INF XP64 XP 2K(7 0 0 1019) InfoDlg

Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility
List of flags:

-? This help dialog
-A Extract All packaged files
-AONLY Extract Only files to be installed on this system
-B Reboot the system after installation is complete
-L Specify the language used
-P Specify default HDD folder for files
-NOWEL Does not display welcome screen
-NOLIC Does not display license screen
-NOREAD Does not display readme screen
-SKIP Skips installation of device
-S Silent install

The following flags will update the specified INF drivers even if third party drivers are currently installed:

-OVERALL All Drivers
-OVERIDE Storage Drivers
-OVERSMB SMBus Drivers
-OVERUSB USB drivers


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INF XP64 XP 2K(7 0 0 1019) infanswr
INF XP64 XP 2K(7 0 0 1019) readme
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