Quick Start

Unreal Traffic Quick Start
The Ten Minutes a day Internet
Marketing Plan
By Doug Perkins
© imutopia.com
Why do I need a marketing plan?
·ð Without it you are likely to get little accomplished
·ð You need to set goals and then measure them
·ð You need to have a framework on how to implement the traffic strategies you are learning
·ð It provides you with an estimation of traffic costs
Keep in mind that a marketing plan should not substitute your business plan it should compliment it.
The analytical process
You must have a firm understanding of the business and niche you are in before you execute a
successful marketing campaign. Without understanding these elements, you will most likely not reach
your traffic or monetary goals.
Goals and Vision
You must have a clear cut goal on what you want to accomplish, and then after defining this you must
write out a clear path on how you will get there. For example, if you are launching a new Wordpress
plugin then your goal could be to bring in $15,000 within a 30 day duration. However, just stating this is
obviously not enough. You must know what price you will sell the product for, how many units you need
to sell, and then how much traffic you will need in order to reach these numbers. It s okay for your goal
in the beginning to be vague, but by the time you are done writing your marketing plan you should come
back to your goal and make it much more clear, and you must also have actionable and realistic plans
that will help you get this. For example, if you have acquired no joint venture partners, and have a tiny
advertising budget, then I would say that it s unrealistic to try and reach those numbers in that time
SWOT analysis
This is something that is taught often in business schools. SWOT is acronym for strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. I know, this is not always easy to do as it can feel like you re stripping off the
clothing of your company in public, but it s something that will help you out. This method was originally
created by American business manager Albert Humphrey and the purpose of it is to define the objective
of the project and to identify the internal and external factors that are desirable and undesirable in
order to achieve success. The chart is illustrated for you below. Make sure to print it out and fill it up
with bullet points.
Strengths Weaknesses
A Target Market
A target market is a group of individuals that a company plans on aiming their marketing efforts
towards. It is important that you know as much information about them as possible so that you can
target your marketing efforts precisely towards them. What you should definitely concentrate on are
the psychographic characteristics of your target market. This includes but is not limited to their:
·ð Personality
·ð Values
·ð Interests
·ð Lifestyles
·ð Hobbies
Knowing these characteristics will definitely help you select the networks that you should market on. For
example, if you are marketing towards senior citizens then I think it s safe to say that you should avoid
social news sites like Digg or Reddit. However, if you are marketing towards individuals with interests in
computers and technologies then these networks are a great place to start.
A very important aspect of research is analyzing your competition. If you have lots of competitors then
this is a good as you can look at what methods they are using to acquire customers and leads. Below are
common research methods:
·ð Analyze your top competitors. If you re selling an info product, then look at the top digital
marketplaces like Amazon, Clickbank, Warriorplus, Paydotcom, JVZoo, etc to find out who your
competitors are. Make a note on their strengths and weaknesses.
·ð Find out what keywords you should target. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to get some
ideas, or you can analyze the meta tags of your competitor s websites.
·ð Explore your competitors inbound links in Google, Bing, and Yahoo so that you can find new
websites to acquire links from.
·ð Figure out the keywords you want to target and their corresponding traffic estimation. After you
compile your list select the top three optimal keywords. By optimal I mean keywords that will
provide you the greatest amounts of traffic and have the least amount of competition.
Developing your marketing mix
The next stage of your marketing plan is to develop an effective marketing mix. Keep in mind that the
marketing mix should meet the goal of your company, and it has to fall within the range of your budget.
For example if you only have $500 to invest into the promotion of your product then you obviously can t
use too much of your budget on paid advertising methods because you just don t have enough
resources. Luckily this is not an issue as you have an abundance of free or low cost traffic methods in
Unreal Traffic. Below is a simple example of a marketing mix that a webmaster would implement for the
search engine optimization aspect of their marketing campaign.
·ð Optimizing your site for keywords
·ð Building one way links
·ð Making sure all your pages are indexed
·ð Using no follow on pages you don t care about
·ð Adding 50 pages of pure content to your site in 30
The next step for you to do is refer back to the Unreal Traffic manual and pick ten marketing methods
that you believe will be well suited for your target audience. Fill them in the chart below. Note  M is an
abbreviation for method in the table below. Make sure to print several of these charts out so that you
can keep track of your marketing campaign. Also, make sure to label the date of the beginning and
ending day of the week on the charts so that you can keep track of your weekly progress.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
M 1
M 2
M 3
M 4
M 5
M 6
M 7
M 8
M 9
M 10
As you can see I have included Saturday and Sunday in there, but my recommendation is to marketing
your website 5 times a week as you don t want to overwork yourself and get burned out from the work
you put in. If you skip a day during the weekday then play catch-up on the weekends. In addition, make
sure to use the outsourcing methods taught here to increase your traffic levels. It s really simple, once
you figured out your ten methods that you will be using in the marketing mix, just delegate the work to
some freelancers and then track the results. If your efforts prove to be productive than simply hire more
freelancers to carry out that marketing method so that you can increase your traffic levels. This is called
scaling your traffic and should ideally take ten minutes per day after you get everything setup. This is an
easy way solution to increasing your traffic levels, and doing less work.


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