bb1 ep mod 6

1 Much or Many 3 Match
Match the food with the best units or
Underline the correct choice.
1 How much / many milk do we need?
2 You use too much / many shampoo.
a bread
b syrup
3 She has got much / many expensive
c cereal
d orange juice
e water
4 How much / many salt do I have to put
f butter
in the soup?
5 They usually have much / many grapes.
6 Do you have much / many
1 a glass of
2 a bowl of
supermarkets where you live?
3 two loaves of
7 Don t use too much / many perfume!
4 25 grams of
5 a bottle of
6 a tablespoon of
2 Some or Any 4 Bruce and Food
Choose the best word from the box for each
Put some or any in the gaps.
his something some every
1 Do we have to buy & & & potatoes?
does rarely sometimes is
2 No, we have & & & potatoes left.
3 But I don t think we have & & & cheese.
Bruce is a healthy person. & & & & & (1) morning
4 Can I have & & & tea, please? he drinks freshly pressed orange juice and eats
& & & & & .. (2) muesli. & & & & & .. (3) he also has an
5 Would you like & & & orange juice?
egg. He eats lunch early around 1 o clock. He
6 I don t like to eat & & & spicy food.
usually has pasta or rice with vegetables.
7 I d like to drink & & & fresh coconut milk. & & & & & .. (4) lunch is quite big. He has & & & & & ..
(5) light for dinner. His favourite food & & & & & ..
8 I need & & & help carrying all the
(6) bread with cheese and salad. On other days he
shopping bags home.
eats fish. Bruce & & & & & .. (7) drinks coffee. He
eats meat only sometimes. Oh, of course, Bruce
& & & & & .. (8) not smoke.
Blockbuster 1 Module 6 Resources PHOTOCOPIABLE
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