send found location

Sending a Found Location
You can find a location and send to people in your Contacts list. The information is sent to Garmin Mobile XT users as a location text message. Non-users receive a text message only.
To send a location:
1. Find a location.
2. On the Go! page, select Options > Send Location.
3. Select a contact from the list.
4. Select the message text you want to include with the location, or select Custom to create your own message.
5. To attach a map of the location, select Options.
6. To send the location, select Send.



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send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location
send found location

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