The Creation Vibration

The Creation Vibration
James Traverse
The Creation Combination
as the Creation Power of
Love Consciousness
The Creation Vibration
The Seven Principles of Love Consciousness
by James Traverse
Brought to you by: Rani
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The Creation Vibration is from Mind Power - The Way of Water. Mind Power - The
Way of Water shows you HOW your conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs-
feelings couple with their Sexual Partner to form One Integrated Reality and WHY
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Choice other than to Happily Give You What You Want! Click here for Details
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Reality has Substance and Structure.
What You Get is What You See.
Your role as co-creator is to first understand that the substance and structure of
matter is energy-in-formation as described by modern quantum scientists. Your
understanding of Truth is what governs your energies  and this understanding,
whatever it is, is your belief. Your beliefs are energy-in-formation that is in-formed
by that which repetitively has had an emotional impact on you. In their turn your
beliefs in-form energy into the formation of whatever you believe to be true. When
you modify your beliefs whereby their emotional energies reach a critical mass
you cause a chain reaction that changes your reality; modify them to be
harmoniously aligned with the inherent structure of the Seven Principles of Truth-
Love and your co-creation is effortless.
Satyam Shivam Sundaram
May your life be filled with:
" That which is True
" That which is Good
" That which is Beautiful
The Creation Vibration
The Seven Principles of Love Consciousness
1) Love has and is Being Being
2) Love has and is infinitely branching pairs of Intelligent Energy
3) Love has and is fourfold wave relationship
4) Love has and is sexual inter-course
5) Love has and is holographic replication
6) Love has and is standing wave reproduction
7) Love has and is Apperception
8) Love has and is Relaxation octaves of the seven principles together
Choose Wisely by Seeing Clearly
just as a thing has, it is
just as a thing is, it has
You Have the Power to Choose
Once you choose  You have no choice
You are the Miracle of Life
Relationship is the Substance of Life. The Relationship of the
Male and the Female Creates the Miracle of Life.
1) Love has and is Being Being
Love is the Eternal Beingness of the Infinite Being.
Love is the OneSubstance of every-thing and no-thing.
Love is more a current of action than an object yet to speak of it you objectify it by giving
it a name. The process of objectification is the concretizing of Love as an entity. And,
since all is Love, this is the action of Love such that the entity created, the creation, and,
the creator is Love. In this manner Love simultaneously is Being that is Being.
Speaking of Love is like speaking of Silence by saying that Silence is beyond words,
where words are used to objectify Silence and to describe the action of being it as being
silent. In the same manner the word being as it is used above is the pair language
labels as:
noun and verb
Being Being is an example of the essential attribute of Love that is described in principle
#2. As you explore take note that the complimentary pairs are of two forms or a pair.
One pair is the reverse or opposite of each other like order and disorder. The other pair
is the inverse of the other; as all things are in Love and Love is in all things, as waves
are in the ocean and the ocean is in the waves, as matter within space and space within
matter, as order within disorder and disorder within order, and so on.
2) Love has and is Branching Pairs of Intelligent Energy
Love is all  all is Love. Matter is in-formed energy. Space is un-formed energy.
Love has a structure  it is infinitely branching pairs of intelligent energy.
Love is energy. Love has energy.
Cosmos means order. Chaos means disorder. Matter is ordered energy or structured
energy. Space is energy that is not in a particular order. The formation of both matter
and space is determined by the inter-relationship of these branches of energy.
Each has some of the other in it.
Scientists who study chaos say that on very very large scales even chaos has order.
These scientists say that Chaos theory is really a science about finding organization in
seemingly complex systems. It serves to find order in disorder.
It is self-evident that order has some disorder as death is seen in the fact that
everything eventually breaks down through disease or disorder.
Love is Intelligent. Love has intelligence.
Intelligent means having intelligence. Intelligence means the capacity to acquire and
apply knowledge and information. And the root meaning of intelligence is: intelligere
to perceive: inter-, inter- + legere, to choose
Love is Intelligent Energy that is the OneSubstance of matter and space.
Love is the whole composed of the inter-relationship of energy and intelligence. The
intelligence of Love is the awareness that without some way to appreciate itself Love
has no meaning. Thus Love s intelligence expresses itself through and as infinitely
branching pairs. And, Love s expression is energy.
Albert Einstein irrevocably proved that matter and energy are extreme forms of the
same thing. He described their relationship with his famous equation E = mc2 (note
that the equals sign in equations literally means the same as).
Einstein s experiments and discoveries enlightened us to the extent that today you can
perform some simple experiments to see for yourself that matter is simply energy
entrapped in a certain formation  matter is structured energy.
" Note: The following is not a theory; it is a scientific law as the law of
conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
While energy can be changed from one form into another form of energy, the
total amount of energy in the universe remains constant. Scientists in all fields,
including astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science use this law
every day: The total amount of energy remains constant no matter what changes
happen in any physical system.
Experiment 1) light a candle
" Note that as the matter of the candle burns it releases energy as heat and light
(this process is supported by the oxygen of the earth s atmosphere). When the
candle has completely burned you no longer have the particular matter called a
candle because its energy has been released from that energy structure.
Experiment 2) plant an acorn seed in the ground; (plant the seed of an idea in your
mind, or sprout some seeds)
" Note that the in-formation of the acorn s DNA will order the elements of the sun-
fire, earth, air, and water into the structured energy formation called an oak tree.
Just as the DNA of the acorn in-forms energy into the structure called an oak tree your
DNA orders energy into the orderly (intelligent) formation called you. Thus you, me, and
everything else have and are the physical forms of energy that is the expression of
Love. And since Love is also intelligent - you are intelligent and you have intelligence.
Every invention starts out as an idea in someone s mind. Every innovation and creation
is based on someone s vision. Thus the profound meaning of intelligence is: to
perceive. In principle #7 you will see that awareness is the instrument that facilitates
the change of energy from one form into another form of energy.
Love is space and Love has matter. Love is matter and Love has space.
In the same manner that the substance of wave and ocean is water such that water
expresses itself as wave-centre and ocean-extreme - the substance of Love is
intelligent energy that expresses itself as matter-centre and space-openness.
The materialization of energy is the process of wave coherence where the interference
of the extremes of a self-referring wave harmoniously interferes with itself to form that
which appears to be solid, concretized energy (the solidity is a delusion of sensing - like
watching the still pictures of a movie film presented so quickly that they appear as
movement  moving pictures). When matter is viewed under higher and higher levels of
magnification, it is clear that what is called matter and space is only differentiated by the
fact that energy is either in-formed as matter or un-formed as space such that the
difference is order and the absence of order  they are the same substance.
What is called matter is sustained as matter for as long as the energy flow that is its
essence is maintained. In other words the wave coherence will eventually break down
as the energy that sustains the matter is released into what is called space. The rate of
this deterioration is dependent on how alive the matter is  its rate of vibration and
harmonization with the vibration of Intelligent Energy - Love. Vibrant matter is full of life
such that the waveflow of energy is unrestricted. If/when the waveflow is restricted or
interrupted through some intervention (like excess stress, a disease, or a car accident
that kills a person) then there is what is called disorder or death. Thus death is seen as
the release of energy entrapped in a certain formation and there is never a time when
energy is not energy. And, a person or thing that is fully alive is one that is in Love -
one that is no longer alive is still in Love yet the energy expression is un-formed.
You have been educated to believe that all things came from somewhere like a Big
Bang that was the original cause, or that some Infinite-Eternal Being called God created
things, and to ask questions like,  Scientists say that the universe is all there is and that
it is expanding  if the universe is all there is, then what is it expanding into?
When this is seen in the light of intelligent perceiving, it is obvious that nothing is
separate. There is no separate entity called God or creator other than Love, and
the Big Bang is simply the orderly inter-relationship of extremes that forms what is
called the universe (prior to this the order was present as the extreme called pure
potential). The universe is not expanding-contracting into anything other than Love
because the universe itself is the expanding-contracting formation created through the
inter-relationship of the extremes of Love. The Uni-Verse is Love s breathing current.
Love is the intelligent energy of form-cosmos and emptiness-chaos. Space is un-
formed-energy and matter is energy-in-formation. Matter and space exist
simultaneously  both are energy. Just as a line or border that appears to separate and
divide things is also that which the things have in common (it joins them), space that is
said to separate things is also the energy link between them.
Together, the inter-relationship of extremes is the OneSubstance. One extreme is the
infinite. This is the realm of pure spirit that is the ubiquitous field of infinite possibilities 
just as the ocean is to a wave, the energy extreme of pure spirit surrounds and supports
all that manifests. Another name for the field of pure spirit is chaos where Infinite
Intelligent Energy is pure potential and not in the orderly, cosmic formation called
matter. The other extreme is the definite. The definite is structured energy, ordered
energy, or energy-in-formation.
The inter-dependent extremes of Love exist simultaneously. They appear as separate
when attention is focused on one or the other. When attention is relaxed there is no
separation or non-separation because without the focused awareness of attention there
is no labeling as separate or non-separate  there is simply being.
The inter-relationship of extremes is the living process that creates all that is seen, and
the extreme relationship that can be called the absence of relationship is the unseen
(note that labeling this as absence or unseen is your awareness relationship with it that
gives it meaning)  the branching pairs have many labels like manifest and not
manifest, being and non-being, higher self and lower self, pairs of opposites, duality,
etc., that appear as separate when awareness is focused on one branch or the other,
yet ultimate reality is that they are the NumberlessOne as Love s Intelligent Energy.
The relationship of cosmos-order and chaos-disorder is the energy relationship that is
the OneSubstance of matter and space, nature and spirit.
Form is Being and Being has Awareness
The fact that you are being and that you have awareness is self-evident. And as stated
earlier you are energy that is in-formed by your DNA (information or data). Thus
intelligence, which means to perceive or to be aware, is the awareness that Love has
and is infinitely branching pairs of Intelligent Energy.
All other principles relate to this principle because Love is the OneSubstance of
everything and no-thing. Love is present in each of the seven principles and it also links
them as the next higher or lower principle to form octaves (like the octaves in music that
repeats the note  do as the link between the next higher or lower octave).
One branches as two and those branches branch. Its extremes appear as separate
when attention is focused on one extreme or the other. This branching is Love that has
and is infinitely branching pairs. Thus the observation of each extreme of a branch
of Intelligent Energy reveals that each extreme also has and is branching pairs
because each is Love, and each has and is this essential attribute.
The wisdom traditions of all of humanity speak of an original ancient couple as Adam-
Eve, Shiva-Shakti, Yin-Yang, Male-Female, etc.; modern science speaks of couples of
subatomic particles, cooper pairs, quantum theory and relativity, etc. And although there
is much speculation about ultimate singularities as what scientists call the Big Bang or
the current quest for a Theory of Everything, the most brilliant minds of ancient and
modern times have never been able to conclusively prove that there is such a
singularity as these  they are theories.
Yet when this enormous body of evidence for twos is seen as it is, then the
resolution of attempting to reduce the twos into some ultimate singularity is seen as
unnecessary because it reveals that infinitely branching as pairs is simply the spirit-
nature of the ultimate singularity that already is  Love.
In other words a couple is seen as being composed of separate parts when viewed
through the lens of the reductionist mindset that is questing to discover an ultimate
singularity by observing smaller and smaller fragments. And although such a mind may
be brilliant its myopic view fails to see the elusive obvious fact that all couples are
singularly whole as a couple.
Oneness has no opposite and yet all opposites are One.
Thus twoness is the essential spirit-nature of Oneness and yet the presence of
Oneness can only be perceived through the absence of the reductionist mindset that is
attempting to see Oneness  this simply means that the conscious mind relaxes such
that its absolute silence is the environment of absolute presence. And this absence and
presence is yet another example of the essential spirit-nature of Love. Love is the
ultimate singularity that has and is infinitely branching pairs of Intelligent Energy.
The Omkar to the left is believed to be the first
ever drawing of Om.
It reveals that ancient sages clearly understood
the essential branching spirit-nature of Love
that is currently whole as the present branch,
and simultaneously whole as the infinite-eternal
current of eternal-infinite branching.
In other words Love is absolute as the current
unfolding called now rather than an unfolding
that is coming out of something other.
Thus Love has and is the essential attribute of
branching as pairs that is simultaneously the
eternal stillness called now and the infinite
movement of its unfolding.
Note: 1) the branching, and 2) the river like current depicted at the bottom of the Omkar.
Modern DNA scientists have meticulously
documented this same branching as the
process of DNA branching and replication.
These scientists call DNA the molecule of Life.
DNA has and is this branching. In other words
the process of DNA replication is not just that it
branches, it also recombines as the inter-
course relationship of its opposing strands and
base pairs to create the new-now. Thus DNA
has and is Life as it simultaneously is the living
process of the branching-replicating-
recombining current of Life, and it is current
Other medical scientists have extensively
documented the process of human reproduction such that you clearly understand how
new life is created as complimentary opposites of the same species contribute genetic
information through their inter-course.
In the same manner Love has and is the infinite branching of complimentary pairs.
Love is the living process of creation that is the current replication as the inter-course
relationship of the current pair of Intelligent Energy, and it is simultaneously infinite-
eternal creation as the process of infinite-eternal
reproduction through the inter-course relationship of
current replicas of Love.
Love has and is replication and reproduction.
It is highly significant to see that the living processes
of replication and reproduction are also the models of
Life that reveal the Miracle of Life.
The Relationship Mirror of Love
Love is the Substance of Relationship.
Relationship is the Substance of Love.
Love s infinitely branching pairs of Intelligent Energy have the spirit-nature of Love, and
since they are Love, they reveal the spirit-nature of Love.
Everything in the uni-verse has two recursive, self-similar attributes, spirit and nature,
the male and the female, centre and openness, cosmos and chaos, the simple and the
complex. These are the interdependent extremes of One integrated reality. Each gives
meaning to the other, and each has some of the other in it. Together, their coherent
living relationship is the OneSubstance of everything.
Love has and is Intelligent Energy that branches as the branching pair called matter-
centre and space-openness that also has and is branching. When this pair is explored
in the pair of directions called smaller and larger with still another pair of opposites
called microscopes and telescopes, it is clear that in both directions they are each
composed of pairs of opposites until the exploration reaches the level of the infinitely
small and infinitely large where current instrumentation is unable to determine their
structure. Yet it is self-evident that the extremes of infinitely small and infinitely large are
consistent with the fact that Love branches as pairs because they are a pair.
This exploration again demonstrates the tremendous significance of understanding that
intelligence means: to perceive or to be aware. The significance of this profound truth
cannot be overstated because form is being and being has awareness (as illustrated
Perceiving that Love has and is OneSubstance as the branching pair called every-thing
and no-thing, that also has and is branching, is the resolution to the  One and the Many
(duality) paradox of many wisdom traditions. It reveals that Love s Intelligent Energy
branching as pairs of opposites is seen as the essential attribute of the NumberlessOne,
thus the paradox is resolved because the apperception of this also accounts for the pair
of opposites called singularity and multiplicity. And further perceiving that this branching
as pairs where each extreme has and is branching, is the intelligence that gives
meaning to Oneness.
An obvious example of branching pairs is your relationship with yourself as mind and
body, thinking and feeling, waking and sleeping, hungry and full, inhalation and
exhalation, conscious mind and subconscious mind, etc.  you are a living process.
You are unthinkable.
You can never fully know what you are; you can only know that you are.
Since there is nothing other than Love you can never fully know what you are because
you are Love and as such you are being and you have awareness. Thus you can never
separate yourself from the being and awareness that you have and are because you
are it  you are living it. Yet you can self-actualize by relaxing all attempts to know
yourself and simply allow yourself to be what you already are.
Love is no-thing and every-thing. As you are reading this you are Love relating to itself
like looking in a mirror. The mirror is living relationship. The inter-course of the living
extremes of relationship create the timeless experience called now that is definite as the
current moment, and it is an infinite branching current that unfolds as Love s infinite
branches branch.
Separately each extreme of Love s branching is equally real and unreal because each is
Love and each has and is the inherent attribute of branching as pairs of Intelligent
Energy that Love has and is. Together their inter-relationship is the Infinite-Eternal
Being of Love that is the whole that includes and transcends its parts. The Infinite-
Eternal Being of Love has and is the essential spirit-nature attribute of definitely and
infinitely branching as pairs. Love is the OneSubstance that is simultaneously its
absolute presence and its absolute absence.
The apperception of this is such that there is no longer any attempt to achieve a state of
Oneness because what is seen is that the Substance of Oneness is Relationship that is
the mirror of itself. Thus Love is the Substance of Relationship and Relationship is the
Substance of Love.
Omnipresent examples of this branching structure:
The human body has a central trunk with branching branches; it branches down as
tailbone, legs, feet, and toes; it branches up and out as spinal column, ribs, arms,
hands, fingers; its nervous, circulatory, respiratory, its systems, etc. each have the
same branching structure; human beings branch as female and male, the human
organism s breathing branches, it has branching cellular activity, and its birth and
death are still other examples of living branching structure.
The branching of trees, flowers, leaves, rivers, streams, rivers of lava, veins of ore,
branches of families, businesses, branches of science-art, time, spiral branching
arms of galaxies-hurricanes-tornadoes, the binary structure of information technology
and the Internet, etc., are examples of the branching structure.
And perhaps the most obvious and most significant example of this branching
structure is the structure of the pure energy of lightening or arcing electricity.
3) Love has and is fourfold wave relationship
The inter-dependent extremes of a branch of Love exist simultaneously. Each gives
meaning to the other. Each is complete as Love as each has and is infinitely branching
pairs of Intelligent Energy. And as Love each has and is the particular branching pair of
replication and reproduction. Each is a replica of Love, and each has the ability to
reproduce and create that Love has and is.
The process of replication and reproduction is fourfold.
The illustrations above depict the fact that the processes of replication and reproduction
have the same structure. The difference is that replication is a duplication process that
creates replicas of that which already exists and reproduction creates that which is new.
For example in human beings replication uses DNA in-formation from the same source
and reproduction uses DNA in-formation from two different sources.
The substance of the living processes of Replication and Reproduction is Relationship.
And since all is Love it is a self-referring living (branching) relationship that has and is
the essential attribute of Love, which is infinitely branching pairs of Intelligent Energy.
These generations of infinitely branching pairs of pairs of Intelligent Energy are
complimentary pairs that are the reverse of each other and the inverse of each other.
The current generation may be listed as: Male and Matter and Female and Space
that has fourfold relationship possibilities as:
1. One extreme may be current
2. The extremes may be in equilibrium - centre
3. The other extreme may be current
4. The extremes may be in chaos - openness
The living structure of these two twos relationship possibilities is a fourfold wave
process. Some obvious examples of these are:
" Human Breathing that is the relationship of respiration and circulation where
respiration is a fourfold wave as: inspiration, pause, expiration, pause and
circulation is a fourfold wave as: heart-pump, pause, heart-pump, pause.
" Medical scientists have clearly documented four categories of human brain
waves that they list as: alpha, beta, delta, and theta waves.
" The relationship of electricity and magnetism with their positive-negative poles
and north-south poles to form the electromagnetic current that is the substance
of all in-formation technology.
" The wave cycle of the four parts of daytime, twilight, night, and dawn that reflect
the four seasons of a year and the two high and two low tides that occur each
day. These smaller cycles reflect the larger wave cycles and spirals of the earth s
rotation on its axis, its orbit around the sun that simultaneously is rotating and
orbiting the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy that has two spiral arms and is
cycling within the uni-verse.
" Fourfold beats and rhythms in music and dance. Four singing voices, quatrains
of poetry and sacred scriptures, four forces of physics, addition-subtraction-
multiplication-division, the four elements of nature: earth, air, water and fire, and
quatrains of language like this-that-these-those to describe all these fours.
" Waves.
The infinitely branching-branching pair of Love is motion (energy in motion, e-motion,
emotion). Motion is the manner in which Love moves, and since it is the branching of
Love, motion has the essential spirit-nature attribute of Love.
The primary branching pair of motion is movement and stillness. As stated above this is
clearly seen in respiration s movement as inspiration and expiration and its stillness-
pauses. It also reveals the self-referring spirit-nature of the wave motion, and how the
complimentary extremes of Intelligent Energy are the reverse of each other.
4) Love has and is sexual inter-course
Your life has and is the inter-course Living Relationship of your body-mind.
This principle follows from ones that have already been stated. Note that this is the
central principle of the group of seven and also that sexual is the central attribute of
Love. In most of life Love branches through the reproduction and evolution of the
species and in human beings sexual relationship is much more complex.
The word sexual as it is used here means sexual in the comprehensive sense of the
word as the substance of every-thing and no-thing is the sexual inter-course of Love s
replication and reproduction.
You, the six billion people of the planet, every being that has ever lived, every plant,
every animal, every invention, etc.  everything that is, has been, and everything that
ever will be is the Sexual Living Relationship of extremes (inter-acting branches).
This intercourse is obvious in the process of human, plant, and animal reproduction. It is
clear in DNA replication as the four base pairs couple in pairs of two, and each one only
with its mate to form the rungs of the double helix ladder of DNA molecule of Life. It is
seen in all of chemistry as atoms mate with each other to form compounds; it is seen in
physics which literally is defined as the science of matter and energy and of interactions
between the two; it is seen in the coupling of the positive and the negative to form
electricity; it is seen in north and south poles to form magnetism, and, the coupling of
electricity and magnetism to form electromagnetism; it is seen in the binary zeros and
ones of all in-formation technology like computers and the inter-net; it is seen in all
things that are composed of weaving, braiding, or combining opposing strands together
to create something new; it is also seen in the formation of hurricanes, tornados, and on
grander scales in the coupling of spiral arms of galaxies like our Milky Way.
This is the substance and structure of what is happening right now as you are
reading this. Without you as seeing-perceiving how could any of this be? The inter-
course of the white and black colours of this page, the inter-course of the words and
what they mean to you, and the inter-course of objects, movements, and sounds with
their respective backgrounds, and so on; each is the sexual inter-course of the male
and the female that together is the living child of whatever is experienced  now.
Thus sexual is the central attribute of the living Relationship of complimentary extremes
of each branch of Love that creates, sustains, and is the child that is new-now. And like
Love and couples, Seeing is the whole that includes and transcends its parts.
You simultaneously live in an inner and outer world.
The OneSubstance of the NumberlessOne is the Living Relationship.
Love has and is sexual inter-course. Love s sexual wave structure is like a socket
and plug. It is simultaneously current as the current moment and it is the
unfolding current of its Being. The formation and flow of this current is the
marriage of the female and the male extremes that is the Miracle of Oneness.
5) Love has and is holographic replication
A hologram is an inter-dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a
hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam.
Then a second laser beam (or the one is split) is bounced off the reflected light of the
first and the resulting interference pattern, the relationship inter-course, (the area where
the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film. Note that a laser beam is
necessary to create a hologram because the laser s light is coherent light.
The hologram demonstrates that when you attempt to take apart and examine
something that has a holographic structure, you discover smaller and larger wholes of
the same thing that differ only in size. Every piece of a hologram, however small, is an
exact replica of the whole, and like the human DNA molecule it can be used to
reconstruct the whole.
Other examples of this holographic replication are time where a second is embedded in
all other measures of time such that all of time can be represented as some value of
seconds. And waves and holes as there cannot be half of a wave or a hole, there can
only be smaller and larger waves and holes.
6) Love has and is standing wave reproduction
Standing Wave:
Standing waves are produced whenever two waves of identical frequency
interfere with one another while traveling in opposite directions along the same
When two light waves pass through each other each wave acts like a bump to the other.
And the result is like rapids of light. The standing wave patterns are stationary even
though the light wave s energy continues to move. When waves meet they perform
addition and subtraction.
When two waves of equal size meet at their high points (called crests), they add
together to make a wave twice as high at that point. Conversely, where two waves of
equal size meet at their low points (call troughs) they add together to become twice as
low. And when one wave at its high point meets another wave at its low point they
subtract and cancel out. And yet it isn't really cancelled out in the sense of being
destroyed. It is more a case of there being no light at that spot. When you follow the
wave path down to where it meets the other wave at a different point in the relationship,
it is once again visible. It is a situation of infinite possibilities. Just like the patterns
possible as the waves of two pebbles meet in a pond. At any point you may notice that
the standing wave pattern has produced a place where the waves have added together
to get higher or subtracted to become lower or even just gone flat. There are terms that
are used to describe the possible encounters. When the waves add together and get
higher it is called constructive interference and when the waves subtract or cancel
altogether it is called destructive interference.
The differentiation between holograms and standing waves is that holograms are
created by two waves that refer to the same thing, and standing waves are created by
two waves of two complimentary things. Thus holograms are a replication process and
standing waves are a reproduction process.
The symbols above clearly illustrate that ancient sages understood the inter-course
relationship of things. At the top left is the Sri Yantra; the image to its right illustrates its
inter-woven triangles. The images directly above are versions of the Star of David.
Principles #3, #5, and #6 each depict the wave structure of Love and together with
principle #4 they reveal that the inter-course of the infinitely branching pairs of Love are
waves of sexual replication and reproduction.
Some examples of standing waves are the creation process of human reproduction, the
waves produced in musical wind instruments, singing, trees (note that trees branch
down as roots and up as trunk and branches, and that trees reproduce sexually through
the male-female inter-course of flowers, fruits, and seeds), the science of Tantra Yoga
that literally means cosmic weave, and the infinity symbol.
7) Love has and is Apperception
Apperception is the complete awareness that is the inter-course inter-relationship of
Love s branch called attention and intention. It rests in its transcendental homeground of
Love as opposed to identifying itself as either the localized observer (the ego) or the
observed, which are the fragments that make it up.
1. Conscious perception with full awareness.
2. The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an object are
related to past experience.
" Apperception is the mind's perception of itself as the subject or actor in its
own states; perception that reflects upon itself; sometimes, intensified or
energetic perception.
Awareness is self-evident yet you are not always consciously aware.
The replication process of awareness is seen that when attention is always
qualitatively the same, you will always summon the same quality of in-formation (data).
In other words this proves the cliché of:  Do what you have always done and you ll
get what you have always gotten. And the following famous quotes highlight the
necessity of full awareness:
 What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.
~ Abraham H. Maslow
 To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself
~ Henri Louis Bergson
 If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
~ Lao Tzu
 Change alone is unchanging .
~ Heraclitus
Attention is how you do what you do. Attention is the replication process of
awareness that is helpful for duplicating steps that are beneficial to your life s journey,
and yet by itself it is only one extreme of awareness. Thus awareness itself reveals that
Love is more than simply replicating a series of steps. In this light you embrace the
creation of that which is new through the reproduction process of awareness called
Intention is why you do what you do. For example when you have a goal of creating
something new - you align with the seven principles listed here and order energy into
the particular formation of whatever it is that you have envisioned. And since this
process requires energy it is essential that you choose a goal that you are passionate
about because that is the only means that will provide the source energy that you will in-
form to create the result that you want to achieve.
This brings us to yet another cliché:  The road to hell is paved with good
Once again awareness reveals that intention is only one extreme of awareness and the
fact that Love is more than simply the process of reproduction. Thus awareness, like
Love, has and is branching pairs that together are the whole that is greater than the
sum of its parts.
Apperception is complete awareness that branches as Attention and Intention.
Apperception is the awareness that facilitates harmonious change.
The awareness of attention is how you do what you do.
The awareness of intention is why you do what you do.
The journey is the means and the end.
Intention is the process of setting a goal that you are passionate about.
Attention is the current step that you take to achieve your goal.
The whole includes and transcends its parts.
Apperception is the complete awareness that is the whole that is greater than the sum
of its parts, and awareness is the instrument that facilitates harmonious change.
In this light it is clear that this applies to each extreme of each branch of each of the
seven principles of Love. This means that the journey of your exploration of each of
these seven principles is the journey within the journey, of exploring each extreme of
each branch of Love through the replication process of attention. These journeys have
the destination of your intention, which here is to create full awareness of the spirit and
nature of Love. And you see that together attention and intention is the awareness of
the journey within the journey such that the journey is the means and the end.
Awareness is the instrument that facilitates the change of energy from one form
into another form of energy because energy follows your awareness. Thus you
order energy with your attention and intention (as you have been doing all of your life).
And as explained in principle #2 things are composed of energy and information, or
energy-in-formation, the information that you provide through your awareness is
what commands energy to be ordered in the particular formation that you hold in
your awareness.
The Relaxation of a Silent mind is the ultimate means for achieving your goals.
Relationship: The pair of your brain and your mind has and are the branches depicted
in the illustrations above. The fourfold current of the relationship of the extremes of each
branch is such that one extreme or the other may be prevailing, they may be in
equilibrium, or they may be in chaos.
Your brain-mind s verbal left hemisphere and visual right hemisphere are together in
what scientists call the your emotional mid-brain. The fourth area of your brain-mind is
called the reptilian brain or the brain stem that functions as part of your natural survival
mechanism (self-preservation like reacting to the danger signal of a loud noise).
The relationship of these extremes is like the relationship of a wave and the ocean such
that the wave is in the ocean and the ocean is in the wave, and, the substance of both is
water. In this case the software of the brain and the mind is thinking-feeling and feeling-
thinking. Examples of this are easily recognized as the intellectual masculine thinking-
feeling of the left hemisphere of your brain; the intuitive female feeling-thinking of the
right hemisphere of your brain; the conventional thinking of your conscious mind; the
insight, intuition, feeling, or dreaming of your subconscious mind; and the confusion or
Silence that is possible with either or both your brain and your mind.
Please try the following Experiment:
Allow your conscious mind to fall Silent and note:
" You haven t lost your mind  it is simply Silent.
" You maintain consciousness, yet it is a consciousness that is of your
other-than-conscious mind (I call this your subconscious mind).
" At some point your conscious mind will become active again.
Each of the possibilities in the experiment above play out in the journey of your life and
yet experience reveals that the Silence of your conscious mind is the environment
where your awareness is optimized (consciousness expands), and that intelligent
actions comes from this clarity in seeing. Thus it is wise to embrace each challenge and
opportunity of your life with a Silent mind such that you see clearly - then intelligent,
harmonious action unfolds naturally.
The apperception of these profound truths facilitates the relaxation of your brain
and conscious mind such that they fall Silent, and, awareness is naturally
expanded to global awareness where you effortlessly see the structure and steps
required to harmoniously achieve whatever you have envisioned.
In a certain way it can be said that the ultimate reason for embracing the journey of
being fully conscious of the spirit and nature (structure and way) of Love is to be able to
forget about it. Yet this forgetting is not a defeat, rather it is the victory of enlightenment
that occurs when the burden of wanting to know what life is really all about falls away.
Simultaneously, there is the discovery that the energy that was expended in
struggling with life, and endlessly seeking answers is now available to be
consciously in-formed and aligned with these seven principles of Love to create
whatever you choose. Thus there is a returning to childlike innocence with the wisdom
and maturity of adult experience, or as T.S. Eliot says:
 We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. ~ T. S. Eliot, Little Gidding
This returning is simply one extreme of the branch of Love s journeying that is the
reverse of the other extreme called leaving. It is facilitated by Relaxation as outlined in
the next section. The current of journeying outward and returning to the beginning is the
living process of understanding and applying these seven principles as you see that
they are simultaneously what you are and what you have. The journey and return forms
octaves composed of the current of these seven living principles (they are linked - like
days-weeks that follow each other) as you explore the infinite-eternal current of Love.
Life is Relationship - Relationship is a Process. Just as breathing is a process that is
composed of respiration and circulation (inspiration-expiration, etc.), Life is a Process
that is composed of the Relationship of the two hemispheres of your brain, and the
Relationship of your conscious and subconscious minds. You, me, others, and
everything else are Together in Relationship (this is true even if you say that you are
divided because whatever divides is also what you have in common  thus it also joins).
The Creation Vibration is from Mind Power - The Way of Water. Mind Power - The
Way of Water shows you HOW your conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs-
feelings couple with their Sexual Partner to form One Integrated Reality and WHY
harmoniously aligning your energies with the Laws of Living UniVerse is the means
whereby you Create the Life You Want with Certainty! In fact you give the UniVerse No
Choice other than to Happily Give You What You Want! Click here for Details.
8) Love has and is Relaxation octaves of the seven principles together
A sound body facilitates a sound mind. A sound mind facilitates a sound body.
The sound that facilitates this is the sound of Silence.
When your body is collapsed there is the stress of compromised space such that your
bodymind s circulation, respiration and energy flow is restricted. When your body is over
stressed there is the compromise of excess tension that causes similar restrictions to
circulation, respiration and energy. When your body is stretched and toned such that
your circulation, respiration and energy are stimulated without straining there is a
relaxed tension that is called robust health. In other words a sound body is one that is in
accord with current of the wave flow of Love s infinite-eternal branching.
When your conscious mind is actively engaged in worry and anxiety there is the mental
noise of compromised space such that your bodymind s circulation, respiration and
energy flow is restricted. When your conscious mind is over stimulated through extreme
activity, there is the compromise of excess tension that causes similar restrictions to
circulation, respiration and energy flow. When your conscious mind is in accord with the
current of the wave flow of Love s infinite-eternal branching it may still be active, yet its
activity has no discord.
And when your body s accord and your mind s accord are harmoniously together as the
whole called your bodymind, then the communion and communication of your bodymind
is music, song and dance that is in accord with the dance of the uni-verse. Then you
realize the ultimate benediction that there can be no dance without a dancer and that a
dancer lives by dancing.
The dancer is the dance - The dance is the dancer
This realization is self-evident to anyone who has even been in Love because to be in
Love is to be relaxed and nurtured by the Infinite-Eternal Being of Love. In Love
there is the reality of you and your beloved, and simultaneously there is the
transcendental togetherness of each of you in Love.
There is no way to Love there is only the way of Love.
The only way to be in Love is to be open to the way of Love and the opportunities of life
such that you embrace all that you encounter. The wave flow of the One Substance of
Love is governed by this octave set of seven natural, unalterable, linked principles. The
practice of harmonizing with this current of Love is intention. The exploration of these
seven principles and applying them in your life is attention. And the union of these two is
the complete awareness of apperception such that the separation that is sustained by
the focus of your localized energy attention relaxes. Thus the localized you dissolves,
you are absorbed in the current of Love, and there is the presence of the essence of
what you are, what you have always been, and what you infinitely and eternally always
will be  that is Love.
Attain Spiritual and Material Success with Certainty
The Creation Vibration is from Mind Power - The Way of Water. Mind Power - The
Way of Water shows you HOW your conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs-
feelings couple with their Sexual Partner to form One Integrated Reality and WHY
harmoniously aligning your energies with the Laws of Living UniVerse is the means
whereby you Create the Life You Want with Certainty! In fact you give the UniVerse No
Choice other than to Happily Give You What You Want!
Click here for Details
Mind Power - The Way of Water
Click here, or anywhere on the photo of the book (next page) for Details
Your most significant relationship is the Relationship of
The Inter-course of Your Mind with its Sexual Partner
Because this is the Ultimate Cause of Your Reality!
There cannot be a Dance without a Dancer.
There cannot be a Dancer without a Dance.


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