Solo Ad Arbitrage

By: Jeremy Kennedy
©2014 All rights reserved.
What is a solo ad?
A solo ad is simply when someone pays someone else to send out an email to
their list that promotes their product or service.
Solo ads are usually paid on a per click basis. Meaning you pay someone for a
certain amount of clicks on your link in their email to your page.
At the time of this writing, solo ads average from .30-.50 per click. You can find
solos for higher and lower. I ve seen them as low as .20 per click and as high as $1
or more per click (this is usually to a very high quality buyer list.. or for a niche
outside of IM)
So as an example to put it all into perspective, a typically transaction may look
something like:
John pays Chris to send out and email (to Chris s list) that promotes John s
squeeze page. John pays Chris .35 per click for 200 clicks to his page for a total of
So in perspective, Chris is making money simply by mailing his email list.
Solo ads in general are extremely hot and you can see why. People are flat out
making a killing by selling solos to their list. On the other side of the coin, people
are in constant need of traffic.
Solo ads are one of the best forms of traffic out there because they provide an
 on-demand source of traffic that is relatively inexpensive and highly targeted.
What is Solo Ad Arbitrage all about?
To sell solo ads, you need an email list. To make  good money with solos, you
need to be able to send a lot of clicks (traffic) in a short period of time so you
need a rather big list& or do you?
In Solo Ad Arbitrage I m going to show you a way to benefit from the cash cow of
solo ads without having a list at all. Also, you won t need all of the tools that solo
sellers have to invest in such as an autoresponder, a website, tracking tools as
well as the constant spending to build their own list.
So how is this possible? Brokering.
Very few people even know about let alone utilize one of the most powerful types
of businesses& being the middle man. Think about Walmart, Amazon or just
about any retailer.
They don t actually own the products they sell. They just facilitate the transaction
between the buyer and the seller, and the store gets a cut.
You can apply this methodology to just about anything& including solo ads. The
basic premise is that you obtain solo traffic for cheap and resell it at a higher
So for example, you can get solo ads anywhere from .35-.50 a click all day long on
a regular basis. Essentially you get buyers that pay you .50 per click for a solo. In
turn, you go to one of your solo venders and pay them .35 per click. You just
scored a .15 per click profit.
Let s do some math for a moment.
Solo ads typically sell in packs anywhere from 100-1,000 clicks at a time or more
(those are the more common sizes but it s not hard to find people buying bigger).
From the places I will show you, it s of little effort to sell 300-1000 clicks a day,
with only about 3 hours of work per day (or even less).
So let s say you sold a 300 clicker for .50 a click and paid .35 a click.
Your profit is .15 per click multiplied by 300 = $45
You just made an easy $45 for simply facilitating the deal.
Let s take it a bit further. Let s say you sold 1,000 clicks a day (not hard to do at
all). With the same math you would make $150 from those 1k clicks.
1,000 clicks isn t easy to pull off for your typical solo seller because they are
limited by the size of their list. You ve got to have a pretty big list to send 1k clicks
to a single offer within 24 hours or so, and the guys who can do it make some very
good money.
The beautiful part of Solo Ad Arbitrage is that you don t have that limitation. You
can literally sell as many clicks as you want because you can broker clicks from
multiple vendors.
So there really is no limit to the amount of money you can make in a day with
this. You can sell 3k clicks a day if you want or even more. The buyers are there,
that s not the hard part. It really all depends on how much time you want to put
into it and how much money you want to make.
Tools That You Will Need
I m going to outline the tools you will need here. All of these tools are free.
Skype  Skype is a free communication tool that allows instant messaging, voice &
video calls and conferencing. Skype is the #1 communication tool used among
solo sellers and buyers. This is a must have tool if you want to break into this
world. The majority of your solo deals will be made using Skype.
In addition, Skype is the home of dozens of solo ad  groups where members buy,
sell and swap solos. You ll be in these groups a lot. Skype is the number one tool
in your solo ad arsenal.
If you don t have Skype, download it now. If you have it but don t use it& start
getting familiar with it.
Google Calendar  Or any other calendar app& whichever you might already use.
You need a calendar so you can keep track of the ads you sell, when they are
supposed to go out, who they are for, the details and so forth.
I find Google calendar the most convenient because 1) it integrates with all of my
Google apps, and uses my existing Google login and works with my Gmail so I can
get email reminders 2) works nice on mobile and works from the cloud so you can
access from any device 3) you can share calendars, so for example if you are
outsourcing this, you and your outsourcer can be looking at the same calendar in
live time and you can update details in live time if need be.
Link Tracker  You need a simple link tracker so you can count the number of
clicks that come through to assure the clicks you sell are delivered successfully.
There are a number of them on the market but any simple link tracker will do. You
don t need anything fancy, just something to count clicks on the link.
A few good free link trackers:
" Bitly
" TinyURL
" BudURL
" PrettyLink (this is a wordpress plugin)
There are also paid link trackers out there that provide more in depth stats, but
you don t need that as a broker. If you decided someday to build your own solo
list and sell solos from that, then you would want to look into a paid tracker, but
that is beyond the scope of this report.
Solo Seller Sales Page (optional)
I ve said before that you absolutely don t have to have a website to use this
method and that is true. That being said, most solo sellers have some sort of page
or place that displays testimonials from their previous customers. This will give
you a place to show potential customers that you re clicks are good and you are
not in the business of scamming folks.
Here is an example of a solo seller page:
Nothing fancy. Mainly just a place to put customer testimonials, maybe a few
details about your service, some pricing info, and maybe a few buy buttons. Just a
single page will do, no need for a multi-page website.
You don t have to put buy buttons, most transactions will happen with you simply
providing your paypal email in a skype chat and they send you the money. You
shouldn t have people just going to your page and clicking buy before ever talking
to you so be sure to say that on the page.
The most important part is the testimonials and even if you have a blank page
with just testimonials that would work.
Some people forego an actual webpage and use something like a Warrior Forum
classified ad for this purpose.
Here s an example:
Again, nothing fancy, mainly just a place to have testimonials and some extra info.
Lastly, some people just use a profile page. We will talk more
about SafeSwaps in a bit.
Here s an example:
So I think you get the point. You just want some kind of page you can direct
people to. If nothing else, at least get a free blog on and host it
there until you can do better.
If you grabbed my oto pack for Solo Ad Arbitrage then I supply you with a HTML
template that you can use as, similar to the one you saw from Dan s example
page above.
Should you have one from day one? I would recommend it. Even if you don t have
any testimonials yet, just jot down the other stuff and when you get your first
one, put it on there. It will just make you look more professional.
The Where & How of Buying and Selling Solos
We ll get into where to find clicks to sell in a moment, but first you ll need to find
some buyers. There are literally tons of places for this and I ll show you a few&
I m going to list out the different places at the bottom of this report.
Skype Rooms
Skype groups are the hotbeds of the solo ad market. There are a bazillion solo ad
buy, sell, swap groups out there with constant, daily streams of hungry buyers.
It will be easier to show you before I go into explaining them. Below is a
screenshot from one of the solo groups I am in.
Read down through that. Notice the times. See how active it is? These rooms are
VERY active, people are buying and selling 24/7. There are hundreds (potentially
thousands) of groups like this.
I personally belong to about a dozen of them and I m here to tell you selling solos
in these groups is cake.
So a couple things you will see. First take note of the sellers. The way they
structure their post. While there is no exact standard or  rule on how to do it,
what you see above is the typical way people do it in these groups.
So let s pull one out for example:
It s fairly self explanatory but let s break it down.
Tier 1 traffic just means the subscribers are from the top countries. Let s not get
political& it s plain fact that some countries perform better than others. He s
stating 85% Tier 1, which just means that 85% of his list is from Tier 1 countries.
Here is the list of countries that are considered by Tier:
Tier 1: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, New
Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland.
Tier 2: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
Tier 3: All other counties.
Tier 1 is the most highly desired traffic among solo buyers. Anything above 75%
T1 is considered acceptable. Keep this in mind when you are finding a vendor you
plan to sell clicks from, though most will have a high ratio.
Most guys offer discounts for one reason or another. Could be a  first time buyer
discount, or a seasonal, or holiday, whatever. Either way, when you are buying
always look for and ask if they have a discount.
Remember our original math we were looking at buying clicks for .35, well this
guy will sell them for .33 which scores you more profit.
EN = Empower Network, and all the others up there are MLM and network
marketing programs as well.
A good majority of solo sellers won t mail for these types of offers because they
get so many of them. When advertising your solos, be sure you know if your
vendors will facilitate these offers or not and advertise accordingly.
Most solo sellers offer  over-delivery . Basically they promise to send you more
clicks than you actually order. 10-30% is typical. In actuality, you are getting your
clicks cheaper because you are getting more for the same price.
PM means Private Message. In other words, if you are interested in buying from
this seller, you right click on his name in the skype chat and click  Send IM which
will open a private chat between you. This is where the deal will be done.
Here s what a typical PM solo deal conversation might look like:
BUYER: Hi, I m interested in buying 300 clicks.
SELLER: Ok, I have slots open for today, Mon, and Tues.
SELLER: Can I see your squeeze page please to review it?
BUYER: Sure, it s
SELLER: Ok, looks good to me. 300 clicks will be $105 @ .35/click.
BUYER: Sounds good, I d like it to go out today.
SELLER: You can send the payment to my paypal
SELLER: Or you can visit my page and use the paypal button.
SELLER: Now just give me your swipe & link and I ll schedule your email.
BUYER: Ok, payment sent. Here is my swipe&
And that is pretty much it. Done deal. Fewfff, that was hard work for $105.
What s a swipe?
A swipe is simply a copy of the email they want you to send. It will contain their
specifics on their offer and the link to their squeeze page. Usually they will be
using a tracking link so they can track how many clicks you send.
When you pass the swipe on to YOUR vendor, you ll want to create a tracking link
with it as well so you can also track the clicks to make sure your customer is
getting the right amount of clicks they bought from you.
This is easy, just take their link, go to or one of the other trackers I
mentioned in the tools section, then paste their link in there and copy the short
link it spits out. This short link is what you want to give to your vendor.
NOTE: A lot of solo sellers use their own, generic swipes. They do this so the email
will get more clicks. When making a deal with a buyer, be sure to say that  you
reserve the right to modify the swipe as you see fit . This is pretty common and
most guys are ok with this. If not, just make sure your vendor sends the actual
swipe you were given.
Now, once you ve made the deal with a buyer, go into your Google calendar (or
whatever calendar you use) and create an event on the date they ve scheduled
with you. Also put in the details like the buyers name, their swipe, their link, your
shortened version of the link, how many clicks they bought and the paypal
transaction ID.
Do this even if they bought the clicks for the same day. I recommend you get in
this habit mainly for record keeping. That way you can always go back and see
who did what and so forth if you need to.
And of course if they scheduled for a later date, you ll now have it on your
calendar to remind you.
Dealing With Vendors
Again, I m adding all the groups and marketplaces at the bottom of this report, for
now let s move on to finding and dealing with vendors.
You can find your vendors in the same places you find your buyers. In the Skype
groups, FB groups, Warrior Forum, Safe-swaps, etc.
You have three main goals for finding vendors:
1. Price  It s obvious that you want to get clicks at the cheapest price. It s not
uncommon to find people selling clicks for .30-.35
2. Quality  Of course there will usually be a sacrifice of quality when going
cheaper, but as a broker you are selling those clicks at a higher price so
your main benefit to the end customer is providing quality clicks. That
means providing traffic that will produce higher opt-in rates (conversion
rate). When looking for vendors, make sure they have plenty of good
testimonials and that their testimonials are quoting an average conversion
rate of 60% or higher. The higher the better.
3. Reliability  You want to find vendors who can provide clicks on a regular
basis. The key here really is to hook up with multiple vendors so that you
always have someone to go to after you make a sale. One vendor may
booked up for the week so you might have to go to one of your others if
you are booking for that day or that week for example.
Now of course the question arises& should you tell your buyers and vendors that
you are brokering.
For your buyers& no, as far as they are concerned they are buying the clicks from
you. I m not saying to flat out lie or been skeezy, but if they don t ask then there is
no need to tell.
For your vendors, it s not so bad. You certainly don t  have to tell the vendor..
you are buying clicks, they are making money, but I do recommend at least having
a couple that do know.
I say this because reliability is something to look for. If you explain that you are
brokering then the conversation changes a bit. 1) You may be able to get a
discount if you can provide more customers. 2) You can have a better
conversation on arranging and streamlining booking.
If they know you are brokering for example, you may be able to arrange
something like where they share their calendar and paypal with you and you start
booking on their calendar in the manner I described above and just send them the
In their eyes it would be like them having a solo ad manager (which many do) and
you are basically bringing them more customers and profit. They could care less
that you are selling the clicks for higher, they are still making more money than
they would have.
My suggestion is the first time you buy from a vendor, don t tell them you are
brokering. Just facilitate the transaction, buy the clicks from them as a normal
buyer would and that way you can test their list to see the quality and so forth.
If they did well then you can start talking about a brokering partnership.
Solo Master Pro
SoloMasterPro is a very unique brokering service. I actually stumbled upon this
golden gym not too long ago and it can make things a heck of a lot easier for you.
This is a service specifically for click brokers. It s the only one like it. They allow
you to buy clicks from them at .35/click or less and resell them for whatever you
Their whole business model is designed exactly for people using the Solo Ad
Arbitrage method. They have everything you need to make it easy to get into click
Now, before we continue.. this is a PAID service, sort of. It s actually free, but you
are required to sell a minimum of 100 clicks per month which equals $35 in the
form of your membership fee.
You can sell 100 clicks in minutes so no worries there, and again, you don t pay
anything up front. You let your buyers pay you first.
Now, Solo Master Pro has everything. They give you a reseller control panel
where you can just go in, place your order for clicks, pay for them, and boom..
they send the clicks. Easy peasy.
They also give you your own website template where you just plug in your name
and order links to sell from and you re good to go.
Using Solo Master Pro, you don t have to go out and find individual vendors to
rely on. Just use their service to facilitate the clicks.
Of course they do have different levels of membership where you can get clicks
even cheaper and more volume, etc. But you get the idea.
I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of this service. I ve talked to the owner
and manager on a skype call and they are legit. Good people.
Now, that being said.. I also highly recommend you still go out find individual
vendors. Reason being is that you don t want to put all your eggs in one basket.
If their service went down, your shit out of luck.. so always have backups. In
addition, you can work different arrangements and provide even more clicks in
less time with multiple sources.
Build Your Own List For Free
It s nice to be a broker, but wouldn t it also be nice to have your own list as well,
in addition. And now you can build it for free, well except for your time.
This is pretty simple. Just take the profit you re making from the clicks you sell
and buy some clicks for yourself.
So if you facilitate a 300 click deal and make $60& take that $60 (or part of it) and
buy yourself 150-200 clicks toward building your own list. All you did was broker a
deal and now you can build your list and still keep some profit at the same time.
That s a win win win.
Extra Tips & Tricks
Always over-deliver  If you want to keep buyers coming back, always give them
more than what they pay for. Sure this will rely a lot on your vendor, but find
vendors that over-deliver.
Also, if your customer gets a very poor opt-in rate (less than 30%), it s probably
their squeeze page at fault, but you might consider sending them a few extra
clicks just to show that you are willing to provide good customer service and that
you will go above and beyond.
Customer service is your golden ticket  As with any business, customer service is
important. In the solo business, it is your livelihood. It s what determines if you
make or break it. There is a lot of competition in the solo world. Lots of buyers but
lots of sellers as well. Buyers can go to any number of people so the most
important thing that sets you apart is customer service.
Be friendly, be easy to work with, be fast and prompt, answer all their questions.
Get lots of vendors
You want to have plenty of people lined up to facilitate clicks on demand. If you
can position yourself to where you can sell virtually unlimited clicks on a daily
basis then there is no limit to the amount of money you can make.
Be diligent and take action
You can spend as much or as little time on this as you want. It all depends on how
much you want to make.
Get in a bunch of groups and post in them every day. Get customers and keep
them. In short, hustle your ass off especially in the beginning and you can make a
ton of money.
DO NOT let this opportunity pass you by. This is essentially free money, you just
have to put in the effort. No excuses. Now get your butt out there and kill it!
Groups & Marketplaces
Now I ll list out some skype groups and marketplaces for buying and selling solos.
This list doesn t even scrape the surface. Be sure to pick up my OTO for Solo Ad
Arbitrage to get a much bigger list.
Skype Groups
Keep in mind Skype groups have a limit of 300 people per group. Some of these
groups may fill up so if they are just keep looking for more. If you get in one, the
best thing to do is ask around in there to find more groups. There is an endless
amount of them.
" Buy & Sell Solo Ads
" The Solo Channel
" Kris Water s Solo Group
" Solo/Giveaway Market
" AdSwap Original
Facebook Groups
" Don Leadman s Solo Ads Exchange
" Calvin s Solo Ad Asylum
" High Volume Solo Ads (500+ clicks)
" Elite Solos & Adswap Group
" Solo Offers
" Solo Ad Providers
" Solo Ad Cartel
Safe Swaps is the #1 trusted website marketplace for buying and selling solo ads.
It s kind of like the Ebay of solo ads. Everyone has a profile with ratings and
testimonials. Definitely sign up for a free account here and jump on the
As mentioned earlier, SoloMasterPro is a great place to get cheap clicks for resale.
Contact Me
If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up at
FAQs & Updates
After releasing this report, I ve been hit with a lot of questions so I thought it
would be beneficial to answer the most prominent ones here. I m also attaching
this to the main PDF for future customers. These questions are in no particular
The Skype group links are not working for me, why?
A few people are having issues with the Skype group links. It works for some and
for some it does not. We have not determined exactly why this is, but we believe
that it has to do with each user's individual setup, and not the links in the pdfs
themselves (because a lot of people have no issue opening all of the links).
A few things to try that have worked for others:
1. Make sure you have updated to the latest version of skype.
2. After clicking all the links, try login out and back in to skype, the groups may
then display after logging in.
3. I ve created an HTML version and re-uploaded it to the download pack. So go
back to your Warrior plus page and re-download the product and you can access
the HTML version which may work better for you.
Try opening the links from there.
I'm also currently working with Skype support to figure out a solution but the best
answer they are giving me is that  it varies user to user depending on their
software setup & which I don t understand but whatever. Either way it s a bit
beyond my control but the suggestions have helped the majority of people access
at least a few of the groups.
What if I don t have testimonials?
I get this one a LOT. If you are just starting out, you won t have any. It s
imperative to focus on getting testimonials from your first couple customers and
every one after that. ALWAYS get a testimonial.
If you are just starting out, your first one or two deals, your main goal should not
be to score a profit, rather to get their testimonial. So drop your price, even if it s
at cost and you make no profit. At this point the testimonial is more important.
It s also ok to be honest and say you are just starting out and you would like to
give them a deal in order to gain their patronage.
Also be creative. Those first two sales will be the hardest to get, so think outside
the box. For example, what can you give them in addition to the clicks that other
solo sellers don t?
" Maybe a short PDF on  10 ways to increase your conversion rate
" Maybe you can give them a PLR ebook/squeeze page pack
" There are a bazillion PLR products on that you can
give to them for free as a bonus.
" Maybe you can offer to also send a tweet to your xx twitter followers.
Basically anything. 99% of solo sellers don t give you anything but the clicks.
Whatever you put on top of that will instantly set you apart from the rest.
The bottom line: DON T let this small hurdle hold you back. Once you have
testimonials you can really start rolling. A few of my customers have come back
and said they ve already booked several orders within just a day or two, and they
started from zero. You can do it too.
This also brings me to my next point&
Use SoloMasterPro
I talked a bit about this program earlier in the report, but I really want to stress
how valuable it is. For one, they supply you with a premade website that ALREADY
has testimonials on it so that big  testimonial hurdle is no longer a hurdle at all.
Solo Master Pro is free& well, actually, it s free to sign up and be a member, the
requirement is that you must sell at least 100 clicks a month (that s a single solo)
which costs $35. That is considered your membership fee.
However you don t have to pay that $35 up front. Remember, you are just selling
clicks. So you sign up, get set up, then go find a buyer for at least 100 clicks or
more and that buyer pays you.. THEN, you go back to Solo Master Pro and book
the order for the 100 clicks and pay the $35. So again, you aren t spending a dime
out of pocket.
I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this service for newbie s. It s by far the easiest way
to get your foot in the door and start making money immediately.
How do I set up the template from the OTO?
The template is in HTML & CSS format. Unfortunately I cannot give you a lesson in
HTML, that s a whole other ball game. There are plenty of resources online.
If you don t know HTML, my suggestion is two fold:
1. If you have a WordPress site, just use that and use my template as a
reference on what it should have on there. You don t have to use the same
exact page I gave you. The point was to give you an idea of what you need.
2. If you really want to use my template but don t know HTML then go to and pay someone $5 to customize it for you. It s actually a very
simple one page template and any of the website guys on fiverr can easily
edit it for $5.
3. You don t have to have an actual website. As mentioned in my report, you
can just use a profile account, or a facebook page, or a thread or a thread (more on that in a
I still don t understand, can you break it down step-by-step?
So the whole  process is very simple.
1. Find a buyer.
2. Buyer pays you for some clicks.
3. Find a seller.
4. Pay the seller for the clicks.
There s really not much more to it than that. Don t overcomplicate it, you ll just
make it harder for yourself. That 4-step formula above is the key. That s what you
should focus on. All the other stuff is just small details.
By-the-way, that formula works for just about any product. Just replace the word
 clicks with just about any product you can think of and you have a business
model. It s called being the middle man and it s highly lucrative.
Why haven t you answered my email / PM / Skype message?
I will. Please realize that I ve so far sold over 375 copies and I m getting hundreds
of messages and questions coming at me from every angle. That s one of the
reasons I m writing this right now.
I do encourage you to send me your questions, I want to help. But please do give
me time to get to your message. I will. I answer every email I get (another reason
it takes time). I will get to yours too just as fast as I can.
Our New Forum
I realized the need for a more centralized place for us all to communicate. A place
for us to buy and sell. A place to get your questions answered.
I spend the last 24 hours working my butt off to build a forum specifically on the
topic of solo ads and brokering to fill this need. I m proud to announce&
Go right now and sign up for a free account. Introduce yourself. Post up your ads.
Ask your questions. This way you will get more exposure to your solo promotions.
There are vendors there ready to let you resell their clicks.
And more importantly, you now have an entire community of people that are
ready to help you get you up and running.
Need more help? Ask on the forum and I ll be glad to assist.
Thanks for being a loyal customer,
Jeremy Kennedy
