SHSpec 303 6309C05 Service Facsimile Assessment

6309C05 SHSpec-303 Service Facsimile Assessment

We have been walking around the edges of the field of psychotherapy for
some time. There is a third dynamic service fac in this field, in that
medical doctors, who have no training for and have no business in the field of
mental healing, are attempting to take dominance over this field. They have
no understanding of the mind; only an understanding of the brain. All you
would have to to is to get legislatures to pass laws that would only allow
those trained in the field of the mind to practice in that field, and you
would have secured the field. There are only 272 mental practitioners in
England, so we have mocked up our own opposition, our own extra item. So
people qualified at Level III will soon have a certificate as a psychiatric
consultant. There is no legal patent on the name.

Level III is expected to be able to clear. It also, incidentally, takes
in the ability to treat insanity: neurosis and psychosis. These are just a
different degree of what is wrong with the mind. The person who can't even
manage himself and the environment, we call insane. What is wrong with him
is that he has got the final solution: some solution that is so all-pervading
that he doesn't have to itsa anything. After that, he never has to look, so
he just disappears in a mound of un-as-ised mass.

In processing, a certain amount of introversion takes place, for the
purpose of bringing about extroversion. The only time introversion and
erasure do not bring about greater reach and greater ARC is when
over-restimulation is brought about. That factor still exists in Class IV,
but there it is whole track that is most likely to get a PC into an
over-restimulated condition, not just itsa on this lifetime. At Level III,
you could over-restimulate someone who was already batty. The worse off a
case is, the more careful you have to be of over-restimulation. For instance,
someone who had been running on a conceptual basis, who did not have much
reach and not much ARC with the environment, might get over-restimulated if
you got them to contact the pain in the thing that they are running.

To clear somebody, you will stay in this lifetime. Only at Level IV do
you leave this lifetime, and that is when someone has an active TA that
doesn't go high or low. With any PC on this planet, it is environmental
restimulation that is the straw that breaks the PC's back. You can go
backtrack, but it is rough. It can make the PC unauditable. An HGC,
operating with raw public, or even with scientologists, has to battle with
environmental restimulation, not with the bank. Neurotic and psychotic states
are caused by environmental restimulation. The two factors involved are:

1. The amount of environmental restimulation.

2. The inherent susceptibility of the individual.

Therefore, if all you did was to try to reduce environmental restimulation,
some people would go sane and others would go mad with boredom. It is a
question of acceptable randomity. Do-gooders end up reducing randomity, and
things can get pretty boring. An acceptable level of randomity equals the
amount of environmental restimulation divided by the amount of restimulation
the individual can withstand: this being equal to some constant. PCs usually
audit only what they consider safe. The mind starts to shut off any
restimulation that would overwhelm it [Cf. "the mind's protection"]. The PC's ability to resist restimulation is too low for him to face up to track. So how are you going to get anything done?

There are three types of cases:

1. Normal confront of bank: those which audit easily.

2. No confront of bank: those who refuse to approach the bank.

3. Suicidal confront: those whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs, so
that they go in over their heads all the time.

We want to convert the two latter sorts of cases into the former.

All cases tend towards the safe solution. Some cases also adopt a
vengeful solution, like getting even with people by dying. Even a dangerous
solution seems like the safe solution to the PC. All cases, when they become
more auditable, do so along the channel of the safe solution. A safe solution
is a safe decision, a safe environment, a safe assumption, etc. All human
rights disappear down the channel of the safe solution. That is the hole in
the bathtub. It is actually very dangerous to have a safe solution -- it
inhibits observation, and anything that inhibits observation, destroys.
Someone who is very neurotic or psychotic is so to the degree that they have
adopted a safe solution.

This datum underlies mental healing as sweepingly as the datum that
"survival is the common denominator". It is another way of saying the same
thing. People adopt survival solutions, when then become so "safe" that they
become contra-survival. The safe solution makes the person right and others
wrong, enhancing the person's survival by putting him in a position of
dominance and letting him escape domination by others. It lets him survive
and causes others to succumb, he thinks. This reaches extremes of craziness,
e.g. the miser who starves in a household of $100 bills. His method of
survival is to have lots of money. It is a very safe solution, but in his
obsession with this safe solution, he has neglected to spend any of it to
live. So his attention becomes more and more concentrated and less and less

For someone to be wise, he must be able to observe his environment; he
must be able to reach. It is not good enough to have maxims tucked away, to
which you can refer in times of stress. Philosophy becomes, not wisdom, but a
study of safe solutions.

The safe solution is the service facsimile. There are times when you
will have to be very clever to find just what it is. In the PC, it is
complicated, alter-ised, and not believable. There could be thousands of
them. You want to get the One. The test is, "Did it resolve the case?" In
the first ones you find, the most you can hope for is to find something that
moves the TA and brings you closer to resolving the PC's case. When you have
found the service fac on the case, the needle will be looser, and the TA will
be in a more reasonable state, acting better.

When something you have found doesn't run on the right/wrong bracket, you
prepcheck. This is an invariable rule. You could fix the PC up by taking
anything that has been found charged on old assessments and prepchecking it.
That which you couldn't prepcheck with TA, you could run on "right/wrong". If
it goes nowhere on that, OK. There is no harm done. All this will eventually
reveal the service fac.

One way in which you could be too clever with this would be to get
over-ambitious and throw the PC in over his head, as follows: You are pulling
the stable datum out of the confusion. Therefore, the PC may be thrown into
the confusion, which makes him feel weird. If you run R3SC on the stable
datum until it is flat, it will make it all right for the PC.

One of the tests of the service fac is that the PC is likely to say, or
at least think, that he is not sure that it is wise to get rid of it. Be very
sure, if you are working with someone who is already shaky, that you unburden
the case gradiently, even though he is standing there saying his service fac.
Environmental restimulation has to be reduced on such a case before you add
any processing restimulation.

The better the assessment and the less gradient there had been, the
greater the shock to the person. Remember: the PC adopted the safe solution
because he couldn't stand the environmental restimulation. So you don't
necessarily want to get the big stable data first. It is better to start off
with R1C or 2WC on solutions that he has had to his problems. The more
solutions he has had to a problem, the more it will stick.

How do you raise someone's ability to withstand environmental
restimulation? You pull his service fac, since that is what reduces his
ability to see his environment. The more safe solutions he has adopted, the
more environmental restimulation he isn't as-ising, the less he is
confronting, etc. Oddly enough, or not so oddly, the thing that reduces his
ability to handle his environment is the thing that he has adopted to handle
his environment for him. When you remove that thing, he can now confront and
inspect the environment and handle it.

When you get the environmental restimulation out of the way, the PC can
confront the backtrack. We have gone into this line because we want a faster
run to OT. "I don't care anything much about clearing or whether he gets
clear or not." We are not trying to make a happy persons we are trying to make
an able person. You can make a clear by getting off enough service facs. It
makes a better human being, but the point is to cut down the time spent at
Level IV, which is already a sizable amount.

At Level III, then, we can handle environmental restimulation. By
knocking out the service facsimile, which is what encourages environmental
restimulation, we have enough attention free so that We can go whole-track and
erase things faster, and we are not held up by low TA's and high TA's. [So we
don't have this situation:] "W started to do a GPM; we got a little bit mixed
up; we got into the Bear goals; then we got into the Helatrobus -- didn't
realize it, but we were into the Invisible Picture Goals all the time...." By
knocking out the service fac, session restimulation also drops, because the
session is part of the environment.

The assessment for R3SC is a simple one. It is L and N. The lists don't
have to be super-long. In fact, they should not be longer than eight to ten
pages, with twenty items per page, unless it is just safe to keep on listing.
A list should be only as long as it has to be to keep the PC from ARC breaking
because it is incomplete.

Here is the R3SC procedure:

1. You do a Parts of Existence list and null it down to some one item
that the PC doesn't object to, say "peanuts". It doesn't matter if
the item is right, so long as the PC doesn't argue about it. If, say,
four items are left in and the list isn't complete, we will just do
step (2) to all four of the levels left in, as long as the PC isn't
protesting. PCs dramatize doing only what is safe, ss they move in
towards the service fac, so you may need to do this assessment several

2. Take the item found and list safe solutions to it, safe assumptions
about it, or safe decisions about it, whatever clears with the PC.
The item you get, e.g. "not eat them", is probably either as close as
you can get to the service fac at this time or the service fac

3. Take the item and work it over until it is a solution to more than
just that one dynamic, e.g. a solution to more than just "peanuts".
You could ask, "How could that apply to other dynamics?", etc. We
want a broader version of the safe assumption, to get closer to the
real service fac.

4. In any case, take whatever you get from (3) and run R3SC brackets or
prepcheck on it.

5. Repeat the entire procedure, starting with a new Parts of Existence

6. Run it to free needle.

If you run something and you still have some charge on it, list for safe
assumptions about that topic. Look for identifications. PC's will mention
assumptions that don't make sense. Such an identification is a cousin to one
or more service facs. Note them when you find them. This whole operation
does take some genius.


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