Dane, Adrianna Vampire Falls 01 Animal Heat

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Amber Quill Press


Copyright ©2007 by Adrianna Dane

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane





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ISBN 978-1-60272-141-8

Amber Quill Press, LLC


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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Also By Adrianna Dane

Achilles' Charm

The Argadian Heart Trilogy

The Boy Next Door

Breathless Peaks

Carnal Carnivale

Closing Time

Come Into My Parlor

Esmerelda's Secret

The Exile: A Seductive Tale

Fertility Rite

Graphic Liaisons

If You Dare...

I Want

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Images Of Desire

Immortal Treasure

Jebediah's Promise

Jewel Of Niveka

Legend Of The Beesinger

Mariposa Soul

The Midas Bride

Nights In White Satin

No Choice

Primal Magic: Scent

Primal Magic: Swan's Lake

Realm Of The Ice God

Ruthless Acts

Sequestered Passion

Smooth Finish

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Sylvie's Gift

Tempt Me Not


Train Me

A View To Possession


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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



Adrianna Dane

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



There was something distinctly different about Treynor

Black, and Rainna Elizabeth Spaulding was determined to find
out what it was that drew her so irrevocably to the man.

She couldn't decide what she loved best about him. Was it

his mouth, which tasted like pure carnal delight? Maybe his
hands, that seemed to be able to elicit every lustful response
from her body. Or was it his mesmerizing, brooding gaze that
made her melt every time she was in close vicinity?

She gazed down, meeting the salacious, languid look in his

shadowed eyes as she surged and dipped over his body, her
wet pussy sucking at his thick cock, greedy to consume every
bit of his length. A slow, morning fuck, before dawn, drawing
out the elemental pleasure of enjoying his hard body. His
hands rested loosely at her hips as she rose up and slowly
settled in undulating, rhythmic cadence. Smoothing her hands
over his rock-solid chest that was covered in rich, dark, silky
hair, his slitted gaze locked tightly with hers, a half-smile on
his sculpted lips, she roamed over his body at will.

One thing she did know was that she enjoyed his body

very much. Anytime he knocked on her door, there was never
a thought of denying him. It didn't even matter that he'd
stood her up for dinner the night before and showed up on
her doorstep at midnight.

She angled her hips, her vagina wrapped closer around his

rigid cock, the tip of his penis skittering achingly against the

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


entrance to her womb, sending shockwaves of pleasure
throughout her body.

Gazing out the window, regretfully she encountered the

first wisps of dawn through the window. He would leave soon
and whenever he left it was like ripping out a part of herself.
It was an odd feeling she didn't quite understand.

His departure shouldn't affect her so acutely. She hadn't

known him long enough to feel a deeper emotion beyond
liking and enjoyment of his company.

Of his body.
She slid up and down, coating his rigid shaft with her

juices. He reached up and cupped her heavy breasts,
kneading them rhythmically as she rode him like a belly
dancer swirling her lush hips to seductive music.

Almost from the moment he'd entered her cabin last night,

he'd barely closed the door before they'd been down on the
floor, tearing at each other's clothing as though they were
about to be separated forever and time was running out. The
intensity of her response to him was like being swept up in a
tornado with little ability to control her actions. He'd pushed
into her hard, fucked her deep. It was fierce and ravenous, as
though they hadn't seen each other for months, rather than
hours. There was little sense of reality or their surroundings,
it was all about the sensations, the tangle of bodies melded in
the driving heat of lust with no relief in sight even as she
orgasmed time and time again.

Sleep was hardly a glimmer in her mind. It rarely was

when they were together. Some primal urgency seemed to
overtake them as they imbibed deeply with lusty thirst. Their

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


combined scents filled the air in the cabin. Sex and sweat,
earthy and hot.

She loved the scent of him—it filled her with the desire to

mate—regularly and often. It was hot and male and clean, yet
primal. It obliterated every other thought in her head, as
though she was drenched in primitive heat and nothing
mattered beyond fucking him.

He reached up and wound his hand in her long, brown

hair. Drawing her down, he fastened his lips over hers. Her
fingers curled, digging into his chest, as he thrust his tongue
deep into her mouth. The purr of satisfaction that coiled in
her throat, erupted into muffled sound, swallowed by his kiss.
He lifted her away.

"I have to go, Rainna. It's almost light."
That sense of panic she always experienced at those

words, threaded through her and she felt her pussy grip his
cock tighter as though trying to imprison him there. It wasn't
a need to orgasm, it was simply a need to keep him with her,
locked inside her. Forever.

He shuddered beneath her and then groaned. "Dammit,

woman. If I could cart you off into the woods and fuck you
forever, it wouldn't be enough."

Surprisingly, his words alone sent her over the edge one

more time. They mirrored the thoughts spiraling through her
head. She bucked and ground her hips, driving him deeper.
He thrust upward and spurted his hot semen inside her.

Damn, yes.
How had she become so addicted to him so quickly?

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Once the tremors had lessened, she rose up and fell to the

side of the bed, gasping for air. He twisted around, leaned
down, and kissed her. He was preparing to leave. It was that
kind of kiss.

She lifted her arms to curl them around his neck.
"Why, Trey? Why can't you stay?" She didn't want to beg.

She didn't want to whine. It wasn't like her to play the
simpering little woman.

She'd always been a bit of a player, a flirt. Never engaging

her emotions too deeply.

She loved sex. Loved the adventure of fucking and

foreplay. But she'd never fallen in love, never felt quite this
same sort of intimacy. The thought that it might be
happening now, when she could least afford it, scared her to

The springs on the bed creaked as Trey left it to dress.

Rainna sat up, pulling the white sheet up to cover herself.
Suddenly, she was cold. Without his fierce, burning body
pressed against her, it was like an ice-cold downdraft from
the mountain flayed across her. Her pussy was still sopping
wet, feeling abandoned and empty.

From past experience, she knew the edgy feeling would

slowly dissipate once he left. It was odd how that always

"I should be angry with you for standing me up for dinner."
He turned to give her a sideways, slanted look as he pulled

on his scuffed brown leather boots. His expression was
closed, as it often was whenever she asked him questions.

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


"I have a job to do, Rainna. I can't always be where I'd

like to be. Duty has to come first."

She knew about duty. Duty was what had brought her

here to this remote town at the base of Mt. Ranier.

She sighed. "I understand, Trey. You have a job to do.

Even though you won't tell me anything about it. Or about

If it was possible for his expression to grow any more

remote, it did. He bent down to tie the laces of his hiking
boots. "In time, Rainna."

He straightened and looked at her. God, she loved his

eyes. They were the most unusual color of blue, pale, like the
clearest reflection of cerulean sky on the waters of a pure
mountain lake. Yet, Treynor Black was as deep as the waters
of Lake Tahoe. There were layers to the man, and she hadn't
been able to reach the heart of him. Not yet.

But then, didn't she have her own secrets? A past she

couldn't share with him? Didn't dare share with him?

It seemed they danced around each other that way. Or

maybe the better word was duel. Dipping close and jumping

Except when they were fucking.
He strode over to the bed, ripped the sheet away and

hauled her up into his arms. The searing kiss locked them
together for that one moment and she wrapped herself
around him, absorbing his blazing heat. Memorizing the feel
of his hard body as he pressed her close, the soft fabric of his
plaid flannel shirt rubbed against her breasts and unbelievably

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


she felt the heat of lust rising again. She always marveled at
how it never seemed to waver when she was with him.

She was left breathless when he finally lowered her back

to the bed, his pale gaze slicing through her.

"I'll see you later." His words, in that rough voice of his,

frictioned across her body like fine-grained sandpaper. This
primal heat would not abate while he was here. She had
grown accustomed to the signals of her body, the tightening
of her nipples, the steady flow of her juices when he was
anywhere near her. She didn't even have to see him to know
he was close—her body simply responded to his scent. The
blazing fire of arousal never let up. One would have thought
that considering the amount of fucking they had done over
the last month, some of the need would have lessened. But if
anything, it had only grown worse.

"Will you be stopping by the diner for lunch?" That was

how they had first met. She'd never forget that first
encounter. She'd almost dropped a whole tray of dishes into
his lap. Luckily, he'd caught the tray—and her—just in time.

He shook his head. "Not today. But I'll stop by tonight."
She bit her lip and nodded. Shivering, she pulled the sheet

around her once again. "Later then."

His gaze lingered on her. She had the sense that he found

it as difficult to leave as she did to let him go. That he wanted
to say something more. The thought warmed her somewhat.

Then he whirled around and strode out the door. His

absence left an empty silence inside the small cabin. Rainna
glanced at the clock and noted it was only a little before five

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


o'clock. Maybe she could get a couple hours of sleep before
she had to be at work.

She dropped back against the pillows, pressing her slick

thighs close together. She pulled the pillow close and inhaled
his lingering aroma. She knew from past experience the heat
would slowly dissipate, but right now the ache was still vivid
and pulsing. She reached up to cup her breasts and brushed
her thumbs over her taut nipples, remembering. Her pussy
clenched tightly with the echoes, clamping down on

But the feeling of contentment, of satiation didn't

dissipate. She didn't know where this relationship was going
to lead, but she couldn't bring herself to end it. Not yet.

She'd been transplanted from town to town so many

times, she'd lost count. The Witness Protection Program was
more of a nightmare than a safe haven. It had been worse
before she testified, but she still couldn't take a chance on
building any lasting relationships. It was putting closure to
that time of her life and the need to put down roots that had
been the catalyst for her to make up her mind to leave the
program and try to take back her life.

But she still couldn't take too many chances with people

she didn't really know. She'd taken back her real name,
determined to retrieve who she was. But she still tried to be
careful. She was far enough away from the situation that had
gotten her into this mess, and the doctors responsible were
now in prison, but it still paid to be cautious.

It's one of the reasons why she was working as a waitress

and not as a nurse. Less chance of being discovered.

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


But then she'd met Treynor Black, and he was an animal of

a whole different breed. From that first moment, the
attraction to him was too fierce to deny. They'd hardly made
it to somewhere private before fucking the first time. And
once they'd started, they couldn't seem to stop. No place was
safe when they were together. And everything was fair game.

She smiled as she pulled up the quilt and snuggled

beneath the covers. Her whole body ached in afterglow. It
was going to be a long day, but at least she had tonight to
look forward to.

God. How would she survive if she had to leave this town,

and leave Trey behind? It wasn't something she was going to
think about right now. She simply wanted to bask in the
lingering bright blaze of Trey's brand of lovemaking.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



The scent of evil pulled him through the forest. It was the

same odor as that of the team who had killed his pack mates.
He dropped low to the ground as he followed the trail,
lowering his nose close to the ground, then back up to sniff
the air. The smell lingered thickly, surrounding him. It was
sweat and stench, making him want to vomit at the thought
of sinking his fangs into the flesh of someone as evil as this

He didn't know his name, just his smell. It was something

he would never forget. And the guilt that lingered with it. Trey
was the alpha for the pack and he should have been there to
protect them. He should have known the information he'd
been given was false and that they'd been betrayed. If he'd
stayed, they would have been strong enough to fight them
off, but separated, it had weakened and left the ones who
remained vulnerable.

At least this time he knew his brothers were safely hidden

in the mountains. This was a totally different situation from
what had happened back east. He'd heard rumors of the Falls
and the safety that could be found for shifters like him and
the others. When they'd arrived, he'd been surprised at how
organized everything was. It was a sanctuary created by and
for species like him.

As the government grew more and more determined to

wipe out anyone with paranormal abilities, it had become of
urgent necessity for the different species to band together to

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


protect themselves from extinction. If you didn't sign the
agreement to work with the government, then they figured
you were against them and that marked you for
extermination by the Paraspecies Investigation Agency. They
were a new task force cloaked as an exploratory agency, but
better termed as government assassins. It wasn't just a
domestic organization, but had cells worldwide with ties to
the highest level of government control. A shadow group that
did the dirty work. And their jurisdiction extended to species
like werewolves and vampires, and ran the whole gamut of
special abilities, right down to the least bit of special power a
human might possess.

They watched and they waited. Whole families were

annihilated because of one person, maybe a seventh son of a
seventh son, or whatever, who might hold a speck of ability.
They were rounded up and brought in. They were tested,
tortured, and eventually killed. More like a torturous
inquisition than a simple questioning. Their plan was to wipe
the paraspecies out completely.

But it was the more obvious groups, like the wolves, who

were at the top of the hit list. The price on their heads might
make anyone think twice about what they could do with that
amount of money. And that's how his own pack had been
betrayed, and Kyle and Sybilla had been killed.

The news that one of the wolfhunters was near Silver

Creek had brought him down to the town. The mountain
vampires had long-standing ties in the town—humans who
were loyal to the Falls residents. That was how he'd gotten
the information that PIA had sent someone in. The people in

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by Adrianna Dane


Silver Creek couldn't be bought, so it had to be someone from
outside who had passed on the information that paraspecies
could be found here.

Trey's sole focus had been to find the men who had

murdered his family. He'd never expected to meet a woman
like Rainna in the process. One who fueled the mating instinct
like no other woman he'd ever met. It was dangerous for him
to associate with her. It could mean her death if this
wolfhunter ever realized she was connected to him.

Connected was a real good word. Every time he got in

close proximity to Rainna Spaulding, it was like all his
common sense flew out the window. He simply couldn't help
himself when it came to her. Something a lot more basic than
his brain took over. Pure, ingrained animal instinct. He
supposed it was expected that it would eventually happen.
Timing was not on his side and now certainly wasn't a
convenient time in any respect to establish a mating.

When it came down to it, he wasn't certain he could

protect her any better than he had Kyle and Sybilla. Rainna
carried his scent now and there was no changing it. He
wanted to take her back to the Falls, introduce her to his pack
brothers, and make her his life mate, make her a part of his
family. But what would she do when she found out what he
was? And besides, humans without abilities weren't allowed to
join the community. It was one of the laws of their society. It
was too easy for a traitor to infiltrate.

He had to put his mind back on track and return his focus

to why he was here in the first place. And that was to hunt
down a killer. He also needed to find out if there were others,

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and whether he was working alone, or if the team was close
by as well.

From what the council members said, this was the first PIA

assassin that had come to Silver Creek. If he was alone, all
the better. He could be dispatched quickly. But would that
lead to others coming to look for him?

If Trey killed him, the body would need to be removed to

somewhere far away. He'd talk with the vamps about how
they wanted it handled so it didn't draw attention to Silver
Creek or Vampyre Falls. Although in his opinion it probably
was already too late. Just having one of them show up in
Silver Creek said they probably already knew about the Falls,
and infestation by rodents such as these was probably not far

He sniffed the air again, smelled the strong scent of

danger, and circuited the darkness and shadows. In wolf form
his vision was far more acute than when he took human
shape. He could move faster and more quietly through the
thick vegetation as well, and his senses were more acute.

The assassin was close, he could feel it, and he wasn't

making any attempt to hide his presence. He probably had no
idea he was even being followed. Obviously, he was too intent
on whatever prey he had in his sight. What was he up to?

Trey knew what he looked like. He'd seen him in town, but

he'd tried to keep his distance, not wanting him to catch his
scent. One thing about assassins such as these was that they
had highly developed senses of smell and sound. It was part
of their training when they joined the agency. Whatever scent
he was onto couldn't be good.

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


He still couldn't fathom why someone would want to

become a part of a group like that. Of course, there were the
high bounties and he expected they enjoyed the thrill of the
hunt, and the kill. Some of them were more bloodthirsty than
others. And the wolfhunters were some of the worst. They
collected the pelts of the victims they killed.

He shuddered when he thought about Sybilla and Kyle.

He'd never found their bodies and often had nightmares about
what had become of them. All he'd found was a bloody trail
that had led him nowhere.

His brother, Carson, had gotten away with a wound to his

chest from the silver-dipped knife that had sliced him open.
He'd been lucky. They'd apparently taken them out one at a
time after incapacitating them. Carson was probably meant to
be the last. Donovan had been hunting when they'd attacked.
He'd just returned and found Carson, lying unconscious and
wounded on the ground, and had dragged him out of the
cabin before the assassins could come back and finish the job.
There'd been no sign of Sybilla and Kyle. Other than the
bloody trail. Van had been required to make a choice and he'd
lived with that knowledge ever since.

There was always a plan B, and theirs was an abandoned

gold mine they'd stocked with supplies—just in case. That's
where Trey had found his brothers when he'd returned.
Carson's wound had never healed properly. Of course, Carson
still wasn't right in any respect. Sybilla had been his mate,
and he doubted Carson was ever going to recover from that

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


The assassin veered to the right and Trey perked his ears.

He shouldn't be moving in that direction. It certainly didn't
lead to the mountain, nor back to Silver Creek.

Shit. He was headed for Rainna's cabin. What the hell was

he doing going in that direction?

Suddenly he realized what the assassin was tracking. It

was Trey's scent he was on. He was following it to Rainna's

Trey took off at a dead run. He had to take the bastard

down before he reached Rainna's cabin. He would not lose the
woman he'd marked as his mate.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



Rainna rushed into her cabin, shouldering the door open,

her arms full of grocery bags. Her plan was to make a special
dinner for Trey.

She knew his favorite meal was a thick steak with wild

mushroom gravy, twice-baked potatoes, and corn on the cob.
It wouldn't take long to grill the steak since Trey preferred his
practically raw. He always seemed to have a voracious
appetite. In more ways than one.

She reached into the cupboard for the seasonings, pulled

the head of lettuce and other vegetables out of the
refrigerator, setting them on the counter, and was just
reaching for the knife she planned to use for the vegetables,
when the door of the cabin rocked back on its hinges and
slammed against the wall.

Whirling around, a butcher knife clutched in her hand, she

reared back against the counter as she saw a man, who
looked more like a wild demon than a human, filling the
doorway. Black straggly hair down to his shoulders, a full
black beard, a narrow face with small, beady eyes. He wore
ragged Army fatigues, clutched an evil-looking machete in
one hand, and had a rifle slung across his back.

"What do you want?" she screamed
He tilted his head to the sky and sniffed loudly. The smile

that spread across his lips was not pleasant and made Rainna
shudder. She clasped the knife tighter, knowing she and a

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cheap kitchen knife were not going to be a match for this man
if he came at her.

He turned back to look at her and the expression on his

face had to be the cruelest one she'd ever seen.

"This place stinks of him." His black gaze narrowed. "You

stink of the pack. Where's the alpha?" He took a menacing
step toward her. "This time I'm going to skin him and take his
carcass back with me."

There was only one way out and he was blocking it. She

had to find a path around him somehow. The cabin had never
seemed quite so small before.

"I don't know who you're talking about." She tried to inch

her way to the other side of the tiny kitchen, hopefully forcing
him farther into the room. "Who are you looking for?"

"Black. Him and his pack. I got me two of them, but I

know there's more. I've seen their markings. They've been
here." He narrowed his gaze on her again. "And I'm guessing
he'll be back. In the meantime..."

That was when she tried to lunge past him, just as he took

another step toward her, freeing a small space she might be
able to use to get past him. At least she had the knife. She
didn't know what Trey might have done to have this man
tracking him; she didn't care because what she did know was
that this man was bad. Really, really bad.

Rainna bolted, hoping to take him off guard. She almost

made it past him when he shot around and grabbed her by
her long hair. He yanked her off her feet. She screamed as
loud as she could before she toppled backward. She held little
hope that someone might hear her—the cabin was too far

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away from town—but someone might be walking in the woods
nearby. A long shot, but her best hope.

Trey wasn't due to arrive for several hours. She was on

her own.

She yanked around and blindly jabbed out with the knife.

But, again, he was too quick, too experienced. He grabbed
her wrist in a tight, breaking hold, and twisted to the point
where she thought the bones might snap.

"No," she screamed, as the knife clattered to the floor from

her numbed fingers.

He dragged her up against him and his hot breath choked


"You're a little spitfire, aren't you? Seems to me you could

use a little taming. You and me are going to come to an
understanding before Black gets here."

That wasn't going to happen. In a quick movement, she

jabbed her knee up as hard as she could and hit a bull's eyes.
He yowled and suddenly she was free. Not wasting an instant,
she whirled around and raced toward the open door.

He was on her before she could reach it, ripping her shirt,

yanking her back by the hair.

"No," she screamed, whipping around. She dug her curled

fingers into the flesh of his face.

"Damn you, bitch. You'll pay for that."
The next thing she knew pain shattered through her. She

saw stars as his fist smashed into her face and blood poured
from her nose. Oh, God, she was certain she was going to

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Before she could crumple to the floor, he hauled her up

and threw her onto the bed. She rolled over and tried to crawl
to the other side. He dragged her back, picked her up, and
slammed her back down.

She fought him with every bit of strength she could

muster, refusing to give in to the pain. She knew she was
fighting for her life. This time she tried for his eyes, curling
her fingers into claws, she struck out fiercely.

He deflected her aim, grabbed her arms, and slammed her

back down again. She was losing strength and she knew it.
He hit her across the face again and she felt the blackness
start to descend. She fought it, knowing she would certainly
be lost if she allowed herself to lose consciousness.

She tried to lift her legs, to kick out. Her mouth filled with

blood and she couldn't breath. She felt his vile hands at the
front of her jeans and she fought harder, but knew she
couldn't last much longer.

She wiggled and refused to remain still. She would not

give in. One leg achieved freedom and she kicked out. He
twisted her leg and she screamed with pain. Then he punched
her in the stomach, winding her, and she fell back, trying to
catch her breath, knowing something was broken. Tears
blurred her vision.

The loud echo of an angry growl shot through the room.

The vile hands left her body for an instant, and she managed
to crawl away on her hands and knees, toppling off the other
side of the bed. Pulling herself up, she looked around and
couldn't believe what she saw. It was a huge black wolf with a
vicious look on its face.

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She had to be seeing things. She shook her head and tried

to focus, but one eye was already beginning to swell and her
vision was blurry.

"Black. I knew you'd get here sooner or later. Too bad it

wasn't just a bit later."

Then the large wolf leapt straight toward the man,

knocking him to the ground. They grappled on the floor,
rolling over and over. The wolf's lethal fangs were bared as he
growled and snapped, trying to reach the man's throat.

Rainna dragged herself across the bed and folded to the

floor. She tried to focus, to remain conscious, but she knew
she didn't have much strength left. When she couldn't get her
legs to function, she crawled across the floor, trying to find
the knife that he'd forced from her hand. She saw the glint of
silver just to the right of the violent battle.

The man was now on top, trying to break the wolf's jaw,

one hand at his throat. His machete wasn't close enough for
him to reach and there was no way he'd have time to remove
the rifle from his shoulder to use in this small space. If he
killed the wolf, Rainna knew she would be next. She'd rather
take her chances with the wolf later. Reaching for the kitchen
knife, she fumbled. Her hand was still numb, and the knife
clattered back to the floor. Using her other hand, she quickly
recovered the knife and rose to her knees.

With the very last of her strength, she lifted unsteadily to

her feet and threw herself at the pair on the floor. She knew
she'd only have one chance. Gripping the knife with both
hands she thrust it into the assailant's back, pushing as deep

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as she could, desperate to hit something vital that would stop

He arched back, howling with pain. She ripped the knife

out, his flesh sucking at the blade, and plunged it in again,
driving through muscle as blood poured out onto her hands.
He stiffened and then finally dropped forward beneath her.
She left the knife where it was and rolled away, closing her
eyes. The violence and stench of blood was already making
her ill. She had to get out. She couldn't be certain she had
killed him.

There was a whine and a blast of hot breath across her

battered face. She managed to open one eye and she met the
fierce, pale blue gaze of the wolf standing over her, watching

There was no room left for fear. All that remained was the

unbearable pain of her body. And a shocking moment of

"Trey," she whispered before she blacked out.

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by Adrianna Dane



Trey had never been so scared, or so angry, in his life. He

quickly shifted back to his human form. There was no time to
waste. He had to get her out of here and back to the Falls so
Morganna could tend to her wounds. He could only hope
nothing vital had been damaged or broken. He should have
been faster, dammit. He didn't dare take her to the hospital in
Silver Creek—there would be too many questions.

He turned back to check the wolfhunter and determined

without doubt that he was dead. The minute he'd released
Trey's jaw, Trey had finished what Rainna had started. He
had no regrets.

He turned back to Rainna.
Look at what the bastard did to her and she still kept


She was his mate, dammit, and he should have admitted it

to himself before this and convinced her to go back up the
mountain with him. It didn't matter if she didn't have special
powers; he would make the council agree to allow her to
remain in Vampyre Falls. If not, then he and the others would
leave. They'd have no choice. He had no choice. He couldn't
let her go.

He found a blanket and carefully wrapped it around her.

Then he located her purse with her car keys. Lifting her into
his arms he carried her out to the car and placed her on the
backseat, being certain to cushion her head. Once he was
sure she was as comfortable as possible and that her

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breathing and pulse were steady, he went back inside the

She was going to be angry when she woke up, but he had

little choice at this point. If he was going to protect not only
her, but everyone in Silver Creek as well as in Vampyre Falls
he had to make sure he covered their tracks and that there
was no trace of the PIA agent by the time it was done.

He walked outside and around to the shed at the back. He

picked up the can of gasoline and then went back inside.
Pulling a book of matches off the counter in the kitchen, he lit
the match and dropped it into the liquid pooling on the floor.
It caught fast and he hurried outside, closing the door behind

He'd use the cell phone before he got too far out of range

and alert the fire department before the fire could have a
chance to get out of control. Then he'd lose the throw-away
phone. It didn't do him any good up in the mountains
anyway. There was no phone service in Vampyre Falls, no
vehicles other than ATVs. The electricity was powered by the

Fuck. The cell phone was back in his truck along with his

clothes. What the hell was he thinking? He looked back at the
cabin, wondering what his chances were to get to the agent
to see if he had a phone. The flames had already begun to
engulf the interior and he couldn't take the chance. He was
going to have to make a quick stop before he could get her
back to the Falls—he had no choice. Luckily there was a
shortcut to where he'd left his truck hidden on the other side
of the woods. Sometimes this clothes problem really irritated

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him. And no pockets in his wolf form. That was a real issue at
times like this.

One last check on Rainna and he got into the front seat

and started the engine. As he pulled away, he checked the
rearview mirror and saw the yellow flames licking at the
structure. He spun out, throwing dirt, gravel, and clouds of
dust behind him as he hightailed it for his truck. Once he got
to it, he jumped out of the car and raced toward it. Yanking
open the door he grabbed for his clothes and the cell phone.
He punched in the number for the fire department, gave them
the necessary information, and then tossed the phone. There
was no time to dress—he had to get Rainna to the healer and
fast. One of his brothers could come down later to take care
of his vehicle. Tossing his clothes into the front seat of
Rainna's car, he jumped in and jammed his bare foot down on
the gas pedal.

There was no going back. He could only hope that Rainna

would eventually understand what he had done and why. He
hoped his brothers would give her time to become acclimated
with their way of life. They weren't much on patience. But if
Trey planned to keep Rainna as his mate, and remain head of
his pack, the others would have to accept her as well. And
that was something he wasn't certain Rainna was ready for.

* * * *

She hurt. She hurt bad. Pain was about the only thing she

felt when she woke up to find herself wrapped in a blanket,
speeding down the road, the faint scent of burning wood

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assaulting her nostrils. The one thing she did know was that
she was lying on the backseat of a car.

She tried to focus, but her eyes were too bleary, one

actually completely shut, and the side of her face felt like
pummeled steak. She couldn't breath easily through her nose
and she was afraid to touch it, to discover that it actually was
broken. She was terrified to see any bit of her face from the
way it felt.

It was the fear of who was driving the vehicle that was the

impetus to make her attempt to sit up, even though it felt like
her ribs were broken. And then she finally managed to see
who was driving the car.

"Trey," she croaked.
He glanced quickly around and then returned his attention

to the road. She had no idea exactly how fast they were
traveling, but she knew it certainly far exceeded the speed
limit, especially on what felt like a dirt road.

"You should slow down." She couldn't make out a lot,

being half-blind, but it looked like—"Trey ... are you naked?"

"I need to get you to a doctor," he gritted out, obviously

ignoring her personal comment. "Goddamn it to hell. The
sonfoabitch," he roared as he slammed his closed fist against
the steering wheel.

"Is he ... dead?"
Her gaze connected with his angry, pale one in the

rearview mirror. Some memory flittered in her mind and then

"Yes. But you didn't do it."
"Was it the wolf?"

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She saw something flash through his eyes. "I should have

gotten to you sooner. I knew he was in the area. I was
tracking him, but I just never thought he'd go for you."

She tried to collect her thoughts, to remember what the

man had said before he'd attacked her. "He knew you. He
was looking for you."

His expression in the mirror seemed to grow more wary. It

was his eyes, something about his eyes.

"What did he say?"
Again, the thought disappeared. "Just that he was looking

for you. That he'd killed two others. Were they members of
your family, Trey? Did he hurt your family?"

"Yes, you could say that. It's one of the reasons I was in

Silver Creek. I'd heard he might be close by."

She tried to look out the window to see where they were

headed, but couldn't quite make things out. Except they were
going up the mountain. Shouldn't they be traveling in the
other direction to find a hospital?

"Where are you taking me? This isn't the way to the


"I'm taking you home with me. There's a healer there who

I trust to help you. I have more faith in her than any city
doctor. Do you trust me, Rainna? I know you probably have a
lot of questions, and I'll try to answer them. But right now,
you need to rest. The car won't be able to take us all the way
up. He hurt you and it's my fault."

"He's the one who did this, not you. If you'd been there

when he came, you might already be dead."

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"Give me a little credit, please. I know his kind. I've dealt

with them for most of my life."

"Who was he?"
"He's a wolfkiller. Trained by the government as a were ...

as an assassin."

"But I thought wolves were protected by the government?"
"Not this branch. Not these ... wolves. Have you ever

heard of the PIA?"

The acronym meant nothing to her. She shook her head,

then was sorry she had moved at all. The pain in her head
increased and she lifted her hands to press them against her
temples. "God, it hurts, Trey."

"Lie down, Rainna. Dammit, this old rattletrap of yours

doesn't have any more kick than an old, lazy mule."

The glare of the sun on the horizon hurt the one eye she

was able to see out of and finally she lay back down on the
seat, pulling the blanket up to block out the bright rays,
unable to bear it any longer.

She was going to have to trust Trey. She certainly wasn't

much help to herself right now. But she definitely wanted to
know more.

What kind of branch of the government would train a man

like that? She couldn't even imagine such a thing. She knew
instinctively he wasn't a clean killer; he'd wanted to taunt and
make his victim suffer. She knew it was wrong, but she was
glad he was dead.

She felt the car swerve to the right quickly and then jerk

over uneven ground. Branches screeched against the sides of
the car. Another turn and the car dipped down and then back

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up again, making her stomach somersault. And then finally it
came to a halt and Trey turned off the engine.

Her poor old car wasn't up to terrain like this. She'd

managed to purchase something that fit into her budget, but
which didn't amount to a whole lot. It needed a good paint
job and showed some spots of rust, but the engine ran and it
got her to work and back.

Trey got out of the car. She heard him rustling around and

then the sound of a zipper being pulled up. He still hadn't
explained why he was naked, but then he opened the back
door. She peeked up at him from beneath the blanket and
saw the look of worry on his face. He now wore a pair of
jeans at least.

"Damn, Rainna. I wish I could gut him all over again."
She cringed at the vision that brought up. She tried to sit

up, winced, and fell back against the seat. "I hope we don't
have to go far," she gasped. The pain swamped through her
like a rising storm, sweeping through her without surcease.

"I'll be right back," he said as he whirled away from her.

She had no idea what he was planning to do, but when her
head started spinning, she quickly lay back down on the seat,
trying to concentrate on breathing in and out. Actually, on
just plain breathing. She would survive this.

She heard the crunch of footsteps as twigs broke and dry

leaves were crushed. She tried to look up, but found it too
much of an effort.

"My ... brothers are coming down to help get you up to the

village. Morganna is coming with them."

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"Who's Morganna?" she managed to mumble. She felt like

she was starting to float away and was certain that couldn't
be a good thing.

"She's the healer I told you about. She'll bring something

to help with the pain."

He sat on the floor next to her. She wanted to tell him not

to worry, that she would be okay. She wanted to offer him
sympathy, but right now it just would take more strength
than she could muster.

"God, Rainna, I'm afraid to touch you. I don't want to

cause you any more pain. You don't know how much I want
to take you in my arms, to make it all better. I'm feeling
pretty damn impotent right now."

She tried to smile, but that was a worthless cause.

"Impotent, you're not, Treynor Black. That I can certainly
attest to. But you might want to put on a few more clothes—
I'm really in no mood for sex right now." She tried to make
light of the situation, but then the pain shot through her once
again. She reached out to grip his thigh. "I'll be okay, just
don't leave me. Okay?"

"Not on your life, love. I'm going to make certain you're in

a place where they can't get to you. Where you'll be safe."

Was there such a place? It had been a long time since

she'd been anywhere that she felt safe. "Later you can tell me
why you were bare-assed," she mumbled, "but right now—"

She tried to stay awake, but it was getting harder and


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"Rainna," she heard the urgency in Trey's voice. She tried

to answer him, but her mouth felt like it was full of cotton
wool. And suddenly it was just too hard to try to stay alert.


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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



Rainna woke up slowly, afraid to move too quickly. When

she opened her eyes she found she could see out of both of
them. She reached up to touch the side of her face. To her
surprise, it didn't seem as bad as the last time she'd touched

Her mind felt clear. When was the last time she'd been

awake? And where was she now? She took her time in sitting
up, afraid of a return of the pain. Looking down, she realized
she was wearing a man-sized, black, flannel shirt and little
else. She lifted the shirttail and inhaled. It smelled like Trey.
But where was he? Tilting her head, she listened, but heard
nothing. Not a hint of movement.

Moving slowly, she slid out of the big bed and looked

around the room. She was surprised that she felt absolutely
no pain after the beating she had taken. This obviously wasn't
her cabin, so where was she? What was it that Trey had said?
He was taking her to his home? Was this his house?

Too many questions and no one around to give her any

answers. It looked like the sun was just beginning to set. She
padded over to the window and surveyed the area. She was
apparently in the bedroom on the second floor. The house
seemed to be situated in a populated area of the town, but
there wasn't anyone on the street below.

The narrow street bordered a huge lake. As she craned her

head to look farther off to the left, she saw what looked like a
massive waterfall. That must account for the underlying

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by Adrianna Dane


steady thunder she hadn't really been conscious of hearing
until now. In some respects it was a soothing sound, sort of

Turning her head, she looked in the other direction. From

where she stood, it looked like the hub of the town was in the
opposite direction from the falls at the other end of the lake.

As she turned away from the window her stomach started

to rumble and she realized she was quite hungry. How long
had it been since she'd last eaten?

Did she dare venture outside this room to hunt up some

food? She wore nothing beneath the shirt and wondered if
there was anything here that she could wear to give her a
little more protective covering. She walked over to the
scarred oak dresser on the other side of the room and opened
first one drawer and then another, rummaging for something
that would suit. She finally found a pair of jogging pants and
slipped into them. They were too big for her, but she was able
to tie off the waist so they at least wouldn't fall around her
ankles at an embarrassing moment.

Looking in the mirror, she was shocked to see no marks

left from the attack. How could that be? She was a nurse; she
knew how long it took for wounds like hers to heal. Had she
been here for weeks rather than days? It really was time to
get some answers. She guessed she should investigate
beyond the bedroom since she obviously was feeling no pain
and was apparently up to the task.

Opening the bedroom door, she stepped out into the silent

hallway. The room she was in appeared to be at the very end
of the hallway. She counted three other doors as she walked

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along the wooden rail, circled the banister and headed down
the stairs.

It was almost too quiet. She stepped off the last step and

wondered in which direction she'd find the kitchen. Veering to
the right, she peeked her head in and found what appeared to
be a cozy living room. Walking to the other side of the
staircase and opening another door, she found herself in the

It was a good sized, square room with modern appliances

and a butcher-block table at the center. She searched the
cupboards for something she could put together quickly.
Maybe a sandwich or some soup.

"Well, look who's finally up and around."
She whirled around at the deep voice coming from the

doorway behind her. Flashbacks to the man who had broken
into her cabin assaulted her. She backed up against the
counter when she realized it wasn't Trey standing there, but a
stranger. Tall, with a clean shaven angular face, dark, wavy
hair that brushed at his broad shoulders. Where Trey's eyes
were a pale blue that were almost transparent, this man's
eyes were the deep fire of sapphire jewels.

"Who are you?" she asked. "Where's Trey?"
He took a step into the room and closed the door behind

him. Something about the way he did it made Rainna feel like
she was being cornered. She slid to the side, trying to move
farther away from him. She frantically searched the room and
saw there was another door leading to the outside quite near
where she stood. Was it locked? At least she had another way
out, unlike back at the cabin.

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When he gave her a wolfish smile, his white teeth gleamed

in the dying light filtering in through the kitchen window.

"There's no need to be afraid of me, Rainna. I'm Trey's

pack brother."

"His brother?"
His stare burned straight through her, and she found

herself getting lightheaded and unable to move. Her body was
responding in an altogether unexpected, sensual way that
wasn't right. This was Trey's brother, not Trey.

He stepped closer to her. His scent was very similar to

Trey's, and obviously she was having some sort of reaction to
it. This was definitely not right, yet she felt herself drawn to
him and helpless to deny the earthy attraction. It had to be
because of her weakened condition after the attack.

"Yes, you might say that." He was now close enough to

touch her and he did just that, stroking her hair. It was a
gentle touch as he petted her and then cupped her cheek.
She found herself wanting to lean into that touch, to kiss the
palm of his hand, to run her tongue along the callused flesh
and to suck his finger into her mouth. Her heartbeats grew
more rapid. His heady scent wafted over her and her pussy
began to leak her juices, almost the same way it did when
Trey was nearby. She clenched her thighs together, hoping to
stem the reaction of her body to this man. Where was Trey?

He wound his hand in her hair and gently pulled her

toward him. She couldn't seem to resist him. Dropping his
head, he inhaled loudly and then let out a satisfied breath.

"Ahhh, it's been a long time. You wear his smell well."
"Wh-what do you mean?"

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"It's been a long time since I've been this close to a human

female. Our female was killed you know. Well, actually she
was Carson's mate, but we all cared for her. She belonged to
all of us."

She didn't understand his words, wanted to ask questions,

but the heat was already beginning to rise. He reached out
and unbuttoned the top button on her shirt. And then another
one. She held her breath, her body tightening, readying itself.
She felt the familiar animal heat shoot through her, claiming
every inch, demanding attention, and release, just as it did
whenever she was with Trey, needing him to fuck her.

She fought against its control. She wanted Trey, not this

man. She knew it in her heart. In her mind.

But her body didn't seem to care what the rest of her

wanted. It was responding to the touch of him. The familiar
scent so much like Trey's. And the smell of his lust.

She swayed toward him as the last button came undone

and the shirt was suddenly puddled at her feet. He reached
out to tweak her hardened nipple and she gasped at the
intense sensation of pleasure-pain that erupted inside her.
She felt herself opening, yielding, even against her better

It was the deep, familiar, rumbling growl coming from the

doorway that awakened her from the heated trance-like state.
Her gaze broke from his and arrowed toward the doorway.
She screamed and backed away, almost stumbling over her
shirt that was tangled around her bare feet. The man reached
out to steady her and looked around to see what had upset

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She was shocked when she heard him laugh when he saw

the big black wolf with bared teeth standing in the doorway,
its pale blue eyes trained on the man holding her.

"Dammit, Trey, you're scaring her. Don't be an idiot. I'm

not hurting her."

And then, to her amazed disbelief, the predatory animal

standing there began to change shape. Her jaw dropped and
she felt Trey's brother's hand tighten on her arm, imprisoning
her so she couldn't run out of the room screaming. If she'd
been the fainting sort, this would have definitely been the
time to do it. Thankfully, she wasn't.

"It's all right," he tried to soothe her. "He should have told

you what he was."

She blinked, and then blinked again.
A werewolf? Her lover was a werewolf?
This was not possible. He was crouched near the floor and

then straightened to stand on two feet. He was naked and
beautiful. So this was why he'd been naked in the car and
hadn't given her an answer when she asked?

And by the look in his eyes, he was ready to tear his

brother apart.

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



"Trey," she gasped out. What had gotten into her? She

was standing here in a kitchen shirtless, in front of two men.
How had this happened? And her hormones seemed to be
raging out of all proportion.

Treynor didn't alter his attention from his brother to her.
"You're overstepping, Donovan. She's mine. And you

haven't been invited."

As though Donovan wasn't the least bit concerned, he

turned back to Rainna and dipped his head again, inhaling her
scent. "She smells beautiful, Trey. Her scent is unique. So
human. So female."

"Donovan, I'm warning you. Get the fuck away from her."
"Fuck. That's just the word I was thinking." His

mesmerizing gaze locked with hers. "I should defer to my
brother, Rainna. After all, he's the one who mated you first.
And he's the alpha. But you are so tempting." He dropped her
arm, stepped back, and shrugged. "And he's older. Since he is
the one who found you and brought you here, I guess I better
defer to him."

"Excuse me?" she squeaked. She crossed her arms over

her breasts, trembling in reaction to the lust that seemed to
be driving her every action.

"I'll wait until you're willing." He turned back to Trey

without waiting for her to respond. "She's ready, Trey, but I
can see you're not." He walked a short distance away from

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Trey stalked over to her and yanked her against him. She

knew the look in his eyes, understood the demand of her own
body. It was the same as it always was. He would be inside
her within seconds. Fast and hard, the way it always was
when they first came together.

He shoved her pants down and lifted her clear, crushing

her breasts against his chest.

"Trey," she whimpered as she rubbed her body against his.
"I know, love," he answered, stroking her hair with his

hand, soothing her.

Cradling her against his chest, he stalked over to the table

and settled her on the sturdy surface.

"Can I at least watch?" Donovan whined.
Trey looked at Rainna. She saw the question in his eyes.

She felt the rising heat, the odd exhilaration at the thought of
Donovan watching them fuck. She shuddered with arousal.

"You have to say it, Rainna. If you want the bastard to

leave, tell him to get lost. If you want him to stay, you have
to say it. I'm not going to answer for you."

She'd never been in a situation like this before. "Do you

want him to stay?"

"Whatever you want. If you want to fuck him, it's your


"No, I want you inside me." She hesitated and then looked

over at Donovan. His jeans were unzipped and his steel-hard
cock was fisted in his hands as he stroked back and forth. She
found herself wondering what he would be like. How he would
be different from Trey? "He can stay."

"Are you sure?"

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She leaned back with her elbows on the table and her

thighs spread wide apart. Looking down she saw the sheen on
her thighs. "Yes, I'm sure."

"I got her ready for you, brother. It's the least you could

do. It's been a long time since I've seen a human woman as
pretty as her. It's not like you not to share."

"Damn you, Donovan. You never give up. Stay then."

Without another word he splintered Rainna, slamming deep
into her slick channel. She grunted, arched, and lifted off the
table as his hands fastened onto her hips. Driving in again
and again until she shattered in a mind blowing orgasm.

He pulled out and thrust home, retreated and pressed

deep once again. She turned her head after the second
orgasm and saw Donovan masturbating as he watched them
fuck. His glittering blue gaze focused on her cunt, watching
Trey's glistening prick glide in and out between her engorged
lips. His cock was thicker than Trey, yet seemed a bit shorter,
the widely-flared head bloomed, oozing with pre-cum. Her
eyes fluttered closed as she sank into the pleasure, allowing it
to wrap around her.

"He wants to touch you," Trey gritted out. "He needs you

to touch him."

His hands gripped the edges of the wooden table. She

thought about touching Donovan as Trey fucked her. God,
yes, she wanted it. She wanted both of these men. She loved
Trey, but she needed them both.

She had thought she was going to die back there at that

cabin and she hadn't. But it had been damn close.

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She turned her gaze on Donovan's thick, engorged penis,

wondering if it would fit in her mouth. It looked like it was
already set to explode.

"Donovan, come here."
His eyes shifted to look at her face and she saw the hunger

etched in every line. "Are you sure?" He now looked hesitant,
no longer the brash, in-control stranger. If anything, he
looked even more sexy than before.

"Dammit, get over here so I can suck your dick. Don't

make me say it again."

She saw his glance slide to Trey and then back again.

Walking over to the table, his dick in his hand, she opened
her mouth, and using her hands to guide him in, she sucked
him inside.

The sounds of animal growls filled her ears as she sucked

on Donovan and Trey fucked her hard. She moaned around
Donovan's cock, the breadth of it almost cutting off her air
and the sound of her muffled moan of pleasure. He tasted hot
and salty, his flesh smooth, silky steel, veins pulsing, growing
more rigid and ready to explode.

It was the simultaneous roar of both men that sent her

over the edge in the most explosive orgasm she'd ever
known. She swallowed Donovan's cum as Trey filled her
womb with his semen. She felt the bite of Trey's hands on her
hips, Donovan's hands rubbing her breasts, tweaking her

When it was over, Donovan pulled out and quickly zipped

himself up, leaving the kitchen without another word. Rainna
looked up at Trey, who was still hard and buried inside her.

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He now had her full attention. She could taste Donovan's
pleasure and she pulled herself up, wrapping her arms around

"We're not done by a long shot. But am I being fucked by

a man or a wolf?"

He grinned and his teeth flashed in the darkness. He shot

forward and she felt that special pleasure ache that drove her
crazy, dropping her right into the heart of lusty abandon.

"Would you settle for a horny wolfman who's probably

going to fuck you till dawn breaks through?"

Now that's what she wanted to hear. Donovon was good

and tasty, but Trey was the one she wanted. And he would
always come first. She'd be certain to ask about the wolf
thing later.

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The sexual heat had finally diminished enough for Rainna

to think coherently once again. When she was around Trey it
never subsided entirely, but at least she was sated enough to
act civilized.

She now sat at the kitchen table with a half finished bowl

of homemade vegetable soup in front of her and several slices
left from a loaf of fresh herbed bread setting on a cutting
board in the center of the table.

She sat back in her chair and looked first at Trey, who sat

beside her, and then at Donovan, who sat across from her.
Both of them had that hungry, wolf look in their eyes.

"Okay, so now I think it's time for a little question and

answer session. Think you can handle that?"

The lust was replaced by wariness as they stared back at

her. She thought she should feel embarrassed after the
raging intimacy that had taken place with Donovan, but she
just couldn't seem to muster up any guilt over the incident.

There simply had to be more to her response to him than

what was on the surface. She had a feeling they both knew
the answers.

"What do you want to know?" Trey asked as he pushed his

bowl toward the center of the table.

"Where are we?"
"We're on the other side of the mountain. It's a place that

would be very difficult to reach by just anyone."

"You mean humans? Like me?"

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He nodded slowly. "Yes, I guess so."
"What's the name of this place? It looks like a town of

some sort, but I don't see very many people around."

"Well, to be honest, there are no actual humans here—or

at least fully human residents. It's called Vampyre Falls and
it's a retreat, or sanctuary, you might say, for the hunted."

"The hunted? I don't get it."
"I'm assuming you've already figured out that we're not

exactly human."

Turning into a wolf and back again? Yeah, she'd guess that

would come under the heading of not quite human. "So. Are
you and Donovan both wolves?"

"Werewolves would be the proper term. And, yes."
"You're brothers? That's what Donovan said."
Trey slanted a look at Donovan. "Pack brothers. Not quite

the same as blood brothers. We hunt and live together as a
unit. We grew up together, but we don't have the same
parents. Although our ancestors came from the same village
back in Germany."

"I guess I sort of understand, but not really. That man ...

the one who came to the cabin ... you called him a wolfkiller."

Trey nodded. "Yes, they're hired and trained by the

government to exterminate us. There's a shadow organization
called the Paraspecies Investigation Agency."

"I've heard of them. Don't they investigate supernatural

happenings and things like that? Aren't they the ones who
check into the alien stuff?"

She saw Trey look at Donovan and their expressions grew

hooded again. Trey then looked at Rainna. "That's the official

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explanation. But in reality they're out to exterminate all of

"They consider us dangerous. They can't control us, so

they want to kill us. They've already killed Kyle and Sybilla.
That's why I went down to the town. We'd heard a group of
them were getting close. I'm sorry you were hurt in the
process, Rainna."

She shook her head and pressed a hand to her forehead.

"I'm trying to understand all of this. What happens if I go
back down there? There are things you don't know about me.
I was trying to get my life back together."

Trey sighed. "They think you're dead, Rainna. You can't go

back there."

Her head shot up. "Dead? Why would they think that? And

what happened to that man? You said I didn't kill him. It was
the wolf, wasn't it." And then understanding dawned on her.
"You were the wolf, weren't you?"

He nodded. "Yes. And I killed him." He paused for a

moment, looking at her. Then he turned to Donovan. "Can
you give us a minute? I want to talk to her alone."

"Sure." Donovan rose from the table. "I should go check

on Carson anyway. I'm just about due to relieve him."

She looked at Trey. "Who's Carson? And relieve him from


"We're far enough up the mountain and deep enough in

that most people couldn't find us—not without help. But we
still need to have sentries in case someone stumbles onto us
by accident. Or tracks one of our own up here. Carson is our

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pack brother, and Donovan's going to relieve him on watch.
It's our week to work the north side, near the falls and the
vampire caves."

"This is all just too much for me to take in."
Trey reached out to twine his fingers with hers. "I know.

I'm sorry you got mixed up in all of this. But you can't leave."

She yanked her hand from his. "What do you mean I can't


"Rainna, they know who you are. You have my scent. For

now, they think you're dead, that you were killed in the fire."

"What fire?" she shouted. The headache was growing


"I had to set the cabin on fire, make it look like an accident

in order to cover up what happened."

"This is crazy. The government's been trying to keep me

hidden for months in the Witness Protection Program and you
up and kill me off in one night."

He leaned forward. "What are you talking about Rainna?"
"I was on the run myself. I was a nurse when I had a life.

But I caught the doctors I was working with peddling drugs
on the side. I had to testify. The people involved were not
happy with me. It's why I didn't want to get involved with you
at first. But things have been quiet. I thought it was over with
and that I could get my life back. And now this."

She picked up the bowl and silverware, got up and headed

over to the sink. She poured the remainder of the soup down
the sink drain and rinsed out the bowl, trying not to focus on
the magnitude of what was happening to her life.

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She felt Trey's strong hands on her shoulders, just before

she sensed his closeness.

"Rainna, I'm in love with you and I don't want you going

back down there. I want you to stay here. With me. You're
my mate and you belong with me."

She set the bowl down in the sink and latched onto the

counter edge as she stared out the window into the darkness.
"I don't fit here, Trey. I'm not like you. I'm not sure I fit
anywhere anymore."

His hands tightened. "You fit with me. Perfectly."
God, he was right about that. They did seem to fit

perfectly together. But he wasn't human. And she was. How
could that work?

"I don't know, Trey. I-I love you, too. But obviously, we're

very different." She whirled around. "I'm not sure I'm up to
the lifestyle you seem to want me to live."

"What's that?"
"Well ... Donovan for one thing. There's something about

you ... werewolves. You exude something and I don't know
what it is. But every time I'm around you, it's like I've got this
itch that won't stop."

He smiled. "Yeah, well I've noticed that. It's strange that it

happens to you. Humans aren't usually affected. It's like a
type of animal heat."

"Yeah, that sounds about right. It's pretty primal."
"It will probably happen with Carson, too. He'll have a

similar scent. We've been together a long time."

"Dammit, Trey. So you don't just hunt and live together.

You fuck together, too?"

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For the first time she saw an interesting shade of red

travel up his neck and into his cheeks. "Well, nobody's going
to force you to do anything, Rainna. Ever. If you don't want
them around, all you have to do is say so. They'll never force
you to do anything. We do tend to share just about
everything." He leaned forward. "But I'm pretty possessive
about you, Rainna. I'm not sure I want to share you with
them. I want you for myself. But the hormones, the
responses when the arousal gets high ... It's going to be hard.
For you."

"Can I have some time to think about all of this?"
He nodded his head. "The council meeting isn't until next

week. I'll take you around so people can meet you and you
can get a better feel for the town."

"The council meeting?"
"Yes, anyone who requests to live in Vampyre Falls has to

be approved by the council and then put up for a vote to the
community members."

"You're kidding."
"This isn't your average community, Rainna. It's a

sanctuary. Every creature here is part human, but not all
human. Some are human with special abilities that put them
on the wanted list. We're all hunted. Many have lost families,
friends, lovers to PIA and they want us all exterminated. The
Paraspecies Investigation Agency is empowered to use any
means necessary to exterminate anyone with the least bit of
unusual ability. They were only formed in the last couple of
years, but they're already becoming lethal to our kind. Just
look at the size of this town already. And there are others.

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You are the first human without any extrasensory ability to be
considered before the council. They've made a special
exception for me."

"So they could send me away, even if I wanted to stay?"
"I'm afraid so." He cupped her face and looked deeply into

her eyes. "If they send you away, I'm going with you. I won't
leave you unprotected."

"But, Trey, obviously you can't do that. They're out to kill

you. I've beat the odds once, I'll do it again."

"There's no argument. I've already talked it over with

Carson and Donovan. And there's no further discussion on it."

She felt the weight of his decision. It wasn't only her life,

but his life she had to worry about. This was not going to be
an easy decision.

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Rainna was torn between wanting to stay in the mountains

with Trey and her need to return to the normal, civilized world
she had left behind. From the moment she'd caught the
discrepancy in the medication, her life had been turned
upside down. Why she had ever thought it would return to
some normalcy once the trial was over, she had no idea.

What if the council members turned Trey's request down

and wouldn't allow her to stay in Vampyre Falls? What if they
did approve the petition? Then she would have to face her
elemental responses to Carson and Donovan, which she found
so confusing.

She walked along the shore on the other side of the lake

toward the falls. Trey would just be getting off his shift, as he
had told her earlier in the day. She was still so shaken by her
responses to Donovan that she tried even harder to control
the hormones raging through her body whenever she was
near the "wolf brothers," as she had dubbed them in her

Since she had been in Vampyre Falls she'd met other

shapeshifters, vampires, and a government-created species
known as shadowwalkers. There were many odd creatures
she couldn't even begin to name.

The government had apparently once again become

frightened of what they could not understand or control. She
was surprised at how many different species existed, some
she had only read about in myths and stories and was now

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discovering for the first time that they really did exist. It was
enough to boggle the mind.

But again her question was how she fit into the scheme of

things? Could she find a place for herself in their world?

She looked up and saw Trey waiting for her. He was

talking with another man, a dark, shadowy figure with skin as
pale as the snow on the mountain peak. They both turned to
look at her as she drew closer.

Trey's brooding eyes were on her as she finally reached

them. She could tell there was something on his mind. He
reached for her and possessively enfolded her into his arms,
leaning down to kiss her. She felt the familiar heat rise inside
her and, as she leaned into his kiss, she wondered how long it
would be before the other man left them alone. She was not
about to have a repeat performance as she'd had with

The control she'd been trying to exert over the last couple

of days was beginning to crumble, and she had a feeling she
wouldn't be able to fight her emotions much longer.

Trey drew back and turned to look at the other pale-faced

man. Rainna's eyes widened when she saw that he had
pointed ears.

"Rainna, this is Morganna's husband. You remember I told

you about her. She's the main healer here in Vampyre Falls.
This is Kellen. Kel, this is Rainna. My mate."

Kellen offered a hand and Rainna reached out to clasp it,

trying not to shudder at the coldness of the clasp. It was
when he smiled that she saw the pointed incisors.

She shot a sideways glance at Trey. "A vampire?"

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"A breed of sorts. He and Morganna hail from the fae

world, but yes, he's also vampire. It's a long story."

"There are a lot of species here that are like that, aren't


"Yes. Many are outcasts from their own kind. Hunted by

humans and their own people as well."

She stepped closer into Trey's embrace. She wasn't sure

she exactly trusted a vampire.

"It's all right, Rainna. He wouldn't hurt you. The people

who live here all sign oaths that they are bound by. It's
against the law to practice their craft, whatever it may be, on
anyone living in Vampyre Falls. Many have learned the
consequences of preying on other species similar to
themselves." He nodded toward Kellen. "Kel knows very well
what it means to have a foot in two worlds. And to have been
brought there forcibly."

"I should be going," Kellen said.
"It's been quiet. Carson should be back soon to let us

know if there are any rumblings in Silver Creek."

Kellen nodded. "I'll feel better once he returns. It's difficult

to prepare not knowing what's happening in the outside
world. We'll talk later." He turned and Rainna gasped because
it was as though he just disappeared into thin air.

She turned to Trey. "I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the

strange ways of the people here."

He shrugged. "We're all different, but being hunted seems

to draw us together to fight the enemy from outside. If it
weren't for that, who knows how we would respond to each
other. But for now, we've come to an uneasy alliance."

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"Are there no phones here, no way of communicating?"
"We have two-way radios. No cell phones because of the

mountains and bad reception. No phones lines up here, I'm
afraid. We're pretty well cut off. We do supply runs at regular
intervals and reconnaissance missions. That's how we got
some clothes for you."

"Where's Carson? He's not here? You said something about

him having gone to Silver Creek?"

Trey nodded. "He needed to deal with your car and my

truck. We don't want anyone to find them and ask questions,
maybe go looking for you. If you decide to return, we'll deal
with things then. He's also scouting around to determine
whether we have anything to worry about regarding the
hunter. We need to know if our friend was alone or not."

She hated to ask, but she had to. "And Donovan?"
"He's around."
She pressed him. They might as well get it out in the open.

"I haven't seen him. Not since..." She let the words trail off.

"We're trying to give you time, Rainna. I know it's


She looked up at him. "You want me to accept them, don't

you? I thought you wanted me for yourself, Trey. Not as just
someone to satisfy the sexual needs of three men. Is that
why you brought me up here? As a convenience?"

He grabbed her arms and shook her. His eyes glittered in

the moonlight and she heard a growl erupt from his throat.
"Dammit, Rainna, that's not the way it is. It's dangerous
being associated with us. Something could break open at any
time, attack any one of us. You're human, and I want to be

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sure you're protected if something happens to me. Carson
and Donovan would take care of you."

"You can't be serious."
"It's the times; they're dangerous. After the deaths of our

packmates, we don't take chances any more. Rarely will we
leave the Falls together. One of them will always be here with
you if something happens to me when I leave the mountain."

"If you leave, I leave," she said stubbornly.
"That's not possible. You can't shift into wolf form. You

don't have the same survival instincts. I never should have
dragged you into this, but it's done now and I don't want to
lose you. It's my job to be certain you are cared for if
something happens to me. My pack brothers can do that for

"So, I'm supposed to fuck them, so you have a clear

conscience to go play elsewhere?"

"Dammit, that's the problem with you being human. You

simply don't understand the instinct for survival in the same
way. This is how we are made; it's what we are. If you can't
understand that, I'll get you out of here and find some other
way to assure you're protected."

"How dare you say I don't understand. I've been on the

run and in hiding for the last year. I don't want another lover
besides you. I don't want a back up if you should die." She
gripped the lapels of his jacket tightly. "I want you. If you die,
I think I will, too. So you can't. Do you understand me?"

He yanked her into his arms and his fierce, hard mouth

swooped down to claim hers. The burning heat inside her
flared swiftly to consume her. She pushed at his jacket

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frantically as he thrust her back against the stone wall that
surrounded the lake. The control she had tried to maintain for
so long shattered completely.

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Trey ripped at her clothes as he pushed her to the ground.

He knew he could very well lose her and the thought of that
tore him apart. He had to be inside her as quickly as possible.
How could he make her understand the instinctual mating
that neither he, nor his brothers, could fight? That basic
tenant of survival.

He yanked her jeans down her legs and ripped the fragile

panties away, exposing her glistening mound. Leaning up, he
unfastened his jeans and shoved them down, exposing his
burgeoning dick to the night air. He was hot, and hard, and
he needed to be inside her, to master her in the ways of his
kind. How could she ever understand what drove them all?
She was not wolf and would never be one. But she was
certainly alpha female and more than a match for his primal

As he fastened his hands on her legs and pushed them

wider, she reached up to grip his shirt and yank him down. He
didn't resist. How could he, when it was exactly where he
wanted to be?

She lifted and spread her legs, reached down and wrapped

her long fingers around his cock, pressing the tip to her
opening. She was already wet and ready, her lips engorged,
and he slipped between them burying himself inside her

Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he anchored her to the

ground. He felt the snarl building, high and fast, the need to

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claim his mate, the fear of losing her. The instinct to bind her
to him was too strong to fight.

The emotions magnified inside him were so strong he felt

himself start to shift. It was something he'd never allowed to
happen before, he'd always kept control of the wildness. He
pulled out of her just in time and fell back, his eyes never
leaving her shocked face as the change began to take him. He
shot up to his hands and knees, watching her, as he slowly
backed away.

"You're mine," he bit out in a guttural voice, as the shift

moved through him, altering him, bending him. "You're my
mate. Mine, Rainna." As his muzzle lengthened and his vocal
cords altered, as his legs and arms shortened and fur covered
his flesh, he was horrified by what his deep emotions for
Rainna were doing to him.

He was alpha, but in the end it was his ancestors who

dominated him and he could not change what he was. How
could Rainna ever accept the call of his nature? He howled at
the bright, full moon, knowing that this was his weakest time
and realizing that he should have exhibited more control. This
was not a night he should have allowed his passions to run

Once last look at Rainna and he whirled away and loped off

into the woods. He had to get away from her. He didn't think
he could stand it if he saw fear and loathing in her eyes. He
had to run the passions off, far away from her. Then he would
return to face whatever it would mean to his future with or
without Rainna. He only knew that if she left him, there would
never be another to take her place. Not for him.

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* * * *

Rainna watched as Trey disappeared into the darkness.

With shaking hands she re-dressed. She wasn't quite certain
she could believe what had just occurred. She wanted to
understand, but she just wasn't certain that she could. When
she was dressed, she sat back down on the stone wall and
stared out at the glistening lake, the thunder of the falls
surrounding her, blocking out every other sound in the night.

One moment he was a man and the next a wolf. How was

she going to come to terms with that? This whole pack thing
was turning her world upside down. The heat of her need
began to subside. She turned her head as she saw a flicker of
white off to the side within the darkness of the trees. She
turned more fully in that direction. It looked like a ghost.

Rainna didn't move. Taking a deep breath, she reminded

herself that there were all sorts of creatures who lived here
and this was probably just another. She wished Trey were
with her. As she watched, the figure breached the trees and
moved closer. It was then that the features of the ethereal
creature became clearer. It was a very pale woman dressed
in a white, flowing dress. Her features were fragile and lovely
in an otherworldly sort of way. She stopped next to the wall
where Rainna sat.

"Hello, Rainna, my name is Morganna. May I join you for a


Rainna vaguely remembered the name. "You're the


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Morganna smiled and nodded as she floated to the wall to

sit beside Rainna. She gazed out over the lake. "It's all very
strange to you, isn't it?"

Rainna looked at her, noticed the pointed ears peaking out

through her long wavy red hair. And the hint of pointed
incisors as she smiled.

"You're a fairy? Or a vampire?"
A haunted look came into her large, luminous green eyes.

"A bit of both, I'm afraid. And yet, neither."

"I'm sorry. Are you and Kellen the only ones who are ...


"Here, yes."
Rainna was curious about almost everything she

discovered here. She should be afraid, but for some reason
she wasn't. "How did it happen? You weren't born that way,
were you?"

"No, not at all. Both Kellen and I come from the fairy

realms. Our story is a long and difficult one. But in the end, I
chose to be with him and to do that, I needed to accept the
nature of what he had become." She turned to look at Rainna.
"It's not easy, is it? Some decisions can be very hard."

"Do you regret making the choices you did?"
The look that came into her eyes was one of pure joy and

love. "I could never regret being with Kel. He's my life. And I
would do anything to remain with him. You see, I know what
it's like to lose the one you love. When I was given a second
chance, there was nothing I wouldn't do to be with him."

Rainna stared out at the lake and the reflection of the full

moon. Did she love Trey enough to give up her past and stay

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with him? To become a part of his pack and not just his

She turned back to Morganna. "You sacrificed a great deal,

didn't you?"

Morganna turned her head and looked off toward the edge

of the forest. Rainna followed her gaze and saw a dark
shadow standing there. "I regret nothing, Rainna. It's all been
worth it." She rose to her feet. "I have to go now. I know the
decisions you need to make are difficult ones. He loves you
very much."

She was gone in an instant, crossing the ground quickly to

join the dark shadow at the edge of the forest, and then they
disappeared from sight.

Rainna wrapped her arms around her upraised knees. It

was a lot to consider. Or was it so much in the end? She
loved Trey. Okay, so he wasn't like other men. But that was
something she figured she could learn to deal with.

But then there was the thing with Carson and Donovan as

well. Could she deal with that kind of relationship? If she
planned to stay, it was definitely something she was going to
have to consider. It wasn't something she should just jump
right into. Right?

There was a rustle to the right and she turned to see

someone striding toward her. He had on different clothes, but
she knew who it was. Her body was already aware.

"You've changed."
Trey's expression told her he didn't find the humor in her

double entendre. "I'm sorry, Rainna," he said as he sat next

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to her. "If you really want to leave, I'll find some other way to
see that you're protected from harm."

She looked at him for a long time and saw the turmoil in

his eyes. She held out her arm, for the first time certain of
exactly what she wanted. "Bite me."

His expression turned to one of shock. "Excuse me?"
"Bite me and make me a werewolf, too. Wouldn't that

solve everything? Then I would be just like you and could go
where you went. And you wouldn't have to worry."

Then he did laugh. Uproariously. This was a side of Trey

she'd never seen, yet she found it as appealing, if not more
so, than his very serious side.

"What's so funny?"
He finally gained control of himself and turned his pale

gaze back to her and sat down beside her. "This isn't the
movies, honey. That's not how it's done. Actually, I don't
know if I can explain exactly how we became what we are. At
least for the members in this pack."

She moved closer and snuggled again him. "Try to tell me.

I want to know."

He wound his arm around her and pulled her against him.

"It goes back a long way. The story that's been told is that
Cerberus, Hades' three-headed guard dog visited the village
of my ancestors. A witch tended his wound, but somehow his
blood spilled into the water supply, or the witch put it there
on purpose. Anyway, anyone who drank from the well fell
under the werewolf curse. And it's passed down through the
generations. The people in the village were eventually
hunted, many were killed, and the village itself burned to the

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ground because of fear. Eventually my family wound up here,
in the States. And that's the story, or at least as much of it as
I know. My bite isn't going to make you a werewolf. It might
make you sick for a long time, but that's about it."

She was silent for several minutes. "Just hold me, Trey. I

don't know what to do. There isn't a simple answer, is there?"

She felt the power of his arms surround her and it made

her feel safe and protected.

"No, Rainna, there is no easy answer. Just one you can live

with, I guess."

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Rainna stepped out onto the porch the next morning with a

mug of coffee cupped between her hands. The atmosphere
seemed so different up here from anywhere else she had
lived. The billowing clouds in the sky appeared to hover
closely, shutting out the direct light of the sun.

She had to wonder if some of the people that lived here

had something to do with that. From what she had gleaned so
far, there were quite a few who did not thrive well in direct
sunlight. Which is probably one of the reasons the town
seemed more lively after dark than during the daylight.

She turned as the screen door banged shut behind her and

she heard a sharp expletive uttered. Donovan was holding his
arm, which was wrapped in a white towel. She quickly set her
cup on the porch banister and rushed over to him.

"What happened?" she asked as she reached for his arm.
"It's nothing ... just stupidity," he grumbled. "I sliced my

arm with one of the knives in the kitchen. I simply wasn't
paying attention."

"Let me take a look."
He tried to yank away. "It's not necessary. Morganna will

be able to help me. You don't need to worry about it."

She refused to let him go. "Donovan, I'm a nurse ... or at

least I was a nurse. Let me take a look."

Finally, he stopped fighting her and allowed her to

carefully unwrap the arm. The cut wasn't as deep as she
thought it might be, but it was still bleeding.

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She supported it firmly and looked at it more closely. "I

don't think you'll need stitches. Come back inside and I'll take
care of it for you. Do you have antiseptic in the medicine

"Yeah, I guess," he mumbled.
She led him into the downstairs bathroom and made him

sit on the commode. She set about cleaning the wound, then
reached into the cabinet and pulled out a gauze bandage and
some adhesive tape.

She bent back over him and began to carefully attend to

the wound, making certain that it was clean. "I don't think it
will leave a scar. It looked worse than it was. You didn't nick
anything vital. There was just a lot of blood."

"You have good hands, Rainna. It hurt like hell, but the

minute you touched me, something happened. That cut was
deep enough to require stitches. I'm not such a candyass as
to run for a doctor at the least sign of blood."

She looked up at him as she finished applying the last bit

of tape. "What are you talking about? It really isn't that

"That's what I'm trying to say though. It was. Until you put

your hands on my arm."

She laughed. "That's ridiculous, Donovan."
He covered her hand with his own and she caught her

breath. She felt the heat begin to swamp through her. She
had stayed away from him for a reason. And he had
respected her wishes. But now, they had been forced together
because of the situation.

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She tried to pull away, but he gripped her hand. "It's true,

Rainna. There's a sensitivity about you or you wouldn't be so
susceptible to Trey and me. If Carson were around long
enough, it probably would be the same with him."

"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes, I do. Morganna could help you get more in tune with

your gift. I'm betting this cut will be fully healed by tomorrow.
And you. The cuts and bruises you sustained down at the
cabin. You were completely healed within two days. Even
Morganna's special herbs can't do that. It's you, Rainna. And
you do belong here. You belong with us."

She pried her arm from his grasp and drew away from

him. She tried to remember the patients she had attended
over the years before she'd had to go into hiding. Now that
she really thought about it, she'd never lost a one that had
been in her care. Was there something to what Donovan was

While she had been preoccupied, Donovan had gripped her

arm again and was slowly drawing her toward him, until his
lips were barely an inch from her own. She could feel his
breath against her face.

And then his lips claimed hers and she felt the tingle, the

tightening of her womb, the ache in her pussy. He pulled her
onto his lap, his hand clamped down onto her thigh,
imprisoning her there.

He lifted his head to gaze down at her. "No one wants to

hurt you, Rainna. Trey loves you. And we all want to protect
you. He'll do whatever you ask. If you want Carson and me to

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go, we'll do it. Because we love Trey, too. But you need to
know there is a chemistry between us that links us and
makes us stronger. If that's broken, it's going to leave all of
us vulnerable. I'm not trying to put pressure on you, but it's a
fact of our world. It's what's killing us slowly. When we
separate, we're left vulnerable. We didn't realize exactly how
strong the bond was until Kyle and Sybilla were killed."

He released her and she jumped up, staring down at him,

her breaths coming short and fast. She saw the truth in his

"I want us all to survive, Rainna. And I think times are

going to get tougher. More and more people are eager to join
us every day because we're being destroyed in the outside
world. You have to be protected, not just because of your
relationship with Trey, but because of the gift I sense in you.
You are one of us."

She didn't have words to answer him. She couldn't deny

what he said because some part of her finally understood the
truth. How she came to have this gift she had no idea. What
it would mean to her future, she couldn't begin to imagine.
But she had to think about what Donovan was telling her and
not just summarily toss aside what he said. She'd seen too
much already, to not at least consider what he was saying.

"I'll think about what you've said. I don't want to see Trey

hurt. That has to be my first concern, you understand? I love
him with all my heart. If something were to happen to him, I
think I'd die. But to be honest, I'm attracted to you as well.
But even in saying that, it isn't that simple, is it? So I need
some time. Okay?"

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He nodded, released her, and rose up, towering over her.

"That's all I ask, Rainna. I know it means re-thinking what
you were taught in regard to society and monogamous
relationships. One man, one woman. But there's so much
more at stake here. I'm just asking you to consider that."

He circled around her and walked out of the bathroom.

Rainna put away the bandages and tape. As she closed the
cabinet she saw herself reflected in the mirror.

Did she know who she really was? Could she give these

men what they needed? Did she want what they offered?

She was frightened by the feelings that ran rampant

through her. She didn't understand the strong, primitive
attraction that was at the base of her responses. Trey would
do whatever was necessary to make her happy. Could she
take the chance that her moralistic upbringing could put his
life in danger?

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The meeting with the council was in an hour. This was the

moment of truth that would guide the path she followed. And
if she stayed, would she accept the relationship required to
protect not only Trey, but all of them?

"Are you ready?" Trey asked from behind her. He drew

closer to circle his arms around her waist and pulled her back
against his chest. "It will be all right. They'll accept you."

"Am I really what you want, Trey? Can I make you

happy?" She twisted around in his arms to look up at him.

He gazed down at her with that transparent blue gaze that

had unsettled her from the first. He cupped her face. "You do
make me happy. I wanted to keep away from you, but from
the moment you set that first cup of coffee on the table in
front of me and gave me that beautiful smile, I knew I was a

"It isn't just the animal heat you spoke of?"
"Hell no. I know the difference. What I feel with you goes a

lot deeper than that. The animal heat is superficial most
times. An itch that needs to be scratched. And we do what
comes naturally. But with you it goes deeper—more spiritual,
if I can use that word. I feel your spirit wrapped right around
my heart when we make love."

"Oh, God, that's a beautiful way to put it. I feel the same

way about you. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened
to you."

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His expression grew guarded. "These are dangerous times

for all of us. I wish I could promise you that nothing will
happen. But I can't. That's why—" he trailed off and looked

"You want me to bond with your pack brothers," she

finished for him.

He just looked at her and said nothing.
She was treading into unknown territory here. "This will

ease your mind, won't it? It will make it easier for you to do
the job you need to do. And come back to me safely.
Donovan says it strengthens the ties between you."

"Knowing you'll be looked after if something should happen

to me? Yes, I guess it would. Neither one of them will let
anything happen to you."

"You really are that close, even though you aren't blood


"We may not be brothers by blood, but in heart and soul,

we're probably closer than any brothers could be. Carson's a
bit of a loner, especially after Kyle and Sybilla were killed. It's
why you haven't seen much of him. He's got a lot of anger
burning him up inside."

"I love you, Trey. I'm afraid if I do this it will change how

you feel about me."

"Will you love me less, Rainna? Do you care less for me

after what we did with Donovan in the kitchen that first

"No, of course not."
"I'm not going to lie ... sharing you comes hard for me.

But my relationship with Carson and Donovan ... it's unique

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and hard to describe. Even for wolves." He gave her a
lopsided grin. "But in this, you are the heart of us as a pack. I
can feel it already. You have a sensitivity that keeps us all
human, more human than we've ever been before. In our
relationship to each other."

"Donovan said something about that the other day. He

called me a sensitive."

"Did he? He's a little more intuitive than I thought he was."
Suddenly she reached up and twined her arms around

Trey's neck. "Fuck me, Trey. Right now." She needed to bond
with him in that most elemental way before they left this
house. Panic rose inside her, the need for that special
closeness they shared. It went beyond the animal heat of sex

He didn't need a second request. His eyes dilated as he

unzipped his pants and shoved them down to his thighs. She
pushed her panties down and stepped out of them.

Without hesitation he lifted her and she wound her legs

around his waist as he thrust inside her wet cunt. She
pressed closer to him, feeling his penetration all the way to
her soul.

"Trey, whatever happens, don't ever forget how much I

love you. That I'd do anything for you."

She heard the rumbling growl erupt from deep in his chest.

It excited her, drove her even higher. She undulated her hips,
then arched forward, pulling him deeper, feeling the tip of his
cock pressed against the opening of her cervix.

"I love you," she screamed as an orgasm ripped through

her. It was fast and hard and soul-deep.

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He thrust twice more and then she felt him erupt inside

her, pouring his seed into her womb.

He was so much a part of her, filling her with such

pleasure. She clung to him, unwilling to let him go.

"Hey, you two. We're going to be late. Carson just arrived

back from Silver Creek. He's going to report to the council, so
get a move on."

Rainna felt herself flush with embarrassment. Would she

ever get used to this household?

Donovan grinned and then ducked back out. Trey slowly

slid from inside her. Yet even being embarrassed by
Donovan's appearance, she felt more settled and ready to
face the town council, Trey's scent clinging to her. She felt as
though he'd marked her in some elemental way and she was
tied to him completely.

They straightened their clothing and exited the room. She

stopped outside the door and looked up at him, a hand on his
arm. She'd come to a decision.

He turned and looked down at her. "What is it? There's

nothing to be afraid of. This is just a formality."

She licked her lips. "Whatever you want. I'll do whatever it

takes to stay with you ... and become a part of your family."

It was a moment before she saw understanding dawn in

his eyes and then an expression like relief crossed his face.
He leaned down to claim her lips possessively.

"It will be all right, Rainna. I'll always take care of you."
She knew that, had always known it. But she planned to

take care of him as well—it wasn't strictly a one-way deal.

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The tingle between her thighs reminded her that it wasn't
strictly self-sacrifice that would allow her to accept his
brothers as her lovers in this relationship.

It was the animal heat of desire that threaded through her

body, helping her to recognize what she must do.

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The town hall was a wooden structure near the heart of

the town at the opposite end of the lake from the waterfall.
Rainna couldn't deny that she was extremely nervous about
what this meeting would entail. The first part of the meeting
would be with only the council members. At nine o'clock, an
hour later, the town meeting would take place where the
community would vote on issues the council brought to their
attention. If all went well, her admittance into the community
would be placed before them.

She was flanked by Treynor on one side and Donovan on

the other, with Carson, the man of few words, trailing behind.

"Let's get this over with," Trey said as he opened the door

and allowed Rainna to precede him inside. The room
reminded her of the inside of a church. There was a stage at
the front, and wooden benches lined up evenly facing the

Trey called them the Council of Five. There were five

people sitting at the table in front of them. Treynor also told
her that the five represented the five sections of the town as
it was now laid out. One member represented the shifters,
one member for humans with special abilities, one who
represented water species, one representing the miscellany of
species that had been mutated from other species, and half-
breeds. It wasn't perfect, but for the time being it sufficed to
see that everyone was represented equally in the running of
this sanctuary.

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If one walked through the town and understood its

makeup, the town itself was divided into quadrants by
species, like any city where cultures gathered together with
like cultures. Rainna expected she fell under the heading of
humans with special abilities. But then again she lived with
three werewolves who were represented by the shifter

She guessed it was no less complicated than any other

government political structure utilized in order to maintain
order among a vast number of differing cultures.

There were three women and two men on the council. One

of the women rose to her feet and, raising a gavel and
bringing it down, she brought the meeting to order.

"We will hear the report of Carson Temple of Treynor's

pack. He's just returned from Silver Creek. We will hear what
he has to tell us of his investigations. Then we will discuss the
matter of Treynor Black's human visitor for whom he has
requested sanctuary and whether she will be accepted into
our community. Carson?"

Carson rose from the bench and walked over to stand

before the Council of Five.

The council woman returned to her seat and the members

waited attentively for Carson's report.

Rainna studied Carson as he stood, still as a statue, and

reported on the growing number of hunters gathered in the
town below. He was tall and gangly, a haunted look about his
narrow face. Unlike, Trey and Donovan, Carson had dark,
hungry eyes, the look of a soldier always on his guard, closed
off. Someone who had witnessed more than his share of

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tragedy. In the few times they had been together, he'd kept
his distance, but his eyes were always studying her as though
he was trying to dissect her. She had to wonder what
conclusion he had come to where she was concerned.

She was brought back to the present, when the council

woman again rose. "Thank you, Carson. We will consider what
you have told us before we make any decision on re-enforcing
the security of the town." She turned to the other council
members. "I believe we need to get in touch with our
contacts in other localities to see if they are alerted to any
new or increased activities in their areas." The others nodded
in agreement. Then she turned back to Carson. "I think that's
all for now. We will call on you if we have any other questions
or need further elaboration."

Rainna saw him slide a sideways glance in her direction

and then he quickly returned his attention back to the council.
"I may not remain here long. I think it wise to go back down
to keep watch of their activities."

"Don't we have supporters there to send word if things get


"Yes, ma'am, but—"
She cut him off. "Then, we think it's best you remain here

for the time being."

Rainna could tell that as far as the council was concerned,

for now the matter was closed.

She saw Carson's shoulders slump for a moment, then he

straightened, turned and walked back to the bench and sat
down. He didn't look in their direction, but kept his attention

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straight ahead. Rainna really did have to wonder what he was

"On to the next matter. The application of Rainna

Spaulding for sanctuary. Ms. Spaulding?"

Rainna was terribly nervous. What if she said the wrong

thing? And suddenly she very much wanted to stay in
Vampyre Falls. Treynor squeezed her hand in a display of
support and nodded. She slowly rose to her feet and stepped

She felt like she had been shoved under a microscope as

the five very different council members surveyed her as she
stood there. It was her worst nightmare, like being thrust into
a crowd naked. Under some circumstances that might not be
an altogether horrible thing, but here was a different matter

"Ms. Spaulding, we read Treynor Black's report and

understand your life would be in danger should you return
below. Is that correct?"

Rainna tried to clear her throat and speak. It took her a

moment before she could answer. "Yes, I believe so. I was in
hiding from people who wanted to see me dead because I
testified against them regarding a drug matter. And then,"
she looked over at Treynor, who nodded, "a man came to my
cabin in Silver Creek looking for Trey. He would have killed
me if Trey hadn't come in the nick of time."

"So not only are you in danger from your own honorable

past deeds, but because of your association with one of us."

"Well ... yes, I guess so."

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The council woman leaned forward. "Tell me, Ms.

Spaulding, what skills do you have that would benefit this
sanctuary? We've never allowed a human such as yourself
into the community before. It would be too easy for our
enemies to infiltrate us in that way. Anyone with paranormal
abilities is welcome because by virtue of that special gift alone
they would eventually become one of the hunted. But what
about you?"

"Wait," Donovan shot up from his seat on the bench. "May

I speak?"

The council woman turned to look at him. "Do you have

something significant to add that we should consider?"

Donovan looked at Trey, who nodded, and then back at

the council members. "Yes. I think it will have some bearing
here. I was injured the other day and the wound would have
required stitches. Rainna touched my arm and in attending to
the cut, it began to heal, more rapidly than it would have with
even Morganna's herbs. It's my opinion that Rainna has
abilities she is unaware of." He pushed the sleeve of his shirt
back to expose his arm to the council members and ripped
away the bandage. There was hardly any scar left. "As you
can see, it is almost completely healed. No human without
the healing touch could have done this. Even though she
apparently has never thought of herself as being in
possession of these abilities, I have spoken with Morganna
and she has agreed to tutor Rainna if she is allowed to stay."

The council members looked at Rainna, and she thought

there was something more in their eyes than had been there
previously. "This certainly does change things. You have

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several who would speak up for you. It is an admirable quality
to have garnered such loyal supporters so quickly, Ms.
Spaulding. Is there anything else you would like to add?"

Rainna shook her head. "No, I don't think so." She turned

to look at Treynor and then her gaze shifted to his brothers.
She turned back to the council, understanding for the first
time, what she needed to say. "Except." She gulped quickly.
"I love Treynor Black and I would never do anything to hurt
him. And I care for his family as well. They've made me feel a
part of their ... pack and I really want to stay and do what I
can to help."

"Wait for us outside and we will consider the matter before

us. We will call you when we have reached a decision."

The four of them shuffled outside into the darkening

twilight. Treynor put his arm around her and she rested
against him. Donovan gave her a crooked grin. The look that
Carson gave her was unreadable, yet the sense she got from
him was a deep hunger as he looked at her. For what, she
couldn't be quite certain.

Suddenly, she felt the heat radiating from all three of the

brothers with an intensity she'd never experienced before. It
made her want to rip her clothes off right there in the middle
of the town square and fuck each one of these men as
thoroughly and wantonly as she could.

She gasped and pulled out of Trey's arms and staggered

away, hunched over against the pleasure-pain throbbing
through her.

"Rainna, what is it?" Trey followed her.

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She turned and backed away from him. "Too much

testosterone, I think. I've never been this close to all three of
you. You have no idea what that does to me. I think I'm
fighting a losing battle here. You win, Trey."

Carson and Donovan had trailed after Trey and he held up

a hand to halt them. His pale gaze captured her attention. It
was stormy and bright. "This isn't a good time to say
something like that, Rainna."

She crossed her arms over her sensitive breasts and

winced. "Do you think I don't know that? Dammit, right now
you all have to stay away from me. You don't know how much
I want to just lay down right here and let you fuck me."

One long minute passed before he whirled away without

saying anything more and hauled his brothers to the other
side of the building. She watched them as they talked in
hushed tones. She wondered what they were discussing, but
getting any closer to them right this minute simply wasn't

She whirled away from them. Maybe if she wasn't looking

at them directly, she could get this damned reaction under
some sort of control. Sitting in the meeting with the council
members she hadn't noticed it quite as much. But now that
the meeting was over, the waves of desire grabbed hold of
her like stormy waves on the sea.

She looked up as a man stepped outside. He wasn't one of

the council members.

"They've made a decision. You can come back inside."

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Stiffly, she walked back inside, her slick thighs rubbing

together, her pussy wet and dripping. She hoped this would
all be over soon.

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Trey grabbed her hand and pulled her out the side door of

the meeting hall once the full town meeting was adjourned.
Her application for sanctuary had been approved.

"Trey, where are we going?"
"You'll see in a minute."
"I thought you were going to take me to see Morganna so

I could speak with her."

"Tomorrow. We'll do that tomorrow."
She pulled back. "What's the hurry?"
Finally he turned to look at her and she immediately knew

why he was in such a hurry as her gaze dropped and she
noticed the thick bulge in the front of his pants. But they
weren't heading back toward the house, and that was
something she didn't quite understand. But instead of asking,
she just nodded her head.

"Okay, then. Let's go."
He smiled and she could see the flash of his white teeth

beneath the full moon just before he swooped down and
kissed her. He plastered her close to his body and she could
feel his prominent erection against her mound. He gripped
her cheeks and pressed her closer, until he was lodged
between her lips, her wet panties pressed into the cleft
between her labia lips.

The animal heat and smell of her lover flooded her quickly.

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She arched back and looked up at him, but his features

were shadowed in darkness. "Wherever you're taking me, we
better get there fast."

He turned away and pulled her behind him. They circled

the lake, heading in the direction of the falls. Then he pulled
away from the path and into the woods.

When they reached a small clearing, he stopped and she

saw a feral glitter of intent deepen the color of his pupils as
he pushed her to the ground and covered her with his own
body. She had to wonder as she arched into his hands how
much of Trey was ruled by the animal side of his nature and
how much the man? How much control was he required to
exert to retain his humanity? She knew what it took her just
to control the arousal she felt every time she was around him,
and now his brothers as well. How much more was he
required to exert to rein in the shift to animal form?

He gripped her shoulders, pressing her flat to the ground.

"Are you certain you want me and all the baggage loving me
comes with?"

There was no longer any question in her mind. "Yes, Trey,

I want it all. As long as you remember I love you. Everything
I do is because I love you."

His darkened gaze locked with hers as he ripped open her

blouse, exposing her pale breasts to the moonlight. Dipping
his head, he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. She
tried to reach up to touch him, but he fastened her hands to
the ground with his own. She arched up as her body
tightened in response to his possession.

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Moonlight glimmered over his body and she could almost

taste his essence as she breathed in deeply. Her jaw was
slack as she sucked in the night air, the scent of pine and
male heat. The smell of her own rising arousal, the slickness
of her juices dripping from her pussy.

"Please, Trey, I need you." She tossed restlessly beneath


He lifted his head and turned his attention to her other

breast as a light, cool breeze trembled over her wet, sensitive
nipple. She shuddered in reaction to the sensation. As he
sucked her, he reached down, curled his fingers into the
waistband of her skirt and effortlessly ripped it away. One
finger hooked in the waistband of her panties and they were
gone as well, leaving her naked except for the moonlight
highlighting her bare flesh.

He tracked a path down over her rib cage, across her soft

stomach and down to her mound. Lifting her legs, he
separated her thighs and then buried his tongue into her
moist, hot channel. She couldn't hold back the cries of
pleasure as his tongue buried deep inside her, retreated and
flicked across her stiffened clitoris, and then back inside her

"Trey. Oh, God, Trey." It was then that she shattered

completely as she orgasmed with the force of an invading
storm drenching the earth. He sucked every drop of her
cream, lapping across her lips, tunneling deep with his
tongue. He kissed the inside of her thigh and she shuddered
with the aftereffects, but she still needed more.

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He rose above her, and when she looked up, all she saw

was the shadow of a predatory male, possession bright in his

"You're certain, Rainna?" He looked off to the left and her

gaze followed his. Her eyes widened when she saw what
stood there. Two huge wolves, silvered in the full moonlight,
eyes glittering brightly, standing there. Waiting. And

Waiting for her summons. She couldn't take her eyes off

them. But she gave Trey the answer he needed. The response
they all needed.

"Yes, Trey. I love you and this is what I want."
As she watched, the wolves began to shift, just as she had

seen Trey do on that other night. Muzzles shortened, tails
retracted, paws became hands and feet, dark, silvery fur
shifted to warm, male flesh.

She had been shocked the first time she had seen the

change occur, but this time she was intrigued, aroused, and
ready. Carson and Donovan slowly rose to their feet and
moved toward them, naked and muscular, moonlight glancing
over their hard flesh.

Trey moved back and Donovan took his place. He held out

a hand and helped her to rise to her feet. She felt the heat of
another body behind her ... Carson. Her gaze again connected
with Trey's. He now stood to the side as his brothers caressed
her naked body, learning her curves, and the slick texture of
her intimate flesh.

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Trey unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it to the ground.

His gaze imprisoned her. She felt his brothers' hands on her
body, arousing her to new heights.

"For us, Rainna," Trey whispered into the night.
"For all of us," she responded, as Donovan leaned forward

to brushed a kiss against her neck. She shivered as she felt
Carson's fingers trace down her spine and cup her cheeks,
separating and kneading. Neither of them spoke as they
aroused her body, odd mixtures of sensations coursing
through her.

Donovan reached down and pressed two fingers inside her,

a swift penetration that left her gasping.

She felt Trey's presence beside her and out of the corner

of her eye saw him hand something to Carson. Then she felt
something cold squirted into her rectum followed by fingers
opening and penetrating her anus. She cried out at the dual
penetration of the brothers, almost unable to catch her breath
at the pleasure that shot through her as they thrust in and
out, in and out with their slick fingers.

It wasn't long before the second orgasm that night

swallowed her up, and she bucked against them as she
soared into the night, crying out.

Carson was the first to remove his fingers, and Donovan

did the same as they lowered her to her knees and she felt
the cool, moist earth beneath her. Donovan tilted her head
back and licked the column of her throat. Carson twisted a
lock of her hair around his hand and anchored her, arching
her neck back, he licked at her jaw, her cheeks, and across
her lips.

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And then she felt the head of Donovan's prick at her

engorged entrance, just as Carson pressed past the rings of
muscle in her anus. She heard the soft, rumbling growl of
sound emanating from in front and behind. The soft sighs of
the night surrounded her as they each pressed inward,
opening her to their lusty desires and her soft flesh enclosed
around them, hugging them, welcoming them into her body.

She turned her head and opened her eyes. Trey was there

next to her, watching her intently. Her gaze dropped to his
stiff erection, bobbing enticingly. She reached out to surround
the thick, silky shaft with her hand, spreading the pre-cum
oozing from the slit across the stretched head.

"Trey," she moaned, as the brothers' rhythm increased

and she felt Donovan's thumb circling her hard, sensitive
clitoris. "Oh, God, Trey," she repeated. Her heart was too full
in that moment and she was about to shatter.

It was Carson who came first, she felt him pulsing into her

narrow channel. She came fast upon feeling his sperm spurt
into her rectum. And then Donovan yelled as he orgasmed,
pulsing deeply inside her pussy. And then she felt the
slickness of Trey's cum as he spurted into her hand.

Her sated gaze again locked with Trey's. "I love you," she

said over and over again. She felt the deep connection of
these primal men as they baptized her with their pleasure,
drawing her into their family, making her feel part of them all,
tied in some spiritual way she couldn't define.

She looked up at the huge face of the moon as the

brothers slowly exited her body and Trey pulled her into his
arms. She shuddered with emotion. Donovan and Carson

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silently withdrew and, as she watched, they shifted back into
their animal form, then trotted off into the night.

Trey stroked her hair and held her against him as she tried

to calm her emotions, her body replete and well satisfied.
Then he helped her to her feet and drew her out of the forest
and toward the lake.

It felt frigid, but he pulled her against his hot, fiery body

and they floated together for a long time in the clear, pristine
waters. She felt his arms supporting and protecting her as
she gazed up at the huge, shining moon above.

She was at peace with the choices she had made. She

didn't know what the future might hold, but she felt the coil of
love surrounding her with this family she had chosen as her

She felt Trey's moist breath against her neck. "I love you,


She smiled and leaned back against his chest. As long as

she had Trey's love she was content. Then she heard the lone
call of a wolf in the distance from the opposite direction the
brothers had headed. She raised her head. "Another brother?"

"No. From another pack."
"Thank God," she answered as she leaned back and floated

contentedly in her lover's arms. She really didn't think she
was up to handling another of his relatives. But for now the
animal heat inside her was quiet and replete.

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Adrianna Dane

Theresa Gallup uses the pen names of Tess Maynard and

Adrianna Dane. Theresa has been writing since the age of 10.
A legal secretary for 30 years, she is currently working on
another erotic romance, as well as a full-length romantic
mystery/suspense. She has been married for 30 years and
has three grown children (a daughter and twin sons), and is a
new grandmother.

Writing as Tess Maynard, her first published short story

appeared in the ezine, The Whispering Forest, in January of
2004. Writing as Adrianna Dane, where adding sensual heat
to romance is her motto, Esmerelda's Secret was her first
foray into the erotic romance genre.

Having traveled and lived from the East Coast to the West

Coast, Theresa receives inspiration for her stories from a
variety of sources, including music and poetry, and her tastes
are eclectic.

For more information about current projects, visit

Theresa's web sites at:

www.tessmaynard.com or www.adriannadane.com.

* * * *

Don't miss The Lion And The Rose,

by Adrianna Dane,

available at AmberHeat.com!

background image

Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Man or beast? Mikelas, half man, half beast, caught

between worlds, desperately needs his bride. As tradition
demanded, he invoked the magic of the ancient marriage
coin, but his Midas mate didn't answer, and without her, he is
doomed to revert to his animal form forever. At one minute to
the stroke of forever, a new scrying is performed and
Rosemarie Edwards receives a very special gift meant only for
a woman of Midas blood.

Rosemarie doesn't believe in fairytale love—she doesn't

have faith in humanity at all. Certainly not with the memories
of her tragic past shrouding her from any hope of future
happiness. But an attractive messenger with an intriguing
gold rose and a special invitation will send her on a savagely
sensual journey that will change her life from a black-and-
white existence filled with painful reminders to the full
Technicolor of devastating desire.

One night of sizzling animal passion in what she thinks is a

dream leaves her with a throbbing, visible reminder of the
claim of her dominant mate. How did it happen and why does
she respond so intensely to the scent of the golden rose? Only
by accepting the mysterious invitation to Midian will she find
the answers she needs and maybe discover that there can be
a happily ever after.

* * * *

Don't miss Private Audition, by Shara Bloodstone,

available at Amber-Allure.com!

background image

Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


Sexy, beautiful Janessa Jergen is burned out on

waitressing between her acting gigs and can't stop wondering
what she might do to further her aspiring movie career.

Opportunity knocks one night when a famous Hollywood

director and his movie-star girlfriend take Janessa home with
them. Could fulfilling the pair's kinky desires be the first step
toward launching a film career of her own?

* * * *

Don't miss The Weaver, by M. J. Konevich,

available at AmberQuill.com!

Marcus Bradley has a gift ... he can see the future. But,

like all great gifts, it comes with an even greater price. The
events he can see always end in murder. It is up to him and
his best friend, detective Jennifer Paxton of the Boston Police
Department, to solve the latest murder of a mother and her
young daughter. What Marcus finds along the way, however,
will forever change the way he sees reality. This was no
ordinary murder. This was planned and carried out by a being
from another reality, one where the world is rapidly falling
apart. Its designs are simple ... to destroy the Weaver, an all-
powerful crystalline shard that holds all the realities separate.
If it should succeed, all the worlds will crumble.

Now it is up to Marcus and Jennifer to find a way to stop

this from happening and, if they can, repair the Weaver
before it is too late...

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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane


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Gimme Fever!!

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Where love is blind to gender...


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Vampire Falls: Animal Heat

by Adrianna Dane



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