the heat

filling the protective barrier between them and was

disappointed he didn't get to feel Mitchell filling him so

intimately. He decided that was something he wanted more

than anything.

Mitchell held still while his cock throbbed and

pulsed in the throes of orgasm, before collapsing on top of

him, breathing heavily.

"Wow," Lucas said. His brain wasn't firing on all

cylinders at the moment, and that seemed to be the most

articulate thing he could get out. Just then a huge

thunderclap sounded outside and the heavens opened. They

both looked to the window, even though they couldn't see


Mitchell reached between them holding the base of

the condom as he slowly withdrew his softening cock.

Lucas watched as Mitchell removed the condom and threw

it in the trash before collapsing on the bed next to him. It

took nearly five minutes for Lucas's heart to slow down to

anything resembling normal. "Come on, babe. Let's shower

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and get to bed, it's getting late."

Lucas nodded, even if his body was a sated puddle

of goo, getting his hands on a wet and slippery Mitchell

seemed to perk him right back up. Mitchell noticed his

cock twitch and attempt to rise again. He laughed. "Ahh!

The joys of youth," he said as he slapped Lucas's thigh.

"Come on, stud."

Lucas groaned as he sat up, swung his legs over the

side of the bed, and stood. His ass ached but in such a good

way. Mitchell stopped at the bedside table and removed a

condom and a bottle of lube, then smiled mischievously at

him and headed to the bathroom. Lucas's cock took interest

and started to fill, so by the time he had made his way into

the attached bathroom, his cock was hard and raring to go

again. He stopped to look at the man in front of him.

Mitchell was standing naked with his hand under

the water waiting for it to heat up sufficiently. The older

man may have been pushing forty, but he didn't look it. His

body was hard and his muscles just perfect. Not bulging but

definitely noticeable from all the hours of work he did on

the station. His black hair had a light dusting of grey

coming in on the sides but Lucas thought it just added to

his handsome features.

He walked up behind Mitchell and wrapped his

arms around him, placing a kiss in the centre of his

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shoulder blades. His hands wandered down the hard abs

and threaded their way through the pubes surrounding one

of Lucas's new favourite parts of Mitchell. Mitchell's cock

gave a twitch when Lucas cupped his balls and stroked his

dick, but didn't rise. "Are you sure you're going to be up for

another round so soon?" he whispered in Mitchell's ear

before biting the lobe.

"Probably not," he said as he ground his hips back

against Lucas's hard cock. "But you definitely are."

Lucas stilled. Did this mean what he thought it

meant? Was Mitchell going to let him fuck him? He

groaned at just the thought of sliding his hard, throbbing

length into Mitchell's tight, welcome heat. His hips thrust

forward involuntarily.

"You would let me fuck you?" His voice had

lowered and came out sounding husky.

Mitchell ground his hips back one last time before

he turned in Lucas's arms. He cupped Lucas's face and

lightly kissed him—once, twice, three times before pulling

away and looking into his eyes.

"Lucas, I like being on the receiving end nearly as

much as I like being on the giving end. If this is going to

work we need to be equal partners in everything."

Lucas couldn't say anything to that, the lump in his

throat too large to talk around. He nodded instead and

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kissed Mitchell with everything he was feeling. In

desperate need of air, Lucas broke the kiss but didn't pull

away. "Come on, sexy, water's a-wasting." He then slapped

Mitchell on the ass to get him moving.

Mitchell just laughed at him before stepping into the

shower. Once they were both wet, Lucas reached for the

soap and poured a generous amount into his hands. He

rubbed them together before reaching out and washing

Mitchell. He had fantasised for years about getting to touch

every inch of this perfect body and he wasn't going to let

this opportunity go to waste.

He got down onto his knees so he could reach

Mitchell's legs. Mitchell groaned but never took his eyes

from Lucas. Lucas smiled. "You like me on my knees

before you, huh?"

"God, yeah." Lucas reached out and gave the slowly

hardening flesh in front of him a good cleaning. Making

sure it was quite thorough. Once satisfied, he let the water

rinse the soap away before leaning forward and running his

tongue from the base of Mitchell's balls to the head of his

cock. Mitchell moaned and thrust his hips forward, silently

begging for more.

Lucas had waited too long to disappoint. He opened

his mouth and sucked the head of Mitchell's cock, flicking

his tongue into the slit. "Oh Shit," the whispered words

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floated down to him from above. Opening, he moved down

as far as he could without gagging. Lucas had no

preconceptions that he would be able to deep throat

Mitchell right off the bat, but he was more than willing to

put in the hard yards to be able to in the future.

Above him, Mitchell had one hand resting against

the wall and the other threaded through Lucas's hair at the

back of his head. Mitchell moaned when Lucas swallowed

around his length. Lucas cupped and rolled Mitchell's balls

as he bobbed up and down on the beautiful cock.

Not wanting Mitchell to come until he was buried

balls deep in his ass, Lucas reluctantly pulled back.

Mitchell seemed to whimper at the loss before he could get

himself back under control. The second Lucas was once

again on his feet, Mitchell attacked his mouth. Lips,

tongues and teeth clashed as they came together.

Mitchell broke the kiss and looked at him with such

lust in his eyes Lucas was stunned for a second. "Fuck me,

now," he said then turned and faced the wall. Both hands

resting against the wet tiles, legs spread, and ass pushed

back begging to be filled.

Lucas had no problem with obeying a command

like that. He reached over to the shelf Mitchell had placed

the supplies on earlier and ripped open the condom. He

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slowly rolled it down his painfully hard shaft. Once he was

ready, he grabbed the lube and popped the top.

Mitchell groaned at the noise, Lucas poured a

generous amount down Mitchell's crease, watching,

fascinated as the liquid made its way through the cleft in

his cheeks, clinging to the black hairs on its way. Lucas

reached out with his index finger and ran it through the

viscous liquid, spreading it to exactly where he wanted it.

The tight ring of muscle quivered under his touch,

and Lucas moaned as he pressed one finger into Mitchell's

tight entrance. The entire body beneath him shook, and

Mitchell thrust his hips back trying to get Lucas's digit



"I don't want to hurt you."

"I like the burn. Please, one more, then fuck me

with that beautiful cock of yours."

Who was Lucas to argue with what Mitchell liked?

He pulled his finger free of the gripping heat then thrust

two home. Mitchell cried out under him but Lucas didn't

stop. He quickly stretched Mitchell before removing his

fingers completely.

He poured another dollop of lube into his palm this

time and quickly coated his sheathed cock before lining the

head against Mitchell's entrance.

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"Ready, babe?" he asked.

Mitchell didn't respond, just pushed his hips back

steadily. Lucas bit his bottom lip trying to keep himself

under control and not thrust home. Slowly the head of his

cock slipped past the first ring of muscle. They both

groaned at the feeling.

"More, Lucas." Inch by inch, Lucas pushed his way

into the Mitchell's tight, gripping channel.

When he was finally balls deep, he leant forward

and rained kisses over Mitchell's back, wanting to give

Mitchell a minute to get used to being so full. "So tight,

love. You feel so good trying to strangle my cock."

Mitchell just made a needy little noise and tried to

push back against him. "Don't worry, I'll give you what you


Lucas gradually pulled back until just the tip of his

cock was held in the body beneath him, and then slammed

forward. "Yeah, just like that." Mitchell's voice broke on

just about every word and Lucas thought he had never

sounded sexier.

Setting a hard and fast pace, Lucas soon felt his

orgasm rise within his body. Not wanting to come before

Mitchell, he slowed his thrusts a little and changed his

angle until he was hitting Mitchell's sweet spot. It didn't

take more than a half a dozen thrusts before Mitchell threw

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his head back and cried out as his body succumbed to


The channel holding Lucas tightened and rippled

around his shaft with every wave of Mitchell's orgasm.

Lucas relaxed the tight constraints he had on his body and

let go. He slammed home one last time, and his cock

erupted, filling the thin latex barrier between them.

Collapsing on Mitchell's back, he peppered kisses across

the damp skin.

"So good," Mitchell whispered to him. He twisted

his head to the side and they kissed until Lucas had to

move. He gripped the base of the condom and slowly slid

out of Mitchell. Mitchell hissed at the move.

"You okay, did I hurt you?" Lucas was worried he

had been too rough.

"I'm fine, Lucas, just a little tender. I'll be feeling

you all day tomorrow."

Lucas couldn't help but smile. He loved the thought

of Mitchell still being able to feel him as they spent

Christmas together. He disposed of the condom and they

quickly cleaned themselves up again.

"Thank you for giving us a chance," he whispered.

Mitchell turned in his arms and cupped his chin.

"You're welcome. I've loved you for years, and now that

I've got you, I'm never letting you go. I hope you realise

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Lucas nodded, he felt his eyes brim with tears; he

swallowed past the lump that had formed in his throat.

"Good, because I love you, too."

They kissed slowly and passionately before getting

out of the shower and gently drying each other. Once they

were both dry, Lucas followed Mitchell back to bed,

crawled in, and snuggled close.

Lucas looked to the bedside table as he settled his

head on Mitchell's shoulder and noticed the time. "Merry

Christmas, Mitchell."

"Merry Christmas, love. You were the best

Christmas present I've ever received." With that, Mitchell

kissed him on the top of the head and they settled down to

sleep, the sounds of the storm still raging outside. It would

most likely blow over by morning and they would be left

with a beautiful, if hot and muggy, Christmas day.

The End

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Well, what can I say about me? I'm twenty-nine,

married and a mother to one. I work full time, and when
I'm not spending time with my family or friends, you can
find me either reading or on my laptop writing.

After spending god knows how much money on my

reading obsession (yes, I can admit I'm a little obsessed), I
decided to give writing my own book a try. I still can't
believe someone thought it was good enough to publish.
I'm certainly not going to argue with them.

I hope you enjoy reading my work as much as I

enjoyed writing it.



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Available at Silver Publishing:

My Christmas Present


Unexpected Mate
Determined Mate

Protective Mate

Forbidden Mate


Frankie's Vamp (Coming in 2012)

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Reviews for UNEXPECTED MATE (Holland Brothers,

book 1) say:

A surprise mate and sweet love story are at the heart

of Unexpected Mate (Holland Brothers #1) by Toni Griffin.
Well-written and wonderfully developed characters bring
this story to life.

Dark Divas Reviews

* * *

Unexpected Mate is the first in a new werewolf

shifting series from Toni Griffin. Set amongst smaller
towns in what appeared to me to be a more rural backdrop
gives it a special charm. I also enjoyed how Tori writes the
brothers all living together yet separate from Mum and
Dad. This gives another layer to the story that is almost a
bit "boys gone wild", yet creates a wonderful sense of pack
and camaraderie.

Marcus is a wolf determined not to be gay, so

therefore he mustn't be. Dating female members of the pack
and sleeping with them only confirms that, right? Wrong.
The abrupt about face from denial to acceptance is well
written, playing true to form as his brother's step forward to
provide a much needed dose of reality. Marcus is a
protective character, showing intensity with all emotions,
but also displaying a fun-loving side. This fun-loving edge
is the perfect foil for Brian.

When we first meet Brian, he has been exiled from

his own pack. I connected with him quite quickly. Empathy
was a powerful motivator as feelings of misplaced trust,
trepidation, resentment and a basic feeling of fed up mix
together in a volatile package. Brian shows true depth of
emotion as the plot line develops. Contentment, tenderness
and a side order of cheeky are the result, making Brian a
very likeable character.

It is obvious there will be further instalments to this

series and I, for one, can't wait to read them. I would

background image

recommend this story to anyone who enjoys shape-shifter
or paranormal stories written in a contemporary style.

—Queer Magazine Online

Reviews for DETERMINED MATE (Holland Brothers,

book 2) say:

This book will remind you that no matter what true

friends are always someone you can count on. And once
you find the other half of your soul they will always be
there for you.

I look forward to reading Simon and Ricks stories

the last two Holland brothers. Hopefully we won't have to
wait long.

—A Night Owl Reviews Book Review

* * *

Holland Brothers 2: Determined Mate by Toni

Griffin has everything I like in a book - hot men and even
hotter werewolves. Jason is a tortured character who has
been through the ringer. He really needs a mate who cares
for and loves him. Alex is an alpha male learning to control
his tendencies to be possessive and domineering, an act of
true love for him. I really liked him a lot and respected him
for trying to work it out and being so understanding.

One of the great things about this series is the soul-

deep tenderness and caring in each book. The romance and
love draw me in and keep me turning pages. Personally, I
cannot wait for the next installment to this unforgettable

—Two Lips Reviews


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