Aurora Jamison Eleven More [eXtasy] (pdf)

Eleven More
Aurora Jamison
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Fantasy Games  Eleven More
Copyright © 2006 Aurora Jamison
Cover art by Carol MacLeod
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Published by eXtasy Books 2006
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Eleven More
loria Talbot stabbed at the autumn weeds with
her trowel, savagely twisted and then looked
at the pile of dirt. She was breathing heavily
because of the exertion.
 What s wrong with me? she said aloud. The
woman rocked back on her heels, then stood. She
inched past the rose bushes that were the symbols
of her marriage. A few stunted blossoms, no real
flowers, more dead leaves than living, bugs
chewing away at those and thorns. Everywhere
were thorns. Her six years of marriage had been
okay until a year ago, then it had all slowly
dissolved into . . . nothing much. If there had been
a big explosion, she could have dealt with that.
But it had been so slow, the way Abel never quite
wanted to make love anymore. The longer hours
he worked because everyone else was getting laid
off and he did the work of three now. Always
something else intruding on their time together
until there was hardly any at all. The past couple
months had been the worst. If she had seen her
Aurora Jamison
own husband more than a few hours a day, it was
worth putting a red-gold star on the calendar.
There would not have been many stars.
Gloria wandered through her garden. She was
good at growing things except the flowering
plants. A metaphor for her life. The rose bushes
extended the entire west side of the backyard and
not a single rosebush was prospering. But the
ground cover and the small plants elsewhere, the
leafy ones, even her vegetable garden all were
 The roses are supposed to signify love, she
said with some bitterness. Gloria saw only decay
and slow withering.
She walked to a small reflecting pond and
peered into it. She had liked what she saw there a
few years ago. So had Abel. He had always
preferred her strawberry blonde hair to be a little
mussed but out of boredom she had become more
careful in fixing it until she spent an hour a day
making certain every strand was in the proper
place. She patted down an escaping strand and
lifted her chin. The reflection showed a lovely
woman. A few more wrinkles than when she got
married, a few more pounds, but nothing
outrageous. It wasn t as if Abel hadn t put on
weight, too. And his hair was receding like the
surf against the beach. It positively ran out to sea
leaving a shiny expanse he tried to cover with silly
comb-overs. He had hardly spoken to her for three
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days after she suggested he simply shave his head
like Kojak. She had not realized his hair meant so
much to his vanity nor that her own attention to
her own was like a knife stuck into his heart.
If that had been all, Gloria knew they could
have worked through it. But the sex had been
declining. There was never any fun. When they
did get into bed, it never varied. Ever. Her bed
had been a desert for the past three months.
 I m a good-looking woman, she said, staring
at her rippling reflection in the pond.  I deserve
She did but had no idea how to get it. She loved
Abel and had since high school. That might have
been the problem, but she saw no way around it.
Neither of them had much experience sexually
when they had married. She had been faithful to
him, but she was beginning to wonder if she could
say the same about him.
It all fit. Longer hours at work. Less sex at
home. His vanity.
A sudden crash caused her to spin around.
Gloria clutched her trowel when she heard
scraping sounds from next door. The house had
been up for sale for more than three months. Even
in a hot housing market, it had attracted few
lookers. Abel said it was because the real estate
agent was lazy. Gloria didn t know or much care.
The former occupants of the house had been
busybodies, all the time snooping about and
Aurora Jamison
asking impertinent questions.
She went to the fence and peered over it, careful
not to get tangled up in the thorny rosebush stalks.
Her eyes went wide. The back door stood open.
She looked around to see if neighborhood kids
might have thrown a rock through a window to
get inside. That would explain the sound she had
Gloria saw no one.
More curious than afraid, she went to the back
of the yard, out the gate and around to look over
the fence. The door definitely stood ajar.
 Kids, Gloria said scornfully. She opened the
rear gate and went into the yard. She stripped off
her work gloves as she reached the door and saw a
single pane had been broken to let the kids inside
to play.
 Hey, get out of there! Gloria stepped into the
kitchen and looked around. Her voice echoed
through the empty house. Gloria dropped her
gloves and trowel on the counter and stepped to
the door into the dining room. A dark flash was all
she saw from the corner of her eye.  I ll call the
cops if you don t leave right now. You can t just
break into someone s house like this.
She heard the soft shuffle of feet in the hallway
leading to the bedrooms. Crossing the dining
room, she turned and looked down the hall. No
sound. The vandals breaking in had not left,
unless they had gone into a bedroom and opened
Eleven More
a window.
 Are you gone? You d better be.
She glanced into the bathroom, raised an
eyebrow at how nice it was. It had a Jacuzzi.
Gloria then opened the bedroom door opposite to
see if the kids had ducked in her.
Strong arms circled her from behind and lifted
her off her feet. She kicked to no avail. A strong
hand covered her lips to keep her from calling out.
 Don t struggle, came the hot whisper in her
ear. She twisted violently and got a quick look
behind her. The man wore a ski mask. All she saw
were hot eyes peering out at her and lips curled
cruelly. She fought even harder, only to be carried
forward and tossed onto a blanket on the floor.
She rolled over and came to rest on her back, legs
up and her elbows bracing her on the blanket.
 You can t get away with this, she said. Her
breath came in heavy gasps and her heart felt as if
it would explode. But she had to admit the man
didn t seem all that menacing except for the mask.
He wore a T-shirt so tight it showed every rip and
cut of his chest and belly. His jeans were equally
tight and Gloria could not help but stare at his
 I won t hurt you, he said in a husky whisper.
 Is that are you padded there? Gloria
pointed at his crotch.
 Does this look like I m packing? He ran his
zipper down and a huge cock popped out.
Aurora Jamison
She edged away on the blanket, but she was
fascinated by the sight of his erection bobbing and
jerking in front of his body. A million fractured
thoughts ran through her brain and most of them
frightened her. She was going to be raped. He
might want to kill her.
She wanted that cock.
Gloria was too confused to do more than shake
her head slowly.
 Suck on it, the man said, stepping forward.
 Do it.
 This isn t right, Gloria said. Then she yelped
when he caught up her slender wrists in one huge
hand and pinned her down to the floor.  Don t do
this to me.
 I want you to suck my cock, he repeated.
 Either do it or leave. Now.
He released her wrists. Gloria was too confused
to know what to do. She saw how hard he was.
How long and hard. Her mouth began to water. It
had been so long since she had given Abel head.
She loved oral sex, but he shied away from it.
 No one will know, the burglar said. He raised
his leg and moved so his weight held her down.
His thick cock danced enticingly only inches from
her lips. It was all she could see. The afternoon
light cast heavy shadows through the room, but
some quirk of lighting caused a ray of sunlight to
shine directly on his prick.
Oral sex wasn t sex. Not really. That was what
Eleven More
everyone said. It was only . . . only thrilling.
Gloria raised her head just a little and ran her
lips teasingly over the tip of the man s cock. She
loved the way it responded. The taste was exciting
and the thick purpled head throbbed with life. He
wanted her mouth all around his cock. It had been
so long! She craned her neck a little more and took
him an inch into her mouth. The taste, the feel, the
promise. She began moving up and down
awkwardly on his thick cock, trying to take even
more into her mouth. The rubbery tip bounced off
the roof of her mouth and almost started down
into her throat, but the angle was wrong. All she
could so was run her tongue over the sensitive
underside. How he responded! She felt the
erection getting harder and hotter.
He sat back, his weight pressing her down.
 What more do you want me to do?
Gloria wondered who spoke. Then she realized
she had!
 You want more? What makes you good
enough for that?
 I . . . let me go. Now.
He rose and stepped away without argument.
Gloria scrambled to get to the door. She hesitated.
He had made no move to stop her.
 You give good head, he said.
She found herself caught up from behind again.
His strong hands circled her waist and then began
Aurora Jamison
moving up her body. She should fight, claw,
scratch, try to escape. The sensation of those
powerful hands moving over her belly and slowly
working up to cup her breasts turned her weak in
the knees. She sagged against his strong body.
His hands crushed her breasts. She felt her
nipples beginning to harden. Fear? Lust! She
wanted more. Gloria reached around behind the
man and grabbed at his muscular ass. She felt the
play of his muscles as he shoved his crotch into
the round curves of her ass cheeks.
 I am going to give you more. You want it,
don t you? Don t you?
 No, no, she said, trying to free herself.
 Tell me what you want, and I ll give it to you.
 I want you to let me go!
 That s not what you want. You want this,
don t you? Admit it. Ask for it. Beg me for this!
He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand around
behind her, between them, so she could wrap her
slender fingers around the thick stalk of his cock.
It was hot and heavy and he was right. She
wanted it.
 Yes, she sobbed out.  I want it.
 Up the ass? Do you want it up the ass?
 No, no, not that way. In my pussy. Take me in
my pussy!
Gloria gasped as he pushed her forward. She
fell to the hallway floor on hands and knees. He
moved quickly behind her to grab her around the
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waist. He reached beneath her and ran his fingers
under the waistband of her jeans.
Gloria tried to make sense of the feelings
colliding in her and couldn t. She didn t want to
be raped, but this wasn t rape. She wanted it. She
had asked him for his cock. But she could stop at
any instant.
She didn t want to.
He popped open the button on her jeans and
stripped them back off her ample hips and down
around her thighs.
 No panties. I like that, he said in his hoarse
Before Gloria could say a word, she felt his
long, hot shaft poking between her buttocks. She
gasped when the heavy tip of his cock probed
forward and then slid the length of her pussy lips.
She sagged down, head resting on her crossed
arms. Her behind was up in the air, making a
perfect target for him.
But he was in no hurry to enter and fuck her.
His hands moved along the outsides of her thighs
and then around to rest on her heaving belly. She
thought the top of her head was going to explode
when his knowing finger pressed downward and
found the erect spire of her clit. He began diddling
it as he stroked back and forth, his cock parting
her cunt lips with every stroke.
She felt his upper thighs rubbing against her
bare bottom, but it was the sound of him panting
Aurora Jamison
harshly as desire overtook him that excited her
more. She was turning him on. He wanted her. He
wanted her almost as badly as she wanted him!
 Do it, do it now, she cried out.  I m going
crazy. I want to feel your  She let out a long,
loud gasp as he found the path leading directly
into her molten center. His hips pistoned
smoothly, sending his cock directly into her hot,
lust-slickened pussy. One instant she was empty
and the next she was filled to overflowing. Every
twitch of his dick sent a tiny earthquake
throughout her loins. When he pressed down on
her clit, she groaned with need. He began stroking
over it, pressing and flipping his finger lightly
against the very tip. Every touch on her clit was
Or was it his hidden cock? He filled her to
overflowing with his thickness. She tensed her
strong inner muscles in a loving embrace. She
heard the sucking sounds as he retreated from her
tight sheath. Trickles of her inner oils ran down
the insides of her thighs and tickled, stimulated,
made her want even more.
 I shouldn t, she began. Then she realized she
should. He was in control. She had only to let him
have his will and enjoy what he was doing. He
had not threatened her. From the first sight of his
bulging crotch, she had been first intrigued and
then needy for what he had to offer. The taste of
his prick was still on her lips. She loved the heavy
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musk scent of an aroused man as much as the feel
of his cock sliding back and forth over her tongue.
But this! This was pure heaven. Heaven and
 Please, please, she sobbed out.
His finger flicked across the sensitive tip of her
pink spire. Her clit felt like a balloon being blown
up until it would surely explode.
 You want me to stop? You want me to pull
out? He slowly retreated until only the plum-
sized tip of his cock remained within her.
 No, no, fuck me. I want you to fuck me!
Her entire body trembled with repressed desire.
How long had it been since she had felt this way
with Abel? She could not remember. It had been
weeks since he had even touched her. He was
repulsed by her and a masked burglar wanted her.
It made no sense. Nothing made any sense other
than the emotions rising within her. She
remembered them. She coveted them. She had
thought they were dusty remnants of the past but
were now being reborn within her.
His hand left her clit and stroked up to her
dangling tits. His fingers probed down and found
the hard nubs of her nipples. He squeezed and
tweaked until she thrashed about.
 Fuck me, she begged.
He did. His hips began levering forward with
increasing power. He sank deeper into her pussy
with every stroke until she thought he might split
Aurora Jamison
her in half. Every time he touched her, he found a
new and wonderfully erotic spot. Her body
tingled in places where she had never responded
before. Thighs. Across her nipples. Her clit. Her
belly. Her pussy! He buried himself balls deep
within her until she was on the brink of orgasm.
How long it had been? How long? Too long.
And then he was gone from inside her. His
hands were no longer exploring her body. She did
not feel the heat of his thighs pressing against her
bare bottom. The hollowness inside returned to
mock her.
 Wh-where are you? A million fractured
thoughts raced through her mind. She had made a
mistake and done something wrong. In her
passion she had cried out something that turned
him off. Had she said no when she really meant
 Where are you?
 Find me, came the command echoing down
the hallway.  Get naked and find me.
Gloria rolled over, her feet tangled in her jeans
as she stared down the hallway. The burglar was
nowhere to be seen, but she didn t have to make
much of a guess where he had gone. There were
only two bedrooms in that direction. She started to
pull up her jeans and get out of the house. She
ought to call the police and report this.
She ought to, but she wasn t going to. Kicking
hard, she got free of her shoes and jeans, then
Eleven More
reached down and grabbed the bottom of her T-
shirt. She hesitated for a moment, thinking about
what she was doing what she was going to do.
The warmth lingering in her pussy told her to
continue, but good sense told her to get the hell
out of the house. She had no idea what she was
getting herself into. But she could leave now and
there was no way he could stop her. She had a
clear path to either the front or the rear doors. But
if she left she would miss out on whatever the
burglar might have in store for her.
She reached down between her legs and
stroked briskly over her pussy lips. The tingles she
gave herself were nothing compared to the
sensation that had blasted through her like a heat
wave when he had fucked her from behind. Her
fingers smeared her thick lubricants oozing from
her pussy all over her sex lips. Her palm pressed
down into her pussy mound and compressed her
insides just enough to remind her that she was
empty there. She was empty and had been filled to
overflowing with the thick plug of his cock.
She could leave, but she wanted more.
Gloria got to her feet, gripped the bottom of her
T-shirt again and skinned out of it. She had not
worn panties but had a bra on. Reaching behind,
she unhooked it and shrugged her shoulders. The
bra slid down her arms. She caught it and held it
for a moment, as if this was the last defense she
had against doing something really stupid.
Aurora Jamison
It might be stupid and it was certainly cheating
on Abel, but for her brain telling her not to do it,
her body told her to go on. She dropped the bra in
the hallway and padded along.
 What do you want me to do?
 That s up to you, came the burglar s hoarse
whisper. She glanced in and saw nothing but an
empty room. When she opened the other bedroom
door, her eyes fixed on the naked man lying on a
mattress in a shadow against the far wall. He was
naked save for the mask he still wore, but she
hardly noticed that little detail. What she saw was
his erection jutting upward, proud and as tall as
the Eiffel Tower.
 What do you want me to do? Gloria repeated.
She took a hesitant step forward. The man moved
on the mattress, gripped his cock and held it
perpendicular to his groin. She licked her lips at
the sight. The taste still lingered.
 I don t want you to suck on my prick, he said.
 I want something else.
 Use your imagination, he said.
A million things ran through her mind. She and
Abel had never been that adventurous in bed.
What was it she had wanted to do and never had?
This thief, this burglar, this pussy pirate wanted
her to choose! She took a step toward the mattress,
not sure she should do this. Then she took a
second, quicker step and a final one that was
Eleven More
almost at a run.
She vaulted over him, swung her leg up and
over and sat facing away from him. Her hands
braced against his knees, with her legs on either
side of his body. Her thighs pressed into his and
her pussy was open and quivering just above the
tip of his cock.
 Reverse cowgirl, he said.  Try it. Do it!
His voice cracked like a whip. She moved her
hips around until she positioned herself directly
over him. She moaned softly when she felt his
hands begin to explore the half moons of her ass
cheeks. Then she let out a cry of surprise and
pleasure. He thrust his finger up her anus. With
slow, deliberate moves, he began finger fucking
her ass.
 Do it, he said.  Go on. You know you want to
do it.
 Oh, yes, she said. The movement deep within
her was strangely arousing. She had never let a
man do this before. And now she was giving
herself to a complete stranger. She lowered herself
slowly, revelling in the feel of the finger moving in
and out of her back. Then even this delight
became small. The thick head of his cock pressed
into her pussy lips. Her juices leaked out all
around, oiling him for the plunge inward. She
quivered. Every muscle in her body was tensed.
Then she simply relaxed.
He rushed into her. She gasped out
Aurora Jamison
incoherently as desire flooded her. Everything was
coming together inside her in a huge heated pool
of pure lust. His finger, the way his cock bucked
about in the tightness of her pussy, the feel of his
knees as she bent forward. Then his other hand
began kneading her ass.
 Move, he said.  Get to fucking. Pleasure
yourself first and you ll give me all I can take.
She floated in a soft, muzzy world that
increasingly burned at the edges. She twisted from
side to side, screwing the burning hot prick into
herself. Gradually lowering her hips sent that
delicious, delightful cock straight up at an angle
that excited her. This was so different from how
she and Abel usually fucked. Missionary position.
No variation. Wham, bam, not even much of a
thank you ma am. It had become so ordinary
when they had bothered.
Gloria began rising and falling faster, turning
from side to side. She felt the thick cock within her
tightness stroking over every square inch of her
pussy walls. The heat mounted from friction
between her sensitive flesh and the burglar s
Leaning forward let his cock stroke across her
G-spot. Twisting around caused new and unusual
sparks to ignite within her. And the way his finger
drove in and out of her from behind added to the
thrill. Gloria became a raw nerve ending,
trembling and twitching and ready to turn to
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liquid fire.
Her face flushed, and the heated blood slowly
worked its way down to the tops of her breasts.
She felt the fever. How she needed this release. It
was wrong and in that might have been some of
the excitement she got. The thief might have
broken into this house, but there was more. He
might be a thief of hearts. He might be stealing
away her love.
Even as she thought that, she knew it wasn t
possibly true. She loved her husband. Abel was a
good man. But he could never fuck like this.
She let out a cry of pure animal lust when the
man s cock entered her at an entirely unexpected
angle. Nerves deep in her pussy she did not even
know existed all cried out for more stimulation.
Her hips went wild as she fucked herself harder
and faster.
Her cum was so intense she fell forward, letting
his cock slide from her well-oiled slit.
His hands worked over her rear, slipped
between her legs and stroked over her back. Then
his hands circled her waist and he lifted her
bodily, depositing her on the mattress. With a
quick move, he slid from under her and went to
the door.
Gloria blinked as she watched his naked butt.
So tight. He paused at the door and pulled off the
ski mask. Gloria caught her breath. He had a
shaved head. She had joked with Abel about that,
Aurora Jamison
but she realized now it had been less joking and
more wistfulness. The man s head gleamed in the
light and was utterly sexy. He wiped his face with
the balled up ski mask, then put it back on before
he turned back toward her.
 Is that all? he asked.
 What do you mean? That was fabulous.
 Then you don t want any more. I m
He swung through the door. She heard his feet
splatting against the hallway floor and then a
distant rush of water. Gloria sat up and rubbed
her bush. Her finger circled about and slipped into
her pussy. How often had she played a solitaire
hand these past few months? Too many for her
peace of mind. The feel of a man under her,
touching her, fucking her again was not something
she could pass up easily.
 Wait! Gloria got to her feet. She thought she
could leave she should leave. None of this was
Like hell it wasn t right! It was exactly what she
needed to keep from going stir crazy. If Abel
wasn t going to deliver what she needed, she
would take what fucking she could with this
She dashed to the bedroom door and looked
out. Steam billowed from the opened bathroom
door. She heard a powerful motor start and knew
he had turned on the Jacuzzi.
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Her imagination ran wild. She loved Jacuzzis. It
had always been her most secret fantasy to fuck in
Boldly, she went down the hall and stared into
the steamy bathroom. Clouds of cloaking steam
rose from the Jacuzzi. The tub motor purred and
churned up bubbles. She almost laughed at the
sight of the burglar, still wearing his ski mask,
sitting in the tub. He faced away from her, but she
saw him reflected in the misted-over antiqued
mirror behind the Jacuzzi.
 So you decided to join me? Are you just going
to stand there?
 What do you want from me?
 To fuck you, he said in his husky whisper.  I
want to fuck you in this tub. He reached over and
turned the jets to maximum.
 I never knew this house had so many
amenities, Gloria said as she crossed the cold tile
floor. The feel under her feet contrasted with the
damp heat coming from the tub. But the real heat
came from anticipating what the man in the tub
would do.
 It has everything you want, he said.
 I just want you, she said.  Rather, I want
your cock. She stepped over the rim of the tub
and straddled his face. His tongue shot out from
the mouth hole of his ski mask and lightly
brushed across her pussy lips. She trembled.
 You taste good, he said. Then he got down to
Aurora Jamison
serious tonguing. His tongue slipped and slid the
length of her slit, then dipped into her pussy for
just a moment. She slowly sank, all strength gone
from her legs. His hands guided her so she knelt
across his lap.
Gloria shut her eyes and let him move her
where he wanted. It was so good being in his
strong hands. The jets of water shot past his legs
and brushed her sensitive pussy lips, feeling like
champagne bubbles but twice as intoxicating.
He kept pushing her downward until her knees
were pressed on the outsides of his hips and her
crotch lowered over his. She was spread wide and
trembled when she felt the lightest touch of his
erection against her sensitive flesh. Then under his
urging she sank down more and took him fully
into her.
Gloria shuddered and clung fiercely to him.
The ski mask rubbed against her cheek. She
wanted to kiss him and to stroke over his shaved
head. But so much was colliding within her body
that she was hard-pressed to keep a thought in her
Then it didn t matter anymore. The feelings
within her mounted with incredible swiftness. The
man s cock fucking her in the midst of the
churning bubbles stroking all over her legs and
hips and waist set her off. She had a volcanic
orgasm that ripped a cry of pure animal release
from her lips.
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He clung fiercely to her as she thrashed about.
Then she half rose, and sat on the far side of the
Jacuzzi. Gloria knew the small contented smile on
her lips was wrong. She should never have done
this. She had cheated, and it wasn t right.
But it had been what she longed for. Abel had
denied her sex like this for too long.
She opened her eyes thinking she would see her
naked masked thief. But through the steam she
saw . . . nothing. Gloria splashed about in
consternation, then hastily got out of the tub. A
huge fluffy pink towel lay folded on the wash
stand. Resting on it was a single bright red rose.
She picked it up by its long stem and inhaled. Pure
sensual delight.
Then she saw the simple words written in
condensation on the mirror.
She brushed the soft petals across her cheek,
her breasts, then lower and smiled.
 No, she said softly to her vanished burglar.
 Thank you.
Gloria almost panicked then. Abel would be
home any time now. She raced to the hallway and
found her gardening clothes. They were rough
against her sensitized skin, but she got into the
jeans and pulled on the T-shirt. She didn t bother
with her bra. The soft cotton shirt clung to her
still-damp breasts, outlining her still-hard nipples.
She pulled on her shoes and ran to the back door,
Aurora Jamison
then stopped. She returned to the bathroom and
picked up the red rose. It was foolish of her to
keep it, but she did.
She left through the back door and returned to
her own yard, the rose clutched in her hand.
Barely had she gone into her own house than she
heard the front door open.
 Honey, I m home, called Abel.
 Uh, hi, Gloria answered. She started to hide
the rose, then decided against it. She went into the
living room. Abel looked different. He still wore
his old baseball cap, but there was
 Your hair, she said.
 I decided on some changes to improve things,
he said. He took off his cap. He had shaved his
head.  Starting today. This very afternoon.
 Well, I certainly like it, she said, her eyes
glowing as she remembered her thief.
 I hope you like these, too, he said. He handed
her a bouquet of roses.
 Why, Abel, thank you. What s the occasion?
I  She stared at him, as if for the first time.
Realization began to dawn on her.
 I ve been working out at the gym for the past
few months. Now, give me that rose. He took the
single rose from her and added it to the bouquet.
 One plus eleven equals a full dozen.
 You brought me eleven roses?
He smiled and shook his head.
 I gave you twelve.
Eleven More
Gloria was speechless. Because he kissed her
hard on the lips.
The End
About the Author
orn in the middle of winter in Michigan more
(how many more I'm not saying) than 30 years
ago, I was lacking a name until my father saw the
aurora borealis and decided this was a sign, the
right name. (I'm so glad my mother insisted on
"Aurora" and not "Borealis!") In spite of my name,
I have never seen the aurora (but my younger
sister in Alaska has and says its constantly
changing, shifting nature is like mine). As a child I
moved through the Midwest, living in four
different states before I was in the third grade.
Finally ending up in West Texas, I married, was
widowed, and my only child is in his senior year
in high school. I love to read fantasy, and writing
is giving me an outlet to live it, as well.
