Set 19 V1 01 Tech en

Set for Communication
Wireless Data Monitoring based on GPRS
Micro Automation Set 19
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Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
Warranty, Liability and Support
We do not accept any liability for the information contained in this
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The Application Examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete
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Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
Micro Automation Sets are fully functional and tested automation
configurations based on A&D standard products for simple, fast and
inexpensive implementation of automation tasks for small-scale
automation. Each of these Micro Automatic Sets covers a frequently used
subtask of a typical customer problem in the low-end range.
The sets help the customer to obtain answers with regard to required
products and the question how they function when combined.
However, depending on the requirements of the system, a variety of other
components (e.g., other CPUs, power supplies, etc.) can be used to
implement the functionality on which this set is based. See respective
SIEMENS A&D catalogs for these components.
The Micro Automation Sets are also available at:
Table of Contents
1 Application Areas and Usage ................................................................... 4
2 Setup ........................................................................................................... 5
3 Required hardware and software components ....................................... 7
3.1 Remote Station ............................................................................................... 7
3.2 Central Station ................................................................................................ 8
4 Functionality............................................................................................... 9
5 Software Examples for Startup............................................................... 11
5.1 Preliminary Remarks .................................................................................... 11
5.2 Download....................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Configuring the Startup Code ..................................................................... 12
5.4 Operation....................................................................................................... 14
6 Basic Performance Data of the Components ........................................ 16
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Application Areas and Usage
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
1 Application Areas and Usage
Automation task
Cyclically updated process data and event controlled status information, is
to be transferred from geographically distributed plant segments to a
central station. For cost reasons, a wireless transfer medium is to be used.
Automation solution  Set 19
S7-200 stations are integrated into the distributed plant segments and send
the relevant data to a PC-based central station with internet connection via
GPRS mobile connection. A performat WinCC user interface offers a
structured display and archiving of the data.
Fields of application
The Micro Automation Set is particularly suitable for application of
geographically distributed automation systems.
Simple automation tasks are solved centrally and important process data
are sent to a PC-based central station via mobile communication (GPRS).
The set is particularly suited for the following branches.
" Water supply,
" Oil and gas industry
" District heating
" Traffic technology
" Open pit mining
" Power supply
Your benefit
" Central display of current process data of distributed plant sections
" Reducing wiring expenses due to wireless communication
" Cost-effective data transmission due to payment based on data volumes.
" High availability and performant communication due to standardized mobile
communication technology
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Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
2 Setup
Layout diagram for Micro Automation Set 19
Layout diagram for Central Station
The central station is a standard Windows PC with internet connection and
static IP address. The SCADA software WinCC and the PM Open
expansion are already installed on the computer.
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Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
Layout diagram for Remote Station
The remote station consists of an S7-CPU 224 XP. A GPRS mobile radio
modem (MC45T with antennae) is connected to the controller with a serial
PC/PPI cable. The energy supply of the individual component occurs via
the load current supply of the CPU.
In order to keep it simple, only one remote station is displayed in this
Micro Automation Set.
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Required hardware and software components
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
3 Required hardware and software components
3.1 Remote Station
Table 3-1
Component No. Order number Note
S7-CPU 224 XP 1 6ES7214-2BD23-0XB0
GPRS Modem MC45T 1 6AG1011-1BC00-0AA0 (assembled by
PC/PPI cable 1 6ES7901-3CB30-0XA0
Table 3-2
Component No. Order number Note
Gender Changer (9-pole, 1 (e.g. Reichelt Elektronik For connecting PPI
male) cable and GPRS
order no.: COM 990)
Configuration software/tools
Table 3-3
Component No. Order number Note
Step7 MicroWin V4.0 SP1 1 6ES7810-2CC03-0YX0
Services of a provider
Table 3-4
Component No. Order number Note
SIM card 1 Available from your GSM
With the exception of the configuration tool, the above components are
required once for each remote station.
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Required hardware and software components
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
3.2 Central Station
Table 3-5
Component No. Order number Note
WinCC RT V6.0 SP2 1 Contained in WinCC V6.0
SP2 (Complete) see
following table
PM Open 1 9AE7 105-1SS01-1AA0-Z With USB dongle
Configuration software/tools
Table 3-6
Component No. Order number Note
WinCC V6.0 SP2 1 6AV6381-1BM06-0CX0 128 days
Services of a provider
Table 3-7
Component No. Order number Note
Internet connection with 1 e.g. T-Com
static IP address T-DSL Business sym
1000 (item no. 08885)
with static IP address
(item no. 76011)
A requirement for operating the central station is a standard Windows PC
with free USB interface and a connection option for the internet (static IP
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Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
4 Functionality
Function principle
Using the example of value 123 (e.g. 123 produced units) the principal
function method of the Micro Automation Sets is explained.
Table 8:
No. Function Note
1 Data, such as 123 produced units, is obtained from the The process values are
running process and transferred to the controller (e.g. simulated in the Micro
digital or analog inputs). Automation Set.
2 In the CPU, data (e.g. 123) are embedded in a UDP/IP
3 The compiled protocol is transferred to the modem via the
user programmable interface of the CPU.
4 From the modem, the data is sent to the GPRS network
of the mobile service provider.
5 Connecting the GPRS network of the mobile service
provider with the internet enables sending process data
(e.g. 123) to the internet.
6 The internet routes the data (e.g. number of produced
data, 123) to the internet service provider of the central
7 The internet service provider directs the data to the target
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Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
No. Function Note
8 The standard Windows PC receives the data.
PM Open recognizes the user protocol and transfers the
identified process values to an internal variable (e.g. Tag
Name Units=123).
The data transfer occurs via the internet. Restricted availability may
lead to loss of data.
The used UDP protocol does not enable monitoring the data
transfer. (e.g. wire break in the PC network)
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Software Examples for Startup
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
5 Software Examples for Startup
5.1 Preliminary Remarks
For startup we offer you software examples with test code and test
parameters as a download. The software examples support you in making
the first steps and tests with your Micro Automation Set. These sets enable
quick testing of hardware and software interfaces between the products
described in the Micro Automation Sets.
The software examples are always assigned to the components used in the
Set and show their principal interaction. However, they are not a real
application in the sense of a technological problem solution with definable
5.2 Download
An interruption of the GPRS connection for example because of the
assignment of a new IP address by the provider, causes the S7
block INIT to independently reestablish the connection after approx.
1 h.
The software example is available as download on the HTML page from
which you have loaded the document on hand.
The download consists of a zip.-file which can be extracted with any unzip-
program. The zip.-file contains the following files:
Table 5-1
File name Content Contains a complete WinCC configuration including
PM Open
S7-224XP.mwp Contains the configuration of the S7-CPU 224 XP
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Software Examples for Startup
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
5.3 Configuring the Startup Code
It is assumed here that the necessary software has been installed on
your computer and that you are familiar with the software.
Configuring WinCC
Table 2:
No. Instructions Note
1 Extract the archive onto your hard disk. Ensure that the directory
structure of the archive is
2 Open the extracted WinCC project from your hard disk.
3 In the navigation tree you click Computer [Rechner] (1),
then the configured computer name appears in the right-
hand pane.
Right-click the computer name (2). A context menu
appears. Here you select Properties [Eigenschaften].
A window opens. Change the computer name to the
name of your PC (3). Acknowledge with OK
To find out the name of your PC proceed as follows:
1. Go to the MS-DOS prompt.
2. Enter the  ipconfig  all command
3. The PC name will be displayed under  Host
4 Close WinCC and accept the changes.
5 Open WinCC again and verify the settings.
Configuring the MicroWin project
You need to know the following data. Ask these of your provider:
" APN name
" APN user
" APN password
Table 3:
No. Function Note
1 Open the MocroWin project.
2 In the main program you navigate to the first network.
Here the  INIT block is called.
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Software Examples for Startup
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
No. Function Note
3 Change the following input parameter to your data:
" PIN: your PIN of SIM card (e.g. 1234)
" APN: the Access Point name of your mobile
communications provider (ask the provider hotline or
use the internet support)
" User: the user ID of the APN
" PwD: the password of the user ID
4 In the main program you navigate to the second network.
Here the  RUN block is called.
5 Change the following input parameter to your data:
" Send Cycle: gives the duration of the send cycle the
telegram is sent with (default 600s)
" Send_to_IP: string with the receive address
" Send_from_Port: send port for UDP0F1 (Default
" Send_to_Port: receiving port of the receiver1 (Default
" Send_Pointer: pointer of start area for transferred
" Send_Length: Length of the data block to be sent
6 Load the project to the CPU and restart it.
7 Navigate to the created status table and write any station You can use a maximum of 10
name into the string from VB3500 on. characters.
Configuring the PC/PPI cable
Set the switch position of the PPI-cable as follows:
Table 4:
Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Position 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Coordinate the ports with your mobile service provider. Use the same port in PM Open!
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Software Examples for Startup
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
5.4 Operation
The navigation between the individual WinCC images occurs via the tabs
displayed in the figure below.
The Process data field contains process value examples simulated in the
" Run/Stop: motor running/standstill
" Direction: rotational direction of the motor
" Speed: motor speed in 0-100%
" Units/Min: units produced per minute
" Units/Hour: units produced per hour
" Units/day: units produced per day
" Units: units produced in total
The Testbit field changes color depending on the status of input E0.0. This
 Testbit is immediately sent at a status change, independently of the
configured cycle time.
The field  Station Name displays the station name you selected with a
maximum of 10 characters. It can be individually adjusted via VB3500.
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Software Examples for Startup
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
You can change the send cycle by using a different constant [in seconds]
for the value  Send_Cycle . (see table 3, step 5)
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Basic Performance Data of the Components
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
6 Basic Performance Data of the Components
LOGO! Power 24V 1.3A
Table 6-1
Criterion Basic performance data Additional note
Supply voltage AC 100-240V
Output voltage DC 24V
Output current 1.3A
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 54 (3 TE) × 90 × 55
Table 6-2
Criterion Basic performance data Additional note
Supply voltage DC 20.4 to 28.8 V or AC 85 to
264 V
Output current 340 mA For expansion module
Interfaces 2x RS 485 communication
interface, expansion bus for
Inputs/outputs 14DI/10DO and 2AI/1AO
GSM-Modem MC45T
Table 6-3
Criterion Basic Performance Data Additional note
Tri-band EGSM900
GSM1800 and GSM1900
Output power 2W / class 4 at EGSM 900
1W / class 1 at GSM 1800
1W / class 1 at GSM 1900
Controller Via AT commands
Input voltage range +8 VDC to +30 VDC
Data CSD up to 14.4 kbps/USSD/Non
transparent mode/V.110
GPRS multi-slot class 10
Dimensions 65 x 74 x 33 mm
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Basic Performance Data of the Components
Micro Automation Set 19 ID-Nummer
Table 6-4
Criterion Basic performance data Additional note
Operating systems Windows XP Professional/
Windows 2003 Server and
Windows 2000
PM Open
Table 6-5
Criterion Basic performance data Additional note
Receiving variables correspond to WinCC variables
(process variables / internal
Telegram templates Telegram templates enable
individual generation of user-
defined telegram structures.
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