future tense

I m going to go shopping next Saturday.
4 FREE 7
2. Clean 3. go to 5. visit 6. go 8. eat 9. have a
Go back 4
my room the cinema Tokyo swimming lunch rest
10. write a
tomorrow, tomorrow morning
Going to letter
16 15. go on a 13 FREE
17. go to
18. watch 14. send an 12. ride a 11. go
Go forward trip with
the dentist
a movie email camel shopping
6 spaces family
19. read an
next week, next month
21 FREE 23. visit the 25. 26
24. surf the
20. listen 22. see a 27. call my
Great Wall play with my Go back 6
to music doctor mother
friends Spaces
28. take a
next summer , next year
intend to
34 31 FREE
36. go to 35. eat 33. send a 32. brush 30. sing 29. play a
Go forward
Hong Kong spicy food postcard my teeth karaoke game
4 spaces
37. buy my
plan to
mother a
Later this evening
38 40 FREE 41. watch a 42 45
39. have a 43. meet 44. take a
Go back 5 football Go forward Go back 20
party my friends picture
Spaces match 2 spaces Spaces
Rules: Roll the dice and advance your chip according to the number count. Use a time expression and make a
sentence using one of the future tense forms. For example; I m going to watch a movie later this evening.


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