The Golden Rule

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The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule


Do unto others

Do unto others

as you would

as you would

have them do

have them do

unto you.

unto you.

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Huh? What does that


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It means: be nice to other

people, because you want

them to be nice to you.

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Do you like it when

somebody hits you?

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No, it hurts! You don’t like


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But you like it when people are

nice to you. So be nice to

them too! They will like it!

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If someone calls you a bad

word, do you like it?

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Nope, it is no fun.

It makes you feel bad.

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You don’t like it when people

say mean things to you. So

say nice things to them, and

they’ll like it!

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Do you like it when people

shout at you?

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No way, it hurts your feelings

and it hurts your ears.

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Then don’t shout or scream

at them. Speak quietly and

they will be happier to talk

to you!

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To be good is

To be good is

to do to other

to do to other

people what

people what

you want

you want

them to do to

them to do to



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