A M /F M Signal Generator Type PGS-21
" digital frequency readout
- frequency range 64 kH z - 130 MHz
- o u tp u t voltage
64 kHz - 30 MHz range 1 fXV - 1 V
30 M H z - 130 MHz range 1 M V -0 .5 V
- AM and FM m odulation
- internal m o d ulation frequencies 400 H z, 1 kH z and 4 kHz
- external AM m odulation 20 Hz - 20 kHz
" external FM m odulation 20 Hz - 60 kHz
" m axim um m od ulatio n d ep th 90%
- m axim um deviation 100 kH z
- com posite stereo m odulation capability
" digital frequency m easurem ent o f external signals
in 20 H z - 1 3 0 MHz range
T he typ e PGS 21 Signal G enerato r is a laboratory-grade in stru m en t providing a source of sinusoidal voltage,am plitude- or
frequency-m odulated, w ith adjustable am plitude and frequ en cy . T he o u tp u t voltagecan be am plitude-m odulated in a
frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, o r frequency-m odulated in a frequency rangefrom 20 Hz to 60 kHz, from an
external generator. The o u tp u t can also be frequency-m odulated by a com posite stereo signal.
T he instrum ent enables external signal frequency to be digitally m easured in th e range from 20 Hz to 130 MHz.
T he P G S -2 1 G enerator is intended for testing and alignm ent of electro n ic circuits in th e frequency range from 64 kHz to
130 MHz.
Stereo M odulation
Range 64 kHz - 130 MHz in 11 subranges Stereo encoder drive modes:
Accuracy 0,00591 - Lf. signal from internal or external generator applied to L channel input,
Stability - Lf. signal from internal or external generator applied to R channel input,
short-term  0 .01% per 15 min - Lf. signal from internal or external generator, having identical frequency,
long-term 0,1% per 3 hours level and phase, applied to b o th L- and R channel inputs sim ultaneously,
Voltage - Lf. signal from internal o r external generator, having identical frequency
O u tput voltage / open circuit/ and level b u t opposite phase, applied one to L-, the o th er to R channel
stepwiselv adjustable in 10 db steps,
input sim ultaneously,
and continuously, w ithin each - l.f. signals from external g enerator, having different frequencies, applied
10 dB range, to L- and R channel inputs,
in frequency ranees
- 19 kHz pilot carrier signal
64 kHz - 30 MHz 1 AtV - 1 V
Pilot signal frequency 19 kHz
30 M H z - 130 MHz 1 /żV-0,5 V
2 Hz
Pilot frequency accuracy
O u tp u t voltage setting accuracy
Maximum deviation by stereo
when adjusted fo r m eter FSD
50 kHz.
64 kHz - 30 MHz 1 dB - 1 (JV
5 kHz - 15%
D eviation by pilot signal
30 M H z - 130 MHz 1,5 dB - 1,5 MV 35 dB
Channel separation at 1 kHz
Source im pedance 50 Ohms
Spurious Effects
VSWR for voltages above 100 mV < 1 ,5 A m plitude m odulation effect
< 0,005%
Voltage level change when tuning on frequency
from 1 MHz reference < 1 dB Frequency deviation w ith
< 0 ,001% of minimum
N onlinear distortion < 5 % m odulation switched off
subrange frequency
R ated m odulation depth 5 - 90% Frequency deviation due to
< 0 ,02% o f minimum
M odulation depth setting accuracy  10% w ith respect to FSD the presence o f AM
subrange frequency
E xternal m od ulatio n frequency
range 20 H z - 2 0 kHz
A m plitude m odulation w ith
M aximum m o dulation frequency
m odu lation sw itched o ff < 2%
to carrier frequency relation
A m plitude m od ulatio n due to
Carrier frequency M aximum m odulation frequencv
the presence o f FN < 5 %
64 kHz - 125 kHz 3 kHz
R F radiation. A voltage induced
125 k H z - 250 kHz 5 kHz
in coil, 2 turns 25,4 mm in
250 k H z - 5 0 0 kHz 10 kHz
diam eter, spaced by 25,4 mm
0.5 MHz - 1 MHz 15 kHz
from the generator, m easured
1 MHz - 130 MHz 20 kHz
w ith a m icro voltm eter having
M odulated o u tp u t signal envelope
50 O hm internal resistance
distortion < 6% at 80% m odulation depth
w ith frequency coun ter on < 3 /JV
w ith frequency coun ter o ff < 1 MV
R ated deviation range IS - 100/ K kHz
E xternal G enerato r Frequency
K = factor depen dent on frequencj
M easurem ent
subrange selected
M easurem ent n n g c f = 20 H z -1 3 0 MHz
G ate tim e t =1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s
F re q u e n c y
e /autoranging
MHz 65-130 32-65 16-32 8-16 4-8 2-4 1-2
M easurem ent accuracy
+ . f x ----1--
, +
x -
?-2 i-3 ?-4 ->-5 7-6
fs t = standard frequency
F re k'HznCy 500-1000 250-500 125-250 64-125
A f
= relative error o f standard
i - 7 f t frequency generator
t 9 i - l O
Input voltage
100 H z - 5 MHz 100 mV - 1 V
D eviation setting accuracy 15 % o fF S D
20 Hz - 130 MHz 300 mV - 1 V
E xternal m odulation frequency
Standard /clock / frequency
1 MS f
range 20 Hz - 60 kHz
Standard frequency stability 5-10 per 24 hours
Maximum m odulation frequency-
F requency display 7 - segm ent
- carrier frequency relation
A m bient T em peratu re Range
+5 +20 + 40 °C
Carrier frequency relation M aximum m odulation frequency
64 kHz - 125 kHz 2 kHz
Voltage 220V - 10%; 50 Hz
125 kHz - 250 kHz 4 kHz
Power consum ption 60 VA
250 k H z -5 0 0 kHz 7 kHz
Dim ensions
0,5 MHz - 1 MHz 10 kHz
/incL parts protruding
1 MHz - 2 MHz 14 kHz
beyond cabinet/ height 142 mm
2 MHz - 4 MHz 20 kHz
w idth 446 mm
4 MHz - 8 MHz 30 kHz
depth 455 mm
8 MHz - 130 MHz 60 kHz
Weight 15 kg
M odulation d istortion < 2% w ith m axim um deviation
M odulation Voltage G enerator
M odulation frequency
400 Hz, 1 kHz, 4 kHz
Frequency accuracy
Ä… 3%
The m anufacturer reserves rights fo r changes in above specifications after developm ent of prototypes.
M a n u fa c Å‚u rtr:
Z a k Å‚a d O p ra c o w a Å„ i Produkcji 4.
z o p a n A para tury Naukow ej
MEIRÛNEX P.O . BOX: 198, TELEX: 81 44 71
PH O N E: 110-371
03*301 W a r « a w a ,
ul. S Å‚a lin g ra d z k a 29/31
