ang 3 etap gim 2012

Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Kod ucznia
- -
& & & & & & & & &
Dzień Miesiąc Rok
pieczÄ…tka WKK
Drogi Uczniu!
Witaj na III etapie konkursu z języka angielskiego. Przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję
i postaraj się prawidłowo odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania.
·ð Arkusz liczy 8 stron i zawiera 7 zadaÅ„.
Czas pracy:
·ð Przed rozpoczÄ™ciem pracy sprawdz czy Twój test jest
kompletny. Jeżeli zauważysz usterki, zgłoś ten fakt Komisji
90 minut
·ð Zadania czytaj uważnie i ze zrozumieniem.
·ð Odpowiedzi wpisuj czarnym lub niebieskim dÅ‚ugopisem
bądz piórem.
·ð Dbaj o czytelność pisma i precyzjÄ™ odpowiedzi.
·ð W przypadku testu wyboru prawidÅ‚owÄ… odpowiedz zaznacz
Liczba punktów
stawiając znak X na literze poprzedzającej treść wybranej
do uzyskania:
·ð Nie używaj korektora. Jeżeli pomylisz siÄ™, bÅ‚Ä™dne
zaznaczenie otocz kółkiem i zaznacz znakiem X inną
·ð Oceniane bÄ™dÄ… tylko odpowiedzi, które zostaÅ‚y umieszczone
w miejscu do tego przeznaczonym.
·ð Brudnopis nie bÄ™dzie oceniany.
Pracuj samodzielnie.
Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
Zadanie 1. Posłuchaj nagrania i zaznacz jedną poprawną odpowiedz A, B, C, D (0-5 punktów)
Nagranie zostanie odtworzone 2 razy.
1. Where does this news program take place?
A. at a shopping center
B. at a local school
C. in a city market place
2. How does the young girl, Elizabeth, celebrate this holiday with her family?
A. They go out to eat at a restaurant.
B. They visit close relatives.
C. They go to see a movie.
3. What does Johnny and his family eat on this day?
A. turkey
B. ham
C. chicken
4. What sentence best describes Steven's feelings about Christmas?
A. It's a time when people exchange gifts with friends, family, and teachers.
B. It's a holiday when friends give gifts during an elaborate dinner.
C. It's a day when people think of others without waiting for a gift in return.
5. The final young woman says that the best thing about Christmas is:
A. receiving presents from classmates.
B. having a vacation from school.
C. sleeping late every day.
Zadanie 2. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst Comedy Kids oraz zdania do tekstu, określ czy są one
prawdziwe (T), czy fałszywe (F) (0-10 punktów)
Do you enjoy watching comedy? Do all your friends at school think you tell great jokes? Then why
not come and see what's happening at Comedy Kids?
Comedy Kids own comedy clubs in several countries that are run just for young people aged 10-15.
They're real clubs with real comedians, who are just as familiar with working in adult comedy clubs as
they are working with children. But don't take our word for it- come and see for youself !
The Comedy Kids company was set up by John Winterton, who says that no-one had thought of being
a stand-up comedian for young people until he came along. In fact, his act quickly became so popular
that he soon found lots of other comedians who wanted to join his company and perform for families
and young people. And if you think, as many others do, that a young people's comedian leaps on stage
in a brightly-coloured costume and big red nose-think again. John usually appears dressed in a cool
black jacket and trousers-more like a Hollywood movie star than a circus clown !
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
If you're having a party at home Comedy Kids can come and perform for you there at your party- just
ask! Of course, it's not the same as performing on stage, so we're always looking for comedians in the
clubs, who are good at working with small numbers of young people-and we've discovered there aren't
many of them about! But the ones we have found are brilliant. Your very own comedian will also help
you to tell your guests some jokes and silly stories- and they can join in too, if they want! It'll be fun-
and very different from any party you've ever had before !
Here at Comedy Kids, it's not just about the adults telling the jokes. We also have very short  open
spots where young people get the chance to perform. But we've yet to find someone who can do that
without preparation, so we've set up the world's first  Comedy Classes to teach young people how to
tell jokes on stage. At the moment our classes are only monthly, but we're planning to start a number
of others over the coming year. So if you want to be a comedian but don't want to wait until you grow
up, this is where you can do it. And if you're creative but feel you're lacking in the confidence to speak
up, we can certainly help. We'll listen to what you want to do, and try to make it happen.
So what are you waiting for? Come and join Comedy Kids!
1. Comedy Kids operates a number of internationally-based clubs for young people.
2. Comedy Kids comedians have had as much experience working with children as with adults
3. According to John Winterton, he is the first ever young people's stand-up comedian.
4. John looks like most people's idea of a typical entertainer for young people.
5. Comedy Kids will hold special parties at their clubs for young people if requested.
6. A lot of Comedy Kids comedians have the right qualities for performing at young people's
7. Guests at Comedy Kids parties are invited to perform if they wish.
8. Comedy Kids have discovered lots of good young comedians who have not been trained.
9. In a year's time there'll be more classes available for young people wanting to be comedians.
10. Comedy Kids prefer it if the young people who join them are already quite confident.
1 ___ 2____ 3____ 4_____5______6______7______8______9______10_______
Zadanie 3. Wybierz i zakreśl poprawną odpowiedz A, B lub C (0-15 punktów)
1. What city is not in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
A. Belfast
B. Cardiff
C. Dublin
2. Which of the four nations' flags is not incorporated in the flag of the UK?
A. Ireland
B. Scotland
C. Wales
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
3. Which country is St. David the patron of ?
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
4. What is Stonehenge?
A. a royal castle
B. a prehistoric monument
C. a historic document
5. Where is Hadrian's Wall?
A. in London
B. in Edinburgh
C. on the English-Scottish border
6. Which of these place names is of partly Roman origin?
A. Birmingham
B. Leeds
C. Manchester
7. Where in England is Birmingham?
A. the midlands
B. the north
C. the south
8. Which of the following cities is not in England?
A. Cardiff
B. Leeds
C. Newcastle
9. What is the British national anthem?
A. God Save the Queen
B. Land of Hope and Glory
C. Rule Britannia
10. What kind of cooking is involved in traditional national dishes in Britain?
A. boiling
B. frying
C. roasting
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
11. Where does the British parliament meet?
A. Downing Street
B. Buckingham Palace
C. the Palace of Westminster
12. Which of the following is not a royal residence?
A. Buckingham Palace
B. the Palace of Westminster
C. Windsor Castle
13. Who presently has the title  Prince of Wales ?
A. Prince Charles
B. Prince Philip
C. Prince William
14. What is Heathrow?
A. a London airport
B. a London street
C. a London train station
15. Near which town does the English end of the channel tunnel start?
A. Canterbury
B. Dover
C. Folkestone
Zadanie 4. Przekształć zdania, wykorzystując podane elementy. (0-6 punktów)
1. I can see nice pictures on the wall.
There & ..................................................................................
2. I'm sure they are Australian.
They must...............................................................................
3. Robert's handwriting is neater than John's.
John's handwriting isn't as & ..................................................
4. They cleaned my skirt yesterday.
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
My skirt & ...............................................................................
5.  Wash the dishes , my mother said.
My mother told me...................................................................
6. Why don't we play cards?
How about.................................................................................
Zadanie 5. Uzupełnij podane zdania odpowiednim słowem lub wyrażeniem wpisując
odpowiednio A, B lub C. (0-6 punktów)
1. What did you ____________your mother for her birthday?
A. purchase B. buy C. acquire
2. Why do we ________________so much money on food?
A. spend B. buy C. sell
3. I'll ______________you a pound to wash my car.
A. spend B. charge C. pay
4. Did you______________ the shoes in the shop before you bought them?
A. put on B. wear C. try on
5. Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes please. I'm _______________the menswear department
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
A. looking for B. wanting C. hunting for
6. If the trousers are too small you can take them back and ___________them for a larger pair.
A. sell back B. exchange C. replace
Zadanie 6. W poniższych słowach zostały wymieszane litery. Odgadnij te słowa i wstaw
w odpowiednie luki w zdaniach (0-16 punktów  2 punkty za jedną poprawną odpowiedz)
eptecx dseirpapa vase doaiv slaccials dahryl ilafde viserign
1. The coastguards ______________peple's lives at sea.
2. Not everyone understands ______________music.
3. I_______________our guests from America to arrive soon.
4. In the show, the magician waves his magic wand and the birds simply ___________!
5. Cats usually ______________water, but when they have to, they can swim very well.
6. There is____________ any light in here.
7. He got a good grade in his maths, but____________his English exam.
8. I'm _____________for my history test tomorrow.
Zadanie 7. Uzupełnij luki czasownikami z ramki we właściwej formie. Możesz ich użyć więcej
niż raz. (0-15 )
have be know quarrel suspect make steal jump take stop raise keep
They (1)____________their five o'clock tea so peacefully, (2) ____________they? But it
(3)____________ that way all their lives.When they (4) _____________a bit younger, they used to
(5)___________________about their chickens. They both (6)_______________white chickens in
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
their black gardens, but neither of them (7)_________________how many he__________ (8). They
(9)_____________each other of (10)______________the birds. So they both (11)______________
guard at night, and any unusual noise used to (12)______________them (13)_______________up
with a wild scream and a stream of bad language. The  cold war between them
(14)____________only after a fox (15) _______________all the poor chickens
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Konkursy w województwie podkarpackim w roku szkolnym 2011/2012
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