Linux Commercial HOWTO Linux Commercial HOWTO Martin Michlmayr <>v5.36, 21 September 1998This document contains a listing of commercial software and applications which are offered for Linux. It is maintained by Martin Michlmayr <>.1. About this document2. Copyright Information3. Disclaimer4. Related Information5. Linux for the Commercial Market?5.1 Turnkey systems5.2 Large end-user customers5.3 Specialized markets5.4 Biography6. Website Development6.1 ASWedit, HTML editor6.2 Empress DataWEB6.3 EZ-EDIT6.4 LinkScan6.5 TalentSoft Web+ (WebPlus)6.6 VirtuFlex 1.16.7 Visual prolog6.8 Web Crossing6.9 ThreadTrack and WebTailor from Webthreads.7. Databases7.1 c-tree Plus7.2 Empress7.3 Essentia7.4 FairCom Server7.5 INFORMIX-SE7.6 Just Logic/SQL7.7 KE Texpress7.8 Qddb7.9 Raima Database Manager++7.10 Empress Embedded RDBMS7.11 SOLID Server7.12 Velocis Database Server7.13 Yard SQL8. Data Visualisation and CAD8.1 IDL (Interactive Data Language)8.2 Megahedron8.3 Tecplot 7.08.4 VariCAD8.5 VARKON8.6 XVScan9. Development Tools9.1 ACUCOBOL-GT9.2 Amzi! Prolog & Logic Server9.3 Basmark QuickBASIC9.4 Critical Mass CM39.5 Dynace9.6 Absoft Fortran 779.7 Finesse9.8 ISE Eiffel9.9 EiffelBench9.10 C-Forge IDE9.11 IdeaFix9.12 j-tree9.13 KAI C++9.14 Khoros Pro 2.19.15 MetaCard9.16 ObjectManual Release 3.09.17 Critical Mass Reactor9.18 Resource Standard Metrics9.19 r-tree9.20 sdoc (Source Documenter)9.21 SEDIT, S/REXX9.22 SNiFF+9.23 ST/X (Smalltalk/X)9.24 tdb (Tcl Debugger)9.25 tprof (Tcl Profiler)9.26 View Designer/X (VDX)9.27 XBasic9.28 XMove 4.0 for Linux10. Emulation10.1 Emulus10.2 Executor 210.3 Wabi 2.2 for OpenLinux11. Financial Software11.1 BB Stock Pro and BB Stock Tool11.2 TimeClock12. Libraries12.1 FontScope12.2 INTERACTER12.3 Matrix<LIB> - C++ Math Matrix Library12.4 PKWARE Data Compression Library for Linux12.5 readyBase12.6 SIMLIB IG13. Mathematics13.1 Maple V Release 4 - The Power Edition13.2 MATCOM and MATCOM MATH LIBRARY13.3 Mathematica 3.013.4 MATLAB and Simulink14. Multimedia14.1 Peter Lipa and his Journeys14.2 Lucka Vondrackova and her Journeys14.3 MpegTV Player 1.014.4 Peter Nagy and his Journeys14.5 Xaudio15. Network Servers15.1 Critical Angle X.500 Enabler15.2 DNEWS News Server15.3 Aventail Internet Policy Manager15.4 Aventail VPN15.5 WANPIPE15.6 Zeus Web Server16. Office Tools16.1 Corel WordPerfect 816.2 The American Heritage Dictionary Deluxe16.3 Applixware Office Suite for Linux16.4 D.M.S. Document Management System16.5 HotWire EasyFAX16.6 NExS, the Network Extensible Spreadsheet16.7 Axene Office16.8 Projector and Projector/Net16.9 The Virtual Office System16.10 Axene XAllWrite16.11 Axene Xclamation16.12 Axene XQuad17. Text Processing17.1 Edith Pro for X1117.2 TeraSpell 97 for Emacs18. System Administration Tools18.1 Host Factory18.2 PerfectBACKUP+18.3 Venus19. X Windows Related Products19.1 Accelerated-X Display Server19.2 BXwidgets19.3 BXwidgets/DB19.4 Laptop, Accelerated-X Display Server19.5 MaXimum cde Developer's Edition v1.019.6 Multi-headed, Accelerated-X Display Server19.7 OpenGL, Accelerated-X Display Server19.8 OSF-Certified Motif19.9 Red Hat Motif20. Other Software20.1 ABACUS 420.2 BBBS20.3 Clustor20.4 FootPrints20.5 Aladdin Ghostscript20.6 Magician20.7 journyx WebTime20.8 LanSafe20.9 LjetMgr20.10 Synchronize/CyberScheduler21. Free Software for Commercial Hardware21.1 Stallion Technologies Multiport Serial Boards t
