Cindel Sabante Pretty Cow The Making of a Huc

Pretty Cow – The Making of a Hucow

Cindel Sabante

Copyright 2013© Cindel Sabante

All characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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Pretty Cow - The Making of a Hucow

The bass boom of the subwoofers in the corner made it nearly impossible for me to hear anything. "What?!" I yelled back at Kim, "I can't hear you at all!"

Kim, my best friend, pulled me off of the dance floor and towards the bar. Her thick painted lips were moving, but I still couldn't understand anything she was trying to say.

"I seriously can't understand you!"

Kim kept trying, eventually pulling me into the bathroom where the music was muted and her voice was amplified by the tiled walls. She was hysterical by the time she pushed the door closed.

"They took her!" she said as she paced frantically. "They fucking took her! Right from the bar!"

My good mood instantly vanished. There was only one person that Kim could be talking about. It was my twin sister Nicole who'd come out with us tonight. My blood ran cold. "Who took her Kim? Who took Nikki?"

The poor blonde was shaking and mumbling to herself. "I tried to help. Tried to stop them. No one could hear me..." Her head rose from the floor and her blue eyes, wide with fright, stared right at me. Kim sent chills down my spine. "I tried to stop them Jenny! I tried to help her!"

I grabbed Kim, pulling her into a hug. She was shaking like a leaf and wouldn't stop crying. My mind was running a mile a minute. What the hell was I going to do? If Kim was right, someone had taken my sister. I had to find her.

Pushing my hysterical friend away from me for a moment, I pressed her for more information. "Hey, I need you to focus. Who took my sister?"

"B, B, Biiig guys! Two of them. I tried to stop them!"

I ran a hand through her hair and tried to keep a smile on my face. Kim was barely keeping it together. I couldn't let her crack right now. "I know you did Kim. Just calm down. What did you do next? Did you try and call the cops?"

The addled blonde nodded and pulled her phone out of her purse. "Tried. I tried to help her! They smashed my phone..." I looked at the smartphone in Kim's hand. The pink phone, covered in Hello Kitty stickers, was a mangled mess. The screen was shattered and was bent in the middle as if someone had tried to break the phone in half. There was no way it worked anymore. "I tried to call..."

Kim's eyes glassed over and she was gone. Though her body was still upright and her eyes were still open, there didn't seem to be anyone behind them anymore. I shook her, hoping to get some kind of response, but she just stared at me. "Damn it Kim! You need to snap out of it! We need to find Nikki!"

My sister was gone and my best friend just went zombie. I didn't have a phone. Nikki and I shared to save money. What the hell do I do?

"Come on Kim," I said as I pulled on her arm. Kim shuffled forward a step, but it was clear that she didn't want to move. Not anymore. "Kim, I need you right now! We have to find her!" She still didn't move. She wasn't even blinking anymore. I needed to find my sister and right now, Kim was nothing but dead weight. "Alright, new plan. You stay here. I'll come back and get you once I find Nikki."

Kim didn't respond and she didn't chase after me when I bounded out of the bathroom either. Full of energy and high on adrenaline, I pushed the door open and ran into the club as fast as I could in heels and a party dress. But I didn't make it more than a few feet before two large hands grabbed my arms.

The hands tightened on my tiny arms, with thick fingers pressing into my skin. "What the fuck?!" I screamed even though I knew no one could hear me. I looked left then right and saw two men, both large and smiling, holding me in place. "Let me go!"

But the men didn't loosen their grip on my arms. Instead, their smiles grew, showing me rows of crooked yellow teeth. I tried to shake them off, but the men just tightened their grip. I screamed in pain as dirty fingernails dug into my skin. Why wasn't anyone stopping them? The club was packed and no one was doing anything!

One of the men pointed towards the bathroom and I saw a third burly man with a thick mop of curly black hair head towards the closed door. Kimmie! I'd left her all alone. There was no way she could fight off the man. Whoever had me and my sister was going to take her too. What the fuck is going on?!

That was the last clear thought I had in the club. A moment after and I felt the sting of a needle as it pressed into my neck. It felt like ice water was being shot into me as the plunger on syringe slid forward. My mine fogged almost immediately, with the sounds and sights of the club fading away into an ethereal fog. My head grew heavy and fell to my chest, with my dark brown hair falling in waves around me. Nothing mattered anymore. Whatever drug they'd pumped into me made me so happy that I didn't care what happened next.


A man, Asian, bespectacled with a thin nose over equally thin lips, stood in the front of the room. He wore an expensive suit, handmade to fit his small frame. And over the suit he wore a white lab coat. His name was embroidered over the breast pocket. In black silk stitching, the name read "Doctor Tsutomu Sato."

The small Asian man wasn't the only one in the darkened room. A dozen people, some men, and some women, were also present. They huddled together, with all eyes on the doctor in the white lab coat. They were dressed in the highest fashion and most expensive suits money could buy. They were the power players of the world. Money was no object for the group gathered today.

They made Sato smile.

"I welcome you all to my workshop," said Tsutomu as he smiled at the crowd. "I will not waste your time here today with long speeches. You are all very important people. No, we will get right to the heart of the matter. You want something that I provide. And I am more than willingly to supply to you what I have created here."

A man in the crowd coughed, a sheikh from the look of him. The doctor bowed to the crowd, then pushed the door behind him open. "If you will all join me, we will tour the facility floor. I am sure you will be impressed." Sato slipped through the doors, not bothering to see if anyone was following him. He knew they would. They all did. No one could resist at least seeing the creatures he created.


The world around me slowly swam back into focus. My head was pounding and the lights around me were blinding, but I forced myself to keep my eyes open. I tried to call out but my throat was dry and my tongue didn't want to cooperate. All I could manage was a grunt.

I was cold. And when I tried to lift my arms to rub some warmth back into my skin, I found my wrists restrained. No! No no no! Slowly, painfully, I lifted my head and looked down. Everything was still blurry, but I could make out the naked curves of my body, and the chair underneath me. The chair resembled something you would see in a dental office, with one major change. This chair had built in restraints. And right now, my arms and legs were tied down, preventing me from moving more than a few inches.

This can't be happening! This isn't real! I shook my head from side to side and for the first time, I noticed I wasn't the only one in the brightly lit room. To my left, I saw my sister Nicole. And to my right, I watched two men strip Kim naked before pushing her into a chair similar to mine. The men were laughing as they attached wires to Kimmie. And I noticed immediately that some of those electrical leads were being attached to her private areas.

I looked back down. I wasn't sure how I hadn't noticed them before, but wires ran over my body as well. Sticky disks with electrical leads covered my nipples and I saw multiple colored wires snaking up from the floor only to disappear between my open legs. More leads attached to my chest, my temples, and my stomach, but none of them worried me.

I looked back towards Nicole. She was wired up too. We were identical twins but I hoped I didn't look the way she did at the moment. Whoever had taken us had cut off most of Nikki's long brown hair, leaving her with uneven tufts over her small head. Her face was swollen too, with noticeable bruises over her arms. My sister had tried to fight back.

She was still asleep and I hoped that she stayed that way. Whatever was happening, I didn't want her to be awake for it. I tried to look around, but as soon as I raised myself up off the chair to look behind me, pain shot through my body. I screamed loudly as electricity poured through me, channeled through my most sensitive body parts.

"Stay still and stay quiet," said a tinny voice from a speaker in the wall. "Testing will begin in a moment."

"Fuck y- IIIEEE!!" Another round of pain flooded me before I settled back into the chair and pressed my head against the soft pillow behind me. Tears slipped down my cheeks but I didn't make a sound. I wish I could say the same for Nikki and Kim.

They woke up screaming and I knew the cause. Whoever had us, whoever was doing this to us, he had used the wires to wake up the others. To my right I could hear Kimmie crying softly to herself. But off to my left, Nikki stayed silent. And when I looked over, she was staring back at me. One of her eyes was swollen shut and her lip was split, but her other eye, green like my own, burned with fury. She just stared at me, with neither of us saying anything, before she faced forward and leaned back.

The speaker hummed. "Testing will begin in thirty seconds. Please keep your eyes open and on the screen. If you do not, we will shock you until you comply."

What is all this?

The room darkened and the wall in front of us lit up like a movie screen. Ethereal music filled the space. I felt my whole body relax as the sounds washed over me. But as I watched random images and words flash across the screen at a rapid pace, I couldn't figure out what was going on. And when I noticed that the wall in front of me was showing different slides than the walls in front of Nicole and Kim, I was even more confused.

I couldn't help but watch. Images of puppies, horses, pigs, and cows were interspersed with random words like bitch and milk and good girl. And randomly, images of naked men and women would flash across the screen. The images came and went too fast for me to make out details, but I swore I saw one woman being walked around on a leash, while another wore some crazy leather outfit with a feathered plume. I noticed quickly that most of the images were of men and women on all fours, smiling.

The music cut out and the speaker crackled to life again. "Series one complete. Next series will begin in two minutes. Please keep your eyes on the screen in front of you."

The lights came back on and movement to my left caught my attention. I turned toward Nikki in time to see the men from earlier appear next to her. They were pulling the electrodes from her body and loosening the restraints. I watched as Nikki kicked her legs free and wrestled her arm from one of the straps. Her hand moved so fast that I nearly didn't see it when her fingers scraped across the face of one of the men.

He yelled loudly and my breath caught in my throat. His body blocked the blow from where I was sitting, but the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, followed quickly by a gasp that could have only come from my sister. The man she scratched grabbed her by her short hair and threw her to the ground. When she tried to stand, he kicked her in the small of the back, sending her sprawling. In the thick voice, he growled at her. "No. You crawl like the bitch you are."

My sister just looked up at him from her spot on the floor. We might have been twins, but we couldn't have been more different. Nikki was a fighter, always quick to argue. I was also the quiet one. The one who thought things through. And right now, it looked like Nikki was trying to get herself killed.

"Fuck you," she said from her place on the floor. I couldn't see the man's face, but I saw him tense at her words. And when he dropped to a knee and grabbed her hair, I knew he hadn't taken the insult lightly. He slammed her head back against the ground and whistled to his partner who wasted no time attaching a heavy, metal collar around my sister's neck. A leash was clipped to a ring and with a tug, my sister was forced to her knees.

The man laughed as she pulled at the collar. He tugged the leash again, forcing Nikki to drop her hands back to the floor before she fell face first against the tile. She tried to stand, but the man pulled her back down again. The third time she pushed off from the floor, the man pulled her back down then laid his belt across her naked ass. Nikki gasped in pain and a red welt rose where the belt had landed. She didn't try and get up again.

I realized once Nikki was led from the room, crawling on all fours behind the men like an animal, that I'd been holding my breath the entire time. My body shook as I sucked in lungful of fresh air. Where are they taking her? Why are they doing this to us?! But I didn't have time to think. The music started up again and the lights dimmed. Images and words began to flash across the walls once more.

They were more focused this time. Farm animals became a clear theme, with words like milk, cow, stable, field, grazing, and bull flashing randomly. And the nude pictures of men and women stayed on the screen longer this time. A picture of a cow would flash momentarily, and then an image of a woman on all fours would hang on the screen.

The women were all pretty, with easy smiles gracing their plump faces. Naked and on all fours, their curvy bodies were on full display as they all posed on their hands and knees. Huge breasts hung beneath them, with large, perky nipples. The only thing any of the women wore were bells around their necks, attached to thick leather collars. And every time one of their images appeared on the screen in front of me, I felt a tingle between my legs.

The male images were even more amazing. They were naked and on their hands and knees as well, with nose and nipples pierced by iron rings. And instead of the soft fleshy curves of the plump women, these men were nothing but muscle. Their arms bulged and their chests were hard. And every single one of them had a cock nearly as thick as my wrist dangling between their legs. When these images appeared, the tingle between my thighs grew from a trickle to a flood. I felt my nipples harden under the electrodes and my pussy grow wet.

No! Not here!

I struggled against my bonds. I didn't know what was going on, or why I was so aroused, but I had to stop it. But the more I struggled, the more the feelings between my legs grew. It wasn't a tingle anymore. Now pleasure came in waves, and each time it did, my muscles would contract involuntarily. I couldn't stop it.

And from the sounds Kimmie was making, I knew the same thing was happening to her. I lifted my head for a moment to see her, and sure enough, my best friend was writhing in her chair, with her mouth open and her eyes closed as she moaned in ecstasy. My head dropped back against the rest and my eyes closed as well. The pulsing pleasure between my legs was growing ever more intense and now the electrodes attached to my nipples were growing warm.

As the pleasurable feelings grew, I tried to will them away. I knew now that whatever the wires were, they were causing my pleasure, or my pain if I disobeyed. But the images in front of me weren't helping my situation. I wasn't sure why, but the pictures of those men and women, on all fours like that, it was all I could think about now.

What would it be like to have breasts that big? Or a cock that size in me?

I imagined one of those muscle monsters mounting me from behind, snorting through his nose as he pushed that enormous cock into me. The thought sent shivers through my body, and as if the unseen hand controlling the pulsing electrodes could read my thoughts, the intensity of my electric pleasure grew.

Kim was moaning again and again in the chair next to me. I knew I was next. I tried to tense my body but jolts of electricity would stop me every time I did. All I could do was sit in my chair and wait for the orgasm to come. I was at the whims of an unseen master. The pleasure grew again.

Like an explosion, my orgasm burst outwards, flooding my body with erotic energies. My toes curled as my head tilted back and a throaty moan filled the air. I gripped the arm rests, digging my nails into the padded leather. The pleasure grew quickly. The electrodes weren't turning off.

Small speakers built into the chair crackled to life. I didn't notice until the voice in my ear was already half way through whatever it was saying. My moaning drowned it out. Luckily, the message repeated.

"Such a pretty girl you are. But we can make you better Jennifer. We can make you more. We can make you like the women in those pictures. You'll be desired, wanted, loved. You would like that wouldn't you?"

I could barely concentrate. A second orgasm had quickly followed after the first. My mind was clouded with blissful waves of ecstasy. Men and women on their knees with bells around their necks ran through my thoughts. Men tackled the big breasted beauties, taking them roughly. And then I was there with them, in the middle of a field as two bulls fought to claim my unfilled pussy. A third orgasm rushed through me.

"Do you want to be desired Jennifer? Do you want to serve a man who will love you like no other? Do you want to be his pet? To live your life only for his pleasure? Just say yes Jennifer. You can be like those women, with big heavy breasts, full of milk that all men will want to drink from you."

Big breasts full of milk. Men wanting me, fighting over me. No more work. No more school. My days would be nothing but pleasure. All I had to do was say yes. Could it really be that easy?

My sister's voice filled my head. "Don't do it Jenny! This is wrong. This isn't you! They want to change you!"

I pushed the nagging voice away as another orgasm blossomed. I could barely think. I'd never felt pleasure like this. And all I had to do was say yes. I could have this every day. Men would want me. Women would want to be me. I wasn't sure why or how, but I knew it was true.

"Yes! I want it! I want to be like those women!"

The electricity that powered my pleasure suddenly died, letting the waves of bliss that ran through me fade away. I was sweating and I was short on breath. As I struggled to catch my breath, my eyes opened. In front of me stood a small Asian man with his thin lips pulled back into a disconcerting smile.

"You and your friend Kimberly have made wise choices. You'll like your new life Jennifer. All of my pets do." He raised his hand to my face, pressing something against my mouth and nose. "Now sleep Jennifer. When you wake up, your new life will begin." I couldn't breathe. My mind fogged and my eyes closed once more.

As I slipped back into dreams, memories of my many orgasms brought a smile to my face. When I woke up, everything would be different. I would be desired...


"Step forward please. There is room for everyone at the window," said Sato. He continued waving until all of his prospective clients took a spot at the one way mirror. He smiled to himself as he listened to their amazement. They were the same as every other group he'd allowed into his facility. Hesitant at first, then shocked, and finally lustful, wanting. So predictable.

"As you can see, if you can dream it, I can make it a reality. This is only one of our many common areas. My facility spans seventeen acres, with many divisions all working to give you a product that you want. So please, if you have questions, now is the time."

A well dressed man pulled himself away from the glass long enough to ask his question. Sato noticed immediately that a bulge had appeared in the man's pleated pants. "How? Are they just acting? I don't understand."

Sato smiled and shook his head. "Not acting. They are truly as you see them. This is their nature now."

The man turned back to the window. "Amazing..."

A woman this time, the only one in today's group, asked a question. Doctor Sato didn't mind. The questions were the same with every group. "How did you do this? Drugs?"

He nodded but also held out a hand, shaking it in a so-so manner. "Drugs play a part, especially when it comes to physical traits, but most of it is psychological. That is the most important part. They have to want to change. They must accept it. There is no other way."

The woman was astonished. "They chose this? Why?"

Sato shrugged. "Why do we do anything? I am simply a humble doctor, here to make dreams come true..."


Weeks had passed since the day in the chair. I hadn't seen anyone since then. Kimmie was gone. So was Nikki. Now the only connection I had to the world was the voice from the speakers; feminine, monotone, directive. The voice ruled my life now. I ate, slept and breathed for the voice.

My body tensed as I waited patiently on my hands and knees for the speakers to hum to life. It was how I spent my days now, just waiting for the voice to direct me. And I knew I would hear her soon. I could feel it.

The speakers buzzed and my heart beat just a little bit faster.

"Please move to the trough. It is feeding time for the pretty cow."

I complied instantly, shuffling forward in the large space. The bell around my neck tinkled as I moved, and with each rap of the clapper against the side of the square metal body, I was reminded of what I was. I was a cow. A pretty cow. Men would want to drink from my milky breasts.

The trough was in front of me now. The metal basin jutted from the wall at the perfect height for me to simply dip my head to eat. I didn't use my hands, not anymore. When I first started eating, I had to put my hands into recessed holes built into the floor. I'd be restrained until all of my food was gone. But I hadn't had to do that in weeks. I knew better now.

My tongue slid from my mouth and I lapped up my food. It was the same meal every time but I didn't care anymore. The slightly sweet mixture had the consistency of oatmeal. The tips of my hair used to dip into the slop whenever I ate, but I woke up one day with shorter hair. Now it was only my nose that accidentally dipped into my food. It tickled every time.

As I finished my meal, the speakers hummed again. "My pretty cow is full. My pretty cow needs milking. Please move to the parlor pretty cow."

A wall slid open to my left, revealing a hallway that led to the parlor. Obediently, I crawled in that direction. My bell sounded with every step, bringing a smile to my rounded face which drilled deep dimples into my pudgy cheeks.

I had no idea how long I'd been in the room, but as I moved down the hallway, I could see the changes that had been made. I'd been a party girl, living my life for nothing but booze and boys. I'd been skinny and stylish, obsessed with my looks. My breasts had been small. So small that I had to wear special bras to give me cleavage. But I was hot. Boys called me sexy and begged to take me home.

The hallway was mirrored on one side, while the other was a series of projection screens. As I crawled towards the parlor, the long hall reminded me of what I'd become. Nothing about this place would let me forget. Because as I moved towards the parlor, a cow, a real cow, moved to my right, projected onto the wall. And to my left was my body, my true form.

I was no longer the skinny girl with small tits that I'd been when I arrived. Gone were my stick-like arms and legs, my angular face, my tiny breasts and ass. Now my face was plump and round, with arms and legs to match. My rear end jiggled as I crawled forward and my formally flat stomach was now round. And my breasts, well, they had changed dramatically.

Two heavy breasts swung underneath my body now. My nipples had grown as my udders ballooned outwards. The boys used to hold my tiny tits in their hands as they kissed my nipples gently. Now a man would have to use both hands just to hold up one of my massive mammaries if he wanted to take one of my elongated nipples into his mouth. Or maybe he would simply pull up a stool and grab my tits in his hand, squeezing my milk into a bucket set below me as I waited patiently like a pretty cow.

I couldn't wait to find out which.

I was through the hall now. In front of me was a wooden corral with a monitor built into the wall in front of me and a large silver tank to the left. Clear plastic hoses that ended in small circular funnels hung over the rail, waiting just for me. I shuffled forward faster, eager to slip the plastic bells over my milky nipples.

I'd been scared of the milking machine when I first arrived. The monitor had sprung to life as I cried out in confusion. My cheeks were stained with tears as the video showed me how to press the suction cups to my nipples after turning on the machine. But as scared as I was then, I had no choice. My milk had come in and my udders ached in pain. The machine was the only way to make that pain go away.

I'd been scared of a lot of things in those first weeks. Scared the first time I crawled into my new home, with the low ceilings painted like open sky that kept me from standing up. Scared of the trough with my sweetened food. Scared of how my body was changing by the day and scared of the voice in the wall. But most of all, scared at how easy it all was. Scared of how much I was starting to enjoy myself.

The suction cups grabbed hold of my aching nipples and the clear plastic tubes filled with my milk almost immediately. I sighed in pleasure as the too full feeling in my breasts subsided. And my pulse quickened a bit in excitement of what was about to happen. The first time the gate to my stall had closed behind me had scared me. And when the pneumatic arm capped with a large rubber cock had found my pussy that first time, I jumped up so fast that I cracked my head on the low ceiling.

Now I craved it. When I heard the hinges to my stall creak closed, I spread my legs just a little bit wider and pressed my hips up and out. And when the rubber cock pushed against my wanting pussy, it had no trouble sliding into my wet hole. I gasped in pleasure as the thick shaft slid into me. The dildos had been growing in size since the beginning. My pussy ached as the cock stretched me to my limits.

The suction on my nipples increased, tugging at my sensitive tits in pulsing waves. The feeling made my eyes roll back in pleasure. It was the suckling motion of the machine that had elongated my nipples so much, turning my small pink tips into inches long milk spouts. Now my milky peaks fit snuggly into the plastic bells and every centimeter of my soft pink tips ached in pleasure.

The pneumatic arm began to pump the rubber bull's cock back and forth, drawing out long breathy sighs from me as my pleasure mounted. The monitor in front of me sprang to life, flashing image after image of my new life. The strong bulls, with muscles on top of muscles and thick cocks dangling towards the floor were my favorite images, but the pictures of pretty cows on their hands and knees while a Master milked them by hand made me wet as well.

One day, I thought as the rubber cock picked up speed. My eyes closed and I bit my lip as I concentrated on the orgasm building within me. I tried to hold back for as long as I could, but the pleasure was just too much. As I came, the exasperated sighs of my bliss mixed with the sound of cows mooing. The speakers pumped out the bovine melody as I moaned. I bucked my hips, letting the cock dig deeper into me, and as the chorus of moos grew louder, I couldn't help but join in.

I was a pretty cow. Pretty cows who behaved were rewarded. I was a pretty cow who loved rewards.

The speaker box hummed to life. I couldn't wait to follow the voice's new direction.


"It is a mix of command hypnosis, frequency modulation and fostering dependency. Drugs and controlled diets effect the physical changes you see. But as I stated earlier, the most important aspect of it all is that all of these subjects wanted this. They might not have known it yet, but they did." Sato smiled. He knew he was talking just to talk. The gathered group might ask questions but they weren't listening to the answers. All that was really on their minds was how they could get their very own pet.

"How long does it take to make them like this?" asked the Sheikh. He didn't even bother to turn away from the glass to ask his question.

"Three months is standard. From initial processing to community integration. Once they make it to the yard, they can no longer be called human. What you see out there, what they think they are now, that is truly how they see themselves. To treat them as anything else would only upset my pets now."

"And they will stay like this? If I purchase one of your toys, it won't wake up one morning and run off?"

Sato shook his head. "Our earliest subjects are now years into their new lives. Don't think of this is a trick or training. Think of it as overwriting their personality. This is all they will ever be." Beyond the glass, a large wooden door began to open. Right on time, Sato thought. "And it looks like you are in luck today. Watch the doorway. Our newest pet is being integrated today."

Some of the gathered businessmen pressed themselves so close to the glass that Sato would have to bring in a cleaning crew to wipe away the smudges their noses would leave behind. He smiled at that. Eager customers were always welcome at the farm. "If anyone is interested in purchasing our newest pet, the bidding will start at one million U.S. Funds are to be deposited by the close of business today."


"Wait by the red doors my pretty cow. Today is a special day. Go through the door when it opens. Go to the trough straight ahead. It is feeding time for the pretty cow."

The voice commanded and I obeyed. Patiently, I waited by the large red doors that had never opened for me before. I didn't question what was on the other side. I already knew the answer. There was a trough through the big red doors. It was feeding time. I was a pretty cow.

I sat on my haunches as I patiently waited for the door to open. And when I heard hinges creak, my head lifted. A thin crack of bright white light appeared in the middle of the large red doors. My bell rang as I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees. As the crack of light grew, I crawled forward. I was a pretty cow. It was feeding time.

I shuffled through the doors and for the first time in a long time, bright white tile gave way to something more real. Green grass pressed into my palm and scratched at my legs as I moved out of the white, sterile room behind me. And when I cleared the doors, the sound of creaking hinges filled my ears once more.

I felt uneasy here. The smell of antiseptics had given way to the scent of fresh air and green grass. I could feel the heat of the Sun on my naked back. Dirt pushed its way under my nails. And when I looked up, real clouds drifted lazily through the sky. I missed my ceiling of unchanging white and blue.

But it wasn't just the scenery change that put me on edge. As I looked around, I realized I wasn't alone anymore. I wasn't sure what to do. To my left, five women in tight leather harnesses that crisscrossed their bodies stood like giants in the middle of a field. Already tall and skinny, the sequined heels the women wore only made them more imposing as they danced gracefully through the field. Thick tails of shiny hair hung down from their asses and swayed as they moved. Their heads were all harnessed and between each of their teeth sat a bar of thick black rubber. Square pads of black leather jutted out from their temples, hiding their eyes from my view and on four of the women, a single red feather, over a foot long, reached skyward. The fifth woman's feathered plume was white. But when my eyes dropped and I saw the swinging cock, I realized the white plumed one was a man.

Ponies. Pretty pretty ponies. I turned my head. I wasn't a pony. I was a cow.

Off to my right was a large section of fenced in yard. A mud pit took up most of the area and as I stared, I saw movement in the pool of wet earth. I thought it was a rock at first, but when the short woman pushed herself to her knees and trudged through the red and brown mud, I realized the thickset mud monster wasn't alone. Scattered throughout the muddy pool were numerous shapes that slowly resolved into human forms. The men and women were covered from head to toe in the brown muck, with only the whites of their eyes and teeth giving them away in the mud.

As I watched, one of the mud men pushed himself to his knees and chased after the rotund female from earlier. He tackled her before she could pull herself from the pit, and as she squealed, the man mounted her from behind, pressing himself into her. Mud splashed and splattered all around them but no one in the pit took notice. What was a little more mud to a piggy?

The crackle of a speaker box behind me made me jump. ""Please move to the trough. It is feeding time for the pretty cow."

Pretty cow needs to eat. It is feeding time for the pretty cow. My head swung again, sending the brass bell around my neck crazy. And there, directly ahead of me like the voice had told me back in the room, was the trough. The silver basin gleamed in the sunlight. And my empty trough wasn't the only one in front of the strange mirrored wall ahead. It was only one trough out of half a dozen, and all of the others were already occupied.

Pretty cows! I pushed forward faster, racing to join the rest of the herd. I closed the distance, and as I did, I could hear the symphony of bells as the cows dipped their heads into the troughs. I was giddy when I finally reached the empty silver basin and dipped my own face into the sweet, pasty mush. As I lapped up my food, I caught the reflections of my trough mates in the mirrored wall.

There were four other women, each with short hair and wide hips. They all had thick arms and legs, with rounded bellies and plump asses that crested above their skulls as they dipped their heads into the feeding troughs. Each wore a thick collar and a bell. And each had a set of udders with nipples that were so long they brushed against the dirt as they ate. I was home.

Movement to my right caught my eye as I dipped my head into my trough, but I didn't care. I was a pretty cow and it was feeding time. And when I felt the weight of something press against my back, I still didn't raise my head from my tray. But when I felt the cock wedge itself between my legs and split me open, my head shot up. I saw him then, with his hands pressed into my thick ass cheeks.

He was huge. Black-skinned and bald, the bull had a large golden ring dangling from his nose. Two smaller golden circlets hung from his earlobes, and a matching set pierced his tiny nipples. He wore no collar. He had no bell. But as he pressed into me again, my body shook from his impact and the bell around my own neck rung out.

The pretty cows at the other troughs rose their heads in unison and began lowing, filling the air with the sound of mooing and brass bells. The big beast behind me pressed forward again and I couldn't help but join my sister's calls. Half moan and half moo, it was the only sound I could make. The feeling of the bull inside of me was like nothing I'd ever felt. The rubber cocks during my milkings weren't half as large as the monster inside of me now.

My breasts ached and my nipples grew hard while the bull bellowed behind me. I wanted to touch myself. I wanted to make my pleasure grow, but pretty cows didn't touch. Pretty cows kept their hooves on the ground. And when I dropped my head, I saw the dry dirt to turn mud underneath me as my nipples leaked my sweet milk into the earth.

Pretty cows don't waste milk, I thought as I watched my swaying breasts spill my creamy goodness into the dirt. Pretty cow is full. Pretty cow needs to be milked! As if my stray thoughts called them, two of the other cows dropped to the ground and pressed their plump cheeks into the dirt. Tongues lashed out at my long nipples, pulling them towards open mouths. I sighed as lips wrapped out my teats and the other cows began to draw my milk out. Pretty cows don't waste milk. We are pretty cows.

The bell around my neck rang out rapidly as the bull picked up speed. My pussy was sore and stretched farther than it had ever been, but the pleasure was overwhelming any pain. I could feel myself tearing now as the bull pushed into me, but I didn't care. Instead, I pressed my hips back towards his, taking the monster cock even deeper into my body. My eyes fluttered uncontrollably as his rod massaged my G spot before slamming into my back wall like a jackhammer.

I couldn't catch my breath. A steady string of moans escaped from between my lips as cows and bulls alike pleasured me in ways that I'd never felt when I was a person. Tongues licked my sensitive teats as their owners mouths filled with my milk. And my nipples weren't the only thing leaking at the moment. My pussy was dripping as the bull continued his assault. And the wetter I became, the faster the mountain of muscle behind me could slide in and out.

The bull picked up speed again and it was all it took to push me over the edge. An orgasm more powerful than anything before ripped through my body, flooding me with erotic energies and threatening to knock me to the ground. My eyes rolled back as I mooed loudly. The cows on my breasts let my teats fall from their mouths as they joined me, filling the air with the sound of our lowing.

My arms and legs shook as I struggled to hold myself upright. My mind was fogging as every muscle in my body tensed. And still the bull pushed into me. If anything, his speed increased again. My pussy clamped down on his cock, which only made the feeling of his forceful trusts that much more enjoyable. I was on the verge of tears when the bull finally slowed, then stopped thrusting altogether. His cock swelled within me, stretching me even more as he spilled his seed deep into my body.

I caught my breath as I waited for him to finish. And as he slid out for the final time, I nearly came again. I watched the bull crawl away, with his monstrous cock still hard as steel. It glistened in the sunlight, wet with my juices. At over half the length of my forearm and nearly as thick as my wrist, I couldn't believe the bull had fit inside of me.

The bull moved back to his trough. So did the other cows. Taking my cue from the rest of the herd, my head dipped back into my food, with my tongue slipping from my mouth to scoop up more of the sweet paste that I'd come to love. My pussy ached now but I ignored it. I was stretched and torn, but I was still a pretty cow. And right now it was feeding time. Pretty cows needed to eat.



"They just... and then it was like nothing happened."

"And the sounds they were making..."

Sato loved listening to the crowd after a show. But it wasn't just the exasperation he loved. He loved watching the world's elite slobber over his creations. He loved seeing them so wrapped up in the display that they no longer even tried to hide their arousal. Some pressed their hands to the glass while others pressed them to their crotches, bending back half hidden erections or stroking themselves slowly over their pants. And the women were no different. Sato smiled when he caught the only woman in the crowd with one hand pressed between her legs while the other brushed across her nipples which stood out under her silky blouse.

Sato saw dollar signs as he watched the rich paw at themselves like confused teenagers who just discovered their bodies. His new pet was a sure sell now. The only question left was how much she would fetch, and if it would recoup the loss of income that her sister had brought upon him. He scowled at the thought of her. The money he could have made with a set of twins...

"What about pregnancy?" Asked the woman suddenly. "That man, the bull thing, he didn't pull out."

Sato waved his hand dismissively. "All of the males in our designer lines are castrated during in-processing. Our bull here is given regular testosterone supplements to keep him performing. Our gelding in the pony field is what you should expect without the hormone treatment; docile, feminine."

Sato could see the momentary shock in the face of every man gathered in front of him. They were as predictable as they come. But the woman, she seemed to stand a little straighter, with her smile growing wider, as she realized what had been done to the men behind the glass.

"She was leaking. Was that milk? Do they really produce milk?" Asked the business man in the dark suit.

Sato nodded. "Our feed is enriched with nutrients and hormones to stimulate milk production. Our new cow has been on a very rigid milking schedule and currently produces almost a gallon per day. Kept on our program, she will continue to produce like this for years."

Men licked their lips and smiled.

Sato clapped his hands together. "If there are no more questions, I think it is time to get down to business. Do we have any bids for my pretty cow? Two years of our specially formulated feed is included in the buying price, as well as any medical visits needed."

"I'll buy the girl for one million," said the Sheikh as he pointed at Sato.

The woman raised her hand. "One and a half."

The man in the dark business suit joined in. "One and three quarters."

More voices joined. The price climbed to two million, two and a half, three. The bidding slowed now, but the number kept rising. Sato bowed graciously towards the crowd as the Sheikh won the girl for three and three quarters. It wasn't the highest he had ever made off of a pet, but it was close.

"And would you like her branded?" Sato asked as he pointed at Jennifer through the window. "It is free of charges should you choose."

The Sheikh looked back at his purchase as he stroked his beard. "I will think on this."

Sato bowed again, and then waved his arms in the air to get the crowd's attention. "Do not be disappointed if you didn't win. This is only one of many displays you will see today! Now, come. You have seen the farm. Let us see what else I have for sale today!" The small Asian pushed another set of doors open and led the gathered group into the next wing. Three and a quarter million in his first sale.

But he was just getting warmed up.


When two large men, fully clothed and wearing shoes, came and attached a leash to my collar, I was confused. The men looked familiar, like I knew them in my life from before, but my head was hazy. One of the men leaned down and rubbed my head. His hair was black and curly.

"Such a pretty cow you are. And you have a new Master. I bet that makes a pretty cow happy."

A Master! I'm desired! I'm a pretty cow!

The man tugged on the lead and I obediently followed behind him, staring at the back of his knees as I crawled along. He led me to a new room, clean and white like my old one, but with a fire roaring in the corner. A long metal rod was resting in the flames, with heat licking across the tip of the iron.

The curly haired man began to rub something over the side of one of my ass cheeks. My skin grew cold under his touch while the other man rubbed my back and continued to tell me what a pretty cow I was. I mooed in delight.

"Now stay still. A pretty cow doesn't move," said the curly haired man as he pulled the iron rod from the fire. A large circle with strange lines within glowed red. The other man grabbed my hair and pulled my head so I was facing forward. I cried out in surprise but the man wouldn't let go.

And then there was pain. Searing pain. I screamed.

"Shhh. A pretty cow doesn't scream. Just relax," said the curly haired man as he dipped the iron into a bucket of water. Steam filled the air and the water hissed as the heat died in the cool bath. But I didn't care about the iron anymore. My ass cheek was throbbing in pain and tears spilled down my face.

The men held me in place as the curly haired one covered my pain in gel. A bandage covered the site, hiding my naked skin for the first time in a long time. The pain hadn't gone away completely, but the burning ache that threatened to drive me mad had trailed off. Now it was nothing more than a distant throbbing.

"Let's get her crated up and on the truck."

The leash went taut once more as the men led me away from the fire. The leash didn't come off until I was in front of a large wooden box. Straw lined the floor three inches thick but otherwise the crate was empty. A rough slap on my unburnt ass cheek sent me skittering into the wooden crate. It was barely big enough for me to turn around. And when I did manage to flip end for end, I saw the men lifting a wooden cap up to the opening I'd crawled through.

The sound of hammers echoed through my dark crate as I shook in fear. My bell rattled and my knees grew wet as my bladder released, soaking the straw underneath me. I called out for someone to help me, to take me back to the yard with the other cows, but my urgent moos were ignored. And once the crate was sealed up tight, the men left too.

I laid down in the wet straw, confused and scared. The voice was gone. My herd was gone. I was a pretty cow. Why was this happening?

Someone tapped on the wooden crate hours later. I lifted my head from the straw and saw a pair of eyes staring at me through a space between the boards. They looked familiar.

"Hello again Jennifer. You have made me very happy today."

I perked up at his words.

"Yes, you were a very pretty cow today. And now you'll be going home with your new Master. But don't worry my sweet pet, your friend Kimberly will be joining you. Though I don't know if you'll see each other very often." The man's eyes disappeared from view and a moment later he tapped the top of the crate.

My wooden box shook and I fell to my knees as it rocked back and forth through the air. I didn't stop swinging until the crane dropped me into the back of a truck. As soon as it did, the eyes returned. "Now be good for your new Master. You won't see me again Jennifer. Your new life begins today."

This time the eyes disappeared for good. An engine rumbled and the truck lurched forward, dropping me into the straw once more. My bell jingled and I pressed my face against the wood as my old home shrank in view before vanishing altogether behind a row of trees. When it was gone I laid back down on the straw, careful not to lay on my new brand.

I wasn't sure how long I was in the crate. But the longer I laid in the box, the less it mattered. My brand quit aching but my udders throbbed in pain and my stomach grumbled. And when the crate was finally opened again, I pressed my face into the hand of the smiling man with a beard. He laughed as I ate from his palm. And when he leashed me and led me to my new home, a brand new barn built just for me, I knew who the man was.

He was my Master.

This was my new life.

And I was his pretty cow.

Also by Cindel Sabante

An Erotic Werewolf Gangbang

Taken by the Pack

Gender Transformation Erotic Romance

Coffee Shop Gender Swap

She - A Reluctant Gender Swap


Ghostly Gangbang

Girlfriend of my Dreams

Love & Politics

Love and Politics - The First Date

Love and Politics - The Nomination

Love and Politics - The Engagement

My Husband, My Panties

My Husband, My Panties

My Husband, My Panties 2 - Feminized Fulltime

Sissy Slumber Party

Sissy Slumber Party

Slave To His Whims

Slave To His Whims - A Husband's Solution

Slave To His Whims - Emily's Story


Suckled by my Assistant

Suckled by my Professor

Suckled by my Sorority

Suckled by the Stranger

Suckled by my Boyfriend's Daddy

Suckled by my Boyfriend's Daddy

Suckled by my Boyfriend's Daddy 2

Suckled by my Boyfriend's Daddy 3

Tentacle Erotica

The Hatchery- Bred by the Alien Tentacles

Taken by the Sea - An Erotic Tentacle Adventure

Kidnapped by the Kraken

The Billionaire's Assistant

Bound By Lies - The Billionaire's Assistant

The Long Weekend

The Long Weekend- Day One

The Long Weekend- Day Two

The Pack

The Pack - Blood Rites

The Pack - Sins of the Past (An Erotic Werewolf Romance, Book Two)

The Pack - Shadow Games (Book Three)


Baby Cravings

Waiting For My Prince To Come

Gold Medal Gangbang

Poker in the Rear

Anything Goes - A Submissive Tale

Forcefully Bred by the Vampire

Suckled by my Chef

Breeding my Sleeping Virgin Roommate

A Sissy in the Bar

Secretly Breeding my Virgin Best Friend

Forcefully Bred by the Alien

Femdom Four Story Bundle

Riding my Cowboy

A Stallion No More - A Body Swap Romance

Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping

Taking Her Deep While She Sleeps

My Girlfriend's Big Surprise - A Futanari Love Story

Pretty Cow - The Making of a Hucow
