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From the Desk of Leon Edward,
Dear Friend,
Our brain is a very powerful tool. In fact, for its size, it can work faster than a regular computer. It
has 10 billion neurons and 100 billion supporting cells. Certainly much much more than what your
computer has for its memory.
But sadly, not all of the brain cells are used properly. Some are just stashed in your brain,
consuming space but not empowered. The brain cells should be stimulated to be useful.
And it is solely up to you to maximize the use of your brain!
"Instantly Download My HUGE Collection
of Breakthrough Special Reports TODAY!"
But heed this caution
Optimizing your brain's maximum potential will enable you to
Easily learn and remember facts, figures, data, and information.
Have greater accuracy in solving mental problems like never before.
Plus, your creativity will be enhanced,
allowing you to find new solutions to any problem at hand.
"The human brain, if not properly trained, can only take in only so much
data. After which, it may become overloaded!
Brain research in the past five years has exposed
your unlimited brain potential. It is important to
realize that with proper training,
the brain s full potential Is UNLIMITED!
The process of training the brain should follow a very systematic and highly rational approach.
Train your brain with the New tried, tested, and highly acclaimed
Stress is the biggest problem of the brain. This is the most common physical danger that it
faces as it performs its daily duties. Too much stress assaults the brain, slowing its performance to a
critical level.
Aside from stress, one of the brain's major problems is a person's negative outlook on life. If
you constantly feel that you are not smart or intelligent enough to complete a certain task, your
brain might agree and succumb to that fact. That alone could cripple your brain's precious cells
instead of being used entirely for your benefit.
Using your brain for complex actions without proper training is not a good idea. Complex brain
tasks include common activities like memorizing a speech, analyzing a strategy to solve a problem,
and doing high quality work that entails creativity and brainstorming. Much simpler tasks like
studying for classes and learning a new language can be taxing to the brain as well. Doing all of
these without proper guidance could lead to a rather unfavorable result.
"It is important to realize that without proper training, the
brain's full potential
cannot be attained!"
Training the brain to assume its maximum potential is advised, but there is a certain set of formal
procedures that has to be carried out. Body nutrients have to be administered and other things
have to be totally avoided.
But there's no need to worry!
Included in the IQ Mind Brain Self Improvement Libray is a report especially prepared to
guide you on the proper method of developing the brain without risk.
How to Exploit Your Brain's
Unlimited Power will show you the basic steps
required to condition the brain for maximum usage. It
will also show you the particular things that you can
accomplish if you have successfully followed the steps
provided in the report.
It contains all the pertinent information about the brain
and the exact procedure to improve it.
This is all you need to turn your brain into something
more powerful than today's fastest machines!
1st report , $47 Value
This First report will also teach you:
The parts of the brain and its corresponding functions.
The different dangers that your brain can encounter and how to stay clear of
What stress is and how it affects the functions of the brain.
What causes stress and how to prevent it.
The step-by-step procedures on how to train the brain to achieve its full
The conscious and the subconscious functions of the brain and how to carry
out the development of each.
How the left side and the right side of the brain function and what controls
which processes.
How your overall health is related to your brain's improvement.
The foods you must eat that will contribute to your brain's function.
The effects of aging on the brain and how to manage them.
How to sharpen your memory regardless of your age.
How to train your child's brain from conception to birth to adolescence.
How to sharpen your memory and maximize storage of data in the brain.
How to improve your I.Q. score as concrete proof that your brainpower has
been enhanced.
And other special information to aid you in your quest of improving your brain's capacity!
Remember, your brain is a very vital component of the body. It certainly requires special treatment
and delicate enrichment.
With the First report in the IQ Mind Brain Self Improvement Library "How to Exploit Your
Brain's Unlimited Power" at hand, the rather complex method of enhancing the brain's abilities is
made much simpler.
"Start improving your brain now and experience all the
benefits it can bring to you, to your job, and to your life in
general, fast!"
This first report will make your brain function in a whole new dimension. The results will
be most favorable to you. You will perform better in your job. You'll get promoted fast.
You'll be tagged as the most sensible person in the company!
Experience being a highly regarded person within your organization. Make your thoughts matter
to them. Know how it feels like to have your ideas sought all the time.
This new report is filled with very significant, easy to understand, and appropriate
information, strategies, and directions that you can follow to improve your brain's
overall well being.
Just download the IQ Mind Brain Self Improvement Library.
SPECIAL REPORT#2 - How To Sharpen Your Memory
Powerful Ways to Sharpen Your Memory will
teach you practical and creative strategies to refine and
sharpen your wonderful memory.
It will reveal to you effective techniques on how to
maintain your brain in tip-top condition, how to overcome
forgetfulness, and how to easily retain data in your mind
for immediate retrieval anytime you desire.
Best of all, many of the methods are simple,
practical, and fun to learn!
If you want your mind to memorize numbers, facts, and
other information like nothing you've ever seen before,
then this book is for you.
2nd report , $47 Value
Take a look at some of the information you'll find inside:
Why being smart is not necessary to have a good memory.
Foods that allow your brain to operate at its peak performance.
What you should do to improve creativity.
The 3 types of memory.
What a group of researchers did to improve the memory of elderly people
suffering from dementia.
2 requirements before going to sleep in order to remember information
Helpful techniques in mood conditioning to boost your mental capacities.
The first thing you should do before memorizing anything.
Common causes of a poor memory.
Successful strategies to maintain your focus.
How to keep track of all your thoughts.
Terrific tips to intensify your motivation.
How your subconscious helps you to remember.
Popular techniques of association.
Valuable methods to enhance your imagination.
Similarities between the mind and a video camera.
7 powerful tactics to overcome forgetfulness and absentmindedness.
How to utilize your senses to boost your memory.
Why you can better remember a person who owes you some money
compared to someone who doesn't.
11 extraordinary strategies to help you remember names and faces.
How to convert numbers to words.
How to transform numbers to pictures.
Super techniques to remember long strings of numbers.
How to recall an item from a chronological list.
How to easily remember dates, time, and TV channels.
How to develop a keen sense of direction.
How to recall addresses and places with ease.
Special tactics to remember occurrences and events.
How to organize your memory for easy retrieval of information.
7 principles of memory.
How to remember facts better.
What the most difficult things to remember are.
What things we are most likely to remember.
How much the capacity of the human mind is in holding information.
How to sucessfully memorize unrelated words.
And Many More!
"Be a Memory Wonder the Easy Way!"
In this report, you will discover:
How to apply meditation, hypnosis, yoga, self-talk, NLP, and other powerful
concentration exercises to superboost your focus.
The foods you should (and should not) eat to power up your focus.
How to focus your attention on specific tasks.
How to concentrate even when you don't feel like it.
How to be more confident by using your ability to concentrate.
How to improve your ability to listen and study.
How to improve your memory.
How your brain functions at four different wavelengths.
How to bring your brain to a highly creative level.
A huge influence on your ability to focus and concentrate on a particular
Four essential elements of concentration.
How to concentrate despite distractions all around you.
Culprits that can keep you from being able to focus and concentrate.
How to clear your head to focus on the solutions, and not on the problems.
How your memory is related to you and your concentration power.
The unbeatable advantages of achieving true concentration.
How your physical well-being affects the way you focus.
The roles of supplement, exercise, and sleep in your ability to focus.
The five super concentration arsenals.
And a whole lot more!
3rd report , $47 Value
Stop dreaming. Start achieving. Focus.
Know what it takes to have better concentration skills.
Identify and master the various arsenals of concentration.
Learn to use your hidden powers
Take focusing to a whole new level,
Achieve success faster than you ever thought possible.
Unleash that mind power.
Be the master of your own thoughts.
Achieve your dreams.
And realize all of these today!
"The power of concentration is in you,
just waiting to be set free!"
Unleash The Creative New You! is all
you'll ever need to start bringing out that creative person
and that imaginative soul that's inside of you. It's possible
to break free from that monotonous, humdrum existence
and start living the creative life you were always meant to
After reading this report, you will be able to understand
what creativity really is, how it can help you live a more
fulfilling life, and what you can do right now to wake up
that sleeping creative giant within you.
You will discover the factors that keep you from becoming
creative, and the necessary steps you have to take in
order to counter these so called creative "blocks."
4th report , $47 Value
What you will find inside Unleashing the Creative New
How to conquer procrastination, fear, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and
An awesome way to avoid losing all those marvelous ideas your creative
mind is capable of churning out.
The first step to solving any problem.
How creative activities can take away stress and improve your health.
How to achieve a Zen-like state of creativity.
What you need to do to assure yourself of creative success.
How to apply your creative energy to your daily life.
How to develop a higher IQ.
How to counter the dreaded "enemies" of your creativity.
How to be a genius.
How you can keep employees happily coming up with innovative ideas.
How many ideas an average child can generate compared to an adult. You'll
be surprised!
The many forms of creativity.
How to know when you have made contact with the creative spirit.
What leaves us too drained to be truly creative.
The biggest difference in our brains and those of so-called geniuses.
A checklist to evaluate how creative you are.
Vital tools and skills to enhance your creativity.
Examples of companies who got a huge return on their investment by
offering creative courses.
How meditation and hypnosis can help unleash your creativity.
One of the necessary components to your happiness and mental health.
A key ingredient in your creative life.
Why it's okay to sit and do nothing once in a while.
How smart employers create creative, problem-solving forces.
The dangers of the notorious "inner critic."
An excellent way to teach your mind to focus and concentrate on your own
What Benjamin Franklin did to stimulate his thinking.
How to know if you are becoming creative automatically.
The wonder of the magical "serendipity."
How to come up with creative ways to solve your problems.
The difference between the mind of a genius and the mind of an ordinary
Signs of genius.
The function of the left and right side of the brain.
How to shift from one side of the brain to the other.
How to allow necessary information to get through to your consciousness,
giving you a whole world of inspiration.
What Albert Einstein would do when he has a problem.
How creativity and change depend on one another.
Personal changes that require a great deal of creativity.
The largest group of creative people.
The capabilities of right-handed and left-handed people.
How to come up with all manners of creative ideas to deal with any aspects
of your life.
How children are likened to Zen Masters.
"Everyone Needs an Edge!"
Creativity gives you that edge, that certain something that makes you stand out in a crowd. You
want to be more than just smart; you want to be inspiring!
Learn it is indeed possible for you to become the creative being you've always wanted to be!
Explode Your Creativity as You...
Gain that self-confidence you've always desired.
Reduce your stress.
Find some inner peace.
Learn to have better control over your life.
Find unbelievable satisfaction.
Learn to express yourself.
Find some purpose in your life.
You will feel so good about yourself, your work will prosper, your family life will improve, and
even your relationships will blossom
SPECIAL REPORT #5 - Speed Reading Monster Course
5th report , $47 Value
"Learn How to Effectively Double Your Reading Speed and Accelerate Your Learning
Abilities to the Extreme"
SPECIAL REPORT#6 - How To Be A Public Speaking Superstar
According to a recent survey, more people are afraid of public speaking
than they are of dying.
Now you can become the best public speaker you could ever be.
How to be a Public Speaking
Superstar will show you how to get that golden
tongue which can draw out enthusiastic responses from
the bottom of people's hearts and stimulate them to nod
unreservedly to your discussion.
This book is a condensed write-up of powerful principles
and easy-to-follow steps to writing and delivering
spectacular speeches.
It will give you the crucial answers to such questions as
"How do effective speakers really captivate their audience?
How can they influence people by mere words? What can I
do to be as successful as they are? How can I really
conquer speech fright?"
6th report , $47 Value
After reading this book, you will be able to:
Overcome your fear of public speaking.
Manage speech anxiety effectively.
Prepare a powerful speech using 9 basic steps.
Analyze your audience to make your topic fit their interests.
Organize your speech carefully to improve understanding and recall.
Enhance the quality of your speech.
Organize an introduction that will relax you and your audience.
Identify the 3 qualities an effective speaker should possess.
Know how public speaking can improve your personal development.
Know how public speaking can influence your society.
Know how public speaking can advance your profession.
Identify the 4 general types of public speakers.
Know and apply the basic rules and principles of public speaking.
Use language effectively.
Sound natural and enthusiastic.
Know the guidelines in choosing a specific topic.
Use question and answer sessions to make a lasting impression.
Use quality visual aids to make your speech much more powerful.
Write and deliver an interesting, clear, and cogent speech quality.
Know the 3 dangers to self-esteem.
Build rapport with your audience quickly and easily.
Develop a positive mental attitude.
Know how to practice your speech for better delivery.
Think and speak instantaneously in impromptu speaking situations.
Peak up the interest of your audience.
Know how to answer hostile questions.
Research information to beef up your themes.
Know how to see yourself actually delivering a speech.
Know what to expect in the actual day of speech delivery.
Counter the strongest factor contributing to your fear.
Identify the type of public speaker you are.
List the key principles involved in preparing to speak.
Know the basic characteristics of good public speaking.
Build confidence.
Describe the factors that contribute to speech anxiety.
Counter common misconceptions about speech anxiety.
Harness your speech anxiety and use it to your advantage.
Conduct a self-inventory.
Simplify the topic so that it is manageable.
Explain the role and significance of audience analysis in public speaking.
Comprehend the factors that may influence the way you adapt a message to
an audience.
Plan effective introductions and conclusions.
Understand and apply the principles in outlining.
Understand the diverse ways that visual aids can help you as a speaker.
Distinguish between several alternative methods of delivery and describe the
strengths and weaknesses of each.
And a lot, lot more!
SPECIAL REPORT #7 - Time Management Experts
$47 Value
"Learn Super Tactics of Time Management Experts"
SPECIAL REPORT #8 - Stress Management
"You can manage stress and eliminate it forever!"
Wipeout Stress in Record Time! reveals
powerful methods of managing and wiping out stress in
the fastest possible time, before it starts ruining your
life and endangering your health. It contains highly
capable ideas on how to effectively rid your body of
stress so that you can live your life to the fullest and
attain happiness every day of your life.
This report includes the vital information you need to
know about stress. You will be presented with a step-
by-step guideline on how to combat stress so you can
fully equip yourself with the physical, mental, and
emotional arsenal to win the battle.
Another $47 Value !
In this report, you will discover:
The three phases of stress and how they affect the body.
The main causes of stress and how to overcome them.
The diseases brought about by stress, the harm they bring, and how to
avoid them.
How stress is developed.
How to eliminate the stimulants of stress.
How to handle occupational stress.
How to use meditation to combat stress.
What autogenic training is, and how you can use it to fight off against stress.
The different relaxation techniques that you can use against stress.
The relationship between spirituality and stress.
How pictures of certain objects can trigger asthma and allergies.
How stress brings about miscarriages in pregnant women and sports injuries
in athletes.
How to set up roadblocks against various points of the stress model.
How stress can make you perform better and lead you to action.
How to take control and assume responsibility for your own behavior.
Main food culprits that cause stress.
The type of noise that eliminates stress.
How to rate your occupational stress.
How work stress is costing businesses billions of dollars.
Powerful steps to conquer occupational stress.
Symptoms and treatment of burnout.
Key components of stress management.
Training to relax the mind and body.
And a whole lot more!
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To You, The Future Genius,
Leon Edward
P.S. Are you satisfied as to how your brain currently works? Challenge yourself! You can be a wizard
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P.P.S. You can be twice as smart today than you were yesterday, without doing as much. Start
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Leon Edward
Just Visualize IT
4479 Amelia CT, Suite 1
Wilmington, North Carolina
28405 USA
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