Flesh and Feathers

Flesh and Feathers @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Flesh and Feathers By April Fifer and Danielle Hylton www.fiferhylton.com Copyright © April Fifer and Danielle Hylton May 2011 In memory of Charlene, who can now see from the angel’s point of view. Contents Prologue Chapter 1 – Mirrors Chapter 2 – Seduction Chapter 3 – Not Forever Chapter 4 – Stalker Chapter 5 – Broken Chapter 6 – Replacement Chapter 7 – Remember Chapter 8 – Changes Chapter 9 – Statues Chapter 10 – Needs Chapter 11 – Impostor Chapter 12 – Arch Chapter 13 – Payback Chapter 14 – Strife Chapter 15 – Signs Chapter 16 – Lifeless Epilogue Prologue A cloaked woman stood in front of a tiny wooden doorway made of cheap rotting planks. The massive block-stone buildings went on for miles on either side of the Roman street, and boundless archways connected them at the top, creating an enormous canopy that shaded the cobblestone thoroughfare. Although this area was poverty stricken with many people lying on the streets covered in blankets, it was one of the most architecturally beautiful places on earth. Regardless, she was not here to admire Rome’s beauty or observe its ambiance. She knocked three times on the door and waited patiently. The white hood of her cloak covered her eyes, and she kept her head bowed as she heard footsteps approaching the door. A small slat in the door opened, and a cold pair of eyes peered out. They stared at her intensely for a moment, and then were gone as the notch closed with a loud thud. The door opened slightly, making the man standing behind it partially visible. śYou don’t look to be one of the vagrants who clutter these streets.” It was obvious that this relieved him, but his voice still held distaste. śI have come for the bounty hunter,” she replied, still not lifting her head so that only her mouth was viewable. śThen you must be mistaken.” His words were harsh, and he was clearly frustrated by her intrusion. He closed the door abruptly without giving her any time to respond. The cloaked woman knocked more firmly this time. śI have come to call on Kano. I seek his services.” The slat in the door opened partially again as the man stared out at her. She lifted her head and slowly removed the hood, revealing her white eyes and platinum hair that was elegantly wound in curls and braids. Her face was pale and looked like porcelain. When she made eye contact with him, a small grin pulled at the corners of her mouth. śHello, Kano. It’s been a long time.” Opening the door wide this time, the man stood there fully observable. He wore black pants and a wool pullover. Kano’s eyes were the color of the night, and his dark brown hair was cropped close to his head. śScarlet,” he said cynically, śI cannot say that it is a pleasure to find you here.” His high cheekbones made it look as though he was about to smile. Scarlet grinned at his statement. śMay I enter?” Kano moved from the doorway, allowing Scarlet admittance. Once she was inside, he closed the door and turned to her. śWhy are you here?” śTobias sent me.” śYou’re still trailing after himŚ, after all this time? Tell me ScarletŚ, have you not grown tired of walking in his shadow?” Ignoring the question, Scarlet walked around the dilapidated old room. There was a cheaply made wooden table that sat on the floor with a single chair. A small bed lay in the corner, covered with a thin gray blanket. The room smelled musty and damp. śI would have expected better living quarters for someone of your stature,” she said while continuing to walk the room in circles. śYou are not here to take up residence so what is it that you want, Scarlet?” śTobias has a proposition for you. We have located the Arch. We need her captured and brought to us. Our powers are limited, but you possess abilities that, wellŚ, are unique. Tobias would like to employ you.” śI have no interest in serving your kind.” He smirked. śWe are aware of your preferred payments. We have something that we believe will interest you.” Scarlet had a way to manipulate most every situation. Kano chuckled. śAnd what could that possibly be?” śWe have the bow of the White Horseman.” He stood silent for a moment. This was quite intriguing; however, Kano was an extremely cautious person. It was a common practice for him not to trust anyone as he had a lifetime of experience in these matters. śThe Horsemen are a myth,” Kano said at last. śAhŚ, some would say. Had I not held the bow for myself, I may not have believed it either. However, they are real, and without their weapon, they are unable to call upon their stallion. We believe this leaves them powerless. Nonetheless, the bow itself is a powerful source.” Kano arched his brow. śAnd how did you come to acquire it?” śHer name was Mland, a so-called Egyptian Sorceress–or at least that’s what she liked to call herself. She was really a witch with quite a few extraordinary talents. I will go so far as to say her talents enabled her to elude even me. By a chance encounter, our paths crossed when I had been requested to seek out one of her former covenant members. There was poor Mland, petrified at the very sight of me, knowing that I was one of the few her magic had no effect on. She was defenseless and began to beg for her life. I found this rather amusing. śMland offered the bow in trade for her release. I was skeptical at first because I found it hard to believe she was strong enough to overpower a Horseman. I asked her how it came to being in her possession. In detail, she began to explain to me of the hex she had placed on the pale rider, causing him to fall into a hypnotic state. She had bewitched him, and he was rendered powerless, with no knowledge of the spell. Only in her death would his memory be restored, making him aware of what she had done. And with her recent unfortunate accident, I am sure there is a fairly angry Horseman out there who is desperately seeking vengeance.” Scarlet ran her fingers over the plank used as a makeshift mantle that hung over the fire pit. She inspected the dirt on the tips of her fingers and then rubbed them together, removing it. She went on. śIf you are not interested, I am sure there are others willing to accept this offer.” Kano knew this was a bluff. Nonetheless, the bow was a rare and sacred item. It was the only one of its kind, and it would bring him great power. He had to have it. However, he didn’t want Scarlet to know just how much. His face was smooth as he looked at Scarlet with no expression. śYou can expect me in three days. I will come to you.” He opened the door, letting Scarlet know that it was time for her to depart. She nodded her head and pulled her hood up as she passed him. *** Ten days earlierŚ Night had fallen on the forest earlier than expected. Scarlet appeared in front of a small cottage near the edge of the woods. Without hesitance, she grasped the handle to the bungalow door and pushed it open bullishly. Mland backed away as Scarlet entered and moved towards her. śHow did you find me?” Mland asked with a shaken voice. Her long jet-black hair hung to the side of her face, covering one of her eyes. Her russet colored skin had a sun kissed glow. Her dark brown eyes focused steadily on Scarlet. Walking over to the wall, Scarlet stood by the smoldering fireplace. The smell of chard beech wood filled the room. She picked up the poker and began to move the logs around with it. Mland was still cornered from where she stood and knew she wouldn’t be fast enough to slip by Scarlet. śMlandŚ, you look shaken. Do I make you nervous? It seems you have been a busy witch. I had finally given up on tracking youŚ and now lookŚ we meet by fate. What an uncanny coincidence.” Scarlet laid the poker down so that the end was lying in the flames. She merely stood there, knowing that her presence alone terrified Mland. śYou have your Coven leader to thank for our reunion.” śThey are not my Coven! They are amateurs with no respect for the true art of Sorcery.” Mland ground her teeth at the thought of being compared to her former associates. Scarlet chuckled to herself. śI don’t believe you’ve given them enough credit, my friend. Your leaderŚ, I apologizeŚ, your former leader was in possession of Qeres. It seems their skills are a little more advanced than you would believe. Or should I say Śwere’?” Scarlet held up a burlap bag that was stained with blood. śI promised Tobias I would bring back a souvenir for him.” Mland tried to pretend that she wasn’t sickened by the thought of what Scarlet carried in the bag, but her radiant dark skin began to take on a yellowish tinge, giving away her fear. śQeres you say? Plan to bring back the dead?” Mland asked, knowing there was no escaping Scarlet. However, maybe if she could make herself useful, Scarlet would have no choice but to keep her alive. śYou need the Arch to do that. I can locate her for you.” This amused Scarlet even more so. śI have already done that.” śI have never told anyone of your secret. Shouldn’t that be considered loyalty?” Mland continued to bargain. śActually, I consider that a loose end.” śWait! I have something of great value. Tobias would be pleased.” Mland’s words spilled out, all running together. śBesides, what will Tobias say when he hears of my death? There is no doubt, he would be enraged.” Mland pointed out a bow that lay against the wall as Scarlet raised a brow in question. Mland went on to tell Scarlet of how she had placed a spell on the Horsemen and stole it from him. Scarlet listened to the story with enthusiasm. At the end, there was a long pause from both women. Finally, Scarlet spoke. śWell, you have proven to be valuable after all.” Mland breathed a sigh of relief, but just then Scarlet lifted the poker from the fireplace and drove it into Mland’s chest. Mland gasped, and the smell of burning flesh overpowered the scent of the beech wood. Her eyes widened while Scarlet watched her. śYou were right. Tobias will most certainly be upset. But then againŚ, accidents do happen.” Scarlet let Mland’s body fall to the ground and then kicked a log from the fireplace, causing it to fall on the cottage floor. She picked up the bow before exiting the room, only pausing long enough to look back at Mland, slowly dying. Fire consumed the tiny home in a matter of minutes. Chapter 1 Mirrors P resent dayŚ The dream is always the same. I am floatingŚ. A warm breeze touches my face. It works its way down my body as it envelops me. I inhale a fine mist that fills my lungs. My hair is flying around me like flames from a fire. I see the city from aboveŚ, and then I start to plummet to earth. I am not afraid of the fall–I know that falling is only the beginning. My fear is what awaits me below. My speed increases, and the city gets closer and more defined. The windows on the large buildings are beautiful and glisten from the sun. They send shards of light in every direction, blinding me as I fall. I see white fragments flying behind me in the reflection of the windowpanes. I can’t tell what they are–only that they appear to be separating themselves from my body. The fragments expel upward, bouncing off the windows of the buildings. With each touch, they shatter the glass, breaking it into millions of tiny pieces that remain suspended in the air. The ground is coming at me quickly, causing me to inhale deeply, and I hold my breath. And like every nightŚ before I hit the ground, I wake; my eyes open and focus on the ceiling in my room. After five years of having this dream, I was no longer afraid or mystified by its presence. It was simply a part of my life. 6:00 am Getting out of bed–that was the easy part. It was facing myself in the morningŚ that was the hardest. I avoided mirrors at all cost which was why I only had one that hung above my bathroom sink. Had it not been glued to the wall, I am sure it would have been history by now. Most people don’t understand that losing your mother at an early age and then having to look at a reflection that was identical to hers was just about unbearable. To stare too long would be pouring salt into bleeding wounds–and to be honest–I wasn’t much for pain. My mother always used to tell me that we were really sisters born to different generations. It wasn’t inconceivable. We had the same dusty blonde hair, the same pale blue eyes, and the same high-spirited nature. WellŚ, at least I used to. She died ten years ago when I was seventeen. Not long after that, I closed up. I told myself I would never be that vulnerable again. Then time passed, and slowly I’ve learned to open up. I have a couple of friends from work, and, even though we don’t really call each other twenty times a day or catch a movie together, they are like family to me. I wouldn’t mind complicating my life a little more, but I never found that one person worth complicating it. It probably doesn’t help that I work and then go straight home. I guess I’m hoping that he will bump into me somewhere in between. My shift started at eight o’clock so I headed out the door, wearing my diner t-shirt and jeans. My day will consist of taking orders, pouring coffee, cleaning tables, and listening to customers complain about the lunch special. śOrder up, Azaleigh!” Tannah shouted and called my name. śBe right there.” I smiled. Although Tannah was obsessive compulsive, she was great. Her tiny diner on the corner of Fifth and Laurel was handed down from her mother nearly twenty years ago. Having to support myself right out of high school, Tannah had taken me under her wing and helped me in many ways. As I watched her behind the counter with her spunky red hair and thin lips, I wondered to myself why she never had any children. I couldn’t help but feel like some poor little kid got cheatedŚ, ending up with some deranged muffin-making parent who would much rather shelter them from the world then let them be a part of it. I had only heard Tannah speak about having children once. The outcome of that conversation had her tearing up a bit and then turning and pointing out that it was a good thing, since she had me to take care of. She was definitely stretching the truth, since I had been on my own for ten years, but–all in all–I did consider her family. The day went by quickly as it always did. More work than hours in the day was generally the case. It was nighttime as I locked the front door to the diner, and I headed back to my apartment located about five blocks up. The walk home was usually a pleasant one. It was my chance to unwind from a hard day and admire the true beauty the city held. The night was clear and the air crisp, but not too bad for late December in Los Angeles. The streets were wet from the quick rain shower that had fallen earlier in the day. I couldn’t help but feel like I was being followed with the splattering sounds of footsteps behind me. Another part of city life–no matter what time it was–people were always out. Up ahead I could hear faint chatters coming from a scanty bar across the street. A big pink and blue neon sign filled the window. Although I walked this route almost seven days a week, I had never given much notice to this place. I am sure this was from years of staring at my feet as I walked. It was very small and quaint, but tonight it seemed to be alive with the sound of laughter and the soft hum of music. I had always kept to myself and would have never dared enter such a place, but this night, the happy chanting coming from within mesmerized me. As I stood on the corner, I contemplated crossing the street. I wondered if going in would make the room stopŚ. Would it be obvious that I was totally out of place? I had taken one step into the street before I realized what I was doing. A loud horn blazed, and pain shot through my ear. śWhat are you doing, you idiot?” a disgruntled cab driver yelled from his car. I quickly backed onto the sidewalk. śSssSorry,” I said, barely loud enough for even myself to hear. Trying again, I crossed the street–cautiously this time–and headed towards the front door. I stopped before entering to look through the window. To my surprise, I saw only a handful of people sitting around, talking, and enjoying each other’s company. From across the street, the sound was so much more profound and did not seem to fit the scene that I was now looking at. I pushed the door open and quietly slipped inside. There were plenty of seats at the bar, and I headed for the one closest to the back. What am I doing here? I thought to myself. Normally, this would be the kind of place that I would cross the street to avoid, not cross the street to enter. I sat down in the far corner. A voice came from behind the counter. śWhat can I get you?” śI’ll have a Margarita, please.” I tore my eyes away from my hands, which had turned bright red from squeezing. To my surprise, the bartender was quite attractive. His sandy blonde hair was combed back with only a few strands rebelliously hanging down over his forehead. His intense blue eyes were lined by thick lashes, which looked almost as if someone had painted them on. His black fitted shirt showed every muscle in his chest, and ohŚ myŚ GodŚ was he tall. He had to be pushing 6’3 or 6’4. I tried imagining myself standing beside him. I was 5’6–average I might add–but beside him, surely I would have appeared to be one of Darby O’ Gill’s ślittle people”. śSure, I’ll be right back,” he said very matter-of-fact and walked away. I looked around the room. At one end of the bar, there was a small table with three guys all dressed in suits. They were bantering each other with snide remarks about some śanimal named” sports team that had apparently prevailed against another team, whose name, I was unsure of its origin. A few tables down from them were a couple of girls who seemed to be engrossed in a gossipy topic with their light whispers and constant giggles–possibly about the three guys who were consistently getting louder with each taunting remark at one another. In a flash, the bartender was back with my drink. śHere you go. You need anything else?” śNo thanks. I’m good.” I smiled. śOkay. Just give me a shout if you do.” He walked down to the end of the bar, leaned against it, and began talking casually with a man in a blue collared shirt who was sipping on a bottled beer. They were far enough away that I couldn’t hear anything that was being said. I assumed he was probably a regular that came here. Still looking around the room, I was feeling even more out of place. This was just stupid! Who comes to a bar, sits in the back, and eavesdrops on the people around them? The guys in the suits were getting louder by the minute. The girls were getting gigglier, and meŚ still just sitting here. Annoyed, I turned back to take a sip of my drink when I noticed the bartender was staring in my direction. Was he staring at me? I tried to be really casual as I looked around to see if someone else was sitting near me. I didn’t want to be that person–you know–the one that sees someone waving at them and then starts rapidly waving back only to realize the happy greeting was meant for the person standing behind them. I looked back in his direction and smiled, but he never really changed his expression. His eyes were concentrated, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. I finished my drink and decided I would be a little brave. I held my glass up a few inches from the counter and rattled it to show it was empty. He immediately walked over to me. śCan I get you another?” he asked. To my dismay, he was still sounding matter-of-fact. śPlease.” I smiled. Still nothing from him. I realized that I would obviously have to start this conversation. śSo, has it been a slow night?” This was sadly, the best line I had. He was clinking glasses and shoveling ice. He paused for a minute, which made me a nervous. It was like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to respond, but he did. Finally, he smiled, even if it was only a little one. śNot too bad I suppose.” The whole time he never looked up from what he was doing. Placing the glass in front of me, he spread his arms out and leaned against the bar. śFirst time here?” he questioned. So he wasn’t big on conversation, but it was a start. śYeahŚ, I’m kind of a homebody. Not much on going out. I likeŚ” He cut me off in a mid sentence, catching me off guard. śWould you excuse me for a minute? I have to restock.” śSure?” Only I said it a too late. He had already walked three steps away from me and then disappeared into the back room. How rude was that, or is it that I just repulse random strangers now? Now that my confidence had been boosted by a negative two, I decided I would finish my drink and leave. It was apparent that I was not very good at any of this and should just spare myself the humiliation. In myself-loathing, I somehow missed the angry voices coming from the three guys in suits. The playful picking must have turned into a heated debate. The more dominant man in blue pinstripes was towering over his friend, pointing and shouting obscenities. They were both getting madder with each nasty remark. My first reaction was to leave, but as I viewed my escape route to the door, I saw that it would lead me directly beside their table. I had to chance it. This night was going from bad to worse, and I did not want to be a witness to some bar fight caused by assholes who just couldn’t get along. This would be a decision I would soon regret. I had grabbed my purse and made it within a few inches of passing them when all hell broke loose. The man in gray that was having a finger shoved in his face must have had all he could take because he reared back and clipped his friend right in the jaw, knocking Mr. Blue Pinstripes to the ground. I let out a gasp and stood frozen. The vindicated man in gray turned to walk away but then stopped. I wondered if he might have been contemplating turning to his ailing friend and apologizing. Unfortunately, Mr. Blue Pinstripes saw that as an opportunity or maybe even a sign of weakness. He picked up the beer bottle he had previously been drinking from. He pulled back to throw it, and I screamedŚ, śLook out!” The guy in gray turned and ducked just in time, but–be as it may–I was not as lucky. The bottle struck me on the left of my forehead then hit the floor, shattering. The pain was immense, and I felt my body giving way. I was weak and queasy, and I couldn’t stand any longer. As I fell to the ground, someone caught me, easing me down before I hit. It was the bartender. Everything was blurry and unclear. I tried to focus. I watched the bartender pick the guys up by the scruff of their collars and drag them out. I was surprised. He was a big guy, but to haul off two men effortlessly was pretty amazing. Next I saw him motion the three patrons towards the exit–the last man in a suit and the giggly girls whom he helped walk out to avoid the fighting drunks. I heard him lock the door and walk over to me. I opened my eyes, which took a lot of effort, and stared up at him. śHi,” I said, looking dazed. I am sure I sounded somewhat silly, but I didn’t care. I was sitting in the middle of broken glass and bleeding. It couldn’t get any worse. He ran his fingers over my wound, causing me to wince. śIt’s just a minor cut. You won’t need stitches. However, that is a nasty bump.” He walked off and returned pushing a cloth full of ice against my head. śOw,” I groaned. His voice softened as he spoke. śIs there somewhere I can drive you?” Moaning, I replied, śyeah, home.” śI was thinking the hospital.” I was not going to a hospital. Absolutely not! I had spent too much time in hospitals watching my mother fade away. That was the last place I wanted to go. śNo. I want to go home,” I said firmly. śOf course.” He helped me to his car, cradling my body against his. I buried my face into his shirt as we walked, the strong smell of his cologne luring me in. He opened the car door and set me inside. When he climbed in, I babbled off some directions, hoping that I had told him correctly. It wasn’t that far away so I was sure he got the gist of it. As we drove, I couldn’t stop starring at him. śI’m Azaleigh, but everyone calls me Az.” I surprised myself with how blunt and outspoken I was being. It must have come with the head injury. He looked over at me intensely, causing me to scrunch down in my seat. śAzaleighŚ, it’s a pleasure. I apologize that it was under these circumstances.” I was waiting for him to introduce himself and was getting impatient. śAnd do you have a name?” I asked. śKale.” Again proving he was not a big talker. Soon after, we pulled up to my apartment building. My head was still spinning as we made it to my front door. I fumbled for my keys. When I pulled them out, Kale gently removed them from my hand and unlocked the door. śWell, thanks and good nŚ,” I had started to say, when he just walked right in. It was obvious he had no proper upbringing–either that or he was extremely confident that I wouldn’t toss him out. I steadied myself against the door, watching him. He looked around the room and came back to help me in. Normally, I had a personal space issue and would have never been able to stand someone being this close to me, but for some reason I was completely at ease with Kale. He moved me over to the couch and sat me down. śDo you have a first aid kit or anything?” I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, trying to piece my thoughts together. The pain was getting worse, and I felt like I was dozing in and out. śThe medicine cabinet in the bathroom. There are some bandages and a bottle of pain medicine.” To be honest, I couldn’t remember if I had any bandages left or not, but I was certain about the pain pills. I had gotten those from my particularly graceful fall at the diner where I ended up with a contusion on my butt. I never took them because the one time I did, I exhibited my very best impression of Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump in front of Tannah and Jen. That was one embarrassing moment that I can't ever take back. I heard him rifling through the cabinet. He reappeared with the bandages and the medicine. He handed me two pills and a glass of water. śThanks,” I said as the flashback of the Forrest Gump skit came back to haunt me. With one knee kneeling on the couch, Kale leaned his body over mine to examine my head. He was really close, and the smell of his cologne loomed around my face once again. I felt my cheeks redden as he touched the area around my cut. My eyes were wide and fixed on him, although he never looked away from my forehead. I found it rather odd he seemed so straight forward and casual at the bar like he was a little self-centered, but yet here he was taking care of me. Maybe he just felt obligated since it happened in his bar. The strange thing was that I was an extremely good judge of character, and I do mean extremely. My mother use to say it was my gift. Obviously, she did not share this gift, or else I am sure she would have picked a man who would’ve hung around longer after finding out she was pregnant with me. However, I couldn’t get a good feel for Kale. He seemed to be peculiarly closed off. At this point, the medicine must have kicked in. It looked as though there were two of him standing there. Yes, it definitely kicked in–I proceeded to open my mouth and speak. śYou know you are very tall.” śUm hm. I guess you aren’t feeling any pain right now, are you?” I realized he was right. My head wasn’t hurting. Actually, nothing was hurting. Everything was allŚ good. My speech was starting to slur, and I sounded like I had had one too many to drink. śNopeŚ, no painŚ, all good.” I smiled at him while he added the finishing touches to my bandages. śI will stay for a little whileŚ until some of the swelling goes down.” I heard his voice, but it was faint and far away. My body had finally succumbed to unconsciousness. Chapter 2 Seduction The next morning, I woke with my head tingling a bit. I guess it wasn’t that bad, since I had taken a blow to the head. Suddenly, it dawned on me that Kale was there when I had fallen asleep. I wondered when he must have left, and then a creepy feeling came over me. I let a total stranger stay in my house while I slept. He could have been a psycho killer. Even though it was a little hard to imagine him that way, it was still a fact that I didn’t know anything about him. I looked around my apartment for any signs that he might have left showing that he’d been there, but there were none. There wasn’t much to say about my place; a single couch, a few throw rugs, and a TV–which was never turned on. There were no photographs on the walls, not due to the fact that I didn’t want them there, but the lack of having them at all. Mr. Parker, who was a sixty-year-old man, lived down the hall from me. We usually checked in with each other two or three times a week. It was a little unspoken oath we had. Neither one of us had any family, so we kept tabs on each other regularly to be sure the other was doing okay. I figured I would walk down to see if he saw me come in last night. I knocked softly on his front door. śHello, Mr. Parker?” śJust a minute, Dear.” His voice was barely auditable through the door. śWell, hello Azaleigh.” śHi, Mr. Parker. I just wanted to check and see if you were okay. Sorry, I didn’t stop by last night. I got in really late.” I did feel terrible for not checking on him. śI’m just fine, SugarŚ, but youŚ, are you alright?” he questioned. Then I realized I must have been a grizzly sight. śOh, yeah, I’m fine. Just bumped my head.” I smiled to reassure him. I didn’t want him to worry. He was bad about that. śDid you happen to see anyone leave my place last night?” He had to think about it for a minute. I am sure it was because he was a little unnerved that someone passed by without his knowledge. śNo, I don’t think so. Did you have a friend over?” I decided to avoid the question and just skip to the end. śOkay, well I best get ready for work. Do you need me to bring you anything after I get off tonight?” śNo Dear, I’m fine. You be careful, and I’ll see you later." I waved and walked back to my apartment. *** It was awfully slow for a Saturday. Normally, the diner would have been alive with the chatter of happy customers and the occasional fighting children, but today it was almost dead. Other than telling Tannah and Jen about my freak run in at the bar, we were all bored out of our minds. Jen was the other waitress working and the only person besides Tannah that I could technically call a friend. I don’t really know if she felt the same way about me. Jen was very much a socialite and made friends easily, so my status of being just an acquaintance was highly likely. Jen was–hands down–the most stunning person on the planet. Her long dark hair teased her waistline, and perfectly lined brows shadowed her hazel green eyes. There were two of us waiting tables, and Tannah decided that only one of us was needed. śAzaleigh, go home!” śWhat? I always get first dibs on shifts!” I demanded. My overreaction startled Jen. śIt’s okay, Tannah. I don’t mind taking off early.” Jen tried to say it like she was attempting to appease me, but I am sure there was some social activity she was hoping to attend. Tannah would have been a great lawyer. Even at the diner, she wore fitted business suits, and no one would dare argue with her–they would surely lose. śSorry, Jen. You’ve cut out early the last couple of times.” I was fairly sure this was some great scheme for me to find a life. However, I really wasn’t interested. In the end, I gave up, threw my apron behind the counter, and left. It was rather early in the evening, and this time on my way home, I didn’t stare at my feet as I walked the city blocks. I carefully watched all the people on the sidewalk. Their conversations seemed to hold so much meaning with each other, and for a moment, I was a bit jealous of seeing couples holding hands and laughing, and friends teasing each other with playful remarks. It all seemed frivolous and yet so meaningful. I very slowly walked in the direction of home when a pink and blue neon sign caught my eye again. My heart fluttered for a second. śKale,” I said under my breath. Thinking about him caused my breathing to intensify. I remembered him holding me close as we walked to the car, how he smelled, and how his eyes burned straight through mine. I decided I would give in. I would step outside of my little box that I so carefully built and put myself out there. What would it hurt? The worse thing he could say is that he’s not interested. Looking down at what I was wearing, I figured I should probably make a detour by my place first. A mustard-stained white t-shirt that smelled of grilled food screamed pathetic. As soon as I burst through my apartment door, I started to fling things in every direction. I made it to my closet and realized what a pitiful sight it was. I only had a few tank tops, some t-shirts, and a couple of pairs of jeans. I rummaged through the closet in hopes that somehow someone else’s clothes had gotten mixed in with mine at the laundry mat, and I would have a fashionable ensemble awaiting my discovery. Hanging lonely in the back of my closet was a dress that I had purchased on a whim but had been never worn. It was black and simpleŚ and my last hope. I pulled it from its hanger and began unzipping it. As I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to look at my reflection, and hoping I would only have to do it long enough to apply some lipstick, I felt a strange sensation come over me. It was like someone was watching me. I felt the air turn cold and slightly move around my neck. I turned to look around the room and scanned the area but came up empty. śYou’re just freaking yourself out,” I said to myself. I figured that my nerves were trying to get the better of me and decided to dismiss the awkward moment. As I turned back to the mirror, I gasped suddenly as a flash of a woman appeared in front of me. She had white hair and white eyes, but I couldn’t be sure. It happened so abruptly. Maybe it was just the reflection of light from the window. śWhat the hell was that?” I asked myself, cautiously looking at the mirror. I shook it off even though I was feeling anxious. I tried to remember the task at hand. I finished throwing myself together and headed downstairs and out onto the city streets. I hurried down a couple of blocks to the bar. Tonight, it again sounded lively and entertaining. I walked in and made my way to the back of the bar where I sat during my first visit here. No one was behind the counter, so I assumed Kale was attending to some bar-tenderly duties. Whatever those might be. I was a bit too impatient and began to fidget. I looked down at what I was wearing. The dress was a little too sophisticated for the bar atmosphere, and my jacket was a little too casual for my dress. I decided to remove the jacket to help hide the fact that I was apparently a complete mess and had no sense of elegance or fashion. I canvassed the area. There were only a few people there–all sitting at tables. śHow’s your head?” I looked up to find Kale standing in front of me. śHeyŚ It’sŚ good.” I stuttered. I felt my chest aflame from the sudden burst of adrenalin. It was totally irrational to be this excited or nervous over seeing someone I had just met. śThanks. I meanŚ for staying the other night.” śNo problem. I very much enjoyed your version, of ŚI Will Survive,’” he said, while trying to hold back a small chuckle. śI’m sorry?” I asked, thinking to myself this couldn’t be good. śQuite a voice you have there.” He looked at me completely entertained that I had no clue what he was talking about. This was catastrophic in my book of disasters. I decided that changing the subject would be in my best interest. He must have been reading my mind because after that he said, śso, you work at the diner down the street?” I assumed this was some of the information I had offered up in my medicated haze. śUmŚ yeah. I’ve worked there since I was seventeen.” śI’ve been there. Great food.” I smiled warily. śYeah, I guess. I never eat there much. I guess when you work around it all day, it doesn’t really interest you.” śSo where would you like to eat?” His voice was smooth and sultry. I was trying to decode the meaning behind the question. His eyes were vibrant. I couldn’t help but stare, which caused me to delay in answering. Before I could answer he continued, śThere’s a nice quiet lounge around the corner. What time would you like to go?” I was just confused. The other night he was closed off and showed little interest, and now he was asking me out. I was excited. I mean, this was the reason I had come here–in hopes of maybe starting a conversation. I was so drawn to him and wanted to know more about him. Maybe drawn was the wrong word; attracted was probably closer to being correct. śAnytime that’s good for you. I have no plans,” I said, finally snapping out of my inertia. śFine. Give me just a few minutes to close up, and we’ll leave.” He smiled at meŚ. The first real full smile, where the corners of his mouth were pulled up to his cheeks, and his eyes slit in tiny half moon shapes. Kale walked off. I peered around the room and was surprised that there was no one left in the bar. Everyone had gone. I hadn’t seen anyone leave nor had I heard the front door open. *** We arrived at the lounge, which was tucked away and hidden from the city. It was the most romantic and seductive place I had ever been. There was a band playing a soft, slow ballad that I had never heard. We ate dinner, and the conversations were small with neither of us divulging too much information about one another. Yet, it was an intriguing atmosphere that I didn’t want to end. śWould you like to dance?” he asked. I was assuming the hardwood square in the center of the room was set up as a dance floor, but no one was on it. śNo one’s really dancing.” I stated, hoping this would discourage him from asking again. He pulled me to my feet, and in that instant an alluring sound began to play, and the words crooned were so tempting that I give in. Kale held out his hand and led me to the floor. My mind now roused by passion as he pressed his body to mine. My head barely met the middle of his chest, and I gazed up at him, transfixed on his eyes. The words of the song overwhelmed me with each provocative verse, as though they were meant for only me, and Kale was emanating an essence that consumed my body. I closed my eyes, feeling his hands. One was on the small of my back moving me slowly and gently in sync with him. He used the other to start at the corner of my eye and move down my cheek to my chin and then my collarbone, expanding his whole palm over it. I felt so tiny and fragile but safe and secure. śYou’re beautiful,” he said, astonishing me. I opened my eyes, and I could see of all the shades of blue that made his eyes so brilliant. They twisted and interlocked, creating the most vibrant color. He leaned towards me, and I felt my legs weak and wanting to give way. He held my gaze, and I wanted so badly to look away; this was not something I was ready for. Finally, his lips were within an inch of mine. I forced my eyes closed as he whispered, śAzaleigh.” He pressed his lips zealously to mine. With each supple kiss, my lips fell in perfect formation. A surge of heat rushed through me. His hands reached up cupping my jaw line on each side, holding me in place. His last kiss gently pulled at my top lip and softly let go. He lingered inches from my face. I stood there with my eyes closed. I was too petrified to open them. I felt his thumb brush across my cheek in reassurance. I couldn’t speak. I was afraid that my words would dissolve the moment, and I would never get it back again. But like all great things, the end was inevitable. śIt’s getting late. I should take you home.” His words broke the silence that I had not dared to break myself. Chapter 3 Not Forever The next several weeks I saw a lot of Kale, and at the end of every visit it was harder to say goodbye. With every goodbye, we would hang on the word. He had become an important part of my life. Everything felt right when we were together, and I didn’t want it to ever stop. It seemed strange, since I hadn’t known him that long, but the feeling I got when I was with him was like I had known him all my life; we were two halves of a whole. My mother always said I was a child with few wants; I was very much content with my life. I didn’t want Kale. I needed him. He had awoken something deep inside me that I didn’t even know existed. It was something that only he could reach, and when he wasn’t around, I could feel that part of me starving for his touch. In the back of my mind, I worried. Kale was hard to figure out. He was very private and commented little on things. However, that was one of the things that attracted me to him. He was so mysterious. Kale and I spent every possible moment togetherŚ, but it was the time we spent in my little apartment that was my favorite. It was relaxed, and I could let him hold me without any reservations. I still found myself doing most of the talking, but he was always eager to listen. On nights I worked late, he would meet me afterwards and walk me home. It was overprotective, but I liked it. I would usually coax him in and make him stay with me until the early hours of the morning. Tonight I was working until eight o’clock, which didn’t leave a lot of options for going out. I had talked Kale into a quiet evening at my place. Walking into my apartment, I normally would have changed immediately into my sweat pants and ratty old tank top, but tonight I had high expectations and thought that they would not have set a romantic mood. I put in a movie, poured a glass of wine, and plopped down on the couch opposite Kale, stretching my legs out so that my feet rested on his lap. śLong day?” he asked. śYeah, I was on my feet all day, and they are killing me now.” Kale placed his hands on my feet and began rubbing them. His hands were so warm and gentle. I couldn’t help but close my eyes and enjoy the relaxation of it. I nudged his leg with my foot and grinned. śMy legs hurt too.” I used a dramatic, pain-stricken voice. He gingerly moved his hands over my ankles and up to my calves. Staring at him, I noticed how calm and relaxed he seemed. His blonde hair was combed back with a few pieces touching his brow. The movie was a non-existent background noise, and I wondered how far this moment would go. Possibilities started to invade my mind. I was willing to take this further, but was he? Did I affect him the same way he affected me? That’s when I knew I did. Pulling up my knee, he leaned down placing his lips against it. Neither one of us said anything. Cautiously, I got up and stood in front of him. Placing one knee on either side of his hips, I sat on his lap facing him. My index finger traced the lines of his face and then ran through his hair and over his ear. All of this time, I had been worried, wondering how he felt about me, but, for some reason, I just knew. It was like it had been written in stone and without a doubt was real. The feeling overwhelmed me. Leaning down, I kissed him. He kissed me in return, but I could feel him holding back. That frustrated me, although I wouldn’t show it. Instead, I paused in front of his mouth between each kiss. This seemed to work. I felt him lose the control he was so desperately hanging on to. His hands slid up my thighs, then moved under my shirt and up my back. His hands were vast and swallowed my small frame. Still on my back, his hands made their way to the tops of my shoulders, gripping me with a force. He pressed down, pushing me hard against his lap. The thrust caused my body to slide forward to his waist. I thought I would explode! I had never wanted anything or anyone so much in my life. It sounded like someone else talking when I spoke. śQuit holding back. You won’t break me,” I whispered. This seemed to provoke him. He turned us both, laying our bodies parallel on the couch. His body was twice the size of mine, and, even though he was holding himself back, his weight pressed me into the cushions. Slowing his kiss, he stopped to look at me. What he said next, I was not prepared for. śI have to leave.” Seriously? I thought to myself, but I refused to show my annoyance. I just acknowledged him by saying, śOkay.” If he wants to walk out of here in that condition, fine by me. That’s exactly what he did. I walked him to the door, not saying much. He kissed me on my forehead before leaving. After locking the door behind him, I went to my room and lay down in my bed. I replayed the scene in my mind, and I wondered what I had done wrong. I fell asleep, feeling self-conscious and hurt. The next morning, I wasn’t really in the best of moods at work. Everyone asked me if I was okay. I hadn’t told anyone about Kale–mostly because it was the one thing I wanted to keep private. The other reason was if I told them that would mean I would have to share him–not literally of course–but it somehow seemed like he would no longer belong only to me. I am sure that didn’t make a lot of sense to most people, but that was just me. I wondered to myself if Kale would show up after work today like he always did. This thought was popping in and out of my head all day, causing me to screw up a few orders. I could see Tannah’s bright red hair shaking back and forth every time I would come back with a plate of food that was wrong. Finally, on the last order I messed up, she grabbed me by my arm and dragged me back to the supply room. śOkay, what’s going on?” Her motherly tone was stern. śNothing,” I refuted. śJust having an off day. Like you’ve never had one before?” After thinking about it, I couldn’t remember Tannah ever having an off day, and thankfully she didn’t try to justify the question. Her green eyes squinted in suspicion. śFine.” I was relieved that forfeiting was the route she had chosen. śBut, let me tell you this. I am watching you.” So it was more like forfeiting with a small threat. After my talk with Tannah, I watched the clock helplessly. I only had an hour left until I was out of there. When the clock hit eight on the nose, I sprinted for the door. I saw Tannah from the corner of my eye. She was using her index and middle fingers to point at her eyes and then at me. An obvious military maneuver to let me know she was watching–a little ridiculous if you ask me. I walked out to the sidewalk, but no Kale. I was extremely disappointed. However, that feeling was quickly replaced by fear. Did I go too far last night? I thought he felt the same way, but I couldn’t be sure. Regardless of whatever happened, I didn’t want that to mess up what we had going on. I was crazy about him and couldn’t bear to think of my days not including him. I walked the blocks that would lead me back to my apartment very slowly. I tried to think about what I could possibly doŚ alone. That was depressing so I tried to think happier thoughts like tomorrow is going to be the warmest day of this month Śor’ Wednesday I could go see a movie at the new theater. Yeah, all of that worked for about two seconds because my thoughts would alter into Kale loves the warm weather Śor’ I wonder which movie he would want to go see. Apparently, I had more issues than I thought. Just then, I was awoken from my stupor by the honking of a very familiar, very hot, black sports car, and a very familiar, very hot Kale poked his head out of the door. śHeyyyyyyy.” I said long and drawn out. Kale jumped out and jogged to my side with a serious look on his face. śI’m sorry I was late. I got held up at work.” śWow, the bar keeps you hopping, huh?” I said, trying to keep the conversation light and casual. śYeahŚ, something like that,” he responded, still a little too seriously for my taste. śKale, it’s okay. You don’t have to walk me home every night.” Even though I liked it! I added as a mental note. śOf course I do.” Again with the seriousness. We began walking the blocks that would lead us back to my place, and then I thought of something. śWaitŚ. Are you just going to leave your car there?” śSure. I like to walk with you. Besides, the car will get us there too quickly.” He smiled, holding my hand as we walked. That’s the smile I loved so much. śSooooo, are we okay?” I asked, still unclear if last night put a strain on our relationship. I felt myself holding my breath as I waited for his response. śYes, why wouldn’t we be?” śBecause, last night, I thoughtŚ thatŚ I’m not really sure what happened last night.” It came out all wrong, but I was banking on him being smart enough to figure it out without me having to spell it out. śI had to leave. There was something I had to take care of.” He said matter-of-factly, and I was afraid to push the issue. So I chose to drop the subject. Kale looked straight ahead as we walked. I tried to act like I was doing the same, but really I was peeking out of the corner of my eye at him. I was admiring his height and his broad shoulders. Kale was an extremely good-looking guy; he could have had any girl he wanted. Not to mention, he worked at a bar where ninety-five percent of the patrons who entered were beautiful women who were dressed to impress, but here he was with me, which didn’t make any sense whatsoever. A slight breeze picked up, blowing the strands of hair that always seemed to circle his brow, and, as I followed the hair to the lining of his eyes, I saw a hint of worry in them–not enough to say something to him, but just enough for me to notice it was there. We stretched out the city blocks but without a doubt made it to my apartment building. Kale walked me to the door, and, as I opened it and stepped in, he stood at the doorway. śAren’t you coming in?” I asked. He just stood there, not saying a word. śIs that a, No?” I asked, not hiding my frustration. śI have somewhere to be,” he said with that stupid matter-of-fact voice again That’s all it took. I lost my coolŚ or something like that. śYou know what? I don’t get you. You act like I can’t walk myself home from work because I need protecting. You take me out acting like I’m your girlfriend and the only person you can think aboutŚ. Then you come here andŚ do what you do–you know what I’m talking about. (I was thinking of how to say make me want to have sex with you, but that would have been blunt and pathetic). And now you act like this and like you did last night. You know what? Fine! If that’s how it’s going to be, then leave.” (I am sure that didn’t come out any better.) I followed up by slamming the door in his face. I laid my back against the door and butted my head against it a few times. Then I thought about how that was the most ridiculous overreaction that I had ever seen done by anyone. My instinct was to look through the peephole to see if he was still there. Sure enough, he was and with the same expression on his face. I calmly opened the door, which made a creaking sound at the slow pace. Staring at the floor, I cleared my throat and began to speak. śI’m sorry. It’s been a long day. I was out of line andŚ umŚ I didn’t mean anything I just saidŚ or screamed.” His face turned several shades of amused. śAzaleigh, I do apologize that I cannot stay. However, I do have somewhere I must be. Do you think it would be acceptable that we reconvene tomorrow?” So he was mocking me. I guess it was a lot better than him saying get over it, you crazy psycho. śYes, tomorrow would be nice,” I agreed. He turned to leave, but then stopped. śAzaleigh.” śYes?” I asked, sounding a little more hopeful than I wanted. śIsn’t this weekend your birthday?” śYeah,” I tried to remember me mentioning my birthday to him, but I couldn’t. śIf it would be okay, I have made some arrangements for us. That is, if you are alright with leaving for the weekend?” He wouldn’t smile, but I knew he wanted to. śYes, that would be great.” śPerfect, I’ll see you later.” I watched him as he walked down the hall to the stairwell. Only after I was sure he was completely gone, did I start doing my victory dance. I had three days before the weekend; all I could do was hope that I would make it until then. Luckily, Tannah had already scheduled me off for the weekend, insisting that I take some time for myself even though I had argued that I didn’t need any. This was a good thing, since I didn’t want to explain why I would need it off now. *** We lay on the beach in front of the house we were staying at. The sun wore hot on my skin. Kale laid next to me motionless, wearing sunglasses and shorts. I had worn my favorite two-piece bathing suit that bordered between flirty and classy. The white beads from it caused the sun to glint tiny flickers of light on Kales skin. Trying to be discrete, I peered under my sunglasses at him. He didn’t budge, and I couldn’t help but stare at him as he lay there. He was so content. I started to pick out all of my favorite features about him, like how his jaw line was slightly squared and came to a peak at the tip of his chin, and how his lips filled out into a perfect oval shape. One arm was used to rest his head on and the other lay by his side, and as I stared at it close to my thigh, I prayed he would brush it against me. He, being only inches away was too far for me, and as if he had read my mind, using the knuckle of his index finger, he ran it down my leg one time. His touch tormented me. I wasn’t sure how he could control himself. If he felt an ounce of what I did, he would have rolled over and latched on to me never letting go. The smell of the salty air was infectious. Birds cluttered the sky while they danced in a synchronized motion. Waves crashed on the beach relentlessly, one after another, pulling the sand back with each retreat. The sound was more relaxing than any drug could induce. śI don’t want to leave,” I said lowly. śThe sun won’t go down for another hour,” Kale replied nonchalant. If it was possible, my voice seemed lower. śI mean, ever.” The sand shuffled, making a crunching sound as he rolled onto his side and set up on his elbow. He placed his hand on my stomach, running it across my bare skin. My chest heaved in and out, and, for the first time, I was nervous. There was something about his face–so serious yet so gentle. śWe can’t stay foreverŚ, but we can stay tonight.” The way he said it made me want to fold myself around him. I sat up, pushing him back down to the warm sand. I placed a leg on either side of him and sat down easily on his abdomen. My hands ran the length of his torso and spread out to his arms. My face was within an inch of his when I removed his glasses. śWhat is it that you want from me, Kale?” I was pretty pleased with how seductive my voice sounded. śEverything.” He kissed me what felt like a thousand times, but I still couldn’t get enough. It was like he was a part of me, breathing my breath in and out. He tilted my head back and kissed what he thought was my perfect neck. He moved his lips down to my collarbone as he slipped the strap of my bathing suit top off my shoulder. I couldn’t contain myself. I circled my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He ran his hands up the sides of my outer thighs. The sand was rough on my skin, but it didn’t matter to me. Kale effortlessly picked me up off the ground while I was still wrapped around him and carried me inside of the house. He couldn’t stand one more minute of waiting; he wanted me as much as I wanted him. He set me down on the cool marble counter, knocking all the items onto the floor. Kissing him heavily, my body begged for more. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair, gripping handfuls when the pleasure got too intense. śI have to stop,” he protested as he pulled away from me. He looked down at me and slowly ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back into place. śWhat are you talking about?” I asked. śDon’t you want this? Because I do,” I said, not giving him a chance to respond to the first question. śI do tooŚ so much more than you can possibly imagineŚbutŚ” His voice was strained. śBut what? Kale, I have never felt this way about anyone in my entire life.” I pulled him back to me and kissed him once more, but as I looked at him, I could tell this conversation was over, and I had lost. He tenderly pulled the strap of my bathing suit up onto my shoulder and led me to the couch. He laid down, and I stretched out beside him, laying my head against his chest. His breathing was deep, and my body followed with his movement. This wasn’t what I had planned–but to be honest, it was just as good. Lying here with him was almost perfect. śI got you something,” he said. śWhat?” I questioned as I turned my head to look up at him. He smiled as he held out a small box that he removed from his pocket. śIt is your birthday.” I sat up and took it removed it from his hand. Flipping open the tiny jewelry box, I stared in wonder. It was a perfectly cut sapphire bracelet. śIt’s so beautiful.” I removed the bracelet from its case, handed it to him, and held out my arm so he could put it on me. I curled up on his chest. Even though in the back of my mind I had been disappointed about how things turned out. However, now I was completely content. Chapter 4 Stalker The next few days back home was brutal as I readjusted to my normal schedule. I wished that I were still at the beach house with Kale. He was all I could think about. I felt I was in a constant dream-state-of-mind. I sat at the kitchen table across from Kale. Relaxed, he sat looking at me. śWhat?” I said grinning. śWant to go for a walk?” he asked. śNow? Sure,” I said, not really caring what I did as long as he was with me. Kale and I walked down the LA streets on the sunniest day imaginable. Kale held one hand while I held a small flower that he had picked on the way in the other. A daisyŚ, my favorite. We were close to Darris Park when a little boy came running up to us, and it appeared as though he had been playing baseball. śHey Mister!” he said, tugging on Kale’s shirt. Kale smiled and kneeled down. śWhat’s going on, Little Man?” śAre you a superhero?” the kid asked while looking at Kale wide eyed. The boy hardly reached Kale’s waist in height. His huge brown eyes sparkled, and the baseball cap he wore looked like it had been through quite a few hand-me-downs. The little boy was so cute with his thick lisp, and with every word he spoke, spit went flying. śCan you fly?” I looked down at Kale and laughed, waiting for his response. śI see your playing baseball.” Kale pointed to the other kids. śYeah, I’m pretty good. Want to play? The bigger kids say me and my friends are too little, and won’t let us play with them.” śI see,” Kale answered, śI’ll make you a dealŚ. If you promise to go home and practice there for the next couple of days, then me and my friend, Az, will meet you back here Saturday to play a game.” śOkay Mister, I promise.” The little boy tugged at his hat and then ran off to reunite with his friends. I looked at Kale, thinking about how the little boy asked if he was a superhero. śWow, kids are really imaginative, huh?” I guess I understood. Kale was exceptionally tall and towered over most men. śHe was cute,” I went on, śbut I'm really not good at sports so when we do come back, you may want him on your team instead of me.” śNo need,” Kale said as he changed the subject and went back to holding my hand. śWhat do you mean? We can’t disappoint him. You just promised him,” I sputtered. Kale looked at me sweetly. śDon’t worry. He won’t be disappointed.” Even though I didn’t know how he could be so sure, I trusted that Kale knew what he was talking about. The next day, I went to work. It was a normal day of running my butt off. We were serving breakfast, which was always the busiest time of the day. Tannah served the best breakfast on this side of LA and probably the west coast. I wouldn’t know. I rarely ate in the mornings, but it sure did smell good. I had just set my tray on the counter when I felt the floor began quivering. The motion came harder and faster; glasses fell to the ground shattering into tiny bits. śEarthquake!” I shouted, motioning everyone in the diner to take refuge under nearby tables. Living in California, I was accustomed to earthquakes, and most everyone knew the drill. When the tremor was over, Tannah took route around the diner, checking on all the customers who were hesitantly emerging from beneath the tables. śIs everyone okay?” she asked as most people sat back down to finish their meals, but you could always recognize the out-of-towners who were still huddled under their tables long after the incident was over. I went about my day, taking orders. I listened to all the different people talk about the earthquake that had happened earlier in the day. They were discussing details of what they were doing, where they were, and whom they were with. It was the day’s gossip. As I brought out an order, I overheard a lady talking to her lunch date. She appeared to be in her mid-fifties and was covered from head-to-toe with jewelry that she had obviously collected over the years. Her gray hair was worn cropped close to her head with an abundance of tight curls. śI was at home when it happened,” she said, talking to her neighbor. śI was walking my dog, Charlie; poor little thing couldn’t even pee afterwards.” śAnd did you hear about the old baseball field up the street?” she asked as she sipped her coffee. śNo, what happened?” her busybody friend asked. śWhat baseball field?” I interrupted. śThe one at Darris Park, Dear,” she said, looking up at me extremely excited to share her gossip with anyone who was willing to listen. śApparently, they were doing construction nearby and some of the heavy machinery fell over onto itŚ, ripped down the fencing, and tore up the field. Thank goodness no kids were hurt,” she added. śPoor kids won’t have anywhere to play at all now. It will probably take months to get it cleaned up,” her friend spoke up, still in awe at the whole thing. Goose bumps bubbled up on my arms as I thought of our uncanny meeting with the little boy at the ball field. If Kale hadn’t told him to practice at home yesterday, he and his friends might have been there. It was as if he knew it was going to happen. That’s absurd; no one can predict an earthquake. I tried to shake off the eerie. śAzŚ Azaleigh,” Tannah hollered, bringing me back to reality. śYeah, Tannah?” I replied. śOrder’s up,” she said in a way to let me know I was out of time for any more discussions. Later when I was locking up, my mind wandered through the earlier conversations of the day. I thought about the earthquake and the little old ladies at the diner. The park occurrence was odd, but there was something more that was bothering me. Kale’s behavior was bizarre. He seemed like he was fighting a constant battle inside himself. He would only get so close to me before backing away. This had become a pattern for him, and the more I thought about it, the more it weighed heavy on my mind. I didn’t think he was seeing someone else, but I couldn’t sure. What was it that he was hiding? Something was holding him back, and I decided that I was going to get to the bottom of it, one way or another. The next day, I told Kale I was working the night shift, and that it would be late when I got off, and I would be too tired for any company. Surprisingly enough, he believed me. Talk about feeling bad; I hated lying to Kale, but I had to figure out what was going on. When my shift ended at four o’clock, I headed out the door and straight to my apartment. I had never stalked anyone before, so I’m sure it was a little ridiculous that my attire consisted of black jeans, a black shirt, and a black baseball cap. That’s what I had seen in the movies so that was what I was going with. I did throw on a gray zip-up jacket, hoping that it would keep me from looking like I was about to rob a bank. I decided to sit across the street from the bar where Kale worked. There was a small coffee-stand at the corner on the opposite side of the street. I got a cup of coffee, and a newspaper, then took a seat at one of the umbrella tables outside. Peering over the paper, I watched people come in and out of the bar–but overall the traffic was pretty light. This was the most brilliant idea I had ever come up with! I was out here spying on my boyfriend when I would much rather have been with him, but there was still that little twinge of apprehension that kept me glued to my seat. This was more than worry now–it was a mission. I needed to figure out what was going on with Kale and his odd behavior. If I didn’t, I would never really be at peace. After two hours of watching old ladies walk their dogs up and down the sidewalk and children flying by on skateboards, I decided to give up for the day. As I stood up, a familiar shape emerged from the doorway of the bar. Ducking back behind my newspaper, I peeked around the corner of it to get a good look at him. Kale was wearing jeans and a white button-up shirt. He held what looked to be mail in his hands, and he shuffled through it reading each piece. Then he started to move. He tucked the papers under his arm and walked sure footed down the sidewalk. I scrambled to get up and follow him. This was much harder than I had expected. The streets weren’t busy, but the few people that were out cluttered my vision, and I found it tough to keep sight of him. Instinctively, I pulled my baseball cap down tighter on my forehead as if it magically made me invisible. A small breeze kicked up, sending blossoms from nearby trees dancing through the air. They filled the city streets with a sweet smell that you could almost taste on the tip of your tongue. Each time the wind would die down; the blossoms would fall to the ground in slow motion, making it look as though it was snowing. It was so miraculous that I found myself distracted by it, and was unable to focus on keeping up with Kale’s pace. I centered my attention back on Kale, who was easily weaving in and out of strolling people on the other side of the street. Once we made it to the corner about five blocks away from the coffee-stand, Kale made a sudden turn down a tiny avenue and quickly disappeared. I stood on the other side of the street, trapped by cars swiftly passing. I rocked back and forth on my heels, waiting for a break in the busy traffic. My heart started to pound, knowing that if I didn’t move quickly, I would surely lose him for good. At the last minute, a tiny gap appeared, and I started to bolt across. It was definitely a tiny gap; cars screeched to a stop and horns began blaring. A man in a green Cadillac had locked his brakes directly in front of me, and even though his windows were rolled up, I could hear him shouting nasty obscenities over the roar of his engine. I slapped both of my hands down on the hood of his car as I walked past, glaring at him as I went. Astoundingly, this stopped his ranting as he watched me. After I made it past him, I turned back and stuck my tongue out at him. I knew it was childish, but it felt good anyway. I made it to the sidewalk and frantically looked around as I headed down the side avenue. Kale was nowhere to be found. At this point, I was completely frustrated and not to mention, exhausted. I stood there for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do next. Going home seemed to be the only option. I would never be able to find Kale at this point. One foot in front of the other, I listlessly walked back in the direction from which I had come. It was starting to get later by the minute, and with the darkness came the brilliant light of the moon. It shined down on the sidewalk like a spotlight, leading the way home. People still crowded the streets, but, instead of men and women dressed in suits and ties, they wore fashionable club attire and were standing in line at some of the more popular local clubs. My dark clothes made it hard for people to see me, causing the hasty pedestrians to bump into me as they rushed past. Once I reached my apartment building, I looked up at the ten-story structure. All the windows shown dark, and I expected that the building was pretty empty. Most people were out enjoying the city. The building looked so lonely. I couldn’t bear to go in. I decided I would go sit at the bar and wait for Kale to return–I shouldn’t have tried to follow him. It was stupid of me. I approached the bar and peered in the windows to see how busy it was. Who knew how long I was going to have to wait until Kale returned, and I really wasn’t up for a crowded atmosphere. When I looked in, I was surprised to see that there was not one person sitting inside. I looked around the room, and just then something caught my eye. I stood paralyzed. Kale was standing behind the counter facing away from me, and I could see a female’s arms locked tightly around his neck. Although I couldn’t see their faces, I could tell it was an extremely intimate moment between the two of them. Every muscle in my body went tense, and I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until my lungs begged for air. This didn’t seem real. I started to argue with myselfŚ. There had to be some logical explanation for all of this, although I could think of a single one. He lifted her up, setting her on the counter. When he did, her face rose above his shoulder. My mouth closed, and I swallowed the lump that was lodged in my throat. She was more radiant than anyone I had ever seen, and when she tossed her head back to laugh at something clever he must have said, her gorgeous, long, dark hair swept the countertop back and forth. It was Jen. My heart was beating so loudly it drowned out the noise of the streets. I inhaled an exaggerated breath that stung my throat, causing my eyes to release tears that had filled them. I was unable to deny all the facts laid out in front of me, and I began to shake with shock and disbelief. Jen looked through the window, catching sight of me. Her face paled and became serious and overrun with concern as we made eye contact. I walked a step closer to the window, pressing my hands against it. We held each other’s gaze for a moment, and when I couldn’t take it any longer, I pressed myself away from the glass and back away. Jen pushed Kale from her slowly and slid down from the counter, keeping her eyes locked on me, and just like thatŚ I ranŚ. I ran faster than I had ever run before, and I didn’t look back. I could hear the bar door fly open and footsteps run out on the sidewalk. I increased my speed, breathing so heavily my lungs hurt. I raced past people, bumping into some and knocking valuables everywhere, but I didn’t stop and only when I was sure that I hadn’t been followed, did I slow to a walk. Unknowingly, I had run several blocks before I realized I was in a part of town I had never been, but none of that mattered. I was out of breath, and everything was spinning. Voices on the street were muffled, and my vision was blurry. A voice in my head was screaming at me, telling me I was ignorant of believing that Kale ever really cared for me. What upset me the most was that I knew that voice was right. I knew better. I had pinned hopes and dreams, love, and trust on something that was real only to me, not to him. I approached a park bench and sat down. My chest was hurting, and I tried to make myself believe it was from running so hard and not the fact that I was completely devastated. I leaned down, placed my face in my hands, and cried. Tears streaked my cheeks, and I rocked back and forth, hoping to chase out the horrible feeling. I couldn’t be sure if I had sat there for minutes or hours. I pulled my feet up on the bench and wrapped my arms around myself to hold–what felt like–pieces together. It took some time to collect myself. I tried to sweep the imagines of Jen and Kale out of my head. Finally, I pulled myself together and walked home. Chapter 5 Broken Back at my apartment, I unlocked the door and was about to enter when I heard a creaking sound down the hall. śAzaleigh?” śOh hey, Mr. Parker.” I didn’t make eye contact. I was sure I looked quite the mess and didn’t need confirmation of it from him. śHoney, are you okay?” śSure, Mr. Parker, just a rough night, that’s all.” To add to my feeling bad already, I remembered I was supposed to have had dinner with him tonight. śI’m really sorry I missed dinner.” śThat’s okay, Hon. I just wanted to let you know that someone stopped by earlier looking for you.” I’m not surprised. I thought to myself. śWas it a guy?” I asked. śIt was a man. He came by twice. He was knocking on your door very loudly and calling your name. I came out to see what all the fuss was about. He was very polite when I told him that you hadn’t been home yet, and that I would let you know he had stopped by. He left, and then about an hour later he came back, knocking on your door again. I stepped out and told him you still hadn’t been home, and that I had every intention of giving you his messageŚ, but it was like he didn’t know what I was talking aboutŚ like he had forgotten we had spoken. It was very strange.” It was really odd. I didn’t see Kale as a stalkerŚ, but then again, I didn’t see him as a cheater either. I didn’t want to think about it right now. I just couldn’t deal with it. I wanted to crawl into my bed and hide from the world. śOkay, thanks Mr. Parker.” I started to walk through the door when he stopped me again. śAzaleigh, are you in trouble?” śNo, Sir. Not that I’m aware of.” I said it to lighten the mood, but I don’t think it worked. I didn’t want to burden him with how my world was dissolving around meŚ or the fact that I no longer had a friendŚ or that the one person I thought I could share my life with was a lying scumbag. No, I couldn’t do that. My pain would be my own. śI’ll see you tomorrow,” I said, giving him a fake smile before I went in. *** Surprisingly, sleep came all too easy that night. Before I knew it, my alarm was ringing in my ear. To say I was sluggish was putting it lightly. I barely made it to work on time. Tannah had assessed my mood and stayed clear. I shuddered at the fact that Jen and I would have to cross paths today. Her shift started two hours before mine would end. Just as I thought, Jen showed up early. I could feel her watching my every move, waiting for the opportunity to talk to me. śAz?” I ignored her, hoping she would give up easily and leave me alone. That’s what I get for hoping. śAz, please listen. It was not at all what it looked like,” she said weakly. That single sentence made me realize that she knew a lot more about Kale’s relationship and mine then I had thought. I assumed he had told her about me, which would explain why she looked at me the way she did at the bar. I had worked so hard to keep our relationship private, and this was just another way Kale had betrayed me. I still thought denial would be my safest bet. śI don’t know what you are talking about.” This really didn’t make much sense, since I took off running from her less than fourteen hours earlier. śAz, you know what I’m talking about.” She had the nerve to sound annoyed, which only enraged me more. śJenŚ, it was exactly what it looked like.” It came out as a hiss. śI wouldn’t lie to you. I wasn’t there to see Kale.” śReally? So it was a coincidence that you two were groping each other? Is that what you’re saying?” śWell, it’s hard to explain, but I promise you, Az. It's not what you think.” Apparently, repeating herself was the best defense she had. śI have nothing more to say to you. You knowŚ. I had this illusion that we were friends. That was my mistake.” śI am sorry,” she whispered. I couldn’t look at her any longer. I turned my back and continued cleaning the table. For the next hour, I waited tables and hauled dishes. All the while, I pretended like Jen wasn’t there. I wished I could have believed her, but all the facts proved otherwise. I stood behind the counter, tallying tickets when I heard the front door open. Someone stood in front of me and cleared their throat. I refused to look up, mostly because I wasn’t in the mood for human interaction. śCan I help you?” I asked finally, while punching numbers into the calculator. When I heard his voice, everything inside me stood still. śAzaleigh.” It was Kale. Instinctively, I made eye contact. When I did, I felt the bottom of my stomach drop. His eyes were filled with pain and despair. Anger consumed me. How dare him for showing up here. How dare him for making me trust him. I looked across the diner to find Jen, who in return had looked up from the customers she was waiting on to watch the drama unfold. śJen!” I shouted in my most cynical voice. śYour boyfriend’s here.” śOh, that’s real mature Az.” She rolled her eyes and went back to taking orders. I refused to look back at Kale and stared off into space, hoping he would catch a hint. śAzaleigh, we need to talk.” śThere’s nothing to talk about.” śYes! There is,” he said firmly, but without raising his voice. śWell, this is how it is, Kale.” I spit his name out like it left a bad taste in my mouth. śI hope you and Jen have a happy life together. You two deserve each other.” All he did was watch me. Looking at him only made the pain rise to the surface, and for once the true me came out. śI always knew I liked you more than you liked me. You never proved me wrong. I wanted you in every way a person could want someone. All I wanted was you. So I guess I’m the one to blame, for believing that you could feel the same in return.” I couldn’t look at him another minute. I was crushed and didn’t want to show him how badly, even though I am sure it was a little late for that. I pushed past him and ran out the back door where our cook, Jackson, would normally sneak off to take his smoke breaks. I could feel the tears welling up, weighing heavy on my eyelids and ready to break free at any second. I had to clear my head and didn’t want an audience during my nervous breakdown. The back door spilled out into an alleyway that ran beside the diner. I stood outside pacing back and forth, trying to calm myself. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to scream and cry or find a baseball bat and start swinging. I turned when I heard the back door open again. Kale stood a few feet away, trying to keep a safe distance. śAzaleigh, if you would let me explain.” śGo to hell!” I shouted as I began walking hard steps down the alley that would lead to the city sidewalk. śAzaleigh!” he shouted, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him. My only reaction was to slap him hard across his face. The loud sound of my hand making contact with his cheek shocked me, but I was too angry to care. śNo! You don’t understand! You don’t ever get to touch me again!” I shrugged harshly out of his grip. Just then, a heavy gust blew, ruffling my hair and blinding me as I turned to walk away, followed by a loud thud. Taking a step forward, I brushed my hair from my face, but then stopped suddenly. A man wearing a white hooded cloak stood in front of me. At first I stopped because I was astonished by what he was wearing, but as I studied him, I noticed the slender sword-like object that he gradually pulled from his side. My body began to tremble with fear. śAzaleigh, get behind me!” Kale demanded, in a firm voice. Before I had a chance to respond, the man started running towards us. I felt Kale’s arm wrap around my waist. He held me tight to his body, and I could feel something begin to rumble inside him. I saw what appeared to be huge wings spread out behind us. What I thought was confirmed as he turned to shield me. One of the wings came down with such a force that it embedded into the street, sending chunks of asphalt and dust flying in all directions. I let out a scream as I felt the impact that Kale had intercepted. I was so scared and didn’t understand what was going on. Crouched under the huge wing, I saw blood trickling down underneath of it, and I could feel it soaking into the back of my shirt. I felt another hard blow that shook our bodies, and I heard Kale exhale in pain. Holding onto his arms as they were wrapped around me, Kale shifted our bodies using his wing to knock the man against the brick wall. With a heave, Kale lifted us off the ground but only to be pulled back down. Kale lost his grip on me, and I fell hard, hitting my head. Automatically, I placed my hand on my head. Looking at my hand, it was covered in blood, and the coppery smell made me sick. I tried to look up and see where Kale was, but everything was too muddled. I could barely make out the two figures fighting a short distance from me. There was no definition to their bodies, making them one big hazy mass. Two more figures came into view, and I heard Tannah shout to Jen. śGo help, Az!” Jen leaned over me, and I could see the concern in her face. śAz, stay with me.” My head felt heavy, and it throbbed with pain. Jen tried to get me to focus on her. I couldn’t help but try and look over her shoulder for any sign of Kale. śAzaleigh! Look at me!” Jen shouted one last time. I brought my eyes back to hers. I felt a sense that calmed me as I stared at her. Then wings unrealistically bloomed from her back. They were breathtaking. I tried maneuvering my mouth into a smile. śYou’re an Angel,” I said, not really sure if I was asking her or telling her. Jen smiled back, and then closed in on me, wrapping herself around me. Everything went dark, but before I surrendered to the darkness, my body felt weightless, and I could hear the faint sound of wings beating against the air. *** I could hear someone talking, causing me to stir. I breathed in and noticed the room smelled like soap and cleansing solution. My eyes were still closed. I was having this great dream, but it was starting to fade away. I searched my mind trying to get it back, but the more I did the further out of reach it became. I heard more talking. This time I recognized the voices. My eyes felt heavy as I tried to pry them open. It took a moment to focus, but when I did, I saw Tannah and Jen hovering over me. My vision was still fuzzy, and I couldn’t see much detail in their faces. śAz,” Jen said my name, and I could hear the hint of a smile in it. At first when I tried speaking, nothing came out. It took a couple of attempts to find my voice. śWhere am I?” Tannah took over from there–like the mother she should have been. śYou’re in the hospital. Everything is going to be fine.” I could hear her, but she was starting to grow faint. I closed my eyes–they were too heavy to keep them open any longer. śI hate hospitals,” was all I could get out before I felt the shadows pulling me back in. Then I saw my dream I had lost; it was coming back. I let it lead me, pulling me away from Tannah and Jen. The next time I woke, I was in my room. I couldn’t remember how I got there. A thousand strange imagines paraded through my mind. I remembered walking home from work and seeing a pink and blue neon sign. I remembered being intrigued by it and wanting to go in, then the blaring of a car horn, and thenŚ silence. When I tried to move, a sharp pain shot through my head. I felt around, finding a small knot on my forehead and one in the back of my head that must have been worse, because it had been stitched up. My body was covered in scrapes and cuts that were well on their way to disappearing. A sound coming from the kitchen took my attention off of my ailing body. As I listened, I heard bacon sizzling in a frying pan. I put on my bathrobe and went to investigate. The sweet smell of pancakes and smoked sausage filled the hallway. It was just like the diner, only better. śGood morning Az. How are you feeling?” Tannah was standing over the stove. śI’m not sure.” I was still unclear of what was going on. śTannahŚ what happened?” Tannah put on her serious face, which was even more serious than normal. śWell, apparently you decided to walk out in front of a moving vehicle. It was like you never saw the cab at all.” śA cab?” But even as I asked, it started coming back to me. I remembered stepping out in the street. Tannah went on to answer the question. śYes. But I’m not sure where you were going.” Then, she went on to fuss at herself. śI should have offered to take you home.” śIt’s fine, Tannah. Besides, I’m alright.” She looked at me in a way that made me uneasy. However, she wouldn’t say anything. śI am alright, right?” Her tone was extremely soft and didn’t fit the woman whom I knew so well. śYou are now. Az, you lost a lot of blood. And you were banged up pretty bad.” She paused and took a deep breath, as if she needed to choose her words carefully. śYou’ve been out for six weeks.” śWhat do you mean, out? You make it sound like I went to the store. Are you telling me that I’ve been unconscious for six weeks?” I sat down at the kitchen table trying to comb through my memory. She couldn’t be serious. I pushed my mind back as far as it would go, but I came up empty. Tannah sat down next to me and put her hand on mine. I closed my eyes not wanting her to see how upset I was. śAz, it’s going to be okay. It’s just time, and you have plenty of it left.” Somehow her words didn’t comfort me. I felt something missingŚ something taken from me, but I didn’t know what. Chapter 6 Replacement Kano walked through the doors of the cathedral, swinging them open with such a force that they rattled on their hinges. He moved down the aisle in a swift gait that would lead him to where Tobias sat. The sound of the metal sword shifting at his side echoed through the room as he walked. His white cloak had been torn across the front, exposing a wound that was quickly mending. Tobias sat in a large lustrous chair on a platform at the end of the pathway, his appearance equaling arrogance. He modeled this by wearing pants that hung loosely around his waist and a golden amulet that lay against his bare chest. A sizable scar ran the length of his torso and curved with the build of his abdomen. The hair on his head was replaced by intricate drawings that were tattooed on his skin, and his deep red beard was unevenly braided. Scarlet stood by his side. The sound of the swinging doors made her turn and face Kano. śBack so soon?” Scarlet asked in a malice voice. Kano had little tolerance for her. He looked straight past her to Tobias, who had sat up in his chair. śIf I could have a word with you?” Tobias held up his hand, motioning for Scarlet to leave the room. She was clearly frustrated by Tobias’ lack of respect. She had spent many years serving him and felt that it was her right to be involved in every aspect of this task. Besides, it was she who had located the Arch. Scarlet had procrastinated, waiting for Tobias to realize his mistake by asking her to leave, but in the end, she had only vexed him more by not obeying. śScarlet. Leave us.” This time his voice rumbled through the room, and birds that had perched themselves in the eaves of the cathedral scattered wildly and then quickly exited through one of the broken windows. Scarlet vigorously pulled her hood up as she turned away from Kano and Tobias, motioning at the servants to open the doors as she sauntered out. Once they were alone, Kano spoke. śYou did not tell me that there was more than one watching over the girl.” This amused Tobias. śI am not here to make your job easier.” Kano spoke calmly. śRegardless of what you think, I don’t work like this. You will either give me all the details or I can return from where I came.” śFair enough. There are three that watch her; the leader, the healer, and the protector. The protector was our main concern. However, he is now gone and has been substituted with someone less adequate.” śAnd that’s everything?” Kano asked. Tobias paused and looked at him coldly. śNow you know what we know. No more questions.” *** Tobias walked down the elongated corridor of the monastery that led to the east wing. He was a private person and this end of the building was vacant. It was only occupied by him, mostly because this is where he liked to engage in his personal endeavors. However, when he opened the large wooden doors to his main chamber, he didn’t find the bedmates that would have normally been awaiting him. Instead, Scarlet lay stretched out across his bed. She was lying on her stomach using her elbows to prop herself up. Her long slender leg was bent, showing through the split in her gown. śI thought I would accompany you tonight,” she said. śWhere are the other girls?” Tobias asked as he removed his necklace, laying it on a nearby table. Tobias was aware of how envious Scarlet could be. He had never given her a second look, and this was something she could not understand. Anyone but Tobias would have fallen at her feet because of her beauty. śI sent them away,” she said smiling. śThey are disposable.” Tobias stood there with his arms comfortably crossed. śThat was bold of you.” Scarlet slid off his bed and walked over to where he stood. She lifted his hand carefully guiding it inside the narrow part of her gown and placed it on her breast. Her eyes followed his, assessing his reaction. Tobias removed his hand from her bare skin and retrieved a small blade from his side. Tobias placed his hand at the back of Scarlet’s neck, grasping the strap of her garment. He slowly ran the blade down the side of Scarlet’s cheek and stopped near his hand, before slicing the strap in two. The gown fell to the floor, and Scarlet stood there uncovered except for two small braided chains that wrapped around each thigh. To any normal man, she would have looked like a Goddess, but not to Tobias. śWhat makes you think I want you?” Tobias asked mockingly. śYou are still a man with needs.” He smiled at her. śI am no man.” śYou are still a creature with needs,” she said, returning his smile. Tobias simply reacted. He placed the small blade on the table where his amulet lay and grabbed the back of Scarlet’s hair, tilting her head back. Placing his lips to her breast, he traced circles with his tongue, cupping it in his mouth. Scarlet carved her nails down Tobias’ back, causing small beads of blood to appear. He moved her over to his bed, sitting her down. śWhat makes you think I won’t dispose of you when I’m done?” Tobias asked. śMy loyalty.” Scarlet smirked. He suddenly turned her around, bending her over the bed as he stood behind her. His tongue followed her spine to its peak. Scarlet groaned at the anticipation. She had waited too long for this opportunity. She lusted for Tobias and the power that radiated from him. Then at last, she felt him inside her. He consumed all of her, and she wanted more. Tobias was more animalistic than passionate. His thrusts were hard and emotionless, but Scarlet didn’t care. He pulled at her long platinum hair and twisted it around his hands. She grabbed a fistful of covers, moaning. When it was over, Tobias lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Scarlet repositioned herself beside of him. śWhat are you doing?” he asked in a short tone. śI thoughtŚ” she had started to speak, but was quickly cut off by him. śWe are done here.” His words were icy. Scarlet raised her brow and paused. śYou may leave now,” he continued. Scarlet quietly got up and collected her things. She stood at the door still undressed and looked at the table where Tobias had set the blade. She picked it up and swiftly threw it, embedding it in the backboard of the bed inches above Tobias’ head. śNow we’re done here,” she said before walking out of the door. Tobias merely chuckled to himself as he listened to the sound of her footsteps exiting the room. *** śTannah,” Kale called from the doorway of the rooftop, his voice sounding defeated. Tannah was standing next to the edge, looking down to the city below. śKale.” She simply acknowledged his presence. śHow is she?” He was having trouble controlling the emotion in his voice. śShe is fine. She has recovered quickly. Your behavior in the matter has been deplorable. Had things not ended the way they did, I would have had to make a tough decision. I still have a higher authority I have to answer to. They may not be able to see what we do here, but that does not give you the right to act on your own accord.” Tannah’s voice was firm and commanding. śWhat does she think has happened to me?” Kale questioned. Tannah sighed heavily. She was reluctant to divulge any information, but looking at Kale, she knew that he at least deserved honesty. śHer memory has been veiledŚ back to the beginningŚ before you. And it was not easily done with her ability to see the truth. She may have lapses. We can try to control that though, until the final time has come for her to know her position in this world. Nevertheless, KaleŚ, you know that she cannot see you. I fear her emotions are far more powerful than any spell that can be cast upon her.” śAnd you felt it necessary to disregard all that we having built?” He snapped. śShe trusted me.” Tannah felt no regret for her actions and was not about to let Kale believe he had any right to question her decision. śYour involvement in this has become personal. You cannot put her at risk for your own agenda. Kale, what if she had chosen a different path? There is such a thing as free-will. What then? Would you take responsibility for that? Your job was to provide protection and guidance.” Thinking heavily, Kale knew that he could not argue. He exhaled deeply and tore his gaze from her to stare off into the distance. śYou are right, Tannah. I was out of line. It’s just thatŚ” He paused. Tannah shook her head and placed her hand on Kale’s face. śI understand what you are feeling. We are capable of love. We are more human than you can imagine. That is why we do what we do, but your love for her will not save us all. You mustn’t forget why you are here. KaleŚ, I expect you to do the right thing. You will stay out of this, do you understand?” śYes but who is my replacement?” śYou won’t like my answer. What's done is done.” Tannah warned. And with that, Kale knew exactly who his replacement was. He released an exaggerated breath that was pushing against his lungs, hoping that his presumption was wrong. śEverything is going to be fine. We will keep her safe. Jen will be here momentarily to escort you back.” Just as Tannah said, Jen appeared through the door moments later. śKale, are you ready?” She smiled sweetly at him. He somberly smiled back at her, trying to conceal his frustration. Then he turned and nodded to Tannah before walking away. *** Jen led Kale down the long flight of stairs and out to the sidewalk. He looked back up at the tall building to see if there was any visible evidence that Tannah was still there. The sun shone bright, and it blinded his view. śShe’s gone,” Jen said, looking at Kale. śKale, I’m really sorry about how everything turned out. I know this has been tough for you. You deserve better.” Her last sentence sounded heartbroken. He walked with heavy strides down the sidewalk, with Jen only a foot ahead of him. śI don’t deny my mistakes,” Kale said solemnly. śKale, if it was anybody elseŚ, I mean anybody other than AzaleighŚ” Jen’s sentence trailed off. He let out a sigh that was heavy with worry. śI know.” The streets were deserted with only the sound of Jen’s stiletto boots making a loud thudding as they touched the sidewalk. Looking at her, Kale was intrigued with how well Jen was adapted. He couldn’t help but wonder. śJen, how is it that you fit in so well here?” śWell you know, not all of us like to act mysterious and recluse.” She laughed. He looked at her sternly, wanting a real answer. śI’m serious, Jen.” śOk, seriously then.” She looked around thinking of what exactly she wanted to say. śYou ever wonder what life would be like if we, wellŚ, if we could just stay here?” She elbowed him sweetly. śYou knowŚ, like to own a bar or work at a diner?” She chuckled. Then her voice dropped an octave. śOr stay with the person you fall in love with?” She stared at her feet and slowed her pace some. śKale, I know our time is limited, but I do believe we should enjoy it. The magic here is to be treasured. I know you–please don’t do something that you will regret.” His face paled a bit. śI will not let anything happen to her. I will do whatever it takes.” Jen sighed. śI know, and I won’t stop you. You have my word. Just be careful. I love Az too. And KaleŚ, you’re like a brother to me. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to either of you.” Jen crossed the street at Clifford and Ninth. She made her way to the front of West Coast Bikes and Auto. She leaned in, hanging her head in one of the open bays. śHey you,” she said. Rolling out from under a blue Plymouth, Mitch looked at her. śHey yourself.” On his feet, Mitch stood about 6’2”, and his golden blonde hair was neatly combed back. He had the build of most twenty-two year olds–strong and fit. He walked over to Jen, unable to suppress his smile, but then again, that was normal for him. She always made him smile. Attempting to wipe his hands on a grease rag, he leaned in to give her a quick kiss hello. śWhat are you doing here?” he asked, not really caring, just glad she was there. śI thought I would come see you. I was thinking about you.” He wanted so badly to hold her, but he didn’t want to dirty her clothes. When it came to Jen, he always put her first no matter what he wanted. Jen knew that, but never abused the privilege. śSo what are you doing after work?” she asked. śWell, Kale called and said I don’t have to work at the bar tonight. He said something came up, and he was closing early.” He seemed confused by this, but now with Jen here that would mean he would have better plans anyway. śGreat, so you want to pick me up later?” Jen was still Jen–she batted her eyes a couple of times, and of course he said yes. She moved in, wrapping her arms around his neck. śAh, you don’t want to do that. You look so beautiful–I’ll get you all dirty.” Her voice was playful and teasing. śI don’t mind, besides it’s just a shirt. I’d rather have you close.” He squeezed her, lifting her off the ground. Then he leaned down to kiss her. śSo you’re working on a car? Thought this was a bike shop?” She poked him in the ribs, joking. śIt’s a favor,” he said, looking back at the car. śWho’s the lucky girl?” Jen pretended to be jealous. Mitch just smiled, knowing this was merely a game that she liked to play. śI guess I had better leave. See you tonight?” Jen asked. śI’ll be there,” he said, loosening his grip on her, which took a lot of effort. Jen was almost out the door when Mitch called to her. śJen!” She turned and stared at him from the open garage door. śLove you,” he said, just like he always did when she left. Jen blew him a kiss and disappeared around the corner. After she was gone, Mitch sat there thinking. He pulled a small velvet covered jewelry box from his pants pocket. He had kept it there every day for the past week. Although he wasn’t shy about his feelings, he had waited to give her this. Jen was the greatest thing that had happened to him, and he wanted that moment to be one she would never forget. He didn’t have much to offer her–he worked two jobs just to support himself. He had planned to use what little money he had saved up to start a life with her. Even though in his mind she deserved better, the one thing he could do was love her more than any person could love another. That he was sure of. He opened the box to look at its contents–a single diamond ring. Then he closed it again, placing it back in his pocket. Chapter 7 Remember It took a while, but I was able to slip back into my daily routine, which was basically working and going home. I hadn’t had the chance to catch up with Mr. Parker yet, and I was feeling a little neglectful. I know Tannah had informed him of my accident, but I still wanted to see him. I missed our occasional dinners and weekly visits. Besides, if I didn’t check on him, then no one would since he had no family. Leaving work, I noticed how truly lovely it was outside. The sun was glowing on my skin, and I was thoroughly enjoying its warmth. As I crossed the street, I noticed some kids playing ball in the newly reconstructed park. Tannah had told me during my stay in the hospital that there had been an earthquake, and the park had suffered dramatically. This was the first time I had noticed the drastic change in its appearance. The children seemed to be having so much fun that it forced a smile on my face. All of them were in cut-off jeans and old baseball uniforms with last names embroidered on the back. They couldn’t have been more than nine years old, but watching how well they played, they could have easily been mistaken as older. I leaned against the fence, watching in wonder at these well organized miniature replicas of Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle when I noticed one of them waving at me. He began running in my direction. The brim of his hat caught the wind and shifted back as he ran, showing his bright orange hair and dark brown eyes. He stopped directly in front of me. I knelt down so that my eyes were level with his. My hair fell and rested on my knees. śWhat’s up little guy?” I asked, unable to control my adoration. śWhere's your friend?” he asked, bouncing up and down in place. I guess he saw how confused I was because he went on to try and jog my memory. śReeeemeeemmmbbber?” he asked, stretching out the word as long as it would go. I giggled a little at his very thick lisp. śYour friend said if I went home and practiced ball real hard that you two would come play a game with me,” the boy said as he impelled the baseball repeatedly in his glove. I assumed that he had me confused with someone else, and I didn’t want to argue with the little guy. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he had the wrong girl. śUmŚ my friend had some important business to take care of,” I said, feeling bad about lying. śI tell you what. I can play for one game, fair?” śBut he promised,” he said, looking disappointed. śLooks like you’re going to have to settle for me,” I said, squinting my face and hoping that I would be a good enough catching partner. śIt’s okay. Come back tomorrow with your friend, and we’ll play. I should go anyway. I promised my Mom, I would be home early.” He gave me a short wave and started back towards the field. Just before reaching the dirt, he turned and shouted, śBye Az!” Then he disappeared into the crowd of boys. He knew who I was. I tried shouting out to him, but I didn’t know his name. śHey wait!” However, he was gone. *** The next night I left work around seven o’clock. I was rushing home. It was getting dark, not from the late hour, but because it was getting ready to pour down rain. I heard ripples of thunder off in the distance, and with each flash of lightening; it pushed my feet to move at a faster pace. I hated thunderstorms–they always made me nervous. When I finally made it to my apartment, I was relieved. I went in and changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt. After the accident, my apartment seemed so strange to me, like I was out of place there. It was dreary and isolated. Nothing on the surface had changed, but internally I felt like this was a dark and sad former part of my life. I straightened up a few things and figured I would go to check on Mr. Parker. His first name was Earl. However, I couldn't call him by it. It was too casual, and since he was much like the Dad I never had, I liked calling him by a more formal name. Once I reached his door, I knocked softly, not wanting to startle him. śMr. Parker?” I called but didn’t receive an answer. śMr. Parker, it’s Azaleigh.” I waited a second and then called again. śMr. Parker, are you there?” I placed a hand on the doorknob and tried turning it. It was unlocked. I opened the door just enough to fit my head inside. śMr. Parker, it’s Azaleigh. I was just checking in to see if you were okay.” I opened the door wider and stepped inside to look around. His apartment was smaller than mine with even less furnishing. I walked through the living room and then into the kitchen where a plate full of food sat, half eaten. Flies were hovering over it, and the stench was overwhelming, causing me to cover my nose with the inside of my shirt. I choked back a gag as I shooed the flies away from attempting to take up residence on me. śMr. Parker?” I called one more time, hoping and praying that he would answer. Just then I heard a ticking coming from the back bedroom, and I followed the sound down the hall, carefully walking in quiet steps on the hardwood floor. I approached a door that was cracked open, and I could tell the sound was coming from behind it. Slowly pushing it open, a foul smell hit me and I stood staring in horror. Mr. Parker was lying on the floor, pale and not moving. In his hand, he was holding a phone. The cord was stretched out and hitting the side of his nightstand caused by a light gust of wind that was blowing through the open window. He must have been there for days because the lobes of his ears had begun to blacken. With tears welling up in my eyes and my heart beating rapidly, I stood there in disbelief. When the police arrived, I gave my statement and watched the coroner haul Mr. Parker out in a black body bag. I felt dizzy and everything seemed so surreal. Hearing my name called over and over brought me out of my reverie. Jen came rushing through a crowd of people that were wearing uniforms. She grabbed me, hugging me tightly, but I couldn’t quite return the embrace. śOh my gosh, Az, are you okay?” She brushed her hand repeatedly over my face, wiping away tears and make-up that had painted it. śWhat happened?” I was so lost. I had no idea what had happened and didn’t know how to explain it to her. śI’mŚ I’mŚ not sure.” śI heard someone had passed away in your apartment building and rushed over here. Who was it?” Her voice sounded like she was relieved it wasn’t me. śMr. Parker..., he was my friend. I found him lying on the floor holding the phone,” I said, glancing down at my hands while they shook in my lap. I looked up at her with tears streaming down my face where she had just wiped clean. śHe had no family. There’s no one to notify.” When I said it, I realized how sad it sounded or how sad it really was for that matter. śAz, come stay with me tonight. You shouldn’t be alone.” She stroked my hair from my face while more tears fell to the ground, soaking in the dirt and disappearing. śOkay, just let me grab a few things.” I said. Once we made it to Jen’s place, I all but passed out on the couch. Lying there with my eyes closed and my head throbbing, I was on the verge of incoherence. I could hear Jen moving about the apartment, and then I heard her go back to her bedroom and shut the door. My throat was dry and constricted, so I pulled myself up and went to the kitchen to find something to drink. Opening the refrigerator door, I was not surprised by the organization of it. Bottles of water were neatly lined on the bottom shelf, all with their labels facing the same direction. I just shook my head in amusement, grabbing one of the bottles and twisting the cap. I had tilted it back to take a sip when I heard Jen talking in a hushed voice. I moved slowly down the hall trying to hear better. Then I realized that she was on the phone. I pressed my ear against the door, and I heard her say, śYeah, she’s with meŚ. No, no everything is fineŚ. I know thatŚ. I will get her to stay here for a couple of days until he can get settled inŚ. WaitŚ I think I hear something.” That was my queue to get my ass back in the living room. I tip toed down the hall in a hurry and slipped into the bathroom just seconds before she opened the door. When I heard the door shut again, I rushed over to the couch and lay down. It wasn’t long before the effects of the evening had taken their toll on me, and I fell asleep. The next morning I awoke to the warm smell of coffee. Jen was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. I really didn’t see Jen as a newspaper kind of girl–I thought of her as more of a Cosmopolitan kind of girl. śHow are you feeling this morning?” she asked. Rubbing my eyes I replied, śI’m okay, I guess.” śYou’ve had a rough night.” śDo think I could stay here for a few days? I just can’t bear to go home.” The fact was–it was the truth. She smiled at me. śOf course, you can stay as long as you’d like.” I stayed with her for almost a week, not wanting to leave. Jen kept me busy, which helped me keep my mind off of things. Finally, when the time came to return home, I was reluctant to say the least. Placing my key in the lock, I felt a sudden overwhelming sadness. After opening the door I stood there, looking inside. A small gust of air came from down the hall, bringing with it an all too familiar scent. Mr. Parker’s apartment carried the fragrance of jasmine down the hall. It was almost like he wasn’t really gone. A loud noise of something breaking made me jump. I looked down towards his apartment and noticed there were boxes sitting outside the door. I moved quickly down the hall, bracing myself for whatever it was that I was about to see. I peered around the corner and saw two men packing up Mr. Parker’s things. One of them was cursing at a lamp, which had fallen and broken. śExcuse me,” I said. A man in dark blue coveralls acknowledged me. śCan I help you, Miss?” I paused and looked around. Almost all of Mr. Parker’s things were gone. śUmŚ where are you taking all of this stuff?” śBack to our warehouse. Someone is coming to claim it,” he answered. śReally? Do you know who?” śNo ma’am. We were just hired to pack it and move it.” śOh. Okay. It’s just that I was a friend of the man who lived here. I didn’t realize he had any family.” The man looked at me and didn’t respond. śWell, I’ll let you get back to work. I’m sorry to have bothered you.” I hung my head down and turned to leave. śMiss, waitŚ by any chance, are you Azaleigh?” I turned to him. śYes.” śWell, I found this box, and it has your name on it. I guess–whatever it is–he must have wanted you to have it.” The man handed me a small box that had my name beautifully written on it in Mr. Parker’s handwriting. śThank you,” I said and walked back to my apartment. Sitting at my kitchen table, I stared at the box. I wasn’t sure I wanted to open it, but that would not have pleased Mr. Parker. I popped the tape on the ends and very carefully pulled the brown packaging paper off. Inside was a folded piece of paper with my name on it. I opened the note gently and began to read it. My Dearest Azaleigh, I am sure if you are reading this, then my life here has ended, and I have moved on to the next. Please don’t be sad, my angel, for I’ve been waiting to reunite with my beloved Lilly. Knowing my Lilly, she has been even less patient than I in our reunion. I’ve never told you our story, but it was one of great love and devotion. We were barely nineteen when we married. I had been discharged from the military on account of an injury I sustained during a training drill. Lilly had waited for me, and once I had made it home, I knew I would never leave her again. I couldn’t bear the thought of her not knowing if I would return. I suppose that is why she left this life first. Unable to see me every day, would not have been easy for her. We were twenty-five when Lilly told me that she was with child. I had never been so nervous in my life. I surely would not have been a good parent I thought. Had I known I would never get the chance, I would have thought differently. In the last weeks of her pregnancy, the baby stopped moving. When we made it to the hospital, we learned that we had lost the baby and to my dismay, Lilly was dying too. She remained strong, but in her final hours, she began hallucinating. Lilly had told me that our baby had come to her in a dream–our baby girl. She called her Angelica. She said that Angelica could not enter this life because she was greatly needed in the next, and that she felt terrible about leaving two wonderful people abandon with no infant to embrace. However, Angelica swore an oath to my dear Lilly that she would come back in her next life to revisit, and her presence would be much like the child we had lost. Lilly gave me a stone necklace that I had never seen before, telling me that it was Angelica who had given it to her. She pressed it into my fingers with what little strength she had and made me swear to give it back to our beloved daughter when she returned. I had kept every promise I’ve ever made to my beloved Lilly, and now I have made good on my very last promise to her. Azaleigh, I know that I may have been only your neighbor down the hall, but to me, you were much more. And if life after death is true, like my Lilly said, then Angelica made good on her promise too. You, Azaleigh, were like my daughter. Love Always, Mr. Parker I clutched my chest, trying to keep my heart from beating through it. Sadness filled me but with it came a sense of rejoice. I had not known everything about Mr. Parker’s life before but knowing that he had someone waiting for him on the other side filled my heart with hope. Although I knew I was not the daughter he had spoken of, it made me feel good to know that I was able to give him something that he had lost. I folded the paper back into its neat little square, and emptied the rest of the contents from the box onto the table. Inside was a unique stone necklace. It had a braided silver chain, and an elegant silver brace that held the stone in place. The stone itself was white with an inscription written in a language I didn’t recognize. I sat there holding the letter and necklace, and in my mind, I sifted through my memories of Mr. Parker. I guess it is common to regret things you should have done. It was apparent that he was closer to me than I was to him. I should have been a better friend. Chapter 8 Changes The next two weeks went by rather quickly. I wasn’t over all that had happened, but I was able to keep myself busy enough so that I didn’t dwell on it. Jen had been as supportive as anyone could be, and Tannah had added hours to my schedule in hopes that it would help keep me occupied. I don’t think that was the only reason. Our newest waitress, Charlotte, seemed to be a little on the absent minded side. She hardly made it to work on time, and when she was there, she hardly ever got any order right and usually ended up spilling something by the day's end. It was a busy day at the diner. The special for today was meatloaf, and as gross as it may have sounded, it smelled delicious. Charlotte was waiting tables with me–and to be honest–I needed a break from her. Even though she was an extremely nice person, she had a way to pluck every nerve I had. I asked her politely to cover my tables while I took the trash out. I gathered up the trash–which equaled two bags–and started out back. I met, Jackson, our cook at the back door, who had snuck out for a quick cigarette. Jackson was a little on the heavy side with grayish colored hair that was thinning on top. He was kind enough to hold the door for me while I lugged the bags out. He must have thought I was struggling because he asked if I needed some help. I smiled and shook my head; I just needed a few minutes to myself, and he was smart enough to figure that out. He proceeded back inside, letting the door swing shut behind him. The back alley smelled like rotting food, and the heat from the sun only made it worse. However, the smell didn’t bother me enough to make me retreat back inside. I just felt off and couldn’t understand why. I was hoping some fresh air would do me some good–no matter how bad it smelled. Ever since my accident, I felt like I couldn’t get myself together–like I was lost and out of place. I stood there holding the two garbage bags as I looked up into the sky. The sun shined down to the alley, between the two buildings. I used to hate taking the trash out back because it always seemed closed in and isolated, but with the sun sneaking down onto the street, it made me feel unchained from the hustle and bustle of the busy day. After a minute of soaking myself in the sun, I figured that I’d better hurry up and get back inside. I’m sure they would have sent a search party to look for me if I was gone longer than ten minutes. As I walked over to the dumpster, I noticed a large black crow that was sitting on top of it. It wasn’t uncommon to see crows around the city, but usually when they saw a person they would fly off. This bird just sat there–eyeing me, as I got closer. śShoo,” I fussed at it, hoping to scare it away, but he wouldn’t budge. I looked around and saw a broom lying against the brick wall near the back door. I placed the trash on the ground and picked up the broom, inching my way towards the bird, which looked to be the size of a small dog. śSorry, Buddy, but you’ve got to go,” I said, warning him. As I got closer, he crouched down and spread his wings. Looking at him, a small knot formed in the pit of my stomach, causing a strange tingling feeling to run through me. I didn’t like this feeling at all, and I didn’t understand where it was coming from. I shoved the broom at the bird with a single lunge, and he took off flying. The sound of his wings beating against the air carried through the alleyway. Then that feeling I was having turned into something else. A memory possiblyŚ or maybe it was déj vu. I watched him climb as he flew, soaring over the buildings and then disappearing into the sky. When he was gone, I shook my head as the remnants of the bizarre feeling exited my body, leaving me a little shaky. I dropped the broom and grabbed the garbage, dragging them closer to the dumpster. Where the bird had been, there was a large tear in metal. The sides of the gash were jagged and had been peeled back. I leaned in closer. Was that blood? I asked myself. I had reached out to touch it, when I heard the back door of the diner swing open, and Tannah called out my name. śAz! What is taking so long? Charlotte has dropped two plates of food. I need you in here!” śComing,” I called to her as I tossed the bags in the dumpster and then turned to go back inside. *** It was Saturday, and my first day off in a week. I was pretty excited about it–my goal was to do some major cleaning to my much-neglected apartment. After hours of slaving, everything was completed. Last chore was laundry, which I had to take down to the lower level of the complex–where the laundry facility was located. I stuffed the hamper until it was overflowing. It was amazing that one person could have this many clothes to wash. I stepped out of my apartment, and while locking the door behind me, I looked up to see the back of a man standing in front of the mailboxes that lined the hallway walls. His muscles were tense, and he was moving back and forth while mumbling under his breath. I smiled as I listened to him fuss at one of the mailboxes. I wasn’t sure exactly what he was doing, so I stretched to my tiptoes to view over his shoulder, hoping to get a better look. When I realized what he was doing, I let out a gasp. He was scrapping Mr. Parker’s name off the mailbox. He had successfully removed the śE. PAR” and was working on the śK”. śWhat the hell are you doing?” I shouted, as I threw my basket of clothes down. He was completely caught off guard and was unable to respond. śI said what are you doing?” I repeated, with surprisingly more force than the first time. śI was trying to remove the name.” His words were filled with alarm and spoken cautiously. Furious, I was able to make my voice louder. śThis is my friend’s mailbox. You can’t just go removing his name like you own it.” śButŚ I kind ofŚ do own it. I just moved in.” Realizing how badly I had just overreacted, I stepped back, hanging my head, and apologized. śOhŚ, I’m sorry. My friend used to live there.” The apology was not sufficient enough for my behavior. I looked away to find that when I had dropped my hamper to the floor, my clothes had spilled out. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. The basket was bursting at the seams from where it had been over-stuffed. śI thought this was one of the safer neighborhoods,” he said, as we bent down simultaneously to reach for the hamper. śI didn’t realize I would need to carry my mace with me to my mailbox,” he continued. śMace,” I said, embarrassed that he might actually think he needed protection. Great! That’s all I needed was to have a formal complaint made. I could see it now, śMailbox stalker attacks new resident.” śLook, I overreacted. I said I was sorry.” I responded quickly, holding my hand up and not making eye contact with him. I was careful to not shout. However, I did use a firm voice. I thought I would die when he picked up my bra and handed it to me. śWell, it’s certainly better than being sexually harassed by the girl in apartment 2B downstairs. Earlier today, it took me fifteen minutes to reassure her that I am happily married.” śYou’re married?” I asked, almost in shock. śNo–that is–unless, Coyote Ugly, in apartment 2B asks,” he said, tittering a bit. I couldn’t help but grin. Apartment 2B was a girl named Brenda. She was not easy on the eyes and her personality was just as unbearable. I was relieved knowing he had met her before me. It made me feel like my outburst was less significant. I didn’t blame her; it took everything for me not to stare at him. His build was masculine and worked on. And I felt, if I looked into his eyes for too long, I would get lost somewhere in them. śWell, I have laundry to do, so I should go. I won’t be any trouble–so you don’t need to carry mace or anything,” I said, while repositioning my basket under my arm. śHave dinner with me.” śWhat?” I asked, sounding confused–because I really was. śYou could come by tonight and have dinner, while telling me about my new neighbors. You know, like, who the partiers are, who is sleeping with whom, and who might break into my house when I’m not home. Stuttering I said, śOh, um, I’m not sure.” I had just met him and thought it would feel a little strange to eat dinner with someone I didn’t know in Mr. Parker’s apartment. śCome onŚ I cook really well.” He was persistent. I had to give him that. śSure.” Was the only answer I could muster, and this seemed to please him. śGreat. How about seven o’clock?” śOkay, I’ll see you then,” I stated, grabbing my basket and heading down the hall to the stairwell. śIt’s Gage, just in case you wanted to know,” he spoke, watching me as I walked away. I paused looking back. śAz,” I hollered before disappearing down the stairs. At seven o’clock sharp, I showed up at Gage’s apartment. However, I couldn’t bring myself to knock on the door yet. Instead, I proceed to argue with that stupid voice in my head. This is ridiculous. You are at the apartment of your dead neighbor, attempting to eat dinner with your new neighbor, who only a few hours early, handed you your bra after you almost attacked him in the hall. Go home! Just as I had finally talked myself out of it and turned to leave, Gage opened the door. śAz, I thought I heard someone out here,” he said. So much for my great escape. I looked him over. Did I miss something? I thought to myself. He was wearing a nice green collared shirt that matched his eyes and khaki pants. Then I looked myself over, feeling a bit underdressed. I was wearing a paint stained shirt and holey jeans. śIŚ I can go change,” I said. śYou look great, come in.” Theapartment looked very different. Mr. Parker’s old antique furniture had been replaced with a lush contemporary setting. śWow, it’s so different,” I said. However, I quickly added, śBut in a good way,” trying not to insult him. śThanks, it’s Az, right?” śIt’s actually Azaleigh, but most everyone calls me Az.” I said, correcting him. śCan I get you glass of wine?” I followed him to the kitchen where an exquisite meal was laid out on the table. It smelled fantastic. śGage, this looks wonderful.” He grinned. śI actually like to cook, so for me it was nice to be able to cook for more than just one.” He pulled out the chair for me to sit. Everything about him spoke charming. I had been worried that it would be awkward eating dinner with someone I didn’t know, but Gage made it easy. He was relaxed, probably more so than I would have expected. śThis is really good,” he said, with a mouth full. I giggled, watching him enjoy his food. I twirled the spaghetti around my fork, attempting to look somewhat elegant while trying to eat. However, spaghetti doesn’t quite work that way. śSo are you new to LA or just to this area?” He waited until he swallowed before answering. śI’m new to living in LA. However, I have visited here in the past. I’m sorry, maybe it’s just me, but dinner just seems to be exceptionally good tonight.” He chopped down on another fork full of food, closing his eyes as he chewed. He was really odd, but funny. I grinned as he came back to reality and focused on the conversation again. śI’m a consultant.” śA consultant for what?” I asked. Consultant would have been my last guess. I totally would have gone with a bar bouncerŚ or underwear model. śI work for a large organization that deals with security services for important people. They use me to set up their security detail.” śLikeŚ celebrities?” LA was definitely full of famous people, although I never saw any. Actually, I did see that woman from the hemorrhoid commercial that one time; however, I didn’t think she would appreciate me mentioning it. Gage paused for a moment. śYeah..., celebrities so to speak.” And although I could hear a hint of some hidden meaning, I didn’t pry. śWhat is it that you do, Azaleigh?” śNothing as glamorous as setting up hi-tech security systems for LA’s finest citizens. I’m a waitress at a diner down the street.” śAh, but you get to live life on your terms. Hard work gives you that freedom.” I had never thought of it that way before. I had to say, I was pretty amazed at how intellectual he was. It was a nice night. We laughed and talked and for the first time in a while, I felt normal. It was after eleven o’clock, and regrettably I told Gage I had to go because my shift started early. He graciously walked me to the door, and I told him goodnight. Chapter 9 Statues It was a dry March afternoon. Birds filled the air, casting their shadows on the ground below and making the most wonderful atmosphere. Mr. Parker and my mother were both buried at Hillside Cemetery, and my plan today was to visit them both. Hillside was the most renowned memorial park in LA. In my hands, I carried a bouquet of wildflowers for each of them. This would be the first time I had been here since I was seventeen, and I am sure it was long overdue. My mother always said it was such a waste of time visiting a gravesite. Most people would have said it made them feel closer to the person they had lost, but not her. She once told me, śWhy would you look at marble rock with a name chiseled in it to remember someone? A vivid memory is much more gratifying than a cold hard stone.” I guess she was right, but when I awoke this morning, I felt the need to go–not necessarily to be close to either of them, but more or less to pay respect to the two most important people in my life. The cab driver dropped me off at the top of the cemetery, which left me a bit of a hike to the sites, but with a day this perfect I didn’t mind. To add to my insanity of being here, I had dressed up for the occasion, wearing a light blue sundress I had borrowed from Jen. I made it to my mother’s plot first, which was a good forty plots away from Mr. Parker’s. The thick black marble stone stood glistening in the sun, with only a few chips from the years of weathering. I ran my fingers across the name inscribed, Rebecca Lynn Carlton, moving away the dirt and moss that had covered part of her name. My mother had died from pneumonia. She had been in and out of the hospital because of it. On the night before she died, they had told me that she was improving and would be able to go home the next day. Obliviously, they were wrong. Laying the flowers on the ground, I stood up to stare at the large slab of rock. śGod mom, I wish you were here. I’m pretty sure I’m on the verge of losing my mind, and I really need someone to talk to.” Then I went on to tell her of all the things that had happened over the past several months, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying when I spoke. And at the end of all that talking was silence. I smiled once at the stone and then started to turn, noticing the most extraordinary angel statue standing a few feet away. The statue towered over the tombstones with large wings spread out, and her head tilted up towards the sun. She was so radiant and oddly reminded me of Jen, which caused me to laugh. It wouldn’t have surprised me one bit if some great ścarver-of-stone” had dedicated his beautifully sculptured rock to my very beautiful friend. She had a face and a body that any artist would have loved to sculpt. With the long walk to Mr. Parker’s site, I had removed my shoes and carried them in my hands with the flowers. The cool grass felt good on my feet, and I remembered how much I had missed Spring. When I reached his stone, it was much different than my mother’s–very small and simple just like Mr. Parker would have wanted. The white rock had his name inscribed with black lettering and below it read śDevoted Husband”. Learning about Lilly, after his death, left me wondering a lot about her–I had so many questions. But it was the one thing that he had kept to himself, and I understood that. I had never shared that much about my mother. I spoke to Mr. Parker’s headstone as I had done my mother’s, telling him about Gage, who had recently moved into his apartment. Even though, I still missed Mr. Parker, it was really nice to have a new friend. After laying the flowers and standing up, something caught my eye. It was a large angel statue that stood directly over the grave beside his, with large wings spread out, and her head tilted towards the ground. I moved over to where she stood and looked down at the grave she was watching–Lilly Parker and Angelica. A chill ran through me. I hadn’t thought about the fact that Mr. Parker would have been buried next to his wife. I looked back up at the angel, her face so beautiful and caring, watching over them. I touched the base of her feet, feeling the cool cement and marveled at her as I turned to leave. I slowly walked to the top of the cemetery, taking in all the exotic statues and stones. I had told the cab driver to be back in two hours. However, he was not there when I finally reached the entrance. I sat down on a bench and turned to face the cemetery, which I found so intriguing. I began to make up names to all the cement figures; an archer statue–Sir. Shoots A Lot; a centaur statue–Mr. Half Ass (laughing to myself); a boy with a horn–Little Boy Blue; it was obvious I should have stopped while I was ahead. Bored out of my mind, I decided to get up and stretch my legs. To my right was a large map of the cemetery protected by Plexiglas. Figuring I could at least look at the pictures, I went over to check it out. The map listed the names of all the statues that were thereŚ and of course, they were far better than the names I had made up. I saw the angels listed with a tiny thumbnail picture beside each header. The one closest to my mother’s grave was the angel, Genevieve. I found the one next to Mr. Parker, which was named, Nemaninah. However, there was a third angel whom I had not seen when walking through–the angel, Dekalabrie. The picture was smudged, with mud covering it. I used my finger trying to clear it. The loud honking of the cab made me jump. Trying to rub harder, I shouted to him, śHang on just a sec.” Rudely, he honked again. śCome on lady, you aren’t my only customer today.” Giving up and brushing my fingers over the name one last time, I backed a step and then turned to enter the cab. *** Returning to my apartment, I leisurely strolled up the stairs. The door swung open, causing me to stumble back. Just as I thought I was sure to plummet down the entire flight, someone grabbed my arm and steadied me. Gage’s voice echoed down the stairwell. śAzaleigh, are you okay?” śYeah, I think so.” Shaking off the heart attack I almost had. śI was looking for you earlier. I’m going out for a drink–I wanted to see if you wanted to go.” I stopped to think for a minute and decided that I should just go rest. śNo, I think I’m going to go lie down.” śSeriously? You’re already dressed up. Come on, it will be fun,” he exclaimed. I stared at him, looking into his deep green eyes, which–in my opinion–was one of his best features. I felt myself leaning towards agreeing to go. How was it that he was so easily able to persuade me? I gave up the argument in my head and went with it. śSure, I’ll go. Just let meŚ” Cutting me off, he said, śYou don’t need to change or anything. You look great. Now let’s get out of here.” He grinned, pulling my hand, and coaxing me back down the stairs. With a small laugh I said, śFine.” We walked a few blocks down, looking in all the shops along the way. Their windows were filled with the latest and greatest fashions–costing more than I earned in a month. It was nice to get out and relax, which seemed to be pretty easy around Gage, who was the most out-going person I had known. śSo, where would you like to go?” he asked. śHold on a minute, you said you were going to get a drink. I thought you had it all plan out.” I elbowed him. He looked away as if a little embarrassed, śNahŚ that was just a ploy to get you to come out with me.” I shot him a glance that was supposed to look angry, but I couldn’t hold back my smile. śYou’re just lucky I said Śyes.’” He laughed at first then turned his look serious. śI don’t know, Az. I mean, what little time I’ve known you, you seem so sad. I guess I thought you might like a change of scenery. That’s all.” I looked off in the distance, thinking about it. I knew he was right. Maybe it was time to be happy for a while. śWell, then let’s change the scenery.” I placed my fingers to my temples, pretending to call upon my telepathic powers. śMy senses are telling me that we should cross the street, the scenery on that side is much more interesting.” He laughed. śOk, come on.” Gage grabbed my hand as we crossed the street. Once on the sidewalk, he kept a hold of it. It made me a little nervous, but I didn’t want to be rude and pull away. Then again, it felt good having someone want to hold it, so I tried to push that nervous feeling to the far back of my mind and just enjoy the moment. Gage was rambling on with some story, causing me to grab my stomach and hold it together from laughing. Then out of nowhere a huge pink and blue neon sign grabbed my attention. It consumed the whole front window of a flower shop on the corner of the street. Gage’s voice became a distant background noise while I tried to wrap my head around where I had seen this before. It was so familiar. I slowed my pace as we came up on the bright colors hanging in the window. śHey, wait a second,” I said to Gage as I stopped and stood in front of it. The evening sun was fading, which caused the sign to reflect off of me, turning my dress mixed shades of pink and blue. śI know this place.” śReally?” His question came out more of a confused okay. śYeah, I’ve been here before, onlyŚ it was more like in a dream.” I paused because honestly I hadn’t been hereŚ that I’d known of. śWell, do you want to go in?” he asked. śNoŚ no, I don’t think so.” Something was out of place, and I couldn’t figure it out. Gage pulled on my hand. śWell, let’s go get that drink then.” śOkay, sure,” I replied, following behind slowly. We stood on the corner, waiting for the light to turn so we could cross, but I kept looking back at the flower shop. As soon as I thought I would just let it go and forget about it, I looked down the street next to the shop. I felt an urgent pull to follow it down. The light turned, and I tugged on Gage’s arm. śGage, wait, let’s go this way.” śThere’s nothing down there,” he replied. śNo really–I think there is a place down there we can get a drink,” I said, but he didn’t seem convinced. śPlease–for me?” Great, now I’ve resorted to begging. He smiled and let me lead. I walked cautiously, not wanting to miss whatever it was that I was looking for, although I was still unclear what that was. śI think this is it.” I pointed to a door tucked away from the city streets. I led him down the four steps to the entryway and went inside. It was a small lounge, and the walls were lined with tables that were covered in white linens. Only a few couples were there dinning. The center of the room was laid out with a small hardwood floor, which was set up for intimate dancing–and in the corner a band was playing. śYes, I’ve been here before,” I said quietly to myself, trying to confirm something I wasn’t sure of. Gage turned and grinned. śI think I might like this place.” I was too preoccupied to acknowledge any innuendos. We were seated at a far back table, and Gage ordered a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. I was feeling tense, so I was glad he ordered wine. I needed to unwind. After sucking down my first three glasses, I asked the waiter to leave the bottle, causing him to give me that śdo I need to call your AA sponsor” look. But he left it anyway. Who was he to judge? I kept examining the room over and over until I noticed Gage beginning to look annoyed. śWould you like to dance?” Gage asked me, holding out his hand. It came out somewhat slurred, and I am pretty sure I spit on him when I answered. śPppplease, I’m a terrible dancer.” I wiped my mouth with the back of my handŚ. Yes, I am now sure that I spit on him. Gage, not giving up, grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my seat. śCome on, you’re dancing. Besides all you have to do is move back and forth.” On the floor, he held me close, putting one of his hands on my back and using his other to hold my hand adjacent to his shoulder. I laid my head on his chest and breathed in the sweet smell of his cologne, mostly because I couldn’t hold my head much longer. This felt so placated. My eyes were closed, and we softly swayed to the sound of the music. Everything was spinning, but in a good way–the way you feel when you’re a kid on tire swing, twisting it up and then letting goŚ and just spinning. śAz?” śUmm hum.” śI was thinking we could do this more often,” he said. śDo what? Dancing?” I responded, my head still on his chest listening to the vibrating sound it made when he spoke. A gruff laugh rattled his chest and then settled again. śAll of it.” I looked up at him, not wanting to discuss any future plans, and so I quickly changed the subject. śYou have really pretty eyes.” He looked down at me. śI’m serious,” he said, using a low voice. I was about to reply, when a song began playing and threw me off track. It was slow and seductive. He pulled me closer, and I took a deep breath. It was getting really hot, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of the wine or being this close to Gage. I enjoyed him holding me, and it felt even better holding him in return. He leaned down humming the words of the song softly in my ear. My eyes rolled for a second in the pleasure of listening to his voice, but then I readjusted my gaze over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of a man standing at the bar. He was wearing a black tuxedo, and his dusty blonde hair was perfectly combed back. His persona and attire caused me to stare harder, wanting to see his face. He stood over six feet tall and casually rested a hand in his pants pocket. Gage kept moving, still leaning next to my ear–oblivious to my trance I was now stuck in. I squinted, trying to focus on the man at the bar. He picked up a shot of dark liquor, consuming it in one gulp, and when he was finished, he slammed the glass down on the counter. His head started to turn as if he could feel me staring at him, and as soon as I was about to see the outline of his face, Gage broke my concentration. śAz”, he said, pulling back to see my face. śAre you okay? You don’t seem like you’re here.” I shook my head and forced a smile. śSorry, I think the wine must have gotten to me. I’m fine, really.” I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince him or myself. śIt’s justŚ” My words trailed off as I looked back to locate the man, but he was gone. śI’ve had a long day. Do you mind if we leave?” I asked. śOf course not,” he said. Gage walked to our table and tossed enough money down to cover our tab then escorted me out. Feeling a little tipsy, I leaned against Gage as we walked the blocks back to our apartment complex. He had his arm wrapped around my back with a tight grip on my shoulder, while I rested my head on his. Finally, at my apartment, I leaned my back against the door with the heel of my shoe propped against it. Facing Gage, I watched his face turn serious while staring at me. He placed his fingers in the belt of my dress and pulled me closer, planting both of my feet on the ground. I was surprised when I didn’t feel nervous–only eager. His hands were still fixed in my belt as he walked closer to me, pressing me back against the door. He grinned and spoke in a low voice. śYou’re killing me in that dress.” I don’t know what it was–if it was the way he spoke to me, the feeling that something was missing in my life, or the fact I didn’t want to be alone tonight, but that’s all he had to say. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pressed my lips against his. Even though he tried to hide it, he felt the anticipation of our kiss just as much as I did. His lips trailed over mine, again and again. I couldn’t pull him close enough–I wanted every inch of him. Feeling the heat rush though my body, he could feel my arousal and kissed me harder. I ran my hands through his hair, and then jerked the top two buttons of his shirt loose. He grabbed my thigh, and ran his hand under it. He lifted my leg and wrapped it around his, causing my skirt to hike up. This made me want him even more. I began feeling for the doorknob, trying to turn it. When I found it, he pulled away. I could feel my lips swelled and burning. Where I had pulled the top two buttons loose, his shirt was opened and exposing his chest. Speaking only inches from his face, I asked, śWhat’s wrong?” śWe should wait.” My eyes followed his back and forth. śWait for what?” śI don’t want you like this,” he said. Embarrassed, shocked, and frustrated, I pushed him back at arm’s length. He caught my hand and held it to his chest. He smiled confidently and leaned back in. śYou’ve misunderstood me, Love.” I couldn’t speak. My feelings were torn, and now he was adding confusion to the mix. śI do want youŚ in every way possibleŚ but not like this. I don’t want it to be a night inspired by wine and atmosphere. I want it to be real.” Kissing me one last time, he said, śI’ll wait until you’re inside.” I looked away clearly frustrated, but at the same time knowing he was right. I nodded and went in, closing the door behind me and not looking back. *** The next morning, I awoke to an assembly of flowers outside of my door–Gage of course. I made three trips from the door to the counter, placing them all atop. Attached was a tiny card that said: downstairs lobby, nine AM, Gage. It was already eight forty, which left me no time to decide what to do. And of course this is the time the irritating voice in my head speaks up. You have nothing better to do anyway. śFine,” I said gritting my teeth. Jumping in the shower and letting the water sooth my body, I replayed last night’s scene in my head. Thinking about Gage, I couldn’t help but smile. Then I remembered the man at the lounge and how fascinating he was. It was strange how quickly he had disappeared. I pulled back the shower curtain and reached for my towel. Steam from the shower had filled the room. Drying off and wrapping the towel around me, I reached up to clear the mirror. My hand stroked it twice, removing the condensation and revealing the same woman with platinum colored hair and white eyes who had appeared there before. Startled, I screamed. Stepping back and slipping on the wet floor, I crashed hard. I looked up at the mirror and saw she was still there with an amused look on her face. I closed my eyes tight and yelled at her, śYou are not real!” Listening to the dripping of the showerhead, I waited. I was hoping that when I opened my eyes, she would be gone. I opened them to find her full body standing over me. Her eyes tightened on me and then she spoke. śHe who appears before you as the golden one will slay the angel, Genevieve.” It was all she said, her body turning into the steam that had filled the room. I lay there several minutes on the floor. I felt a pain in my arm from where I had fallen. I examined it and noticed it was bleeding. I pulled myself up and quickly ran out of the apartment; barely dress, and with my hair dripping wet. Gage was sitting in the lobby, and when I saw him, I ran to him. Gage stood up, and I wrapped my arms around him, shaking. śAz, what’s wrong? You’re bleeding,” he exclaimed, holding my arm. śI don’t know. I think I’m losing my mind. I’m seeing things that aren’t there.” My voice was distressed and cracked on every word. A thousand things were running through my mind, but nothing I could tell him would sound sane. I laid my head on his chest and breathed. I knew he was waiting for an answer, but I was unable to give him a logical one. I hadn’t known him that long, and I really liked Gage. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was crazy. śAz?” he asked again. I looked up at him, and his eyes were such a brilliant green. I gave a fake smile–the best I could. śIt was nothing.” I swallowed hard and prayed he wouldn’t press the issue. Although it didn’t look like he bought it, he didn’t pressure me for an explanation. śWhy don’t I go back up with you so you can finish getting dressed? I have made plans for us today.” My smile came more naturally this time. I nodded my head, and we began to walk back to my apartment. śWhat do you mean you have plans for us?” I asked curiously. śI won't take no for an answer,” he added. śI do have a job.” śThat’s been taken care of,” he said. I looked at him baffled. śWhat do you meanŚ taken care of?” śI called in for you,” he reassured me. I grabbed his arm, stopping him from taking another step. śWhat? You can’t do that.” śWhy not? As your O.B.G.Y.N., I have a lot of pull. śHe smirked at me, as my face turned horrified. śNo you didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t?” I repeated, with my mouth hanging open. śOh, but if anyone asks, all of your tests came back negative,” he said, trying to put on a straight face. śYou’re insane, you know that–right?” I said, while rolling my eyes. śYeah, but you like it.” He was right. I did like it. I liked everything about him–especially the way he looked at meŚ like I was this shiny, beautiful object that he just couldn’t help but touch. Gage leaned in, wrapping his arms around me. I only stared up at him, unable to move. śYou will thank me later,” he said, smiling. śI’m sure I won’t,” I said, as he kissed me once on the lips. Apparently, I was lost in the moment and had closed my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me again. śAz?” he said questioning. śStay with me.” Oh my God, how embarrassing. I cleared my throat. śOhŚ umŚ I was just thinking about what it was that you had planned for us.” That was not played off well at all. śEver been on a boat?” he asked. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, but in a playful curious way. śWhy?” śCome on,” he said. After I got ready, I followed him downstairs and outside. The marina was twenty minutes from downtown. We had taken a cab to get there. When we arrived, Gage led me down the row of boats and stopped in front a white motor yacht with a large blue strip down the side. śHell’s Anglers?” I asked, as I looked at the name painted in bright red lettering across the side. Gage laughed. śIt’s a friend’s. He used to be into bikes–now he’s into boats.” We spent the entire day at sea. Gage, of course, had to explain everything there was about a boat. Even though, I really didn’t care, I tried to listen. He was so excited to share his knowledge of how to drive it; how to tell where you were; and lots of other things that went in one ear and out the other. He explained when you were at sea that the birds could help tell you where to go. I guess it had to be a guy thing. However, I did have to say, he looked really good with his shirt off while he explained all of this. Chapter 10 Needs K nocking at the door I opened my eyes and focused them on the alarm clock next to my bed. I slightly moved to see what time it was. The alarm read seven thirty AM. śHang on a sec,” I shouted, pulling the covers over my head, not wanting to get up. But then, slowly I made it to my feet, trying to get to the door. However, not before the knocking started again. śWho is it?” My voice was scratchy and hoarse. I looked through the peephole, smiling at the fact that Gage was holding a brown paper bag and coffee against it, so I could see that he had brought breakfast. I was not surprised. He was the only person insane enough to be up, beating on my door this early in the morning. Opening the door, I leaned my head against it and yawned. śGood morning. And I must say I don’t think I have ever seen you look hotter,” he said, looking me up and down. śShut up,” of course, smiling when I said it. I opened the door wider, allowing him to come in. He was wearing loose fitted khaki shorts, a t-shirt and a black baseball cap. This was a lot more casual for him than normal. He was gorgeous, and breakfast was a bonus. He still teased me. śNo, I’m serious, what do you call this hair style?” he asked, as he lifted a mangled piece of my hair. śEnough,” I said, smacking his hand away from my hair. He would go on for hours like this if I let him. śLook, I really need to go get changed and ready for work.” śFantastic, can I watch?” he asked, as he handed me the caramel latté he had brought. śNo, you cannotŚ and thanks.” śWell, since that is not an option, how about I walk you to work?” he asked. I rolled my eyes at him. śNegative. Besides, don’t you have to work or something like that?” śWhat’s your point?” śMy point isŚ if I don’t leave here in the next hour, I’m going to be late. So you need to go.” Instead of him leaving like I had suggested, Gage simply pulled out a kitchen chair and sat. He opened the newspaper and pretended to read it before pausing to look at me. śI will wait for you to get dressed, and then I will walk you out.” I just smiled and shook my head, walking off. I entered my bedroom, rummaging through my clothes piled on the floor, looking for my work uniform. I needed to shower, but ever since my last encounter with the blonde haired women in my mirror, I couldn’t help but feel apprehensive every time I entered the bathroom. I think I was more comfortable believing that I was crazy, and to see her again would only prove that she really was haunting me. Being crazy was the lesser of the two evils. I peered into the empty bathroom cautiously, but nothing looked out of the sort. śGage,” I said, poking my head out of the door and looking down the hall. śYes, Love?” he replied. My face flushed with heat. I couldn’t help but blush when he called me that. śUmŚ I’m going to take a quick shower. Were you still going to stay here until I leave?” śI’m definitely not leaving now,” he said, followed by a small chuckle. śVery funny, Gage. Ha ha.” I closed the door and began to undress. I was still nervous, so I turned the doorknob and slightly cracked the door back open. I felt safer knowing Gage was just in the other room if I needed him. I pulled open the shower curtain and stepped in. I washed as quickly as possible and rinsed off. When I finished, I pulled the shower curtain back and looked around the room. There was only steam looming in the air. I reached for the towel that normally hung on the back of the bathroom door, but it wasn’t there. Great, now what was I supposed to do? I stood there covering my bare breasts with my forearms and rested my chin on my clutched hands. I was wet and cold. śGage?” I called reluctantly. śYeah?” he responded quickly. His voice was far enough away I could tell he was still sitting in the kitchen. I let out a long sigh. śI can’t find a towel. Can you grab me one out of the closet in the hall?” I didn’t hear a response. I stood there waiting for a reply. Then the door opened slowly–Gage stood on the opposite side grinning at me with a white towel in his hand. śJust what do you think you’re doing?” I shouted, grabbing the shower curtain and trying to hide myself. śI’m handing you a towel, like you asked,” he said in a deviant voice. śGet out!” I barked. He stretched the towel out in front of me, using it as a barrier between us. śYou could have knocked, you know?” I said, still ranting. śHey..., you called me back here,” he responded as I jerked the towel out of his hands and wrapped it around me. śFor a towel! Not a peep show!” There was a long pause, and then his eyes turned serious. He took a step closer to me, removing his hat and placing it on the sink. Leaning in, he kissed me. I was still clutching the towel to my chest. I kissed him back and felt somewhat awkward because I was naked. He wrapped his arms around my waist, sliding one of his hands down over my bottom and tightening his grip. I drew my head back away from his. śI’m going to be late for work.” I’m not sure why I was feeling so hesitant. It had only been a month ago that we were standing in front of my door, and I was the one initiating, and he was the one holding back. śNot if I call in for you,” he replied, playing with my hair and waiting for my answer. śI can’t. Tannah needs me.” śSo do I.” I froze in place. His words were coaxing. I contemplated my decision. All I would have to do is say śyes”. His simple statement let me know that he was mine if I wanted him. And I did want him so why was I holding back now? Gage must have seen me turning all of this over in my mind. His smile had faded, becoming a straight line against his jaw. He backed up only an inch, and grasped the bottom of his shirt with both hands, and pulled it over his head. He let it fall out of his hand to the floor. I surprised myself by being forward enough to place the palm of my hand in the center of his chest. I felt his body tighten at my touch. That night at my door flashed through my mind. Was this what Gage meant by wanting it to be real? Is this what real feels like? It was too real and that made me uneasy. I pulled my hand away from his chest and placed it back on the towel. He leaned down to kiss me again. All I could do was close my eyes. He pulled at my hands, opening my arms and the towel that I was still holding onto. He placed his hands on either side of my hips and pulled our bodies together so that our bare skin touched. I needed more time to think. I pushed him away and looked in his eyes. śI can’t. Not yet. I will see you tonight. Okay?” Gage’s smile returned as he picked up his shirt and quietly walked out. *** I made my way through the crowded street. As I headed to work, I thought about what Gage had said this morningŚ about needing me. God, why did he make me so crazy? Why couldn’t I just say I needed him too? That moment, I came to a decision. I was going to tell him tonight that I felt the same way. I wanted to be with him. My face lit up, and I felt weightless thinking about what Gage’s reaction would be. I was so lost in thought that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a fire truck passed me with its sirens blaring. At first, I dismissed it and kept walking in the direction of the diner. Just then, another truck came from behind me, passing even more quickly than the first. Something in the pit of my stomach turned. I held my hand over my eyes, shielding my vision from the sun. A dark cloud of smoke was filling the sky and casting a menacing shadow over the street. I took off running, weaving in and out of people on the sidewalk. I came to a sudden halt in front of the diner, watching the chaos unfold. The diner was engulfed in flames. Firemen and police officers were everywhere, putting out flames and directing people away from the building. There was an EMS worker leaning over a body that was chard and bleeding. I moved in to look over her shoulder. It was Jackson, our cook. śOh my God, Jackson!” I said in a shaken voice. It was hard to see his face. It was burned badly, and the skin over his cheekbone was black and peeled back. I turned and ran towards the building, only to be subdued by a police officer. I screamed Tannah’s name over and over at the top of my lungs. My stomach turned and twisted, leaving me nauseas. śMa’am, you can’t go in there,” the police officer shouted at me. He pushed me back behind the yellow caution tape. Suddenly, a blast rocketed the area. An explosion erupted inside the diner, sending shards of glass and debris in all directions and hitting unsuspecting bystanders. Tiny slivers of glass embedded into my hands and the side of my face. Pieces of ash fell from the sky, singeing and charring my shirt. There was wreckage everywhere, and I stared in awe at what was once the diner I worked at. Tears streaked my face, causing my mascara to run and darken my eyes. My head was spinning. All I could think about was Tannah and Jen. There was no sign of them. I shouted to a fireman that was standing a few feet away from me. śIs there anyone else in there?” He didn’t hear me at first, so I shouted to him again. This time, he turned to me. śWe don’t know yet. Just stay back.” I looked around frantically to see if maybe they were in the crowd somewhere. As I turned my attention back to the front of the diner, my eyes widen in disbelief as I watched a man walking out of it. He passed through the flames and wreckage, unscathed. I used my fingers to wipe some of the make-up from my eyes, thinking that would clear my vision. I wiped them clean, but he was still there–walking in calculated steps towards me. I took a step back, watching his forward. It was as if no one even noticed he was there. Although I was scared to death, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. When his slow walk became a fast jog, reality swiftly kicked in–he was coming for me. Taking off in long strides, I tried to out run him. I had made it three steps into the street when a car came to a screeching halt in front of me, cutting off my retreat. The door flew open–and to my surprise–it was Jen and Tannah. Tannah shouted from the driver’s side. śGet in!” I jumped in the back. Tannah took off with such a force, that I was thrown against the back seat. She sped around curves, fishtailing, but did it with precision. Our speed was topping eighty miles per hour. Clutching the top of the seat, I raised my eyes above it to peer out the back window, but he was still there. He was extremely fast, which caused his arms and legs to blur. I was scared, and a sick nervous feeling pulled at the pit of my stomachŚ he was after me. śHe’s gaining on us,” Jen spoke in a low voice, directing her comment at Tannah. A chill quickly ran down my spine, and I turned to see Tannah staring in the rear view mirror, looking out the back window. Tannah took another curve, but this time it was so hard I fell against the side of the car, hitting my head on the window. I sat back up, holding my hand on my head where it had collided with the glass. The pain distracted me for only a second, because out of the corner of my eye, I saw something change. Adjusting my view back out of the window, the man’s white cloak started to rip and tear. And to my amazement, large wings expanded on either side of him. My mouth dropped, and my eyes widen. śWhat the hell is that thing?” I shouted. However, neither Tannah nor Jen said anything, which only terrified me more. I looked at the speedometer, which was laying dead on the one-ten mark, but the man was still coming and faster than before. It was impossible! His wings were jet black, and the tip of each feather looked to be lined with sharp metal. As he ran, his wings spread out and reached each side of the street, cutting and ripping into parked cars. The sound made me shiver–much like fingernails on a chalkboard, and I placed my hands over my ears to deaden the shrill. His body lifted off the ground, and he began gliding over the pavement. He was at the rear of the car. Making it to the trunk, he stomped one foot on it and hoisted himself on top of the hood. I let out a scream. Tannah swerved from the impact, and I was sure she would lose control, but to my relief, she was able to straighten the vehicle. śTannah, we have to get her out of here,” Jen shouted, and I assumed the śher” was me. śSeat belts on!” Tannah demanded and I didn’t hesitate. As soon as she heard the click, she locked the brakes. The power of the sudden stop pressed my chest against the belt so hard that I heard my bones popping and crunching beneath it. The man was thrown from the hood of the car, hundreds of feet in front of us, rolling the entire way. The sound of metal hitting asphalt rang out through the street over and over. He stood up and stared at us. Then very slowly, he pulled a sword from his side. I was starting to hyperventilate. He leapt straight for us and I felt my heart drop. Then out of nowhere, what looked to be another creature of his kind, hit him in mid air–knocking them both into a nearby building and causing bricks to topple down. I couldn’t see them since they had pounded through the building and were now inside. The five-story structure began to shake in its harm, and pieces of debris began to plummet to the street–hitting nearby cars. śGo! Go! Go! Jen shouted. Tannah shoved the car into gear, spinning tires. We sped in the direction of the rapidly disintegrating building. Bricks and mortar fell, hitting the car and cracking the windshield. I didn’t think we could make it through but we did. And just as we passed, it collapsed, covering the street. Racing out of town, a mixture of relief and confusion flooded me. I found it hard to process everything that was happening. My body was limp and sore from the beating it had taken in the back seat. Feeling faint, I laid my head back and closed my eyes. Tannah and Jen proceed to have a coded conversation in the front seat, and I was sure there was no way to interpret it–so I didn’t bother. Jen spoke in a concerned voice. śI know you’re pissed at him, but he did save us back there.” Tannah didn’t respond, and even though my eyes weren’t opened, I could feel her staring at me in the mirror. śBesides, you know that he’s the only one with the strength to do that,” Jen continued. śHis behavior is reckless,” Tannah said at last. śWe’ll talk about it later.” The last thing I remember, before unconsciousness took over, was the sound of Jen on her cell phone. śYeah, meet us there in a few hoursŚ” Then the sound was lost somewhere in the back of my mind as I gave in and drifted to sleep. Chapter 11 Impostor śI am here.” Scarlet appeared from a room to Tobias’ left. śWhat happened? Why has the girl not been captured yet? I am running out of patience!” Tobias’ raging spooked the two men who stood at the door. They quietly backed into a darkened room and then disappeared. śThere was a complication. It seems that Kale has returned and is taking matters into his own hands. He intercepted Kano and stopped him before he could obtain her.” Scarlet spoke composed and controlled. Tobias could be unruly when angered, which only meant anyone close would suffer the consequences. śI chose him because he could beat Kale. This is unacceptable.” His rage was on the verge of insanity. śHe is plotting against me. His failure was deliberate.” Scarlet took a moment to choose her words carefully. Although she knew Tobias better than anyone, he was unpredictable and irrational. The combination of the two was dangerous for even her. There was no doubt Scarlet was brilliant, but her skills would not help her to survive his wrath. śI do not believe that is the case. Kano would never lose a battle intentionally, especially one of this enormity. You should give him more credit than that.” This did not settle well with Tobias at all. Next to where he stood sat a solid gold statue on a small table. He swiftly, lifted it and flung it across the room. The figure smashed loudly into the wall and broke in two. Then he turned his attention to Scarlet. He was still furious and was only getting more heated as his mind began running scenarios. śYou loathed him, and now you stand here defending him. Your loyalty is with himŚ, you have joined sides against me.” His movement was fast and unexpected. Using the back of his hand, he swung roughly, hitting Scarlet in the face. She staggered back. The force of the blow was hard enough to split the skin over her cheek. Scarlet used her finger to wipe the blood from her face and then held it out to look at the red tinge that covered the tip. Fury consumed her–she would not tolerate Tobias’ accusations. Her voice was icy and scorn. śLoyalty? I have done the unimaginable for you. I have done things for you that, you yourself, couldn’t stomach. How dare you question my loyalty?” Scarlet stood up straight and narrowed her eyes at him. śIf you ever accuse me of treachery again, I will cut your tongue out while you sleep.” Watching her intently, the muscles in Tobias’ face began to relax. Her words, although threatening, now calmed him. However, he would not be threatened. śAs I will do to you,” he said with a smirk. Scarlet remained still and did not respond. Tobias went on. śI do not trust Kano. Too much time has passed, and he should have completed his task by now. There is something strange about him. He is not one of usŚ he is something else.” śWhat are you saying?” Scarlet was interested in what Tobias meant. In her mind Kano was no different. śI have seen many Fallen and many Angels of Treason. He is like none of us.” Scarlet wasn’t sure if this was part of Tobias’ paranoia. śI think you are overreacting.” śI am not overreacting!” he shouted. śYou are ignorant of those who surround you. Regardless of what you think, I want him killed after he brings me the girl.” śOf course.” Scarlet nodded her head, agreeing before she left. *** śWhat do you want?” Kano asked as he heard Scarlet creep up behind him. His arm was stretched out while eyeing the end of the arrow, held against his bow. śPracticing before you get the real thing, I see.” Scarlet grinned. The back of the monastery had a large ground before it touched the woods. She had found Kano using a nearby tree as a target. Still holding the bow stretched out, Kano turned to Scarlet with the arrow pointing at her head. śMost would not irritate the one who holds the weapon.” śOne would think,” she chuckled. śTobias doesn’t seem to trust you. Something about you has him spooked.” Kano eased the tension in the bow and lowered it by his side. śI find that entertaining. It seems he should be more worried about you.” Scarlet’s smile disappeared as her face tightened. śHow so?” śIt was you that told me of Mland’s death. I believe she was a favorite of your lord’s. Was she not?” śHmmmŚ I would think that you were correct in believing that. So is that your planŚ, to go tell Tobias that I have betrayed him?” Her intention was not for an answer, but to understand Kano’s objective. śI could not care less about your lovers’ quarrel. I simply want my payment. I will keep my word. You will have the Arch delivered to you,” Kano said. śGood. I’m glad we have an understanding. We will keep our end of the bargain as well.” Kano quickly lifted the bow up level with his shoulder, and with a single fluid motion, he pulled back and released the arrow. The arrow shot through the air and lodged into a tree at the edge of the woods. Kano gave Scarlet one glance before whisking by her and into the building. *** Scarlet looked cautiously down the hallway before she pushed the door to Tobias’ chambers opened. She slipped inside and paused. Tobias’ quarters were located away from the rest of the rooms and were off limits to everyone. Walking the room in circles, she wasn’t sure where to begin. She rummaged through the small table near the door, and then she moved on to the fireplace. She looked over everything–the chairs, under the single rug, she even checked the walls for any variance in the stone. However, she couldn’t find what she was looking for. At the bed, Scarlet sat down to think. Just then, she noticed the exotic headboard attached to the bed. It was skillfully hand carved out of sequoia wood and had diamonds encrusted along the edges. One thing seemed out of place. Near the bottom, one of the carvings was of the jackal-headed Egyptian God, Anubis. This stuck out to her because all the other carvings were from Roman ideals, but Anubis was from the Greek. She examined the detail closely–running her fingers across it. At the tip of the ear, there was a small crack in the wood. Scarlet placed her fingernail in and popped the figure out of the headboard. Inside the cutout, was a small vial of green liquid. Pulling out the vial, Scarlet opened it and sniffed. She held it out in front of her to peer at it. śQeres,” she said, in an almost silenced tone. Scarlet heard footsteps outside the door and swiftly slipped the vial into the cutout, placing the Anubis figure back into place. She turned quickly, facing Tobias as he walked through the door. śScarletŚ, what are you doing here?” She stayed seated on the bed, looking at him intently. śI’ve spoken with Kano. I wanted to be sure he understood the importance of his job. I believe he is clear on what is expected of him.” śYou came here to tell me this? It was understood that you would take care of this. I did not need a report.” Tobias scowled. śI came to see what you would like for me to do with the Arch once we’ve captured her and brought her here.” This now frustrated Tobias. He had already given Scarlet her orders, and his orders were never forgotten. śYou are well aware of what to do. You prepare her for the ritual.” His words were short and harsh. Scarlet smirked at him. śI just wanted to be sure. Nevertheless, I am curiousŚ are you certain this ritual will work?” śAre you worried about where you will rank when it does?” Tobias was inquisitive. He knew Scarlet would not be pleased once the ritual was completed. śThere is no competition,” she stated in a tone that only spoke certainty. Tobias walked over and stood in front her. He placed his fingers under her chin with a tight grip, which was almost painful. Leaning down, he held his lips within an inch of hers. His tone was condescending. śTell me that you do not worry about where you will stand after all of this.” Scarlet didn’t wince under the pressure of his grip, nor did she justify his question with a response. He continued, śWhy are you really here? Are your hopes that we will pick up where we left off? That I will now want you?” His breath was hot on her lips. Just when she thought he was about to kiss her, she placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back. Scarlet was clever with her words. śI would never expect you to stoop so low again.” She smiled and slipped off of the bed as she walked over to the door. śScarlet,” Tobias called. She stopped before exiting but didn’t turn to face him. śI still want Kano dead after this. I don’t want any loose ends.” śI understand,” Scarlet said as she sauntered through the door. Once Scarlet was clear of Tobias’ chambers, she calmly looked around to be sure she was alone. And with thatŚ, she morphed and changed in a man wearing a white cloak. Kano had shifted into Scarlet’s form, pretending to be her. He had wanted to know what Tobias’ plan was, and now, he was quite aware of what he was doing and why Tobias needed the Arch. Chapter 12 Arch I awoke later to the car turning onto a dirt road that was canopied with trees. The road led to a large clearing by the water. Car doors opened and closed, making me stir and exit. Tannah and Jen led me to a fishing boat that was tied to the end of a dock. śHop on,” Tannah said. I climbed in and sat near the bow. I drew my knees up and wrapped my arms around them, cradling myself. śWhere are we going?” I asked, hardly audible. I was watching Tannah and was waiting for an answer, when Jen spoke up. śSomewhere safe.” She smiled, trying to easy my mind, but it didn’t work. Tannah started the boat, and we began to move. I realized at that point any more questions would have to wait; any sound would have been stolen by the wind as we drove. This only left me the ability to think. The image of the man chasing us was burned into my brain, and I couldn’t shake it. What was he? Why was he after me? These were the questions I asked myself and had no answers to. I turned my thoughts to other things–Jackson’s motionless body that lay on the sidewalk in front of the diner. It was the first time I realized I didn’t really know that much about him. I wondered if he had family that would miss him–was he someone’s dad or husband or brother? I felt ashamed that this was not something I could answer either. We had worked together for years, and I never took the time to find out. It made me wonder if something happened to me, who would miss me? Gage’s smiling face popped into my head, and a false sense of safety came over me. This morning while walking to work, he was all I could think about. I had decided that I wanted to be with him. He had been the best thing that had happened to me in a long time. I could admit this to myself now. Sinking in my seat, dread filled me. What now? Would I ever see him again? My heart felt like it was splitting. I should have told him how I felt because now, he may never know. We drove for miles into the sea, until no land was visible around us. The salt in the air was strong and burned my nose when I inhaled. The wind whipping at my face stung my eyes. Up ahead, in the distance, I could see a landmass, and as we got closer, I could make out its rocky formation. Although rocks cluttered the shore, it appeared to be a flat Island–and a small one at that. In the center of it was a large stone castle, something you might have seen from a different time. Its walls were made of dark gray stone, and the texture was rough and jagged. The grounds around it were covered with lush green grass, and there were tall beautiful trees–bearing fruit–that shaded the walkway to the front entrance. This tiny kingdom was a lost paradise in the middle of an enormous sea. We walked to the entrance. Tannah and Jen use their strength simultaneously to open the doors. The sound of our footsteps echoed through the antechamber and seemed to carry on forever. The walls inside were made up of the same stone that covered the outside, and the halls were lined with huge paintings from a Victorian era. The only light was that of candles burning held by sconces mounted on the walls. The smell reminded me a lot of what it smelled like at the diner when I entered the walk-in freezer–cold and isolated. śIn here,” Tannah said, pointing to one of the rooms off the main hall. When I walked in I saw Gage standing by the fireplace, arms draped behind him and basking in the warmth. śGage!” I shouted as I ran to him. The room seemed to grow, and it felt like it took forever to reach him. His arms folded around me the moment our bodies touched. I held him so tight that I was sure my grip would leave a mark. I buried my face in his chest and cried uncontrollably. I couldn’t hold it back any longer, and seeing him was such a relief. śI thought I’d never see you again,” I said, with my head still on his chest. Gage squeezed me tighter and used one of his hands to stroke my hair. śAz, I was so worried about you.” śWhen I left you this morningŚ,” I stopped myself from finishing and looked up at him. There was something in his eyes that I couldn’t quite understand. I backed away, and his hands dropped to his side. śWhat are you doing here? How’d youŚ?” Then I looked around the room at Tannah and Jen’s faces. All of them seemed to have the same expression. I was confused and angry. śWill someone tell me what the hell is going on here?” Gage reached his hand out, offering another embrace, but I continued to back away slowly. Tannah broke the silence, causing me to turn to her. śIt is time to tell you about your future.” I looked at her strangely. She began to speak extremely proper and now acquiring an accent that I didn’t recognize. śLong ago before this lifetime, other lifetimes in other realms were created. They would be known to you as, The Seven Heavens. For every heaven that was created, a single earth was created in its image. Each heaven was inhabited by an assigned number of angels, and each earth was inhabited by an assigned number of creatures that possessed a single soul. Each creature had its own divine power. The angels possessed the power of immortality. The earth creatures were unaware of the greater good, but had the power to choose righteousness over evil. The angels were given supremacy to judge each earth bound being upon destruction of the earth. It was then that the angels would allow the beings to enter each heaven–under the complete direction of the Grand Master–as a spirit, if they had been proven untainted. However, there were a number of chosen. They were sealed and given the gift of becoming the next angels to the new heaven. The one forty-four were marked on their foreheads and given a stone. This was their rite of passage to the next heaven. And out of the one forty-four, an Archangel was chosen to lead the angels in their new quest. You, Azaleigh, are that Arch.” Silence fell for a moment while I processed what she was saying. śYou can’t be serious.” I looked over at Jen and Gage for their reaction. Their faces were grave and did not dispute what Tannah was saying. śMe? Why me?” śYes, you Azaleigh,” she replied. śWhat makes you think it’s me? I mean you can’t know for sure,” I argued. Tannah continued, śYou have already received the stone. This is your key to the next heaven.” śHow am I going to lead one hundred and forty-four people? I can barely take care of myself.” śNot one hundred and forty-fourŚ, one hundred and forty-four thousand. They are known as the one forty-four,” Tannah corrected. Everyone stood silently while I collected my thoughts. This left me with a lot of questions. śAm I an angel now?” śNo, but you will become one–a very important one,” Tannah added. śWhen?” After asking, I was afraid to hear the answer. śNone of us know for sure. That is decided by a higher power.” śDo I have to die first?” I asked as I took a gulp of air. Tannah smiled at first but then straightened her lips again. śNo. At some point you will stop aging. But for now, you are human and can be harm or even killed.” This time I spoke very low. śWhat happens if I’m killed first?” If possible the room became even more soundless. I could feel this was a question that touched on something deeper than I could comprehend. śThen a replacement will be chosen which could take centuries. However, Azaleigh, we are here to stop that. We won’t let anything happen to you.” Tannah’s voice was confident, but unfortunately, I couldn’t feel the same. I wondered how honest she was being with me. śIs that why someone is trying to kill me?” śSome believe there is a ritual that can remove the existence of an Arch from this earth for eternity. We believe this is why they want you, but we are not positive. Arch’s can be used for many things,” she explained. śIs that true?” śWe do not put our faith in the same beliefs as those of evil. They are wicked and only lust for power. Our faith comes from a higher supremacy that values goodness.” I could tell she was avoiding the question. I didn’t want to push it anymore, because honestly, I wished I had never asked. Tannah continued, śAngels are protectors of free-will, and they themselves, hold the right of free-will. Some angels decided to follow their own path, choosing self-gratification instead of that of the righteous. They are then denied admittance back into the heaven and instead are bound to the earth that they were assigned to protect. These angels became fallen and were labeled as the Angels of Treason. When the time comes for the righteous angels to cast destruction upon the earth, and judge the souls of the earth beings, they will then leave the earth as a desolate place to punish those of evil, thus binding them to the pit of Gehenna.” My eyes were wide with amazement, and confusion clouded my mind. śWhat is Gehenna?” śFor you–a mortal, it would be hell.” Her face was hardened, sending a nervous twitch through my stomach. śThe one hunting you is Kano. He is a rogue, so to speak. He hunts for a bounty. We know that some of the payments he accepts from his employers are those of ancient tools and weapons, which hold mystical powers of their own. All of these weapons are able to kill angels and humans alike. Some weapons devouring souls and holding them hostage within its elements. Kano has powers that seem to be limitless. He can shift into any physical form or become only visible to whom he desires. Because the fallen do not have wings, we assume that this is one of the appearances he chooses to portray. However, we are not sure. No one has seen his true form. Kano’s intentions are to capture you and deliver you to Tobias. It was Tobias, whom hired him. He also leads the Angels of Treason. Ruthless and clever, Tobias has remained hidden for centuries from our kind. Scarlet, who was the first of Tobias’ followers, is the one who located you. Besides Tobias himself, Scarlet is the most evil of their kind. She should not be underestimated. She has killed many, and Tobias uses her as an observer. Her power is unlike any other. She can separate her spirit form from her physical form. This is how she is able to locate and deceive her quarry.” I remembered the woman who had haunted me in my mirror. śI think I’ve seen her. Does she have colorless eyes and platinum hair?” I asked. Tannah looked at me strangely. śYes.” It all made sense. śI saw her in my mirror. I thought I was imagining things at first but the second time she appeared, she stepped out of the mirror and spoke to me.” śWhat did she say?” Jen asked. I searched my mind but with no luck. śI can’t remember.” śIt’s no matter. We know her intentions,” Tannah said, but I could tell she was curious. śWhat about you guys? Are you all angels?” I asked. Gage spoke up first. śNot me. But I was onceŚ” Tannah finished answering for him. śGage is fallen, but he is still one of our most elite.” This confused me. śFallenŚ? Does that mean you’re bad?” I asked Gage. Tannah, again, answered for him. śNo. To be fallen is a choice, just as it is a choice to be good or evil. He is still much like us. His privilege of wings has been taken away, as well as the privilege to return to heaven as an angel.” śI was asking Gage. Do you speak for everyone here?” I snapped, and as soon as I did, I wished I hadn’t. Tannah shot me a look that caused me to bow my head. I changed the subject. śSo do all of you have some kind of power?” śJen has the power to heal, and Gage has the power to feel the emotions of others. I carry the power of wisdom. We are also given a name from our higher authority. I am called Nemaninah,” Tannah said. I remembered the day I visited Mr. Parker and my mother’s gravesite. śNemaninahŚ, like the angel statues at the cemetery,” I said. Tannah nodded. Jen spoke up. śI’m Genevieve.” I looked over at Gage, remembering the last angel at the cemetery. śThen you must be Dekalabrie.” I was assuming. However, Gage shook his head and responded reluctantly. śNo.” Then Gage looked at Tannah sternly. I realized I must have asked something I shouldn’t have, so I abruptly changed my approach. śAm I able to see your wings?” I asked, looking around at them. Jen smiled and stood. Without warning, wings exploded from her back. They were beautiful, and their color was unidentifiable. Each feather was precise and elegant in its form, as if they were all individually crafted to create this stunning vision. I surprised myself, finding that I was more interested in their making, then the fact that my friend actually had wings. śCan I touch them?” I asked, much like a kid at a petting zoo. śYes, of course.” Jen smiled, amused with my interest. At first touch, they seemed like velvet on the surface but pressing my fingers to them, they were hard like steel. śAz, there’s more. You have power of your own. You are able to see the truth, which shields your mind from deception. The only thing that can blind you are your own emotions. Although these powers are not at their full use, you still have the ability to call on them, even now. You will find that there are other things you possess as well. We are not sure of all of your powers.” Listening to Jen, I noticed that her voice did not change like Tannah’s or gain an accent. Tannah interrupted. śWe’ve had a long day. I do think it is time for all of us to retire. It is getting late.” I was kind of relieved. It was too much to take in right now, and I needed time to think. śJen will show you where you will be staying.” I nodded and followed Jen towards the door. I stopped and turned to look at Gage, holding his gaze. Then I walked out. I heard him rush out the door, following behind me. He grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. śAzŚ. This doesn’t change anything between us for me,” he said. I paused for a moment. śIt changes everything for me.” I pulled my hand out of his and walked away. Chapter 13 Payback It had been four days, and I had spent most of my time roaming the castle, exploring. It was so remarkable. I learned it had been built by a woman named Lady Claire Vincent. She had built it during a time when religion had been repressed. It was made as a safe haven for refugees, so that they could worship in their own religions without influence or persecution. The only thing that Lady Claire had asked in return was that each guest help continue to build onto the castle during his or her stay and never to speak of it when they left. This went on for forty years. Lady Claire had also helped families survive during periods of war. This enormous castle in the middle of the sea had been crafted to help others continue their faith. I had heard Tannah call it The Isle of Peace. I assumed it was because during times of war, this was probably one of the only places on earth where there was no bloodshed. The castle had over one hundred and twenty rooms; eight hundred doors; one thousand windows and four cylinder towers that balanced the symmetry of the castle. I had found all of this information documented in a large book in the library. The library itself was four stories high with the center of it cut out so that you could look up to the very top. Every book imaginable was kept there–books from other cultures and languages; books for different kinds of religion; and even books on how to cook–which I found rather strange. Because this was a place of refuge, there were hidden rooms and secret passages. Some rooms I went into, I was unable to exit the same way. It was a maze of wonder and splendor. I had also learned–from the Library–about the creation of each room, including the one I was staying in. There was a large painting of Lady Claire that hung over the fireplace. Some speculated that it was Michelangelo himself, who had painted it during his stay. It was believed that his time here had inspired him to paint the Sistine Chapel. However, of course, no one knew for sure. There were other intriguing aspects of my room. For instance, each stone in the fireplace had an inscription engraved from each guest who had resided here. Most of them were scriptures or verses, some in other languages. But my interests in exploring, only lasted so long. The excitement of the castle wore off and now felt more like an imprisonment. The next few days I found it hard to eat. I had avoided Tannah and Jen as much as possible, and they were wise enough to give me my space. Gage, however, checked in on me constantly. He tried to do it without me noticing, but I could always tell when he was aroundŚ, I could feel his presence. To be honest, I was glad. Although I wouldn’t have admitted it to him, he was the one constant thing in my life. I hated the fact that I had distanced myself from him, but everything was so different and complicated now. It was late when I heard a knock at my door. I was lying in bed staring at the wall when I shouted, śCome in.” It had been days since I had spoken to anyone, so my voice sounded weak and misplaced. Gage poked his head in the door as I rolled over to see who it was. śAre you alright?” he asked. I wasn’t sure if I felt like having company, so I nodded to confirm, not wanting to start a conversation. śI brought you something to eat.” śI’m not hungry,” I said and then rolled back over, assuming that he would leave. I heard him set the plate down on the table next to the door. Then the bed shifted with his weight as he sat down next to where I lay. śI’m really not in the frame of mind for socializing,” I said. I couldn’t understand myself. Why couldn’t I just open up to him? I wanted to. śThat is perfect, because I’m not really in the mood for socializing either. I just needed a place to sleep. Jen’s room is next door to mine, and she snores extremely loud at night. I thought I would come bunk with you.” I tried not to smile when he said it, but I couldn’t help it. God, I missed him. I turned to face him. śI promise not to steal the covers,” he added. My smile faded as I watched his face. Finally, I dug deep for the words that I had wanted to say. śI’m glad you’re here.” He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his chest, and for the first time in days, I felt in place. Something was working its way through my body, trying to surface.Ś I wanted to tell Gage how I felt the morning I had left him at my apartmentŚ, how I wanted stay with himŚ, how he made me feel. However, as it reached the top of my throat, I swallowed hard, pushing it back down inside. He touched my chin, tilting my head up to kiss me once on my forehead. śI’m glad too.” A smile stretched across his face. śYou have no idea how loud Jen can get when she snores,” he said, causing me to pop him with a pillow. He slid down further on the bed until we were both lying side by side and on our backs. Quietly, we lay there until Gage spoke up, breaking the stillness. śWhat are you thinking about?” śMy mom.” śTell me about her.” I rolled my eyes to look over at him. śIt’s silly.” śI find that hard to believe.” śWhen I was little, every night before I went to bed she would read me The Velveteen Rabbit. At the end of the story the boy became very sick and all of the toys in the nursery were sent to be burned–including the rabbit. As the rabbit waited for the end to come, a fairy visited him. She told him that before he had only been real to the boy, but because the boy loved him so much she would make him real to everyone. My mom used to tell me that when I felt like there was no hope, remember that when there are people who love you, anything is possible.” I paused for a minute, letting the memory rekindle the sound of her voice in my head. Then I let it go again, tucking it away to visit another time. śI told you it was silly,” I said lowly. śThat doesn’t sound silly at all. It sounds like your mother was very special.” I chuckled. śShe used to make these little marshmallow cakes when I had had a bad day. She thought the cure for every ailment was sweets.” śWhat did she look like?” Gage asked. śExactly like me, only she was beautiful. Anytime we would go somewhere, people would stop and stare at her. She would tell me they were looking at me, but I always knew the truth–it was her. śAz, I don’t think you are giving yourself enough credit. You stopped me in my tracks when I first saw you.” I blurted out a loud laugh. śThat’s because I tried to attack you when you were fixing your mailbox.” śThat’s true. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life.” He made a fake tremble, and I rolled my eyes at him. śGage, are you really going to stay here tonight? I just don’t want to be alone. I think I’ve done too much of that here lately.” His face was kind. śI don’t have anywhere else to be.” śAnd by the way, I don’t snore nearly as loud as Jen,” I said teasingly. Gage laughed, and then I snuggled down into the nook of his arm. *** I woke up in a gasp. I might have been dreaming, but I wasn’t sure. Whatever it was had melted away the moment my eyes opened. As I lay there, a light shone through the cracked door, and I could hear faint whispers. Not really whispers per say, but maybe a conversation that was being absorbed behind thick walls. I looked over and noticed Gage was gone. I got up and poked my head out of the room, peering down the hall. It seemed no one was around, and it took a minute to figure out the direction of the sounds. Staying close to the wall, I followed the muffled noise several doors down from my own. I could make out Tannah’s voice, and what I was sure was Gage’s. I didn’t hear Jen speak, but I knew she had to be in there from the sound of stilettos pacing back and forth on the hard floor. Then there was a low male voice that was distorted by the bulky door. I couldn’t hear what he was saying at all–it was more like a constant hum. I heard Tannah in a frustrated voice, śI don’t care of the danger. You shouldn’t have come here.” Then the man’s voice took a tone that I could hearŚ, one that I recognized. śI came because of her,” he said. Before I could process what I was doing, I flung the door open. Gage was sitting beside the fireplace with a mixture of irritation and distress on his face. Jen had paused next to the window, and Tannah stood directly in the center of the room. Everyone froze at my intrusion and faces went blank, except for Tannah’s who seem to show a small sign of defeat. śWhat is going on?” I demanded. A man rose from a seat that had been facing Tannah and away from me. Tannah cut her eyes at him. śKale,” she said, speaking in a low growl. śKale?” I questioned confused. He turned to face me, and my heart stopped. śKale.” His name left a sting as it left my lips. Pictures, images, and feelings flooded my mind like someone had opened a door that was bursting at the seams. They came so fast and hard it was difficult to breath in between them. I saw the first time we met; the way he cared for me when I was hurt; all the times he walked me home from work; how he would look at me–wanting to hold me; our night at the lounge–our first kiss; the weekend at the beach house; and finally I saw the way I loved him, completely consumed by him. Jen was the first to speak. śAz, I know you feel really confused right now, but if you would just sitŚ” I cut her off speaking firmly, but not letting the anger take over my voice. śI’m not confused.” This wasn’t a total lie. I wasn’t confused. I was far past confused, but I was also starting to realize quite a few things. I turned towards Tannah, addressing her first. śYou did this.” I wasn’t sure exactly what it was she had done, but the look on her face confirmed my accusation. śJen, you knewŚ and you did nothing!” Kale took a step towards me. śAzaleighŚ” I stepped back, not accepting his forward. śYouŚ, you are the worst one of them all.” Unable to control them, tears filled my eyes, overflowing and streaking my face. śYou left.” It was hard to say and came out as a whisper. I was more devastated by his abandonment than anything the others could have done. śYou knew how I felt about you.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gage squirm in his seat, the comment disconcerting him. I looked at all of their faces, anger replacing my tears. śHow dare youŚ. You can’t just cut out the pieces of my life because it doesn’t suit yours. I am still a person.” I turned to leave, stopping just short of the door. I lowered my voice. śYou say you’re angelsŚ, that you protect free-will. Well guess what? You just took mine from me.” I looked over at Gage. śYou once told me you wanted it to be real. Do you remember that? I think, now, that you are the only one who was real.” I stormed back to my room, slamming the door as hard as possible and then locking it. I had never been so angry. To add to my frustration, I couldn’t even leave. I was trapped here by people who had betrayed me. I paced the room back and forth wishing life was simple again. I sat down in front of the small vanity that set next to the window and stared at my reflection. I guess maybe I was hoping that if I stared long enough, the girl staring back at me would have some kind of answer. But I didn’t. I turned my head at the sound of the doorknob shaking and then a hard rap at the door. śAzaleigh! Open the door! We need to talk!” Kale shouted from the other side. śGo away!” I snapped back. śAz, open this door now!” I didn’t respond. I just sat quietly, and after a second I assumed he had given up. Then I heard a small movement, and without warning the door exploded. Splinters of wood went flying in all directions. My first reaction was to duck. Then standing up, I looked at Kale as he walked through the doorway, shaking his hand where his fist had impacted with the door. śWhat the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted. I had never seen him so furious. His eyes were locked on me, and I couldn’t help but quake as he came towards me. śAz, I know you are hurtŚ” I cut him off. śYou don’t know what hurt is,” I said, spitting the words at him. śYou left me here. Obviously, I didn’t mean anything to you.” śI left, because I had to,” he said through clenched teeth. śI have nothing to say to you. You are not the only one in my life now. Get out!” All of this time Kale was gone, Gage had been there for me. I refused to turn my back on the feelings I had for him, only to be hurt by Kale again. The thing wasŚ he wasn’t Kale. Kale placed his hands on my shoulders and tightened his grip, pulling me close to him. I felt so small and helpless. śYou’re foolish.” His words were mean and hurtful. śYou think he loves you? All of this is a game to him, Azaleigh. Do you think his behavior is genuine or tolerable?” śTolerable?” I spoke, unable to control my anger. śLet me tell you what is not tolerableŚ you letting me fall for you, then vanishing from my life. And whatŚ now you think you can just come back anytime you want? It seems like he’s not the only one playing games.” Kale let go of me quickly, almost making me lose my balance. śMy actions were not irrational. I had to leaveŚ that doesn’t mean I didn’t love you.” I tried hiding the small gasp that left my lungs. A shadow appeared in the doorway. Gage stood there watching us. I knew he could feel every emotion running through me. śAz? I wanted to check on you, Love.” I was wrong earlier. This was the angriest I had ever seen Kale. His movement was fast. Spinning around, he cuffed Gage in the jaw. The collision pushed Gage back a couple of steps. śIs this payback for Anna? So what, now we’re even?” Kale raged at him. I looked at Gage and then back Kale, trying to understand what they were talking about. Gage used the back of his hand to wipe a small trail of blood that ran from the corner of his mouth, and then he spat some on the floor. śFar from it,” he said, glaring at Kale. I couldn’t deal with this. They would kill meŚ before they could kill each other. śGet out! Both of you!” *** My first days here, I had spent a lot of time exploring. I learned that the north tower had the best view of the sunset. So the evening following Kale and Gage’s clash, I decided to go there to think. The situation with them had my mind muddled and strained. I sat at the edge of the stone embrasures and peered out over the sea. The sun danced on the horizon, making the sky turn vibrant shades of caramel and pink. I remembered seeing this kind of sunset in a painting once when I was a child, but I never knew it could really exist until now. The salt in the air wasn’t as heavy today, and the cool wind blowing off the ocean made for the perfect setting. I felt closed in and suffocated inside the castle, but up here there was a sense of freedom that could only be found by listening to the waves beat against the rocky shore. I had no idea how long I would be here, the only thing I could do was enjoy the wondrous things around me. I propped my elbows up on the stone and rested my chin in my hands as I watched the sun slowly make its escape from the sky. As it fell behind the ocean, it pulled the blue of the night down with it, finally letting some of the stars have their time to shine. It was absolutely breathtaking. I heard a dull thud and turn to see Jen standing behind me. Her wings were extended out, but she briskly tucked them behind her back. I could see her feathers stretching all the way down to the ground. There she stoodŚ in the flesh and feathers. She smiled softly. śHey.” śHey.” I replied. She looked out over the ocean and closed her eyes, inhaling a deep breath. śThe North Tower was always my favorite. It has the best view of the sunset.” I looked back out to the sea at where the sun had been only moments ago. śYeah. It does.” I turned back to Jen. śDid youŚ fly up here?” She didn’t respond, only smiling at me instead. śThings are kind of crazy right now,” I continued. śI know this is hard for you, Az. But everything is going to work out. You just need to have faith.” She was right. However, having faith was not one of my better qualities. śJen–It wasn’t Kale that night at the bar with you, was it?” She paused, and I could see her revisiting the memory. After a moment of silence, she spoke. śNo, it wasn’t. His name is Mitch. It’s a long story.” śI’m sure I can keep up.” I smiled. śNo one knows about him except for Kale. It would be unacceptable to have a relationship with a human in my position–not to mention dangerous. Kale saw us together one day not too far from the bar. I was terrified that he would tell Tannah. I had put us all in jeopardy by not staying focused on the reason we were here, and I was sure they would send me back.” Then she chuckled to herself. śI should have known better. Kale understood the feelings I had for Mitch and suggested that he come work at the bar. It was easier to keep watch over him–to keep him safe. It wasn’t too hard to convince Mitch. He needed a second job, and of course Kale made it more glorified than it really was. Kale indeed kept his promise. He has never spoken of mine and Mitch’s relationship, and I kept my end of the deal by being careful.” śHow did you meet him?” I questioned. śThat’s an even longer story.” She laughed. śI want to hear it. You know–I mean–it would be a nice distraction.” Her eyes squinted in a little smile of their own. She plopped down on the ground, and I took a seat beside of her. śIt was a while ago. I had decided to go downtown for the afternoon. The traffic was hectic, and I was attempting to parallel-park. It seemed I backed in too quickly. I ended up backing into the car behind me.” She grinned and then began looking at her fingers. śWhat happened?” I asked. śMitch got out and came to my window. I rolled it down, but I couldn’t see his face. The sun was blazing behind him, and only his outline was visible. He was so sweet. He immediately asked if I was okay. I nodded, and got out of the car, and walked to the back of it. Luckily, he didn’t have as much as a scratch on his car, probably because it was older. But I couldn’t say the same for mine. The rear end was dented in pretty badly. When I finally looked up from my car, I couldn’t look away. He looked like an angel himself, with his golden hair and bright blue eyes. I was suddenly overwhelmed with all of these feelings I had never felt. He told me that he worked at an auto shop and could fix the car for me. I said no at first, but he insisted. I don’t think I realized that I had said yes until he was handing me a piece of paper with the address to the shop on it. When I took the paper from his hand, our fingers touched and electricity pulsed through me.” Jen’s tone changed, sounding almost defensive. śI didn’t plan on going. It just happened. I was driving near Ninth Street when I remembered the address. I have to admit, I had thought about him every day since the accident. It was almost as if the car turned itself down the street and pulled into the parking lot. I hesitated, but then got out and walked in. Mitch was working on a bike inside. Standing there, I watched him for the longest time. He just so happened to look up and see me. His eyes lit up.” I watched Jen’s face as she lost herself in the storyŚ *** śI didn’t think you’d come,” Mitch said, as she stood in front of the open garage bay. She laughed and tried to sound clever. śWell, I can’t very well ride around with a dented backend. It doesn't look too classy.” śI’m sure you could make anything look classy,” he replied a little shyly. Normally, Jen would have soaked up the complement, but she found herself feeling befuddled. śSo how long do you think it will take?” Mitch walked around to the back of Jen’s black Acura. śActually, it’s not too bad. I can pop it out. You want to come back this afternoon around five o’clock to pick it up?” śSure. I’ll see you then,” she smiled. Jen stood outside the shop and waited for Kale. She had called him for a ride. When he pulled up, she walked to the passenger side. Just before opening the door she looked back and saw Mitch. He held his hand up and waved as she entered the car. At five o’clock on the dot, Jen showed at the auto shop. She found her car parked in front of the building. Mitch was inside ringing up a customer. She walked in and stood, waiting for him to finish. As Mitch handed the man his change, he looked up and smiled at Jen. śYou’re all finished; let me get your keys.” Jen followed him out to the car, and to her surprise, it was perfect. śYou can’t even tell. It looks brand new.” Mitch shifted his weight to his right foot and leaned against the car. śThanks.” śThat’s pretty remarkable. You must be really good with your hands.” When she said it, she realized how ridiculous it sounded. Not to mention misleading. śI meanŚ you knowŚ really good at fixing things with your hands.” She looked at him horrified. śI’m just making it worse. I should shut up now.” His eyes soften as he watched her fumbling over her words. śDon’t worry I took it as a compliment.” He cleared his throat, and stood up straight. śIf you or your boyfriend ever needs any work done to your cars, you’re welcome to drop them off any time.” Jen tighten her brows as she stared at him, trying to understand what he was saying. śBoyfriend?” śYeahŚ I mean, I assumed the guy that picked you up this morning was your boyfriend.” Jen tried to repress the laugh that was tickling her throat. śOh, you mean Kale? He’s not my boyfriend. More likeŚ an older brother.” śOh, sorry. I wasn’t trying to pry.” Mitch’s face had turned a light shade of red from embarrassment. śSo how much do I owe you?” śHow about a couple of hours on Friday?” Mitch asked. śSorry?” Jen questioned. The feelings that were swirling around her made it hard to follow. śI was kind of hoping you would let me take you out.” śOh. Umm, I don’t know.” śCome on. Just for a little while. I promise I will take you home if you aren’t having a good time.” Jen’s heart fluttered in her chest. She smiled at him. śOkay, but only if you let me pay you for fixing the car.” śDeal.” His voice showed the excitement he was trying to hide. *** Jen shuffled her legs, crossing them to sit Indian style. The movement woke me from the vision I had created of them together in my head. śI didn’t know it was possible to care for someone that much. But I’ve never told him that I loved him.” Her face lost its expression, and her eyes no longer shined as bright. śI thought it would be best that way. I guess saying it to him would only make it true, and I don’t know how things are going to turn out. I couldn’t bear to hurt him.” We sat in silence for a moment. śJen, I don’t know what to do. I feel kind of stuck right now,” I said finally. śAh. I assume you are talking about Kale and Gage.” I couldn’t face her; instead I looked out over the ocean again, counting the number of times the waves hit a single rock that stood apart from the others. Jen spoke up so I didn’t have to. śI know you think you’re stuck right now, but it won’t be that way forever.” śI don’t know how you can be so sure. With Mitch, you knew he was the one.” śAz, you can love more than one person. You just have to choose which one you can’t live without.” śKale could live without me,” I said, sharply enough to hear the bitterness on my tongue. śSee that’s where you’re wrong. We feel love differently. There is no butterfly feelingŚ or longing. It’s stronger than that. And for usŚ once you’ve loved, there is no life without it. There is only existingŚ or at least trying to.” śThen how was it that he could just leave me here?” I didn’t understand. The moment my eyes met Kale’s, and memories flooded through me, I wanted to die. There was so much we had lost. There was so much he had let go. I felt cheated and unwanted. śAz, I can’t explain it to you. Some things are not mine to tell. Kale’s distance from you was necessaryŚ but staying away too long would have surely killed him.” She reached up and placed her hand on my shoulder. Her touch was warm and soothing, and it reminded me of how my mother would touch me when I thought the world was crumbling around me. It was reassuring. śHis love for you is greater than anything of this earth. He would fall for you.” And as I heard the word fall roll from her lips, I felt something deep inside the pit of my soul shake. Flashes of Kale and Gage in my room disturbed me. I began to think about Gage and how his hand would brush over my skin, the smell of his cologne, and how his voice cracked when he said my name. Who could I live without? I asked myself. I loved themŚ both of them. But I knew I loved one of them more. Then something else came to mind as I sat there. śJen. Who is Anna?” I realized this was a question that had been swimming around in my mind all night. She closed her eyes briefly as if to pray that I hadn’t asked. śAgain, there are some things that are not mine to tell. That one would belong to Gage.” Jen gracefully pulled herself to her feet. I noticed that her wings were completely gone now. I gave her a smile as she left. After that, I felt my body drained. I gradually found my way to my room and lay down in the bed. My eyes closed, and sleep invaded instantly. The dreamŚ Falling, the white fragments expelling from my bodyŚ but instead of separating themselves from me, they attached to my spine and to each other, growing and taking shape. The buildings are tall and immeasurable, and as I fall I see my reflection. The white fragments take on the shape of wings, and like a parachute opening, they bloused out and dwindled my fall. For the first time in my dream, my feet touch the city streets. The city is deserted with no human life. I look from side to side, not quite sure why I am here. When I twist my head again, there she stood..., Scarlet–evil and vile–smiling at me. śHe who appears before you as the golden one will slay the Angel Genevieve.” Those were the words she had said to me once before. They were ominous and vague, and their meaning eluded me. Without warning, she pulled a steel dragger hidden by her grown and lunged towards me. I woke up in a scream this time. Sitting up, I took calculated breaths to slow my heart. I knew Scarlet wasn’t really here, but even to dream about her disturbed me. The air around me smelled damp and musty, clueing me in that it must have rained for a short time during my slumber. Lying back down, I knew that it would be impossible to go back to sleep. Something struck me odd that Scarlet had said. śHe who appears to you as the golden one.” Why was that familiar? I thought for a minute, and then something Jen had said came to mind. She referred to Mitch as having golden hair. The golden one had to be Mitch. Was he going to hurt Jen? Chapter 14 Strife Jen walked through the cemetery, looking for some sign of Mitch. It hadn’t been more than an hour ago since he had called, needing to see her–asking her to meet him at the cemetery. Jen was hesitant about leaving the castle with everything going on, but there was a sense of urgency in his voice when he told her there was something he needed to ask her and it couldn’t wait another minute. śMitchŚ Mitch!” Jen called. The air was eerie and still. She walked through the dark cemetery brushing her hands over each stone as she passed. She felt misplaced and lost, but her only thought was the sound of his voice and the importance that it held. A hand firmly touched her shoulder from behind. She let out a small gasp and turned to see Mitch standing there. śMitch,” Jen said relieved. śYou startled me.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, grateful to see him. This had been the longest she had ever been away from him and looking at him now, she realized how it had taken its toll on her. śWhat was so urgent?” Jen asked as she placed her fingertips to the side of his face. Mitch grabbed her wrist forcefully. Something was wrong. Jen’s eyes focused on him in confusion, not understanding the reason for the harsh grip. śMitch, you’re hurting me! Let go!” she demanded. Looking at him, she realized what a mistake she had made coming here. Mitch’s face morphed and sculpted to a familiar vision that she recognized. His face now dark and evil held no emotion. śKano,” she said in a murmur. His dark eyes scanned her face, and she realized how recklessness her behavior had been. śGenevieve,” he said in a way that made Jen unsure if he was asking or stating it. Jen squirmed in his grasp. śWhat have you done with Mitch?” The one fear she had, was now confirmed. They knew about Mitch, and he was in danger because of her. Kano’s head tilted sideways as if to look at her from another angle. śI think you should be more concerned with what I’m going to do with you.” Her tone was ruthless and didn’t match the beauty of her face. śIf anything has happened to him you will be sorry.” Kano found himself intrigued by this. He stared at her intently. śDo you understand me?” she barked, breaking Kano’s daze. He shook his head slightly as if to ward off some sort of enchantment. Jen had known about Kano for as long as she had existed. All angels had feared him–good and bad. They had warned her of his abilities, and after seeing how he attacked them in the city that day, she had no doubt of his capabilities. Kano was a hunter, and his services were granted to the highest bidder. He did not choose good or evil. He was driven only by what would benefit him. Grabbing Jen around the waist, Kano took two giant leaps into the air. His wings were solid black and blended with the night–except the steel tips that reflected in the moonlight. The night air was thick but not unbearable. Jen’s body was pulled and tossed as Kano made sudden turns. There was no use in fighting. She let her body fall limp in his grasp. Thoughts of Mitch skipped through her mind. She hoped he was safe, and then she thought of Az. She had failed her. It only seemed like minutes later when they landed in front of an enormous monastery. A large light on the ground set a few feet back, and shined on the front of the building. The stone was dark and chipped. Strangely, the grounds around it were kept neatly trimmed and landscaped. However, it wasn’t able to hide the unnatural aura around this place. śYou hide out in a monastery? How fitting that evil would take refuge in a place of sanctity,” Jen said with disdain as Kano grabbed her by the arm, pulling her in the direction of the door. śYou may find it in your best interest to speak a little more reverential in here. They are not as tolerable as I.” Kano warned. In Jen’s mind, there was no one more ruthless than him–at least that is what she believed. However, she heeded his warning. They followed the main hall to a pair of doors at the end. Two men opened them as Kano and Jen approached. Standing at the entrance, Jen could see Tobias at the far end of the room. She had never seen him before, but there was no doubt in her mind that this was him. His pale yellow eyes contrasted with his deep red beard. There were tattoos on his head that weaved in and out of each other as they ran the length of his neck and then out to his shoulders. She made note of the scar on his torso, and his hands that seemed to be stained with blood. His persona screamed hatred and cruelty. Walking the aisle, they stopped a few feet in front of Tobias, and Kano pushed Jen powerfully to the floor. When Tobias spoke, his chest rattled from the depth of his voice. śVery good. Now let’s see if your plan will, in fact, work.” śShe is the means,” Kano replied, and Jen knew that somehow she was his approach to get to Az. śWe will see, won’t we?” Tobias grinned. Jen steeled herself as he watched her carefully. After pausing for a moment, Tobias turned back to Kano. śWhat are your plans with her until then?” śI have an idea.” Kano smiled, grabbing Jen by the arm and pulling her up. When she made it to her feet, Jen reeled back and slapped Kano in the face. His hand tightened around her arm so hard it caused Jen’s knees to buckle in response to the pain. śI would suggest you not do that again.” Astonishingly his voice was calm and collected. Jen looked in his eyes, remembering his warning. He pulled at her arm once more, and this time she did not struggle. Kano led her to a room down the hall from the main entrance. The room was large, and instead of windows it had a fireplace embedded into the wall. There were only a few items of furniture–a small bed and a single table with a chair. Darkness overshadowed every aspect. He let go of her, and she walked to the center of the room. Jen placed her hands on her arms holding herself, and faced away from Kano. śWhat now?” she asked. śNow, we become great friends.” The female’s voice filled the room. Jen turned to see Scarlet standing near the doorway. Her face was pale and porcelain, and the white silk gown that she wore matched the color of skin. Scarlet addressed Kano. śExquisite, this one. I wasn’t expecting someone as striking.” She turned back, tightening her eyes on Jen. śI understand now why Mitch was so fond of you.” Every muscle in Jen’s body tensed, and her fingers coiled firmly into her palms. śWhere is he?” śDead,” Scarlet responded instantly as if she had been holding it back for far too long. śI am going to rip your fucking heart out, you evil bitch!” Jen seethed. śAww, only if I had one,” Scarlet replied, mocking her. śEnough!” Kano growled at Scarlet. Scarlet held out her hand to Kano, a large diamond ring circling her index finger. śShould I not mention the ring, then?” śI think it might have belonged to you.” Scarlet brought her focus back to Jen, watching the despair consume her. śJust curious, what would your answer have been?” Scarlet questioned. Jen’s wings burst from her back as she lunged at Scarlet. Scarlet smiled, anticipating this and instantaneously removed a silver dagger hidden beneath her hair. Propelling it at Jen, the dagger pierced her wing, pinning her against the wall. Jen gasped for air as the intense pain ravaged her. She realized that this was one of the weapons Tannah had warned them about–the soul-devouring weapon. The pain it caused was unlike anything she had ever felt–like tiny slivers of glass pushing their way through her skin and eating at her flesh. Jen screamed out as the dagger released its venom slowly into her body, and she could feel the painful pull towards it. Images appeared in small bursts in her mind. The dagger held many tortured souls inside its element, and she could feel all of their pain and suffering. And then there was one she recognized in particular. Mitch. She could feel his agony. Jen wanted to recoil inside herself. No amount of pain that Scarlet could inflict could be worse than feeling Mitch’s. He was gone forever–lost to her–in a world of torment. Kano spoke up, remaining calm. śScarlet, I know that it is your nature to thrive on other people’s misery. However, now is not the time.” śYou are all business, Kano. Do you never make time for pleasure?” Scarlet walked over to where Jen was pinned against the wall and ripped the blade from her, repositioning it against her neck. śNext time it won’t be your wing,” Scarlet whispered in Jen’s ear. The sound of Kano’s steel sword sliding from its holster caused Scarlet to turn to him. He had pulled it out only partially to warn her that her time here was finished. śThat will be all, Scarlet.” śDon’t worry. She’s still in one pieceŚ for now at least.” Scarlet vanished through the doorway, and Kano let the sword fall back into place. Jen closed her eyes forcing tears to stream her face. With her back against the wall, she slid down to the floor. Jen could feel Kano’s eyes studying her, but she wouldn’t look at him. Her body felt lifeless and lethargic. For her–this was very much the end. śYou should have let her kill me.” He was quiet and didn’t respond. Jen finally faced him. śI won’t help you. There’s nothing left you can do to me.” śI have no intension of doing anything to you. Despite what you believe, I do not kill for the pleasure of it,” Kano said coldly. Jen winced in pain as her body tightened. śThat’s where you are wrong. Your intentions were just that, when you killed Mitch.” She watched as Kano pondered this in his mind. śThat is what you would believe.” He paused for a moment. Maybe he was waiting for her to say something, but she couldn’t be sure. She couldn’t understand–was he saying that he didn’t mean to hurt her or that he didn’t kill Mitch? As she wondered, she realized, she didn’t care. To be a part of Tobias’ panel made him just as wicked as they were. Kano walked to the door and stopped. He might have turned to face her but thought better of it. Shutting the door behind him, Jen heard him bolt it from the other side, and the room became dark. Hours passed as Jen sat motionless on the floor. She couldn’t think about Mitch any longer–it was killing her. Her wing had begun to heal but much slower than it would have normally. The venom from the dagger had delayed its mending, and she wondered if it would stop her power of healing others altogether. She was useless if that was the case. Jen didn’t have the power of strength that Kale had, or the wisdom that Tannah carried, nor did she possess the ability to feel emotion the way Gage did. She would be no different from the humans that she had tried to protect. There would be nothing left she could offer. Somewhere inside her failure, she brought her mind to Gage. Her relationship with him was different than the others. When Gage had decided to fall and live out his existence on earth, it was Jen who had replaced him. Everything she had learned, he had taught her. Although, she was not as close to him as she was to Kale, she had nothing but respect for him. She knew his reasons for falling, and no one understood that more than her. It was then that she knew what she had to do. Gage was the answer. His ability kept the four of them connected. He couldn’t exactly feel her emotions at this moment, but he would be able to feel the break in their connection. She would have to sacrifice herself. That was the only way that she could warn them. For Jen, this would be easy. Mitch was gone, and her powers seemed to be failing. The only thing was, when she died, she would be reborn as a human. That’s what became of angels when they died. Unlike ones who choose to fall, she would possess no powersŚ and no memories of what her life was as an angel. In her eyes, it was best that way. There was nothing she wanted to remember. Waiting in the corner patiently, Jen could hear the bolt on the door shift. Kano walked in, bringing the light from the outside with him. She stood up to face him. śI want to help you now,” she said. Kano’s face tightened. He was no fool, but he was interested in what she had to say. Jen stepped closer to him and stopped at arm’s length. śI can tell you where they areŚ I just want one thing from you.” Kano move slowly towards her, and Jen’s pulse raced faster. śWhat is that exactly?” Kano asked, interested in her motive. He was so close now that Jen began to rethink her plan. However, she had to be strong. Tears filled her eyes. śI have nothing left. I just wantŚ.” She paused, and her eyes followed his back and forth. She swallowed hard to work up enough courage to place her hand on his arm. śI just want to see Mitch one last time.” He took a step backwards, and Jen’s hand fell back to her side. She had managed to surprise Kano–this was not at all what he had expected. śI’m afraid that is impossible,” he said, holding her gaze. śThat’s not true. You can become him.” Jen was almost pleading, realizing how honest it was that she wanted to see him one last time. Kano breathed deep, the request disturbing him. śI cannot become him.” śBut, at the cemeteryŚ it was you there.” Fury consumed Kano’s eyes, and Jen wondered why this would make him so angry, but she was determined. She took a step towards him, filling the gap he had made between them. His voice was almost shouting. śI cannot become him. It is only an illusion.” Jen relaxed her shoulders, acting as if she had given up. śI just needed to say goodbyeŚ that was all.” This was her final attempt. She thought that learning the location of where they were hiding Az would be all he needed, and he would give in. But she was wrong. Kano’s face changed, becoming harder and cold. śI’m sorryŚ, but I cannot.” Jen’s frustration took over. śCan’t or won’t?” she spat out. śYou are no better than the breed you serve.” Kano would not resort to arguing. Her need for closure would not trouble him. There was nothing he could do for herŚ there was nothing he would do for her. He took his eyes away from her for only a second, but it was long enough for Jen to make for his sword. She pulled it from its holster and she held it out, pointing it at him. Kano smiled at her keenly. śThis was your great scheme? To attempt to kill me with my own sword?” The sword shook in Jen’s hands as she tried to steady herself. A smile crossed her face, although it was uneasy and not genuine. śNot youŚ” She turned the blade down, pointing the edge at her abdomen. Her eyes closed as she used all of her might to plunge it into her torso. The blade barely pierced her stomach before the power of Kano’s grip stopped it. Jen opened her eyes to find his hand on the double edge. Blood ran from his fingers and down the length of the steel. If he was in pain–she couldn’t tell–there was no sign of it on his face. śSorry, but I need you alive,” Kano said. He twisted the sword out of Jen’s hands. She was no match for his strength and lost her grip on it. Jen’s black satin shirt had a hole in it from where the sword had been. Kano watched her as she walked to the corner of the room and faced the wall. Her satiny smooth hair stretched to her waist and shined even in the dark room. śWhy did you come here?” she asked. However, he didn’t respond. Jen looked at Kano. She took in his dark featuresŚ. His eyes were solid black, and his soot black hair almost matched them. Although she should have been frightened of him, she didn’t have the energy to be. Kano had never met a creature quite like Jen. There were few willing to sacrifice themselves for another, and this bemused him. He continued to watch her. Her hazel eyes fixed on him. śWhy did you come here?” she repeated. Finally, Kano’s eyes turned away. He reached for the door and pulled it closed behind him. Chapter 15 Signs After coming to the conclusion that my dream had some kind of meaning, I went to Jen’s room to find her, but she wasn’t there. The breeze from the open window lifted the curtains, causing them to dance in place. I needed to find Jen and tell her that I remembered what Scarlet had said. Gage’s room was next door, and as I looked in, I noticed his room was just as empty. Where was everyone? I walked to the end of the hall and noticed a partially opened door. I hadn’t been down the hall this far until now. Pushing it open, I looked inside. Immediately, I knew this was where Kale stayed. The room smelled like him, and I felt a fluttery feeling inside. I sat down on the edge of his bed. I couldn’t help but be curious about Kale, and now inside his room, I realized there was so much more to him then I could have ever imagined. When I laid my head back on his pillow, I heard something crumple. I reached my hand underneath of it and pulled out a piece of paper that had been neatly folded in fourths. I started to put it back, but I felt a need to read it. I opened it and saw it was in Jen’s handwriting. Kale, Please cover for me. Mitch called asking me to meet him at Hillside Cemetery. He said it was important. Please don’t be mad. I had to go. I’ll be back soon. Love, Jen I felt my stomach drop. He had gotten to her before I could warn her. I had to find the others to let them know. Running down the hall, I took the main staircase to the first floor. I shouted for the others, but no one answered. I searched the East Wing with no luck either. I could be here for hours looking for them, and there was no time. I dashed up the stairs to my room and changed out of my nightshirt into regular clothes. Running back to Kale’s room, I flipped Jen’s note over and scribbled a note of my own. Kale, Gone to find Jen. She’s in danger. I hope you find this. Az I wrote the word over and drew an arrow pointing to Jen’s note with the hope that Kale would find us. It was possible, if he found the note in time, he could beat me there. Outside the castle, it was extremely bright for the late hour. I was able to find my way to the small fishing boat with ease. I remembered everything Gage had told me that day at the marina. Starting it was no problem. It was figuring out where I was going–that was the challenge. The tiny engine roared to life. Earlier in the evening, I had watched the sun set behind the castle. I knew if I went in the opposite direction, it would lead me to land. I was full of confidence, until I noticed that the castle had disappeared in the background, and I was now completely surrounded by water. After several hours, I realized I had sadly misjudged my abilities to get to shore. The sea was merciless, and the waves became heavy–crashing against the boat. I killed the engine, saving what little fuel I had left. I decided to wait for dawn to break. Maybe I would have a better chance when daylight came of finding land. Even that too seemed hopeless, but I had to try. I lay down on the floorboard of the boat, looking up at the stars that were swiftly vanishing from the sky. I waited for the sun to make its way over the horizon. But when it did, I didn’t get up. The more I thought about it, the more impossible it seemed. Even with the sun, there was nothing but ocean. I would never make it to land in timeŚ. I would never make it to Jen in time. Rolling to my side, I pulled my knees to my chest. My stomach rumbled with hunger, and I wonder what would kill me firstŚ the ocean or starvation. A flock of seagulls flew above me, squawking loudly as they headed out to sea for their morning feast. I envied them as my stomach grumbled again. But as I lay there, I became aware that the hope I had clung to, was completely gone. Another flock of seagulls flew above me. They were graceful, and I thought how freeing it must be to soar through the sky. Suddenly a memory it hit meŚ. I remembered Gage had told me about the birds when he had taken me out in the boat. They flew out in the morning to catch fish, and then they would fly back to land in the evening. I jumped to my feet, looking in the direction that they had come from. I squinted my eyes and could see a landmass far off in the distance. It took a couple of tries to get the boat started, but luckily it did. I plowed through the waves, heading towards the land. It was far enough away to make me worry about the fuel, but I tried to push that thought out of my mind and focus on getting there. I felt relief when I got close enough–if I had to–I could swim to make it. It was a sandy shore, and there was nowhere to dock. I drove along the shoreline, my hand hitting the steering wheel repeatedly with impatience. Finally, I drove up to a remote home that sat on a hill in front of the beach. There was a long dock that led out to the water. The boat bounced off the dock as I jumped out. The hunger I felt earlier had been replaced with adrenaline. I ran at full speed up the hill to the house. I wasn’t sure where I was and needed help. Trying to keep low key, I knocked on the door softly instead of banging on it like I wanted to. However, my eagerness got the better of me–and I knocked again, this time with a little more vigor. A little old lady came to the door, holding a small with dog with pink bows in its hair. She looked somewhat uneasy about my presence and spoke through the glass door, not opening it. śCan I help you?” she asked. śHi, I’m a little lost.” I tried to keep it short and casual. śI just wanted to see if I could use your phone to call a cab.” śThat’s strange. How did you get here? I’m quite a ways off the main road.” Apparently this lady was a lot smarter than I gave her credit for. I pointed down to the water at the boat that was beginning to drift out in the ocean because I hadn’t tied it to the dock. śI’ve been in the water all night.” śOh dear, are you alright?” With the knowledge of me being lost at sea, changed her demeanor. śYes, ma’am. I just really need to get to Hillside Cemetery. Do you think you could call a cab company for me?” Hearing the name of the cemetery roll off my tongue made me swallow hard. I had just been there visiting my mother and Mr. ParkerŚ and now, I was going to try and save my friend. śHillside Cemetery in Los Angeles?” she questioned in a tone that clued me in that I was much further away than I had hoped. śHow long do you think it will take to get there?” I asked. śWell, since you’re in Santa Barbara, it’s hard to say. An hour and a half with no traffic, but it could take up to three. I’ll call the cab. You sit out here.” I smiled and gave a single nod. śOkay. Thank you.” I sat down on the steps, waiting. A few minutes later, I heard the door open. The lady came out and took a seat beside me. She handed me some toast and a glass of tea. I looked at her strangely, but then remembered how hungry I had felt in the boat. śI thought you might want something to eat.” She smiled in a way that only spoke kindness. śThanks.” I took the toast from her and began tearing it with my hands. śI’m Ella.” śAzaleigh,” I responded, holding a hand to my mouth, trying to keep food from flying out. Ella looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. śStorm’s coming.” I scowled a little and then looked up. The sun had risen well above the horizon, and I could only guess that it was around eight o’clock in the morning. However, I didn’t see a single cloud. Was she just trying to make small talk? śHow can you tell?” I asked curiously, but I was having a hard time focusing on the conversation. I kept thinking about Jen. Her eyes closed like she was trying to hone in on her sixth sense. Opening them, she turned her attention to me. śThings are never what they seem, Dear. There is always something waiting in the midst. You just have to look for the signs.” For me, that was a sign and maybe a warning to burn those words in my head. The cab driver pulled up and honked the horn. I turned to Ella as she held out her hand, and I placed mine in hers to say thanks. She pressed something into my palm. When I opened my hand, I realized it was money. śOhŚ I can’t accept this.” I said, trying to give it back to her. śNo, Dear. You keep it. I’m an old lady and have no use for it. It will pay for your cab and for you to get something to eat.” She paused and smiled at me. śBesides, I haven’t seen someone with so much hope in them in a very long time. Thank you.” She drew out the word śyou”. I gave her a wink and took off for the cab. An hour into the ride, the sky turned a sea of black. The storm began to spit rain. Drop by drop it turned into a solid sheet that pounded against the car. The downpour was so heavy, it was blinding. śMa’am, we’re going to have to pull over,” the cab driver shouted over the sound of the rain pelting the car. śI really need to get there. It’s important,” I said, trying to manage the frustration in my voice. śSorry, Ma’am, but if we’re going to get there in one piece, we’re going to have to wait until it lets up.” This was just one more obstacle I would have to accept. I couldn’t say that I hadn’t been warned, as I replayed Ella’s words in my mind. After sitting for over twenty minutes, the rain had let up enough for the cab driver to see out of the windshield. It took another hour after that–with traffic and the rain–to make it to Los Angeles. I threw the money at the driver and jumped out. The storm was starting to regain its strength as I ran to the front of the cemetery. The gates were chained shut. I grasped the iron bars as I peered in, the coldness of the steel caused chill-bumps to run up my arms. Looking up, I knew that there was no way to climb the gates, so I jogged along the fencing looking for any kind of opening. At the north end of the cemetery, there was a break in the fence at the bottom. It appeared that the rain had washed away the soil–leaving a small gap in between the bottom of the fence and the ground. I lay down and started to slide underneath of it. The wrought iron came to a point, and as I maneuvered under it; the sharp spikes tore into my shirt–leaving small scrapes on my skin. I couldn’t help but choke from the pouring rain that stung my face. Once on the other side, I got up and looked around at the empty graveyard. The statues seemed strange in the darkness and took on a life of their own. The rain was so thick now that I was only able to see a few feet in front of me. I didn’t know where to start. The muddy terrain made it hard to move quickly, and it pulled at my feet as I trudged along. In the near distance, I could see the first of the angel statues. The closer I got to it, I realized it was the statue I had missed on my last trip here. Its solid wings were spread out, and his hands were raised–reaching towards the sky. It was the angel Dekalabrie–Kale. A nearby tree limb snapped, crashing to the ground with a loud thud, which caused me to stagger back. I needed to get out of the rain. The storm was crippling, and I was unable to think clearly. My feet shuffled quickly, carrying me over the saturated ground. There was a mausoleum in the center of the cemetery that I could take shelter in. I took one final step, but my foot didn’t touch the ground. Losing my balance, I fell forward into a large hole and landed at the bottom. My breathing was rapid, and in the process I had landed in a foot of muddy water. At first I was disorientated. However, that quickly passed. The smell of dirt was overwhelming. I could feel the wet soil all over my clothes–slimy and gritty. I sat up on my knees, frantically wiping my soaked hair from of my face. I was starting to panic, and all I could think about was how to get out of here, when I felt something moved underneath of me. A pale face surfaced from the murky water. I screamed as I scrambled back against the dirt wall. I dug my fingers into the soil, trying to pull myself out, but the ground was too wet and gave way. I huddled close to the wall that was furthest from the body. I couldn’t look directly at him. I stood there for a few minutes. A mixture of tears and rain covered my face. Who was this person? I forced a quick glance at him, noticing that he was roughly my age. What could he have done to end up like this? –A nameless, forgotten body in an unmarked grave. The more I looked at him, the more curious I became. He was wearing a blue collared shirt with a name patch that was covered in mud. I leaned over him, holding my face back. With one of my fingers, I wiped the soil and blood from the small patch. śOh shit,” I gasped as I read the name, Mitch, embroidered in dark blue. Jen’s face entrenched itself in my mind. Staring at him, I realized how wrong I was. Mitch would have never hurt Jen and falling in love with her had led him to his death. Now I understood what Jen had meant that day we stood on the north tower. That still left me concerned with what had happened to Jen. I knew she was still in danger–I had to find her as soon as possible. I looked around for another way out. My fingers barely touched the top of the grave, and I knew that the ground was too wet for me to pull myself up. I looked over at Mitch. He was my only option to get out. I placed my hands in the water, wedging them underneath Mitch’s back. I took a deep breath, held it, and faced away from him as I heaved his body inch by inch, until I had him sitting up against the dirt wall. This was the single most disturbing thing I had ever done in my entire life, and I felt sickness edging its way up my throat. With a quick fluent step on his shoulder, I was able to hoist myself up far enough, so that my elbows were fixed firmly on the ground above. I dug my feet into the dirt wall and used my hands to drag myself out of the open grave. I rested on the ground, letting the rain beat on my back. Once I had regained enough strength, I pushed my chest off the ground. I was ready to get up when I saw feet planted in front of me. As I rose, my eyes followed the figure up until they were level with his face. Kano stood directly in front me. The rain ran from my hair and into my eyes, stinging them and blurring my vision. It was hard to see any definition to his face, so when he spoke, I couldn’t see his expression. śYou are the Arch?” His words were ridiculing. I stood in front of him wet and covered with mud. My anger over ran my better judgment to be silent. śYes I am. And you’re the asshole chasing me, correct?” He smiled slightly. śYou are also boldŚ, much like your friend Genevieve.” śWhere is she?” I asked thinking of Mitch at the bottom of the empty grave and praying my friend had not suffered the same fate. Kano stood in silence. śPleaseŚ, just tell me she is okay.” I looked up at him. His face had lost some of the solidity, and I wondered what he was thinking. How could a creature with no morality or feelings look so distraught? However, it only lasted for a moment. I was irritated with his stillness. He wouldn’t respond. śYou better pray that Kale doesn’t find you,” I hissed. This aggravated Kano. śYou place too much faith on your precious Kale. It was not long ago that you were weeping with the belief that he wanted another.” I took one small step back, looking at him puzzled. śHow did youŚ know that?” I asked, almost stammering. The rain continued to pour, running down my face as I tried to put the pieces together. How did he know about that? The vision of seeing Jen and Mitch at the bar together filled my mind. I had mistaken Mitch for Kale. Then I recalled what Mr. Parker had said. Kale had come by twice and had acted strangely. śIt was you. You were the one who came to my apartment that night.” Things were beginning to fall into place, little by little. I could tell by the look on his face that I had guessed correctly. Faster than I could have imagined, he snatched me around my waist and leapt into the air. His wings beat against the wind. As we flew, the hard rain pelted my face, but then stopped as we rose above the low hanging clouds. We landed in front of the large stone structure, and with confidence I didn’t even know I had, I proceeded to the front doors with Kano trailing behind me. Inside, two large doors opened at the end of the hall, showing me the way. I took a deep breath at the sight of the blonde woman standing at the edge of the room. It was the same woman who had haunted me in my mirrorŚ, Scarlet. Her gaze was triumphant, and she seemed pleased as she watched Kano lead me to her. śMy payment,” Kano stated, looking at Scarlet. She smiled cynically. śOf course.” She tore her gaze away from me, turning to Kano. śYou have proven to be most reliable.” Scarlet held out a white bow that had unusual etching engraved on it. Moving a few steps towards her, Kano took the bow. He swung it over his back and started to walk past me. He turned, making eye contact. My eyes focused hard on his. śAre you finished being her errand boy?” I said, with tightened brows. He didn’t respond, only leaving the room instead. It was bizarre. I was more fearful without him here. I’m sure that was because I had been afraid of Scarlet for so long, the thought of being alone with her terrified me. śTobias will be pleased with your arrival. He has been waiting for you,” she taunted. Chapter 16 Lifeless śWe need to move now. It’s only a matter of time before he finds her,” Kale said, with a frustrated tone. Tannah scowled. śYou are not the one in command here. I will say when it is time,” she snapped at him. śNo. But if I was, this would all be over with by now,” Kale countered. Gage spoke up as the voice of reason. śIf you were in command, she would already be dead by now. Look what has happened so far.” The three of them had returned to the island. They had learned the location of where Tobias was hiding. This had taken more time than anyone could have expected. For centenaries, Tobias had been able to remain in the shadows, eluding them. His resources were endless, and those who did know anything, were too afraid to double–cross him. Kale’s impatience to attack Tobias was more than just keeping Az safe. It had been his fault that Kano had found Az that day outside the diner. Although it was Kale’s decision to leave, Tannah wanted to keep them apart for many reasons. He had endangered Az’s life with his reckless behavior, but the prevalent reason was because the bond between him and Az had grown too strong. Tannah knew that Az and Kale’s relationship could tilt a delicate balance and change everything. There was a congregation of fallen angels that lived outside of the city. They didn’t represent all the fallen, only the ones who had chosen to live out their existence on earth together, obeying man’s laws and had no relation to the Angels of Treason. Kale had worked his way into their circle, and although he still disliked the choice they had made, he knew this was the best way to get to Tobias. Only, he had made a mistake. Kale had befriended a fallen named, Vega, who was a loner. Vega claimed to have information that would lead Kale to Tobias, but in the end, it only led him to a dead end. Kale had been deceived by Vega, who instead helped Scarlet track Kale back to Azaleigh. Vega was rewarded for his services by becoming a preferred for the Angels of Treason. Gage had a connection of his own with a fallen named, Jocelyn. Vega and Jocelyn had fallen together. Vega had promised her that their lives would be more bravura lived out on earth. Jocelyn loved Vega more than anything, but he had betrayed her as well. Gage knew that she would greatly appreciate the opportunity for vengeance. She had said that there was nothing left that Vega could take from her that he hadn’t already. Gage had set up a meeting with Jocelyn. She was the one who had told them where to find Tobias–but that wasn’t all. She also told them that Tobias had acquired Qeres. śI do not mean any disrespect, Tannah. I’m just not clear why we are waiting,” Kale said, as they opened the doors to the castle and proceeded inside. śKale, we can’t just rush in and take over. Tobias has a number of followers who are very willing to die for him,” Gage said. Kale turned to face Gage. Anger caused heat to rise from his body. śThe only reason you are here is for egotistical purposes. You do not care about Az’s safety.” Gage arched his brow, watching Kale. His voice remained calm. śI think you would like to believe that because it would be easier for you if I didn’t. I think it eats at you knowing she might want me instead.” śI have heard enough.” Tannah’s voice echoed through the hall. śThis is not about either of you. This is about something bigger than all of us. Gage, I may not have dominion over you, but while you are here, you will conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful. Do you understand? And Kale, you need to accept that Gage is on our side, and he is not going anywhere. You wanted a reason why we cannot move now? This is it.” Tannah stormed up the stairs and disappeared down the hallway. Kale and Gage walked up the stairs together in silence. Kale ambled ahead towards Az’s room. He knocked softly, but she didn’t answer. He wouldn’t have bothered her normally, but since they had been gone overnight, he wanted to check on her. He opened the door and peeked in. Her knotted up covers lay on the bed and her nightshirt had been tossed in the corner of the room. A few doors down, Kale went to Jen’s room, but she wasn’t there either. He decided to go change before looking for them. He paused at his door to see Gage standing in his room. Gage looked up with a stern face. śLooks like you get your wish.” He handed Kale the crumpled piece of paper. After reading Az’s note Kale said, śWe leave now.” *** Az had spent–what seemed like hours–looking for a way out of the room she was being held in but with no luck. The single window carved into the wall was barred, and the huge metal door had been locked from the outside. All that she could do was wait. Wait to be rescuedŚ, wait to dieŚ, wait for the end. Her mind drifted. She began to think of Kale, and how she had wished she had been kinder to him at the castle. She began to regret not telling him how much she loved him and what he meant to her. It was now–all too clear–what he had done for her. He had left her, not to try and drown his feelings for her, but to keep her safe. Leaving was his way of protecting her, and he had come back for the very same reason. She wondered how hard it must have been for him, knowing that she was unable to remember him all that time, and him, having to carry her memory around. It was then that she realized there was nothing else she wanted more than to be with himŚ and nowŚ it was possible that would never happen. This is where she would die. She knew this was the truth, and she didn’t need special powers to know that. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach as the realization of the end came to light. Regardless of what they were going to do to her, they couldn’t take her thoughts. So she dreamed. She dreamed of what life would have been like, had her and Kale had been given a real chance. What it would have been like if for one day–one day only–they could have lived like a real couple, just two people who loved each other. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the moment, deep inside the locked doors at the back of her mind. Dreaming of him was the only freedom she would ever have again and she was going to saver every precious second. Somewhere in her daydream, Az hadn’t heard Scarlet enter the room. Az snapped out of her daze abruptly at the sound of Scarlet’s foot tapping the floor. śDreaming of Kale? Typical of your kind. Love is a pathetic weakness,” Scarlet teased in a wicked voice. śI’m sure you wouldn’t know how it feelsŚ, obviously you’re only good enough to be Tobias’ whore.” Az didn’t realize how true her statement was until she saw Scarlet’s face harden like stone. In a blink, Scarlet, appeared standing behind her. Whispering in her ear, Scarlet said, śAfter we are finished with you here, I will hunt down all who protected you and kill them one by one. I will be sure to save Kale for last.” Scarlet placed her hand on Az’s shoulder, slowly dragging her nails across her skin. Az’s breathing was fast as she stood very still. Just then, the metal door made a loud creaking sound as it opened, hitting the back of the wall. Tobias stood in the doorway. śScarlet. There is work for you. Begin the preparation.” Scarlet clenched her teeth, but nodded and left the room. Tobias stood there watching Az. śYou must forgive Scarlet. Her manners are dreadful when it comes to accommodating guests.” His comment was only meant as sarcasm. Az remained silent until she heard Scarlet’s footsteps fade in the distance. śShe is evil because of you.” Az knew this, because of Scarlet’s reaction when she had mentioned Tobias’ name earlier. Az didn’t really care about Scarlet; she was simply trying to bide time. This made Tobias grin. śWhat makes you think that?” śThe very sight of you makes the color of her skin change,” Az said confidently, knowing that what she was saying was no doubt the truth. Tobias paused for a moment. śScarlet has an expectation that she tries to live up to. She will never meet that expectation–no matter how hard she tries.” Tobias seemed to lose himself in his thoughts. śNo matter. We are not here to discuss Scarlet’s demons; we are here to discuss yours.” His words sent a chill through Az. śDid your friends tell you that you had a choice?” Tobias asked. śA choice?” Az questioned. śJust because you have been chosen to be the Arch, does not mean that you have to accept it.” Tobias could tell by the look on Az’s face, she had no idea what he was talking about. śI am not surprised you are unaware. They preach about free-will, but never really follow their own rules.” Az wasn’t really sure why this surprised her. Tannah and Kale had hidden the truth from her before, so to learn that she could choose a different life shouldn’t have shocked her–but it did. However, Az was loyal and felt the need to defend their decision to keep her in the dark. śWho says I want something different?” śIt doesn’t matter. That’s no longer an option. I simply thought you should know.” Tobias was merely taunting her. śI have bigger plans for you.” Tobias held up a small vial of pale green liquid. Az watched him carefully. śThis is called Qeres. The Egyptians used it during their burial rituals. They believed it helped the deceased in the afterlife. They were idiots,” He said, chuckling to himself. śThey didn’t know how to use it. It doesn’t give life after death–it gives life to the dead.” At this point, Az was visibly shaking, though she tried to poise herself. She wouldn’t let him see her frightened. śWhat are you going to do with it?” she asked. His look was sinister, causing Az to turn her eyes away from his. śI am going to resurrect someone. Someone who will make Scarlet look like an angel in comparisonŚ, and you are going to help me do that.” śI thought you just wanted more time here on Earth.” Az stumbled over her words, and she tried to make herself lucid. śSo that is what they believe?” Tobias laughed out loud this time, deep and reverberating. śSo be it,” he said as he left the room with the metal door slamming behind him. After Tobias had left, Az curled up on the floor in the corner of the room. She wondered to herself if Kale had found her note by now or if it would even matter–she knew that her time had just about run out. Tobias and Scarlet had made sure she knew that. Twenty-seven years was no lifetime. It was simply a glimpse of what might have been. Knowing you will die does strange things to the mind. You begin to regret things you hadn’t done in your life. And Az did just that. She remembered the time, when she was fourteen, and she had seen her best friend’s boyfriend out with another girl from school. Her friend was extremely happy and Az didn’t want to ruin it by telling her-so she didn’t. Or the time that very same friend tried to console her when Az’s mother died, but Az only pushed her away. Az never spoke to her again after that. I’ve wasted all that time, Az thought to herself. It was ironic for her to think this way–she had always said, if she had it to do all over again, she would do it the same. However, that was not the truth whatsoever. She always thought that she would never have regrets. That every mistake; had made her who she was today. Now, she wondered if she had made different decisions, would she be better than the person she was at this very moment. Az tried to clear her mind and not think at all. It would do her no good now to think about what should have been. She began to focus her attention on a tiny piece of mortar on the wall. It was a different color from the rest of the stone and look out of place, much like how she felt. Trying to distract herself, she started to pick at it with her fingernail. Little chips and pieces flaked away, landing on her pants. The more she picked at it, the angrier she became. She began taking it out on the patch of mortar until she had dug a hole in it, cursing under her breath the whole time. In her last effort, she bent her nail back and cried out in pain. A small tickle of blood ran from her finger. Weeping, Az butted her head against the wall. A muffled whisper came from somewhere. At first, Az thought this is the part where insanity would take over, and she would start hearing voices. But as she quieted her cry, she heard it again. It was coming from the tiny crack in the wall. Then suddenly, small pebbles began to fall from the crack. The hole was now the size of a quarter, and as she peered through it, she saw Jen staring back at her. śJen!” Az called. śAz, are you okay?” śYes. Are you?” Hope flooded the both of them. In all the darkness, finding each other was a true gift. śYeah, I’m alright,” Jen, replied. Az immediately thought of Mitch–his lifeless body at the bottom of an open grave. She knew that it would kill Jen, but she had to tell her. She had regretted not saying anything to her high school friend years ago. She would not make the same mistake twice. If the tables were turned, she would want to know about Kale. śJen, there’s something you should know.” Az stopped long enough to catch her breath. This would be one of the hardest things she would ever have to do. śIt’s about Mitch.” śI already know.” Jen’s voice lost the hope it had just carried, and although Az could barely see her, she knew Jen's face was grief-stricken and torn. Az knew better than to say any more. All she could to do was be there for her friend. śI’m so sorry.” śIt’s my fault. I knew better. I guess the more time I spent on earth, the more human I thought I was. I messed up. There’s nothing anyone can do.” Jen started to sound further away, her voice icy and withdrawn. They both sat silently for a moment before Az spoke. śDo you think the others know where we are?” śI pray that they do, but I’m not sure how long it would have taken them.” śWhere were they?” Az asked. śI saw your note and went to find them, but I couldn’t.” Jen didn’t respond, which made Az edgy. śAzŚ, you really are lucky,” Jen said. Az realized that she must have paid no attention at all to what she had been saying. She became aware Jen was suffering from the same thoughts of regrets that Az herself had felt moments ago. śDo you know how precious it is to be free?” Jen asked. śYou have wings, Jen. What’s more freeing than that?” śWings don’t give you freedom.” Remembering how torn Kale felt about leaving her, made Az become conscious of how binding it must be for all of them. She only knew a fraction of their world. śI envy you,” Jen continued. śFor who you are and what you can do.” This seemed strange. For as long as Az had known Jen, she could only marvel at her. She had foolishly believed that Jen’s life was perfect. śBut I’m notŚ” Az stopped at the sound of the door rattling. They had finally come for her. Scarlet entered the room, yanking Az up by her arm. śTobias is waiting for you.” She grinned. Scarlet held out the small vial of green liquid. It was the same bottle that Tobias had shown her earlier–the Qeres. Az’s eyes widen at the sight of it. Scarlet pinned Az down and forced her mouth open with her hand. Az struggled under the pressure, trying to move her head back and forth, but it was no use. Scarlet shoved the bottle between Az’s lips and forced the liquid down her throat. Gagging, Az stood up and looked at Scarlet. Her eyes were watering from where she had choked. śNow, you’re ready,” Scarlet said as she dragged Az out of the room. *** Tannah, Kale, and Gage landed a mile from the monastery. They had made their way through the wooded terrain and were now inside the building. śWe’re close. I can feel it,” Gage said as they snaked down the corridor, moving in the shadows to stay hidden. He led the way while Tannah and Kale stayed close on his heels. Gage was tracking Az–with her emotions running high, he could follow the trail easily. The three had entered through a window in the East Wing and were now on a passageway off the main entrance. As they stood with their backs against the wall, Gage peered around the corner of the hallway. śShe has to be down there.” Gage pointed to a pair of double doors at the end. They looked to be miles away due to the length of the hall. At that moment, a scream pierced the silence so loudly that they all paused. It was Az–none of them could deny it. They were about to edge slowly in the direction of the scream, when Gage held up his hand, stopping them. śSomething’s wrong,” he said. śWhat do you mean?” Kale asked in a hushed voice. Gage’s eyes squinted, trying to figure something out. śIt’s gone.” śWhat’s gone?” Tannah’s voice quivered a bit, and Kale stared at her unsure. Gage turned to Tannah, almost too afraid to speak. śThe trailŚ, I can’t feel her anymore.” At that moment Kale understood exactly what had happened. He took off running at full speed to the doors. His wings were stretched out behind him. śKale! Stop!” Tannah shouted, but it was too late. Kale burst through the doors, disintegrating them into tiny pieces that landed several feet in front of him. He paused at the sight of Az, lying on a marble altar at the end of the room. Her body had been painted with cryptic symbols. He almost buckled at the nauseous feeling starting to take over him. Tobias stood over her, holding a knife made of stone and it was lodged in Az’s abdomen. They were too late. He had killed her. The break in Gage’s connection was proof. Kale let out a gruff cry at the vision of her lifeless body. Blood trickled down the table and onto the floor. Her skin was pale and her eyes had dark circles under them. He was so overwhelmed; he hadn’t noticed anyone else in the room. Scarlet stood beside Tobias. On the other side, were three men. Two of which wore dark cloaks, and the third was Vega–the fallen, who had betrayed his lover to become part of this sadistic entourage. At the sight of Kale, the four began to spread themselves cautiously, in a circling technique, but Tobias never movedŚ not even looking up at Kale’s incursion. As Scarlet and the men moved step by step towards Tannah, Kale, and Gage, Scarlet separated her spirit form from her body. It happened in perfect unison, making it impossible to tell which was her body and which was just the illusion. This was her way to deceive them. Tannah and Gage stood, flanking Kale. Kale twitched as Tannah slightly touched his wrist with her hand. She spoke in a low voice. śKale, the only way to Az is through them. I need you and Gage to focus on the three men.” Tannah pulled a pair of Sai from behind her back that had been secured by a leather strap. She inched her way towards Scarlet, watching her carefully. Waiting for her to make the smallest mistake and give away her true position. The two images of Scarlet weaved back and forth with each other as they approached. Their faces were tight and focused on Tannah. Scarlet was within a few feet of Tannah when she pulled out her prize dagger and lunged it at her. And as if the light had given a strange reflection of some kind, Tannah was able to distinguish Scarlet’s physical form from her spirit. Tannah leaned to the side as Scarlet’s blade missed its target. Tannah then quickly twisted her body around, using her wing to knock the dagger from Scarlet’s hand. The dagger sailed through the air, landing across the room and out of reach. Tannah swiftly brought her hand up, using the Sai to slash the side of Scarlet’s face. Scarlet was surprised by this maneuver. Her two forms merged back into one. She no longer kept them separate because the wound now showed her opponent the difference between them. On the opposite side of the room, the two men in cloaks were circling Kale, while Gage had managed to corner Vega against the wall. Vega began pleading with Gage, hoping that Gage’s moral binds with the good angels would spare him his life. śI did it for Jocelyn. I had to help Tobias. He would have killed her had I not. Killing me will only hurt her,” Vega beseeched in a strained voice as Gage’s hands closed around his throat. Listening to Vega’s dishonest claim only angered Gage more. śIt’s funny that you mention her. She asked a favor of me before coming here.” And with that, Gage used the power of his hands to twist Vega’s neck, snapping it in single click. Vega’s body fell limp to the ground. Gage immediately turned, seeing Kale a few feet away. Kale was fighting the taller of the two-cloaked men and had the advantage, but he was unaware of the second man who moved out of Kale’s sight and was now standing behind him. Gage charged at the man before he could attack Kale, throwing him to the ground. *** Jen sat on the floor with her back against the stone, staring at the crack in the wall. Only an hour ago she had discovered Az on the other side of it. This tiny crack had been a window between the two of them. It was a bittersweet blessing that had been hopeful and tragic–all the same. Jen pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in them. Her mind raced, wondering where they had taken Az and what they were doing to her. She tried not to wonder if Az was still alive, believing that she was, would be her only choice. It was hard for Jen to keep faith. She felt like everything was all her fault. Jen began to pray aloud. śI am mindful of my fate. I pray that my death will benefit our cause. Please grant me this final plea.” Her voice was low and whispered as she repeated the words over and over again. The lock on the door unbolted and then the door itself, eased open. Jen sat up and waited. She knew that this was her final moment. They had sent someone to kill her. Seconds went by, but no one entered. Jen stood and cautiously crept towards the doorway. Her fingertips braced the door as she pushed it opened. She stepped out into the hallway, but still there was no one. Was this some sort of trickery? She wondered to herself. Each end of the corridor was dark, which made her uneasy. There were no sounds, except that of a constant drip. Water was leaking from the ceiling stone and trickling on the floor, making Jen stay close to the wall as she hurried down it. Jen had maneuvered through the maze of passageways quietly. She wasn’t leaving here until she found Az, one way or another. She didn’t have any special power that would show her the way. Her only ability was her intuition. As Jen turned a corner, she could hear the sound of struggling. At first, it was hard to figure out the direction it was coming from, but as she stood soundlessly, it became very clear. Jen ran hastily to a small door, but slowed as she approached it. The door was extremely puny, barely large enough for her to fit through. It may have been an old escape route and probably was hidden out of sight on the other side of the room. She inhaled a deep breath, building her courage to push it open when someone grabbed her arm, turning her around. śKano,” Jen said with shock. She had been caught. Her fists tighten, preparing for whatever move he would make. Kano’s grip was strong, but she tried to ignore the pain and instead stood ridged. śDo not go in there. None of them will survive. You’ll be wasting your time,” he said. Jen stared at him in confusion. śWhat do you care of our fate?” Jen said through clenched teeth at the same time yanking her arm from his grasp. śI don’t,” he spoke quickly. śThat is a lie. You would not be here if not for your benefit.” Kano was reluctant to respond. Seconds of silence flowed by, and Jen’s frustration would not keep. She placed her hand on the door, stepping forward to enter. śI came to warn you,” Kano spat out. She turned to him. śThose are my friends in there..., my family. If it is that we all must die, then we do it together.” Jen was still unsure of Kano’s reasoning, and at this point there was no time to be wasted. She had to help Az. Kano took a step back as Jen continued. śHelp us.” Her request surprised him. There was no payment offeredŚ, just a simple favor. No one would have dared asked something like this from him. His abilities and knowledge were sought after from manyŚ. He did not grant favors. śI cannot. ItŚ it is not in my nature. But I will not stop you.” At that moment, Kano turned, disappearing down the hall. Jen faced the door and with one grand thrust, she pushed it opened in time to see Scarlet holding Tannah off the ground. In her hand, she held one of Tannah’s Sai. śNo!” Jen screamed. Scarlet looked at Jen as a smile filled her lips. Scarlet plunged the steel through Tannah’s chest. The blade had been lodged so deep that the tip had emerged from her back. Jen leapt in the air with her wings out and landed directly in front of Scarlet. She picked up the other Sai that lay near Tannah’s body. Scarlet leapt at Jen, cutting her shoulder. Jen didn’t notice the pain. Adrenaline was pumping through her as she focused on Scarlet. śI’ve waited for the chance to kill you,” Scarlet said. śHere I am. This will be your only chance,” Jen said as the two began to fight. The sound of the metal weapons rang out. Every move Scarlet made, Jen intercepted, and with every move that Jen made, Scarlet did the same. The two weren’t equal opponents. Scarlet was much wiser and devious when it came to battle. Jen knew this and tried to stay on guard. It was then, that Jen made her mistake. She was too anxious and swung the Sai at Scarlet’s face. Scarlet dodged it and moved behind Jen’s shoulder as she had turned. Scarlet grabbed Jen’s arms, shoving her to the ground on her knees. Behind Jen, Scarlet wrapped her arm around Jen’s neck. She placed the blade to Jen’s temple. śI thought you would have lasted longer than this,” she spoke with her lips near Jen’s ear. Scarlet grabbed Jen’s hair, holding her in place and stood above Jen with the Sai held high, as she positioned herself to force it down. Suddenly, Jen’s wings extended upward with amazing power. Jen heard a gurgle. She quickly got to her feet and turned to see Scarlet staggering backwards. Blood gushed from her mouth and neck. Jen’s wings had pierced Scarlet’s throat, and she was drowning in her own blood. Scarlet fell to the ground but was still attempting to hold herself up. Jen reeled back and kicked her, knocking her on her back. Jen looked down at Scarlet’s hand. The diamond ring still perched on her index finger. Jen ripped the ring from her hand. śI believe this is mine.” Gage and Kale had defeated the two-cloaked men at the same time. They all started to move towards Tobias, who had remained motionless and unresponsive this entire time. He was still holding the knife that was lodged in Az. As the three moved towards Az, a roar erupted, stopping them in their tracks. Jen moved closer to Kale and Gage. They all watched Tobias. śWhat’s happening?” Jen asked. śI don’t know,” Kale said. He moved closer to where Az lay but then stopped. Tobias began to convulse violently. śWe have to save her.” Kale leapt towards Az. However, some invisible force threw him back. He hit the ground hard. A golden glow began to materialize around Tobias. Then he moved, his head shot upward, looking at the ceiling. A bright golden light shined from his eyes and mouth. A strange shriek came from deep inside his chest. It was so loud it shattered the windows. Then the unexpected happened. Golden wings unfolded from Tobias’ back. The wings continued to grow and stretch the length of the room. As the light continued to blast through Tobias, a deep blackness started to eat away at the gold. It started in the center of his chest and began expanding. It looked like ink that had leaked on paper and was absorbing, consuming everything. The three stared in horror. There was no way to reach Az. Abruptly, Tobias’ face became level. Jen, Kale, and Gage could see that his eyes had lost the light and were now solid black. The blackness and golden color were beginning to fade. His hands loosened their grip on the knife. śSomething’s changed,” Gage said. He looked over at Kale. Kale moved closer to Tobias and Az. śHis power is fading,” he said, but he was still unsure why. They watched carefully as the wings shriveled in size and then disappeared completely. Tobias’ eyes rolled upward as his body fell to the ground. Kano stood behind where Tobias had been, holding Scarlet’s dagger. The dagger had Tobias’ blood on it and now held Tobias’ soul inside of it. *** Az opened her eyes, staring up at the most beautiful blue sky. She lay there watching the clouds stroll lazily by. They reflected all the shades of the rainbow. It was so peaceful she didn’t want to move. The grass was tall, and daisies hung over where she lay. The air smelled sweet of honeysuckle, and blue birds were singing in the distance. Az pulled a daisy from its stem and held it to her face. She loved daisies. The white ones were her favorite. She always thought that they were such a happy flower, reminding her of all the ones that Kale had brought her. She rubbed the flower gently down her face, causing the florets to leave a tiny trail of yellow. She began humming a quiet tune as she held the flower upward towards the sun–letting it glow in the light. Az closed her eyes and soaked up the sun that warmed her skin. She thought she heard someone say her name, but it was too far away. She didn’t move nor open her eyes. She was too at peace to even care. śAzaleighŚ,” the voice sang lowly. Az still didn’t move. She just smiled at the softness of the voice. śAzŚaŚleighŚ,” the voice sang again. Her smile stretched, even more, across her face. śWhere are you, Rabbit?” the voice continued. Opening her eyes, Az’s smile faded as she listened for the voice. śWhere are you hiding?” the voice called. Sitting up, Az looked around, but the grass was too tall. She pulled herself to her feet. In the distance, she could see a woman standing in a blue dress. Her blonde hair held big curls and lay on her shoulders. Az held up her hand, shielding her face from the sun. The woman waved at Az, motioning her to come. She hesitated at the thought of saying her name before she spoke. śMom?” The woman’s voice flooded the air, but her lips never moved. Az ran in her direction, and as she ran, the woman disappeared and reappeared closer and closer. The daisies pulled at Azaleigh’s dress as she ran. She took notice that the dress she was wearing was bright yellow. śMom, is that you?” Instantly, the woman reappeared in front of Az. śMom!” Az screamed with excitement. She threw her arms around her, pulling her as close as possible. Az began to cry. This couldn’t be real. śBut it is real,” her mom said. śI’ve missed you, Rabbit.” Az sighed, hearing the name Rabbit. Her mother had always called her that. The name had stuck from the bedtime story that she used to read to her. When she was little, it used to embarrass her, but now, it was soothing and special. It was something she had missed for quite some time. She pulled Az at arm’s length to look at her. śYou’ve grown up so beautifully. Seeing you from above doesn’t do it justice. Looking at you this close is truly an amazing sight.” She smiled and then brushed Az’s hair with her hand. śAm I in Heaven?” Az asked. śYou don’t recognize this place?” her mom asked in a surprised tone. Az shook her head. śI can’t remember.” śI brought you here one summer when you were six years old. You told me that it was the most charming place you had ever seen, and then you cried when we left. Even though this isn’t the same place, I thought you would like to see it one more time. It’s not HeavenŚ. It's in between. It’s more like a state of mind.” Her Mom explained. śAm I dead?” Az asked. Her mother smiled at her. śYou are in between.” She paused for a moment. śYou have a grand future laid out before you. There is much to be done. And many more obstacles that you will have to overcome.” śBut I want to stay here with you?” Az felt the tears begin to fill her eyes again. śI’m afraid that’s impossible, Sweetie.” Az felt her heart sink inside her chest. She had felt out of place her whole life, and now here, the one place she felt like she could belong, wouldn’t allow her to. śThen why am I here?” Her mom placed her hand on the side of her face, wiping away the stray tears that had collected at her chin. śTwo reasons, actually. The first is my own selfish reason. I wanted to see you.” Her mother’s face grew stern and serious. śThe other reason is to tell you thisŚ sometimes people will re-enter our lives for a purpose, but not always the purpose we want to believe. Don’t underestimate your good judge of character–it has always been your gift. ” Az nodded her head, not fully understanding. śPromise me you will be careful.” The vision of her mom was beginning to fade, her body now transparent and ghostly. śPlease don’t do thisŚ, don’t leave again.” Az begged at what was now a mist that was swept away by the wind. Her mom’s voice rang out through the field one last time. śIt’s time for you to go back. I love you.” *** Tannah lay unmoving on the merciless floor. Every heartbeat was slower. She was fading from this present life. śJenŚ you have to heal her. You’re the only one who can.” With every word Tannah spoke the one following took more effort and life from her. śBut it’s too late,” Jen said as she began to cry, watching Tannah struggle to hold on. śIt’s not too late.” Tannah paused, building up strength to continue. śYou know what has to be done.” śI need to heal you first,” Jen argued. śNoŚ, you don’t have enough strength to heal us both.” At this point Tannah had begun to whisper her words, and when she blinked, there were seconds before her eyes could open themselves again. Jen nodded at Tannah, understanding the importance of what she had to do but fearing her ability to do it. śI’m scared, I don’t know if I can.” Tannah looked at Jen with caring eyes. śWe all are. However, this is your gift. This is why you were created.” Tannah placed Jen’s hand on her wing. Tannah’s wing was soft under Jen’s fingertips, and it trembled at her touch. śYou can do this,” Tannah insisted. Jen ran her hand down the length of Tannah’s wing, and then with all of her strength, she pulled a feather from its follicle. Jen’s hand shook as she held the feather. The wings of an angel are much like an organ. As a human, you need a heart to beat and carry blood through the body. For an angel, wings did the same. They worked in harmony with the other organs to survive. Jen jumped up and ran over to Az. She carefully studied Az, knowing any wrong move would be catastrophic. Jen knew that as a healer, it was possible to bring someone back to life if they hadn’t crossed over yet, but she herself, had never witnessed any angel do this. She was now lacking the confidence that usually came so effortlessly. If she didn’t at least try then she knew Tannah’s death would have been in vain, and that all they had worked for would be lost. Jen held the feather firmly with both hands, positioning the tip over Az’s chest. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Kale and Gage looked at Jen with confusion. śWhat are you doing?” Kale asked. She looked at their faces. śA miracle.” With her hands still held above Az, she began to speak an ancient passage, and as she spoke, her voice grew louder with each word. Without hesitance, she drove the quill of the feather through Az’s skin and into her heart. She continued the passage. It was so loud that it echoed off the walls. Then she paused, opening her eyes. She backed away, leaving the feather in place. The light from around it shined and was almost blinding as the feather started to wilt and dissolved into Az’s wound. Jen’s body gave way and Kale kneeled down, catching her before she hit the floor. śI’ve got you, you’re okay Jen,” he said as he eased her to the ground. Jen’s eyes rolled faintly before she focused them on Kale. śDid it work?” she asked. Gage moved himself closer to Az and placed his hands on her face. Staring at her made him regret not doing more to keep her safe. To Gage’s amazement, Az’s eyes flickered and slowly opened. śKale?” she said incoherent and disorientated. Gage ground his teeth and tried to breathe patients into his body. Kale looked at Jen, waiting. śI’m okay. Go,” Jen said. Kale let go of Jen and rushed over to Az. śI’m here.” He placed his hand on top of hers. Gage backed away, giving them some room. Az looked around. Her heart started to ache as she realized that her mother and the field of daisies were a distant dreamŚ, a dream that she couldn’t get back. śShe’s gone,” she said in a weepy voice. śI’m so sorry, Az. Even though Tannah is gone, she did what she came here to doŚ which was to keep you safe. She wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.” Her head was pounding, and his words spun in her mind as she tried putting them together in an order she could understand. śWhat do you mean?” śWeren’t you talking about Tannah?” Kale continued. śTannah?” Az asked as she started to cry, turning her head away from Kale. This wasn’t fair. My life wasn’t worth losing hers. She thought to herself. Kale pulled Az up and cradled her next to his chest. Gage watched from across the room. He was fighting his own demons–his love for Az and the resentment he felt for Kale. He wanted to be the one that comforted her, but he would not hurt her by standing in Kale’s way. Jen was still exhausted, but she was able to stand. All of her power had been drained, and she wouldn’t be able to use it again for quite some time. She had done the unimaginable–she had saved Azaleigh. Kale scooped Az up, carrying her like a child while Gage went over to help Jen. Bruised and beaten, they finally maneuvered their way out of the monastery. The rain had stopped, and the sun had broken through the clouds that had previously painted the sky. There was an undeniable newfound sense of freedom that everyone felt, even for Az, who lay limp in Kale’s arms. They would all walk away with scars that they would carry for the rest of their livesŚ, some physicallyŚ, some emotionallyŚ, but there was one scar that they would all carry–Tannah’s death. They had lost a mentor, a partner, and a friend. She would be in their memory and hearts, for always. They stopped suddenly, seeing Kano standing at the edge of the forest. He was holding Scarlet’s dagger, which glinted in the sun. Everyone stood motionless as he approached them. Az could barely lift her head to see why they had paused. śWhy are you here?” Kale asked. His face was skeptical. Kano held up the dagger–the light reflected in Kale’s eyes. śI am sure you are aware of what this is.” Kale shook his head. śIt belonged to Scarlet. That is all I know.” Kano smiled, but it was Jen who spoke. śIt is a life form of its own. Death would be a peaceful alternative to the horror and pain that it causes.” Kale stared at Jen as he watched her face contort into pain of its own. Whatever horror she had experienced, showed in her eyes. Jen faced Kale and continued. śIt devours the soul of any creature. The souls that are trapped in there live in a world of torture. Good and bad all suffer the same punishment...” Then she turned her gaze back to Kano. śŚIncluding Mitch.” Silence fell on them all. Gage and Kale both stood in astonishment. Neither of them knowing exactly what had happened. śAnd now Tobias,” Kano informed. His voice was cold and steely. śThis blade holds the evilest of souls. He who possesses it, can inflict pain and suffering beyond imagine.” Gage asked what everyone else was afraid to. śWhat is it that you want?” Kano’s face remained expressionless. śI want the girl.” śNo! I will not trade Az.” Kale’s voice showing the emotion and turmoil he felt, and worst of all, it showed his love for Az. A smile hinted across Kano’s face as he read into the emotion Kale had just displayed. śIt is not her that I want.” Anger burned through Kale as understanding came to him. It was Jen that Kano was asking for. Kale’s mouth tightened. śWe will not give up one of our own to satisfy a treaty. If need be, we will fight any of the evilest souls that are held in there.” śHe’s right.” Jen stepped forward, keeping her eyes focused on Kano. śI know how dangerous it is. I know what’s in there.” śNo, Jen. We can fight anything, together,” Kale argued. Jen turned to him and then looked down at Az. śYou have other priorities. I have to do this.” Kale’s face filled with agony. His relationship with Jen was the same as a sibling. He could not willingly give her up to such a cruel beast. Stepping forward, Kale started to protest but Gage placed his hand on Kale’s arm, stopping him. śLet her go. Jen nodded once to Kano. śI need a minute.” Jen walked over to where Gage stood. She wrapped her long delicate arms around his waist. Her embrace was still weak, and her body looked frail. śTake care of her for me,” she whispered in his ear. Over hearing that, gave Az a nervous feeling of things to come, but she was too weak to be concerned. After letting go of Gage, Jen made her way to Kale. She touched the side of Az’s face and looked up at him. śRemember what I said about staying here?” Kale bobbed his head in response. śIt is a gift, Kale. There’s magic hereŚ, but I know now, that it doesn’t belong to creatures like us.” Az’s heart sank with sadness for Jen–she had lost a lot. Mitch’s death would not be something that she would ever get over. The guilt she carried was much too heavy. Jen stood on her toes and softly placed a kiss on Kale’s cheek. Leaning in Az’s ear, she whispered. śHold on tight. There’s a long road ahead. I’ll see you againŚ, I promise.” Before tears could start, Jen walked away. She stood within inches of Kano’s face. śAfter you,” Jen said, and although she spoke resentfully, there was hope in her voice. Kano smiled and hurled the dagger into the ground at Gage’s feet. He then led her towards the forest. Off in the distance, the sound of thunder pounded the earth. At first it was thought to be the storm returning, but then the sound became louder–coming closer. The ground trembled with the rhythmic beat. Like magic, the most breathtaking white stallion appeared at the edge of the woods. It was unnaturally large in size. Its eyes were the color of onyx, and its mane and tail were twice the length of any normal gelding. Metal armor covered the horse from head to rear, giving it a mechanical look. Kano leapt onto the stallion’s back, using his wings to give him a boost. Jen followed suit, placing her body in front of his. The horse reared back and took off into a gallop. Kale squeezed Az closer to him. His face streaked with concern. He looked at Gage. śKano is not what we had thought.” śHe is the White Horseman of the Apocalypse," Gage said, confirming Kale’s assumption. śIt appears we were wrong about a lot of things. What does that mean for us?” śI don’t know,” Kale said, still looking grim. They watched until the horse vanished in the trees. Epilogue I had lain in bed for a week, refusing to get up. Gage had come to check on me regularly, but I barely acknowledged him. Losing Tannah and Jen had been more than I could take, and Kale had made his self scarce these past few days–when I needed him the most. Hearing a knock at the door, I knew it was Kale. I was reluctant to open it. Seeing his face would only cause the pain to resurface. I opened up the door gradually and rested my head against it. śCan I come in?” Kale’s eyes were heavy. śIs this a personal or professional visit?” śPersonal.” I let him in and went over to the couch to sit down. My heart started to ache. I knew what was coming–no matter how hard I tried to deny it. śI have to leave,” he said. My fingertips brushed over the wound Tobias’ blade had made. The cut had healed, but it had left a large scar. I assumed Jen was the reason it had healed so quickly. I readjusted my focus back on Kale. śFor how long?” He let out a sigh and avoided eye contact. śAz, this is a lot more complicated than just you and me.” There was so much I wanted to say, but words failed me. I didn’t want him to leave. We had lost too much time alreadyŚ, if I could just give him a reason. śStay.” It was all I could push out from my lungs. He sat down beside me. śI can’t.” I could hear the hurt in his voice. I would have rather been stabbed a hundred times over, then to live without Kale. Although an eternity would not have been long enough with him, I prayed that he would give me this one night. śThen stay tonight?” I asked. śOnly tonight,” he said as he kissed the top of my head. The hours flew by as we lay in my bed. Neither one of us really said much, we just held on to each other. I knew Kale well enough to know that he would leave, but I wondered if he would ever come back. After awhile, Kale fell asleepŚ, but I refused. I stayed awake as long as I could, watching him until my body finally gave in. *** The morning sun shone through my window, waking me. I didn’t have to roll over and feel the pillow beside me to know that Kale was gone. And this time, he was really gone. He would not be reappearing, causing my memories to rush back to me like a flooded dam. My memories would be my curseŚ, my cross to bear–so to speak. Lying there, I couldn’t really remember what life was like before him, and to think about what it was going to be like now, was too much. So I didn’t. I also refused to let my mind driftŚ, wondering what he was doing or wondering if he was thinking the same about me. I only lay there, letting the sun glide over my body as it filled the window. That day at the monastery I had chosen to follow the path that was selected for me. I had never asked Tobias how it was possible to choose otherwise. Maybe deep down, it was because given the option, I might have chosen differently. I heard my front door open and close, knowing it could only be Gage. I didn’t move as I heard him walk in my room. I lay there facing the wall. śAz?” śI’m fine.” But as soon as I said it, I knew it was a lie. My eyes watered, and I began to cry. Gage crawled in the bed beside me, placing his arm around my waist. It was the first time I had ever heard him speak so serious. śI know where you’re at. I’ve been there.” I imagined Gage was probably right. Of all the people, he could relate to me better than anyone. śWhy did you fall?” My voice was weak, and the words broke in all the wrong places. He was hesitant to talk about it, and I could tell it was subject that had been off limits for quite some time. śIt was a really long time ago. It was my choice, but it wasn’t how I thought it was going to be. Everyone you know and love will grow old and die, while you never change–never age.” śWould you have made that same choice now?” śThe answer is different for everyone, Az. However, this was not your choice. It was Kale’s. I will tell you this; he could have chosen to stay.” I rolled over on my back and placed my arm over my eyes, causing Gage’s hand to rest on my stomach. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t control my body from quivering. It moved with the force of my sobs. śAzŚ, I’m not going anywhere,” he said. And only for my own selfish reasons, I was glad. I didn’t want him to go. I knew Gage wanted more from me than I could give him– at least for now. I rolled over and buried my face in his chest. Then for some strange reason a question came to mind. śGage?” He looked over at me. śYes, Love?” śWho is Anna?” Table of Contents Start


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