G76 Repeat Threading Cycle

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\lang2057\b\f0\fs24 G76 Repeat Threading Cycle\cf0
\par \b0\fs16
\par \pard\fs20 G76 P (A) / (B) / (C) Q (Min) R
\par G76 X(U) Z(W) P (DEP) Q (1st) F where,
\par P (A) is the number of thread finishing passes (1 to 99).
\par P (B) is the chamfer amount. This is the angle at which the tool leaves the billet, at the end of the thread cutting cycle.
\par P (C) is the angle of the tool tip (80\f1\'b0, 60\'b0, 55\'b0, 30\'b0, 29\'b0 and 0\'b0). Note - (A), (B) and (C) are all specified at the same time by the address P, eg, P036060 = number of cuts is 03, chamfer amount of 60 and tool angle of 60\'b0.
\par Q (Min) is the minimum cutting depth (in microns). When the depth of the cut calculated by the CNC control becomes less than this limit, the cutting depth is clamped at this minimum value.
\par R is the finishing allowance. This is the final, or finishing, cuts applied to the thread. The number of stages to complete this finishing allowance is determined by the value of P(A), ie, the value of R divided by the P(A) number of finishing passes equals the value of each finishing allowance stage.
\par X(U) is the end position of the thread in the X axis (the core diameter).
\par Z(W) is the end position of the thread in the Z axis.
\par P (DEP) is the depth of the thread as a radius value (in microns).
\par Q (1st) is the depth of the first pass as a radius value (in microns).
\par F is the size of the thread pitch.\fs16
\par \f0
\par }


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