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If toString is not // used, at unexpected times you will // get a js error that says something // like "Unexpected call to method or // property." var currentPage = top.currentPage.toString(); var isFeedback = "false"; if (currentPage != "") { storedContentID = currentPage; // Do a loop through the rioOIDs array to find the index. for (i=0; i < rioOIDs.length; i++) { if (rioOIDs[i] == storedContentID) { current = i + 1; } } } else { current = 1; storedContentID = rioOIDs[current-1]; } top.currentChapter = "knet-AYhFAYkyBANUNwNA"; if (rioCount < 1) { document['image6'].src = image6dim.src; document['image5'].src = image5dim.src; } else if (current == rioCount) { document['image6'].src = image6dim.src; if (current == 1) { document['image5'].src = image5dim.src; } else { document['image5'].src = image5off.src; } } else if (current == 1) { document['image5'].src = image5dim.src; document['image6'].src = image6off.src; } else { document['image5'].src = image5off.src; document['image6'].src = image6off.src; 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} else { url = ''+'?EXAM_IDENT=knet-'+quizID+'&VERSION='+'learner'+'&LANGUAGE='+'pl'+'&THEME='+'ccna3theme'+'&STYLE='+'ccna3'+'&COURSE_VERSION='+'knet-31AYhFAXkAAAl1Qmlw'+'&LMSID='+''+'&SID='+top.sessionID; } QPopUp(url); } function launchQuiz_rlo(quizID, flag) { chapterID = "knet-AYhFAYkyBANUNwNA"; nbparams = "CHAPID="+chapterID+"/RLOID="+"knet-AUmVcVhABgV0UQWA"+"/RIOID="+"knet-AUmVcVgBCQcoCCWA"; dash = chapterID.indexOf('-'); sub1 = chapterID.substring(0,dash); sub2 = chapterID.substring(dash+1); ContentRef = "../../../../../"+ nbparams +"/"+ sub1 +"/"+ sub2 +"/"; if (flag) { top.currentSupport = 0; //alert(ContentRef); eval('top.frames.main_frame.location.href="'+ContentRef+'pageframesetrio.html"'); //added for navigating between Quiz and Review and back to regular Chapter pages top.currentSupport++; top.firstSupportPage = quizID; top.prevPage = quizID; top.contentResourceID = ''; } else { // use a popup window. url = ContentRef+"media.html"; top.QPopUp_rlo(url); } } function NextPage(pageNumber) { oldChap = current; if (rioCount > 1) { if (current == rioCount) { return; } else if ((current + 1) == rioCount) { document['image6'].src = image6dim.src; document['image5'].src = image5off.src; //tTrack 1142 } else { document['image5'].src = image5off.src; } current++; rio = new String(rioOIDs[current-1]); rlo = new String(rloOIDs[current-1]); ChangeContent(rio,rlo); if (top.topName == 'feedbackframeset') { if(top.opener != null){ treeArrayId = top.opener.getTreeId(rio); top.opener.pfTree.redisplay(treeArrayId,"content"); } } } } function PrevPage(pageNumber) { oldChap = current; if (rioCount > 1) { if (current == 1) { return; } else if (current == 2) { document['image5'].src = image5dim.src; document['image6'].src = image6off.src; //tTrack 1142 } else if ((current - 1) < rioCount){ document['image6'].src = image6off.src; } current--; rio = new String(rioOIDs[current-1]); rlo = new String(rloOIDs[current-1]); ChangeContent(rio,rlo); if (top.topName == 'feedbackframeset') { treeArrayId = top.getTreeId(rio); top.pfTree.redisplay(treeArrayId,"content"); } } } function loadIndex() { if (top.topName == 'feedbackframeset') { top.opener.pfTree.openTreeToView(); } else { url = "../../../../../CHAPID=knet-AYhFAYkyBANUNwNA/RLOID=null/RIOID=null/knet/31AYhFAXkAAAl1Qmlw/indexframeset.html"; //changed to use a loader in top because the top frameset is never changed. //this allows the index to use window.opener... for setting/loading vars, which //allows the correct nav bar to be loaded. // popup =,"IndexWin","scrollbars=yes,width=640,height=600,top=70,left=120,resizable=yes"); // popup.focus(); top.loadIndex(url); } } function loadSearch() { url = "../../../../../CHAPID=knet-AYhFAYkyBANUNwNA/RLOID=null/RIOID=null/knet/31AYhFAXkAAAl1Qmlw/indexframesetsearch.html"; popup =,"IndexWin","scrollbars=yes,width=640,height=600,top=70,left=120,resizable=yes"); popup.focus(); } function loadGlossary() { if (top.glossaryEntryID != '') { url = "../../../../../CHAPID=null/RLOID=null/RIOID=null/knet/" + top.glossaryEntryID + "/entryframeset.html"; popup =,"GlossaryWin","scrollbars=yes,width=640,height=390,top=70,left=120"); popup.focus(); } } function loadCommands() { if (top.commandEntryID != '') { url = "../../../../../CHAPID=null/RLOID=null/RIOID=null/knet/" + top.commandEntryID + "/entryframeset.html"; popup =,"GlossaryWin","scrollbars=yes,width=640,height=390,top=70,left=120"); popup.focus(); } } //--> if (top.glossaryEntryID != ''){ document.write(''); } if (top.commandEntryID != ''){ document.write(''); }


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