README (329)

Web applications can't be distributed by copying a few files. Web Services are meant to be deployed on production Web Servers. To test the Web projects of this chapter you must copy the corresponding folder under the root folder of your Web Server. Then you must change the Sharing properties of the new folder. Right-click the folder with the project and from the shortcut menu select Properties. On the Properties dialog box switch to the Web Sharing tab and check the option "Share this Folder." The Edit Alias dialog box will come up and the option Script must be checked. If not, check it and then close the open dialog boxes.

Then open the project in Visual Studio and do the following:

1. Right click the item Web.config and select delete. This action will delete the project's configuration file. Then right click the project's name and select Add New item. In the Add New Item dialog box select the Web Configuration File template. A new Wen.config file will be added to the project.

2. Right click the page you want to display when the application starts. Even if the project contains a single ASPX file, the compiler won't select it by default.

Now you're ready to execute the project by pressing F5.


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