Howell Alina The Werewolf's Master

The Werewolf's Master
By Alina S. Howell
Copyright 2012 Alina S. Howell
In early June, I drove out to a small, desolate ranch house in the country with enough supplies to get me
through the next two months. The house had belonged to my father's old friend. He'd gotten up there in
age and his son, Alex, was desperate to find someone to look after the place while he settled his father
into a retirement home and prepared to put the house up for sale. I hadn't seen Alex or his father since I
was a kid. I knew Alex was several years older than me so we'd never really spoken to each other when
I was young, but that's about all I could remember of him.
Still, I didn't mind the request since I was on summer break. Plus, Alex had told my dad that he'd send
along some money as thanks. This looked like it'd be the easiest summer job ever.
I spent most of the morning putting away clothes and unpacking the few boxes I'd brought. After lunch,
I explored my new surroundings. There was a forest on one side, expansive farmland on the other, and
not much else. I also discovered that my nearest neighbor was about a mile away. I felt really isolated
After the sun had set, I brought a small beer cooler and some citronella candles to the porch. I sat on a
creaky old porch swing and watched the fireflies trail their light in the darkness. A bright full moon had
risen and the stars shined beautifully. I'd forgotten just how impressive the sky could look without the
glare of city lights to dull them.
At some point, when I was looking at the fireflies again, I realized there was what appeared to be a dark
shape by the treeline. I squinted in the darkness and eventually made out the shape of a large dog. As I
stared at it, the dog slinked closer until it was only about fifteen feet away from the porch. I assumed it
was a lost pet since it was getting closer to me. I called out to it.
 Here, boy!
The dog just stared.
 Okay, sorry. I don't know what gender you are but I'm trying to help you here.
I felt ridiculous immediately after saying that out loud. I admit that I really don't know anything about
animals and I've never owned anything more interesting than a goldfish. I don't get people who talk to
their pets like they can understand what's being said. Truthfully, I have no idea how to handle an
The dog didn't move any closer but it didn't run away either. I felt like it didn't trust me for some
reason. I decided to try approaching it but for every step I took forward, it would step back.
 Oh, come on, I mumbled.  I just want to see if you have a collar on. Suddenly I had an idea.  I
know! I bet you'd like some food, right? Um. Stay, boy! I'll be right back!
I couldn't believe I was talking to the dog. The beer must have been starting to get to me.
I turned around and went back into the house to find something a dog would like. There wasn't much in
the fridge though. I settled on a pack of deli ham and took it back outside. The dog was still there, in
the same place I had left it. I pulled out a slice of ham, crouched down and held it out.
 Look, doggy. It's ham. Doesn't it smell good? The dog didn't react. about I just toss this
to you? I threw the slice of ham gently and it landed about halfway between us. No reaction from the
dog though. I sighed.  Aw, fuck it. I didn't know dogs were this picky. You hear me dog? You win.
Sorry for trying to make friends with you.
I walked back over to my beer cooler and shoved the package of ham into it. I took out another beer
and slumped back into the porch swing. I went back to staring at the sky but every so often, my eyes
would wander back to the dog. The dog continued to sit in the same position. Around about the time I
finished my second or third beer, I was pretty sure the dog was watching me as much as I was watching
it. Another beer later and I began talking to the dog. I wasn't even sure what I was saying. I was just
venting really. I told the dog about school, about working here, about all sorts of meaningless things in
my life.
As I set down the now empty can, I heard a noise on the porch steps. I looked over and saw the dog
walking up them. It was huge. Much bigger than I'd first realized. It had glossy black fur and looked
well fed. Maybe that's why it hadn't been interested in the ham?
 Have ya come to be my friend now? I slurred. At that point, I finally realized that I was pretty drunk.
I decided not to care and cracked open yet another beer. The dog walked over and jumped onto the
porch swing beside me with a large thud. The swing rocked violently and in my inebriated state, I
threw my arms around the dog while I quickly planted my feet on the porch and tried to stop the swing
from rocking. When it came to a rest, I realized I had dumped my can of beer all over the dog.
 Aww. Sorry, doggy. I didn't mean to drench you. The dog's ears were turned down. It looked pretty
pathetic but oddly cute too. I wiped at some of the beer dripping off its face and it licked my fingers as
I pulled them away. I laughed.  You've got good taste! Well, I should probably clean you up, I guess. I
don't want your owner to get mad at me. Beer provided my mind with a brilliant idea then.  I'm gonna
give you a bath! Come on, doggy! Let's go inside! I stumbled to the front door and opened it for the
dog. It stared at me a moment before hopping off the bench, shaking off and then walking inside the
I led the dog to the bathroom and filled the tub with a few inches of soapy water. I really didn't know
what I was doing but the dog seemed to have been well trained. It jumped right into the bath tub. I
poured some shampoo on my hands and scrubbed the dog down. I chattered away at it the whole time
but I can't recall what I'd said anymore besides stupid shit like,  who's a pretty puppy? and  oh, you're
such a handsome boy aren't you? Yes you are! I guess at some point, I discovered 'it' was actually a
'he'. I remember drying the dog off with a towel and telling him that he was going to be my dog now.
 Since you don't have a collar, that means you're free for the taking, right? I'd said.
After the bath, I wandered back to my bedroom and collapsed in the bed. The dog followed me and
jumped into the bed too. I tried pushing him out, but his size made it nearly impossible. I gave up. I
was too drunk and too tired to resist. I let the big, dumb beast snuggle up next to me as I drifted off to
sleep. It's affection was kind of endearing.
I awoke to the sunlight shining brightly through curtainless windows. I screwed my eyes shut and
rolled my head away from the windows. My face landed in a mass of black fur. I snuggled into the
warmth and reached up to pet the dog's head.
It felt wrong though. It was soft and warm, sure, but the texture was different and...
I moved my hand down to his back and felt bare skin. My eyes shot open and I jolted upright. My dog
was gone and in his place was a man. A completely naked man with shaggy black hair and a deep tan.
He rolled over suddenly and yawned. Our eyes met and he smiled sleepily.
 Good morning, master, he said.
I lost it. I screamed and attempted to jump off the bed but the other man was at an advantage. He was
much bigger than me and easily pinned me back down on the bed.  Get off me! Who are you? I
screamed desperately.
The bigger man laid on top of me and then...snuggled against my neck.  I'm your dog, he said while
laughing so much that I could barely understand him.
I thrashed about but could barely move. He had my arms pinned to my side and my legs were entwined
with his.  Don't fuck with me, I said.
 I'm not. Not really, at least. After all, you're the one who invited me in and gave me a bath, he said.
He pulled himself closer and I felt his hot breath on my ear as he whispered,  that felt great, by the
way. One of his hands slid down my side and worked its way into my pants. He grabbed my ass
forcefully and I gasped.
I tried pushing him away but it was all in vain.  Stop it. Get off of me, I pleaded. I was completely
freaked out. I knew I wouldn't be able to overpower him unless I had a weapon but it didn't look like he
was too keen on letting me go. I dreaded what else he might have planned.
 But I like being on top of you, Mike, he growled into my ear. I froze.
 H-how do you know my name?
I heard him laugh.  Because I'm Alex.
My stomach felt like it was tying itself into knots.  Alex? The...the person I'm sort of, uh, working for
 Yep, he said.  And I'm also the wolf who you thought was a dog and who is now your pet. I felt his
wet tongue flick around my ear. I shuddered. The sensation shot through me like lightning.
 I'm not... I don't... Stop it, I said with a fading voice. It was becoming hard to think. All I could do
was feel. I felt his body move against mine and I swear I could feel every muscle. I felt his tongue slide
down my neck and his teeth scrape against my skin. I was terrified. I was excited. I was feeling a
thousand different things and I couldn't process all the thoughts that were assaulting my head, let alone
understand them.
One of his hands worked its way under my shirt and I felt his fingers brush against one of my nipples.
Alex bit hard on my neck and I yelped pathetically. I felt dominated by him. I heard him chuckle at my
reaction to his bite and his mouth moved further down. He lifted up my shirt to expose my nipples and
all I could do was stare as he took one in his mouth.
His tongue, wet and hot, slid around before he nipped at it. The sensation was completely new to me.
No one had ever done this to me before. I've never even been with another man. I wondered why I
wasn't resisting as much as I thought I should be. Suddenly, I became aware that his other hand was
roaming toward my cock. I panicked.
 Don't, I said but my voice was breathy and cracked. Alex didn't stop. His hand touched me through
my boxers and I gasped again. I was hard. I was getting off on some guy who was about to jerk me off.
Alex lifted himself off me slightly to move his head down and bite at the exposed skin just above my
I could see how hard he was and I looked away reflexively. One of his hands grasped my hips roughly
as he tugged down my pants and boxers. I weakly tried to push him away but he pounced on top of me
again. He had a devilish grin spread across his undeniably handsome face.
 Why are you trying to push me away when you obviously like this so much? he growled. His hips
lowered and I felt his hard cock press against mine.
A strangled cry escaped my lips and the bastard laughed again. I wanted to ask him why he enjoyed
taunting me so much but I was afraid what his answer would be. I was also having a hard time trying to
find my voice as his hips ground into me. Alex's cock slid against me sloppily. His body was hot and
rough and he moved against me with force. I felt like there was no escape. My mind was going blank
again and I lost myself to the incredible sensations.
Alex was panting into my ear and his warm breath sent shivers down my spine. It took me a minute to
realize that I was panting heavily too. Alex wrapped his strong arms around my waist and thrust against
me hard, once. He then lifted himself up and straddled me, letting his dripping cock rest on top of mine.
I turned my face away. I was too embarrassed to look. I felt his hand grasp my face and he forced my
head back to look once again.
He reached for our dicks and placed his large hand on top his own cock. He guided his cock to slide
against my with more gentleness than I had previously thought he was capable of. He rocked back and
forth softly, teasing me with the careful touch. Alex's rugged, tanned muscles were glistening with
I was trying to stop myself from moaning when he suddenly removed his hands, placed them on either
side of my head, leaned forward and kissed me. There was no warning and my heart felt like it was
going to beat out of my chest. I was still somewhere between being scared and being incredibly turned
on. His kiss was rough. I felt his light stubble scrape against my face but I was surprised by how soft
and warm his lips were.
I felt myself give in to him even more.
I surprised myself by kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around him and dug my fingers into his
slick skin. I felt Alex smile into our kiss and he pressed his body against mine firmly. His mouth
opened and he lapped his tongue against my lips as if he were begging me to part them. I obliged after
a moment's hesitation. His rough, wet tongue slid into my mouth and seemed to explore every part of it.
The kiss intensified. Soon he was nipping at my lips and sucking at my tongue. At some point, I
realized that I was bucking my hips against him. I couldn't explain my actions anymore. I just knew
that I wanted more of whatever he was willing to give.
With a couple light, lingering kisses, he pulled away from me. The air rushed in cold and prickled my
skin as it filled the empty space that was now between us. Alex took one of my hands and pressed the
palm against his face. He kissed it lightly and said in a deep voice,  what do you want?
 What? I replied dumbly.
He flashed another devilish smile and dragged his teeth against the sensitive skin on my wrist.  Tell me
what you want, he said.  I'll do anything to please my master. The mockery in his voice was clear. It
looked like he could barely stop himself from laughing as he spoke.
 Stop calling me that, I said indignantly.
 Oh? he said and the wicked smile on his face grew even more.  So master wants me to stop talking?
 Y-yes... I said with concern. I couldn't tell where Alex was going with this but he definitely had
something planned.
He moved his head down. He grasped my cock in one hand and ran his other hand on my thigh. His
mouth moved closer and closer. Just before I was certain he'd take my cock in his mouth, he stopped.
He looked up at me through messy, sweat dampened hair that clung to his forehead. His mouth was so
close I could feel his hot breath against my dick and I wanted nothing more than for him to hurry up.
 You want me to keep my mouth occupied? he asked.
I didn't answer. I felt my face burning up with embarrassment.
His smile didn't fade.  Tell me, he said breathily.  Tell me or...
 I'm not going to beg, I interrupted him. I wanted to retain a bit of pride.
 I will make you beg, he snapped. His tongue shot out of his mouth and he flicked it lightly on the
underside of my cock.  Tell me, he repeated as he pulled away slightly.  Tell me how much you want
this and I'll give you more., I struggled to say as he began to slowly stroke me.
He dragged his tongue along my length very slowly and I threw my head back. I couldn't stand to
watch any more. I was going to lose control.
 You want more, don't you? Alex said. When I didn't reply, he grabbed my arm and forced me onto
my stomach. I felt his cock slide between my ass cheeks. Not penetrating, just gliding between them.
I buried my face into the pillow.  Fuck... I couldn't believe how good it felt.
His pace quickened and I was soon found myself pushing against him. His cock was slick with his own
pre-cum and he squeezed my ass tightly as he drove against me. My breathing was already hoarse by
the time he leaned into me sharply, reached around and began to stroke my cock. I couldn't stop the cry
that escaped from my mouth until it was too late.
Alex chuckled.  You really like this, he said.
 S-shut up! I-- ahhhh! He began stroking me faster and faster. I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I
quickly came into his hand with a shudder and collapsed completely into the bed.  Shit, I mumbled.
Alex draped himself on top of me and wrapped his arms around me as if to prevent me from escaping.
It was a completely unnecessary move though because I was so exhausted both physically and
mentally, I couldn't find the strength to resist.
He poked my neck at the place he had bitten me and I winced. It felt tender. It was probably going to
bruise.  I bit you pretty hard, he said.
 No shit.
 I wonder if you'll turn into a werewolf now too?
My head whipped around to face him.  The fuck are you talking about?
 I told you I was a werewolf earlier, right? Alex said nonchalantly.
 No! You said you were a wolf! Wait, why am I even arguing with you about this? You're just making
all this shit up anyway.
Alex didn't smile or laugh this time. Seeing him suddenly so serious made me nervous. He dragged a
fingernail across the bite mark.  You'll believe me soon enough, he said. It sounded more like a
warning than a threat.
He released his grip on me and got off the bed. I watched him wander over to a dresser and start pulling
open random drawers.  What are you doing? I asked.
 Finding some of my old clothes to wear, he said.
 So you really are Alex then? I was still having trouble believing everything.
Alex produced a tattered shirt from the depths of the dresser drawer and pulled it on. It was short, tight
and did nothing to cover his still half erect cock. I averted my eyes before he noticed me staring.
 Well, Mike, it was real nice seeing you again, Alex said. I glanced back at him as he was pulling on a
pair of shorts. He grinned his devilish smile one last time before saying,  Bye. See ya tonight, and
disappearing out the door.
Other Stories by Alina Howell
The Werewolf's Pet - (Sequel to  The Werewolf's Master , M/M) Mike's "pet" werewolf is following
up on his promise to see him again. However, Mike isn't so sure he can handle another sexually
charged encounter with his pet. Will Mike be able to meet his pet's demands while learning something
new about him this time around? This is a sequel to The Werewolf's Master but can be enjoyed on its
A Mysterious Room  (M/M) Max is a werewolf. Daniel is a vampire. It shouldn't be any more
complicated than that. However, Max's new pack has a problem with vampires and they force him to
spy on the dangerously attractive vampire at his own Mystery themed bookstore. But Max's spy
mission comes to an abrupt end when Daniel reveals that he's been expecting him and he's very hungry,
but not just for a taste of werewolf blood.
Seduced by My Werewolf Boss - (M/M) Mark's boss is pushy, arrogant, and rude. He's ready to quit,
but his boss begs him to stay. Mark agrees to just one more night but it seems like his boss has
something in mind other than paperwork. He has a need that must be fulfilled before the moon rises.
That's when Mark finds himself pushed onto a bed and made an offer he can't refuse.
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Contact the author at:Alina's Blog
