Almeirhria The Truth About Cancer

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The truth about cancer


By Almeirhria

When apathy and inaction rule together,

lies and deception rule beside them

With the truth, every single person should have the factual information

available, uninfluenced thoughts and uninhibited freedom to decide for


All information presented is for your knowledge only.

Almeirhria is not associated in any way to any company, or product mentioned
herein. No product, company, person or form of treatment presented herein is

endorsed or encouraged by Almeirhria. All information is presented as factual

as possible.

Resources used are listed at the end of the report, but should not be

considered a complete list of resources available on the topic.

©2006 Almeirhria™ This report is subject to copyright protection.

The author gives you permission to reproduce this report in hard copy form,

complete and unaltered in any way.

This report may never be sold nor may it be hosted on any site on the internet

without written permission of Almeirhria.






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The truth about cancer



At the age of 33 in 1922, Rene Caisse worked as a nurse in Haileybury, Canada.
Through one of her patients she learnt of an ancient Ojibwa herbal remedy. The
Ojibwa are one tribe of native North American Indians. Rene retained the
recipe, but did not use it until her aunt Mireza was diagnosed with terminal

With the permission of her aunt’s physician, Dr. Fisher, Rene began making the
herbal remedy and giving it to her dying aunt. With only the herbal tea for
treatment of her stomach and liver cancer, after two months Mireza’s health had
improved substantially. In fact, her improvement was such that she lived for
another 21 years.


Rene wrote:
“Dr. Fisher was so impressed he asked me to use the treatment on some of his
other hopeless cancer cases. Other doctors heard about me from Dr. Fisher and
asked me to treat patients for them after everything medical science had to
offer had failed.”


Rene then teamed with Dr. Fisher and began experiments on mice inoculated with
human cancer. Rene discovered the best results could be obtained by injecting
part of the formula and administering the other part orally.
The other doctors who had heard about Rene’s work through Dr. Fisher began
sending her their ‘hopeless’ cases. These cases were usually the advanced or
terminal cancer patients which orthodox medicine had given up on. After seeing
the results Rene was obtaining, eight doctors including Dr. Fisher of Toronto
signed a petition, requesting her work be proven on a large scale. The
department of Health and Welfare responded, intending to arrest Rene, but
instead decided to allow her to perform tests on mice with them.


Shortly after opening a treatment clinic where Rene helped cancer sufferers
free of charge, Rene’s mother at age 72 was diagnosed with inoperable liver
cancer. According to Dr. Roscoe Graham, she had only days to live. Rene
treated her mother with Essiac


and her mother made a full recovery. Rene’s

mother lived free from cancer until the age of 90. People suffering from
cancer, including those ‘given up on’ by orthodox medicine continued to seek
Rene’s help for years at her clinic. The support for Rene among the people

Dr. Benjamin Leslie Guyatt, M.D. wrote the following:
“In most cases, distorted countenances became normal, and the pain reduced as
treatment proceeded. The relief from pain is a notable feature, as pain in
these cases is very difficult to control. On checking authentic cancer cases,
it was found hemorrhage was rapidly brought under control in many cases: open
lesions of lip and breast responded to treatment; cancer of the cervix, rectum
and bladder have been caused to disappear; and patients with cancer of the
stomach diagnosed by reputable physicians and surgeons have returned to normal


In 1937 a group of U.S. businessmen visited Rene, proposing a foundation in her
name and a yearly salary of $50,000 in addition to royalties from the
commercialization of Essiac and an upfront payment of 200,000 dollars. These
figures equate to a salary of over 700,000 dollars and a payment of close to
1.5 million dollars (Canadian) for the year of 2007. Rene refused the offer as
she believed that the formula for Essiac


would be exploited for profit.


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The truth about cancer

In 1938 a Bill was presented to the 2nd Session of the 20th Legislature of
Ontario for: "An act to authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the
province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions resulting
Along with the Bill was a petition which had gathered 55,000 signatures.


The bill failed by only 3 votes, but not without some influence from the
Canadian Medical Association. The next move against Rene was the passing of a
new act for the investigation of remedies for cancer.


In march of 1939, Rene and 387 of her supporting patients attended a public
hearing before the full cancer commission. The Royal Commission allowed only 49
of the patients to testify. The commissioners did not care what the patients
had to say. Most of the testimonies were dismissed as incorrect original
diagnoses, with some doctors even denying their own previous diagnoses.


In short, they ruled on the claims that:
Patients who received treatment from Rene had been wrongly diagnosed (by
trained doctors making many life or death evaluations)
Patients who did recover experienced “Spontaneous Remission” (A blatant lie)

In December 1939 the cancer commission effectively stated in their report after
the hearing Essiac


had no merit and unless Rene disclosed the formula she would

be subject to prosecution under the Kirby bill.
Rene stated: “I want to know that suffering humanity will benefit by it. When
I can be given the assurance, I am willing to disclose my formula, but I have
got to know that it is going to get to suffering humanity.”


Rene kept her clinic open but closed it in 1942 when the fear of being
prosecuted and imprisoned by the Kirby bill became too much for her.

In 1959, by invitation Rene teamed with Dr. Charles Armao Brusch, who was one
of the most respected physicians in the United States and personal physician to
president John F. Kennedy.
Rene, working with Dr. Brusch and the director of research Dr. Charles McClure
tested Essiac


on cancer patients in the Brusch clinic. Essiac


proved its

worth on all patients. Rene and Brusch then attempted to improve Essiac



adding additional ingredients, which proved to be successful, increasing it’s
Soon after, the medical establishment applied it’s dictatorial force by making
it increasingly difficult for Rene and Dr. Brusch by refusing to accept further
results and forbidding it’s members to refer patients to ‘unproven remedies’.

At that point Rene returned home to Bracebridge, whilst she entrusted Dr.
Brusch to continue treating the few patients that came to him with Essiac



Rene remained active from 1962 to 1978 by supplying Essiac


to Dr. Brusch.

In 1984 Dr. Brusch treated his own bowel cancer solely with Essiac



Dr. Brusch wrote:
“I endorse this therapy even today for I have in fact cured my own cancer, the
original site of which was the lower bowel, through Essiac




In October 1977 Rene signed a contract with David Fingard. The contract
agreements were that for rights to the Essiac


Formula, David’s company Resperin

would open five fully staffed clinics across Canada and give Essiac


free to

terminally ill cancer patients. Shortly after signing Resperin applied to the
department of Health and Welfare asking permission for Essiac


to be tested in a

pilot program on terminal cancer patients. Hundreds of doctors across Canada,
plus two hospitals were to administer Essiac


to their patients and monitor the



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The truth about cancer

The clinical trials did not go to plan. Again the medical establishment
dictated proceedings in their own way. However, there is validity to the
results of the Resperin treatment program failing in the treatment of cancer as
Dr. Brusch, along with a private investigator found out.
Resperin failed to conduct the clinical trials adequately, which the Department
of Health and Welfare knew – stating in their 1981 internal memorandum “The
results of the clinical studies are impossible to evaluate”. Despite this, in
1982 the department of Health and Welfare shut down the testing program.


The original Essiac


formula in a product form is still available at the time of

writing through Essiac


international. See the resources section for details.

For reasons you may still be learning at this point, no medical claims can be
made for Essiac


by the manufacturer or the distributor.


In 1984 Dr. Brusch met a woman from Vancouver named Elaine Alexander. Elaine
had been following the work of Rene for some time. In 1988 Elaine told Dr.
Brusch of her idea to bring Essiac


to the people. Instead of trying to get the

medical establishment to realize the worth of Essiac


, Elaine’s idea was to

simply market the remedy as a harmless, detoxifying herbal tea.


With this plan, they would not be able to use the name Essiac


, nor would they

be able to make any claims regarding any benefit the tea might have for cancer
sufferers, as they knew the medical establishment would not allow it. The
medical establishment was after a drug to aid in the battle against cancer.


is not an exclusive drug, and for that reason it could not be marketed

for profit by the pharmaceutical/medical establishment complex.

Elaine selected carefully and then approached Flora – a Canadian health product
company. Flora is owned by Thomas Greither, one of three sons of Dr. Otto
Greither Jr. with his own independent health company. Together, Thomas, Elaine
and Dr. Brusch developed Flor·Essence


herbal tea. Flor·Essence


is not simply

the original Essiac


formula, but the improved formula that Dr. Brusch and Rene

Caisse discovered.



is still widely available today, including in Canada, the United

States and Australia.


The story you have just read has been shortened for purposes of this report,
but is still an accurate account of the history of Essiac


. For further

information and for a more complete account of Rene Caisse, Elaine Alexander or
Dr. Charles Armao Brusch, consider the resources listed or do your own
research, for all three people have done amazing things in their lifetimes.

At this point, depending on your knowledge, you may be in disbelief or have a
number of questions or concerns. Firstly, this report is not to persuade you
of anything, for the truth speaks for itself. Secondly, such thoughts may be
due to the politics behind cancer treatment and cures at this point. The
political side will not be covered (at least not in this edition) but it will
continue to appear, giving you a grasp of the bigger picture. You see, the
world is not all that it seems. As an example, don’t expect any of this to be
shown on the television or the newspapers. There is good reason for that also.
But for now, let us continue, as we have only touched the surface so far.


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The truth about cancer

Antoine Prioré

Italian born Antoine Prioré, after the end of the 2


world war, living in

France, built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling
effectiveness. In hundreds of strictly controlled tests with laboratory
animals, Prioré's machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of
terminal, fatal diseases known today. Still little understood, L’Affaire Prioré
(Prioré’s machine) works by amplifying a cells natural regenerative mechanism.

Attempts to interest leading Bordeaux physicists and leading cancer experts in
the results of the new treatment approach were laughed off or dismissed.
Prioré’s response was to build a new and more complicated version of his
treatment device. Secretly he treated dozens of hopeless cancer patients. At
Prioré’s funeral, a small platoon of mourners was composed of the now-older
people who had been cured of their terrible afflictions by Prioré in the late
The mayor of Bordeaux, who later became prime minister of France, was Jacques
Chaban-Delmas. He was very interested in Prioré’s work. Funded by millions of
dollars, Prioré's machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all
kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory
tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as
Prioré’s sister in Italy then came down with cancer. Prioré issued an ultimatum
to his associates to build the bigger machine he needed, so that he could save
his sister’s life. Conventional engineers repeatedly changed Prioré’s design,
thinking many components unnecessary, etc. and causing machine failures.
Prioré’s sister died before the machine could be finished because of these
unnecessary setbacks. A grief-stricken Prioré went into isolation, unwilling to
talk to anyone.
From 1966 on, many papers were published on the results of applying the Prioré
technique to various animals and diseases. The results continued to be
Biologist André Lwoff went from an ardent skeptic to an admirer and supporter
of Prioré’s work, because of the undisputed results.
Eventually the French Government backed the construction of a more powerful
Prioré device. The M-600, a 3 story device was built to cure humans. The
machines 6 meter long, 60cm diameter pyrex tube failed after a short duration
of operating the device. During the approximate 10 days that the machine was in
operation, the results were formidable. The results were presented in notes to
the Academy of Sciences by Pautrizel and his team in 1978.

Pautrizel then came under suppression himself, with funds being pulled,
postings being denied, etc. Pautrizel eventually became so emotionally
overwrought that he gave up his medical career and retired and gave himself
over to alcohol. Every one of the collaborators of Pautrizel saw their careers
put in jeopardy, compromised, or broken.
About this time Prioré's doctoral thesis, backed by both Pautrizel and Nobel
Laureate André Lwoff himself, was summarily refused by the President of the
University of Bordeaux.
In 1974, a change of local government lost Prioré his government supporters,
his support and funding were lost, and subsequent attempts to restore his
technology into the public domain were viciously suppressed.

Admiral Pierre Emeury, conseiller scientifique de la presidence, discovered
L’Affaire Prioré. His inquest led him to conclude that the Prioré discovery was
the most important medical discovery of the entire century




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The truth about cancer

Vitamin B


Also known as Laetrile (LAEvo-mandeloniTRILE-glucoside) or Amygdalin

Laetrile is possibly the most well known of all alternative treatments for
cancer. The battle for awareness of Laetrile has been a long one and continues
presently. You may have ‘heard’ things about either Laetrile or Vitamin B


throughout your lifetime. There have been many lies and much disinformation
spread over the years and it continues today. The political and power agenda
is the main reason why.

Laetrile has not been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the
United States. Laetrile has not been put through the extensive testing that all
new drugs must go through to be approved. (Although the FDA may label Vitamin


as a drug, it is not) This process takes years, tens of thousands of pages

of reports and costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Only the huge
pharmaceutical/drug companies can afford this process which the FDA knows.


Since Vitamin B


is found naturally, knowledge of its ability among the entire

population would likely mean reduced instances of cancer and little to no
reliance on high costing orthodox treatments. This could pose a huge financial
let-down for both the medical establishment and big pharmaceutical companies.
Fewer people getting cancer, and even fewer taking chemotherapy, radiation and
surgical treatment. Clearly there is billions of dollars involved in this
agenda. Indeed, there is more money to be made in searching for a cure for
cancer than actually finding one, and the ACS (American Cancer Society) and AMA
(American Medical Association) certainly know this. Most doctors are unaware of
alternative treatments for cancer including Laetrile. This includes those doing
research in the field. Those that do often have only read the literature of
their respected establishment.
So we have two groups – those that have accepted the reports and findings of
the FDA and the ACS; and those that have accepted the reports and testimonies
of the doctors who have worked with Laetrile on cancer patients. Only one side
holds the truth.
Ask yourself: Are you really living in the world you think you are?

For the sake of this report we will return to Laetrile itself, rather than the
Vitamin B


is found naturally in certain foods which are normally absent in our

diets. Laetrile is the pure form of Vitamin B


; Ernest T. Krebs Jr, PhD and

Byron Krebs, M.D. with their father, Ernst T. Krebs Sr, M.D. perfected Laetrile
in 1952.


The body allows cancer to develop due to a deficiency in certain chemicals in
the diet, as well as a deficiency in certain enzymes produced in the pancreas.
The chemicals in question are nitrilosides or vitamin B


. The pancreatic

enzymes in question are trypsin and chymotrypsin.



contains 2 units of glucose, 1 unit of benzaldehyde and 1 unit of hydrogen

cyanide, all locked together. It is very important to note all units are
locked together, and the benzaldehyde and cyanide units are harmless in this
state. The B


‘package’ only becomes unlocked, releasing the cyanide unit in

the presence of an enzyme group called beta-glucosidase and water. Thanks to
nature, beta-glucosidase is found in high degrees in cancerous cells. It is the
units of cyanide and benzaldehyde that kills the cancer cell. It needs to be
said that normal cells do contain beta-glucosidase also – however, they contain
around 3000 times less than that of the cancer cell, and a natural protective
enzyme called rhodanese.



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The truth about cancer

Philip Binzel, Jr., M.D. writes:
“A doctor from the FDA once said that Laetrile contains “free” hydrogen cyanide
and, thus, is toxic. I would like to correct that misconception: There is no
“free” hydrogen cyanide in Laetrile. When Laetrile comes in contact with the
enzyme beta-glucosidase, the Laetrile is broken down to form two molecules of
glucose, one molecule of benzaldehyde and one molecule of hydrogen cyanide
(HCN). Within the body, the cancer cell—and only the cancer cell—contains that
enzyme. The key word here is that the HCN must be FORMED. It is not floating
around freely in the Laetrile and then released. It must be manufactured. The
enzyme beta glucosidase, and only that enzyme, is capable of manufacturing the
HCN from Laetrile. If there are no cancer cells in the body,there is no beta-
glucosidase. If there is no beta-glucosidase, no HCN will be formed from the


The cyanide scare was widely used in the 1970’s and still today the idea that
Laetrile is toxic is believed by some due to this tactic. An example was the
posters ordered to be put in all government buildings which read “Beware of
Laetrile! It is toxic!”


Thousands of Americans each year travel to the Oasis of hope hospital in Mexico
to seek the help of Dr. Ernesto Contreras Rodriguez (and now his son Dr.
Fransisco Contreras). His patients are quite often terminal cancer patients who
have been told they have only months to live. The Oasis of Hope hospital uses


Metabolic Therapy”. More than 100,000 patients have sought Contreras' care

since 1963.


Dr. Harold W. Manner writes:
“Metabolic Therapy, put simply, is the use of natural food products and
vitamins to prevent and treat cancer by building a strong immune system. The
key to stopping the cancer growth doesn’t lie in traditional cancer treatments
like chemo and radiation therapy or surgery, but in an approach that works
with the body instead of against it.
Once the body is cleansed of unnatural substances - detoxification, and
vitamins are administered to build the immune system, enzymes are given to
begin breaking down the protein shell which surrounds the cancer growth and
protects it from the body’s immune system. Raw glandular products are also used
to augment the body’s natural glands. Vitamin B


(Laetrile) and Vitamin A are

then given to the patient to work with the enzymes and the immune system to
destroy the cancer cell.”


“The facts are, as partially detailed in the letter of March 22, 1974 from Dean
Burk to Seymour Perry, that positive, statistically highly significant,
anticancer activity by Laetrile in animal tumor systems has been observed in at
least 5 independent institutions in 3 widely separated countries of the world,
with a variety of animal cancers.
When you have power you don't have to tell the truth. That's a rule that's
been working in this world for generations. And there are a great many people
who don't tell the truth when they are in power in administrative positions."
Wrote Dean Burk, former head of National Cancer Institute Research.



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The truth about cancer

In 1972 Sloan Memorial Kettering Cancer Research commissioned their top senior
cancer researcher to conduct tests over a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977
and finally put an end to this Laetrile quackery. They asked Dr. Kanematsu
Sugiura, their most senior researcher with over 60 years experience in cancer
research and who had been under their employment since 1917 and totally
dedicated to cancer research.

Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura's work was trusted and his honesty and integrity was
admired and unquestioned by all. Hundreds of Sugiura's research papers were
Dr. Chester Stock, the Head of Sloan Kettering's laboratory-testing division
"Few if any names in cancer research are as widely known as Kanematsu
Sugiura's....Possibly the highest regard in which his work is held is best
characterized by a comment made to me by a visiting investigator in cancer
research from Russia. He said "when Sugiura publishes, we know we do not have
to repeat the study, for we would obtain the same results he has reported"'.

At the conclusion of the trials, on June 15, 1977 Sloan Memorial Kettering
Cancer Research released a press statement. Over 100 reporters and half a dozen
film crews from the leading television stations had been assembled to hear the
long awaited official verdict on Laetrile from the worlds most prestigious
cancer research centre. On the Dais were physicians with impeccable
credentials. Dr. Robert Good began to speak. After general remarks condemning
Laetrile and its use, he passed the microphone to Dr Stock. The same Doctor
Chester Stock who had praised Sugiura's work took the microphone and began
describing the finer details of the testing. As his voice droned on... it was
evident all eyes were on Dr. Sugiura but he was not given the opportunity to

The press release said,
"...Laetrile was found to possess neither preventative, nor tumor-regressent,
nor anti-metastatic, nor curative anticancer activity."

Suddenly a journalist shouted:
"Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura" ;
"Do you stick by your belief that Laetrile stops the spread of cancer?
He replied; "I stick."


Dr. Sugiura reported Laetrile was more effective in the control of cancer than
any substance he had ever tested. (Incidentally Dr. Sugiura had been
researching cancer since 1911) His results were not acceptable to his
superiors, so they brought in other researchers to duplicate Sugiura’s work in
the hope to prove the results false. Instead the follow-up studies confirmed
Sugiura. Undaunted, his superiors called for new experiments over and over
again, following procedures designed to make the tests fail. Eventually they
did fail, and it was that failure that was announced to the world.


Author Dr. Ralph Moss worked at Sloan-Kettering during the amygdalin trials and
went public on November 18, 1977, exposing the lies told by Sloan-Kettering
about the Laetrile/amygdalin trials. He was fired the next day.



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The truth about cancer

Many other alternative treatments

A 16 year old Virginia boy named Abraham Cherrix was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
disease (a cancer of the lymph nodes) in 2005. After his initial diagnosis,
Abraham submitted to chemotherapy, which made him feel sick and weak. His
cancer went into brief remission before returning earlier this year, when he
decided he would not undergo more chemotherapy, but rather try alternative
herbal treatments. Abraham's parents supported their son's decision and began
taking him to the Hoxsey Clinic in Mexico for treatments involving cancer-
fighting herbs and an organic diet.
However, the Virginia Department of Social Services decided to get involved,
and asked the state court to require Abraham's parents to return him to a
hospital in Virginia for conventional treatment, which would include stronger
chemotherapy than he'd previously undergone, as well as radiation therapy. The
court agreed and ordered Abraham's parents to give consent for their son to be
treated with harsh chemo treatments at Children's Hospital of the King's
Daughters in Norfolk.


Harry Hoxsey is the founder of the "Hoxsey Method" with which Abraham Cherrix
was attempting to treat his cancer. Hoxsey is the great-grandson of John
Hoxsey, an American physician who discovered a remarkably effective cancer
treatment in 1840 by watching horses with cancer cure themselves by foraging
for certain rare herbs.
Harry Hoxsey, a coal miner with no formal medical training, began promoting his
great-grandfather's cancer formula -- which contained a number of herbs,
including bloodroot, burdock, red clover, licorice root, pokeroot, barberry
root, buckthorn, prickly ash, stillingia root and cascara -- in the 1930s.

Hoxsey was not a doctor, so he partnered with various MD’s and let them perform
the treatments. Hoxsey grew to running numerous clinics in various states
across the U.S. The medical establishment (the FDA, AMA and NCI) attacked
Hoxsey by first revoking licenses of the physicians he employed, then
forbidding him to operate his clinics and announce to patients his treatment
was no longer available, then finally padlocking all his clinics in a single
day. At the same time false reports were being spread in the Journal of the
American Medical Association about Hoxsey.
Having no choice Hoxsey relocated to Mexico.


At the age of 41, Rod Czlonka was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and told
he was about to die. Rod fought his terminal cancer with nutrition and won.
Rod is still alive today.


He is just one individual who has learnt that in the same way we get cancer
from our diets and our surroundings, we can eliminate it with proper nutrition
and reducing the toxicities in our environments.

Prevention is hardly considered by the medical establishment. It is only given
a small percentage out of the billions per year that gets poured into cancer
research. Research is primarily directed into drug treatments as that is where
the money lies.


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The truth about cancer

Dr. Morton Walker, D.P.M. writes:


is a patented extract of the Venus’ flytrap plant. To be a bit more

precise, it’s the standardized, purified juice taken from that rare North
American plant by an exclusive, patented process.
For more than thirty years, Dr. Keller (Of Germany) investigated this substance
and gained clinical experience with some 15,000 cancer patients, often with
startling success.

In a double-blind, placebo controlled study of forty patients with stomach
cancer, 44 percent of those receiving Polyerga


lived at least five years

compared to only 11 percent of control patients.
In a similar double-blind, placebo-controlled study of forty patients suffering
from metastasized colon cancer, the Polyerga® group likewise showed a
significant improvement in survival rates.


They are just two excerpts from a number of alternative cancer treatment
methods Dr. Walker has researched.

As Dr. Ralph W. Moss describes in

Cancer Therapy

, "Japanese scientists studied

Chlorella pyrenoidosa as a biological response modifier … Since chlorella does
not directly kill cancer cells, the scientists concluded that its effects were
caused by boosting the immune response."

In one Japanese study, scientists placed lab mice on a chlorella regimen for
ten days, then injected the mice with three types of cancer. According to Dr.
Moss, over 70 percent of the chlorella-strengthened mice did not develop
cancer, while all of the untreated mice died within 20 days.


Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. writes:
“The American Cancer Society, together with the American College of
Radiologists, has insisted on pursuing large-scale mammography screening
programs for breast cancer, including its use in younger women, even though the
National Cancer Institute and other experts are now agreed that these are
likely to cause more cancers than could possibly be detected.”


According to Keiichi Morishita in his book,

Hidden Truth of Cancer

, as blood

starts to become acidic, the body deposits acidic substances in cells to get
them out of the blood. This allows the blood to remain slightly alkaline.
However, it causes the cells to become acidic and toxic, which may result in a
decrease in oxygen levels, and harm to the DNA and respiratory enzymes.

In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a
lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled

The Prime

Cause and Prevention of Cancer

that "the cause of cancer is no longer a

mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen

Prioré Patents

Prioré, A. (1966) "Method of producing radiations for penetrating living cells," U.S.
Patent No. 3,280,816, Oct. 25, 1966. Antoine Prioré's method of producing his
"conditioned" radiations used to treat cellular diseases.

Prioré, A. (1968). "Apparatus for producing radiations penetrating living cells." U.S.
Patent No. 3,368,155. Feb. 6, 1968. Antoine Prioré’s electromagnetic treatment device
which demonstrated positive cures for terminal cancers and leukemias in laboratory


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The truth about cancer

To conclude, we will take a brief look at just a fraction of the type of
activities of the medical establishment which have and continue to take place:

...Percentage of cancer patients whose lives are predictably saved by
chemotherapy - 3%
Percentage of oncologists who said if they had cancer they would not
participate in chemotherapy trials due to its "ineffectiveness and it’s
unacceptable toxicity" - 75%
Percentage of people with cancer in the U.S. who receive chemotherapy - 75%.


...After the vote went against providing Medicare coverage for chiropractic,
the AMA took the campaign to a new level of intensity. The AMA's consumer
magazines began printing articles that repeatedly called chiropractic
"quackery," and greatly exaggerated its dangers.

Caught up in the excitement, the officials of the Committee on Quackery went
about the country making speeches about chiropractic that were increasingly
malicious. The chairperson of the committee, Dr. Joseph A. Sabatier, told a
gathering of medical society officials that "rabid dogs and chiropractors fit
into the same category...chiropractors are nice [but] they kill people."


In 1975, an anonymous individual who came to be called "Sore Throat" sent a
draft of what he or she said were internal AMA documents to reporters at most
of the major newspapers in the country as well as to congressional committees
and consumer activist groups. These documents revealed postal and income tax
abuses, unethical use of the AMA journal, AMA control of congressional leaders
and the campaign to destroy chiropractic.


In 1976 Wilks and three other chiropractors filed suit against the AMA. Knowing
it would be disastrous for the AMA if the truth of their activities were to get
out, they offered to buy off the chiropractors. Needless to say they refused to
accept the money. In December 1980, the case went to trial, beginning an epic
court battle. In August of 1987, the AMA was ruled guilty of trying to
eliminate the chiropractic profession. The AMA appealed, but in February 1990,
the ruling was upheld.

Finally, in December 1991, 15 bitter years after Chester Wilk and the McAndrews
brothers had filed suit, the AMA agreed to make a US$53.5 million payment for
the chiropractors' legal costs and to revise its position.

3, 9

"Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud and that the
major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people
who support them." - Linus Pauling PhD (Two-time Nobel Prize winner).


So what do you really know about the world you live in? Do you keep a close
watch on the television for news and current affairs programs? Perhaps read a
newspaper everyday? All very well, but it would be seriously naïve to believe
these sources of information tell all that matters and are always truthful in
what is reported. Sadly, at present money rules. It rules in that profit is
given precedence over everything else, including health. We are no longer seen
as people – we are seen as consumers. Consumers who generate profit with every
financial decision we make. To influence our decisions, our thoughts and even
our beliefs, the propaganda machines run continually.
To know the truth one must first see the lies. To see the lies we must
scrupulously seek knowledge, considering both sides of the story.
Having completed reading this report, regardless of whether you believe the
information, are unsure or disbelieve it, it would be wise to investigate as
necessary for yourself. Uncover the lies and deception and the truth remains.


background image


The truth about cancer

References and resources




The Essiac report

, Canada’s remarkable unknown cancer remedy – Richard Thomas


A detailed history of Rene and Essiac – an excellent book.





I was Canada’s cancer nurse – Rene Caisse (

A booklet not an autobiography)



Website of Thomas Bearden – for his information on Prioré go to the table of
contents of the website.


(French site)






A considerable amount of detailed information regarding Vitamin B17


The Ultimate guide to B-17 Metabolic Therapy

(Free from the above website)


World without Cancer – G. Edward Griffin


The complete story on Laetrile, including government involvement – an
excellent resource




Laetrile case histories – the Richardson cancer clinic experience – John
A. Richardson, M.D., Partricia Irving Griffin, R.N., B.S.

7. The Cancer cure foundation


Alive and Well – Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D.



Non-specific and additional resources


Natural cancer remedies that work – Morton Walker

An excellent summary of alternative cancer treatments – highly recommended,
especially if you reside in Northern America.


A very informative website.


Reclaiming our Health – John Robbins



or A State of Being – Rod Czlonka


Beating cancer with Nutrition – Patrick Quillin Ph.D, R.D., C.N.S.


Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth – Phillip Day



Chiropractic Speaks Out: A Reply to Medical Propaganda, Bigotry, and

Ignorance – Chester A. Wilk




The Politics of Cancer - Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.


The Cancer Industry - Ralph W. Moss


Innocent Casualties - Elaine Feuer


Herbs against cancer – Ralph Moss


One person’s greed is another person’s despair



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