Lowe Barry My Dad's A Vampire

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similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead,
is purely coincidental.
My Dad s A Vampire
Copyright©2011 Barry Lowe
His and His Kisses Edition
Cover art and design by Dawné Dominique
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Published by
loveyoudivine Alterotica 2011
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Barry Lowe
His dad needs a relationship he can really
sink his teeth into!
 That bloody dog from the new people down the
street must have got in our backyard, dad. Two of
the rabbits are missing, three of the chooks, and
there s blood, fur and feathers everywhere.
This was becoming a regular occurrence.
Every month or so we d find the massacred and
half-chewed remains of our hens or rabbits
strewn across the back lawn. We couldn t go on
losing them. At this rate we d have none left by
 I ll go and talk to them, dad sighed.
He hated confrontation even though the
animals were his life.
 No, dad, I ll go, I assured him.  You d just
scare them.
He shot me a dirty look but ruined the effect
by smiling. He knew I was right because my dad
is really scary. He still frightens me sometimes
and I m nineteen. I m not his real son. You could
tell that by a quick look at us. He s thin, pasty
pale skin, cadaverous really. Cold as ice when you
touch him. Me, on the other hand, I m tall, blond,
good looking, well built, good at sports and have
an all-over tan, courtesy of the local beach where
I spend a lot of time sunbathing nude in the sand
dunes where no one can stumble across me
unless they intend doing something similar, or
something much worse.
Yeah, I admit it, I ve watched couples making
out in the dunes. I m only human. Oops, that s
not a word I like to use around my dad. For
obvious reasons. Although it took me a couple of
years to work it out.
I landed on Declan Travet s doorstep at the
grand old age of twelve, dumped there by someone
from the Department of Community Services who
unilaterally declared I was delinquent and out of
control. My mum gave me up easily, glad to be rid
Barry Lowe
of me, and I d been sent to a boys home where the
older kids tried to stick their willies in my butt and
got a mouthful of broken teeth for their problem.
I guess I was a cute little fucker even way back
The home washed their hands of me when I
almost burned the place down. Not my fault. But
no one believed me. No one in authority anyway
and unless you re in authority yourself anything
you say is treated as just so much shit. So, I
stopped wasting my breath. Suddenly I found
myself in the too-hard basket, a candidate for the
mysterious Declan Travet. Of course, I d heard of
him, just the mention of his name sent shivers up
young kids spines, because parents used him to
instil fear to prevent bad behaviour. He was the
town bogeyman. If we d heard of him, he was
rarely seen. Even when he was, he was an
eccentric figure rushing around town concealed
beneath heavy coats and hats, sunglasses and a
number of scarves wound around his neck. Of
course, it all became so obvious later on when I d
lived with him for a number of years.
For all the myths about the man who lived in
the grand manor, as well as in the grand manner,
just on the edge of town, he was the man to go
to. He lived away from prying eyes until a
booming local economy attracted workers to
settle in the township, streets popping up all over
the place, and houses built to nudge his own.
Privacy was a thing of the past. Still Declan was
not one to mingle with the neighbours, not unless
there was a problem. Now there was a very
serious problem indeed. His livestock was being
killed by a neighbour s mongrel. It was up to me
to fix it. Much as I did not want to go back to that
When I d first been deposited on Declan s
doorstep all of seven years before, my twelve-year-
old body trembled in expectation of some form of
demonic punishment, embellishing the fantasy of
what awaited behind that large oak door. The
reality was that it was opened by a handsome
youngish man, though to my young eyes he
appeared ancient. He smiled as he squatted to
shake my hand like I was a real person. No one
had ever done that before. I was relieved he didn t
go on with all that bullshit about him and me
being  really good friends. That sort of
sycophantic rubbish got old very quickly.
Barry Lowe
The community services officer who had
delivered me like I was some piece of smelly
garbage, got him to sign on the dotted line, and
then he was gone. Declan took my hand.  Well,
Eddie...tell me, do you prefer Eddie or Edward?
 Eddie, sir.
No one had ever asked me before. Mostly
adults would look at the sheet of paper in front of
them and call me Edward.
 Well, Eddie, welcome to your new home.
* * * *
 Welcome to the neighbourhood, I chimed,
mechanically like a clock.  Hope your new home...
My voice trailed away.
I d waited a day or two before venturing forth
to make the new arrivals feel part of the
community. Declan had sent me on the errand as
he was a rather scary figure on first meeting,
besides which he was loath to walk out in daylight
except under the most unusual of circumstances.
I was his de facto welcoming committee. He
thought it the right thing to do especially since, in
the two days they had been in residence, no one
had seen hide nor hair of them.
I hadn t lost my voice that fateful day six
months back because of some horror that
confronted me, rather by the opposite. I knew I
had found the love of my life the moment he
opened the door. He was about my age and
obviously very much a jock so he was unlikely to
be amenable to a torrid relationship with yours
truly. I guess I must have held my breath, then
sighed loudly enough that he heard.
Up to that point in my life I had experimented
with as many genders as I could find, male,
female, trans, and none of them had excited me
more than the other. I knew the mechanics of
what I was doing and must have performed them
moderately well because my partners usually
returned for more.
I knew Declan was gay because I d come home
early from school one day with food poisoning
and, hearing strange sounds emanating from the
bedroom, I had peeked. I was around fourteen at
the time and knew about masturbation and the
holes into which I was pre-programmed to stick
my junk. What I hadn t seen close up and
personal was man holes being put to a similar use
to woman holes.
Barry Lowe
I went to my room, shocked and a little
excited. I had worked out that Declan was a
vampire and I thought that was cool even though
I couldn t tell anyone. I d tossed the accusation
at him when I was thirteen and still rebelling
against his control. The problem with Declan is
that he gave me too much freedom:  to find myself
he called it. As a result, for the first year or two,
I struggled against the lack of discipline. He
would just look incredibly disappointed any time
I did something  wrong . I use quotation marks
because Declan took the time to explain to me
that one man s wrong is another man s right but
that we had certain rules we had to live by if the
world was going to be a pleasant place in which
to live.
Declan had the bare minimum of house rules
that he expected me to follow. I had chores and if
I didn t do them then my dirty clothes piled up
until even I couldn t stand recycling underpants
for one single day longer, or eating off plates that
had lain in the sink so long colonies of mould had
set up civilisations and declared independence.
Little by little, I began to appreciate that Declan s
system was based on trust so, by the time I was
fourteen, I respected the man and wanted him to
be proud of me.
That s not to say I didn t sometimes go way
beyond the boundaries he d set. On those
occasions he was downright scary, baring his
fangs in a temper so that I swore I would never do
it, whatever  it was, again. That was the one
problem Declan had: when stressed or angry, his
fangs would show. It was one of the reasons he
did not want a confrontation with our new
neighbours over their dog.
The reason I was reluctant to take on the task
was Wolf. Short for Wolfgang. He and his father
had migrated from Germany, his mother having
died in a car accident when he was ten. Wolf was
the man I had set my mind on marrying. He, of
course, had no idea of my plans as I hadn t as yet
let him in on the secret. That might have had
something to do with the fact that from the day I
knocked on his front door he had treated me with
the utmost contempt, deliberately going out of his
way to avoid me. Perhaps he could sense my
intense attraction to him.
At any rate, he had not invited me inside,
perfunctorily accepting my welcome and then
Barry Lowe
pointedly asking,  Is that all? Is there anything
I was so stunned I merely shook my head and
he closed the door on my gaping mouth.
Storming back home, I swore vehemently
under my breath, slamming into the house loudly
enough that a troubled Declan came to see the
cause of the problem.
 What an asshole! I fumed.
In between curses, I managed a short
explanation of what had occurred. Declan smiled
knowingly,  Ah, so you like him a little bit.
 Fuck, no! I yelled.  I like him a lot!
My hormones were in a twist. No one had ever
made me feel like this before. I didn t believe in
love at first sight and all that mushy shit. How
could I like him so much after a conversation of
less than twenty words and his appalling rejection
of my friendship?
I determined to put him out of my mind but I d
reckoned without running into him at college, plus
the fact he made the same football team that I
played for, meaning he was a constant distraction,
continually turning up in places I had deliberately
chosen in order to avoid him. It was almost as if
we were stalking each other. We were both popular
and it was inevitable we d end up dating the same
girls although my appetite for pussy, as well as
cock, dwindled so much under his pervasive allure
I was in danger of developing blue balls.
Declan must have felt helpless as he watched
my decline. I was unable to eat or sleep properly,
I was losing concentration, and my nerves were
shot. Things came to a head at a football match
we had to win, thanks to Wolf s mid-season form
slump and, to be fair, my own. We d been blitzed
by the competition. A fumbled pass, a missed
opportunity, a reluctance to support each other
on the field led to an earbashing from the coach
at half time and being sidelined for the rest of the
season after we lost the game and any chance of
a berth at the national championships.
 I don t know what s up with you two, the
coach fumed later in the dressing room,  But sort
it out or else try out for track and field next
season. Until then, you both can sit it out on the
benches. Come and see me when you find your
form again.
Declan had been at the match, watching from
the sidelines, wrapped up against the sun in his
Barry Lowe
dark glasses, scarves and heavy overcoat.
Fortunately, the heat didn t make a jot of
difference to him  he couldn t feel it. Wolf s dad
was there as well. He was as striking as his son,
a mountain of a man, ruggedly handsome, a fine
head of hair and a body, revealed in all its supple,
muscular glory by the skin hugging t-shirt and
shorts he wore. I noticed Declan check him out
on more than one occasion.
Wolf and I didn t sort it out. He wouldn t talk
to me. Any overture I made was rebuffed, even to
the point he called me  fag. That didn t sit well
with me and from that moment I determined a
homophobic asshole wasn t worth wasting my
hard-earned fantasies on. Yeah, my head may
have thought that but it hadn t sent the message
to my dick.
I needed a hobby. Or a cause. Something to
distract me. And my observation of my dad that
day, gave me an idea. He was lonely. No, it s not
what you re thinking. In the years I d lived at
Declan s he had never so much as laid a finger on
me. I did fantasise about it once or twice while
bringing myself off, he was not a blood relative
after all, but I d come to respect the man who d
turned my life around and thought it ill-advised
to go there.
I d even broached the subject of his turning
me but he lost his temper and wouldn t even
discuss the matter.
 Don t even go there in your mind, Eddie, he
warned me once he d calmed down.  It s not the
romantic life you think it is. It s hard. It s
solitary. It s fuckin lonely. He must have
realised how miserable he was sounding,
because he added,  And it s hell not being able
to get a tan.
That was a wake up. I spend half my life at the
beach. Vampire was really not a good career
choice for me then. But finding a man for dad was
an option.
I went from calling him Declan to dad when I
was about seventeen. I guess I was adult enough
to wake up one morning and see what a
remarkable change he had wrought in me, not
least of which was that I was no longer the angry,
rude adolescent who d shown up at his door all
those years earlier. Perhaps it was brought about
by the fact I was headed for my eighteenth
birthday at which point I was legally free to move
Barry Lowe
on. Declan would no longer be paid by the state
to look after me, I d be on my own.
We d often discussed my future at the evening
meal; those moments were set aside for frank talk
on both sides. It was where I admitted my longing
for Wolf. Declan had wrapped me in his arms to
comfort my pain.
 Love is such a wonderful emotion, he said
as he rocked me soothingly.  But it also causes
us so much pain and distress. Did I tell you,
Eddie, how Brady and I danced around our
attraction, one taunting and one teasing until I
thought I would die?
I had seen the portrait of Brady in an old
fading daguerreotype he kept on his bedside table.
 That was taken in 1854 in Paris, using the
new photographic methods. We had to sit still for
 I thought... I interrupted.
 That was before I was turned. Brady and I
had moved to Paris to escape the oppressive
Philistinism of Ireland. We found many like-
minded men. We were popular, being new faces
and young and not unattractive, if I say so
myself. He smiled at the memory.
 We were always being invited to parties in
grand mansions, grander than we d ever seen
before but very often it was merely a ruse to make
sport with Brady and myself. But we always held
out against the advances regardless of whether
the men offered riches or violence at our refusal.
There was one particularly odious count, Count
Léger, who kept on at us but we turned down all
his invitations.
 Then, one day, we were invited to the
grandest of all balls in the city. We could not
believe our luck. Invitations were not issued
lightly so we should have guessed but we were
young and guileless. It was a masked ball and
even though we knew what disguise the other
was wearing, we were separated soon after
arrival. I thought nothing of it until the wine went
to my head and I swooned with the heat. My
drink had been doctored. I was horrified to
discover soon after that a similar subterfuge had
been perpetrated on Brady when two of the
guests helped me to a private room. Léger was
atop Brady who was lying unconscious on a
chaise longue, other repulsive lechers awaiting a
Barry Lowe
 I screamed but it was no use. The Count,
seeing my distress got bored with Brady and I
suddenly found him beside me playing with my
most intimate parts. I was aroused; I could not
help myself as all about the room were men in the
most lascivious displays. But I sensed all was not
well for as the men copulated they sank their
teeth into each other s necks, drawing blood,
licking at it until their lips and teeth were
 Brady was being abused by a fat old judge
who was licking at a savage wound on his neck,
the blood was seeping much too fluidly to my
liking and I was about to remonstrate when the
Count bit into my neck. My whole world changed
that night.
Declan s voice cracked as he continued.
 When I awoke as if from a nightmare, I found
myself back in our garret, Brady beside me on the
bed. He was cold, his neck torn open, and his eyes
lifeless.  We couldn t save him, a voice said from
the opposite side of the room. I looked up to see
Léger, seated in our single battered brocade
lounge chair. I don t know why I had never noticed
his eyes before. They shone in the dark, yellow as
jaundice. I sobbed over my lover as the Count
made excuse after excuse for the wanton
behaviour of the guests. I scarcely listened as he
explained my new situation and the repercussions
for me.
 Once I realised he was giving me information
I would need to survive, I pretended an affection
I did not feel, in order to extract from him the
names of the men at the private party. They had
all engorged on my body and were eager to repeat
the pleasure. I thanked Léger, telling him I needed
a little time to grieve for my friend. He repeated
that his house was always open to me, hinting
that the only payment required would be to
 I buried Brady in the dead of night, how
appropriate that old cliché is. I buried him in
hallowed ground, praying that his soul would find
rest rather than damnation. Then I disappeared
into the sewers and back alleys of the capital
until, one by one, I tracked down the men at the
party and disposed of them. The fat judge s
demise gave me the greatest of pleasure,
particularly the startled look on his bloated face
as I drove the stake through his rotten heart, my
Barry Lowe
cock buried in his fetid ass. There was panic in
the community to which I now belonged and,
although I was suspected, they could not bring
themselves to believe it was one of their own.
 Over the course of a year, as I adjusted to
my new body, my new powers, I despatched them
all, bar one. Léger always evaded my capture
which is why I am always careful to watch my
back. It s one of the reasons I came to the other
side of the world. I thought here I might find
Yes, I believed every word of it. I know
common sense, as well as science, says that
vampires are mythological creatures but, hell,
my dad s a vampire. How much more proof do I
I helped the old young man up to his room.
The memories had worn him out. As I was about
to close the door on his darkened room, the heavy
double-thick velvet drapes closed against the
outside light, he called,  Eddie?
 Yes, dad?
 You once asked me what was the most
powerful force in the universe.
 Yes, I remember.
 Love. Love is the most powerful force there is.
Good night, Eddie.
 Good night, dad.
I closed the door gently because from the
sounds of his breathing he was already asleep.
I strode back to my bedroom, full of bravado,
my courage wound to bursting. Scrounging
through my wardrobe, I selected the tightest
shorts, the most pec-hugging t-shirt, and
colours that offset my eyes. Before I could
chicken out, I ran down the stairs and out the
front door, snapping off a single red rose from
our front garden. I pricked myself in doing so
and sucked my thumb to staunch the flow. I
could never be a vampire.
It wasn t enough to stop me in my quest. I
marched up to Wolf s house, praying to a non-
existent deity that Wolf would answer the door. I d
rehearsed on my way over so when he did, indeed,
open the door, I was ready.
 Is your dad home? I asked, my voice shaking
as I held out the rose.
Wolf snorted at my offering.  No, but I gotta
tell ya, you re wasting your time, he s not into
roses. Or twinks.
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I d heard what I wanted and I pushed Wolf
back inside, slamming the door behind me. He
was so taken by surprise I had him wedged
against the hallway wall as I kissed him. He
struggled at first but my persistence paid off.
Finally, he grabbed me, pulling me against his
muscle hard body, burying his tongue in my
mouth, his breathing beginning to purr. He had
my t-shirt off, his teeth nipping at my buds,
already hard from contact with the man I had
lusted after for weeks. To my surprise, he didn t
stop there. He ran his tongue down the trail of soft
brown hair from my chest, across my abs, to my
belly button and beyond.
He didn t stop at the waist band of my shorts
either. He kneeled to pull them down; my cock
popping up with pleasure to meet the man it
hoped would take care of its needs. Stepping out
of the constricting clothing, I was now totally
naked but for my sandals. He stared up at me as
he moved to engulf my prick in his warm, wet
mouth. Wolf was no novice, he sucked my cock so
expertly, his tongue darting around the head and
shaft, that within a matter of minutes he was
siphoning my juice down his throat.
I leaned back against the wall.
 Fuck! Do you greet all your guests like
Wolf stood up, licking his lips as if trying to
get more of the taste of me.  Shit, man. You taste
even better than I fantasised.
I was incredulous.  You fantasised about me?
 Like, just about every night as I jerk off.
I grinned cheekily.  What else did you
fantasise doing to me?
 Come into my bedroom and I ll do more than
tell you.
I quickly grabbed my clothes and followed him
to his room. It was the sort of college boy bedroom
lined with posters, except in Wolf s case it was
sportsmen in varying states of undress, rather
than big-bosomed girls. I was brought up short
by his computer wallpaper  it was a pic of me
taken from the college yearbook. My body was
dripping as I d just blitzed the pool at a college
meet, my cocky shit-eating grin scarcely
detracting from the cock that was clearly outlined
in my Speedos, leaving little to the imagination.
He didn t bother turning it off as he shucked his
clothes and lay back on his bed, naked.
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I nodded at the screen.  Is that the sort of man
you like?
 Yeah, he s hot.
 You fucker, I laughed.  I ve been panting
over you for months, my sleep s suffering, my
schoolwork s suffering, I m driving my dad insane,
and you ve been jerking off to a dirty picture of me
on your computer when you could have had the
real thing?
 Yeah, it sucks, he admitted.  I couldn t cope
with the way I felt about you. It s all new to me.
Where I come from... His shrug told me more
than words could.
 That why you ignored me? Treated me like
He scooted aside and I lay beside him,
propping my head in my hand so I could watch
 I thought if I could make you hate me, maybe
make you go away.
 I ain t ever gonna go away.
I kissed him, gently this time. He rolled over
on top of me, his cock rubbing against mine until
I thought the friction would bring me off again.
I held him still.  Whoa, boy.
He ran his fingers across my body creating a
trail of sparks that kept my cock rock hard and
close to exploding.
 Your dad know you re... He hesitated to use
the word.
 You like boys?
 He s okay with it?
 He knew before I did that I fancied you like
 Yeah. Well he would, wouldn t he? He s gay
 But he d not my real dad.
We spent the next few hours talking through
our lives, stopping occasionally for kisses, hand
jobs and oral. I wanted so badly to fuck Wolf s ass
or have his cock deep inside me, but I knew he
was relatively inexperienced and didn t want to
frighten him off. For someone this special, I could
 I suppose I better get back. Declan ll be
wondering where I am.
Barry Lowe
 You could ring him if you want to stay a little
longer. Or all night even. I don t think my dad
would mind.
 Does he know?
 Nah, he doesn t think like that.
He looked so lonely I was tempted.
 I really want to but my dad s all alone. I m
sorta trying to hitch him up with someone.
Wolf laughed.  And you thought my dad?
I blushed.  You can t blame a guy for trying.
He was still chortling as he kissed me, rather
clingingly considering I live just down the street.
My life was definitely on the up and up.
Of course, Declan noticed the change in me
when I got home.
 Enjoy yourself with the new neighbour? he
 How did you know?
 You ve been moping around the house for
almost six months about the new boy and
suddenly you return home smelling of happiness
and sex. It doesn t take an Einstein to put two and
two together and come up with young lust.
 I think it just might be a little bit more than
that, I told him honestly.
 Why don t you invite him over? I d like to meet
 Promise you won t scare him off.
 I promise.
Declan was on his best behaviour. It took a bit
of convincing Wolf s dad to tag along. I still had
hopes there might be a spark between them,
especially after the appraisal I saw dad give him
at football. But they were both so quiet during
dinner, they might as well have been in two
separate homes. Okay, perhaps Wolf and I hogged
the conversation, running off at the mouth like
teenagers do sometimes but, hey, we were young
and in love. So in love we didn t even taste the food
even though Declan is an amazing cook. He eats
little enough of it himself, which is why we have
the henhouse and the rabbit hutch out the back.
I learned young not to get too attached to any of
the bunnies.
I noticed, too, that Wolfgang senior, picked
at his food, eating just enough not to be
insulting. I cleared the plates away hoping
Declan wouldn t notice. We were excused and
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raced off to my bedroom where I thought we
made enough noise that the entire
neighbourhood would hear us. Wolf learned to
take my cock that night and he learned the
delicious feeling of sinking his prick in a hot,
tight male butthole.
What went on downstairs I didn t know and
over the coming weeks, Declan clammed up
although I noticed a new lightness to his step, and
I d come home to a long stemmed red rose in a
small vase on the table in the front hallway.
I let it be because Wolf and I were too wrapped
up in each other to give anything else much
thought although we did spend some time
together swatting for our exams. If sex education
had been a subject we would have passed the
practical examination with honours.
Only one thing clouded my enjoyment of my
new-found romance, for that s what it was. I was
falling for the bastard. He could wrap me around
his little finger and I had a similar effect on him.
But, no matter how much I begged, he was
reticent to talk about his dad. Mind you, the
same applied to me and my release of
information about Declan. I had an excuse
though, he was a vampire and I thought that
might be a bit of a turn-off for some prospective
We spent a lot of time in each other s
company. Declan was only too happy to let us
share a bed together when Wolf stayed over. I
hesitated to sleep at his place as we were both
unsure of his father s reaction. We were confused
as to whether he was oblivious to what was going
on or whether he was turning a blind eye. Either
way, it made us uncomfortable.
About a month after Wolf and I had
consummated our attraction, he called in after
college to say he wouldn t be able to spend the
night as planned as his dad needed him. I m a sly
bastard and I enticed Wolf into my bed  just until
your dad comes home, running the guy ragged so
that he fell asleep in my arms.
We were awoken, hours later, by a terrible
fracas in the back yard. The chickens were under
attack. Wolf sprang from the bed, his face a mask
of terror.
 It s okay, it s just some stray attacking our
chicken coop. Declan will take care of it, he s laid
a trap.
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That seemed to increase Wolf s agitation.
 Oh, shit! Dad.
He grabbed his clothes, scrambling in to
them as he ran down the stairs almost tripping
except that I caught up to him, grabbing his
The sounds of the hens panic had given way
to an eerie silence. We could hear voices. It
brought us up abruptly and we crept toward the
back of the house.
 I knew it would be the only way to attract
your attention. The strange voice oozed of the
grave and wormwood. I knew who it was.  My dear
Declan, what have you been reduced to? Rabbits
and chickens. That s no way to live.
He threw a dismembered hen on the ground
and wiped his bloody hands on his coat, baring
his crimson fangs.
Wolf looked at me quizzically.
 Your dad s...
I shushed him.
 You have no idea how long it took me to track
you down, Léger said.
 I think I do.
Dad sounded calm in the face of the threat.
 I see you have a son. A fine lad.
 He s not for you.
The Count laughed.  I don t think you will
have much say in the matter. But just so you go
to your death regretting every moment of your
miserable existence: after I rip your heart out I will
track down the boy and after I have my way with
him I will turn him just as I turned you all those
centuries ago.
 If you promise to leave him be, I ll come with
you. Go far away from here. Do anything you
 Dad, don t, I mouthed quietly.
Wolf took my hand, squeezing to show his
 I don t want you, Declan. Except begging me
to spare your life and that of your son.
I ran to the kitchen to find the sharp carving
knife Declan kept for special roast dinners. It
wasn t a stake but it was the closest I could lay
my hands on.
 Don t be a fool, Wolf whispered.
 Remember the fun we had with Brady? You
do remember Brady, don t you?
Léger was attempting to rattle dad.
Barry Lowe
 I remember him very well indeed, Declan
replied.  That s why a dozen of your evil friends
are now burning in hell.
 I ll give you credit. That was some strategy.
But they were stupid people. Too easily led. Not
like my good self. I have a fine sense of
preservation. And an equally honed sense of
 Kill me if you must but leave the boy alone.
I wanted Declan to put up a fight. Why was he
so reluctant? I could take no more and stormed
out of the house, charging at Léger, determined
to stake him on the end of the knife.
He laughed at me, stepping aside easily,
grabbing me by the throat to hurl me across the
yard. All my foolish intervention did was distract
Declan. By the time I scrambled to my feet, he was
on the ground, Léger kneeling on his body.
Unexpectedly, Wolf crept up behind him
swinging a spade against his neck. It severed his
throat but not enough to kill him. The Count
bared his fangs, his eyes like yellow flames as he
turned his attention to the hapless Wolf. I pulled
him away in time as the Count sprang,
connecting with the concrete with a sickening
thud. He shook his head which was now
reattaching to his body.
Declan was upon him before he had time to
stand but it was an uneven match. He was
thrown off without much effort on the Count s
part and was soon pinned to the ground. There
was no more time for talking as Léger rose to his
full height, baring his sharp incisors, ready to
strike. Declan attempted to buck him off but to
no avail.
I heard it first. The snarl of a vicious dog. It
gave the Count pause. He looked about for the
source of the sound. Out of the shadows came the
largest dog I had ever seen, saliva dripping from
its mouth and snout, its blood-flecked teeth
Obviously finding its growls of little
consequence, Léger turned his attention back to
Declan. A bad mistake as the dog bounded across
the yard, leaping to Declan s defence, clamping its
jaws around the Count s throat, its claws sharp
as scalpel blades.
The savage animal sliced open the front of
Léger s body, pawing its way into his chest cavity
to remove his heart, flinging it across the yard,
Barry Lowe
shaking the body in its immovable jaws. I looked
away as it began to gnaw on the Count s face, the
sound of ripping flesh echoing in my ears. Wolf
and I ran to the still beating heart and with one
mighty blow I brought the large carving knife
down, skewering it to the grass.
What remained of the Count roared in pain,
the body returning to dirt, dribbling out of the
giant dog s bloody mouth. He continued to growl
as he placed his paws on Declan s chest. Deprived
of its meal I was certain it would lay into my dad,
but it merely licked the side of his face like an
enthusiastic puppy.
 Dad, Wolf said, running to the beast like it
was a household pet, scratching its head.
 Dad? I queried.
Wolf looked sheepish.
 Seems we both had secrets.
 Go inside, son, Declan said gently.  We have
a few things to finish up around here.
I knew better than to query him. Wolf came
with me and we went to my bedroom. Without
speaking, we undressed and slid under the sheets
 So, Wolf said casually.  A vampire, eh?
 Uh huh, I replied.  A werewolf, eh?
We laughed fit to burst, the only other sounds
that of frightened hens and rabbits in the back
yard below. I shuddered to think what was going
on and closed the window to block out the noise.
Sometime during the night, it gave way to groans
so loud it woke both of us. We crept to the window
and watched as Wolfgang, spattered with blood
and gore in his human form, drove his heavy prick
into Declan s ass.
While Wolf admired his father s technique, I
stood behind him and parted his butt cheeks,
greasing his hole so I could push my cock into
him, his ass muscles gripping me as I slid easily
inside. I held his prick, as hard as I had ever felt
it, running my finger nails along the shaft. Closing
his eyes, he leaned his head back into me. I lifted
him and carried him to the bed, trying to shut out
the sounds of my dad and his new lover fucking
in the yard below.
I needn t have worried for when I plugged my
dick back into my own boyfriend his cries of
pleasure were all I heard.
By Barry Lowe
The Love Troll promises
something for everyone!
Einarr has made quite a
splash as the Viking
Stripper aboard a gay
cruise, making his new
mate Gus very insecure
in the process. The ship
is a smorgasbord of
easy sex and Robert,
Gus s scheming ex-boy-
friend, is determined to
get his hands, as well as other parts of his anato-
my on the handsome Icelander. But Einarr has a
secret  he s a rootin , shootin , back-door lootin ,
living troll.
Barry Lowe s dreams of winning the Nobel Prize
for Literature faded about thirty years ago when
he realised what he wrote best was about the
wild, whacky, wonderful world of sex and that his
vocabulary would never rival Patrick White s or
even Evelyn Waugh s.
Since then he s been happily churning out the odd
gay sex comedy for stage as well as a mountain of
newspaper columns and an avalanche of erotica
for print and eBooks.
He is also the author of Atomic Blonde, a biography
of 1950s sex goddess, Mamie Van Doren. He lives
in Sydney, Australia, with his long-term partner,
Check out his website at www.barrylowe.net.
Barry Lowe
Carbon Dating
Marine Biology
Let the Games Begin
Four on the Floor
Stocks and Shared
Taking the Bait
Climbing the Wall
A Cook s Tour
Love and the Odor of Red Leatherette
Party Whip
Spunk Rats
Team Player
A Serpent in Paradise
Desperate Remedies
The Devil His Due
In the Soup
Joshua s Story
Seeing Things
Never Take Candy from Strangers
Salad Days
Emerald City
Christmas on the Rocks
Whores d Oeuvres
Danny s Revenge
New Year s Steve
Guys & Trolls
Jiboia Mark of the Qasqavel
Beefed Up and Porked
Done Like A Dinner
Future Tense
Happy Valentine s Lay
In The Family Way
Torte A Lesson
The Framing of Dorian Gray
Right Up His Alley
Café or Lay
Stocks & Bondage
Davy Jones Locker
Taken Bi Force
loveyoudivine Alterotica is dedicated
to bringing you the finest erotic
literature on the web.
You are cordially invited to join us on
a journey of sexual awakening and
sensual passion.
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