The Retail Travel Environment

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Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed

The Retail Travel


BTEC National

Travel and Tourism

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Copyright 2006 – Biz/ed


This session covers the start
of a new Unit of Study:

Unit 7: Retail Travel Operations

There are links and overlaps with
earlier Units of Study, especially Units
1, 2, 3 and 5.

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The Retail Travel


A good starting point is ABTA

(Association of British Travel Agents).

ABTA members account for more

than 80% of all holidays and travel

tickets sold in the UK.

ABTA’s data shows their members

employ in excess of 120,000 people

in the UK.

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The Retail Travel


The three largest firms employ more

than 27,000 individuals.

In the past 20 years, ABTA

membership has fallen.

There are now fewer small

independent travel agents.

The big firms have grown larger,

‘swallowing up’ many of the smaller


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Recent Industry Data

As of February 2005, there were
1,787 ABTA members in total.

Many members have more than
one outlet (or office).

In total, ABTA members have over
6,700 offices.

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Recent Industry Data

More than 5,700 of these are travel
agencies, over 450 are tour
operators and almost 550 are dual
members (acting as travel agents
and tour operators).

Source: ABTA Statistical Trends accessed from


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Types of Travel Retailer

There are three types
of travel agent:



and independents

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Multiple travel agencies have
offices throughout the UK.

These national, sometimes
international travel agency groups
include firms such as

* TUI * First Choice
* MyTravel * Thomas Cook

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Multiples dominate the industry, in
terms of proportion of total

They are usually dual ABTA

They sell a wide range of holidays
and other services such as flight
tickets, car hire and hotel rooms.

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Sometimes the multiples actually
own the firms which offer these
different services.

When this happens,
it is called ‘integration’.

We will cover this concept in depth

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Miniple travel agencies are usually
based in regions of the UK.

Their strengths are local knowledge
of their markets and trusted local

Miniples often offer a simpler range
of travel and tourism services than

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Independent travel agencies are
usually single travel agencies.

They often offer a small range
of services, which may be highly

There is a trend for independents
to become part of a consortium.

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‘Consortia’ is the name for more
than one consortium.

A consortium can negotiate better
prices from tour operators.

It may also be able to share
marketing costs.

This helps independents compete
with the multiples.

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Worldchoice is an example

of a travel agency consortium.

In this case, each consortium

member is independently owned.

In 2006, it was estimated that

there were 700 independent

agents in the Worldchoice


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In 2006, Worldchoice and two other
groups, Global Travel and
Advantage formed another
consortium, called Triton Travel.

This is the largest travel agency
in the UK, with an estimated 15%
share of the UK travel agency

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Integration in the Retail

Travel Industry

One of the main trends in the
industry is the move towards
greater integration.

This is where firms join together,
through takeovers and mergers,
to form bigger operations.

Larger firms can achieve economies
of scale.

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Economies of Scale

These happen where a firm cuts
its unit costs by doing things
on a larger scale.

Larger firms sell more; their costs
per unit are lower.

It’s often in a firm’s interests to
increase the scale of its operations

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Vertical Integration

Integration can be either vertical

or horizontal.

Vertical integration is where firms

integrate at different levels of the

distribution chain.

If a tour operator buys a travel

agency, this is known as forward

vertical integration

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Vertical Integration

In the above case, the tour

operator spreads its business

towards the customer, down the

distribution chain.

Where a tour operator buys an

airline, this is known as backward

vertical integration

The tour operator buys its own

supplier, up the distribution chain.

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Horizontal Integration

Where two travel firms which offer

competing services join together,

this is known as horizontal


The aim is still to make economies

of scale.

Advantage Travel is a form

of horizontal integration.

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Future Trends

Current conditions in the retail

travel industry may persist or

change. Some of these trends can

be summarised as follows:

Travel agency business becoming

dominated by the multiples.

Greater concentration of retail

outlets in the hands of consortia.

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Future Trends

New services offered to counter
the threat posed by the Internet

Increased focus on business travel

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What Next?

Now go to the Activity to take your
understanding of the retail travel
environment further.

Document Outline


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