Going Down A Collection of Erot

Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Going Down A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles By Alex River Copyright ©2011 by Alex River Preface This book contains stories of an explicitly sexual nature, and deals with aspects of sexuality that some readers may find disturbing, including breath play, bondage, dominance and submission, and dubious consent. Many of the fictional situations depicted herein are dangerous. Do not attempt to replicate them in the real world, as they may result in serious injury or loss of life. The author and publisher are not responsible for injuries incurred by readers attempting to engage in any activities depicted in this book. Especially the ones involving tentacles. Contents Co2ercion: She is bound, naked and helpless in the bottom of the bathtub as the water rises over her head. He watches, stroking himselfŚ and waits for her lungs to reach their limits. Nostalgia: In college, she had a little ritual when it came to masturbating in the tub. Now, she’d like to share it with him, and he’d like to spice it up a bit. Leila’s Story: Leila and her two lovers want to make the most of their vacation in a tropical paradise. When she finds a warm, secluded rock pool, the morning promises to be a memorable one as the men take turns with her in the water, driving her to new heights of ecstasy. Waterfall: There’s nothing like a bit of bondage and domination in the shower. Especially when things get turned around and some sexy revenge creeps into it. Surrender: Sasha’s new friends Thomas and Jackie have an open relationship when it comes to sex, and a gorgeous private swimming pool. When she is invited to participate in their little games-- complete with forced breath-holding and underwater orgasms-- she dives into the action head first. The Game: She’s in the bath, and she’s bored. What can she and her husband do with a pair of dice, a stopwatch, and a length of rope to pass the time? And what sort of bet will she make with him based on the outcome of their new game? A Helping Tentacle: Friendly, alien tentacle-monster Swish is hitching a ride on the star cruiser Endeavor after being rescued from an evil slave master. Ellie is assigned to keep him company and look after him on the journey. To pass the time, they talk about Swish’s old career back on his home world, the pleasure planet Callixis IV. Ellie is intrigued. Swish is amenable. Co2ercion The man removes his clothes and gathers up a collection of items from the countertop before stepping into the huge, sunken bath, its bottom slippery where the water is just beginning to rise. Treading carefully, he turns to lower himself onto the recessed seat on the other side of the deep, two-person tub and deposits the items on the ledge next to him. He selects the bottle of lube and pops the top open, allowing a thn stream to dribble into the palm of his right hand before closing the container and setting it aside. The smooth liquid is cool against his erect cock as he twists and pulls. He relaxes back in the seat and strokes himself slowly as his gaze travels appreciatively over his wife, bound and helpless at the bottom of the tub. His eyes sweep up and down the length of her body, taking in the scene. Her wrists are bound with soft cuffs and fastened to heavy-duty suction cups attached to the floor of the tub above her head, at shoulder width. The position forces her shoulders back, causing her breasts to jut out, the nipples pointing straight up as if desperate to stay out of the water. Her ankles are crossed and tied with several turns of rope, then fastened over the graceful arch of the faucet, forcing her knees apart and leaving her pussy wide open and vulnerable to the pounding stream of warm water pouring over it from the tap above. The hardware connecting her cuffs to the suction cups clinks as she twists restlessly. Her eyes are fixed intently on his hand, pumping himself slowly up and down, his thumb swiping across the swollen head with each stroke. Her tongue darts out, licking her lips unconsciously, and he smiles faintly as the water level creeps slowly higher. Before long, she will be distracted by more... immediateŚ concerns. He leans on one elbow, taking it all in-- the way she jerks occasionally as the water pounding between her legs hits a particular angle; the way her hands fist from time to time, thumbs rubbing across the other fingers as if desperate to be touching something; stroking something. He sees the small shudder when the water reaches her ears and pours inside. Watches her eyes flicker closed as the water runs over them, as well. It creeps up her cheeks, threatening her nose and mouth, and she stretches up to follow the receding air above her, fighting against the leverage imposed by her legs, bound and held above the water, and her wrists fastened to the bottom of the tub above her head. Moments later, her nipples lose their fight to stay afloat and disappear, unremarked. He sees the moment she decides to lose the battle to keep her nose and mouth above water, in hopes of prolonging the war. His cock twitches in his hand as she inhales deeply and lets herself sink back down to land with a soft thump that he feels through the soles of his feet. He counts to himself silently as she rests on the bottom. Ten... twenty... thirty... forty... at forty-three she stretches upwards and breaks the surface for a few deep breaths, then settles back again. And so the pattern goes: the water rising higher and higher each time, forcing her to strain further and further for each breath. He pumps himself faster, pushing repeatedly close to the edge and then backing off as he watches her fight against her predicament. Her trips to the surface become more frequent, but less productive. His cock pulses, weeping pre-cum the first time she tries to surface and fails, a surprised burst of bubbles welling up instead. He eases off, just trailing his fingers up and down his erection, barely touching, as she lunges for the surface again, her gasp cut short with a burble. The next attempt yields better results and she relaxes back to rest, but that just brings on the inevitable denouement-- by the time she is ready to try again, it's too late. She stretches upwards to the limit of her bonds and falls short. After two more attempts she settles back to the bottom, defeated, small bursts of air escaping periodically to trail up to the surface. He lowers himself into the water to sit next to her, and reaches down to the end to turn off the tap. He settles himself comfortably, waiting until a huge flurry of bubbles erupts from the bottom before unhooking the wrist nearest to him and pulling her up. He supports her head above the surface while she sucks in air gratefully. When her breathing has calmed, he leans down, lips brushing the shell of her ear as he whispers, "Now... are you ready to give me what I want?" "Never," she growls, so he pushes her back under the water without warning and refastens her wrist, trapping her once more. Counting slowly to thirty in his head, he readies the selection of toys sitting on the edge of the tub, then unhooks her wrist again and allows her up for two quick, slightly panicky-sounding breaths before plunging her down and repeating the process. He ignores the toys the first few times, keeping her down for thirty seconds at a stretch and letting his hands roam over her body, stroking, squeezing and penetrating whatever part of her he wishes. His pace is leisurely, as unhurried as if each half-minute lasts an eternity; no doubt, from her perspective, it seems that they do. When this no longer gets the response he desires, he moves on to the toys. The first snick of the nipple clamp on her sensitive flesh results in a short, bubbly shriek; the second, a longer underwater moan. Burying the dildo-shaped vibrator deep between her legs and thumbing it onto the highest setting yields thirty seconds of spirited arching and struggling; when the same item slips past her open lips as she sucks in breath, filling her mouth and throat and pushing her, millimeter by millimeter, back under the surface-- her choked "mmph" of surprise and protest cut off as the water closes slowly and inexorably over her wide-open lips and flaring nostrils-- it yields struggling of an entirely different nature. He lets her up after fifteen seconds that time, spitting water and some fairly creative curse words at him, then makes up for it the next time by keeping her down for a full minute as he tugs and jiggles the chain linking the nipple clamps, watching the short bursts of bubbles rise up to the surface. Occasionally she becomes resigned and quiet, and he regains her attention by unhooking her wrist at the thirty-second mark and allowing her to get within a hairsbreadth of the air above, then pulling her back down and refastening her before returning to whatever he'd been doing previously, as if he'd never been interrupted. When her remaining breath erupts in a plume of bubbles, he hauls her up and once again whispers in her ear, "Are you ready to give in to me yet?" "No," she answers, her refusal growing weaker each time. Eventually, he tires of the game, his aching hard-on demanding attention. He lifts her head up, once again brushing her ear as he speaks. "I think I'm going about this the wrong way. Perhaps I'll just take what I want. I don't really see that you're in any condition to stop me, do you?" Her full body shudder makes him think that this was the right answer all along. He drapes her free arm over the edge so she can support herself. "Rest for a minute-- you'll need it. Don't try anything, though, because you won't like the results." He leans down and unfastens her ankles, tossing the rope aside. Releasing the suction cups, he repositions them to move her further away from the tap, giving himself room. "Now, deep breath, on three." She fills her lungs to capacity as he counts, and disappears under the water with a whimper as he roughly forces her wrists back down to the bottom and refastens them. He shuffles around and lifts her ankles, holding them high and wide as he kneels at her entrance and thrusts inside with abandon. He sets a bruising pace, intent on outstripping her need for oxygen, and on his own swollen cock. As his balls begin to tighten and burn, he places one of her legs against his shoulder, and reaches down with his free hand to roll her clit firmly against her pubic bone in time with his thrusts. The first bubbles appear as she begins to lose small bursts of air, and a few seconds later she clamps hard around him, pulsing as the waves of her orgasm crash over her, dragging him over the edge as well. He growls and releases into her, riding the series of small aftershocks until the sensation becomes too much. Pulling out, he lifts her legs to the side and lowers them back down, then slides over to lie beside her. He trails a hand slowly between her legs, up her fluttering stomach and ribcage, tugging the chain linking her nipple clamps once more before removing them and soothing the chafed peaks with a stroke of the palm; then sliding his hand firmly over her vulnerable throat with its racing pulse, pausing to feel the stream of small bubbles slipping from her nose trickle through his fingers before finally leaning forward to release her wrists. She follows the slow trail of bubbles up and surfaces with a low moan of exhausted pleasure, her breathing ragged and deep. He pulls her into his arms, letting her rest bonelessly against his chest as he smoothes back her hair and catches his own breath. "Thought you were going to use the safe signal a few times, there," he says with tired amusement. She lazily flicks water at his face. "Oh, ye of little faith," she mumbles against his chest. "Just you wait until I turn the tables on you next time. Then we'll see who's begging for mercy." He tucks her more closely against his side and leans his head back against the edge. "I'm exhausted, just thinking about it," he says, still smiling. Nostalgia They are naked on the bed, touching each other, when he guides her hand down to rest between her own legs. śDo you want me to show you how I used to masturbate?” she asks, and he nods. She leads him into the bathroom and turns on the tap in the big, deep corner bathtub. Over the noise, she explains. śYour own hands get kind of old after, say, a decade or so, you know? I came up with this while living in a loft apartment at college. No shower, just a tub, but I discovered that letting all that water pressure run between my legs felt really great. "It became a sort of game eventually. I’d lie witmy head resting on the bottom of the tub and try to climax before the level got so deep that I was underwater. For some reason that really turned me on, and the closer it was, the harder I’d come. I love the feeling when the water runs into my ears-- it’s like a kind of penetration-- and the feeling when the water is right up to my nose and mouth, just about to wash over me, kind of a helpless feeling.” By this time, the water is warm, and she adjusts the temperature carefully. Plugging the drain, she steps in and lies back, sliding forward until her feet rest high on the wall over the tap and the water runs directly over her pussy. She feels her husband’s hand run over a still-dry breast. Then he speaks, voice rough with excitement. śThis time, you’re coming twice instead of once. And don’t cheat, because I’m here to play referee.” She shudders, and uses one hand to open her pussy lips so the water can hit her labia and clitoris directly. Large hands slide over her body, adding to the sensation. Soon, the warm water laps at the shell of her ears, rising closer and closer before finally spilling into both ear canals simultaneously as she shivers with pleasure. Outside sound is cut off, and her heartbeat is reflected back at her as the pounding water between her legs continues. Sight goes next, as the water rises up her cheeks and temples and pours over her closed eyes. Unexpectedly, a hand strokes over her half submerged face, fingers teasing her lips until she opens her mouth and begins to suck them. The sensation and the symbolism pushed her over the edge and she comes hard, her husband's hand moving to her forehead As the sensation fades, she twists her hips to avoid the extreme stimulation of the water on her oversensitive flesh, then belatedly realizes that this will make it impossible to come twice before the water washes over her face completely. She moves back into the flow, but the water is already at the edge of her nostrils and mouth, and while the feeling still excites her tremendously, she knows she isn’t going to make it so she starts to lift her upper body out of the tub. Before she gets very far, the hand on her forehead firmly and inexorably pushes her back down into the water’s embrace. The word śreferee” flashes in her head as water trickles into her nose, and she jerks hard in surprise, heart racing. A wave swamps her, and, thinking quickly, she emptied her lungs of air as it receded. Her lungs burned as the water washed over her again, and she gasped a great breath as her nose and mouth surfaced momentarily one last time. Isolated except for the gently insistent hand on her forehead, pinning her to the bottom and enforcing her rules, she counts her pounding heartbeats as the rushing water between her legs pushes her closer to the edge while at the same time separating her farther from the world of light and air above. Ten... Fifteen... the heartbeats speed up even more as orgasm approaches. Twenty-five... the beats slow down, everything in slow-motion as the diving reflex kicks in, giving her the feeling that she could stay underwater balanced on the knife edge of orgasm forever, until... ... thirty-two... the climax explodes from her body as the air explodes from her lungs in a violent trail of bubbles, and the hd that was holding her down immediately lifts her up and supports her face above the water as she convulses with wave after wave of pleasure. Her husband eases her back against the edge of the tub, and a moment later, she feels him climb into the tub and straddle her torso. His thighs push her down into the water as he settles into position. She sucks in as deep a breath as she can manage before slipping under the surface and lets herself be pinned by his weight. He scoots forward, trapping her even more thoroughly. Something soft brushes her lips and she roots forward blindly, taking his penis into her mouth, bubbles escaping around his length. She can't suck without drowning, but he thrusts shallowly for long seconds as bubbles escape from her mouth and nose. When she has nothing left, he pulls away and leans back until she can struggle up enough to barely break the surface and suck in air. He repositions himself and gathers her breasts together in his hands, then begins to thrust into her cleavage, every thrust threatening to push her under once more. It goes on and on, each wave of water washing over her face blending into the next as he thumbs her sensitive nipples and pushes himself into her soft flesh. Eventually, his thrusts lose their cadence and ropes of cum slap across her face before he goes limp, unintentionally pushing her under with no warning and pinning her to the bottom for several long seconds while he collects himself. He clambers off and she surfaces with a moan. They rearrange themselves so she is tucked against his side, then he kisses her and begins to softly stroke her clit, settling in for the long haul. She languidly pushes her hair back with one hand as the slow sparks of pleasure dance up and down her spine. "I should masturbate more often," she says. Leila's Story Leila burst into the beach house, grinning as her two companions glanced up from the breakfast table. One dark and the other sunny and bright, their gazes sharpened as they took in her wet hair and the towel clutched carelessly around her body. "You'll never guess what I found," she said excitedly. "Come and see!" Dominic's expression turned speculative as he smiled, shooting a glance at Johann and setting the glass in his hand down with a decisive clink. "Lead on," he told her, climbing to his feet and stretching. Johann followed suit, his smile indulgent. "So, what previously undiscovered island delight have you found today?" Johann asked as she led them through the palm trees. "A wet one," Dominic suggested, gesturing at Leila's slicked-back tresses. "And I heartily approve of your method of marking the trail, by the way," he added as she stooped to retrieve another article of clothing, left on the ground to mark her way back. "Here it is!" she said eventually, ducking through a gap in the foliage to reveal a steamy clearing with a hot spring. "Wow... not bad," Dominic said, taking in the irregularly shaped pool of warm, clear water before him. "Well, come on then... what're you waiting for?" She grinned, dropping the towel and paddinaked, to the jumble of rocks at one end of the small pool. Dominic was already shedding clothes as she settled on a low, flat rock near one edge of the spring, the warm, slightly salty water lapping at her neck as she leaned her head back against the smooth cliff face behind her. "I haven't seen anything like this on the island before," Johann said, looking around the place distractedly. "I thought I knew this area pretty well, too." She turned, looking up at him with a smile, and leaned back, the top of her breasts floating to the surface as she gazed at him through her eyelashes. "Ah, well... live and learn, eh?" She was distracted from his response by the soft sounds of Dominic, moving through the waist-deep water behind her. Leila shivered as his hands closed on her sides, turning her and easing her down to sit sideways on the rock she was using as a bench. One hand trailed up to cup her cheek with wet fingers, guiding her lips gently to his. The warm water lapped at the fine hair at the nape of her neck as he tilted her head back, deepening the kiss until she moaned softly against him. A few moments later, the moan turned into a gasp as a second pair of hands appeared, one tangling through the wet strands of her hair, the other sliding down to cup her left breast. Mouth curling into a smile against hers, Dominic broke the kiss, but before she could catch her breath he was replaced by Johann, his cool lips more demanding, but no less sensual than Dominic's languid, unhurried technique. Leila felt the unraveling, out-of-control feeling of being wanted by two men curl inside her belly as Johann's hand teased her breast and his tongue teased her mouth. After long moments, they parted, breathing heavily. Then, without warning, Johann ducked beneath the waterline. She felt him nuzzle down her chest, and squeaked in surprise as teeth grazed her nipple, the squeak turning into a moan as he blew bubbles across the turgid peak. She grabbed for Dominic's shoulder to steady herself as she was pulled roughly to the edge of the bench and her knees parted widely. "Oh, god," she breathed, as the lips of her vulva were gently parted, and another stream of bubbles rolled over her exposed clit, frictionless but nonetheless managing to wake each and every nerve. She collapsed sideways, resting her head against Dominic's shoulder and panting as the sensation stopped, her unseen tormenter relinquishing his position between her legs. A moment later, Dominic stiffened beside her. "Unh," he groaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. He squirmed against her for several seconds before relaxing back with a sigh. Johann burst to the surface with a deep but controlled breath, his grin cocky. Before he could catch his balance, Dominic was on him, and Leila settled back to watch them play. Their display was half wrestling and dunking, and half foreplay as they vied for dominance. She knew from experience that, among other things, they were determining which one of them would get first crack at her, and her hand moved almost involuntarily to tease the folds between her legs as a shiver of anticipation ran through her. Eventually, Dominic ended up bent helplessly backwards in a kiss, Johann's hand on the back of his neck supporting him just above the water's surface, his other hand sliding back and forth along Dominic's cock, hidden from view underwater. The effect on Dominic was obvious, however. Leila knew he was getting close when he began to tremble and groan against the lips covering his. Just when she thought he wouldn't be able to hold back any longer, Johann broke off, smiling as Dominic grunted in frustration and let out a heartfelt curse. "Don't be in such a hurry, kid," he said, letting the younger man cool off for a minute before helping him get his feet back under him in the waist-deep water. "We've got all the time in the world. Besides, I think someone's feeling left out, over there." A spike of arousal shot through her as two pairs of hungry eyes settled on her. Then Johann held out his hand, and she pushed away from the wall, gliding through the water towards him as if mesmerized. His hand closed over hers, and he lifted it to his lips, kissing the knuckles as Dominic moved to her other side and trailed his fingers up the side of her neck to rest in the sensitive space behind her earlobe. Johann ghosted around behind her, leaning down to whisper in her other ear, lips barely brushing. śClose your eyes. Just lie back and float. Relax. Let every muscle go slack, all right? Doesn’t matter what we do, you’re not to tense up or react. Got that?” His voice lowered even further. "We're going to break you into a thousand pieces. And when you think we're finished? Well, if you're still coherent enough to think in complete sentences like that... we're not finished." Leila swallowed involuntarily, shuddering. She closed her eyes as hands eased her onto her back, her feet leaving the bottom of the pool as she floated in the warm, mineral-rich pool. Water ran into her ears, making her think of other places she wanted filled. Her pulse pounded back at her, clearly audible as she deliberately let all her muscles go limp. She could just make out the rumbling of voices above her, but not the words, and wondered what plans they were laying for her. Then the voices ceased, and cool lips-- Johann's-- brushed her own, pressing softly. The gentle pressure caused her head to sink a tiny bit, water running over her closed eyes, and her body instinctively jerked, trying to escape the position of complete vulnerability. Instantly, the lips retreated and a hand-- Dominic's?-- appeared at the back of her head, supporting her nose and mouth above the water. Remembering the rules, she forced herself to relax again, chiding herself for thinking that these two would ever deliberately let her be harmed. When she had calmed herself once more, the hand retreated-- only inches away, she was willing to bet-- and the lips returned. She concentrated on just letting it happen, and on feeling. The water washed up to the edges of her lips and nostrils as he pressed down, then retreated as he gently nipped and sucked on her lower lip. The sensation was bizarre, but amazing-- she was reminded of the time in school, on the playground, when they'd all taken turns falling backwards into someone else's arms... a trust game. It was like the feeling she'd had as she toppled back, the moment before her friend Darla caught her, except instead of a fleeting instant it just went on and on. Af a bit, the kiss ended, and a finger gently traced her features, brushing over her closed eyes, following the line of her brow, sliding down her cheek to rub across her lips. The finger paused, and she allowed it to slide into her mouth, pressing her down into the water again until she met Dominic's supporting hand, preventing her from slipping under, just barely. She licked and sucked the digit languidly as it slid in and out, mimicking what she so desperately wanted elsewhere, and soon it was joined by a second finger; then a third. Eventually, the hand's owner tired of the game, and the saliva-moistened fingers trailed over her chin and down her neck, again highlighting her vulnerable position as her pulse throbbed against the faint pressure sliding down the length of her carotid artery. The hand traced her collarbone, then circled the swell of her breast, describing a decreasing spiral toward her aching nipple. She felt the difference in sensation as the fingers reached the part of her breast that jutted up above the waterline, and then that nipple was pinched and rolled firmly just as lips and teeth closed over the other one. Forgetting herself momentarily, she moaned and squirmed. Dominic's hand again kept her face above water as Johann withdrew, waiting for her to relax. With some difficulty, she forced her muscles back into soft compliance, and Dominic let her float freely once more. Lips closed around her nipple once again, suckling and tonguing it firmly. This time, she managed to stay quiet, letting the pleasure roll over her without resistance even when fingers pinched the other nipple, kneading and plucking at it. As the delicious torture continued, she became more aware of her body's responses. It felt different, being relaxed and passive like this... as if the sensations were able to flow through her entire body instead of being focused solely on her breasts. With each nip and pinch, little sparks of electricity ran up and down her spine, until her scalp tingled and her fingers and toes began to twitch imperceptibly. The throbbing between her legs grew stronger and stronger, and then, without warning, a small wave of ecstasy crested over her, dragging an incoherent noise from the back of her throat. Holy crap, did she just come from having her breasts played with? It wasn't like a normal orgasm, exactly... not as powerful, and not really a full release, because she sure as hell wasn't ready to call it quits for the day. But still... bloody hell. She was dragged back to reality by movement next to her. Apparently satisfied with his work on her chest, Johann was trailing a hand down her side, over her hip and along the outside of her leg as he moved to stand near her trailing feet. Running his thumb firmly over her instep, he began to knead his way up her calf, digging his fingers deep into the muscle. He paused to pay special attention to the back of her knee, and again the little tingling shocks rushed through her. Working his way further up, he pushed mercilessly into the muscles of her inner thigh. "God..." she moaned involuntarily as he dug into a knot of tension she hadn't even been aware of, right at the junction of her thigh and pelvis, and about two inches to the right of where she ached for him to be. She stifled a groan as he moved to the other foot, repeating the entire process unhurriedly. By the time he was back between her thighs, sliding talented fingers deep into her hip flexors, her body felt so soft and heavy that she was amazed she still floated. The needy throbbing between her legs had retreated deep into her womb, stronger than ever. It was almost a surprise when Johann moved from massaging her hips to gripping them, and smoothly sheathed himself inside her, sliding in to the hilt without resistance. In her deeply relaxed state, it felt like a completion with a missing piece of herself, not an intrusion from outside, and she sighed blissfully as Dominic gently supported and steadied her. With his free hand, Dominic kneaded her breasts as Johann began to move, sliding in and out with an unhurried pace, hands tilting her hips until each thrust stroked-- oh, god, yes... right there. Before long, she was once again floating in a sea of sensation as much as she was floating in a pool of water. The pleasure ebbed and flowed, building with maddening slowness until Dominic, still supporting her head, moved his other hand from her breasts to the juncture of her thighs and began to rub softly back and forth across her swollen clit, in time with Johann's smooth thrusts. Once... twice... three times, and another of the strange almost-orgasms washed over her-- stronger than the first-- and dragged a low moan from her lips. She might as well have stayed mute for all the effect it had on the two men-- both continued what they were doing without slackening, or changing the rhythm in the slightest. The wave crested and ebbed, then gradually began to build again, higher than before. Helplessly, Leila rode the swell for a second time, then a third, before Johann's rhythm faltered and he toppled over the edge, gripping her soft hips tightly as he released into her. Dominic continued to gently tease her clit, even when Johann stilled, his hands trembling where he held her. He rested against her only for a moment, then carefully disengaged and stepped around to her side. As if choreographed, he slipped his hand under her head to support her as Dominic moved into the cradle of her thighs. Cool lips covered hers in a soft caress, and she gasped into Johann's mouth as Dominic's hands grasped low on her buttocks, spreading them and pushing his length into her unresisting body. He started moving slowly, with a clever little twist of his hips at the end of each smooth thrust. Sparks began to flash behind her eyes when he stretched a long finger in between her cheeks, teasing and stroking the puckered little hole there. When other fingers burrowed between her legs and began to pluck at her little bundle of nerves over and over, she gradually became aware of a strange, low keening sound that seemed to go on and on. It took some time to realize that it was coming from her. Again the waves of sensation built and built, washing over her, each one higher and stronger than the last. The muscles of her thighs and arms started to tremble as if she was shivering, as Dominic's thrusting increased in speed and depth. Without warning, the fingers pulling and kneading her clit pressed down, rolling the little bud hard against her pelvic bone, back and forth... back and forth. The keening grew into a scream as a tsunami of pleasure crashed over her and she thrashed, relaxaton forgotten. A strong arm cradled her safely on the surface as Dominic cried out his release, and they both jerked under the white-hot sensations, riding out spasms of pleasure. Aftershocks chased Leila down into the warm, comfortable darkness, and for a while, she stayed there, enjoying the aftermath. When awareness returned, she found herself back on the low rock at the edge of the pool, wrapped in Johann's arms and half in his lap, her head resting in the crook of his neck. Dominic's cheek rested heavily against her shoulder, one of his arms curled around her, the other stretched past her to drape possessively across Johann's stomach. Smiling, she pressed a kiss against Johann's neck while stroking her fingers up Dominic's forearm, and was rewarded by the tightening of both pairs of arms holding her. Loved. Waterfall He leads her into the bathroom and turns on the shower, letting it warm up while they undress. As she unbraids her waist length hair, he retrieves a washcloth and a length of nylon rope, draping both over the top of the shower stall door. After a final check of the water temperature, he ushers her inside and squeezes in next to her, turning her so her back is to the plumbing. When they are both thoroughly soaked, he reaches over her head and twists the adjustable shower nozzle to the śoff” position. śGive me your wrists,” he says, grabbing the length of rope. Positioning her hands a few inches apart, he quickly binds her, twisting the rope several times between her wrists. Pressing up against her, he raises her arms over her head and ties the loose ends of the binding to the nozzle with a sturdy quick release knot, enjoying the way his erection slides against her belly and her hard nipples brush his chest. Backing away in the tight space, he soaps the wet washcloth and runs it over her body, starting with her arms and neck and working his way down. Abandoning the cloth, he lets his hands slide over her frictionless skin, kneading her breasts and buttocks as she moans and writhes, working a soapy hand between her cheeks to slip over her perineum in a shockingly unexpected sensation. He presses against her once again and crushes her lips in a demanding kiss until she is breathless, then reaches up without warning and twists the shower head to its second position, letting the full water pressure pour down over their heads as if someone is pouring water onto them from a bucket. With a sputter, he backs away from the kiss and wipes his face clear, leaving her bound and trapped under the unremitting downpour, then settles back to enjoy the view. The heavy flow plasters her hair flat, and runs down over her tightly closed eyes and into her nose, lips, and ears as she gasps great, sputtering breaths through her wide-open mouth. It sheets across her small breasts, parting around the painfully hard, tight points of her nipples before flowing across her stomach and down her slightly spread legs, dribbling continuously from the small triangle of fur between her thighs. Grinning, he leans forward to finish her off. * * * She gasps helplessly as the water pours over her in an endless stream, loving the smothering feeling otop of her erotic excitement. Unable to see or to hear anything except the roar of the shower and her own pounding heart, the blood-warm water rushes to fill her mouth each time she sucks in elusive air. She knows he is watching her. With no warning, he attacks her pussy with his fingers, and she chokes and swallows water when the sensation unexpectedly adds to her combination of sensory deprivation and sensory overload. Pulling her own lubrication forward from her center, he mercilessly attacks her clitoris while simultaneously pinching and rolling her almost painfully aroused nipples. The dual sensations send her into another round of ineffectual struggling for freedom from the rope and the water and the hands, until the approaching cliff of orgasm pulls her rigid and silent as she holds the little breath she has left. The unrelenting hands push her over the edge and she comes with a gurgling scream, bucking her hips repeatedly before going limp in his supporting arms. He unties her and pulls her out of the stream, supporting her while she scrubs her face and gets her equilibrium back. Feeling his unattended erection pressing against her, she looks up through wet lashes and gives him an evil smile. śThink you can just get away with that, do you? Oh, no; you’re going to pay for that stunt.” She feels his penis twitch even further to attention as she pulls the rope from his grasp, and smiles wider. Quickly turning the tables on him, she ties him as she had been tied and readjusts the pouring water over his taller frame. Braving the downpour under which she had so recently been trapped, she kisses him aggressively, then backs away when the need for air became too great, immediately replacing her tongue with two fingers to let him feel the sensation of being penetrated. He sucks the digits like a penis, swallowing around them when the water fills his mouth and moaning when her free hand closes around his painfully hard and pulsing shaft. Slipping her fingers free, she kneels and swallows him whole, steadying his hips as he tries to thrust into her mouth. When he stills, she sets up a rhythm, sucking and licking, one hand rolling his sac while the other grips his hip, fingernails digging in slightly. When she feels his body stiffen, she stops everything and sits back, leaving him with only the pouring water for company as he jerks his tightly bound arms in frustration. Four times she repeats this, bringing him to the brink, pushing him a hairsbreadth further each time, reveling as his struggles grow more desperate and his penis more swollen, pre-cum dripping from the tip to mix with the water. After leaving him for the fourth time, she slides up his body and takes her time sucking water off of his puckered nipples, nipping along his neck and jaw under the flow, and stroking the area along his ribcage that she knows is ticklish. Then... she unties him. It's liking opening the cage door to release a hungry tiger. In a flash, she is on her back on the bathroom floor, fortunately cushioned by a shaggy bath mat as her frustrated lover pins her arms over her head and shoves her knees apart with one strong thigh. Water droplets from the open shower door pepper her left side as one very large, hard body part thrusts violently into her, and begins a deliciously bruising pace that rolls her clit against her pelvis with every thrust. Teasing him has so excited her that she feels her orgasm building almost immediately, and being held on the edge for so long causes him to explode as soon her walls began to pulse around him. They lie tangled and limp for an undetermined amount of time afterward, water dripping on the floor. When she gets enough muscle control back, she lifts her head enough to catch his eye. śWhew, I need a shower.” Surrender Sasha floated on her back in the private swimming pool, eyes closed, soaking in the sound of watery silence broken only by her own slightly elevated heartbeat pounding in her ears. Thomas and his girlfriend Jackie were proving to be something of a revelation-- and, if she was honest, a bit of a balm to Sasha's wounded ego after her own recent breakup. Sasha shivered as Jackie's tongue ran up the inside of her partially submerged thigh, and smiled when Jackie paused to blow bubbles between her legs, all thoughts of her ex temporarily forgotten. Thomas was conspicuous by his absence, but Jackie had assured her that everything was fine, and he didn’t mind what the two of them got up to. Sasha wasn’t used to that kind of an open relationship, really, but she was enjoying herself too much to worry about it at the moment. When it came to sex, Sasha had always been a "you... here, in me... now" kind of girl, but Jackie wasn't having any of that. Earlier, after peeling Sasha away from her firmly, Jackie had pressed her down by the side of the pool with unexpected strength, both wrists trapped above her head in one strong, slender hand, her muscular thigh draped across Sasha's legs. "Ah-ah-ah," Jackie had tutted. "None of that. Look around you Sasha-- nobody else is around. We've got all the time in the world." Sasha had lain there, pinned helplessly, feeling a surge of wetness between her legs as Jackie stared down at her with a half smile. Hello, kink that I never knew I had, she thought, now floating serenely in the private pool as Thomas's girlfriend slowly and patiently ate her out. At that moment, Jackie did something with her tongue, just so, that made Sasha lose her train of thought entirely as she scaled a new plateau, inches short of release. Her tormenter backed off the intensity and she whimpered, earning a soothing stroke of Jackie's fingers along her hips and belly. The whimper turned into a small cry of frustration when the touch disappeared completely, and Sasha righted herself with a sharp movement of her arms, feet finding the pool bottom. Jackie's expression was cryptic, eyes locked on a point beyond her right shoulder. The water dragged at Sasha's body as she turned, fairly sure of what-- who-- she would see. Thomas was by the side of the pool, hands clasped loosely behind his back, as startlingly handsome as the first time she'd seen him. His jacket was absent and he stood before them in his dress shirt and suspenders, shirtsleeves rolled up, tie hanging undone, two shirt buttons open at the top. Sasha felt the blush crawl up her neck and onto her cheeks. She was briefly torn between the desire to cover herself, the desire not to cover herself, and the desire to grab Jackie's head and shove it back between her legs, right there and then. After an uncoordinated flutter of her hands, she settled on doing nothing. Behind her, the water splashed gently as Jackie slippo the side of the pool and levered herself out, sleek and graceful as a seal. Sasha watched, wide-eyed, as she padded over to Thomas, completely unselfconscious in her nudity. "Well, hello," said Jackie, looking Thomas slowly up and down, voice laden with innuendo. "I was wondering if you'd come down to play with us or not." "Jackie..." Disapproval dripped from the drawled name, but Jackie only grinned, cheeky. "Come on, Mister High-and-Mighty. You know we talked about this," she replied with injured innocence... and pushed Thomas into the water. Sasha's hands flew to her mouth as Thomas tumbled gracelessly into the pool, flinching as water splashed her face and chest. Thomas surfaced with a splutter, only to be blindsided by Jackie, who dived in neatly after him. Sasha stared, transfixed, as the pair wrestled for position. Jackie, obviously the more athletic wrestler of the two even though she was smaller, quickly managed to get Thomas's wrists behind his back. Sasha saw Jackie grab for Thomas's suspenders before the splashing water obscured the action once more. Several long moments passed, and Thomas suddenly broke free, stumbling backwards through the chest-deep water, arms held unnaturally behind him. "Jackie, you did not just tie me up with my own suspenders..." said Thomas incredulously, his voice achieving a sort of high-pitched outrage that made Sasha choke back a hysterical giggle. Jackie just smiled, grabbed Sasha's discarded bikini top from the poolside, and dolphin-kicked under the surface. "Oi, come back up here!" Thomas snapped, still firmly in "outraged" mode. "What do you think you're doing--" The question was cut off with a burble as he was pulled underwater without warning. A second later, Jackie surfaced, holding Thomas's legs and struggling to bind his ankles with Sasha's bikini. Satisfied with her impromptu bondage job, she towed her submerged and wriggling boyfriend to the ladder at the side of the pool and tied the free ends of the bikini to the first rung. Sasha's heart was pounding, though she wasn't quite sure why. "Jackie, what are you doing?" she squeaked, hurrying across the distance separating them. Jackie reached under the water and lifted Thomas's head up until his nose and mouth broke the surface. He spat pool water and dragged in a large breath, and Jackie let him sink below the surface once more. Jackie's attention never wavered from her bound "victim' as she answered. "The short answer is, 'bypassing the protestations of virginal innocence and outrage at the prospect of having wild, unrestrained sex with two highly attractive people'. The long answer is... well... a bit more than I really want to get into right now." Fighting a knot of conflicting feelings, Sasha blurted, "But it doesn't look safe!" It was true. With his ankles tied above the water line and his arms bound behind his back, there was no way for Thomas to reach the surface without help. "He's an experienced free diver, Sasha," Jackie said. "He makes hundred-foot dives on a single bath in the open ocean for fun. There's no real danger of him drowning-- honestly, it's mostly just a convenient way to shut him up." She lifted Thomas to the surface again. Without drawing a breath, the bound man began, "Jackie, I'd expect something like this from you... but I leave you alone for thirty minutes-- thirty minutes!-- and you're corrupting an innocent bystander--" Jackie's eye flicked up, meeting Sasha's. "See what I mean?" Sasha covered her mouth, choking on a laugh that seemed wholly inappropriate under the circumstances as Jackie let Thomas slip below the water again. Gaining control of herself, she said, "I dunno-- he sounds pretty angry." Jackie just smiled briefly. "Oh... d'you think?" With that, he reached across for Sasha's hand and guided it unhesitatingly to Thomas's trousers. Surprised, Sasha let her hand be pressed against the stiff bulge beneath the black jeans. She might as well have been shocked with jump leads, as fresh desire buzzed and pooled between her legs. Jackie lifted Thomas back to the air, and Sasha jerked her hand away as he gasped, his previous tirade apparently forgotten. "Oh, god-- he's turned on by this?" she squeaked after Jackie let Thomas sink again. "Oh, I don't know if it's this, per se. It's more about having it done to him; having the repercussions of sex be someone else's responsibility. About having someone else be in charge of things, of course." Sasha had a flash of being pinned on the edge of the pool, helpless, by the naked woman in front of her, and shook her head to dislodge it. "So... you and he... have you, you know--" "Done this kind of thing before?" Sasha nodded. "Yeah. A few times. Not recently." Jackie reached down to lift her charge, supporting his head above the water so that he could hear their conversation. "He trusts me more than anyone else in the world... he trusts me to keep him safe." "Jackie," breathed Thomas, drawing air slowly, but deeply. Jackie stroked Thomas's cheek with her free hand. "Sasha... come here and kiss him. When you're done, undo his trousers. I want his cock out." Heart racing, Sasha leaned over and touched Thomas's lips with hers, brushing softly and altering the angle until they fit together perfectly. A small noise escaped Thomas's throat, and Sasha took it as an invitation to deepen the kiss. She was vaguely aware of Jackie allowing the pressure of her lips on Thomas's to push him down... down... until the water lapped up around their joined lips. Holding her breath, she pressed him down further, submerging them both, ignoring the disconcerting feeling of water entering her nose and mouth in order to hold the kiss for another few precious moments before surfacing and flinging her wet hair over her shoulder. She looked up to find Jackie staring at her. "Okay," Jackie said. "That was hot." Sasha smiled shakily and moved to struggle with the wettoo-tight fastenings on Thomas's trousers. Buttons defeated, she unzipped him carefully and reached in, gently freeing him. The rippling water prevented her from getting a clear view, but touch told her that he was fairly long with a medium girth. His skin was cool and silky against her hand. Her appraisal was interrupted by Thomas gasping as he surfaced; the first real loss of control she'd seen from him. "Easy, there, big fella," Jackie said lightly, supporting him. "We've got a ways to go yet." She looked at Sasha and winked. "You know, Sasha... I've always thought it would be interesting to see if the desire to breathe could be overridden. I'm not sure what it would take to distract someone enough to forget about something as basic as breathing... but I've got a couple of ideas that might be fun to try." Thomas frowned as he looked up at the man holding him. "Jackie, what--" Jackie grinned at Sasha and pushed him under, cutting him off. "Sasha, I want you to pump him five times. Five strokes, nice and easy, then let him go." Sasha swallowed against the dryness in her throat. Yesterday, she would never have conceived of sex being like this. Now, though, she was absolutely desperate to see the man bound in the water beneath her lose control-- to know that she and Jackie were the cause of it. Eyes locked with Jackie, she slid her palm over the head of Thomas's cock, forming a loose fist and letting him squeeze into it, finger by finger, then sliding back up to the very tip. Twice... three times... four timesŚ five times she repeated the slow slide, then released him and watched as Jackie lifted their captive just high enough to let his mouth and nose break the surface. "Sasha..." the bound man whispered, and Sasha felt a rush of sexual power unlike anything she'd known during the sticky, awkward clutches with her previous partners. Jackie allowed Thomas a handful of breaths, then pushed him roughly beneath the surface. "Ten strokes, Sasha. Take your time." Sasha took Thomas in hand and began to milk him slowly and firmly, counting silently, varying her grip and pressure. He was rock hard against her fingers, but didn't move or struggle in his bonds. After ten strokes, she slid her hand off of him with a final flick at his tip. Again, Jackie let him up only enough to grab a few quiet breaths with the water lapping at the edges of his nose and mouth, and pushed him back down quickly and firmly. "Fifteen this time." Seeing Jackie's pattern, Sasha nodded and set to work. Helpless and breathless, totally at another's mercy. Undergoing the most exquisite sexual torture, for longer and longer each time, she thought. Having it stop every time you get to breathe. How long before you get so desperate for release that you just want more of the torture, and screw the air? Sasha let go after the fifteenth stroke, and Thomas's first breath after breaking the surface had a hint of a sob. The sound went straight to Sasha's clit and stayed there as Jackie pushed him down and said, "Twenty." They were midway through a count of thirty when Sasha felt the slick shaft in her hand begin to swell and pulse. A small trail of bubbles broke the surface near Jackie, the first time that Thomas had lost air. She was at twenty-two strokes, and Jackie said, "Slower. Softer." Her heart pounding, Sasha slowed her movements, just trailing her fingers over his pulsing cock. The last eight strokes seemed to take forever as the bound man began to jerk, releasing intermittent plumes of bubbles as he struggled. "So much for self-control," said Jackie. She let go, eyes wide, and Jackie hauled Thomas to the surface, gasping raggedly and still struggling. "Please..." gasped Thomas. "Please..." She could tell that Jackie was timing it carefully, pushing him under almost violently just as Thomas dragged in a deep breath. Jackie looked like the cat who’d gotten the cream as she told Sasha, "Thirty-five. Finish him." Sasha practically pounced on the helpless man beneath her, riding a bizarre adrenaline high as she pumped and milked him. His hips jerked with each stroke, seeking a purchase that wasn't there; trying to thrust. At eighteen, he went rigid, before exploding an instant later into a massive orgasm. She could hear the bubbling cry that emptied his lungs, and Jackie hurriedly hauled him to the surface for breath before putting him under one last time, to ride out the aftershocks. After several seconds, he quieted, floating peacefully just under the surface. Sasha just watched him for a moment, her own sexual excitement put to the side while she appreciated the sight of her new lover, completely relaxed and content under the water. Then she saw Thomas twist his shoulders, arms moving deftly behind him, and realized that he'd slipped his bonds, just like that. Stroking upward, his head broke the surface as he supported himself with strong figure-eight movements of his now-free hands. "You cheeky bastard!" she exclaimed, as Jackie laughed quietly. "You could have gotten loose at any time!" "Sasha," said Thomas, "As bondage goes, elastic suspenders leave something to be desired when it comes to security." Jackie raised a sardonic eyebrow at him. "Which is why you escaped them so easily when you were struggling earlier." "All right, all right. To be fair, I might have been a bit... distracted... at that point." "A bit?" she echoed. He didn't answer, instead making a move toward his bound ankles, only to dunk himself inadvertently. He surfaced quickly, spitting water. "Yes. A bit. Actually, I could, uh, use a bit of help with the ankles..." Jackie winked at Sasha good-naturedly, and moved to help. She pulled one of the dangling ties on Sasha's bikini top, and the slipknot binding Thomas's ankles to the poolside ladder released smoothly. Freed, Thomas righted himself with the same odd, ungainly grace that he did everything else, then lounged against the wall of the pool with his arms outstretched, resting on the edge of the deck. "Thanks," he told Jackie. "I think." "My... pleasure," Jackie replied, causing Sasha to giggle and Thomas to raise a sardonic eyebrow. "Not yet, surely," Thomas said, eyes sliding up and down Jackie's body so quickly that Sasha wasn't quite sure she'd really seen it. Jackie chuckled. "As I was telling our delightful new friend earlier, the night is young, and we have all the time in the world." She looked at Sasha. "So, Sasha, any thoughts on how to rectify the grave injustice of neither of us having gotten off yet?" Sasha had been hot and bothered for so long now that it was starting to feel like her default setting. Before she could over-think it, she met Thomas's eyes and blurted, "I want to know how it felt." For about the bazillionth time that night, she felt heat rush to her cheeks. "What was it like?" "Wet," Thomas replied. Jackie laughed, and threw Sasha's damp bikini top at Thomas, who snatched it out of the air before it could hit his face. "If you're looking for insightful introspection about interpersonal power dynamics during sex, Sasha, I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree." "You screamed," she told Thomas. "I did not!" he said indignantly. "Yeah, actually you did," Jackie said, continuing quickly to cut off Thomas's half-formed protest. "Though it was more of a manly, masculine shout, of course." Sasha took a moment to admire the way Jackie almost kept a straight face during that line, and forged ahead before her courage could desert her. "I want to do that," she said. "What," Thomas said, clearly teasing her now. "Have a manly, masculine shout?" Sasha gritted her teeth, but Jackie stepped in before she could do more than think briefly about tying the man back up and dumping him in the deep end. "Thomas," Jackie said. "I think Sasha is trying to say that she'd like to be tied up, held underwater, and fucked within an inch of her life with no way to prevent what's being done to her." Sasha's heart skipped a beat at hearing Jackie say it so casually, then hammered double time as she continued. "She was so enthusiastic earlier that I had to... " Jackie's eyes burned into hers. " ... restrain her. I think she liked it. I think she wants to feel what it's like when someone really has power over her." Ignoring the dryness of her mouth, Sasha pulled herself up straight, and gathered all of her bravado around her. "Yes. That's right." Thomas frowned at her, forehead furrowing. "Sasha... are you sure--?" "Thomas," she interrupted. "I'll be leaving for the East Coast tomorrow, and you should know by now that I'm only after you two for your bodies. I want to do this. I want to know how it feels." A moment later, she added, "And, frankly, if I don't get off soon, I may explode-- and I guarantee you, the results will not be pretty." Jackie grinned. "See, Thomas? You didn't need to worry about me corrupting this one. She's already corrupted." "Oi! I am standing right here, you know!" Sasha said, half-amused and half-irritated. Jackie just shook his head at her. "Trust me, gorgeous, that was not an insult." Sasha looked back to Thomas, who had been silent for too long. She could see the subtle play of emotion on his face, down to the exact moment when he decided to indulge her desires. Apparently, Jackie saw it too. "Right," she said, rubbing her hands together. "This is going to take a little forward planning." "Quite so." Thomas stepped forward, invading her personal space in that delicious way that he had with almost everyone. "So, Sasha... how long can you hold your breath?" * * * As it turned out, a few test attempts showed that Sasha could hold her breath for about thirty-five seconds, though she did hit forty-two once. As she floated under the water the first couple of times, her companions' hands occasionally brushing against her shoulder or smoothing her hair back affectionately, she could just make out the low drone of their voices, though not what they were saying. Apparently, Jackie had been appointed "head planner for kinky sex" at some point during those unheard conversations... not really a surprise, Sasha supposed. "Okay," said Jackie when everyone was happy with their understanding of her lung capacity. She held Sasha's shoulders gently, keeping her attention focused while Thomas stood close behind her with his hands on her hips. "Here's what's going to happen to you. You'll put your arms behind your back. Grab your forearms with your opposite hand, and keep them there." "You're not going to tie them?" she asked. "No, Sasha," said Thomas, behind her. "Your hands are how we'll know if you're in trouble. If you move your hands, everything stops." She nodded, and Jackie continued. "Then, you float on your back, like before. Your ankles will be tied to the edge of the pool, high and wide. You'll be spread open, and you won't be able to stop me from doing whatever I want to you." Sasha shivered, caught between the desire to hear a detailed breakdown of everything Jackie had planned, and the desire to just get on with it. "So... if there's anything you don't want to happen, now's the time to say so," Jackie continued. Sasha shook her head. "Do your worst," she said. Thomas let out a low breath of laughter near her ear. "Dangerous words," he said, amusement obvious in his voice. "Oh, ho-- them's fightin' words," Jackie agreed with a smile, then sobered. "Right. You'll be on your back, arms held behind you, ankles tied. Thomas will control how often, and how much, you get to breathe. We're not going to increase the length of time you're underwater each time because, frankly, with no dive training, you'd drown before I got through half of the things I intend to do to you." "Can't have that," said Sasha faintly. Mmmph, contributed Sasha's libido. "Instead, you'll be held under for twenty-five seconds at a stretch, then allowed up for three breaths. Out, in; out, in; out, in... and then you're going under for another twenty-five seconds, ready or not. While you're trapped underwater, your entire body is fair game for whatever we want to do to you. While you're getting air, we won't touch you." Jackie smiled at her teasingly. "I saw how much you liked that part of it, earlier." Sasha swallowed hard, and Jackie's smile widened as she slipped to the side of the pool and retrieved the waterproof, vibrating strap-on sitting on the deck. "Now," Jackie said as she adjusted the fake penis and tightened the buckles around her hips. "I can't help but notice that your arms aren't behind your back yet." Thomas guided her arms into position so that she could wrap each hand around the other forearm, and she realized that it had begun. Sasha swallowed nervously and tried to focus on taking deep, regular breaths as her companions guided her to lean back, letting the water support her. Thomas placed a hand under her head to steady her as Jackie ran a hand down her leg and lifted her ankle. Something soft wrapped around it snugly-- presumably half of her bikini again-- and Jackie fastened it to the edge of the pool. She wriggled a bit as Jackie lifted her other ankle out of the water, and Thomas's hand was all that kept her face from slipping under the surface. Jackie slowly stretched her leg out to the side, farther than she had expected, and she could feel the lips of her vulva part, letting the cool water in. A moment later, both ankles were secured, and she clasped her hands tightly around her forearms as an odd sense of vertigo swept over her. "O-kay... this is weird," she said shakily, and felt herself lifted higher in Thomas's arms, water draining out of her ears enough that she could hear what was going on around her. "All right, Sasha?" Thomas asked, holding her securely. "Yeah. Yeah, 'm okay," she said after a moment. Jackie approached her from the other side, smoothing her hair back. "Ready?" she asked. No, she thought. "Yeah," she said. "All right, then," said Jackie. "Three breaths. Out... in... out... in... out... and in..." She breathed deeply in time to Jackie's voice, holding the final breath. "... and... down." The hands supporting her lowered her down into the waiting water, which flooded her ears and slipped over her closed eyes before closing over her mouth and nose. It started to go wrong almost immediately-- lying on her back, the water ran up her nose, stinging as it ran deeper, filling her sinuses. All thoughts of hot, kinky sex fled as she tried to blow air through her nose to clear it, but that just made her feel like she was out of oxygen and needed to breathe in. Letting go of her arms, she flailed for the surface and was instantly pushed up to the air and supported by strong hands as she coughed and snorted water out of her nose. "Easy there, beautiful," Thomas said, cutting through her panic. Feeling like the least sexy thing in the universe, Sasha wiped her hair out of her eyes, and let her head fall back against Thomas's chest. "Shit," she said profoundly. Jackie was there, too, watching her closely to make sure she was okay. "Not quite everything you hoped it would be?" she asked kindly. She looked away, embarrassed. "Sorry. Sorry. The water ran up my nose, and I wasn't expecting it. It stings like crazy!" Jackie stroked the side of her face. "Don't apologize, Sasha. We should have thought to have you go under on your back before you were restrained. It does kind of suck at first, but once it fills up your sinuses, it doesn't really go any further. The stinging goes away after a minute or so." She moved back toward Sasha's ankles. "Here, let me get you untied." "No!" Sasha said quickly. "Don't, Jackie. I'm not beaten yet. Let me have another shot and see if I can get used to it." "All right," said Thomas. "Nod when you're ready to go under. When you want to come up, just raise your hand. And remember--" He smiled at her. "We can stop anytime." She nodded gratefully, touched and reassured by the pair's consideration. "Right. Here we go..." She breathed deeply, nose still stinging a bit, and then closed her eyes and nodded. The water closed over her once more, focusing on what Jackie had said-- it'll only be bad for a little bit. Once again, the water entered her nose. This time, since her sinuses were still stinging from last time, it wasn't such a sudden shock. Let it happen, she thought. Let the water come in. You won't drown. It's just one more hole that's going to get filled up tonight, if things go well. She'd meant it as a humorous thought, but the idea of being penetrated so thoroughly caused a faint pulse of arousal. Her earlier desire had fled with its tail between its legs during her freak-out session a minute ago, but now she started to feel the water swirling in her ears, flowing up her nose, and washing coolly against her open and exposed pussy in a different way. Consciously relaxing her tight muscles, she let go of the last of her panicky fear and drifted. Jackie had been right; the pain in her sinuses had faded to an annoyance-- one that would hopefully be forgotten completely once the fun began. It was, however, quickly being replaced with a burning in her chest, and she raised a hand. An instant later, she was on the surface, where she exhaled through her nose, clearing the water, and inhaled gratefully. "Forty seconds," said Jackie, smiling at her with a look of pride. "You go, girl." "You were right," Sasha told her. "It's not so bad once you get used to it." She craned around to meet Thomas's eyes with a smile. "Thanks for being patient with me." "Nonsense," he said. "No point in kinky sex unless everyone's having fun." Jackie nodded agreement, catching eye once more. "So, are we good?" Sasha nodded. "We are good. Let's do it." "Hmm," said Thomas. "I distinctly remember 'tying' your arms earlier. Perhaps this time, they'll stay tied." "If I didn't know better, I'd think our victim was trying to make her punishment even worse," Jackie added. Sasha shivered, and quickly placed her arms behind her back. "Better," said Thomas. "Now, Sasha, my dear... on the count of three. One... two... three." The hands fell away, letting her sink down into the water. After a moment, she was distracted from the water-in-the-sinuses routine by hands smoothing her billowing hair away from her face. Then one hand-- Thomas's?-- slid down to the end of the gathered ponytail before smoothly wrapping the thick length around his palm once... twice... and grasping it firmly near her scalp. Her heart immediately went into overdrive at the feeling of being trapped, held firmly but painlessly under the water by her long, dark hair. It didn't make a blind bit of difference that her arms weren't tied, she realized. She could claw at the water all she wanted and it wouldn't get her an inch closer to the surface if the hand didn't want to let her up. How long had it been? Oh, god-- how much longer until she was brought up? She was still okay, but the way her heart was pounding-- And why weren't they doing anything else to her? Weren't they supposed to be doing things to her? Trapped and helpless as she was, would she be able to stand it if they did? And now her chest was starting to ache with the need to breathe-- The hand tangled in her hair pushed her up until her nose and mouth broke the surface, and she gasped, remembering just in time that she was only allowed three breaths. Make them count, make them count... It didn't feel like enough, but after the third gasp she was tugged down by the hair, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Sasha flinched, surprised, when a hand rested over her exposed throat. She floated, completely vulnerable as the fingers firmly traced the tendons in her neck and paused over the flutter of her racing pulse before sliding down to follow her left collarbone. Her breast ached with the hand's nearness, but it slid down her ribcage to rest on her stomach, feeling the flutter of muscles as the need to breathe began to grow. One finger explored her navel, sliding in and out suggestively before brushing down through her dark curls. She could have screamed with frustration when it disappeared-- in fact, a few bubbles of precious air did leak out, trailing to the surface. But, of course, the hand's disappearance was simply the signal that she would get another few seconds at the surface. It was hard to control her breathing to get the most out of the meager three breaths. Again, it wasn't quite enough-- but, again, she didn't have any choice in the matter when she was quickly and firmly pulled under. This time, with no warning, a finger flicked the very tip of her pebbled nipple She could feel the slight catch of the fingernail with each touch, every nerve stretched to the breaking point. After five flicks, the finger moved to the other nipple, leaving the first burning and tingling. Five more flicks, and it disappeared, leaving her to wonder if it was time to breathe. It wasn't; a hand moved to her inner thigh, fingers digging into the tight muscle and kneading inches from where she really wanted them. The hand pressed into the flesh at the juncture of her hips and thighs, wringing an ill-advised moan from her. Half her air gone, she began to writhe as the heedless hands continued to hold her down and dig into her soft flesh. Her first gasp was desperate as she was finally brought to the surface, and she forced as much air as she could from her lungs on each exhale, then dragged in air until it felt like her ribcage would crack. The hand pulled her relentlessly down again, and she felt a body-- Jackie-- slip under her and resurface, caged by her spread legs. Jackie resumed her attack on Sasha's inner thighs, sliding closer and closer to where Sasha really wanted her without ever actually getting there. The tension in her muscles began to melt under Jackie's hands, making her feel heavy under the water and causing the need which had been centered in her throbbing clit to spread through her stomach and up her spine until even her scalp was tingling with want. After her close call last time, she was surprised when the hand in her hair pushed her up to the surface. Breathing deeply and slowly, she refilled her lungs and the water washed over her once more. Hands covered her hips, cradling her firmly. A third hand covered her mouth unexpectedly, and she jerked, taken completely by surprise. For some reason, it was even more startling under the water than it would have been on land, and she was so focused on it that she nearly screamed when Jackie impaled her with the strap-on, filling her to the brim with the vibrating dildo. The hand kept her from losing all of her air and she lay trapped under the surface, frozen with shock and trembling with the dual sensation. She expected Jackie to thrust, but she didn't, merely holding Sasha there, motionless except for the buzz of the fake cock inside her. For long seconds they all stayed that way, Sasha's heart pounding like a jackhammer, and then Jackie withdrew, and the hand covering her mouth withdrew, and her mouth and nose broke the surface. "Oh, god," Sasha gasped on the exhale, "oh, god... oh, god..." And then she was underwater again, the hand clapping firmly over her mouth. Jackie plunged into her again; again she did not thrust. Jackie's hand slid between her buttocks, one finger circling her asshole for long seconds before popping inside to the first knuckle, then the second, then sliding in fully. The strap-on vibrated inside her while Jackie finger fucked her from behind, someone else's hand in her hair, holding her underwater, and another hand clamped over her mouth with a trail of desperate bubbles leaking out. It seemed like forever until the hands and cock withdrew, and she was practically sobbing as she surfaced. "Please..." she moaned, aware on some vague level that her hands were still firmly clamped behind her. "Please, no more... I can't..." The feeling when she was pulled under-- mid-begging-- was an indescribable tangle of terror, lust, and a stnge peace. It was almost easier to just stay underwater, where she had no choice about what happened. The hand clamped over her mouth, Jackie entered her forcefully once more and slid a finger into her ass. Jackie's other hand descended on her mound and gently trapped her clit between two fingers, rolling and kneading it. Her hips pulled back, and she began to pound the strap-on into Sasha, jerking her ankles against the restraints with each thrust. Sasha's back arched and she came, the waves of sensation rolling over her, prevented from screaming by the hand tightly covering her mouth, which now pinched her nose shut as well. Whenever she thought it might stop, she was hit by a new spasm, and she bucked and struggled as the onslaught poured over her. At some point, she realized that she was on the surface and breathing. The sensory overload began to fade, leaving her ridiculously sensitive, and she squealed as Jackie withdrew and stumbled drunkenly back, catching herself with an arm slung onto the pool deck. She looks like I feel, Sasha thought giddily. "Damn," said Jackie, and reached over to free Sasha's ankles from their bindings. "That was pretty amazing." "You can let go of your forearms now, Sasha," Thomas said in her ear. With great dignity, Sasha got her feet under her and pried her fingers loose from where they'd been clamped behind her back. "I knew that," she said. Turning back to Jackie, she pouted prettily at the woman's apparent exhaustion. "Aww, what's the matter, Jackie? C'mon... is that all you've got for me?" With that, she fainted into Thomas's arms. * * * Sasha awoke to find herself wrapped in a fuzzy robe, curled up on a sofa in front of a fireplace in Thomas and Jackie's sitting room, her head resting in Jackie's lap and Thomas leaning against the front of the couch near her hip, legs crossed in front of him. "Sleeping beauty awakes," said Thomas. Jackie craned around to look at her. "Hello, sweetheart. Feeling better now?" Sasha took stock. "That depends... do I have to move?" Jackie smiled. "Not yet, no." "Then yes, I'm feeling better. Though I'm going to be sore in places I didn't know I had in the morning." "So," Jackie asked, "did you like it?" Sasha looked skyward, all innocence. "Oh... it was all right, I suppose..." Then she squealed when Jackie pinched her. "Okay-- fine, fine. It was the best sex I've ever had. Amazing. Mind-blowing. Incredible. Etcetera. Thank you, Jackie. Thank you, Thomas." "You're welcome, Sasha," said Thomas, and Jackie smiled and leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on her lips. "So, Sasha," Jackie said, "you'll be leaving in the morning, yeah?" Sasha nodded. "I think so, yes." "Will we see you again?" Jackie asked. "Oh, I suspect so," she said, smiling at them both. "I'm like a bad penny; I always turn up." Jackie reached down to smack Sasha on the shoulder and Thomas mock-glared over his shoulder at her. "Oi, Jackie! Be nice." He looked at Sasha solemnly. "I look forward to it, beautiful. Wake me up before you leave, so I can say goodbye, okay?" "It's a deal." She smiled, and the three settled back down to doze. The Game She was lounging in the warm bath, a bit bored but enjoying the feeling of his hand caressing her forehead and scalp as her other half sat on the edge of the large, two-person tub, when the idea came to her. "Let's play a game," she said, sitting up suddenly and flicking water at him. "Go get some dice, your stopwatch, and a length of rope, and I'll tell you the rules." He looked at her skeptically for a moment, then rose without a word and went to get the props. He returned a few moments later, and deposited the items on the edge of the sink, asking, "So what's the deal? You tie me up and we time how long it takes you to give me more gray hair?" She snorted and splashed more water at him. "Maybe next time. Here's the deal. Each number on the die corresponds to an amount of time-- one is ten seconds, two is twenty seconds, six is sixty seconds, and so forth. You'll roll the die six times total, so that each number has a chance of coming up. Each time you roll, the amount of time that comes up is the amount of time I have to stay submerged, lying on my back underwater and holding my breath. For periods of forty, fifty, or sixty seconds, I can hold my nose. For periods of ten, twenty, or thirty seconds, I can't hold my nose. "The first time that I bail out, which is defined as surfacing for air before time is up, or holding my nose when it's not allowed, the penalty is to have my arms tied behind my back for the rest of the game. Which means, of course, that I lose the privilege of holding my nose no matter how long the time requirement. I also have to finish the time that's left on that breath-hold before moving on to the next round. The second time I bail out, I lose the game." "How will you know when the time is up?" he interjected. "Hmm, good point. How about you touch my breast when I have five seconds left, then pinch my nipple when time's up." He smirked. "Yeah, I know, you could just tap my shoulder, but what fun is that?" she pouted. "So what do I get if you lose?" he asked reasonably. "What do you want?" "If you lose, you have to suck me off underwater." "Fair enough, but if I win, I get to fuck you on your back in the tub, whie dunking you for ten seconds at a time, with only one breath between each dunking, until you start to come underwater." The bulge in his shorts belied the uncomfortable look on his face as he nodded. She cheered internally as he reached for the small black and white die-- he got off on her love of breath play as much as she did when she was the "victim", but he had always gently resisted on those occasions when she started to take the upper hand and dunk him, and she never pushed it. He rolled it the die the floor next to him, and reported a two, for twenty seconds. She screwed up her face and sighed. "I hate getting water up my sinuses," she groused Taking a few deep breaths, she slid her upper body under the water, rolling her head as far to one side as she could and still remain on her back. One arm stretched up the back of the deep tub to help keep her under, the other curled loosely across her stomach. Her feet rested on the wall above the faucet. Small bubbles rose from one nostril every few seconds as she attempted to keep the water out, but the liquid still burned a stinging trail deeper and deeper into the other side of her nose. After a while, the water's progress seemed to stop, and shortly a hand broke the surface and rested softly on the small globe of her right breast. She counted down, and a firm pinch caused her to exhale in a moan as she surfaced, snorting out a nose full of water and taking a deep, controlled breath. "Next," she said matter-of-factly, not even bothering to clear her eyes or ears. She heard the die hit the ground and roll. "Fifty seconds." Clearing her throat, she hyperventilated for a few seconds, emptied her lungs and pulled in a deep breath. Pinching her nose shut, she dipped under, resting against the bottom and relaxing completely. Not a ripple or a bubble marred the surface as she counted heartbeats, until finally a hand descended and began to caress her breast sensuously, kneading and sliding for several seconds before giving the nipple a sharp squeeze. She remained where she was for a few more seconds, drinking in the sensation as the fingers rolled and pulled the nub, then sat up and regained her breath. The die rolled again. "Sixty." She nodded and started hyperventilating again, then gasped a full breath and dunked under, holding her nose firmly. After fifty-five heartbeats, the pressure in her chest was growing too great to ignore, and a trail of bubbles leaked from her mouth. Seconds later, the hand had still not appeared, and more air escaped from her lungs. As the last breath bubbled up from her mouth, she felt the hand touch her, and clamped down on her nose and mouth to keep from inhaling water as she counted down the last five seconds, lunging for the surface the instant the fingers closed on her nipple and gasping a couple of huge breaths before relaxing back. "Ready to give up yet?" came her husband’s amused voice, and she shook head violently, still breathing hard. The unmistakable sound of the die came again. "Thirty this time." She made a sound suspiciously like "urgh" and sucked in air. Asoon as she slipped under she knew she was in trouble. Water splashed up her nose immediately and she jerked, blowing bubbles which helped for only a moment before the liquid rushed along her nasal passages and ran in a stream down the back of her throat. She coughed and the water swamped her mouth as well. With no chance of toughing it out for thirty seconds, she broke the surface, coughing and spitting water. "Crap!" was her only remark as she cleared her face and opened her eyes to see her husband reaching for the rope. "I sure am looking forward to that underwater blow job," he said smugly as he maneuvered her forward and bent her arms behind her back, hands next to elbows, and tied them securely. "We'll see. How much time left?" "Nineteen seconds," he replied, then took advantage of her helplessness by pushing her back in the water until her nose and mouth barely broke the surface, and attacking her clitoris with his free hand. "This isn't part of the game-- oh, god-- blblblb-- oh!" She moaned and bubbled as the sensation caused her to squirm in ecstasy, water washing over her face as she writhed around. After a few seconds he stopped and lifted her up enough to hear him. "Just making sure the rope is tight enough. Remember-- nineteen seconds." "Yeah, OK, it's tight enough... nineteen seconds... right..." she replied breathlessly, heart still pounding with excitement. Sucking in air, she slid down much more carefully this time, raising her legs further out of the tub since she couldn't use her arms to stay under. She was growing used to the constant stinging of the water in her nasal passages, and before long the hand signaled her time was up. Wriggling awkwardly, she angled her face towards the surface, fighting the ropes tying her arms until she could lean back and break the surface with her nose and mouth, snorting out water and gasping air through pursed lips as the ripples lapped at her nostrils and the edges of her mouth. Her husband lifted her up far enough to hear him say, "Ten seconds this time," then let her slide back into the tub. Rather than fight to stay up, she took a deep breath on the way down and let herself sink under, exhaling a slow stream of bubbles for the short period until the signal came, then executing the same ungraceful wiggle to get back to the air again. This time her partner lifted her up and rested her head against the back of the tub while he rolled the dice. She heard the rattle, then his snort of laughter. "You up for sixty seconds?" "Probably not," she replied sourly, then began hyperventilating, took three really deep breaths, and started to slide down. Unable to adjust herself easily with her tied arms, she began to float back up almost immediately, until a firm hand on her head pushed her back against the bottom and pinned her until she rearranged her legs to keep herself under. The seconds dragged by as she expelled bubbles in a mostly unsuccessful attempt to keep the water at bay, the effort draining her breath from her lungs in a steady stream. Each time she tried to stop the loss, water dripped down the back of her throat, causing her to jerk and cough out an even larger amount of air. Soon her lungs were empty, and she flailed for surface, water pouring into her open mouth as she broke through and slipped right back under, wriggling inches below the waterline until a hand supported her head while she spit water and took in oxygen. She was lifted into a sitting position, and then a body entered the tub behind her-- apparently her husband had used her last attempt as a chance to remove his clothes. He settled into a seated position at her back and leaned her forward to remove the waterlogged rope from her arms. Once free, she scrubbed her face and turned, sliding sensuously up his body. "You win," she said and began kissing him deeply. As they kissed, she used her weight to slide him down the back of the tub, slowly and deliberately, until the water lapped at his chin, and her hands tilted his head back, her lips drinking in his moans as the liquid rushed into his ears, then over his eyes, leaving only his mouth and nose above the surface. She switched back and forth between filling his mouth with her tongue and her breasts, listening as he panted quickly through his nose, occasionally teasing him by threatening to dunk him the rest of the way underwater as they kissed. Finally she stopped teasing, and, pinching his nose closed, kissed him down to the bottom of the tub, keeping them there until they both began to bubble before dragging him back up and releasing him. "Just for that," he said, mock angry, "you'll be sucking me off on your back, while I pin you to the bottom." Reaching across to the cabinet, he grabbed a nose clip and handed it to her. She barely had it in place when he grabbed her wrists and twisted to the side, pushing her off him and into the water. He quickly straddled her chest, facing her feet and using his weight to press her down flat. She wriggled and squirmed, releasing a trail of bubbles as he wrenched her thighs open and plunged two fingers deep inside her, over and over. Just when she thought she couldn't stand another second, the fingers plunged in and stilled except for a tortuously slow wriggle against the front wall of her vagina. Slowly, he rocked forward, allowing her upper body to float inch by inch to the surface until her frantic gasp rang out. She sucked air, the sound interspersed with moans as the fingers slid against her walls. When the moans overpowered the gasps, he shifted back a fraction, warning her. She pulled in one huge breath... two... three... and once more she was pressed down and pinned under the water. Her husband's body slid further up hers, his balls and cock brushing her chin, and she arched her neck, tipping her head back as far as she could. His tip brushed against her lips at the same time his fingers pulled out of her part way, and she allowed his swollen head to pop past her pursed lips. Simultaneously, he thrust in relentlessly with fingers and cock, filling her at both ends, and she groaned around the flesh in her mouth. He set a fast pace, and she sucked hard, growling and moaning and swallowing the water that flowed in around him. Her heart pounded a staccato beat as the seconds ticked by, ratcheting up even further when lips closed unexpectedly around her clit, nibbling and sucking in counterpoint to the fingers slamming into her. The first twinge of discomfort in her chest wrested another moan from her, and he pulsed in her mouth. She sucked again and swallowed water, swiping her tongue and his flesh in a complex pattern. Bubbles erupted around her clit as he pumped into her mouth, jerking erratically as she swallowed thick hot bitterness in place of warm, tasteless water. His weight settled more firmly onto her, and she shivered at the feeling of being trapped and helpless, in danger. His lips disappeared for a moment as he grabbed breath, then returned, sucking hard and biting as his fingers curled roughly against her g-spot. She arched as the orgasm slammed through her, his softening cock slipping free of her mouth as her air bubbled out in a scream. He continued to pin her down until the spasms of orgasm died down, then dismounted and turned, helping her up to the surface for a desperate, gasping breath. When she had calmed, he waited until she inhaled deeply, then removed his supporting hand and let her slide back to the bottom and rest there. She lay totally relaxed in the watery silence while his hands roamed her body, coaxing little aftershocks up and down her spine. If this was losing, then heaven preserve her from winning... A Helping Tentacle "Thank you, Ellie," said the tentacled alien in its odd, bell-like voice as it eased gracefully out of the star cruiser Endeavor's swimming pool and onto the deck. "In the absence of a proper mud bath, that was very refreshing indeed." "It's the least we could do after you helped us overthrow the Spice Baron and free Aiffal from the catacombs," Ellie said, relaxing on her deck chair with a cup of tea. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate that, Swish-- Aiffal is very important to me. Anyway, the captain was more than happy to give you a lift back to your home planet." Ellie had tried repeatedly to pronounce the alien's name correctly, but her throat simply wasn't designed for some of the sounds. Eventually, he laughed and gently explained that her mispronunciation sounded similar to the word for a particularly rude act, and why didn't she call him Swish for short? Swish blinked his single, giant eye slowly. "And I am more than happy to accept his offer. I have missed my spawn-mates horribly in the months since the Baron's slavers captured me. It will be very good to see them." The alien began to wind his dozens of different-sized tentacles back and forth, wringing out the water from the pool and massaging an even coat of shiny, protective slime over himself. "I wonder if my old job is still available," he mused. Ellie watched in fascination as bands of colors swept across Swish's body in response to the pressure of his tentacles as he groomed himself. He was simultaneously beautiful and the stuff of human nightmares... and she was riveted. "What did you used to do?" she asked. "If you don't mind me asking, that is." A flush of green spread up Swish's body; a sign of amusement, Ellie had learned. "Of course I don't mind," he said. "I was in the sex trade. Humanoid fetish specialist, to be exact." Ellie choked on her tea. "A damn good one, too," Swish continued. "I miss it. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my old positionck, but I'll probably stay in the industry even if I have to apply at a different pleasure dome." Having got herself more or less under control, Ellie said, "Wow, that sounds... fascinating. Tell me more about that. A humanoid fetish specialist, eh? Does that mean that you, um, actually... have sex with humans?" Swish shrugged. "Not in the reproductive sense. My people love a good cuddle for friendship and closeness, but we reproduce by spawning. The idea of rubbing our genitals together just seems... strange. But a lot of the humanoid tourists have a-- thing-- for tentacles." He gracefully rolled one of his larger handling tentacles out to its full length and Ellie stared, transfixed, at the rows of suckers and the bands of powerful muscle as he continued. "Being penetrated by them; being restrained by them; having them slide over and into every erogenous zone at once. I gather it's quite pleasurable." Ellie shivered. "And so you do it for money?" "We-ell... don't get me wrong. A position with the pleasure domes on Callixis IV gives you a good life. Room and board, expenses paid, great retirement plan. But the real bonus is the mucous." Ellie blinked. "I beg your pardon?" Swish blushed purple. "Sorry, that was crude. But it's the truth-- when you humanoids reach your sexual climax, you release the most wonderful mucous. My people have very porous skin-- hence the protective slime. But we also have sense organs under the epidermis, which we use to discern the chemical makeup of our environment. And when that wonderful humanoid mucous touches are skin, it's..." He trailed off and gave a delicious shiver. "It's like-- what's that humanoid drug? Oh yes-- chocolate." Ellie couldn't help laughing, even as she squirmed a bit at the sudden sensation of wetness gathering in her bikini bottoms. Swish continued on, his voice gaining a faraway quality. "Yep... some of my colleagues prefer the male stuff, with all those little sperm wriggling around in it. Me, though... I'm all about the females. If you do it right, you can make them climax over and over and over. Mmm... those were the days." Ellie shifted again, squeezing her thighs together, and was unable to keep the breathiness from her voice. "You miss it, don't you?" "Very much." "I can understand why," she said carefully. "It sounds amazing. I mean... I'd love to do something like that." Swish perked up immediately, bands of red flooding his body. "Oh, Ellie! Do you mean it? I didn't know you liked tentacles!" "Neither did I, until about five minutes ago," Ellie said. "Just one thing-- I don't really have a way to pay you, so it would have to be a freebie." "Nonsense! Your ship is taking me home. That's payment enough. What about Aiffal, though? I don't claim to understand the pair-bonding thing, but I've been a sex worker long enough to know that some humanoids get weird about it." "Oh, we have an understanding. On my side, as long as it doesn't involve a penis, it's fair game. On his side, as long as it doesn't involve a vagina, he's welcome to go for it," Ellie said. "Sounds fair," said Swish. "So, do you want the Introductory, the Cosmopolitan, or the Japanese Schoolgirl Special?" Ellie swallowed. Hard. "Definitely the Japanese Schoolgirl Special," she said after a moment. "Any turn-offs? Health conditions that might be exacerbated by an elevated heart rate or intermittent oxygen deprivation?" "Not that I know of." "Alright. You'll need a safe signal--" "How about 'Antares'?" Ellie suggested. "Ah-- no. It can't be verbal. You won't be in any condition to speak for a good portion of our session." Another pulse of wetness pooled in Ellie's bikini, unbidden. "Here. Take my secondary feeder tentacle in your hand. You can squeeze as hard as you want-- you aren't strong enough to hurt me. If you want to stop at any point, just let go of it. Okay?" "Got it," Ellie said, grasping the offered tentacle and grinning. "I'm ready when you are." "I'm ready now," said Swish. * * * Suddenly, it wasn't the friendly Swish any more. The alien's whole aspect changed, becoming predatory, and Ellie shivered in excitement, backing up. Her back was to the swimming pool, though, and the slimy creature quickly slipped around to block any other escape route, crowding her closer and closer to the edge. She was just contemplating trying to dart past it when one tentacle whipped out with terrifying speed to fasten around her calf. The bulk of the monster pushed past her and slid into the pool, pulling her in behind it. She screamed as she hit the water, clawing her way back up to the surface through a sea of flailing tentacles to gasp for breath. The grip on her leg pulled her under again, where she was helpless to stop the beast from coiling itself around her arms and legs. She tried to thrash, but she might as well have been held in bands of steel as she was forced onto her back and dragged through the water, chest burning. She felt the creature pause for an endless moment to adjust its grip before lifting her face out of the water to gasp for air. She lay in the monster's embrace for a moment, panting, then tried once again to free herself, succeeding only in dunking her head back below the surface for long moments before she could right herself. She was already smeared with slime, but the suckered tentacles held her with ease even as they coiled further up her arms and legs like boa constrictors. When the muscular bands were curled up around her knees, they suddenly wrenched her legs apart, and she squealed in surprise. New tentacles probed around her torso, laying down fresh slime trails as the tip squirmed under the edge of her bikini top and snapped it effortlessly it two. The cups dragged across her sensitized nipples to settle beneath her shoulders, waving in the water and baring her breasts. As if curious, tiny, prehensile tentacle tips began to tweak the aching, erect peaks, before curling tightly around them and squeezing. Ellie groaned, then gasped as something cool and slimy touched her belly and slid down under the side of her bikini bottoms, even as another tentaclid up her inner thigh to mirror it on the other side. With a jerk, both sides of the fabric snapped, and the ruined swimsuit floated away, leaving her naked, exposed, and helpless. She squirmed and kicked, succeeding in jerking her knees closed for a moment, but then a medium-sized tentacle looped around her throat once... twice... inexorably forcing her head back to accommodate the two thick coils. The pool water washed over her eyes, lapping at the edges of her mouth and nose and she froze, swallowing, feeling her throat bob against the gentle, steady pressure as the ripples and waves from her earlier struggling threatened to swamp her, cutting her off from the air above. The hard strength in those coils around her neck was a warning as her legs were wrenched open again. She could feel her pulse pounding against the faint constriction around her neck as a blunt tentacle circled her waist and crept down, across her navel, spreading slime through her little triangle of hair, pushing apart her swollen, dripping pussy lips and sliding across her clit, each tiny sucker dragging across the sensitive nub as the thick end pushed into her hole. Deeper and deeper it burrowed, rooting around until it bumped up against her cervix, causing her to cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. The coils around her neck tightened momentarily in warning, and Ellie whimpered, subsiding. The tentacle tips gripping her nipples began to milk her rhythmically, squeezing and pulling. The thick flesh inside her flexed and moved, but did not thrust, the edge of one of its suckers barely tickling her clit. She lay back, trembling in the grip of the alien, and a small climax washed over her, causing the water to close over her head in mid-gasp as her back arched involuntarily, cunt pulsing around the large tentacle filling her. The alien stilled, then shivered deliciously in response to the juices flowing from her and immediately resumed its attack. Ellie squirmed, bubbles streaming from her nose and mouth, straining upward toward the air as the stimulation to her now over-sensitive flesh continued, the tip of the tentacle inside her curling and twisting around to brush her g-spot over and over. Her face broke the surface, head still in the grip of the tentacle looped firmly around her neck, and she blinked and spat water. As she gasped air desperately, another thick appendage probed her face, dripping slime, resting terrifyingly over her nose and mouth for a few moments before flopping across her eyes, blinding her. Tiny tentacles tickled her earlobes, circling the shell of her ear, exploring the nooks and crannies as she shuddered, held helpless by the pressure at her throat. The tentacle in her pussy twisted against her g-spot once more, dragging across her clit as it moved, and she came again as the tentacles at her ears wriggled inside, blocking her ear canals with slime as they squeezed in, probing deeper and deeper, never still. The tips questing tickled her inner ears relentlessly as she pulsed and writhed with her orgasm, the sensation almost unbearably intimate, slime cutting off every sound except for the pounding of her heart and her own gasps and sobs reflected back at her. Blind and deaf, the orgasm subsided and she hung limply, moaning as the big tentacle began to fuck her, thrusting in and out slowly, the rows of slimy suckers sliding back and forth across her sensitive clit with each long, lazy press. Her mouth fell open as she panted in reaction, and the big glop of slime that landed on her face was her only warning as a large tentacle forced its way past her parted lips and filled her mouth. Smothered by the slime covering her nose, she struggled to breathe as the two tentacles thrust in time with each other, double ending her. The one in her mouth grally pushed harder and deeper, until it was dunking her face under the water for long seconds with every leisurely, unhurried stroke. The stuff dripping from it tasted of salt and seaweed, and she swallowed reflexively as it slid down her throat, trying to clear her nose and grab a bit of air each time the rhythmic thrusting allowed her to surface for a second or two. Her third orgasm rose up and crested over her, much deeper and longer than the others as the strong tentacles pressed into her yielding body and pushed her under the water. Lungs burning after the endless, pulsing waves of sensation, Ellie surfaced, panting rapidly through her nose, to the feeling of a new tentacle sliding between her ass cheeks. She squirmed in protest and sobbed around the solid length thrusting into her mouth as the thing began to prod around the tight ring of muscle it found there. * * * Aiffal wandered into the ship’s natatorium and stopped dead at the sight that greeted him. Ellie, naked but for the torn bikini bra hanging from her shoulders, was hanging limply in Swish's tight embrace in the crystal clear water of the pool. She was covered in slime, blind, deaf, collared, and gagged; being fucked by tentacles in every available orifice. "Hello, Aiffal," said the alien. "I hope this is all right. Ellie said you two had an arrangement." "Well," Aiffal said after a moment. "I'm a little irritated that she didn't call me to watch, actually." "Sorry," said Swish, still thrusting. "It was kind of a spur of the moment thing." "Oh," Aiffal said. "Okay. Have you got a safe signal?" "Of course," Swish answered, sounding slightly miffed. "I am a professional, after all." "That's good. Just checking. So, um, do you mind if I watch you and jerk off while you're finishing up?" "Not at all," said the alien. "The more, the merrier. Do you need a tentacle or three?" "No," said Aiffal, stripping off his duty uniform and donning swimming goggles before lowering himself into the pool a few feet away from the large alien enthusiastically molesting his hapless lover. "Thanks. I'm good." He took himself in hand, and began to stroke slowly as he watched Ellie surface momentarily to gasp around her mouthful of tentacle, completely unaware of his presence as she was pushed relentlessly under the water once more. "How many times has she come, anyway?" he asked. "Four," said Swish. "I'm thinking she's about finished." Aiffal ducked under the water to examine Ellie's swollen nipples and flushed chest, noting the goose bumps on her arms and the way she clutched Swish's secondary feeder tentacle in her hand like a lifeline. "No," he said, surfacing. "She can do one more. You'll need to tickle her, though. She has very sensitive feet." "Huh," said Swish. "I'll have to remember that one. Thanks." "Don't mention it. Oh-- by the way, be careful because she might pass out. She does that sometimes." "Noted," said the alien, and Aiffal took a few deep breaths and sank under the water to watthe action. He had to admire Swish's technique. The alien drove thick tentacles alternately into Ellie's cunt and ass, then pulled back and plunged both in at once. He surfaced for a few moments to watch appreciatively as another tentacle fucked her mouth, pushing her head under the water with every slow, unhurried thrust, forcing her to exhale bubbles on the way down and drag in an exhausted breath through her nose on the brief upstroke, totally at the mercy of the alien’s rhythm. Two more nimble appendages worried at her red, sore-looking nipples. Sightless, ears blocked by tiny, active tentacles that squirmed and writhed disturbingly, taste and smell dominated by pool water and the alien's briny pheromones, she was floating semi-conscious and half-drowned in her own little waterlogged, over-stimulated world. Aiffal knew that Swish would have to shake up her nervous system to get her over that final peak, and her feet were just the way to do it. He watched intently as Swish drew one tentacle-tip softly along the arch of Ellie's left foot, then the right. She jerked and moaned, the moan choked off into bubbles as the tentacle fucking her mouth pushed her underwater mercilessly. The sound went straight to Aiffal's cock and he squeezed himself harder. Swish began to weave the tiny appendage between Ellie's toes, circling and sliding. She surfaced and gasped, grunting muffled protests around the thick tentacle pushing into her mouth, but each protest was answered with a punishing triple thrust into mouth, cunt, and ass that cut off her strangled cries of outrage with a panicked burble as her head disappeared under the water for long moments. Under the surface, Aiffal could see how the rough suction cups on the bottom of Swish's tentacle were dragging across Ellie's clitoris with every pounding thrust, and he groaned softly, increasing the speed of his strokes. She was close. So close. He almost missed it when Swish readjusted the double loop of tentacle around Ellie's vulnerable throat and squeezed as she sucked in a breath at the surface, then jerked her down into the depths of the pool and held her there on the bottom, still fucking her. Shocked over the edge by the primal threat, she twisted and thrashed uselessly underneath three meters of pool water for long moments, then went rigid and arched into a massive orgasm. Swish kept the pressure on as she spasmed, and Aiffal's own orgasm overcame him as he watched her struggle and jerk for a few more moments. He could see the exact moment she gave up, going limp and dropping the tentacle clasped in her hand. In that instant, the other tentacles fell away from her neck and the alien propelled her quickly back up toward the light and air. Aiffal followed them up, out of air himself. Ellie’s desperate, choked gasp as all three of them surfaced wrung a final, shuddering aftershock from him, and he clumsily grabbed the edge of the pool for support, too wrung out to tread water. When he had control of his own limbs again, Aiffal heaved himself out of the pool and crossed the few steps to the jacuzzi, lowering himself into the hot water gracelessly. śWow,” he said profoundly. Supporting now instead of restraining, Swish lifted Ellie from the pool and settled her down in the hot tub, and into Aiffal's arms. She was limp, and covered head to foot in slime. "Aiffal?" she asked sleepily. "Tha' you?" "Yup," he told her. "It's me." "I did five," shed. "Without passing out, I mean." "I saw," he said. "An' now I'm covered in slime," she finished, and Aiffal bit his cheek to keep from laughing at her. "Lean back," he said instead. He supported her head as she leaned back into the water, keeping her nose and mouth above the surface as he gently cleared the slime from her face. She hummed in appreciation as he ran his fingers through her hair, rubbing the strands through his fingers until the worst of it was gone. It was going to take a shower to get it out, properly. "There you go," he said, lifting her back into his arms. "Mmm," she said, and snuggled against him. Aiffal turned his attention to Swish, who was sprawled indolently next to the jacuzzi. "You okay, Swish?" he asked. "Never better," said the alien. "Your lover is delicious." "I know," Aiffal said. "You should try her with whipped cream some time." "What's whipped cream?" "Er... actually-- don't ask. It probably doesn't translate well from the original 'mammal'." "Oh. Okay. Hey, what's that noise?" Swish asked. "It sounds like we're coming into orbit around Callixis IV. You're home, mate!" The alien flushed orange with excitement. "Really? I can't believe it! Thank you Aiffal! Thank you Ellie!" "No, Swish, thank you-- for helping me escape from the Spice Baron... and for the show just now," Aiffal said. "Thank you for a lovely evening," Ellie said, still pleasantly muzzy. "My pleasure," said Swish. "Goodbye, you two-- I'll miss you." With that, Swish hurried off in the direction of the console room, still glowing a happy orange. "I liked him," said Ellie, once Swish had gone. "He was a nice tentacle monster." "Definitely a nice tentacle monster," Aiffal agreed, holding her close. fin
