Ideal Relationship With Money

Relationship With Money
[Loving Affirmations]
Ideal Relationship With Money [Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
[Go with the Flow]
How is your relationship with money?
How do you feel about money? [Happiness and Peace]
What are some of the positive/negative beliefs you have
[Relationship With Money]
about money?
[Soul Group]
How often do we ask such questions?
Not often enough for many folks.
[Be Positive]
[Be Relaxed]
Regrettably, for many, acquiring prosperity is a
[Believe - Joy & Love]
hoping/wishing game, acquired by some, but not themselves.
[Ideal Weight]
[Ideal Life]
My intention for this article, "My Ideal Relationship With
[Psychic Development]
Money," is to help you recreate your relationship with money.
Contemplate the affirmations listed below often, and use them
as the basis for your affirmation practice.
If any of the affirmations make you feel uncomfortable, they
probably conflict with your negative beliefs regarding money.
Review your "7 Part Affirmation Course" for instructions on
working more specifically with these situations.
You might like to print out these affirmations and keep them
in a place where you can view them often. Maybe the fridge,
beside your bed - you decide.
While working with these affirmations, be fully conscious that
it is your intention to have a NEW, loving, positive, spiritual
relationship with money. You want money to be your friend. If
any negative beliefs come up, thank them for being with you,
while affirming your new desired money relationship.
In the following affirmations I use the term God to define a
spiritual source. If you are uncomfortable with this, simply
replace it with your spiritual equivalent.
My Ideal Relationship With Money - Affirmations:
I am now open to receive the abundant good that God
has for me&
God is the source of all my good, I look only to Him for
my supply&
I envision only that which is for my highest good&
I speak only good, kind, loving and harmonious words&
I now release all fear, worry and doubt into the loving
arms of God&
All that the Father has is mine, I rejoice in it now&
I now let go and let God work in my financial affairs&
I think only loving, positive and uplifting thoughts&
Money is positive, money is my friend&
I am now open to receive the abundant good that God
has for me&
It is good to be wealthy& (1 of 2) [24/04/07 20:24:27]
Relationship With Money
God wants me to share in His good fortune&
I use my wealth wisely&
I now decree to God that I am ready to receive His
Financial success is mine, I accept it now&
I send out in thought only that which I desire to have
The good I send out in thought, comes back to me
I now have a clear and open connection with my higher
Money is coming to me easily and effortlessly&
I love the work I do, it is a part of God's divine plan&
I am now one with infinite intelligence&
I am an open channel expressing God's will&
God is guiding me in everything I do&
I deserve to be rich - I accept it now&
God goes before me making everything right&
I now live in a loving harmonious universe&
God is abundant, I am one with God&
As a loving father, God wants me to enjoy His good
Success is mine, I accept it now&
I now decree to God my intention to share His wealth&
I use my money wisely for the good of all&
Money is circulating freely in my life&
Money comes to me in many ways, through God&
I am divinely guided in all that I do&
The Lord wants me to be prosperous - I say YES!&
I now gives thanks to a loving, abundant God.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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[Loving Affirmations]
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Here you will find a selection of affirmation. Use them as they
[Go with the Flow]
are, or modify them to suit your situation.
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
[Soul Group]
[Be Positive]
[Be Relaxed]
[Believe - Joy & Love]
[Ideal Weight]
[Ideal Life]
[Psychic Development]
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Loving Affirmations
[Loving Affirmations]
[Inner Security]
Loving Affirmations
[Opening Your Supply]
[Go with the Flow]
"All you need is Love" the Beatles, never a truer statement
[Happiness and Peace]
has been said. Love truly is all there is. When we are not
coming from love we can suffer greatly. [Relationship With Money]
[Soul Group]
However, when we are coming from love, our world becomes
transformed. It is as if we see only the good in others and
ourselves. A simple gesture brings forth the greatest joy. We
[Be Positive]
can experience rapture joy for absolutely no reason, for
[Be Relaxed]
truly, what reason does love need to be experienced.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
[Ideal Weight]
We have all experienced such wonderful times. And the good
[Ideal Life]
news is, you can develop the skill to live joyfully, with love,
[Psychic Development]
and experience these emotions more often. Employing some
positive, loving affirmations helps us develop the skill.
Here are some Loving Affirmation:
I am a radiant being filled with light and love&
Love is good for me, love is perfect love is what I give
and receive...
I love and accept myself exactly as I am...
I now express love to all those I meet...
Divine love is working through me now.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Inner Security
[Loving Affirmations]
Inner Security
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
How can we feel secure and happy in a world that has so many
[Go with the Flow]
uncertainties ?
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
I don't want to focus on the idea of placing too much
[Soul Group]
importance on a material world... I believe possessions have
their place and it is our birthright to be co-creators with a
loving, caring, and abundant God. As such I feel it is perfectly [Confidence]
okay to partake of a rich and loving time on this planet.
[Be Positive]
[Be Relaxed]
At the same time, I feel that if we lose our spiritual connection,
[Believe - Joy & Love]
we will not have the inner resources necessary to see us
[Ideal Weight]
through difficult times that may occur.
[Ideal Life]
[Psychic Development]
I believe you and I are getting our wake up call to start looking
deeper into our own spirituality. Many are questioning a life
based on non-spiritual values - a life that is not holistic at its
Yes, go for the goals, go for the relationships, want the better
life. But these should not come at the expense of a
spiritual foundation.
To help you connect with your spirit, I would like to present the
following affirmations which have been a great help to me in
developing my own spirituality.
Affirmations for a spiritual connection:
The light of God is guiding me in everything I do&
I now surrender to the will of God&
Divine guidance is with me always&
I now let miracles happen&
Divine wisdom unfolds within me now&
I am now filled with the light and love of God&
Everything I seek is seeking me now&
I now call on the light of God to guide me&
I am totally one with God.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Opening Your Supply
[Loving Affirmations]
Opening Your Supply
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Where are you limiting yourself?
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
For me, this question was bought home some years ago when I
[Relationship With Money]
realized that the universe would always provide for me, but it
[Soul Group]
was always "just in time." Meaning, I always received what I
needed, but it seemed to come at the last minute, causing me
much stress and anxiety. [Confidence]
[Be Positive]
[Be Relaxed]
Now, I agree this is certainly better than not being provided for
at all, but it is far short of being a empowered co-creator.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
[Ideal Weight]
I realized I needed to turn within and ask myself a couple of [Ideal Life]
very important questions:
[Psychic Development]
What were these situations telling me about myself?
What beliefs did I hold about abundance and supply?
I discovered that my beliefs didn t support my dreams of
- I did not deserve to have abundance in reserves.
- Life only supplies me with enough to get by.
- Life is tough, I just get enough to get by.
Clearly these were a beliefs that I needed to change.This is
actually the reason I created the Sculptor Method program, but
more about that in a minute.
Right now, I want to briefly turn the focus to you. Where in
your life are you provided for "just in time?"
What beliefs do you have that are not empowering?
Here are some affirmations that I have found helpful in creating
an abundant supply. Repeating these affirmations silently to
yourself will produce positive results.
Affirmations of Abundant Supply:
I am now open to receivev
Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.
I now have surplus, all my needs are being met
I am open and energized.
Love is what I give and receive.
I now give and receive freely.
This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
I now live in a rich and loving universe.
________ comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am always supplied with whatever I need. (1 of 2) [24/04/07 20:25:13]
Opening Your Supply
I move forward with an expectancy of my greatest good.
I look for and receive a bountiful supply.
My greatest good is coming to me NOW!.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Go with the Flow
[Loving Affirmations]
Go with the Flow
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
To feel fully alive to our experiences, it is necessary to be aware
[Go with the Flow]
of the present moment. True happiness is born in this moment.
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
If you experience separation from this moment, this is the time
[Soul Group]
to practice "being here and now" affirmations - examples
provided in a moment. This will reconnect you with your inner
power, your true state of happiness. Affirming the statements [Confidence]
like the following will empower you to be in a place of more
[Be Positive]
happiness, peace of mind, and be able to acquire a still, tranquil
[Be Relaxed]
[Believe - Joy & Love]
[Ideal Weight]
Practice these affirmations for reconnecting with your inner
[Ideal Life]
awareness of being here, now! and experience positive states:
[Psychic Development]
I am at peace in this moment&
I am fully aware of being here now, in this moment&
I savor this moment as the unique experience that it is&
If my awareness wonders, I bring it back to the present
I am at peace in this moment&
I am now fully present in this moment.
These may not seem like the most exciting of affirmations. But
practice these for just five minutes, and then become aware of
how you are feeling.
The power of the "being here and now" experience was bought
home to me some years ago when a friend was describing
experiences he had while rock climbing. He described the
tranquil feeling he had, and told me that it felt like he had
almost stopped thinking. And how he had some of the most
beautiful experiences he can remember.
It was during one of these conversations that I realized he was
practicing "being here and now." I mean rock climbing is hardly
a good place to be thinking about what you will be doing
tomorrow, or wondering if what you did last week was really
such a good idea.
This would also explain why my mother would knit more
sweaters than the entire family could ever possibly use. She,
like my rock climbing friend, found a way to be present in the
here and now.
And I can recall how, as a young boy, I would sit for hours
watching the float on my fishing line bobbing up and down& it
just felt nice.
Can you recall times such as these? Remember how you felt?
You might like to schedule time to enhance your life with more
of these "here and now" experiences. (1 of 2) [24/04/07 20:25:17]
Go with the Flow
If you are not experiencing happiness right now, you are
probably contemplating the future, or replaying the past.
Practice a few of the "being here and now" affirmations for
positive results.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Happiness and Peace
[Loving Affirmations]
Happiness and Peace
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
What can we do to bring more happiness, peace and love into [Go with the Flow]
our lives?
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
We can start by bringing spiritual light into our lives.
[Soul Group]
We can do this by calling on the light and asking that it [Confidence]
be present. This simple act can bring about wondrous results.
[Be Positive]
[Be Relaxed]
Have the light flow over your body, let it permeate every cell
[Believe - Joy & Love]
of your body. Send light to your loved ones. If you are
[Ideal Weight]
experiencing any discomfort in your body, have the light flow
[Ideal Life]
through and around this area. See the light releasing its
[Psychic Development]
miraculous healing power. Just 5 minutes of this practice can
have you feeling rejuvenated and energized. You will feel
If you are working on a project, send the light out into the
future. Pour light into an image of the ideal outcome.
You can use the light in any area of your life. Work with
the light, and the light will respond to your thoughts for it.
Use the light to heal yourself. You can use the light to create
a happy, loving and joyous day.
Here are some affirmations to help you bring light into
your life:
I am a radiant being filled with light and love&
I am now calling on the light to permeate every cell of
my body&
The light of God is creating miracles in my life here and
I am now calling on the light to be present in my life&
I am now sending light out into my ideal future&
I am now calling on the healing properties of light to
be present in my body&
I now call on the light and direct it to my ideal future&
I am now sending light to ________.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Soul Group
[Loving Affirmations]
[Inner Security]
Soul Group
[Opening Your Supply]
[Go with the Flow]
When practicing affirmations, you are connecting on a
[Happiness and Peace]
vibrational level with all those who are also thinking these
same type of thoughts. I like to think of these as my soul [Relationship With Money]
group friends.
[Soul Group]
Imagine that the thought form has its own special vibration
and that you will connect with your soul group friends. If you
[Be Positive]
get quiet while practicing your affirmations you can even hear
[Be Relaxed]
the vibrational sound of this sound group. I know that may
[Believe - Joy & Love]
sound a little wacky, yep, that's me. But just give it a go.
[Ideal Weight]
[Ideal Life]
Here are some positive loving affirmations to get you
[Psychic Development]
I now join in spirit with all my fellow seekers
I am one with God Goddess and all that is, I am pure
I move forward in the knowledge that I am one with
My connection with my fellow being is growing
God is guiding me now, I give thanks
I cherish this moment of joining in light and love
I am now joined with like-minded souls
I send love and healing to my soul group
I receive love and healing from my soul group
I now ask God for healing
May all seekers have access to higher vision
May our leaders have clear vision and wisdom
By Jeff Staniforth -
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[Loving Affirmations]
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
[Go with the Flow]
These affirmations are in the area of Relationships:
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
I love myself as well as others.
[Soul Group]
What I put out comes back.
Love is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
I have a clear image of what I want in a relationship. [Confidence]
I am now ready for a relationship
[Be Positive]
I am attracting loving relationships into my life.
[Be Relaxed]
I give and receive love.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
I am a radiant being filled with light and love.
[Ideal Weight]
I deserve love.
[Ideal Life]
I now believe that relationships can be joyful and fun.
[Psychic Development]
I am open to receive loving relationships.
I open up to others. I give and receive love.
I risk myself in love. I allow myself to be vulnerable.
I am ready to receive sexual fulfillment.
As my self-love increases so does my love for
I project love to everyone I meet today.
My relationships with (_______) is blossoming.
I transmit sexual and loving energy.
By Jeff Staniforth -
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[Loving Affirmations]
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of Confidence:
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
I expect the best and It come to me.
[Relationship With Money]
I am confident that I can communicate my needs.
[Soul Group]
My confidence is growing daily.
I am confident because I am divinely guided.
I am always in the right place and the right time. [Confidence]
All my needs are being met, now, in this moment.
[Be Positive]
I know! I can achieve my hearts desire.
[Be Relaxed]
I am confident that I can succeed, I am divinely guided.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
Love is good for my love is perfect.
[Ideal Weight]
Love is what I give and receive.
[Ideal Life]
I! always succeed, I always! succeed, I always succeed!.
[Psychic Development]
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Be Positive
[Loving Affirmations]
Be Positive
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of - Be Positive:
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
I now see opportunities in all situations.
[Relationship With Money]
I feel better about myself everyday.
[Soul Group]
I embrace the new.
I welcome challenges with confidence.
I now let go of all negativity. [Confidence]
I let go of all negative thinking.
[Be Positive]
I look forward to this day with a positive expectancy.
[Be Relaxed]
I think only those thoughts that will enhance my life.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
I now detach from negative and unproductive thinking.
[Ideal Weight]
[Ideal Life]
By Jeff Staniforth -
[Psychic Development]
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Be Relaxed
[Loving Affirmations]
Be Relaxed
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of - Be Relaxed:
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
I now let go of all tension, I am relaxed.
[Relationship With Money]
I now see life as a wondrous journey.
[Soul Group]
I am now at peace with myself and my surroundings.
I now focus only on thoughts of love and peace.
I am now emotional at peace with myself. [Confidence]
I now feel relaxed and at ease in all I do.
[Be Positive]
I am now go with the flow, life is easy.
[Be Relaxed]
I am at ease with all those how I meet.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
[Ideal Weight]
By Jeff Staniforth -
[Ideal Life]
[Psychic Development]
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Believe - Joy & Love
[Loving Affirmations]
Believe - Joy & Love
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of - Believe + Joy &
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
I am worthy, I deserve the best and receive it.
[Soul Group]
I only image that which is positive and loving.
I am at peace with myself and everyone I meet.
Life presents me with only the very best. [Confidence]
Every day I am becoming more and more confident.
[Be Positive]
I am capably, I always find a solution.
[Be Relaxed]
I now believe in myself.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
Life truly is a wondrous adventure.
[Ideal Weight]
I am worthy of the best life has to offer.
[Ideal Life]
I always expect the best.
[Psychic Development]
By Jeff Staniforth -
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Ideal Weight
[Loving Affirmations]
Ideal Weight - Perfect Body
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of - Ideal Weight,
[Go with the Flow]
Perfect Body:
[Happiness and Peace]
[Relationship With Money]
I now easily attain my ideal weight.
[Soul Group]
I love myself, therefor I eat only those foods that are
good for me.
I am self-disciplined, I can easier reach my weight goals. [Confidence]
I now live a healthy lifestyle and exercise daily.
[Be Positive]
I now eat only those food that are good for me.
[Be Relaxed]
I now find it easy to attain my ideal weight.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
I set goals and achieve them easier.
[Ideal Weight]
[Ideal Life]
By Jeff Staniforth -
[Psychic Development]
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Ideal Life
[Loving Affirmations]
Ideal Life
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of - Ideal Life:
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
I give and receive love easily and effortlessly.
[Relationship With Money]
I now image only loving and positive picture in my mind.
[Soul Group]
I am independent and divinely guided in all I do.
I look only to God for my good.
I now create the life I desire. [Confidence]
I let fears go and focus on my God self for Love and Joy.
[Be Positive]
I am now attracting love and joyful experiences in my
[Be Relaxed]
[Believe - Joy & Love]
[Ideal Weight]
By Jeff Staniforth -
[Ideal Life]
[Psychic Development]
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Psychic Development
[Loving Affirmations]
Psychic Development
[Inner Security]
[Opening Your Supply]
Today's affirmations are in the area of - Psychic Development:
[Go with the Flow]
[Happiness and Peace]
I am now developing my sixth sense psychic powers
[Relationship With Money]
I now have a clear and open connection to my higher
[Soul Group]
I now tune in and trust my intuitive messages.
My psychic powers are increasing daily.
[Be Positive]
I am now open and reseptive to telepathic messages.
[Be Relaxed]
I now have easy access to my psychic abilities.
[Believe - Joy & Love]
I listen to and trust my intuition.
[Ideal Weight]
[Ideal Life]
By Jeff Staniforth -
[Psychic Development]
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Add-On Libraries
The Add-on library concept is a way of extending the power of
Sculptor3 by allowing others to include their own information
packaged into a library format. This additional library
information then becomes available from within Sculptor.
We will be listing the Add-on libraries as they become available.
Add-On Library Menu:
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[The Butterfly]
[Facing the Enemies]
Welcome to the articles section. Here you will find articles of
interest written by myself, Sculptor3 users, and guest writers.
[Change & Choice]
If you would like to submit an article here, please e-mail me,
[As Ye Sow]
together with details to for
A big thumbs up for Sculptor user Chuck Gallozzi who has [Attitude is Everything]
kindly submitting several articles to this section, thanks a lot [Achieving Your Dreams]
[Doing the Remarkable]
[The Formula]
[Rules Rule Your Life]
[26 Principals of Life]
[The Violet Flame]
[Attitudinal Healing]
[True Self]
[Break Down Your Goals]
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Wollstonecraft NSW 2065
Sydney, Australia
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