Love Lessons 1 1 Frozen Heart Heidi Cullinan

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Proposals don’t come with instructions.

Walter Lucas knows his boyfriend has been looking forward to the newest Walt Disney

movie, Frozen, but he isn’t prepared for the reality that is the front row seat of Kelly Davidson’s
cartoon obsession. However, there’s more going on in November than just the movie—
something is brewing which Walter has been waiting quite some time to do. When Walter set up
his elaborate Thanksgiving marriage proposal, it seemed like such a good idea, but as the
holiday, the movie premiere and the question Walter never dreamt he’d be asking anyone
converge…let’s just say even Alan Menken couldn’t sing and dance his way out of Walter’s

Warning: This short contains spoilers for Disney’s Frozen, obsessive pre-movie panic, and

suggestions of cartoon role-play.

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Heidi Cullinan


Copyright © 2013 Heidi Cullinan

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

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To @akathereader, who when I offered to write a story for just for her asked if I’d write

one for everybody instead.

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Heidi Cullinan


Author’s Note

This short story features characters from the novel Love Lessons, published by Samhain

Publishing in 2013. While readers are welcome to enjoy my work in any order they wish, be
aware this short story contains elements considered spoilers for the novel which proceeds it in
its timeline.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of

the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely

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Frozen Heart

Heidi Cullinan

a short story from the Love Lessons universe

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A few days after they moved into the Minneapolis apartment in late June, Walter found

Kelly curled up with a blanket, leaning against a pile of boxes. He had a laptop balanced on his
knees, he had his hands pressed as if in prayer in front of his lips, and he looked as if he might
cry at any second. But when Walter rushed toward him, Kelly held up a hand without breaking
eye contact from the computer screen.

“Don’t.” His voice was thick and rough. “I’m having a moment.”

Walter stopped, less concerned and more confused. “Honey?”

Shutting his eyes, Kelly drew a deep breath, then exhaled slowly before opening his eyes

again. He still didn’t look away from the screen. “The teaser trailer for Frozen just came out.”

Walter almost asked frozen what? but then he remembered. “Oh. The new Disney movie.”

He hesitated, wanting to ask how it was, to show interest, but everything about Kelly at that
second screamed do not engage. Walter nodded at the bedroom with a soft smile. “I’ll be in there
when you’re done. Take your time.”

As soon as he was inside, he closed the door, pulled out his phone and pulled up the trailer.

He watched it.

Frowning, Walter flopped onto the bed and watched it again. His eyebrow lifted. He bit his

bottom lip, worrying it absently. He watched it one more time.

He didn’t get it.

Rather, he didn’t understand what about an animated snowman and a reindeer fighting over

a carrot on a frozen pond would make his boyfriend act like he’d seen God. It was cute, but it
was slapstick and kind of lame. Not just prat humor but kid humor. Kelly had spoken of
production notes he’d read about the movie, how it was supposed to be a kind of take on the
Snow Queen. Walter knew more about the upcoming Disney film than he’d ever thought he’d
know about anything: who had been cast, why, how long the project had been in the works—
since the 1940s, it turned out, which kind of blew his mind. He understood this was a big
moment for Kelly, a new film by his favorite company, brought to him by the same people who
had brought him his favorite movie, Tangled.

All that he got. But snowmen and reindeer requiring a moment he did not.

He did some casual recon while he waited, reading message boards and blog articles

armchair quarterbacking the film production and the trailer, but he didn’t learn much. When
Kelly finally came in, he put his phone to sleep and smiled, patting the space on the bed beside

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Kelly took him up on the offer and snuggled against him, resting a hand on Walter’s chest.

It took him a moment before he could speak, and when he did, his voice still had that gruff,
disbelieving quality. “It’s going to be really good. I can already tell.”

How? Walter stroked Kelly’s shoulder and nuzzled his hair. “I’m glad.”

“The animation is excellent. Just like Tangled, but it’s going to have its own flavor too.

Some people are saying the reindeer is Maximus II, but I don’t think so.” His fingers teased
absent circles against Walter’s T-shirt. “The teaser gave nothing away about the plot, of course. It
was funny, letting us know it was going to have good humor, but I love that the end of it was
about the reindeer—” He stopped. “Oh, I’m so sorry. You haven’t seen it yet.”

Walter kissed his temple. “Why don’t you show it to me?”

He did his best to react as he thought he should during the short video, chuckling quietly

when Kelly did—well, honestly, sometimes on his own, because it was funny, if not a little
weird. Mostly he held Kelly close, stroking his hair, being with him.

When it was over, Kelly sighed happily. “I love how the reindeer gives him the carrot

instead of eating it. It gives me hope this really will be like Tangled, funny but with a good
message.” He let out another breath, his whole body vibrating with contentment and longing
both. “I have no idea how I’m ever going to wait until November.”

Of course Kelly did have to wait. They settled into their place, finding a grocery store they

liked, getting their books for school, starting school—but every now and then Frozen would drift
back onto the radar. Kelly would read a rumor or hear advance press, and they would discuss it
over dinner or in bed. Their consumption of all things Disney amplified—Walter had grown
accustomed to hearing a soundtrack while he made dinner and being coerced into enduring a
cartoon movie a few times a month, but as September drew on, it seemed to happen all the time.
One day he had “Part of Your World” so ear-wormed into his brain he’d had to listen to an entire
Journey album to eradicate it.

Then in late September, Walter came home from class and was met at the door by a wild-

eyed, flush-faced boyfriend. Grabbing him by the shirt, Kelly pressed Walter against the closed
door clutched Walter’s face in an iron grip and pressed his body between Walter’s legs.

Walter’s dick sprang immediately to attention. “Kelly?”

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Kelly’s hands slid up to Walter’s hair. His eyes fell to half-lidded, his mouth parted as he

licked his lower lip. “Official trailer came out.”

Closing his mouth over Walter’s, Kelly kissed him like it was their last day on earth, and

dragged him to the floor.

It was the fastest, hottest, and weirdest sex they’d ever had—Kelly didn’t even bother to

get Walter or himself out of their clothes, just got their dicks clear of zippers and frotted there in
front of the closet, murmuring incoherently between carnal kisses.

“Anna—” Kelly sucked hard on Walter’s neck, tugging his hair to get himself a better

curve. “Feisty, but sweet—I can’t—ah—” He dove into another kiss as he got their cocks at a
particularly good angle and drove them to the edge for a second before breaking the kiss to nip at
Walter’s chin as he babbled some more. “I can’t tell who the love interest is. It’s supposed to be
Kristoff, but what about Hans? I can’t—oh God, Walter.”

Walter spread his legs wider, drawing Kelly tighter against him. “Babe, let’s take this to the


“No.” Kelly thrust his tongue deep into Walter’s mouth, kissing him until they both shook

with want. “I want to do you right here.

With that Kelly slid down his boyfriend’s body and engulfed Walter’s cock in a hot, greedy

mouth. Walter came so hard he couldn’t move and Kelly had to jerk himself off. When he’d
finished, Kelly pillowed his head on Walter’s chest, looking more sated over a Disney trailer than
was probably legal.

Weirdest yet: even after coming like that, when he spoke about the trailer, he once again

looked ready to cry.

“It’s going to be so good. I wanted to trust them, but I was a little worried, because of

course at any second they could lose it, go more the way of Hercules, but…no. It’s going to be
like Tangled. I can’t—oh God, Walter.

He’d kissed Walter again, and again. Walter convinced them to go to bed this time. He

couldn’t get it up, not as hard as he’d come, but it didn’t take much coaxing to get Kelly back in
business. This time Kelly got the blow job, and after they took a sex-sated nap together.

That was the only time another YouTube release from Disney Animation Studios prompted

sex, but there were spontaneous displays of joy and hysteria every time trailers, teasers, and clips
were posted online. There was a brief period where Kelly tried to abstain and keep himself pure,

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because he worried the clips would spoil him, but in the end he gave up and watched every last
one. Walter did too, usually not quite getting it, but playing along as best he could. Walter got a
little interested when Kelly reported the guy who voiced Kristoff was gay in real life, but that
was about as much honest excitement as he could muster.

“It’s just so intense,” Walter confessed on a Skype call to Cara in late October. “I guess I

knew he was going to be this nuts, but it’s something else to see it.”

“He’s excited is all.” She put her chin in her hand and got that doughy look she always did

when Walter was soft for Kelly. “It’s so good of you to support him.”

“I’m trying to. But I gotta tell you, I had no idea what I was signing up for as far as this

Disney fetish.”

She shook her head, smiling. “You love it and you know it. Anyway, it can’t be that bad.

He’s not asking you to role-play or anything.”

Walter went very still, doing his best to keep his face blank.

Cara’s eyes went wide, she put her hand over her mouth, and she burst out laughing. “You

did not.” She laughed harder. “How can you? You don’t even know the movie yet.”

Walter’s entire body was flushed with embarrassment. “Not…this one.” He let himself

enjoy a brief flashback to playing Flynn Rider seducing “Rapunzel,” before clearing his throat.
“It’s fine. I’m just getting used to how into it he is.”

“Are you going to go see the movie on opening day?”

“I assume so.” Walter glanced around the empty apartment nervously, even though he

knew he was alone. “It messes with my plans for the proposal, though. I can’t decide if I should
ask then or at Thanksgiving.” He rubbed his cheek nervously. “Maybe I shouldn’t ask at all yet.”

Cara rolled her eyes. “You’ll go crazy if you don’t ask now. Though that’s a tough call—

ask him at a Disney movie, or with his family. I suppose if the film sucks that’s going to strike
the wrong tone.”

“I think it’ll be fine for him no matter what. I guess my concern is, he’s so obsessed I’m

worried it’ll be an also-ran. Besides, he’s so family-oriented. It seems right to stick with my
original plan and ask him in front of everybody.” Even though the idea still made him sweat
simply thinking about it.

Cara had that dreamy look again. “Whatever you decide will be fine, I’m sure. Though I

admit I’d love to watch.”

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Which meant everyone else would want to also. Decision made then.

Everyone would be there at Thanksgiving: Cara and Greg, Williams and his family, their

parents, their grandparents. Several times Walter worried maybe he should give up the idea and
propose some other time, with at least only half the clan. Though as the holiday and release day
drew closer, he realized he had another important event to juggle. With half the family arriving in
town Wednesday evening, how were they going to get to the movie, do food prep, and entertain
everyone all at the same time?

Kelly surprised him with this solution: he wanted to wait until Friday for his first viewing

of Frozen, when everyone had gone home.

“Are you sure?” Walter frowned, searching his boyfriend’s face carefully. “I thought for

sure you’d want to be there on opening day.”

“Not with everyone else here. It’s going to be too crazy.”

Walter’s heart sank. “I shouldn’t have let dinner get so out of hand. I’m so sorry.”

Kelly tweaked his nose. “Stop. It’ll be fine. The crowds at the theater will be a little less

then.” He pressed a kiss on Walter’s cheek. “Besides. I want to see it just with you, the first

Walter nuzzled him back, pressing a kiss on the side of his lips, letting it turn into

something deeper.

With Kelly’s assurances about the holiday settling that fear, Walter focused on second-

guessing his decision to propose at Thanksgiving until his head hurt from too much thinking. If
Kelly wanted to make their viewing it together an event, maybe he should make a proposal part
of that. Except he didn’t want to dilute either experience, either.

Though of course if Kelly said it was too soon to get married, as he feared more and more

every day, asking him the day before the event would create so much awkward Walter could kill
everything dead.

As Thanksgiving week started, Walter entered an altered-state of anxiety and terror, the

impending movie screening utterly forgotten. It didn’t matter how much his sister, Kelly’s, Rose,
or Cara reassured him. There were too many ways for Walter to get the proposal wrong, which
meant he would get it wrong, a thought he couldn’t bear yet couldn’t manage to escape either.
Kelly asked if he was okay a few times, and Walter lied and said it was school. Normally Kelly

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would have pushed, because it was a pretty bad lie, but this time he was too caught up in the food
prep. To make things worse, Walter realized Kelly genuinely resented having so many people
underfoot, that if he’d had his way, they’d have spent the holiday alone. Which of course Walter
had assumed Kelly had wanted…until he realized it was only what Walter had wanted.

He was going to be a horrible husband, and not to Kelly because Kelly would never say

yes. If the smell of smoke wouldn’t have disappointed Kelly all the more, Walter would have
caved and bought a pack of Marlboros when he went out for soy milk Wednesday night after
everyone had gone back to their hotels. He hadn’t lit up in years, but that didn’t stop him from
wanting to inhale a full pack in the parking lot of Lund’s.

He managed to refrain, but he didn’t sleep a wink that evening, only alternated between

staring at the ceiling and Kelly’s slumbering profile.

His insomnia worked out well in the end, because he was able to turn off Kelly’s alarm and

start the turkey himself, start the labor-intensive walnut lentil loaf for Sue, and put a last spit-
shine on the apartment before everyone began showing up. When a timid knock sounded on the
door at seven-thirty, Walter was surprised to find Kelly’s mom standing there.

“I had Dick drop me off. He and Lisa will be by around ten-thirty, but I wanted to come

help cook.” Sue bussed him on the cheek as she breezed into the apartment. “Besides. I had a
feeling you’d be a little nervous.”

Walter’s love for Sue, already deep and wide, carved new trenches to store the affection in

his heart. “I still worry it’s too soon.”

“Hush.” She dusted imaginary lint from his shoulders, then let her hands linger there as she

looked him in the eye. “If it were anybody else, I’d agree with that statement. But if you’re the
one asking? I say it’s a perfect time.”

The very idea of anyone else asking Kelly to marry them made Walter feel like he could

grow fangs. He didn’t say that, though, only thanked his hopefully future mother-in-law and gave
her a big hug.

The food prep occupied Walter’s mind the rest of the morning, and as the apartment filled

up with scents and family he felt like he danced on top of a strange cloud. It was wonderful to
see everyone, even his mother and grandmother, who somehow didn’t manage to ruin
everything. There were simply too many other people who weren’t interested in their dramas,
making them wet blankets that did nothing but hiss and dry out in the home fires the others
ignited. Even Kelly seemed to like having everyone around once the meal got going, and he even

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told Walter as much when they were alone in the kitchen putting the last touches on the turkey
and lentil loaf before bringing them out for the big reveal.

“This is cool, having everyone in my house, even if it is crowded.” Kelly wrapped his arms

around Walter’s neck, smiling. “I don’t feel like a kid. I feel like an adult doing an adult thing,
with you.”

He kissed Walter softly, spreading warmth from Walter’s solar plexus out in a slow, sweet

burn through his whole body.

Once they started eating, Walter went back to nervous, knowing what was coming. Rose

and Cara kept giving him bolstering smiles and the occasional encouraging elbow, right up until
the time they all three retreated into the kitchen to set up the proposal.

“I’m going to throw up,” Walter murmured as Cara fussed with his collar and Rose queued

up the MP3 player and wifi speaker.

“You’re going to be fine.” Cara stilled his hand where it worried Kelly’s class ring and

squeezed his fingers. “He’s going to say yes. Trust me on this.”

“Yes, but is this the right way to ask him?”

“Yes,” they replied in unison.

Despite this, Walter still quaked as he waited for Rose’s cue. When it was time to bring out

the pan, his whole body felt like jello.

Then he saw Kelly’s face, and the whole world came into focus. Even before Kelly lifted

the towel, Walter knew it would all be okay.

That didn’t stop him from feeling like he could fly over downtown Minneapolis when

Kelly said yes, he’d love to marry Walter.

The rest of the Thanksgiving dinner was as out-of-body as it had been pre-proposal, but

this time there was no tension, no nerves, only deep, powerful happiness. Kelly never left
Walter’s side, and Walter rarely wasn’t touching him.

Mine. He’s going to be mine. Officially. Forever.

When everyone left and they were alone, Kelly climbed on top of him on the couch and

kissed him for an hour, murmuring how much he loved him, how perfect the proposal had been.
Eventually they moved to the bed, where Walter decided proposal sex was some of the best sex
that could be had.

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They did it twice, though, just to be sure.

In the morning when they woke and Walter asked Kelly about going to see the movie, he

nearly fell out of bed when Kelly only shrugged.

“We’ll look up showtimes later.” Kelly pinned Walter to the mattress and spread his thigh to

the side with his knee. “Right now I want to fuck my fiancé.”

Though he was still surprised, Walter had no intention of arguing with that directive. Rolling

onto his stomach, he shoved a pillow under his groin and presented himself, belly quivering with
anticipation. When Kelly took on that tone of voice, he was in a mood, and oh how Walter loved
those. Shutting his eyes and gripping the covers until he pulled them from their moorings, Walter
gasped and pushed back as Kelly drove into him.

Fiancé. As his fiancé fucked him. The thought alone made Walter moan.

Kelly, buried deep, leaned forward and nipped Walter’s ear. “You’re going to be my


Moaning again, Walter grabbed the back of Kelly’s head and pushed his ass back into

Kelly’s groin.

When they were sated and sweaty and he had his breath back, Walter asked again about the


“I thought maybe we could do a nice dinner at French Meadow before.” His fingers toyed

lazily in Kelly’s hair. “Do you want 3D or 2D, though?”

“Hmm. I can’t decide.” Kelly snuggled in against him. “Oh, let’s do 3D. Why not.”

Walter kissed him. “3D it is.”

While Kelly showered, he bought the tickets with his phone, then made a reservation for


Through the morning, Kelly seemed almost disinterested in the movie, too busy toying with

his engagement ring or sliding his hands inside Walter’s pants as they made breakfast. As the
afternoon wore on, however, the imminent viewing of his long-anticipated film worked its
magic, and Kelly began to bounce and second-guess the film.

“I hope the songs are better than Tangled. Not that they were bad exactly—I mean, the

soundtrack was beautiful, but the songs themselves kind of let me down. They were mostly the

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same things reprised different ways. It doesn’t look like that will be the case with Frozen, but of
course I can’t be sure until I’ve seen it.”

Walter couldn’t quite stop his lips from quirking into a smile. “You haven’t broken down and

listened to the song samples on the Internet?”

“Not once. And they’ve kept the trailers pretty clean from what I can tell too.” Kelly bounced

up and down a few times on the balls of his feet, his cheeks tinging pink. “Oh my God, it’s
finally here, isn’t it? I’m actually going to go see Frozen.”

By the time they were out to dinner, Kelly spoke at squirrel-speed and at a decibel level

Walter suspected was mostly only discernible by dogs. Walter didn’t mind. Mostly he listened,
smiling as he thought about how he had a lifetime of Disney movie premiers with Kelly to look
forward to.

But if he’d thought Kelly was excited at dinner, his fiancé nearly melted down when Walter

informed them in the parking lot they were watching Frozen at the Paragon in Rochester.

“Isn’t that the fancy theater?” Kelly asked when he was able to use English again.

“It is. And I bought us reserved seating.”

Grabbing Walter’s coat, Kelly kissed him hard.

Walter’s lip was still a little bruised, in fact, as they went through the doors. They were early

enough they could have lounged a bit at the bar, but Kelly could barely sit. Though they didn’t
have to claim their seats right away, Walter got them inside as soon as the doors were open,
thinking at least the pre-show ads would offer Kelly a kind of focusing Zen.

They did manage to stave things off a little, but even the previews themselves did little to

calm Kelly down. When the screen went black, a cappella chanting started and the Disney logo
emerged, however, Kelly went completely still laser-focused on the screen.

Walter settled in too, and prepared to experience the movie.

He’d intended to watch his fiancé too, but too quickly he was caught up in the spell of the

show. By now he should have been accustomed to the fact that somehow watching kids movies
with his lover would always melt his cynical heart, but it still shocked him.

There was something, too, about taking in the movie in a theater. He could not begin to guess

when he last watched a Disney movie on the big screen or which one it was. Never had he even
considered it as an adult.

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Never had he done so with Kelly.

Reaching over the armrest, he caught his fiancé’s hand.

After squeezing it, Kelly lifted it to his lips for a kiss, then returned their hands to his thigh.

He didn’t let go.

When the credits rolled, they sat quietly in their seats. Walter knew without asking they

would stay through the end, but he would have asked to remain even if Kelly hadn’t wanted to,
and not just because he knew there was an Easter egg at the end. He wanted more time to soak,
to process what he’d just seen. Kelly seemed to feel the same way.

Eventually, though, it was Kelly who broke their silence.

“Except for the fact that they’re sisters, could Elsa and Anna be any more our


Walter smiled and drew their still-joined hands up so he could press a kiss to Kelly’s

knuckles. “I would put some serious money on Elsa being a lesbian, if that helps.”

Kelly looked thoughtful. “Huh. You know, I’d have to agree with you there.”

Walter nudged him with his knee. “So. Did the songs live up to what you wanted them to


“Oh.” Kelly’s eyes blinked slowly closed for a moment before he opened them again. “Oh,

yes. I mean—‘Let It Go,’ obviously, but the rest were good too. Everything. I loved all of it. I
mean—the message, the animation…” He let out a ragged sigh. “It’s far too early to say for sure.
But…Tangled is a little in danger as my favorite.”

Why that made Walter’s heart turn over, he couldn’t say, but turn over it did. There in the

theater, families and children milling about them, Walter looked at the man who’d agreed to
marry him and fell in love all over again: with Kelly’s innocence, his optimism, and the
steadfastness and tenderness which, like Anna leading Elsa, taught Walter how to believe in love.

He’d known this was what had happened when fate threw them together in that dorm at

Hope. He just hadn’t quite realized Kelly would melt him all over again every single day.

Or how much he would love the way melting felt.

With a heavy, happy sigh, Kelly sank back in his reclining seat. “I have to tell you, right now

I’m completely torn between wanting to rush out and buy the soundtrack and several action

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figures or begging you to sit through another screening right here, right now.”

Reaching into his inside coat pocket, Walter withdrew the CD soundtrack and tickets for the

nine-thirty 2D show he’d stashed there, then pulled out his phone to check the time. “I’m pretty
sure there’s a Toys ‘R Us down the street from here. Since those seats are reserved too, we have
time to go raid the shelves.”

Kelly put the CD and tickets in Walter’s lap. Then he took Walter’s face in his hands and

kissed him, slow, sweet, and lingering. When he came up for air, Kelly stared down at Walter
with wonder and affection.

“Walter Lucas, you’re going to marry me. And you’re getting epically laid as soon as we get


Why did that make Walter grin softly, like a lovelorn sap? “I am.” He touched Kelly’s lip

with his thumb. “I love you, Kelly.”

“I love you too.” After another hard kiss that probably would have gotten them in trouble if

all the families hadn’t filed out of the theater already, Kelly rose, holding out his hand. “Okay,
let’s go find that store. Because I know just the playset I want.”

Grinning, Walter rose and followed his husband-to-be out of the theater, into their own

happily ever after.

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About the Author

Heidi Cullinan has always loved a good love story, provided it has a happy ending. She

enjoys writing across many genres but loves above all to write happy, romantic endings for
LGBT characters because there just aren't enough of those stories out there. When Heidi isn't
writing, she enjoys cooking, reading, knitting, listening to music, and watching television with
her husband and ten-year-old daughter. Heidi is a vocal advocate for LGBT rights and is proud to
be from the first midwestern state with full marriage equality. Find out more about Heidi,
including her social networks, at


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Books by Heidi Cullinan

Special Delivery Series

Special Delivery (Feb 2014)

Double Blind (March 2014)

Tough Love (April 2014)

Minnesota Snow

Let It Snow

Love Lessons

Love Lessons

Fever Pitch (September 2014)

Tucker Springs

Second Hand (with Marie Sexton)

Dirty Laundry

Family Man (with Marie Sexton)

A Private Gentleman

Dance With Me

Nowhere Ranch

Etsey Series

The Seventh Veil

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Temple Boy

The Pirate’s Game

Re-releasing Soon from Wilde City Press


Miles and the Magic Flute

Sweet Son

Novellas and Short Stories from Dreamspinner Press

The Wounds in the Walls (Midsummer Nightmare series)

Down the Middle (in the Necking anthology)

Kissing the Dragon (in the Myths & Magic anthology)

Free Shorts

The Twelve Days of Randy (Special Delivery series)

Frozen Heart (Love Lessons series)


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