Coracobrachialis KT method

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Pectoral Girdle Extension Test (Wright Test) Functional Anatomy Testing Tape Specification KT Method
Confirmation Testing
KT Method
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient position: standing or sitting
Apply one end of the Kinesio Tex to
the coracoid process (located
approximately 2.5 cm below the most
concave portion of the clavicle; press
firmly into the deltopectoral triangle)
Extend and internally rotate the
shoulder to increase tissue tension.
Peel the Kinesio Tex from the paper
liner and place the tape temporarily
on the skin. Do not activate the glue
by rubbing.
While stabilizing the base of the
Kinesio Tex, pull the skin over the
coracoid process superiorly and
medially to increase tissue tension.
Apply the other end of the Kinesio
Tex to the midpoint of the medial
Completed Kinesio Tex application:
0022-GH-XX Coracobrachialis Go
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