Alex Berry The Man of Honor

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The Maid Man of Honor


Alex Berry

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The Maid Man of Honor

Copyright © February 2013 by Alex Berry
Published by Sitting Bull Publications, LLC
Garner, NC

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY.
No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed without prior written
permission from Alex Berry or Sitting Bull Publications, LLC.



This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This eBook is licensed
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Published by Sitting Bull Publications, LLC

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The Maid Man of Honor

By: Alex Berry

Riley and Brina were best friends since middle school. So when she gets married it's only natural
that he stands with her as her Maid, er Man of Honor. One of the duties thrust upon him was
getting her recalcitrant cousin to the wedding. No one had mentioned the man was super sexy
and hot. But he was damaged and needed a special kind of care. Could Riley fulfill all his duties
as Man of Honor and hang onto his heart?

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Chapter 1

Riley shook his head in disgust. It was already three o’clock and according to his GPS, he

had another hour to go before reaching Logan’s home. Why anyone would live out in the boonies
of Maryland was beyond him.

He released a deep breath and selected a jazz song on his CD. Minutes later his phone

beeped a familiar ditty. Without looking at the caller ID, he answered.

“Yes, Brina?” he drawled. It was her fault he was on this road trip anyway.
“Where are you?”
“I’m thirty minutes to an hour from Logan’s. Why? He cancel?” Riley was more than

willing to turn around and drive back to his home outside Pittsburgh. Just the other day he’d met
an interesting guy that he’d like to follow up with tonight.

“No, it’s getting late and I was worried. I don’t want you driving in the dark up there. A lot

of those roads don’t have lights or guard rails.”

He’d already noticed.
“I thought you were going to leave this morning. What happened?” she asked.
“I got stuck at the office. One of my clients had a surprise audit and wanted me to stand next

to him while he defended his accountant. Turns out, the accountant was a crook and the audit
saved him thousands of dollars.”

Brina laughed. “I’m sure that made him feel good.”
“Yeah. But I didn’t get out of there till after one. Still, I’ll make sure he has the designs for

the wedding in a few, and if it’s not too dark, I’ll head home. Shouldn’t be too bad.” Unsure, he
glanced up at the darkening sky.

“Seriously, don’t do that. Stay until morning. Logan won’t bite.” She paused. “Well, I really

don’t know if he does or not, but it should be alright.”

“Didn’t you tell me he threw your cousin out; wouldn’t let them stay at his place or

something like that?”

“Yeah, but that was different.”
He rolled his eyes. “Really? How?”
“They were getting on his nerves. They get on everybody’s nerves. I asked them to leave my

place just on general principle. You remember Harvey and Clara?”

Riley laughed remembering the weird brother-sister duo. “I got nothing to say about your

family, mine’s not much better. But those two are different.”

She snorted. “Different? That’s a nice way to put it. I think I’ll use that term at the

reception.” Her voice changed into a high-pitched snooty tone. “I want all the different people to
sit at this table please.”

A bark of laughter escaped his throat. After all these years, she was still his silly best friend.

“You are so wrong for that. Plus, if you did that, all the other tables would be empty.”

“I know, right.”
A blinking light loomed ahead. “There’s a yellow light in the middle of nowhere.”
“Oh good,” she yelled.
Frowning, he pulled the phone from his ear. “Calm down, that’s my ear.”
“Sorry babes, you’re close. You should be seeing an old run down store on your right soon.”
He nodded as he passed the derelict building. “Just passed it.”

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“In about two miles, you’ll see a sign that says 'Bearman Junction.' Pass it and turn at the

next right further down. Keep straight till that road ends. That’s Logan’s place.”

“Okay. He knows I’m bringing the samples for the reception, right?” The last thing he

wanted was to go into a long explanation about who he was and why he was knocking at the

“Yeah, I told him my best friend was coming today. He probably expected you earlier,

though. Want me to call him? Tell him you’ll be there in a few?”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’m turning off now.”
“Okay. Thanks again, I love you, Boo.” She clicked off.
He clicked off and threw his phone on the front seat. “You should love me after this,” he

grunted as he slowed his car to a crawl over the uneven road leading to the mysterious Logan.
After what seemed like forever, a sprawling glass and brick home came into view. It was
breathtakingly beautiful. Riley breathed his thanks on behalf of his BMW at the sight of a paved
circular driveway in front of the house.

He parked in front of the stairs and unlocked the doors. Standing, he stretched his cramped

muscles and fixed his clothes. Looking around, he noticed the manicured lawn gave way to the
forest. There was just enough grass, and then a natural barrier of trees that allowed privacy. He
liked it.His satchel and the samples firmly in hand, he knocked on the large two panel wood
door. No one answered. He glanced at his watch. It was getting late.

He knocked again.
The door opened. The greeting stuck in Riley’s throat as a muscular bare-chested man stood

in front of him wiping water from his hair. With a practiced quick glance, Riley took note of the
cut off sweats, well formed calves, and bare feet.

“Sorry, I was just getting out the pool. I'm Logan, by the way. Come in. Brina called, but I

missed it. I just saw her text message.” He moved back and Riley stepped in.

His latent ability to speak kicked in. “No problem. I just got here.” He held up the samples

as a barrier between his eyes and the half nude hunk. “Where do you want to look at these?”

“How many did she send?” His tone was incredulous. “Never mind, we can look at them in

my office. Come on, might as well get it over with.”

Riley chuckled. “Life’s easier that way. Just go along with Hurricane Brina.”
Logan snorted and walked down the hall. “Tell me about it. She’s a force of nature.” He

pointed to a large, well lit room. “In here. Let’s see what new hoops she has for me to jump
through this time.”

Riley looked at the room and then at Logan. “My name’s Riley.” He held out his hand.
Logan took it and gave him a solid pump. “Right, the best friend from high school, college

and law school. Riley said this and Riley said that. Nice to finally meet you…Mr. Perfect.” His
smile took the sting from the words.

“My cousin Anna told Brina the same thing, so no offense.” He placed the samples on the

table. “She wants you to design something with these elements. Each has a special meaning for
her and Eric.” He pointed to a barrage of pictures and symbols.

Logan leafed through the items, cataloging each piece. “Does it have to be the full item, or

just enough so she recognizes what it is?” He placed two pieces together, which made a unique
shape. “Like this? I can continue adding pieces and get bits of all of these on here.”

Riley rubbed his chin, frowning. I’m not sure. But what if you use these two as a base and

then add from there.” He slid over an emblem Brina felt would be her and Eric’s crest, if they
had one, and her sorority letters.

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Logan fingered the letters. “I remember when she was pledging. She called crying one night

and asked if I’d make bail for her when she went to jail for manslaughter. Only I think she called
it sorority-pledgee slaughter.”

Riley laughed. “I don’t know why she pledged, anyway. Sabrina Matthews is not a follower

in any shape or form. I think she paid them at the end, or else they just let her slide in. Believe
me, she did not pledge like the other girls.”

“What about this?” Logan asked, manipulating the items a little.
Looking at the makeshift design, Riley nodded. “That might work.” He pulled a few more

items out of the bag. “This is the sash she wants for the flower girls. The design will need to be
flexible enough to transfer onto this material and she wants the colors…” He pulled out a sheet
of paper and read. “This needs to be burgundy and the letters pink.”

Logan’s mouth dropped. “What?”
Riley shrugged. “I’m the messenger. Don’t shoot.” He pulled out a beige cloth napkin and

waved it.

Logan groaned. When he'd agreed to create a design for his favorite relative’s wedding, he

thought a simple design for tent cards, something to augment the centerpieces on the table, or
something along that line. He should have known better, Brina had never been simple. And with
him refusing to share that day with her…he should have known.

“Let me guess, she wants the design embroidered on all the napkins.”
Riley laughed. It was a deep-throated, honest laugh that caught Logan’s attention. “No.

She’s not that bad. Just enough for the bridal table and party. Maybe for the parental table as
well. She has a seamstress who’ll do that. You need to create the disk so the seamstress can put it
in her machine.”

Face warm from staring, Logan nodded.
Riley looked at his watch and pulled something else out of the bag. “This is the runner for

the tables at the reception that’ll lay beneath the centerpieces. The design will be on this. She
said you had some sort of material you print it on.”

Logan nodded. Brina had already picked out the material for the runners, it was in his


“This is the pattern. She said you knew how many she needed.” His eyes locked with


For a moment Logan was struck mute by the serious gray orbs staring at him. Riley was a

refreshing surprise. He didn’t waste time, which was a bonus. Plus, he was meticulous in
outlining Brina’s vision for her big day.

“Yeah, I have that here somewhere,” Logan said a moment later.
“Good.” Riley shook the bag and looked through it once again. “I think that’s it. You got

everything you need?”

Riley’s desire to get out of there was apparent and irritating. Finally, someone shows up who

was decent company and all he wanted to do was leave. What was his rush?

Logan continued to play with the pieces in front of him and spoke over his shoulder. “Is it

true you’re her maid of honor?” The one thing they had in common, at least that he knew, was

“Brina doesn’t have a maid of honor. I’m her Man of Honor.”
Logan hadn’t expected that and laughed.
“What’s funny?” Riley asked, his voice tight.
Turning slightly, Logan glanced at him. “Only Brina would say kiss my ass to tradition.”

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Riley’s lips curled into a boyish grin that drew Logan’s eyes to his firm lips. “That’s true. I

remember when she told me Eric asked her to marry him. She called me screaming in the
phone,” Riley said in wonderment. He looked around and picked up the bag. “It took a minute to
get the story from her. But just as I was saying congratulations, she asked me to be her best man.
You could hear Eric objecting in the background.”

“Oh Lord,” Logan said, fascinated by the tale.
Riley nodded. “I didn’t want to get involved. Eric’s good for her.” He paused. “She and I

were at a party when they met, and I told her he was good people then. She gave Eric a hard time
at first. But in the end, they simply clicked.” His eyes lit and Logan wondered what he’d say

“I had my “you mess over my best friend and I’ll take out a contract on you” talk with him


That startled Logan. “A contract?”
Riley shrugged although his face held a tinge of pink. “Yeah. Brina and I decided we didn’t

want to actually do the deeds ourselves so we made a pact in high school that if someone ever
messed over one of us, it would be okay to take out a contract on that person for a serious beat-
down. Not murder,” he stressed, his eyes serious. “But yeah, if he'd messed her over, I would’ve
had a guy I know fuck him up. And she’d do the same for me.” He shrugged as if that were

“When she asked me if I wanted a guy I knew fucked up I thought she was just talking.”

Logan wondered what his cousin would’ve done to Chester if he’d agreed. Would it have
changed anything? Who knows?

“She wasn’t. In both our lines of work, we meet quite a few people we can count on for that

type of thing. It doesn’t cost that much either.”

Logan looked at Riley. The man stood taller than his own five foot ten height,maybe an inch

or two over six feet. He was solid, with what appeared to be a well-defined chest and thick arms.
It was obvious the man worked out, yet he would pay someone else to kick ass for him. Go

“Eric objected to you being in the wedding?” Logan asked to get back on topic.
Riley finally took a seat. He leaned back with a sexy smirk on his triangular shaped face. A

hank of hair fell forward from his widow’s peak and he absently brushed it back. “Actually,
Brina told me later they had a smack down about it.”

“He hit her?” Logan asked, alarmed.
“What?” Riley frowned. “No. Of course not. He’s not crazy, and they wouldn’t be getting

married if he even acted like he would. Brina don’t play like that.”

Relieved, Logan nodded. He knew better than most that people snapped and did things they

wouldn’t normally do. He stuffed those sad memories away and continued to enjoy Riley’s
company and story.

“No. They argued about it. She asked him who her best friend was. He said me. Then she

said since this was her wedding, she wanted her Bestie standing with her.”

“What could he say to that?” Logan asked, pleased his cousin had stood up for herself.
“He said there should only be one best man in a wedding.” Riley laughed.
Logan watched the mirth fill his eyes and was pulled in. “What? What happened?”
“She told him I’d be her Man of Honor. He still didn’t want to do it, but she drew the line.

Told him anyone who knew her, knew I was her best friend. And if they didn’t, then they’d

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discover that on her wedding day. Because no matter who she married, I’d be standing next to

Stunned, Logan’s eyes widened at his cousin’s boldness. “No…no she didn’t tell him that.

Basically, she said with him or without him you were going to be there. Damn… how’s that
going to work? I bet he’s jealous of your relationship.”

Riley shrugged. It was one of those masculine shoulder-neck combinations that conveyed he

could care less. “I’ve never had a problem with him. When Brina told me what happened, I had
the same reaction you did. But you know Brina.”

Logan nodded. He knew his hard-headed cousin didn’t care. “She thought he was trying to

run her life, make decisions for her, and that didn’t sit well with her.”

Riley looked over his head at the wall. “Actually, she thought he was homophobic and had

been lying to her all along. That’s what really pissed her off. He had to do some fast talking to
get her to keep his ring. He even came to me and asked me to talk to her. He claimed he had no
problems with gays. Used some of the standard lines…”

“Some of my best friends are gay,” Logan inserted in a droll tone.
Riley nodded. “It was touchy there for a minute.” He looked at Logan. “Brina would never

marry, let alone be friends, with a bigot. He probably isn’t a homophobe, but she’s so protective,
that was where she took his reluctance.”

Logan could see it all now, a loud argument with his cousin pointing in her fiancé’s face.

She’d never back down. “Sabrina loves hard.” He felt the heat of Riley’s stare and looked at the
man. “What?” he asked when Riley continued to stare.

“Since you know how she is, why aren’t you coming to her wedding? She told me you

refused to come, but won’t say why.”

Logan’s face heated. “So is this another tactic to get me to change my mind?” He shook his

head, and felt himself getting angry. A weird sense of betrayal filled him, although there was no
basis for it. This was the first time he’d met Riley, they weren’t friends. Nevertheless, he was

Standing, he took his time looking out the window, searching the dark skies. It really was

too late for Riley to leave. Damn. “She asked you to talk to me about coming to her wedding?”

“Yeah. She asked. I told her no. It’s not my business. Plus, I figure if you don’t want to be

there, it’d just make everyone else uncomfortable.”

Logan turned, searched Riley’s face for bullshit, and was surprised by the sincerity he read

instead. “Why’d you ask then?”

Riley stood. They stared at each other a moment before he spoke. “She’s my best friend.

She’s hurt that the man she considers her brother won’t be with her on her big day. Listening to
you, I know you love her and I was just curious how that played out, that’s all.”

“Played out?” Logan frowned, not understanding where Riley was going with all this.
“You love her?”
“Yeah, but—”
“You know refusing to come to her wedding is hurting her, right?”
Logan inhaled. Trapped, he saw where this was going. No matter how he answered, he’d

look like a fool. He nodded and stormed out the room toward the kitchen. He needed a drink.

Damn Brina.
Riley followed at a slower pace.

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Out the corner of his eye, Logan noticed the man picking up the satchel and patting his

pocket. When he pulled out his keys and walked toward the front door, Logan stepped into the

“It’s not a good idea for you to try to drive these roads at night. Your GPS won’t work that

well, and most of the roads are unmarked.” He leaned against the wall as he spoke to Riley’s

“I know. I figured I’d make it to town and get a room. Leave in the morning.” He pulled the

door open.

Logan shook his head. “There are no towns. Stay here tonight, leave in the morning.”
Riley looked at him over his shoulder and then gazed into the night beyond the front door.

After a moment he closed the door and exhaled noisily.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
Logan nodded and turned back toward the kitchen. “Hungry?”
“Yeah, as a matter of fact I am. I ate a burger on the way, but that was hours ago.” Logan

sensed Riley’s presence behind him and tensed. It had been years since he’d been this close to
another man who wasn’t related to him.

“Can I help with anything?” Riley asked while rolling up his sleeves. He then proceeded to

wash his hands at the sink.

“You can make a salad. I was going to grill a couple of steaks and maybe some potatoes?”

he asked, looking at his guest.

“No potato for me. The salad and steak will be fine.” Riley opened the refrigerator,

appearing at ease as he rifled through the bins, pulling out ingredients for a salad. “They don’t
agree with me anymore. Let me tell you that pisses me off big time, because I love potatoes
baked, broiled, fried, mashed, ummm – creamed. Oh yeah, I love potatoes, they just don’t love
me.” He released a long dramatic sigh which made Logan smile. Oh yeah, he could see Brina’s
influence over Riley.

“Okay. How do you like your steak?”
“What kind is it?” Riley asked while peeling a cucumber.
“Rib eye.”
“Medium well – just a little pink.”
Logan eyed him across the counter. “And if I’d said sirloin?”
Riley met his stare. “I’d have said medium, more pink.”
Neither spoke nor dropped their eyes. It was an interesting moment for Logan. He’d been

alone since the confrontation with Chester two years ago, refusing all invitations, preferring to
stay alone. All of his well-meaning family and friends had tried repeatedly to get him to rejoin
the world. He'd refused. The world had only given him problems.

In the space of an hour, he was rethinking his self-imposed separation. He had invited a man

to stay in his home for no other reason than it was nice to hear a masculine voice and Riley was
easy going. Good looking, smart, loyal – to Brina anyway. He didn’t push or probe.

“Why haven’t I ever met you before?” Riley asked.
Maybe he’d revise the probing thing, Logan thought. “I don’t know. I moved away before

Brina started high school. I moved here a few years ago.”

Riley continued slicing veggies for the salad. “But we finished law school two years back.

Did you come to the graduation?”

He’d been recovering from his wounds and hadn’t gone anywhere. “No. I missed all of

Brina’s graduations. I traveled with my job a lot back then.” That was partially true. As a

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marketing executive, he’d served a large territory and was on the road three or four days a week,
which had caused him to miss her college graduation. That job had also created another problem
with his live-in lover at the time. He pushed down the ugly memories to focus on the gist of the

Riley nodded and then frowned. “You missed her parents thirty-fifth anniversary party?

Brina rented the Hyatt ballroom for that. I don’t recall seeing you there last year.”

“No. I mean yeah, I remember that one. But no, I couldn’t make that either. I can’t

remember what happened, but I missed it. I heard Aunt Steph was gorgeous as usual.”

“She was. Fred wasn’t too bad himself in that black tux. He had us cracking up with those

old dances he was doing on the dance floor.” His eyes sparkled when he threw his head back and

Logan took in the long column of Riley’s neck, even white teeth, and the slight dimple in his


“Let me guess, the funky chicken?” Logan said, as he put the steaks on the indoor grill. He

had fond memories of his uncle dancing and fooling around when he was a kid.

“Yeah, that, the robot, some kind of step and spin deal. He was funny. I got him and Brina

on tape doing some kind of robotic chicken. I threatened to post it online the next time she tried
to fix me up on a date.” A smile hovered over his lips. “Worked like a charm. She’s backed off
from her quest to make sure I find the love and happiness she enjoys.”

Logan smiled. Should he mention the obvious set-up happening now? He'd recognized it the

moment he answered the door and took in the handsome man on the other side. All Brina had
said was Riley was heading his way. All this time he’d thought Riley was a female. It never
occurred to him Brina’s best friend was a man. Earlier, in the office, he’d gone over all their
conversations over the years and Brina had never referred to Riley’s sex.

“She’s been trying to hook you up?” Logan asked.
Riley rolled his eyes as he tossed the salad. “Has she? Every time she sees someone she

thinks is interesting, she gives me this look.” He made a face that had Logan laughing.

“I’ve seen that look.” Logan pointed at Riley’s face. “She thinks it’s subtle, but it’s not. It’s

embarrassing watching her look like she has something in her eye.”

Riley laughed. “I know, right? I keep telling her to stop it, but she keeps trying to perfect her

what-do-you-think look.”

“She gives you the look…” Logan said, hoping Riley would continue.
“Yeah, and then I’d look at her with my as-if frown. She’d move on. Finally I told her it’d be

best if we stopped going out. Whereas I was able to pinpoint Eric for her, she is clueless in
finding someone for me.”

Logan’s gaze slid over Riley’s backside as he turned to place the salad in the refrigerator.

“She was that bad? Or were your requirements that high?”

Riley’s hand froze, and then continued closing the door. He sniffed the air and looked at the

steaks. “Smells good.”

In silence Logan flipped the meat and leaned back against the counter. The meat wasn’t the

only thing sizzling in the room.

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Chapter 2

Riley noticed the change in the room. How to answer? It wasn’t that he didn’t find Logan

attractive, he did. But the man was Brina’s cousin. Her favorite cousin. One of the reasons he’d
never dated any of her friends or associates was to safeguard their close friendship. Her family
was his family, and it’d just seemed wrong to look at any of them in any other way, until now.

Problem was, Logan didn’t feel like family.
“You don’t have to answer. It’s none of my business.” Logan pointed to the cabinet above

Riley’s head. “The plates are in there, pass me two. Steaks are ready.”

Still unsure how to respond, Riley retrieved the plates and slid them across the counter.

“That looks good. Where do you want me to set the salad?” he asked, opening the refrigerator.
When there was no answer, he looked at Logan and caught him staring at his ass. A shiver of
white-hot desire shot through him.

That was not good. He coughed. “Logan? Where are we going to eat?”
Red faced, Logan tipped his head toward another room. “In there, the dining room.”
Riley took the bowl and salad dressing to the other room. After placing them on the table, he

returned to the kitchen for serving utensils. Logan stood over the plates with his head down.
When he heard Riley, his head shot up.

“I need some tongs for the salad, and something to drink,” Riley said, speaking fast.
“In here.” Logan pulled open a drawer, pulled out plastic tongs and slid them across the

counter to him.

“Thanks, what do you want to drink?”
“Beer.” Logan retrieved his baked potato from the microwave and placed it on his plate.

Riley pulled out two beers and beat it back to the dining room. In vain, he tried to remember any
details Brina had given him on this relative and drew a blank. That in itself was strange now that
he thought about. He would have sworn he knew all of her family, just as she’d met and was
friends with all of his.

He popped open his can as Logan placed the rib eye in front of him.
“I can cook it longer if it’s too pink.”
Riley cut into the juicy meat and tasted it. “Mmm, it’s perfect. Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Logan sat and took some of the salad.
The silence wasn’t exactly comfortable, but they were strangers with one common

denominator, Brina. Riley wished his friend were here to ease things between him and Logan.
That’s when it hit him.

“Brina hasn’t called about the design,” he said, surprised. Leaning to the side, he pulled out

his cell to make sure it was on and that he had bars. “That’s not like her. As much as she rode me
about getting this done, I’m surprised she hasn’t called.” He looked at Logan, who continued
eating. “Has she called you?”

Logan shook his head. “No. Not yet. But she will.” His voice held a smidgeon of humor that

arrested Riley’s attention.

“What? What’s funny?” he asked, wondering what he’d missed.
Logan glanced at him and then returned to his steak. “You’re a lawyer?”
“Tax law, yeah.”
Logan frowned. “Tax? Is that what Brina does?”
“No, she’s corporate law.”
“But she’s a lawyer, right?”

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Riley frowned. Brina had told him her cousin was really smart. “Yeah, she is.”
Logan spoke in a quiet voice, using his fork as a prop. He pointed to himself. “I’m gay and

single. My cousin thinks I need to move on with my life despite me telling her on numerous
occasions and with various adjectives that I’m fine.” His fork turned toward Riley. “You’re gay?”

Riley nodded, slowly seeing where this was going.
“And single, no doubt. I thought Riley was a woman. Brina never told me you were a man

or that her best friend was gay.”

“I knew you were gay, but that’s about all. She never talks about you other than how great

you are and how much she misses you. But she’s never really told me anything about you.” He
looked at Logan. “Trust me, that’s really odd. I can’t believe she never tried to get us to meet
before. Brina’s not a long term planner.”

Logan nodded. “Gotta wonder how she was able to hold off until now.”
Relieved that dealing with Logan in a non-platonic way might not set off warning bells

within Brina’s family, he spoke. “Well, I’ve been in and out of relationships. I’m monogamous
by nature, so introducing us at another time, it would’ve been good to meet a new friend, but
nothing more.” Still uncertain, he frowned. “You think this is a set-up?” Brina had been doing so
well lately. She'd never mentioned other guys or tried to get him to go out with a new client of
hers anymore.

“Yeah.” Logan didn’t bother looking at him, which was annoying.
“What about you? You’ve been dating a lot?”
Logan tensed, and then his shoulders dropped. Riley worried he’d crossed the line, but they

were stuck here so they might as well talk.

“No. I haven’t dated or gone out or spent time with anyone in two years.”
Riley’s mouth dropped open. Two years of no loving? No hugs? No long walks, or cuddling

on the sofa? Logan should be starved for male companionship. Perhaps that’s why he invited him
to stay, just to have someone to talk to.

Yeah, right. Based on the heat level he'd read in Logan’s eyes earlier, conversation was

really low on his list.

“Surprised?” Logan asked. He pushed back from the table while watching him.
Riley had no idea what showed on his face, he didn’t think surprised was the word that

covered it. More like stunned and sad that such a handsome man was out of circulation. If they’d
met during one of his off periods, he was sure he’d have considered spending some quality time
with Logan.

“Surprised? That’s one word for it. But curious is better.” His gaze roamed over Logan’s

body and then back to his handsome chiseled features. The angular face, light brown eyes, thick
hair that brushed his shoulder. It was obvious Logan worked out. He had a sexy lean swimmer's
build. The only way a man who looked as good as Logan remained alone for two years was by

“Curious? Ah…that’s right, you know nothing about me.” Logan stood and took his plate to

the trash can, scraped it, and placed it in the dishwasher. “And I know nothing about you. We
have a long night ahead of us, you wanna talk?”

Riley ignored the suggestive tone in Logan’s voice and answered, “That would be good…if

you think…if you’re interested. I mean, I can watch a movie if this doesn’t mean anything.” He
wasn’t up for baring his soul just to be friends. That could happen over time without a long
drawn out conversation.

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Logan straightened. “If I’m interested? Interested in knowing more about you as a person?

Or knowing more about you as a possible lover? Or knowing more about you to see if we have
enough in common for a relationship? Which of those will get you to open up and tell me about

“The same one that’ll get you to open up and tell me about you. Why didn’t you come to the

anniversary party? Or any of the graduations? You said you weren’t in a relationship, so it wasn’t
that. Why won’t you come to Brina’s wedding? Has something turned you off weddings?
Relationships? People? I’m interested in knowing more about you for all those reasons you
stated above.”

Logan gave him a wolfish grin. “You don’t hold back do you? That’s a lot of information to

give a stranger, no matter how hot he looks in a shirt and pants.”

Riley’s face warmed with pleasure. “Like you said, we have the time tonight.”
“I’d prefer to do other things,” Logan said, looking at him.
Riley swallowed hard at the hunger he read in Logan’s eyes. “I know. But we need to talk.

I’m not a hit and run kind of guy. If it makes you feel any better, I’m attracted to you, but I have
some concerns.”

Logan nodded. “When you’re finished eating, come into the living room, we’ll talk. I’m not

promising to tell everything about my life, but we can talk. See what happens. I just want you to
know I’m not doing this because my cousin sent you. I’m willing to open up a bit because I’m
attracted to you as well.” With that, he turned and walked into the living area.

Riley released the breath he’d been holding. He watched Logan’s smooth movements as he

left the room. Something had happened to Brina’s cousin and she’d never shared that information
with him. As he thought about the times Brina had left to visit family, she’d never said who, and
he’d always been so caught up with work or a lover, he’d never asked. There was a time when
she’d been withdrawn and refused to discuss the root of her pain. Thinking back, it’d been
around two years ago. He’d bet his last dollar it had something to do with Logan.

Riley took another bite of the succulent steak, and finished off his salad. Dallying with

Logan could create some problems. They needed to be very sure and careful about what they
wanted. Neither of them wanted to cause Brina or her family additional stress.

Finished, he scraped his plate and placed it in the dishwasher. While he was at it, he cleaned

the grill and wiped down the counter. Satisfied that the kitchen was as clean as his own, he
stepped into the living room. Logan was sprawled across a large rocker reading a book.

Riley sat on the opposite sofa and looked around the room. The built-in bookcases were full

of all types of reading material. His fingers itched to touch and explore. But if he picked up a
book, he wouldn’t put it down until he’d read it cover to cover, and they wouldn’t talk.

“Nice collection,” Riley said, tipping his head toward the shelves. His eyes were still glued

to all the books and magazines.

“Thanks, I enjoy reading. I prefer it to TV most of the time,” he said, watching Riley.
“I hear you. What are you reading now?”
Logan looked at the book in his hands, giving Riley a reprieve from his penetrating stare.

“This is a technical book. I have an idea for Brina’s project, but I needed to look something up
first.” He placed the book to the side, and looked at Riley.

“I’m thirty-one, a few years older than Brina. I own this house and the surrounding fifty-

three acres. I designed and had it built to my specifications. My mother is Brina’s mother’s sister.
I had a brother, but he died from SIDS when he was an infant. I’m a self-employed graphics

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designer with a decent client base. I’ve never been married, no kids, no lover, no one even close
to that.”

“Huh?” Logan frowned.
“Why is there no one close to that?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
Riley nodded. “I’ve been wading in the dating pool for the past few years, but haven’t met

the right person. You’re not even in the pool, I want to know why.”

“I had a bad experience and haven’t been interested in trying again.”
“But you’d take my ass tonight if I let you,” Riley said, shaking his head.
“Of course, it’s a nice ass.”
“Plus I’m here, convenient.” Riley ignored the frown building on Logan’s face. “That’s what

I mean. It’s not that you’re not interested in dating. It sounds like you don’t want to put any effort
into meeting somebody. Is that a safety mechanism or something? If you don’t meet anybody,
you won’t get hurt?”

Logan shook his head and chuckled. “All that? What if I just want to get laid tonight and the

rest of what you said is all bullshit. Sometimes it simply comes down to that you know.”

Riley had never pushed himself on anyone and tonight would not be a first. “True. But I’m

notoriously monogamous. I don’t do booty calls. So as flattering as it is knowing you want me,
all I can say is you’re not alone, there’s a line. Now we can have a serious conversation or we
can skip it. You can finish your book and I’ll grab one for myself to read through the night.”
Serious, he paused. “It’s up to you.”

“There’s a line?” Logan looked him up and down. “I believe it. You’re smart, handsome and

unpretentious. Quite a package. Problem here is, I don’t know what I can deliver. I’m interested
but rusty. It’s been a long time since I’ve discussed me, other than the superficial things I’ve
already recited. Can you start? That would help me loosen up.”

Riley fought the urge to look at his watch. It was getting late and it didn’t seem as though

they were making progress. “I have two sisters from my mother’s first marriage who are eighteen
and seventeen years older than me. We have a decent relationship, but hardly see each other. As
soon as they were old enough, they moved back to Arizona where their father and friends were.
My dad and mom live outside Pittsburgh, that’s where I was born. I met Sabrina in middle
school, eighth grade. Her cousin had left…” He looked at Logan. “You had just moved and she
was miserable. She was sitting at a table alone during lunch, and when I walked by she yelled out
and asked me to join her.”

Logan chuckled.
Riley stared. That half smile changed the entire landscape of Logan’s face. He appeared

more at ease as he listened. “After that, we ate lunch together every day, started talking, realized
we had a lot in common.” He glanced at Logan, who was nodding and watching him with an
intense expression.

Riley wiped his palms against his pants leg. “People thought she was my girlfriend for a

long time. I came out to Brina in the tenth grade. She claimed she knew it all along.”

Logan snorted. “She was clueless. I came out in college and she was floored. I didn’t look

gay enough to her.”

“I was a late bloomer. In high school I was tall and thin, didn’t start filling out until my

senior year. No matter how much I ate, I didn’t gain weight. That used to drive her mad crazy,”
Riley laughed.

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“I bet.” Logan said. “Although I never would’ve guessed you were skinny once.”
“It messed with my self confidence quite a bit. I didn’t like the twink persona, so I didn’t

date much until college.”

“Top?” Logan asked.
Riley nodded. “Most of the time. Although I have bottomed.” He looked at Logan. “You?”
“Same here, done both. Depends on my partner.” Logan paused. “Have you had a lot of


Riley closed his eyes and counted. “Three. Three that lasted around a year to two years


“That’s some record. You’re what? Twenty-five? Twenty-six?”
Riley’s brow rose in surprise. Logan should know how old he was. “Twenty-eight actually.

Brina and I are the same age.”

“Oh, that’s right, I’ve got her by three years.”
Logan stretched, and Riley watched as sinewy muscles rose to the surface. Logan Traherne

was one sexy dish. “You?”

Logan froze and looked at him slowly. “Huh?”
Riley rested the side of his face in his palm. “Have you had a lot of relationships?”
Logan’s face tightened and then relaxed. “No, not really. Three, four tops. Like I said, it’s

been a while.

“Ever come close to getting hitched?” Riley asked, watching Logan closely. There was

something going on here and he didn’t like feeling as though he had to pull information from this
man. If Logan didn’t just come clean, he was going to get a book and go read.

“Yeah, once. Thought he was the one. Thought we’d be together forever and all that.” Riley

watched as Logan continuously nodded as he spoke. Something was definitely off here. He
waited, hoping Logan would keep talking. Of course, the obstinate man said nothing more.

“I haven’t met anyone like that yet. The guys I dated were good people and all, but there was

always something missing. It wasn’t enough for me to make that final commitment. Like
everyone else, I want the gold ring, the companionship, and the warm feeling that comes from
knowing you matter most to this one person in the world.” Riley’s face burned in the silence. I
can’t believe I just blurted that out to a stranger.
He picked at an invisible thread in his pants leg.
Okay, where’s a hole in the floor when you need one to crawl inside to hide from acute

“It sounds good, but there has to be balance. Sometimes having someone focus completely

on you can backfire. It can be dangerous,” Logan said, looking out the picture window.

It wasn’t what Logan said as much as it was how he said it, in a voice devoid of emotion that

drew Riley’s attention. Once again, he searched every crevice of his memory for clues about
what'd happened to Logan and drew a blank. Brina had never told him.

“Balance?” Riley asked. “Balance is always good. Too much of anything can be harmful.”

He picked his words with care, hoping Logan would open up. Riley was beyond intrigued now.
He wanted full disclosure on the past painful events of Logan’s life.

Logan snorted. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“Actually, I don’t know any of it. Brina never told me anything about your personal life. I’d

like to know what happened, if you’d like to share.”

Logan looked at Riley, realized he was serious, and wondered if he could survive opening

that door again. He’d locked those memories down for so long, he wasn’t sure what effect the

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telling would have on him. Perhaps sharing them would make a difference. Maybe this was an
opportunity to exorcise the demons that plagued him from time to time.

“You sure you want to hear this?” He looked at Riley. “It’s not pretty.”
Riley crossed his leg over his knee and returned his look. “Yes, I’d like to share it with you.”
Logan thought Riley used an interesting choice of words, but didn’t remark on it. Instead he

leaned back on the arm of his chair and closed his eyes. “I met Chester at a wine tasting in
California almost five years ago. My job had sent me there to pursue a new client, and the
meeting had gone well. Afterwards, we all went to their vineyard for an impromptu wine tasting.
Chester stood to the side, tall and aloof. He had this I-don’t-give-a-damn look about him. He
didn’t say much to anyone, but he watched everything. No one introduced him to our group, they
kind of acted like he wasn’t there.”

“That was rude,” Riley said with a frown.
Logan shrugged. “No, they knew him, we didn’t. I should’ve known something was off

but…you know what they say about hindsight.”

“Hmm, it’ll bite you in the balls.” Riley deadpanned. “So they ignored this guy. What’d he

look like?”

Logan released a breath. Chester had been a walking wet dream. He stood six-two, had a

muscular build but not over done. Thick dark brown hair with strands of gold and mahogany
throughout had graced his head and framed his angular face. In Logan’s opinion, his full lips
were his best feature, followed by sherry colored eyes and ridiculously thick lashes.

“Chester was…he was good-looking. Tall, nice body, nice face—”
“Was he arrogant? I mean did he act like he knew he looked good?” Riley asked.
“No. Not really. He never said anything to me during that trip. It wasn’t until my third trip to

California that I saw him again at a bar near my hotel. He bought me a drink and we started
talking. Found out we liked the same things. Music, art, baseball. He'd graduated from UCAL
and was the marketing director for his family’s wineries on the west coast. We talked back and
forth for another three months before anything happened.” He paused and wet his lips. Even
now, remembering how good things had been in the beginning made him sweat. No one had ever
been so attentive to his needs before. Chester had blown his mind and taken his heart captive.

“Three months? That was because of the distance?”
Logan smiled at the amazement in Riley’s voice. “In part. He claimed he was falling in love

with me and wanted to be sure I was with him. It was hard to wait, but at the time I thought we
had something special that was worth waiting for.”

“I can see that.”
Logan looked over at Riley, and for the first time he sensed this was someone who could

relate to the massive mind-fuck that he’d gone through. Before Chester had claimed Logan’s
body, he’d locked up his heart and mind, which had made escape almost impossible.

“Once we got physical, I was over the moon in love. We talked about moving in together,

getting married, kids, the whole nine yards. Somehow I allowed him to convince me we were
destined to be together, soul mates, that type of thing. Gradually, he took over my life.” He
glanced at Riley who stared back at him. “Of course it was all in the name of love.”

“Love?” Riley asked. “What did love have to do with him taking over your life? Sounds like

he was just a control freak. My apologies to freaks everywhere, of course.”

Logan laughed. His chest lightened. Riley was a good listener who made the retelling of this

bleak chapter in his life easier. “Everything he did, he claimed it was out of love. He bought us a
house without my knowledge. My car was exchanged for a safer model. The clothes I purchased

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didn’t represent us correctly. It was always something. After a year and a half, I doubted my
decision to uproot and move across the country to be with him. We had a talk about my feelings,
and he lost it. He accused me of wanting someone else. Asked if I had cheated on him.
Threatened to throw me out. All kinds of things.”

“He…he didn’t hit you, did he?”
Logan snorted. “No. He knew I’d kick his ass. I was shorter, but meaner. I’d warned him

never to go down that road and he took my warning to heart. He ranted for about an hour
straight, and then he cried and begged me not to leave him. He kept saying how much he loved
me and he’d do anything to keep me." He frowned. “I remember telling him to stop trying to
change me and accept me for me.”

“That didn’t work?”
“For a little while, but then he’d start up again. We’d argue and make up. But he got real

paranoid. Started checking my phone, and showing up to make sure I was where I said I’d be.
That got old and embarrassing real fast. Finally, I told him either he trusted me or I was going to
leave. He said he’d stop, but asked me not to leave him.”

“He sounds like he needed some professional help.”
“Maybe. Maybe we both did, because I was so in love with him, despite everything, I

wouldn’t have left. Anyway, I thought we had worked out our problems. He always wanted to
know everyone I talked to, or spent any time with. I lost a lot of friends behind his jealousy. But I
never thought he was that bad.” He inhaled and released his breath slow.

“You okay?” Riley asked concerned. “If this is too hard, you can back off, it’s okay.”
Ironically, hearing Riley give him an out had the reverse effect. His past had held him

hostage the past two years. He sensed Riley understood the dynamics of what he'd went through,
unlike anyone else who had offered him comfort since the confrontation. “No. I need to finish
this. Get it all out. I’ve never really talked about it. Maybe it’s…maybe it’s time to move on.”

Riley nodded. “Okay.”
“Thomas and I went to high school together, we were friends, we played sports together. He

knew I was gay and it didn’t bother him at all. He’d moved to California for work and met
Maria. She was this really nice woman; they were crazy about one another. Chester met them
both, but for some reason he never liked Thomas. No matter what I said, he’d always say
Thomas was interested in me. That he was trying to break us up.” Logan shook his head.

“I never understood why he was so insecure. I’d stopped traveling after our first year living

together, and started my graphics business. We hardly ever went anywhere separately. Hell, he
was sitting right next to me when Thomas showed us the engagement ring he'd bought for Maria.
That’s when he asked me to be his best man. I was happy for him, gave him an impromptu hug
and slapped him on his back. On the ride home Chester was quiet. He never said anything, but he
never hung out with me and Thomas after that. He swore Thomas was using Maria as a beard
and that he was secretly in love with me. He never listened to anything about the wedding and
was rude to Thomas.”

Riley’s eyes widened. “Oh shit. You were going to be his best man?”
“Yeah. A month before the wedding he came over to the house, we were talking, drinking

beer, and had just set up the chess board. About fifteen minutes later Chester walked in, and his
eyes looked wild. If I didn’t know better I’d say he was high on drugs or something.”

“All the time I’d known him, he’d never been drunk or did drugs. But this day, he came in,

and when he saw Thomas sitting at the table, he went ballistic. He accused me of cheating on

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him in his home. Threatened Thomas. He pushed him. Thomas pushed him back and told me he
was leaving. He asked if I was going to be alright staying. That question made Chester explode.
He ran into the guest room, pulled out a gun that I had no idea he had, and pointed it at Thomas.”

Riley jumped up, his hand covered his mouth. He shook his head as water filled his eyes.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. No. No. Oh shit.”

Logan’s heart dropped as the horror of that night swamp over him. “I froze. I couldn’t

believe the man I loved had a gun and pulled it on my friend. It took a moment for Chester’s
crazy screams to penetrate. He told Thomas, he couldn’t have me. He’d kill him first. No one
would ever take me from him.”

Riley threw his head back and wrapped his arms around his own waist. “I can’t believe you

went through that. I…I’m so sorry he did that to you.”

Logan pushed past the pain and continued his chilling tale. “I called out to him, and he

swung the gun toward me. He was beyond hearing anything I had to say. He kept asking why I
wanted to leave him, why I cheated on him. It was…unbelievable. Thomas ran toward the door.
Chester swung in his direction and pulled the trigger.”

At some point Riley had made his way to kneel next to him. Gently, he wrapped his arms

around Logan and held his head against his chest while he cried. The pain of that night had been
buried so deep within Logan, it now erupted virulently. His cries shook his entire body. Riley
became his anchor, holding him tight, preventing him from being swept away on a sea of agony.
Like a movie, the rest of that night replayed in Logan’s mind. He saw it, but couldn’t speak.

After the shot, Logan had attacked Chester and knocked him out without realizing he’d been

shot himself. He'd called the police, and wept over Thomas and over what his life had become.
The ambulance took him, the police took Chester, and he learned later, the coroner had taken

When Logan woke in the hospital he was told Thomas didn’t make it. His crushed world had

slipped into this bizarre realm. The love of his life was a murderer who had also shot him in the
leg and side. He hadn’t remembered hearing or feeling the shots, but his body held irrefutable

It seemed Chester had been on new medication. That was the day Logan discovered his

lover of almost three years was bi-polar with serious schizoid tendencies. Life sucked big time.
His reality shattered, he had no clue what was real and what wasn’t. As soon as he was able, he
had his things removed from Chester’s home and jetted east. Upstate Maryland suited his needs;
it was both close to and far enough away from family. Eventually, he settled in this rural area to
lick his wounds.

Logan appreciated the fact that Riley made no excuses, didn’t lie and tell him it’d be okay.

In fact, Riley didn’t say anything at all. He simply held Logan close as he cried. When he was
wrung out, he pressed his lips to Riley’s forehead to say thank you.

Riley looked at him with red-rimmed eyes and a sad smile. “Got it all out?”
Logan nodded and looked away. He wasn’t embarrassed, quite the opposite. He was relieved

to speak what he’d thought was unspeakable. “After I left the hospital, I moved back here—”

“Wait, why were you in the hospital?” Riley asked, leaning back.
“He shot me when I attacked him.”
Riley’s eyes widened. “You attacked him? While he held a gun?”
“Yeah. He was out of control and I couldn’t let him keep shooting people.” He hoped Riley

understood. Brina had been pissed when he'd told her that part as well.

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“Okay. But that was risky. He could’ve killed you.” He pulled him close and rubbed the top

of Logan’s head with his chin. “That experience would stop most men from trusting anybody
else. What happened to Thomas?”

“He died.”
Riley froze for a moment and then released a long sigh. “Does Brina know this? There’s no

way you’d want to go to another wedding when your best friend was killed like that. Did you tell
her you were Thomas’ best man and he was murdered by your crazy-assed boyfriend?” His voice
had risen at the end.

Logan tried to remember what he’d told her. “I don’t know if I did or not. I think you’re the

first person to get all of it. It’s been hard to talk about.”

Riley stood and Logan missed the contact. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she backs off. If you

haven’t told her the whole story, I won’t either. Whenever you’re ready to share, she’ll be there
for you as well.” He held his hand toward Logan.

Curious, Logan took it and stood when Riley pulled gently. Once he was standing, Riley

enfolded him in his arms and held him close. Large warm palms rubbed his back. It was heaven.
Logan was a few inches shorter than Riley. He rested his head on Riley's shoulder, accepting the
care offered.

“I’m sorry you went through that,” Riley said. “What a bummer for your first love

experience. What happened to Chester? I hope he’s in prison.”

Logan didn’t want to think about Chester, let alone talk about him anymore. He was aroused

and wanted to deal with that. “He’s in prison. Supposedly, now he’s on his medication, he’s much
better. He wrote letters to a P.O. Box I had before, but I returned them unopened or threw them
away. I think his father contacted my mom to apologize once, but other than that, I haven’t heard
from him.”

“Does he know how to find you? When is he getting out of prison?” Riley leaned back into

what appeared to be his lawyer mode.

“I don’t know. I was in therapy when he had his trial. I understand Maria was there and

talked to him at his sentencing. He got fifty years. If he ever has a parole hearing, Maria is on the
list to be notified. He’s not supposed to get in contact with me, but…” he shrugged.

“Have you thought of talking to him?”
Frowning, Logan pushed him off.
Riley grabbed his arm, trying to hold him again. “For closure. It might make a difference if

he could answer some of your questions.”

Logan pushed until he was released and walked back a few steps. “Beat his ass is more like


“That too. At least it’d give you the closure you needed,” Riley said, placing his hands on

Logan’s shoulders and squeezing them lightly.

The idea of going to see Chester and talking to him, after what he’d done, was so bizarre,

Logan immediately negated it. Chester was the devil in disguise. He’d taken Logan’s heart and
smashed it to bits.

He felt the heat of Riley’s body before he made full contact, and wrapped his arms around

him from behind. “Just think about it,” Riley whispered near his ear.

Logan blanked his mind. It felt so good just to be held with no expectations. “Thanks for

listening,” he said in a soft tone. “I feel better.” He coughed to cover a laugh bubbling up. “I sure
hope I don’t have to sleep alone after replaying that horrible experience. I’m feeling vulnerable,”
he said, trying to sound serious.

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Laughing, Riley squeezed him tight and then released him. “I bet.” He smacked Logan’s ass.

“Don’t quit your job, you’re a horrible actor.”

“Who said I was acting? I am vulnerable. You might think less of me, knowing how gullible

I was.” He tried to say it straight-faced and failed.

Riley shook his head as they both laughed. “Hey, at least you took a chance and went for the

gold ring. A lot of us stand on the sidelines hoping and wishing, but in reality we’re just afraid.
Gullible? No, I don’t think so. You were a man who experienced a love so strong that you were
momentarily blinded. Most of us will never know the half of it. Unfortunately, the man you
loved was sick with jealousy as well as mentally ill, but I bet it was heaven on earth for a while,”
he said in a voice so wistful, Logan stared at him a moment longer.

Riley’s face reddened. “Stop looking at me.”
“No, it’s just good to meet somebody who gets it. I thought I was crazy to stay with him,

hoping things would go back to the way they’d been. When it was good, it had been heaven.”
Logan reached for Riley and hugged him tight. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. Talking with you

“And all you wanted was a piece of ass,” Riley said with a smug smile.
Angling for a better view of Riley’s posterior, Logan quipped. “I still want some ass, I just

respect it more now.”

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Chapter 3

Riley chuckled as they broke apart. “Seriously, I’m honored you shared that with me, I don’t

know if I would’ve had the courage to rip off that band-aid.” He cuffed Logan on the shoulder.
“You’re one tough dude.”

Logan rubbed his shoulder. “I don’t feel tough. More like I went through the wringer.” He

looked at Riley. “Can we lay down now?”

For a moment they stared at each other. Riley’s mind filled with a bunch of reasons of why

that wasn’t a good idea. Chief among them was his one night stand rule. Those never satisfied
him, and most times he felt empty when he was done. That’s why he'd stopped them all together.
Plus, despite the long conversation they’d had so far, he knew anything more between them
would be shaky. Logan had been burned by the one thing Riley wanted more than his next
breath, unfettered love and devotion with another person, without the craziness of course.

But Logan tugged on his heartstrings, and he was sure if he never explored intimacy with

this man, he’d regret it the rest of his life. Riley faked an exaggerated yawn, right down to the
wild stretch. “Yeah, we can lay down. It was a long drive.”

Logan’s face fell. “You’re… you’re tired? I’m sorry, we’ve been talking…I’m a terrible

host, let me get you situated.” He walked off down the hall.

Riley eyed the delicious dish the whole time. He followed at a much slower pace,

undressing. First, he unbuttoned his shirt, but didn’t remove it. Then, he slid off his shoes, bent
forward, pulled off his socks, and stuffed them into his shoes. Next, he unbuckled his leather
belt, and unsnapped his pants. His cock made a noticeable tent in the front, so he lowered the
zipper as he walked down the hall.

When he reached the doorway to the room, his eyes rested on a sexy, naked Logan lying in

the middle of a king-sized bed. For a moment, he allowed himself to feast on the tempting
morsel in front of him. The longer he looked, the longer Logan’s rod grew.

“Feeling vulnerable?” Riley asked while staring at the rock hard cock.
Logan opened his legs a bit. His dick rose and fell on his stomach before he spoke. “Just a


Riley snorted even as he salivated in anticipation of swallowing that thick pole. Pushing

away from the wall, he took his time walking to the bed, shedding his shirt and pants in the
process. All the while, he maintained eye contact with Logan. When he reached the foot of the
bed, he placed a knee on the mattress and crawled a few steps forward. Logan visibly shuddered
as more fluid leaked from his swollen head.

Leaning forward, Riley allowed his forearms to support him as he licked the purplish head


Logan stiffened. His fists clenched at his side. “Shit.”
“Tastes good,” Riley said, right before he took the whole shaft in his mouth and sucked hard.

Logan jackknifed and then lay back down. His entire body trembled beneath Riley’s oral assault.
Riley hummed as his head bobbed up and down, taking in more with each stroke. Logan’s legs
shook, and Riley knew it wouldn’t be much longer. His teeth scraped the underside of the
yummy rod, eliciting a delightful groan of surrender.

The moans escaping Logan’s mouth, the tug of strong fingers in his hair, and the musky

smell of Logan’s heat sent flashes of burning need through Riley. His own cock throbbed and

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leaked like a faucet. But he wouldn’t change a thing. Next, he sucked hard on the shaft and
spongy head in what he deemed his vacuum-lock suck.

Logan erupted into his mouth with a load of hot cum and a shout. Not wanting to miss a

drop of the tasty fluid, Riley eased up on the pressure but kept his lips firm around the softening
penis. After he tasted the last drop, he placed a kiss on the head.

“Nice, very nice,” he said, looking at the flaccid muscle.
“I had something to do with it, too,” Logan said in a dry tone.
“Yeah, just a little,” Riley said as he scooted up next to the man.
Logan searched his eyes, for what, Riley was unsure. But whatever he was looking for, he

must have found, because he pulled Riley close and kissed him. It was hard and long, much to
his kiss-starved delight.

Being particular about bed partners had its drawbacks. One was the lag times between

relationships. Good sex was an extra bonus, but it wasn’t always intimate. Real intimacy had
eluded Riley. He craved a relationship where cuddling for the sake of cuddling was the norm. Or
long rambling walks where you talked about anything or nothing at all. He wanted to be the first
and last person on his lover’s mind at the beginning and end of a long day. That kind of intimacy
was enhanced by good sex, but could survive without it.

When they broke apart, each man panted heavily. Riley refused to open his eyes. Right now

he was the one who vulnerable, and he didn’t want Logan to see how much that kiss meant to
him. Instead, he rested his face in the crook of Logan’s neck, inhaling the natural scent of the

Logan stroked his arm, and then pulled him closer for another long hot kiss. This time their

tongues created a new dance; one with slow movements in tune to a symphony in their heads. It
was a mating ritual reborn from the ashes of broken dreams and unspoken need. It was hot,
sweet, and somehow achingly familiar. Afraid of the intensity of his feelings, Riley broke off the
kiss. His lips traced Logan’s jaw and nibbled at the curve of his neck.

“How is it you taste so damn good?” Logan asked in a guttural tone.
“Maybe you taste yourself.”
“No. That was the first time. Not after.” Logan placed a kiss on his forehead. “It’s been two

years since I’ve laid with or touched anyone. Do you mind if I just savor this for a moment?”

Pleased, Riley looked up at him and met his eyes. “Not at all. We have all night.”
Logan pulled him up so they were face to face. “Thanks.” He held Riley close so that their

bodies touched all the way up to their chests. “Lay on me, please,” Logan asked, his voice

Riley rolled him over, and slid on top. He reached back and pulled the cover over them.

Logan breathed heavily for a few moments. Riley could feel the racing of his heart. Concerned,
Riley placed his hand over Logan’s heart and pecked small kisses over Logan’s face. He
murmured words of encouragement.

Eventually, Logan’s heartbeat slowed and his breathing followed suit. Riley felt Logan’s

erection poking him in the stomach.

Glad things were returning to normal, he had to tease the man beneath him. “Still vulnerable

I see,” Riley said, holding back a laugh.

“You too. I feel that monster poking a hole in my side. Let me get to know him a little bit.”

Logan pushed Riley over to the side, and took hold of his throbbing rod. “I had no idea you were
packing this when you knocked on my door.”

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Riley’s breath hitched at the wonderful sensations Logan’s hand created. “If you had


“I would’a asked if I could eat you instead of the steak.”
In spite of being hard as a rock and leaking copious amounts of fluid all over Logan’s hand,

Riley laughed.

“You can eat me now,” Riley said as he laid back.
Logan didn’t hesitate. Slowly he ran his tongue and teeth over Riley’s skin, spending a

moment just underneath the head. He licked and tongued the crease of the glans.

Riley trembled, trying to remain still to draw out the sensations. Who knew when he’d get

this again? Despite his best intentions, his stomach muscles bunched and his chest heaved with
every breath.

“Like that?”
“Fuck yeah,” Riley hissed as Logan took his cock into his mouth.
Logan enjoyed the tasty pre-come that covered the head and had dribbled down the shaft. It

tasted so good and felt just right. Instinctively, he knew Riley had pulled down his barriers for
them to have this one night. That was unacceptable to him, he wanted Riley in his life, and to
that end, he planned to make this night count.

Settling in for some serious play time, Logan inhaled Riley’s scent, loving the smooth skin

against his lips. The taste and smell and size of his cock made him pant for more. He couldn’t
wait until Riley impaled him later. With that thought in mind, he ran the flat of his tongue from
the base to the tip. And then he fucked Riley with his mouth. Up and down he sucked and licked
the hardness as though it was his new favorite treat.

Riley’s legs shook harder as he tried to maintain his cool.
Smiling at the unspoken challenge to remain calm under fire, his tongue flicked Riley’s slit,

and then his teeth scraped the sensitive area beneath the crown. Riley’s butt clenched and he
arched his back. He inhaled deeply and froze. His balls separated and rode up to either side of his
rod. That was the only warning he received before Riley shot off.

Buckling down, Logan pulled back slightly so he could taste the tangy jizz as it flowed over

his tongue and down his throat.

“Ummm, now that was good,” Logan said. Then he took one last lick on what he was certain

was the perfect cock.

“Yeah, I knew those lips were dangerous.” Riley sounded out of breath as he spoke.
Logan moved upward, his back to Riley’s chest. Strong arms wrapped around his waist,

securing him in place.

Riley kissed the back of his head. “Thanks. You have no idea how much I needed that. And

this.” He squeezed Logan for a second longer.

A curious shifting took place inside Logan. It was as though he were coming home after a

long debilitating absence. Before tonight, he hadn't known Riley existed, and yet he felt a
profound sense of welcome and comfort in his presence. It was a relief to be in such a place. He
stared out the window into the inky darkness of the night, just as he’d done thousands of times

Riley’s suggestion to face the demon rose before him, accompanied by roiling anger,

although not as intense as before. Was any of what he'd had with Chester real? He’d loved that
man with every fiber of his being. It was such a waste. More importantly, could he trust his
burgeoning feelings for Riley? Was he able to love anyone ever again? He snuggled closer to

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Riley’s heat and listened to his light snoring. Was Riley right, did he need closure to move

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Chapter 4

Sunlight streamed through the windows heralding the beginning of a new set of challenges

and opportunities. Riley woke in degrees, with the titillating scent of male filling his nostrils.
Before opening his eyes, he replayed last night in his mind and smiled.

Logan had been amazing. He peeked from behind half-lowered lids at the man lying beside

him. The sheet covered a portion of Logan’s hips and thighs, but there was more than enough
still visible to make up for that crime. Corded muscles ran the expanse of his back and arm. His
fingertips traced a small pucker on Logan’s lower back.

“That’s where the bullet came out,” Logan said in a groggy voice.
Riley nodded and continued to explore. He palmed and squeezed the round globes that had

tempted him yesterday.

“Ummm,” Logan moaned, lifting his ass slightly.
Indecision rose up out of nowhere and Riley paused.
“I want to do this, but I don’t want any fall-out.” Logan and Brina were cousins, and if

things soured between Logan and Riley, he didn’t want her to be in the middle, feeling she had to
choose between them.”

“Huh?” Logan rolled over and looked at him. “What fall-out?” He blinked a few times

before pushing his hair out of his eyes.

“Family? Awkward silences? Ducking and dodging one another. No matter what you say,

sex changes things. I’m not sure how this is going to work out, that’s all.”

“So you’d leave me like this?” His hand pumped his already hard, leaking cock. “To avoid

possible future problems? Seriously?”

Hearing it made it sound a bit silly, but he was still hesitant. “I don’t know how many times

I have to say it for you to hear me. I’m not comfortable fucking around. For the most part, I tend
to think of the 'what if’s' before I do something. I don’t want to lose anything behind a quick
fuck.” Not his friendship with Brina, his standing with her family, or his budding friendship with

Logan placed his hands beneath his head and stared at him for a few seconds. Serious, Riley

returned the stare.

“You won’t,” Logan said with measured certainty.
How did he know that? “Because?”
“Because I won’t allow it.”
“Oh well, in that case, bring that ass over here,” Riley said with a touch of sarcasm and a

lifted brow.

Logan chuckled. “That sounded real… never mind. Listen, I’d like to get to know more

about you, spend more time with you—”

“You’re planning to come to my place to see me as well?”
Logan’s eyes widened. He nodded slowly. “I could, but I’d prefer if you came here. At least


“I understand. You want an under-cover, below the radar-type thing?” Riley pulled the cover

off and stood. He wanted to be sure he was feeling the right emotion. Was he pissed or hurt? He
wasn’t sure. But he was disappointed. He’d thought Logan would be different. The last time he'd
dated under-cover was in college, and that blew up in his face. From that point on, he'd never

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dealt with a man behind doors he couldn’t be seen with outside of those same doors. He refused
to settle.

Logan sat up. “No, that’s not what I meant. Damn, Riley slow down and listen to me.”
Riley looked over his shoulder while pulling on his pants. “I’m listening. Not liking what

I’m hearing, but you damn better believe I hear everything you’re saying.”

“You can’t. Otherwise you’d know I’m scared as hell. I want you to take me, but I haven’t

had sex in years. I want to you to hold me like you did last night when I fell apart, but I know I
have to face and slay my own demons. There’s no fucking way you’re hearing all I’m saying if
you’re getting ready to walk out that damned door.” Logan huffed as he pulled his hand through
his hair.

Riley had stopped dressing after the first sentence. Was it possible to get turned on by

someone while they tell you off? He wasn’t sure, but Logan’s fiery response reduced his
concerns to ashes while making him hard as rebar. He met Logan’s uncertain gaze with one of
his own.

“Why didn’t you say that, then?” Riley asked, taking the requisite steps to meet his lover.

Before Logan could answer, Riley pulled him close and kissed him. Last night, they’d been
strangers with an interest. This morning they’d crossed into something more. Riley’s heart raced
with what could only be called hopeful expectations. He hungered for someone to love him for
more than what he could give between the sheets. Logan’s fears mirrored his, although he hadn’t
put them in words. With everything within him, he wanted to belong to someone.

“I need you,” Logan whispered when they broke apart. “I really need you,” he said while

resting his forehead against Riley’s chest.

Touched more than he could express, Riley held onto Logan a little longer, and then placed a

kiss on his forehead. “Let me love you.”

Logan nodded. “Yes.”
Taking his hand, Riley led Logan to the bed. He shoved down his pants and took his

hardness in his palm. Logan’s hungry gaze followed his every movement.

“You want this?” Riley asked as he stroked the full length of his rod.
Logan swallowed before answering. “Yeah. Now stop teasing me. Fill me up.”
Riley shook his head and took a step toward the bed. “Place your hands above your head,

hold onto the headboard, and keep them there.”

Logan frowned even as he moved to comply. “What?”
“You heard me.” Riley waited until Logan lay stretched out in front of him. “Open your


With a curious expression, Logan opened them.
Spreading his cheeks, Riley dipped his tongue back between Logan's legs and ran it along

the bottom of his split.

Logan tensed and moaned, but remained in place as Riley paused and flicked his pucker on

the way to the top. “Ummm,” Riley hummed as he sealed his lips over the tiny rosette and
sucked gently.

He placed his hand on Logan’s shaking leg while he licked and flicked his ass. Every so

often, he’d nibble the soft flesh with his teeth. Logan's hips bucked against Riley’s hand,as his
neck and chest arched up from the bed. His legs spread further apart as he gripped the brass bars
of the headboard tight in his hands.

Riley watched Logan’s cock jump on his abs, knew he was close, and stopped. “Lube?”

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Logan’s chest heaved. “It’s in the drawer.” He tipped his chin toward the small dresser next

to the bed.

Riley reached over and took out the small tub of creamy mixture. He took a coated finger

and placed at Logan’s entrance. Their eyes met in agreement as he pushed forward, paused, and

Logan’s eyes drifted half mast as Riley repeated his actions a few more times. “It’s been so

long,” Logan said on a sigh as Riley pulled out.

Aching to be inside the tight hot sheath, Riley loomed over him, and then slid home in one

push. Riley stopped to catch his breath and slow down his heart. Logan was so hot, so tight, so

“Oh fuck,” Riley whispered as his arms shook beneath the strain.
Second by second, their bodies recognized and accommodated the other.
Logan moved.
Riley bit his lip in concentration. He had to be careful, it had been a long time for his

partner. Perhaps the next time he could slam into him like a freight train, but not this time. This
time they needed to take it easy.

“Don’t make me beg,” Logan said. “I need this. Give it to me. Do me hard. I want to feel


In response, he pulled back and then slammed forward, burying into Logan’s heat.. He

shuddered and his thrusts quickened. Repeatedly, he slammed into Logan, their thighs
connecting with a slap.

The muscles on Riley’s lower abdomen flexed and bunched, contracting hard with each

thrust. He turned off reason and locked in on the sublime feelings spreading through him. Faster
and harder he drove into Logan, hearing the other man’s pants and grunts as though from a

He felt Logan clench and tighten.
They were both close. Just a little bit more, Riley thought as a tingling spread from his groin

outward. Sweat ran down his back and chest.

“Awww…” Logan cried out while stroking his dick in time with each thrust. His head

thrashed side to side as his hips lifted to meet each stroke.

Riley groaned in ecstasy as Logan’s inner muscles gripped him tight. Logan’s ass clenched

down, then his cock jerked, and his back flexed.

“Oh fuck,” Logan yelled as his cock spewed thick, white cream between them, landing on

both their chests and abs.

Logan’s explosion triggered Riley’s. Intense pleasure crawled from the head of his cock,

down his inner thighs and up into his stomach. His back arched. His mouth opened as a silent
scream erupted from his throat as he shot his load. Robbed of speech, he dropped, exhausted
onto Logan’s sweat and spunk coated chest. They laid in a companionable quiet for a moment.
The smell of sex and skin filled his nostrils.

It was a good scent.

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Chapter 5

“Did Logan say anything about the modifications to the design?” Brina asked, standing next

to his desk in his office. Since her office was in the same building as his, they saw each other
almost daily.

Riley hesitated before speaking. “No. Nothing other than what I already told you. He had

some ideas and would be working on them.”

Brina’s face fell. “Oh… The wedding’s in a month, and he’s had it a while. It’s going to take

time to get everything ready. I hope he doesn’t wait till the last minute.”

Riley knew Logan was working on the design and from what he’d seen, it looked great.

Brina would love it. He shrugged and looked at the brief on his desk. “Call and ask him when
it’ll be ready. That way you’ll have some peace about it.”

“As my maid of honor, you don’t seem too worried.”
Riley pinched the bridge of his nose. Brina was turning into Bridezilla and he wasn’t having

it. “First off, I’m not your maid of honor. I’m nobody’s maid.” His eyes bored into her until she

“Second, as your man of honor, I drove all the way to Podunk Maryland, way out in the

woods on a Friday night to deliver your samples. I did my part, the rest is up to your cousin.
Listen to me, Brina.”

She crossed her arms and looked at him, a pout forming on her lips.
“Remember when you asked me to teach you how to give a man a mind-blowing blow job in

college and I laughed it off. But you kept hounding me until I gave you the mechanics?”

She nodded slowly. Her eyes lit with an inner light over what had been one of the most

embarrassing times in his life. “Yeah, that was the best. Eric loves—”

He threw up his hand. “Stop. That’s way more than what I want to know. The point is, I

allowed you to pester me until I caved. I need you to understand that is not happening with this
wedding. I’ll help but I won’t be a whipping post or do simple things for you that you can do.
Like pick up the phone, call your cousin, and ask him about the design.”

“Meooow,” she said in a catlike voice, while her hand mimicked a clawing action.

“Somebody got under your skin or what?” She actually pouted and swayed a bit until she
realized he was serious.

Her entire demeanor changed. She peered intently at him. “Look, I know I’ve been caught

up with the wedding, and we haven’t talked much lately. Let’s go to lunch and catch up.” She
turned and picked up her purse.

Not in the mood to eat or talk, he shook his head. “I gotta have this out by today and I’m

behind. Maybe one day later this week?” He looked at the mulish tilt of her head and knew he’d
blundered. Now she’d be on him like a tick after blood.

The strap slid from her shoulder as she stared at him. “What happened?” she asked in a

sober tone. The woman from before had disappeared and in her place stood his protective best
friend. This was the spot he never wanted to be in.

“Nothing happened. I just have to get this out today, that’s all.”
She jerked back as though he'd hit her. “Shit, you just lied to me. I can’t… I can’t believe

you did that.” Her eyes met his and he read the pain he’d caused in them.

“I did not lie to you. Nothing happened.”

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She nodded. “Okay, I didn’t ask the right question. I should know better than that when

dealing with a lawyer.” She paused. “Are you dating anyone?”

“No, I’m not. You would know if I was.” He couldn’t call the six phone calls he’d had with

Logan over the past eight weeks, dating.

“Is someone messing with you? Threatening you?”
He jerked in surprise at her leap from dating to bodily harm. “No. No, Brina. Why can’t you

accept what I said? I’ve never lied to you.” He stared her down.

What he’d shared with Logan was off limits, in the no comments zone. The chemistry

between them was off the charts, but by all accounts, they were in stasis. They'd both agreed they
were interested in the other. But nothing more had happened since that initial trip. He hadn’t
been invited back and Logan had an excuse when he’d invited him to visit. Riley had never
encountered anything like this and it was driving him crazy.

Last night, when Logan didn’t answer another of his calls, he'd decided to leave the man

alone. First thing this morning he’d accepted a dinner date with Stan, another guy who seemed
promising. It was time to move on. At least that’s what he kept telling his stubborn heart.

Brina walked closer, put her hand on his shoulder and stared down at him. “I love you and if

you’re hurting, I can’t take it. You know how I get, so don’t blow me off. It doesn’t work. I’m
here whenever you want to talk. No matter what, I’ve got your back. You don’t ever have to go
through anything alone.” She tapped the tip of his nose. “You can cash that check anytime,

His heart expanded as she hugged him. “I love you too, Brat. If I didn’t have a date later on,

I’d take you to dinner. Maybe afterward or lunch tomorrow?”

Pulling back, she stood and moved away. “That works. Eric’s out of town for a few days, so

I’m free.” She released a long sigh. “I confess, I’d hoped you and Logan would’ve hit it off.
You’d be good for each other. But if you’re going out with someone else, I guess that didn’t

Ignoring the question in her eyes, he sat forward and placed his shaking hands on his lap

beneath his desk. “What?” He tried for surprised, but laughed instead. “Why? Why’d you think
we’d be good for each other? And how come you never talked to me about him?”

She shrugged. “First off, he’s my older cousin. I always looked up to him. Plus, he was

always doing something or dating somebody. He hardly ever visited after they moved away, and
talking about him seemed like betraying a trust. We’re close and he’s told me things, just like
you’ve shared things with me. I don’t discuss you, not the real you, with anybody. So I just kept
his stuff close like that.”

He nodded, understanding. “Me too. I got your stuff locked up. Although if I wrote a book, I

could make a fortune.”

Her brow rose. “So could I, my comrade in crime. So could I.”
He laughed. She was right. “Sweetie, he lives in the boonies, I got lost trying to find my way


Smiling, she slapped his shoulder.
“Okay, that was a stretch, but I thought you gave up on setting me up with men. What

happened to our deal?”

Trying to look innocent and failing miserably, Brina retrieved her purse and looked at him

beneath lowered lids. “I never tried to set you two up. I simply made the mistake of believing
that you guys were smart enough to recognize what you could be to each other,” she said from
the doorway.

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“I was wrong.” She shrugged and looked into the hall. “About you guys being smart that is.”

With that parting shot, she ran into the hall and closed his door with a decided snap.

“Brat,” he called out, chuckling. “Oh, we’re smart enough to realize that, just not enough to

do anything about it,” Riley murmured.


Later that night, Riley lay in bed, gazing at the ceiling. Unable to sleep and too bummed to

do much else, he marshaled his thoughts to find a solution to the ache in his chest. He refused to
believe Logan had slipped beneath his defenses and touched his heart. That would be crazy.

Still, he had canceled his dinner date with Stan and blew Brina off tonight, promising to

have lunch with her tomorrow. Why? So he could be alone, feeling sorry for himself? None of it
made any sense.

Just as he was drifting asleep his cell rang. It was too late to talk, so he let it go to voicemail.

It stopped and rang again. Thinking it important, he grabbed it and looked at the caller ID.

Logan. His stomach dropped. “Hello?”
“Hey, hope I’m not calling too late, but I wanted to talk to you.”
Riley rolled his eyes. He’d called Logan twice and left messages. This was the first return

call he’d received. “Really? You want to talk?” He didn’t bother to keep the skepticism out of his

“Yeah. I saw I missed your call. I was out of town and some of those places didn’t have

service. Sorry about that.”

“Out of town? Where’d you go?” And why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?
“Can I talk to you? I’m not far from your place.”
Riley shot up. “Where are you?” He threw his feet over the side of the bed, and walked into

the bathroom to brush his teeth.

“Based on the address you gave me before, I’m sitting in front of your house.”
Joy and anger roiled inside. Looking at his bed hair in the mirror, he shook his head in

concession. He liked Logan, a lot. Since he didn’t play games, he knew he’d be letting the man
in and spending the night with him.

“Okay, I’m upstairs, on my way downstairs to let you in.” Clicking off, he speed brushed his

teeth, ran his fingers through his hair and took the stairs two at a time. At the base of the
staircase, he inhaled to slow his racing heart. It didn’t work. He was excited to see Logan again,
yet conflicted over what had driven the man to come to see him this time of night.

Riley opened the front door. Logan’s hand was poised to knock. They looked at each for a

moment. “If this is how you greet visitors, there should be a line around the corner,” Logan said
as he walked past Riley, all the while eyeing his gray gym shorts and bare chest.

“I think I have on about the same as you did when you answered your door,” Riley said,

closing and locking the door. “Have a seat.” He pointed to the small living room to their right.
“Want something to eat? Drink?”

Logan sat on the leather loveseat while Riley took the rocker across from him. “No, I’m

good. Just tired. My flight got in an hour ago.” He yawned.

“Where’d you go?” Riley asked, not bothering to hide the fact he was checking Logan out.

The man looked good in jeans and a shirt.

That stopped every thought in Riley’s head. California? “To see Chester?”

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Logan sighed long before answering. “Yeah. You got me thinking about things. Plus, I don’t

know why I was scared shitless to be with you. It’s like we click. But I thought the same with
him. It’s a vicious mind fuck that I needed to get a handle on. What you said made sense. When I
finally got the courage to go, I didn’t want to talk myself out of it. I just took the first flight out. I
made calls from the airport and again once I got on the ground. I had to wait a few days before I
could see him.”

Okay and then what? Riley wanted to scream, but he sensed this was an important moment

in their fragile relationship. “But you did see him? Talk to him, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah, we did. It was weird seeing him in prison like that. He’s filled out some. The

medication he’s on stabilizes him, so we were able to talk.”

“He recognized you?”
“Yeah, he knew who I was right away. He apologized the whole time for shooting me, for all

the pain and suffering he caused everyone. He couldn’t remember everything, but he said he was
afraid if I found out he had a mental problem, I’d leave him. Claims he became paranoid with the
thought that I’d somehow discovered his condition and had made plans to leave him. He realized
later that I had no clue, and that he’d done all of that because of his illness.”

Stunned, Riley took a moment to absorb Chester’s confession. “Were you okay with that? I

mean did it give you the closure you needed?”

Logan frowned. “Pretty much, I told him my side. Got it all out. He sat and listened. His

eyes became glassy at times, but for the most part he allowed me to vent.”

“Does he still want a relationship with you?” Not that it mattered, the man was incarcerated.

But it was easier than asking what was the status of Logan’s heart toward Chester.

Logan laughed. “No. Believe it or not, he’s engaged. I met his partner. Guy named Peter. He

worked in the ward where Chester served initially. His family’s all for it, even though it’ll be a
long time before he gets paroled.

“He’s not in love with you anymore? He’s moved on?” Riley didn’t mean to sound doubtful,

but if Chester was to be believed, the irony of the situation couldn’t be denied.

“I know, right? That asshole murders my friend, shoots me, I shut down, break off from

society, and he’s getting married next year. Hell, I went to therapy for a year and I’m still stuck in
the damn past.”

Jubilant, Riley swallowed hard as his eyes met Logan. “Maybe it wasn’t the right time or the

right therapy.”

Logan nodded. His heart filled with hope that this time would be different. The promise he

read in Riley’s eyes touched off a firestorm inside him. This man made him feel like trying again.
He swallowed hard around the lump in his throat. “Am I too late? I mean I know I’ve been slow
getting to this point, but I’m here now. I want it all. I want us. Am I too late? Have you moved
on?” Have you left me behind as well?

Earlier tonight he’d talked to Brina and she'd told him Riley was out on a date. His heart had

raced thousands of beats per second, and then stopped before kicking up again. He couldn’t catch
his breath. He’d had to wait a few minutes before starting his car. Was that to be the story of his
life? Missed connections because of fear? No. He rejected that conclusion and set about making
things right. He knew the spark between him and Riley would blaze into an inferno with the right
fuel. He didn’t know or care who the dude was he went out with tonight. What he did know was
he would not leave until he told Riley how he felt.

“No, it’s not too late. I haven’t moved on. I’ve been waiting for you,” Riley said with a soft

smile. “Are you ready? Seriously?”

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A wave of relief washed over Logan so hard he dipped his head to hide his face. “Yes. I’m

so ready to love you, just give me a chance.” His breath hitched. “I want to love you.”

“I want to love you, too,” Riley said as he stood and held out his hand. “Come on, let’s go to

bed. Tomorrow, we have a lunch date with your cousin.”

Logan’s eyes widened, and then he laughed as he took Riley’s hand. “I have her designs in

the car. I guess it’s time.”

Riley pulled him in close and held him tight. “That’s tomorrow, right now it’s my time.”
He placed a kiss on Riley’s chest. “Sounds like a plan.”

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Chapter 5

Sabrina Matthews walked arm in arm with her father down the aisle. Her mom and aunt sat

side by side on the front pew, with wide smiles. No tears, not from these women. They’d made it
clear they were happy about her choices and wanted to celebrate her finally entering into wife-

Riley’s eyes met hers and he winked. He looked radiant in his black tux. Her two

bridesmaids stood next to him in their gold and black dresses. She couldn’t remember seeing him
so…so happy. She looked at her cousin Logan, who had to step in at the last minute as a
groomsman. Well, he’d been reluctant at first, but her Man of Honor had stepped in and
convinced him in an unconventional manner.

Still she was happy. The people who meant the most to her were here to share her day. As

she took Eric’s hand, she looked at Riley, leaned forward and whispered loudly. “You’re next.”

His eyes widened.
The minister sputtered.
Logan had a coughing spell. She met his eyes and winked.
Now, they could proceed.


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