classsf 1 1Window members

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::Window Member ListThis is the complete list of members for sf::Window, including all inherited members. Close()sf::Window Create(VideoMode Mode, const std::string &Title, unsigned long WindowStyle=Style::Resize|Style::Close, const WindowSettings &Params=WindowSettings())sf::Window Create(WindowHandle Handle, const WindowSettings &Params=WindowSettings())sf::Window Display()sf::Window EnableKeyRepeat(bool Enabled)sf::Window GetEvent(Event &EventReceived)sf::Window GetFrameTime() const sf::Window GetHeight() const sf::Window GetInput() const sf::Window GetSettings() const sf::Window GetWidth() const sf::Window IsOpened() const sf::Window NonCopyable()sf::NonCopyable [inline, private] SetActive(bool Active=true) const sf::Window SetCursorPosition(unsigned int Left, unsigned int Top)sf::Window SetFramerateLimit(unsigned int Limit)sf::Window SetIcon(unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height, const Uint8 *Pixels)sf::Window SetJoystickThreshold(float Threshold)sf::Window SetPosition(int Left, int Top)sf::Window SetSize(unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height)sf::Window Show(bool State)sf::Window ShowMouseCursor(bool Show)sf::Window UseVerticalSync(bool Enabled)sf::Window Window()sf::Window Window(VideoMode Mode, const std::string &Title, unsigned long WindowStyle=Style::Resize|Style::Close, const WindowSettings &Params=WindowSettings())sf::Window Window(WindowHandle Handle, const WindowSettings &Params=WindowSettings())sf::Window ~Window()sf::Window [virtual] ~WindowListener()sf::WindowListener [inline, protected, virtual]  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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