function sesam field name

sesam_field_namePodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnysesam_field_name (PHP 3 CVS only)sesam_field_name --  Return one column name of the result set Descriptionint sesam_field_name ( string result_id, int index) Returns the name of a field (i.e., the column name) in the result set, or FALSE on error. For "immediate" queries, or for dynamic columns, an empty string is returned. Notatka: The column index is zero-based, not one-based as in SESAM. See also: sesam_field_array(). It provides an easier interface to access the column names and types, and allows for detection of "multiple fields". PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnysesam_field_arrayPoczątek rozdziałusesam_free_result

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