CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview 89 Helmig D (1999) Review: air analysis by gas chro- Oram et al. (1998) Geophysics Research Letters 25: matography. Journal of Chromatography, A 843: 35 38. 129 146. Prinn RG, Weiss RF, Fraser PJ, Simmonds PG, Cunnold Krska R and Kellner R (1985) Chlorofluorohydrocarbons. DM, Alyea FN, O Doherty S, Salameh P, Miller BR, In Townshend A (ed.), Encyclopedia of Analytical Huang J, Wang RHJ, Hartley DE, Harth C, Steele LP, Science, 1st ed. London: Academic Press. Sturrock G, Midgley PM, and McCulloch A (2000) A Molina MJ and Rowland FS (1974) Stratospheric sink for history of chemically and radiatively important gases in chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom catalysed destruc- air deduced from ALE/GAGE/AGAGE. Journal of tion of ozone. Nature 249: 810 812. Geophysical Research 105(D14): 17751 17792. Montzka SA, Butler JH, Myers RC, Thompson TM, Singh HB (1995) Halogens in the atmospheric environ- Swanson TH, Clarke AD, Lock LT, and Elkins JW ment, Chapter 7. In Singh HB (ed.) Composition, (1996) Decline in the tropospheric abundance of halogen Chemistry and Climate of the Atmosphere. New York: from halocarbons: implications for stratospheric ozone Van Nostrand Reinhold. depletion. Science 272: 1318 1322. WMO (World Meteorological Organisation) (1999) Scien- Oram et al. (1995) Geophysics Research Letters 22: tific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998. Global 2741 2744. Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. Oram et al. (1996) Geophysics Research Letters 23: 1949 1952. 44, Geneva. CHROMATOGRAPHY Contents Overview Principles Multidimensional Techniques their respective articles, so here only a short intro- Overview duction is given. V R Meyer, EMPA St Gallen, St Gallen, Switzerland & 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Classification of Chromatographic This article is reproduced from the first edition, pp. 720 729, Techniques & 1995, Elsevier Ltd., with revisions made by the Author. The Type of Mobile Phase Chromatographic techniques can be classified on the basis of a number of different criteria. Nevertheless, Introduction a logical hierarchy is given by first specifying the type Chromatography can be used to solve a very broad of mobile phase, second the shape of the chro- range of analytical problems. This versatility is re- matographic bed and third the type of stationary flected in the large number of chromatographic tech- phase. In Table 1 the chromatographic methods are niques that are successfully applied today. They can listed according to this scheme. The type of mobile be classified according to a number of criteria, the phase is the most important criterion because it de- most important of which is the type of mobile phase termines the class of samples that can be analyzed used. Subsequently the shape of the chromatographic with one of the associated techniques. (From a the- bed and the properties of the stationary phase oretical point of view, each type of mobile phase also expand the possibilities offered by chromatography. governs a certain range of diffusion coefficients, Once a particular method is chosen, it is possible to which determines and limits the speed of analysis influence the separation using programmed elution. and the efficiency of the method.) Therefore a dis- Finally special techniques can be used to perform tinction can be made between gas, supercritical fluid, difficult analyses or to obtain short separation times. and liquid chromatography (GC, SFC, and LC, The individual methods are discussed in detail in respectively). 90 CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview Table 1 Classification of chromatographic methods Type of mobile phase Gas Supercritical fluid Liquid Column Shape of chromatographic Column Column Plane bed Open tubular Packed Open tubular Packed (Open tubular) Packed Paper Thin-layer Type of stationary phase Liquid, Liquid Solid Cross-linked Solid Solid Liquid Solid cross-linked liquid liquid Method Gas-solid Capillary Packed column Gas-liquid Column liquid Paper Thin-layer chromatography supercritical supercritical fluid chromatography chromatography chromatography chromatography fluid chromatography chromatography Abbreviation GC. GC. SFC LC PC TLC GLC GSC HPLCa HPTLCb Type of method Adsorption, Adsorption, Adsorption, Adsorption, molecular sieve, bonded phase reversed phase, reversed phase, porous polymer bonded phase bonded phase, ion exchange, affinity, size exclusion a High-performance liquid chromatography. b High-performance thin-layer chromatography. The high-performance methods use stationary phases of very small particle diameter. SFC is less important than GC or LC. In many cases, it is not difficult to choose between the latter two methods: the prerequisite for GC is that the analyte is volatile and thermally stable (although derivatization in order to obtain these properties is possible in many cases). (A) (B) (C) The Shape of the Chromatographic Bed Figure 1 Three possibilities for creating a chromatographic bed: (A) packed column, (B) open capillary, and (C) plane. The If the mobile phase is a gas or a supercritical fluid, it third technique can only be used with a liquid mobile phase; here is necessary to let it flow through a tube, a so-called a thin-layer plate is drawn but the plane can also consist of a column, that contains the stationary phase. In the sheet of paper. In all three cases the stationary phase is shown in case of liquid chromatography one can choose gray. The particles of the packed column can be round, as in the between a column or planar geometry because the figure, or irregular. mobile phase can move through a sheet of paper or a thin layer by capillary action. If a column is used, the mobile phase is forced through it by pressure gene- instrumentation, liquid chromatography with open rated by a pump or by a gas stored in a pressurized capillaries is only of theoretical interest.) If the column cylinder. (As a preparative laboratory technique, liq- contains packing, many possibilities are offered by uid chromatography is also performed in columns contemporary technology. The stationary phase can be an inorganic adsorbent, a cross-linked and thereby packed with coarse stationary phases; in this case simple hydrostatic pressure may be sufficient.) rigid organic polymer, an inorganic or organic material The column can be an open capillary or a packed with chemically modified surface, or even a liquid film tube. In the first case the mobile phase is coated as a coated on a granular carrier material. Figure 1 shows the three possibilities: packed col- thin film on the inner wall of the capillary. If the mobile phase has a certain solvating power, as in umn, open capillary, and plane. SFC, it is necessary to cross-link this liquid film, whereas in GC linear polymers are used in many Terminology of the Methods cases because the usual carrier gases, helium and hydrogen, cannot dissolve any stationary phase. Taking the type of chromatographic bed and sta- (Owing to problems with manufacturing and tionary phase into account, GC, SFC, and LC can CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview 91 now be subdivided, although the usual terms do not properties of the methods: the density governs the follow the same criteria in all cases. Table 1 uses the solvating power of the mobile phase and thereby de- expressions gas liquid, gas solid, capillary supercrit- termines whether the separation can be influenced by ical fluid, packed-column supercritical fluid, column a particular choice of eluent; the viscosity influences liquid, paper, and thin-layer chromatography. The the pressure needed to force the mobile phase following abbreviations are used: GLC, GSC, but in through the chromatographic bed and sets the most cases the type of stationary phase is omitted upper limit of the solute diffusion coefficient. This and both techniques are termed GC; SFC; LC (usu- latter should be high because low diffusivity means ally only used for column techniques, although thin- slow mass transfer and therefore slow chromatography. layer and paper chromatography are also LC ); PC If the sample diffusion coefficient is low, it is neces- (sometimes also used for preparative chromatogra- sary to keep low the characteristic chromatographic phy ); and TLC. For LC and TLC, which both use a dimension, i.e., the capillary or particle diameter. granular stationary phase, a special term was intro- Therefore, LC with 5 mm particles is more efficient duced to distinguish the more recent instrumental than with a 100 mm packing. methods based on very fine stationary phases from Practical aspects of the three methods are listed the classical ones: HPLC and HPTLC where HP is under Variables and Sample Prerequisites at the end for high performance . Here the particle diameter is of Table 2. not larger than B10 mm, which is the key to obtain- ing high plate numbers per unit length. Especially in LC, and also in other fields, it is usual Gas Chromatography to distinguish in more detail between very different If the mobile phase is a gas, the sample needs to be types of method. This will be discussed below. volatile. Its boiling point at atmospheric pressure should not be higher than B3601C. If the tempera- Comparison of the Methods ture of the GC column or capillary is adequate, the Table 2 lists some characteristic features of GC, SFC, sample molecules will be transported by the gas and LC. In most cases GC is used as open-tubular owing to their volatility. Retention is governed by GLC, and LC is performed in packed columns. As both vapor pressure and affinity to the stationary can be seen from the physical parameters of density, phase of a given compound. The gaseous mobile viscosity, and diffusion coefficient, SFC lies between phase has no direct influence on the separation. GC and LC and it is no surprise that it can be used GC can be a simple and rapid technique and is the equally well with open capillaries and packed col- method of choice for the investigation of volatile and umns. The values in the table are to some extent even very complex samples. An example is given in arbitrary but are typical. The values of the three basic Figure 2. physical parameters are not only of theoretical The most frequently used mobile phases for GC interest but are linked directly to some of the main are hydrogen and helium. The lower the molecular Table 2 Comparison of analytical column-type chromatographic methods GC (open-tubular GLC) SFC LC 1 Density of mobile phase (g ml )10 3 0.5 1 4 3 2 Viscosity of mobile phase (poise) 10 10 10 1 7 9 Diffusion coefficient of solute in mobile phase (m2 s ) 10 5 10 10 Diameter of capillary (mm) 320 100 Diameter of packing (mm) 5 5 Length of column (m) 25 25, 0.25a 0.1 1 Number of theoretical plates (m ) 3 000 3 000, 50 000a 50 000 Number of theoretical plates per column 75 000 75 000, 12 000a 5 000 Pressure drop (bar) 1 Variableb 100 Variables Stationary phase Stationary phase Stationary phase Temperature Mobile phase Mobile phase Temperature (Temperature) Pressure Sample prerequisites Volatility Solubility Solubility Thermal stability (Thermal stability) a For open tubular and packed columns, respectively. b In SFC the pressure drop over the column can be chosen. 92 CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview 45 20 22 25 7 10 58 4 36 77 80 41 49 76 88 99 3 12 14 15 11 51 19 32 89 43 5 12 65 42 90 6 9 60 13 46 94 18 57 86 5961 64 70 26 56 87 91 38 4448 5355 63 104106109 112 8 27 33 95 30 16 6769 85 47 92 37 111 23 31 71 78 98103 108110 115 40 50 62 82 21 9396 24 2829 34 52 54 65 68 72 75 79 81 8384 105 39 97 107 66 7374 010 20304050 6070 Time (min) Figure 2 Gas chromatographic separation of hydrocarbons found in an urban air sample. Open capillary, 0.32 mm i.d. 60 m length; stationary phase, DB-1 (dimethyl polysiloxane); film thickness, 0.25 mm; carrier gas, helium; temperature programme, 51C isothermal 1 for 3 min, 5 501Cat arateof 31Cmin , 50 2201C at a rate of 51Cmin 1; detector, flame ionization. With this method, a total of 142 hydrocarbons could be separated and identified; 128 of them were found in the urban air sample. (After Ciccioli P, Cecinato A, Brancaleoni E, Frattoni M, and Liberti A (1992) Use of carbon adsorption traps combined with high resolution GC MS for the analysis of polar and nonpolar C4 C14 hydrocarbons involved in photochemical smog formation. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 15: 75.) mass of a gas, the lower its own diffusivity as well as Alcohols, amines, amino acids, carboxylic acids, car- the diffusivity of the sample molecules and the faster bohydrates, and steroids can be trimethylsilylated; the chromatography. Therefore, hydrogen would be amines, phenols, carbohydrates, and steroids can the favored carrier gas but it is often barred on safety be acylated with trifluoroacetic acid or a higher grounds. Sometimes nitrogen is used because it is homolog; carbonic acids and phenols can be alkylated. cheap but this can only be recommended for simple analytical problems because the separation perform- ance is poorer than with gases of low molecular mass. The fact that some detectors demand the use of Liquid Chromatography a certain gas must also be taken into consideration. Liquid chromatography has a number of different A typical stationary phase for GC is a viscous liq- configurations with regard to technical (instrumen- uid with low vapor pressure (at the temperature re- tal) as well as separation modes. Paper, thin-layer, quired for a given range of application). The two and classical column techniques all belong to liquid most important types of stationary phases are sili- chromatography and the high performance tech- cones and polyglycols; their structures are given in nique especially (though to a lesser extent the other Table 3. The silicones especially can be substantially methods also) offers a great variety of separation chemically modified in order to obtain a wide range principles. of polarities and specialized functionalities (including chiral groups). The stationary phase is coated as a thin film (typically 0.25 mm) on the inner wall of the Paper Chromatography open capillary or on the surface of a granular, porous, inert packing material, in this case called a The simplest and cheapest technique is paper chro- solid support. For special types of analyses the sta- matography, where the chromatographic bed con- tionary phase is not a liquid but a porous solid sists of a sheet of paper, i.e., cellulose. The stationary packing. Adsorbents (silica), molecular sieves and phase consists of water adsorbed to the cellulose as porous polymers are used for the GSC of highly well as of the polymer itself, although ion exchange volatile samples such as mixtures of permanent gases and complexation processes may play an important or low-molecular-mass hydrocarbons. role. The sample solution is applied as a spot near In GC, the eluted compounds are most often de- one end of the paper. A few centimeters of the sheet tected with a flame-type detector that generates ions, are dipped into the mobile phase which then ascends the so-called flame ionization detector, FID; for (or descends, as descending mode is also possible) special purposes nitrogen- and phosphorus-sensitive into the stationary phase. When the mobile phase has FIDs, electron capture, or thermal conductive detec- almost reached the other end of the sheet the paper is tors and mass spectrometers are used. removed from the developing tank and dried. If the If a sample is not volatile, several derivatization analytes are not visible because they are not colored, techniques are known that allow reduction in the the sheet is treated with a reagent to visualize the boiling points of certain classes of compounds. spots. CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview 93 Table 3 Important stationary phases for GLC and (HP)LC GC With the proper choice of R and R' a R Silicones wide range of polarities and special Si O functionalities is available n R' Polar stationary phase: (O CH2 CH2 n OH Polyglycols n ranges from 4 to 800 LC Three-dimensional network Silica (SiO2)n Si OH Octadecyl silica (SiO2)n Si C18H37 Reversed phases } Octyl silica (SiO2)n Si C8H17 Diol silica (SiO2)n CH2 CHOH CH2OH Si Polar bonded phases Nitrile silica (SiO2)n Si CH2 CH2 CN } Amino silica (SiO2)n Si CH2 CH2 NH2 Three-dimensional network due to cross-linking with divinylbenzene Polystyrene (CH-CH2)n SO3-H+ Strong cation exchanger COO-H+ Weak cation exchanger Can be silica or polystyrene NR3+OH- } Strong anion exchanger NH3+OH- Weak anion exchanger Thin-Layer Chromatography is LC using microparticulate packings. Under these circumstances it is necessary to use a pump Thin-layer chromatography is more versatile than for mobile phase transport and a detector for the paper chromatography since a number of different observation of the fractions (usually the concentra- stationary phases are available such as silica, tion of the analytes in the eluate is low), e.g. UV derivatized silica, or cellulose (the analogue to pa- absorbance, fluorescence, refractive index, or elect- per); also, developing times are much shorter. An rochemical detectors according to the properties of immense number of spray reagents have been pub- the analytes. It is also possible to derivatize the sam- lished that allow detection of any type of analyte. ple prior to or after the separation. Precolumn HPTLC is the high-performance version of TLC derivatization can be performed offline or online; and uses 10 mm or 5 mm stationary phase particles. postcolumn derivatization is usually carried out on- The separation performance of these plates is higher, line. An example of LC is given in Figure 4, which but to take full advantage it is necessary to use in- shows the separation of the three stereoisomers of strumentation for sample application, development, mivacurium, a neuromuscular blocking agent, in a and detection. As an example of TLC, Figure 3 plasma extract. presents the separation of ten rare earths. Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatographic Separation Principles Whereas chromatography in open columns is mainly Liquid chromatography can be performed in a used for preparative purposes, the analytical technique variety of modes; the most important ones are ( 94 CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview that comes from the decrease in contact area between the two phases as long as the sample molecules ad- here to the hydrocarbon chains. Polar analytes are eluted first and homologs will be retained more strongly the longer their chain length. Ionic com- pounds can be separated on reversed phases if a Er neutral ion-pair is formed by the addition of a coun- Ho ter-ion to the eluent. This was carried out in the sep- Tb aration shown in Figure 4: mivacurium is a quaternary amine, and therefore a sulfonic acid was Gd added as an agent to mask its charge. Eu Sm Other bonded phases on silica (not illustrated in Figure 5) Besides the nonpolar hydrocarbons, other functional groups can also be bonded to silica. Im- Nd portant stationary phases are diol, nitrile, amino (see Table 3), and a great number of special functionali- Pr ties including chiral groups. The retention mecha- Ce La nisms are as variable as the stationary phases and are not known in some cases. Ion exchange chromatography Ion exchange Figure 3 High-performance thin-layer chromatographic sepa- ration of ten rare earths (as nitrates). Sample, 1 mg each of rare groups can be bonded to silica or to polystyrene. earth; layer, silica, impregnated with ammonium nitrate prior to Classical ion exchange is based on ionic equilibria the separation; mobile phase, 4-methyl-2-pentanone/terahydrofu- between solute, buffer and stationary phase ions and ran/nitric acid/2-ethylhexylphosphonic acid mono-2-ethyl hexyl- counter-ions. Besides this ion exclusion mechanisms ester 3:1.5:0.46:0.46; developing distance, 5 cm; detection can also be utilized and special types of ion ex- reagent, (1) spray of saturated alizarin solution in ethanol, (2) ammonia vapour, (3) gentle heating. (After Wang QS and Fan DP changers have been developed for the separation of (1991) Journal of Chromatography 587: 359.) the ions of strong acids and bases. Size exclusion chromatography If the mobile phase presented briefly. Schematic drawings are shown in has a good affinity for both the sample molecules and Figure 5, and Table 3 also lists some stationary the stationary phase and if the latter has a well-de- phases used in LC. fined pore structure, such a chromatographic system will separate the solutes according to their size. They Adsorption chromatography The stationary phase will not be retained by the column packing but will is a polar adsorbent, in most cases silica. The mobile enter the pores where the mobile phase is stagnant. phase is nonpolar (usually a solvent with polarity Large molecules can utilize a smaller fraction of the within the range from hexane to esters). It competes pore volume than small ones and will be eluted ear- with the sample molecules for adsorption at the lier. Molecules that are too large to enter the pores active sites of the stationary phase. Nonpolar com- are excluded and will appear as the first fraction at pounds are eluted first, followed by solutes of inc- the column end. reasing polarity. Steric properties of the sample compounds can play an important role and there- fore adsorption chromatography is the method of Affinity chromatography The stationary-phase ma- choice for the separation of many classes of isomers. trix can be loaded with chemically bonded, biologic- ally active groups such as enzymes or antibodies. If a Reversed-phase chromatography The stationary complex sample is injected into an affinity column, phase here is nonpolar; in most cases it is derivati- only those molecules will be retained that bind to the zed silica that carries C18 (i.e., C18H37) or C8 (i.e., ligands; in the cases mentioned above these will be C8H17) groups. The mobile phase is polar, in most substrates or antigens. All other compounds will be cases a mixture of water (or buffer solution) with swept away by the mobile phase. Afterwards the re- methanol, acetonitrile, or tetrahydrofuran. Such an tained molecules can be eluted by switching to a eluent cannot wet the surface of the stationary phase specially designed mobile phase (e.g., change of pH and the solutes are retained owing to an energy gain or ionic strength). Affinity chromatography is a CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview 95 O OCH3 CH3O CH3 + + O N O O CH3O OCH3 1 2 H3C CH2 O CH2 2CI- CH3O OCH3 OCH3 CH3O OCH3 OCH3 1 3 4 2 05 10 15 Time (min) Figure 4 Liquid chromatographic separation of mivacurium stereoisomers in human plasma extract. The drug is a mixture of three isomers; the structure is drawn without stereochemical preference. Column, 4.6 mm i.d. 12.5 cm length; stationary phase, 1 LiChrospher 60 RP (reversed-phase) select B, 5 mm; mobile phase, acetonitrile/water 40:60 with 0.005 mol l octanesulfonic acid (as 1 ion-pair reagent), 1 ml min ; detector, fluorescence 202/320 nm. Peaks: (1) is the trans trans isomer (1R, 10R, 2S, 20S); (2) is the cis trans isomer (1R, 10R, 2R, 20S); (3) is the cis cis isomer (1R, 10R, 2R, 20R); (4) is the internal standard, the trans trans analog of mivacurium with a benzene ring instead of the double bond in the middle of the molecule. (After Brown AR, James CD, Welch RM, and Harrelson JC (1992) Stereoselective HPLC assay with fluorometric detection for the isomers of mivacurium in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography 578: 302.) highly selective method and works by an on off resistance to the eluent flow) needs to be installed switching mechanism. after or at the outlet of the column. Owing to its intermediate position between GC and LC, SFC can be performed equally well in open Supercritical Fluid Chromatography capillaries and packed columns. The separation can be influenced by the type of stationary phase and of The phase diagram of a pure compound shows not only regions of the solid, liquid, and gaseous states, modifier, by pressure, pressure drop, and tempera- the equilibrium lines and the triple point, but also the ture. In contrast to GC, SFC can also be used for the critical point. If pressure and temperature exceed the separation of nonvolatile or thermally labile com- critical values, the compound will be neither a liquid pounds (although some temperature compatibility is necessary). The separation of enantiomers on chiral nor a gas, nor will the two phases coexist, but a supercritical fluid exists. This phase is denser and stationary phases can be very attractive because the more viscous than a gas without attaining the prop- temperature is lower than in GC, which increases the erties of a liquid as shown in Table 2. The advantage separation factors. SFC is an alternative to normal- phase LC because it is fast and carbon dioxide is of SFC over LC lies in the higher diffusion coefficient, which allows faster separations; in comparison to ecologically sound. An example of an SFC separation GC the mobile phase has a large solvating power and can be found in the previous article, Principles, where thus influences selectivity. Figure 2 shows the separation of orange oil compo- nents. In most SFC separations carbon dioxide is used as the mobile phase; often a modifier (of polarity) such as methanol, other alcohols or water is added. The Special Chromatographic Techniques critical data for CO2 are 31.31C and 72.9 bar, values Preparative Methods that can easily be handled by instrumental chro- matography. To keep the column outlet under criti- Chromatography can equally well be used for ana- cal conditions, a restrictor (a device with a high lytical and preparative purposes. Preparative is not 96 CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview Figure 5 Separation principles of liquid chromatography. (A) Adsorption chromatography: the adsorptive sites of the stationary phase are symbolized by A; the solute molecules interact with their polar groups X or Y; the mobile phase drawn is hexane, which can also interact weakly with A. (B) Reversed-phase chromatography: the solute molecules interact via their nonpolar groups with the nonpolar stationary phase. (C) Ion-exchange chromatography: a styrene-divinylbenzene type cation exchanger is shown; sample ions þ þ S and buffer cations K compete for interaction with the exchange sites. (D) Size exclusion chromatography: sample molecules can occupy the pore volume according to their size, therefore the macromolecule will spend less time in the pores and elute first. (E) Affinity chromatography: only certain sample molecules can fit to the ligands of the stationary phase, the others are washed out. reserved to the fractionation of large samples, but If large samples need to be separated, the diameter, indicates that the separated compounds are collected and also often the length, of the column are in- and used for a subsequent purpose: identification or creased. (Obviously, open capillaries cannot be used structure elucidation, chemical modification by syn- for this purpose.) Preparative GC is an attractive thetic methods, use as a reference material, determi- approach (though the fraction collector needs to be nation of chemical or biological properties, or for cooled) but few commercial instruments are avail- sale. If only small amounts of material are needed, able. Preparative LC is the most important techni- the only difference from analytical chromatography que in organic synthesis, biochemical research, lies in the use of a fraction collector; for routine sep- downstream processing in biotechnology, and for arations it should be computer controlled. the commercial preparation of certain chemicals or If the sample size is increased, the shape of the drugs. peaks changes to rectangular (in the case of volume overload) or triangular (with mass overload); mixed Programmed Elution forms and distorted peak shapes are also observed. Displacement effects can occur where a compound is In a complex sample the individual analytes often pushed and concentrated by a following one that have very different retention factors in a given chro- has a stronger affinity to the stationary phase. matographic system. It is therefore not possible to CHROMATOGRAPHY / Overview 97 separate and elute them efficiently without changing Thermal desorption Volatile compounds in gases the properties of the system, i.e. under so-called iso- such as pollutants in air can be trapped in a small thermal (GC) or isocratic (LC) conditions. In this adsorption tube, either by pumping the gas through case a GC separation is started at relatively low or by passive diffusion. The packing in the trap can temperature, an LC separation at low eluting power be chosen from a wide variety of adsorbents (molec- of the mobile phase. Subsequently the temperature or ular sieves, graphitized carbon blacks, organic poly- mobile phase strength is increased in order to elute mers). After sample collection the adsorption tube is compounds that were strongly retained under the rapidly heated in a stream of purge gas which trans- initial conditions. In GC this technique is called a ports the released analytes to the GC column where temperature program (see Figure 2); the correspond- the separation runs. ing LC term is gradient elution. Note that in normal- phase LC the polarity of the mobile phase needs to be increased (however, gradient elution on silica is al- Pyrolysis chromatography For the GC analysis of high-molecular-mass samples such as plastics or most never performed because steep gradients are wood, the sample can be pyrolyzed (heated until not possible and it takes a long time to re-equilibrate breakdown into smaller molecules occurs) online the column after the separation), whereas in prior to injection. A fingerprint of the material is reversed-phase LC the eluent polarity is decreased. obtained that can be used for quality control or A gradient from 10 to 100% acetonitrile in water can identification purposes. separate a very broad range of compounds on a reversed-phase column; pH or ionic strength gradi- ents are also possible. In SFC, mobile phase, pres- See also: Chromatography: Principles. Gas Chro- sure, and temperature gradients are of equal matography: Column Technology; Pyrolysis; Detectors. importance. Headspace Analysis: Static; Purge and Trap. Ion Exchange: Overview. Liquid Chromatography: Over- view; Ion Pair; Size-Exclusion. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Overview; Applications. Thin-Layer Column Switching Chromatography: Overview. An alternative to programmed elution can be the coupling of two (or even more) columns with differ- ent stationary phases. This technique is known as multidimensional chromatography. The first column, Further Reading for example, will separate the sample according to Anton K and Berger C (eds.) (1997) Supercritical Fluid polarity groups. Then selected fractions are switched Chromatography with Packed Columns: Techniques and online to the second column, where the fine separa- Applications. New York and Basel: Dekker. tion into chemically pure compounds takes place. Fowlis IA (1995) Gas Chromatography. Chichester: Wiley. It is even possible to couple LC and GC; here, LC Fried B and Sherma J (1999) Thin-Layer Chromatography. plays the role of a sample preparation technique that New York and Basel: Dekker. eliminates compounds that would affect the gas Grant DW (1996) Capillary Gas Chromatography. Chich- chromatographic separation. Because GC cannot tol- ester: Wiley. Grob RL and Barry EF (1995) Modern Practice of Gas erate high volumes of liquid, it is necessary to use Chromatography, 4th edn. Chichester: Wiley. narrow-bore LC columns, to split the eluate, or to Guiochon G and Guillemin GL (1988) Quantitative Gas use a special interface that eliminates most of the Chromatography. Amsterdam: Elsevier. liquid. Hahn-Deinstrop E (2000) Applied Thin-Layer Chro- matography: Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. Special GC Techniques Jennings W, Mittlefehldt E, and Stremple P (1997) Analytical Gas Chromatography, 2nd edn. New York: Headspace analysis For the investigation of the Academic Press. volatile ingredients of complex mixtures, e.g., of Katz E, Eksteen R, Schoenmakers P, and Miller N (eds.) olfactory principles, the sample is stored in a closed (1998) Handbook of HPLC. New York and Basel: vial and perhaps gently heated. A portion of the Dekker. vapor that fills the space over the solid or liquid Lindsay S and Barnes J (eds.) (1992) High Performance sample is collected by a syringe and injected into the Liquid Chromatography, 2nd edn. Chichester: Wiley. gas chromatograph. To obtain reproducible results it Lough WJ and Wainer IW (eds.) (1995) High Performance is necessary to control storage temperature and time Liquid Chromatography. Fundamental Principles and strictly. Practice. London: Blackie. 98 CHROMATOGRAPHY / Principles McMaster MC (1994) HPLC A Practical Users Guide. Smith RM (1999) Supercritical fluids in separation science Chichester: Wiley. the dreams, the reality and the future. Journal of McNair HM and Miller JM (1997) Basic Gas Chro- Chromatography A 856: 83 115. matography. Chichester: Wiley. Wells PS, Zhou S, and Parcher JF (2003) Unified chro- Meyer VR (1999) Practical High-Performance Liquid matography with CO2-based binary mobile phases. Chromatography, 3rd edn. Chichester: Wiley. Analytical Chemistry 75: 18A 24A. Principles V R Meyer, EMPA St Gallen, St Gallen, Switzerland Figure 1 is a simple representation of the process. In (A) a mixture of seven molecules each of and m & 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. is introduced into the chromatographic system. In (B) they are distributed between the upper mobile and lower stationary phase, and in (C) the mobile phase has transported the dissolved molecules over a small Introduction distance: new equilibria between the phases are es- Chromatography is one of the most important ana- tablished. When this process has been repeated many lytical techniques. It allows the separation and sub- times, as in (D), the compounds and m are sep- sequently the qualitative and quantitative analysis of arated because their preference for one of the two complex mixtures, as long as the samples are volatile phases differs strongly. or soluble in a suitable solvent. Since chromatogra- In practice, chromatography takes place on a plane phy is based on the partition of the sample compo- or in a tube. The plane can be a sheet of paper (paper nents between two phases, one stationary and one moving, it is necessary to distinguish between gas, liquid, and supercritical fluid chromatography, Mobile phase according to the type of mobile phase used. Chro- matography is versatile and can be highly efficient; full automation is possible. Some basic principles of its theory are presented here as knowledge of the Stationary phase (A) underlying phenomena is necessary to take real advantage of all the possibilities offered by chrom- atographic techniques. (B) The Chromatographic Process In order to obtain a chromatographic separation, two phases are needed a moving or mobile phase and a fixed or stationary phase. The stationary phase can be either a solid or a liquid, the mobile phase is a (C) liquid, a gas, or a supercritical fluid. Both phases must be able to interact physically or chemically with the sample molecules; chromatography is based on transport, solvation, and adsorption (in a very broad sense) phenomena. When the mobile phase is flowing through or over the stationary phase the (D) analytes in the sample mixture undergo characteristic Figure 1 Schematic representation of the process of a chro- partition between the two phases. The mobile phase matographic separation. (A) Sample injection; (B) partition be- transports, the stationary phase retains. A mixture tween the two phases; (C) progression of the mobile phase and can be separated if its compounds are retained to new equilibrium; and (D) separation of the two compounds after a varying degrees. number of partition processes.