Matura Repetytorium PR Quick Test 2B

CLASS: SCORE: & & & & & & & & & & & / 15
I. Uzupełnij brakujące litery w wyrazach. (4 pkt)
1.  Why is your bedroom so _ e _ _ _ (cluttered and dirty)?  I haven t had time to tidy it up
2. He lives in a dreary block of flats, but would gladly move to a m _ _ _ _ _ n (a large and
impressive house) in the country.
3. Every landlord wants his _ e _ _ _ _ _ (persons who pay rent for using a place) to keep their
room or flat tidy.
4. According to the principles of Feng Shui, we should remove all obstacles that _ r _ _ _ n _
(stop) the positive energy from flowing.
II. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia. (4 pkt)
1 bedside a notice
2 fully- b results
double c furnished
block d glazing
a month s e building
dense f of flats
positive g vegetation
two-storey h cabinet
III. Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań. (3 pkt)
1. I prefer & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & (grać w siatkówkę
niż oglądać telewizję).
2. This hotel & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .& & (nie jest wystarczająco duży) to host
the conference.
3. Our maths teacher .& & & & & .& & & & & & & & & & (zmusza nas do ciężkiej pracy)
for the exam.
Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 2B
IV. Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, które zdania są
zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią
rubrykÄ™ w tabeli. (4 pkt)
Bedroom furniture is traditionally arranged according to a few general guidelines listed below,
which are for the most part based on common sense. Whether you re decorating a master bedroom,
a guest room, or a room for children, the following section provides you with some useful tips.
The bed is the centre piece of furniture in any bedroom, and it naturally becomes the focus of
attention. Traditionally, it is placed against the centre of the wall opposite the main door to the
room. If the dimensions of your room make it impossible to position your bed on the wall across
from the door, other possible choices depend on which walls are long enough to accommodate the
bed. Diagonal placement works well when you have the necessary space.
Do not place a bed under a window if it is frequently opened. Open windows can create
uncomfortable drafts. This rule can be ignored provided that your home is air-conditioned or heated
all year round and the windows are seldom open. Besides, positioning a bed between two windows
is a good idea.
Although a bedroom doesn t have to be huge, you can decorate it in such a way that it will appear
bigger than it really is. This can be achieved by eliminating clutter, using only necessary furniture in
light colours and keeping the bed visually low.
Regardless of the size of your bedroom, certain arrangements can help you make it as comfortable
as possible. First of all, add some bedside tables to make reading or watching TV in bed easier.
Then, make room for at least one comfortable chair to seat visitors on a sick day. Carpeting all
bedroom floors to reduce noise in the room is another option to be considered. And if you have
room, add a small, delicately proportioned desk for writing letters.
Adapted from
1. typical for a bed to be positioned along the wall facing the door.
2. wrong to place a bed near windows.
3. possible to make a bedroom seem bigger by painting the walls a dark colour.
4. advisable to further furnish a bedroom to increase the comfort.
Express Publishing: Matura  Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 2B


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